What we are seeing, in front of our eyes, is the degradation of our society through the immigration of mainly uneducated middle eastern and african people.
Once within our society they insist on ignoring our cultural values, and choose to live in their own separate societies.
Since many are uneducated or in the case of many black males, do not value education, they find themselves with fewer opportunities, envying those who have better incomes through education and working their way up in careers.
They then exercise that resentment through criminal activity and joining gangs.
They are not satisfied with simply seeking refuge, many are demanding the same socio economic status that many in our society have achieved through education, training and working their way up.
And they want it NOW.
Others use lawyers and protests to insert their cultural values against ours such as in educational issues (islamic schools, threatening OFSTED inspectors, sex education etc etc),and demanding mosques etc.
Many also have a very insidious attitude to women which is a definite safety issue, (ignored by the me too movement but numbers do not lie, see earlier posts about the massive increase in sexual assaults by non indigenous perps)
they are cowards who attack in numbers or when they are armed against unarmed and outnumbered,
This is the simple truth, if some say it is racist to seek to protect our women, children and cultural norms and peace on our streets and public safety then so be it.
And if we are ever at war and have to fight for our country again, they have form, and will run to the nearest coastline…
I live in Reading. Whereas we had a sizeable immigration influx in the fifties and sixrlties from India, Pakistan and the West Indies, we have been swamped by Africans and Arabs. Plenty of Polish ( the best of the bunch, but no saints) and Eastern Europeans too (the guys from the local car wash steal from the charity clothes collection bins most evenings)
West and East of the town have been ghettoised, most of the indigenous people have died off or moved out.
I board a bus to work in the morning, about twenty secondary schoolkids get off, maybe one or two are white British.
The last two illegals in the news, one murdered three gay teachers in Forbury Gardens and the other burnt his block of flats down with petrol, killing two and maiming others just because he was evicted for bad behaviour.
Where I live some Nigerian drug seller has moved in two months ago, first week there he’s walking round the courtyard threatening people with a two foot piece of 4″ by 2″. There are junkies and undesirables out and about at all hours now.
Harry – I think the most demoralising thing is when you are told that there is no problem – that what you are seeing and experiencing is not an ‘issue ‘ and that it’s all part of living in a multicultural city / dump – to cite a certain londonistan emir .
I think we ve lost it – who or whatever politician claims to be in control.
The sort of sad desperate protest done at the weekend at a ‘migrant centre ‘ is the shape of things to come methinks ….
Its a step down into the abyss daily. A country which is experiencing meteoric decline in everything you, as a indigenous Brit once thought of as, ‘solid’. A breakdown in Law & Order is no shock and now confirmed by the news about the National Police Force. Only a jabbering drooling idiot would now disagree that the end is not too far away.
Where is it all going? Re-watch ‘Mad Max’ films and glean some hints.
I could weep when I think back to my childhood in the 70s before the “progressives” got themselves embedded in our institutions and made a mess of a once honest and civilised country.
What I did see yesterday from Al Beeb was something of a volte face.
One o’clock News, the top story was still all about Suella Braverman’s use of the term “invasion” being disgraceful and inflammatory.
Come the Six o’clock News Midazolam Matt Hancock had taken over top spot with the situation at Manston being relegated to the second item. The tack then had gone from calling for Suella’s head to (1) telling us how bad the conditions are for the poor souls stuck at Manston and how it’s all been caused by Government ineptitude, and (2) an “in-depth” analysis by Mark Easton basically telling us that 40,000 people isn’t a lot in the scheme of things and how we are mid-table in the league of who takes most migrants.
A clear case of them realising that the average man in the street does indeed consider 40,000 uninvited people in 10 months an invasion, realising they’re flogging a dead horse with their “outrage” at Suella and then changing approach to tell us that there isn’t a problem in the first place.
I have to hand it to Suella, by making those comments she poked the bear, a bear that had been wilfully looking the other way and refusing to report what was going on in the Channel. By using the opportunity to attack her, they’ve raised the profile of a long ignored problem. Easton’s “analysis” was an attempt to force the genie back into the bottle.
