QT has a bad history of pre vetting hijabbed questioners of Labour faith to punt out a one degree of separation claim for the rest of the msm to circulate as gospel with any correction consigned to the basement with the leopard in it.
Media truth via a Brand, Sofos, Bryant, Streeting, Bradshaw closed door session is serving political direction in a new form of idiocy that needs resolving.
The rate of income tax is 20% of the net adjusted profits. WHT rates are between 5% and 20%. Zakat is charged on the company’s Zakat base at 2.5%. Zakat base represents the net worth of the entity as calculated for Zakat purposes.21 Jun 2022
So Zakat — the middle, Third Pillar, of the Five supports the Prophet Muhammad, God’s blessings and peace be upon him, said Islam is built on — is unique among the obligations of belief. It welds worship to the transactional, the moral to the material, the individual to the communal, and the economic to the societal.
Notably, God specifically identifies Zakat as fundamental to all real religion. He says of all the peoples to whom He ever revealed the Scripture:
TOADY Watch #1 – has JustRemainIn Webb inadvertantly got to the right answer with Andrew Griffith MP?
The Big Question: was it Government (ie. Liz Truss’s) incompetence that has led to the last eight days ‘market upheaval’ or was it Treasury sabotage? Apparently it was Liz’s impatience and incompetence and not really having any political ‘nous’. Come back Rishi: all is forgiven.
Our Justin sounds so bored – even when doing the Far left propaganda ‘ press review’ which just allows far left press slurs to be repeated via the BBC a few times …
Fed, interesting. I thought he was quite energised in his interview and Andrew Griffith, yet another Treasury Secretary!, obviously had JustRemainIn’s measure and was insisting on being able to answer questions.
Memo to PM: When you have some time after sorting out the chaos you have caused, could you get a move on with slimming down ‘Government’ and, especially, the Cabinet. That would be a really good measure to stimulate UK ‘growth’. Oh and have a think about re-hiring Dominic Cummings to help keep you organised.
Pound against euro has recovered a bit . I know this because i have to buy euros regularly . At the moment the real price is 1.11 up from 1.09 two days ago . A month ago it was around 1.17
Apparently today is The Last Day of The Steve Wright Show – something i dumped decades ago .
Stand by for one of those awful blubby luvvie farewells – gulp
In a rare move among the 'settled science' crowd, climate alarmist Bob Ward allowed himself to be interviewed by TalkTV's climate sceptical Richard Tice, who put Ward's alarmism on the spot. https://t.co/AZbFi7Jq9j
“…. happier in a BBC studio.”. Perhaps he has the opportunity to review the script before a so-called interview? No need to be scared about an unwanted question that way, a cynic might say. Simplifies the editors job a bit as well, perhaps, to fit it into the available time for a clip.“
The BBC rig it going in, rig it during, and then rig the edit.
MM, I have an idea for ‘I’m a Celebrity All Stars’ a generator connected to an exercise bike for the ‘slebs’ to generate electricity for their own lighting and electrical gadgets as well as to recharge the camera batteries and microphones.
Got to be a great green runner that one . . . . …….
PJW comprehensive video
based on The Cheshire Police viral dickhe@d incident
“No wonder the public don’t have confidence in the police
.. the root is the police training
As a blind Muslim woman, Mona Ramouni has had to make do without a guide dog her whole life. The 28-year-old’s strictly religious parents would not allow a dog in the house, considering the animal unclean. But then Miss Ramouni stumbled across a website article about miniature guide horses in April 2008.13 Nov 2010
dogs are not haram
Koran only says that people should be careful not to get dog spittal on their hands.
The Koran also allows exemptions on rules if it is for a higher purpose
eg if you need to do something for your job.
But many Muslims don’t understand the Koran and follow local dogma instead.
‘Free speech protection racket’: NSW Police send Nigel Farage $3000 bill for ‘security’
cos he has a fully ticketed event on private property
.. Even though his promoter paid the punishment bill
the cops still said they would ban the event unless Farage signs a contract with them.
A suicide attack at a tuition centre in the Afghan capital Kabul has killed at least 19 people, most of them female students, police and witnesses say. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-57137981
And lets not forget he was appointed Member of the Order of the British Empire (MBE) in the 2021 Birthday Honours, FOR SERVICES TO CRAFT ! – what about me then and thousands of others ????.
Unbelievably he was appointed the first Chancellor of Buckinghamshire New University in May 2022.
Shall we take bets on which mixed race model will be the first to be awarded a gong for SERVICES TO ADVERTISING ? This is how absurd its become.
Fossil Free East Yorkshire tweets at BBC staff like local BBC environment reporter whose an evangelist
The 10-2pm Radio presenter tweets back “Ta”
BTW I switched off cos he had some greendreamer loony on air just now ..seems it was a 30 min interview with Emma Hardy the Labour MP
A lot of MP’s researchers, agents and secretaries get their information from activists .
That’s why the country is in a mess .
How many MP have been in a ‘real job’ ?
BBC employee Jon Sopel
“In other words:
The poorest in society need to make do with less
So that the wealthy few can have more thru tax cuts.
That’s quite the message to go into an election with”
That’s not impartial or truthful
The wealthy are NOT uniformly better off
and the poorest have just had a whole range of energy payments eg for being a pensioner, for being disabled etc
Channel Crisis: Can People Smugglers be Stopped?
Panorama, BBC One, 26th September
The programme states that Rwanda only has the capacity to hold a couple of hundred asylum seekers, which is the current capacity of the site so far identified.
We would like to make clear that the Rwandan government has said it had additional accommodation sites available and that it has the capacity to take in as many migrants as required.
