MM, it is probably unwise to look at one day’s movment in the markets and possibly/probably they markets will have already priced in a Rishi win but looking at the London closing prices, it is more of ‘Investers “Meh”, rather than ‘Investors calm’.
Don’t know if this has been mentioned, they are getting more brazen by the day the more they are allowed to get away with this :
BBC News presenter is taken off air for telling viewers she was ‘gleeful’ after Boris Johnson pulled out of Tory leadership race as bosses ‘urgently review’ show amid impartiality row
Martine Croxall being investigated by the BBC after comments last night
She sparked fury for saying she was ‘gleeful’ after Mr Johnson quit race to be PM
The beaming BBC presenter couldn’t contain her joy during The Papers show
She said: ‘This is all very exciting… Am I allowed to be this gleeful? Well, I am’
Viewers are now calling for action from regulators over BBC’s ‘outrageous bias’
‘It is imperative that we maintain the highest editorial standards. We have processes in place to uphold our standards, and these processes have been activated.’
Dear Marianna Spring (BBC wages paid under threat of prosecution),
As I’ve had to look at your BBC news and use other sources to determine that your news is not news but selective editorial opinion I’d like to request that I have a refund for the last 4 years plus get the BBC free from now on.
Please let me know how I can go about this as I am willing to create a full list of articles that I’ve had to investigate plus time taken for me to check your fact checker whilst realising that the BBC intentionally removes news rather than incorrectly report on it, uses images to sway opinion or misleads with the main titles hoping no one reads the full article.
‘Omission is the greatest form of lie.’
CAS-4987700-SY1FTF : BBC NewsWatch says boredom with pro-Brexit march.
CAS-4844672-N8FDYY: Update on the MP Expenses 2009 scandal in 2018.
CAS-4939547-J71Z1V: Here’s hoping Ireland do the right thing G.Lineker.
CAS-4937378-YKMWBJ: BBC not reporting ‘Day of Freedom’ March 06may2018.
CAS-4906141-BFJQL0: I take offence that presenters promote their books.
CAS-4892811-C820SC: I am offended that I have to pay the BBC TV Tax.
CAS-4824332-633N1P: What happened in Italy was not covered …
CAS-4933135-ZV3V7F: The omission is the most powerful form of lie …
CAS-6005141-S1V9D1: Not seen a report on the UK Governments Covid19
Let me know how to go about resolving the issue of paying for something that wastes my time as I have to check each story rather than rely on its accuracy.
They have a unit dedicated to it. And OFCOM probably co funds.
It has been shown there is zero consequence, and hence they nudge the thicker ones on the mid floors to take one for the team for a paid holiday.
And at the astounding event there is a consequence it is petitions all round, awards for all and if necessary a merry go round of ideological cretins of the airwaves. All smiled over benignly by the bosses on £500k trying to get labour in… for the ‘people’.
So, Krishnan to ITV, Max to the the Neasden Bugle, Emily to Tik Tok…. or Only Jubblies…
Now that the MSM is getting fixated on the wealth of the PM – maybe they can campaign for the wealth of all politicians and journalists to be broadcast whenever they turn up on the media .
After all – if we poor people ( basic rate PAYE) types are to be preached at about ‘tightening belts ‘ – or – taxes falling on ‘the broadest shoulders ‘ – it will comfort us that the swamp isn’t that different from us … Right ?
BTW – this isn’t envy on my part – I say good luck to anyone with a bigger bank balance ( apart from baddies) but I like openness and fairness and punters being better informed ….
A February 2008 Freedom of Information Act request for the release of details of MPs’ expenses claims was allowed by an Information Tribunal but challenged by the House of Commons Authorities on the grounds that it was “unlawfully intrusive”.
Barry Gardiner defends donations worth £500,000 from Chinese agent
The Labour MP said Christine Lee appeared to be ‘operating as a legitimate person in the UK’.
Amy Gibbons
Thursday 13 January 2022 20:23
“UK doomed without Brexit rethink, warns Tory backer”
Any mention of COVID, the Covid Lockdown, The self-inflicted energy shortage , the war in Ukraine etc ……..
Watching the BBC news and its glee at the demise of Boris and seeing all those self indulgent Tory MP’s who stabbed Boris in the back congratulating Sunik and gathering around him like fly’s on sh-t.
Little do they know that most will lose there seats at the next election because of there complete ignorance with regards to there constituents and publics wishes.They are a bunch of complete no hopers who have no idea how there constituents feel and what we want. Not once as a paying member of the Tory Party was i asked by my MP my opinion and who she should vote for…
As a member of the Tory Party i just recieved an email from my constituent office asking me to donate yet again for a forthcoming local council election…My reply was to go forth and multiply..Today is the day i walk away from the Tory Party after 30 years..
We as a country habitualy criticize other countries for there lack of democracy, what we have witnessed over the last month or so in this country is on a par if not worse than they are..
No matter what we want as a people is irrelevant, it’s what the Establishment want…f-ck us..!!
Boris needs to resign as a Tory MP and sit as an independent until he and the Reform Party come to some agreement, they would take this country by storm
I disagree – the only country I criticise is the USA for allowing election theft – methods being used here with identity voting – multiple voting – postal voting – .. the UK isn’t a democracy – it’s a single state with slightly different packaging ..
I’m going to disagree I don’t think we should rush into black and white simplicities in a full colour complex world.
I don’t believe Boris is simply in for himself.. he could have stayed out of politics and been a very wealthy newspaper columnist
Same for saying “Tory MPs are a bunch of complete no hopers who have no idea how there constituents feel and what we want.”
Most had successful careers outside parliament.
I think there is quite a diversity in thought.
However being in the Westminster bubble does seem to infect people, so you or I might might behave like those MPs if we were MPs
We might be stuck in Climate Cult, in WEF cult, and supporting open borders and big government spending.
Johnson calculated his financial enrichment (and status) would be greater through politics. Arguably not a problem in itself – though it reveals his true motivations, suggests he is biddable and that he is thinking selfishly while he’s talking about ‘the country’ and ‘ordinary British people’.
I think your MP might be a bit busy now and over the next 18 months getting ready for their new career of just taking bungs .
Unless personal benefit I can’t see why anyone would be in the Conservative Party – since the MPs are generally not conservatives – I don’t think they can honestly claim to occupy the centre ground ….
… elsewhere – since this is Mary Elizabeth Truss ‘ last day as PM – I wonder if she will finally ring crankie ? I hope not … same with sunak . Waste of a phone call – and anything which gives crankie another sense of grievance is to be welcomed . …
We are witnessing the end of UK democracy. Did any of you get any say in the anointment of the new PM? Thought not, expect a lot more of this, it’s now government by committee and masterminded from Brussels.
The EU (WEF) will keep attacking our UK freedom until we submit.
Only civil (European) war will stop these bastards!
TODAY: Monday 24th Oct 2022
We have Gary Linekar (again) A perfect example of why the BBC pay him so much. A walking BBC billboard.
…” Gary Lineker has been found guilty for the first time of breaking the BBC’s impartiality rules after tweeting his views on the Conservative Party.
Managers at the corporation have consistently defended his right to express his political opinions on the grounds that he does not work in news or current affairs.
However, they were overruled by the BBC’s executive complaints unit (ECU), which said that Lineker’s high profile comes with “additional responsibility”.
Not so long ago: 9th July 2021 BBC complaints double in two years as political bias incenses viewers
Emily Maitlis’s Newsnight monologue is subject of most complaints, with corporation executives admitting they have a problem The number of complaints about BBC programmes has more than doubled over the past two years to a record high of nearly half a million, figures have revealed.
Complaints to the broadcaster reached 462,255 in 2020/21, up from 218,253 in 2018/19, with anger about perceived bias driving up the numbers.
In the intervening year, 2019/20, the figure was 368,377, which the BBC said at the time was unusually high due to complaints about the 2019 general election and the first time it had topped 300,000 since records began.
The new figures were contained in the BBC’s annual report, published this week.
