I’m just waiting for Rishi to pop and stick a bigger knife in .
Although if their party conference goes ahead it could really end in tears .
Having foreseen this nonsense I wish I had the ability to make money out of it – as opposed to losing it on the exchange rate …
How could they be so dumb ?
I know I am going against the flow of opinion and the msm.
But the Bank of England were warned 2 months ago about there strategy. A lot of this falls on the totally inept governor.
As for pundits saying on tv reverse this tax cuts etc . Is it now government by media? They won with trump they won with Boris now will we let them win against Truss. no matter what your politics surely this is wrong .
You aren’t going against the flow, the BoE governor is inept he should have raised interest rates months before he did, and now when he should have allowed Truss to slit her own throat by raising interest rates by 2 or even 5% to counter her insane budget, he bailed her out by turning on the money printing machines.
The pound will soon be worth a lot less than the dollar and will never recover as Socialism makes us all poorer.
And Socialism this is make no mistake, printing money and giving it away is the very definition of Socialism and it doesn’t matter that the people she gives the money to are the already very wealthy it’s still Socialism.
Capitalism means hands off and letting the market and society sort it out and not intervening.
Johnda, could it be possible that Bailey (Governor of the BoE) is also a Remainer? I think that is highly likely and that much of the BoE Court and MPC are Remainers as well. Personally, I think the cut in Top Rate IT was a mistake but I suspect there is a cunning plan going on with the PM and Kwasi Kwarteng. AFter all, Kwasi’s previous jobs in Government have involved Brexit and Bojo’s climate bullshit.
… ffs… are most of the inhabitants of this country too thick to know that in times of fear/stress countries/people buy into dollars as a relative safe haven. Hence currencies falling v dollar is normal under these circumstances.
Of course, ‘The Establishment’ want to pretend they’re in control so create fear in those that don’t realise they are being played. As the new government isn’t ‘Establishment Approved’ they’ll want to crush it at birth.
You may not agree, but we’ve needed a fresh outlook for a decade; so carry on Liz, stir them up and kick out as many of the ‘E’ as you like. If you win, great; if not, the Conservatives would be out anyway.
As a little reminder our new and incompetent Chancellor was previous to this position our incompetent energy minister in charge of Britains energy security.
Here is a letter he wrote to the oil and gas industry chiefs which indicates the level of incompetence he has, urging them to invest their profits into what he calls clean green cheap energy.
Like asking a turkey to vote for Christmas, there is no indication he ever gave a moments thought to the defence and security of those vulnerable rigs in the North Sea, nor that his shallow letter actually made any difference or impact on anyone in that industry.
As I said at the top of the page concerning toxic femininity, the branch that does not bend with the wind will be broken, and that is what the markets are going to do to the UK PLC unless someone forces, and by this stage I do mean physical force Liz Truss to change her plans, the UK is going to be permanently damaged.
Because of toxic femininity she is unable to understand that there isn’t a supportive voice out there and instead of a budget for growth she has set a budget for the utter ruin of the UK and possibly and even wider fallout, and is unable to change course.
But Thoughtful – is there a way out ? The conservatives must be panicking . I think the analysis that it’s like a car with truss punching the accelerator with the bank standing on the brake is correct …
How can it get so dumb ?
I suppose the way out is another vote of confidence – which will push a winter election to inevitability – particularly if the markets keep pushing the pound down – as I think it will ..
They aren’t a ‘few minor tax cuts’ and they come on top of hundreds of billions of pounds of public spending promises.
You cannot cut taxes and increase spending it should be a no brainer. The levels Truss has now gone to have exceeded what is considered managable by the economy and the markets have reacted.
Remember also that there isn’t a single supportive voice out there, every single one is highly critical of this budget.
We will end up bankrupt with the IMF needing to bail us out and KamiKwasi leaving a note that there really is no money and there probably never will be.
Truss should never have made the Socialist promise to cap energy prices for an unlimited usage, she should have subsidised sufficient gas to heat the average home to 16C (not comfy but you won’t die) and after that loaded the tariff to pay for the initial subsidy, meaning those prepared to pay more to keep warmer could do so whilst paying the subsidy for the lower users.
The goverment of Winston Churchill did this during the war, allowing people to by more than the ration allowed at higher prices to help the war effort, but then Truss is not a conservative.
During the campaign – someone said that Mary liz truss isn’t that clever – I didn’t buy that – I do now .
But surely there is someone on the staff would spotted what EVERYONE. Now sees as mad economics ?
Blue labour in trouble because it’s too soon to dump here… maybe retire hurt …
Remember they said she ‘hit the ground running ‘- straight into an economic brick wall …
It’s obvious to me that this is a coordinated assault on the Tory government by the combined forces of the IMF, The WEF, The EU, The democrats in the US. And not to mention our lovely BBC.
The UK Tory government is one of the remaining sticking points in their quest to gather the West into a sort of quasi-Marxist, controlled blob with them at the top. Note that none of these organisations have elected bigwigs at the top, it’s all a global cabal placing their yes men into controlling positions.
This is World domination underway. Just look at the EU reaction to the polls in Italy and it’s as plain as the nose on your face. Voting is old world and gets in the way of their brave new world where you will suck it up and shut up.
I think you’re misreading the whole situation, if you believe the Conservative Party isn’t fully in bed with these globalists.
Russia and China are their main foes.
You have to be having a joke here digg! The entire world banks bankers, stock market, pension managers, the market itself everyone is telling us that this is madness, and if you understood economics and the whole of what she has done that would be clear to you.
Disagree thoughtful, the tax changes were if anything pretty peripheral. The power mongers have jumped on an opportunity to damage and restrict what they consider an out of step regime as much as possible. This has its roots in Brexit and is coordinated in my opinion.
The shady power mongers want UK people to feel the heat (or the cold!) to break their allegiance to a conservative (read Republican) government. It’s all part of a global plan. The perceived enemies of these global forces have all come under fabricated pressure, conservatives, especially brexiteer flavoured ones, Trump and recently the new Italian PM.
Democracy is dying on its feet unless there is a massive push-back.
My fear is that swathes of the population will swallow the bait as delivered by the BBC and go along with their own destruction.
Something lighter now….. although it could make you cough over your morning coffee…
Next week begins the new season of Portrait Artist of the Year, and along with that and ‘Landscape’, its a relaxing watch for an hour.
Bit of a spoiler now, but in the semi’s, a Swedish actress called Rebecca Ferguson is the sitter. The final is……Dep.Chief Med Officer SIR Jonathan Van-Tam, but the £10,000 commission prize is to paint (and it pains me to say this), SIR Lenny Henry, – it gets worse,……. for the National Portrait Gallery as part of their re-opening in 2023.
BBC, Times Radio, others telling me that a ‘global icon’ a genius’ has died. Someone called Coolio. I did 2 minutes research and found some of his material. How can these media established outlets lecture anyone if this is what they refer to? Am I being racist if I find the following repellant, offensive and base? This is not my culture and I do not wish to appropriate it. I would think there must be a lot of good people of colour who do not wish to be associated with this as a ‘culture’.
Title Ugly Bitches
[Verse 1]
A bitch is a bitch and we all know
That a ho is a ho wit a toe-up slut so
If you’re gotta have ’em, might as well be a fine one
But it seems that some niggas can’t seem to find one
So they go and get a bitch that’s lookin like Trixie
And Hekkyl & Jekkyl with some saggy ass titties
A big fat flagrant hoodrat hooker
And the nigga got the nerve to pretend she’s a looker
Sportin’ that down from your arm like a Simpson
Talk about bitches that you wish you was pimpin’
Come around the homies and you swear that she’s playin’
But everytime I see her, you’re beggin’
Go get you a girl that got somethin goin’
Get rid of that bitch that’s lookin’ like a dragon
Now you wanna fight ’cause you’re baggin’ on your Mrs
But that’s what’cha get when you fuck with ugly bitches
Thanks to the BBC, Times Radio and many others for bringing this to my attention. A good use of tele-tax payers money BBC?
PS: Times radio have a crowd of globalist lick-spittlers doing their bidding.
Clearly the 30 year old producers (?) at the BBC know who these idiots are, because they don’t consider their grandparents who are the main audience and wouldn’t know who the hell he was ! I would hazard a guess that even the newsreaders raise an eyebrow when scanning their script before hand and they too haven’t a clue !
Yorkshire cricket Clubs medical officer
kicked off over claims centering on Rafiq
is suing saying ALL the claims made against him were made up and scurrilous.
That’s a shame as victim of crime in londonistan I used to look forward to getting the ‘sorry you have been the victim of XXXXXX- we really care – fancy making a donation ? Letter
Born in Camden,[3] Aaronovitch is the son of the economist Sam Aaronovitch who was a senior member of the Communist Party of Great Britain,[4] and the younger brother of actor Owen Aaronovitch and journalist David Aaronovitch.[5] He attended Holloway School.[6]
Just watched Fox News on polling for US mid term elections in November. They are concerned about the recent rise in the polls of the Democrats but one of their guests , an expert on polling, said that the only reason that the dems looked to be closing the gap was that the pollsters were deliberately skewing the results by asking groups which had a greater propensity to vote Democrat.
The key question of why they were doing this unfortunately wasn’t asked. I think that it is likely that the Dems are planning to rig the elections again and it is going to be just too obvious if the Dems win despite the polls showing them way behind. So they get their friends to offer up biased polls to show that the gap has closed and therefore it isn’t a big surprise when they win.
I hope that somehow or other the Republicans have all bases covered to prevent the Democrats from subverting democracy yet again. America needs the truth about the Trump years and the last election out in the open and a lot of those guilty of crimes to be tried in open court. Otherwise faith in the election process and in democracy will be further eroded.
… . . was all about the round of interviews on radio and TV by Liz Truss this morning. Listening, I got a distinct sense that the PM was ‘sandbagging’, keeping very schtum on what she and Kwasi are up to. I expect the Channel 4 Privatisation to go ahead a.s.a.p. and, maybe, further privatisations. As ever, I could be wrong, but Liz kept hiding behind the war in Ukraine and support on gas prices. She and Kwasi will have talked about that.
A lot of BBC Have Your Says recently have top comments asking for Putin to be murdered. The BBC refuse to remove them even when I have appealed their decision to keep the comment saying their house rules have not been broken.
An example today of a comment about Putin that moderators have kept saying no house rules are broken: Anybody, anybody, fancy a pot shot?
I’m pretty sure if I posted “Anybody, anybody, fancy a pot shot at (insert name) BBC employee?” things would be different.
Another example of comments allowed to stay up God will someone please shoot that man in the head. Is that inflammatory well so be it!
and Can someone please just shoot him while he’s making this speech
The corporation confirmed its Arabic and Persian radio channels will be closed permanently, while a new “China unit” based in London will be created to tell “the global story of China to the world”.
I am tendering my resignation because for some time past I have been conscious that I was wasting my own time and the public money on doing work that produces no result. I believe that in the present political situation the broadcasting of British propaganda to India is an almost hopeless task.
Sweden has found a new leak in a major undersea pipeline carrying Russian natural gas to the EU – making it the fourth discovered this week.
