Thoughtful-I am pleased I am not computer literate, I
expect the last thing many would want to listen to
are my Bruckner symphonies,after your glorious snippet of
I know that this probably isn’t the website to play
some of his fifth symphony and explain that’s it’s undercover
references to Stalin , could easily be applied to Putin.
Vladimir Putin’s speech – which has been pre-recorded – has been delayed, for some unknown reason
Putin’s pre-recorded address will be broadcast at 8 am Moscow time.
According to @ForbesRussia, Putin’s pre-recorded address will be broadcast when the “Far East wakes up”
Russia is bewildered by unexplained cancellation of highly anticipated Putin’s address tonight.
Kremlin’s spokesman is out of sight, propaganda channels removed the speech broadcast announcements.
Rumors about imminent border closures are circulating like in some banana republic
Excellent post ! She says it all in one sound bite.
Our Secretary of State for ‘Meeja’ and Culture a needs to have a word in the ‘shell like ear’ of our Education and the Cultural Secretary to start telling the truth about the slave trade .
Great Britain was the first to stop it .
Do the Tories and yoonie proffs get that ?
Burley’s probably miffed that Sky news weren’t able to oust her from a government post in the 36 hours she was there. Still, there’s always a next time.
Sinister events unfolding in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions of Ukraine as Russia is holding referenda there regarding whether they wish to remain Ukrainian or become a part of Russia once again.
When (not if) they vote to become a part of Russia, Russia has stated that it will regard any attack on them as an attack upon Russia.
This would give Putin the constitutional green light to use nuclear weapons, however as Kiev is regarded as a ‘Mother City’ of the Russians it’s highly unlikely he would want to use them, worse still as the prevailing wind blows West to East, any fall out would probably contaminate large areas of Russia including the newly acquired territories.
Britain of course remains completely undefended and wouldn’t even see any attack coming until it arrived here.
Not that I’m looking for this stuff, I only chanced upon this because it was linked to an unrelated story in local news sent to me by a friend: “Colchester nursery slasher Solie Essla is spared prison”
“Essla shouted : “I’ll kill you” and the Arabic phrase “Allahu Akbar” which means: “God is great”, before running across the road towards two women, who were walking with a newborn baby in a pushchair […] Essla was not suffering from psychosis and her risk of reoffending in the way the court had heard about was low.”
Has echoes of the killing of Emily Jones… almost no details in the media except a few local news sources. No psychiatric plea, a suspended sentence and the court has decided she’s fit to be on the streets again.
MSM lies and coverups. I see the BBC lead article on the holy violence in Leicester is already pretending the influence of social media is the real threat, just like they did within 10 minutes of the murder of MP David Amess by Ali Harbi Ali.
The BBC are back to their seditious best. They are reporting that ‘only’ 250,000 people filed past the Queen lying in state, less than for her father.
But as I reported in earlier posts, this was a given from the get- go, given the time spent by individuals in front of the catafalque, and lack of hurry-up by officials.
It was almost as if the objective was to report massive queues, which of course you accomplish by creating the very same bottleneck created by the officials.
It’s a slam dunk. But it appears BBC ‘journalists’ don’t have Maths GCSE.
Local book festival is coming up with a heavy child focus
sponsored by local council.
I check the schedule
“fabulous storytelling by a *panto dame* whose stories teach children about being who you want, and loving who you are.
Expect lots of audience participation”
Who ? Mama G
Excuse me, that rather sounds like a drag queen name
Another activity
“Join A.M. Dassu for a workshop exploring identity, freedom of expression and *allyship*”
(I think that is a word for a non gay or non Muslim choosing to support some who has taken that identity.)
On Wednesday your class can join award-winning author A.M. Dassu for a workshop exploring identity, freedom of expression and allyship, inspired by her new novel, Fight Back.#ScholasticSchoolsLive
Meet A.M. Dassu, the British #Muslim children’s author leading the charge for representation in books”
Her Twitter timeline is full of tweets labelling people “white supremacist” “racist” etc. saying , how dare people air these views
..exactly the opposite of the tolerance she claims to be for.
So it seems the publishers are apt to publish hyper-wokery, but not none-wokery
They then serve up the people for book festivals
Thus the book festivals end up with a lot of woke events.
Or maybe publishers are tick boxing
They’ve ticked the black-agendas box, the green agendas box, the trans-agendas box etc
White British are stuck between a rock and a hard place in their own country. We accommodate Pakistanis, Indian migrants and their offspring who hate us, so stick to their own culture with allegiance only to the land of their parents. Despite us inviting them here for a better life, the Blacks hate us, are perpetual victims, so they too stick to their African/West Indian cultures of rap music, drug dealing and stabbings. Both are clearly not happy with their lot here, so should we be responsible for their unhappiness which in the great scheme of things we haven’t really caused ?
Who is the ‘us’ who invited them here ? I don’t know anyone who invited them . That’s one of the problem – the white people of Britain never asked for more diversity and I’m not sure they asked for their culture to me ‘enriched ‘ by curry houses …. Big price to pay for a curry – having your country wrecked by the third world
There is a story about a memo between a senior civil servant and the PM – Anthony Eden back in the 50s pointing out that third world immigration could have a serious effect on certain areas of Britain . Eden scrawled ‘they; just have to get used to it then ‘ in the margin – and that is UK immigration policy for the last 70 years ….…
Fed. the ‘us’ I was referring to was whoever thought it was a good idea to look across the pond to the Windies to fill the severe labour shortages here in the wake of the Second World War. I couldn’t agree more, that the indigenous population is never asked how they feel about migrants coming here. We never are.
The tired old phrase “we have always been a welcoming society”, well, says who ? As far as I can remember, the Irish were never welcome, blacks kept to their own community, as did the jews, the Italians, Greeks etc, and so its the same with Muslim and Hindus. Now we’ve got all the Eastern European citizens wanting a slice of our pie. All they’ve done is upped sticks from their own lands and dumped their rucksacks and big laundry bags down here. Just like Rob in Cheshire said … no allegiance, but they’ve got the passport.
Brissels, I totally agree. The future looks grim. For us ordinary white folks the best thing we could do is to form small self help groups in the local community to prepare for when law and order breaks down completely.
However, the government, police, the judiciary would oppose this and no doubt convict anyone doing this of being vigilantes. As you we are between a rock and a hard place. But as the scale of social unrest grows perhaps people will just ignore the fools in the liberal establishment and get on with preparing for the inevitable.
“the Blacks hate us, are perpetual victims”
I can see where you get that from
you are accepting the racism that black Labour figures like Lammy push when they make out there is a “we blacks” and “we blacks are all victims”
Labour and Lammy there are saying they OWN people by virtue of their skin colour
The reality is despite Lammy plenty of black people have a different and diverse opinions
eg are integrated, want Calais queue jumpers stopped, are conservative, hold to traditional Christian values etc.
Yes a large number go in for stabby culture
but also another large number do NOT
I also take issue with you accepting the BBC Windrush myth that claims “they were invited to rebuild post war Britain”
History Debunked explained that few were ever invited, most came as opportunists and later Caribbean governments invited their unemployed to leave and tried to set up schemes with UK employes to accept them.
Top credit to any Caribbean or African people who did participate in the war effort though
As the war against the blue Labour Party continues the BBC opens a new front . This one is against Mary ‘liz’ Truss . It is a broad front led by low Ability troops under president obiden-bama
It is though obiden will later viciously read from an autocue while truss watches and answer easy pre scripted questions from selected journalists before retreating.
The White House will then explain what obiden really meant – which is nothing like what he said when he went off message .
Meanwhile liz will stand there stony face and be caught looking at her watch because the last place she wants to waste her time in at the useless UN in NY .
But before the press conference ends truss will get a first question from the BBC – usually obiden ally – Lansdale asking a question about Ireland in order to maximise trouble for the new British PM – or maybe a question about dead coloured criminal or Muslims – something to cause a Britain a bit of international embarrassment .
Later a propaganda clip of liz being embarrassed will be put on a loop by the BBC.
By the way – the interest rate in Blighty is being announced tomorrow – the market thinks 0.75% – followed by a super mini budget on Friday …. Stand by for the leaks ….
Some are worried that the super mini budget will be a bit Conservative and cut taxes and cut money for the ever increasing Almighty One State . I wish …
We are all One State . We are All. Innit . Together . Innit …?
As a chap – I don’t I don’t understand why the BBC has to announce that a non man has been appointed to a job ‘for the first ‘.
Today it’s the RSC. Who cares ?- if the non man is fit for the role and will do a good job why is it news .?is it some ongoing ‘genda war ‘ fought by the senior non male staff of the BBC ?
I don’t get it … there was no ‘celebration ‘ of a woman becoming PM – was that because the super rich coloured chap didn’t get the gig ?
Fed news is newsPR
I suspect that the RSC appointed a woman
then their PR dept put out a press release saying
“look at us are we cool, we’ve appointed a woman for the first time !”
.. then the BBC simply cutNpasted that.
The way libmob divide the world into men vs women
and black vs white
is a kind of sexism/racism.
The RSC may well have never had a Ginger or Welsh head, but they would never brag if they appointed someone from those groups.
In 2019, footballer Emiliano Sala chose not to take commercial flight to the UK because he wanted more time to say goodbye to friends and teammates at French club Nantes. A private plane was chartered but that flight never made it to the UK. It crashed in the English Channel and Argentine footballer Sala, who had signed for Cardiff City, died. There has been an investigation and a prosecution, and now the BBC has obtained exclusive footage and audio surrounding the crash. In the audio, pilot David Ibbotson tells a friend the plane was “dodgy” and he is also heard saying “I’ll be wearing my life jacket” on the journey. Mr Ibbotson’s body has never been found. Read more here.
