I knew that I would shed some tears yesterday and I did but more than I expected to. I felt a deep sense of loss.
It wasn’t just the loss of the Queen that I mourned , although that was bad enough, it was that her funeral was symbolic of the loss of my country.
The funeral seems to me to mark the end of the post war Britain that I grew up in. We have become a deeply fractured society where there is very little commonality. We are no longer a nation, people with a common heritage and sharing the same core values. The great queue showed many of us still hold the what I will describe as old British values , the funeral cortège with the thousands of service men and women looked the part. But this was the hurrah of a Britain that has faded away.
The role of the BBC in the surreptitious 30 year long demolition of our country cannot be overstated. Even yesterday they were casting around for dissenting views . They have long set a cultural climate that Britain is useless, second or third rate at everything we do. Recently they have added that our ancestors were evil and that we all share original sin for 200 year old events!
But the BBC is only the outward face of the establishment who have presided over the loss of our country. Only Lady Thatcher fought against them, the rest of our politicians have at best gone along with the establishment view and refused to rock the boat. Some pursued such views with relish. In the Abbey yesterday there was a pew with Major, Blair, Brown, Cameron, May , Johnston . I felt nothing but contempt and loathing for the lot of them
So for me yesterday wasn’t just RIP Queen Elizabeth , it was also RIP Britannia, those two things made me weep.
Yes double – I think you hit it pretty well . I dread the succession after Elizabeth II – I don’t think the new monarch will be able to avoid ill judged political comments …. but more importantly I think yesterday was a sort of final flurry of a recognisable Blighty – now we revert it increasing dross and further decline helped by timid politicians and of course – a BBC which hates the people and country that pays for it …
The BBC would have been crucified if they had even started to show their republican agenda, and luckily they had a soft old semi-leftie sod in Huw Edwards to face up the event – anyone with even the worse leftie background – i.e. most of them in W1AA, would have pissed most of the UK’s indigenous population right f*****g off!
It might have been worse if the commentators were in any way foreign, and thank goodness someone ‘really high up’ told them in no uncertain terms to get it right!
One might wonder why the BBC would run a lengthy story about someone at their first funeral.
This is the Lord Mayor of Westminster – from Morocco:
‘”When you see former prime ministers, Blair or Brown or Major, these are people I’ve only ever read about in books. I’m not that old so they’re not in my living memory, they’re not who I’m familiar with.’
“Initially they said ‘so where are you going to watch it?’. And I said ‘no, I’m going to the abbey’. They said ‘no’, I said ‘yeah I am’, they said ‘no’, I said ‘I actually am’, so it did take a little convincing.
WTF has happened to our country ?.
The BBC are making a big thing about this being the end of the Elizabethan era. This is what they have been waiting for and now the agenda shifts to gradually chip away at the Royal family which has no place in their socialist utopia.
Meanwhile Leicester is giving us a taste of the real-life 3rd world sh1thole they are actually creating.
The image of burly blokes in beards taken against boarded takeaway windows might set Shamima’s heart a flutter, but Homes Under The Hammer might give it a pass.
I was wondering what the BBC agenda would be after the Queen’s funeral. Would it be climate change, energy crisis, Ukraine or Covid?
The top of main news webpage has 7 article 4 of which are currently:
Flooding and mudslides as typhoon batters Japan
Threats to life as Caribbean storm strengthens
Whales die in mass stranding on Australian beach
Climate change threatens survival of urban forests
So it looks like the next agenda is back onto climate change then.
Ha ha – it’s off the scale wokiness full of vague and misleading statements in favour of the agenda. The author is a typical BBC ‘science’ reporter who according to his other articles clearly has no clue about actual science.
Here’s an example of the typical BBC weasel wording:
“They replace [the cables] with an off-grid solar, battery and generator system which provides 100% of the power to that customer,”
That is written to make you assume he gets 100% of the power he needs from the system but actually it says it’s all the power he gets. Whether it’s enough or not.
My favourite line is near the end:
The town now has a microgrid system, including a gas generator and solar panels, which can provide power to the police and fire headquarters, a homeless shelter, emergency communications centre and a mobile phone mast.
How nice of them to provide emergency power to the homeless.
It’s climate change for now as there’s not much ’empathy’ material from Ukraine at the moment as the action is in the East where men are killing other men in the hundreds and the BBC don’t care about that.
They much prefer to wrench at heartstrings about women and children who are emotionally distraught through being inconvenienced.
I suppose it’s bit early to criticise individual members of the Royal Family ( for whom I have no time ) but it comes in stages .
The American ones will probably be back in America today and the msm will go for them again . But at least the ginger one has another chapter for his book …
No HRH for the kids (but didn’t they state not wanting titles ?)
Uninvited to State Dinner
EIIR taken away from his epaulettes
Late (allegedly) in knowing about Grannie’s death just before public.
Back home thousands of miles away they’ll feel safe, and the festering will begin again.
Buried in ‘London Violence’, we have the story that it is one year since Sabina Nessa was murdered – followed by night time vigils and protests right up until they found out is was an immigrant who did it.
Then they list the women murdered under a paragraph saying:
‘girls are born into a society that’s strongly misogynistic. Boys need to learn how to communicate with girls so they don’t grow up to be haters of women.”‘
Sabina Nessa was walking home.
Sabina was murdered by an Albanian immigrant.
Shadika Patel was waiting for a bus.
Shadika was murdered by a black man
Maria Rawlings was on a bus.
Maria was murdered by someone called Valentin Lazar
Bibaa Henry and Nicole Smallman were in a park.
Bibaa and Nicole were murdered by a Muslim.
Sarah Everard was walking home.
Sarah is the only killed by a white English male. And that story got an enormous amount of coverage compared to the others.
The reality of the advice they should give is ‘be much more wary of non-white males as they are many times more likely to attack you than white males’. That could save lives – but the agenda is more important to the BBC than any dead women.