The broadcaster acknowledged that it had a problem. Ian Hargreaves, chairman of the BBC’s editorial guidelines and standards committee, said: “The volume of complaints to the BBC remains a concern. This financial year has seen another sharp increase in the number of complaints received.
This is all VERY profitable for the BBC chosen ones. Appearing on Strictly is one bit also being paid by BBC world-wide or BBC Studios mean nobody knows how much you actually earn (Except the HMRC taxman). But Only if you pay UK tax (something the BBC used to advise how to be paid “OFFSHORE”.
BBC (declared) highest earners are also here: PAGE LINK
@NadiaWhittomeMP Indian-origin Member of Parliament, who is also Britain’s youngest MP in the House of Commons
Rishi Sunak and his wife sit on a fortune of £730,000,000.
That’s around twice the estimated wealth of King Charles III.
Remember this whenever he talks about making “tough decisions” that working class people will pay for.
Translation Sunak married a billionaires daughter, their life is not like normal people’s
So Nadia is playing to her gallery
and doing Labour’s politics of ENVY thing.
Deeper analysis
Nadia didn’t write £730m cos she’s doing PR trickery
Nadia brought in King Charles cos she’s doing PR trickery
She says he will be talking about tough decisions” that working class people will pay for.
Hmm do working class pay ?
The working class do pay some taxes, they do take benefits
Whereas rich people tend to pay much more in each and take out less.
Policy changes do impact working class more
you ban them from owning cars or cut the NHS more it impacts them more than the rich
BTW last year Nadia announced on social media that she will be taking “several weeks” off her parliamentary work for mental health reasons
“Upon her election to Parliament in 2019, Ms Whittome pledged to take home £35,000 of her MP’s salary after tax, the average UK household income,”
Good on her if she really did that.
I can’t see she has donated that much
Her website only lists £28,500 donations so far
She was elected on 12 December 2019
so by 12 Dec 2022 she will have got 3 years salary
On £82,000 salary, your take home pay will be £55,385
So she should have given away about £20K per year ie £60K
Hangon she says an average worker gets £35K
so why is she keeping £35K after tax
That is the money a person on a salary of 47K gets after tax.
Her tweet is tricky
#1 See she gives MPs salary as as BIG number BEFORE tax
#2 She gives her take as SMALL number, it AFTER tax
#3 It’s still way over the average workers take home pay
Next month, MPs get a £2,200 pay rise to £84,144 while the country gets a rise in national insurance, energy bills & council tax.
We’re already in the top 5% of earners.
When I was elected, I pledged to take home £35k and donate the rest to local causes. That won't be changing.
— Nadia Whittome MP (@NadiaWhittomeMP) March 1, 2022
TWatO Watch #1 – more softening up thanks to a labouring Lord
Gus O’Donnell, the cross bench Peer, but former Civil Servant at the highest level, mostly during the Blair/Brown years doing just one with the Coalition Government, let it slip that he is an EU enthusiast for ‘our biggest trading partner’. He mentioned Brexit at least once more. Cross bencher ….. Hhmmmmnnn.
So the eco loons can walk into the House of Commons and stage a sit down in the central lobby, while Sky News is conducting an interview with an MP.
Of course security move in and Sky News cancels the interview.
Apparently the Conservative website is in meltdown with members cancelling their membership. Well, according to Dan Wootton it is anyway.
I have 2 newspapers every day, but I won’t be buying for the next fortnight. I don’t want to read the parliamentary nonsense and how Sunak is the first Indian PM – just as I predicted.
There is not one decent person in the whole of that shower at Westminster that I would want to vote for.
Andy – I have never been and never will be a member of existing political parties – but I wonder if the membership have any value at all ?
How much of the blue labour income is generated by the membership as opposed to bungs from ‘donors ‘? – I don’t care much but I’m surprised that Tory members are surprised that ‘democracy ‘ is so – disposable …
The same goes for the red labour lot of course …
Keep us posted JC when you get the inevitable non apology from the arrogant far left, socialist, racist, lying twats.
Use the clipping tool in Windows to take a screenshot of their far left hypocrisy.
I’ve only complained to the BBC because you have to have the complaint number to raise it to OFCOM. They do this so many times that any ‘apology’ is absolutely worthless and they will keep on doing it.
Even better than screenshots: I have it all on email.
I’ve noticed when I up mark or down a comment, the tick doesn’t remain when I look at the page again – I doubt the biased bbc would omit in favour of some comments, or on the other hand
I am reminded of Denis Skinner (the Beast of Bolsover) in the House of Commons he referred to the Tory members saying ‘half the members opposite are crooks’.
He was rightly taken to task by the Speaker who told him he couldn’t make such accusations in the House. Denis apologised and rephrased his statement saying ‘half the members opposite are not crooks’
Meanwhile back at the ranch, never to be seen on the far left biased bbc:
“Biden calls VP Kamala Harris a ‘great president’ in gaffe during White House event. Biden also joked Vice President Kamala Harris has ‘turned 30’ during the White House event”
“Joe Biden gets lost in his own garden: More worrying footage shows president ask ‘where do we go?’ and look confused after tree planting event for White House groundskeeper”
Well, at least he didn’t play Star Spangled Banner on a xylophone with his willy.
Regarding the news of #DylanMulvaney's recent visit to the White House: if you strip away all the socially constructed concepts like "President", "USA", "TikTok" and "transgender", what's left? OLD MAN GIVES YOUNGER MAN A COOKIE FOR PRETENDING TO BE A PREPUBESCENT GIRL.
I checked – Disraeli was Asian because he was born in londonistan ….
The BBC – Robinson seems to be fixating on the new PMs religion – and his links to India – I reckon the paki Muslims inside the BBC are upset that they haven’t got one of their people into the top job …
“If you have to beg the landlord for relief because you can’t pay the rent on Friday, that’s a threat to dignity.”@MichaelMarmot, one of the UK’s foremost researchers on health inequality, on the cuts to benefits, stress and dignity.
We now have the most incompetent person in charge of the US in its history and not a whisper from the biased bbc about his numerous gaffes, yet:
BBC News (World)
Trump blames teleprompter for gaffe in which he said rebels seized “airports” during the 18th Century revolutionary war
Parched Trump’s Rubio-style water gaffe – BBC News
BBC Q: Does Donald Trump think Paris is in Germany? A: Probably not
BBC Donald Trump’s ‘big mistake’ over Alec Baldwin sketch
BBC Dayton mayor on Trump’s ‘Toledo’ mistake
President Trump mixed up two Ohio cities when he addressed the nation about two mass shootings.
BBC Coronavirus: Trump’s Covid vaccine chief admits delivery mistake
BBC When Donald Trump tweeted Ivanka in Brighton by mistake
When Donald Trump tweeted using @ivanka to praise his daughter, it turned out he’d used the wrong handle.
Meanwhile the odious BBC covers up Biden’s daily huge, glaring, gaffes, fumbles, mumbles and stumbles.
Most recently, The Living Corpse fell asleep mid-interview.
(Note to GreenStew: you gonna fact-check me on that, cretin?)
Ah yes – mr brown – a member of the croxall school of bias …
I wonder whether the bbc will do the usual whitewash with her . Maybe they’ll find there is a need for all bbc staff to be drugs tested before going before the paying public ….so gleeful …
Repeating what staunch remainer – guy hands – said yesterday about the future decline of the UK – which I believe will happen whether we are in the reich EU or not ….
…. I think we will be hearing more from Mr Hands – QT – BBC News – he will become the ‘go to ‘ for the approved view – its a bit like the creature called ‘Malcom barwell ‘ a henchman for Teresa May – who popped up today -always available to be an approved Tory remainer lefty …
They haven’t go away you know …
A headline to show how great Sunak is as everyone ‘wlecomes him’ according to the BBC.
Of course when you dig down the headline is completely misleading. Nobody has ‘welcomed’ him at all.
The EU said ‘Working together is the only way to face common challenges’
India said ‘Special Diwali wishes to the ‘living bridge’ of UK Indians, as we transform our historic ties into a modern partnership’ which is very disconcerting.
