Six O’Clock News, Ten O’Clock News
BBC One, Wednesday 31 August
We reported from Chorley on parents who say the police are failing to respond when their children have been assaulted.
One parent said she called 999 and no one appeared for 48 hours. Another mother said it took two weeks for an officer to appear after she rang the police. A third said she took her daughter to the police station straight after she was assaulted and was told no police officer was available at the time to do anything.
The report said Lancashire Police says it’s supported all the mothers involved, arrested the offenders and dealt with them in line with national guidelines and that it is proud of officers’ approach to policing in Chorley.
However we should also have made clear that the force says it always answers 999 calls and when there is no ongoing risk or threat or crime in action it will arrange to visit people at a time convenient to them so it can investigate and deliver the best outcomes.
We apologise for the omission and are happy to make this clear.
Lancashire Police also says it disputes some of the facts given in the cases featured.
I am glad that we are starting fracking as we really need to be self sufficient in energy as much as possible, (and self sufficient in food production as well), to stop other countries trying to blackmail us.
However you can guarantee the usual suspects will be outside the fracking sites causing disruption, I hope the Police come down hard on them, but doubt they will.
Did anyone see Ed Milliband’s response in Parliament to the lifting of the fracking moratorium?
I’ve not seen a grown man behave like that for some time. He wailed on for some time like a hysterical woman saying that the technology was untested (really?) And the earthquakes were a huge problem.According to the Richter scale the so called earthquakes will be tremors on the scale of a gnats fart.
The DRC produces more than 70% of the world’s cobalt, holds 60% of the planet’s coltan reserves and is the world’s fourth-biggest producer of copper, which Goldman Sachs is calling the “new oil”.15 Feb 2022
Ed Miliband: "Charter for earthquakes" "The people …. will be part of his dangerous experiment" "We will hang this… in every part of the country between now and the next general election"#Labour playing politics of fear. should be ashamed of themselves. WE NEED CHEAP FUEL!
And any case put by the Government will be prefaced on the BBC with ‘The Prime Minister defended plans to commence fracking, saying that it was good for Britain, but experts said it was the worst thing ever done by mankind, etc etc blah blah…Here’s our pet expert to agree. He’s a lifelong Labour supporter, but we’re not going to tell you that.’
Here is Iain Conn, the former boss of Centrica, speaking to @AndrewMarr9 today on fracking: “I can’t see how it’s an economic proposition for the UK.” ~AA
Board and Committee Memberships
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Safety, Environment and Sustainability Committee
Amber joined the Board on 10 January 2022 and is a member of the Nominations Committee, Remuneration Committee and the Safety, Environment & Sustainability Committee.
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Amber brings a wealth of real-world experience in energy, policy and business.
Centrica plc is an international energy services and solutions business.
Centrica plc registered office: Millstream, Maidenhead Road, Windsor SL4 5GD, UK Tel: +44 (0)1753 494000
Registered in England & Wales No 3033654 VAT registration number: GB 684 9667 62
Nominative determinism in action – Centrica have been fiddling with the wholesale gas price for years and using the fruits of their antics to drive up the price – during the summer – when it costs them less to manipulate the market.
It’s Science ™ and has been confirmed by Experts ™. Gas has shot up in price solely due to Putin’s war in Ukraine. So cunning is this man that the UK price of gas quadrupled during 2021, a full six months before the war even began. However, as we all know, electricity has not increased in price at all. No sir, it hasn’t. This is because most of our electricity is generated by renewable sources such as wind and solar, and the price of wind and sunshine has not increased and cannot. Thus we are always guaranteed cheap, clean energy that will not increase in price and which saves the planet. If anything, nine times cheaper is probably an underestimate and renewable energy is actually too cheap to meter.
P.S. I’ve got a couple of bridges for sale, if anyone is interested.
Wonder if he took a bung from the Russians or Chinese to weaken the UK . His family have a track record after all .
The UK had to harness every source of energy and pretty damn quick . How’s that gas reserve being built ? Or are we still influenced by the disaster out nut nut ?
Railways account for a magnificent……7% of journeys by distance.
For the hated private car the figure is 85%.
What a shame our blue socialist government is so totally in thrall to the eco-fanatics that they cannot see how popular abandoning the war on the motorist and investing in roads would be.
And as if on cue, BBC news feature an interview with a representative of Greenpeace. Cretinous.
I’m thinkint Putins decision to escalate his Ukraine invasions might well have disastrous consequences for him and the poor sods he sends there, and has nothing to do with the Ukrainians ability to prosecute the war, but the weather, the old enemy of Napoleon and Hitler.
A general mobilisation call up of reservists and getting them into the field – literally into a field in this case is going to take until October at least and the weather at that time isn’t too bad, but come November it normally doesn’t get above 4C maximum and December January February are all frost days where the temperature doesn’t get above zero and can fall to an average of minus 6C at night.
If these troops are not well equipped with kit to survive the cold, plus good rations and hot drinks, the weather is going to kill more of them than the Ukrainian army will.
The invasion began in the Spring it hasn’t been fought in Winter yet. I wouldn’t envy anyone being exposed to the temperatures these men will have to face.
Thoughtful – I was thinking that – particularly when my favourite history book is ‘Stalingrad ‘. You might recall that even at the start of the campaign the logistics of the Russians didn’t seem upto much ( subject to propaganda caution of course ) ..
… so how is it now ? The attrition rate for senior officers seemed very high – presumably courtesy of their SIM cards ….
… so have things improved ?
Or maybe it’s gonna be a ‘spring ‘ offensive – depending on the number who are pushed into duty of course ….
Is there some odd policy at broadcasters on who they drag in on screen?
It’s almost like there’s too many people living on our tiny little island 🏝 yet they invite more and more and then tell us medical resources are under strain .
I’m visiting the U.K. from France in November, after witnessing previous episodes of family members in the NHS I’m not happy about ending up there after an accident. We’ve taken out insurance so if necessary I can be flown back, I recall that once upon a time people worried about going into hospital when on holiday abroad I’m now experiencing that in reverse.
“Consider this, I give this example. If immigration continues at the levels it has average over the last ten years. Britain will be adding 10 million people to it’s population in the next 20 years. That means building a new house roughly every seven minutes. Now, we currently have no leadership from the Liberal Democrats, Conservative or Labour Parties saying they are going to do anything to change that course. @5:56 … if any party wishing to get into power doesn’t address this they are committing political suicide….@10:30″ {youtube – Douglas Murray – oct2015}
… but wait, someone, who is now in power to act out their words, did mention this problem and almost suggests that ‘too high immigration’ should be reduced …
“Because when immigration is too high (no figure given), when the pace of change is too fast, it’s impossible to build a cohesive society. It’s difficult for schools and hospitals and core infrastructure like housing and transport to cope. And we know that for people in low-paid jobs, wages are forced down even further while some people are forced out of work altogether. … So there is no case, in the national interest, for immigration of the scale we have experienced over the last decade.”
Theresa May as Home Secretary // Speech to the Conservative Party Conference – in full / 06.10.2015
I saw that interview, and I just laughed. This doctor on £120,000 says he works too hard from 7 am to 6 pm. But dismissed it when Christys said “yes but only 3 days a week”.
I’ve yet to see a non-coloured doctor be interviewed, instead of this reject from Rue Pauls drag programme.
Interesting one .
It seems the Roysl Family has a agreement with the BBC and others to never rebroadcast certain bits of the funeral coverage . Understandable .
But in this time – surely those thousands who recorded the live footage will just highlight the discomfort ( grief ) in those excluded sections – and make matters – sadder ….
I didn’t see much evidence of the cameras playing a sick game of looking for tearful grief stricken people who who happen to be in the Roysl Family . Although I guess a camera will have been on the American actress throughout
Apparently her groupies are claiming she was the only one crying, several shots of various other members of the family with handkerchiefs were available along with shots of stiff upper lips from the men but that’s irrelevant to the sugars.
The very first time I heard Mick Lynch talk on TV I had him marked.
He is what my Dad, a 21 year navy bloke called “a barrack room lawyer” i.e, some with a massive grudge but no education or qualifications, with an inflated view of his importance, complaining about everything all the time and acting as though speaking for everyone.
Apparently the navy had its share in the mess rooms and generally they were despised by most true matelots,
Away for a couple of days, listening to the radio in the car.
This morning Jeremy Vine was doing a special on ‘how inflation is affecting students’.
With no surprise whatever, the thing was one long whingeathon with all the carefully selected students trying to outdo each other on hard luck stories. Why they feel the need to go to University to pile up £30 k of debt to do a useless degree unrelated to the jobs market was of course not asked,
We switched off after about 10 minutes.
In contrast I have to say that we listened later to Steve Wright. Yes he’s a bit irritating but Mrs S pointed out his is a feel-good programme. Light, humorous, with some good oldies.
Needless to say, his show has been cancelled.
So there you have it, BBC Radio. Telling you about their own warped version of the world.