Certain parts of society are far, far more misogynistic than others. But the shameless BBC hypocrites will never go near that. The saying ‘Import 3rd world, get 3rd world’ has never been more appropriate.
Bill Gates has enjoyed something of a free pass in corporate media. But considering the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has made over $300 million worth of donations to fund media projects, it’s easy to see why the media won’t bite the hand that feeds them. pic.twitter.com/aI4CAai1yZ
Hey come on – you can the cogs in the coloured kidults empty head whiring looking for a logical response – but not finding one – so he keeps shummm unfortunately .
That’s a technique for race industry uses – jumping on whitees sometimes brash words ( see carol thatcher – dr Starkey ) …
BBC does do advertising
Usually agenda pushing for causes it supports.
BBC Radio Humberside this morning is partnering with The Deep oceanarium in Hull in a Sustainable Palm Oil campaign
Things I noticed
7:55am Live from The Deep 5min chat about the new campaign
8am news..”Queen blah blah
..and finally the Deep in Hull have launched a Sustainable Palm Oil campaign”
8:25am “He we are live from The Deep talking about their new Sustainable Palm Oil campaign”
Labour's conference slogan will be “fairer, greener future” as it looks to counter the rise of the Green Party, reveals @REWearmouth. https://t.co/8j4HOJJaSf
Be a thing if the green Labour Party split the red Labour Party vote leaving the blue one with a 20 majority or even better – a hung nothing parliament …
When the nearest leccy pole is tens of kilometers away – you don’t need to be a Greenie to get into solar panels, windmills and generators and batteries.
Even the arch eevil climate denier operator of WattsUpWithThat.com has solar panels – mostly d/t insane California power prices and sh1t reliability
I see from the article pics that they aren’t averse to using a bit of dino-juice power up in the BC woods for tractor / excavator…
I see our new Socialist Blue Labour Prime Minister is pushing the button on the sterling printer again. This time its more billions for Ukraine that she has no intention of ever repaying. The US are supplying weapons on a lend lease basis, meaning there is at least some intention of repayment however long that takes, we appear to have no such arragement.
There now appears to be general disapproval of this ‘generosity’ with our money and I for one would not accept cutbacks in this country from a Socialist government wishing to grandstand on an international stage whilst telling the people at home they have to tighten their belts.
These are the clowns who sent a mass brush off to those concerned about their SAS ‘stories’ based on allegations by kindly old men in charge of Taliban strongholds.
Just checking to see what happened about the rumour Meghan was wearing a microphone for Netflix through the funeral.
Top result from Google said:
”Damaging’ claims Meghan Markle wore microphone while meeting well-wishers at Windsor Castle debunked’
So I checked for the plausible explanation for the clear square device under her skirt and the ‘debunking’ was (from ‘The Mirror’):
‘a source close to Meghan told Page Six: “This is insane and actually damaging to her. Of course, she was not wearing a mic.”‘
Ah – well and truly debunked then.
The only actual explanation speculated on was:
“Maybe she wears her belt on the inside and that’s the buckle. I often wear my belt on the inside with the buckle off-centre.
Although I admit I’m no leading authority on celebrity fashion, I do wonder what a belt worn under that tight dress would be holding up ?. Industrial bloomers perhaps ?.
Still – the mirror len it their support.
If they can prove she wasn’t wearing a microphone, the BBC ‘Reality Check Team’ will fact-check it. Otherwise they will ignore it.
From the DT about the culture secretary – don’t hold your breath –
BEGINS Michelle Donelan has said she would review the BBC licence fee in the “coming weeks” as she declined to reveal whether it could be scrapped.
The new Culture Secretary praised the broadcaster’s “tremendous” coverage of the Queen’s funeral, refusing to make policy “on the hoof”.
But speaking to Sky News, she added: “It is no secret that I have been a long term sceptic of the licence fee and we need to make sure the BBC is sustainable in the long term.
“I’m looking at this in the round, I’m someone who decides policy on evidence and that’s what I will be doing in the coming weeks.
Appearing on the Today programme, Ms Donelan spoke of the “importance” of decriminalising non-payment of the licence fee, indicated by Liz Truss during the Tory leadership campaign, and declined to say whether the sale of Channel 4 would go ahead as planned.ENDS
“I have been a long term sceptic of the licence fee and we need to make sure the BBC is sustainable in the long term.”
Translation: fewer and fewer people will be willing to pay the licence fee so we shall have to get the money off them some other way, since the BBC is indispensable to Government international intelligence and subversion. We shall all be paying for it.
‘Community’ overload with Naga Munchetty on R5 re: Leicester.
Hindu spokesman talks about the ‘new community’ who moved in in the last 5-7 years (won’t say who they are because “we’re all in it together”); outside agitators coming into town. Muslim spokeswoman talks about inflammatory social media; outside agitators coming into town.
Community community community… younger generation need to listen to community leaders… learn some lessons… unjoin the dots… fudge the issues.
Brits are to be held responsible for historical violence from centuries ago, but with special minority groups all the ancestral forces miraculously disappear and everyone in BBC world is left scratching their head.
ISM involvement means Springster getting a few cubicle gardeners up from the ground floor to her new booth to be given a briefing. As she is a specialist.
Their Citizen’s Climate Assembly set up a panel, who did not make recommended plans as rigged so it was all ignored.
So the Greens and Limps blew a Sir Boaty-Lucas level wad on planters and moss filters in the city.
Those trees that were not KIA in a month via natural attrition were vandalised. The rest of the county were none too impressed with the filter investment either.
Signs are every one will get voted out unless BBC local democracy can save their vegan sandalled asses.
The only way we will know if coat-turner Truss is another May is by her actions, not her words.
This statement by her remainer culture-secretary is not a good sign. Nor was the fact that so many previous ministers have refused to serve under Truss.
And what’s even more suspicious is how the likes of the BBC have not picked up on that.