Who actually want’s to stop them? Seems to me that whilst the Government cannot be seen to condemn the process, they actually agree to import more. Probably taking baksheesh.
As Martin Wolf, the chief economics commentator of the financial times, says: ‘The desirability of sizeable immigration is a matter more of values than of economics. It is not a choice between wealth and poverty, but of the sort of country one desires to inhabit.’
Here’s something I thought about with regard to the current efforts of the medical profession/BBC and all the rest of the Marxists to convince young children to destroy their lives and change sex. As a corollary of these efforts, it occurred to me that the Marxists could in effect, ‘kill two birds with one stone’ by combining two Marxist principal goals:
1. That of changing sex and,
2. Work to psychologically convince white children that they were actually born black.
We know about the former, but the latter would lend credence to, and help advertisers / BBC convince the public that the population consists of 75/80% black people not the 3/3.5% statistically.
“The Public paying the BBC TV Tax under threat of prison Alice laughed: “There’s no use trying,” they she said; “one can’t believe impossible things.”
“I daresay you haven’t had much practice,” said the BBC Queen.
“When I was younger, I always did it for 24 hours a dayhalf an hour a day. Why, sometimes I’ve believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast BBC News Report.”
I may well have missed a point made before by others, but the sound problems of GBNews are either the result of unbelievably inept and perhaps under-paid engineers or ex-BBC technical staff who are not actually ‘ex’ at all.
The biggest sound problem is the panel bits.
To stay in with Ofcom they put a lefty on each panel
but they keep saying such unhinged stuff, that I have to keep hitting the mute button whenever it’s their turn.
I previously speculated that Ofcom lets BBC Radio climate campaign shows and the EarthTX TV channel , get away without having opposition voices on.
Hang on this R4 drama about a dystopian future sounds pretty African.
I look it up
part 5 of 5 An Afonica production for BBC Radio4
Written by Eno Mfon and Marietta Kirkbride
Uche ….. Faith Omole
Halima ….. Emmanuella Cole
Nkechi ….. Juliet Agnes
Big Sister ….. Jolade Obasola
Gloria ….. Yetunde Oduwole
Mother ….. Luyanda Unati Lewis-Nyawo
Henry ….. Valentine Olukoga
Other voices played by the cast
Sound Design ….. Adam Woodhams and Steve Bond
Theme Music ….. Ioana Selaru and Axel Kacoutié
Next prog about future societies “can live without gods”
Don’t want to alarm anyone but on my drive into Hull this afternoon, I saw quite a lot of military vehicles (just landrovers and stuff) heading to the ferry port.
Normally I wouldn’t be bothered, but I noticed that all of the vehicles – despite being very old models – were pristine.
When I did my time in the RAF, we had 2 sets of vehicles. The well-used stuff for normal duties and exercises and a fleet of brand new vehicles which were only to be used for actual deployment.
Now I see Russia have done exactly what everyone expected and immediately Biden has made a provocative, confrontational comment.
Ironically I was listening to an old Wogan radio show this morning where the news had Obama making a speech about Cuba and how the days of the USA interfering in global matters were over.
I am convinced the Democrats want this war. I hope we can get past the November elections before it starts so we will know just how much the people support them.
These were definitely military. They had the plates and the people driving them were in uniform. Also some were towing the kind of trailers we had. And all were kitted out identically including a big stub attachement on the front for an antenna.
I saw some going the other way (out of hull) on my way out which is why it pricked my interest when I saw others heading for the ferry.
I saw about 10-15 identical landrovers plus some trucks and they were travelling in the same direction as me so I only saw the ones I overtook. There must have been a lot more.
Not hugely interested in the economics. How about the Tories strive to be the most conservative right-wing major party in the developed world instead? You know: support for family, faith, nation, tradition, that sort of stuff?
“We get complaints equally from both sides
so we’ve got it about right”
say deluded BBC execs
..who are also lying through their teeth
cos the vast majority of complaints I see are complaints and about lefty bias.
What’s on the y axis or does that not indicate any values?
The other chart is below… data used is ‘values’, which suggests self-administered answers.
Colour me sceptical about the FT and Chapel Hill (who?) doing qualitative research, even though they’ve used nice colours.
From the FT this morning. The Tories are now the most right-wing ruling party in the developed world and are completely out of step even with their own voters https://t.co/rkPAbJzOcEpic.twitter.com/uBoxC7d6H3
Guest putting authoritarian/traditional vs libertarian/progressive on the axes suggests the creator isn’t too familiar with the current political landscape.
Unless the survey was designed at Woodstock in 1969?
It’s winter here. the wind and rain are pounding down
well drizzling
but ITV local news last night had the weather presenter insisting that the entirity of England is still in drought
a claim I find laughable
There were brownish patches on short grass for about a week two months ago.
A drought isn’t defined as having a less rain than a normally rainy month
“No, Winston”, replied O’Brien in his calm, collected voice. “You see scorching heat and drought. Only if you accept what the Party says, and commit to saving the planet and paying more to energy companies, can you be free.”
taffman, GDP numbers always get adjusted. Even good old Steffie Flanders (great to hear her on TWatO this week) got egg on her face years ago, as did Pesto, for forgetting ‘adjustment time’. GDP is a bit of a ‘damp finger in the wind’ measure of economic activity anyway.
