I agree with Fed. The BBC hate Britain despite or maybe because of being the British Broadcasting Corporation. They really hate a Britain that has had the temerity to elect a Conservative Government, especially one that has taken Britain out of the EU.
The best way to get your own back on the BBC is to de-fund them. Cancel your TellyTax DD because of ‘the-cost-of-living-crisis’. You know it makes sense. Stop watching. Put the TV in the loft or under a bed in the spare room (if it is a flat screen) or put it in the garage or shed.
Agree but also agree with Wild Bill. I have two weapons I can apply to TV Licensing: my set is an old CRT set and cannot receive live broadcasts and it is in the loft until I get around to fixing two video players to watch old tapes and I ignore them and would let them in the house anyway. A-ha! You weren’t expecting the Spanish Inquisition, I have four weapons that I can apply to TV Licensing Inspectors …..
There are about 23 million TV Licences bought each year . How many fewer would it take to plunge the BBC into financial trouble? I reckon a reduction in LF income of 5% would see them being forced to make significant cuts.
I think there are certainly 5% of current LF payers who loath and detest the BBC and could be easily persuaded to stop paying. Additionally, If the government refuses to allow the BBC to increase the LF and inflation is at 10% plus the people who for financial reasons rather than ‘ideological or patriotic ‘ reasons stop paying , the BBC could see a reduction of 20% in its LF income in year 1 and a further reduction the following year.
At that point it is in serious trouble.
Of course the Labour Party needs the BBC and the BBC needs the Labour Party. If as looks likely Labour win the next election we can expect the BBC to showered with more of our money and become even more of a sacred cow.
So the question is does this TINO government have the balls to refuse the BBC permission to increase the LF ? Also will the next two years be enough to bring the foul corporation down?
Double, there are 24.5 million properties in the UK and they are increasing and Universities are also expanding. Each Uni room counts as a separate property if I recall correctly. The BBC claim that refuseniks account for only 4% but I reckon that is a M R-D situation and the figure could be double that. That, at current rates, provides a guaranteed LF Income of £3,584 billion! Incredible.
Is it the only corporation in the world that doesn’t have to earn its money?
I reckon it would take a 15%+ loss of LF income to make the D-G sit up, take notice and start worrying about his job prospects at the Corporation.
When my son was at Manchester uni about ten yesrs ago he didnt know any students who paid the bBBC licence fee.
He now lives with his brother they are both lefties but have never paid the tv licence.
The old old song mentioned in Shakespeare which was a begging for a ‘soul cake’ in return for praying for the dead of the giver, which it was believed would spend less time in purgatory at this time of year.
One day, Gary Lineker is being chauffeured home in Surry, when his driver swerves to avoid a pot hole and hits a strange looking beast on the side of the road, killing it instantly. On inspection of the creature, neither the driver nor Lineker knew what the animal was, but it was wearing a collar. All the collar read was “THE TWAT” with an owners address. When they arrive at their destination, Lineker suggests to the driver that he should go back to the farm house and apologize for the accident and offer to pay for the damages. Three hours later, the driver returns, with all his clothes torn, holding a bottle of wine in one hand, a Cuban cigar in the other, and swaying left to right as he walked. “What happened?” asks Lineker.
“Well,” said the driver, “when I told him, the farmer gave me this bottle, his wife gave me this cigar,and the his beautiful 19 year old daughter made passionate love to me!” “Bloody hell” said Lineker “What exactly did you tell them?” “I said, Hi, I’m Gary Lineker’s driver and I just killed the twat!”
“BBC doing a programme from the awful 1970s ‘glam rock ‘… I waited and waited for a BBC favourite called ‘uncle Gary Glitter ‘ – but for some reason he didn’t show up – there was truly some crap back then …”
I know I’ve said before, if there’s one word that best tracks the degradation of social fabric in the west it’s the frequency by which governments and media use “community”. BBC are at it again with an outrageous bit of fudging — 25yr old homosexual Ahmad Abu Marhia gets decapitated in the West Bank “after receiving death threats from within his community”.
Then: “Homosexuality is rejected within the most socially and religiously conservative parts of both Palestinian and Israeli societies.”
A false equivalence so shameful it’d make an 8yr old wince. Give them and the Guardian a few more years and they’ll have convinced the masses that popping down to your village fete or trimming the hedge is far-right extremism… and a dog-whistle on social media used by the decapitation community. I hope I’m exaggerating but don’t rule anything out these days.
We witness the collective effort by the Western political elite to destroy their individual economies. They sure hate the public.
I hear that Truss has declined Jacob R-M’s intentions to inform the public on ways to survive the winter. Very sensible for a good portion of the people. Truss thinks that the public do not need advice from the state.
That campaign really annoys me. It actually does make sense if households were to use the “delay start” feature that’s been built into white goods for years now. If washing machines, dishwashers and tumble driers etc. were to be turned on at midnight then a power station or two could be closed down during the daytime. What is particularly upsetting is that instead of educating people to explain this, they lie saying smart meters are fitted so they can monitor usage and cost.
They could also say that electricity will be cheaper from midnight till 6.00am. It won’t of course; they’ll make it more expensive from 4.00pm till midnight!
Not BBC but last night I parked my truck in Stew’s area , Scunthorpe. This morning I find the trailer doors have been opened but nothing else amiss because it’s empty.
A small crime – unless I was disturbed in my sleep and went to investigate, and an altercation with violent results happened- is it worth reporting just for police intelligence and if so what will their response be ?
Probably one of two things :
A) logged and used to combat crime and win the war of law and order
B) put a sign up at the lay-by informing lorry drivers that “thieves operate in this area “ your truck and it’s load are valuable’ consider parking elsewhere “ ( like where elsewhere, Hull ?)
Now imagine Lincoln Constabulary put up these signs :
BAME people , racist thugs operate in this area , consider walking elsewhere,
LGBT people , queer bashers operate in this area , consider walking elsewhere.
Would the likes of the BBC and people of its mindset find it acceptable?
ha, there is a large layby on a hill
I often see trucks parked there at night with their doors open, obviously to deter thieves.
.. That same place is supposed to be a dogging area.
In Brigg town, the B&M carpark is closed to cars and used as a safe truck stopover.
I don’t know what supermarkets will be dealing in stolen goods . I can’t see the likes of Tesco’s or Morrison’s or even Aldi or Lidl undertaking such dubious practices . Certain supermarkets in the cities run by third worlders might .
Yes all the major supermarkets have their Regional Distribution Centres (RDCs ) run by outside contractors eg Eddie Stobart ( now part of the German Culina group) , DHL ( German) XPO/ GXO ( American) , Wincanton etc .
I reckon the supermarkets have a bigger inkling of the true population figures of this country . My guesstimate is 87 million .
How many MPs are suspended these days ?
Just these ?
Labour MP Nick Brown suspended. No reason given
Labour MP Claudia Webbe.
Labour MP Rupa Huq suspended.
Labour MP Neil Coyle suspended.
Now Conservative MP Conor Burns
“So it is alleged that Conor Burns MP acted “inappropriately” towards a younger man and the complaint isn’t thought to be from the supposed victim but a witness. “
Certainly problems with the quality of MPs – queer blue labour ones – that 2 in 2 months – all the signs of a declining party and government – to be replaced by a slightly different brand of rubbish ….democracy eh ?
An update on the recent Leicester conflicts — this looks to be a genuine Twitter account for the Hate Crime Officer for Leicestershire Police. Can’t confirm though, can someone check (Stew?)
[Edit: looks like that Twitter account is on the http://www.leics.police.uk site; an Isla Dixon held that post 2yrs ago]
Hello everyone🖐🏽,I hope you all are having a great Monday morning.I would like to introduce myself to you as the Hate Crime Officer for Leicestershire Police.I will now be using this twitter handle as the Hate Crime officer.Please feel free to DM me with any queries or concerns. pic.twitter.com/VZUaZSyJfU
— Leicestershire Police Stay Safe (@LPStaySafe) October 3, 2022
Thinking ahead, when the bBC is defunded, does the team think that advertisers may not be over the moon about placing wokey-mcsnowflaky ads on the screen every five minutes?
The declining figures which the bBC will have by then, will mean that they’ll have to up their subs to pay for the likes of Lineker etc., and that’ll mean ever fewer watchers!
I just can’t see any of them providing actual un-biased ‘news’, as their leftie anti-British mindset will still be the same as it is now, for many years to come!
On the other hand, I won’t actually be ‘thinking ahead’, as I really can’t be arsed…
Double, wimmin’s International Football team maintaining their winning ways? Superb Mens Test Cricket series win over S. Africa? UK technology that keeps Formula One going despite the mess the rule makers keep making of it all?
OK, all are sports, I know.
Another sector: there’s no shortage of willing victims for so-called ‘Reality TV’ (although the reality is that it is all faked) whether they be participants or viewers.
There is yet another sector and one that I did not hear mention of courtesy of the BBC during the Conservative Party Conference: the SME sector. Don’t know if the platform speakers mentioned it, if they did the BBC did not relay what they said in my hearing but small and medium industries are the life-blood of business enterprise in the UK.
I knew about the cricket , but not about the success of the other two sports. So that is a positive for GB. Reality TV doesn’t cut it for me. The success of the SME is a big positive. Thanks.
We spent time in Northumberland recently.
On a visit to a National Trust property (forget woke and slavery, think nice garden and house previously owned by someone hideously rich – and there’s an irony right there) we bumped into an away day for a secondary school. About six classes of 30 each from North Tyneside all going round in separate groups.
We spotted ONE BAME child.
It reminded me of my childhood. Working class, middle class, but all one united group with basically common values.
Good to know such unity still exists away from the metropolitan elites who like to tell us what multicultural twaddle to think.
An Oscar winning – if controversial and politically charged – performance edition
There can be times when the propagandist overreaches and the framing of the message – however appealing that message – is over-egged, hyperbolic and ill-judged. The propaganda being exposed as ridiculous.
BBC stalwart John Simpson interviews Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky (other spellings are available – although, apparently – peace negotiations are not)
The portrait we are presented is hagiographic – dare one say the man in the khaki fatigues (or should that be in Kharkeeeeve fatigues?) is presented as a modern day western icon we are oblidged to worship. Although one hears Mr Zelensky is Jewish, rather than Orthodox, and so worship of graven images ought to be out the question for him.
John Simpson: Zelensky strikes all the right notes (BBC) – we understand from the outset that this is to be a pretty friendly interview. One might add that Mr Zelensky, a former TV actor who famously played the part of a president in a soap opera, was likely to be pretty well versed in playing the role of sympathetic interviewee.
I doubt UK broadcasters bought the show with which to subject us over here back then. Presumably it only appealled to a local Ukrainian audience? Although we did get a contemporary steady diet of Nordic TV dramas over here.
A quiet, charming, unassuming man and – arguably the most popular leader on earth (BBC) – our John has evidently got a bit of a crush on our Volodymyr.
Well, I suppose with the retirements of the professorial Obama and the saintly Mutti Merkel… leaving poor old Joe Biden who even his mother (who given his age probably came over to the US at the time of the great famine) is hard to love. So what else can a BBC chap do?
Err… report fairly and in an unbiased non-propagandising manner?
Our John for a moment admits: Maybe, of course, the quiet charm and the apparent lack of assumption are part of the act – but perish the thought: you’d need to know him a great deal better to be able to be sure about that. My guess is not, though – phew… so that’s ok then.
Not that the BBC man dare diss actors as a class – there’s a very thin line to be drawn these days between the staged performances of top TV journos and indeed well-practised polititicians (Tony Blair) as opposed to the actual showbiz profession: Zelensky seems pretty much as he appears, and like a lot of actors he has a clear-sighted appreciation of himself and the limits of his abilities.
Script, set design, costumes… the presidential palace, where the main staircase is defended by sandbagged emplacements… Zelensky’s trademark dark green T-shirt seemed to fit in perfectly… Whichever of his top officials suggested that he should appear on television wearing that during the frightening days of February and March, when the Russians were very close and the streets of Kyiv were full of the rust-coloured steel tank-traps called “hedgehogs”, deserves a special award.