But the best is near the end with a big picture of Nasty Biden, arms open and a big, senile-looking smile – and what did he say ?
‘The US president is holding back on formally congratulating Mr Sunak until he has met King Charles’.
Robinson interviewing some BBC type – Bowen – linking the current state of the blue labour lot to brexit – Bowen sounded hung over -….
The was no contrary to this lie – it ain’t brexit – it is money trees – chopped down for the Chinese virus – fuel – rare materials ….
Those are the sources of current problems – brexit hasn’t even started yet ( see Northern Ireland )…
Can they play Hen Wlad Fy Nhadau on a xylophone with their penises?
Rumours of @markdrakeford Going all out to blend in with the nonsense Panto he introduced to Wales. Working his Arse off to grab votes where he can 🤣🤣🤣
It takes the Daily Mirror to make the obvious, awkward, yet apposite, observation: Our new (unelected) PM… Who voted for you? – not Tory party members, that’s for sure.
Katy Balls in the ‘i’ newspaper observes: His toughest task will be selling public spending cuts
If only he would cut back government spending…
Poly Toynbee batting for the blob in the Guardian, typically of the left, says she doesn’t believe we need to cut anything: Remember the Tory cuts will be a choice – not a necessity – I’m sure our pretty Poly has read all the OBR reports and done the due diligence and concluded that old magic money tree can thrive still yet – all hail the Big State
Tim Stanley writing in the stately Telegraph throws out a simile likely to go way over the heads of respectable Tory maiden aunts and retired Indian army colonels from Sidcup: It’s just like The X Factor, except no one actually voted for the winner – Tim there, for my taste, placing rather too much trust in the supposed absolute reliabilty and unreproachable electorial transparency and fairness of Simon Cowell’s Syco Entertainment and ITV’s phone voting systems.
The Gruan picks up that same theme of souped-up corporate created karaoki standards pumped out to the consumer target millennial masses as though they were original: ‘This was boyband Sunak: saying it best when he said nothing at all’
The Daily Star for once catches the approving eye of BBC online press reviewers who promote the jokey saucy tabloid to number two spot today – way above the usual last place position. Their frontpage makes dishy Rishi PM pin up of the month of October – implying – flip to November and they’ll be another.
Sadly, cartoonist Matt in the Telegraph provided a skit placed at the foot of the frontpage, but the BBC’s tabloid-friendly newspaper reproduction format cut it off.
The urban giveaway freebie corporate advertising sheet Metro, appropriately enough, introduces our newly installed regional manager, promoted by our outsourcing-addicted head office so as to represent the interests of our corporate masters: Here comes the Sunak… Britain’s first Asian PM – and appropriately enough, our nationalised broadcasting corporation likes this headline best of all, putting it top of their press pile today.
Positive reaction from markets – gloats the globalist FT
Yasmin Alibhai-Brown in the left-leaning ‘i’ paper takes no pleasure in her conational’s promotion to top job: Why I can’t celebrate history-making leader – Goodness gracious me!
Our Yasmin, eh…? To slightly misquote Darth Vader: “The Lefty force is strong with this one”
The Sun amusingly takes up the theme but places the lightsaber in Sunak’s hand: The force is with you, Rishi… Star Wars fan new PM
I see him much more as a Star Trek Mr Spock – perhaps it’s just my age? The cool, calculating, computer-like half-alien presence on the bridge.
Three coloured tick boxes chew the fat over Rishi being the ‘first husband of a billionaires daughter ‘ to become PM – why hasn’t it happened before ? Sooner – the bbc dug up ‘baroness varsi ‘ – a Cameron tick box failure now dumped in the lords – the only card to play is the race one ….
There was no mention that mr sunak wasn’t elected by people – just politicians – each with their own motivations…
Looks like the BBC will be playing the race card all day – that will go done with Leicester and Hindu boys rubbing the Muslims’ noses in it …
The bbbc radio newcastle this morning described Sunak as born in Southampton where his father was a doctor and his mother ran a pharmacy.
Sounds like yer average family young working class lad done well.
As ever, do not trust info given by, “The Worlds Most Trusted Broadcaster”. During the night on World Service listeners were told that Sunak was born in India. Wrong.
The family are international mercenaries: seeming to move from country to country when it suits.
Whichever way you look at it, the overriding feeling is that we need an Asian in that position because there was not a capable Brit to do the job. The Globalists will prey on this.
TOADY Watch #1 – the BBC get everything wrong looking through LeftLibbyMob spectacles
Sean Farrington, doing Business News in the first half-hour of TOADY claimed the gas price was at a new low. Needless to say, it was last week, at 185p per therm but since then it has increased back to over 300p per therm. It did fall yesterday but then so did the £ against the $ and € although it has recovered a bit against the € this morning. Click on individual items to see the price movement through a day, one month, three months, one year and five years.
Reading BBC News website… today the first British Asian PM will meet King Charles this morning and then the first British Asian PM will enter 10 Downing Street. The first British Asian PM will then meet staff and then the first British Asian PM has the daunting task of tackling the highest interest rates in 40 years.
In other news… the first British Asian PM will celebrate Diwali.
Seriously, why are the far left obsessed with labelling everyone non white? I asked this in a HYS comment yesterday but it got removed along with the other three I posted.
Let’s hope that Rishi is afforded a longer “honeymoon” period, than luckless Liz.
Yes, Rishi presents as being calm and sensible and I keep hearing how clever and capable he is, but…he was second in command during the deeply damaging lockdowns. Our economy was tanking and we were storing up long term problems while he was writing endless cheques. He now claims that while in cabinet he railed against this insanity. But he didn’t do the brave thing and quit, did he?
It seems to me that giving Rishi the top job is like making the navigator of the Titanic captain after the ship has hit the iceberg…or the sh1t has hit the fan…
Okay, I don’t blame Sunak for our long-term and deeply damaging green obsession, and no one could have anticipated the war in Ukraine, but the iceberg (lockdowns) could and should have been avoided.
In May last year NHS Test and Trace (NHST&T) was set up with a budget of £22 billion. Since then it has been allocated £15 billion more: totalling £37 billion over two years.
Jeff, to be fair to Rishi he was Chancellor to Bumbling Boris of the wayward brain under the wayward hair. Someone said on BBC R4 yesterday or Saturday that all of the world’s major nations were hit by the Wuhan ‘flu’ and the UK has managed their economy best of all. Our inflation would be less if the bungling Bailey of the Bank and his MPC had increased Base Rate when necessary.
It is not Rishi’s fault that Bumbling Boris didn’t have the guts to listen only to a virologist who knew how long a Lockdown should last and instead went for something recommended by a Committee and then did it in a half baked way.
In addition, Bumbling Boris loves bigging up Britain and indulging in willy waving. It is not Rishi’s fault that Theresa May and Boris Johnson both made a big deal of COP26 (which is why the gas and oil price climbed, nothing to do with Ukraine, Liz Truss*) and Rishi may well have voted in Parliament for the end of new petrol and diesel cars by 2030/2035 but he probably did so as a loyal Conservative. Rishi has probably done the sums on the back of the proverbial envelope and probably knows renewables are not the answer and Net Zero in a major retail/industrial economy is a nonsensical pipe dream.
It is not Rishi’s fault (although he would have agreed in Cabinet/argued against it in Cabinet) to grandstand (willy-wave) over Ukraine and give away our obsolete or current (for the defence of the Realm!) military kit.
I could go on but I need to do other things.
* Funny how some people are happy to call Boris Johnson a liar but when Liz Truss does it, not a peep is heard from LeftMob because it would mean admitting that COPs are a waste of time and money
Interesting article on the bbc now – “The five most important issues facing rishi sunak” Apparently this new chap has a given name and a surname. That’s unfair; “Johnson” only had a surname.
Anyway, guess what is top of the list for anyone who sees something to be wildly concerned about? I’ll give you a clue, it can be found in a woodpile, usually on a south coast beach. Of course, it’s not in the bbc list.
Also, if that doesn’t make you hurl, French people are “appalled” that the FAR right are using the death of the poor young thing in Paris to drum up support. Wrong lefties, I think you will find that it is the murder itself which “appalls” people. Not in your multi-culti dreamland, of course.