Much better guide are unemployment figures. Ours are still worryingly close to 1.3 million. Despite the ‘Boom’ and ‘continual growth’ of the Blair/Brown years, they never got unemployment much below 1.3 million. My concern is that that is the new natural floor for unemployment in the UK. When I was at school it was 350,000 to 400,000 and even then a third of that number were considered to be ‘workshy’ and choosing ‘to live on the dole’.
pug, politically, ie. tactically, it was bad: the Tories have decided they have lost the next election. It was also a triumph of hope over reality and experience. Governments cannot create growth. Blair and Brown did not create the growth of 1997-2006, it happened despite them, including the blip in the “iBoom” when things went a bit pear shaped in the Far East around 2000/2001.
Finally, it was dogmatic budget. Tory dogma is that high taxes are bad + high taxes on high earners are bad. That might have been true at the end of the 1940s and into the early 1950s. But it is not true for the UK economy from the late 1960s onwards. Thatcher and Howe discovered that after their disastrous 1979 Budget. Low taxes on low earners drive the UK economy now.
The Tories could regain ground if they secured our borders and deported all the invading criminals ! We have had years of threats and broken promises .
“Black and Asian infected blood victims feel let down, inquiry told” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-63091395
Is this report stirring things up ? is it divisive?
That is another truly appaling ’empathy’ article with a clear ‘all BAMES are innocent’ and ‘all whites are racists’ agenda.
Look how they simply dismiss this:
Mr Ahmad disputes a medical document shown to the inquiry which states his infection occurred before he came to the UK, and that it was not clear how he was infected.
Much of the rest is pure, irrelevant empathy which the BBC use to put you on the ‘victim’s side such as:
“At one point they said if you see any blood on your clothes, you must take them out and burn them or throw them away,” he said.
Mr Ahmad broke down in tears while giving evidence, adding: “Within the family it was very hard and my wife didn’t want me to go near the kids.”
And then we get to the reason:
‘When he applied for financial support from the infected blood support scheme …’
Anyone who has spent time in any of these countries knows they lie more easily than they tell the truth to get money. But the BBC lefty idiots cannot help themselves but to put victims on a plinth in their endless desire to demonstrate just how morally superior they are to everyone else.
Here’s the author:
Another quota employee from the same factory as Marianna.
I’m commenting on the BBC reporting maxi. Nothing else.
Your comment makes no sense at all. Have you been drinking ?. You should wait until you are sober before posting because you tend to make a complete arse of yourself.
ITV local NewsPR spending time promoting their own ITV Pride of Britain awards for RightThinking hero members of the public
Just like BBC Radio Humberline spent time promoting their own BBC Make A Difference awards for RightThinking heroes
..just like BBC Radio Lincolnshire did yesterday
Putin’s words are much more important than unity with four new political subjects: it is a fundamental declaration of war against the modern West and the modern world in general. This is the manifesto of Tradition. I cannot imagine the depth of the consequences of this. Just as in the Old Testament David threw a slingshot at the giant Goliath, so it is today. It was an eschatological, religious discourse.
The News Quiz Radio 4 6.30pm repeated tomorrow at 12.30pm .
Don’t bother if you want to hear anything funny . It was as dire as all other BBC so called comedies.
For example this was said as though original and funny :
They’re like Robin Hood in reverse .
Are you laughing , side splitting on the floor helpless with laughter saying please please no more I’m gasping for air ?
Here’s something funnier than that :
The reverse of Robin Hood is Dooh Nibor . I made that one up but even I don’t think it’s funny but it’s better and more original than the BBCs effort .
So the scores for the News Quiz are ;
Labour propaganda — 35
Jibes at Torres —19
Offensiveness to ordinary people —3
Jokes against old folk —4
Normal BBC bias —56
Humour —0
The waste of electricity making that programme should be accounted for in future energy needs .
And don’t miss the concerned daughter clearly arranged to be visible watching from the doorway.
Getty are the ultimate in fake pictures. They are carefully staged to capture the essence of whatever far-Left agenda topic they are trying to capture. They have no morales or scruples about how low they will stoop. It’s exactly the same as fake news. And they are mannah from heaven for the BBC as the accountability buck for honesty is once again passed to someone else – exactly as they do with Twatter.
I lost any respect for Getty the instant I saw their mission statement used a capital B for ‘Black’ everywhere.
Stew, what is wrong with the stats? The BBC has changed the presentation. It makes meaningful comparison difficult if not impossible. You must know that.
“The BBC has changed the presentation. It makes meaningful comparison difficult if not impossible. You must know that.”
Free Covid testing for the public ended on 1 April. Regular asymptomatic testing stopped four weeks ago. Thats why the presentation has changed – You must know that?
What do you think of all the useless eaters attending the Labour Party Conference? Should we include The News Quiz panellists and the other unfunny wasters who are on BBC so called comedies in the People Who Are A Waste Of Space category? Bigoted aren’t they ?
MaxiC. earlier you called someone a bigot. Does it really matter what they are ? does it make you feel better for calling someone a bigot or racist ?
If I was called names I would shrug my shoulders tbh, as its all a bit “playground”, and if my views differed from yours then tough – your problem not mine. Sometimes there are occasions when the term realist is substituted for racist because the name callers can’t accept the truth.
Jesus H Christ maxi – WTF has that picture got to do with a Pakistani man trying to claim money from the British taxpayer through lies ?.
You are one weird troll. I suspect that’s one of your ‘special’ pictures and you posted it by mistake while you are high on whatever you take to stop your anxiety in the low swing.
I would normally feel sorry for someone like you but I can’t because you are such an unpleasant, spiteful hypocrite. Which of course is why you are a bottom-feeding troll.
Thinking aloud. The Labour Party has always depended on the Conservatives making f-ups to take any sort of power as they have no electoral credit with their own agenda.
