4:30pm Media Show is pretending to be topical
Really it’s so The anti-Tory BBC can continue to push the agenda that Tories borrowing to grow is BAD
.. if it were Labour doing the same, they the BBC would not push that agenda
I will be on The Media Show @BBCRadio4 at 1630 with @BBCRosAtkins and @MyStephanomics on how journalists (us) explain complex financial things simply – or perhaps, do we explain…!
Paul Lewis
Financial journalist, broadcaster, speaker. Seek truth, find truth, tell the truth, is what I do. Unequivocally for free speech & press. Wilkie Collins expert.
UK. Usually in London.paullewismoney.blogspot.co.ukJoined November 2010
1,776 Following
Seek truth, find truth, tell the truth, is what I do.
Seek truth, find truth, tell the truth, is what I do.
Seek truth, find truth, tell the truth, is what I do.
Seek truth, find truth, tell the truth, is what I do.
BBC push medical PR: “Alzheimer’s-slowing drug labelled historic”
“… has generated excitement among dementia scientists and charities”… the main source the BBC use is a phase 3 study from the pharma company’s own website. This is not peer reviewed and the drug isn’t approved. (Neither a guarantee of reliability, forgive my scepticism.) Alzheimer’s research was rocked recently because doctored images were used in a foundational paper, which means 16 years of theory doesn’t look as clever as the drug makers wanted it to be. The BBC Alzheimer’s section has countless articles but nothing on this.
Will the BBC report on the fraudulent Pfizer C19 trials or the FDA trying to restrict public access to its trial data for 75 years? Worth remembering next time a drug company PR dept (i.e. the BBC) tell us to follow the science or a PM tells us ‘no one is safe until everyone is safe’.
I was thinking – normally when a PM and Chancellor screw the economy so we’ll the cartoonists have a ‘laurel and hardy ‘ field day – bit tricky doing cartoons of coloured folk because of being accused of being a witch / racist …
Serious for Britain is the KwamiKahsi mini budget as this article by enormously respected economist businessman and academic Dr Mohamed El-Erian explains.
I think Carlson is massively over reaching here, as it is clearly being stated that the Nordstream 2 pipeline is the one being refered to and the illegal ignoring of the Caatsa act which Biden did when lifting US sanctions on the completion of that pipeline.
Back in 2015 a submersible drone loaded with explosives was recovered from the pipelines, but because it was a commercial drone sold to many operators around the world it has not been possible to point the finger at anyone responsible.
If there was ever any doubt about the reality of BBC bias, compare Huqgate with Partygate.
History will show that the zeal with which the PM was pursued and driven from office is directly responsible for today’s mess. Plus the IMF doing more EU dirtywork, but even Peston won’t go there.
Irrespective of what you think about current economic policy…..
Grade A BBC bias.
BBC 1 6 pm news.
They announce that the Pound went down today close to all time lows. They then made sure we knew about the effects of that on import-based prices.
Then they showed a graph of the £ versus the $ over the last couple of weeks. The graph carefully showed a low point today.
I only as a last minute throwaway remark did they admit that the £ had recovered and had actually closed higher than at the opening!!!!!
In other words all the doom and gloom represented on the news was in fact illegitimate. Not that the BBC care one jot. In another context we (they) would define this as fake news!
I am not a fan of this totally useless inept government but the BBC reporting borders on treason.
PS interest rates are still at levels unthinkable over ten years ago as being at all time lows.
BBC playing the politics of envy for all its worth over the high rate tax reduction from 45% to 40%.
All the leftists go on in glee about this and how the Tories are protecting their rich friends.
Let’s drill down a little.
What was the cost of furlough ? £50bn? Who did it benefit? Those on less than £30 k.
How about low cost loans underwritten by the government for small businesses? How many billions for that?
How about the covid vaccine? What proportion of the £ billions spent on that was for people earning over £150k ?
And how many millionaires are there? As much as 1% of taxpayers? Hardly enough to get elected.
So in fact the argument about the Tories and their rich friends bears absolutely no relation to the macro economic decisions.
Not that the BBC would ever, ever, allow for that.
Their ‘rich’ employees were of course famously paid on service contracts via companies to avoid income tax altogether.
BBC sending JezBo and Simpo over to say they peed on her bed?
Can't wait for the next episode, I love this woman already. We need Liz Truss to punch out to Macron like this over the illegal migrants he is sending over here.
Sadly, Liz Truss is no more capable of delivering an impassioned speech like Meloni’s than Starmer. People react to oratory, all the great political movements have shown that to be true.
There is also having convictions beyond media approval ratings.
This is @bphillipsonMP Shadow sec for education.She doesn’t think calling a black man “superficially black” is racist.Look at her reaction,she’s clearly uncomfortable. So she either believes it’s OK or she’s been got at by @Keir_Starmer.Which? #lLabourStillRacistpic.twitter.com/HftagtT9RF
So…. If a white person attacks a black person verbally it’s racist and you need to go straight to hell whereas if a black person attacks a black person it er… well it’s “wrong” as in must do better.
She died on 3rd August and Biden issued a statement of condolence.
This story absolutely highlights why you cannot trust the BBC. They have not reported this at all and it’s a clear sign that the POTUS is not mentally competent.
We are on the brink of WW3 with this senile old duffer in charge of the free world and the BBC think their agenda to shield him and keep Trump out is more important.
The extreme agenda-driven double-standards of the far-Left are having the same disastrous consequences they have had throughout history. Biden already caused a lake of blood when he pulled out of Afghanistan with breathtaking incompetence. Soon it could be a river. Plenty of that blood is on the hands of the BBC and the rest of the Leftist media who have utterly failed in their duty as a check-and-balance.
You hypocrite. When Boris apologised, you and other #ScumMedia kept on and on and on. You would not let matter drop. Relentless criticism. But a cracking bit of racism from labour, and then doubled down on, and you’re ready to quickly sweep it under the carpet. Despicable 😡😡
Diane Abbott discusses online abuse “We are very clear in the Labour Party. That if you are known and you are peddling racist, homophobic, anti-semitic abuse, you will face a penalty. The problem with a lot of this abuse though is it’s anonymous. ” – Diane Abbott @1:56
Plod really has lost it … and they appeal for help . Best avoided …. They are like TV licence bods – who no doubt will be given a power to arrest / enter to see what you are watching .small minded kidults .
I wonder if the dickhead plod got disciplined ? – I think not ….
Here’s another take on the pipeline explosion that not even the conspiracy theorists have come up with.
An awful lot of Gazprom executives have ‘fallen’ out of top floor windows to their deaths, presumably because they were dissidents who didn’t agree with Putin war.
Now we have a call up and the sons of fathers are going to be taken from them and might well never return.
Just suppose some dissident opposed to Putin and having access to a pipline kill device (we have one on the channel tunnel so not unreasonable) decided to hurt Putin the only effective way they knew how, and activated the destruction of the pipeline as an act of rebellion.
It seems to me to be at least a reasonable possibility that this might have happened.
Another one to muddy the waters – but the public threat by the false president and his loon advisor surely must be a bit more compelling – unless crafty putin decided to blow up his own pipeline in order to get the blame put on Obama Biden – the swine…
Maybe the test is – if Obama Biden did it – the story will be gone by Thursday ….
BTW thoughtful – any thoughts on the pound / bonds / rates – pound run tomorrow ?
“No one aside from Russia stands to gain from sabotaging these pipelines,” said Ben Cahill, a senior fellow at the Center for Strategic and International Studies.
Up is down, in is out, black is white and you shake it all about – senior fellow? – sheesh…
One of those situations where no one really knows until someone takes some affirmative action an announces somthing, like a U turn (or a delay to save face).
Or maybe if Kwasi Modo resigns or is sacked (piano falls on him) etc.
There are many problems with what Truss Kwarteng have done the main ones being not actually cutting back spending to allow for the tax cuts, together with huge extra spending commitments or put another way, attempting to save and spend at the same time or having ones cake and eating it.
Truss’s attempt at growth would have all been fine if we had been at a different part of the economic cycle, i.e. in a recession and attempting to come out of it, but we are at a stage where we are about to enter the downturn with high inflation needing to be damped down, and she’s come along with a fiscal stimulus package looking for growth when we need to be shrinking the economy.
Some feel the same about Biden and his administration – the mid-terms loom and it’s all too easy to believe some deranged individuals would do deranged and possibly catastrophic things not to spend the next two years being spit roasted by a Republican House + Senate.
So now we have the Blank of England, stepping in to save the day by, err, inflationary stimulating the economy themselves – via yet another round of money printing .
Apparently a week before they were about to finally embark on starting to withdraw some of the previous quantative easing.
You couldn’t make it up, the whole thing stinks.