I’m his friend Jeremy not a supporter, just like your mate John Myers was his friend. What would John make of you and Alex today I wonder. He’d think you were both idiots.
.. they are only victims if the court found in their favour.
For the older accusations from 4 BBC north COMPLAINANTS the jury found Belfield NOT gulity.
The found him guilty for the 4 newer complainants, so they legally count as “victims”
However I consider there to be millions of people who have a much bigger degree of victimhood
eg grooming gang victims
victims of physical beatings etc.
TOADY Watch #1 – BBC asking hard questions of the NHS – really?
Dr Helen Stokes-Lampard, Chair of the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges a GP Principal and Chair of the National Academy for Social Prescribing, was ‘interviewed’ so to speak, ie. was allowed by JustRemainIn Webb to lapse into a coma of a high speed rant of “wicked Torrreeee cuts” and “ten years of austerity” but then seconds later was saying “it’s not about money”. I had to activate the radio off switch, not Dr Stokes-Lampard’s financial life support.
I hope Justin gave her a really hard time over all the extra money the NHS has received from Government a.k.a. the taxpayer over the past twelve years, especially the guaranteed pay rises for low paid staff like cleaners and hospital porters and student nurses even during a time of sort of ‘austerity’ thanks to Blair & Brown trashing the UK economy. Maybe that is why Dr Stokes-Lampard is so peeved? She hasn’t had a pay rise while the cleaners and porters and nurses have had one.
She was going on about some things being more important than money or similar -I know they are on about the NHS killing people with cancer through neglect or killing babies because ‘midwife’s ‘ don’t know what they are doing ….
… my ‘auto glaze ‘ comes on when this stuff comes on . It works quite well most the the time – in fact the words on the radio starts sounding like a tune – particularly when it’s anything to do with the NHS or race .
The bbc want to make sure all the little third world babies get delivered safely . Allah wills it
Meanwhile putin is delivering a war speech to the Russian people – we don’t get to hear to much about that .
Fed, am so glad that you didn’t have punctuation & word ‘-foil’ in your last sentence. 🙂 How’s the hol going? The weather girl, post 6 a.m. News on R4 tried to kid us that the temp was 21°C yesterday. Not where I was it wasn’t, cool’n’the gang in the south-east England.
I thought about including ‘foil ‘ – as I write I’ve turned Today back on and someone from the government is telling our Justin not to talk about nuclear war as it’s not helpful . Even talking about nuclear war our Justin sounds bored . Maybe he is medicated ….
President putin has mobilised the army – I bagsy using the ‘ lights are going out all over Europe ‘ ‘ – lord gray line –
Although when he said it in 1914 I don’t think he was talking about increased DDs from EDF or Eon ….
Thank you for asking about my hol. If Blighty is still there next week I’m due to be back there… someone in my current country has turned the ‘scorching ‘ button down to ‘nice ‘.
But being a bit of a contrarian – I watched the film ‘spencer ‘ on freeish Amazon thing – I somehow think it won’t be on the bbc Christmas film list this year ….
Notice they change the emphasis from the actual quote “Challenging to sustain” to “Emissions could rise”
A sneaky shift of the actual narrative to make it sound more threatening, something they do consistently every day.
They also as per usual ensure there is a Getty image showing lots of fire and black smoke to underline the message.
The really insidious thing about this is that they are obviously convinced that their role is to push the narrative in the way the eco-loons at the BBC and their activist SW1 buddies want it rather than go with the truth.
Ex bbc anger and protests editor finds a war he likes.
Putin calls up reservists, annexes parts of Ukraine, repeats nuclear threats against the West. We've stood with Ukraine's people – now it's time to double down on that: arms, money, training, diplomatic isolation of the Russian state. Hell for the siloviki. ✊🏼🚩🇺🇦
Dems caught with their pants down, fully exposing their hypocrisy, as becoming normal now, reach for their buddies in the courts etc. once again to cover their stupidity.
They must be so very confident of their unholy undercover partnership with the forces of law and order in the US to immediately decide use their buddies to cover their arses.
There’s a certain air of reversion to form in the press this morning. We’ll get to grips soon enough with the anti-conservative stuff, excuses for the old geezer Biden, the shilling for Zelensky, pro-EU guff, climate change propaganda, media celeb entitlement and goodness knows what else…
But let’s pause after an extended period of mourning our very last British-born woman to wear a headscarf to note: Iran protests: Women burn headscarves in anti-hijab protests… after the death in custody of a woman detained for breaking hijab laws. (BBC)
Boris Johnson, global feminist ally?
Boris Johnson mocks women in burkas who ‘look like bank robbers’ (Sky News August 2018)
We’ll pass by – in the fast lane – just about the last British media bourn woman to be seen on TV wearing a facemask – Holly Willoughby
Holly and Phil ‘devastated’ over Queen queue row (Daily Express – reunited this morning – after a period of patriotic mourning – with the people of Ukraine)
Holly & Phil ‘distraught’ at royal queue jump row (Daily Mirror) – so which is it – devastated or distraught – or both perhaps – one for doing it and one for getting caught?
The left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper would have us believe it cared very deeply for the health of the nation as so often in recent times it showed itself to be the most coronaphobic of titles.
Today it has a new health exclusive: Cancer cases increasing among under-50s – the ‘i’ goes on cite just about every possible potential factor about which nanny state government nudge units reckon we should worry – that is all except late diagnosis: Junk food, sugary drinks, sleep deprivation and sedentary lifestyle are blamed
That’s a worry, whilst the Telegraph warns: One in four ‘will lose access to GP by 2030’
One has long suspected that our NHS is sadly beyond reform. What I like to call the nationalised health-industrial complex – The expression military–industrial complex describes the relationship between a country’s military and the defense industry that supplies it, seen together as a vested interest which influences public policy. (Thank you Wiki)
The Tories are terrified of reforming the NHS. Only Labour in power could realistically take on the vested interests – but Labour wouldn’t want to.
Doctors’ pay demands… The British Medical Association has been accused of acting like a football agent by demanding £250 an hour for consultants working overtime (Times)
In 1948 Aneurin Beven explained how he achieved his goal of the NHS by stuffing the doctors’ mouths with gold – clearly the celebrated socialist of his time had the nous to understand that a simple socialistic appeal to unremunerated public duty on behalf of the medics was unrealistic.
Prime Directives
In the vintage sci-fi TV show we’ve come to know as a grandiose franchise – Star Trek – The Prime Directive (Starfleet Order 1) is a prohibition on interference with other cultures and civilizations Starfleet may encounter in their exploration of the universe.
Taken to its logical extreme this would of course mean Captain Kirk parking the Starship Enterprise in sedentary Earth orbit for the duration of its five year mission, so as to safely leave alien civilizations to their own devices – But I digress
The real world Bank of England fluffed its Prime Directive:
To keep inflation low and stable, the Government sets us an inflation target of 2% (A rare appearance hereabouts for the Bank of England’s online presence)
Current inflation rate 9.9% Target 2% (B of E) – whoops…
Bailey rejects criticism of Bank of England’s handling of inflation… insisting that the central bank had not allowed the economy to overheat… Bailey has come under intense criticism over the BoE’s failure to contain the recent surge in UK inflation, which hit 9 per cent in April (FT)
By failing to tame inflation, the Bank of England is complicit in today’s wave of strike action (Telegraph)
To have kept to its prime directive the Bank would have had to refuse doing QE so as to enable all that excess government spending – and that would have been like having James Kirk banned from playing with his photon torpedoes and his phasers: Since it was first introduced in 2009, quantitative easing (QE) has moved from an ‘unconventional policy tool’ to a pillar of UK monetary policy… Since March 2020, the Bank of England (BoE) has doubled the size of its QE programme, and by 2021 it owned £875bn of government bonds plus £20bn of corporate bonds – equivalent to around 40 per cent of UK GDP. (Investors’ Chronicle)
As if the fiasco of the lost Lockdown years – in which the NHS frankly flunked its prime directive – public health – would not be cause for concern enough – warning enough that the entire grandiose structure was a sham in terms of caring for patients and was instead a self-perpetuating self-interested institution…
Then surely this little story should tell us all we need to know: The Queen’s funeral has led to the cancellations of thousands of hospital appointments… Several NHS trusts, including Bedfordshire hospitals and Norfolk and Norwich University Hospitals, and the Aneurin Bevan health board in Gwent were among the first to confirm the cancellation of planned appointments on Monday. (Guardian)
Never mind the NHS currently boasts a largely self-created massive waiting list, roughly twenty-six times the length of the estimated 250,000 who went through the parliamentary building to see the queen’s coffin. Imagine that! Many of those poor souls may well be seeing their own coffins before they get to see a doctor free at the point of access.
We ought to know by now that when there’s a big health crisis the NHS response is to put up a big closed for business sign.
When a person turns to the NHS for help, their needs are met by people with the right numbers, skills, values and behaviours to provide high-quality care (NHS Health Education England Framework)
I was supposed to find out how long I have left to live – The Queen’s funeral has cancelled my cancer appointment (freebie Metro)
Just as Mr AsISeeIt observes the necessity of correcting many of those media headlines which blamed the Pandemic for this or that bad outcome – to properly read Lockdown caused this or that bad outcome – so he steps in here to correct the giveaway Metro: I was supposed to find out how long I have left to live – The NHS has cancelled my cancer appointment
It would be very helpful if you didn’t criticise the very excellent state health service . Ok – so a few thousand lives might have been changed / ended prematurely because of the day of the Queens ‘ funeral – but surely it was worth it for the ‘spectacle ‘?and the TV figures .