You beat me to it micknotmike. I couldn’t bear to look at what the BBC wants us to think are the five most pressing issues, but I’d bet my life that sending back all refugees and cancelling green fascism are nowhere to be seen. And the article is headed ‘Fix You’- how arrogant, patronising and childish. The BBC are beneath contempt.
No mention of the partial solar eclipse today. I remember seeing one as a kid and it was the most exciting thing ever. The BBC have mentioned that the WhatsApp server is down and that is all that the majority of the public care about.
Sad times these days when a natural rare event is right above your head if you can be bothered to stop looking at your smart phone for a few minutes. BBC don’t consider it worthy of a mention even though they employ multiple science reporters.
For those interested, it starts 10.08am, peaks at 11.13am with 15% of the Sun covered. Don’t look directly at the Sun etc.
Such partial eclipses are more common than some people suppose. There are at least two somewhere on earth in any year; it can be four (e.g. 1982, 2000) or rarely even five (e.g. 1935) but these will be poorly aligned (so partial and not total/annular anywhere). I can’t blame the BBC for not featuring an event where, here in Glos, the coverage was under 20%, though more to the East and North.
With average luck you could expect to see one from the UK every 2.5 – 3 years, but there can be bigger intervals, e.g. nothing over England between 30/5/1984 and 10/5/1994.
An Indian was interviewed on World Service last night. Finally said that he hoped Sunak would promote more Indians entering the UK for work/study etc. We know that includes family don’t we………………
The issue of fake licences surfaced in the wake of the tragic crash of a Pakistan International Airlines plane in Karachi on May 22, killing 97 people, when Minister of Aviation Ghulam Sarwar Khan told the media that 260 of the country’s 860 active pilots had either fake licences or had cheated in their exams.20 Dec 2020
Ncuti Gatwa will play the 15th Doctor
Persecution of people with albinism (sometimes abbreviated PWA[1]) is based on the belief that certain body parts of albinistic people can transmit magical powers. Such superstition is present especially in some parts of the African Great Lakes region, it has been promulgated and exploited by witch doctors and others who use such body parts as ingredients in rituals, concoctions and potions with the claim that their magic will bring prosperity to the user (muti or medicine murder).[2]
BBC anti Rishi hate campaign already in full swing.
At 1050, there is a helicopter shot of a removal van to take out Liz Truss’s belongings.
Huw Edwards then comes up with the truly s**** snide remark that Sunak will move in with belongings ‘from one of his several homes’ and then reminds us how rich he is.
In other news – the triple shooting ( 2 dead ) in ilford last night makes ‘other news ‘- in newham at the weekend – 1 stabbed to death – 3 in my bit of londonistan …
… the threshold for making the news now is getting higher – a;though the BBC still reports on school killings 5000 miles away –
The one is St Louis yesterday was – it seems – very ‘tooled up ‘ but luckily got shot dead by the local police- who seems were braver than those other cowards from the last big one …
Chancellor Rishi Sunak held US green card until last year
8 April
Chancellor Rishi Sunak held a US green card – allowing permanent residence in that country – while he was chancellor, his spokeswoman has said.
“Destroying resources vital for civilian life is widely regarded as violations of international humanitarian law.
But in recent weeks Russia has further targeted Ukraine’s power and water infrastructure, prompting shortages across the country.”
Sounds like a definition of our government policy of destroying access to resources like housing, health access, etc via mass immigration – prompting shortages across the country..
The slimy BBC reports the outrage in France over the rape, torture and murder of a 12-year-old girl under the headline:
“Lola: France’s far right adopts murdered schoolgirl”
Grrrr, doncha hate those fascists? You see, they’re the real danger, not the millions of migrants with their quaint rape culture.
Of course, the headline could have read:
“Ordinary French citizens are incandescent over yet another girl raped and murdered by illegal immigrants of a raping persuasion.” (Preferably 9-year-olds, but we’re not too fussy.)
Over 1,200 women were reportedly sexually assaulted during the 2015–16 public New Year’s Eve’s celebrations in Germany, in most cases by men of non-European origin. Multiple women reported being raped. In many of the incidents, women in public places had been surrounded and assaulted by groups of men.[11][12][13][14] The Bundeskriminalamt (German Federal Criminal Police) confirmed in July 2016 that 1,200 women had been sexually assaulted on that New Year’s night.[1]
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 31, 22:28 Start the Week 31st March 2025 A stupid episode in The Archers recently had nice Mr Malik cancel his family’s Eid firework display out of sensitivity…
BRISSLESMar 31, 22:14 Start the Week 31st March 2025 All out broadcasting on Islamic Eid – celebrating in Parliament no less too. Can we expect other religious festivals to…
tomoMar 31, 22:14 Start the Week 31st March 2025 we’ve too many of these types in the UK … [img][/img]
ZephirMar 31, 20:40 Start the Week 31st March 2025 Well, well, part 2: “Guardian editors helped fuel Southport riots by showing contempt for the white working class, peer claims…
tomoMar 31, 20:25 Start the Week 31st March 2025 Actually, quite a fair comparison [img][/img]
ScrobleneMar 31, 20:12 Start the Week 31st March 2025 Perhaps when the awful, corrupt EU gets its accounts signed off, (never done), they can pontificate, meanwhile normal British citizens…
ZephirMar 31, 20:10 Start the Week 31st March 2025 I would suspect a surfeit of Prosecco or whatever crap this lot consume.
Fedup2Mar 31, 20:07 Start the Week 31st March 2025 Perhaps she has adopted the US Democrat recent practice of swearing at public speeches to show ‘authenticity ‘ …. Apparently…
Mayar T says Nigel Farage is launching new party . Live on Youtube .
Investors calm as Rishi Sunak wins race for prime minister
Country ran by Bankers!
MM, it is probably unwise to look at one day’s movment in the markets and possibly/probably they markets will have already priced in a Rishi win but looking at the London closing prices, it is more of ‘Investers “Meh”, rather than ‘Investors calm’.
Don’t know if this has been mentioned, they are getting more brazen by the day the more they are allowed to get away with this :
BBC News presenter is taken off air for telling viewers she was ‘gleeful’ after Boris Johnson pulled out of Tory leadership race as bosses ‘urgently review’ show amid impartiality row
Martine Croxall being investigated by the BBC after comments last night
She sparked fury for saying she was ‘gleeful’ after Mr Johnson quit race to be PM
The beaming BBC presenter couldn’t contain her joy during The Papers show
She said: ‘This is all very exciting… Am I allowed to be this gleeful? Well, I am’
Viewers are now calling for action from regulators over BBC’s ‘outrageous bias’
‘It is imperative that we maintain the highest editorial standards. We have processes in place to uphold our standards, and these processes have been activated.’
Dear Marianna Spring (BBC wages paid under threat of prosecution),
As I’ve had to look at your BBC news and use other sources to determine that your news is not news but selective editorial opinion I’d like to request that I have a refund for the last 4 years plus get the BBC free from now on.
Please let me know how I can go about this as I am willing to create a full list of articles that I’ve had to investigate plus time taken for me to check your fact checker whilst realising that the BBC intentionally removes news rather than incorrectly report on it, uses images to sway opinion or misleads with the main titles hoping no one reads the full article.
‘Omission is the greatest form of lie.’
CAS-4987700-SY1FTF : BBC NewsWatch says boredom with pro-Brexit march.
CAS-4844672-N8FDYY: Update on the MP Expenses 2009 scandal in 2018.
CAS-4939547-J71Z1V: Here’s hoping Ireland do the right thing G.Lineker.
CAS-4937378-YKMWBJ: BBC not reporting ‘Day of Freedom’ March 06may2018.
CAS-4906141-BFJQL0: I take offence that presenters promote their books.
CAS-4892811-C820SC: I am offended that I have to pay the BBC TV Tax.