Methane only lasts a decade or so in our atmosphere (compared to hundreds of years for CO2), which is why cutting emissions from the fossil fuel industry is seen as one of the quickest ways of slowing global temperature rises.
as an aside the “Nord Stream” map published by the BBC earlier is just so inaccurate that, if applied to the rest of their reporting indicates that you cannot believe a word they say… – but we knew that …
….”He suggested public debate had descended into “angry battlefields of bitter division”.”
The bBC does not help to unite the nation, (lets take is constant promotion of the eu and the majority votied out) and alienates and divides. Although the bBC does say its bring the nation together – maybe for a royal wedding 🙂
The BBC now believes it has the answer to what the demographics of a truly diverse company should look like …
“By 2020, the BBC wants its employees to comprise 50% women, 8% disabled people, 8% lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender people and 15% people from black, Asian and ethnic minority backgrounds.{ 14sep2017}”
I was thinking about this and how people like the BBC have whipped people into such a frenzy, anyone who suggests Russia didn’t do it is being hounded as a Russian troll. It’s all smacking of Nazi Germany. I wonder how many Russians around the world have been persecuted : one thing is for sure, the BBC won’t report it.
I have a bad feeling that if Russia retaliate by blowing up an underwater cable, it will be plastered across the news as terrorism and may be used as a pretext for the USA to become more directly involved.
As I keep saying, everything about this war stinks and I include the media coverage of it. I can hardly believe what I am seeing.
Remember the doping scandal in 2019 that resulted in a 4 year ban for Russia from all sports events? And the narrative of ‘dirty dirty Russians’ & shock that cold-war era skullduggery could be going on in the modern age.
Contrast the level of media condemnation with what’s been going on in the US at the Nike Oregon Project, or with Kenyan athletics… or with British Cycling for the last 10 years.
Liz better have a darn good plan, as so far it’s looking like handing the Brexit Media creeps already with W1A all access passes all their Xmases at once.
BBC should stitch all the local radio interviews together Perfect Day style for the next time someone in government queries the licence fee
BBC web site front page – subtext gas is bad. I’m guessing some BBC web monkeys are wishing the Baltic escaping gas catches fire – just a hunch.
I’ve not seen BBC reporting of ISS astronauts commenting on the massive gas flares they see every time they pass over Nigeria at night… Some time ago – as I’m fond of recounting Nigeria was estimated to be just burning off more gas every 28 days than the UK used for all purposes in 12 months.
Giorgia Meloni isn’t far-Right – she just says what we all think
Allisson Pearson writes a stonking article on the media calling the New Italian PM as ‘far right’.
She is not only talking about the BBC specifically – but the global LEFT in general. They see everything as being ‘far right’ if they are NOT socialists, Marxists or Liberals Following the ‘Agenda’. That is why the BBC sees her as ‘far right’.
Why are these views of millions of middle-of-the road people now called “far-Right”? It’s because the Left, while failing consistently at the ballot box, has assumed control of political nomenclature. That way they alone get to decide who is virtuous and who is Boris Johnson. For two and a half years, they called Boris “far-Right” and then they met Liz Truss.
Far-Right now translates as “anyone I don’t agree with who is, ergo, not a nice person”. Reporting for Channel 4 News on the recent clashes in Leicester between groups of Hindus and Muslims, Darshna Soni attributed the violence to “Right-wing ideology politics imported from the sub-continent”.
And so as a result of this Orwellian appropriation of the “truth”, we have a society in which Sir Keir Starmer, the Labour leader, declares he is ready for government but cannot say what a woman is because believing in biological sex is unfashionable.
A society where a “charity” called Mermaids gives breast binders to confused young girls, without their parents’ knowledge, and all the best people think that supporting this charity is showing marvellous tolerance rather than the utmost cruelty and stupidity. A society where mothers nursing their newborns are called “chest-feeders” because some NHS trusts fret that calling a mother a mother will offend against the prevailing orthodoxy.
If saying all of these examples are crackers and wicked makes you “far right” then too bad. Sono Giorgia Meloni. I am a woman. I am a mother.
Millions of us agree with Giorgia Meloni, and we’re not far-Right. Just right.
” Fires will be kindled to testify that two and two make four. Swords will be drawn to prove that leaves are green in summer. We shall be left defending, not only the incredible virtues and sanities of human life, but something more incredible still, this huge impossible universe which stares us in the face. We shall fight for visible prodigies as if they were invisible. We shall look on the impossible grass and the skies with a strange courage. We shall be of those who have seen and yet have believed.”
Siri – show me an overpromoted moron in American high political office that isn’t Joe Biden.
KAMALA HARRIS: "The United States shares a very important relationship, which is an alliance with the Republic of North Korea."
Polls put Labour 33 percent ahead of the red Tories.
This is my take.
The election will be a fix, Obama/Biden style The polls are fake but published in order to persuade people to believe that opinion is going Labour’s way.
It’s Labour’s turn, the BBC know this.
Until the Tories stop being pretend Labour this is going to keep happening.
Truss is not only an idiot but she is a Socialist idiot of the WEF school which provides high government spending whilst living in a fantasy land that you can at the same time cut taxes for the wealthy liberal elites.
Unfortunately for Truss most of the high earning elites are hardened Labour voters such as those in entertainment and would never vote Tory.
The ones who actually do the work are dumped on from a height and as a consequence won’t vote Tory either
The election won’t be a fix, because it doesn’t need to be a fix, the Tories have done the only thing they’ve been succesful at – losing elections by being crap
I am suspicious if a lot of pollsters and I have been keeping an eye on them for a few years. I have noticed phases when they are quiet and you only get one or two a week and then all of a sudden you get five a day. There does need to be more regulation on polling but 30 point lead to Labour seems very over zealous and even fixed. They have had some high leads but I fail to see how they could gain such a result in an actual GE.
2 things I learned today, 1 courtesy of Guido and 1 courtesy of Daily Express
1. A proper female of the Labour persuasion has publicly stated that if Eddie Izzard gets put on an all candidates female list for the next election she and a lot of her friends in the party, other m.p.s will leave the party. Good for you girl.
2. ITV have a new programme out or about to be put on air, called “DNA Trail” taking people back through their DNA. All the proposed backtracked appear to be of the coloured persuasion. Wouldn’t it be a hoot if their DNA is found to be 85% white. That’ll serve them right.
The best bit is all her current and ex colleagues ‘liking’ without engaging the space between their ears.
Wow! You only just realised this? It’s for an average consumer. If you have you battery car plugged in whilst you’re heating your swimming pool and lighting up your 6 bedroom mansion of course it’ll be more than £2,500
“Liz Truss wrong to *repeatedly* say energy bills are capped at £2,500”
em Sure on Radio Kent, Radio Leeds and CNN she did mis-speak
but she did *repeatedly speak correctly* too in 8 other interviews
and in the article they admit she spoke correctly in Parliament
\\ In response to Full Fact’s request for comment, Downing Street directed us to Ms Truss’s 8 September speech announcing the policy in Parliament, where she said: “A typical household will pay no more than £2,500 per year for each of the next two years”.//
No no no – all energy about £ 2500 a year will be free – everything will be free – free petrol – free food – free payouts .
I love that such people are so Thick … but thickness is also free …
All those BBC hardship phone in s coming up in the next few weeks ..’… don’t forget to submit your meter readings across the weekend – or now – not to get ripped off by saucy power companies – unless you are ‘fixed ‘ of course … in which you can sit back and watch …
Anyone, anyone who is prepared to believe that the cap as ‘per unit of energy’ in other words, switch your oven on costs you £2500 is a bloody air headed nutcase.
And these people pontificate on screen as our betters!
Faisal Islam on the BBC 6pm News stays local with talk of financial Armageddon, tells us of falls on the London exchange (FTSE 100 was down 1.77%). No mention of wider problems – US market down more than 2% today (& more than 12% since 13 Sept). Is that the fault of the evil Tories? Is the US an “emerging economy” as the BBC gleefully allowed the IMF man to state? Have they no experts as the oleaginous Carney was wheeled out to imply they were lacking in the UK government ?
Yasser Dasmibehbi
Nigel Farage is ‘spot on ‘ . It’s all about Green Energy.
Has the Green Levy been cut yet ?
Who on earth voted for it ?
Should have voted UKIP/The reform Party .
5.5 million people voted for the Brexit party at the last election and have no representation at all, this is because Britain is a one party state as democratic as the Peoples Democratic Republic of North Korea, or the German Democratic Republic.
Thoughtful – thanks – but no thanks – I got through the first 30 minutes .
The market bets on emergency Uk rate hikes must be huge . There seems no way that the pound can recover for very long . Inflation rates charging away – and the only weapon to counter that will be interest rates ….
So many people here see that – yet the politicians / Bank of England can’t see it … I pity anyone who got sucked into big mortgages on the promise of low interest Money – that time is gone – 10% next year ….
It has been quite a while since I posted here. Cancelling my TV license and not having watched anything for a long time has it’s benefits. I am not wasting time watching things I do not enjoy. No soaps, no TV dramas and no ‘documentaries’ on subjects that are supposed to educate me.
I do however keep an eye on things on Twitter and know full well what the BBC are up to. The whole of them if you include the other channels aside from say GB News are all working to get Labour elected. Everyone knows that but what is being done about it?
Labour now have a 30 point lead over the Tories? Easy to say that some of it is self inflicted from the Tories but of course it is not that Labour haven’t got a lot of scandals of their own yet the media coverage is next to zero. The Tories could have a new policy and an article will feature Labour on the second or third paragraph. If Labour have an off day things do not get mentioned to begin with. The Tory conference will be interesting next week as there will be very different reporting on it.
This should be a wake up call to the Tories. They need to act fast on three things, the economy to prove that they are fiscally responsible. This part should not be a problem. The pound has recovered some what and is much stronger than the Euro (not that the BBC will mention that) but the second most important thing is sort out these illegal crossings. What happened to that Rwanda scheme (apart from being derailed)
Finally they need to sort out the media bias. The BBC are not their friends and they should know that. Is the license fee going to be ended? It would be for their own benefit if everything.
Labour’s luck will have to run out at some point. Starmer is a sly individual. He knows that the media are on his side and he has managed to keep any opposition to him quiet yet has anyone noticed that he or his wretched party never face the public?
The trouble is continual and increased immigration are a lead policy of the latest interation of the conservative party, as apparently it’s a path to economic growth, they don’t care if it’s legal or illegal. So no chance of change there.
Generally their handling of the economy is terribly.
Far too much government debt. Insanely low interest rates.
They even had to print and pay £65 billion to get the pound to a still miserable 1.10.
They’re also failing to get a grip of the housing shortage,
NHS is a disaster.
Schools not fit for purpose.
Work and Pensions plus tax office are both bullying, inefficient and hugely overstaffed.
Conservatives engaged in a ridiculous and expensive proxy war with Russia.
I’m generally no fan of the Labour party, but how much worse could they be ?
If there’s a 30 point gap now , how’s it going to look when the recession and winter hit.
mass immigration has a short term uptick on GDP, but then has a downtick, meaning that you have to keep increasing the number to gain the same effect, which is why it is a ponzi scheme.
You missed out the disastrous effect they have had on Laura Norder as well.
Wake up call? The Tories believe they have a God given right to govern nothing is going to rouse them.
Truss will not back down until she is dragged kicking and screaming from office so no hope for the economy there.