Brilliant post. I would add one thing. If a black father is not bringing in much income and if the mother can get more money by marrying the state then she behaves logically. The father is cast out and a matriarchal society forms. The young males growing up then only see older males who are gang-banging and engaged in criminal activity. It is natural for then to want to also join these gangs to seek male approval and a sense of belonging.
So into the mix of everything you rightly mentioned I would add western welfare as a villain of the peace.
and I agree, I was at a local authority over ten years ago when they were desperately trawling around looking for “black male role models” for a poster.
So even the far left socialist council officers recognise there is a problem, although will never, ever publicly admit it.
That makes the stinking filthy lies of the bbc and advertising world even more offensive, just think the social harm this will cause to some of those and their children stupid enough to fall for these lies and think it is a lifestyle choice worth persuing.
Good to know its better than the hole your came from I guess, “free” electric, “free” accomodation, free food, free medical – unless your a tax payer of course
Dont forget the free mobile phone, as its against your civil liberties to not be able to contact your family worldwide, before you bring all of them here #annoyed
Good to see the arabic graffiti on the walls in the pictures – its what you make it!
A migrant centre in Kent has been in the spotlight in recent days after concerns about overcrowding at the Home Office facility were brought to a head. Local Tory MP Sir Roger Gale and Immigration Minister Robert Jenrick recently visited the processing centre reportedly holding 4,000 migrants instead of 1,600. The government insists the numbers are coming down at the site, but what is it like for those living there? We have spoken to a recent resident who says conditions at Manston, a former military base, were like living in a prison or a zoo. He describes being forced to sleep on the floor, prevented from going to the toilet, taking a shower or going outside for exercise. He also claims he and others were not allowed to contact family during their stay.
Here’s more on the problems at Manston migrant centre
Find out what is behind the backlog
1 / Exclusive: Suella Braverman plans for vulnerable child refugees to undergo X-rays
Home secretary Suella Braverman risks inflaming the migration row with plans for vulnerable child refugees to undergo X-rays to verify their age.
Now he is an all platform BBC gob.
Just read two folk discussing his gibbering seeing them seek other stations. So another triumph.
Report Porn – a daily dose of hard core reporting . Today – it’s the lack of police vetting . But no joining the dots …. The drive to get coloured plods – dropping joining standards – pressure to get the numbers in ….making plod ‘reflect the population they police ‘…..
And what do you get ? Thousands of corrupt plod. But at least they are fully woke – which is all that matters ……
There is no mention about who exactly was responsible for reducing vetting standards . Were they stupid or corrupt ? Did they get promoted for getting more inferior ‘diverse ‘ plod candidates in ?
We will never know . Nor will we know whether anything will be done about the imported corruption of plod .
This one from the BBC brought a wry smile this morning: Prison job advert banned for racial stereotyping… A prison job advert showing a black inmate and a white officer has been banned due to racial stereotyping – and of course the opposite casting would be just hunky dory.
Well done Bedford Council! Maybe the BBC could follow their lead and stop giving that non-entity Farage a platform to spout his divisive, baseless, lying hate filled bilge?
We spoke to @GretaThunberg about how we could Make COP Greta Again, (why she’s not going to the summit), what she thinks of Matt Hancock, and how she copes with climate anxiety.https://t.co/K04R3s6I5R
The referencing to Christmas is starting to rise … the BBC is now declaring a ‘tough winter ahead . Well I’ve got news for the BBC it’s a tough 2023 and 2024 coming too – if the Ukraine war continues …
Tomorrow – Thursday – interest rates will rise . Maybe as high as 0.75 % – when it should really be far far higher . Inflation is out of control – you’ll know that if you go shopping .
Anyone who is already on the edge will be pushed further . The State will have to pull back as more taxpayers ‘ money is used to pay interest on borrowed money …
… and it’s the same whatever politician claims to be in control ..
Sorry to deliver the gloom again but it’s very bad .
If the British people are willing to meekly accept that their ruling elite consistently allow , in many cases promote, the invasion of their country and destruction of their culture, then their tolerance , or more rightly passivity, will be abused.