They are nipping round to try the back door with this clear charade. I just hope that sufficient awareness of what they are up to exists in our government and we politely decline their “offer” with two fingers!
To all intents and purposes it’s just another waiting room before being sucked back in.
Michael Heaver reported on this a week ago. Civil servants are trying to get Truss to accept the EU ‘invitation’.
Although Liz Truss was sceptical about the European Political Community when I asked her about it at a conference in the summer, I have learned that senior UK officials are now trying to persuade her to go to Prague. @CER_EUhttps://t.co/CkzYePqh5Z
Joe Biden has today requested an audience with Queen Elizabeth.
I stole that
All RIGHT! I knew London would come through. Thanks to the Londoners!
Also, prayers and condolences for your loss of a most amazing woman, QEII. I'm just an unlettered cousin of yours, but I can say nothing higher of her than this:
World at one – lady Brooke interviewing – separately – a paki ( not described ) and a Hindu ( not sure ) about the peace and harmony that is Leicester … I’m sure I hear Far Right Hindus being mentioned and it’s all because deprivation ….
… so it sounds like the new king is gonna have to visit with some of the crew and open a few ‘yoof centres ‘ and talk to ‘community workers/ drug dealers and chuck a few OBEs around to quieten our valued third world native imports ….
The prosecution rests …. How far is Wolverhampton from Leicester? I’m sure a Mr Powell might know ….
People are getting steamed up because the New Yok Times has likened Liz Truss to Enoch Powell. FFS, if only…
She’s horrified by the comparison; she should be bloody well honoured …
Enoch had enormous intellect and moral courage. Not something I’ve detected thus far with Liz… He spoke the truth, whatever the consequences. knowing full well he was putting in peril his entire political career.
He is often criticised for his “Rivers of blood” speech, particularly the “whip hand” comments always wrongly attributed to him, rather than a constituent.
Strange how Enoch and nut nut both made classical references. I really can’t see the point in a politician doing that because it excludes common plebs with only 3 degrees like me from understanding what the eff they were on about –
And for Powell he was being too clever and lacked measure …
Leicester riots?
Some woman named Kahzi ( I kid you not!) was interviewed this morning on BBC Radio 5 Live. I’ve no idea what race she might be Edit: Just did a search, her full name is Maimuna Kazi, she is described as a Radio Journalist at BBC Radio Leicester. I don’t know her origin or religion but suspect she might be Moslem from her name.
Anyway during the interview she asserted that it was the Hindus that started the riot, which went unchallenged by the 5 Live interviewer.
I suspect the BBC interviewer was in fear of his/her/their/it’s career if they interrupted and said ‘No, the Muslims started it’.
They might even get the same hatred directed at them as the Hindus.
This whole thing shows a growing confidence by Muslims that they can do whatever they want and people like the BBC will not dare to challenge them. They should be publicly named and shamed for what they have done.
BBC Local Radio is a cesspit of poor talent, astonishing ignorance and insipid activism served up after being macerated + filtered to remove any lumps whatsoever – I simply can’t listen to it – to do so would result in a considerable dental bill from the teeth grinding provoked.
Home page with another generic man: “Somaiya Begum: Man denies murdering Bradford student”
The man is Mohammed Khan… probably no family ties to the Mohammed Khan who tried to storm the Queen’s coffin, or the Mohammed Rahan who stabbed police at Leicester Square.
Definitely related however to the murdered student — he’s her uncle. But the BBC don’t tell you that, you have to go to an actual news agency to find out.
There was much appreciation on the twitter – the coloured character obviously has a ‘fan club ‘…
But more seriously – I think we all need ‘reparations ‘ – I want compensation because I didn’t go to Eton or Winchester or some other public school where I’d learnt to be really entitled …
What compensation do I deserve for a ruined life because of such deprivation ?
I mean really – people after souped up welfare handouts because of ‘history ‘ – mad world ….
The bbc has now aired the Trudeau singing video the night before the funeral – it didn’t include the bit where he got his man part out and peed on the piano …
If that had happened I’m sure there’d have been plenty of woke supporters saying ‘it was just a bit of fun’ –
Trudeau – I think – is just an example of the falling standards after Elizabeth II passes …. Down the sewer we go …
Just been reading the BBC reports about Leicester and the violence there. I had to look elsewhere on the internet to discover that basically the Muslim’s are the cause of it from start to finish. It’s pure racist hate.
But of course the BBC NEVER blame Muslims for anything. So I took a look to see how they report things against Muslims by Hindus.
‘ … part of a growing trend of music on YouTube and other social media platforms where supporters of the Hindu right-wing spew venom at Muslims.’
Of course black rappers spewing venom at the police and white people is fine.
The whole article is full of similar rhetoric of Hindus are bad, Muslims are just the poor victims. It uses the phrase ‘right-wing Hindu’s’ no less than 5 times just to make sure you get the message.
Yet in this case they make no reference whatsoever as to who are the violent mob. They don’t mention how many of the 47 arrested are Muslim. My guess is 47. And the 25 injured officers are well and truly brushed under the carpet with the phrase ‘none of them are serious’ which apparently makes it alright. Same as BLM.
The most outrageous racist double-standards by the BBC. Completely as usual.
These violent mobs attacking the police are Muslims and so are the agitators coming in from Birmingham – yet that article does not make any mention of that at all. The reader has no clue who are causing all these problems.
The first 2 rules for the ‘National Union of Journalists code of conduct’ are:
1. At all times upholds and defends the principle of media freedom, the right of freedom of expression and the right of the public to be informed.
2. Strives to ensure that information disseminated is honestly conveyed, accurate and fair.
The BBC fail on both counts. They practise active, agenda-based censorship and only tell the truth when it suits them.
They have very few journalists at the BBC now. The majority are left-wing activists.