Anyway those victims – sorry – patients – will get news appointments this time in 2023 – unless there’s a war or rail strike of course .
And be sure that they hardworking underpaid medics will put the boat out to make sure their victims – sorry – patients – get the treatment they deserve . … actually – who cares – the medics get paid anyway and if the punters die at home they don’t show badly on the NHS stats ….
Be fair, our NHS only got one of my two barrels this morning – our white stale and pale national bankers got the second.
Before I realised the NHS had cancelled planned appointments for the Queen’s funeral I had naively assumed the obvious lack of ethic diversity in the crowds was because they were all busy at work in the NHS. Now I realise they must have all been at home watching it on the telly.
Asiseeit – I’m excited by the prospect of increased bankers bonuses ( not rhyming slang ) having just read about the origins of the last crash of the economy. It is excellent that financial types create fraudulent markets to crash economies again – and get suitably remunerated for it …
Time for Justo and the #28Gate team to mount a full counter offensive using public funds to tell the public how things should be. Or just rig it. Or blunder on and ignore.
68 thousand votes -59% want ‘free’ meaning not give a green crap damn – you have 2 hours to vote at @0900 Wednesday morning – vote early – vote often – says sleepy joe ..
Martin Lewis is supposed to be a clever business chappie and yet he can’t see that this is almost certainly just another way for Global next day megalithic corporations to reduce their overheads and garner a bit more profit from gullible eco-panicked buyers?
I reply to that point Lewis wrote
“this poll is very interesting to see a decent chunk of people would pay more”
So ignores the fact the glass is 60% full
and says “OMG the glass is 40% empty, we must take action ”
The context is Lewis is married to a pretty TV weather girl, who is in the green cult.
So that explains why even when The Islington Socialist parties introduce ridiculous green energy mandates, which have made each household 20% poorer this decade, Lewis has FAILED to challenge them.
Just generally – a lot of those ‘in the know ‘ think rates will go up by 0.75% on `Thursday – but on Friday the Super Budget takes place … I guess the Treasury will be doing the math overnight Thursday / Friday ….
… the cost of all that State borrowing is going up and up …
Government legislation needed to outlaw such actions. They don't play ball – they should lose any licence to operate here. @KwasiKwarteng
PayPal like many other Global Tech conglomerates have an overwhelmingly younger, uni educated and hence indoctrinated workforce. So decisions like this are no longer made on business principles but a need to bow to their own workforce to avoid internal conflict.
Sustainable in the short term but in fact it will eventually end up with the disintegration of such companies as more agile competitors spring up to fill the void they are building for themselves.
We are already seeing this with Disney, Netflix and Twitter etc.
I have to admit that, this morning, the likes of Lammy and Abbott as two thicko MP’s have gone up in my esteem. Their quality and ability to assess a situation and report accurately is outstanding compared with their equivaled in the Russian Duma…….
Our “Worlds Most Trusted Broadcaster” interviews a sort of, “MP” of the Russian Duma with regard to Putins declared intentions. Apart from Putin himself who continually displays deranged behaviour this Russian “MP” was equally deranged. It must be something in the Russian air. We heard a bellicose rant which included the, West having physically invaded Ukraine at the outset; Ukraine full of Western people and other nonsense (aka ‘Bullsh*t).
It was a difficult interview for the BBC when you consider that the BBC is far from averse to, itself, deranged reporting, at the very least by omission.
The crux of Russia’s current intentions (and as the ‘Thugs of the World’), Russia is really saying to the West,
‘If we want to invade and take over any country, stand back and let us get on with it”. Unfortunately for the Russians, a country is fighting back and indeed giving the Russians ‘a bloody nose’. The body count is irrelevant.
If NATO/The West adopted the, ‘sit back and watch’ approach and let Putin get on with it, it is obvious that the West would live under threat of the tap on the door by the Russian GRU anytime of the day. Sorry, just replace ‘tap’ with kick the door in’ in true Russian fashion.
More difficult times ahead. And things getting a whole lot worse.
BBC Radio 4 had a report from their ” disinformation reporter” who decides what is true and not true on social media. Key phrase she probably accidentally dropped in , that there are small groups that ‘we” ( does she mean the BBC ?) cannot monitor.
Not great at interpreting PR wibble, especially from academics, but this looks mighty like creating a thing to get all the results you want that the public won’t benefit from.
“Social Media” being the only public space for the dissemination of evidenced challenges to the usual procession of faked -up narratives presented in the MSM – esp. the BBC.
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – how convenient! Guess what is not mentioned? Funny, I thought. I thought funny. No mention of the BBC’s TV Licence Fee. Currently at £159 or something like that, an inflation linked increase is likely to take that figure to £175 or more. Be aware when you are doing your household budget. If you are struggling with ‘the-cost-of-living-crisis’ think about cancelling your TV Licence and put the TV in the loft.
There are several blatant, activist Labour fronts out there.
Just got this.
Our campaign to wipe out the Tory majority at the next election – Win As One – is getting ready to go – but we now need your help to raise £10,000 to fund the launch to the wider public next month.
Will you help us?
Donate now to help us launch Win As One
Thanks to the generosity of many Compass members and supporters, we’ve already been able to build the Win As One campaign – a movement to rid the country of the Tories at the next election, get a progressive majority in Parliament and change politics for good.
We now urgently need your help to fund the launch of the campaign – which will include a landmark report and polling on the case and support for change, an interactive web platform to mobilise volunteers and a game-changing launch film.
To be copy and pasted by BBC droids as ‘people are saying’. Especially the ‘poll’.
Depending on how things go NATO must be delighted that putin is calling up 300 000 . How many will turn up ? How long will it take to get the up and running / dying .
I know traditionally Russia has a tendency to throw lives away but can putin get that now ?
As the peace loving Russians have always been good at propaganda I bet the BBC equivalent will be pushing out images of tearful pregnant Russian speaking ladies calling desperately for protection from the demon Ukrainians ….
I wonder if Vile et. al. know deep-down how unfounded and completely overblown the accusations were that put Bellfield behind bars for 5 years. (Many “terrorists” get less than this).
I cannot comprehend how anyone could live with that on their conscience. Utterly contemptible and revealing of the character of the man and the others involved in what could be described as an institutional lynching party.
The big question is how much support did the accusers get to bolster the legal experts they used from the shadowy forces behind the court action and for what reasons?
Nothing about this case or it’s malevolent, vicious and totally unreasonable outcome seems completely feasible.
I would think Bellfield would have a strong case to appeal to the Supreme Court and hope he has support from some heavy weight legals to do so.
If it comes to pass that a superior court should find the case problematic, Bellfield would be in a strong position to claim massive damages from all involved including the judiciary.
Very little exposure to vine but he sounds like the sort of character who doesn’t do ‘deep down ‘ – but he does do tax avoidance – eg using his daughter as a company director ….
The problem is – if someone lands up with 5 years inside for a non Physical violence crime – then what about the use of actual violence ?
Deterrence is distorted – I’m not explaining it well – but it reminds me of the killer who doesn’t find the second murder as difficult as the first ….
I suppose the appeal court will drop them to concurrent rather than x4 consecutives …
who doesn’t hesitate to use his own platform to dispense his own thoughts on individuals/organisations that offend him
They’re often not even original thoughts but something obviously run up by his production team (his occasionally flubbed delivery being the tell) – to get people annoyed and quite deliberately set up spats where he can be ringmaster.
The bloke is out of the same stable as James Whale and other toxic clown ringmaster microphone jockeys.
The irritation tactic works I suppose – I can’t bill him for the destruction of a workshop radio…
A thoroughgoing Oxygen larcenist who’s ridden the BBC’s audience reach to a fat salary and pension.
It is fair to say these people have no allegiance to Britain whatsoever. Britain is just a place they happen to live, and the British passport is just a travel document.
– How quickly the BBC disappeared the story, relegating it to Regions on their webshite!
– It’s all the fault of ‘social media’ apparently. This serves the BBC agenda in 2 ways. A) it deflects attention from the real culprits (third world immigrants, particularly muslims) and B) it strengthens the calls for ever more policing of social media.
– The BBC’s coverage was an exercise in obfuscation, NOT clarification.
– While both sides may bear some blame, Hindus are usually very law-abiding and assimilate well in their host culture, while muslims are the opposite. (See every single country in the world with a muslim population.)
They keep banging on about riots in East Leicester whilst constantly showing a road which is most definitely in North Leicester. Too busy to look at a bloody map?
Be nice if the BBC fact checked whose shelling the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, which unfortunately seems to be happening again.
Instead of pretending to be even handed in apportioning the blame.
Their standard trick is to report whatever the Ukraine government say as fact then at the bottom put ‘The BBC was unable to verify the claims’.
Basically the USA are giving them precision rockets then analysing all the satellite data to tell them exactly where and when to fire them. They almost certainly also have some personel on the ground who are experts in the use of the weapons.
If I was Russia, I would consider that to be an act of war. Luckily for us it seems Russia is not up to taking on the West in a conventional war. But we are giving them lots of lessons on how to do it.
My big concern here is that Biden and his nasty bunch of Obama cronies plan to ruin Russia as a world power so will just keep the war going and going until something breaks – and they are gambling on Putin being removed before the nukes start being fired.
The trouble is – as they have always done in their arrogance – they are completely misjudging how much support Putin and Russia have from everyone else outside the West. They all hated the USA (and us) long before this started.