But we are the frog in the heating water – together with the likes of the BBC constantly banging on about race guilt . The whole state is infected with anti white anti British doctrine –
Watching Douglas Murray The other day confirmed my fear – we – the white British – are done for – and it’s just a fight to slow the inevitable down – gonna get nasty …. Particularly as the recession bites …
We’ve had a hosepipe ban in place for over two months now – so surely the recent heavy rain means we can remove it?
Unfortunately, that’s not the case just yet – and here’s why… New figures show we had 100mm of rain in October, but only 6mm of that will reach our sources. We need many more weeks of above-average rain to help them recover. – wrong type of rain? Or just possibly something to do with increasing demand?
Thank you for upholding the hosepipe ban and for any savings you’re making around the home. They really do make a big difference.
Yes! I’ve had that E mail too . So I’ve decided to help . I’m going to leave my taps fully on all the time and channel the water into the ground .
If every one does this they won’t need a hose pipe ban .
The only industry which encourages you not to use their product …
Paul Brand the Red Baron who shoots down Tories
points his gun at Braverman,
aided by Claire Pearsall a wet Tory who’s married to the Daily Mirror’s long term political editor.
The same gbnews panelist who is married to Nigel Nelson the raging leftie who edits the Sunday mirror and Sunday people? She is as vacuous as you 🤡 https://t.co/2M6hUwltdT
Massively important news which for some reason has not yet been reported in the UK, possibly because of the inevitable panic at the pumps it would cause.
Saudi Arabia has passed intelligence to the USA that Iran intends to immenently invade the Kingdom.
It doesn’t matter if this is true or if it isn’t, the markets are already reacting by increasing oil futures, but if it is true then the effects on oil supply at this critical time would be devastating. to the West.
I read that and initially thought it referred to the United Kingdom, was desperately trying to work out the logistics and the fact that this Kingdom is already being invaded.
Paywall – so I copied this extract using pressreader.
Why is Mrs Braverman – returned to her post by Rishi Sunak – marked out for destruction by the BBC and other critics of the Government? To listen to them, you would think her infractions – not Putin’s war and energy and grain blockades, nor inflation – were the big news. You would think the overcrowding of migrants at Manston was the result of her personal inhumanity rather than the scale of the migration problem she wishes to tackle.
It is striking that this Home Secretary, like Priti Patel before her, is so harried. Perhaps the mindset of enthusiasts for mass migration is deeply offended when women of Indian heritage have opinions of their own. Mrs Braverman does indeed think differently. Yes, she has been home secretary twice, but only for a few weeks. Her opponents are trying to prevent her enacting the policies she wants.
There is also a shifting of blame. Policy is, rightly, the responsibility of ministers, but when practical immigration issues have been implemented so badly for so long, might that not reflect poorly on Home Office officials? Much easier than putting things right is to leak. Lobby correspondents love restarting the favourite blood-sport of the Westminster village – getting a minister sacked. Yesterday morning on Radio 4, the BBC’S Nick Eardley did the usual “Questions aren’t going away” routine. Of course, they aren’t: his tribe will ensure that, thus marking the anniversary of their director-general’s great impartiality drive.
“Manston migrant centre like a zoo, says asylum seeker”
“Ahmed – not his real name” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-63481151
Free to travel back to France then, whatever his “real name is” ?
Hi see the Prince of moans has released a book called “spare”.
Wonder if anyone has informed him yet that a few years back, the phrase “a spare” was commonly used in the UK amongst younger people to describe a mentally deficient idiot with a low IQ?
Must have a different meaning in the Land of the Free and Home of the Brave?
Former Detective and Rochdale child sex abuse ring whistle-blower Maggie Oliver joins Mark Steyn to discuss The Report of the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse, which was published in October after seven years. pic.twitter.com/ZY7Y5OQl9o
Dover MP Natalie Elphicke told the Commons that the BBC’s “shocking report” contained the “breath-taking” disclosure of free French public bus services being used to ferry migrants from camps to Dunkirk beaches.
Today the BBC journalists Michael Keohan and Colin Campbell released a shocking report on the channel crossings. It showed people smugglers selling their wares brazenly in the migrant camps and many children living in unsafe and dangerous conditions, as well as—this is breathtaking—a free French public bus service that migrants can use to travel directly from the camps to the Dunkirk departure beaches. Will my right hon. Friend allow a statement on the issue of tackling the small boat crossings and the Government’s response in their work with France?