ITV local newsPR
#1 “There are FEARS CONTROVERSIAL fracking could start up again”
FFS that is totally loaded wording
then they went straight into long spiels from activists
who made totally outrageous untrue claims
eg “a fracking well takes 20 years to start’
“Sally Simpson ITV at Great Misson
iGas boss was then given a questioning
ITV local newsPR
Item #2 “Black mums are 4 times more likely to die in child birth”
FFS that’s fakenews cos it misses major context
Almost zero women die in child birth white or black
However the tiny few that do , do skew towards women born abroad in poor countries like Africa
ie it is the previous bad health practice and care
and NOT due to NHS or hinted racism
PR for The Black Health Initiative
The black org recently retweeted
“Nobody deserves to die in the way that Chris Kaba died.”
..the guy driving a gangster gun car that refused to stop and seemed to be driving at police.
Rather reassuring that the best the massed ranks of the media #prasnews wagon circling cabal could concoct was…
Holly Willoughby and Philip Schofield: 'We saw the Queen for those who couldn't go' – next it’ll be, “we dined out at a Michelin star restaurant for all those people who cannot afford to.”… https://t.co/YA8FumyOz6
The Hague, Netherlands… Police are blockading all entrances to the city… they don’t want the world to see the resistance. The Dutch will never cave in to the globalists.
Just for more evidence of the BBC bias, I watched this video for one reason : to see who the BBC chose to focus on in the crowd. I already knew it would not be a fair representation of the UK but it’s good to confirm it with actual evidence.
The results (and actual percentage of the population) are:
White Female 66% (44%)
Black Female 9.5% (1.5%)
Black Male 4.7% (1.5%)
White Male 19% (43%)
Every group over-represented except white males. Exactly as expected and the same as what we see in every other BBC article.
And interestingly they also have the black woman with the union jack around her again who they also featured during the long queue and also walking past the coffin. Clearly a BBC plant. Dirty scumbags.
Farage is reporting ‘ disturbances’ in Birmingham – more third world religious wars ?
Nsturally the 9pm R4 news makes no mention – maybe its not true
The news was followed by a debate about ‘ the future of the monachy chaired by someone of south asian heritage with farting noises from HMS Naughtie again .
Off switch
But i found myself doing unseemly maths – charles is 73 – length as king?
The BBC evening “news” (I use the term loosely) ran an inordinately long piece on the story of a possible miscarriage of justice in the US, in which a man accused of murder has had his sentence quashed.
Does that really deserve a top slot in the evening news?
Oh, hang on, his name is Adnan Syed, and the case received a lot of attention after members of his ‘community’ agitated on social media.
Expect more like that, as the ‘community’ exert ever more power.
tomoMar 10, 16:42 Start the Week 10th March 2025 https://youtu.be/KpByW1LaP_o A journey around the sordid underbelly of Canadian politics – that the BBC will not show you or the…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 16:18 Start the Week 10th March 2025 As they say in Leeds Council meetings now in the UK “Allah Akbar!” Leeds: Green Party councillor Mothin Ali apologises…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 16:07 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “In March 2021, China unexpectedly banned imports of Taiwanese pineapples, citing biosecurity concerns, and Taiwanese farmers were forced to find…
AlthepalerpMar 10, 16:01 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Trade war going on between Canada and China https://www.cnbc.com/2025/03/08/trade-war-china-to-slap-retaliatory-tariffs-on-some-canadian-products.html Why don’t the BBC report this?
Fedup2Mar 10, 15:53 Start the Week 10th March 2025 It seems that Rachel from Accounts is to make an ‘announcement ‘ about ‘cuts ‘ in welfare on Tuesday .…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 15:38 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Jeremy Corbyn – Stop the War Speech – 15 February 2003 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=16BtpSCufU0 54,730 views 7 Jul 2016 In 2003, I…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 15:21 Start the Week 10th March 2025 H E Mr Yassine El Oued, Ambassador of the Republic of Tunisia to the United Kingdom “1 bottle of olive…
I knew that I would shed some tears yesterday and I did but more than I expected to. I felt a deep sense of loss.
It wasn’t just the loss of the Queen that I mourned , although that was bad enough, it was that her funeral was symbolic of the loss of my country.
The funeral seems to me to mark the end of the post war Britain that I grew up in. We have become a deeply fractured society where there is very little commonality. We are no longer a nation, people with a common heritage and sharing the same core values. The great queue showed many of us still hold the what I will describe as old British values , the funeral cortège with the thousands of service men and women looked the part. But this was the hurrah of a Britain that has faded away.
The role of the BBC in the surreptitious 30 year long demolition of our country cannot be overstated. Even yesterday they were casting around for dissenting views . They have long set a cultural climate that Britain is useless, second or third rate at everything we do. Recently they have added that our ancestors were evil and that we all share original sin for 200 year old events!
But the BBC is only the outward face of the establishment who have presided over the loss of our country. Only Lady Thatcher fought against them, the rest of our politicians have at best gone along with the establishment view and refused to rock the boat. Some pursued such views with relish. In the Abbey yesterday there was a pew with Major, Blair, Brown, Cameron, May , Johnston . I felt nothing but contempt and loathing for the lot of them
So for me yesterday wasn’t just RIP Queen Elizabeth , it was also RIP Britannia, those two things made me weep.
Well said Dt. We are mourning the loss of our country and our culture. I cannot be ‘Christian’ about it and forgive those responsible.
Yes double – I think you hit it pretty well . I dread the succession after Elizabeth II – I don’t think the new monarch will be able to avoid ill judged political comments …. but more importantly I think yesterday was a sort of final flurry of a recognisable Blighty – now we revert it increasing dross and further decline helped by timid politicians and of course – a BBC which hates the people and country that pays for it …
Well said, DT, I cannot agree more.
The BBC would have been crucified if they had even started to show their republican agenda, and luckily they had a soft old semi-leftie sod in Huw Edwards to face up the event – anyone with even the worse leftie background – i.e. most of them in W1AA, would have pissed most of the UK’s indigenous population right f*****g off!