I’m not so sure you read of Obama is correct . Since at its basist the primary drive of America is business and markets they’d happily go along with the existence of Russia and China as long as the US is not directly threatened and they can continue to make money . Europe is the buffer state for the Eastern seaboard and as we saw in WW2 – not that important to them as long as they are comfortable behind the Atlantic .
Obviously a major mindset failure akin to pearl harbour and9/11
You may be right – but I think the USA military consider conflict with China to be inevitable and if they are allied with a strong Russia, we might well lose. This is their one and only chance to pull Russia down. I think that’s the reason that nobody at all is doing anything to try and end it : the EU are fully on-board for the same reason.
China are coming along in leaps and bounds since we gave them all the know-how to manufacture our technology.
China is the bigger danger because of the sheer size of the population – but as it gets richer it has more to lose. As long as those in power are not challenged I reckon they’ll plod along .
Taiwan is one of those unifying ‘hate ‘ things which serves a purpose for the bosses . Although ther biggest danger is the war mongers looking to prove themselves ( see Japan v the US 194 – which even at the time the sanest ones knew they only had a year before the US would be pumping out soldiers and weapons )..…
I’ve heard that Zaporizhzhia was being shelled and checked with the Duran and elsewhere… – the BBC drones quite simply appear not to care about veracity – their version often doesn’t even reference Kiev’s version and on occasion contradicts it and then Kiev has been known to adjust towards the BBC narrative – which is why I do not believe near everything that the BBC emits on the topic.
I remember that the Russians invented an anti drunk pill which took the effects of booze instantly away – but it was banned because the liver never got the memo ‘.. I was I in a pub drunk again having one of those conversationssssszzz
I’m not sure if I imagined it, but I’m sure I read that Joe Biden was far too busy to have a meeting with Liz Truss, and that they would chat at the UN conference. This was followed by Liz truss stating that as far as UK-US trade agreements go, Joe could go swivel. Why is there no mention of this kind-of-important development on the bbc?
Obama said we’d be back of the queue for a trade deal.
Trump was ready to negotiate one, but we were still in the EU and thus not “allowed” to ..
Now we’re back at the back again.
We should do deals with Russia and other nationalist nations, they’re the future anyway, and leave these creepy globalist New World Order type countries well alone.
trump was gagging to give us a trade deal
the torys were anti-trump and never tried
the torys were pro joe xiden
the plastic paddy brandon was never going to do a trade deal with the UK
we can only surmise the torys never wanted a US trade deal
In the car and happened to try radio 4. Something about gentrification and how terrible it was that black people were being “forced out” of ‘ black areas’ because of ”gentrification’.
Maybe I missed episode one about white people being forced out of ‘white areas’ of cities their families have lived in for thousands of years by incoming migrants ? .. As if ..
Off switch was soon pressed so am afraid I can’t report on more of the production.
I’m slightly concerned that I might not collect my winnings .
Listening slightly to sleepy joe reading the autocue at the UN – he says putin has threatened Europe . Well I heard different – I heard he threatened NATO – was this a slip of the autocue – me – or is he splitting america off the threat list and leaving us ( Europe ) to it .
On PM the agenda is fixed by ‘Evan ‘ being in Stoke . Which on a day when the end of the world is threatened is as interesting as a Meghan marked blog . Big failure to inform BBC …
Can we have some advice about surviving a nuclear attack ? Fill up the bath with water ? Panic buy toilet rolls ? Need to know ..
By the way – I don’t know if anyone on this site is old ( mature ) enough to remember the Cuban Missile Crisis -but my read of the current one is far closer to the trigger than that one . However I do not believe all Russians are as fruit hoopy as putin and when it comes to the actual firing someone with a bit more belief in God will say ‘just hang a minute ‘… or find that the launch buttons don’t work to well as they have ‘ made in Ukraine ‘ on them …
PJW has put out a video :People arrested for holding Russian flags
I suspect there is more context but can’t find any.
It’s about Essex Police withdrawing charges against 6 people finally on July 28th
After holding them in March for 23 hours in Colchester
It’s said that 3 of them held international bunting, and one of the flags was Russian, so the police considered that disturbing to some people and therefore a public order offence.
Essex police? – they’re the ones who said John “Goldfinger” Palmer died from a heart attack vs. a large dose of high speed buckshot and are the UK police champions at putting the wrong fuel in their vehicles – that Essex Constabulary?
Yet they do nothing when ISIS wave their flags in London.
This is 100% Leftist fascism. This extremely selective ‘right to not be offended’ is straight out of Hitler’s handbook. We are already on the path – it’s just a question of degree over time.
It took place outside Colchester General Hospital on March 15th. A group was protesting against the government’s Covid policy, the spokesman for whom is a chap called Ian Drew.
There’s a more comprehensive article on Sputnik News. This is effectively banned in the UK so you might need a VPN to access it.
I was just reading the news on my android pad with google newsstand and had quite an unpleasant surprise.
Previously I could hide news from specific sources and over time, the BBC, The Guardian and all the other far-Left rags were removed.
Now I see my feed is absolutely chock full of them all again. Mostly BBC and Guardian but the Independent, Sky and FT are all there in numbers as well. There’s one or two from The DT – but no right-wing newspapers at all (I wouldn’t call the DT right-wing now).
And get this : they have removed the option to hide them. They are forcing me to read the news thay want me to read.
The more I think about it, the more sinister it is because they have actively chosen to change it.
Sounds like they are trying to sing from the autocue in JFK sort of way – thoughtful – here – thinks he is fully marbled – I just think they are doing a really good job suppressing the onward March of dementia –
Still surprised they haven’t killed him yet but if they can pull off another fraud in November maybe they’ll run him a bit longer… remember – it’s obamas third term
Fedup2Mar 10, 13:47 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Yeah – whatever – give her the TTK 2 year prison penalty – she is obviously not ‘approved ‘…
harry142857Mar 10, 13:45 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Commission is commission. ——————————————- Mother convicted of not paying TV Licence after death of unborn son. mother who did not…
Fedup2Mar 10, 13:17 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Two days running the DT has done a long piece on BBC news / funding – the first one is…
DoublethinkerMar 10, 13:16 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I completely agree with you . But what puzzles me is , if those of us who are of a…
Lucy PevenseyMar 10, 12:57 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Tower Bridge has been shut down after a man has climbed the railings. Emergency services at to the scene. Ban…
Terminal MoraineMar 10, 12:50 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Dorset, 3 weeks after Southport — “Man ‘obsessed with Southport killings’ stabbed girl, 9, in the neck as she played…
Terminal MoraineMar 10, 12:44 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Party atmosphere on R5 just now — Naga, whose real name is Subha Nagalakshmi Munchetty-Chendriah, is away but Leila Nathoo…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 12:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “41% of London residents were born outside the UK, according to the 2021 Census. This is much higher than the…
To help you ease into the Autumn this lovely Autumnal pice by Shostakovich
Thoughtful-I am pleased I am not computer literate, I
expect the last thing many would want to listen to
are my Bruckner symphonies,after your glorious snippet of
I know that this probably isn’t the website to play
some of his fifth symphony and explain that’s it’s undercover
references to Stalin , could easily be applied to Putin.
“it’s undercover references to Stalin , could easily be applied to Putin.” You must have forgotten to include Zelensky.
Sublime, Thoughtful.
Can I offer this – ‘Remembrance’?
I was looking forward to tonight’s speech by the leader of the free world, Vladimir Putin, but it looks like it’s now happening tomorrow.
Vladimir Putin’s speech – which has been pre-recorded – has been delayed, for some unknown reason
Putin’s pre-recorded address will be broadcast at 8 am Moscow time.
According to @ForbesRussia, Putin’s pre-recorded address will be broadcast when the “Far East wakes up”
Russia is bewildered by unexplained cancellation of highly anticipated Putin’s address tonight.
Kremlin’s spokesman is out of sight, propaganda channels removed the speech broadcast announcements.
Rumors about imminent border closures are circulating like in some banana republic
Lemon, Raisin Brane and Slapper Burley.
Today was a fair day.
Second one was just played on GBnews
Gotcha for the 20th September has to be Hilary Fordwich vs. Don Lemon – surely!!
Too good not to repeat
Excellent post ! She says it all in one sound bite.
Our Secretary of State for ‘Meeja’ and Culture a needs to have a word in the ‘shell like ear’ of our Education and the Cultural Secretary to start telling the truth about the slave trade .
Great Britain was the first to stop it .
Do the Tories and yoonie proffs get that ?
That Michelle Donelan got the better of Kay Burley really shows what a pisspoor team Sky have assembled in Osterly.
More raised voices in MSM offices post broadcast…!
Burley’s probably miffed that Sky news weren’t able to oust her from a government post in the 36 hours she was there. Still, there’s always a next time.
Sinister events unfolding in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions of Ukraine as Russia is holding referenda there regarding whether they wish to remain Ukrainian or become a part of Russia once again.
When (not if) they vote to become a part of Russia, Russia has stated that it will regard any attack on them as an attack upon Russia.
This would give Putin the constitutional green light to use nuclear weapons, however as Kiev is regarded as a ‘Mother City’ of the Russians it’s highly unlikely he would want to use them, worse still as the prevailing wind blows West to East, any fall out would probably contaminate large areas of Russia including the newly acquired territories.
Britain of course remains completely undefended and wouldn’t even see any attack coming until it arrived here.
The BBC version should be interesting.
Nice to see our old friend, Pounce, once a regular contributor to Biased BBC, is still around and still socking it to the spreaders of misinformation.