CAS-4824332-633N1P: What happened in Italy was not covered …
CAS-4933135-ZV3V7F: The omission is the most powerful form of lie …
CAS-6005141-S1V9D1: Not seen a report on the UK Governments Covid19
Let me know how to go about resolving the issue of paying for something that wastes my time as I have to check each story rather than rely on its accuracy.
Brazen? Investigated? Ha!
They have a unit dedicated to it. And OFCOM probably co funds.
It has been shown there is zero consequence, and hence they nudge the thicker ones on the mid floors to take one for the team for a paid holiday.
And at the astounding event there is a consequence it is petitions all round, awards for all and if necessary a merry go round of ideological cretins of the airwaves. All smiled over benignly by the bosses on £500k trying to get labour in… for the ‘people’.
So, Krishnan to ITV, Max to the the Neasden Bugle, Emily to Tik Tok…. or Only Jubblies…
Now that the MSM is getting fixated on the wealth of the PM – maybe they can campaign for the wealth of all politicians and journalists to be broadcast whenever they turn up on the media .
After all – if we poor people ( basic rate PAYE) types are to be preached at about ‘tightening belts ‘ – or – taxes falling on ‘the broadest shoulders ‘ – it will comfort us that the swamp isn’t that different from us … Right ?
BTW – this isn’t envy on my part – I say good luck to anyone with a bigger bank balance ( apart from baddies) but I like openness and fairness and punters being better informed ….
A February 2008 Freedom of Information Act request for the release of details of MPs’ expenses claims was allowed by an Information Tribunal but challenged by the House of Commons Authorities on the grounds that it was “unlawfully intrusive”.
…. challenged by the House of Commons Authorities on the grounds that it was “unlawfully intrusive”
Barry Gardiner defends donations worth £500,000 from Chinese agent
The Labour MP said Christine Lee appeared to be ‘operating as a legitimate person in the UK’.
Amy Gibbons
Thursday 13 January 2022 20:23
They should publish, in every story about charities, how much the top guys “earn”.
MM, Suella Braverman resigned, was not sacked.
Nor was Calamity Liz forced out because of tax cuts, it was because of massive Socialist spending programs.
“UK doomed without Brexit rethink, warns Tory backer”
Any mention of COVID, the Covid Lockdown, The self-inflicted energy shortage , the war in Ukraine etc ……..
“Tory backer” or a Tory Rejoiner?
Watching the BBC news and its glee at the demise of Boris and seeing all those self indulgent Tory MP’s who stabbed Boris in the back congratulating Sunik and gathering around him like fly’s on sh-t.
Little do they know that most will lose there seats at the next election because of there complete ignorance with regards to there constituents and publics wishes.They are a bunch of complete no hopers who have no idea how there constituents feel and what we want. Not once as a paying member of the Tory Party was i asked by my MP my opinion and who she should vote for…
As a member of the Tory Party i just recieved an email from my constituent office asking me to donate yet again for a forthcoming local council election…My reply was to go forth and multiply..Today is the day i walk away from the Tory Party after 30 years..
It needs a reform …………………..
We as a country habitualy criticize other countries for there lack of democracy, what we have witnessed over the last month or so in this country is on a par if not worse than they are..
No matter what we want as a people is irrelevant, it’s what the Establishment want…f-ck us..!!
Boris needs to resign as a Tory MP and sit as an independent until he and the Reform Party come to some agreement, they would take this country by storm
I disagree – the only country I criticise is the USA for allowing election theft – methods being used here with identity voting – multiple voting – postal voting – .. the UK isn’t a democracy – it’s a single state with slightly different packaging ..
Boris Johnson thinks of himself, first, last and always. I hope (but do not believe) that we never hear from him again.
I’m going to disagree I don’t think we should rush into black and white simplicities in a full colour complex world.
I don’t believe Boris is simply in for himself.. he could have stayed out of politics and been a very wealthy newspaper columnist
Same for saying “Tory MPs are a bunch of complete no hopers who have no idea how there constituents feel and what we want.”
Most had successful careers outside parliament.
I think there is quite a diversity in thought.
However being in the Westminster bubble does seem to infect people, so you or I might might behave like those MPs if we were MPs
We might be stuck in Climate Cult, in WEF cult, and supporting open borders and big government spending.
Johnson calculated his financial enrichment (and status) would be greater through politics. Arguably not a problem in itself – though it reveals his true motivations, suggests he is biddable and that he is thinking selfishly while he’s talking about ‘the country’ and ‘ordinary British people’.
I think your MP might be a bit busy now and over the next 18 months getting ready for their new career of just taking bungs .
Unless personal benefit I can’t see why anyone would be in the Conservative Party – since the MPs are generally not conservatives – I don’t think they can honestly claim to occupy the centre ground ….
… elsewhere – since this is Mary Elizabeth Truss ‘ last day as PM – I wonder if she will finally ring crankie ? I hope not … same with sunak . Waste of a phone call – and anything which gives crankie another sense of grievance is to be welcomed . …
We are witnessing the end of UK democracy. Did any of you get any say in the anointment of the new PM? Thought not, expect a lot more of this, it’s now government by committee and masterminded from Brussels.
The EU (WEF) will keep attacking our UK freedom until we submit.
Only civil (European) war will stop these bastards!
TODAY: Monday 24th Oct 2022
We have Gary Linekar (again)
A perfect example of why the BBC pay him so much. A walking BBC billboard.
…” Gary Lineker has been found guilty for the first time of breaking the BBC’s impartiality rules after tweeting his views on the Conservative Party.
Managers at the corporation have consistently defended his right to express his political opinions on the grounds that he does not work in news or current affairs.
However, they were overruled by the BBC’s executive complaints unit (ECU), which said that Lineker’s high profile comes with “additional responsibility”.
Not so long ago: 9th July 2021
BBC complaints double in two years as political bias incenses viewers
Emily Maitlis’s Newsnight monologue is subject of most complaints, with corporation executives admitting they have a problem
The number of complaints about BBC programmes has more than doubled over the past two years to a record high of nearly half a million, figures have revealed.
Complaints to the broadcaster reached 462,255 in 2020/21, up from 218,253 in 2018/19, with anger about perceived bias driving up the numbers.
In the intervening year, 2019/20, the figure was 368,377, which the BBC said at the time was unusually high due to complaints about the 2019 general election and the first time it had topped 300,000 since records began.
The new figures were contained in the BBC’s annual report, published this week.
The broadcaster acknowledged that it had a problem. Ian Hargreaves, chairman of the BBC’s editorial guidelines and standards committee, said: “The volume of complaints to the BBC remains a concern. This financial year has seen another sharp increase in the number of complaints received.
This is all VERY profitable for the BBC chosen ones. Appearing on Strictly is one bit also being paid by BBC world-wide or BBC Studios mean nobody knows how much you actually earn (Except the HMRC taxman). But Only if you pay UK tax (something the BBC used to advise how to be paid “OFFSHORE”.
BBC (declared) highest earners are also here:
@NadiaWhittomeMP Indian-origin Member of Parliament, who is also Britain’s youngest MP in the House of Commons
Translation Sunak married a billionaires daughter, their life is not like normal people’s
So Nadia is playing to her gallery
and doing Labour’s politics of ENVY thing.
Deeper analysis
Nadia didn’t write £730m cos she’s doing PR trickery
Nadia brought in King Charles cos she’s doing PR trickery
She says he will be talking about tough decisions” that working class people will pay for.
Hmm do working class pay ?
The working class do pay some taxes, they do take benefits
Whereas rich people tend to pay much more in each and take out less.
Policy changes do impact working class more
you ban them from owning cars or cut the NHS more it impacts them more than the rich
BTW last year Nadia announced on social media that she will be taking “several weeks” off her parliamentary work for mental health reasons
“Upon her election to Parliament in 2019, Ms Whittome pledged to take home £35,000 of her MP’s salary after tax, the average UK household income,”
Good on her if she really did that.
I can’t see she has donated that much
Her website only lists £28,500 donations so far
She was elected on 12 December 2019
so by 12 Dec 2022 she will have got 3 years salary
On £82,000 salary, your take home pay will be £55,385
So she should have given away about £20K per year ie £60K
Hangon she says an average worker gets £35K
so why is she keeping £35K after tax
That is the money a person on a salary of 47K gets after tax.