It might have been worse if the commentators were in any way foreign, and thank goodness someone ‘really high up’ told them in no uncertain terms to get it right!
Queen’s funeral: The Lord Mayor of Westminster’s first ever funeral
One might wonder why the BBC would run a lengthy story about someone at their first funeral.
This is the Lord Mayor of Westminster – from Morocco:
‘”When you see former prime ministers, Blair or Brown or Major, these are people I’ve only ever read about in books. I’m not that old so they’re not in my living memory, they’re not who I’m familiar with.’
“Initially they said ‘so where are you going to watch it?’. And I said ‘no, I’m going to the abbey’. They said ‘no’, I said ‘yeah I am’, they said ‘no’, I said ‘I actually am’, so it did take a little convincing.
WTF has happened to our country ?.
The BBC are making a big thing about this being the end of the Elizabethan era. This is what they have been waiting for and now the agenda shifts to gradually chip away at the Royal family which has no place in their socialist utopia.
Meanwhile Leicester is giving us a taste of the real-life 3rd world sh1thole they are actually creating.
What’s up with Leicester ?
Shuttering, mainly.
The image of burly blokes in beards taken against boarded takeaway windows might set Shamima’s heart a flutter, but Homes Under The Hammer might give it a pass.
Of course ! you only have to see the faces in the Auction Rooms.
Hatred, intolerance and violence. Imported directly from India and Pakistan.
The BBC reports leave you thinking it’s all the nasty right-wing Hindu’s fault.
Seems there is BBC news, BBC not news, and….
I was wondering what the BBC agenda would be after the Queen’s funeral. Would it be climate change, energy crisis, Ukraine or Covid?
The top of main news webpage has 7 article 4 of which are currently:
Flooding and mudslides as typhoon batters Japan
Threats to life as Caribbean storm strengthens
Whales die in mass stranding on Australian beach
Climate change threatens survival of urban forests
So it looks like the next agenda is back onto climate change then.
Another BBC article mentioning climate change today:
Off-gridders take energy needs into their own hands
Ha ha – it’s off the scale wokiness full of vague and misleading statements in favour of the agenda. The author is a typical BBC ‘science’ reporter who according to his other articles clearly has no clue about actual science.
Here’s an example of the typical BBC weasel wording:
“They replace [the cables] with an off-grid solar, battery and generator system which provides 100% of the power to that customer,”
That is written to make you assume he gets 100% of the power he needs from the system but actually it says it’s all the power he gets. Whether it’s enough or not.
My favourite line is near the end:
The town now has a microgrid system, including a gas generator and solar panels, which can provide power to the police and fire headquarters, a homeless shelter, emergency communications centre and a mobile phone mast.
How nice of them to provide emergency power to the homeless.
It’s climate change for now as there’s not much ’empathy’ material from Ukraine at the moment as the action is in the East where men are killing other men in the hundreds and the BBC don’t care about that.
They much prefer to wrench at heartstrings about women and children who are emotionally distraught through being inconvenienced.
Not BBC but sky’s obnoxious Kay Burley asking the culture secretary what the queen’s funeral cost, not once but twice
Burley going straight into republicanism then ?
I suppose it’s bit early to criticise individual members of the Royal Family ( for whom I have no time ) but it comes in stages .
The American ones will probably be back in America today and the msm will go for them again . But at least the ginger one has another chapter for his book …
Yep, they’ve got plenty of fuel to play with….
No HRH for the kids (but didn’t they state not wanting titles ?)
Uninvited to State Dinner
EIIR taken away from his epaulettes
Late (allegedly) in knowing about Grannie’s death just before public.
Back home thousands of miles away they’ll feel safe, and the festering will begin again.
Sabina Nessa: Group marks anniversary of teacher’s murder
Buried in ‘London Violence’, we have the story that it is one year since Sabina Nessa was murdered – followed by night time vigils and protests right up until they found out is was an immigrant who did it.
Then they list the women murdered under a paragraph saying:
‘girls are born into a society that’s strongly misogynistic. Boys need to learn how to communicate with girls so they don’t grow up to be haters of women.”‘
Sabina Nessa was walking home.
Sabina was murdered by an Albanian immigrant.
Shadika Patel was waiting for a bus.
Shadika was murdered by a black man
Maria Rawlings was on a bus.
Maria was murdered by someone called Valentin Lazar
Bibaa Henry and Nicole Smallman were in a park.
Bibaa and Nicole were murdered by a Muslim.
Sarah Everard was walking home.
Sarah is the only killed by a white English male. And that story got an enormous amount of coverage compared to the others.
The reality of the advice they should give is ‘be much more wary of non-white males as they are many times more likely to attack you than white males’. That could save lives – but the agenda is more important to the BBC than any dead women.
Certain parts of society are far, far more misogynistic than others. But the shameless BBC hypocrites will never go near that. The saying ‘Import 3rd world, get 3rd world’ has never been more appropriate.
BBC fact checking this.
Lemon and Dr. Shola on Vile on Five later?
The lady with a brain… probably not.
CNN and BBC. Peas in a pod.
CNN & bBC joined at the hips, their special partner
Hey come on – you can the cogs in the coloured kidults empty head whiring looking for a logical response – but not finding one – so he keeps shummm unfortunately .
That’s a technique for race industry uses – jumping on whitees sometimes brash words ( see carol thatcher – dr Starkey ) …
BBC does do advertising
Usually agenda pushing for causes it supports.
BBC Radio Humberside this morning is partnering with The Deep oceanarium in Hull in a Sustainable Palm Oil campaign
Things I noticed
7:55am Live from The Deep 5min chat about the new campaign
8am news..”Queen blah blah
..and finally the Deep in Hull have launched a Sustainable Palm Oil campaign”
8:25am “He we are live from The Deep talking about their new Sustainable Palm Oil campaign”
BBC ‘journalism’ is mostly overpaid vetted cubicle PC droids surfing press releases from activists for approved propaganda triggers to copy paste.