See the above video to learn the awful truth about the consequences of the mini budget.
The Rwanda farce was always a sop to the public and the Blue Labour Tories were channeling funds to the leftie lawyers in order to challenge them in court over it where they hoped they would lose, and then be able to blame liberal judges and leftie lawyers.
They’ve had over a decade to sort out the media and far from doing nothing they have assisted them, especially te BBC by giving a new charter instead of a subscription basis.
The real truth is that they are all in fantasy land where they believe they are all powerful, and if they say the rainbow unicorn is real then it is.
Post Brexit when they lost the EU telling them what to do they were clueless so they turned to another policy source the WEF.
Thing is though now the next few months are going to be a poison chalice for whoever is elected. The video above predicts 20% plus inflation for the UK and a massive debt, LieBore are not going to be able to carry out the usual squandering they normally get up to without making a complete and utter mess of the economy and be out of power very quickly.
It might be a good thing a new generation learning of the dangers Labour pose, because they quickly forget the lessons of history.
digg, ahem! Truss has reversed what could be said to be Boris Johnson’s only achievement as PM: the NI increase to fund, in a couple of years time, social care. Every Government for decades has dodged doing anything about that. Truss is finished. Labour are back in, probably with a majority, fortunately. No Coalition, therefore no new EU Referendum.
From the TV guide it seems there two racebaity DNA Heritage shows on
8pm Channel4 is Emeli Sande whose grand father cane in from Zambia, the maternal side supported the British Empire, tge paternal side opposed it
9m ITV DNA of Romesh Ranganathan
and Rob. Beckett of course the prog highlights that whitey boy had some ancestors in prison.
“Romesh discovers he comes from a long line of Sri Lankan “holistic doctors” and also meets a talented cousin who speaks four languages,”
“Home Secretary Suella Braverman tells police to stop symbolic gestures”
Sue has started a battle against the woke culture in the police forces . Perhaps the campaign will snowball ?
Will you readers, start your own battle that infests our society ? I have already .
A bit of different journalism. I am no economist so I won’t pretend to know anything about anything but nice to hear someone invited on to speak to actually be able to be given time to answer questions without a rude interruption or any gotcha. I actually like Mark Dolan as a presenter as well. We need more like him
Funny thing that the world is outraged by the death of a 9 year old girl because a nosey woman wanted to know what the noise in the street was and was stupid enough to open the front door to take a look.
The low life didn’t mean to shoot the 9 year old, it was an accident caused again by the Mother trapping his arm in the door.
On the other hand in the news is a 30 year old woman who has attacked and criticallt injured a 7 month old baby deliberately at a nursery where her parents had left her, and it would appear she might well die.
Both incidents are appalling but the second one to me is much worse because it was someone who was entrusted with the care of a defenceless infant and acted deliberately in what appears to be an attempted murder, yet there is muted outrage about it.
Interesting that the current series of All Creatures is going way off the james Herriot books storyline
as it makes Siegfried a WW1 hero horse whisperer.
The new storyline is clever and does bring movie like pathos.
But Herriot based his Siegfried on his own recruiter/partner
and since that guy was born in 1911 he wouldn’t have been serving in WW1
When libmob media take a side and start banging on and demonising a person
I am instantly drawn to having sympathy with that figure.. the “fighting for the under dog” effect.
If the media side with Labour then I know not to side with Labour. The glee from the likes of Peston says it all. Labour are a problem but the media need to be challenged. Truss needs to wake up as she is their target. It is now or never
Slight rise of British GDP during Labour Party Conference.
During the Labour Party Conference there was a slight rise of GDP , productivity and general well being in the U.K. economy .
Non experts put it down to the fact that while all the diversity co ordinators and equal opportunities managers were attending the Labour Party Conference the people who actually do things were free to get on with producing without “ intellectuals “ interfering and worrying about that someone somewhere was discriminated against .
The news is so good that the CBI , the Institute Of Directors and Federation of Small Businesses have started a fund so that the Labour Party can have a conference every week for seven days so opinionated socialists can eat , drink and be merry out of the way of the workers who keep the country going .
It was also noted that there was an increase in the general level of education throughout the land as university lecturers joined the Vision of the Annointed ones at the conference.
Graig , for example , a student studying Decolonisation Of What People Wear at the University of Sheffield couldn’t understand his lecturers because of the gibberish and thought he was accidentally on an Esperanto course .
“ I now have to unlearn some terminology “ he said “ for example an eco vandalising exploiting of the indigenous workers fabricating big oil products place just means garment factory.”
A Labour Party spokeswoman ( reassigned) said that the conference was so successful that social justice increased by 4% .
“Four days before the election, Labour was urged by Jewish leaders to disown its candidate Lisa Forbes after she was reported as endorsing a Facebook post that contained an antisemitic phrase.
Lisa Forbes apologised “wholeheartedly” for liking a social media post that claimed Theresa May had a “Zionist Slave Masters agenda”.
“After the Brexit Party questioned the validity of the result, five electoral fraud allegations were investigated.[57] It was claimed that Tariq Mahmood, who was jailed in 2008 for postal vote interference, had played a role in the Labour Party campaign for the by-election.[58] Labour denied he had had any role in the campaign, although he did attend the count as a member of the public.[57] The Brexit Party announced on 24 June 2019 that they would be lodging a review petition under the Representation of the People Act 1983.[59] On 15 July, Cambridgeshire Constabulary announced the final conclusion of their investigations and determined that no offences had been committed.[60][61] In 2020, Brexit Party candidate Mike Greene was ordered to pay the Labour Party’s legal costs after dropping a High Court challenge.[62]
On 21 September the Peterborough Telegraph reported that the Green Party had submitted incorrect election expenses, having failed to declare the £15 cost of a visit by former party leader Natalie Bennett. The party stated that, having been aware of the cost, they would add the sum retrospectively to the expenses.[63]
Ultimately, Lisa Forbes’ hold on the seat lasted for just six months. When a general election was held was held in December 2019, Paul Bristow captured the seat for the Conservatives with a majority of over 2,500 votes”
Our politics is broken. The abuse of the postal vote system is part of the problem.
We are lodging a petition under the Representation of the People Act 1983 with regards to the Peterborough by-election to solve this problem once and for all.
When the West decided to make Kosovo a so-called independent nation, NATO simply bombed Serbia for 3 months to ‘persuade’ them to go along with it. No authorisation from the United Nations. No voting for the people of Serbia or Kosovo. It was simply a done deal – the West willed it and made it happen as a favour to Saudi Arabia. One may not approve of the Russian approach in the Donetsk, Luhansk regions, but how is it different than what NATO did, other than (a) there is at least a strong historical connection between Russia and the areas it claims and (b) the people had some say in the matter via a democratic choice, not withstanding imperfections in the process.
‘Russian Navy support ships, a warship and submarines were spotted close to the Nord Stream pipelines before the suspected sabotage of the gas supply links to Europe, it has emerged.’
Another completely vague-but-leading statement in our media which reminds me of Blackadder when they are sent to paint the front-line in WW1 and decide to fake it. When questioned about it, Blackadder says ‘Perhaps there were more armament factories and not so many elephants’.
Apparently the Russians must have blown up the pipeline because CNN say that some Russians ships were near it back in June. No other evidence at all is given.
Not surprised by CNN as they are partisan as The Guardian and BBC – but the DT have reported the CNN article in another clear sign of just how far it has fallen in the last few years.
And of course at the very end of the article we have the disclaimer:
‘It was unclear whether the vessels could have been involved, sources told CNN while a Danish official told the broadcaster Russian ships routinely operate in the area.’
I am the first to admit I am no economic expert, but put forward this as an alternative to many of the views expressed here.
(I did not realise they have reformed IR35 which has caused me financial problems in the past: The contract fee-payer is liable for employer’s National Insurance Contributions (NIC) (13.8 per cent) and the Apprenticeship Levy (0.5 per cent) in addition to the NI fee for the work of those deemed as employees under IR35 off-payroll rules. Following the introduction of the rules in the public sector in April 2017, some employers tried to pass on these costs to contractors. ):
“Liz Truss is doing the right thing. If she backs down now, it’s an admission no meaningful reform can ever be undertaken, writes Conservative peer LORD HANNAN
What Liz Truss is doing is brave and right, however unpopular it may be in the short term. She has inherited an economy that is bloated, sluggish, over-taxed and over-regulated. She has to get it growing again.
Doing so means taking on the corporatist consensus: the BBC, the International Monetary Fund, the former governor of the Bank of England Mark Carney, the Biden administration, the Financial Times and all those hoary-headed experts who struggle to imagine an alternative to the ‘high tax, low interest rates’ model that has prevailed since the 2008 financial crisis.
But not doing so would condemn Britain to poverty and ruin.
Yesterday, the Prime Minister spoke of her readiness to take ‘controversial and difficult decisions’ in order to get our economy moving.
She was echoing Margaret Thatcher, whose style she often copies. In 1981, the Iron Lady ran into precisely the same criticisms from precisely the same kinds of people when she, too, stepped outside the old consensus, proposing a Budget that slashed regulations and ended controls.
Respectable commentators told Thatcher to listen to the experts. Those Tory MPs who had voted for her rival smirked at one another knowingly, and 364 economists wrote a letter warning of disaster.
Yet, in retrospect, we can see that this was the moment when Britain reversed its decline and became, for a while, the most successful economy in the developed world.
To see why last week’s fiscal statement was necessary, consider this question: what would have happened had there been no mini-Budget?
The first and most immediate consequence would have been that many businesses would have gone under, unable to pay their energy bills.
I don’t like price freezes — it is a basic Conservative principle that it’s better to target support at those who need it rather than to fix the market — but, given the immediacy of the energy crisis, doing something crude and effective was better than doing nothing.
That intervention, which could in theory cost up to £200 billion (though, if global energy prices continue to fall, it will be a fraction of that sum) comes on top of the more than £400 billion dropped on the pandemic. Neither Britain nor any other country can wish those costs away. If you pay people to stay at home for the better part of two years, there is bound to be a painful crash back to Earth.
You can try to keep the party going for a little bit longer, of course. You can carry on with money-printing and zero interest rates, creating the illusion of growth. But that is like trying to stave off a hangover by having another drink. It might work for a bit, but it makes the eventual reckoning worse.
Instead, the PM and her Chancellor, Kwasi Kwarteng — whose doctoral thesis was on the Great Recoinage of 1696, when William III’s government sought to restore value to a debased silver currency — intend to get back to sustainable growth.
With the exception of the energy price cap, every line of Friday’s statement was about making the country better off.
There will be fracking and more wind energy. People who have dropped out of the labour market will be shifted off benefits and back into work. More infrastructure will be built, and more surplus Government land will be made available for housing.
New investment zones will allow things to happen much more quickly. Targeted tax cuts are an important part of this package.
The less people pay to the Government, the more they can spend on other things — which matters when prices are high.
Though it has received little attention, the scrapping of reforms to the IR35 — a device introduced by Gordon Brown, supposedly to stop employees pretending to be contractors, which, in reality, has mired self-employed people in needless and expensive paperwork — will in itself do a great deal to stimulate the economy.