Well said that man…
Ronnie and Reggie were nice lads who loved their mum. Shame about the people they killed though.
Not that I’m looking for this stuff, I only chanced upon this because it was linked to an unrelated story in local news sent to me by a friend: “Colchester nursery slasher Solie Essla is spared prison”
“Essla shouted : “I’ll kill you” and the Arabic phrase “Allahu Akbar” which means: “God is great”, before running across the road towards two women, who were walking with a newborn baby in a pushchair […] Essla was not suffering from psychosis and her risk of reoffending in the way the court had heard about was low.”
Has echoes of the killing of Emily Jones… almost no details in the media except a few local news sources. No psychiatric plea, a suspended sentence and the court has decided she’s fit to be on the streets again.
MSM lies and coverups. I see the BBC lead article on the holy violence in Leicester is already pretending the influence of social media is the real threat, just like they did within 10 minutes of the murder of MP David Amess by Ali Harbi Ali.
The BBC are back to their seditious best. They are reporting that ‘only’ 250,000 people filed past the Queen lying in state, less than for her father.
But as I reported in earlier posts, this was a given from the get- go, given the time spent by individuals in front of the catafalque, and lack of hurry-up by officials.
It was almost as if the objective was to report massive queues, which of course you accomplish by creating the very same bottleneck created by the officials.
It’s a slam dunk. But it appears BBC ‘journalists’ don’t have Maths GCSE.
Local BBC news featured a viewer saying they went in twice by queuing up twice.
I find it to be cult like behaviour.
Remember when Tony Blair was spotted queuing (clutching his pocket rosary?) to venerate the bones of St. Theresa in London by Matthew Paris?
Written up in The Times
The woman who was last in, also went two times.
“Queen’s funeral: I feel privileged, says final lying-in-state mourner”
‘Ms Heerey, who was viewing the lying-in-state for the second time, told BBC Radio 5 Live it felt “very surreal”.’
Local book festival is coming up with a heavy child focus
sponsored by local council.
I check the schedule
“fabulous storytelling by a *panto dame* whose stories teach children about being who you want, and loving who you are.
Expect lots of audience participation”
Who ? Mama G
Excuse me, that rather sounds like a drag queen name
Oh \\the controversial ‘Mama G’ drag performer, who has previously come under criticism for teaching young children how to “twerk” //
Another activity
“Join A.M. Dassu for a workshop exploring identity, freedom of expression and *allyship*”
(I think that is a word for a non gay or non Muslim choosing to support some who has taken that identity.)
Meet A.M. Dassu, the British #Muslim children’s author leading the charge for representation in books”
Her Twitter timeline is full of tweets labelling people “white supremacist” “racist” etc. saying , how dare people air these views
..exactly the opposite of the tolerance she claims to be for.
Workshop “children are able to create their own endangered animal posters”
More global warming brainwashing ?
A couple more
David Price discusses his book “The history of anthropology & the military-industrial complex”
..Sounding Marxist, to me
Talk : A musical history of modern black Britain
Out of 40 events I picked the 6 most Wokist
So it seems the publishers are apt to publish hyper-wokery, but not none-wokery
They then serve up the people for book festivals
Thus the book festivals end up with a lot of woke events.
Or maybe publishers are tick boxing
They’ve ticked the black-agendas box, the green agendas box, the trans-agendas box etc
White British are stuck between a rock and a hard place in their own country. We accommodate Pakistanis, Indian migrants and their offspring who hate us, so stick to their own culture with allegiance only to the land of their parents. Despite us inviting them here for a better life, the Blacks hate us, are perpetual victims, so they too stick to their African/West Indian cultures of rap music, drug dealing and stabbings. Both are clearly not happy with their lot here, so should we be responsible for their unhappiness which in the great scheme of things we haven’t really caused ?
Who is the ‘us’ who invited them here ? I don’t know anyone who invited them . That’s one of the problem – the white people of Britain never asked for more diversity and I’m not sure they asked for their culture to me ‘enriched ‘ by curry houses …. Big price to pay for a curry – having your country wrecked by the third world
There is a story about a memo between a senior civil servant and the PM – Anthony Eden back in the 50s pointing out that third world immigration could have a serious effect on certain areas of Britain . Eden scrawled ‘they; just have to get used to it then ‘ in the margin – and that is UK immigration policy for the last 70 years ….…
Fed. the ‘us’ I was referring to was whoever thought it was a good idea to look across the pond to the Windies to fill the severe labour shortages here in the wake of the Second World War. I couldn’t agree more, that the indigenous population is never asked how they feel about migrants coming here. We never are.
The tired old phrase “we have always been a welcoming society”, well, says who ? As far as I can remember, the Irish were never welcome, blacks kept to their own community, as did the jews, the Italians, Greeks etc, and so its the same with Muslim and Hindus. Now we’ve got all the Eastern European citizens wanting a slice of our pie. All they’ve done is upped sticks from their own lands and dumped their rucksacks and big laundry bags down here. Just like Rob in Cheshire said … no allegiance, but they’ve got the passport.
Tony Blair continued to invite them to “rub the Right’s noses in it”.
Brissels, I totally agree. The future looks grim. For us ordinary white folks the best thing we could do is to form small self help groups in the local community to prepare for when law and order breaks down completely.
However, the government, police, the judiciary would oppose this and no doubt convict anyone doing this of being vigilantes. As you we are between a rock and a hard place. But as the scale of social unrest grows perhaps people will just ignore the fools in the liberal establishment and get on with preparing for the inevitable.
OMG @Brissles saying *the Blacks* is racist
“the Blacks hate us, are perpetual victims”
I can see where you get that from
you are accepting the racism that black Labour figures like Lammy push when they make out there is a “we blacks” and “we blacks are all victims”
Labour and Lammy there are saying they OWN people by virtue of their skin colour
The reality is despite Lammy plenty of black people have a different and diverse opinions
eg are integrated, want Calais queue jumpers stopped, are conservative, hold to traditional Christian values etc.
Yes a large number go in for stabby culture
but also another large number do NOT
I also take issue with you accepting the BBC Windrush myth that claims “they were invited to rebuild post war Britain”
History Debunked explained that few were ever invited, most came as opportunists and later Caribbean governments invited their unemployed to leave and tried to set up schemes with UK employes to accept them.
Top credit to any Caribbean or African people who did participate in the war effort though
As the war against the blue Labour Party continues the BBC opens a new front . This one is against Mary ‘liz’ Truss . It is a broad front led by low Ability troops under president obiden-bama
It is though obiden will later viciously read from an autocue while truss watches and answer easy pre scripted questions from selected journalists before retreating.
The White House will then explain what obiden really meant – which is nothing like what he said when he went off message .
Meanwhile liz will stand there stony face and be caught looking at her watch because the last place she wants to waste her time in at the useless UN in NY .
But before the press conference ends truss will get a first question from the BBC – usually obiden ally – Lansdale asking a question about Ireland in order to maximise trouble for the new British PM – or maybe a question about dead coloured criminal or Muslims – something to cause a Britain a bit of international embarrassment .
Later a propaganda clip of liz being embarrassed will be put on a loop by the BBC.
By the way – the interest rate in Blighty is being announced tomorrow – the market thinks 0.75% – followed by a super mini budget on Friday …. Stand by for the leaks ….
Some are worried that the super mini budget will be a bit Conservative and cut taxes and cut money for the ever increasing Almighty One State . I wish …
We are all One State . We are All. Innit . Together . Innit …?
Fed, – ” From an early age, she has been known by her middle name.”
Yeah – I just link winding up the pedants …
Someone here got quite stroppy about Mary truss – maybe mr truss …?
As a chap – I don’t I don’t understand why the BBC has to announce that a non man has been appointed to a job ‘for the first ‘.
Today it’s the RSC. Who cares ?- if the non man is fit for the role and will do a good job why is it news .?is it some ongoing ‘genda war ‘ fought by the senior non male staff of the BBC ?
I don’t get it … there was no ‘celebration ‘ of a woman becoming PM – was that because the super rich coloured chap didn’t get the gig ?
Fed news is newsPR
I suspect that the RSC appointed a woman
then their PR dept put out a press release saying
“look at us are we cool, we’ve appointed a woman for the first time !”
.. then the BBC simply cutNpasted that.
The way libmob divide the world into men vs women
and black vs white
is a kind of sexism/racism.
The RSC may well have never had a Ginger or Welsh head, but they would never brag if they appointed someone from those groups.
At least they go there.
Bet the girls in the cubicle gardens are all a flutter still.
Fair comment.
Luckily, more exclusive. In the mole…
Sala plane crash exclusive
In 2019, footballer Emiliano Sala chose not to take commercial flight to the UK because he wanted more time to say goodbye to friends and teammates at French club Nantes. A private plane was chartered but that flight never made it to the UK. It crashed in the English Channel and Argentine footballer Sala, who had signed for Cardiff City, died. There has been an investigation and a prosecution, and now the BBC has obtained exclusive footage and audio surrounding the crash. In the audio, pilot David Ibbotson tells a friend the plane was “dodgy” and he is also heard saying “I’ll be wearing my life jacket” on the journey. Mr Ibbotson’s body has never been found. Read more here.
Questions not being asked.
Vile on Twitter.
.. they are only victims if the court found in their favour.
For the older accusations from 4 BBC north COMPLAINANTS the jury found Belfield NOT gulity.
The found him guilty for the 4 newer complainants, so they legally count as “victims”
However I consider there to be millions of people who have a much bigger degree of victimhood
eg grooming gang victims
victims of physical beatings etc.
