I bought a newspaper for its PhotoBio of her late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. It also contained a separate TV guide. It reminded me why I am very content not to watch TV in this century.
Brissles, my dear old thing (well it is raining and cricket stops in the rain) if I had known you were waiting in the wings I would have said “After you.”
It would be funny if it wasn’t the BBC being their usual themselves. Reporter stuck his microphone under the nose of a man in Edinburgh and asked him what the Queen’s death would do for ‘the Union’. It wasn’t the answer he wanted. The response was how people would now think more of King Charles and the future was secure. The BBC man moved on quickly.
“Save trillions” is a simple lie – aggressively delivered – as is the case with a slew of the half baked tripe that BBC serves up to its shrinking audience.
That a pointless jerk like Shukman sees fit to ordain it with a Tweet is just the sort of endorsement one might expect from a beeboid cultist.
“Save trillions” is a simple lie – aggressively delivered.
That a pointless jerk like Shukman sees fit to ordain it with a Tweet is just the sort of endorsement one might expect from a beeboid cultist keen to be seen on message.
I reported here three or four weeks ago that I had erected a 400W wind generator attached to Deep Cycle batteries. Apart from an erratic, frantic spin a day or so in a particular gust, nothing. No charge, no action. It needs min 5 K/s to take off. The Met projects minimal winds for the next week or so. So, David Shukman, comedian extraordinaire, I take your prediction with the usual BBC ‘pinch of salt’. Others less sophisticated than I, would call it ‘Bullsh*t’
Tx for that. FB constantly serves me toy suggestions as I am interested in renewable tech. Wind, solar, even hydro as we have a stream nearby (EA snoops permitting).
For now I am sticking with the woodburner this winter. Numbers not working still.
I reckon hydro in Norway makes sense, solar over California canals too… less so over shire fields that used to grow crops.
Frankly pressure plates at QT regional studios for republicans diesel bussed in for audience reactions might be a worthy source of energy.
Another Dave, now Sir Boaty… relies on BBC reputation and #tellitoftenenough to push such things.
David Attenborough predicted that all the summer sea ice in the Arctic would be gone within 12 years unless we mend our ways. But Arctic sea ice has increased in the past 10 years. https://t.co/AH7oSaXN4j
Guest, you would think the wind turbine and solar panel makers would be tripping over themselves to cut the price of their so-called ‘renewables’ for the oil companies to install as a future income stream but no, it is not happening.
Maybe the future with turbines and solar panels is just not green, just mouldy.
If something demands a public subsidy you can bet your sweet bippy that there is no financial or economic advantage to it. You cannot buck the markets as Mrs Thatcher famously discovered.
Apparently there’s a huge rise in customers putting wood burners in their homes – nothing to do with the ‘globule worming’ scam, just that they’re very efficient in some places! Nice lot of woodsmoke everywhere!
Next question for idiots who suck up climate change, is, how are you going to deal with the reduced production of fertilizers?
I have a coal fire which is lit every day in the winter, the chimney is up through the middle of the house and warms three bedrooms, I am stocking up on wood as well as coal for this winter.
If they can organise that what about tracking devices attached to the Daily Dinghy Invaders ? ….or better still sink the Dinghys before leaving France ! , Hope our new Home Secretary sorts the problem but it’s a big ask with BBC and Civil Service being pro Invasion .
Has anyone on this website noticed that Talk Radio has gradually moved to become ‘Woke’ ?
Some time ago I switched from the BBC , stopped paying the Telly Tax and then thought I had found an oasis of independent broadcasting with Talk Radio.
Alas , I am of the opinion that I will be dumping Talk Radio unless it get’s rid of it’s wokeness !
Gave up on GBNews without Steyn – I dipped in to the TV version last night to watch the shambolic coverage of the arrival of the hearse at Buck House – and switched off – they have too many shouty kidults for me – particularly in times of ‘gravity ‘ – only one presenter called for ‘silence ‘ during the broadcast and someone whispered ‘good idea ‘… it’s just poor and amateur and doomed …..
Elswhere – today
Comrade Robinson pretending to be pro royalist – apparently those queuing to pay their respects had to suffer Comrade Robinson turning up to ask them those ‘always ‘ question ‘where are you from ? ‘ how long you been here ?’ …..
Hyperbole was in evidence as TFL says it will experience the biggest challenge in its’ history – that’s er – 22 years …maybe it can do the other meaningless thing of a once in ‘a generation event ‘- or even better ‘since records began ‘…
Atlas – I don’t know – petitions have no value anyway . Yesterday a BBC type called ‘Matthew sweet ‘ put up a very long tweet thing and letter about not accepting the invitation to go on the Steyn show to explain his views ….( he has been invited many times ).
Briefly – sweet wants Steyn ‘cancelled ‘ for ‘disinformation ‘ over the Chinese virus vaccines . Why sweet has such an interest in this I don’t know – maybe his agent thinks it will get BBC approval and more work ….
Sweet is relying on Steyn being ‘investigated by OFCOM ‘ to prove he is not worthy of interviewing sweet – a view which suggests sweet feels he is not on steady ground .
Certainly he has a problem because the government – the state – is starting to pay out on people killed or harmed by the vaccines . So the ‘disinformation ‘ claim is shaky to start with .
Sweet – or anyone in the pay of the BBC – will never appear on Steyn – and maybe GBNews .
But on occasion ex BBC employees do appear on GBN , but not on Steyn usually Wootton, where they end up appearing ludicrous in their attempts at defending their old employer.
The defence always come down to
Envy of the world .
Hugely influential across the world , soft power
Produces first class drama and nature programmes
It only costs a cup of coffee a week, great value.
The first two points are highly disputable and even if true the image of the UK presented by the BBC is not one that most Brits would wish to see and even if true why should we pay for it.
The third point is highly disputable and may have been true decades ago but many Brits no longer think that it is. We do not want to be lectured in drama programmes.
On the last point , the debate is not about cost. It is about being forced to fund a broadcaster who many feel pursues an agenda which is undermining our country and which we do not want to have in our homes.
I’ve complained bitterly to GBN about the shouty and grating delivery of their younger presenters during this time….. ‘ladies and gentlemen’. We need a measured tone with gravitas – that only experience can bring. Someone backstage needs to shut them up.
I’m not sure that there are reasons why a w BBC Wokist wouldn’t support the new monarch. King Charles and his heir have been signalling their woke credentials for years . Of course the consequences of their flirtation with Wokery will be kept well away from the gates of their residences.
Charles and William have a lot to do to convince me that they share many of the traditional British values that I do.
Double – the current heir to the throne has signalled wokeness before so when he is instructed to be his fathers’ green crap spokesman he will do his job of lecturing us .
I think I real sign will be whether the government gets rid of ethnic one who does the COP crap – his tenure ends in November I think ….
He got all blubby at the Glasgow green crap thing so must be due a peerage joining gummer and the other wet tories telling us how to live ….
The Queen’s death via the Guardian Opinion page tonight.
Someone posted here the Stewart Lee article on Boris’ legacy recently — I tried, but I didn’t make it further than the first paragraph which ends: “I hate us”. As the Guardian seem constantly to be scraping around for funds, why don’t they simply replace every article and headline with this? They’d save a bit of cash on freelancers all saying the same thing.
Looks like the guardian is trying to please a certain type of person, a bit like the bBC adding majority black people to links and reports its spews out
Tomo – thanks – I wonder how the average rare thinking American views this situation ? Do they know ? Do they just watch is on CNN and carry on ?
If democrat run councils are just refusing to prosecute on the grounds of colour ( equity !) then it’s not worth having a police force . No wonder they are leaving …..
….. here … the Met has apologised for shooting a coloured gun criminal – before any judicial inquiry has been held . The new commissioner has suspended the officer who shot the coloured criminal . It seems that his colleagues and thinking about ‘downing guns ‘- after the funeral …..
So what if the plod is charged ( inevitable – lefty politics in the CPS) ?
The BBC seems intent on the narrative of causing ‘disorder ‘ in the ‘community ‘( coloureds ) – and maybe even get a ‘broken Britain ‘ headline this weekend as criminal exploit the lack of plod who are all on overtime in londonistan doing the funeral .
I suppose it’s all about the weather… but stand by for the steaming gangs in KFC – Mac Donald’s and TKMaxx ….
I feel that there is a bit of a difference between the Met and US police forces – how many UK plods have been shot of late?
My direct experience is that firearms units in the UK attract pale British Eugene Tackleberry types – I’ve seen provincial plod with automatic weapons behaving in ways that would have them on a firearms safety charge in the military – and Met types pointing weapons at queues of visa applicant peeps at the old US Embassy.
iirc they’ve had a fair few “negligent discharges”.
Not saying they’re all like that – but it’s obvious that some (too many imho) get into it for what most people would regard as the wrong reasons and aren’t weeded out due to the culture of maintaining PR face….
Khant deserves some of his own medicine – does anybody know if he has an armed protection detail ? – there’s certainly a small fleet of Range Rovers on occasion.
Tomo – I accept that – I was wondering about the number of police in the US killed per year since that criminal died – I recall that the toll in terms of suicides and accidental shootings ( blue on blue ) was always quite high and sometimes used as a reason for not fully arming in the UK – something I agree with – particularly since the current plods are on average a rabble
Rabble hardly covers it – as has been repeatedly demonstrated the police are disinclined to weed out wrong ‘uns and incompetent twerps among the footsoldiers as that might lead to calls for idiots in “management” to be held to account.