The best tax cuts are those which make people better off while costing the Government little in lost revenue. The IR35 changes are in this category. So is the return to the 40p top rate of tax, which pertained to all but the final month of the Blair/Brown years.
Gordon Brown hiked the rate as he left office, rather like how the retreating Russians in Ukraine booby-trapped their abandoned positions. He knew it would bring in almost no extra cash, but that scrapping it would open his successors up to the charge of being on the side of the rich.
He was right. While the additional rate was reduced from 50 per cent to 45 per cent in 2013, the fact that it never went back to 40 per cent was a symbol of the unwillingness of successive Tory leaders to put long-term prosperity before short-term popularity.
Truss’s decision to return to Labour’s top rate will cost the Treasury little or nothing. More rich people will choose to pay their taxes in the UK, offsetting any shortfall. Flatter, simpler taxes are almost as important to prosperity as lower taxes.
More than this, though, scrapping the additional rate is a sign that the PM is prepared to put up with bad headlines in pursuit of economic growth.
Why, then, has the IMF condemned the move, urging Truss to ‘re-evaluate the tax measures, especially those that benefit high-income earners’? Since when was that body, established in 1944 to promote global currency stability and economic growth, interested in redistribution?
The answer is that few institutions — and even fewer global bureaucracies — are immune to intellectual fashions.
The current trend is to insist that any change in tax policy should be primarily designed to help the poor.
That assumption is flawed. The best way to help the poor is through targeted benefits, not through general tax policy.
Indeed, if you measure changes to the tax system purely by how much people pay the Government, you will always find that cuts benefit the people who pay most tax in the first place. If your sole test is redistribution, you will never cut any taxes.
But that is not what the current tax cuts are about. They will stimulate the economy as a whole, leading, over time, to more and better-paid jobs — and so, in the longer term, to higher Government revenue.
They are, ironically, what the Left-wing think-tank, the Institute for Public Policy Research, called for last week — namely a ‘whole-Government approach to growth’.
Plenty of grandees were part of the old consensus, which saw central banks contrive to act as cash machines for high-spending governments. Not surprisingly, they are unimpressed.
Biden’s officials are warning against tax cuts, Carney is telling the PM to listen to the experts, The Economist’s latest front cover shows Truss and Kwarteng in a sinking boat.
What, though, is their alternative? To carry on as we were? We created more money in 2020 than in the whole of the previous decade. Any notion that this was sustainable was blown away by the invasion of Ukraine and the consequent spike in prices.
Coming off a drug is bound to involve some cold turkey and Britain, having acted earlier, will experience it sooner than the rest of Europe.
But, crucially, we are doing the right thing, focusing on increasing the size of the economy rather than fretting over how to share the pie.
Backing down now would signal to everyone that Britain is, after all, ruled by opinion polls, and that, since all change involves some controversy, no meaningful reforms will be undertaken.
But staying the course will mean an end to the ghost-growth we have seen for much of this century, and the beginning of sustainable prosperity.
Perhaps voters will be unconvinced. Perhaps our lips are so firmly champed around the teat of public spending that nothing can wean us off.
Perhaps there is not enough time to turn things around before the next election. But we must at least try. “
Blah blah Tory disaster – blah – but then right at the end – ONS has increased an increase in GDP in the last quarter a bit .
Oh no ! Good news !( obviously it doesn’t mean anything and will be seen as a ‘negative ‘ ) or if the BBC can’t make a negative out of it they’ll bury it ….
So said Prince Hamlet to Rosencrantz and Guildenstern in Act II Scene 2 of the Danish Play.
That play is of course in reality eponymous with the young princely character famous for delivering such philosophical monologues. The particular tragedy our thespians instead legendarily dare not mention is known in superstitious theatrical circles as The Scottish Play.
Fear not, we cut short this stage prologue, this dramatical prelude here and embark instead on the news headlines hereabouts where our supestitious BBC refers to three characters of a certain ilk, the nature of which they dare not name – presumably for fear of dire consequence…
“Very superstitious, writing’s on the wall… When you believe in things, that you don’t understand, then you suffer, Superstition ain’t the way,” – sang Stevie Wonder since 1972 on the album Talking Book
Call it superstition or (apologies to Stevie) turning a colour blind eye…
BBC: Men jailed for murder of friend killed by rival gang in shootout – What a piece of work is man!
“London violence” is the clickable BBC web page link our little man Mayor Khan would hope we fail to associate with his tenure – despite his devotion to just the sort of diversity on stilts on display thereabouts.
Speaking of association…
The inquiry into Billy McCullagh’s death saw his associates charged with murder – even though an opposing gang shot him, in north-west London in 2020. Issa Seed, Adel Yussuf and Daniel Mensah were found guilty after prosecutors argued they opened fire knowing their rivals would shoot back… Mr McCullagh was accompanied by four friends and armed with two guns when they arrived in the territory of his “sworn rivals” (BBC)
The Stonebridge Estate in Harlesden sounds something like the O.K. Corral in 1880s Tombstone, Arizona. And apparently modern London apes the mythical Wild West in its folklaw cultural celebration of fallen outlaws: Following the death of the “senior and prominent elder” in the local gang scene, music was released on YouTube mourning him. (BBC)
Another defendant, George Orji, 31, from north-west London, was convicted by the jury of possession of an imitation firearm with intent. He was cleared of possessing a firearm with intent. His girlfriend Anu Adelaja, 29, was acquitted of possession of a prohibited firearm. Police said the search would continue to find those who fired the fatal shots. (BBC)
We’re not told what main trade these gangsters persue. Mr AsISeeIt tends to joke of the BBC’s attitude to what he imagines lies at the heart of their criminal endeavors is “Legalise it, we’ll advertise it”
From where has this newfound gunslinger gang culture originated? From what distant shores has it washed up here in Blighty?
Getty Images won’t serve to ease the BBC’s superstitious predicament in this case. Cowboy wanted posters nailed to the wall are a thing of the past but mug shots will reveal the characteristics of the three individuals who make up our dramatis personae.
The leftwing press celebrates the opening of an apparent sudden wide gap in political voting intentions today. 21% Conservatives, 54% Labour – if the left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper and their preferred pollsters are to be taken at face value. Quite a gap. That organ similarly concerns itself with: Women and sex. Why there’s still an orgasm gap – something must be done! – as campaigning journos are wont to demand – one wonders for a moment whether Lizz Truss and Kwasi Kwarteng are to be held responsible for that outrage against equality?
One day that unlikely pairing may sit back together on their retirement complimentary DFS sofa and reflect on past economic woes and conclude it was Lockdown that did the budgetary debt damage. Furlough fiscal chickens that came home to roost.
Don’t trust the ‘i’ newspaper when it comes to economics: I burnt the book Jimmy Savile gave me by Maggie O’Farrell – shoulda put it on eBay, luv.
Morality police ‘gone’ Iranians have reported that the infamous “morality police” have withdrawn from the streets (Times)
Not so our own local morality nudge unit who are evidently still officiously patrolling the media with the threat of a severe beating with their batons (metaphorically speaking): Antivaxers blamed The up-take of life-saving childhood vaccinations has plummeted to its lowest in a decade as antivax myths discouraged parents from booking appointments (Times) – Oh dear, that’s not good.
But who was it who could have really tarnished the vaccination brand? Who advertised as a panacea a particular untested vaccination that didn’t prevent infection; didn’t prevent passing on the targeted viral contagion? Who prescribed it for children who scarcely required it; and then told us we all required seemingly endless periodic and seasonal booster top ups of it?
The BBC report almost everything to satisfy the bias checkers.
Their trickery is in how they prevent you reading it. That is big news given the context of their headlines all this week – but I don’t see it on the front page anywhere.
Fedup2Mar 10, 20:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Richard – thanks – nice to see the boys and girls of 77 brigade get an honourable mention . As…
FlotsamMar 10, 19:41 Start the Week 10th March 2025 As a seafarer myself it seems to be an unbelievably bad bit of driving. One ship was at anchor, there…
diggMar 10, 19:14 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Two ships crash in the North Sea with risky cargos…. TV roll on environmental mouthpieces.. oh the curlews….oh the puffins…..…
Up2snuffMar 10, 18:56 Start the Week 10th March 2025 MM, Hindus & Muslims have always clashed. Do pay attention. They clash in modern India. They also clashed way back…
Richard PinderMar 10, 18:47 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Not reported by the BBC. Donald Trump is revealing the criminal activity of the British Establishment. I think Trump has…
Richard PinderMar 10, 18:42 Start the Week 10th March 2025 After banning elected President Călin Georgescu and ruling he can never run again, Romanian authorities are now using brute force…
Emmanuel GoldsteinMar 10, 18:30 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Anybody else think that the Mike Amesbury election is suddenly going to take place because Labour feel it’s their best…
Fedup2Mar 10, 18:06 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Someone has noticed the slaughter of non Muslims in Syria – now who could that be – well according to…
atlas_shruggedMar 10, 18:06 Start the Week 10th March 2025 How about sending Palestinian Action off to gaza to help the Palestinians: No need to get them back. This…
I’m just waiting for Rishi to pop and stick a bigger knife in .
Although if their party conference goes ahead it could really end in tears .
Having foreseen this nonsense I wish I had the ability to make money out of it – as opposed to losing it on the exchange rate …
How could they be so dumb ?
I know I am going against the flow of opinion and the msm.
But the Bank of England were warned 2 months ago about there strategy. A lot of this falls on the totally inept governor.
As for pundits saying on tv reverse this tax cuts etc . Is it now government by media? They won with trump they won with Boris now will we let them win against Truss. no matter what your politics surely this is wrong .
You aren’t going against the flow, the BoE governor is inept he should have raised interest rates months before he did, and now when he should have allowed Truss to slit her own throat by raising interest rates by 2 or even 5% to counter her insane budget, he bailed her out by turning on the money printing machines.
The pound will soon be worth a lot less than the dollar and will never recover as Socialism makes us all poorer.
And Socialism this is make no mistake, printing money and giving it away is the very definition of Socialism and it doesn’t matter that the people she gives the money to are the already very wealthy it’s still Socialism.
Capitalism means hands off and letting the market and society sort it out and not intervening.
Johnda, could it be possible that Bailey (Governor of the BoE) is also a Remainer? I think that is highly likely and that much of the BoE Court and MPC are Remainers as well. Personally, I think the cut in Top Rate IT was a mistake but I suspect there is a cunning plan going on with the PM and Kwasi Kwarteng. AFter all, Kwasi’s previous jobs in Government have involved Brexit and Bojo’s climate bullshit.
… ffs… are most of the inhabitants of this country too thick to know that in times of fear/stress countries/people buy into dollars as a relative safe haven. Hence currencies falling v dollar is normal under these circumstances.
Of course, ‘The Establishment’ want to pretend they’re in control so create fear in those that don’t realise they are being played. As the new government isn’t ‘Establishment Approved’ they’ll want to crush it at birth.
You may not agree, but we’ve needed a fresh outlook for a decade; so carry on Liz, stir them up and kick out as many of the ‘E’ as you like. If you win, great; if not, the Conservatives would be out anyway.
Silly moo, what did she and her minders expect. Every BBC local is connected to the hive.
I see ex BBC Newsnight failures Sopes and BS’ toy boy are cited as… sources… who say.