Struggling to find any sympathy at all, I’ve even looked down the back of the sofa, nothing…
TOADY Watch #1 – BBC asking hard questions of the NHS – really?
Dr Helen Stokes-Lampard, Chair of the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges a GP Principal and Chair of the National Academy for Social Prescribing, was ‘interviewed’ so to speak, ie. was allowed by JustRemainIn Webb to lapse into a coma of a high speed rant of “wicked Torrreeee cuts” and “ten years of austerity” but then seconds later was saying “it’s not about money”. I had to activate the radio off switch, not Dr Stokes-Lampard’s financial life support.
I hope Justin gave her a really hard time over all the extra money the NHS has received from Government a.k.a. the taxpayer over the past twelve years, especially the guaranteed pay rises for low paid staff like cleaners and hospital porters and student nurses even during a time of sort of ‘austerity’ thanks to Blair & Brown trashing the UK economy. Maybe that is why Dr Stokes-Lampard is so peeved? She hasn’t had a pay rise while the cleaners and porters and nurses have had one.
She was going on about some things being more important than money or similar -I know they are on about the NHS killing people with cancer through neglect or killing babies because ‘midwife’s ‘ don’t know what they are doing ….
… my ‘auto glaze ‘ comes on when this stuff comes on . It works quite well most the the time – in fact the words on the radio starts sounding like a tune – particularly when it’s anything to do with the NHS or race .
The bbc want to make sure all the little third world babies get delivered safely . Allah wills it
Meanwhile putin is delivering a war speech to the Russian people – we don’t get to hear to much about that .
One step closer to putting on the tin hat …. .
Fed, am so glad that you didn’t have punctuation & word ‘-foil’ in your last sentence. 🙂 How’s the hol going? The weather girl, post 6 a.m. News on R4 tried to kid us that the temp was 21°C yesterday. Not where I was it wasn’t, cool’n’the gang in the south-east England.
I thought about including ‘foil ‘ – as I write I’ve turned Today back on and someone from the government is telling our Justin not to talk about nuclear war as it’s not helpful . Even talking about nuclear war our Justin sounds bored . Maybe he is medicated ….
President putin has mobilised the army – I bagsy using the ‘ lights are going out all over Europe ‘ ‘ – lord gray line –
Although when he said it in 1914 I don’t think he was talking about increased DDs from EDF or Eon ….
Thank you for asking about my hol. If Blighty is still there next week I’m due to be back there… someone in my current country has turned the ‘scorching ‘ button down to ‘nice ‘.
Springster and Justo off with Greta and Mishal too?
Not today
But being a bit of a contrarian – I watched the film ‘spencer ‘ on freeish Amazon thing – I somehow think it won’t be on the bbc Christmas film list this year ….
BBC not happy.
Maybe OFCOM could warn why?
And there in a nutshell is the BBC problem.
Notice they change the emphasis from the actual quote “Challenging to sustain” to “Emissions could rise”
A sneaky shift of the actual narrative to make it sound more threatening, something they do consistently every day.
They also as per usual ensure there is a Getty image showing lots of fire and black smoke to underline the message.
The really insidious thing about this is that they are obviously convinced that their role is to push the narrative in the way the eco-loons at the BBC and their activist SW1 buddies want it rather than go with the truth.
Its almost cult like.
Oh dear, more harmless plant food in the atmosphere, whatever will we do?
Ex bbc anger and protests editor finds a war he likes.
Love the ‘we’.
A little article on Mason. May be of interest.
Belief, especially via a Democrat propaganda MSM source, forms a key part of @BBCNorthAmerica output on a ‘degrees of separation’ basis.
Dems caught with their pants down, fully exposing their hypocrisy, as becoming normal now, reach for their buddies in the courts etc. once again to cover their stupidity.
They must be so very confident of their unholy undercover partnership with the forces of law and order in the US to immediately decide use their buddies to cover their arses.
Not what she would have wanted edition
There’s a certain air of reversion to form in the press this morning. We’ll get to grips soon enough with the anti-conservative stuff, excuses for the old geezer Biden, the shilling for Zelensky, pro-EU guff, climate change propaganda, media celeb entitlement and goodness knows what else…
But let’s pause after an extended period of mourning our very last British-born woman to wear a headscarf to note: Iran protests: Women burn headscarves in anti-hijab protests… after the death in custody of a woman detained for breaking hijab laws. (BBC)
Boris Johnson, global feminist ally?
Boris Johnson mocks women in burkas who ‘look like bank robbers’ (Sky News August 2018)
We’ll pass by – in the fast lane – just about the last British media bourn woman to be seen on TV wearing a facemask – Holly Willoughby
Holly and Phil ‘devastated’ over Queen queue row (Daily Express – reunited this morning – after a period of patriotic mourning – with the people of Ukraine)
Holly & Phil ‘distraught’ at royal queue jump row (Daily Mirror) – so which is it – devastated or distraught – or both perhaps – one for doing it and one for getting caught?
The left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper would have us believe it cared very deeply for the health of the nation as so often in recent times it showed itself to be the most coronaphobic of titles.
Today it has a new health exclusive: Cancer cases increasing among under-50s – the ‘i’ goes on cite just about every possible potential factor about which nanny state government nudge units reckon we should worry – that is all except late diagnosis: Junk food, sugary drinks, sleep deprivation and sedentary lifestyle are blamed
That’s a worry, whilst the Telegraph warns: One in four ‘will lose access to GP by 2030’
One has long suspected that our NHS is sadly beyond reform. What I like to call the nationalised health-industrial complex – The expression military–industrial complex describes the relationship between a country’s military and the defense industry that supplies it, seen together as a vested interest which influences public policy. (Thank you Wiki)
The Tories are terrified of reforming the NHS. Only Labour in power could realistically take on the vested interests – but Labour wouldn’t want to.
Doctors’ pay demands… The British Medical Association has been accused of acting like a football agent by demanding £250 an hour for consultants working overtime (Times)
In 1948 Aneurin Beven explained how he achieved his goal of the NHS by stuffing the doctors’ mouths with gold – clearly the celebrated socialist of his time had the nous to understand that a simple socialistic appeal to unremunerated public duty on behalf of the medics was unrealistic.
Prime Directives
In the vintage sci-fi TV show we’ve come to know as a grandiose franchise – Star Trek – The Prime Directive (Starfleet Order 1) is a prohibition on interference with other cultures and civilizations Starfleet may encounter in their exploration of the universe.
Taken to its logical extreme this would of course mean Captain Kirk parking the Starship Enterprise in sedentary Earth orbit for the duration of its five year mission, so as to safely leave alien civilizations to their own devices – But I digress
The real world Bank of England fluffed its Prime Directive:
To keep inflation low and stable, the Government sets us an inflation target of 2% (A rare appearance hereabouts for the Bank of England’s online presence)
Current inflation rate 9.9% Target 2% (B of E) – whoops…
Bailey rejects criticism of Bank of England’s handling of inflation… insisting that the central bank had not allowed the economy to overheat… Bailey has come under intense criticism over the BoE’s failure to contain the recent surge in UK inflation, which hit 9 per cent in April (FT)
By failing to tame inflation, the Bank of England is complicit in today’s wave of strike action (Telegraph)
To have kept to its prime directive the Bank would have had to refuse doing QE so as to enable all that excess government spending – and that would have been like having James Kirk banned from playing with his photon torpedoes and his phasers: Since it was first introduced in 2009, quantitative easing (QE) has moved from an ‘unconventional policy tool’ to a pillar of UK monetary policy… Since March 2020, the Bank of England (BoE) has doubled the size of its QE programme, and by 2021 it owned £875bn of government bonds plus £20bn of corporate bonds – equivalent to around 40 per cent of UK GDP. (Investors’ Chronicle)
As if the fiasco of the lost Lockdown years – in which the NHS frankly flunked its prime directive – public health – would not be cause for concern enough – warning enough that the entire grandiose structure was a sham in terms of caring for patients and was instead a self-perpetuating self-interested institution…
Then surely this little story should tell us all we need to know: The Queen’s funeral has led to the cancellations of thousands of hospital appointments… Several NHS trusts, including Bedfordshire hospitals and Norfolk and Norwich University Hospitals, and the Aneurin Bevan health board in Gwent were among the first to confirm the cancellation of planned appointments on Monday. (Guardian)
Never mind the NHS currently boasts a largely self-created massive waiting list, roughly twenty-six times the length of the estimated 250,000 who went through the parliamentary building to see the queen’s coffin. Imagine that! Many of those poor souls may well be seeing their own coffins before they get to see a doctor free at the point of access.
We ought to know by now that when there’s a big health crisis the NHS response is to put up a big closed for business sign.
When a person turns to the NHS for help, their needs are met by people with the right numbers, skills, values and behaviours to provide high-quality care (NHS Health Education England Framework)
I was supposed to find out how long I have left to live – The Queen’s funeral has cancelled my cancer appointment (freebie Metro)
Just as Mr AsISeeIt observes the necessity of correcting many of those media headlines which blamed the Pandemic for this or that bad outcome – to properly read Lockdown caused this or that bad outcome – so he steps in here to correct the giveaway Metro: I was supposed to find out how long I have left to live – The NHS has cancelled my cancer appointment
It’s not what HM The Queen would have wanted.
It would be very helpful if you didn’t criticise the very excellent state health service . Ok – so a few thousand lives might have been changed / ended prematurely because of the day of the Queens ‘ funeral – but surely it was worth it for the ‘spectacle ‘?and the TV figures .
Anyway those victims – sorry – patients – will get news appointments this time in 2023 – unless there’s a war or rail strike of course .
