I’ve just read that Hilary Mantel has died suddenly. We on the site except for one are not as obnoxious as she was. But I will remind people Hilary was particularly nasty when Mrs Thatcher died.
There’s more : What do you think would happen if Tommy wrote a short story about assassinating Diane Abbott and the BBC decided to make it the R4 Book At Bedtime, shortly before an election ?
He replied
“Completely unacceptable response to my complaint,
as usual displaying condescending “mother knows best” attitude.
Nothing changes in this blatantly left wing organisation”
Hilary Mantel:”We see the ugly face of contemporary Britain in the people on the beaches abusing exhausted refugees[…]It makes one ashamed.
And ashamed, of course, to be living in the nation that elected this government, and allows itself to be led by it”
Sep 9, 2021
Dame Hilary Mantel of Wolf Hall fame said she’s leaving Britain for Ireland to remain an EU citizen
After this ‘sudden unexpected death’ I wonder if she had recently had a covid jab.
Is it one of those ‘more than the normal number of deaths’ we are hearing about.
I suppose we will never know (unless Mark Steyn finds out)
She always reminded me of a Weeble remember them and the advert “Weebles wobble but they don’t fall down “. Well at long last this one has and I’ll be cracking open a bottle of bubbly to celebrate the nasty harridan’s demise.
Running Out of Time @Climate_Relay
7,767km. 38 days. One mission! 🌎
👇 Join the world’s biggest climate change relay and help carry the baton from Scotland to Egypt! running-out-of-time.com
This bizarre, woke-to-the-limit article shows just what a farce the Left have created.
The main article refers to the deceased as ‘he’ then the BBC’s special ‘LGBT and identity correspondent’ refers to it as she !. I had to read it twice because once again, I thought they were talking about 2 different people. These variable pronouns are utter stupidity.
I looked around the net for the cause of death which isn’t specified and found the same mish-mash of ‘he’ and she’ along with comments from people who live in a completely different, child-like world to the rest of us.
I expect it’s either drugs or suicide. Same as most of the luvvies who pass away young. I would say that many of these people have some kind of abnormality in the brain which makes them unable to cope with real life – but I won’t as I now live in world policed by fascists like maxi. Only their ‘truth’ is allowed.
People are too scared to say what they think any more. They will receive the most nasty and hateful comments you can imagine from the Leftists.
I just saw someone on Facebook say something negative (but not insulting) about Meghan at the funeral and someone in the comments called her ‘A piece of shit’.
Meghan has garnered a following of dim flashy show biz loving air heads who are incapable of thinking in any depth, she is hollywood style famous without any discernible human value to her personality so that will do.
Exactly like Harry’s mum in fact who mysteriously attracted the same crowd of shallow thinkers.
Andrew Marr: ‘I found self-censoring at the BBC oppressive’
With his new exhibition and a gig at LBC, Andrew Marr is ready to ruffle feathers. The broadcasting heavyweight talks to Melanie McDonagh about his audience with Putin, ‘shameful’ Partygate and why Boris is not safe yet
Any news about Swella, the Home Secretary. What has she been doing lately?
Migrants detected crossing the English Channel in small boats – daily data
The Ministry of Defence has taken primacy for the UK’s operational response to small boat migration in the English Channel. Data is published on this page.
Ministry of Defence
15 April 2022
Last updated
23 September 2022 — See all updates
Related information
This page is updated daily with the latest figures on migrants detected crossing the English Channel in small boats.
The data below is for the 24-hour period 00:00 to 23:59 22 September 2022.
Number of migrants detected in small boats: 1,150
Number of boats detected: 21
Number of boats known by the MOD to be involved in uncontrolled landings: 0
Theresa May on immigration … from ‘hard’ line to ‘pink no line’ …
2012 … “Two and a half years ago, the coalition government was formed, and we made a clear promise to the British public. After thirteen years of uncontrolled mass immigration, this government would reduce and control immigration.” – Theresa May 2012
2015 … “Because when immigration is too high (no figure given), when the pace of change is too fast, it’s impossible to build a cohesive society.” – Theresa May 2015
2018 … “Over the years, overall, immigration has been good for the UK. It has brought people with different backgrounds, different outlooks here to the UK,” – Theresa May 2018
Channel arrivals this year (so far) of mainly, “fit young, military age men” equal to thirty-seven percent of our standing Army right now.
With continuing Government indolence, next year the numbers will probably equal the Army’s total. Invasion done and dusted. No doubt the AK47’s and ammo is arriving by some other means compliments of the Albanians.
No cause for alarm.
Bring back the Death Penalty by hanging for Treason.
Here’s a thought, most illegal young makes are Muslin, a lot of Ukrainian is also Muslim so why not just draft them straight into Ukrainian battalions, that way they would have both job and a cause and similar compatriots they could support.