Can’t you just imagine the Hollywood Oscars show? The opening of the golden envelope, the faux reluctance of the climb to the stage, the tearful acceptance speech?
One borrows inspiration from: 21 Of The Most Iconic And Memorable Oscars Acceptance Speeches Of All Time. From the hilarious to the tear-jerkers (Elle magazine)
And the winner is… Volodymyr Zelensky…
“Thank you, thank you. I have a some notes here. Though I may not be an ‘openly queer woman of colour’ like West Side Story star Ariana DeBose who gave an empowering and heartfelt speech when accepting her ‘Best Supporting Actress’ accolade at the 94th Academy Awards….
And, in my military fatigues I may not glide up to accept my award like Lupita Nyong’o in 2014 for ‘her role in the harrowing Steve McQueen movie 12 Years A Slave, looking radiant wearing a Prada dress and headband which only added to the angelic nature of the speech.’
As a mere toxic male – but obviously not as toxic as Putin – I can’t emulate Frances McDormand’s Best Actress Oscar Speech, 2018, ‘I’m hyperventilating a little bit, if I fall over pick me up because I’ve got some things to say,’ before asking all the female nominees from every category in the room to stand with her. ‘Meryl if you do it, everyone else will,’ she said to Streep in the front row.
She then proceeded to educate and ask the men in the room to meet with all the women they see standing to listen to their career ambitions and projects before mentioning two words, and subsequently enticing the audience at home to Google rapidly, ‘inclusion rider’ – a clause in an actor/filmmaker’s contract that ensures a certain level of diversity in the cast and crew on a production.
That’s the politics… now I’d like to use this platform to do the thank yous.
I’m thinking of the bravura performance in 1997 of childhood friends Affleck and Damon who won an Oscar for writing their film, Good Will Hunting. The pair shouted their speech, as they reeled off people to thank from Minnie Driver to Robin Williams to their mothers, escalated in volume as they became more excitable and aware of the time limit.
So here goes, I’d like to thank, obviously, my old mum, who always makes sure when I wear my green vest – that it’s well ironed…. the EU which Ukraine has joined… sort of… yes, we’ll be sure to introduce the Euro as our currency and outlaw all those 100 Watt light bulbs in Kyiv, that’ll make us fully complient… Brussels will turn a blind eye to all our dodgy financial stuff – like they always do with new joiners.
I’d like to thank Joe Biden on who’s watch the war broke out… but not Donald Trump who made that awkward embarrassing phone call to me about Hunter Biden’s dodgy money laundering activities in Ukraine. On Trump’s watch, unfortunately, the US did not find itself engaged in ever more costly forever wars…
I’d like to thank Boris Johnson for flying over here to scupper the promising peace talks last April… they’re signalling me that my time is running out – not before winter – I mean for me to wind up these thank yous.
I’d like to quickly thank the US Military Industrial Complex… European and US militaries for passing us all their old stocks of gear and ammo to fire off, so thay can use their increased defence funding to buy themselves new stuff.
EU citizens I’d especially like to thank in advance for putting on an extra overcoat – indoors this winter… I’d like to thank the US special forces (or were they British or Israeli sabotage experts…?) who blew up Nord Strem 2 – like Joe Biden’s Whitehouse had previously threatened they would do whatever it took to stop the pipeline… I’d like to thank… ah, I’ve rambled on… I see my times’s up!!!”
“Manston migrant centre ‘like pressure cooker’ amid influx” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-kent-63164644
“amid influx”? Surely they should say “amid invasion”?
Just another way of dumbing down the headlines .
Are the Tories serious about defending this nation , or are they trying to sneak us back into the EU?
Tory MPs, unless you sort this lax in security out you will be out of your job in 2 years time or sooner .
I think the RNLI used to save one life per day in British waters. Now the RNLI saves 1,000 lives per day in French waters. I think the French put thousands of black people into concentration camps on the Northern French Coast. These people are trying to escape from these French concentration camps by using rubber boats which start to sink after a few yards. Fortunately the RNLI has had massive bungs of cash from Albanian traffickers, who then phone up the RNLI bosses to send Lifeboats to the French coast to rescue the escapees. They are then put up in Hotels, Mansions and Stately Homes because posh Guardian readers have a very racist view of Rwanda as a black shithole, not being as wonderful and white as Hotels in Britain.
Saddened to know Manston is being used for ILLEGALS…..I was shown around there in the 1960s by my uncle who was a Fighter Pilot based there…….helping to stop us being invaded ( and for what ? ) he would now be turning in his grave….so many gave their lives for this once Great Britain .
CF Sadly in past decades there have been several ‘projects’ to make Manston a viable financial enterprise, but for a variety of reasons nothing has ever worked. Its geographically perfect for an airport to serve the local population – instead of trekking up to Gatwick, and it was tried some years ago, but again it hit the buffers.
Its only surprising the land hasn’t been grabbed for more umpteen housing estates (give it time), so its a handy lorry park, and now its the gimmigrants dumping ground, with ample space to accommodate another 12 months of arrivals.
The irony is that when red labour does take over in a couple of years ago the ‘funny ‘ note left by the last labour first secretary ( Liam Byrne )to the treasury – no money – will be true .
And with the current regime seeing the polls in the next 24 months there will be no incentive to repair public finances ….
But that view is based on the current absence of nuclear war and the incompetent cabinet staying in place here ….
The BBC have visited Tory voting Worthing to meet the clever London Labour liberals who are moving there.
The report and interviews give a strong hint that these people are the clever ones. With their ‘remote working’ careers they are the people that we should listen to. Forget about those working class ‘Northerners’ who clearly did not know what they are voting for. They are just Brexiteers who vote against their interests.
Now just imagine if the BBC actually did balance and we could actually here from some of those Northerners as well and why they might not return to Labour:
He makes it seem so easy. Mainly because it is! If you have the backbone for it anyway. Conservative MPs should more regularly mention the BBCs whopping £multi-billion gift from taxpayers.
If they did people would claim it was evidence of their bias, but the real reason is as Socialists they don’t actually have anyone who understands the way markets operate, and if they can’t label something with one of the meaningless isms and fauxbias they aren’t interested.
Barry Gardiner defends donations worth £500,000 from Chinese agent
The Labour MP said Christine Lee appeared to be ‘operating as a legitimate person in the UK’.
Amy Gibbons
Thursday 13 January 2022 20:23
Dear BBC £3.5 billion paid under threat of prison complaints department,
Could you revisit the 2009 UK MP expenses again, I would not like to find out that MPs like Tony Blair have ran to the shredder prior to your investigations.
Here are some details, can you use Journalists who are avoiding the BBC Gary ‘£1.75m’ Lineker Pay Gap and see why an MP on £77K salary tops up their money with a job giving them £65K extra a year.
Maybe find other MPs on such amazing schemes and why they are getting free tickets to concerts when they have so much cash sloshing around in their MP expenses accounts.
Chuka Umunna MP, Streatham (tax payer pays him £77K per year) is being paid £65,040 a year Advisory Position at Global Progress (London) Ltd …
1) Look into what he produces for £65K a year.
2) Look at who owns the company and other players – Tony Blair is linked to it.
3) Find other MPs doing the same.
4) Ensure they are paying taxes on the extra money.
5) Maybe interview them and ask some questions rather than how they feel today?
Good luck and let me know how you get on,
Mr. M. H
p.s. I also see that MPs claim their MP Office BBC TV Licenses Tax on their expenses, thus the UK tax payer has to pay their own TV License and their MP’s TV License. Might want to consider stopping this for the 650 MPs.
Lefty blinkers for the most part added to an institutional inability to consider anything outside the M25 unless it’s a special case where some boxes can be ticked.
It really doesn’t take much to figure out why the UK is going broke – the public sector spendthrifts are being indulged on an absolutely astonishing scale.
“Key Crimea bridge erupts into fireball after apparent truck bomb
2 hours ago — A truck explosion on the span’s roadway caused seven fuel tanks on the train to ignite as it crossed the Kerch Strait Bridge early Saturday.”
I’ve thought for a long time that the narcissistic Ukranian chief wants nothing less than a third world war. A few more stunts like that and he’s likely to get it. I don’t think Putin is angry yet.
“Kent Police attended on 28 September following a report of a small group of people being abusive, and on Sunday after a report one man had thrown a plastic bottle at another.”
They’ll call in the army if paper aeroplanes start flying around.
“There have been days where the facility has run out of food and drinking water,”
Guess it’s a criminal offence to offer them tap water.
“Men charged with murder over stabbing outside Coventry mosque”
This is one of those stories the BBC will either amplify if any sort of racism or islamophobia can be attached, and whitie can be blamed in any way (unlikely, given the suspects); or quietly dropped if it threatens to lift the lid on the murky world of islamic savagery, politics and in-fighting.
Well, Truss did not tread carefully She marched straight into PESCO & EU Defence Union There’s not any aspect now of U.K. defence, security our His Majestys Armed Services & U.K. defence industry that can be effected or drawn into the EU@LozzaFox@MarkSteynOnline@thecoastguyhttps://t.co/OA5jQVnSyI
I'll wait to see the small print. The great risk here is that of jamming open a fire door blocking off EU ambitions for "common defence", already in the treaties. Hoping it's just the transit deal only (which NATO wanted). https://t.co/FUVhoQGCqc
The sexual abuse scandal in Haiti arose in 2007, accusing the United Nations peacekeepers, mainly of the Sri Lankan peacekeeping contingent, of committing immoral sexual abuse[1] among other offenses of sexual misconduct during the United Nations Stabilisation Mission in Haiti. In 2016, the Sri Lankan government decided to make a one-time ex-gratia payment to a victim and child born as a result of sexual exploitation and abuse, which was praised by the UN.[2]
“CF Sadly in past decades there have been several ‘projects’ to make Manston a viable financial enterprise, but for a variety of reasons nothing has ever worked. Its geographically perfect for an airport to serve the local population – instead of trekking up to Gatwick, and it was tried some years ago, but again it hit the buffers.
Its only surprising the land hasn’t been grabbed for more umpteen housing estates (give it time), so its a handy lorry park, and now its the gimmigrants dumping ground, with ample space to accommodate another 12 months of arrivals.”
Any chance we can emulate this below, and get Manston Airport vacated for real prosperity in Thanet?
Yeah, I know that Brissles is right, but several decent firms I worked with tried their utmost to get the place moving, despite the council being just bloody thick and stupid!
They even turned down a planning permission to build a decent holiday complax on a redundant hovercraft landing because ‘there was a bird sanctuary nearby’! Tossers!
So they’re lumbered with all these Albanians, and as far as I can see, they’ll just fester even more! Tossers (Didn’t I just say that earlier…)?
I’d suggest that Tower Hamlets would be the best first stop, especially as the London ‘mare’ thinks it’s such a special place, so of course, he could be there to welcome all the buses from Kent, where us Citizens have to fork out from our meagre pensions to pay for all this squalor!
Scrobs, Great Idea ! I read a similar article and wondered how it could work here – great minds etc etc. I would love to see a few buses empty at the terminals in the more prosperous areas of Buckinghamshire / Berkshire, or where Lineker and Front Benchers (of both parties) live, then we’d see an uproar !
What’s needed is a large storage area for ILLEGALS if our Border Farce and RNLI Taxi Services continue as they are . Electrified Razor Wire , Crocodile pits , open air to all weather’s and stale bread and water only , one phone call allowed to tell their friends not to bother coming here before being dropped back to France using a parachute that’s out of date that might work or not ! ….. do hope I’m not going soft in my old age !
Our last night’s BBC local news writers must have been working with windfarm PR people to come up with this remarkable spin about yesterday’s big news
All they had to do was report what was happened
ie that the government has decided to increase energy stability in the long run by opening ip 100 new oil/gas licences.