Is it really only four short years ago that 218 migrants arrived via the Channel crossing during the whole of 2018 ?? and this year its tens of thousands.
No-one is deported, but equally no-one is saying that these 40,000 migrants possibly up to 75,000 arrivals by the end of the year, can be tripled in number when they start having families !!! The great majority are Muslim, so at this rate of open borders and birth rate, the Muslims will be the biggest religion here in the UK by the end of this decade.
Much rabbiting going on about green energy by 2030 and net zero, but the bigger problem I believe is the obliteration of our Christian faith. The UK is in danger of becoming one huge ghetto island – “Escape from New York” ? no it will be escape from the UK. I feel we are sleepwalking into the hell of oblivion. 2030 I will be 82, and if I haven’t already left, then thankfully I won’t be around to experience the minarets and call to prayer.
Beachgoers watch migrant boat land on Spanish shore
This article is more than 5 years old
Group of as many as 20 people flee into countryside in Zahara de los Atunes after crossing Strait of Gibraltar
Migrant boat arrives on Spanish holiday beach
Migrant boat lands on Spanish holiday beach
Stephen Burgen in Barcelona
Thu 10 Aug 2017 13.20 BST
Maybe the MSM could get a Dunkirk style flotilla of pleasure boats, barges, yachts, tugboats, and with Clive Myrie at the prow pointing his sword towards France, heroically assist the RNLI/Royal Navy and bring the entire African sub-continent ashore at Dover.
What sort of person spreads false claims about survivors of terror attacks? An unexpected source gives Marianna Spring the inside track on conspiracy show host Richard D Hall.
Neil Sanders has moved in the same sort of conspiracy-minded circles as Hall for years. He’s been a regular guest on Hall’s show. Neil even says he probably wouldn’t have written his book without Hall’s encouragement. In this episode, he helps Marianna chart Hall’s evolution from a UFO enthusiast obsessed with alien abductions to someone who promotes toxic conspiracy theories.
Neil rejects Hall’s theories about so-called “crisis actors” and faked terror attacks, and he recognises the distress those false claims cause to survivors.
In this BBC Radio 4 podcast, the BBC’s disinformation and social media correspondent Marianna Spring, investigates how survivors of UK terror attacks and tragedies are targeted with horrific conspiracy theories, online abuse and threats. Some are even tracked down offline too. Now they want answers and justice.
This episode contains audio from Richard D Hall’s website.
Dorries said she was “fully and unreservedly” sorry after the Commons standards committee said she had breached the code of conduct by her attitude to the inquiry and refusal to say how much she was being paid.
ctober 2013 received initial payment of £75,000 for writing a book from Head of Zeus Publishing, 45-47 Clerkenwell Green London EC1R 0HT , via Sheil Land, 52 Doughty Street. London WC1N 2LS. Hours: an average of 12 non-consecutive hours per week over 9 months (Registered 20 November 2013)
Noticeably, when TV reporters were asking the constituents of Dickhead Handcock what they thought of him going on a reality show, 3 out of 4 were foreigners. One could barely string 2 sentences together, and the others were of other than UK origin.
I tell you, we’ll be at the stage where a good portion of the population won’t have any history here before 1950 ! AND THEN WHO WILL BE LEFT TO MARCH IN MEMORY OF THE WORLD WAR VETERANS EH ?
This man reminded me how fortunate I am to be ‘live telly’ free 🙂
There is so much important shit happening around us, yet I noticed, while browsing the news channels and scrolling through Westminster hacks' Twitter, ALL they're talking about tonight is Matt Hancock eating kangaroo testicles.
The man playing at being Health Secretary was deluded beyond belief, denying any link between C19 illness and Vitamin D deficiency (despite overwhelming evidence) and using Hollywood films to inform public health policy.
It’s fitting that he should migrate to being a minor TV celebrity. If only most of the HoC followed him we might have a chance of living in a sane country again.
“How Matt Hancock’s obsession with Matt Damon film drove UK’s vaccine strategy”
bBC has opened this to comment, typical!