So they adopt the mantle of saviours of the population when the nasty Tories screw up.
This is a sort of negative acceptance, in other words the lesser of two evils.
It has bedevilled the Labour Party for decades. They really need to get a new PR agency who will provide them with a positive message but I can’t see this happening because they keep going to activist angry stupid supporters for their message. Most people are suspicious about this sort of meddling they just want a just and happy life.
Basically Joe public does not want to be told what to do by a bunch of bitter acedemics, students or rich faux-Marxist twats.
Truss has agreed to attend the first meeting of Macron’s suggested European Political Community with suggestions that it is to the called a political forum
Brexit to be reversed, does she want us back in?
Already suggested that London holds the next meeting.
When the leadership race started, I read that it would be rigged to put Remainer Truss against Sunak in the final to guarantee Truss would win.
People who turn their coat as quickly as Truss and Javid simply cannot be trusted not to do it again when it suits them. Now Truss is not sucking up to Boris for her advancement, she is sucking up to the Remainer establishment. This is a very bad sign of what they are telling her to do.
This is what happens when a party in a democracy betrays the people who elected it. It falls apart. Now we might have to endure a few years under Labour to teach the British public a lesson once again.
It’s no conincidence that since the Leftists gained so much power through news and social-media, the world has gradually fallen apart and is now in a far, far worse state than every before in my lifetime. They have not only divided the world, they have also divided the people in the countries they infest. They will destroy it if they are not stopped.
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 10, 22:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Carney worked for Goldman Sachs for 13 years, curiously enough.
FlotsamMar 10, 22:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I might be wrong. One ship, the Stena Immaculate might have been moving around at anchor due to wind and/or…
FlotsamMar 10, 21:59 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Kelvin Mackenzie on form on GBNews. “Why should the public be forced to pay, under threat of prosecution, to watch…
FlotsamMar 10, 21:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I’ve studied the tracks of the two ships and it’s clear to me that both were moving when the collision…
BRISSLESMar 10, 21:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 My nephew married a Russian girl – from Kursk, a few years ago. Her parents (just lovely ordinary people like…
Emmanuel GoldsteinMar 10, 21:26 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I keep hearing from MP’s an excuse for them not doing what they were voted in to do, things such…
Fedup2Mar 10, 20:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Richard – thanks – nice to see the boys and girls of 77 brigade get an honourable mention . As…
FlotsamMar 10, 19:41 Start the Week 10th March 2025 As a seafarer myself it seems to be an unbelievably bad bit of driving. One ship was at anchor, there…
diggMar 10, 19:14 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Two ships crash in the North Sea with risky cargos…. TV roll on environmental mouthpieces.. oh the curlews….oh the puffins…..…
O Noes! Dem pipi who do Dem one story in Dem year from Oz going back to Pharoah land?
Do World Service users have a BBC tv licence?
The media are now a unit. Itv, Bbc and LBC as one.
Sounds like mr brand is auditioning to be the new alistair campbell
Seems to have channeled his inner Dino.
Its from the Madeup Building Society – or Sharia Bank – inshalla .
Or maybe – no deposit – crap credit record – lives on benefits – defaulted before ….
Seems Springster needs to take another holiday. Or do feet. Again.
Joking aside, this does need checking.
QT has a bad history of pre vetting hijabbed questioners of Labour faith to punt out a one degree of separation claim for the rest of the msm to circulate as gospel with any correction consigned to the basement with the leopard in it.
Media truth via a Brand, Sofos, Bryant, Streeting, Bradshaw closed door session is serving political direction in a new form of idiocy that needs resolving.
Interesting. Especially given some reactions earlier.
Would that be the Islamic compatible mortgage?
The rate of income tax is 20% of the net adjusted profits. WHT rates are between 5% and 20%. Zakat is charged on the company’s Zakat base at 2.5%. Zakat base represents the net worth of the entity as calculated for Zakat purposes.21 Jun 2022
So Zakat — the middle, Third Pillar, of the Five supports the Prophet Muhammad, God’s blessings and peace be upon him, said Islam is built on — is unique among the obligations of belief. It welds worship to the transactional, the moral to the material, the individual to the communal, and the economic to the societal.
Notably, God specifically identifies Zakat as fundamental to all real religion. He says of all the peoples to whom He ever revealed the Scripture:
H/T Theo Spark
TOADY Watch #1 – has JustRemainIn Webb inadvertantly got to the right answer with Andrew Griffith MP?
The Big Question: was it Government (ie. Liz Truss’s) incompetence that has led to the last eight days ‘market upheaval’ or was it Treasury sabotage? Apparently it was Liz’s impatience and incompetence and not really having any political ‘nous’. Come back Rishi: all is forgiven.
Thatcher and Howe and 1979 all over again!
Our Justin sounds so bored – even when doing the Far left propaganda ‘ press review’ which just allows far left press slurs to be repeated via the BBC a few times …
Fed, interesting. I thought he was quite energised in his interview and Andrew Griffith, yet another Treasury Secretary!, obviously had JustRemainIn’s measure and was insisting on being able to answer questions.
Memo to PM: When you have some time after sorting out the chaos you have caused, could you get a move on with slimming down ‘Government’ and, especially, the Cabinet. That would be a really good measure to stimulate UK ‘growth’. Oh and have a think about re-hiring Dominic Cummings to help keep you organised.
Pound against euro has recovered a bit . I know this because i have to buy euros regularly . At the moment the real price is 1.11 up from 1.09 two days ago . A month ago it was around 1.17
But 6 years ago it was around 1.37…
Apparently today is The Last Day of The Steve Wright Show – something i dumped decades ago .