BBC doesn’t have a clue about true diversity
instead it does intersectionality
dividing the world into tickboxes
and considers if it throws in a few tickboxes that’s enough
Wednesday TV BBC 1
7pm Jermaine Jenas presents the One Show
7:30pm EastEnders
“Ravi manipulatees Suki into feeling sorry for himKheerat takes Stacey on a date”
8pm Jay Blades Repair Shop
just happened to have an African guy in a man-dress
10:40pm film biography of Black Americans SLAVERY abolitionist Harriet Tubman
7pm Womens football
9:30pm Nadiya and her daughter
11:15 BBC lefty John Simpson
8pm Channel5 hour long advert for electric cars
9pm Film biography WW1 black soldier and footballer Walter Tull
BTW 9pm Panorama investigation into abusive staff in mental hospitals
..Could be actual useful journalism.
“Basket of deplorables” is a phrase from a 2016 presidential election campaign speech delivered by Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton on September 9, 2016, at a campaign fundraising event, which she used to describe half of the supporters of her opponent, Republican nominee Donald Trump saying “They’re racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic”.[1] The next day, she expressed regret for “saying half”, while insisting that Trump had deplorably amplified “hateful views and voices”.
Absolutely wonderful, why has this speech not been on the BBC etc., sorry but she missed out Macron letting people smugglers take thousands of Africans etc., out of France and into the UK?
It’s true that blowing up the pipeline doesn’t help Putin. But that doesn’t mean other countries wouldn’t consider doing it. They would. We know that because at least one of them has said so in public.https://t.co/JgrxWIEboUpic.twitter.com/Hqwo040M9v
I see that our own government tell us that ‘Russia probably did it’. But cannot come up with a reason given why they might have done it.
The level of lies and propaganda we are being fed is off the scale and completely self-defeating. I don’t believe a single thing I am told about this war by my own government and the mainstream media. In fact, when the BBC report it now, I immediately assume they are lying (usually by quoting someone else who is lying to avoid accountability) until I can verify it. And in every single case, I find the truth they are giving me is completely distorted – which I am quite certain it is deliberate.
I’m convinced the USA WANT Putin to use nuclear weapons – but just the little ones. They are sure it will trigger his demise. Biden already said they want regime change. These idiots are doing exactly the same as they did in Iraq and will most likely have the same disastrous consequences. This time right of the doorstep of Europe.
I wonder how much the American military has scretly been built up in the region ready for when it happens.
A bit like the reporting when Russia was supposed to have bombed the supermarket in Ukraine, people were then finding on the internet that the supermarket had actually closed months before. Even the picture on the bBC only showed fire engines at the scene, but no ambulances, on a nearly empty car park
It certainly doesn’t make sense for Russia to wreck their lever on Germany to help force a negotiated peace. I can’t see anyone who obviously benefits from this pipeline attack. So somebody is up to some complicated ploy . If you are right then it’s a frightening escalation.
One possibility I ve thought of is that if there is growing opposition within the Russian elite to the Ukrainian war because it costing them money and Putin fears being removed by them, then perhaps he might think that blowing the pipeline removes any short term possibility the elite have of making money by getting rid of him and seeking peace. It might make his position a bit more secure.
It’s a bit of a convoluted explanation and far fetched but who did it and why is a real conundrum.
The European Union commissioners have announced that agreement has been reached to adopt English as the preferred language for European communications, rather than German, which was the other possibility. As part of the negotiations, Her Majesty’s Government conceded that English spelling had some room for improvement and has accepted a five-year phased plan for what will be known as EuroEnglish (Euro for short).
In the first year, “s” will be used instead of the soft “c.” Sertainly, sivil servants will resieve this news with joy. Also, the hard “c” will be replased with “k”. Not only will this klear up konfusion, but typewriters kan have one less letter.
There will be growing publik enthusiasm in the sekond year, when the troublesome “ph” will be replased by “f”. This will make words like fotograf” 20 persent shorter.
In the third year, publik akseptanse of the new spelling kan be expekted to reach the stage where more komplikated changes are possible. Governments will enkourage the removal of double letters, which have always ben a deterent to akurate speling. Also, al wil agre that the horible mes of silent “e”s in the languag is disgrasful, and they would go.
By the fourth year, peopl wil be reseptiv to steps such as replasing “th” by “z” and “w” by ” v”.
During ze fifz year, ze unesesary “o” kan be dropd from vords kontaining “ou”, and similar changes vud of kors be aplid to ozer kombinations of leters.
After zis fifz yer, ve vil hav a reli sensibl riten styl. Zer vil be no mor trubls or difikultis and evrivun vil find it ezi tu understand ech ozer.
Ha ha – though I have to tell you Zephir that your joke just passed away.
But it was a very old joke.
I think that these days they would choose that most bizarre and ridiculous invention from the BBC themselves : ‘BBC News Pidgin’ to demonstrate inclusivity and diversity.
Here’s an example:
‘Part of di reasons dem drop be say di rally fit cause gbege for di state.’
I must admit I do wonder why the BBC is using UK telly-taxpayers money to pander to black people in NIgeria.
Julius Caesar and Pompey the Great were rivals for the position of First Consul of Rome. They spoke before the Senate, putting forward their cases for election to the post, by recounting their deeds in the service of Rome.
“When the Gauls attacked Rome, I defended the city,” Pompey said, “and drove them out killing 100,000 Gauls.”
“I invaded Gaul,” Caesar said, “and I too slew 100,000 Gauls.”
So the Senate gave the position to Caesar because in Europe away Gauls count double.
Music ? I see very few actually capable of playing a musical instrument as this takes training, practice, dedication and a modicum of talent to thrive, and as for basketball teams and the hundred yard dash, many more white people needed, and not enough men in HR departments, or women tarmacking roads at 2am in the pouring rain.
The MOBO Awards are an annual British music award presentation honouring achievements in “music of black origin”, including hip hop, grime, UK Drill, R&B, soul, reggae, jazz, gospel, and African music. Wikipedia
Stormzy – real name Michael Ebenezer Kwadjo Omari Owuo Jr., though I guess that doesn’t have ‘street cred’ or appeal to the 70-somethings of the BBC who like to visit ‘Glasto’, an elitist event protected by a security wall to keep the proles out.
There have been great black musicians in the past – Ella Fitzgerald, Count Basie, Shirley Bassey, Miles Davis and so on. But the street thugs (literally, in some cases) promoted by the BBC do not produce music. Rap and other genres are no more than the audio equivalent of graffiti, and as equally ugly, destructive and unwanted.
The racist Radio 1Xtra should be shut down immediately.
Oh dear God the incompetence of Truss and Kwarteng just gets worse and worse!
After giving the highest earners a 5% tax cut in the disastrous mini budget, they are now proposing to cut the benefits of the disabled and pensioners in order to fund it!
If you had to make a cartoon caracature of what the ‘evil Tories’ are all about this would be it.
The things Truss needed to do such as tackling illegal immigration and woke idiocy are left completely undone, while she simply seeks to make the wealth gap as large as she can.
Even I’m begining to believe that Labour couldn’t possibly worse than this lot and if she is allowed to continue the Tories will be wiped out come the next election.
So let’s get this right . The BBC – today – spends around 3 months campaigning to depose the British PM for trivia .
It is now running a campaign to depose the next – current one . Example – that Teresa May spokesman – Gavin traitor barwell – now a low life peer – gets rolled on to put the knife in . Other remainer traitors – ex MP Gauke is also spitting the poison – I’m surprised Hessa hasn’t popped up but the ever helpful Ken Clarke is always ready to tell us he is very rich and doesn’t need more money .
So right or wrong – the red labour song is being sung
But it’s a shame that so early in her premiership Liz Truss has screwed it up far worse than anything nut nut did – because this is about our money – not the amorality of nut nut ….
Fed, Liz is having to learn. She may know the price of a can of beans, a loaf of bread and a litre of milk like Margaret Thatcher but like Margaret Thatcher and her then Chancellor, Geoffrey Howe, Liz is having to learn two vital things:
1. The UK economy is not top down – hasn’t been since the 1940/50s if not before – it is bottom up. Wealth and growth is generated by the masses, not by ‘the one per cent’.
2. You cannot buck the markets.
Thatcher and Howe tried that in 1979. It ended in near disaster.
Thatcher and Lawson tried it again in 1988/89. That ended in disaster. For Margaret, who compounded her error with the Community Charge and was pushed out of office. For the UK who got the failure over triumph that was John Major.
I have a suspicion that something else is going on here. It could be some thing devious to show up some things even more devious that are going on in the UK. ‘Blabbermouth’ Mark Carney is on the BBC’s web-site.
I wonder if he’s spotted it. Think he may have.
Fed, you might be about to get your heart’s desire!
Wealth creation always starts from the ideas and hard work of 1% of the population , or probably quite a lot less than 1%, the rest of us are recruited to put those ideas into practise and create stuff to sell.