I guess aggrieved students then must believe that their potential elevation into a superior career path should be paid for by everyone else, including a whole load who will never get the chance to advance their job prospects but will be burdened by extra tax to help those poor students up a ladder that they themselves will never get the opportunity to climb?
Now that sounds very fair does it not?
Put it this way, if you buy a super car on HP to make yourself look cool you can’t knock on your neighbours door for a handout if you can’t afford the repayments or am I Badthinking?
The Google page is showing
they support the #INTERSECTIONALITY worldview
It’s headed
“Hear inspiring stories celebrating diversity*”
* They don’t mean actual diversity
but rather box-ticking to signal they recognise
certain special groups
Diversity, definition: code word meaning ‘Less White people’.
Inspiring story, definition: dreary, predictable and patronising item involving people from one or preferably more of the following categories: ethnic minority, non-standard sexuality, feminist, environmentalist, obese, vegan. Example: “An inspiring story in which Emma, a black body-positive vegan non-binary eco-activist, discovers that she is one of only 2,000 people at her university who has dyed her hair purple.”
However they point out that the Governments of Scotland and Wales are to continue enforcing the ban.
I hope that this means that any savings in costs that can be passed on to the consumers in lower fuel bills will only be made available to consumers in England and that Scotland and Wales are excluded from any reduction in costs. Now that sounds very fair and equitable to me!
BBC local newsPR featured 2 black South African Social workers Grimsby council is bringing across.
… apparently 33 are being brought in.
These 2 didn’t have clear English
One seemed to say he is coming for Grimsby’s beaches and mountains
Mountains ? there’s the wolds, but they just a hill, hardly ski country.
Channel 5 now “Angelica Bell investigates the carbon footprint of supermarket sandwiches”
.. The mixed race presenter is talking to the mixed race sandwichmaker in a factory where almost everyone is non-white
Worth a watch half way down the page on, a US judge talking scathingly about the beastial treatment the people arrested following the 6th White House affair are being subjected to.
This sounds more like the antics of a banana dictatorship than the leaders of the Biggest country in the free world.
The Dems have literally torn up the concept of a free world to grasp control and power. They are vicious, deranged and hopefully now running scared.
If this Judge can unearth the full facts behind this appalling abuse in my opinion a lot of the people who have incarcerated and tortured these people should end up doing time themselves. If the US recovers its senses and throws these animals out of office I really hope it comes to that.
Jack Dee will probably be excluded from BBC progs now
I’m in the process of cancelling my PayPal account. Big Tech companies that feel they can bully people for questioning mainstream groupthink don’t deserve anyone’s business.
Rotherham Victim, 15, Trafficked For Sex, Doused In Petrol And Threatened To Be Set Alight
Doused In Petrol And Threatened To Be Set Alight
PA/Huffington Post UK
26/08/2014 06:04pm BST
Updated August 26, 2014
One young Rotherham victim was trafficked for sex to Leeds, Bradford and Sheffield by the time she was 15 years old and was doused in petrol and threatened with being set alight. Referred to as Child B in today’s report, the teenager was “groomed by an older man involved in the exploitation of other children”.
Bradford has been revealed as the winner of the hotly contested UK City of Culture 2025 competition.
The year is set to deliver more than 1000 new performances and events including 365 artist commissions, a series of major arts festivals as well as exciting national and international collaborations.
Its themes will be rooted in the unique heritage and character of Bradford and will reveal the magic of the district that is held in its people, its ambition, and above all, its potential.
Bit of an oddball one here but the UK National Grid has banned journalists from observing its “operational transparancy forum” (bit of an oxymoron if it’s no longer transparent).
It raises the question as to why they would feel the need to do this unless there is some information they don’t want getting into the public arena.
Being overseas and without TV – I have the non UK version of Amazon prime – which prevents me from watching just about anything .
So I resorted to some American dramas which turned out to be noticeably dire – one is called’ the patriot ‘about some nut job working for the CIA ( yawn )
Then there was the pilot for yet another mexican drugs thing with everyone going through the motions . If I could remember it I’d warn you off .
Any other streamed stuff worth avoiding greatly appreciated – whether woke – DFS – or just crap kidult Netflix …
there’s an overabundance of VPN pundits – many/some of whom are spectacularly wrong / misinformed. I suspect that many VPN services are actually operated / sponsored by the spook fraternity anyway… Apart from spilling – most of the commentary on that YouTube channel checks out – although as with near all the others he doesn’t seem to actually travel outside his home country much…
I wanted to circumvent China and other states snooping when travelling, browser tracking and break geolocation bars. I’ve been able to do that with mixed results – if you’ve a target painted on you – a state actor will usually block you.
EE (Orange as was) were interfering with VPNs – as were 3 Mobile on their 4G services.
It is related to the BBC who’ve been more and less tailoring content for specific furriners for some years. Sometimes a US domestic IP address sees a completely different BBC web site to UK punters…
You have to try but success isn’t 100% guaranteed.
Yes – trouble when you do research on such stuff it just washes you away ….I’m gonna use a fire stick with Alexa – so if you see a mushroom cloud in the south – it’s me …
Andy – very much – I feel a foreigner in my own country now – as a minority whitee and English Right Wing male it is a very alien place . I might leave for good but my language skills could be better …
Listening to the narrative about Russia and Ukraine – is it a re run of the Vietnam war ? We’ve got to the stage of the ‘draft ‘ with Russians running off to Canada ( Georgia ).
I fear a remake of ‘the tedious deer hunter ‘… and African Russians looking for political asylum turning up on our south coast beaches
Fedup, we live in France, a friend of ours bought us an Amazon firestick. You don’t need to subscribe to Amazon, just download the Cinema app, you can get most programmes and films for nowt. Being a Yorkshireman I appreciate that.
Thanks both – I’ve got the fire stick thing but haven’t got the physics degree I need to set it up . I’m also afraid I might accidentally launch a tactical nuclear weapon …
Former IPCC lead author Lindzen on IPCC craziness: IPCC report is written, bureaucrats etc write the summary, which doesn't match the report, then there's a 6-month gap to allow the report to be modified to match the summary. Science!
This was predicted over 30 years ago – the RCs were expanding and the Protestants reducing . There was a lazy assumption that this would mean automatic unification through a democratic refendum – but I don’t think most people are that tribal now –
But I write as an `English RC with limited exposure to ‘the trouble ‘ aka the evil PIRA … EU membership also implied unification for a while …
Reports out now that the Trump declassified Crossfire Hurricane records naming Obama, Clinton & Biden are the real DOJ priority in the Mar-a-Lago raid case.
Their priority – make sure the public never sees them despite Trump’s deliberate declassification to expose actual crimes
Sorry not the Beeb. I did mention a few days ago that Beckham’s appearance in the Queue at Westminster Hall, was a PR exercise to deflect the bad press he received for the mega millions he received from Qatar. I feel a bit vindicated now, because on GB News, Dan Wooton and Jim Davidson clearly had a private conversation and came to the same conclusion, – they didn’t come right out and summise it on air – probably for fear of being sued, but there was a lot of errring and ummming about it.
Beckham’s action seems to have paid off for him, as Letters pages in the press are now praising him to the hilt – one even called for the dreaded knighthood. Amazing what having a good Publicist can do when damage limitation has to be done – even if it means being on your feet for 12 hours !!!!
“Channel migrants: More than 30,000 cross in small boats this year”
What are Tory plans – deport them or build more houses ?
We are being invaded!
Next time vote for UKIP / The Reform Party.
Standby for a Truss ‘snap election’ !
BBC seems worried about the Italian election on Sunday – it fears that a non approved party – led by a woman – will gain power . Obviously because it is ‘disapproved ‘ it is described as ‘far right ‘.
All sorts of allegations are thrown at these ‘baddies ‘- apparently they are not too fond of the EU .
So the outcome on Sunday ?
1 they won’t really win
2 they didn’t do as well as expected
3 the government won’t last long
4 the turn out wasn’t high
5 people were voting on local issues
6 the other lot wasn’t any good
7 belesconi bought the election
8 vote was fixed
9 media bias
Funny how wrong stuff knocks on – they ‘legalise ‘ ‘marriage ‘ between female / female – then they bring in female ‘vicars ‘ then a female vicar marries a woman – then the female vicar she wants to do something which is not allowed . Then it moans and moans . Then it’s legalised . Then someone wants to marry their dog … which I think is still the long term aim .
“Climate change risk to coastal castles – English Heritage”
Does anyone know if the sea levels have risen or if any Castles have fallen down or if this is a load of BS ?
Well, according to these historic tidal records, our castles in Northumberland will be safe for a very long time. .62 of a foot in a hundred years
And the graph shows it is pretty straight with no upward trend at all….
So Taff, English Heritage are talking bullshit.
Hastings Castle is a keep and bailey castle ruin situated in the town of Hastings, East Sussex.
In 1287, violent storms battered the south coast for many months and the soft sandstone cliffs eventually succumbed to the elements. Large sections of the face fell into the sea along with parts of the castle.