Instead the opening words were that there has been condemnation from UNNAMED voices
That’s clearly PR not news
With the regular calm presenter away
@LookNorthBBC opened with this “Good evening : international climate experts say it’s wrong and a danger to our environment,
BUT the government has announced today that it is pressing ahead with DIGGING fossil fuels from under the sea
100 new gas and Oil exploration licences have been granted for the sea off the East coast including Yorkshire and Lincolnshire.
The climate minister is Grahame Stuart the Beverly MP.
He’s a fan of green energy, but says we have to react to current pressures on fuel supplies”
Here’s what he told the BBC this morning
“It’s a transition, … the more extreme voices want us to switch off everything today, but that’s not the plan
The plan is to make a transition with investment in oil and gas
.. and in renewables and other technologies, all of which we are doing going forward” cut
Presenter Leanne “Well it brings into focus the debate around what’s the best and most practical way forward for our energy supplies.
Fossil Fuels OR renewables (fallacy alert ..Fallacy of false dichotomy the minister just said it’s not a case of one or the other)
GREEN CAMPAIGNERS want to see an end to oil and gas extraction
(is that true ? because if you have CCS that means fossil fuels are zero carbon emissions)
but sources of renewable energy are also being met with strong opposition
Our environment correspondent has been to Lincolnshire where there are plans for massive solar farms.”
into video report ..
Did you see what they did ?
Instead of simply reporting what the government has done, they turned their report into “It’s a debate” FFS the decision has been made.
The end take at 26m06s “The headlines ..and here Fossil Fuels OR renewables ?
As the government gives the green light to drilling in the North Sea
huge solar farms are planned for Lincolnshire “
..The solar farms are not today’s news
that bit is being mixed in to dampen the new oilfield announcement news.
“weather ..”
“Now we we’re talking about the energy crisis and whether we should look to renewables OR fossil fuels” (fallacy of false dichotomy)
Again that is not the actual news, that is how they are spinning it
Viewer comments were read
#1Ernest “start fracking ..stop the madness of Net Zero now”
#2 Lynn “I agree with renewables but need gas/oil in short term
put solar on roofs
#3 Rob “No solar panels fields. should be on roofs instead”
FFS If the aim is to reduce world CO2 then UK solar PV panels are always wrong, cos the same solar panel situated in sunny Africa would displace 3 or 4 times more CO2.
25 years
Wind turbines have an average life of over 25 years. Rapid evolution of wind technology has lead to an increase in the durability of wind turbines.
The modern wind turbine didn’t exactly start from a good place.
Blade erosion offshore is still a haram topic as is the cost of inspection and maintenance. The extension cables from sea to land are now routinely the subject of ferocious Non Disclosure Agreements on the installers and maintainers – can you think why that might be?
They still, even in the best offshore scenarios – are only producing power (randomly) ca. ⅓ of the time.
Imagine a light switch or kettle that when the switch was operated had a 1 in 3 chance of doing what’s expected (randomy over an arbitrary 24 hour period) – meaning a trudge up the garden to pull the string on a generator….
Sometimes they don’t produce power for a week….
We should have a 100% renewable test site – Brighton would be a good candidate. Build a fence around it and stop all fossil fuels and “non renewable” power going in.
– if only Broadcasting House ran on 100% renewbabbles … – although as we all know, it does – babbling the nonsensical mantras of the eco-loons and misrepresenting the world at every turn while using all the benefits of the present power system.
The 18th Century economist, Thomas Malthus, stated that the world population would be restricted by famine, pestilence and war. The population at that time was about 1 billion. What he didn’t account for was technology, improved agricultural practices and rapidly evolving medicine. World population is now about 8 billion. With regards to our so-called energy crisis, again I think future improvements in technology are (deliberately?) being overlooked. To quote Cicero, “Cui Bono”
Malthus was clearly well off the mark. But though now discredited, his influence remains strong. Many of the globalist would-be elite (WEF types) are clearly motivated by Malthus, driven by Misanthropy and, in some instance, flirting with Eugenics.
Eugenics has got such a bad rap that few people even want to consider what is happening in the world today in terms of genes, health and intelligence. What is actually happening is dysgenics – the genetic deterioration of the human race.
Sick and weak people who would have died without issue in the past are now surviving because of better nutrition, welfare payments and medical advances. They are passing on their unhealthy genes.
Worse even than that though is that stupid people are having large families and intelligent people are having fewer children or none at all. The average IQ is going down.
This is going to lead to one of two possible futures. Either complete societal breakdown or a society with a tiny super-elite dominating a mass of sick proletarian ignoramuses.
It’s a foreseeable problem but to even think about it is of course fascist, racist, classist, ableist, etc..
As a Mensa member I think it was estimated that Grahame Stuart was the least intelligent Member of Parliament, while Graham Stringer was the most intelligent member of Parliament.
The simplest way of proving that Carbon Dioxide does not cause warming by radiative forcing, but by molar mass is the fact that the average temperature at the one bar pressure points on each of the planets, is the same, adjusted for distance from the Sun, despite the different main gases, Nitrogen for the Earth & Titan, Hydrogen for Jupiter, Neptune, Saturn & Uranus and Carbon Dioxide for Venus.
So this makes the whole issue a “Hoax”.
The morons claim this means that Astronomers and Atmospheric Physicists are denying that the Climate changes. But then other Astronomers say that the Climate changes due to the Sun.
This week there was a fair bit of coverage of the Local Government Association – Inclusive Language Guide.
Tried to find the original guide. Looks as though it’s been removed from the LGA’s website:-
“We’re reviewing our Inclusive Language Guide following feedback from our members. Please visit our workforce section for the latest information and advice for managing the local government workforce.
Thought it might be interesting to look at the organisation responsible for delivering this presentation, and presumably on the end of a suitable chunk of taxpayers’ money.
This guy is an accountant who volunteers in emergency relief situations, and he follows the news in various US states and other countries, his topic for today is hypocrisy and it’s worth a listen to:
If you are sceptical about the global warming crisis and suspect that it is being stoked by folks with large vested interests in scaring everyone into submission , I urge you to watch Uncommon Knowledge hosted by Peter Robinson of the Hoover Institute interviewing Bjorn Lomborg.
Basically Lomborg agrees that there is indeed man made global warming but that the impact on people over the rest of this century will be small and easily mitigated. He says that the consensus estimate ( only an estimate mind and we know how unreliable these have proved on all manner of topics) is that the cost of mitigation measures will be 4% of the world’s GDP by the end of the century but that by then the GDP will be about 4.5 times as large as it is today.
In other words those alive in 2300 will not have noticed any down turn in their living standards due to climate change. There is absolutely no need for panic or doom and gloom it is a very manageable problem.
Footy – the millionaires are taking the knee again . Why ?
Anyway – listening the Brighton v the Tottenham Spurs – their 61 year old fitness coach died suddenly last week . A fitness coach ….
…..when I hear such incidents now – I automatically refer to the stories Mark Steyn has been rolling out in the last few months …..
…..rises in ‘unexpected deaths ‘ … but the MSM has not linked anything – pattern – cause – vaccines …
Tucker Carlson does an interview with someone called Kanye West – who apparently is a famous and rich coloured American .
Mr West – who is now called YE? Discusses his belief in `Jesus Christ and his support for President Trump – but how he is pressured by his industry to toe the woke approved line .
It sounded strange how YE described the biggest cause of deaths amongst coloured Americans is – abortion … he being pro life …. Definitely ‘unapproved ‘…
Apparently nut nut has nominated 10 Tory MPs for the peerage – including Dorries – which will lead to bi elections – and the potential for 10 lost seats .
So The Outgoing PM ( truss )is scheming to get the awards delayed until after the next election – subject to the approval of the current King …
Popcorn ….
I saw the friendly match between America and the English Lionesses where both sides knelt. Of interest was their respective responses to the national anthems. The English sung God Save the King loud and clear, whereas the Americans were more muted.
I thought the US response to the anthem was to place one hand on the chest. It noticed some white women did this but the Bames held their hands behind their backs. Was this to make a point?
The Americans used to make the Socialist salute to the flag when the anthem was played, but once it became appropriated by another group of Socialists in Germany they stopped using it!
Days tend to merge – but there was an interview with the CEO of the North Essex East Suffolk ? health trust – the usual song – shortages – money – winter conditions – major incidents – please die outside the hospital ….
… but I was waiting for the ‘interviewer ‘ to ask ‘so how can you lot afford to spend £50k on ‘diversity managers ‘…..?
But that question never came ….
I caught a repeat of Yes minister ‘ where they discovered there was a fully functioning hospital – but it hadn’t opened yet because they didn’t want to have patients upsetting the staff ….
Let’s shut a few beds … or go on strike .. or be obese … or cover up the negligent deaths .. or that ever shorter ‘Liverpool pathway ‘’….
Co2 makes up 0.04% of the air.
So called man made global warming is 3% compared to the Earth which causes the other 97% of the carbon.
UK is supposed to account for 1% of that.
This means the UK is ‘responsible’ for 0.000012%
That’s a ridiculous amount. We should close down all power stations immediately and go live in caves. Then all livestock needs to be teleported to Mars. It’s only a matter of time.
I wonder if these lefty celeb pricks realise that they are probably pissing of at least 50% of the population that actually helped to give them their fame and fortune in the first place..
They should learn to keep their big gobs closed and keep political views to themselves.
Whatever respect we had from them in the first place has now disappeared. I now treat the likes of him with utter contempt…
He is a bell end
The BBC should be defunded and disbanded. It's a propaganda-puking mouthpiece for the government, the #WorldEconomicForum, and the powerful institutions, big banks, corporations, foundations and think-tanks that control the geopolitical agenda.#DefundTheBBChttps://t.co/ddk29LoYxi
A student union has come under fire after it banned white students from Black History Month events, sparking accusations of racial segregation.
Students at the University of Westminster were told by its union in an email that some of the events would be ‘reserved for black students to encourage a safe space for discussions and honest conversations’.
Time for a reversal. Make it clear that events/lectures on white racists like Shakespeare and David Hume should not be available to black students as it could upset them.
Never, ever underestimate the capacity for the most extreme double standards by the Left. Particularly by students : they live in an insulated bubble of groupthink and virtue-signalling.
In the real world, they are completely useless. Unless you are wanting a big mac.
What has Penelope Keith, her life story and ” The Good life” got to do with black people ?
Absolutely nothing .. Yet somehow channel 5 manages to get some black guy who has nothing to do with anything featuring several times in the first five minutes at the start of their program about her.
Good evening maxincony .
Nights again ?
Question : Prey tell us why do you come here, you old troll you ?
Have you paid your Telly Tax yet ? Yes, that’s ‘the tax that robs from the poor to give to the rich’.
Beautiful bit of selective quoting there maxi. You completely removed the key reference that he was talking about their deliberate over-representation in TV programs and films. How very BBC of you.
And your problem is?
My objection is that people are being placed in films and progs not always because of talent but because of the skin colour or sexual ways.
See? He/she/it’s done it again. Like a mozzie, flew in, injected his/her/its proboscis, deposited anger which will be red and sore for a short while, then flew back to wherever mozzies live.
Can we buy something from the hardware store to deal conclusively with its presence?
Personally I loathe any sort of ‘tribute’ programme because they invariably have talking heads on that nobody has heard of and are about 18, and what do they know ?
A case in point was a few years ago in 2015 when it was Frank Sinatra’s centenary, but the programme was made up of 20 somethings who had clearly got their info from Wikipaedia ! Ok a lot of his contemporaries had no doubt died, but there would still be a lot who had played in his concerts, or have a good insight into him. With my knowledge I could have made a better fist of it than some CBBC kids presenter dragged on after appearing through the square window.
I just watched the first episode of ‘House of Dragons’.
Every white guy is either weak, stupid or evil.
All the women characters are strong. Each time whitey does something stupid or wrong, we get a quick shot of the face of a woman or a black guy expressing their disapproval.