All too easy to suspect that there’s a pact in place where the main thing is to “maintain the dignity of the force”
Focus on the number two national news headline and a modern news phenomenon edition
As we’ve come to take for granted lately, so once again this morning there’s a near concensus among our national newspaper titles that one particular image rules the frontpages. This time it is: Home.. for one last time. Mourners in their thousands cheer and clap as the Queen arrives at the Palace – as respectfully captioned in His Majesty’s The Loyal Daily Express – to give it its full new-found title
A child-like sentimentality is often to the fore in our socialistic Daily Mirror – The Heart of Britain – Paddington would be so proud… Led home by lights of love
The Daily Mail waxes lyrical: Her coffin brightly lit as evening fell, the Queen arrived at Buckingham Palace for the final time last night. The iron gates swung open after the poignant journey…
Then the Mail goes off on one its highly strident if relatively unprovoked campaigns: It’s not too late to change rigid plans and let millions more of us bid the Queen farewell
One really can’t please all the people all the time
Center Parcs has backtracked over a decision to ask guests to leave its sites on the day of the Queen’s funeral. The holiday firm said it had made the decision “as a mark of respect” and to allow employees to “be part of this historic moment”. But the move prompted complaints from angry holidaymakers online. (BBC)
The Times is a bit behind the times (early edition?) lagging behind leading with a version of what was yesterday’s key note image of servicemen acting as pallbearers.
Our BBC online press review does like to lead with a headline double whammy and the recurring question of the day – of late – is where to go for the number two shot?
The top headline writes itself but it’s going to be another week or so before journalists can bury that lead, so to speak. Meanwhile, for the also ran headline do the BBC perhaps go with glee at eastern europeans successfully killing their neighbours with new weapons we’ve just bought and paid for?
Of course the BBC turns to none other than the Guardian…
To be fair the BBC are just returning the compliment: BBC receives relatively few complaints over coverage of Queen’s death (Guardian) – that wording smacks somewhat of damning with faint praise but remember the Left have to maintain the mythology that the Beeb is Tory (xref Emily Maitlis)
Internal data shows 670 objections, in stark contrast with the 100,000 that accompanied death of husband (Guardian) – well, as a wise man once said (see above) – you can’t please all the people all the time.
We’ll just bear in mind the fact that anti-monarchy campaigner types are more inclined to complain and let’s resist the urge to scoff at the term ‘Internal data‘ – and so we’ll give the BBC a bit of a metaphorical pat on the back just like the Queen might have done on a Royal visist or as we recall from the BBC’s own Are You Being Served, that catchphrase of the euphemistically named Young Mr Grace “You’ve all done very well”
Where were we? Ah, the BBC reciprically borrowing from the Gruan their second string headline of the day – let’s not forget there’s a new putatively conservative Tory PM on the loose and heaven forbid that she does anything to derail the left-liberal globalist nudge unit nanny state agenda that’s been set for us: Johnson’s junk food rules under threat as Truss targets red tape (Guardian) – this is tidily presented for us by the Gruan at just one remove: ‘It would be reckless to row back on these obesity policies’ Katherine Jenner Obesity Health Alliance – whilst the BBC’s further reiteration of the headline starts – on close examination – to look a tad messy in terms of provenance – what with those scare quotes and all: ‘junk food rules under threat’ – but of course works well as a dog whistle anti-conservative screamer.
“Am I Bovvered?” – said comedienne Katherine Tate in the persona of the petulent Lauren the teenager.
I’m guessing the nation’s fatties would say something similiar as they hardly pause from noshing their trash take aways. Look at their faces – do they look bovvered? It’s going to be Quago queens, payroll civil servants and off-the-books-funded approved campaign group employees who squeal loudest.
Quite why this rather niche interest topic ought to constitute the number two national news headline is somewhat of a modern news phenomenon – dontcha think?
The Obesity Health Alliance is a coalition of over 40 health organisations who have joined together to advocate for policies to improve population health and address obesity.
The Obesity Health Alliance is lead by a Steering Group of nine members. We are funded by contributions from our members.
Of course those members are a long list of fine-sounding charitable organisations – plus some very obscure entities – but many of them getting tax payer donations lobbed at them – funding channelled toward lobbying the government into levying more taxes.
Asiseeit – thanks – those monitoring the BBC will watch the tone it uses with the new monarch – those little pen incidents have been logged – the fact the staff at Clarence House have already been sacked with 3 months notice – happy Christmas – are only the start of the narrative .
Next will be some commonwealth Country announcing independence ….
Will the king do a winter tour of sunny bits of the empire ‘ commonwealth to ‘test the waters ‘? I presume Australia and NZ must be high on the list ….. ( personally I care less )
Meanwhile the still non functioning government has yet to detail the fuel plans and how it is to be paid for. Apparently Goldman sacks suggests gas prices maybe due to fall and that inflation in the UK is ‘peaking ‘….
I like optimism – it’s the same sort of deluded optimism of the beginning to the year when we were told inflation would be ‘transitory ‘….. yeah right ….
The BBC seems fully occupied by the Royal Funeral – so dire economic news from the US and a 5% fall in the stock market there – and the prospect of a recession in America coming soon – doesn’t get much attention .
Nor the ‘cost of covid crisis ‘ . So I guess this will all fire up next Tuesday after the `Funeral..
Ah .. the provider of some 80%+ of content at Tim Worstal’s blog.
The man is ignorant and an eejit – but he is a regular on lefty media …
I feel sorry for any students he might be exposed to. An example of the shallow, grim credentialism that plagues academia – he should be a litter picker or a burger flipper
Its simple.
You go onto TV licensing website. You tell them you do not watch live tv. click a button, that’s it.
TV detector vans are not real.
Spread the word.
Hello Althepalerp, I always say to people why do you need to tell them you dont need a licence, a bit like a window salesman insisting I have to tell them if I need windows from them or not.
They are funding a political campaign, that uses the authority of an ancient university to develop political, legal, and corporate strategies to change society in their own interests. pic.twitter.com/5ytSc7ljg1
And why the BBC hire Springster types who know nothing except their place.
The deceit behind their trustworthy and fact checking claims, backed by outright censorship, should worry those in government not utterly in thrall of Greta.
It must be difficult to overestimate the level of excitement in the Guardian newsroom – most especially in the gifted and generous journalist Pippa Crerar – when the Clarence House redundancies were discovered . ‘Hundreds told at short notice….’ ‘Indecent time-span….’ ‘Shock at brutal news…’ etc, etc.
The sad reality, to piss on their rebublican parade, is that employment law requires those involved to be told the position as soon as it clarifies. It’s not heartless it’s a legal necessity. And that as Royal employees, they would have been aware for decades that they might be redundant on Charles’ accession, since Buck House is already fully staffed. Sad but inevitable.
Naturally, the BBC are slavishly repeating the Guardian’s propaganda – well, everything else they tell us has been through their Marxist mill so what’s new.
And they’ve not sussed the position at Highgrove…..yet.
Seems Dim Dome has headed to Harvard, the seat of excellence in learning that also served up Lammy.
One of the first questions that I might ask @karol today during our chat is how she has handled the devastating news that my hero @brianstelter is no longer gracing us with his charisma and intellect on @CNN. Luckily though, @harvard has snatched him up.
The deeply unpleasant Ms Crerar joined the Guardian as Political Editor in May.
The atmosphere should Crerar, Crace, Toynbee, Monbiot and other similar notables gather in the newsroom together must be like a Flanders trench in high summer.
Beltane, thanks that change had passed me by. I wonder why the Guardian did not trumpet it on their front page? I guess dismissing one Prime Minister enhanced Crerar’s transfer fee take no end.
Is now really the time for the BBC to be running front page articles on this ? – particularly before any redundancies are even announced and the Queen is still above ground.
And as they always do when it’s got agenda in it, they use a bad picture of Charles for you to mentally associate with it.
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – is it deliberate, a smoke and mirrors thing?
Obfuscation on inflation and unemployment. I think there is something going on but it is hard to make out why? Inflation is up but only in food prices. You have to scroll down quite a way to find out what the inflation figure actually is here: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-62891168
How come all his shopping is in brown paper bags ??.
Luckily for me as a white male, it seems I am not affected at all by the cost of living crisis. Not a single poor whitey in any of the many articles the BBC are running.
It’s an absolute classic BBC trick to put the bit of the story they don’t want you to know right at the end whilst having a bit of waffle just before it hoping you stop reading.
Could be fruit and veg before the supermarkets stopped giving out free bags and made you pay for a plastic thingy made out of old recycled milk containers. Think one of the supermarkets has gone back to paper bags, cannot remember which one.
TOADY Watch #1 – kind of an unfortunate choice, Nick, picking the Christian one
Nick Robinson was out queue (in Obama speak) watching for the crowds waiting to see the late Queen, either lying in State or out on the Mall for the hearse to pass by on its way to Buckingham Palace. Nick is after a vox pop from the crowds. He pokes his microphone under the nose of a gentleman (underline that word gentleman, please) for a ‘quote’.
The gentleman had recently arrived there and wished to pay his respects to her Majesty. He made it clear that he appreciated the heavy burden placed upon King Charles having to assume the Monarchy while still mouring for his mother and said something to the effect of “I pray for King Charles in my prayers that God will sustain him”. No BBC headlines from that vox pop.
I notice that the BBC seem rarely to interview migrant peeps from Ghana and Sierra Leone – in my experience they’ve usually arrived here via legitimate routes and have rather trenchant views on Albanians!
The gun was found wrapped in plastic bags in a field in 2020. DNA linked to Sheerin was found on the weapon but he claimed he didn't know how it had been used before he stored it. It was found he would have been aware he was storing it on behalf of the New IRA.
… from the Montacutie. Katya Adler had overshot her time allowance in reporting on Ursula von der Leyen’s ambition for the EU to take over the world – now where have I heard that sort of thing before? The Montacutie hurried her off with the words “Martha Kearney will be here live in a moment from the Queen’s coffin.”
Fed, Katya did not hold back nor did the Montacutie. They mentioned that national interest thing in both relation to energy as well as the Pandemic. Ursula’s words were a little chilling though. Back to the 1930s as the BBC might say.