Remove those 1% and there is no renewal , competitiveness is lost and everyone becomes poorer .
The problem is that those 1% need capital to bring their ideas to market and so employ the rest of us. Unfortunately, those who dole capital out , bankers et al, take far too much for their services.
Double, ‘fraid not, not any more. Definitely not since the 1950s. Wealth and growth comes from SME’s ‘flogging stuff’: their services, the goods they trade, etc.. The UK is now a thoroughly retail based economy. We are a nation of shopkeepers.
Pimlico Plumbers being a great example. Virgin Records being another. Both of those corporate empires required the affluence of the masses to build them up, buy their ‘products’. Deprive the masses of affluence via taxation ‘for public services’ and you end up with severe problems as Blair & Brown started to understand in the early 2000s. You also end up with other problems after “the long march through the institutions” as Gordon Brown discovered in 2010.
A lead on the BBC is sad passing of a musician of color I have heard of.
Causes are admitted to be unknown, but do not appear to be stair related, anything via approved medications, misfiring Grads, etc, but might be due to racism, Trussonomics or something hatey the BBC has an editor ready to fly out for.
I liked Gangsta’s Paradise. Maybe Lizzo can twerk at the funeral. Saw a video of playing the flute, not for the idiot stirring media, respectfully. Liked that too.
Doom Loop and the revenge of the Slumdog Millionaire as curry is best served cold edition
Bad day? Then you’ve got 83 more to come – warns the Daily Star – Google tells me there are 87 shopping days to Christmas – so I’m unsure what this is all about.
Johnny Ball formerly of the BBC once presented Think of a Number – no, not Lizz Truss’s reply to the question how much immigration do we want – this was a maths TV show for kids.
The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Universe drew our attention to the supposedly magic number 42. But what is it with 83…?
Jude Bellingham ‘could move for just £83m’ if suitors including Liverpool pay up front (Daily Star) – which would tend to suggest that financial powerhouse that is the football sector doesn’t think the economy is flat out bust just yet.
Mums disgusted as company launches ‘p***y-flavoured crisps’ for ‘brave’ individuals… Chazz, a Lithuania-based crisp company, has launched the “first in the world” limited edition snack which has raised eyebrows around the world… Chazz might be channelling their inner Gwyneth Paltrow, who has made a candle called This Smells Like My Vagina – priced at £83. (Daily Star)
Call me an old bore but ready salted suits me just fine. From dodgy flavoured crisps to dodgy crises…
In present times, when crises are ten a penny, our news media can, by and large, pick for us our political leaders and then set their policies for them. I mention the wealth of crises our media enjoys for the reason that those supposed dire crises tend to be interpreted as the proximate reasons for the media proxy-sacking of their particular persona non grata.
The left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper celebrates Spitting Image the live action sequel: Kenneth Branagh as Boris Johnson is uncanny – and a triumph – reminding us that our Brussels-orientated press and broadcasters leveraged the previous change of PM under the pretext of a pandemic party.
Contrary, however, to the plot of Edgar Allan Poe’s The Masque of the Red Death, our ruling elite who shut themselves away behind the secure doors of Number 10 Downing Street, did not suffer the inevitable universal obliteration by plague contagion as they revelled.
As far as I can make out more MPs have died in recent years as a result of islamic terrorism than of covid. Please correct me if I’m wrong.
The Telegraph complains of falling standards in our police: The broken blue line. How British policing lost its way – this feature is teased on the frontpage with a photo of a bobby wearing a traditional helmet – a sight about as rare and remarkable these days as spotting a white kid in an inner London school class.
This policing priorities problem is apparently not confined to the UK: Mounting calls to end morality patrols in Iran (FT) – oh the irony.
The cops have lost their way and sadly: Matt is away The Telegraph cartoonist taking more time off these days than a train driver or a postman in the run up to Christmas.
No matter, many news editors think they are now qualified cartoon humourists and their language is increasingly fruity: Squeaky fund time – quips the Sun as their headline addresses matters financial.
The coronaphobic ‘i’ newspaper channels the language of their fear of infection as they speak of: Panic in City amid fears of contagion ‘It fell apart.. it’s a complete sh*tshow’
One pauses to wonder quite what is the point of that asterix – who exactly is protected from embarrassment there? Even our more lexically challenged GCSE English students can surely solve that little word puzzle? And yet the ‘i’ has the gall to hide their bad language behind the asterix… Asterix the Gaul…?
Blunder Truss – jokes the Daily Mirror – its frontpage photos of the PM and chancellor is captioned: CRISIS Truss and, below, Kwarteng – I know there were rumours…
The Guardian coins the phrase: ‘doom loop’
The corporate advertising freesheet Metro regrets their boy – the Square Mile candidate – aka the Slumdog Millionaire – isn’t the man currently running the show: A Rish best served cold… Sunak to miss Tory party conference to give new PM ‘all the space she needs’… former chancellor warned of economic chaos if Truss was made premier
AISI, re. bad days ahead numbering 83. Has the Daily Star totted up the days of separate public sector strikes ahead of us and HMG due to the somewhat artificial ‘cost-of-living-crisis’ ?
The front page of the Metro informs me that some musician (‘star’?) called George Ezra has sold out his October and November tour dates. Assuming the good George takes one day off a week to rest his voice and that of any backing singers that means he is filling theatres around the UK for something like fifty-two days. No idea what the promoters charge for a ticket for a gig like that these days but I suspect the number is somewhere between fifty and one hundred. Perhaps he is only doing small venues, playing to two hundred and fifty or so at a time?
According to my solar powered calculator that is between £12,500 and £25,000 a venue, perhaps more? Maybe he does two shows a day? Cost-of-living-crisis? “What crisis?” as ‘Sunny Jim’ would say. Up to £1,300,000 for just over fifty days ‘work’. Nice. As ‘Whispering Bob’ would say.
There was no shortage of young (cough, cough), middle-aged and old festival goers this summer past at £250/£350/£450 a time, just a shortage of trains.
Here is the analysis of the disatrous incompetence of the Truss ‘government’ which I had not realised risks a complete international collapse of the worlds monetary systems and economies.
We are now looking at inflation rates of 20%+ and interest rates at least as high needed to control that. The scale of the damage Truss is doing is difficult to overstate, and she needs to be physically removed from power before the damage is made permanent and the UK becomes a third world country.
“..I think you (Mark Carney) have become politically involved (UK’s EU Referendum), in a way, you have quite clearly said you would not in a General Election…” – Jacob Rees-Mogg – {independent – may2016 @0:50}
“I don’t think it’s worth a reply.” – Mark Carney’s response
“… it works (Democracy) because of the wisdom of crowds, and lots of people who believed in the wisdom of crowds until they lost, suddenly only believed in the wisdom of themselves.”
-Jacob Rees Mogg
“Let’s leave my despicability to one side ”
-Jacob Rees Mogg
Sir Keir Starmer's hope has turned into belief that he will be UK's next prime minister says Beth Rigby. Can she examine why Sir Keir Starmer has led the Labour Party into a deficit & has it bordering on bankruptcy? He can’t run Labour. He’ll bankrupt the UK.
The BBC’S agenda of putting women’s football on a par
with men’s has finally reached fruition . Yes of course I
know there are more important issues at hand in the
world than this. BUT one good bit of good news for the
embarrassing Gareth Southgate is that English national
team now having dropped to 14 in the ELO World ratings
have a potentially a much better chance against 21st
ranked Iran in their first match in Qatar. That’s of course
if a nuclear war hasn’t started by then.
You see before their 1-1 draw against African Nations Cup
winners Senegal in Austria , the Iranian players wore black
parka tracksuit tops to hide the jersey of their national team.
In support of Mahsa Amini murdered by the Iranian morality
police for not wearing the veil “correctly.”
Sardar Azmoun one of the star Iranian players who would
of more than likely given Harry Maguire the runaround in
Qatar is amongst a number of players who the Iranian
authoroties are likely to be banned after his tweeted comments on why the players supported the demonstrations against the
I am writing about this because you are unlikely to hear
much about it on the BBC. As with the grooming and raping
atrocities by certain ethnic groups in the UK.
Of course the England team could also still show
some virtue signalling by still prostrating themselves for the BLM organization.
Hello Foscari, Mens football expensive to broadcast, or on the other hand womens is cheap for the bBC to broadcast – there is method behind their constant push for womens football 🙂
Financial crisis? What financial crisis? Cost of mortgages going up? Don’t know anything about that. It’s global, nothing to do with us. But let me tell you how we’re going to cap heating bills. A dozen prime-ministerial interviews boiled down to 280 characters
“Is that news? Are you serious? Somebody’s tooth brushing habits … I’m not going to waste the viewers time with this rubbish. Let’s talk about toothbrushing .. Emily do you floss?” Gorka @4:16
Another Daily Mail comment removed within seconds of posting because of the number of complaints only to be reinstated 6 minutes later.