As a little reminder our new and incompetent Chancellor was previous to this position our incompetent energy minister in charge of Britains energy security.
Here is a letter he wrote to the oil and gas industry chiefs which indicates the level of incompetence he has, urging them to invest their profits into what he calls clean green cheap energy.
Like asking a turkey to vote for Christmas, there is no indication he ever gave a moments thought to the defence and security of those vulnerable rigs in the North Sea, nor that his shallow letter actually made any difference or impact on anyone in that industry.
Click to access 20220430_SoS_to_OG.pdf
Really sad that the tories swapped one sort of incompetence for another – electorally they are dead . God help us.
Im hoping for a rate panic – forced up 1 or 2 % in the next few days …
As I said at the top of the page concerning toxic femininity, the branch that does not bend with the wind will be broken, and that is what the markets are going to do to the UK PLC unless someone forces, and by this stage I do mean physical force Liz Truss to change her plans, the UK is going to be permanently damaged.
Because of toxic femininity she is unable to understand that there isn’t a supportive voice out there and instead of a budget for growth she has set a budget for the utter ruin of the UK and possibly and even wider fallout, and is unable to change course.
But Thoughtful – is there a way out ? The conservatives must be panicking . I think the analysis that it’s like a car with truss punching the accelerator with the bank standing on the brake is correct …
How can it get so dumb ?
I suppose the way out is another vote of confidence – which will push a winter election to inevitability – particularly if the markets keep pushing the pound down – as I think it will ..
someone is going to have to explain to me how a few minor tax cuts has caused a run on the pound
shut the entire country down for 2 years
print billions
give away billions on furlough
not a problem ??
Jernalizim. Forbes bring Ms. Abbott or Ms. Rayner as UK editor?
They aren’t a ‘few minor tax cuts’ and they come on top of hundreds of billions of pounds of public spending promises.
You cannot cut taxes and increase spending it should be a no brainer. The levels Truss has now gone to have exceeded what is considered managable by the economy and the markets have reacted.
Remember also that there isn’t a single supportive voice out there, every single one is highly critical of this budget.
We will end up bankrupt with the IMF needing to bail us out and KamiKwasi leaving a note that there really is no money and there probably never will be.
Truss should never have made the Socialist promise to cap energy prices for an unlimited usage, she should have subsidised sufficient gas to heat the average home to 16C (not comfy but you won’t die) and after that loaded the tariff to pay for the initial subsidy, meaning those prepared to pay more to keep warmer could do so whilst paying the subsidy for the lower users.
The goverment of Winston Churchill did this during the war, allowing people to by more than the ration allowed at higher prices to help the war effort, but then Truss is not a conservative.
During the campaign – someone said that Mary liz truss isn’t that clever – I didn’t buy that – I do now .
But surely there is someone on the staff would spotted what EVERYONE. Now sees as mad economics ?
Blue labour in trouble because it’s too soon to dump here… maybe retire hurt …
Remember they said she ‘hit the ground running ‘- straight into an economic brick wall …
It’s obvious to me that this is a coordinated assault on the Tory government by the combined forces of the IMF, The WEF, The EU, The democrats in the US. And not to mention our lovely BBC.
The UK Tory government is one of the remaining sticking points in their quest to gather the West into a sort of quasi-Marxist, controlled blob with them at the top. Note that none of these organisations have elected bigwigs at the top, it’s all a global cabal placing their yes men into controlling positions.
This is World domination underway. Just look at the EU reaction to the polls in Italy and it’s as plain as the nose on your face. Voting is old world and gets in the way of their brave new world where you will suck it up and shut up.
Then it looks like the current cabinet belong to the WEF …
And spookily this just dropped into my inbox…
No smoke without fire!
I think you’re misreading the whole situation, if you believe the Conservative Party isn’t fully in bed with these globalists.
Russia and China are their main foes.
You have to be having a joke here digg! The entire world banks bankers, stock market, pension managers, the market itself everyone is telling us that this is madness, and if you understood economics and the whole of what she has done that would be clear to you.
Disagree thoughtful, the tax changes were if anything pretty peripheral. The power mongers have jumped on an opportunity to damage and restrict what they consider an out of step regime as much as possible. This has its roots in Brexit and is coordinated in my opinion.
The shady power mongers want UK people to feel the heat (or the cold!) to break their allegiance to a conservative (read Republican) government. It’s all part of a global plan. The perceived enemies of these global forces have all come under fabricated pressure, conservatives, especially brexiteer flavoured ones, Trump and recently the new Italian PM.
Democracy is dying on its feet unless there is a massive push-back.
My fear is that swathes of the population will swallow the bait as delivered by the BBC and go along with their own destruction.
Something lighter now….. although it could make you cough over your morning coffee…
Next week begins the new season of Portrait Artist of the Year, and along with that and ‘Landscape’, its a relaxing watch for an hour.
Bit of a spoiler now, but in the semi’s, a Swedish actress called Rebecca Ferguson is the sitter. The final is……Dep.Chief Med Officer SIR Jonathan Van-Tam, but the £10,000 commission prize is to paint (and it pains me to say this), SIR Lenny Henry, – it gets worse,……. for the National Portrait Gallery as part of their re-opening in 2023.
Is your coffee strong enough ?
BBC, Times Radio, others telling me that a ‘global icon’ a genius’ has died. Someone called Coolio. I did 2 minutes research and found some of his material. How can these media established outlets lecture anyone if this is what they refer to? Am I being racist if I find the following repellant, offensive and base? This is not my culture and I do not wish to appropriate it. I would think there must be a lot of good people of colour who do not wish to be associated with this as a ‘culture’.
Title Ugly Bitches
[Verse 1]
A bitch is a bitch and we all know
That a ho is a ho wit a toe-up slut so
If you’re gotta have ’em, might as well be a fine one
But it seems that some niggas can’t seem to find one
So they go and get a bitch that’s lookin like Trixie
And Hekkyl & Jekkyl with some saggy ass titties
A big fat flagrant hoodrat hooker
And the nigga got the nerve to pretend she’s a looker
Sportin’ that down from your arm like a Simpson
Talk about bitches that you wish you was pimpin’
Come around the homies and you swear that she’s playin’
But everytime I see her, you’re beggin’
Go get you a girl that got somethin goin’
Get rid of that bitch that’s lookin’ like a dragon
Now you wanna fight ’cause you’re baggin’ on your Mrs
But that’s what’cha get when you fuck with ugly bitches
Thanks to the BBC, Times Radio and many others for bringing this to my attention. A good use of tele-tax payers money BBC?
PS: Times radio have a crowd of globalist lick-spittlers doing their bidding.
Clearly the 30 year old producers (?) at the BBC know who these idiots are, because they don’t consider their grandparents who are the main audience and wouldn’t know who the hell he was ! I would hazard a guess that even the newsreaders raise an eyebrow when scanning their script before hand and they too haven’t a clue !
How the left protest:-
Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe cuts hair in support of Iran protests
I bet the Iranians will be so worried, not
Meanwhile in Florida performative reporting from CNN
new reporting is storytelling and PERFORMANCE
A ‘Lammy ‘ moment …
Main English exam board puts in 3 black authors
replacing 3 traditional, including one Jspanese
#1 is Odimba’s : Priness and the Hustler
ECG explain why some areas for Ghana dey experience black-out
‘God don give me task to tok for pipo with cerebral palsy’
Yorkshire cricket Clubs medical officer
kicked off over claims centering on Rafiq
is suing saying ALL the claims made against him were made up and scurrilous.
Most Police Forces contract to the charity Victim Support
now many are dropping it for some reason.
That’s a shame as victim of crime in londonistan I used to look forward to getting the ‘sorry you have been the victim of XXXXXX- we really care – fancy making a donation ? Letter
Hopeless like plod …
Aaronovitch writes a whole page article praising open border immigrants to grow economy
Born in Camden,[3] Aaronovitch is the son of the economist Sam Aaronovitch who was a senior member of the Communist Party of Great Britain,[4] and the younger brother of actor Owen Aaronovitch and journalist David Aaronovitch.[5] He attended Holloway School.[6]
Aaronovitch lives in Wimbledon.[citation needed]
Can never get away from the comrades infesting the media can we ?
Good old Northamptonshire family. Used to hunt with the Pytchley, I believe.
He was a moronic tosser when NUS president – and he’s only got worse – Oxygen larcenist.
Aaronovitch. Good English name.
Just watched Fox News on polling for US mid term elections in November. They are concerned about the recent rise in the polls of the Democrats but one of their guests , an expert on polling, said that the only reason that the dems looked to be closing the gap was that the pollsters were deliberately skewing the results by asking groups which had a greater propensity to vote Democrat.
The key question of why they were doing this unfortunately wasn’t asked. I think that it is likely that the Dems are planning to rig the elections again and it is going to be just too obvious if the Dems win despite the polls showing them way behind. So they get their friends to offer up biased polls to show that the gap has closed and therefore it isn’t a big surprise when they win.
I hope that somehow or other the Republicans have all bases covered to prevent the Democrats from subverting democracy yet again. America needs the truth about the Trump years and the last election out in the open and a lot of those guilty of crimes to be tried in open court. Otherwise faith in the election process and in democracy will be further eroded.
I don’t have much faith in the Republican Party. You don’t pick up the nickname “The Stupid Party” for nothing.
TWatO Watch #1 – early part of the programme ….
… . . was all about the round of interviews on radio and TV by Liz Truss this morning. Listening, I got a distinct sense that the PM was ‘sandbagging’, keeping very schtum on what she and Kwasi are up to. I expect the Channel 4 Privatisation to go ahead a.s.a.p. and, maybe, further privatisations. As ever, I could be wrong, but Liz kept hiding behind the war in Ukraine and support on gas prices. She and Kwasi will have talked about that.
BBC moderators.
A lot of BBC Have Your Says recently have top comments asking for Putin to be murdered. The BBC refuse to remove them even when I have appealed their decision to keep the comment saying their house rules have not been broken.
An example today of a comment about Putin that moderators have kept saying no house rules are broken:
Anybody, anybody, fancy a pot shot?
I’m pretty sure if I posted “Anybody, anybody, fancy a pot shot at (insert name) BBC employee?” things would be different.
Another example of comments allowed to stay up
God will someone please shoot that man in the head. Is that inflammatory well so be it!
Can someone please just shoot him while he’s making this speech
Same with Donald J Trump
The corporation confirmed its Arabic and Persian radio channels will be closed permanently, while a new “China unit” based in London will be created to tell “the global story of China to the world”.
I am tendering my resignation because for some time past I have been conscious that I was wasting my own time and the public money on doing work that produces no result. I believe that in the present political situation the broadcasting of British propaganda to India is an almost hopeless task.
Creating a new China Global Unit based in London to tell the global story of China to the world.
global story of China to the world .. propaganda.
The BBC deploys Jonah Fisher, intrepid environment correspondent to blather b*ll*cks about CO2 and methane wrt the sabotaged pipes in the Baltic.
Sweden has found a new leak in a major undersea pipeline carrying Russian natural gas to the EU – making it the fourth discovered this week.