And be sure that they hardworking underpaid medics will put the boat out to make sure their victims – sorry – patients – get the treatment they deserve . … actually – who cares – the medics get paid anyway and if the punters die at home they don’t show badly on the NHS stats ….
Be fair, our NHS only got one of my two barrels this morning – our white stale and pale national bankers got the second.
Before I realised the NHS had cancelled planned appointments for the Queen’s funeral I had naively assumed the obvious lack of ethic diversity in the crowds was because they were all busy at work in the NHS. Now I realise they must have all been at home watching it on the telly.
Asiseeit – I’m excited by the prospect of increased bankers bonuses ( not rhyming slang ) having just read about the origins of the last crash of the economy. It is excellent that financial types create fraudulent markets to crash economies again – and get suitably remunerated for it …
Ordinarily, WaPo is a bbc unimpeachable source, but it is likely every BBC is phoning around BLM, Lammy, Dr. Shola to get in asap.
BBC EdGuds mangle Ingrit to a dire degree.
Time for Justo and the #28Gate team to mount a full counter offensive using public funds to tell the public how things should be. Or just rig it. Or blunder on and ignore.
68 thousand votes -59% want ‘free’ meaning not give a green crap damn – you have 2 hours to vote at @0900 Wednesday morning – vote early – vote often – says sleepy joe ..
Martin Lewis is supposed to be a clever business chappie and yet he can’t see that this is almost certainly just another way for Global next day megalithic corporations to reduce their overheads and garner a bit more profit from gullible eco-panicked buyers?
Not so sure – I don’t believe in green crap and rebel when I can …
I reply to that point Lewis wrote
“this poll is very interesting to see a decent chunk of people would pay more”
So ignores the fact the glass is 60% full
and says “OMG the glass is 40% empty, we must take action ”
The context is Lewis is married to a pretty TV weather girl, who is in the green cult.
So that explains why even when The Islington Socialist parties introduce ridiculous green energy mandates, which have made each household 20% poorer this decade, Lewis has FAILED to challenge them.
typo : In reply to that point Lewis wrote
Just generally – a lot of those ‘in the know ‘ think rates will go up by 0.75% on `Thursday – but on Friday the Super Budget takes place … I guess the Treasury will be doing the math overnight Thursday / Friday ….
… the cost of all that State borrowing is going up and up …
“… the cost of all that State borrowing is going up and up …” As is the balance still being borrowed.
BBC takes folks’ money, but also blocks them if not on bbc message.
Wicked skills.
Paypal is a utility, so should be a universal service for all,
not bullying by shunning people whose politics it doesn’t like.
It’s a free country*
*Certain exemptions apply.
PayPal like many other Global Tech conglomerates have an overwhelmingly younger, uni educated and hence indoctrinated workforce. So decisions like this are no longer made on business principles but a need to bow to their own workforce to avoid internal conflict.
Sustainable in the short term but in fact it will eventually end up with the disintegration of such companies as more agile competitors spring up to fill the void they are building for themselves.
We are already seeing this with Disney, Netflix and Twitter etc.
I have to admit that, this morning, the likes of Lammy and Abbott as two thicko MP’s have gone up in my esteem. Their quality and ability to assess a situation and report accurately is outstanding compared with their equivaled in the Russian Duma…….
Our “Worlds Most Trusted Broadcaster” interviews a sort of, “MP” of the Russian Duma with regard to Putins declared intentions. Apart from Putin himself who continually displays deranged behaviour this Russian “MP” was equally deranged. It must be something in the Russian air. We heard a bellicose rant which included the, West having physically invaded Ukraine at the outset; Ukraine full of Western people and other nonsense (aka ‘Bullsh*t).
It was a difficult interview for the BBC when you consider that the BBC is far from averse to, itself, deranged reporting, at the very least by omission.
The crux of Russia’s current intentions (and as the ‘Thugs of the World’), Russia is really saying to the West,
‘If we want to invade and take over any country, stand back and let us get on with it”. Unfortunately for the Russians, a country is fighting back and indeed giving the Russians ‘a bloody nose’. The body count is irrelevant.
If NATO/The West adopted the, ‘sit back and watch’ approach and let Putin get on with it, it is obvious that the West would live under threat of the tap on the door by the Russian GRU anytime of the day. Sorry, just replace ‘tap’ with kick the door in’ in true Russian fashion.
More difficult times ahead. And things getting a whole lot worse.
BBC Radio 4 had a report from their ” disinformation reporter” who decides what is true and not true on social media. Key phrase she probably accidentally dropped in , that there are small groups that ‘we” ( does she mean the BBC ?) cannot monitor.
And who decides BBC truth in editorial seldom impresses.
Telling their Ms. Info Babe blocks anyone asking for BBC facts to be backed up.
Not great at interpreting PR wibble, especially from academics, but this looks mighty like creating a thing to get all the results you want that the public won’t benefit from.
Once again, Nigel tells it like it is concerning Leicester and immigration; and like you’ll never, ever hear on the lying, biased BBC.
Nigel Farage for Prime Minister.
“a prophet in his own land”
Next time vote for UKIP & The Reform Party before it’s too late .
“Social Media” being the only public space for the dissemination of evidenced challenges to the usual procession of faked -up narratives presented in the MSM – esp. the BBC.
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – how convenient! Guess what is not mentioned? Funny, I thought. I thought funny. No mention of the BBC’s TV Licence Fee. Currently at £159 or something like that, an inflation linked increase is likely to take that figure to £175 or more. Be aware when you are doing your household budget. If you are struggling with ‘the-cost-of-living-crisis’ think about cancelling your TV Licence and put the TV in the loft.
Just think of the electricity you will save. 🙂
Pays for the standing charge ?
There are several blatant, activist Labour fronts out there.
Just got this.
Our campaign to wipe out the Tory majority at the next election – Win As One – is getting ready to go – but we now need your help to raise £10,000 to fund the launch to the wider public next month.
Will you help us?
Donate now to help us launch Win As One
Thanks to the generosity of many Compass members and supporters, we’ve already been able to build the Win As One campaign – a movement to rid the country of the Tories at the next election, get a progressive majority in Parliament and change politics for good.
We now urgently need your help to fund the launch of the campaign – which will include a landmark report and polling on the case and support for change, an interactive web platform to mobilise volunteers and a game-changing launch film.
To be copy and pasted by BBC droids as ‘people are saying’. Especially the ‘poll’.
Some researcher will get spanked on that one … maybe he should go Kunte kinte…
Depending on how things go NATO must be delighted that putin is calling up 300 000 . How many will turn up ? How long will it take to get the up and running / dying .
I know traditionally Russia has a tendency to throw lives away but can putin get that now ?
Duck and cover
Prior to this, the Russians have just recently laid the law that those not responding to the ‘call-up’ will have the law – Treason – thrown at them.
As the peace loving Russians have always been good at propaganda I bet the BBC equivalent will be pushing out images of tearful pregnant Russian speaking ladies calling desperately for protection from the demon Ukrainians ….
… medals and glory …
Anyone have any thoughts or opinions regards Western propaganda?
Cost of living: Students struggling with impact of soaring prices
Guess the “student” Getty Image photo. Will it be male or female? Will they be white or black?
I believe that is what is called a ‘rhetorical question’.
BBC image selection is inspired by Henry Ford:
At all times.
Will the BBC cover this Afwic-ka story?
Are they Protestant or Catholic do you think?
Surprised to read that Jeremy Vine is a long time married man. for some time he has struck me as being rather neurotic.
“Broadcaster Jeremy Vine has hit out at social media firms as he said his stalker had put out a video promising to be back.
Alex Belfield was sentenced to five and a half years last week, after being found guilty of stalking four people.
He posted videos and messages online about his victims and encouraged his followers to target them.
Vine told BBC Two’s Newsnight social media firms “don’t care” about hosting such material, leaving him “broken”.”
You’d think that since Belfield has been found guilty – one might see a listing of his *proven* dirty deeds.
As far as I can see (which granted isn’t much further on occasion than the end of my nose) – it’s tumbleweed. Apart from Jezza Vile crowing …
I’m a tad confused as I looked at Simon Webb’s take and still thought “not much beyond opinion here”
he wasnt found guilty of stalking vine
“vine was terrified and in fear for his life”
yet still cycled to work … balls of steel
Kaiser, chrome molybdemum, if I recall correctly.
I wonder if Vile et. al. know deep-down how unfounded and completely overblown the accusations were that put Bellfield behind bars for 5 years. (Many “terrorists” get less than this).
I cannot comprehend how anyone could live with that on their conscience. Utterly contemptible and revealing of the character of the man and the others involved in what could be described as an institutional lynching party.
The big question is how much support did the accusers get to bolster the legal experts they used from the shadowy forces behind the court action and for what reasons?
Nothing about this case or it’s malevolent, vicious and totally unreasonable outcome seems completely feasible.
I would think Bellfield would have a strong case to appeal to the Supreme Court and hope he has support from some heavy weight legals to do so.
If it comes to pass that a superior court should find the case problematic, Bellfield would be in a strong position to claim massive damages from all involved including the judiciary.
Very little exposure to vine but he sounds like the sort of character who doesn’t do ‘deep down ‘ – but he does do tax avoidance – eg using his daughter as a company director ….
He sounds like the sort of character VD would rally round.
The problem is – if someone lands up with 5 years inside for a non Physical violence crime – then what about the use of actual violence ?
Deterrence is distorted – I’m not explaining it well – but it reminds me of the killer who doesn’t find the second murder as difficult as the first ….