This is of course the Left attacking freedom of speech by using bots to attack any comment which they don’t like and having them removed.
It’s a troubling time when the Left are organised and efficient at acheiving their objectives, and the conservatives are a disorganised rabble without much courage to oppose them.
If I was at all suspicious that the financiak hullabaloo was being driven by bigwig remain-rejoinders, this mornings headline from the BBC confirms it.
Remember Mr Carney? While Gov of the Bank of England he did his best to scupper Brexit but failed so this is just another pack of massive Globalist lies going on.
Why do we put up with immigrants like Khan dictating what we should do with our UK public institutions as if he represents our Country. He doesn’t and needs to be told so. It’s insulting and obscene and would not be put up with for an instant if a whitey tried it in his real home Country.
Peter Hitchens in 2008: “I sometimes wonder if our leaders actually want to drive Russia into an angry, sullen isolation. Russians are proud and patriotic. They are wounded by the loss of status and empire as we were in the Fifties. Why rub their noses in it, week by week, by keeping NATO alive years after it should have been wound up and by threatening to extend it into Ukraine and Georgia? Is it by doing things such as this that we created Vladimir Putin. This ridiculous alliance does not have the military strength to defend its overstretched frontiers and will look very silly if a future Kremlin decides to pressure its neighbours, who will then call on NATO for help and find that none comes. Anyway, the next European war will be fought with gas and oil and pipelines, and it is pretty clear that Russia controls more of these things than we do.”
Ar 11 Awst, fe wnaethom ddarlledu a chyhoeddi ar ein gwasanaethau nifer o honiadau ynglŷn â’r Eisteddfod Genedlaethol a’i Phrif Weithredwr, a’r ymwneud â’r gymuned leol yn Nhregaron.
Ar ôl adolygu ein hallbwn, rydym yn cydnabod na wnaeth ein hallbwn fodloni ein safonau golygyddol arferol o ran cywirdeb, didueddrwydd a thegwch.
Yn benodol, hoffem wneud y canlynol yn glir:
Bod pump o dirfeddianwyr, ac nid un fel y dywedwyd yn wreiddiol, wedi rhoi tir ar les i’r Eisteddfod.
Fe wnaethom ddweud, yn ffeithiol anghywir, bod cerrig wedi’u cludo o Borthmadog i’r Eisteddfod, lle, mewn gwirionedd, roedden nhw wedi dod o Ystrad Meurig gerllaw.
Yn groes i’r hyn a awgrymwyd, roedd nifer o gwmnïau lleol wedi darparu gwasanaethau yn uniongyrchol ar faes yr Eisteddfod.
Y dylid bod wedi rhoi mwy o amser a manylion i’r Eisteddfod allu cynnig hawl i ymateb gwybodus.
Y dylem fod wedi cymryd gofal rhesymol i fodloni ein hunain o’r holl ffeithiau arwyddocaol a bod yr hyn a gafodd ei hepgor wedi bod yn annheg i Brif Weithredwr yr Eisteddfod ac i’r Eisteddfod fel sefydliad.
Y dylem fod wedi cydnabod yn gyhoeddus y cywiriadau i fersiynau cynharach o’r stori hon.
Rydym yn cydnabod y pwyntiau hyn ac yn ymddiheuro am y methiannau hyn yn ein safonau golygyddol ac mae’r BBC wedi tynnu ei hadroddiadau yn ôl.
In a report from Northern Ireland we featured Newry and heard how some nationalists were responding to the death of the Queen. Our coverage included shots of a busker singing in the city centre.
We would like to make clear that the busker concerned was not working on the day the Queen was laid to rest and that this material had been pre filmed several days earlier.
You know, some evenings I just want to watch a decent, well told detective yarn. The sort that used to be made in the old days. I’ve reluctantly come to realise that they don’t make ’em like that anymore; unfortunately…
I’ve tried to watch a couple in the last few days, starting with ITVs flagship, Karen Pirie. Bloody Norah…I lasted about fifteen minutes. In that time we had witnessed every cliched useless white male known to TV. We had the old, stupid, narrow minded and bigoted, quickly followed by the young, drunk, aggressive and vomiting. The female and black male characters were all sensible, sane and sober. Pillars of society. Yes, of course they are…
So, exasperated with ITVs ghastly effort, I tried the BBCs latest offering in this genre, Inside Man. This time I only lasted five minutes…
The opening scene starts on a London underground train, with a young white bloke sexually harassing and abusing a very young Asian girl. His antics are filmed by another young woman, this time an Oriental lass, whom he also abuses. FFS, enough!
All I wanted, after a hard day’s gardening, was to put my feet up, slurp a glass or two of Merlot and enjoy a good old fashioned ‘tec drama. What I got was the usual, tiresome anti-white male propaganda. This is now so endemic in the TV world most people don’t even notice it.
Eventually I unearthed an old Miss Marple, made in the mid-eighties, starring the sublime Joan Hickson. Everybody was white, there was no appalling language, lovely scenery, excellent whodunit, no overt politicking.
With you on this Jeff, it’s Lewis, Morse and frost for me. When Endeavour started, I thought “Give it a chance”. The first couple of series, and especially the pilot episode, were nothing short of outstanding. Then it started, Morse gained a coloured girlfriend, ok let that go, implausible though it is, certainly odds-wise.
Then the black students being harrased, then assorted other characters being slid in from all angles. Halfway through the third series it became completely unwatchable. Now of course, anything new coming along is going to be “on message” from the off. No TV licence for 3 years now and I imagine I’ve missed nothing.
I’m looking for a cheap set of Columble dvds on ebay. A bit cheesy, but they will pass the winter evenings.
May I recommend Maigret starring Rowan Atkinson, we have it on DVDs and when we want a gentle stroll down memory lane we either put him on or the Sweeney.
Those who can’t add up. I.e. those who simultaneously claim the country will always retain 70% of the land to sustain the nations food; those who are anxious to take more land and regrow our woodlands and those who want to build 375,000 houses a year for those who have no business in being here.
Toxic femininity is when a woman get an idea in her head and no amount of evidence or advice will make her shift her position or change her mind.
This has led many women to their deaths convinced they are right when they are completely and utter wrong, but because of toxic femininty, incapable of changing their beliefs.
This is what is happening with Liz Truss, however she is dragging all of us down with her.
tomoMar 10, 16:42 Start the Week 10th March 2025 https://youtu.be/KpByW1LaP_o A journey around the sordid underbelly of Canadian politics – that the BBC will not show you or the…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 16:18 Start the Week 10th March 2025 As they say in Leeds Council meetings now in the UK “Allah Akbar!” Leeds: Green Party councillor Mothin Ali apologises…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 16:07 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “In March 2021, China unexpectedly banned imports of Taiwanese pineapples, citing biosecurity concerns, and Taiwanese farmers were forced to find…
AlthepalerpMar 10, 16:01 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Trade war going on between Canada and China https://www.cnbc.com/2025/03/08/trade-war-china-to-slap-retaliatory-tariffs-on-some-canadian-products.html Why don’t the BBC report this?
Fedup2Mar 10, 15:53 Start the Week 10th March 2025 It seems that Rachel from Accounts is to make an ‘announcement ‘ about ‘cuts ‘ in welfare on Tuesday .…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 15:38 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Jeremy Corbyn – Stop the War Speech – 15 February 2003 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=16BtpSCufU0 54,730 views 7 Jul 2016 In 2003, I…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 15:21 Start the Week 10th March 2025 H E Mr Yassine El Oued, Ambassador of the Republic of Tunisia to the United Kingdom “1 bottle of olive…
4:30pm Media Show is pretending to be topical
Really it’s so The anti-Tory BBC can continue to push the agenda that Tories borrowing to grow is BAD
.. if it were Labour doing the same, they the BBC would not push that agenda
Comrade Lewis is a fine purveyor of State control and should be rewarded
Paul Lewis
Financial journalist, broadcaster, speaker. Seek truth, find truth, tell the truth, is what I do. Unequivocally for free speech & press. Wilkie Collins expert.
UK. Usually in London.paullewismoney.blogspot.co.ukJoined November 2010
1,776 Following
Seek truth, find truth, tell the truth, is what I do.
Seek truth, find truth, tell the truth, is what I do.
Seek truth, find truth, tell the truth, is what I do.
Seek truth, find truth, tell the truth, is what I do.