Methane only lasts a decade or so in our atmosphere (compared to hundreds of years for CO2), which is why cutting emissions from the fossil fuel industry is seen as one of the quickest ways of slowing global temperature rises.
as an aside the “Nord Stream” map published by the BBC earlier is just so inaccurate that, if applied to the rest of their reporting indicates that you cannot believe a word they say… – but we knew that …
Lord Grade: Ofcom’s job is not to regulate culture wars
….”He suggested public debate had descended into “angry battlefields of bitter division”.”
The bBC does not help to unite the nation, (lets take is constant promotion of the eu and the majority votied out) and alienates and divides. Although the bBC does say its bring the nation together – maybe for a royal wedding 🙂
BBC in discrimination row after opening trainee role only to ethnic minorities
The BBC now believes it has the answer to what the demographics of a truly diverse company should look like …
“By 2020, the BBC wants its employees to comprise 50% women, 8% disabled people, 8% lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender people and 15% people from black, Asian and ethnic minority backgrounds.{ 14sep2017}”
Proof that Russia blew up NS1 and NS2!
Translation: A Russian passport was found floating amidst the bubbles
I was thinking about this and how people like the BBC have whipped people into such a frenzy, anyone who suggests Russia didn’t do it is being hounded as a Russian troll. It’s all smacking of Nazi Germany. I wonder how many Russians around the world have been persecuted : one thing is for sure, the BBC won’t report it.
I have a bad feeling that if Russia retaliate by blowing up an underwater cable, it will be plastered across the news as terrorism and may be used as a pretext for the USA to become more directly involved.
As I keep saying, everything about this war stinks and I include the media coverage of it. I can hardly believe what I am seeing.
Wear a Russian hat to end Russianophobia.
and “all this” will continue driven by Biden’s string pullers at the very least until the US mid-term elections.
Remember the doping scandal in 2019 that resulted in a 4 year ban for Russia from all sports events? And the narrative of ‘dirty dirty Russians’ & shock that cold-war era skullduggery could be going on in the modern age.
Contrast the level of media condemnation with what’s been going on in the US at the Nike Oregon Project, or with Kenyan athletics… or with British Cycling for the last 10 years.
Scapegoats are easily created.
Name of Commissar Martin of Mincemeat Brigade?
Cf. Albert R.N.
Liz better have a darn good plan, as so far it’s looking like handing the Brexit Media creeps already with W1A all access passes all their Xmases at once.
Of course, the entire ‘news’ ‘profession’ is obliging with even more edited highlights.
Janine Gibson
assistant editor, FT • sinkhole tracker
Joined November 2006
2,872 Following
BBC web site front page – subtext gas is bad. I’m guessing some BBC web monkeys are wishing the Baltic escaping gas catches fire – just a hunch.
I’ve not seen BBC reporting of ISS astronauts commenting on the massive gas flares they see every time they pass over Nigeria at night… Some time ago – as I’m fond of recounting Nigeria was estimated to be just burning off more gas every 28 days than the UK used for all purposes in 12 months.
But then dey not oyibos
The world’s longest burning fires: China’s unseen story
Coal extraction remains a higher priority than putting out China’s huge underground coal fires
Giorgia Meloni isn’t far-Right – she just says what we all think
Allisson Pearson writes a stonking article on the media calling the New Italian PM as ‘far right’.
She is not only talking about the BBC specifically – but the global LEFT in general. They see everything as being ‘far right’ if they are NOT socialists, Marxists or Liberals Following the ‘Agenda’. That is why the BBC sees her as ‘far right’.
Why are these views of millions of middle-of-the road people now called “far-Right”? It’s because the Left, while failing consistently at the ballot box, has assumed control of political nomenclature. That way they alone get to decide who is virtuous and who is Boris Johnson. For two and a half years, they called Boris “far-Right” and then they met Liz Truss.
Far-Right now translates as “anyone I don’t agree with who is, ergo, not a nice person”. Reporting for Channel 4 News on the recent clashes in Leicester between groups of Hindus and Muslims, Darshna Soni attributed the violence to “Right-wing ideology politics imported from the sub-continent”.
And so as a result of this Orwellian appropriation of the “truth”, we have a society in which Sir Keir Starmer, the Labour leader, declares he is ready for government but cannot say what a woman is because believing in biological sex is unfashionable.
A society where a “charity” called Mermaids gives breast binders to confused young girls, without their parents’ knowledge, and all the best people think that supporting this charity is showing marvellous tolerance rather than the utmost cruelty and stupidity. A society where mothers nursing their newborns are called “chest-feeders” because some NHS trusts fret that calling a mother a mother will offend against the prevailing orthodoxy.
If saying all of these examples are crackers and wicked makes you “far right” then too bad. Sono Giorgia Meloni. I am a woman. I am a mother.
Millions of us agree with Giorgia Meloni, and we’re not far-Right. Just right.
” Fires will be kindled to testify that two and two make four. Swords will be drawn to prove that leaves are green in summer. We shall be left defending, not only the incredible virtues and sanities of human life, but something more incredible still, this huge impossible universe which stares us in the face. We shall fight for visible prodigies as if they were invisible. We shall look on the impossible grass and the skies with a strange courage. We shall be of those who have seen and yet have believed.”
― G.K. Chesterton, Heretics
Siri – show me an overpromoted moron in American high political office that isn’t Joe Biden.
Thus is the second major fuck-up by a senior Dem this week, what does it take for Americans to realise they are under a toy story Government?
Radio 4 news headlines at 17:00 as part of the ‘PM’ show:
The £ GBP is now at $ USD 1.10. The Beeb say immediately and sullenly that this is only because of a “weak” dollar.
Wait a minute: I thought the USD had recently strengthened against many currencies such as the EUR, the Chinese Yuan, GBP, etc.
It’s almost as if the traitor BBC want the £ back down at $ 1.03 or preferably even below 1:1.
Ahhh… that’s more like it
Good job the PoS was White or the old man would have been looking at this as the perp not the victim.
Polls put Labour 33 percent ahead of the red Tories.
This is my take.
The election will be a fix, Obama/Biden style The polls are fake but published in order to persuade people to believe that opinion is going Labour’s way.
It’s Labour’s turn, the BBC know this.
Ah yes – lipstick on a pig.
Until the Tories stop being pretend Labour this is going to keep happening.
Truss is not only an idiot but she is a Socialist idiot of the WEF school which provides high government spending whilst living in a fantasy land that you can at the same time cut taxes for the wealthy liberal elites.
Unfortunately for Truss most of the high earning elites are hardened Labour voters such as those in entertainment and would never vote Tory.
The ones who actually do the work are dumped on from a height and as a consequence won’t vote Tory either
The election won’t be a fix, because it doesn’t need to be a fix, the Tories have done the only thing they’ve been succesful at – losing elections by being crap
I am suspicious if a lot of pollsters and I have been keeping an eye on them for a few years. I have noticed phases when they are quiet and you only get one or two a week and then all of a sudden you get five a day. There does need to be more regulation on polling but 30 point lead to Labour seems very over zealous and even fixed. They have had some high leads but I fail to see how they could gain such a result in an actual GE.
2 things I learned today, 1 courtesy of Guido and 1 courtesy of Daily Express
1. A proper female of the Labour persuasion has publicly stated that if Eddie Izzard gets put on an all candidates female list for the next election she and a lot of her friends in the party, other m.p.s will leave the party. Good for you girl.
2. ITV have a new programme out or about to be put on air, called “DNA Trail” taking people back through their DNA. All the proposed backtracked appear to be of the coloured persuasion. Wouldn’t it be a hoot if their DNA is found to be 85% white. That’ll serve them right.
Not sure, but doesn’t evolution only work in one direction?
Not in Scotland.
The best bit is all her current and ex colleagues ‘liking’ without engaging the space between their ears.
The BBC effect.
The FullFact fact check on Truss is disgustingly partisan
“Liz Truss wrong to *repeatedly* say energy bills are capped at £2,500”
em Sure on Radio Kent, Radio Leeds and CNN she did mis-speak
but she did *repeatedly speak correctly* too in 8 other interviews
and in the article they admit she spoke correctly in Parliament
\\ In response to Full Fact’s request for comment, Downing Street directed us to Ms Truss’s 8 September speech announcing the policy in Parliament, where she said: “A typical household will pay no more than £2,500 per year for each of the next two years”.//
No no no – all energy about £ 2500 a year will be free – everything will be free – free petrol – free food – free payouts .
I love that such people are so Thick … but thickness is also free …
All those BBC hardship phone in s coming up in the next few weeks ..’… don’t forget to submit your meter readings across the weekend – or now – not to get ripped off by saucy power companies – unless you are ‘fixed ‘ of course … in which you can sit back and watch …
Anyone, anyone who is prepared to believe that the cap as ‘per unit of energy’ in other words, switch your oven on costs you £2500 is a bloody air headed nutcase.
And these people pontificate on screen as our betters!
What a joke!
Faisal Islam on the BBC 6pm News stays local with talk of financial Armageddon, tells us of falls on the London exchange (FTSE 100 was down 1.77%). No mention of wider problems – US market down more than 2% today (& more than 12% since 13 Sept). Is that the fault of the evil Tories? Is the US an “emerging economy” as the BBC gleefully allowed the IMF man to state? Have they no experts as the oleaginous Carney was wheeled out to imply they were lacking in the UK government ?
Jack living up to his name?
Ha, ha ha,ha what a bunch of twats these left wing economists really are.
For those who haven’t seen this – and you should here it is again:
£sterling went up today against the $, now at £1.10:$1.
And your point is exactly?
The Bank of England had to print £65 billion to do that, and it’s on top of the £200 billion she’s promised to give away.
There are consequences to this, if you watch the video above you will learn what those are.
Yasser Dasmibehbi
Nigel Farage is ‘spot on ‘ . It’s all about Green Energy.
Has the Green Levy been cut yet ?
Who on earth voted for it ?
Should have voted UKIP/The reform Party .
5.5 million people voted for the Brexit party at the last election and have no representation at all, this is because Britain is a one party state as democratic as the Peoples Democratic Republic of North Korea, or the German Democratic Republic.
Same old Tories voting the same old way.
But they have not realised that the Tory Party is not Tory anymore, it has become Liberal.
Thoughtful – thanks – but no thanks – I got through the first 30 minutes .
The market bets on emergency Uk rate hikes must be huge . There seems no way that the pound can recover for very long . Inflation rates charging away – and the only weapon to counter that will be interest rates ….
So many people here see that – yet the politicians / Bank of England can’t see it … I pity anyone who got sucked into big mortgages on the promise of low interest Money – that time is gone – 10% next year ….
It has been quite a while since I posted here. Cancelling my TV license and not having watched anything for a long time has it’s benefits. I am not wasting time watching things I do not enjoy. No soaps, no TV dramas and no ‘documentaries’ on subjects that are supposed to educate me.
I do however keep an eye on things on Twitter and know full well what the BBC are up to. The whole of them if you include the other channels aside from say GB News are all working to get Labour elected. Everyone knows that but what is being done about it?
Labour now have a 30 point lead over the Tories? Easy to say that some of it is self inflicted from the Tories but of course it is not that Labour haven’t got a lot of scandals of their own yet the media coverage is next to zero. The Tories could have a new policy and an article will feature Labour on the second or third paragraph. If Labour have an off day things do not get mentioned to begin with. The Tory conference will be interesting next week as there will be very different reporting on it.