As usual, the black people are spread liberally across the cast. Except for the evil whiteys band of soldiers who go out and torture + murder people for no reason at all then get drunk and be abusive at prostitutes. They are all white.
Which is ironic of course because statistically black people stab and murder other people 7 times more than white people do.
If it were the other way round, there would be hell on from the hyocridiots.
It’s been going on for about 10 years now and the only effect has been to drag the whole entertainment industry down. The Left ruin everything they meddle with.
Paypal is retracting it’s draconian new policies
according to the same statement put out by multiple US journos
Dunno why the official PayPal account didn’t tweet it.
.. https://www.twitter.com/lilyhnewman/status/1578822247317655552
The policy said account holders would be fined $2,500 for each incident Paypal deemed to be misinformation.
So the sabotage of the Nord Stream pipelines only made the BBC news side-panes and was quickly dropped, yet the explosion on the Crimea bridge has been the main headline for 2 days now.
The first is far, far more significant than the second. The Bridge is still open. Something stinks at the BBC.
‘Conor Burns was sacked as a Conservative minister and suspended as a Tory MP after eyewitnesses saw him touching a young man’s thigh at a hotel bar, the BBC has been told.’
An ally of the sacked minister told the BBC: “He feels imprisoned without any of the process of the police or a trial.”
I am a bit stunned by this story. Should we really be sacking ministers for this ?. Maybe there is more to the story but the BBC don’t mention it.
Such defamation should not be allowed with single anonymous witnesses. We’ve seen many times now how the BBC use activists for their agenda without telling anyone.
Meanwhile Labour slags can flash their growlers at the PM during PMQ and the BBC ignore it completely. Just imagine what would happen to a Tory male if he did the same with his love spuds to a Labour woman trying to speak.
This is my biggest issue with the Left : their staggering double standards. They are without any conscience at all.
So Biden said, “two words, made in America”
magas are roasting by linking it, saying, ” two words, (insert 3-word roast),
lefties are then quoting the magas roast, thinking they are their usual stupid,
but it’s a trap, making said leftie look derp.
So that’s a thing today. 🤣
George Takei above is the actor who played Mr Sulu the helmsman in Star Trek
I can't believe it 🤦♂️ I just tested positive for climate change. I've been so careful – had 19 jabs, wear 4 masks all day and I have a Ukraine 🇺🇦 flag in my bio. Thanks a lot Brexit! pic.twitter.com/J5QfoI7rlI
If Hindus were doing something big in Lincolnshire that would be news for Radio Lincolnshire.
However the presenter just enthused about “Diwali coming up on the 24th”
and then played a long carefully constructed 5 minute clip about the history about the immigrant street in Leicester they are calling The Golden Mile
The weekend papers – Mr AsISeeIt casts his jaundiced eye over our yellow press…
PM asks trade minister Conor Burns to step down with immediate effect – gloats the Saturday Guardian
Oh dear, another Conservative sex scandal
Burns is sixth Tory MP to have the whip withdrawn or quit in the last 18 months (Guardian)
Minister sacked in new Tory sleaze row – regrets the self flagella-Tory Telegraph
Cue those old gags about removing the whip: Conor Burns stripped of whip over claims of sexual misconduct at party conference
Conor Burns sacked as minister after touching man’s thigh, witness says (BBC) – man’s thigh…? So this Conor Burns chap was more of a rough trade minister…
The Observer leans heavily leftward and forsaking the teenage readship (should that even exist) channels its innner baby boomer generation by paraphasing Hunter S. Thompson: Fear and laothing at the Tory conference 1971
Media, heal thyself…
Holly and Phil doc in sex probe… This Morning’s resident cosmetic doctor is being probed by the GMC over alleged sexual misconduct. Dr Tijion Esho, who stars alongside hosts Philip Schofield and Holly Willoughby, has been ordered to work under special conditions (The Sun)
Meanwhile The Sun handily provides: The safest guide to cosmetic surgery
Poor old Phil, he just can’t seem to catch a break: TV Phil’s revenge porn pal (Sun on Sunday)
‘We had to forgive our father’s sins’ – explains the Sunday Telegraph of: John le Carré’s sons on a star-studded life strewn with secrets and infidelities – pray tell…?
Mistresses? I found at least 10 John le Carré’s biographer speaks out at last – confided the Saturday Telegraph
One of the Spice Girls gets in on the act in the Sunday Express: What did shamed Tory MP say to Spice Girl Mel B in the lift?
Ahhhh, 1996… we were so close to Blairism… and one minute we’d never heard of the Spice Girls… and the next minute everyone had a favourite.
You know a celeb has a busy PR agent when her name pops up on the same weekend in two different papers with two different headlines: Mel B: My WhatsApp scammer’s nightmare (Sunday People)
Women tend to get better PR than the chaps: Why Bond girl Gemma’s got plenty to smile about (The Mail on Sunday); Britt: I’m still a Bond girl.. at 80. Exclusive: Ekland on staying healthy (Mirror) – whereas a bloke’s trangressions will follow him: A boozer’s guide to healthy drinking by Adrian Chiles (The Sunday Times)
Dolly Alderton. Her best letters (Sunday Times); Strictly Ellie’s mission to have the last laugh (Express)
The coverage tends less falattering, more matter of fact, for the chaps: DJ Chris is off Down Under (Mirror); Peter Kay is back (Daily Star Sunday); Rugby League stars sue for brain damage (Sunday Mirror)
Or downright unpleasant: Clean me up Scotty! William Shatner lives up to his name & reveals tummy trouble on stage (Star)
The media like to pretend alliance with feminism: Saira Khan ITV tried to make me join OnlyFans… so I quit (Sunday Mirror – “we are with you” insists the masthead motto)
Of course the ladies have the advantage that they look good on the catwalks and the red carpets – from which vantage point they can push their product: Florence Pugh attends the gala screening of her new film The Wonder (Times); Jennifer Lawrence attended the European premier of her new film Causeway (Telegraph) – speaking of causeways…
Putin dealth a bitter blow as blast cripples key bridge to Crimea… Ukraine did not directly claim responsibility for the attack (Observer) – I think we can safely assume our own US and or western special forces were involved… however, the Ruskies blew up their own Nord Stream pipeline last week leaving europeans shivering this winter, and that’s official… honest.
UK cannot depend on gas from storage site (Telegraph)
Naturally the papers, where readership demographics tend to lean female these days, also serve up some male totty: Monty Don The new love of my life (Times) – there’s something about gardeners… ever since the presumably repressed homosexual DH Lawrence conjured Mellors the gamekeeper who ventured from his potting shed into the bed of Lady Chatterley…
And for the thinking woman looking for somewhat cleaner hands and smoother manners in the older chap: Why Bill Nighy’s got a new found zest for life (Express)
Of course even the very best exponents of celebrity PR can’t cover the very worst of celebrity money-grabbing hypocrisy: Ugly truth behind Beckham’s £150million Qatar deal (Mail)
Pink Floyd’s $500mn song catalogue sale hits a wall after band infighting (FT)
To health matters…
Beat diabetes with NHS diet (Mail) – I don’t know about the NHS diet but we do seem to have forgone NHS care which has been very strictly rationed if not completely off the menu of late.
New covid surge. Booster jab crisis – nudges the Mirror, doing it’s public service duty.
I’m reminded of Tony Hancock in the Blood Donor who left alone for a moment in the hospital waiting room began reciting the slogans on the public health posters on the wall – coughs and sneazes spread diseases… he chanted to the tune of “Deutschland, Deutschland, Über alles” [music Joseph Haydn, words August Heinrich Hoffmann, bad connotations Kaiser Wilhelm II and Adolf Hitler]
Fedup2Mar 10, 13:47 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Yeah – whatever – give her the TTK 2 year prison penalty – she is obviously not ‘approved ‘…
harry142857Mar 10, 13:45 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Commission is commission. ——————————————- Mother convicted of not paying TV Licence after death of unborn son. mother who did not…
Fedup2Mar 10, 13:17 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Two days running the DT has done a long piece on BBC news / funding – the first one is…
DoublethinkerMar 10, 13:16 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I completely agree with you . But what puzzles me is , if those of us who are of a…
Lucy PevenseyMar 10, 12:57 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Tower Bridge has been shut down after a man has climbed the railings. Emergency services at to the scene. Ban…
Terminal MoraineMar 10, 12:50 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Dorset, 3 weeks after Southport — “Man ‘obsessed with Southport killings’ stabbed girl, 9, in the neck as she played…
Terminal MoraineMar 10, 12:44 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Party atmosphere on R5 just now — Naga, whose real name is Subha Nagalakshmi Munchetty-Chendriah, is away but Leila Nathoo…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 12:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “41% of London residents were born outside the UK, according to the 2021 Census. This is much higher than the…
I agree with Fed. The BBC hate Britain despite or maybe because of being the British Broadcasting Corporation. They really hate a Britain that has had the temerity to elect a Conservative Government, especially one that has taken Britain out of the EU.
The best way to get your own back on the BBC is to de-fund them. Cancel your TellyTax DD because of ‘the-cost-of-living-crisis’. You know it makes sense. Stop watching. Put the TV in the loft or under a bed in the spare room (if it is a flat screen) or put it in the garage or shed.
No need to shift the TV. Prepare it insitu for internet use and access YouTube.
Too right!
We use Chromecast and control it from an iPad!
It’s a great way to see grown-up commentators like Jordan Peterson, and forget the awful Robinson and co, and the W1AA Keircronies.
And concerts like this –
– and if you look very closely, you’ll see a younger Scrobs with a daughter, enjoying a fabulous day out!
G, true, but if you let the TV polis in your house they may claim it is being used to receive broadcasts at the time of transmission.
They can claim all they want but just viewing YT pre-recorded videos does not qualify as ‘live’ broadcast.
Agree but also agree with Wild Bill. I have two weapons I can apply to TV Licensing: my set is an old CRT set and cannot receive live broadcasts and it is in the loft until I get around to fixing two video players to watch old tapes and I ignore them and would let them in the house anyway. A-ha! You weren’t expecting the Spanish Inquisition, I have four weapons that I can apply to TV Licensing Inspectors …..
Dont let them in your house, dont even talk to them.
There are about 23 million TV Licences bought each year . How many fewer would it take to plunge the BBC into financial trouble? I reckon a reduction in LF income of 5% would see them being forced to make significant cuts.
I think there are certainly 5% of current LF payers who loath and detest the BBC and could be easily persuaded to stop paying. Additionally, If the government refuses to allow the BBC to increase the LF and inflation is at 10% plus the people who for financial reasons rather than ‘ideological or patriotic ‘ reasons stop paying , the BBC could see a reduction of 20% in its LF income in year 1 and a further reduction the following year.
At that point it is in serious trouble.
Of course the Labour Party needs the BBC and the BBC needs the Labour Party. If as looks likely Labour win the next election we can expect the BBC to showered with more of our money and become even more of a sacred cow.
So the question is does this TINO government have the balls to refuse the BBC permission to increase the LF ? Also will the next two years be enough to bring the foul corporation down?
Double, there are 24.5 million properties in the UK and they are increasing and Universities are also expanding. Each Uni room counts as a separate property if I recall correctly. The BBC claim that refuseniks account for only 4% but I reckon that is a M R-D situation and the figure could be double that. That, at current rates, provides a guaranteed LF Income of £3,584 billion! Incredible.
Is it the only corporation in the world that doesn’t have to earn its money?
I reckon it would take a 15%+ loss of LF income to make the D-G sit up, take notice and start worrying about his job prospects at the Corporation.
When my son was at Manchester uni about ten yesrs ago he didnt know any students who paid the bBBC licence fee.
He now lives with his brother they are both lefties but have never paid the tv licence.
Yes, it is possible to get away with it legally or illegally.
And this, children, is how you get invited onto tv shows to sell your book.
The old old song mentioned in Shakespeare which was a begging for a ‘soul cake’ in return for praying for the dead of the giver, which it was believed would spend less time in purgatory at this time of year.