Those Normans with their CO2 emissions – what were they thinking?
‘The castle is an exceptional survival, both as a work of architecture and for its medieval setting. In contrast, its interiors fell into ruin without any record surviving of how they were organised’.
‘Globule Worming’ on the inside? Wonder why? Maybe not enough insulation and double glazing, or perhaps the cowboy builders of the 1400s left out a few joists here and there…
The youth of today, Pussy Riot in the news again (as far as I know they’ve never sold a single record) official praise for the arabs and seriously dating edition
Alternative facts are being banded around in the press this morning. Different titles telling us different stories.
Back from death row. Brits freed in Ukraine P.O.W. swap speak of their relief… The men, all taken prisoner in Ukraine by pro-Russian forces were freed in a prisoner swap deal Saudi Arabia said it helped broker (giveaway ad sheet Metro)
Red Rom gets Brit POWs out. Abramovich with them on jet… former Chelsea owner Roman Abramovich played a key role in getting five British prisoners of war freed from Ukraine (The Sun)
Our BBC goes with the Saudi explanation with no mention of the former Chelsea FC owning oligarch: A total of 10 foreign detainees were released on Wednesday evening after Saudi Arabia said it had brokered an exchange between Russia and Ukraine.
Speaking from her home in Newark, Ms Wood told the BBC she only found out about her son’s release on Wednesday morning when she received a call from the Foreign Office… Ms Wood thanked the Saudi Crown Prince, former Prime Minister Boris Johnson and his successor, Liz Truss, Newark MP Robert Jenrick, and Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky.
So that’s the official line.
Admittedly the plane flew from Russia via Saudi – but was Roman’s presence on the flight nothing more than a happy celebrity coincidence? Or has the Sun shone a light on events? Let the cat out of the bag?
Speaking of which, the left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper encroaches on red top tabloid feline pet territory (the Daily Star – “Proud to love animals” in the same masthead motto sense the HM Daily Express is “United with the people of Ukraine“) the ‘i’ publishing a very sad-looking moggie frontpage: Families forced to give up their cats as cost of living bites
A bit of politics there (as 80s anti-Thatcher comic Ben Elton was wont to quip) especially crafted for our new young cat video watching generation.
The youth of today, eh…? What they need is some national service…
Don’t tell ’em your name, Pike! Russian lads flee Mad Vlad call-up – jokes the Daily Star: Panicked Russians joined long queues to flee their country
Sharing a frontpage with: Rylan suicide ordeal
Rylan reveals he attempted suicide after his marriage ended due to him cheating… The TV presenter says that his mental health got so bad that he ended up attempting suicide, which he is now glad he was unsuccessful at. The 33 year old revealed that he had cheated on ex-husband Dan Neal years ago, but only confessed this to him in May 2021, which ultimately led to Dan walking out on the six year marriage. (Stars Alert)
And to think David Cameron went to all that trouble to legislate for gay marriage.
Let’s not be too hard on Rylan (no sniggering at the back there) poor lad has brought a lot of pleasure to a lot of people and has had his troubles: Rylan Clark-Neal got stuck in a lift for nearly an HOUR and shared the ordeal in a hilarious series of Twitter posts (Northwich and Winsford Guardian – I kid you not)
Speaking of the youth of today…
One more child lost to knife epidemic. Lad, 15, stabbed as he walked home (Daily Mirror “The heart of Britain“)
Well, they did warn us we could expect more epidemics. One expects no official inquiry will ever discover the proximate cause of this so-called epidemic any more than they will the true origins of the corona.
The Telegraph features: Pussy Riot. Vladimir Putin acts like an abusive husband – whilst our favourite cartoonist Matt disappoints somewhat as he sketches a chap under a shaking tree with multiple apples falling on his head captioned: Isaac Newton discovers they’re fracking nearby
I’ve advice for conservatives – don’t ever use the language or the arguments of the left – even in jest – it’ll get you nowhere. The Left have no shame, no sensitivity to having their hypocrisy highlighted. They’ll just come back at you relentlessly on all fronts. For example, the Tories pick a black chancellor and the most diverse cabinet in history and the Mirror says: Budget revealed. Good day for the rich in Truss UK
Cambridge streets will be named after black alumni (Times)
One wonders if Fraser Nelson gets it? Big Tech’s censorship of the Right is out of control (Telegraph)
On a lighter note one likes to highlight those little apparently inconsequential oddities spotted on the frontpages…
In a feature I like to call fashion notes Mr AsISeeIt spots on the Daily Express picture of William and Kate Princess of Wales captioned: William ‘choked up’ over Paddington Bear tributes (perhaps we should get the Peruvians to mediate a peace deal over Ukraine?) Kate wears a plain curved-necked black jacket top with two vertical lines of gold buttons (please excuse my lame attempts to describe female clothing – I probably sound like an Albanian New York yellow cab driver talking about cricket)
But what do you know…? On the Daily Mail frontpage pic of Johnny Depp with his new squeeze: Depp ‘seriously’ dating his libel trial lawyer, 22 years his junior – seriously dating? – That’s one way of putting it. (Perhaps David Cameron ought to have considered a new legal category of gay seriously dating – I digress) The 37 year-old, Joelle Rich is attired in a remarkably similar black jacket top with double row of gold buttons to that worn by Kate. Snap. Let’s hope they don’t meet one another in the same dress. Apparently that’s very embarrassing.
I like getting old . It allows me to not know who ‘celebrities ‘ are . Apparently there are things called ‘influencers ‘ who are so admired ( approved ) by kidults that they can sell the mugs products through endorsements .
Maybe I can become an ‘influencer ‘ and encourage people to save money by dumping the TV licence . . And for just £2 a month you can get the exclusive Fedup guide to money saving – just send your card details – don’t forget the PIN …
I’d be embarrassed if I met an attractive young lady and realised I was wearing the same dress. Since I live in tee shirts and workmans trousers from the “house of ebé “(Ebay in english) it’s unlikely.
AISI, I looked through the front pages before coming here and I note they have ‘the work experience’ teenagers having a go at ‘doing tasters’ for the front page of the i today: “Patients treated at home to free hospital beds”. The NHS cannot be that short of cash if it is giving away free beds!
Listening to the BBC / red labour – they seem to be under the impression that there has been a Conservative Government for the last 12 years – clearly misinformation .
Even as Mary – Liz Truss pretends to go Tory they are borrowing / creating money at level which would make comrade Corbyn weep …
Do you remember that a couple of weeks ago a coloured gangster got shot by the police ? Lots of made of it by the BBC….
…. But what’s this ? The Times today reports that the ‘family’( yeah right ££) have viewed the video of the incident and are going to ‘ step back from campaigning ‘ ….
… strangely l have nt heard this reported on the BBC . Or is it relegated to the ‘londonistan News ‘ which no one looks at ?
Now back to Leicester / Birmingham / whereverstan
Mysteriously the comments section on the times has been switched off ….
Ed Davey has not noticed that Ed Milipede’s effort has been shown to be utterly pants, and as Labour colleagues only exist in the safe bubble reckons it is safe to come out on energy.
All relying on bbc agenda to ensure the void stays covered but unreported.
Tricky because those 3 alternative futures make assumptions that things as they appear to be now – remain as they are . Certainly Islam birth rates / invasions points toward a non write non Christian future – but whose to say that is not violently ended in a few decades ?
Similarly with green crap . Once people are either forced to starve or freeze green disciples might find a reduction in lifespan .
The data one is presumably driven by the WEF – which is mad up of individuals . And no one lives for ever – not even `George Soros (92)or Kraus Schrwab ( 84)….
Easy to sell to the masses if you’ve got a few $bn behind you and the ear of global governance. I have a few future scenarios in mind, but they’re not funded by deluded fantasists like a Thiel or a Musk or a Harari.
(Another bloke last century had charisma and a bold vision of the future but he was a bit divisive, unlike our beneficent new leaders.)
Barry Gardiner defends donations worth £500,000 from Chinese agent
The Labour MP said Christine Lee appeared to be ‘operating as a legitimate person in the UK’.
Amy Gibbons
Thursday 13 January 2022 20:23
The present Tories haven’t been looking backwards and forwards for a long time .
In other words they “don’t know if they are going backward or forwards”.
Poor forward planning. IMHO they have adopted the totally useless ‘Just in time technology’.
Question To Tories & Posters : Does ‘Serco Group PLc’ make lots of money from the mass illegal immigration now going on ?
Unlike the Twitter myth that he has shares in Serco or G4S or [insert b*stard private profiteer here], this one is actually true.
So the incredibly dodgy numbers are these: The firm has turned over £467 million since 2009 and it’s paid its board of directors £43 million altogether in wages and benefits over the same timeframe.
I posted yesterday on about a US judge who is trying to in investigate abuse of prisoners from the capitol riot. Apparently they are using techniques more or less developed in Guantanamo to break the prisoners.
They are leaving prisoners with broken bones without treatment.