This should be a wake up call to the Tories. They need to act fast on three things, the economy to prove that they are fiscally responsible. This part should not be a problem. The pound has recovered some what and is much stronger than the Euro (not that the BBC will mention that) but the second most important thing is sort out these illegal crossings. What happened to that Rwanda scheme (apart from being derailed)
Finally they need to sort out the media bias. The BBC are not their friends and they should know that. Is the license fee going to be ended? It would be for their own benefit if everything.
Labour’s luck will have to run out at some point. Starmer is a sly individual. He knows that the media are on his side and he has managed to keep any opposition to him quiet yet has anyone noticed that he or his wretched party never face the public?
Good to see you back, smoogie. Good post
The trouble is continual and increased immigration are a lead policy of the latest interation of the conservative party, as apparently it’s a path to economic growth, they don’t care if it’s legal or illegal. So no chance of change there.
Generally their handling of the economy is terribly.
Far too much government debt. Insanely low interest rates.
They even had to print and pay £65 billion to get the pound to a still miserable 1.10.
They’re also failing to get a grip of the housing shortage,
NHS is a disaster.
Schools not fit for purpose.
Work and Pensions plus tax office are both bullying, inefficient and hugely overstaffed.
Conservatives engaged in a ridiculous and expensive proxy war with Russia.
I’m generally no fan of the Labour party, but how much worse could they be ?
If there’s a 30 point gap now , how’s it going to look when the recession and winter hit.
mass immigration has a short term uptick on GDP, but then has a downtick, meaning that you have to keep increasing the number to gain the same effect, which is why it is a ponzi scheme.
You missed out the disastrous effect they have had on Laura Norder as well.
They are incapable of doing any of those 3 things you listed – and the same goes for energy independence . . They are clueless – …
Then they will gift the election to Labour
Wake up call? The Tories believe they have a God given right to govern nothing is going to rouse them.
Truss will not back down until she is dragged kicking and screaming from office so no hope for the economy there.
See the above video to learn the awful truth about the consequences of the mini budget.
The Rwanda farce was always a sop to the public and the Blue Labour Tories were channeling funds to the leftie lawyers in order to challenge them in court over it where they hoped they would lose, and then be able to blame liberal judges and leftie lawyers.
They’ve had over a decade to sort out the media and far from doing nothing they have assisted them, especially te BBC by giving a new charter instead of a subscription basis.
The real truth is that they are all in fantasy land where they believe they are all powerful, and if they say the rainbow unicorn is real then it is.
Post Brexit when they lost the EU telling them what to do they were clueless so they turned to another policy source the WEF.
Thing is though now the next few months are going to be a poison chalice for whoever is elected. The video above predicts 20% plus inflation for the UK and a massive debt, LieBore are not going to be able to carry out the usual squandering they normally get up to without making a complete and utter mess of the economy and be out of power very quickly.
It might be a good thing a new generation learning of the dangers Labour pose, because they quickly forget the lessons of history.
Don’t underestimate Truss, she has inherited a shit-show put in place by her Conservative in name only predecessors.
Give her at least a few months to sort the wheat from the chaff.
And the Conservatives have a hellova lot of chaff right now!
digg, ahem! Truss has reversed what could be said to be Boris Johnson’s only achievement as PM: the NI increase to fund, in a couple of years time, social care. Every Government for decades has dodged doing anything about that. Truss is finished. Labour are back in, probably with a majority, fortunately. No Coalition, therefore no new EU Referendum.
Douglas Murray on the sad – and frightening – state of the British police.
The interview is time-stamped to start with Murray’s piece.
The Telegraph had a supplement on this, this morning.
From the TV guide it seems there two racebaity DNA Heritage shows on
8pm Channel4 is Emeli Sande whose grand father cane in from Zambia, the maternal side supported the British Empire, tge paternal side opposed it
9m ITV DNA of Romesh Ranganathan
and Rob. Beckett of course the prog highlights that whitey boy had some ancestors in prison.
“Romesh discovers he comes from a long line of Sri Lankan “holistic doctors” and also meets a talented cousin who speaks four languages,”
“holistic doctors” probably means quack doctors
“Home Secretary Suella Braverman tells police to stop symbolic gestures”
Sue has started a battle against the woke culture in the police forces . Perhaps the campaign will snowball ?
Will you readers, start your own battle that infests our society ? I have already .
May we know what form your battle takes?
(That’s not a trick question – genuinely curious)
A bit of different journalism. I am no economist so I won’t pretend to know anything about anything but nice to hear someone invited on to speak to actually be able to be given time to answer questions without a rude interruption or any gotcha. I actually like Mark Dolan as a presenter as well. We need more like him
The news is out that the police may have caught the ‘low life’ that shot the little girl in Liverpool ?
Funny thing that the world is outraged by the death of a 9 year old girl because a nosey woman wanted to know what the noise in the street was and was stupid enough to open the front door to take a look.
The low life didn’t mean to shoot the 9 year old, it was an accident caused again by the Mother trapping his arm in the door.
On the other hand in the news is a 30 year old woman who has attacked and criticallt injured a 7 month old baby deliberately at a nursery where her parents had left her, and it would appear she might well die.
Both incidents are appalling but the second one to me is much worse because it was someone who was entrusted with the care of a defenceless infant and acted deliberately in what appears to be an attempted murder, yet there is muted outrage about it.
It’s kind of storytelling
we are supposed to have much more sympathy with a 9 year old girl bystander
who is collateral damage in gang warfare
that a 30 year old bystander man
who might have died as collateral damage in another incident.
Interesting that the current series of All Creatures is going way off the james Herriot books storyline
as it makes Siegfried a WW1 hero horse whisperer.
The new storyline is clever and does bring movie like pathos.
But Herriot based his Siegfried on his own recruiter/partner
and since that guy was born in 1911 he wouldn’t have been serving in WW1
When libmob media take a side and start banging on and demonising a person
I am instantly drawn to having sympathy with that figure.. the “fighting for the under dog” effect.
If the media side with Labour then I know not to side with Labour. The glee from the likes of Peston says it all. Labour are a problem but the media need to be challenged. Truss needs to wake up as she is their target. It is now or never
We all know the media lie, here is a blatant example:
Spot the woman who appears twice:
Breaking news .
Slight rise of British GDP during Labour Party Conference.
During the Labour Party Conference there was a slight rise of GDP , productivity and general well being in the U.K. economy .
Non experts put it down to the fact that while all the diversity co ordinators and equal opportunities managers were attending the Labour Party Conference the people who actually do things were free to get on with producing without “ intellectuals “ interfering and worrying about that someone somewhere was discriminated against .
The news is so good that the CBI , the Institute Of Directors and Federation of Small Businesses have started a fund so that the Labour Party can have a conference every week for seven days so opinionated socialists can eat , drink and be merry out of the way of the workers who keep the country going .
It was also noted that there was an increase in the general level of education throughout the land as university lecturers joined the Vision of the Annointed ones at the conference.
Graig , for example , a student studying Decolonisation Of What People Wear at the University of Sheffield couldn’t understand his lecturers because of the gibberish and thought he was accidentally on an Esperanto course .
“ I now have to unlearn some terminology “ he said “ for example an eco vandalising exploiting of the indigenous workers fabricating big oil products place just means garment factory.”
A Labour Party spokeswoman ( reassigned) said that the conference was so successful that social justice increased by 4% .
All of a sudden, the MSM become experts in spotting dodgy elections, who’da thought it ?
“Putin signs decree recognising two Ukrainian regions as independent states after sham referendums”
Hello Zephir
Soon a report to follow on Peterborough voting habits
Morning Andy, in addition to your comment:
“Four days before the election, Labour was urged by Jewish leaders to disown its candidate Lisa Forbes after she was reported as endorsing a Facebook post that contained an antisemitic phrase.
Lisa Forbes apologised “wholeheartedly” for liking a social media post that claimed Theresa May had a “Zionist Slave Masters agenda”.
“After the Brexit Party questioned the validity of the result, five electoral fraud allegations were investigated.[57] It was claimed that Tariq Mahmood, who was jailed in 2008 for postal vote interference, had played a role in the Labour Party campaign for the by-election.[58] Labour denied he had had any role in the campaign, although he did attend the count as a member of the public.[57] The Brexit Party announced on 24 June 2019 that they would be lodging a review petition under the Representation of the People Act 1983.[59] On 15 July, Cambridgeshire Constabulary announced the final conclusion of their investigations and determined that no offences had been committed.[60][61] In 2020, Brexit Party candidate Mike Greene was ordered to pay the Labour Party’s legal costs after dropping a High Court challenge.[62]
On 21 September the Peterborough Telegraph reported that the Green Party had submitted incorrect election expenses, having failed to declare the £15 cost of a visit by former party leader Natalie Bennett. The party stated that, having been aware of the cost, they would add the sum retrospectively to the expenses.[63]
Ultimately, Lisa Forbes’ hold on the seat lasted for just six months. When a general election was held was held in December 2019, Paul Bristow captured the seat for the Conservatives with a majority of over 2,500 votes”
When the West decided to make Kosovo a so-called independent nation, NATO simply bombed Serbia for 3 months to ‘persuade’ them to go along with it. No authorisation from the United Nations. No voting for the people of Serbia or Kosovo. It was simply a done deal – the West willed it and made it happen as a favour to Saudi Arabia. One may not approve of the Russian approach in the Donetsk, Luhansk regions, but how is it different than what NATO did, other than (a) there is at least a strong historical connection between Russia and the areas it claims and (b) the people had some say in the matter via a democratic choice, not withstanding imperfections in the process.
Yes we are in fact seeing EU ethnic cleansing in progress.
‘Russian Navy support ships, a warship and submarines were spotted close to the Nord Stream pipelines before the suspected sabotage of the gas supply links to Europe, it has emerged.’
This is the DT:
Another completely vague-but-leading statement in our media which reminds me of Blackadder when they are sent to paint the front-line in WW1 and decide to fake it. When questioned about it, Blackadder says ‘Perhaps there were more armament factories and not so many elephants’.
Apparently the Russians must have blown up the pipeline because CNN say that some Russians ships were near it back in June. No other evidence at all is given.
Not surprised by CNN as they are partisan as The Guardian and BBC – but the DT have reported the CNN article in another clear sign of just how far it has fallen in the last few years.
And of course at the very end of the article we have the disclaimer:
‘It was unclear whether the vessels could have been involved, sources told CNN while a Danish official told the broadcaster Russian ships routinely operate in the area.’
I am the first to admit I am no economic expert, but put forward this as an alternative to many of the views expressed here.
(I did not realise they have reformed IR35 which has caused me financial problems in the past: The contract fee-payer is liable for employer’s National Insurance Contributions (NIC) (13.8 per cent) and the Apprenticeship Levy (0.5 per cent) in addition to the NI fee for the work of those deemed as employees under IR35 off-payroll rules. Following the introduction of the rules in the public sector in April 2017, some employers tried to pass on these costs to contractors. ):
“Liz Truss is doing the right thing. If she backs down now, it’s an admission no meaningful reform can ever be undertaken, writes Conservative peer LORD HANNAN
What Liz Truss is doing is brave and right, however unpopular it may be in the short term. She has inherited an economy that is bloated, sluggish, over-taxed and over-regulated. She has to get it growing again.