One day, Gary Lineker is being chauffeured home in Surry, when his driver swerves to avoid a pot hole and hits a strange looking beast on the side of the road, killing it instantly. On inspection of the creature, neither the driver nor Lineker knew what the animal was, but it was wearing a collar. All the collar read was “THE TWAT” with an owners address. When they arrive at their destination, Lineker suggests to the driver that he should go back to the farm house and apologize for the accident and offer to pay for the damages. Three hours later, the driver returns, with all his clothes torn, holding a bottle of wine in one hand, a Cuban cigar in the other, and swaying left to right as he walked. “What happened?” asks Lineker.
“Well,” said the driver, “when I told him, the farmer gave me this bottle, his wife gave me this cigar,and the his beautiful 19 year old daughter made passionate love to me!” “Bloody hell” said Lineker “What exactly did you tell them?” “I said, Hi, I’m Gary Lineker’s driver and I just killed the twat!”
“BBC doing a programme from the awful 1970s ‘glam rock ‘… I waited and waited for a BBC favourite called ‘uncle Gary Glitter ‘ – but for some reason he didn’t show up – there was truly some crap back then …”
Was Michael Jackson on there, he is one paedo that seems to have been let off by the media?
I know I’ve said before, if there’s one word that best tracks the degradation of social fabric in the west it’s the frequency by which governments and media use “community”. BBC are at it again with an outrageous bit of fudging — 25yr old homosexual Ahmad Abu Marhia gets decapitated in the West Bank “after receiving death threats from within his community”.
Then: “Homosexuality is rejected within the most socially and religiously conservative parts of both Palestinian and Israeli societies.”
A false equivalence so shameful it’d make an 8yr old wince. Give them and the Guardian a few more years and they’ll have convinced the masses that popping down to your village fete or trimming the hedge is far-right extremism… and a dog-whistle on social media used by the decapitation community. I hope I’m exaggerating but don’t rule anything out these days.
Absolut 100% truthdodgers.
RIP poor bloke. At least Al Beeb reported it. And the last paragraph…90 LGBT asylum seekers in Israel…
We witness the collective effort by the Western political elite to destroy their individual economies. They sure hate the public.
I hear that Truss has declined Jacob R-M’s intentions to inform the public on ways to survive the winter. Very sensible for a good portion of the people. Truss thinks that the public do not need advice from the state.
Yes, I heard that on LBC earlier!
JR-M wanted 15 mill to get ads out on how to save energy!
I thought he was supposed to a business bloke, not an crabby old fart teaching kids how to keep warm!
There has been a massive advertising campaign for years saying that Smart Meters magically save you money.
.. of course they don’t
Each household will have paid pounds even tenners funding that campaign.
That campaign really annoys me. It actually does make sense if households were to use the “delay start” feature that’s been built into white goods for years now. If washing machines, dishwashers and tumble driers etc. were to be turned on at midnight then a power station or two could be closed down during the daytime. What is particularly upsetting is that instead of educating people to explain this, they lie saying smart meters are fitted so they can monitor usage and cost.
They could also say that electricity will be cheaper from midnight till 6.00am. It won’t of course; they’ll make it more expensive from 4.00pm till midnight!
If all the white goods are on at night and people need to charge their cars too
the grid could be under pressure.
The Tories will probably ban using lights at night.
An advertising campaign run by Soho advertising types dressed up as a “Not For Profit” (i.e. A Charity)
You can put lipstick on a pig.
I would like to see a few brave gays wander about openly at the Quatar world cup wearing rainbow gear and gay pride shirts, see what happens.
Z, am guessing that acoustics and semi-acoustics are going up in price in the UK at the present time. Reason? No electricity needed for noise.
Not BBC but last night I parked my truck in Stew’s area , Scunthorpe. This morning I find the trailer doors have been opened but nothing else amiss because it’s empty.
A small crime – unless I was disturbed in my sleep and went to investigate, and an altercation with violent results happened- is it worth reporting just for police intelligence and if so what will their response be ?
Probably one of two things :
A) logged and used to combat crime and win the war of law and order
B) put a sign up at the lay-by informing lorry drivers that “thieves operate in this area “ your truck and it’s load are valuable’ consider parking elsewhere “ ( like where elsewhere, Hull ?)
Now imagine Lincoln Constabulary put up these signs :
BAME people , racist thugs operate in this area , consider walking elsewhere,
LGBT people , queer bashers operate in this area , consider walking elsewhere.
Would the likes of the BBC and people of its mindset find it acceptable?
ha, there is a large layby on a hill
I often see trucks parked there at night with their doors open, obviously to deter thieves.
.. That same place is supposed to be a dogging area.
In Brigg town, the B&M carpark is closed to cars and used as a safe truck stopover.
Nibor, am sorry for your loss but have you seen the the front page of the i newspaper this morning? https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/blogs-the-papers-63181031
Up2 ,
I don’t know what supermarkets will be dealing in stolen goods . I can’t see the likes of Tesco’s or Morrison’s or even Aldi or Lidl undertaking such dubious practices . Certain supermarkets in the cities run by third worlders might .
Nibor, I would have thought that the ‘reputable’ brands have their own distribution chains and hubs. I think Tesco do as do M&S.
Yes all the major supermarkets have their Regional Distribution Centres (RDCs ) run by outside contractors eg Eddie Stobart ( now part of the German Culina group) , DHL ( German) XPO/ GXO ( American) , Wincanton etc .
I reckon the supermarkets have a bigger inkling of the true population figures of this country . My guesstimate is 87 million .
How many MPs are suspended these days ?
Just these ?
Labour MP Nick Brown suspended. No reason given
Labour MP Claudia Webbe.
Labour MP Rupa Huq suspended.
Labour MP Neil Coyle suspended.
Now Conservative MP Conor Burns
“So it is alleged that Conor Burns MP acted “inappropriately” towards a younger man and the complaint isn’t thought to be from the supposed victim but a witness. “
Certainly problems with the quality of MPs – queer blue labour ones – that 2 in 2 months – all the signs of a declining party and government – to be replaced by a slightly different brand of rubbish ….democracy eh ?
An update on the recent Leicester conflicts — this looks to be a genuine Twitter account for the Hate Crime Officer for Leicestershire Police. Can’t confirm though, can someone check (Stew?)
[Edit: looks like that Twitter account is on the http://www.leics.police.uk site; an Isla Dixon held that post 2yrs ago]
Hey look – a picture of a walking law suit …
That’s going to reassure the Hindu community in Leicester no end
You couldnt tell her what you really think, cops would visit and confiscate your electronic
Give it 100 years and every woman in Britain will look like the above.
A lot better than most of them look now!
You won’t be able to tell if they’re wearing Burkhas (letterbox jobbie)
Thinking ahead, when the bBC is defunded, does the team think that advertisers may not be over the moon about placing wokey-mcsnowflaky ads on the screen every five minutes?
The declining figures which the bBC will have by then, will mean that they’ll have to up their subs to pay for the likes of Lineker etc., and that’ll mean ever fewer watchers!
I just can’t see any of them providing actual un-biased ‘news’, as their leftie anti-British mindset will still be the same as it is now, for many years to come!
On the other hand, I won’t actually be ‘thinking ahead’, as I really can’t be arsed…
A Short Survey.
Leaving aside the pomp and pageantry of the Queen’s funeral can anyone think of anything, anything at all, that they admire about Britain in 2022?
I can’t but perhaps my views are a bit jaundiced , unable to see the good things for the many bad things.
Double, wimmin’s International Football team maintaining their winning ways? Superb Mens Test Cricket series win over S. Africa? UK technology that keeps Formula One going despite the mess the rule makers keep making of it all?
OK, all are sports, I know.
Another sector: there’s no shortage of willing victims for so-called ‘Reality TV’ (although the reality is that it is all faked) whether they be participants or viewers.
There is yet another sector and one that I did not hear mention of courtesy of the BBC during the Conservative Party Conference: the SME sector. Don’t know if the platform speakers mentioned it, if they did the BBC did not relay what they said in my hearing but small and medium industries are the life-blood of business enterprise in the UK.
I knew about the cricket , but not about the success of the other two sports. So that is a positive for GB. Reality TV doesn’t cut it for me. The success of the SME is a big positive. Thanks.
Double, so-called ‘Reality TV’ is just one reason I gave up watching television. I have more.
We spent time in Northumberland recently.
On a visit to a National Trust property (forget woke and slavery, think nice garden and house previously owned by someone hideously rich – and there’s an irony right there) we bumped into an away day for a secondary school. About six classes of 30 each from North Tyneside all going round in separate groups.
We spotted ONE BAME child.
It reminded me of my childhood. Working class, middle class, but all one united group with basically common values.
Good to know such unity still exists away from the metropolitan elites who like to tell us what multicultural twaddle to think.
Good positive story. Thank you.
An Oscar winning – if controversial and politically charged – performance edition
There can be times when the propagandist overreaches and the framing of the message – however appealing that message – is over-egged, hyperbolic and ill-judged. The propaganda being exposed as ridiculous.
BBC stalwart John Simpson interviews Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky (other spellings are available – although, apparently – peace negotiations are not)
The portrait we are presented is hagiographic – dare one say the man in the khaki fatigues (or should that be in Kharkeeeeve fatigues?) is presented as a modern day western icon we are oblidged to worship. Although one hears Mr Zelensky is Jewish, rather than Orthodox, and so worship of graven images ought to be out the question for him.
John Simpson: Zelensky strikes all the right notes (BBC) – we understand from the outset that this is to be a pretty friendly interview. One might add that Mr Zelensky, a former TV actor who famously played the part of a president in a soap opera, was likely to be pretty well versed in playing the role of sympathetic interviewee.
I doubt UK broadcasters bought the show with which to subject us over here back then. Presumably it only appealled to a local Ukrainian audience? Although we did get a contemporary steady diet of Nordic TV dramas over here.
A quiet, charming, unassuming man and – arguably the most popular leader on earth (BBC) – our John has evidently got a bit of a crush on our Volodymyr.
Well, I suppose with the retirements of the professorial Obama and the saintly Mutti Merkel… leaving poor old Joe Biden who even his mother (who given his age probably came over to the US at the time of the great famine) is hard to love. So what else can a BBC chap do?
Err… report fairly and in an unbiased non-propagandising manner?
Our John for a moment admits: Maybe, of course, the quiet charm and the apparent lack of assumption are part of the act – but perish the thought: you’d need to know him a great deal better to be able to be sure about that. My guess is not, though – phew… so that’s ok then.
Not that the BBC man dare diss actors as a class – there’s a very thin line to be drawn these days between the staged performances of top TV journos and indeed well-practised polititicians (Tony Blair) as opposed to the actual showbiz profession: Zelensky seems pretty much as he appears, and like a lot of actors he has a clear-sighted appreciation of himself and the limits of his abilities.
Script, set design, costumes… the presidential palace, where the main staircase is defended by sandbagged emplacements… Zelensky’s trademark dark green T-shirt seemed to fit in perfectly… Whichever of his top officials suggested that he should appear on television wearing that during the frightening days of February and March, when the Russians were very close and the streets of Kyiv were full of the rust-coloured steel tank-traps called “hedgehogs”, deserves a special award.
Can’t you just imagine the Hollywood Oscars show? The opening of the golden envelope, the faux reluctance of the climb to the stage, the tearful acceptance speech?
One borrows inspiration from: 21 Of The Most Iconic And Memorable Oscars Acceptance Speeches Of All Time. From the hilarious to the tear-jerkers (Elle magazine)
And the winner is… Volodymyr Zelensky…
“Thank you, thank you. I have a some notes here. Though I may not be an ‘openly queer woman of colour’ like West Side Story star Ariana DeBose who gave an empowering and heartfelt speech when accepting her ‘Best Supporting Actress’ accolade at the 94th Academy Awards….