The RAF could quickly airlift them to Ukraine to start basic training.
Amusing though this is, you have to be careful not to laugh at it, at least if you are a professor who has not got tenure. Those who wish to maintain the student mind in a condition of coddled vulnerability, unhardened by opposition and unpractised in argument, now police the campus, with the result that these places which should have been the last bastion of reason in a muddled world, are instead the places where all the muddles come home for nourishment. The example vividly illustrates the way in which the attacks on free speech can go so far as to close off the route to knowledge. And in the end that is why we should value this freedom, and why John Stuart Mill was so right to defend it – as fundamental to a free society – without it we will never really know what we think.
Shhh …. Ahmadis suffer vicious persecution around the world. The main source of fuel for that persecution is in Pakistan, but what happens in Pakistan does not stay in Pakistan.
I know that from my experience in the Yorkshire market town of Batley. In August 1985, when I was 11 years old, my parents organised an inter-faith meeting in the town hall. It was interrupted and disturbed when, according to West Yorkshire police, more than 1,000 extremists, led by Pakistani hate preachers funded by the Pakistani state, were bused in from around the country. The mob brutally attacked my English mother and my father, a dermatologist; my eldest brother and I; and a Welsh Ahmadi schoolteacher who was with us. My first cousin, a GP, was by chance driving through the market town that day. He saw the mob and saw his family and friends being attacked, so he stopped. He was recognised, pulled from his vehicle and savagely beaten up.
I posted a comment replying to someone on the Daily Mail regarding the new leader in Italy which they describe as the first far right leader since Mussolini.
I wrote correcting them that Mussolini was not far Right but far Left and as such the DM was incorrect, giving the historical facts.
Within less than 60 seconds the post had been taken down ‘Due to the number of complaints received’. If was reinstated very shortly afterwards, but it just goes to prove the Left are very sensitive about the truth coming out about their past and there are either bots scanning to complain or there are a lot of activists monitoring these comment boards.
Fascism was a development of communism/ socialism and envisioned the nation state and all those of that nationality as the beneficiaries of the one party state it sought to create. Communism was internationalist in that it regarded the class struggle as existing across national boundaries, ‘Workers of the World Unite ‘ and all that stuff.
Both ‘isms’ could only flourish in one party states and were ruthless in crushing all opposition. To the ordinary person living under either of the ‘isms’ must have been much the same, keep your head down, don’t complain , look the other way when you have to , clap and cheer when required and with luck they will leave you alone.
A government spokesman said the continued rise in crossings was “a clear abuse of our immigration laws, risking the lives of vulnerable people and funding immoral criminal gangs”.
Disgraced former Labour peer Lord Ahmed of Rotherham has been jailed for five and a half years for sexually abusing two children in the 1970s.
He was found guilty in January of a serious sexual assault against a boy and the attempted rape of a young girl.
The abuse happened in Rotherham when he was a teenager, Sheffield Crown Court heard.
Passing sentence, Mr Justice Lavender said his actions had had “profound and lifelong effects” on the victims.
The court heard Lord Ahmed, who was tried under his birth name Nazir Ahmed, attempted to rape the girl twice in the early 1970s, when he was aged 16 or 17 but she was much younger.
The attack on the boy, who was aged under 11 at the time, also happened during the same period.
In early February, Lord Ahmed of Rotherham was sentenced to five and a half years in prison after being convicted of sexually assaulting two children in the 1970s, offences which included buggery and attempted rape.
Lord Ahmed was a member of the House of Lords from 1998 to 2020 and resigned from this position following accusations that he had used his position of authority to sexually assault vulnerable women who had come to him seeking help.
I think it’s rather interesting that the Pakistani serial child rapist, Lord Ahmed, is given the same sentence as a bloke who was rude about the BBC.
So, there we have it; buggering children and raping vulnerable women is treated with as much seriousness as nasty remarks made about about Jeremy Vine.
See the bBC are all over the population balance shift in > N.Ireland
While they agitate for trouble it is worth noting that the Roman Catholics in N.I seem to be doing well thank-you very much and glad to be out of the southern bit!
Rather than proffer the old stuff why dont they focus on the positive and how the sectarian divide is getting less and people are working for the prosperity of all of the people of N.I within the framework of the United Kingdom.
That doesn’t suit their twisted agenda though does it?
And bBC Scotland….a nest of snp vipers are stirring up this Independence BS as their masters stagger from crisis to crisis
causing chaos and misery to everything they touch.
Thanks to John Derbyshire via VDare I came across the video below of another favorite pundit of mine, Mark Steyn. In the video Steyn notes the childlessness of most of the leaders of the EU’s founding member states, and thus their utter fecklessness towards the demographic tsunami facing Europe from Africa.
I agree with both Sailer and Steyn that this is “the world’s most important graph”, because of course the African population explosion won’t be contained within the continent. As Steyn notes, Western medical advances have made African births more viable than ever, creating tremendous population growth in countries without the infrastructure or resources to accomodate it.