BBC push medical PR: “Alzheimer’s-slowing drug labelled historic”
“… has generated excitement among dementia scientists and charities”… the main source the BBC use is a phase 3 study from the pharma company’s own website. This is not peer reviewed and the drug isn’t approved. (Neither a guarantee of reliability, forgive my scepticism.) Alzheimer’s research was rocked recently because doctored images were used in a foundational paper, which means 16 years of theory doesn’t look as clever as the drug makers wanted it to be. The BBC Alzheimer’s section has countless articles but nothing on this.
Will the BBC report on the fraudulent Pfizer C19 trials or the FDA trying to restrict public access to its trial data for 75 years? Worth remembering next time a drug company PR dept (i.e. the BBC) tell us to follow the science or a PM tells us ‘no one is safe until everyone is safe’.
Going for media coverage, before publishing paper
is a red flag for badscience.
Going for bbc media coverage from the bbc is very 28Gate.
A Labour party love-in today on R5 with an extended interview with Gary Neville.
Next up: Roger Waters and Matt le Tissier?
As there are too many women in HR, i’m sure the bBC will do a report on this. And encourage men in the profession?
I was thinking – normally when a PM and Chancellor screw the economy so we’ll the cartoonists have a ‘laurel and hardy ‘ field day – bit tricky doing cartoons of coloured folk because of being accused of being a witch / racist …
Just following up -not bbc bias – but will the market attack the pound by the end of the week ?
I’ve often said here that often the people running the show are not that clever – well the chancellor / truss have just shown that .
The BBC need do nothing – the blue tories are doing themselves . Rishi must be singing in the bath ….
I wonder what’s more serious – the economic screwup or the pipe line / Russia / Ukraine …
Serious for Britain is the KwamiKahsi mini budget as this article by enormously respected economist businessman and academic Dr Mohamed El-Erian explains.
I think Carlson is massively over reaching here, as it is clearly being stated that the Nordstream 2 pipeline is the one being refered to and the illegal ignoring of the Caatsa act which Biden did when lifting US sanctions on the completion of that pipeline.
Back in 2015 a submersible drone loaded with explosives was recovered from the pipelines, but because it was a commercial drone sold to many operators around the world it has not been possible to point the finger at anyone responsible.
If there was ever any doubt about the reality of BBC bias, compare Huqgate with Partygate.
History will show that the zeal with which the PM was pursued and driven from office is directly responsible for today’s mess. Plus the IMF doing more EU dirtywork, but even Peston won’t go there.
Irrespective of what you think about current economic policy…..
Grade A BBC bias.
BBC 1 6 pm news.
They announce that the Pound went down today close to all time lows. They then made sure we knew about the effects of that on import-based prices.
Then they showed a graph of the £ versus the $ over the last couple of weeks. The graph carefully showed a low point today.
I only as a last minute throwaway remark did they admit that the £ had recovered and had actually closed higher than at the opening!!!!!
In other words all the doom and gloom represented on the news was in fact illegitimate. Not that the BBC care one jot. In another context we (they) would define this as fake news!
I am not a fan of this totally useless inept government but the BBC reporting borders on treason.
PS interest rates are still at levels unthinkable over ten years ago as being at all time lows.
BBC playing the politics of envy for all its worth over the high rate tax reduction from 45% to 40%.
All the leftists go on in glee about this and how the Tories are protecting their rich friends.
Let’s drill down a little.
What was the cost of furlough ? £50bn? Who did it benefit? Those on less than £30 k.
How about low cost loans underwritten by the government for small businesses? How many billions for that?
How about the covid vaccine? What proportion of the £ billions spent on that was for people earning over £150k ?
And how many millionaires are there? As much as 1% of taxpayers? Hardly enough to get elected.
So in fact the argument about the Tories and their rich friends bears absolutely no relation to the macro economic decisions.
Not that the BBC would ever, ever, allow for that.
Their ‘rich’ employees were of course famously paid on service contracts via companies to avoid income tax altogether.
BBC sending JezBo and Simpo over to say they peed on her bed?
Sadly, Liz Truss is no more capable of delivering an impassioned speech like Meloni’s than Starmer. People react to oratory, all the great political movements have shown that to be true.
There is also having convictions beyond media approval ratings.
If you look at her face – she can see her career threatened – power – power – me me ….
So…. If a white person attacks a black person verbally it’s racist and you need to go straight to hell whereas if a black person attacks a black person it er… well it’s “wrong” as in must do better.
Doncha just hate this den of slimey snakes?
From the DT:
Joe Biden asks if dead congresswoman is in crowd during speech
She died on 3rd August and Biden issued a statement of condolence.
This story absolutely highlights why you cannot trust the BBC. They have not reported this at all and it’s a clear sign that the POTUS is not mentally competent.
We are on the brink of WW3 with this senile old duffer in charge of the free world and the BBC think their agenda to shield him and keep Trump out is more important.
The extreme agenda-driven double-standards of the far-Left are having the same disastrous consequences they have had throughout history. Biden already caused a lake of blood when he pulled out of Afghanistan with breathtaking incompetence. Soon it could be a river. Plenty of that blood is on the hands of the BBC and the rest of the Leftist media who have utterly failed in their duty as a check-and-balance.
Nice sofa. Dfs?
Wot – not blond ?
The original post may not appear. With luck.
Are the bbc even aware it happened yet?
Superficial apology ?
Diane Abbott discusses online abuse “We are very clear in the Labour Party. That if you are known and you are peddling racist, homophobic, anti-semitic abuse, you will face a penalty. The problem with a lot of this abuse though is it’s anonymous. ” – Diane Abbott @1:56
PJW latest
I simply couldn’t watch it all….How many more when there isn’t a camera?
Plod really has lost it … and they appeal for help . Best avoided …. They are like TV licence bods – who no doubt will be given a power to arrest / enter to see what you are watching .small minded kidults .
I wonder if the dickhead plod got disciplined ? – I think not ….
Da wushinz did it…
USS Kearsarge was barely 30km from one explosive device and US helicopters have been tracked following the known route of the pipelines for days.
Here’s another take on the pipeline explosion that not even the conspiracy theorists have come up with.
An awful lot of Gazprom executives have ‘fallen’ out of top floor windows to their deaths, presumably because they were dissidents who didn’t agree with Putin war.
Now we have a call up and the sons of fathers are going to be taken from them and might well never return.
Just suppose some dissident opposed to Putin and having access to a pipline kill device (we have one on the channel tunnel so not unreasonable) decided to hurt Putin the only effective way they knew how, and activated the destruction of the pipeline as an act of rebellion.
It seems to me to be at least a reasonable possibility that this might have happened.
Another one to muddy the waters – but the public threat by the false president and his loon advisor surely must be a bit more compelling – unless crafty putin decided to blow up his own pipeline in order to get the blame put on Obama Biden – the swine…
Maybe the test is – if Obama Biden did it – the story will be gone by Thursday ….
BTW thoughtful – any thoughts on the pound / bonds / rates – pound run tomorrow ?
Laaaw-dy!… – it’s a mystery !
By now the dimwit press secretary at the Whitehouse should’ve been asked about it – that’ll be fun eh?
CNN’s take might just be one for the ages?
Will Joe blurt it out?
She was asked – only text available no video on this page anyway:
Some doozies in there…
Up is down, in is out, black is white and you shake it all about – senior fellow? – sheesh…
Handy hurricane for Joe… he could still Fup …
One of those situations where no one really knows until someone takes some affirmative action an announces somthing, like a U turn (or a delay to save face).
Or maybe if Kwasi Modo resigns or is sacked (piano falls on him) etc.
There are many problems with what Truss Kwarteng have done the main ones being not actually cutting back spending to allow for the tax cuts, together with huge extra spending commitments or put another way, attempting to save and spend at the same time or having ones cake and eating it.
Truss’s attempt at growth would have all been fine if we had been at a different part of the economic cycle, i.e. in a recession and attempting to come out of it, but we are at a stage where we are about to enter the downturn with high inflation needing to be damped down, and she’s come along with a fiscal stimulus package looking for growth when we need to be shrinking the economy.
Thoughtful . I think the Blue Labour conference is around 5 days away . The country could be a bit different by then .
I think the party might lynch truss and the superficially coloured guy for being inept
According to this article, only black woman are trying to get mortgages.
Biden 8th Feb 2022
“There will no longer be a Nord Stream 2, we will bring an end to it.”
“I promise you… we’ll be able to do it.”
–> video. https://www.twitter.com/ProfessorFerg06/status/1574786509600956416
Some feel the same about Biden and his administration – the mid-terms loom and it’s all too easy to believe some deranged individuals would do deranged and possibly catastrophic things not to spend the next two years being spit roasted by a Republican House + Senate.
Psaki was the first prominent one to jump ship…
And if Denmark could be assured one broadcaster would run this, it would be the bbc.
FIFA have a long history of not allowing political symbols in football
They banned England footballers from wearing the poppy
That’s what I thought, why is the armband being allowed, it’s not even a protest again Quatar’s human rights record?