And, in my military fatigues I may not glide up to accept my award like Lupita Nyong’o in 2014 for ‘her role in the harrowing Steve McQueen movie 12 Years A Slave, looking radiant wearing a Prada dress and headband which only added to the angelic nature of the speech.’
As a mere toxic male – but obviously not as toxic as Putin – I can’t emulate Frances McDormand’s Best Actress Oscar Speech, 2018, ‘I’m hyperventilating a little bit, if I fall over pick me up because I’ve got some things to say,’ before asking all the female nominees from every category in the room to stand with her. ‘Meryl if you do it, everyone else will,’ she said to Streep in the front row.
She then proceeded to educate and ask the men in the room to meet with all the women they see standing to listen to their career ambitions and projects before mentioning two words, and subsequently enticing the audience at home to Google rapidly, ‘inclusion rider’ – a clause in an actor/filmmaker’s contract that ensures a certain level of diversity in the cast and crew on a production.
That’s the politics… now I’d like to use this platform to do the thank yous.
I’m thinking of the bravura performance in 1997 of childhood friends Affleck and Damon who won an Oscar for writing their film, Good Will Hunting. The pair shouted their speech, as they reeled off people to thank from Minnie Driver to Robin Williams to their mothers, escalated in volume as they became more excitable and aware of the time limit.
So here goes, I’d like to thank, obviously, my old mum, who always makes sure when I wear my green vest – that it’s well ironed…. the EU which Ukraine has joined… sort of… yes, we’ll be sure to introduce the Euro as our currency and outlaw all those 100 Watt light bulbs in Kyiv, that’ll make us fully complient… Brussels will turn a blind eye to all our dodgy financial stuff – like they always do with new joiners.
I’d like to thank Joe Biden on who’s watch the war broke out… but not Donald Trump who made that awkward embarrassing phone call to me about Hunter Biden’s dodgy money laundering activities in Ukraine. On Trump’s watch, unfortunately, the US did not find itself engaged in ever more costly forever wars…
I’d like to thank Boris Johnson for flying over here to scupper the promising peace talks last April… they’re signalling me that my time is running out – not before winter – I mean for me to wind up these thank yous.
I’d like to quickly thank the US Military Industrial Complex… European and US militaries for passing us all their old stocks of gear and ammo to fire off, so thay can use their increased defence funding to buy themselves new stuff.
EU citizens I’d especially like to thank in advance for putting on an extra overcoat – indoors this winter… I’d like to thank the US special forces (or were they British or Israeli sabotage experts…?) who blew up Nord Strem 2 – like Joe Biden’s Whitehouse had previously threatened they would do whatever it took to stop the pipeline… I’d like to thank… ah, I’ve rambled on… I see my times’s up!!!”
“Newport graveyard: Police end inquiry after woman’s bones found”
What else would you expect to find if you dig in a graveyard ?
“Manston migrant centre ‘like pressure cooker’ amid influx” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-kent-63164644
“amid influx”? Surely they should say “amid invasion”?
Just another way of dumbing down the headlines .
Are the Tories serious about defending this nation , or are they trying to sneak us back into the EU?
Tory MPs, unless you sort this lax in security out you will be out of your job in 2 years time or sooner .
Wouldn’t you think they would just be grateful to be kept in relative safety, miles away from war-torn Albania and France?
I think the RNLI used to save one life per day in British waters. Now the RNLI saves 1,000 lives per day in French waters. I think the French put thousands of black people into concentration camps on the Northern French Coast. These people are trying to escape from these French concentration camps by using rubber boats which start to sink after a few yards. Fortunately the RNLI has had massive bungs of cash from Albanian traffickers, who then phone up the RNLI bosses to send Lifeboats to the French coast to rescue the escapees. They are then put up in Hotels, Mansions and Stately Homes because posh Guardian readers have a very racist view of Rwanda as a black shithole, not being as wonderful and white as Hotels in Britain.
They are probably looking for an excuse to let them all out.
Saddened to know Manston is being used for ILLEGALS…..I was shown around there in the 1960s by my uncle who was a Fighter Pilot based there…….helping to stop us being invaded ( and for what ? ) he would now be turning in his grave….so many gave their lives for this once Great Britain .
CF Sadly in past decades there have been several ‘projects’ to make Manston a viable financial enterprise, but for a variety of reasons nothing has ever worked. Its geographically perfect for an airport to serve the local population – instead of trekking up to Gatwick, and it was tried some years ago, but again it hit the buffers.
Its only surprising the land hasn’t been grabbed for more umpteen housing estates (give it time), so its a handy lorry park, and now its the gimmigrants dumping ground, with ample space to accommodate another 12 months of arrivals.
Sadly the Tories are no longer Tories .
The irony is that when red labour does take over in a couple of years ago the ‘funny ‘ note left by the last labour first secretary ( Liam Byrne )to the treasury – no money – will be true .
And with the current regime seeing the polls in the next 24 months there will be no incentive to repair public finances ….
But that view is based on the current absence of nuclear war and the incompetent cabinet staying in place here ….
The BBC have visited Tory voting Worthing to meet the clever London Labour liberals who are moving there.
The report and interviews give a strong hint that these people are the clever ones. With their ‘remote working’ careers they are the people that we should listen to. Forget about those working class ‘Northerners’ who clearly did not know what they are voting for. They are just Brexiteers who vote against their interests.
Now just imagine if the BBC actually did balance and we could actually here from some of those Northerners as well and why they might not return to Labour:
I like Liz Truss’s concept of the anti-growth coalition.
No prizes for identifying which impartial state broadcaster is a fully paid-up member.
I think they have the premium membership!
Lee Anderson, a man of the people.
I could watch Lee Anderson upset the BBC every single day.
He makes it seem so easy. Mainly because it is! If you have the backbone for it anyway. Conservative MPs should more regularly mention the BBCs whopping £multi-billion gift from taxpayers.
Why is the UK going bankrupt?
To which I would add my own question: Why can the BBC never provide such simple and honest explanations of why the UK is in such a mess?
If they did people would claim it was evidence of their bias, but the real reason is as Socialists they don’t actually have anyone who understands the way markets operate, and if they can’t label something with one of the meaningless isms and fauxbias they aren’t interested.
Barry Gardiner defends donations worth £500,000 from Chinese agent
The Labour MP said Christine Lee appeared to be ‘operating as a legitimate person in the UK’.
Amy Gibbons
Thursday 13 January 2022 20:23
Dear BBC £3.5 billion paid under threat of prison complaints department,
Could you revisit the 2009 UK MP expenses again, I would not like to find out that MPs like Tony Blair have ran to the shredder prior to your investigations.
Here are some details, can you use Journalists who are avoiding the BBC Gary ‘£1.75m’ Lineker Pay Gap and see why an MP on £77K salary tops up their money with a job giving them £65K extra a year.
Maybe find other MPs on such amazing schemes and why they are getting free tickets to concerts when they have so much cash sloshing around in their MP expenses accounts.
Chuka Umunna MP, Streatham (tax payer pays him £77K per year) is being paid £65,040 a year Advisory Position at Global Progress (London) Ltd …
1) Look into what he produces for £65K a year.
2) Look at who owns the company and other players – Tony Blair is linked to it.
3) Find other MPs doing the same.
4) Ensure they are paying taxes on the extra money.
5) Maybe interview them and ask some questions rather than how they feel today?
For a head start you can find the details on :
Good luck and let me know how you get on,
Mr. M. H
p.s. I also see that MPs claim their MP Office BBC TV Licenses Tax on their expenses, thus the UK tax payer has to pay their own TV License and their MP’s TV License. Might want to consider stopping this for the 650 MPs.
Lefty blinkers for the most part added to an institutional inability to consider anything outside the M25 unless it’s a special case where some boxes can be ticked.
It really doesn’t take much to figure out why the UK is going broke – the public sector spendthrifts are being indulged on an absolutely astonishing scale.
“Key Crimea bridge erupts into fireball after apparent truck bomb
2 hours ago — A truck explosion on the span’s roadway caused seven fuel tanks on the train to ignite as it crossed the Kerch Strait Bridge early Saturday.”
9:15am the official Ukrainian Post Office account tweeted
“the day has come: we are announcing a stamp with a bridge”
as if they had graphics already ready to run
.. https://www.twitter.com/ukrposhta/status/1578660503311613953
No one is seriously saying the bridge is destroyed
they claim one traffic lane has fallen into the sea
Media are carrying video from various different angles, which shows the same thing.
eg https://www.twitter.com/KyivIndependent/status/1578658967374659586
I’ve thought for a long time that the narcissistic Ukranian chief wants nothing less than a third world war. A few more stunts like that and he’s likely to get it. I don’t think Putin is angry yet.
It’s Putin’s Iraq war
.. I wonder how many of his soldiers will die in the first 10 years ?
Doesn’t look like faked footage
“Kent Police attended on 28 September following a report of a small group of people being abusive, and on Sunday after a report one man had thrown a plastic bottle at another.”
They’ll call in the army if paper aeroplanes start flying around.
“There have been days where the facility has run out of food and drinking water,”
Guess it’s a criminal offence to offer them tap water.
“Men charged with murder over stabbing outside Coventry mosque”
This is one of those stories the BBC will either amplify if any sort of racism or islamophobia can be attached, and whitie can be blamed in any way (unlikely, given the suspects); or quietly dropped if it threatens to lift the lid on the murky world of islamic savagery, politics and in-fighting.
Here we go again.
The sexual abuse scandal in Haiti arose in 2007, accusing the United Nations peacekeepers, mainly of the Sri Lankan peacekeeping contingent, of committing immoral sexual abuse[1] among other offenses of sexual misconduct during the United Nations Stabilisation Mission in Haiti. In 2016, the Sri Lankan government decided to make a one-time ex-gratia payment to a victim and child born as a result of sexual exploitation and abuse, which was praised by the UN.[2]
As Brissles said earlier,
“CF Sadly in past decades there have been several ‘projects’ to make Manston a viable financial enterprise, but for a variety of reasons nothing has ever worked. Its geographically perfect for an airport to serve the local population – instead of trekking up to Gatwick, and it was tried some years ago, but again it hit the buffers.
Its only surprising the land hasn’t been grabbed for more umpteen housing estates (give it time), so its a handy lorry park, and now its the gimmigrants dumping ground, with ample space to accommodate another 12 months of arrivals.”
Any chance we can emulate this below, and get Manston Airport vacated for real prosperity in Thanet?
Yeah, I know that Brissles is right, but several decent firms I worked with tried their utmost to get the place moving, despite the council being just bloody thick and stupid!
They even turned down a planning permission to build a decent holiday complax on a redundant hovercraft landing because ‘there was a bird sanctuary nearby’! Tossers!
So they’re lumbered with all these Albanians, and as far as I can see, they’ll just fester even more! Tossers (Didn’t I just say that earlier…)?
I’d suggest that Tower Hamlets would be the best first stop, especially as the London ‘mare’ thinks it’s such a special place, so of course, he could be there to welcome all the buses from Kent, where us Citizens have to fork out from our meagre pensions to pay for all this squalor!
Scrobs, Great Idea ! I read a similar article and wondered how it could work here – great minds etc etc. I would love to see a few buses empty at the terminals in the more prosperous areas of Buckinghamshire / Berkshire, or where Lineker and Front Benchers (of both parties) live, then we’d see an uproar !
Great minds indeed, Brissles!
As long as they keep Thanet Earth safe and sound – their tomatoes are pretty good!
What’s needed is a large storage area for ILLEGALS if our Border Farce and RNLI Taxi Services continue as they are . Electrified Razor Wire , Crocodile pits , open air to all weather’s and stale bread and water only , one phone call allowed to tell their friends not to bother coming here before being dropped back to France using a parachute that’s out of date that might work or not ! ….. do hope I’m not going soft in my old age !
You have a few hours left to catch this stunning propaganda from our local BBC news
Our last night’s BBC local news writers must have been working with windfarm PR people to come up with this remarkable spin about yesterday’s big news
All they had to do was report what was happened
ie that the government has decided to increase energy stability in the long run by opening ip 100 new oil/gas licences.