The prison authorities are denying them washing and shaving stuff etc in order to ensure they look more like dishevelled Taliban style terrorist when they appear in court.
Reports of disgusting filthy cells being left unclean. When he tried to visit the facility, the female warden asked him to step back to open the door, then immediately went inside and locked him out.
Etc. etc.
So my guess is that the prison staff forced this man to have the moustache shave and the hair style as part of their stinking inhumane practices.
There needs to be a UN inquiry into what is going on, with the inmates allowed to give evidence in court.
If any substance, these Dem boot lickers are no better than Hitlers Nazi prison thugs.
And all this rubber-stamped by that nice old cuddly grandpa in the White House!
Thus is only a few steps away from undesirable people being thrown into mass graves.
Ten Seconds of BBC breakfast….old oil rig at Weston Super Mare dressed up with trees , wind turbines and solar panel nearby along with a young ” climate scientist ” interview….predictable rubbish…Frack Off BBBC ! . Burn that carbon We know it makes sense !
Likely not one for Springster. Maybe the BBC Hurdy Hurdy Editor?
It may be shocking for Americans to learn that in Sweden—the land of IKEA, Spotify and Greta Thunberg—there have been almost 500 bombings since 2018 . Perhaps the reason you don’t know about it is because of the uncomfortable reality of how we got here.
As Martin Wolf, the chief economics commentator of the financial times, says: ‘The desirability of sizeable immigration is a matter more of values than of economics. It is not a choice between wealth and poverty, but of the sort of country one desires to inhabit.’
The European Commission on Wednesday allowed for the transfer of Russian coal to ease “energy insecurity around the world”. A positive development for the Kremlin’s coffers, this softened the prior sanctions package, which had prohibited EU actors from transferring or providing services for Russian supplies. This comes at a time when the EU is supposed to be phasing out coal use in pursuit of net zero targets.
EGYPT — After enduring 10 horrible plagues that ravaged the kingdom due to his stubbornness and pride, Pharaoh proudly announced that plagues in Egypt are now down 100%.
“Hey, folks, we did it! I did it! I brought the plague rate down! This is because of my policies. No joke! Come on, man!” said Pharoah in a speech, apparently still slightly dazed from being struck in the head by a flaming hailstone. “We now have 10 fewer plagues than we had just a month ago. That’s real progress! For real!”
Several critics pointed out that the plagues of blood, frogs, lice, flies, livestock pestilence, boils, hail, locusts, darkness, and the killing of firstborn children were a direct result of Pharaoh’s policies and would have never happened to begin with if Pharaoh had made wiser decisions. The king then sentenced those critics to make bricks without straw for the rest of their lives.
movements and pipeline flows of fossil fuels from Russia in its Russian Energy Exports Tracker. On 6 September they published their third report on energy imports from Russia since the invasion. This found that in the first six months the war Russia had exported €158 billion in fossil fuels; €85 billion of which had gone to the EU. These imports were estimated to have contributed €43 billion to Russia’s federal budget. China was the largest single destination (€34.9 billion), followed by Germany, Turkey and the Netherlands. The UK was not in the top 20 largest destination by value.
Watching a BBC morning TV piece asking people if they want pay more tax. Nearly all saying yes. Really? I don't think this is representative. The average person is already paying around 70% direct and indirect.
Do you remember as a kid going along with your mum to that Clarks store in the high street for a new pair of black lace up school shoes? Being warned not to scuff them first day back playing football in the playground? If you were lucky you’d be having your feet measured on that mysterious machine they had in the shop. What a familiar shared vintage British family experience.
Suffice to say among 5 apparently represenative young people there’s only the one white chap in sight – and he’s about the most peculiar bloke I’ve ever seen – imagine if you will a cross between a young Arthur Askey and Marcel Marceau
Gotta love the corporate copy:
For the World Ahead… And to change the world of tomorrow, we’re doing things differently today. When we move together, small steps become big strides. This season, we’re proud to collaborate with some incredible change-makers and ambassadors championing racial equality, mental health awareness, LGBTQ+ advocacy and family rights activism – giving our platform to the voices of these inspiring individuals who share our drive to create a better world… the Clarks Collective share a key passion: the determination to create authentic social change and make a difference today – and for the world ahead.
As Tony Hancock in the Blood Donor sketch once replied to nurse June Whitfield who had just told him how blood was the same the world over: “I didn’t come here for a lecture on Communism.”
Jamie Windust’s motto? It pays dividends to do things you enjoy and that make you happy. For the non-binary author, host and LGBTQ+ trailblazer, starting to prioritise the silly as well as the serious led to living their best life – writing for everyone from Gay Times to British GQ, as well as their own book In Their Shoes, which explores navigating non-binary living.
Jamie now joins our Clarks collective of social and style trailblazers, telling us about their own journey – from how their relationship between fashion expression and gender identity has evolved, to their glasses wardrobe, and how to wear socks (hint: always pull them up and please pretend pop socks don’t exist…)
AISI, if I recall correctly the BBC NHS Editor, Hugh Pym, is a scion of the Clarks family. Maybe he appeared in that photograph in the Clark’s advertising?
Painful piece in the DT about dimbleby PLC senior . At Eton he was a member of the bullingdon club – but when he went to Oxford PPE he only got a 3rd – a fail .
Obviously that wrecked his future and had to rough it in the BBC .
Reading the piece – done because he is putting his book out £ – the stench of entitlement and living off daddy is so embarrassing – but he could never see that of course.
He says if Charles 3 wants the house of Windsor to give up -the house of dimbleby will always be ready to step in £ ( I made that bit up your majesty )
Fedup2Mar 10, 20:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Richard – thanks – nice to see the boys and girls of 77 brigade get an honourable mention . As…
FlotsamMar 10, 19:41 Start the Week 10th March 2025 As a seafarer myself it seems to be an unbelievably bad bit of driving. One ship was at anchor, there…
diggMar 10, 19:14 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Two ships crash in the North Sea with risky cargos…. TV roll on environmental mouthpieces.. oh the curlews….oh the puffins…..…
Up2snuffMar 10, 18:56 Start the Week 10th March 2025 MM, Hindus & Muslims have always clashed. Do pay attention. They clash in modern India. They also clashed way back…
Richard PinderMar 10, 18:47 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Not reported by the BBC. Donald Trump is revealing the criminal activity of the British Establishment. I think Trump has…
Richard PinderMar 10, 18:42 Start the Week 10th March 2025 After banning elected President Călin Georgescu and ruling he can never run again, Romanian authorities are now using brute force…
Emmanuel GoldsteinMar 10, 18:30 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Anybody else think that the Mike Amesbury election is suddenly going to take place because Labour feel it’s their best…
Fedup2Mar 10, 18:06 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Someone has noticed the slaughter of non Muslims in Syria – now who could that be – well according to…
atlas_shruggedMar 10, 18:06 Start the Week 10th March 2025 How about sending Palestinian Action off to gaza to help the Palestinians: No need to get them back. This…
Six O’Clock News, Ten O’Clock News
BBC One, Wednesday 31 August
We reported from Chorley on parents who say the police are failing to respond when their children have been assaulted.
One parent said she called 999 and no one appeared for 48 hours. Another mother said it took two weeks for an officer to appear after she rang the police. A third said she took her daughter to the police station straight after she was assaulted and was told no police officer was available at the time to do anything.
The report said Lancashire Police says it’s supported all the mothers involved, arrested the offenders and dealt with them in line with national guidelines and that it is proud of officers’ approach to policing in Chorley.
However we should also have made clear that the force says it always answers 999 calls and when there is no ongoing risk or threat or crime in action it will arrange to visit people at a time convenient to them so it can investigate and deliver the best outcomes.
We apologise for the omission and are happy to make this clear.
Lancashire Police also says it disputes some of the facts given in the cases featured.
I am glad that we are starting fracking as we really need to be self sufficient in energy as much as possible, (and self sufficient in food production as well), to stop other countries trying to blackmail us.
However you can guarantee the usual suspects will be outside the fracking sites causing disruption, I hope the Police come down hard on them, but doubt they will.
Did anyone see Ed Milliband’s response in Parliament to the lifting of the fracking moratorium?
I’ve not seen a grown man behave like that for some time. He wailed on for some time like a hysterical woman saying that the technology was untested (really?) And the earthquakes were a huge problem.According to the Richter scale the so called earthquakes will be tremors on the scale of a gnats fart.
The DRC produces more than 70% of the world’s cobalt, holds 60% of the planet’s coltan reserves and is the world’s fourth-biggest producer of copper, which Goldman Sachs is calling the “new oil”.15 Feb 2022
Once Justo and Matty have done folk will be relying the Towering Inferno.
From Guido…
Mr Blue Sky
And any case put by the Government will be prefaced on the BBC with ‘The Prime Minister defended plans to commence fracking, saying that it was good for Britain, but experts said it was the worst thing ever done by mankind, etc etc blah blah…Here’s our pet expert to agree. He’s a lifelong Labour supporter, but we’re not going to tell you that.’
So… a Springster special unlikely?