The lineage of the name Leicester begins with the Anglo-Saxon tribes in Britain. It is a result of when they lived in Leicester, in Leicestershire. Leicester is the capital of the county and its name is derived from the Old English element ceaster, which meant “Roman town.”
Ongoing clashes between Muslims and Hindus threaten to “spread all over Britain”, faith leaders have warned, after 100 protesters descended on a Hindu temple.
Video footage showed the masked and hooded men shouting “Allahu akbar”, with dozens of officers deployed to the area in riot gear in response. No injuries were reported and an 18-year-old has since been arrested on suspicion of possessing a knife.
As ever, a request to Springster to check might be a waste of time.
This is a Corbyn propaganda piece & will tear labour apart, again, which I personally can't wait to see. However, every word is probably true and thank god for the UK that they did.#NeverLabour
Especially with the likes of Bryant, Reeves etc in full flow assured that with Ed’s utter tripe being neatly given a pass by The BBC, their efforts on tax will be too.
The local government is also planning to offer cash subsidies of up to $1,500 per baby per year for families with two or three children. Panzhihua, a city in Sichuan province, is also giving cash handouts to families with two or three children, at $80 per month, per baby.24 Sept 2021
“It’s hard to find a well-paid job in Ukraine,” she said. “I wanted to renovate the house and set aside money for my son’s university fees – they’re very expensive. My mother never had the means to support me in that way, but I want my son to get a good education.”
BioTexCom, Ukraine’s most popular surrogacy company, offered her $11,000 for one pregnancy and a $250 monthly stipend – a sum more than three times the average yearly salary in Ukraine of approximately $3,000.
intro “next the URGENT Climate Crisis”
… super loaded words
“150 people attended Youth Strike for Climate Sheffield”
that’s tiny in 600K population
Probably ADULT PR people exploiting children
#PRtrickery to emotionally blackmail people
& shield their fakegreen dogma from proper questioning
kids behaviour is cultlike
but is free speech
“There is no planet B”. Young people, on strike from school, march through Sheffield demanding action on climate change. With no votes for under-eighteens, they say it’s the only way their voices can be heard.@itvcalendar@ys4csheffieldpic.twitter.com/w3jCspaW2z
A local councillor from St Petersburg in Russia has
just been interviewed on the Spectator You Tube
TV channel.. Under the headline of ” Staying silent isn’t
an option.” He represents a constituency of 80,000.
And this brave soul feels that it is his duty to let us
know what his constituents and himself feel about
the Putin edict.
I just pray that the next time we hear about Dmitry
Baltrukov isn’t that he has thrown himself out of a window.
A sample question provided at no cost to the BBC to be aimed the Labour Party spokesperson at the next opportunity: Do you now fear winning the next election and immediately restoring the taxes cut by the new Chancellor, Kwasi Kwarteng, today and for Labour then being seen as ‘anti-business’ again?
Look at the PR dept of ABC US proudly tweeting
a list of the NewsPR agendas they are pushing
.@DavidMuir's reporting included an exclusive interview with President Zelenskyy in Ukraine, documenting Orphans of Covid across U.S., Polk award-winning reporting on the Children of Climate Change and more, marking season-winning performance.https://t.co/zKCQZpWzJppic.twitter.com/sY65mJghXW
BBC local NewsPR opens with
“Coming to a field near you ..FEARS”
“The F word is back …fracking”
“chemicals are injected”
“In Blackpool there were 186 earth tremors”
.. * Good they didn’t use the misleading word “Earthquake”
featured Richard Howarth giving hyperbole against
Enviro Presenter “It’s not a quick fix, fracking could take many years to produce”
(actually fracking could be done in months)
This shows to me that the BBC are right in with the activists
by opening the news with their PR
#1 The item did mention there have never been any plans to frack in our area
#2 As well as one anti-fracking tweet they did read a pro tweet.. same for the vox pop.
Only at 6:41pm did they start with a much bigger local news
Our area is likely to be home to a number of new special investment zones announced in today’s budget.
Boston murder .. Polish couple
A jealous man bludgeoned his ex-partner to death and dismembered her body while their young daughter slept, a court has heard.
Kamil Ranoszek then cycled to a park with the body of 27-year-old Ilona Golabek, dumped her remains and returned to take the three-year-old girl to nursery, Lincoln Crown Court was told.
People earning over £150k pa can donate their tax cut to charity if they wish. Contrary to what Labour imply, not everyone in that tax bracket works in financial services. pic.twitter.com/aMKzkSrwAa
If the sky suddenly flashes – in the few seconds before the blast waves carries survivors away – wouldn’t it be annoying ( I wanted to use a far stronger word ) to realise that the cause was that half wit .