Instead the opening words were that there has been condemnation from UNNAMED voices
That’s clearly PR not news
With the regular calm presenter away
@LookNorthBBC opened with this
“Good evening : international climate experts say it’s wrong and a danger to our environment,
BUT the government has announced today that it is pressing ahead with DIGGING fossil fuels from under the sea
100 new gas and Oil exploration licences have been granted for the sea off the East coast including Yorkshire and Lincolnshire.
The climate minister is Grahame Stuart the Beverly MP.
He’s a fan of green energy, but says we have to react to current pressures on fuel supplies”
Here’s what he told the BBC this morning
“It’s a transition, … the more extreme voices want us to switch off everything today, but that’s not the plan
The plan is to make a transition with investment in oil and gas
.. and in renewables and other technologies, all of which we are doing going forward” cut
Presenter Leanne “Well it brings into focus the debate around what’s the best and most practical way forward for our energy supplies.
Fossil Fuels OR renewables (fallacy alert ..Fallacy of false dichotomy the minister just said it’s not a case of one or the other)
GREEN CAMPAIGNERS want to see an end to oil and gas extraction
(is that true ? because if you have CCS that means fossil fuels are zero carbon emissions)
but sources of renewable energy are also being met with strong opposition
Our environment correspondent has been to Lincolnshire where there are plans for massive solar farms.”
into video report ..
Did you see what they did ?
Instead of simply reporting what the government has done, they turned their report into “It’s a debate” FFS the decision has been made.
BBC Don’t do adverts ….
“Time for a change,” Maureen says. “Let’s see what the other lot can do.”
“Time for a change,” Maureen says. “Let’s see what the other lot can do.”
“Time for a change,” Maureen says. “Let’s see what the other lot can do.”
“Time for a change,” Maureen says. “Let’s see what the other lot can do.”
influx of urbanites has unsettled the status quo i.e. liberals bring their baggage.
influx of urbanites has unsettled the status quo i.e. liberals bring their baggage.
The end take at 26m06s
“The headlines ..and here Fossil Fuels OR renewables ?
As the government gives the green light to drilling in the North Sea
huge solar farms are planned for Lincolnshire “
..The solar farms are not today’s news
that bit is being mixed in to dampen the new oilfield announcement news.
“weather ..”
“Now we we’re talking about the energy crisis and whether we should look to renewables OR fossil fuels” (fallacy of false dichotomy)
Again that is not the actual news, that is how they are spinning it
Viewer comments were read
#1Ernest “start fracking ..stop the madness of Net Zero now”
#2 Lynn “I agree with renewables but need gas/oil in short term
put solar on roofs
#3 Rob “No solar panels fields. should be on roofs instead”
FFS If the aim is to reduce world CO2 then UK solar PV panels are always wrong, cos the same solar panel situated in sunny Africa would displace 3 or 4 times more CO2.
25 years
Wind turbines have an average life of over 25 years. Rapid evolution of wind technology has lead to an increase in the durability of wind turbines.
you are being ironic?
The modern wind turbine didn’t exactly start from a good place.
Blade erosion offshore is still a haram topic as is the cost of inspection and maintenance. The extension cables from sea to land are now routinely the subject of ferocious Non Disclosure Agreements on the installers and maintainers – can you think why that might be?
They still, even in the best offshore scenarios – are only producing power (randomly) ca. ⅓ of the time.
Imagine a light switch or kettle that when the switch was operated had a 1 in 3 chance of doing what’s expected (randomy over an arbitrary 24 hour period) – meaning a trudge up the garden to pull the string on a generator….
Sometimes they don’t produce power for a week….
We should have a 100% renewable test site – Brighton would be a good candidate. Build a fence around it and stop all fossil fuels and “non renewable” power going in.
– if only Broadcasting House ran on 100% renewbabbles … – although as we all know, it does – babbling the nonsensical mantras of the eco-loons and misrepresenting the world at every turn while using all the benefits of the present power system.
The 18th Century economist, Thomas Malthus, stated that the world population would be restricted by famine, pestilence and war. The population at that time was about 1 billion. What he didn’t account for was technology, improved agricultural practices and rapidly evolving medicine. World population is now about 8 billion. With regards to our so-called energy crisis, again I think future improvements in technology are (deliberately?) being overlooked. To quote Cicero, “Cui Bono”
Malthus was clearly well off the mark. But though now discredited, his influence remains strong. Many of the globalist would-be elite (WEF types) are clearly motivated by Malthus, driven by Misanthropy and, in some instance, flirting with Eugenics.
Ian Rushlow,
Eugenics has got such a bad rap that few people even want to consider what is happening in the world today in terms of genes, health and intelligence. What is actually happening is dysgenics – the genetic deterioration of the human race.
Sick and weak people who would have died without issue in the past are now surviving because of better nutrition, welfare payments and medical advances. They are passing on their unhealthy genes.
Worse even than that though is that stupid people are having large families and intelligent people are having fewer children or none at all. The average IQ is going down.
This is going to lead to one of two possible futures. Either complete societal breakdown or a society with a tiny super-elite dominating a mass of sick proletarian ignoramuses.
It’s a foreseeable problem but to even think about it is of course fascist, racist, classist, ableist, etc..
As a Mensa member I think it was estimated that Grahame Stuart was the least intelligent Member of Parliament, while Graham Stringer was the most intelligent member of Parliament.
The simplest way of proving that Carbon Dioxide does not cause warming by radiative forcing, but by molar mass is the fact that the average temperature at the one bar pressure points on each of the planets, is the same, adjusted for distance from the Sun, despite the different main gases, Nitrogen for the Earth & Titan, Hydrogen for Jupiter, Neptune, Saturn & Uranus and Carbon Dioxide for Venus.
So this makes the whole issue a “Hoax”.
The morons claim this means that Astronomers and Atmospheric Physicists are denying that the Climate changes. But then other Astronomers say that the Climate changes due to the Sun.
Richard – are you really claiming that there is an MP thicker than Diane Abbot ?
– or even Angee ?
This week there was a fair bit of coverage of the Local Government Association – Inclusive Language Guide.
Tried to find the original guide. Looks as though it’s been removed from the LGA’s website:-
“We’re reviewing our Inclusive Language Guide following feedback from our members. Please visit our workforce section for the latest information and advice for managing the local government workforce.
But did manage to find a presentation on this subject:-
Inclusive Language LGA Event
Click to access event%20presentation%20-%20The%20challenge%20of%20inclusive%20language%20-%20Laurelle%20Brown.pdf
Thought it might be interesting to look at the organisation responsible for delivering this presentation, and presumably on the end of a suitable chunk of taxpayers’ money.
Picture gallery at the top is interesting. A more gender/sex/ethnicity diverse group of people you could scarcely hope to find.
Hallelujah for Diversity, Inclusion and Equality. DIE by name, DIE by nature.
Oh dear. Does your work not cover 87% of the UK population Mz Brown?
Appears to be broadly appropriate to the population of South Africa, perhaps.
(scroll down to page vi)
Click to access P03022019.pdf
The mistake many make is failing to impose compelled unique funding models first.
Luckily most in government are on board.
Like the rap group. N.W.A.
N!ggas With Attitude, alternatively No Whiteboys Allowed.
Diversity = No White people
At least it’s reassuring to see in the presentation’s PDF file that pronouns are declared.
How long before other designations are required. Ethnicity, perhaps?
Fact check: Video wey Nigerian presidential candidate Bola Tinubu post for Twitter na old one?
This guy is an accountant who volunteers in emergency relief situations, and he follows the news in various US states and other countries, his topic for today is hypocrisy and it’s worth a listen to:
If you are sceptical about the global warming crisis and suspect that it is being stoked by folks with large vested interests in scaring everyone into submission , I urge you to watch Uncommon Knowledge hosted by Peter Robinson of the Hoover Institute interviewing Bjorn Lomborg.
Basically Lomborg agrees that there is indeed man made global warming but that the impact on people over the rest of this century will be small and easily mitigated. He says that the consensus estimate ( only an estimate mind and we know how unreliable these have proved on all manner of topics) is that the cost of mitigation measures will be 4% of the world’s GDP by the end of the century but that by then the GDP will be about 4.5 times as large as it is today.
In other words those alive in 2300 will not have noticed any down turn in their living standards due to climate change. There is absolutely no need for panic or doom and gloom it is a very manageable problem.
Footy – the millionaires are taking the knee again . Why ?
Anyway – listening the Brighton v the Tottenham Spurs – their 61 year old fitness coach died suddenly last week . A fitness coach ….
…..when I hear such incidents now – I automatically refer to the stories Mark Steyn has been rolling out in the last few months …..
…..rises in ‘unexpected deaths ‘ … but the MSM has not linked anything – pattern – cause – vaccines …
Tucker Carlson does an interview with someone called Kanye West – who apparently is a famous and rich coloured American .
Mr West – who is now called YE? Discusses his belief in `Jesus Christ and his support for President Trump – but how he is pressured by his industry to toe the woke approved line .
It sounded strange how YE described the biggest cause of deaths amongst coloured Americans is – abortion … he being pro life …. Definitely ‘unapproved ‘…
Not BBC but made me laugh
Apparently nut nut has nominated 10 Tory MPs for the peerage – including Dorries – which will lead to bi elections – and the potential for 10 lost seats .
So The Outgoing PM ( truss )is scheming to get the awards delayed until after the next election – subject to the approval of the current King …
Popcorn ….
I saw the friendly match between America and the English Lionesses where both sides knelt. Of interest was their respective responses to the national anthems. The English sung God Save the King loud and clear, whereas the Americans were more muted.
I thought the US response to the anthem was to place one hand on the chest. It noticed some white women did this but the Bames held their hands behind their backs. Was this to make a point?
The Americans used to make the Socialist salute to the flag when the anthem was played, but once it became appropriated by another group of Socialists in Germany they stopped using it!
Late Today
Days tend to merge – but there was an interview with the CEO of the North Essex East Suffolk ? health trust – the usual song – shortages – money – winter conditions – major incidents – please die outside the hospital ….
… but I was waiting for the ‘interviewer ‘ to ask ‘so how can you lot afford to spend £50k on ‘diversity managers ‘…..?
But that question never came ….
I caught a repeat of Yes minister ‘ where they discovered there was a fully functioning hospital – but it hadn’t opened yet because they didn’t want to have patients upsetting the staff ….
Let’s shut a few beds … or go on strike .. or be obese … or cover up the negligent deaths .. or that ever shorter ‘Liverpool pathway ‘’….
Co2 makes up 0.04% of the air.
So called man made global warming is 3% compared to the Earth which causes the other 97% of the carbon.
UK is supposed to account for 1% of that.
This means the UK is ‘responsible’ for 0.000012%
That’s a ridiculous amount. We should close down all power stations immediately and go live in caves. Then all livestock needs to be teleported to Mars. It’s only a matter of time.
Oh, sTeve. Steve, Steve, Steve…
I wonder if these lefty celeb pricks realise that they are probably pissing of at least 50% of the population that actually helped to give them their fame and fortune in the first place..
They should learn to keep their big gobs closed and keep political views to themselves.
Whatever respect we had from them in the first place has now disappeared. I now treat the likes of him with utter contempt…
He is a bell end
off his meds again?
A student union has come under fire after it banned white students from Black History Month events, sparking accusations of racial segregation.
Students at the University of Westminster were told by its union in an email that some of the events would be ‘reserved for black students to encourage a safe space for discussions and honest conversations’.
Wild Bill
Time for a reversal. Make it clear that events/lectures on white racists like Shakespeare and David Hume should not be available to black students as it could upset them.
Never, ever underestimate the capacity for the most extreme double standards by the Left. Particularly by students : they live in an insulated bubble of groupthink and virtue-signalling.
In the real world, they are completely useless. Unless you are wanting a big mac.