Anyone seen any update on the result of the Swedish election yet? I have looked but found nothing new. There has also been very little reported about it being a very close contest in the UK MSM, just a bit in the Guardian and BBC. The Queen’s funeral has driven most stuff off the front page but I would have thought that an anti immigration coalition on the brink of power in Sweden was news worthy.
All this feeds my suspicion that the fix is in and time is being bought to allow the count to fabricate sufficient votes to swing it for the left.
I’m sure I heard the sound of a mule train in the distance.
One thing that amuses me slightly, is the way that the bbc and their partners in deception refer to the “far” right as being racist, biased against immigrants, xenophobic, “send them all back”, etc. etc. That’s the kind of candidate I’m hoping for and would vote for. It’s precisely these values that the voters seem to want to vote for, whether the left like it or not. If a right-wing candidate spent his time telling me how cute and loveable your average fighting-age, muslim, dinghy pilot was I’d think he was probably in the wrong place.
I see the media are doing the damndest to rehabilitate Meghan Markle, in spite of the fact she is going to return to California and begin bad mouthing everyone all over again with renewed ammunition she will have invented when someone did something she took offence at – like breathing, sneezing etc.
Yes thoughtful, it was ever thus. The one lone voice who makes no bones about her behaviour and attitude is Dan Wootton, and can see her for what she is. She has mentioned keeping a ‘journal’, so this has been quite a week for her ‘interpretations’ to be noted – for future revelations.
There isn’t a hope in hell of her being welcomed back into the Royal Family – once a traitor always a traitor, despite what agenda the media is trying to push. This is a woman who refuses to speak to her father or introduce her kids and husband to him. I’m waiting for the ex-husband’s book to come out !
Having given up on the cretinous GBNews Royal coverage I thought I’d dip into the BBC on YouTube . Pretty faultless for about 2 hours –
Must have reverted to woke by now …..
Oh, groan, can’t the bloody public think of anything else to say other than “she has always been in my life” – well that’s true for most of the population for God’s sake.
Until Monday its going to be just one long “interview the public ” fest. So its back to Netflix and shopping channels.
Good one Mussy – I’ve mentioned before I have Lupus – and the other bit looked like it had spread to other body parts !!!! then I looked it up. Thank you – I shall use it to great advantage in the future.
I did notice that she was trying for some sort of ‘enigmatic ‘ expression and doesn’t do ‘sad ‘ omg – I think she also took her dog bodies’ hand going out of Westminster hall which I don’t think was ‘protocol ‘…
I was watching quite undistracted because they kept silent at the appropriate time without some coked up GBNews presenter …
I would hope that this sobering occasion and reflection on the devotion to duty exemplified by the Queen is making Harry and Meghan realise how self-centred their behaviour has been. Is it too late for them to change?
But I think you’re right, Sluff. I heard some commentator – was it Lady C on GBNews’s Dan Wootton show? – say the other royals don’t want to be in the same room as the Sussexes in case their private conversation turns up in a book or a TV interview.
Its only pure luck that the Sussexes were in this country at the time of the death, so we shall never know if Meghan would have deigned to come over from the States with Hapless – one can never surmise where she is concerned.
He married a totally loose cannon, and she won’t be stopped from doing what she wants. Its less of a matter of Harry ‘reflecting’ on what he has done, and more that he is being led by the nose by Meghan. She knows he’s weak and malleable, so even if he does have pangs of regrets, he soon gets talked out of it.
A very late Toady comment.
Knobson was interviewing a top Military man this warning.
Said gent had decided to answer questions crisply and accurately and succinctly without any flannel. And then stop.
This clearly caught Knobson out as there were various moments of silence as Knobson was repeatedly caught off guard.
Sluff -noticed that before with him – forensic answers to questions – without loose words for him . I heard some one challenge the veiled ‘some say type critical question with ‘ ‘who says so ?’ Which also flummoxed him ….
The BBC, utterly obsessed with their ridiculous sentimental vox pop stuff, which we have seen for months and years, are repeatedly using it on the late Queen’s subjects waiting and queueing to pay their respects.
But the answers to ‘why are you here?’ asked of people who work and act subjectively not objectively, and are not media savvy, are inevitably rather weak and banal.
Are the BBC playing a subversive republican game?
By repeatedly showing ‘weak’ answers to the question ‘why are you here’ they are inferentially undermining the legitimacy of the late Queen and thence the constitutional monarchy.
I would not put it past them.
An answer such as ‘I’m here to support our constitutional monarchy as opposed to an alternative republican system of political appointees, smoke-filled room horse-trading, and second rate failed politicians’ (President Kinnock, anyone?) is I suggest unlikely to come out on the spur of the moment, and probably wouldn’t be broadcast if it did.
Algeria $0.06 Saudi $0.24 Russia $0.31 Turkey $0.59 France $0.76 Italy $0.82 Netherlands $0.86 UK $0.88 Canada $0.99 Spain $1.05 Germany $1.10 Sweden $1.25
Tone on the BBC is changing – the queer imp one who does the 5pm had a vox pox thing with a miserable sounding Republican – a 20 year old Omg girl who wants to see ‘change ‘ – someone with other things to do … and I think a monarchist .
I was trying to think of what the purpose of this nonsense was but could only think the BBC might be reverting to its’ real anti monarchist position …..
The line about having time for the Queen but none for Charles might be about to become more prominent – even with his fruitcake views –
I just wish royalty added a bit more to ‘real life ‘ rather than being seen smiling at the minorities – I’ve never seen a royal and guess I never will – but I know “the firm’ is there … perpetuating a corrupt honours system – taking cash from Arabs – not paying tax – keeping a self fulfilling soap story going to entertain people who are interested in such distraction ….
Well, today I thought I’d do a reverse Maxiconey and go talk to some Biden supporting lefties on a different forum. It was a bewlidering and eye opening experience!
Firstly they inhabit a fantasy world where facts are just not the same and even evidence from CNN and NYT cannot persuade them otherwise – they simpy ignore it and move to something else which has never been covered, and of course the insults constantly fly from them because they don’t appear to be able to help themselves.
Every criticism of Biden is met with a simplistic accusation against Trump, and accusations you are somehow a Trump supporter, even when it’s explained to them simply that a group from the Republicans has done something and when there are more of them they will do it again is met with accusations of MAGA support.
It’s like swimming through treacle with them. When you have people who simply cannot accept reaity, facts, and truth where do you go with an argument?
People who are presented with facts and then either ignore them, change the subject or continue to swear blind they are right in spite of all the evidence they are not – even from their own side!
No wonder the country is in such a mess when these are the type of people running it!
I also had a return Email from the BBC today from 2016?
“Your message Sent: 19 November 2016 was deleted without being read on 14 September 2022 09:51:57 (UTC+00:00) ”
Interesting – and brave . But there are competing versions of the world – and they are interpreted according to the intelligence / education / perception of the recipient .
For instance – to me tucker Carlson / jobby Steyn speak pretty well and have largely acceptable opinions . Yet they are condemned by ‘the left ‘ just for having alternative views –
And I bet they ve never watched or listened .
Trying to figure where america is going – apart from in election fixed decline is tricky due to the level of polarity – just how political are Americans ? Is it just the cities ? The young ? The thick ?
I think it’s lucky the Republicans have their guns – they might be needing them,,,
They weren’t American they were British Biden supporters, insisting there were no signs of dementia and that if there were the 25th amendment would require his immediate removal from power, without realising other people in his own party would have to approve and action that, which they are never going to do, and that the Republicans would force Biden to take a cognitive test even if he didn’t want to
They don’t appear to have an explanation other than “he doesn’t have to” for Bidens refusal to take the test which if he did think he would pass it, he would have taken months ago.
My experience of the Left is that they are similar to talking to other brainwashed people such as the very religious.
Nothing can change their mind – and if you present arguments against what they say, they first simply repeat what they said earlier followed by getting frustrated and then they get aggressive.
The way the Leftist media (particularly the BBC) simply ignore everything bad about Biden is quite unnerving. It’s become like a religion where weaker people feel secure and confident as part of a group-think.
They hate people like Trump because the group-think tells them they do. They don’t even realise or question it.
Whilst trying not to defend Andrew too much as it seems he is an extremely unpleasant tw@t, is having casual sex with a gorgeous, willing 17 year old enough to class you as a nonce ?.
I just feel he has been tarred, feathered then strung up by people in the particularly nasty way the Leftists cancel others they don’t like. They tried several times with Boris until the BBC felt he was wounded enough and had the confidence to throw their whole weight behind it and finish him off.
Most of that stuff belongs in a museum, it was current at the turn of the century and is well below present day standards.
Mind you, the Miranda DV bridge might be worth having the pleasure of burying just ‘cos of the name.
Meanwhile the BRICS are laughing themselves silly with China offering to sell them LNG which has been supplied by Russia at inflated prices of course.
And just remember when anyone mentions about Brexit that had we still been in the EU we would have been forced to save 15% of energy just so the Green crazed Germans could have more of our gas instead !
Watching the Westminster Hall respectful lying in state.
If each person stops for 6 seconds, (easy to estimate) that’s 10 people per minute. Two queues, so 20 people.
In one hour, 1200 people.
In one day, 28,000.
Not a million miles from the Edinburgh quoted number of 33,000.
So….four days, 115,000.
I can’t see how the quoted 400,000 likely attendees can be remotely met unless they really start chivvying people along. Especially the black guy with a hat in the first 10 minutes who was there for over a minute but not challenged.
The BBC and The Guardian are unable to write anything about that election without using the word ‘Nazi’ and ‘far-right’ to describe the Swedish Democrats.
They even chose this quote from the ousted PM about the Swedish Democrats:
‘Ms Andersson told reporters on Wednesday that she understood those concerned at the party’s growing popularity. “I see your concern and I share it,” she said.’
Once again the BBC are on the opposite side to the people.
Watching the royal procession in the Mall, I noticed piles of (inevitable) horse droppings. I then spotted Prince Harry, smartly dressed with glossy black shoes. My gaze kept flitting between the steaming ordure and the gleaming footwear. ‘Oh, please, please let it happen!’ I couldn’t help thinking.