Stand by for one of those awful blubby luvvie farewells – gulp
Or was it yesterday ? Whatever ..
Trev Noah is leaving something in America too.
I read about Noah, but who is the Noah the bBC are keen on
BBC staff are trained not to debate. Especially 28GatesofHellers
Those that do soon learn to block or ban to keep the bubble pure.
H/t John K in comments
“…. happier in a BBC studio.”. Perhaps he has the opportunity to review the script before a so-called interview? No need to be scared about an unwanted question that way, a cynic might say. Simplifies the editors job a bit as well, perhaps, to fit it into the available time for a clip.“
The BBC rig it going in, rig it during, and then rig the edit.
Eh, Dino?
Hignfy knows its audience.
Well, the one that recommissions it year on year.
23,000 likes for that tweet by the BBC school bully gang
They take everyones pocket money and use it to spend on things that only they like.
Good lines those, Stew! So right. So true.
London Marathon 2022: How war brought the frontline to the start line
By Mike Henson
BBC Sport
Climate Crisis? Energy Crisis? Eat Bugs …..
I’m a Celebrity All Stars: Who is in it? Everything we know so far
MM, I have an idea for ‘I’m a Celebrity All Stars’ a generator connected to an exercise bike for the ‘slebs’ to generate electricity for their own lighting and electrical gadgets as well as to recharge the camera batteries and microphones.
Got to be a great green runner that one . . . . …….
PJW comprehensive video
based on The Cheshire Police viral dickhe@d incident
“No wonder the public don’t have confidence in the police
.. the root is the police training
Incredible that despite the internet outcry
neither Cheshire Police or the media seem to have said anything about it.
Mishal know a lot of dog breeders?
As a blind Muslim woman, Mona Ramouni has had to make do without a guide dog her whole life. The 28-year-old’s strictly religious parents would not allow a dog in the house, considering the animal unclean. But then Miss Ramouni stumbled across a website article about miniature guide horses in April 2008.13 Nov 2010
dogs are not haram
Koran only says that people should be careful not to get dog spittal on their hands.
The Koran also allows exemptions on rules if it is for a higher purpose
eg if you need to do something for your job.
But many Muslims don’t understand the Koran and follow local dogma instead.
“Dogma” or perhaps, “Horsema”…………
‘Free speech protection racket’: NSW Police send Nigel Farage $3000 bill for ‘security’
cos he has a fully ticketed event on private property
.. Even though his promoter paid the punishment bill
the cops still said they would ban the event unless Farage signs a contract with them.
Yet same police never bill XR for their stunts on public land
.. https://youtu.be/ngGVe8Ynwas
Kabul blast kills teenagers sitting practice exam, reports the bBC
The west imports the 3rd world and becomes the 3rd tur*, why do governments find this destabilising of the west acceptable.. Manchester arena etc
A suicide attack at a tuition centre in the Afghan capital Kabul has killed at least 19 people, most of them female students, police and witnesses say.
“It was an amazing operation,” he says of the withdrawal, calling it a “massive logistical success.”
Sophie Corcoran
“The world is all for female leaders,
until they’re right wing”
Hazaras, most of whom are Shia Muslims, have long faced persecution from IS and the Taliban, which both adhere to Sunni Islam.
ISLAM … better than ISLAM which is a religion of peace … pieces.
David Baddiel tweeted
“@jayblades_ already amazing on Desert Island Discs with his clear-eyed unsentimental telling of his childhood.”
He called his runaway father ” the man who contributed to my birth”
He had 27 children
I must confess that if I ever wanted paint dripped down a chair leg, Blades would be the first man I would go to.
And lets not forget he was appointed Member of the Order of the British Empire (MBE) in the 2021 Birthday Honours, FOR SERVICES TO CRAFT ! – what about me then and thousands of others ????.
Unbelievably he was appointed the first Chancellor of Buckinghamshire New University in May 2022.
Shall we take bets on which mixed race model will be the first to be awarded a gong for SERVICES TO ADVERTISING ? This is how absurd its become.
£ = 1.13749 EUR
£ = 1.1105 USD
‘Steady as she goes’ . There’s a lot of currency speculators about , and they are just loving the doom mongers.
Fossil Free East Yorkshire tweets at BBC staff like local BBC environment reporter whose an evangelist
The 10-2pm Radio presenter tweets back “Ta”
BTW I switched off cos he had some greendreamer loony on air just now ..seems it was a 30 min interview with Emma Hardy the Labour MP
.. https://www.twitter.com/fossilfreeEY
BBC staff get their info from activist groups as normal.
A lot of MP’s researchers, agents and secretaries get their information from activists .
That’s why the country is in a mess .
How many MP have been in a ‘real job’ ?
BBC employee Jon Sopel
“In other words:
The poorest in society need to make do with less
So that the wealthy few can have more thru tax cuts.
That’s quite the message to go into an election with”
That’s not impartial or truthful
The wealthy are NOT uniformly better off
and the poorest have just had a whole range of energy payments eg for being a pensioner, for being disabled etc
Typical BBC local radio station world
They try to push Labour agendas, only response on Twitter is from a handful of Labour supporters.
Then the football news comes in that Hull City have sacked the manager
.. and normal people send in dozens of tweets.
Channel Crisis: Can People Smugglers be Stopped?
Panorama, BBC One, 26th September
The programme states that Rwanda only has the capacity to hold a couple of hundred asylum seekers, which is the current capacity of the site so far identified.
We would like to make clear that the Rwandan government has said it had additional accommodation sites available and that it has the capacity to take in as many migrants as required.