Chris Bryant retweets Groper. Hardly encouraging.
Amber Rudd
Amber Rudd
Amber Rudd profile image
JPG – 5.48 MB
Amber Rudd biography
PDF – 158 KB
Board and Committee Memberships
The Board
Nominations Committee
Remuneration Committee
Safety, Environment and Sustainability Committee
Amber joined the Board on 10 January 2022 and is a member of the Nominations Committee, Remuneration Committee and the Safety, Environment & Sustainability Committee.
Relevant Skills and Experience
Amber brings a wealth of real-world experience in energy, policy and business.
Centrica plc is an international energy services and solutions business.
Centrica plc registered office: Millstream, Maidenhead Road, Windsor SL4 5GD, UK Tel: +44 (0)1753 494000
Registered in England & Wales No 3033654 VAT registration number: GB 684 9667 62
Conn eh? – Former boss of Centrica eh?
Nominative determinism in action – Centrica have been fiddling with the wholesale gas price for years and using the fruits of their antics to drive up the price – during the summer – when it costs them less to manipulate the market.
If a Miliband falls in the forest, was it on a $650,000 banana before being shipped to Canada to be chipped?
The msm circling the wagons of the Ed Stoned one is impressive to behold.
Globular Views in full crisis support.
How do they work out that renewables are nine times cheaper than gas?
It’s dead easy when you make the numbers up as you go.
It’s Science ™ and has been confirmed by Experts ™. Gas has shot up in price solely due to Putin’s war in Ukraine. So cunning is this man that the UK price of gas quadrupled during 2021, a full six months before the war even began. However, as we all know, electricity has not increased in price at all. No sir, it hasn’t. This is because most of our electricity is generated by renewable sources such as wind and solar, and the price of wind and sunshine has not increased and cannot. Thus we are always guaranteed cheap, clean energy that will not increase in price and which saves the planet. If anything, nine times cheaper is probably an underestimate and renewable energy is actually too cheap to meter.
P.S. I’ve got a couple of bridges for sale, if anyone is interested.
Wonder if he took a bung from the Russians or Chinese to weaken the UK . His family have a track record after all .
The UK had to harness every source of energy and pretty damn quick . How’s that gas reserve being built ? Or are we still influenced by the disaster out nut nut ?
Miliband Minor is a clueless prat – groomed for greatness as the progeny of daddy the “Revolutionary Socialist academic royalty” /sarc.
Up the workers!
Railways account for a magnificent……7% of journeys by distance.
For the hated private car the figure is 85%.
What a shame our blue socialist government is so totally in thrall to the eco-fanatics that they cannot see how popular abandoning the war on the motorist and investing in roads would be.
And as if on cue, BBC news feature an interview with a representative of Greenpeace. Cretinous.
I’m thinkint Putins decision to escalate his Ukraine invasions might well have disastrous consequences for him and the poor sods he sends there, and has nothing to do with the Ukrainians ability to prosecute the war, but the weather, the old enemy of Napoleon and Hitler.
A general mobilisation call up of reservists and getting them into the field – literally into a field in this case is going to take until October at least and the weather at that time isn’t too bad, but come November it normally doesn’t get above 4C maximum and December January February are all frost days where the temperature doesn’t get above zero and can fall to an average of minus 6C at night.
If these troops are not well equipped with kit to survive the cold, plus good rations and hot drinks, the weather is going to kill more of them than the Ukrainian army will.
The invasion began in the Spring it hasn’t been fought in Winter yet. I wouldn’t envy anyone being exposed to the temperatures these men will have to face.
Thoughtful – I was thinking that – particularly when my favourite history book is ‘Stalingrad ‘. You might recall that even at the start of the campaign the logistics of the Russians didn’t seem upto much ( subject to propaganda caution of course ) ..
… so how is it now ? The attrition rate for senior officers seemed very high – presumably courtesy of their SIM cards ….
… so have things improved ?
Or maybe it’s gonna be a ‘spring ‘ offensive – depending on the number who are pushed into duty of course ….
Signed Field Marshall Fedup ( retd)
Is there some odd policy at broadcasters on who they drag in on screen?
I’m visiting the U.K. from France in November, after witnessing previous episodes of family members in the NHS I’m not happy about ending up there after an accident. We’ve taken out insurance so if necessary I can be flown back, I recall that once upon a time people worried about going into hospital when on holiday abroad I’m now experiencing that in reverse.
“Consider this, I give this example. If immigration continues at the levels it has average over the last ten years. Britain will be adding 10 million people to it’s population in the next 20 years. That means building a new house roughly every seven minutes. Now, we currently have no leadership from the Liberal Democrats, Conservative or Labour Parties saying they are going to do anything to change that course. @5:56 … if any party wishing to get into power doesn’t address this they are committing political suicide….@10:30″ {youtube – Douglas Murray – oct2015}
… but wait, someone, who is now in power to act out their words, did mention this problem and almost suggests that ‘too high immigration’ should be reduced …
“Because when immigration is too high (no figure given), when the pace of change is too fast, it’s impossible to build a cohesive society. It’s difficult for schools and hospitals and core infrastructure like housing and transport to cope. And we know that for people in low-paid jobs, wages are forced down even further while some people are forced out of work altogether. … So there is no case, in the national interest, for immigration of the scale we have experienced over the last decade.”
Theresa May as Home Secretary // Speech to the Conservative Party Conference – in full / 06.10.2015
I saw that interview, and I just laughed. This doctor on £120,000 says he works too hard from 7 am to 6 pm. But dismissed it when Christys said “yes but only 3 days a week”.
I’ve yet to see a non-coloured doctor be interviewed, instead of this reject from Rue Pauls drag programme.
Interesting one .
It seems the Roysl Family has a agreement with the BBC and others to never rebroadcast certain bits of the funeral coverage . Understandable .
But in this time – surely those thousands who recorded the live footage will just highlight the discomfort ( grief ) in those excluded sections – and make matters – sadder ….
I didn’t see much evidence of the cameras playing a sick game of looking for tearful grief stricken people who who happen to be in the Roysl Family . Although I guess a camera will have been on the American actress throughout
But she’s as much a royal as I am …
Apparently her groupies are claiming she was the only one crying, several shots of various other members of the family with handkerchiefs were available along with shots of stiff upper lips from the men but that’s irrelevant to the sugars.
She is an actress, ‘of sorts’.
I see our world’s best bullshitter has invited Mick Lynch on to Have I got news for you. Left leaning bastards.
The very first time I heard Mick Lynch talk on TV I had him marked.
He is what my Dad, a 21 year navy bloke called “a barrack room lawyer” i.e, some with a massive grudge but no education or qualifications, with an inflated view of his importance, complaining about everything all the time and acting as though speaking for everyone.
Apparently the navy had its share in the mess rooms and generally they were despised by most true matelots,
We also used to call them white rats. Every jossman had 1 or 2 in every mess deck, they would run and tell tales. They weren’t liked either.
Away for a couple of days, listening to the radio in the car.
This morning Jeremy Vine was doing a special on ‘how inflation is affecting students’.
With no surprise whatever, the thing was one long whingeathon with all the carefully selected students trying to outdo each other on hard luck stories. Why they feel the need to go to University to pile up £30 k of debt to do a useless degree unrelated to the jobs market was of course not asked,
We switched off after about 10 minutes.
In contrast I have to say that we listened later to Steve Wright. Yes he’s a bit irritating but Mrs S pointed out his is a feel-good programme. Light, humorous, with some good oldies.
Needless to say, his show has been cancelled.
So there you have it, BBC Radio. Telling you about their own warped version of the world.
When driving I dont mind the Ken Bruce show, but Vine is depressing and a good example of biased BBC.
I guess aggrieved students then must believe that their potential elevation into a superior career path should be paid for by everyone else, including a whole load who will never get the chance to advance their job prospects but will be burdened by extra tax to help those poor students up a ladder that they themselves will never get the opportunity to climb?
Now that sounds very fair does it not?
Put it this way, if you buy a super car on HP to make yourself look cool you can’t knock on your neighbours door for a handout if you can’t afford the repayments or am I Badthinking?
The Google page is showing
they support the #INTERSECTIONALITY worldview
It’s headed
“Hear inspiring stories celebrating diversity*”
* They don’t mean actual diversity
but rather box-ticking to signal they recognise
certain special groups
Diversity, definition: code word meaning ‘Less White people’.
Inspiring story, definition: dreary, predictable and patronising item involving people from one or preferably more of the following categories: ethnic minority, non-standard sexuality, feminist, environmentalist, obese, vegan. Example: “An inspiring story in which Emma, a black body-positive vegan non-binary eco-activist, discovers that she is one of only 2,000 people at her university who has dyed her hair purple.”
I have no idea why but I couldn’t help but laugh out loud at the last sentence in that post Ian. Did she personally check the other 1,999?
The BBC tell us that fracking is to be allowed again in England.
However they point out that the Governments of Scotland and Wales are to continue enforcing the ban.