I bet Nostradamus never saw that old boy as part of the cause of the end of mankind …
The long term effect of the theft of the US election by Obama. / Biden is bound to be felt elsewhere . I just hope when the putin elections deliver an overwhelming result for Russia Putin mentions the corruption of the US election. – just to remind the occasional American voter of what happened – and what they allowed to happen…( except for those Capitol freedom fighters now political prisoners ) .
Time for the new thread … the 24th is showing up as ‘significant ‘ on twitter . Spooky …
#2 63 yo Davis Derek Hunter, charged with indecent assault and engaging in sexual activity with a 13 yo child. The offences are alleged to have taken place in 2003 and 2004
#3 A serving police officer has been arrested on suspicion of sexually abusing a child.
The 49-year-old South Yorkshire Police constable, from Rotherham, who has not been named, is accused of offences alleged to have occurred between 2001 and 2005
… people will speculate if he is Pakistani
The news page covers crimes in West Yorkshire
Some crimes by people with British names
– A murder by a couple
– A publican convicted of child sex abuse that happened in 1985
And “Two men who filmed themselves beating a man to death in a “shocking and brutal” attack have been jailed”
“The 3 labourers from Lithuania, had been having a heavy drinking session”
Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer has promised to bring in a new law inspired by the Hillsborough fight for justice if he becomes prime minister https://t.co/7diIkH9fI6
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 10, 22:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Carney worked for Goldman Sachs for 13 years, curiously enough.
FlotsamMar 10, 22:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I might be wrong. One ship, the Stena Immaculate might have been moving around at anchor due to wind and/or…
FlotsamMar 10, 21:59 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Kelvin Mackenzie on form on GBNews. “Why should the public be forced to pay, under threat of prosecution, to watch…
FlotsamMar 10, 21:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I’ve studied the tracks of the two ships and it’s clear to me that both were moving when the collision…
BRISSLESMar 10, 21:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 My nephew married a Russian girl – from Kursk, a few years ago. Her parents (just lovely ordinary people like…
Emmanuel GoldsteinMar 10, 21:26 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I keep hearing from MP’s an excuse for them not doing what they were voted in to do, things such…
Fedup2Mar 10, 20:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Richard – thanks – nice to see the boys and girls of 77 brigade get an honourable mention . As…
FlotsamMar 10, 19:41 Start the Week 10th March 2025 As a seafarer myself it seems to be an unbelievably bad bit of driving. One ship was at anchor, there…
diggMar 10, 19:14 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Two ships crash in the North Sea with risky cargos…. TV roll on environmental mouthpieces.. oh the curlews….oh the puffins…..…
The Canadian teacher with two spacehoppers up his jumper…
Wow BBC reports on some scumbag child groomer
Head teacher who groomed dozens of children on social media jailed
Obviously the correct colour for a report…
20 months – compare with Alex Belfield..
Hillingdon driving instructors fined for using car parks
Raj Soor has been given penalty notices TWICE for teaching in car parks, including once by Hillingdon Council
The bbc does find em, ignored the 1st and had a 2nd fine – then moans (sorry complains)
There’s going to a LOT more of this
– my nearest council car park was taking twice as much money in fines as it was charging for parking.
The grasping goons that populate many councils will wring every penny they can …
He should be fined for wearing a loud shirt in a public place as well.
I’ve just read that Hilary Mantel has died suddenly. We on the site except for one are not as obnoxious as she was. But I will remind people Hilary was particularly nasty when Mrs Thatcher died.
Aged 70 – I now automatically wonder what Jabs she had ?
And when ?
Carrot emoji
There’s more : What do you think would happen if Tommy wrote a short story about assassinating Diane Abbott and the BBC decided to make it the R4 Book At Bedtime, shortly before an election ?
Here’s a BBC reply to a complaint about the Mantel, Thatcher story
He replied
“Completely unacceptable response to my complaint,
as usual displaying condescending “mother knows best” attitude.
Nothing changes in this blatantly left wing organisation”
Hilary Mantel:”We see the ugly face of contemporary Britain in the people on the beaches abusing exhausted refugees[…]It makes one ashamed.
And ashamed, of course, to be living in the nation that elected this government, and allows itself to be led by it”
Sep 9, 2021
Dame Hilary Mantel of Wolf Hall fame said she’s leaving Britain for Ireland to remain an EU citizen
But why would she think of going to Ireland, a place filled with the Roman Catholics that she was always sneering at?
No loss then
After this ‘sudden unexpected death’ I wonder if she had recently had a covid jab.
Is it one of those ‘more than the normal number of deaths’ we are hearing about.
I suppose we will never know (unless Mark Steyn finds out)
She always reminded me of a Weeble remember them and the advert “Weebles wobble but they don’t fall down “. Well at long last this one has and I’ll be cracking open a bottle of bubbly to celebrate the nasty harridan’s demise.