Doing so means taking on the corporatist consensus: the BBC, the International Monetary Fund, the former governor of the Bank of England Mark Carney, the Biden administration, the Financial Times and all those hoary-headed experts who struggle to imagine an alternative to the ‘high tax, low interest rates’ model that has prevailed since the 2008 financial crisis.
But not doing so would condemn Britain to poverty and ruin.
Yesterday, the Prime Minister spoke of her readiness to take ‘controversial and difficult decisions’ in order to get our economy moving.
She was echoing Margaret Thatcher, whose style she often copies. In 1981, the Iron Lady ran into precisely the same criticisms from precisely the same kinds of people when she, too, stepped outside the old consensus, proposing a Budget that slashed regulations and ended controls.
Respectable commentators told Thatcher to listen to the experts. Those Tory MPs who had voted for her rival smirked at one another knowingly, and 364 economists wrote a letter warning of disaster.
Yet, in retrospect, we can see that this was the moment when Britain reversed its decline and became, for a while, the most successful economy in the developed world.
To see why last week’s fiscal statement was necessary, consider this question: what would have happened had there been no mini-Budget?
The first and most immediate consequence would have been that many businesses would have gone under, unable to pay their energy bills.
I don’t like price freezes — it is a basic Conservative principle that it’s better to target support at those who need it rather than to fix the market — but, given the immediacy of the energy crisis, doing something crude and effective was better than doing nothing.
That intervention, which could in theory cost up to £200 billion (though, if global energy prices continue to fall, it will be a fraction of that sum) comes on top of the more than £400 billion dropped on the pandemic. Neither Britain nor any other country can wish those costs away. If you pay people to stay at home for the better part of two years, there is bound to be a painful crash back to Earth.
You can try to keep the party going for a little bit longer, of course. You can carry on with money-printing and zero interest rates, creating the illusion of growth. But that is like trying to stave off a hangover by having another drink. It might work for a bit, but it makes the eventual reckoning worse.
Instead, the PM and her Chancellor, Kwasi Kwarteng — whose doctoral thesis was on the Great Recoinage of 1696, when William III’s government sought to restore value to a debased silver currency — intend to get back to sustainable growth.
With the exception of the energy price cap, every line of Friday’s statement was about making the country better off.
There will be fracking and more wind energy. People who have dropped out of the labour market will be shifted off benefits and back into work. More infrastructure will be built, and more surplus Government land will be made available for housing.
New investment zones will allow things to happen much more quickly. Targeted tax cuts are an important part of this package.
The less people pay to the Government, the more they can spend on other things — which matters when prices are high.
Though it has received little attention, the scrapping of reforms to the IR35 — a device introduced by Gordon Brown, supposedly to stop employees pretending to be contractors, which, in reality, has mired self-employed people in needless and expensive paperwork — will in itself do a great deal to stimulate the economy.
The best tax cuts are those which make people better off while costing the Government little in lost revenue. The IR35 changes are in this category. So is the return to the 40p top rate of tax, which pertained to all but the final month of the Blair/Brown years.
Gordon Brown hiked the rate as he left office, rather like how the retreating Russians in Ukraine booby-trapped their abandoned positions. He knew it would bring in almost no extra cash, but that scrapping it would open his successors up to the charge of being on the side of the rich.
He was right. While the additional rate was reduced from 50 per cent to 45 per cent in 2013, the fact that it never went back to 40 per cent was a symbol of the unwillingness of successive Tory leaders to put long-term prosperity before short-term popularity.
Truss’s decision to return to Labour’s top rate will cost the Treasury little or nothing. More rich people will choose to pay their taxes in the UK, offsetting any shortfall. Flatter, simpler taxes are almost as important to prosperity as lower taxes.
More than this, though, scrapping the additional rate is a sign that the PM is prepared to put up with bad headlines in pursuit of economic growth.
Why, then, has the IMF condemned the move, urging Truss to ‘re-evaluate the tax measures, especially those that benefit high-income earners’? Since when was that body, established in 1944 to promote global currency stability and economic growth, interested in redistribution?
The answer is that few institutions — and even fewer global bureaucracies — are immune to intellectual fashions.
The current trend is to insist that any change in tax policy should be primarily designed to help the poor.
That assumption is flawed. The best way to help the poor is through targeted benefits, not through general tax policy.
Indeed, if you measure changes to the tax system purely by how much people pay the Government, you will always find that cuts benefit the people who pay most tax in the first place. If your sole test is redistribution, you will never cut any taxes.
But that is not what the current tax cuts are about. They will stimulate the economy as a whole, leading, over time, to more and better-paid jobs — and so, in the longer term, to higher Government revenue.
They are, ironically, what the Left-wing think-tank, the Institute for Public Policy Research, called for last week — namely a ‘whole-Government approach to growth’.
Plenty of grandees were part of the old consensus, which saw central banks contrive to act as cash machines for high-spending governments. Not surprisingly, they are unimpressed.
Biden’s officials are warning against tax cuts, Carney is telling the PM to listen to the experts, The Economist’s latest front cover shows Truss and Kwarteng in a sinking boat.
What, though, is their alternative? To carry on as we were? We created more money in 2020 than in the whole of the previous decade. Any notion that this was sustainable was blown away by the invasion of Ukraine and the consequent spike in prices.
Coming off a drug is bound to involve some cold turkey and Britain, having acted earlier, will experience it sooner than the rest of Europe.
But, crucially, we are doing the right thing, focusing on increasing the size of the economy rather than fretting over how to share the pie.
Backing down now would signal to everyone that Britain is, after all, ruled by opinion polls, and that, since all change involves some controversy, no meaningful reforms will be undertaken.
But staying the course will mean an end to the ghost-growth we have seen for much of this century, and the beginning of sustainable prosperity.
Perhaps voters will be unconvinced. Perhaps our lips are so firmly champed around the teat of public spending that nothing can wean us off.
Perhaps there is not enough time to turn things around before the next election. But we must at least try. “
Today business watch
Blah blah Tory disaster – blah – but then right at the end – ONS has increased an increase in GDP in the last quarter a bit .
Oh no ! Good news !( obviously it doesn’t mean anything and will be seen as a ‘negative ‘ ) or if the BBC can’t make a negative out of it they’ll bury it ….
Dramatis personae, sworn rivals edition
“What a piece of work is man!”
So said Prince Hamlet to Rosencrantz and Guildenstern in Act II Scene 2 of the Danish Play.
That play is of course in reality eponymous with the young princely character famous for delivering such philosophical monologues. The particular tragedy our thespians instead legendarily dare not mention is known in superstitious theatrical circles as The Scottish Play.
Fear not, we cut short this stage prologue, this dramatical prelude here and embark instead on the news headlines hereabouts where our supestitious BBC refers to three characters of a certain ilk, the nature of which they dare not name – presumably for fear of dire consequence…
“Very superstitious, writing’s on the wall… When you believe in things, that you don’t understand, then you suffer, Superstition ain’t the way,” – sang Stevie Wonder since 1972 on the album Talking Book
Call it superstition or (apologies to Stevie) turning a colour blind eye…
BBC: Men jailed for murder of friend killed by rival gang in shootout – What a piece of work is man!
“London violence” is the clickable BBC web page link our little man Mayor Khan would hope we fail to associate with his tenure – despite his devotion to just the sort of diversity on stilts on display thereabouts.
Speaking of association…
The inquiry into Billy McCullagh’s death saw his associates charged with murder – even though an opposing gang shot him, in north-west London in 2020. Issa Seed, Adel Yussuf and Daniel Mensah were found guilty after prosecutors argued they opened fire knowing their rivals would shoot back… Mr McCullagh was accompanied by four friends and armed with two guns when they arrived in the territory of his “sworn rivals” (BBC)
The Stonebridge Estate in Harlesden sounds something like the O.K. Corral in 1880s Tombstone, Arizona. And apparently modern London apes the mythical Wild West in its folklaw cultural celebration of fallen outlaws: Following the death of the “senior and prominent elder” in the local gang scene, music was released on YouTube mourning him. (BBC)
Another defendant, George Orji, 31, from north-west London, was convicted by the jury of possession of an imitation firearm with intent. He was cleared of possessing a firearm with intent. His girlfriend Anu Adelaja, 29, was acquitted of possession of a prohibited firearm. Police said the search would continue to find those who fired the fatal shots. (BBC)
We’re not told what main trade these gangsters persue. Mr AsISeeIt tends to joke of the BBC’s attitude to what he imagines lies at the heart of their criminal endeavors is “Legalise it, we’ll advertise it”
From where has this newfound gunslinger gang culture originated? From what distant shores has it washed up here in Blighty?
Getty Images won’t serve to ease the BBC’s superstitious predicament in this case. Cowboy wanted posters nailed to the wall are a thing of the past but mug shots will reveal the characteristics of the three individuals who make up our dramatis personae.
The leftwing press celebrates the opening of an apparent sudden wide gap in political voting intentions today. 21% Conservatives, 54% Labour – if the left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper and their preferred pollsters are to be taken at face value. Quite a gap. That organ similarly concerns itself with: Women and sex. Why there’s still an orgasm gap – something must be done! – as campaigning journos are wont to demand – one wonders for a moment whether Lizz Truss and Kwasi Kwarteng are to be held responsible for that outrage against equality?
One day that unlikely pairing may sit back together on their retirement complimentary DFS sofa and reflect on past economic woes and conclude it was Lockdown that did the budgetary debt damage. Furlough fiscal chickens that came home to roost.
Don’t trust the ‘i’ newspaper when it comes to economics: I burnt the book Jimmy Savile gave me by Maggie O’Farrell – shoulda put it on eBay, luv.
Morality police ‘gone’ Iranians have reported that the infamous “morality police” have withdrawn from the streets (Times)
Not so our own local morality nudge unit who are evidently still officiously patrolling the media with the threat of a severe beating with their batons (metaphorically speaking): Antivaxers blamed The up-take of life-saving childhood vaccinations has plummeted to its lowest in a decade as antivax myths discouraged parents from booking appointments (Times) – Oh dear, that’s not good.
But who was it who could have really tarnished the vaccination brand? Who advertised as a panacea a particular untested vaccination that didn’t prevent infection; didn’t prevent passing on the targeted viral contagion? Who prescribed it for children who scarcely required it; and then told us we all required seemingly endless periodic and seasonal booster top ups of it?
I had to visit the Stonebridge estate a few years ago for work related matters, I think would prefer the OK Coral.
15 year old Somalis with guns, thats a large part of the problem, they grew up in that culture of violence and war.
Black man feared he would be killed during mistaken police stop, court told
Its on MSN, but typical No Comments are allowed, like the bBC will open up Have Your Say when they feel its acceptable
PS how about a headline of White Man Feared – not allowed or racist 🙁
If you know you are innocent and can prove it then dont struggle if the Police want to take you in, it just makes you look guilty.
Never thought I’d see this headline!
Surely they mean the Congo is doing better than expected from the photo ?
The BBC report almost everything to satisfy the bias checkers.
Their trickery is in how they prevent you reading it. That is big news given the context of their headlines all this week – but I don’t see it on the front page anywhere.
Even more shocking there is a white bloke in the photo, although he could pass for ginger….