Her tweet is tricky
#1 See she gives MPs salary as as BIG number BEFORE tax
#2 She gives her take as SMALL number, it AFTER tax
#3 It’s still way over the average workers take home pay
Gives to friend’s charities- a nice stance though. Maybe minimum wages.
TWatO Watch #1 – more softening up thanks to a labouring Lord
Gus O’Donnell, the cross bench Peer, but former Civil Servant at the highest level, mostly during the Blair/Brown years doing just one with the Coalition Government, let it slip that he is an EU enthusiast for ‘our biggest trading partner’. He mentioned Brexit at least once more. Cross bencher ….. Hhmmmmnnn.
So the eco loons can walk into the House of Commons and stage a sit down in the central lobby, while Sky News is conducting an interview with an MP.
Of course security move in and Sky News cancels the interview.
Apparently the Conservative website is in meltdown with members cancelling their membership. Well, according to Dan Wootton it is anyway.
I have 2 newspapers every day, but I won’t be buying for the next fortnight. I don’t want to read the parliamentary nonsense and how Sunak is the first Indian PM – just as I predicted.
There is not one decent person in the whole of that shower at Westminster that I would want to vote for.
Hello Brissles, I wonder if they have lost as many members as labour have in recent years, and their downsizing
Andy – I have never been and never will be a member of existing political parties – but I wonder if the membership have any value at all ?
How much of the blue labour income is generated by the membership as opposed to bungs from ‘donors ‘? – I don’t care much but I’m surprised that Tory members are surprised that ‘democracy ‘ is so – disposable …
The same goes for the red labour lot of course …
Government is paying money to Twitter to promote this advert
Which part of the civil service is running this PR / Ad campaign?
– BEIS, Cabinet Office or Larry The Cat
More of my BBC comment moderation probing today on the Sunak story.
Allowed comment:
‘It’s a shame the bunch of brexit suporting losers spend their time on here’
My reply deleted in about 30 seconds (they are clearly moderating this thread very, very closely):
‘Yes : anyone not sharing your child-like view of the world should be banned.
Us grown ups call that fascism.’
Absolutely ridiculous bias.
And I have to say that venom and spite directed at JRM is off the scale. Nobody hates like the Left.
The article is :
‘Rishi Sunak calls for stability and unity as he wins contest to be PM’
I reported the following comment as off-topic and insulting:
‘It’s a shame the bunch of brexit suporting losers spend their time on here’
And here is the BBC reply:
‘we have decided that it does not contravene the House Rules and are going to leave it on site’
So I then posted my own new comment as follows:
‘It s a shame the bunch of remain supporting losers spend their time on here’
Which is exactly the same as the comment they refused to delete but I changed ‘brexit’ for ‘remain’.
… and it was quickly deleted for:
‘Are considered likely to disrupt, provoke, attack or offend others’
You can’t get a clearer example of the doubels-standards and bias of the BBC than that.
I feel this needs some kind of formal complaint. But not to the BBC : they are their own judge and jury. Anyone know where I should send it ?.
Well, I made a formal complaint to the BBC with the intent of complaining to OFCOM once I have the complaint number.
I’ve seen this clear bias many, many times – but finally have something which directly proves it.
Brazen aren’t they. Excellent work JohnC.
Keep us posted JC when you get the inevitable non apology from the arrogant far left, socialist, racist, lying twats.
Use the clipping tool in Windows to take a screenshot of their far left hypocrisy.
I’ve only complained to the BBC because you have to have the complaint number to raise it to OFCOM. They do this so many times that any ‘apology’ is absolutely worthless and they will keep on doing it.
Even better than screenshots: I have it all on email.
Yes – deffo full marks – transparent evidence of BBC bias is hard for the monster to fight – BBCOFCOM will ignore it …
Send this example to Mark Steyn on GB News.
He might read it out on his show.
Hello JohnC
I’ve noticed when I up mark or down a comment, the tick doesn’t remain when I look at the page again – I doubt the biased bbc would omit in favour of some comments, or on the other hand
I am reminded of Denis Skinner (the Beast of Bolsover) in the House of Commons he referred to the Tory members saying ‘half the members opposite are crooks’.
He was rightly taken to task by the Speaker who told him he couldn’t make such accusations in the House. Denis apologised and rephrased his statement saying ‘half the members opposite are not crooks’
Meanwhile back at the ranch, never to be seen on the far left biased bbc:
“Biden calls VP Kamala Harris a ‘great president’ in gaffe during White House event. Biden also joked Vice President Kamala Harris has ‘turned 30’ during the White House event”
“Joe Biden gets lost in his own garden: More worrying footage shows president ask ‘where do we go?’ and look confused after tree planting event for White House groundskeeper”
Can you imagine the smug glee at the bbc if this was Trump ?
while Joes mental state is obviously a concern – it wouldn’t be an unreasonable thing to explore who’s actually running things
– and running things they surely are.
There has to be an open challenge on the matter of Biden’s mental state.
Well, at least he didn’t play Star Spangled Banner on a xylophone with his willy.
All ways beautiful to watch the bbc in action.
Two cheeks.
I have one for Rishi and Justin.
“The first British Asian person to hold the office”
Correct me if I am wrong, but wasn’t that Disraeli ?
How was Disraeli Asian?
He was certainly Jewish.
I checked – Disraeli was Asian because he was born in londonistan ….
The BBC – Robinson seems to be fixating on the new PMs religion – and his links to India – I reckon the paki Muslims inside the BBC are upset that they haven’t got one of their people into the top job …
Message to maxincony & BBC ……..
I thought we lived in a meritocracy .
ie The best person for the job ?
Not race.
Gone now, but our tenant used Covid furlough to go to Benidorm.
Guest who – I’m glad I have the option not to rent out . I never ever would – come from my basic distrust of every one ….
We now have the most incompetent person in charge of the US in its history and not a whisper from the biased bbc about his numerous gaffes, yet:
BBC News (World)
Trump blames teleprompter for gaffe in which he said rebels seized “airports” during the 18th Century revolutionary war
Parched Trump’s Rubio-style water gaffe – BBC News
BBC Q: Does Donald Trump think Paris is in Germany? A: Probably not
BBC Donald Trump’s ‘big mistake’ over Alec Baldwin sketch
BBC Dayton mayor on Trump’s ‘Toledo’ mistake
President Trump mixed up two Ohio cities when he addressed the nation about two mass shootings.
BBC Coronavirus: Trump’s Covid vaccine chief admits delivery mistake
BBC When Donald Trump tweeted Ivanka in Brighton by mistake
When Donald Trump tweeted using @ivanka to praise his daughter, it turned out he’d used the wrong handle.
and on and on and on……
Meanwhile the odious BBC covers up Biden’s daily huge, glaring, gaffes, fumbles, mumbles and stumbles.
Most recently, The Living Corpse fell asleep mid-interview.
(Note to GreenStew: you gonna fact-check me on that, cretin?)
President Trump’s 100 Days President Biden’s 0 Day
Dear Winston Smith in the Records Department of the Ministry of Truth,
You covered President Trump’s 100 Days and then produced a Beyond 100 Days to hold power to account.
Why have you not done the same for President Biden to hold power to account?
‘Omission is the greatest form of lie.’
Thank you again for contacting us,
BBC Complaints Team
St Louis: Three dead, seven injured after school shooting
Unusually for these stories we aren’t told who the gunman is right at the start – especially when they know exactly who is and he’s dead.
It’s starting to smell of agenda.
Everywhere else has named the shooter as Orlando Harris. BBC are delaying.
The BBC article is another empathy-fest. The focus is to the victims, forget the murderer.
The police are already blaming it on mental illness.
Looking more and more like an agenda-based over-up …
Maybe Botney switched it off to teach him a lesson?