Oh dear how sad never mind.
Chomsky vs Buckley
1,139,589 views10 Feb 2006
Someone has created a climate PR event
I spot them trying to rope in our local BBC
.. https://www.twitter.com/RobNicholas17/status/1572615651755282434
BBC Leicester have already promoted them
oh signing schools up
.. They claim to have 375,000 pupils signed up
.. https://www.twitter.com/Climate_Relay/status/1573006653485637635
Africa Population (LIVE)
Makeup is evil and a waste of human resources – ban makeup.
BBC Asian network £ £ £ doing its inclusive best to divide ?
BBC ASian …
BBC Asian Network’s costs remain at £8m for 2019/20 period
50300 licence fees
they must have no job to be getting on with?
Cherry Valentine: Drag Race UK star George Ward dies
This bizarre, woke-to-the-limit article shows just what a farce the Left have created.
The main article refers to the deceased as ‘he’ then the BBC’s special ‘LGBT and identity correspondent’ refers to it as she !. I had to read it twice because once again, I thought they were talking about 2 different people. These variable pronouns are utter stupidity.
I looked around the net for the cause of death which isn’t specified and found the same mish-mash of ‘he’ and she’ along with comments from people who live in a completely different, child-like world to the rest of us.
I expect it’s either drugs or suicide. Same as most of the luvvies who pass away young. I would say that many of these people have some kind of abnormality in the brain which makes them unable to cope with real life – but I won’t as I now live in world policed by fascists like maxi. Only their ‘truth’ is allowed.
Last night’s BBC local NewsPR show had 5 mins of dragqueens
#1 Local 16 yo appears on stage, supportive parents
.. Looks hideous
#2 A Ru Paul star was brought onto comment
She looked hideous too
There were no complaint tweets to the show or presenter
I guess cos the public have just given up.
Instead tweets were dominated by rabid antifracking activists.
People are too scared to say what they think any more. They will receive the most nasty and hateful comments you can imagine from the Leftists.
I just saw someone on Facebook say something negative (but not insulting) about Meghan at the funeral and someone in the comments called her ‘A piece of shit’.
Should have just turned it around and said “yes Meghan is a piece of 💩 “ then stand well back as their heads explode.
Meghan has garnered a following of dim flashy show biz loving air heads who are incapable of thinking in any depth, she is hollywood style famous without any discernible human value to her personality so that will do.
Exactly like Harry’s mum in fact who mysteriously attracted the same crowd of shallow thinkers.
Andrew Marr: ‘I found self-censoring at the BBC oppressive’
With his new exhibition and a gig at LBC, Andrew Marr is ready to ruffle feathers. The broadcasting heavyweight talks to Melanie McDonagh about his audience with Putin, ‘shameful’ Partygate and why Boris is not safe yet
John c
It will probably be drugs as no reason for his death was given.
Average temperatures in the UK 2012 – 2021.
Weather, well, doing what weather does: Erratic
Any news about Swella, the Home Secretary. What has she been doing lately?
Migrants detected crossing the English Channel in small boats – daily data
The Ministry of Defence has taken primacy for the UK’s operational response to small boat migration in the English Channel. Data is published on this page.
Ministry of Defence
15 April 2022
Last updated
23 September 2022 — See all updates
Related information
This page is updated daily with the latest figures on migrants detected crossing the English Channel in small boats.
The data below is for the 24-hour period 00:00 to 23:59 22 September 2022.
Number of migrants detected in small boats: 1,150
Number of boats detected: 21
Number of boats known by the MOD to be involved in uncontrolled landings: 0
Theresa May on immigration … from ‘hard’ line to ‘pink no line’ …
2012 … “Two and a half years ago, the coalition government was formed, and we made a clear promise to the British public. After thirteen years of uncontrolled mass immigration, this government would reduce and control immigration.” – Theresa May 2012
2015 … “Because when immigration is too high (no figure given), when the pace of change is too fast, it’s impossible to build a cohesive society.” – Theresa May 2015
2018 … “Over the years, overall, immigration has been good for the UK. It has brought people with different backgrounds, different outlooks here to the UK,” – Theresa May 2018
30500/82230 x 100 = 37%.
Channel arrivals this year (so far) of mainly, “fit young, military age men” equal to thirty-seven percent of our standing Army right now.
With continuing Government indolence, next year the numbers will probably equal the Army’s total. Invasion done and dusted. No doubt the AK47’s and ammo is arriving by some other means compliments of the Albanians.
No cause for alarm.
Bring back the Death Penalty by hanging for Treason.
Here’s a thought, most illegal young makes are Muslin, a lot of Ukrainian is also Muslim so why not just draft them straight into Ukrainian battalions, that way they would have both job and a cause and similar compatriots they could support.
The RAF could quickly airlift them to Ukraine to start basic training.
Then off to a full time paid career with housing.