If dodgy, a selection of degree of separation phrases can be appended for deniability.
I have learned.
Sometimes the NS gets a like.
Pretty telling that Red Labour sees the maiun threat from the Greens and not the Blue Labour Tories !
Be a thing if the green Labour Party split the red Labour Party vote leaving the blue one with a 20 majority or even better – a hung nothing parliament …
Tells you something about the intellectual poverty of the political arena in the UK at present.
The now traditional innumeracy and ignorance of The Labour Party drones has the twerps wanting to dress up like XR…
This is not going to end well.
BBC selected businesses, Ben?
Off-gridders take energy needs into their own hands
bliss … and a back-up generator
When the nearest leccy pole is tens of kilometers away – you don’t need to be a Greenie to get into solar panels, windmills and generators and batteries.
Even the arch eevil climate denier operator of WattsUpWithThat.com has solar panels – mostly d/t insane California power prices and sh1t reliability
I see from the article pics that they aren’t averse to using a bit of dino-juice power up in the BC woods for tractor / excavator…
Self reliance
The e-John Deere being piloted by the one in the bikini charged from burning ancient woodland pellets?
@Guest Who
Wood gasification is a thing you know….
I see our new Socialist Blue Labour Prime Minister is pushing the button on the sterling printer again. This time its more billions for Ukraine that she has no intention of ever repaying. The US are supplying weapons on a lend lease basis, meaning there is at least some intention of repayment however long that takes, we appear to have no such arragement.
There now appears to be general disapproval of this ‘generosity’ with our money and I for one would not accept cutbacks in this country from a Socialist government wishing to grandstand on an international stage whilst telling the people at home they have to tighten their belts.
Twitter seems to have decided that due to my profile I should receive all XR official Tweets and a selection from their barmy / deranged acolytes.
I feel it’s time we saw who is working for Twitter UK from Hermitage Barracks in Berkshire.
Quite surprised they weren’t parading yesterday with shouldered keyboards?
Luckily, The BBC is exempted from answering anything.
These are the clowns who sent a mass brush off to those concerned about their SAS ‘stories’ based on allegations by kindly old men in charge of Taliban strongholds.
Isn’t it amazing how these mistakes are always in favour of the BBC agenda ?.
They are not mistakes at all. They are deliberate lies by activists.
Just checking to see what happened about the rumour Meghan was wearing a microphone for Netflix through the funeral.
Top result from Google said:
”Damaging’ claims Meghan Markle wore microphone while meeting well-wishers at Windsor Castle debunked’
So I checked for the plausible explanation for the clear square device under her skirt and the ‘debunking’ was (from ‘The Mirror’):
‘a source close to Meghan told Page Six: “This is insane and actually damaging to her. Of course, she was not wearing a mic.”‘
Ah – well and truly debunked then.
The only actual explanation speculated on was:
“Maybe she wears her belt on the inside and that’s the buckle. I often wear my belt on the inside with the buckle off-centre.
Although I admit I’m no leading authority on celebrity fashion, I do wonder what a belt worn under that tight dress would be holding up ?. Industrial bloomers perhaps ?.
Still – the mirror len it their support.
If they can prove she wasn’t wearing a microphone, the BBC ‘Reality Check Team’ will fact-check it. Otherwise they will ignore it.
Beyond Meat: Vegan food executive accused of biting man’s nose https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-62964369
I would bet he isn’t a vegan/vegetarian, but if he is he could always claim diet deficiencies 😉
From the DT about the culture secretary – don’t hold your breath –
BEGINS Michelle Donelan has said she would review the BBC licence fee in the “coming weeks” as she declined to reveal whether it could be scrapped.
The new Culture Secretary praised the broadcaster’s “tremendous” coverage of the Queen’s funeral, refusing to make policy “on the hoof”.
But speaking to Sky News, she added: “It is no secret that I have been a long term sceptic of the licence fee and we need to make sure the BBC is sustainable in the long term.
“I’m looking at this in the round, I’m someone who decides policy on evidence and that’s what I will be doing in the coming weeks.
Appearing on the Today programme, Ms Donelan spoke of the “importance” of decriminalising non-payment of the licence fee, indicated by Liz Truss during the Tory leadership campaign, and declined to say whether the sale of Channel 4 would go ahead as planned.ENDS
“I have been a long term sceptic of the licence fee and we need to make sure the BBC is sustainable in the long term.”
Translation: fewer and fewer people will be willing to pay the licence fee so we shall have to get the money off them some other way, since the BBC is indispensable to Government international intelligence and subversion. We shall all be paying for it.
Gaz has several lovely lines. Commended.
Alcoa headwear!
£5,000,000,00 per annum for an OB of a dead royal seems a poor return.
And as BBC ‘News can only now be what the likes of certain Welsh actors’ agents send in.. no ta.
‘Community’ overload with Naga Munchetty on R5 re: Leicester.
Hindu spokesman talks about the ‘new community’ who moved in in the last 5-7 years (won’t say who they are because “we’re all in it together”); outside agitators coming into town. Muslim spokeswoman talks about inflammatory social media; outside agitators coming into town.
Community community community… younger generation need to listen to community leaders… learn some lessons… unjoin the dots… fudge the issues.
Brits are to be held responsible for historical violence from centuries ago, but with special minority groups all the ancestral forces miraculously disappear and everyone in BBC world is left scratching their head.
ISM involvement means Springster getting a few cubicle gardeners up from the ground floor to her new booth to be given a briefing. As she is a specialist.
Can the disinformation specialist be relied upon to spot ‘unjoining the dots’ or do we need a new BBC task force set up with a new Marianna?
(And a few more quid on the licence fee to pay for it.)