Ah yes – mr brown – a member of the croxall school of bias …
I wonder whether the bbc will do the usual whitewash with her . Maybe they’ll find there is a need for all bbc staff to be drugs tested before going before the paying public ….so gleeful …
But a super rich wheeler dealer the bbc knows speaks for the single mother with eight kids all wanting iWatches.
Repeating what staunch remainer – guy hands – said yesterday about the future decline of the UK – which I believe will happen whether we are in the reich EU or not ….
…. I think we will be hearing more from Mr Hands – QT – BBC News – he will become the ‘go to ‘ for the approved view – its a bit like the creature called ‘Malcom barwell ‘ a henchman for Teresa May – who popped up today -always available to be an approved Tory remainer lefty …
They haven’t go away you know …
UK doomed without Brexit rethink, warns City boss
bBC has found someone, others to interview or any other opinions?
PS is the eu still funding the bbc
Rishi Sunak: World leaders welcome next UK prime minister
A headline to show how great Sunak is as everyone ‘wlecomes him’ according to the BBC.
Of course when you dig down the headline is completely misleading. Nobody has ‘welcomed’ him at all.
The EU said ‘Working together is the only way to face common challenges’
India said ‘Special Diwali wishes to the ‘living bridge’ of UK Indians, as we transform our historic ties into a modern partnership’ which is very disconcerting.
But the best is near the end with a big picture of Nasty Biden, arms open and a big, senile-looking smile – and what did he say ?
‘The US president is holding back on formally congratulating Mr Sunak until he has met King Charles’.
So nothing then. Just a propaganda piece.
What a joke they are.
Bet the BBC can’t wait to get her in.
Wait… a city Richie Rich heading up a bunch of questionably diverse droids…. Eeks.
Time for VD to pull a Maxi. For the cause.
Oh dear – a split in the Red labour vote …
Robinson interviewing some BBC type – Bowen – linking the current state of the blue labour lot to brexit – Bowen sounded hung over -….
The was no contrary to this lie – it ain’t brexit – it is money trees – chopped down for the Chinese virus – fuel – rare materials ….
Those are the sources of current problems – brexit hasn’t even started yet ( see Northern Ireland )…
Street satire or – is this real?
– anybody know?
Can they play Hen Wlad Fy Nhadau on a xylophone with their penises?
Boris Johnson’s burqa comments ‘led to surge in anti-Muslim attacks’
This article is more than 3 years old
Monitoring group says abuse incidents jumped by 375% in the week following PM’s article
It takes the Daily Mirror to make the obvious, awkward, yet apposite, observation: Our new (unelected) PM… Who voted for you? – not Tory party members, that’s for sure.
Katy Balls in the ‘i’ newspaper observes: His toughest task will be selling public spending cuts
If only he would cut back government spending…
Poly Toynbee batting for the blob in the Guardian, typically of the left, says she doesn’t believe we need to cut anything: Remember the Tory cuts will be a choice – not a necessity – I’m sure our pretty Poly has read all the OBR reports and done the due diligence and concluded that old magic money tree can thrive still yet – all hail the Big State
Tim Stanley writing in the stately Telegraph throws out a simile likely to go way over the heads of respectable Tory maiden aunts and retired Indian army colonels from Sidcup: It’s just like The X Factor, except no one actually voted for the winner – Tim there, for my taste, placing rather too much trust in the supposed absolute reliabilty and unreproachable electorial transparency and fairness of Simon Cowell’s Syco Entertainment and ITV’s phone voting systems.
The Gruan picks up that same theme of souped-up corporate created karaoki standards pumped out to the consumer target millennial masses as though they were original: ‘This was boyband Sunak: saying it best when he said nothing at all’
The Daily Star for once catches the approving eye of BBC online press reviewers who promote the jokey saucy tabloid to number two spot today – way above the usual last place position. Their frontpage makes dishy Rishi PM pin up of the month of October – implying – flip to November and they’ll be another.
Sadly, cartoonist Matt in the Telegraph provided a skit placed at the foot of the frontpage, but the BBC’s tabloid-friendly newspaper reproduction format cut it off.
The urban giveaway freebie corporate advertising sheet Metro, appropriately enough, introduces our newly installed regional manager, promoted by our outsourcing-addicted head office so as to represent the interests of our corporate masters: Here comes the Sunak… Britain’s first Asian PM – and appropriately enough, our nationalised broadcasting corporation likes this headline best of all, putting it top of their press pile today.
Positive reaction from markets – gloats the globalist FT
Yasmin Alibhai-Brown in the left-leaning ‘i’ paper takes no pleasure in her conational’s promotion to top job: Why I can’t celebrate history-making leader – Goodness gracious me!
Our Yasmin, eh…? To slightly misquote Darth Vader: “The Lefty force is strong with this one”
The Sun amusingly takes up the theme but places the lightsaber in Sunak’s hand: The force is with you, Rishi… Star Wars fan new PM
I see him much more as a Star Trek Mr Spock – perhaps it’s just my age? The cool, calculating, computer-like half-alien presence on the bridge.
Vintage Today
Three coloured tick boxes chew the fat over Rishi being the ‘first husband of a billionaires daughter ‘ to become PM – why hasn’t it happened before ? Sooner – the bbc dug up ‘baroness varsi ‘ – a Cameron tick box failure now dumped in the lords – the only card to play is the race one ….
There was no mention that mr sunak wasn’t elected by people – just politicians – each with their own motivations…
Looks like the BBC will be playing the race card all day – that will go done with Leicester and Hindu boys rubbing the Muslims’ noses in it …
The bbbc radio newcastle this morning described Sunak as born in Southampton where his father was a doctor and his mother ran a pharmacy.
Sounds like yer average family young working class lad done well.
Statement by Rishi Sunak Regarding the “Writing Off” of Fraudulent Bounce Back Loans
As ever, do not trust info given by, “The Worlds Most Trusted Broadcaster”. During the night on World Service listeners were told that Sunak was born in India. Wrong.
The family are international mercenaries: seeming to move from country to country when it suits.
Whichever way you look at it, the overriding feeling is that we need an Asian in that position because there was not a capable Brit to do the job. The Globalists will prey on this.
TOADY Watch #1 – the BBC get everything wrong looking through LeftLibbyMob spectacles
Sean Farrington, doing Business News in the first half-hour of TOADY claimed the gas price was at a new low. Needless to say, it was last week, at 185p per therm but since then it has increased back to over 300p per therm. It did fall yesterday but then so did the £ against the $ and € although it has recovered a bit against the € this morning. Click on individual items to see the price movement through a day, one month, three months, one year and five years.
Reading BBC News website… today the first British Asian PM will meet King Charles this morning and then the first British Asian PM will enter 10 Downing Street. The first British Asian PM will then meet staff and then the first British Asian PM has the daunting task of tackling the highest interest rates in 40 years.
In other news… the first British Asian PM will celebrate Diwali.
Seriously, why are the far left obsessed with labelling everyone non white? I asked this in a HYS comment yesterday but it got removed along with the other three I posted.
Your history is gone – replaced with our new history!
Let’s hope that Rishi is afforded a longer “honeymoon” period, than luckless Liz.
Yes, Rishi presents as being calm and sensible and I keep hearing how clever and capable he is, but…he was second in command during the deeply damaging lockdowns. Our economy was tanking and we were storing up long term problems while he was writing endless cheques. He now claims that while in cabinet he railed against this insanity. But he didn’t do the brave thing and quit, did he?
It seems to me that giving Rishi the top job is like making the navigator of the Titanic captain after the ship has hit the iceberg…or the sh1t has hit the fan…
Okay, I don’t blame Sunak for our long-term and deeply damaging green obsession, and no one could have anticipated the war in Ukraine, but the iceberg (lockdowns) could and should have been avoided.
Anyone got a spare lifejacket?
“Unimaginable” cost of Test & Trace failed to deliver central promise of averting another lockdown
10 March 2021
In May last year NHS Test and Trace (NHST&T) was set up with a budget of £22 billion. Since then it has been allocated £15 billion more: totalling £37 billion over two years.