How “black” do you have to be to get in? Would Ryan Giggs qualify? Is there an accepted shade of brownness? What about David Dickinson?
These people are despicable racists.
Surely this must be illegal, banning students from events because of skin colour?
Ex bbc, I believe.
Not BBC ( well it sort of was actually ) but …
What has Penelope Keith, her life story and ” The Good life” got to do with black people ?
Absolutely nothing .. Yet somehow channel 5 manages to get some black guy who has nothing to do with anything featuring several times in the first five minutes at the start of their program about her.
Ridiculous. They just can’t help themselves.
Its getting to be a laugh really, if it wasnt so serious, every program or film now has blacks and/or gays shoehorned in.
Wild Bill,
“if it wasnt so serious… blacks and/or gays”
Good evening maxincony .
Nights again ?
Question : Prey tell us why do you come here, you old troll you ?
Have you paid your Telly Tax yet ? Yes, that’s ‘the tax that robs from the poor to give to the rich’.
Did you see the BBC article on the troll the other day maxi ?. Basically, it says trolls are scumbags.
That’s you that is. Do you even realise ?.
Be ashamed you hypocridiot and get yourself some self respect.
Beautiful bit of selective quoting there maxi. You completely removed the key reference that he was talking about their deliberate over-representation in TV programs and films. How very BBC of you.
What a low-life, lying snake you are.
And your problem is?
My objection is that people are being placed in films and progs not always because of talent but because of the skin colour or sexual ways.
Which is racial and sexual discrimination Bill. And it’s illegal.
Isn’t it amazing what the Left will turn a blind eye to when it suits them ?. It can also be described as shameless double standards.
See? He/she/it’s done it again. Like a mozzie, flew in, injected his/her/its proboscis, deposited anger which will be red and sore for a short while, then flew back to wherever mozzies live.
Can we buy something from the hardware store to deal conclusively with its presence?
It’s become apparent that Black Lives Matter Trustees are fans of the The Good Life
.. They appropriated lots of money to experience it.
He was also on tributes to June Whitfield, Hattie Jacques and Sid James.
To be fair he wrote Desmonds, which was well above average.
If that is Trix Worrell, it is strange that on a Twitter search he’s never been connected with Penelope Keith, The Good Life, nor even @Channel5_TV
Personally I loathe any sort of ‘tribute’ programme because they invariably have talking heads on that nobody has heard of and are about 18, and what do they know ?
A case in point was a few years ago in 2015 when it was Frank Sinatra’s centenary, but the programme was made up of 20 somethings who had clearly got their info from Wikipaedia ! Ok a lot of his contemporaries had no doubt died, but there would still be a lot who had played in his concerts, or have a good insight into him. With my knowledge I could have made a better fist of it than some CBBC kids presenter dragged on after appearing through the square window.
I just watched the first episode of ‘House of Dragons’.
Every white guy is either weak, stupid or evil.
All the women characters are strong. Each time whitey does something stupid or wrong, we get a quick shot of the face of a woman or a black guy expressing their disapproval.
As usual, the black people are spread liberally across the cast. Except for the evil whiteys band of soldiers who go out and torture + murder people for no reason at all then get drunk and be abusive at prostitutes. They are all white.
Which is ironic of course because statistically black people stab and murder other people 7 times more than white people do.
If it were the other way round, there would be hell on from the hyocridiots.
It’s been going on for about 10 years now and the only effect has been to drag the whole entertainment industry down. The Left ruin everything they meddle with.
Millionaire just now…Disability and Inclusion officer, from Brighton, what a surprise Brighton.
Paypal is retracting it’s draconian new policies
according to the same statement put out by multiple US journos
Dunno why the official PayPal account didn’t tweet it.
.. https://www.twitter.com/lilyhnewman/status/1578822247317655552
The policy said account holders would be fined $2,500 for each incident Paypal deemed to be misinformation.
So the sabotage of the Nord Stream pipelines only made the BBC news side-panes and was quickly dropped, yet the explosion on the Crimea bridge has been the main headline for 2 days now.
The first is far, far more significant than the second. The Bridge is still open. Something stinks at the BBC.
Watch out ,watch out maxi is about !
‘Something stinks at the BBC.’
How right I was !. I smelt him coming.
Scotland ‘snow-free’ for fourth time in six years
More world class reporting:
‘Snow expert Iain Cameron reported on Friday …’
A snow expert ???.
‘Mr Cameron said climate change was a likely factor.’
Well, if the ‘snow expert’ says so it must be true. After all, he’s another ‘expert’
But only ‘likely’ so it can be a complete lie and still get past a fact-checker as it leaves doubt.
‘Before 1933, it is thought to have last melted completely in the 1700s.’
So what was going on in the 1700’s ?. Sounds very much like a climate cycle to me.
And the final word from the BBC’s expert:
‘He added: “I’m not a climatologist (nor even an academic), but it’s a pretty obvious direction of travel.’
A worthy front-page headline indeed.
Yes John, and who knows how many times before and after 1700 it has melted?
Conor Burns sacked as minister after touching man’s thigh, witness says
‘Conor Burns was sacked as a Conservative minister and suspended as a Tory MP after eyewitnesses saw him touching a young man’s thigh at a hotel bar, the BBC has been told.’
An ally of the sacked minister told the BBC: “He feels imprisoned without any of the process of the police or a trial.”
I am a bit stunned by this story. Should we really be sacking ministers for this ?. Maybe there is more to the story but the BBC don’t mention it.
Such defamation should not be allowed with single anonymous witnesses. We’ve seen many times now how the BBC use activists for their agenda without telling anyone.
Meanwhile Labour slags can flash their growlers at the PM during PMQ and the BBC ignore it completely. Just imagine what would happen to a Tory male if he did the same with his love spuds to a Labour woman trying to speak.
This is my biggest issue with the Left : their staggering double standards. They are without any conscience at all.
Girl has wicked skills.
So Biden said, “two words, made in America”
magas are roasting by linking it, saying, ” two words, (insert 3-word roast),
lefties are then quoting the magas roast, thinking they are their usual stupid,
but it’s a trap, making said leftie look derp.
So that’s a thing today. 🤣
George Takei above is the actor who played Mr Sulu the helmsman in Star Trek
Biden video : https://www.twitter.com/OzraeliAvi/status/1578495617084841985
8:50am R4 Howard Jacobson lectures us
“Trickle Down economics is pure deception”
Well that is one of the socialists new talking points
so BBC as one of the founders of the Anti-Growth-Alliance is big on pushing it
“On Four’s A Point of View he has praised love and society as our highest virtues as opposed to bonuses, greed and excessive wealth creation.”
BBCnewsPR have even done a webpage give extra promotion
Now consider poor countries that welcome tourists from rich countries .. are they wrong ?
Does wealth not trickle into those communities ?
If Hindus were doing something big in Lincolnshire that would be news for Radio Lincolnshire.
However the presenter just enthused about “Diwali coming up on the 24th”
and then played a long carefully constructed 5 minute clip about the history about the immigrant street in Leicester they are calling The Golden Mile
The weekend papers – Mr AsISeeIt casts his jaundiced eye over our yellow press…
PM asks trade minister Conor Burns to step down with immediate effect – gloats the Saturday Guardian
Oh dear, another Conservative sex scandal
Burns is sixth Tory MP to have the whip withdrawn or quit in the last 18 months (Guardian)
Minister sacked in new Tory sleaze row – regrets the self flagella-Tory Telegraph
Cue those old gags about removing the whip: Conor Burns stripped of whip over claims of sexual misconduct at party conference
Conor Burns sacked as minister after touching man’s thigh, witness says (BBC) – man’s thigh…? So this Conor Burns chap was more of a rough trade minister…
The Observer leans heavily leftward and forsaking the teenage readship (should that even exist) channels its innner baby boomer generation by paraphasing Hunter S. Thompson: Fear and laothing at the Tory conference 1971
Media, heal thyself…
Holly and Phil doc in sex probe… This Morning’s resident cosmetic doctor is being probed by the GMC over alleged sexual misconduct. Dr Tijion Esho, who stars alongside hosts Philip Schofield and Holly Willoughby, has been ordered to work under special conditions (The Sun)
Meanwhile The Sun handily provides: The safest guide to cosmetic surgery
Poor old Phil, he just can’t seem to catch a break: TV Phil’s revenge porn pal (Sun on Sunday)
‘We had to forgive our father’s sins’ – explains the Sunday Telegraph of: John le Carré’s sons on a star-studded life strewn with secrets and infidelities – pray tell…?
Mistresses? I found at least 10 John le Carré’s biographer speaks out at last – confided the Saturday Telegraph
One of the Spice Girls gets in on the act in the Sunday Express: What did shamed Tory MP say to Spice Girl Mel B in the lift?
Ahhhh, 1996… we were so close to Blairism… and one minute we’d never heard of the Spice Girls… and the next minute everyone had a favourite.
You know a celeb has a busy PR agent when her name pops up on the same weekend in two different papers with two different headlines: Mel B: My WhatsApp scammer’s nightmare (Sunday People)
Women tend to get better PR than the chaps: Why Bond girl Gemma’s got plenty to smile about (The Mail on Sunday); Britt: I’m still a Bond girl.. at 80. Exclusive: Ekland on staying healthy (Mirror) – whereas a bloke’s trangressions will follow him: A boozer’s guide to healthy drinking by Adrian Chiles (The Sunday Times)
Dolly Alderton. Her best letters (Sunday Times); Strictly Ellie’s mission to have the last laugh (Express)
The coverage tends less falattering, more matter of fact, for the chaps: DJ Chris is off Down Under (Mirror); Peter Kay is back (Daily Star Sunday); Rugby League stars sue for brain damage (Sunday Mirror)
Or downright unpleasant: Clean me up Scotty! William Shatner lives up to his name & reveals tummy trouble on stage (Star)
The media like to pretend alliance with feminism: Saira Khan ITV tried to make me join OnlyFans… so I quit (Sunday Mirror – “we are with you” insists the masthead motto)
Of course the ladies have the advantage that they look good on the catwalks and the red carpets – from which vantage point they can push their product: Florence Pugh attends the gala screening of her new film The Wonder (Times); Jennifer Lawrence attended the European premier of her new film Causeway (Telegraph) – speaking of causeways…
Putin dealth a bitter blow as blast cripples key bridge to Crimea… Ukraine did not directly claim responsibility for the attack (Observer) – I think we can safely assume our own US and or western special forces were involved… however, the Ruskies blew up their own Nord Stream pipeline last week leaving europeans shivering this winter, and that’s official… honest.
UK cannot depend on gas from storage site (Telegraph)
Naturally the papers, where readership demographics tend to lean female these days, also serve up some male totty: Monty Don The new love of my life (Times) – there’s something about gardeners… ever since the presumably repressed homosexual DH Lawrence conjured Mellors the gamekeeper who ventured from his potting shed into the bed of Lady Chatterley…
And for the thinking woman looking for somewhat cleaner hands and smoother manners in the older chap: Why Bill Nighy’s got a new found zest for life (Express)
Of course even the very best exponents of celebrity PR can’t cover the very worst of celebrity money-grabbing hypocrisy: Ugly truth behind Beckham’s £150million Qatar deal (Mail)
Pink Floyd’s $500mn song catalogue sale hits a wall after band infighting (FT)
To health matters…
Beat diabetes with NHS diet (Mail) – I don’t know about the NHS diet but we do seem to have forgone NHS care which has been very strictly rationed if not completely off the menu of late.
New covid surge. Booster jab crisis – nudges the Mirror, doing it’s public service duty.
I’m reminded of Tony Hancock in the Blood Donor who left alone for a moment in the hospital waiting room began reciting the slogans on the public health posters on the wall – coughs and sneazes spread diseases… he chanted to the tune of “Deutschland, Deutschland, Über alles” [music Joseph Haydn, words August Heinrich Hoffmann, bad connotations Kaiser Wilhelm II and Adolf Hitler]