I hope that this means that any savings in costs that can be passed on to the consumers in lower fuel bills will only be made available to consumers in England and that Scotland and Wales are excluded from any reduction in costs. Now that sounds very fair and equitable to me!
Scotchland and Wales will do as they are told.
-if only!
Getty do video too?
BBC local NewsPR
“coming up soon a special bit with dragqueen Juno Birch”
He’s just in for the hits now.
Did he really say, “controls on immigration” ?
BBC local newsPR featured 2 black South African Social workers Grimsby council is bringing across.
… apparently 33 are being brought in.
These 2 didn’t have clear English
One seemed to say he is coming for Grimsby’s beaches and mountains
Mountains ? there’s the wolds, but they just a hill, hardly ski country.
Smoke and mirrors!
Channel 5 now “Angelica Bell investigates the carbon footprint of supermarket sandwiches”
.. The mixed race presenter is talking to the mixed race sandwichmaker in a factory where almost everyone is non-white
So often TV is tickbox people and tickbox topics.
Thats why I make my own sandwiches, cheaper, better and you know who made them.
Worth a watch half way down the page on, a US judge talking scathingly about the beastial treatment the people arrested following the 6th White House affair are being subjected to.
This sounds more like the antics of a banana dictatorship than the leaders of the Biggest country in the free world.
The Dems have literally torn up the concept of a free world to grasp control and power. They are vicious, deranged and hopefully now running scared.
If this Judge can unearth the full facts behind this appalling abuse in my opinion a lot of the people who have incarcerated and tortured these people should end up doing time themselves. If the US recovers its senses and throws these animals out of office I really hope it comes to that.
Jack Dee will probably be excluded from BBC progs now
Just closed my PayPal account and told them why but it would take a million like me to have an impact 🙁
The appeal of Kev in tv studios plain to see.
Rotherham Victim, 15, Trafficked For Sex, Doused In Petrol And Threatened To Be Set Alight
Doused In Petrol And Threatened To Be Set Alight
PA/Huffington Post UK
26/08/2014 06:04pm BST
Updated August 26, 2014
One young Rotherham victim was trafficked for sex to Leeds, Bradford and Sheffield by the time she was 15 years old and was doused in petrol and threatened with being set alight. Referred to as Child B in today’s report, the teenager was “groomed by an older man involved in the exploitation of other children”.
The report said: “Child B loved this man. He trafficked her to Leeds, Bradford and Sheffield and offered to provide her with a flat in one of those cities. A child protection referral was made but the social care case file recorded no response to this.”
Bradford is UK City of Culture 2025.
Bradford has been revealed as the winner of the hotly contested UK City of Culture 2025 competition.
The year is set to deliver more than 1000 new performances and events including 365 artist commissions, a series of major arts festivals as well as exciting national and international collaborations.
Its themes will be rooted in the unique heritage and character of Bradford and will reveal the magic of the district that is held in its people, its ambition, and above all, its potential.
Bit of an oddball one here but the UK National Grid has banned journalists from observing its “operational transparancy forum” (bit of an oxymoron if it’s no longer transparent).
It raises the question as to why they would feel the need to do this unless there is some information they don’t want getting into the public arena.
Uh huh.
That’s gaslighting
“had to save to go out”.. that’s normal
My reality : I’ve been on holiday loads of times where it cost me £3/day or even less all in.
I was just away for 6 days and spent less than £25.
Being overseas and without TV – I have the non UK version of Amazon prime – which prevents me from watching just about anything .
So I resorted to some American dramas which turned out to be noticeably dire – one is called’ the patriot ‘about some nut job working for the CIA ( yawn )
Then there was the pilot for yet another mexican drugs thing with everyone going through the motions . If I could remember it I’d warn you off .
Any other streamed stuff worth avoiding greatly appreciated – whether woke – DFS – or just crap kidult Netflix …
Get a VPN – it’s a worthwhile investment.
But check out what you’re getting into – this chap offers reliable advice imho.
There’s usually a discount code for a year’s sub kicking around after you decide who to try.
I might have trusted this more if he’d spelt ‘receiving’ correctly at 49s. Makes me wonder what else he’s got wrong.
there’s an overabundance of VPN pundits – many/some of whom are spectacularly wrong / misinformed. I suspect that many VPN services are actually operated / sponsored by the spook fraternity anyway… Apart from spilling – most of the commentary on that YouTube channel checks out – although as with near all the others he doesn’t seem to actually travel outside his home country much…
I wanted to circumvent China and other states snooping when travelling, browser tracking and break geolocation bars. I’ve been able to do that with mixed results – if you’ve a target painted on you – a state actor will usually block you.
EE (Orange as was) were interfering with VPNs – as were 3 Mobile on their 4G services.
It is related to the BBC who’ve been more and less tailoring content for specific furriners for some years. Sometimes a US domestic IP address sees a completely different BBC web site to UK punters…
You have to try but success isn’t 100% guaranteed.
I before c except after v ?
Yes – trouble when you do research on such stuff it just washes you away ….I’m gonna use a fire stick with Alexa – so if you see a mushroom cloud in the south – it’s me …
Hello Fed, being overseas? White flight? 🙂
Andy – very much – I feel a foreigner in my own country now – as a minority whitee and English Right Wing male it is a very alien place . I might leave for good but my language skills could be better …
Listening to the narrative about Russia and Ukraine – is it a re run of the Vietnam war ? We’ve got to the stage of the ‘draft ‘ with Russians running off to Canada ( Georgia ).
I fear a remake of ‘the tedious deer hunter ‘… and African Russians looking for political asylum turning up on our south coast beaches
I might move to Martha’s Vinyard …
Fedup, we live in France, a friend of ours bought us an Amazon firestick. You don’t need to subscribe to Amazon, just download the Cinema app, you can get most programmes and films for nowt. Being a Yorkshireman I appreciate that.
Thanks both – I’ve got the fire stick thing but haven’t got the physics degree I need to set it up . I’m also afraid I might accidentally launch a tactical nuclear weapon …
‘dya see how it works?
More in Northern Ireland from Catholic than Protestant background for first time announce the BBC…..
Why did I instantly look for the BBC bias in that headline?
Could it be down to Catholic non-birth control tendencies?
This was predicted over 30 years ago – the RCs were expanding and the Protestants reducing . There was a lazy assumption that this would mean automatic unification through a democratic refendum – but I don’t think most people are that tribal now –
But I write as an `English RC with limited exposure to ‘the trouble ‘ aka the evil PIRA … EU membership also implied unification for a while …
No wonder the BBC is crying poverty. Two people to write the article, plus one other to give their analysis.
Looks like NI is filling up with foreigners as well.
Sorry not the Beeb. I did mention a few days ago that Beckham’s appearance in the Queue at Westminster Hall, was a PR exercise to deflect the bad press he received for the mega millions he received from Qatar. I feel a bit vindicated now, because on GB News, Dan Wooton and Jim Davidson clearly had a private conversation and came to the same conclusion, – they didn’t come right out and summise it on air – probably for fear of being sued, but there was a lot of errring and ummming about it.
Beckham’s action seems to have paid off for him, as Letters pages in the press are now praising him to the hilt – one even called for the dreaded knighthood. Amazing what having a good Publicist can do when damage limitation has to be done – even if it means being on your feet for 12 hours !!!!
“Channel migrants: More than 30,000 cross in small boats this year”
What are Tory plans – deport them or build more houses ?
We are being invaded!
Next time vote for UKIP / The Reform Party.
Standby for a Truss ‘snap election’ !
Hello Taff
30,000 (Known), plus says 2 or 3 kids, upto 3 wifes, plus the rest of the family = 100,000 known
And the Tories do nothing but huff and puff !
Hello Taff
In the words of the bBC comedy porridge “we need a riot” lol
Not sure what the answer is Useless Torys, and worse Labour 🙁
UKIP & The Reform Party with Nigel Farage as PM .
Is it true that all these overweight ‘broadcasters’ are spreading their distorted dis-information via ‘podgecasts’?
Just asking for a normal, slim and attractive close friend…
BBC seems worried about the Italian election on Sunday – it fears that a non approved party – led by a woman – will gain power . Obviously because it is ‘disapproved ‘ it is described as ‘far right ‘.
All sorts of allegations are thrown at these ‘baddies ‘- apparently they are not too fond of the EU .
So the outcome on Sunday ?
1 they won’t really win
2 they didn’t do as well as expected
3 the government won’t last long
4 the turn out wasn’t high
5 people were voting on local issues
6 the other lot wasn’t any good
7 belesconi bought the election
8 vote was fixed
9 media bias
Message to Al Beeb and TheTories , three essentials…….
Security of our borders.
Security of our food supplies.
Security of energy supplies.