Jeff, to be fair to Rishi he was Chancellor to Bumbling Boris of the wayward brain under the wayward hair. Someone said on BBC R4 yesterday or Saturday that all of the world’s major nations were hit by the Wuhan ‘flu’ and the UK has managed their economy best of all. Our inflation would be less if the bungling Bailey of the Bank and his MPC had increased Base Rate when necessary.
It is not Rishi’s fault that Bumbling Boris didn’t have the guts to listen only to a virologist who knew how long a Lockdown should last and instead went for something recommended by a Committee and then did it in a half baked way.
In addition, Bumbling Boris loves bigging up Britain and indulging in willy waving. It is not Rishi’s fault that Theresa May and Boris Johnson both made a big deal of COP26 (which is why the gas and oil price climbed, nothing to do with Ukraine, Liz Truss*) and Rishi may well have voted in Parliament for the end of new petrol and diesel cars by 2030/2035 but he probably did so as a loyal Conservative. Rishi has probably done the sums on the back of the proverbial envelope and probably knows renewables are not the answer and Net Zero in a major retail/industrial economy is a nonsensical pipe dream.
It is not Rishi’s fault (although he would have agreed in Cabinet/argued against it in Cabinet) to grandstand (willy-wave) over Ukraine and give away our obsolete or current (for the defence of the Realm!) military kit.
I could go on but I need to do other things.
* Funny how some people are happy to call Boris Johnson a liar but when Liz Truss does it, not a peep is heard from LeftMob because it would mean admitting that COPs are a waste of time and money
Rishi will save us!
Prices of pasta, tea, chips and cooking oil soar
Luckily we have the bBC to promote the price increases for shareholders of the business concerned
Damage done for the consumer
Interesting article on the bbc now – “The five most important issues facing rishi sunak” Apparently this new chap has a given name and a surname. That’s unfair; “Johnson” only had a surname.
Anyway, guess what is top of the list for anyone who sees something to be wildly concerned about? I’ll give you a clue, it can be found in a woodpile, usually on a south coast beach. Of course, it’s not in the bbc list.
Also, if that doesn’t make you hurl, French people are “appalled” that the FAR right are using the death of the poor young thing in Paris to drum up support. Wrong lefties, I think you will find that it is the murder itself which “appalls” people. Not in your multi-culti dreamland, of course.
You beat me to it micknotmike. I couldn’t bear to look at what the BBC wants us to think are the five most pressing issues, but I’d bet my life that sending back all refugees and cancelling green fascism are nowhere to be seen. And the article is headed ‘Fix You’- how arrogant, patronising and childish. The BBC are beneath contempt.
Dark Forces at work ?
Lola: France’s far right adopts murdered schoolgirl
No mention of the partial solar eclipse today. I remember seeing one as a kid and it was the most exciting thing ever. The BBC have mentioned that the WhatsApp server is down and that is all that the majority of the public care about.
Sad times these days when a natural rare event is right above your head if you can be bothered to stop looking at your smart phone for a few minutes. BBC don’t consider it worthy of a mention even though they employ multiple science reporters.
For those interested, it starts 10.08am, peaks at 11.13am with 15% of the Sun covered. Don’t look directly at the Sun etc.
Such partial eclipses are more common than some people suppose. There are at least two somewhere on earth in any year; it can be four (e.g. 1982, 2000) or rarely even five (e.g. 1935) but these will be poorly aligned (so partial and not total/annular anywhere). I can’t blame the BBC for not featuring an event where, here in Glos, the coverage was under 20%, though more to the East and North.
With average luck you could expect to see one from the UK every 2.5 – 3 years, but there can be bigger intervals, e.g. nothing over England between 30/5/1984 and 10/5/1994.
Now that we have an Asian PM do we still refer to the rape gangs in Rotherham etc as Asians. Are they the same?
A person of Asian origin, interesting to know where their loyalties lie
Firstly to the United Kingdom, or home, just a thought
1% British 99% Other.
An Indian was interviewed on World Service last night. Finally said that he hoped Sunak would promote more Indians entering the UK for work/study etc. We know that includes family don’t we………………
India’s Bihar to crack down on cheating in school exams
20 January 2016
I take it that’s the exams to be NHS doctors ….
The issue of fake licences surfaced in the wake of the tragic crash of a Pakistan International Airlines plane in Karachi on May 22, killing 97 people, when Minister of Aviation Ghulam Sarwar Khan told the media that 260 of the country’s 860 active pilots had either fake licences or had cheated in their exams.20 Dec 2020
I think his loyalty lies with The Banker Class. Nations mean nothing to them.
Ncuti Gatwa will play the 15th Doctor
Persecution of people with albinism (sometimes abbreviated PWA[1]) is based on the belief that certain body parts of albinistic people can transmit magical powers. Such superstition is present especially in some parts of the African Great Lakes region, it has been promulgated and exploited by witch doctors and others who use such body parts as ingredients in rituals, concoctions and potions with the claim that their magic will bring prosperity to the user (muti or medicine murder).[2]
Yasmine Mohammed with Mark Steyn last night here in the wake of the release on Thursday of The Report of the Independent Inquiry Into Child Sexual Abuse.,of%20the%20Inquiries%20Act%202005.
Her book Unveiled has the sub-title ‘How Western Liberals Empower Radical Islam’.
That is what a tw*t looks like.
(Don’t ban me, GreenStew, I meant ‘twit’.)
BBC anti Rishi hate campaign already in full swing.
At 1050, there is a helicopter shot of a removal van to take out Liz Truss’s belongings.
Huw Edwards then comes up with the truly s**** snide remark that Sunak will move in with belongings ‘from one of his several homes’ and then reminds us how rich he is.
What a crock of s** t from Edwards.
In other news – the triple shooting ( 2 dead ) in ilford last night makes ‘other news ‘- in newham at the weekend – 1 stabbed to death – 3 in my bit of londonistan …
… the threshold for making the news now is getting higher – a;though the BBC still reports on school killings 5000 miles away –
The one is St Louis yesterday was – it seems – very ‘tooled up ‘ but luckily got shot dead by the local police- who seems were braver than those other cowards from the last big one …
Thoughts / prayers /. delete
Is that the same Huw Edwards who was on > £550,000 per annum and who, even after a pay cut based on gender pay equalization, still gets > £465,000?
Yeah. Since Sunak will be earning less than a third of Edwards, perhaps we should be enquiring as to how many homes he has.
Even if you are feeling depressed about current UK politics, Mark’s sarcasm soon lifts the spirits… he’s hilarious
Mark Steyn | Monday 24th October
Chancellor Rishi Sunak held US green card until last year
8 April
Chancellor Rishi Sunak held a US green card – allowing permanent residence in that country – while he was chancellor, his spokeswoman has said.
Always have an escape plan
Russia accused of sabotaging Ukraine water pipe to Mykolaiv
Russia fears Crimea water shortage as supply drops
25 April 2014
“Destroying resources vital for civilian life is widely regarded as violations of international humanitarian law.
But in recent weeks Russia has further targeted Ukraine’s power and water infrastructure, prompting shortages across the country.”
Sounds like a definition of our government policy of destroying access to resources like housing, health access, etc via mass immigration – prompting shortages across the country..
The slimy BBC reports the outrage in France over the rape, torture and murder of a 12-year-old girl under the headline:
“Lola: France’s far right adopts murdered schoolgirl”
Grrrr, doncha hate those fascists? You see, they’re the real danger, not the millions of migrants with their quaint rape culture.
Of course, the headline could have read:
“Ordinary French citizens are incandescent over yet another girl raped and murdered by illegal immigrants of a raping persuasion.” (Preferably 9-year-olds, but we’re not too fussy.)
Over 1,200 women were reportedly sexually assaulted during the 2015–16 public New Year’s Eve’s celebrations in Germany, in most cases by men of non-European origin. Multiple women reported being raped. In many of the incidents, women in public places had been surrounded and assaulted by groups of men.[11][12][13][14] The Bundeskriminalamt (German Federal Criminal Police) confirmed in July 2016 that 1,200 women had been sexually assaulted on that New Year’s night.[1]
Always use a negative word … in most cases by men of non-European origin