Who actually want’s to stop them? Seems to me that whilst the Government cannot be seen to condemn the process, they actually agree to import more. Probably taking baksheesh.
From a Theresa May speech …
As Martin Wolf, the chief economics commentator of the financial times, says: ‘The desirability of sizeable immigration is a matter more of values than of economics. It is not a choice between wealth and poverty, but of the sort of country one desires to inhabit.’
Here’s something I thought about with regard to the current efforts of the medical profession/BBC and all the rest of the Marxists to convince young children to destroy their lives and change sex. As a corollary of these efforts, it occurred to me that the Marxists could in effect, ‘kill two birds with one stone’ by combining two Marxist principal goals:
1. That of changing sex and,
2. Work to psychologically convince white children that they were actually born black.
We know about the former, but the latter would lend credence to, and help advertisers / BBC convince the public that the population consists of 75/80% black people not the 3/3.5% statistically.
There that would fix another problem…………..
“The Public paying the BBC TV Tax under threat of prison Alice laughed: “There’s no use trying,” they she said; “one can’t believe impossible things.”
“I daresay you haven’t had much practice,” said the BBC Queen.
“When I was younger, I always did it for 24 hours a dayhalf an hour a day. Why, sometimes I’ve believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast BBC News Report.”
Alice in Wonderland.
Ah, yes, but even being actually black doesn’t make you black. You might just be superficially black…
I may well have missed a point made before by others, but the sound problems of GBNews are either the result of unbelievably inept and perhaps under-paid engineers or ex-BBC technical staff who are not actually ‘ex’ at all.
Well things haven’t improved in the year that it’s been operating . And a bit too shouty for me – with a few quality exceptions …
The biggest sound problem is the panel bits.
To stay in with Ofcom they put a lefty on each panel
but they keep saying such unhinged stuff, that I have to keep hitting the mute button whenever it’s their turn.
I previously speculated that Ofcom lets BBC Radio climate campaign shows and the EarthTX TV channel , get away without having opposition voices on.
That’s because “the science is settled”.
Hang on this R4 drama about a dystopian future sounds pretty African.
I look it up
part 5 of 5 An Afonica production for BBC Radio4
Written by Eno Mfon and Marietta Kirkbride
Uche ….. Faith Omole
Halima ….. Emmanuella Cole
Nkechi ….. Juliet Agnes
Big Sister ….. Jolade Obasola
Gloria ….. Yetunde Oduwole
Mother ….. Luyanda Unati Lewis-Nyawo
Henry ….. Valentine Olukoga
Other voices played by the cast
Sound Design ….. Adam Woodhams and Steve Bond
Theme Music ….. Ioana Selaru and Axel Kacoutié
Next prog about future societies “can live without gods”
Don’t want to alarm anyone but on my drive into Hull this afternoon, I saw quite a lot of military vehicles (just landrovers and stuff) heading to the ferry port.
Normally I wouldn’t be bothered, but I noticed that all of the vehicles – despite being very old models – were pristine.
When I did my time in the RAF, we had 2 sets of vehicles. The well-used stuff for normal duties and exercises and a fleet of brand new vehicles which were only to be used for actual deployment.
Now I see Russia have done exactly what everyone expected and immediately Biden has made a provocative, confrontational comment.
Ironically I was listening to an old Wogan radio show this morning where the news had Obama making a speech about Cuba and how the days of the USA interfering in global matters were over.
I am convinced the Democrats want this war. I hope we can get past the November elections before it starts so we will know just how much the people support them.
Maybe they are heading for Finland / Sweden to support the new NATO border —- must be a weekend exercise somewhere…
Well, I know we didn’t use the new stuff for exercises ….
And I also observed that the camouflage jacket on the arm hanging out the window looked brand new too.
Protecting UK borders?
Free donations for the Ukrainians I’d think.
Hopefully they’ll soon be adorned with hand painted Zs on the sides.
Old models could be a vintage military festival
or movie filming
but I don’t see anything listed
The military ambulances being refurbished in Goole are painted white for export to Ukraine.
These were definitely military. They had the plates and the people driving them were in uniform. Also some were towing the kind of trailers we had. And all were kitted out identically including a big stub attachement on the front for an antenna.
I saw some going the other way (out of hull) on my way out which is why it pricked my interest when I saw others heading for the ferry.
I saw about 10-15 identical landrovers plus some trucks and they were travelling in the same direction as me so I only saw the ones I overtook. There must have been a lot more.
Not hugely interested in the economics. How about the Tories strive to be the most conservative right-wing major party in the developed world instead? You know: support for family, faith, nation, tradition, that sort of stuff?
FT is doing the Fallacy of The Middle Ground
The best way is the best way
It’s not necessarily in the middle
It’s like The BBC and groupies reckoning they are bang on by being useless as far as everyone is concerned.
“We get complaints equally from both sides
so we’ve got it about right”
say deluded BBC execs
..who are also lying through their teeth
cos the vast majority of complaints I see are complaints and about lefty bias.
“CoS tHe VaSt MaJoRiTy Of CoMpLaInTs I sEe…”
Logical Fallacy #22 – Anecdotal. Duh.
Diagram: Male distribution by height
StewGreen: “…ThE FaLLaCy oF tHe MiDdLe GrOuNd”

Hi Mark,
I’m trying to work out where I fit in all of this. I don’t suppose you could upload page two?
Mick the FT chooses to put most articles behind the paywall
However that article that is negative about the Tories is NOT behind the paywall
Anyway it seems the vast majority of FT articles about Tories are very negative from the headlines they choose to use.
What’s on the y axis or does that not indicate any values?