Church of England bars Desmond Tutu’s daughter from leading funeral
The late Desmond Tutu’s daughter has been barred by the Church of England from leading a funeral because she is married to a woman
Will the bBC start to hate the CofE now in its “reporting”
and the bbc also reports some very old castles will fall down due to climate change
maybe the castles are just VERY old
Funny how wrong stuff knocks on – they ‘legalise ‘ ‘marriage ‘ between female / female – then they bring in female ‘vicars ‘ then a female vicar marries a woman – then the female vicar she wants to do something which is not allowed . Then it moans and moans . Then it’s legalised . Then someone wants to marry their dog … which I think is still the long term aim .
Pastor Niemoller wrote a play with Ernie Wise on it.
“Climate change risk to coastal castles – English Heritage”
Does anyone know if the sea levels have risen or if any Castles have fallen down or if this is a load of BS ?
In our part of the shires it was mainly wild Anthroprogenic Cromwell Roundheading.
I mean – like – who needs castles like ? They’re old fings innit ? Slavery right ? Knock ‘em down . Justice ….
Well, according to these historic tidal records, our castles in Northumberland will be safe for a very long time. .62 of a foot in a hundred years
And the graph shows it is pretty straight with no upward trend at all….
So Taff, English Heritage are talking bullshit.
Hello Taff, its not the sort of questions the public should ask, we have been told this is due to climate change 🙂 and the bBC have “reported” it
Hastings Castle is a keep and bailey castle ruin situated in the town of Hastings, East Sussex.
In 1287, violent storms battered the south coast for many months and the soft sandstone cliffs eventually succumbed to the elements. Large sections of the face fell into the sea along with parts of the castle.
Those Normans with their CO2 emissions – what were they thinking?
Violent storms battered the shores of taffland for over a thousand years . The place is full of castles, all still standing and guess what , many of them by the sea……………………….
‘The castle is an exceptional survival, both as a work of architecture and for its medieval setting. In contrast, its interiors fell into ruin without any record surviving of how they were organised’.
‘Globule Worming’ on the inside? Wonder why? Maybe not enough insulation and double glazing, or perhaps the cowboy builders of the 1400s left out a few joists here and there…
The youth of today, Pussy Riot in the news again (as far as I know they’ve never sold a single record) official praise for the arabs and seriously dating edition
Alternative facts are being banded around in the press this morning. Different titles telling us different stories.
Back from death row. Brits freed in Ukraine P.O.W. swap speak of their relief… The men, all taken prisoner in Ukraine by pro-Russian forces were freed in a prisoner swap deal Saudi Arabia said it helped broker (giveaway ad sheet Metro)
Red Rom gets Brit POWs out. Abramovich with them on jet… former Chelsea owner Roman Abramovich played a key role in getting five British prisoners of war freed from Ukraine (The Sun)
Our BBC goes with the Saudi explanation with no mention of the former Chelsea FC owning oligarch: A total of 10 foreign detainees were released on Wednesday evening after Saudi Arabia said it had brokered an exchange between Russia and Ukraine.
Speaking from her home in Newark, Ms Wood told the BBC she only found out about her son’s release on Wednesday morning when she received a call from the Foreign Office… Ms Wood thanked the Saudi Crown Prince, former Prime Minister Boris Johnson and his successor, Liz Truss, Newark MP Robert Jenrick, and Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky.
So that’s the official line.
Admittedly the plane flew from Russia via Saudi – but was Roman’s presence on the flight nothing more than a happy celebrity coincidence? Or has the Sun shone a light on events? Let the cat out of the bag?
Speaking of which, the left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper encroaches on red top tabloid feline pet territory (the Daily Star – “Proud to love animals” in the same masthead motto sense the HM Daily Express is “United with the people of Ukraine“) the ‘i’ publishing a very sad-looking moggie frontpage: Families forced to give up their cats as cost of living bites
A bit of politics there (as 80s anti-Thatcher comic Ben Elton was wont to quip) especially crafted for our new young cat video watching generation.
The youth of today, eh…? What they need is some national service…
Don’t tell ’em your name, Pike! Russian lads flee Mad Vlad call-up – jokes the Daily Star: Panicked Russians joined long queues to flee their country
Sharing a frontpage with: Rylan suicide ordeal
Rylan reveals he attempted suicide after his marriage ended due to him cheating… The TV presenter says that his mental health got so bad that he ended up attempting suicide, which he is now glad he was unsuccessful at. The 33 year old revealed that he had cheated on ex-husband Dan Neal years ago, but only confessed this to him in May 2021, which ultimately led to Dan walking out on the six year marriage. (Stars Alert)
And to think David Cameron went to all that trouble to legislate for gay marriage.
Let’s not be too hard on Rylan (no sniggering at the back there) poor lad has brought a lot of pleasure to a lot of people and has had his troubles: Rylan Clark-Neal got stuck in a lift for nearly an HOUR and shared the ordeal in a hilarious series of Twitter posts (Northwich and Winsford Guardian – I kid you not)
Speaking of the youth of today…
One more child lost to knife epidemic. Lad, 15, stabbed as he walked home (Daily Mirror “The heart of Britain“)
Well, they did warn us we could expect more epidemics. One expects no official inquiry will ever discover the proximate cause of this so-called epidemic any more than they will the true origins of the corona.
The Telegraph features: Pussy Riot. Vladimir Putin acts like an abusive husband – whilst our favourite cartoonist Matt disappoints somewhat as he sketches a chap under a shaking tree with multiple apples falling on his head captioned: Isaac Newton discovers they’re fracking nearby
I’ve advice for conservatives – don’t ever use the language or the arguments of the left – even in jest – it’ll get you nowhere. The Left have no shame, no sensitivity to having their hypocrisy highlighted. They’ll just come back at you relentlessly on all fronts. For example, the Tories pick a black chancellor and the most diverse cabinet in history and the Mirror says: Budget revealed. Good day for the rich in Truss UK
Cambridge streets will be named after black alumni (Times)
One wonders if Fraser Nelson gets it? Big Tech’s censorship of the Right is out of control (Telegraph)
On a lighter note one likes to highlight those little apparently inconsequential oddities spotted on the frontpages…
In a feature I like to call fashion notes Mr AsISeeIt spots on the Daily Express picture of William and Kate Princess of Wales captioned: William ‘choked up’ over Paddington Bear tributes (perhaps we should get the Peruvians to mediate a peace deal over Ukraine?) Kate wears a plain curved-necked black jacket top with two vertical lines of gold buttons (please excuse my lame attempts to describe female clothing – I probably sound like an Albanian New York yellow cab driver talking about cricket)
But what do you know…? On the Daily Mail frontpage pic of Johnny Depp with his new squeeze: Depp ‘seriously’ dating his libel trial lawyer, 22 years his junior – seriously dating? – That’s one way of putting it. (Perhaps David Cameron ought to have considered a new legal category of gay seriously dating – I digress) The 37 year-old, Joelle Rich is attired in a remarkably similar black jacket top with double row of gold buttons to that worn by Kate. Snap. Let’s hope they don’t meet one another in the same dress. Apparently that’s very embarrassing.
I like getting old . It allows me to not know who ‘celebrities ‘ are . Apparently there are things called ‘influencers ‘ who are so admired ( approved ) by kidults that they can sell the mugs products through endorsements .
Maybe I can become an ‘influencer ‘ and encourage people to save money by dumping the TV licence . . And for just £2 a month you can get the exclusive Fedup guide to money saving – just send your card details – don’t forget the PIN …
I’d be embarrassed if I met an attractive young lady and realised I was wearing the same dress. Since I live in tee shirts and workmans trousers from the “house of ebé “(Ebay in english) it’s unlikely.
AISI, I looked through the front pages before coming here and I note they have ‘the work experience’ teenagers having a go at ‘doing tasters’ for the front page of the i today: “Patients treated at home to free hospital beds”. The NHS cannot be that short of cash if it is giving away free beds!
Mick lol
Listening to the BBC / red labour – they seem to be under the impression that there has been a Conservative Government for the last 12 years – clearly misinformation .
Even as Mary – Liz Truss pretends to go Tory they are borrowing / creating money at level which would make comrade Corbyn weep …
BBC agenda bias
Do you remember that a couple of weeks ago a coloured gangster got shot by the police ? Lots of made of it by the BBC….
…. But what’s this ? The Times today reports that the ‘family’( yeah right ££) have viewed the video of the incident and are going to ‘ step back from campaigning ‘ ….
… strangely l have nt heard this reported on the BBC . Or is it relegated to the ‘londonistan News ‘ which no one looks at ?
Now back to Leicester / Birmingham / whereverstan
Mysteriously the comments section on the times has been switched off ….
BBC ‘not going there’ is quite prevalent.
Ed Davey has not noticed that Ed Milipede’s effort has been shown to be utterly pants, and as Labour colleagues only exist in the safe bubble reckons it is safe to come out on energy.
All relying on bbc agenda to ensure the void stays covered but unreported.
BBC slow on the Chinese one still?
Tricky because those 3 alternative futures make assumptions that things as they appear to be now – remain as they are . Certainly Islam birth rates / invasions points toward a non write non Christian future – but whose to say that is not violently ended in a few decades ?