More exemptions.
A Point of View: Why people shouldn’t feel the need to censor themselves
8 November 2015
Amusing though this is, you have to be careful not to laugh at it, at least if you are a professor who has not got tenure. Those who wish to maintain the student mind in a condition of coddled vulnerability, unhardened by opposition and unpractised in argument, now police the campus, with the result that these places which should have been the last bastion of reason in a muddled world, are instead the places where all the muddles come home for nourishment. The example vividly illustrates the way in which the attacks on free speech can go so far as to close off the route to knowledge. And in the end that is why we should value this freedom, and why John Stuart Mill was so right to defend it – as fundamental to a free society – without it we will never really know what we think.
Andrew Marr ‘wants to be free of BBC rules so he can speak out on climate’
This article is more than 9 months old
Presenter’s high profile move to LBC will mark end of ‘almost unconscious self-censorship’ on air, sources say
Marky on the case again
Funny – people want freedom to speak but only when they control what to say or is said!
I dont think your free speech is being inhibited here is it ? – more if that was aimed at me that is .
Do you not want me to have the freedom to say you are on the case ? Could get surreal
Shhh …. Ahmadis suffer vicious persecution around the world. The main source of fuel for that persecution is in Pakistan, but what happens in Pakistan does not stay in Pakistan.
I know that from my experience in the Yorkshire market town of Batley. In August 1985, when I was 11 years old, my parents organised an inter-faith meeting in the town hall. It was interrupted and disturbed when, according to West Yorkshire police, more than 1,000 extremists, led by Pakistani hate preachers funded by the Pakistani state, were bused in from around the country. The mob brutally attacked my English mother and my father, a dermatologist; my eldest brother and I; and a Welsh Ahmadi schoolteacher who was with us. My first cousin, a GP, was by chance driving through the market town that day. He saw the mob and saw his family and friends being attacked, so he stopped. He was recognised, pulled from his vehicle and savagely beaten up.
I posted a comment replying to someone on the Daily Mail regarding the new leader in Italy which they describe as the first far right leader since Mussolini.
I wrote correcting them that Mussolini was not far Right but far Left and as such the DM was incorrect, giving the historical facts.
Within less than 60 seconds the post had been taken down ‘Due to the number of complaints received’. If was reinstated very shortly afterwards, but it just goes to prove the Left are very sensitive about the truth coming out about their past and there are either bots scanning to complain or there are a lot of activists monitoring these comment boards.
Fascism was a development of communism/ socialism and envisioned the nation state and all those of that nationality as the beneficiaries of the one party state it sought to create. Communism was internationalist in that it regarded the class struggle as existing across national boundaries, ‘Workers of the World Unite ‘ and all that stuff.
Both ‘isms’ could only flourish in one party states and were ruthless in crushing all opposition. To the ordinary person living under either of the ‘isms’ must have been much the same, keep your head down, don’t complain , look the other way when you have to , clap and cheer when required and with luck they will leave you alone.
Channel migrants: More than 1,100 people arrive in small boats
5 hours ago
A government spokesman said the continued rise in crossings was “a clear abuse of our immigration laws, risking the lives of vulnerable people and funding immoral criminal gangs”.
Manchester Arena bomber was rescued from Libya by Royal Navy
This article is more than 4 years old
Salman Abedi, who killed 22 people in a suicide attack last year, was saved from civil war in 2014
Disgraced former Labour peer Lord Ahmed of Rotherham has been jailed for five and a half years for sexually abusing two children in the 1970s.
He was found guilty in January of a serious sexual assault against a boy and the attempted rape of a young girl.
The abuse happened in Rotherham when he was a teenager, Sheffield Crown Court heard.
Passing sentence, Mr Justice Lavender said his actions had had “profound and lifelong effects” on the victims.
The court heard Lord Ahmed, who was tried under his birth name Nazir Ahmed, attempted to rape the girl twice in the early 1970s, when he was aged 16 or 17 but she was much younger.
The attack on the boy, who was aged under 11 at the time, also happened during the same period.
In early February, Lord Ahmed of Rotherham was sentenced to five and a half years in prison after being convicted of sexually assaulting two children in the 1970s, offences which included buggery and attempted rape.
Lord Ahmed was a member of the House of Lords from 1998 to 2020 and resigned from this position following accusations that he had used his position of authority to sexually assault vulnerable women who had come to him seeking help.
However, despite Lord Ahmed’s conviction, the House of Lords has confirmed that he will not lose his title as a Lord (even though he cannot vote in the House of Lords).
Bet he still clsimd his £330 attendance at the Palace of Westminster – upper house reflecting the ‘community’..
I think it’s rather interesting that the Pakistani serial child rapist, Lord Ahmed, is given the same sentence as a bloke who was rude about the BBC.