The other chart is below… data used is ‘values’, which suggests self-administered answers.
Colour me sceptical about the FT and Chapel Hill (who?) doing qualitative research, even though they’ve used nice colours.
The FT, like the Economist, once respected print titles, now ideologically driven jokes.
And the BBc tries to pass them off as impartial.
Guest putting authoritarian/traditional vs libertarian/progressive on the axes suggests the creator isn’t too familiar with the current political landscape.
Unless the survey was designed at Woodstock in 1969?
It’s the sodding FT!
Like Toenails lifting BS off The Critic because it suits, this makes the entire media estate beyond help.
The FT journo has been defending his graphics to Guido
People point the Tories are Europe’s most socialist party
No European country is spending anything like the UK
to push down energy bills
.. https://www.twitter.com/ItsChillyUpHere/status/1575882852423864320
It’s winter here. the wind and rain are pounding down
well drizzling
but ITV local news last night had the weather presenter insisting that the entirity of England is still in drought
a claim I find laughable
There were brownish patches on short grass for about a week two months ago.
A drought isn’t defined as having a less rain than a normally rainy month
“What do you see, Winston?”
“I see rain, howling wind, and I feel cold”
“No, Winston”, replied O’Brien in his calm, collected voice. “You see scorching heat and drought. Only if you accept what the Party says, and commit to saving the planet and paying more to energy companies, can you be free.”
(with apologies to George Orwell)
BBC silence, good job we have The Express telling the truth.
The Guardian tells us that Kamala Harris is to visit the Korea DMZ
so she’s there and…………
Well at least it’s one border she has visited !
“UK not in recession, new figures suggest”
Has someone got egg on their face?
taffman, GDP numbers always get adjusted. Even good old Steffie Flanders (great to hear her on TWatO this week) got egg on her face years ago, as did Pesto, for forgetting ‘adjustment time’. GDP is a bit of a ‘damp finger in the wind’ measure of economic activity anyway.
Much better guide are unemployment figures. Ours are still worryingly close to 1.3 million. Despite the ‘Boom’ and ‘continual growth’ of the Blair/Brown years, they never got unemployment much below 1.3 million. My concern is that that is the new natural floor for unemployment in the UK. When I was at school it was 350,000 to 400,000 and even then a third of that number were considered to be ‘workshy’ and choosing ‘to live on the dole’.
0.2% growth isn’t much to shout about really is it now
pug, politically, ie. tactically, it was bad: the Tories have decided they have lost the next election. It was also a triumph of hope over reality and experience. Governments cannot create growth. Blair and Brown did not create the growth of 1997-2006, it happened despite them, including the blip in the “iBoom” when things went a bit pear shaped in the Far East around 2000/2001.
Finally, it was dogmatic budget. Tory dogma is that high taxes are bad + high taxes on high earners are bad. That might have been true at the end of the 1940s and into the early 1950s. But it is not true for the UK economy from the late 1960s onwards. Thatcher and Howe discovered that after their disastrous 1979 Budget. Low taxes on low earners drive the UK economy now.
The Tories could regain ground if they secured our borders and deported all the invading criminals ! We have had years of threats and broken promises .
This really needs the BBC to confirm, as I believe these questions/statements are pre vetted?
“Black and Asian infected blood victims feel let down, inquiry told”
Is this report stirring things up ? is it divisive?
That is another truly appaling ’empathy’ article with a clear ‘all BAMES are innocent’ and ‘all whites are racists’ agenda.
Look how they simply dismiss this:
Mr Ahmad disputes a medical document shown to the inquiry which states his infection occurred before he came to the UK, and that it was not clear how he was infected.
Much of the rest is pure, irrelevant empathy which the BBC use to put you on the ‘victim’s side such as:
“At one point they said if you see any blood on your clothes, you must take them out and burn them or throw them away,” he said.
Mr Ahmad broke down in tears while giving evidence, adding: “Within the family it was very hard and my wife didn’t want me to go near the kids.”
And then we get to the reason:
‘When he applied for financial support from the infected blood support scheme …’
Anyone who has spent time in any of these countries knows they lie more easily than they tell the truth to get money. But the BBC lefty idiots cannot help themselves but to put victims on a plinth in their endless desire to demonstrate just how morally superior they are to everyone else.
Here’s the author:

Another quota employee from the same factory as Marianna.
“…a clear ‘all BAMES are innocent’ and ‘all whites are racists’ agenda.”
John, when you are projecting your own bigotry you might find it useful in the future not to make it so blatantly obvious.
“Anyone who has spent time in any of these countries knows they lie more easily than they tell the truth…”
I’m commenting on the BBC reporting maxi. Nothing else.
Your comment makes no sense at all. Have you been drinking ?. You should wait until you are sober before posting because you tend to make a complete arse of yourself.
ITV local NewsPR spending time promoting their own ITV Pride of Britain awards for RightThinking hero members of the public
Just like BBC Radio Humberline spent time promoting their own BBC Make A Difference awards for RightThinking heroes
..just like BBC Radio Lincolnshire did yesterday
Michelle Donelan MP.
Will she do a better job than Nadine Dorries ?
That is get rid of the Telly Tax and sort out OfCom ?
My local MP – and the answer to Taffman’s question is nope, nopety-nope, not a chance.
Can’t imagine how she got the job – even her virtue signalling is toe-curlingly lame.
No stomach whatsoever for a scrap, supine – her civil servants must love it.
Vote for UKIP or The Reform Party and don’t pay the tax that robs from the poor to give to the rich. .
Simples .
UK economy already well down the bBBC list on the six oclock news.