So many in the breeding colony it is hard to keep up; Briggsy a new one?
Be interesting how many BEcoboids make it to COP27 in sunny Egypt.
Survival of urban trees?
– maybe quiz Sheffield City Council on that one?
Our shire too.
Their Citizen’s Climate Assembly set up a panel, who did not make recommended plans as rigged so it was all ignored.
So the Greens and Limps blew a Sir Boaty-Lucas level wad on planters and moss filters in the city.
Those trees that were not KIA in a month via natural attrition were vandalised. The rest of the county were none too impressed with the filter investment either.
Signs are every one will get voted out unless BBC local democracy can save their vegan sandalled asses.
Channel 4: New culture secretary ‘re-examining’ case for privatisation
The only way we will know if coat-turner Truss is another May is by her actions, not her words.
This statement by her remainer culture-secretary is not a good sign. Nor was the fact that so many previous ministers have refused to serve under Truss.
And what’s even more suspicious is how the likes of the BBC have not picked up on that.
BBC news website shouts “Liz Truss admits no US trade deal in ‘short to medium term'”
Why the word admits? Has she previously denied it? Is it some sort of crime?
I see the EU automaton, led by Macron are having another go at snaring the UK back under their jackboots.
They are nipping round to try the back door with this clear charade. I just hope that sufficient awareness of what they are up to exists in our government and we politely decline their “offer” with two fingers!
To all intents and purposes it’s just another waiting room before being sucked back in.
Michael Heaver reported on this a week ago. Civil servants are trying to get Truss to accept the EU ‘invitation’.
BBC Question Time will be fun this week..
Different host but plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose
The bankers, the bonuses, the bankers, the bonuses.
So old yet so new – Cambridge ring road university – vote sweaty man ..or baroness token ..
Thanks for the reminder – nothing changes – that was one of the first programmes to be made in colour ©️
Joe Biden has today requested an audience with Queen Elizabeth.
I stole that
BBC at it again:
World at one – lady Brooke interviewing – separately – a paki ( not described ) and a Hindu ( not sure ) about the peace and harmony that is Leicester … I’m sure I hear Far Right Hindus being mentioned and it’s all because deprivation ….
… so it sounds like the new king is gonna have to visit with some of the crew and open a few ‘yoof centres ‘ and talk to ‘community workers/ drug dealers and chuck a few OBEs around to quieten our valued third world native imports ….
The prosecution rests …. How far is Wolverhampton from Leicester? I’m sure a Mr Powell might know ….
People are getting steamed up because the New Yok Times has likened Liz Truss to Enoch Powell. FFS, if only…
She’s horrified by the comparison; she should be bloody well honoured …
Enoch had enormous intellect and moral courage. Not something I’ve detected thus far with Liz… He spoke the truth, whatever the consequences. knowing full well he was putting in peril his entire political career.
He is often criticised for his “Rivers of blood” speech, particularly the “whip hand” comments always wrongly attributed to him, rather than a constituent.
However, whichever way you cut it…
He wasn’t wrong, was he?
Strange how Enoch and nut nut both made classical references. I really can’t see the point in a politician doing that because it excludes common plebs with only 3 degrees like me from understanding what the eff they were on about –
And for Powell he was being too clever and lacked measure …
Leicester riots?
Some woman named Kahzi ( I kid you not!) was interviewed this morning on BBC Radio 5 Live. I’ve no idea what race she might be Edit: Just did a search, her full name is Maimuna Kazi, she is described as a Radio Journalist at BBC Radio Leicester. I don’t know her origin or religion but suspect she might be Moslem from her name.
Anyway during the interview she asserted that it was the Hindus that started the riot, which went unchallenged by the 5 Live interviewer.
UN alarm as Iran cracks down on anti-hijab protests sparked by woman’s death
Maybe something cultural Britain could bring to Leicester?
I suspect the BBC interviewer was in fear of his/her/their/it’s career if they interrupted and said ‘No, the Muslims started it’.
They might even get the same hatred directed at them as the Hindus.
This whole thing shows a growing confidence by Muslims that they can do whatever they want and people like the BBC will not dare to challenge them. They should be publicly named and shamed for what they have done.
“she asserted that it was the Hindus that started the riot.”
And you still think she might not be a moslem?
BBC Local Radio is a cesspit of poor talent, astonishing ignorance and insipid activism served up after being macerated + filtered to remove any lumps whatsoever – I simply can’t listen to it – to do so would result in a considerable dental bill from the teeth grinding provoked.
Home page with another generic man: “Somaiya Begum: Man denies murdering Bradford student”
The man is Mohammed Khan… probably no family ties to the Mohammed Khan who tried to storm the Queen’s coffin, or the Mohammed Rahan who stabbed police at Leicester Square.
Definitely related however to the murdered student — he’s her uncle. But the BBC don’t tell you that, you have to go to an actual news agency to find out.
Half of BAME’S are called Mohammed Khan – bit like most Travellers are called John Smith.
I don’t want to put words in Don Lemon’s CNN script but he could usefully have deployed “derp…” there !
What a superb answer. He was absolutely flummoxed.
Put that in your pipe and smoke it…
CNN – the US version of the awful BBC.
Never learn do they!
The name’s Fordwich, Hilary Fordwich
One can see that CNN thought she’d be on message as she’s on their quick dial buttons:
Click to access Hilary-Fordwich-Bio.pdf
There was much appreciation on the twitter – the coloured character obviously has a ‘fan club ‘…
But more seriously – I think we all need ‘reparations ‘ – I want compensation because I didn’t go to Eton or Winchester or some other public school where I’d learnt to be really entitled …
What compensation do I deserve for a ruined life because of such deprivation ?
I mean really – people after souped up welfare handouts because of ‘history ‘ – mad world ….