So now we have the Blank of England, stepping in to save the day by, err, inflationary stimulating the economy themselves – via yet another round of money printing .
Apparently a week before they were about to finally embark on starting to withdraw some of the previous quantative easing.
You couldn’t make it up, the whole thing stinks.
The Blank cheque Of England
BBC doesn’t have a clue about true diversity
instead it does intersectionality
dividing the world into tickboxes
and considers if it throws in a few tickboxes that’s enough
Wednesday TV BBC 1
7pm Jermaine Jenas presents the One Show
7:30pm EastEnders
“Ravi manipulatees Suki into feeling sorry for himKheerat takes Stacey on a date”
8pm Jay Blades Repair Shop
just happened to have an African guy in a man-dress
10:40pm film biography of Black Americans SLAVERY abolitionist Harriet Tubman
7pm Womens football
9:30pm Nadiya and her daughter
11:15 BBC lefty John Simpson
8pm Channel5 hour long advert for electric cars
9pm Film biography WW1 black soldier and footballer Walter Tull
BTW 9pm Panorama investigation into abusive staff in mental hospitals
..Could be actual useful journalism.
Then there is this on BBCthree
3 people compete for a job
Where ? BBC1Xtra .. FFS that is a bit incestuous
It’s the BBC black music station ..so 2 of the 3 candidates and the presenter are black
7 people in the show , 6 black and 1 white
4 work for the BBC already.
Not Liz Truss
Tomo, so has balls mate, about time politicians in the UK grew some too!
“Basket of deplorables” is a phrase from a 2016 presidential election campaign speech delivered by Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton on September 9, 2016, at a campaign fundraising event, which she used to describe half of the supporters of her opponent, Republican nominee Donald Trump saying “They’re racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic”.[1] The next day, she expressed regret for “saying half”, while insisting that Trump had deplorably amplified “hateful views and voices”.
Absolutely wonderful, why has this speech not been on the BBC etc., sorry but she missed out Macron letting people smugglers take thousands of Africans etc., out of France and into the UK?
I see that our own government tell us that ‘Russia probably did it’. But cannot come up with a reason given why they might have done it.
The level of lies and propaganda we are being fed is off the scale and completely self-defeating. I don’t believe a single thing I am told about this war by my own government and the mainstream media. In fact, when the BBC report it now, I immediately assume they are lying (usually by quoting someone else who is lying to avoid accountability) until I can verify it. And in every single case, I find the truth they are giving me is completely distorted – which I am quite certain it is deliberate.
I’m convinced the USA WANT Putin to use nuclear weapons – but just the little ones. They are sure it will trigger his demise. Biden already said they want regime change. These idiots are doing exactly the same as they did in Iraq and will most likely have the same disastrous consequences. This time right of the doorstep of Europe.
I wonder how much the American military has scretly been built up in the region ready for when it happens.
Hello JohnC
A bit like the reporting when Russia was supposed to have bombed the supermarket in Ukraine, people were then finding on the internet that the supermarket had actually closed months before. Even the picture on the bBC only showed fire engines at the scene, but no ambulances, on a nearly empty car park
It certainly doesn’t make sense for Russia to wreck their lever on Germany to help force a negotiated peace. I can’t see anyone who obviously benefits from this pipeline attack. So somebody is up to some complicated ploy . If you are right then it’s a frightening escalation.
One possibility I ve thought of is that if there is growing opposition within the Russian elite to the Ukrainian war because it costing them money and Putin fears being removed by them, then perhaps he might think that blowing the pipeline removes any short term possibility the elite have of making money by getting rid of him and seeking peace. It might make his position a bit more secure.
It’s a bit of a convoluted explanation and far fetched but who did it and why is a real conundrum.
The underwater division of the WEF?
The European Union commissioners have announced that agreement has been reached to adopt English as the preferred language for European communications, rather than German, which was the other possibility. As part of the negotiations, Her Majesty’s Government conceded that English spelling had some room for improvement and has accepted a five-year phased plan for what will be known as EuroEnglish (Euro for short).
In the first year, “s” will be used instead of the soft “c.” Sertainly, sivil servants will resieve this news with joy. Also, the hard “c” will be replased with “k”. Not only will this klear up konfusion, but typewriters kan have one less letter.
There will be growing publik enthusiasm in the sekond year, when the troublesome “ph” will be replased by “f”. This will make words like fotograf” 20 persent shorter.
In the third year, publik akseptanse of the new spelling kan be expekted to reach the stage where more komplikated changes are possible. Governments will enkourage the removal of double letters, which have always ben a deterent to akurate speling. Also, al wil agre that the horible mes of silent “e”s in the languag is disgrasful, and they would go.
By the fourth year, peopl wil be reseptiv to steps such as replasing “th” by “z” and “w” by ” v”.
During ze fifz year, ze unesesary “o” kan be dropd from vords kontaining “ou”, and similar changes vud of kors be aplid to ozer kombinations of leters.
After zis fifz yer, ve vil hav a reli sensibl riten styl. Zer vil be no mor trubls or difikultis and evrivun vil find it ezi tu understand ech ozer.
Ze drem vil finali kum tru.
Ha ha – though I have to tell you Zephir that your joke just passed away.
But it was a very old joke.
I think that these days they would choose that most bizarre and ridiculous invention from the BBC themselves : ‘BBC News Pidgin’ to demonstrate inclusivity and diversity.
Here’s an example:
‘Part of di reasons dem drop be say di rally fit cause gbege for di state.’
I must admit I do wonder why the BBC is using UK telly-taxpayers money to pander to black people in NIgeria.
Julius Caesar and Pompey the Great were rivals for the position of First Consul of Rome. They spoke before the Senate, putting forward their cases for election to the post, by recounting their deeds in the service of Rome.
“When the Gauls attacked Rome, I defended the city,” Pompey said, “and drove them out killing 100,000 Gauls.”
“I invaded Gaul,” Caesar said, “and I too slew 100,000 Gauls.”
So the Senate gave the position to Caesar because in Europe away Gauls count double.
What Tory MPs are saying about Kwasi Kwarteng’s future
bBC reporting on the future of Kwasi, maybe building a case to get rid of him
Someone needs to clip the wings of the corporation, downsize it in terms of its 23,000 stafff, and why so many channels!
Misses Young and Nathoo seem long on claim and short on tangible verification.
Reporting, it is not.
They should go far.
Stormzy: Diversity isn’t just a buzzword
reports the bBC,
I agree, there are far too many black people in music, this should change
Music ? I see very few actually capable of playing a musical instrument as this takes training, practice, dedication and a modicum of talent to thrive, and as for basketball teams and the hundred yard dash, many more white people needed, and not enough men in HR departments, or women tarmacking roads at 2am in the pouring rain.
The MOBO Awards are an annual British music award presentation honouring achievements in “music of black origin”, including hip hop, grime, UK Drill, R&B, soul, reggae, jazz, gospel, and African music. Wikipedia
Stormzy – real name Michael Ebenezer Kwadjo Omari Owuo Jr., though I guess that doesn’t have ‘street cred’ or appeal to the 70-somethings of the BBC who like to visit ‘Glasto’, an elitist event protected by a security wall to keep the proles out.
There have been great black musicians in the past – Ella Fitzgerald, Count Basie, Shirley Bassey, Miles Davis and so on. But the street thugs (literally, in some cases) promoted by the BBC do not produce music. Rap and other genres are no more than the audio equivalent of graffiti, and as equally ugly, destructive and unwanted.
The racist Radio 1Xtra should be shut down immediately.
Vile hosting a debate between Justin Rowlatt and Dr. Shola?
Oh dear God the incompetence of Truss and Kwarteng just gets worse and worse!
After giving the highest earners a 5% tax cut in the disastrous mini budget, they are now proposing to cut the benefits of the disabled and pensioners in order to fund it!
If you had to make a cartoon caracature of what the ‘evil Tories’ are all about this would be it.
The things Truss needed to do such as tackling illegal immigration and woke idiocy are left completely undone, while she simply seeks to make the wealth gap as large as she can.
Even I’m begining to believe that Labour couldn’t possibly worse than this lot and if she is allowed to continue the Tories will be wiped out come the next election.
So let’s get this right . The BBC – today – spends around 3 months campaigning to depose the British PM for trivia .
It is now running a campaign to depose the next – current one . Example – that Teresa May spokesman – Gavin traitor barwell – now a low life peer – gets rolled on to put the knife in . Other remainer traitors – ex MP Gauke is also spitting the poison – I’m surprised Hessa hasn’t popped up but the ever helpful Ken Clarke is always ready to tell us he is very rich and doesn’t need more money .
So right or wrong – the red labour song is being sung
But it’s a shame that so early in her premiership Liz Truss has screwed it up far worse than anything nut nut did – because this is about our money – not the amorality of nut nut ….