So, there we have it; buggering children and raping vulnerable women is treated with as much seriousness as nasty remarks made about about Jeremy Vine.
Be careful out there folks.
I think they’re trying to tell us something…
Hip Hip Hoorah……….
To the clowns and fruitcakes….all 17.4 MILLION
who said “NO THANKS”
See the bBC are all over the population balance shift in > N.Ireland
While they agitate for trouble it is worth noting that the Roman Catholics in N.I seem to be doing well thank-you very much and glad to be out of the southern bit!
Rather than proffer the old stuff why dont they focus on the positive and how the sectarian divide is getting less and people are working for the prosperity of all of the people of N.I within the framework of the United Kingdom.
That doesn’t suit their twisted agenda though does it?
And bBC Scotland….a nest of snp vipers are stirring up this Independence BS as their masters stagger from crisis to crisis
causing chaos and misery to everything they touch.
Thanks to John Derbyshire via VDare I came across the video below of another favorite pundit of mine, Mark Steyn. In the video Steyn notes the childlessness of most of the leaders of the EU’s founding member states, and thus their utter fecklessness towards the demographic tsunami facing Europe from Africa.
I agree with both Sailer and Steyn that this is “the world’s most important graph”, because of course the African population explosion won’t be contained within the continent. As Steyn notes, Western medical advances have made African births more viable than ever, creating tremendous population growth in countries without the infrastructure or resources to accomodate it.
Steyn back on GB News Monday – unless the sack more ‘quality ‘ or BBCOFCOM / trolls get to him …
The lineage of the name Leicester begins with the Anglo-Saxon tribes in Britain. It is a result of when they lived in Leicester, in Leicestershire. Leicester is the capital of the county and its name is derived from the Old English element ceaster, which meant “Roman town.”
Ongoing clashes between Muslims and Hindus threaten to “spread all over Britain”, faith leaders have warned, after 100 protesters descended on a Hindu temple.
A crowd of Muslim demonstrators reportedly threw fireworks and missiles in the direction of police in the industrial town of Smethwick on Tuesday night as the disorder seen in Leicester over the weekend appeared to spread across the Midlands.
Video footage showed the masked and hooded men shouting “Allahu akbar”, with dozens of officers deployed to the area in riot gear in response. No injuries were reported and an 18-year-old has since been arrested on suspicion of possessing a knife.
For a specialist, Dave has a rather vague grasp of who garners and retains these blue ticks, vs. who not.
But a neat synergy with BBC editorial.
David Harper 🏴
Presenter and Journalist.
and others. Occasionally appears in
Views (mostly) my own. Not an antiques expert.
JournalistUKglobalplayer.com/catchup/lbcnew…Joined September 2012
1,990 Following
As ever, a request to Springster to check might be a waste of time.
Especially with the likes of Bryant, Reeves etc in full flow assured that with Ed’s utter tripe being neatly given a pass by The BBC, their efforts on tax will be too.
Jeremy Corbyn on Al Quds Day
A left Labour MSM riven with South East Asian propaganda activists is not healthy. Unless they are hilariously blatant.
Wasnt Corbyn going to borrow money right,left and centre if he got in power, to give away to ‘poor’ people?
Anti-natalists: The people who want you to stop having babies
By Jonathan Griffin
BBC Trending
13 August 2019
The couples rethinking kids because of climate change
The local government is also planning to offer cash subsidies of up to $1,500 per baby per year for families with two or three children. Panzhihua, a city in Sichuan province, is also giving cash handouts to families with two or three children, at $80 per month, per baby.24 Sept 2021
Ukraine’s ‘baby factories’: The human cost of surrogacy
After India, Nepal and Thailand banned surrogacy, Ukraine soaks up demand. But women on both sides report exploitation.
“It’s hard to find a well-paid job in Ukraine,” she said. “I wanted to renovate the house and set aside money for my son’s university fees – they’re very expensive. My mother never had the means to support me in that way, but I want my son to get a good education.”
BioTexCom, Ukraine’s most popular surrogacy company, offered her $11,000 for one pregnancy and a $250 monthly stipend – a sum more than three times the average yearly salary in Ukraine of approximately $3,000.
Dr. Gail was gunning for a martyr in her Alinsky training videos of 2018. Surprised it took an acolyte this long.
Beyond the irony, the poor sap likely getting more exposure here than being the Indy.
ITV local NewsPR
“coming up we meet the teenage Climate Campaigners”
intro “next the URGENT Climate Crisis”
… super loaded words
“150 people attended Youth Strike for Climate Sheffield”
that’s tiny in 600K population
Probably ADULT PR people exploiting children
#PRtrickery to emotionally blackmail people
& shield their fakegreen dogma from proper questioning
kids behaviour is cultlike
but is free speech
Not for the want of trying.
A local councillor from St Petersburg in Russia has
just been interviewed on the Spectator You Tube
TV channel.. Under the headline of ” Staying silent isn’t
an option.” He represents a constituency of 80,000.