No, Harry didn’t step in it. But it’s since occurred to me that this is probably just as well. I mean, Harry and Smegan have already spread more than enough b******t around to get up the royal family’s noses!
Toady earlier: Nick Toenails is out interviewing the public again, specifically in wanting to know what’s behind the bland initial responses to, “why are you here?’.
It never happens to me but if I were there and tasked with this line of questioning by the BBC, I’d reply, “Respect”. Toenails response then: ‘But why respect’. My answer would be:
“Well, you can only have respect for a family who has escaped Inheritance tax on billions for decades and decades and decades”
So the Swedish PM concedes defeat. But the official count will not be completed until Saturday so room for a late surprise there.
The new centre right government may not include the anti immigration Swedish Democrats , the largest party on the right, but may be a minority government relying on the Swedish Democrats to vote with them on key issues. If there is a minority government it will be because some centre right politicians refuse to serve if the SD are in office. Obviously such a government would be unstable and likely to collapse at any time and unlikely to pass any significant anti immigration legislation. In effect the SD would be be de fanged by the establishment.
If there is a minority government we can’t expect Sweden to halt all immigration and to start repatriation flights ie implement the popular SD agenda.
I suppose it took the Swedish establishment a few days to come up with this deal which neuters the SD . Hence the delay in the count.
Still the vote shows that ordinary Swedes are at long last waking up to the dire effects that immigration has had on their country over the past two or three decades. I hope voters elsewhere take note and vote for parties which try to preserve Europe.
The establishment will always win here, as elsewhere, because of the failure (refusal) of the many different anti immigration groups to work together on this issue.
Often said on this site and reiterated by Steve Laws here 42:22-45:40.
This morning our BBC online newspaper review at last gives up on their previous pattern of highlighting two different headlines – one for the Queen, plus one.
Instead they invite us to accompany them as they go all in on the Queen – both barrels: Newspaper headlines: ‘Nation says farewell’ amid ‘the long goodbye’ (By BBC News Staff)
Public is warned that queue could reach 10 miles (‘i’); One million people set to pay their respects (Daily Mirror) – as we attempt to visualise that impressive spectacle we should also now perhaps think about: More than one million visas issued in a year as migration hits new high (Telegraph 25 August 2022) – and there we were thinking the likes of the passport office staff had a massive uncleared in-tray backlog. And whilst we visualise the awe inspiring spectacle of a million souls lined up on the streets of the capital… how about: Record 6.8m people waiting for hospital treatment in England (Guardian 8 September 2022)
A buzzword best beloved of bolshies Bankers’ Bonuses must have been tempting to the BBC as a second headline as it cropped up in the FT: Kwarteng set to end cap on banker’s bonuses – but since the FT is presented to us in the “and finally” slot in the BBC line up we could guess it was perhaps a late arrival at the news desk, only just making the cut.
Of course BBC news online does have the story covered prominently among their own headlines: Kwasi Kwarteng considers scrapping bankers’ bonus cap to boost City (BBC)
I’m waiting for the free market orientated chancellor to get the headline: Kwasi Kwarteng goes Kamikaze or Kamikaze Kwarteng economics – Sir Keir’s speech writers, you can have those for nothing
As for the habitual BBC print go-to source…
Well, the formerly pacifist, ex-anti-war, sometime peace-monger Guardian does offer the option: ‘People disappeared’ : Izium recalls horror of occupation… Ukrainian prosecutors work to gather evidence of alleged war crimes… no likely bias or self-interest there then.
What little actual news we’re getting from the front is carefully curated by the Zelensky faction (other spellings are available to us in the west although – as we like to say – alternative foreign policies apparently are not) – and the testimony that makes the Guardian frontpage rises just about to the level of gossip: ‘They killed my friend in cold blood, along with his dog’
Only the jokey, blokey, often saucy, comic tabloid Daily Star is here to celebrate any residual cultural anti-war sentiment. It takes an archaeologist nowadays to unearth peacenik artifacts such as: M*A*S*H turns 50 – set in Korea but inevitably critical of the contemporary seemingly forever war in Vietnam – there’s a show that spoke to and helped shape the pacifist peace and love generation. Of course we fight our costly forever wars by proxy these days.
Far be it from me to advise the Left – but shouldn’t this important anti-establishment counter-culture TV anniversary have featured somewhere frontpage of the Gruan where your typical Alan Alda-types go for inspiration? Instead, thereabouts, we get what Generation X – now getting middle aged term “first world problems“: Empty nesters A guide to survival (Guardian)
And as for our present generation of rebellious youngsters – presumably they’re all watching Frozen Planet II (what they said was the one minute to midnight imminent climate catastrophe – the sequal): Frozen Planet II review – TV so relentlessly wondrous that you’ll feel like a child again… and a rallying call for humanity (Guardian) – except, sorry to break it to you Attenborough, present day kids don’t watch broadcast TV.
Now if Zelensky had told us the Ruskies shoot polar bears…?
This neutral observer from afar – admittedly without the benefit of the strictly curated Zelesky propaganda reportage war tours guide that our press are enjoying – can see no reason for any excess punishment being meted out by either side toward the other faction and any supposed extra-curricular incidentals seem unlikely to be anything but reasonably equal and reciprically administered – like it or not. Annecdotes about supposed Kremlin canine atrocities not withstanding.
The left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper goes from strength to strength as a BBC favourite pick for top spot in their press review. Beside the right-Royally respectful headline: The long goodbye – and the super-sized photo of the lying in state, the ‘i’ can’t resist but tease: I was arrested for criticising Charles III P13 – but you do seem to be free to tell it all to a much wider audience now – so job done.
andyjsnapeMar 10, 14:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Households near new pylons to get hundreds off energy bills https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/clyd49dxyxxo “…get discounts of up to £2,500 over 10 years,…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 14:33 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “marr ” ………………………. Would BBC’s Andrew Marr say that the EU does not have much control over the UK ……
MarkyMarkMar 10, 14:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 From order-order.com [img]https://image.vuukle.com/51b5831e-0c34-432c-b96b-b96c0104e65b-c31704d4-72ca-4f47-84f4-ba119b564ab1[/img]
Fedup2Mar 10, 13:47 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Yeah – whatever – give her the TTK 2 year prison penalty – she is obviously not ‘approved ‘…
harry142857Mar 10, 13:45 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Commission is commission. ——————————————- Mother convicted of not paying TV Licence after death of unborn son. mother who did not…
Fedup2Mar 10, 13:17 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Two days running the DT has done a long piece on BBC news / funding – the first one is…
DoublethinkerMar 10, 13:16 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I completely agree with you . But what puzzles me is , if those of us who are of a…
Lucy PevenseyMar 10, 12:57 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Tower Bridge has been shut down after a man has climbed the railings. Emergency services at to the scene. Ban…
Fed, I agree. Stop watching TV.
I bought a newspaper for its PhotoBio of her late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. It also contained a separate TV guide. It reminded me why I am very content not to watch TV in this century.
Blast ! Up2 you beat me to it again !!!! xx
Brissles, my dear old thing (well it is raining and cricket stops in the rain) if I had known you were waiting in the wings I would have said “After you.”
It would be funny if it wasn’t the BBC being their usual themselves. Reporter stuck his microphone under the nose of a man in Edinburgh and asked him what the Queen’s death would do for ‘the Union’. It wasn’t the answer he wanted. The response was how people would now think more of King Charles and the future was secure. The BBC man moved on quickly.
Love that word ‘could’.
In the hands of professionals.
Guest Who
He’s arfing a larff.
“Save trillions” is a simple lie – aggressively delivered – as is the case with a slew of the half baked tripe that BBC serves up to its shrinking audience.
That a pointless jerk like Shukman sees fit to ordain it with a Tweet is just the sort of endorsement one might expect from a beeboid cultist.
“Save trillions” is a simple lie – aggressively delivered.
That a pointless jerk like Shukman sees fit to ordain it with a Tweet is just the sort of endorsement one might expect from a beeboid cultist keen to be seen on message.
I reported here three or four weeks ago that I had erected a 400W wind generator attached to Deep Cycle batteries. Apart from an erratic, frantic spin a day or so in a particular gust, nothing. No charge, no action. It needs min 5 K/s to take off. The Met projects minimal winds for the next week or so. So, David Shukman, comedian extraordinaire, I take your prediction with the usual BBC ‘pinch of salt’. Others less sophisticated than I, would call it ‘Bullsh*t’
Tx for that. FB constantly serves me toy suggestions as I am interested in renewable tech. Wind, solar, even hydro as we have a stream nearby (EA snoops permitting).
For now I am sticking with the woodburner this winter. Numbers not working still.
I reckon hydro in Norway makes sense, solar over California canals too… less so over shire fields that used to grow crops.
Frankly pressure plates at QT regional studios for republicans diesel bussed in for audience reactions might be a worthy source of energy.
Dave of course is now a ‘former’. But does still take bookings.
Another Dave, now Sir Boaty… relies on BBC reputation and #tellitoftenenough to push such things.
I live close to the windfarm off the Cumbrian coast, believe me those windmills dont seem to turn much and they are out at sea.
Guest, you would think the wind turbine and solar panel makers would be tripping over themselves to cut the price of their so-called ‘renewables’ for the oil companies to install as a future income stream but no, it is not happening.
Maybe the future with turbines and solar panels is just not green, just mouldy.
If something demands a public subsidy you can bet your sweet bippy that there is no financial or economic advantage to it. You cannot buck the markets as Mrs Thatcher famously discovered.
Apparently there’s a huge rise in customers putting wood burners in their homes – nothing to do with the ‘globule worming’ scam, just that they’re very efficient in some places! Nice lot of woodsmoke everywhere!
Next question for idiots who suck up climate change, is, how are you going to deal with the reduced production of fertilizers?