The bbc has now aired the Trudeau singing video the night before the funeral – it didn’t include the bit where he got his man part out and peed on the piano …
If that had happened I’m sure there’d have been plenty of woke supporters saying ‘it was just a bit of fun’ –
Trudeau – I think – is just an example of the falling standards after Elizabeth II passes …. Down the sewer we go …
I recall when Jussie was a candidate for dear leader and did his “I’m a teacher, I understand quantum physics” thing…
Imagine that …. when did you last see a temporary supply drama teacher proclaiming quantum science?
Looks like Justin got an earful
Just been reading the BBC reports about Leicester and the violence there. I had to look elsewhere on the internet to discover that basically the Muslim’s are the cause of it from start to finish. It’s pure racist hate.
But of course the BBC NEVER blame Muslims for anything. So I took a look to see how they report things against Muslims by Hindus.
The first article I found was from last month:
The rise and rise of anti-Muslim hate music in India
It contained the following:
‘ … part of a growing trend of music on YouTube and other social media platforms where supporters of the Hindu right-wing spew venom at Muslims.’
Of course black rappers spewing venom at the police and white people is fine.
The whole article is full of similar rhetoric of Hindus are bad, Muslims are just the poor victims. It uses the phrase ‘right-wing Hindu’s’ no less than 5 times just to make sure you get the message.
Yet in this case they make no reference whatsoever as to who are the violent mob. They don’t mention how many of the 47 arrested are Muslim. My guess is 47. And the 25 injured officers are well and truly brushed under the carpet with the phrase ‘none of them are serious’ which apparently makes it alright. Same as BLM.
The most outrageous racist double-standards by the BBC. Completely as usual.
“Man, 20, jailed for part in Leicester disorder”
Fair Play, I think that they are catching up now ?
Could it be that maxincony has informed them ?
taffman, no. Instead maxi will try to attack JohnC for doing some investigative journalism, investigating the BBC’s journalism bias.
These violent mobs attacking the police are Muslims and so are the agitators coming in from Birmingham – yet that article does not make any mention of that at all. The reader has no clue who are causing all these problems.
The first 2 rules for the ‘National Union of Journalists code of conduct’ are:
1. At all times upholds and defends the principle of media freedom, the right of freedom of expression and the right of the public to be informed.
2. Strives to ensure that information disseminated is honestly conveyed, accurate and fair.
The BBC fail on both counts. They practise active, agenda-based censorship and only tell the truth when it suits them.
They have very few journalists at the BBC now. The majority are left-wing activists.
Johnc A job for OfCom?
I think our new PM, our Home Sec and our Secretary of State for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport, all have a large in tray ?
I also think that the people of Great Britain ‘live in hope’ ?
Are they all back on the bus?
Have the ‘residents’ looked in any deep water, or spotted any submerged cars…?
Just asking for a friend!
Vid from Elsa Kurt who specialises in liberal hypocrisy
Shipped to a military base where diversity belongs!
ITV local newsPR
#1 “There are FEARS CONTROVERSIAL fracking could start up again”
FFS that is totally loaded wording
then they went straight into long spiels from activists
who made totally outrageous untrue claims
eg “a fracking well takes 20 years to start’
“Sally Simpson ITV at Great Misson
iGas boss was then given a questioning
one activist was called Ms Hodgson
Activists bragging the media carry their PR
“Green Party candidate”
That HRT isn’t working?
ITV local newsPR
Item #2 “Black mums are 4 times more likely to die in child birth”
FFS that’s fakenews cos it misses major context
Almost zero women die in child birth white or black
However the tiny few that do , do skew towards women born abroad in poor countries like Africa
ie it is the previous bad health practice and care
and NOT due to NHS or hinted racism
PR for The Black Health Initiative
The black org recently retweeted
“Nobody deserves to die in the way that Chris Kaba died.”
..the guy driving a gangster gun car that refused to stop and seemed to be driving at police.
Rather reassuring that the best the massed ranks of the media #prasnews wagon circling cabal could concoct was…
Hi guys…. It’s been a while.
I saw this and had to post a link: –
The religion of peace and harmony gets a free ticket 🤬
I wonder how many cases have gone this way? Poor woman had been bottling it up for years and now this – our country and judiciary is a disgrace 😢
Didn’t the Lockerbie bomber get released from jail as he was on his death bed, lived another ten years.
Watch the emotional farewell to the Queen
Just for more evidence of the BBC bias, I watched this video for one reason : to see who the BBC chose to focus on in the crowd. I already knew it would not be a fair representation of the UK but it’s good to confirm it with actual evidence.
The results (and actual percentage of the population) are:
White Female 66% (44%)
Black Female 9.5% (1.5%)
Black Male 4.7% (1.5%)
White Male 19% (43%)
Every group over-represented except white males. Exactly as expected and the same as what we see in every other BBC article.
And interestingly they also have the black woman with the union jack around her again who they also featured during the long queue and also walking past the coffin. Clearly a BBC plant. Dirty scumbags.
Farage is reporting ‘ disturbances’ in Birmingham – more third world religious wars ?
Nsturally the 9pm R4 news makes no mention – maybe its not true
The news was followed by a debate about ‘ the future of the monachy chaired by someone of south asian heritage with farting noises from HMS Naughtie again .
Off switch
But i found myself doing unseemly maths – charles is 73 – length as king?
William is 40 ?
Junior is 12? ( dunno ) …
The BBC evening “news” (I use the term loosely) ran an inordinately long piece on the story of a possible miscarriage of justice in the US, in which a man accused of murder has had his sentence quashed.
Does that really deserve a top slot in the evening news?
Oh, hang on, his name is Adnan Syed, and the case received a lot of attention after members of his ‘community’ agitated on social media.
Expect more like that, as the ‘community’ exert ever more power.
(See Leicester)
When America sneezes ….
Seems putin is escalating the War – so time for a new thread – and if he goes nuclear in the night – been nice knowing you …
Duck and Cover everyone.