And this brave soul feels that it is his duty to let us
know what his constituents and himself feel about
the Putin edict.
I just pray that the next time we hear about Dmitry
Baltrukov isn’t that he has thrown himself out of a window.
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – questions, questions, but never the right questions especially for the Opposition
A sample question provided at no cost to the BBC to be aimed the Labour Party spokesperson at the next opportunity: Do you now fear winning the next election and immediately restoring the taxes cut by the new Chancellor, Kwasi Kwarteng, today and for Labour then being seen as ‘anti-business’ again?
The questions in last nights local bbc Hull news, two part dragqueen item
were unbelievably softball and sycophantic.
.. the episode gets wiped at 7pm
BBC news at 6
Sycophantic end item about Hilary Mantel dying
..Failed to mention the big negatives we mentioned earlier.
And stew
Confession – in the days when I swallowed hype – I got’ wolf hall ‘- got about 4 pages in – turgid – boring – poorly written ..
Look at the PR dept of ABC US proudly tweeting
a list of the NewsPR agendas they are pushing
BBC local NewsPR opens with
“Coming to a field near you ..FEARS”
“The F word is back …fracking”
“chemicals are injected”
“In Blackpool there were 186 earth tremors”
.. * Good they didn’t use the misleading word “Earthquake”
featured Richard Howarth giving hyperbole against
Enviro Presenter “It’s not a quick fix, fracking could take many years to produce”
(actually fracking could be done in months)
This shows to me that the BBC are right in with the activists
by opening the news with their PR
#1 The item did mention there have never been any plans to frack in our area
#2 As well as one anti-fracking tweet they did read a pro tweet.. same for the vox pop.
Only at 6:41pm did they start with a much bigger local news
Our area is likely to be home to a number of new special investment zones announced in today’s budget.
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #2 – if you thought Boris and ‘Partygate’ was the end of it, think again
Was it the then Foreign Secretary’s spending or a FaCO official?
Boston murder .. Polish couple
A jealous man bludgeoned his ex-partner to death and dismembered her body while their young daughter slept, a court has heard.
Kamil Ranoszek then cycled to a park with the body of 27-year-old Ilona Golabek, dumped her remains and returned to take the three-year-old girl to nursery, Lincoln Crown Court was told.
The prosecution say he killed Miss Golabek on 9 November last year and reported her missing two days later.
Miss Golabek’s remains were found by a member of the public in Witham Country Park, in Boston, on 19 February.” https://www.itv.com/news/calendar/2022-09-23/jealous-man-killed-and-dismembered-ex-while-toddler-slept-court-told
A few other corkers, about underage girls, defending yourself…
Saz, Lurch and Co. will so need to dredge up a tds goodie.
Definitely no dementia …( he’s just ‘old ‘)
If the sky suddenly flashes – in the few seconds before the blast waves carries survivors away – wouldn’t it be annoying ( I wanted to use a far stronger word ) to realise that the cause was that half wit .
I bet Nostradamus never saw that old boy as part of the cause of the end of mankind …
If only the Almighty could oblige with a thunderbolt or an enormous Monty Python foot through the clouds….
If Biden lives to be impeached he’ll be a vacant eyed drooling wreck adjudged incompetent …
The swines (not) reporting on this should spend the rest of their lives working in geriatric care homes where CNN is on in every room 24/7
Eastern Ukraine votes….
Remind you of anything?
The long term effect of the theft of the US election by Obama. / Biden is bound to be felt elsewhere . I just hope when the putin elections deliver an overwhelming result for Russia Putin mentions the corruption of the US election. – just to remind the occasional American voter of what happened – and what they allowed to happen…( except for those Capitol freedom fighters now political prisoners ) .
Time for the new thread … the 24th is showing up as ‘significant ‘ on twitter . Spooky …
ITV Rotherham news page is a bit grim
#1 Seems that a family with a British name raped and murdered some guy
#2 63 yo Davis Derek Hunter, charged with indecent assault and engaging in sexual activity with a 13 yo child. The offences are alleged to have taken place in 2003 and 2004
#3 A serving police officer has been arrested on suspicion of sexually abusing a child.
The 49-year-old South Yorkshire Police constable, from Rotherham, who has not been named, is accused of offences alleged to have occurred between 2001 and 2005
… people will speculate if he is Pakistani
The news page covers crimes in West Yorkshire
Some crimes by people with British names
– A murder by a couple
– A publican convicted of child sex abuse that happened in 1985
And “Two men who filmed themselves beating a man to death in a “shocking and brutal” attack have been jailed”
“The 3 labourers from Lithuania, had been having a heavy drinking session”
No one noticed the weekend thread has started.
It’s a mystery.
No, really.
It’s called…. ‘Knowing your audience’.