Anyone willing to debate this in W1AA?
Thought not.
And not forgetting there was the Clean Air Act around 1956, so all those with wood burners ??????
My wood burner in France has two uptakes that take hot air from round the casing and heats two bedrooms, win win.
I have a coal fire which is lit every day in the winter, the chimney is up through the middle of the house and warms three bedrooms, I am stocking up on wood as well as coal for this winter.
So, the One Show… Dr. Shola and Kev.
Ratings gold.
Maybe a podcast too.
Queen’s lying-in-state: What to know before you join the queue
Wow that’s some distance to queue!
At least they’re going to have public toilets in the capital for a change.
I remember as a child in maybe 1972, going down to London to the British museum and queueing to see Pharaoh Tutankhamun’s gold mask exhibition.
When you reach the back of the queue, you will be given a coloured and numbered wristband. …
Wristbands are specific to each person joining the queue.
Lots of advanced planning. It’s amazing how things can be co-ordinated when the ‘powers that be’ decide it.
The first wristband to hit eBay wins a prize ….
If they can organise that what about tracking devices attached to the Daily Dinghy Invaders ? ….or better still sink the Dinghys before leaving France ! , Hope our new Home Secretary sorts the problem but it’s a big ask with BBC and Civil Service being pro Invasion .
I’m only surprised that no-one has kicked off about ‘uman rights being invaded on being given a wristband.
Just thinking. Wouldn’t it be easier to drive the Queen’s coffin along the queue? All respects could be payed within a very short time.
Senora O’Blene and I have voted this the best comment of the week!
Excellent idea!
Has anyone on this website noticed that Talk Radio has gradually moved to become ‘Woke’ ?
Some time ago I switched from the BBC , stopped paying the Telly Tax and then thought I had found an oasis of independent broadcasting with Talk Radio.
Alas , I am of the opinion that I will be dumping Talk Radio unless it get’s rid of it’s wokeness !
Hello Taff, GBNews is on DAB radio.. an option
GB News I assume buys in its on the hour news from a woke organisation. Other times it can surprise, but usually is more realistic than woke.
Gave up on GBNews without Steyn – I dipped in to the TV version last night to watch the shambolic coverage of the arrival of the hearse at Buck House – and switched off – they have too many shouty kidults for me – particularly in times of ‘gravity ‘ – only one presenter called for ‘silence ‘ during the broadcast and someone whispered ‘good idea ‘… it’s just poor and amateur and doomed …..
Elswhere – today
Comrade Robinson pretending to be pro royalist – apparently those queuing to pay their respects had to suffer Comrade Robinson turning up to ask them those ‘always ‘ question ‘where are you from ? ‘ how long you been here ?’ …..
Hyperbole was in evidence as TFL says it will experience the biggest challenge in its’ history – that’s er – 22 years …maybe it can do the other meaningless thing of a once in ‘a generation event ‘- or even better ‘since records began ‘…
It would be tragic not to have Mark Steyn on GBNews. He was the one glimmer of hope for MSM.
Is there any method of petitioning GBNews to make sure that they keep Steyn?
Atlas – I don’t know – petitions have no value anyway . Yesterday a BBC type called ‘Matthew sweet ‘ put up a very long tweet thing and letter about not accepting the invitation to go on the Steyn show to explain his views ….( he has been invited many times ).
Briefly – sweet wants Steyn ‘cancelled ‘ for ‘disinformation ‘ over the Chinese virus vaccines . Why sweet has such an interest in this I don’t know – maybe his agent thinks it will get BBC approval and more work ….
Sweet is relying on Steyn being ‘investigated by OFCOM ‘ to prove he is not worthy of interviewing sweet – a view which suggests sweet feels he is not on steady ground .
Certainly he has a problem because the government – the state – is starting to pay out on people killed or harmed by the vaccines . So the ‘disinformation ‘ claim is shaky to start with .
Sweet – or anyone in the pay of the BBC – will never appear on Steyn – and maybe GBNews .
The Sweet smell of something being served cold.
But on occasion ex BBC employees do appear on GBN , but not on Steyn usually Wootton, where they end up appearing ludicrous in their attempts at defending their old employer.
The defence always come down to
Envy of the world .
Hugely influential across the world , soft power
Produces first class drama and nature programmes
It only costs a cup of coffee a week, great value.
The first two points are highly disputable and even if true the image of the UK presented by the BBC is not one that most Brits would wish to see and even if true why should we pay for it.
The third point is highly disputable and may have been true decades ago but many Brits no longer think that it is. We do not want to be lectured in drama programmes.
On the last point , the debate is not about cost. It is about being forced to fund a broadcaster who many feel pursues an agenda which is undermining our country and which we do not want to have in our homes.
I’ve complained bitterly to GBN about the shouty and grating delivery of their younger presenters during this time….. ‘ladies and gentlemen’. We need a measured tone with gravitas – that only experience can bring. Someone backstage needs to shut them up.
I’m not sure that there are reasons why a w BBC Wokist wouldn’t support the new monarch. King Charles and his heir have been signalling their woke credentials for years . Of course the consequences of their flirtation with Wokery will be kept well away from the gates of their residences.
Charles and William have a lot to do to convince me that they share many of the traditional British values that I do.
Double – the current heir to the throne has signalled wokeness before so when he is instructed to be his fathers’ green crap spokesman he will do his job of lecturing us .
I think I real sign will be whether the government gets rid of ethnic one who does the COP crap – his tenure ends in November I think ….
He got all blubby at the Glasgow green crap thing so must be due a peerage joining gummer and the other wet tories telling us how to live ….
TFL whinging as usual…
Of course the ‘Limpics’ were a doddle, weren’t they! Total chaos the whole time!
The Queen’s death via the Guardian Opinion page tonight.
Someone posted here the Stewart Lee article on Boris’ legacy recently — I tried, but I didn’t make it further than the first paragraph which ends: “I hate us”. As the Guardian seem constantly to be scraping around for funds, why don’t they simply replace every article and headline with this? They’d save a bit of cash on freelancers all saying the same thing.
Hello Terminal
Looks like the guardian is trying to please a certain type of person, a bit like the bBC adding majority black people to links and reports its spews out
Tomo – thanks – I wonder how the average rare thinking American views this situation ? Do they know ? Do they just watch is on CNN and carry on ?
If democrat run councils are just refusing to prosecute on the grounds of colour ( equity !) then it’s not worth having a police force . No wonder they are leaving …..
….. here … the Met has apologised for shooting a coloured gun criminal – before any judicial inquiry has been held . The new commissioner has suspended the officer who shot the coloured criminal . It seems that his colleagues and thinking about ‘downing guns ‘- after the funeral …..
So what if the plod is charged ( inevitable – lefty politics in the CPS) ?
The BBC seems intent on the narrative of causing ‘disorder ‘ in the ‘community ‘( coloureds ) – and maybe even get a ‘broken Britain ‘ headline this weekend as criminal exploit the lack of plod who are all on overtime in londonistan doing the funeral .
I suppose it’s all about the weather… but stand by for the steaming gangs in KFC – Mac Donald’s and TKMaxx ….
I feel that there is a bit of a difference between the Met and US police forces – how many UK plods have been shot of late?
My direct experience is that firearms units in the UK attract pale British Eugene Tackleberry types – I’ve seen provincial plod with automatic weapons behaving in ways that would have them on a firearms safety charge in the military – and Met types pointing weapons at queues of visa applicant peeps at the old US Embassy.
iirc they’ve had a fair few “negligent discharges”.
Not saying they’re all like that – but it’s obvious that some (too many imho) get into it for what most people would regard as the wrong reasons and aren’t weeded out due to the culture of maintaining PR face….
Khant deserves some of his own medicine – does anybody know if he has an armed protection detail ? – there’s certainly a small fleet of Range Rovers on occasion.
Tomo – I accept that – I was wondering about the number of police in the US killed per year since that criminal died – I recall that the toll in terms of suicides and accidental shootings ( blue on blue ) was always quite high and sometimes used as a reason for not fully arming in the UK – something I agree with – particularly since the current plods are on average a rabble
Rabble hardly covers it – as has been repeatedly demonstrated the police are disinclined to weed out wrong ‘uns and incompetent twerps among the footsoldiers as that might lead to calls for idiots in “management” to be held to account.
All too easy to suspect that there’s a pact in place where the main thing is to “maintain the dignity of the force”
Focus on the number two national news headline and a modern news phenomenon edition
As we’ve come to take for granted lately, so once again this morning there’s a near concensus among our national newspaper titles that one particular image rules the frontpages. This time it is: Home.. for one last time. Mourners in their thousands cheer and clap as the Queen arrives at the Palace – as respectfully captioned in His Majesty’s The Loyal Daily Express – to give it its full new-found title
A child-like sentimentality is often to the fore in our socialistic Daily Mirror – The Heart of Britain – Paddington would be so proud… Led home by lights of love
The Daily Mail waxes lyrical: Her coffin brightly lit as evening fell, the Queen arrived at Buckingham Palace for the final time last night. The iron gates swung open after the poignant journey…
Then the Mail goes off on one its highly strident if relatively unprovoked campaigns: It’s not too late to change rigid plans and let millions more of us bid the Queen farewell
One really can’t please all the people all the time
Center Parcs has backtracked over a decision to ask guests to leave its sites on the day of the Queen’s funeral. The holiday firm said it had made the decision “as a mark of respect” and to allow employees to “be part of this historic moment”. But the move prompted complaints from angry holidaymakers online. (BBC)
The Times is a bit behind the times (early edition?) lagging behind leading with a version of what was yesterday’s key note image of servicemen acting as pallbearers.
Our BBC online press review does like to lead with a headline double whammy and the recurring question of the day – of late – is where to go for the number two shot?
The top headline writes itself but it’s going to be another week or so before journalists can bury that lead, so to speak. Meanwhile, for the also ran headline do the BBC perhaps go with glee at eastern europeans successfully killing their neighbours with new weapons we’ve just bought and paid for?