Putin’s words are much more important than unity with four new political subjects: it is a fundamental declaration of war against the modern West and the modern world in general. This is the manifesto of Tradition. I cannot imagine the depth of the consequences of this. Just as in the Old Testament David threw a slingshot at the giant Goliath, so it is today. It was an eschatological, religious discourse.
— Alexander Dugin
The News Quiz Radio 4 6.30pm repeated tomorrow at 12.30pm .
Don’t bother if you want to hear anything funny . It was as dire as all other BBC so called comedies.
For example this was said as though original and funny :
They’re like Robin Hood in reverse .
Are you laughing , side splitting on the floor helpless with laughter saying please please no more I’m gasping for air ?
Here’s something funnier than that :
The reverse of Robin Hood is Dooh Nibor . I made that one up but even I don’t think it’s funny but it’s better and more original than the BBCs effort .
So the scores for the News Quiz are ;
Labour propaganda — 35
Jibes at Torres —19
Offensiveness to ordinary people —3
Jokes against old folk —4
Normal BBC bias —56
Humour —0
The waste of electricity making that programme should be accounted for in future energy needs .
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – BBC is definitely guilty this time
https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-51768274 Distorting the statistics.
Yet another change. I smell a rodent in ma kitchen!
I love the photo with the nurse injecting the armchair. What a laugh, thanks Getty!
And don’t miss the concerned daughter clearly arranged to be visible watching from the doorway.
Getty are the ultimate in fake pictures. They are carefully staged to capture the essence of whatever far-Left agenda topic they are trying to capture. They have no morales or scruples about how low they will stoop. It’s exactly the same as fake news. And they are mannah from heaven for the BBC as the accountability buck for honesty is once again passed to someone else – exactly as they do with Twatter.
I lost any respect for Getty the instant I saw their mission statement used a capital B for ‘Black’ everywhere.
A very worthy cheek on the BBC arse.
I don’t know what is wrong about stats.
The pictures thing is sloppy
Strangely they previously used the same image, but slightly more realistic with the needle nearly going into the arm
However there is actually a proper injection pic available.
Stew, what is wrong with the stats? The BBC has changed the presentation. It makes meaningful comparison difficult if not impossible. You must know that.
“The BBC has changed the presentation. It makes meaningful comparison difficult if not impossible. You must know that.”
Free Covid testing for the public ended on 1 April. Regular asymptomatic testing stopped four weeks ago. Thats why the presentation has changed – You must know that?
Hi Maxincony,
What do you think of all the useless eaters attending the Labour Party Conference? Should we include The News Quiz panellists and the other unfunny wasters who are on BBC so called comedies in the People Who Are A Waste Of Space category? Bigoted aren’t they ?
MaxiC. earlier you called someone a bigot. Does it really matter what they are ? does it make you feel better for calling someone a bigot or racist ?
If I was called names I would shrug my shoulders tbh, as its all a bit “playground”, and if my views differed from yours then tough – your problem not mine. Sometimes there are occasions when the term realist is substituted for racist because the name callers can’t accept the truth.
“earlier you called someone a bigot. Does it really matter what they are ?”
Does it really matter?
“Anyone who has spent time in any of these countries knows they lie more easily than they tell the truth…”

1911 on the photograph?
Well thats what happens if you wear a Rolex in Hackney
Jesus H Christ maxi – WTF has that picture got to do with a Pakistani man trying to claim money from the British taxpayer through lies ?.
You are one weird troll. I suspect that’s one of your ‘special’ pictures and you posted it by mistake while you are high on whatever you take to stop your anxiety in the low swing.
I would normally feel sorry for someone like you but I can’t because you are such an unpleasant, spiteful hypocrite. Which of course is why you are a bottom-feeding troll.
You ask so many questions but never answer any .
You are just a BBC Troll.
Thinking aloud. The Labour Party has always depended on the Conservatives making f-ups to take any sort of power as they have no electoral credit with their own agenda.
So they adopt the mantle of saviours of the population when the nasty Tories screw up.
This is a sort of negative acceptance, in other words the lesser of two evils.
It has bedevilled the Labour Party for decades. They really need to get a new PR agency who will provide them with a positive message but I can’t see this happening because they keep going to activist angry stupid supporters for their message. Most people are suspicious about this sort of meddling they just want a just and happy life.
Basically Joe public does not want to be told what to do by a bunch of bitter acedemics, students or rich faux-Marxist twats.
Time for a populist party independent of both to launch itself, Come on Nigel, UKIP, Reclaim get your act together,
Truss has agreed to attend the first meeting of Macron’s suggested European Political Community with suggestions that it is to the called a political forum
Brexit to be reversed, does she want us back in?
Already suggested that London holds the next meeting.
Tories – End of .
When the leadership race started, I read that it would be rigged to put Remainer Truss against Sunak in the final to guarantee Truss would win.
People who turn their coat as quickly as Truss and Javid simply cannot be trusted not to do it again when it suits them. Now Truss is not sucking up to Boris for her advancement, she is sucking up to the Remainer establishment. This is a very bad sign of what they are telling her to do.
This is what happens when a party in a democracy betrays the people who elected it. It falls apart. Now we might have to endure a few years under Labour to teach the British public a lesson once again.
It’s no conincidence that since the Leftists gained so much power through news and social-media, the world has gradually fallen apart and is now in a far, far worse state than every before in my lifetime. They have not only divided the world, they have also divided the people in the countries they infest. They will destroy it if they are not stopped.
It is likely they will need to bring back Sopes for an exclusive Veep interview. The only one qualified.
What made the bbc grate.