I suppose the appeal court will drop them to concurrent rather than x4 consecutives …
They’re often not even original thoughts but something obviously run up by his production team (his occasionally flubbed delivery being the tell) – to get people annoyed and quite deliberately set up spats where he can be ringmaster.
The bloke is out of the same stable as James Whale and other toxic clown ringmaster microphone jockeys.
The irritation tactic works I suppose – I can’t bill him for the destruction of a workshop radio…
A thoroughgoing Oxygen larcenist who’s ridden the BBC’s audience reach to a fat salary and pension.
It is fair to say these people have no allegiance to Britain whatsoever. Britain is just a place they happen to live, and the British passport is just a travel document.
Thoughts on the Leicester riots:
– How quickly the BBC disappeared the story, relegating it to Regions on their webshite!
– It’s all the fault of ‘social media’ apparently. This serves the BBC agenda in 2 ways. A) it deflects attention from the real culprits (third world immigrants, particularly muslims) and B) it strengthens the calls for ever more policing of social media.
– The BBC’s coverage was an exercise in obfuscation, NOT clarification.
– While both sides may bear some blame, Hindus are usually very law-abiding and assimilate well in their host culture, while muslims are the opposite. (See every single country in the world with a muslim population.)
The Religion Of Peace website on muslim assimilation:
They keep banging on about riots in East Leicester whilst constantly showing a road which is most definitely in North Leicester. Too busy to look at a bloody map?
Less eggshells to tread on there maybe..
War in Ukraine: Fact-checking Russian claims that Nato troops are fighting in Ukraine
….. its a bBC fact-checker, so must be true!
Be nice if the BBC fact checked whose shelling the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, which unfortunately seems to be happening again.
Instead of pretending to be even handed in apportioning the blame.
Their standard trick is to report whatever the Ukraine government say as fact then at the bottom put ‘The BBC was unable to verify the claims’.
Basically the USA are giving them precision rockets then analysing all the satellite data to tell them exactly where and when to fire them. They almost certainly also have some personel on the ground who are experts in the use of the weapons.
If I was Russia, I would consider that to be an act of war. Luckily for us it seems Russia is not up to taking on the West in a conventional war. But we are giving them lots of lessons on how to do it.
My big concern here is that Biden and his nasty bunch of Obama cronies plan to ruin Russia as a world power so will just keep the war going and going until something breaks – and they are gambling on Putin being removed before the nukes start being fired.
The trouble is – as they have always done in their arrogance – they are completely misjudging how much support Putin and Russia have from everyone else outside the West. They all hated the USA (and us) long before this started.
I’m not so sure you read of Obama is correct . Since at its basist the primary drive of America is business and markets they’d happily go along with the existence of Russia and China as long as the US is not directly threatened and they can continue to make money . Europe is the buffer state for the Eastern seaboard and as we saw in WW2 – not that important to them as long as they are comfortable behind the Atlantic .
Obviously a major mindset failure akin to pearl harbour and9/11
You may be right – but I think the USA military consider conflict with China to be inevitable and if they are allied with a strong Russia, we might well lose. This is their one and only chance to pull Russia down. I think that’s the reason that nobody at all is doing anything to try and end it : the EU are fully on-board for the same reason.
China are coming along in leaps and bounds since we gave them all the know-how to manufacture our technology.
… and they bought a slew of our prostitute politicians
China is the bigger danger because of the sheer size of the population – but as it gets richer it has more to lose. As long as those in power are not challenged I reckon they’ll plod along .
Taiwan is one of those unifying ‘hate ‘ things which serves a purpose for the bosses . Although ther biggest danger is the war mongers looking to prove themselves ( see Japan v the US 194 – which even at the time the sanest ones knew they only had a year before the US would be pumping out soldiers and weapons )..…
I’ve heard that Zaporizhzhia was being shelled and checked with the Duran and elsewhere… – the BBC drones quite simply appear not to care about veracity – their version often doesn’t even reference Kiev’s version and on occasion contradicts it and then Kiev has been known to adjust towards the BBC narrative – which is why I do not believe near everything that the BBC emits on the topic.
BBC Radio 4
“It might finally be possible to get in the party mood without the risk of a hangover.”
About the astounding popularity of alcohol free drinks when celebrating Tony Blair’s win.
The image is as expected. A bbc blonde female of gammon, and… guess.
I remember that the Russians invented an anti drunk pill which took the effects of booze instantly away – but it was banned because the liver never got the memo ‘.. I was I in a pub drunk again having one of those conversationssssszzz
Bill Maher, a long-time ‘liberal progressive’ is slowly getting red-pilled, like so many others.methinks Bill might find himself cancelled …
Does ‘red pilled’ mean waking up and being right and right ?
I’m not sure if I imagined it, but I’m sure I read that Joe Biden was far too busy to have a meeting with Liz Truss, and that they would chat at the UN conference. This was followed by Liz truss stating that as far as UK-US trade agreements go, Joe could go swivel. Why is there no mention of this kind-of-important development on the bbc?
Obama said we’d be back of the queue for a trade deal.
Trump was ready to negotiate one, but we were still in the EU and thus not “allowed” to ..
Now we’re back at the back again.
We should do deals with Russia and other nationalist nations, they’re the future anyway, and leave these creepy globalist New World Order type countries well alone.
trump was gagging to give us a trade deal
the torys were anti-trump and never tried
the torys were pro joe xiden
the plastic paddy brandon was never going to do a trade deal with the UK
we can only surmise the torys never wanted a US trade deal
Eddy — if that old crackpot Biden had some of us on his team the statement would be
Britain in 14 th place for trade deal!
In the car and happened to try radio 4. Something about gentrification and how terrible it was that black people were being “forced out” of ‘ black areas’ because of ”gentrification’.
Maybe I missed episode one about white people being forced out of ‘white areas’ of cities their families have lived in for thousands of years by incoming migrants ? .. As if ..
Off switch was soon pressed so am afraid I can’t report on more of the production.
Lucky that the BBC has a pending nuclear war to take attention from the Hindu v Muslim confrontations isn’t it ?
I’m thinking of putting a bet on with Paddy P© As to where the nuclear conflagration starts – it seems
Ukraine ( favourite )
I’m slightly concerned that I might not collect my winnings .
Listening slightly to sleepy joe reading the autocue at the UN – he says putin has threatened Europe . Well I heard different – I heard he threatened NATO – was this a slip of the autocue – me – or is he splitting america off the threat list and leaving us ( Europe ) to it .
On PM the agenda is fixed by ‘Evan ‘ being in Stoke . Which on a day when the end of the world is threatened is as interesting as a Meghan marked blog . Big failure to inform BBC …
Can we have some advice about surviving a nuclear attack ? Fill up the bath with water ? Panic buy toilet rolls ? Need to know ..
By the way – I don’t know if anyone on this site is old ( mature ) enough to remember the Cuban Missile Crisis -but my read of the current one is far closer to the trigger than that one . However I do not believe all Russians are as fruit hoopy as putin and when it comes to the actual firing someone with a bit more belief in God will say ‘just hang a minute ‘… or find that the launch buttons don’t work to well as they have ‘ made in Ukraine ‘ on them …
PJW has put out a video :People arrested for holding Russian flags
I suspect there is more context but can’t find any.
It’s about Essex Police withdrawing charges against 6 people finally on July 28th
After holding them in March for 23 hours in Colchester
It’s said that 3 of them held international bunting, and one of the flags was Russian, so the police considered that disturbing to some people and therefore a public order offence.
Essex police? – they’re the ones who said John “Goldfinger” Palmer died from a heart attack vs. a large dose of high speed buckshot and are the UK police champions at putting the wrong fuel in their vehicles – that Essex Constabulary?
Yet they do nothing when ISIS wave their flags in London.
This is 100% Leftist fascism. This extremely selective ‘right to not be offended’ is straight out of Hitler’s handbook. We are already on the path – it’s just a question of degree over time.
It took place outside Colchester General Hospital on March 15th. A group was protesting against the government’s Covid policy, the spokesman for whom is a chap called Ian Drew.
There’s a more comprehensive article on Sputnik News. This is effectively banned in the UK so you might need a VPN to access it.
But at the Labour conference they wave Palestine flags surely that upsets a lot of people?
I was just reading the news on my android pad with google newsstand and had quite an unpleasant surprise.
Previously I could hide news from specific sources and over time, the BBC, The Guardian and all the other far-Left rags were removed.
Now I see my feed is absolutely chock full of them all again. Mostly BBC and Guardian but the Independent, Sky and FT are all there in numbers as well. There’s one or two from The DT – but no right-wing newspapers at all (I wouldn’t call the DT right-wing now).
And get this : they have removed the option to hide them. They are forcing me to read the news thay want me to read.
The more I think about it, the more sinister it is because they have actively chosen to change it.
Grim. The start of something very authoritarian. We are indeed living through a determined assault on democracy.
Twitter is doing the same – my feed in rammed with XR, Greenpiece, Guardian, UN and choice BBC bobbing turds.
They can’t catch everything though…
Sounds like they are trying to sing from the autocue in JFK sort of way – thoughtful – here – thinks he is fully marbled – I just think they are doing a really good job suppressing the onward March of dementia –
Still surprised they haven’t killed him yet but if they can pull off another fraud in November maybe they’ll run him a bit longer… remember – it’s obamas third term
The best News comes from articles with links to scientific papers found on Google Scholar: : Twitter bans it, so it must be good : Paypal bans it, so it must be good : Best for Vaccine death and injury News : Best for Climate Science News
Oh John I too had my Google news settings to hide BBC, Guardian, Indy I wasn’t swamped by their constant agenda pushing