Of course the BBC turns to none other than the Guardian…
To be fair the BBC are just returning the compliment: BBC receives relatively few complaints over coverage of Queen’s death (Guardian) – that wording smacks somewhat of damning with faint praise but remember the Left have to maintain the mythology that the Beeb is Tory (xref Emily Maitlis)
Internal data shows 670 objections, in stark contrast with the 100,000 that accompanied death of husband (Guardian) – well, as a wise man once said (see above) – you can’t please all the people all the time.
We’ll just bear in mind the fact that anti-monarchy campaigner types are more inclined to complain and let’s resist the urge to scoff at the term ‘Internal data‘ – and so we’ll give the BBC a bit of a metaphorical pat on the back just like the Queen might have done on a Royal visist or as we recall from the BBC’s own Are You Being Served, that catchphrase of the euphemistically named Young Mr Grace “You’ve all done very well”
Where were we? Ah, the BBC reciprically borrowing from the Gruan their second string headline of the day – let’s not forget there’s a new putatively conservative Tory PM on the loose and heaven forbid that she does anything to derail the left-liberal globalist nudge unit nanny state agenda that’s been set for us: Johnson’s junk food rules under threat as Truss targets red tape (Guardian) – this is tidily presented for us by the Gruan at just one remove: ‘It would be reckless to row back on these obesity policies’ Katherine Jenner Obesity Health Alliance – whilst the BBC’s further reiteration of the headline starts – on close examination – to look a tad messy in terms of provenance – what with those scare quotes and all: ‘junk food rules under threat’ – but of course works well as a dog whistle anti-conservative screamer.
“Am I Bovvered?” – said comedienne Katherine Tate in the persona of the petulent Lauren the teenager.
I’m guessing the nation’s fatties would say something similiar as they hardly pause from noshing their trash take aways. Look at their faces – do they look bovvered? It’s going to be Quago queens, payroll civil servants and off-the-books-funded approved campaign group employees who squeal loudest.
Quite why this rather niche interest topic ought to constitute the number two national news headline is somewhat of a modern news phenomenon – dontcha think?
The Obesity Health Alliance is a coalition of over 40 health organisations who have joined together to advocate for policies to improve population health and address obesity.
The Obesity Health Alliance is lead by a Steering Group of nine members. We are funded by contributions from our members.
Of course those members are a long list of fine-sounding charitable organisations – plus some very obscure entities – but many of them getting tax payer donations lobbed at them – funding channelled toward lobbying the government into levying more taxes.
Asiseeit – thanks – those monitoring the BBC will watch the tone it uses with the new monarch – those little pen incidents have been logged – the fact the staff at Clarence House have already been sacked with 3 months notice – happy Christmas – are only the start of the narrative .
Next will be some commonwealth Country announcing independence ….
Will the king do a winter tour of sunny bits of the empire ‘ commonwealth to ‘test the waters ‘? I presume Australia and NZ must be high on the list ….. ( personally I care less )
Meanwhile the still non functioning government has yet to detail the fuel plans and how it is to be paid for. Apparently Goldman sacks suggests gas prices maybe due to fall and that inflation in the UK is ‘peaking ‘….
I like optimism – it’s the same sort of deluded optimism of the beginning to the year when we were told inflation would be ‘transitory ‘….. yeah right ….
“Will the king do a winter tour of sunny bits of the empire ‘ ”
Davos last on the list…………….
Bad bad Russians…
Ukraine war: Accounts of Russian torture emerge in liberated areas
Ukraine torture?
Unbiased reporting again!
The BBC seems fully occupied by the Royal Funeral – so dire economic news from the US and a 5% fall in the stock market there – and the prospect of a recession in America coming soon – doesn’t get much attention .
Nor the ‘cost of covid crisis ‘ . So I guess this will all fire up next Tuesday after the `Funeral..
Not just them – couldn’t see any mention of the Swedish election on the telegraph yesterday. I think they mentioned it in the run up…
Today watch
Looks like the BBC is fixated with the length of the queue to pay their ‘respects ‘- comrade Robinson in particular ….
Taking that tape measure he was given to plot progress up Bliar’s alimentary system?
Saz and gang being bussed in for QT?
Smurf’s BBC expertise qualifications seem clear.
Ah .. the provider of some 80%+ of content at Tim Worstal’s blog.
The man is ignorant and an eejit – but he is a regular on lefty media …
I feel sorry for any students he might be exposed to. An example of the shallow, grim credentialism that plagues academia – he should be a litter picker or a burger flipper
One for Springster to investigate, or she still focussing on feet?
Its simple.
You go onto TV licensing website. You tell them you do not watch live tv. click a button, that’s it.
TV detector vans are not real.
Spread the word.
Hello Althepalerp, I always say to people why do you need to tell them you dont need a licence, a bit like a window salesman insisting I have to tell them if I need windows from them or not.
That “RENEWABLES will SAVE TRILLIONS” tale that the BBC are pushing.
Good thread.
And why the BBC hire Springster types who know nothing except their place.
The deceit behind their trustworthy and fact checking claims, backed by outright censorship, should worry those in government not utterly in thrall of Greta.
The numbers simply do not add up.
It must be difficult to overestimate the level of excitement in the Guardian newsroom – most especially in the gifted and generous journalist Pippa Crerar – when the Clarence House redundancies were discovered . ‘Hundreds told at short notice….’ ‘Indecent time-span….’ ‘Shock at brutal news…’ etc, etc.
The sad reality, to piss on their rebublican parade, is that employment law requires those involved to be told the position as soon as it clarifies. It’s not heartless it’s a legal necessity. And that as Royal employees, they would have been aware for decades that they might be redundant on Charles’ accession, since Buck House is already fully staffed. Sad but inevitable.
Naturally, the BBC are slavishly repeating the Guardian’s propaganda – well, everything else they tell us has been through their Marxist mill so what’s new.
And they’ve not sussed the position at Highgrove…..yet.
Sky and The Guardian are two cheeks of the same arse with the BBC right in the middle.
Hello JohnC, joined by cnn the special partner of the bBC – or so they said on their website a few weeks ago
You are right, CNN is a better fit than Sky – I’ve seen the most outrageously biased hate-filled Leftist articles in both.
I will use them in the future :-).
Seems Dim Dome has headed to Harvard, the seat of excellence in learning that also served up Lammy.
Imagined the Glob might have snapped him up to form a dream team with Sopes and BS if Lurch can’t be lured.
Has Pippa Crerar changed teams, Beltane? What was the transfer fee? Is Laura Kuenssberg her ‘agent’?
The deeply unpleasant Ms Crerar joined the Guardian as Political Editor in May.
The atmosphere should Crerar, Crace, Toynbee, Monbiot and other similar notables gather in the newsroom together must be like a Flanders trench in high summer.
Beltane, thanks that change had passed me by. I wonder why the Guardian did not trumpet it on their front page? I guess dismissing one Prime Minister enhanced Crerar’s transfer fee take no end.
Clarence House staff told jobs are at risk
Is now really the time for the BBC to be running front page articles on this ? – particularly before any redundancies are even announced and the Queen is still above ground.
And as they always do when it’s got agenda in it, they use a bad picture of Charles for you to mentally associate with it.
The drip-drip-drip has started already.
Yes, BBC, find out if any employees are black or other minority: you then know the angle of the article you have to construct……………..
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – is it deliberate, a smoke and mirrors thing?
Obfuscation on inflation and unemployment. I think there is something going on but it is hard to make out why? Inflation is up but only in food prices. You have to scroll down quite a way to find out what the inflation figure actually is here: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-62891168
How come all his shopping is in brown paper bags ??.
Luckily for me as a white male, it seems I am not affected at all by the cost of living crisis. Not a single poor whitey in any of the many articles the BBC are running.
It’s an absolute classic BBC trick to put the bit of the story they don’t want you to know right at the end whilst having a bit of waffle just before it hoping you stop reading.
Phone message reads:
‘Just off to get bigger rucksack. Don’t forget bolts AND ball-bearings’.
Post-it reads :
Open app, enter 3210 as PIN then press ‘detonate’.
That’s just crumpled brown paper to look like filled bags.
Could be fruit and veg before the supermarkets stopped giving out free bags and made you pay for a plastic thingy made out of old recycled milk containers. Think one of the supermarkets has gone back to paper bags, cannot remember which one.
Was in Morrisons today – they have smallish brown paper bags available to save the environment.
40p each !!.
Tesco have upped their bag levy to 30p – and I still don’t see where the 29.9p notional profit is being spent?
Hello Tomo, 29.9p minus the VAT, the government is keen on green – maybe the VAT is something to do with it
Waitrose flog their ‘loose’ bread in brown paper bags!
They’re useful when you want to guzzle a Tennants 15% ‘Headbanger’ lager in the centre of Hastings…
lol, they’ve changed it now and did you know that all this inflation is down to cheese and eggs ?.
‘Soaring milk, cheese and egg costs have pushed food inflation to its highest level for 14 years’ – with a picture to prove it !!.
BBC : News by children for idiots.
The awful beeboids will blame the dairy farmers of course, it’s always their fault!
Might have been nice to see all British products, not tasteless foreign stuff…
Has a fact checker, checked the picture, or something like that 🙂
That is so how the milk, cheese and eggs I just bought at Aldi to save the planet were served up.
Seemed pretty ok price wise.
So I got a petrol compactor too. Never know when holes dug in the garden after unsolicited calls at the door need tamping flat.
Media junior. Them’s the baggies bbc W1A security wave through unchecked.
Center Parcs backtracks on Queen’s funeral closure plans
Devastated some of em, wait until a few hundred more dinghies arrive in Kent and the government houses them near you… that might be devastating
You mean here, Andy?
Bloody well hope not!