Fed, Liz is having to learn. She may know the price of a can of beans, a loaf of bread and a litre of milk like Margaret Thatcher but like Margaret Thatcher and her then Chancellor, Geoffrey Howe, Liz is having to learn two vital things:
1. The UK economy is not top down – hasn’t been since the 1940/50s if not before – it is bottom up. Wealth and growth is generated by the masses, not by ‘the one per cent’.
2. You cannot buck the markets.
Thatcher and Howe tried that in 1979. It ended in near disaster.
Thatcher and Lawson tried it again in 1988/89. That ended in disaster. For Margaret, who compounded her error with the Community Charge and was pushed out of office. For the UK who got the failure over triumph that was John Major.
I have a suspicion that something else is going on here. It could be some thing devious to show up some things even more devious that are going on in the UK. ‘Blabbermouth’ Mark Carney is on the BBC’s web-site.
I wonder if he’s spotted it. Think he may have.
Fed, you might be about to get your heart’s desire!
Wealth creation always starts from the ideas and hard work of 1% of the population , or probably quite a lot less than 1%, the rest of us are recruited to put those ideas into practise and create stuff to sell.
Remove those 1% and there is no renewal , competitiveness is lost and everyone becomes poorer .
The problem is that those 1% need capital to bring their ideas to market and so employ the rest of us. Unfortunately, those who dole capital out , bankers et al, take far too much for their services.
Double, ‘fraid not, not any more. Definitely not since the 1950s. Wealth and growth comes from SME’s ‘flogging stuff’: their services, the goods they trade, etc.. The UK is now a thoroughly retail based economy. We are a nation of shopkeepers.
Pimlico Plumbers being a great example. Virgin Records being another. Both of those corporate empires required the affluence of the masses to build them up, buy their ‘products’. Deprive the masses of affluence via taxation ‘for public services’ and you end up with severe problems as Blair & Brown started to understand in the early 2000s. You also end up with other problems after “the long march through the institutions” as Gordon Brown discovered in 2010.
A lead on the BBC is sad passing of a musician of color I have heard of.
Causes are admitted to be unknown, but do not appear to be stair related, anything via approved medications, misfiring Grads, etc, but might be due to racism, Trussonomics or something hatey the BBC has an editor ready to fly out for.
I liked Gangsta’s Paradise. Maybe Lizzo can twerk at the funeral. Saw a video of playing the flute, not for the idiot stirring media, respectfully. Liked that too.
Doom Loop and the revenge of the Slumdog Millionaire as curry is best served cold edition
Bad day? Then you’ve got 83 more to come – warns the Daily Star – Google tells me there are 87 shopping days to Christmas – so I’m unsure what this is all about.
Johnny Ball formerly of the BBC once presented Think of a Number – no, not Lizz Truss’s reply to the question how much immigration do we want – this was a maths TV show for kids.
The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Universe drew our attention to the supposedly magic number 42. But what is it with 83…?
Jude Bellingham ‘could move for just £83m’ if suitors including Liverpool pay up front (Daily Star) – which would tend to suggest that financial powerhouse that is the football sector doesn’t think the economy is flat out bust just yet.
Mums disgusted as company launches ‘p***y-flavoured crisps’ for ‘brave’ individuals… Chazz, a Lithuania-based crisp company, has launched the “first in the world” limited edition snack which has raised eyebrows around the world… Chazz might be channelling their inner Gwyneth Paltrow, who has made a candle called This Smells Like My Vagina – priced at £83. (Daily Star)
Call me an old bore but ready salted suits me just fine. From dodgy flavoured crisps to dodgy crises…
In present times, when crises are ten a penny, our news media can, by and large, pick for us our political leaders and then set their policies for them. I mention the wealth of crises our media enjoys for the reason that those supposed dire crises tend to be interpreted as the proximate reasons for the media proxy-sacking of their particular persona non grata.
The left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper celebrates Spitting Image the live action sequel: Kenneth Branagh as Boris Johnson is uncanny – and a triumph – reminding us that our Brussels-orientated press and broadcasters leveraged the previous change of PM under the pretext of a pandemic party.
Contrary, however, to the plot of Edgar Allan Poe’s The Masque of the Red Death, our ruling elite who shut themselves away behind the secure doors of Number 10 Downing Street, did not suffer the inevitable universal obliteration by plague contagion as they revelled.
As far as I can make out more MPs have died in recent years as a result of islamic terrorism than of covid. Please correct me if I’m wrong.
The Telegraph complains of falling standards in our police: The broken blue line. How British policing lost its way – this feature is teased on the frontpage with a photo of a bobby wearing a traditional helmet – a sight about as rare and remarkable these days as spotting a white kid in an inner London school class.
This policing priorities problem is apparently not confined to the UK: Mounting calls to end morality patrols in Iran (FT) – oh the irony.
The cops have lost their way and sadly: Matt is away The Telegraph cartoonist taking more time off these days than a train driver or a postman in the run up to Christmas.
No matter, many news editors think they are now qualified cartoon humourists and their language is increasingly fruity: Squeaky fund time – quips the Sun as their headline addresses matters financial.
The coronaphobic ‘i’ newspaper channels the language of their fear of infection as they speak of: Panic in City amid fears of contagion ‘It fell apart.. it’s a complete sh*tshow’
One pauses to wonder quite what is the point of that asterix – who exactly is protected from embarrassment there? Even our more lexically challenged GCSE English students can surely solve that little word puzzle? And yet the ‘i’ has the gall to hide their bad language behind the asterix… Asterix the Gaul…?
Blunder Truss – jokes the Daily Mirror – its frontpage photos of the PM and chancellor is captioned: CRISIS Truss and, below, Kwarteng – I know there were rumours…
The Guardian coins the phrase: ‘doom loop’
The corporate advertising freesheet Metro regrets their boy – the Square Mile candidate – aka the Slumdog Millionaire – isn’t the man currently running the show: A Rish best served cold… Sunak to miss Tory party conference to give new PM ‘all the space she needs’… former chancellor warned of economic chaos if Truss was made premier
AISI, re. bad days ahead numbering 83. Has the Daily Star totted up the days of separate public sector strikes ahead of us and HMG due to the somewhat artificial ‘cost-of-living-crisis’ ?
The front page of the Metro informs me that some musician (‘star’?) called George Ezra has sold out his October and November tour dates. Assuming the good George takes one day off a week to rest his voice and that of any backing singers that means he is filling theatres around the UK for something like fifty-two days. No idea what the promoters charge for a ticket for a gig like that these days but I suspect the number is somewhere between fifty and one hundred. Perhaps he is only doing small venues, playing to two hundred and fifty or so at a time?
According to my solar powered calculator that is between £12,500 and £25,000 a venue, perhaps more? Maybe he does two shows a day? Cost-of-living-crisis? “What crisis?” as ‘Sunny Jim’ would say. Up to £1,300,000 for just over fifty days ‘work’. Nice. As ‘Whispering Bob’ would say.
There was no shortage of young (cough, cough), middle-aged and old festival goers this summer past at £250/£350/£450 a time, just a shortage of trains.
Unless you worked for the BBC, of course.
Here is the analysis of the disatrous incompetence of the Truss ‘government’ which I had not realised risks a complete international collapse of the worlds monetary systems and economies.
We are now looking at inflation rates of 20%+ and interest rates at least as high needed to control that. The scale of the damage Truss is doing is difficult to overstate, and she needs to be physically removed from power before the damage is made permanent and the UK becomes a third world country.
Not unexpected. What next?
You can’t put Boy Scout’s into a situation that requires Royal Marine’s.
As Putin is about to learn…………(again)
Should I take issue with you over the assertion: “…..and the UK BECOMES a third world country”?
Government is undercutting UK institutions, says former Bank governor
Thats it, Mark Carney said.
Anyone else the likes of the bBC could interview with a different point of view? or just Mark said
“..I think you (Mark Carney) have become politically involved (UK’s EU Referendum), in a way, you have quite clearly said you would not in a General Election…” – Jacob Rees-Mogg – {independent – may2016 @0:50}
“I don’t think it’s worth a reply.” – Mark Carney’s response
“… it works (Democracy) because of the wisdom of crowds, and lots of people who believed in the wisdom of crowds until they lost, suddenly only believed in the wisdom of themselves.”
-Jacob Rees Mogg
“Let’s leave my despicability to one side ”
-Jacob Rees Mogg
Beff is on PR.
The chances of a reprise of a rainbow LBGTHQX++x4 Citizen Smith some decades later on the BBC are low to none…
The BBC’S agenda of putting women’s football on a par
with men’s has finally reached fruition . Yes of course I
know there are more important issues at hand in the
world than this. BUT one good bit of good news for the
embarrassing Gareth Southgate is that English national
team now having dropped to 14 in the ELO World ratings
have a potentially a much better chance against 21st
ranked Iran in their first match in Qatar. That’s of course
if a nuclear war hasn’t started by then.