Similarly with green crap . Once people are either forced to starve or freeze green disciples might find a reduction in lifespan .
The data one is presumably driven by the WEF – which is mad up of individuals . And no one lives for ever – not even `George Soros (92)or Kraus Schrwab ( 84)….
‘Charismatic force’.
Easy to sell to the masses if you’ve got a few $bn behind you and the ear of global governance. I have a few future scenarios in mind, but they’re not funded by deluded fantasists like a Thiel or a Musk or a Harari.
(Another bloke last century had charisma and a bold vision of the future but he was a bit divisive, unlike our beneficent new leaders.)
Barry Gardiner defends donations worth £500,000 from Chinese agent
The Labour MP said Christine Lee appeared to be ‘operating as a legitimate person in the UK’.
Amy Gibbons
Thursday 13 January 2022 20:23
MM, only eight months out of date? You are losing your touch! 🙂
£500K does not disappear in 8 months – just gets easily forgotten.
MM, 🙂
“The farther back you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see.”
― Winston Churchill
The present Tories haven’t been looking backwards and forwards for a long time .
In other words they “don’t know if they are going backward or forwards”.
Poor forward planning. IMHO they have adopted the totally useless ‘Just in time technology’.
Question To Tories & Posters : Does ‘Serco Group PLc’ make lots of money from the mass illegal immigration now going on ?
Firm where Theresa May’s husband works has paid NO CORPORATION TAX for 8 YEARS despite £467m turnover
Unlike the Twitter myth that he has shares in Serco or G4S or [insert b*stard private profiteer here], this one is actually true.
So the incredibly dodgy numbers are these: The firm has turned over £467 million since 2009 and it’s paid its board of directors £43 million altogether in wages and benefits over the same timeframe.
MM, ““The farther back you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see.”
― Winston Churchill ”
Didn’t do Boris Johnson one bit of good!
Boris did not look beyond his own memoirs.
MM, Greeks and Romans?
Seems the BBC is going to accord every one a special feature and photo story.
So, there was ‘Bison Head’…. Now…
Alex Bellfield gets shot in the face and they might never cover him again. Even Pansy Vile.
I posted yesterday on about a US judge who is trying to in investigate abuse of prisoners from the capitol riot. Apparently they are using techniques more or less developed in Guantanamo to break the prisoners.
They are leaving prisoners with broken bones without treatment.
The prison authorities are denying them washing and shaving stuff etc in order to ensure they look more like dishevelled Taliban style terrorist when they appear in court.
Reports of disgusting filthy cells being left unclean. When he tried to visit the facility, the female warden asked him to step back to open the door, then immediately went inside and locked him out.
Etc. etc.
So my guess is that the prison staff forced this man to have the moustache shave and the hair style as part of their stinking inhumane practices.
There needs to be a UN inquiry into what is going on, with the inmates allowed to give evidence in court.
If any substance, these Dem boot lickers are no better than Hitlers Nazi prison thugs.
And all this rubber-stamped by that nice old cuddly grandpa in the White House!
Thus is only a few steps away from undesirable people being thrown into mass graves.
An alert banner just popped up on the bbc websh*te
Cherry Valentine: Drag Race UK star George Ward dies
Top priority news so glad I was logged in!
Big day for BBC Flounce
Is that racing for people in ‘drag ‘?
Fed, somehow I have a feeling it ain’t Santa Pod or even Daytona Beach.
Ten Seconds of BBC breakfast….old oil rig at Weston Super Mare dressed up with trees , wind turbines and solar panel nearby along with a young ” climate scientist ” interview….predictable rubbish…Frack Off BBBC ! . Burn that carbon We know it makes sense !
Wind turbines have an average life of over 25 years. Rapid evolution of wind technology has lead to an increase in the durability of wind turbines.
I thought it very warning that they are continuing to clear the Amazon …
Likely not one for Springster. Maybe the BBC Hurdy Hurdy Editor?
Greta will fix it and the world’s climate.
“Prime Minister pledges to control and reduce immigration”
Warning – That was 7 years ago !
From a Theresa May speech …
As Martin Wolf, the chief economics commentator of the financial times, says: ‘The desirability of sizeable immigration is a matter more of values than of economics. It is not a choice between wealth and poverty, but of the sort of country one desires to inhabit.’
The European Commission on Wednesday allowed for the transfer of Russian coal to ease “energy insecurity around the world”. A positive development for the Kremlin’s coffers, this softened the prior sanctions package, which had prohibited EU actors from transferring or providing services for Russian supplies. This comes at a time when the EU is supposed to be phasing out coal use in pursuit of net zero targets.
Listening to the new chancellor – he is reducing the rate of income tax to 19% and reducing the 45% back to 40% .
Acting like a conservative but all funded by borrowing . …
EGYPT — After enduring 10 horrible plagues that ravaged the kingdom due to his stubbornness and pride, Pharaoh proudly announced that plagues in Egypt are now down 100%.
“Hey, folks, we did it! I did it! I brought the plague rate down! This is because of my policies. No joke! Come on, man!” said Pharoah in a speech, apparently still slightly dazed from being struck in the head by a flaming hailstone. “We now have 10 fewer plagues than we had just a month ago. That’s real progress! For real!”
Several critics pointed out that the plagues of blood, frogs, lice, flies, livestock pestilence, boils, hail, locusts, darkness, and the killing of firstborn children were a direct result of Pharaoh’s policies and would have never happened to begin with if Pharaoh had made wiser decisions. The king then sentenced those critics to make bricks without straw for the rest of their lives.
movements and pipeline flows of fossil fuels from Russia in its Russian Energy Exports Tracker. On 6 September they published their third report on energy imports from Russia since the invasion. This found that in the first six months the war Russia had exported €158 billion in fossil fuels; €85 billion of which had gone to the EU. These imports were estimated to have contributed €43 billion to Russia’s federal budget. China was the largest single destination (€34.9 billion), followed by Germany, Turkey and the Netherlands. The UK was not in the top 20 largest destination by value.
Imports of energy from Russia
Research Briefing
Published Wednesday, 21 September, 2022
Do you remember as a kid going along with your mum to that Clarks store in the high street for a new pair of black lace up school shoes? Being warned not to scuff them first day back playing football in the playground? If you were lucky you’d be having your feet measured on that mysterious machine they had in the shop. What a familiar shared vintage British family experience.
Oh, how times have changed.
Take a look at the present advertising for Clarks
Suffice to say among 5 apparently represenative young people there’s only the one white chap in sight – and he’s about the most peculiar bloke I’ve ever seen – imagine if you will a cross between a young Arthur Askey and Marcel Marceau
Gotta love the corporate copy:
For the World Ahead… And to change the world of tomorrow, we’re doing things differently today. When we move together, small steps become big strides. This season, we’re proud to collaborate with some incredible change-makers and ambassadors championing racial equality, mental health awareness, LGBTQ+ advocacy and family rights activism – giving our platform to the voices of these inspiring individuals who share our drive to create a better world… the Clarks Collective share a key passion: the determination to create authentic social change and make a difference today – and for the world ahead.
As Tony Hancock in the Blood Donor sketch once replied to nurse June Whitfield who had just told him how blood was the same the world over: “I didn’t come here for a lecture on Communism.”
Jamie Windust’s motto? It pays dividends to do things you enjoy and that make you happy. For the non-binary author, host and LGBTQ+ trailblazer, starting to prioritise the silly as well as the serious led to living their best life – writing for everyone from Gay Times to British GQ, as well as their own book In Their Shoes, which explores navigating non-binary living.
Jamie now joins our Clarks collective of social and style trailblazers, telling us about their own journey – from how their relationship between fashion expression and gender identity has evolved, to their glasses wardrobe, and how to wear socks (hint: always pull them up and please pretend pop socks don’t exist…)
Sums up why I have not bought a pair their crap overpriced shoes in years.
AISI that’s got to be the most absurd piece of corporate social engineering yet.
It can’t get any worse than this. Can it?
For god’s sake don’t challenge them. Who knows where we’re going to end up, you never know they might make it compulsory.
AISI, if I recall correctly the BBC NHS Editor, Hugh Pym, is a scion of the Clarks family. Maybe he appeared in that photograph in the Clark’s advertising?
Painful piece in the DT about dimbleby PLC senior . At Eton he was a member of the bullingdon club – but when he went to Oxford PPE he only got a 3rd – a fail .
Obviously that wrecked his future and had to rough it in the BBC .
Reading the piece – done because he is putting his book out £ – the stench of entitlement and living off daddy is so embarrassing – but he could never see that of course.
He says if Charles 3 wants the house of Windsor to give up -the house of dimbleby will always be ready to step in £ ( I made that bit up your majesty )
David Starkey Harriet Harman Victoria Coren fight on Question Time
No wonder David Starkey got cancelled by the BBC – pointing out stuff about the swamp they really don’t want to hear – the truth ….
Fed, do you mean Dimbleby major? Dimbleby Senior is long dead.
Major dimbleby – the one Harry Enfield does