TOADY Watch #1 – kind of an unfortunate choice, Nick, picking the Christian one
Nick Robinson was out queue (in Obama speak) watching for the crowds waiting to see the late Queen, either lying in State or out on the Mall for the hearse to pass by on its way to Buckingham Palace. Nick is after a vox pop from the crowds. He pokes his microphone under the nose of a gentleman (underline that word gentleman, please) for a ‘quote’.
The gentleman had recently arrived there and wished to pay his respects to her Majesty. He made it clear that he appreciated the heavy burden placed upon King Charles having to assume the Monarchy while still mouring for his mother and said something to the effect of “I pray for King Charles in my prayers that God will sustain him”. No BBC headlines from that vox pop.
I salute the man from Ghana.
I notice that the BBC seem rarely to interview migrant peeps from Ghana and Sierra Leone – in my experience they’ve usually arrived here via legitimate routes and have rather trenchant views on Albanians!
Guns, media, law… and stuff.
When’s God going to get tired of this arse and send down a thunderbolt or a Terry Gilliam style giant foot?
Dementia and control – ….
TWatO Watch #1 – a moment of unintended humour …
… from the Montacutie. Katya Adler had overshot her time allowance in reporting on Ursula von der Leyen’s ambition for the EU to take over the world – now where have I heard that sort of thing before? The Montacutie hurried her off with the words “Martha Kearney will be here live in a moment from the Queen’s coffin.”
Who says the BBC doesn’t do comedy these days?
I love the way the likes of EU adler dresses up the way EU nations ( the reich ) screw each other over national interest . May it last for ever
Fed, Katya did not hold back nor did the Montacutie. They mentioned that national interest thing in both relation to energy as well as the Pandemic. Ursula’s words were a little chilling though. Back to the 1930s as the BBC might say.
Anyone seen any update on the result of the Swedish election yet? I have looked but found nothing new. There has also been very little reported about it being a very close contest in the UK MSM, just a bit in the Guardian and BBC. The Queen’s funeral has driven most stuff off the front page but I would have thought that an anti immigration coalition on the brink of power in Sweden was news worthy.
All this feeds my suspicion that the fix is in and time is being bought to allow the count to fabricate sufficient votes to swing it for the left.
I’m sure I heard the sound of a mule train in the distance.
One thing that amuses me slightly, is the way that the bbc and their partners in deception refer to the “far” right as being racist, biased against immigrants, xenophobic, “send them all back”, etc. etc. That’s the kind of candidate I’m hoping for and would vote for. It’s precisely these values that the voters seem to want to vote for, whether the left like it or not. If a right-wing candidate spent his time telling me how cute and loveable your average fighting-age, muslim, dinghy pilot was I’d think he was probably in the wrong place.
Seems many outlets are not rushing to report this, undoubtedly deciding how to present this result in line with the global narrative. Recount anyone?
I see the media are doing the damndest to rehabilitate Meghan Markle, in spite of the fact she is going to return to California and begin bad mouthing everyone all over again with renewed ammunition she will have invented when someone did something she took offence at – like breathing, sneezing etc.
Yes thoughtful, it was ever thus. The one lone voice who makes no bones about her behaviour and attitude is Dan Wootton, and can see her for what she is. She has mentioned keeping a ‘journal’, so this has been quite a week for her ‘interpretations’ to be noted – for future revelations.
There isn’t a hope in hell of her being welcomed back into the Royal Family – once a traitor always a traitor, despite what agenda the media is trying to push. This is a woman who refuses to speak to her father or introduce her kids and husband to him. I’m waiting for the ex-husband’s book to come out !
Charles has shown worrying signs of woke globalism.
Consider some of the organisations he speaks of approvingly in this short clip from the WEF in Davos.
The UN, IMF, EU, the COP26 Universities Network, Petersberg Climate Dialogue, and the Canadian Government (!?!).
Yes, the loathsome woke dictator Trudeau himself.
Having given up on the cretinous GBNews Royal coverage I thought I’d dip into the BBC on YouTube . Pretty faultless for about 2 hours –
Must have reverted to woke by now …..
Oh, groan, can’t the bloody public think of anything else to say other than “she has always been in my life” – well that’s true for most of the population for God’s sake.
Until Monday its going to be just one long “interview the public ” fest. So its back to Netflix and shopping channels.
Well, we could always go to the supermarket for some respite. Oh, wait…
Remember the old adage: “There’s nowt as sincere as British retail”
Is this going to be a MarkyMark free Thread ? or is he on hols ?
Speak of the devil ….
Lupus in fabula.
Good one Mussy – I’ve mentioned before I have Lupus – and the other bit looked like it had spread to other body parts !!!! then I looked it up. Thank you – I shall use it to great advantage in the future.
Anyone got the faintest idea why st Meghan of Markle is in any way involved in the Queen’s final journeys?
Other than to provide content for her next ‘truth’ with Oprah?
I did notice that she was trying for some sort of ‘enigmatic ‘ expression and doesn’t do ‘sad ‘ omg – I think she also took her dog bodies’ hand going out of Westminster hall which I don’t think was ‘protocol ‘…
I was watching quite undistracted because they kept silent at the appropriate time without some coked up GBNews presenter …
For Meghan not to be there would be unthinkable.
I would hope that this sobering occasion and reflection on the devotion to duty exemplified by the Queen is making Harry and Meghan realise how self-centred their behaviour has been. Is it too late for them to change?
But I think you’re right, Sluff. I heard some commentator – was it Lady C on GBNews’s Dan Wootton show? – say the other royals don’t want to be in the same room as the Sussexes in case their private conversation turns up in a book or a TV interview.
Its only pure luck that the Sussexes were in this country at the time of the death, so we shall never know if Meghan would have deigned to come over from the States with Hapless – one can never surmise where she is concerned.
He married a totally loose cannon, and she won’t be stopped from doing what she wants. Its less of a matter of Harry ‘reflecting’ on what he has done, and more that he is being led by the nose by Meghan. She knows he’s weak and malleable, so even if he does have pangs of regrets, he soon gets talked out of it.
A very late Toady comment.
Knobson was interviewing a top Military man this warning.
Said gent had decided to answer questions crisply and accurately and succinctly without any flannel. And then stop.
This clearly caught Knobson out as there were various moments of silence as Knobson was repeatedly caught off guard.
Rather a result!
Sluff -noticed that before with him – forensic answers to questions – without loose words for him . I heard some one challenge the veiled ‘some say type critical question with ‘ ‘who says so ?’ Which also flummoxed him ….
M and W are at diametrically opposite sides of the qwerty keyboard.
And yet….
I type morning
Computer says warning.
Let’s call the whole thing off.
Sounds like your computer is in dire need of unconscious bias software….
Further to Brissles at 4.22 pm
The BBC, utterly obsessed with their ridiculous sentimental vox pop stuff, which we have seen for months and years, are repeatedly using it on the late Queen’s subjects waiting and queueing to pay their respects.
But the answers to ‘why are you here?’ asked of people who work and act subjectively not objectively, and are not media savvy, are inevitably rather weak and banal.
Are the BBC playing a subversive republican game?
By repeatedly showing ‘weak’ answers to the question ‘why are you here’ they are inferentially undermining the legitimacy of the late Queen and thence the constitutional monarchy.
I would not put it past them.
An answer such as ‘I’m here to support our constitutional monarchy as opposed to an alternative republican system of political appointees, smoke-filled room horse-trading, and second rate failed politicians’ (President Kinnock, anyone?) is I suggest unlikely to come out on the spur of the moment, and probably wouldn’t be broadcast if it did.
Sluff – get out there and put yourself in front of a mic !
Tone on the BBC is changing – the queer imp one who does the 5pm had a vox pox thing with a miserable sounding Republican – a 20 year old Omg girl who wants to see ‘change ‘ – someone with other things to do … and I think a monarchist .
I was trying to think of what the purpose of this nonsense was but could only think the BBC might be reverting to its’ real anti monarchist position …..
The line about having time for the Queen but none for Charles might be about to become more prominent – even with his fruitcake views –
I just wish royalty added a bit more to ‘real life ‘ rather than being seen smiling at the minorities – I’ve never seen a royal and guess I never will – but I know “the firm’ is there … perpetuating a corrupt honours system – taking cash from Arabs – not paying tax – keeping a self fulfilling soap story going to entertain people who are interested in such distraction ….
Well, today I thought I’d do a reverse Maxiconey and go talk to some Biden supporting lefties on a different forum. It was a bewlidering and eye opening experience!
Firstly they inhabit a fantasy world where facts are just not the same and even evidence from CNN and NYT cannot persuade them otherwise – they simpy ignore it and move to something else which has never been covered, and of course the insults constantly fly from them because they don’t appear to be able to help themselves.
Every criticism of Biden is met with a simplistic accusation against Trump, and accusations you are somehow a Trump supporter, even when it’s explained to them simply that a group from the Republicans has done something and when there are more of them they will do it again is met with accusations of MAGA support.
It’s like swimming through treacle with them. When you have people who simply cannot accept reaity, facts, and truth where do you go with an argument?
People who are presented with facts and then either ignore them, change the subject or continue to swear blind they are right in spite of all the evidence they are not – even from their own side!
No wonder the country is in such a mess when these are the type of people running it!
I also had a return Email from the BBC today from 2016?
“Your message Sent: 19 November 2016 was deleted without being read on 14 September 2022 09:51:57 (UTC+00:00) ”
I can’t even recall what it was about !
Interesting – and brave . But there are competing versions of the world – and they are interpreted according to the intelligence / education / perception of the recipient .
For instance – to me tucker Carlson / jobby Steyn speak pretty well and have largely acceptable opinions . Yet they are condemned by ‘the left ‘ just for having alternative views –
And I bet they ve never watched or listened .
Trying to figure where america is going – apart from in election fixed decline is tricky due to the level of polarity – just how political are Americans ? Is it just the cities ? The young ? The thick ?