You see before their 1-1 draw against African Nations Cup
winners Senegal in Austria , the Iranian players wore black
parka tracksuit tops to hide the jersey of their national team.
In support of Mahsa Amini murdered by the Iranian morality
police for not wearing the veil “correctly.”
Sardar Azmoun one of the star Iranian players who would
of more than likely given Harry Maguire the runaround in
Qatar is amongst a number of players who the Iranian
authoroties are likely to be banned after his tweeted comments on why the players supported the demonstrations against the
I am writing about this because you are unlikely to hear
much about it on the BBC. As with the grooming and raping
atrocities by certain ethnic groups in the UK.
Of course the England team could also still show
some virtue signalling by still prostrating themselves for the BLM organization.
Hello Foscari, Mens football expensive to broadcast, or on the other hand womens is cheap for the bBC to broadcast – there is method behind their constant push for womens football 🙂
Superficially black …
Just waiting for Toenails to quote what he heard from Paul Brand who read it in the Critic via Beff.
BS in new media… #CCBGB
The BBC is a virus cooked up in W1A.
Almost every rampant ideological tweet by a loon is liked by Mason, Sweeney!, Esler, etc.
Save £159 per year – cancel your bbc subscription?
Goodbye BBC reporting … hello HELLO Magazine …
“Is that news? Are you serious? Somebody’s tooth brushing habits … I’m not going to waste the viewers time with this rubbish. Let’s talk about toothbrushing .. Emily do you floss?” Gorka @4:16
Another Daily Mail comment removed within seconds of posting because of the number of complaints only to be reinstated 6 minutes later.
This is of course the Left attacking freedom of speech by using bots to attack any comment which they don’t like and having them removed.
It’s a troubling time when the Left are organised and efficient at acheiving their objectives, and the conservatives are a disorganised rabble without much courage to oppose them.
If I was at all suspicious that the financiak hullabaloo was being driven by bigwig remain-rejoinders, this mornings headline from the BBC confirms it.
Mark Carney is back up to his old tricks I see!
Remember Mr Carney? While Gov of the Bank of England he did his best to scupper Brexit but failed so this is just another pack of massive Globalist lies going on.
The BBC love mr C!
” No room for Queen Elizabeth II statue on Trafalgar Square’s Fourth Plinth, rules Sadiq Khan
London Mayor says existing schedule of temporary modern art commissions will continue with work depicting anti-colonialist revolt”
Why do we put up with immigrants like Khan dictating what we should do with our UK public institutions as if he represents our Country. He doesn’t and needs to be told so. It’s insulting and obscene and would not be put up with for an instant if a whitey tried it in his real home Country.
“We’re the masters now” as a certain Labour politician said in the late 1940s (Shallcross?)
Peter Hitchens in 2008: “I sometimes wonder if our leaders actually want to drive Russia into an angry, sullen isolation. Russians are proud and patriotic. They are wounded by the loss of status and empire as we were in the Fifties. Why rub their noses in it, week by week, by keeping NATO alive years after it should have been wound up and by threatening to extend it into Ukraine and Georgia? Is it by doing things such as this that we created Vladimir Putin. This ridiculous alliance does not have the military strength to defend its overstretched frontiers and will look very silly if a future Kremlin decides to pressure its neighbours, who will then call on NATO for help and find that none comes. Anyway, the next European war will be fought with gas and oil and pipelines, and it is pretty clear that Russia controls more of these things than we do.”
Peter Hitchens – The EU is the Continuation of Germany By Other Means
Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Cymru
11 Awst 2022
Ar 11 Awst, fe wnaethom ddarlledu a chyhoeddi ar ein gwasanaethau nifer o honiadau ynglŷn â’r Eisteddfod Genedlaethol a’i Phrif Weithredwr, a’r ymwneud â’r gymuned leol yn Nhregaron.
Ar ôl adolygu ein hallbwn, rydym yn cydnabod na wnaeth ein hallbwn fodloni ein safonau golygyddol arferol o ran cywirdeb, didueddrwydd a thegwch.
Yn benodol, hoffem wneud y canlynol yn glir:
Bod pump o dirfeddianwyr, ac nid un fel y dywedwyd yn wreiddiol, wedi rhoi tir ar les i’r Eisteddfod.
Fe wnaethom ddweud, yn ffeithiol anghywir, bod cerrig wedi’u cludo o Borthmadog i’r Eisteddfod, lle, mewn gwirionedd, roedden nhw wedi dod o Ystrad Meurig gerllaw.
Yn groes i’r hyn a awgrymwyd, roedd nifer o gwmnïau lleol wedi darparu gwasanaethau yn uniongyrchol ar faes yr Eisteddfod.
Y dylid bod wedi rhoi mwy o amser a manylion i’r Eisteddfod allu cynnig hawl i ymateb gwybodus.
Y dylem fod wedi cymryd gofal rhesymol i fodloni ein hunain o’r holl ffeithiau arwyddocaol a bod yr hyn a gafodd ei hepgor wedi bod yn annheg i Brif Weithredwr yr Eisteddfod ac i’r Eisteddfod fel sefydliad.
Y dylem fod wedi cydnabod yn gyhoeddus y cywiriadau i fersiynau cynharach o’r stori hon.
Rydym yn cydnabod y pwyntiau hyn ac yn ymddiheuro am y methiannau hyn yn ein safonau golygyddol ac mae’r BBC wedi tynnu ei hadroddiadau yn ôl.
Ten o’clock News
BBC One, 19 September
In a report from Northern Ireland we featured Newry and heard how some nationalists were responding to the death of the Queen. Our coverage included shots of a busker singing in the city centre.
We would like to make clear that the busker concerned was not working on the day the Queen was laid to rest and that this material had been pre filmed several days earlier.
You know, some evenings I just want to watch a decent, well told detective yarn. The sort that used to be made in the old days. I’ve reluctantly come to realise that they don’t make ’em like that anymore; unfortunately…
I’ve tried to watch a couple in the last few days, starting with ITVs flagship, Karen Pirie. Bloody Norah…I lasted about fifteen minutes. In that time we had witnessed every cliched useless white male known to TV. We had the old, stupid, narrow minded and bigoted, quickly followed by the young, drunk, aggressive and vomiting. The female and black male characters were all sensible, sane and sober. Pillars of society. Yes, of course they are…
So, exasperated with ITVs ghastly effort, I tried the BBCs latest offering in this genre, Inside Man. This time I only lasted five minutes…
The opening scene starts on a London underground train, with a young white bloke sexually harassing and abusing a very young Asian girl. His antics are filmed by another young woman, this time an Oriental lass, whom he also abuses. FFS, enough!
All I wanted, after a hard day’s gardening, was to put my feet up, slurp a glass or two of Merlot and enjoy a good old fashioned ‘tec drama. What I got was the usual, tiresome anti-white male propaganda. This is now so endemic in the TV world most people don’t even notice it.
Eventually I unearthed an old Miss Marple, made in the mid-eighties, starring the sublime Joan Hickson. Everybody was white, there was no appalling language, lovely scenery, excellent whodunit, no overt politicking.
With you on this Jeff, it’s Lewis, Morse and frost for me. When Endeavour started, I thought “Give it a chance”. The first couple of series, and especially the pilot episode, were nothing short of outstanding. Then it started, Morse gained a coloured girlfriend, ok let that go, implausible though it is, certainly odds-wise.
Then the black students being harrased, then assorted other characters being slid in from all angles. Halfway through the third series it became completely unwatchable. Now of course, anything new coming along is going to be “on message” from the off. No TV licence for 3 years now and I imagine I’ve missed nothing.
I’m looking for a cheap set of Columble dvds on ebay. A bit cheesy, but they will pass the winter evenings.
May I recommend Maigret starring Rowan Atkinson, we have it on DVDs and when we want a gentle stroll down memory lane we either put him on or the Sweeney.
What Tories or indeed anyone voted for mass invasion, building on green belt land and the disastrous Green Levy ?
Hello taffman, funny how the bBC quote the Ministry of “Defence”
How are they Defending the UK 🙁
Those who can’t add up. I.e. those who simultaneously claim the country will always retain 70% of the land to sustain the nations food; those who are anxious to take more land and regrow our woodlands and those who want to build 375,000 houses a year for those who have no business in being here.
Toxic femininity is when a woman get an idea in her head and no amount of evidence or advice will make her shift her position or change her mind.
This has led many women to their deaths convinced they are right when they are completely and utter wrong, but because of toxic femininty, incapable of changing their beliefs.
This is what is happening with Liz Truss, however she is dragging all of us down with her.