I think it’s lucky the Republicans have their guns – they might be needing them,,,
They weren’t American they were British Biden supporters, insisting there were no signs of dementia and that if there were the 25th amendment would require his immediate removal from power, without realising other people in his own party would have to approve and action that, which they are never going to do, and that the Republicans would force Biden to take a cognitive test even if he didn’t want to
They don’t appear to have an explanation other than “he doesn’t have to” for Bidens refusal to take the test which if he did think he would pass it, he would have taken months ago.
There was a whole lot more
My experience of the Left is that they are similar to talking to other brainwashed people such as the very religious.
Nothing can change their mind – and if you present arguments against what they say, they first simply repeat what they said earlier followed by getting frustrated and then they get aggressive.
The way the Leftist media (particularly the BBC) simply ignore everything bad about Biden is quite unnerving. It’s become like a religion where weaker people feel secure and confident as part of a group-think.
They hate people like Trump because the group-think tells them they do. They don’t even realise or question it.
A few jokes
Prince Andrew has been asked to write a childrens book – nonce upon a time.
The Queen will be lying in state for four days, unlike Boris Johnson who managed it for 1140 !
Whilst trying not to defend Andrew too much as it seems he is an extremely unpleasant tw@t, is having casual sex with a gorgeous, willing 17 year old enough to class you as a nonce ?.
I just feel he has been tarred, feathered then strung up by people in the particularly nasty way the Leftists cancel others they don’t like. They tried several times with Boris until the BBC felt he was wounded enough and had the confidence to throw their whole weight behind it and finish him off.
The BBC is selling off more family silver
-anybody remember when they sold off the transmission, distribution and production stuff in the 00s?
Most of that stuff belongs in a museum, it was current at the turn of the century and is well below present day standards.
Mind you, the Miranda DV bridge might be worth having the pleasure of burying just ‘cos of the name.
– I agree
The astonishing sums spent in Borehamwood on the ‘stenderz set dwarf what they’ll get for those piles of disposals.
Trump voters are worse than Al Quaeda
The US oil and gas producers pulling the rug from the EU telling there there is no bail out coming:
Meanwhile the BRICS are laughing themselves silly with China offering to sell them LNG which has been supplied by Russia at inflated prices of course.
And just remember when anyone mentions about Brexit that had we still been in the EU we would have been forced to save 15% of energy just so the Green crazed Germans could have more of our gas instead !
Watching the Westminster Hall respectful lying in state.
If each person stops for 6 seconds, (easy to estimate) that’s 10 people per minute. Two queues, so 20 people.
In one hour, 1200 people.
In one day, 28,000.
Not a million miles from the Edinburgh quoted number of 33,000.
So….four days, 115,000.
I can’t see how the quoted 400,000 likely attendees can be remotely met unless they really start chivvying people along. Especially the black guy with a hat in the first 10 minutes who was there for over a minute but not challenged.
Should be like the Tower of London, the Crown room has a moving floor, like the ones you have at airports.
“Magdalena Andersson: Swedish PM resigns as right-wing parties win vote”
I wonder why, too many “visitors” ?
Hello taffman, the bBC won’t be pleased, I am though 🙂
The BBC and The Guardian are unable to write anything about that election without using the word ‘Nazi’ and ‘far-right’ to describe the Swedish Democrats.
They even chose this quote from the ousted PM about the Swedish Democrats:
‘Ms Andersson told reporters on Wednesday that she understood those concerned at the party’s growing popularity. “I see your concern and I share it,” she said.’
Once again the BBC are on the opposite side to the people.
Watching the royal procession in the Mall, I noticed piles of (inevitable) horse droppings. I then spotted Prince Harry, smartly dressed with glossy black shoes. My gaze kept flitting between the steaming ordure and the gleaming footwear. ‘Oh, please, please let it happen!’ I couldn’t help thinking.
No, Harry didn’t step in it. But it’s since occurred to me that this is probably just as well. I mean, Harry and Smegan have already spread more than enough b******t around to get up the royal family’s noses!
I was always struck by officers having their shoes polished by the lower orders – a practice which will banish when I take power…
Toady earlier: Nick Toenails is out interviewing the public again, specifically in wanting to know what’s behind the bland initial responses to, “why are you here?’.
It never happens to me but if I were there and tasked with this line of questioning by the BBC, I’d reply, “Respect”. Toenails response then: ‘But why respect’. My answer would be:
“Well, you can only have respect for a family who has escaped Inheritance tax on billions for decades and decades and decades”
The End.
Toenails will soon be back on state duty.
Like watching most bbc dramas end to end, probs.
You can be 100% sure there are no BAME people camping out if the BBC used that picture.
So the Swedish PM concedes defeat. But the official count will not be completed until Saturday so room for a late surprise there.
The new centre right government may not include the anti immigration Swedish Democrats , the largest party on the right, but may be a minority government relying on the Swedish Democrats to vote with them on key issues. If there is a minority government it will be because some centre right politicians refuse to serve if the SD are in office. Obviously such a government would be unstable and likely to collapse at any time and unlikely to pass any significant anti immigration legislation. In effect the SD would be be de fanged by the establishment.
If there is a minority government we can’t expect Sweden to halt all immigration and to start repatriation flights ie implement the popular SD agenda.
I suppose it took the Swedish establishment a few days to come up with this deal which neuters the SD . Hence the delay in the count.
Still the vote shows that ordinary Swedes are at long last waking up to the dire effects that immigration has had on their country over the past two or three decades. I hope voters elsewhere take note and vote for parties which try to preserve Europe.
The establishment will always win here, as elsewhere, because of the failure (refusal) of the many different anti immigration groups to work together on this issue.
Often said on this site and reiterated by Steve Laws here 42:22-45:40.
Kremlin canine atrocities edition
This morning our BBC online newspaper review at last gives up on their previous pattern of highlighting two different headlines – one for the Queen, plus one.
Instead they invite us to accompany them as they go all in on the Queen – both barrels: Newspaper headlines: ‘Nation says farewell’ amid ‘the long goodbye’ (By BBC News Staff)
Public is warned that queue could reach 10 miles (‘i’); One million people set to pay their respects (Daily Mirror) – as we attempt to visualise that impressive spectacle we should also now perhaps think about: More than one million visas issued in a year as migration hits new high (Telegraph 25 August 2022) – and there we were thinking the likes of the passport office staff had a massive uncleared in-tray backlog. And whilst we visualise the awe inspiring spectacle of a million souls lined up on the streets of the capital… how about: Record 6.8m people waiting for hospital treatment in England (Guardian 8 September 2022)
A buzzword best beloved of bolshies Bankers’ Bonuses must have been tempting to the BBC as a second headline as it cropped up in the FT: Kwarteng set to end cap on banker’s bonuses – but since the FT is presented to us in the “and finally” slot in the BBC line up we could guess it was perhaps a late arrival at the news desk, only just making the cut.
Of course BBC news online does have the story covered prominently among their own headlines: Kwasi Kwarteng considers scrapping bankers’ bonus cap to boost City (BBC)
I’m waiting for the free market orientated chancellor to get the headline: Kwasi Kwarteng goes Kamikaze or Kamikaze Kwarteng economics – Sir Keir’s speech writers, you can have those for nothing
As for the habitual BBC print go-to source…
Well, the formerly pacifist, ex-anti-war, sometime peace-monger Guardian does offer the option: ‘People disappeared’ : Izium recalls horror of occupation… Ukrainian prosecutors work to gather evidence of alleged war crimes… no likely bias or self-interest there then.
What little actual news we’re getting from the front is carefully curated by the Zelensky faction (other spellings are available to us in the west although – as we like to say – alternative foreign policies apparently are not) – and the testimony that makes the Guardian frontpage rises just about to the level of gossip: ‘They killed my friend in cold blood, along with his dog’
Only the jokey, blokey, often saucy, comic tabloid Daily Star is here to celebrate any residual cultural anti-war sentiment. It takes an archaeologist nowadays to unearth peacenik artifacts such as: M*A*S*H turns 50 – set in Korea but inevitably critical of the contemporary seemingly forever war in Vietnam – there’s a show that spoke to and helped shape the pacifist peace and love generation. Of course we fight our costly forever wars by proxy these days.
Far be it from me to advise the Left – but shouldn’t this important anti-establishment counter-culture TV anniversary have featured somewhere frontpage of the Gruan where your typical Alan Alda-types go for inspiration? Instead, thereabouts, we get what Generation X – now getting middle aged term “first world problems“: Empty nesters A guide to survival (Guardian)
And as for our present generation of rebellious youngsters – presumably they’re all watching Frozen Planet II (what they said was the one minute to midnight imminent climate catastrophe – the sequal): Frozen Planet II review – TV so relentlessly wondrous that you’ll feel like a child again… and a rallying call for humanity (Guardian) – except, sorry to break it to you Attenborough, present day kids don’t watch broadcast TV.
Now if Zelensky had told us the Ruskies shoot polar bears…?
This neutral observer from afar – admittedly without the benefit of the strictly curated Zelesky propaganda reportage war tours guide that our press are enjoying – can see no reason for any excess punishment being meted out by either side toward the other faction and any supposed extra-curricular incidentals seem unlikely to be anything but reasonably equal and reciprically administered – like it or not. Annecdotes about supposed Kremlin canine atrocities not withstanding.
The left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper goes from strength to strength as a BBC favourite pick for top spot in their press review. Beside the right-Royally respectful headline: The long goodbye – and the super-sized photo of the lying in state, the ‘i’ can’t resist but tease: I was arrested for criticising Charles III P13 – but you do seem to be free to tell it all to a much wider audience now – so job done.
Think of all those newly landed dinghy people rushing off to London to pay their loyal respects.
Patagonia: Billionaire boss of fashion retailer gives company away
… to fighting climate change
and even mentions the bBC sponsor Bill Gates for some reason 🙂
bBC is in its element
The owner of Patagonia is a cultist – I’m reminded of Scientologists…