Full of people who want to bring down the government with the aid of the bbc
Surely bigger things to prioritise than the bbc making out the climate summit is the only thing that matters, and getting its own way, constantly ramming down our throats CLIMATE CHANGE, CLIMATE CHANGE
bBC is way too big, why so many channels, why 23,000 staff, and why a budget of BILLIONS, it needs to be put in its place
Coaches from Dover arriving at the Home Office migrant processing centre at RAF Manston while “human rights” protesters hold up banners at the entrance demanding the facility be shut down 🫤 pic.twitter.com/3e3WfIINyi
Today the BBC journalists Michael Keohan and Colin Campbell released a shocking report on the channel crossings. It showed people smugglers selling their wares brazenly in the migrant camps and many children living in unsafe and dangerous conditions, as well as—this is breathtaking—a free French public bus service that migrants can use to travel directly from the camps to the Dunkirk departure beaches. Will my right hon. Friend allow a statement on the issue of tackling the small boat crossings and the Government’s response in their work with France?
Pug I suspect the establishment media will have been emboldened by the recent takedown of Alex Jones and his $965m settlement over the Sandy Hook shooting.
It’s carte blanche now to push the narrative that independent researchers are all peddling hate and need to be stopped. They got a big scalp, I’m sure Marianna celebrated with an extra large frappuccino and another vacant-stared selfie or two.
I made a comment on Twatter ” The Dinghys should be Sunk before leaving France ” and because of that Terrible comment they have suspended my account…..it’s not offensive because it will stop anyone drowning and save the Uk Taxpayers money , Simples !
its so bad this abuse, I wonder why the bBC ONLY report on racism against muslims or black people etc. I guess white people NEVER ever suffer this and are the main reason it happens!
Considering the majority of tele tax payers are white, and are funding the bBC – the biased bbc is offensive to me
We shall fight watch them come ashore on the beaches, we shall give them assistance fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight let them pick our fruit in the fields and wash our cars in the streets, we shall fight hide in the hills; we shall never surrender, and if, which I do not for a moment believe, this island or a large part of it were subjugated and starving, then our Empire beyond the seas, armed and guarded helping Iranians by the British Fleet, would carry on the struggle, until, in God’s good time, the New World, with all its power and might, steps forth to the removal of all that is British rescue and the liberation of the old.
We are based in the real world .. yet the BBC & news media feed us a theatrical false picture.
Medialand’s pasta prices are out by about 300%
Pasta on Aldi’s shelf is 23p and 35p
A few months back it was 21p and 32p
Yet GNnews at 14:13pm and in their tweet here claim the pasta price is 61p
What happens is media are fed THEATRICAL claims by someone,
& the they run with it cos it’s a great story
Regulator @Ofcom don’t seem to care it’s #FakeNews not #based in the real world
I haven’t seen GBNews much and Halligan is much missed – but when I have caught him recently he seems angrier and angrier about inflation in Real Life being out of Control . It is .
And the Bank of England has failed to even try to control it . I hope it raises rates 1% tomorrow – but it won’t ….
PRC must be delighted they can get Hong Kong Chinese into the security service – what could go wrong -? Better than putting Chinese technology into the phone system – ….
How the liberal-left Establishment works. (That includes you, BBC.)
1) Suppress free speech and open, honest debate on issues that are of concern to the majority of people, eg, mass illegal immigration, islamo-creep, wokeism in all its nefarious forms, trans madness, BLMism, gayism, sexual indoctrination of children, lockdowns, etc.
2) The silent majority, lacking a voice and with no government action on such issues, grows frustrated and angry.
3) Now you accuse dissenters of extremism, fascism etc.
4) Eventually, the anger will boil over and someone, or some group, will do something stupid.
5) Now the liberal Establishment can say: See? We told you there were extremists and terrorists lurking in the shadows. (No, you CREATED them.)
6) Clamp down even further on free speech so as not to ‘fan the flames of hate’, allegedly.
7) Repeat cycle.
This pattern produces events like the January 6th demonstrations in DC that got out of hand, or crazed individuals like the Dover migrant centre ‘bomber’. (Incidentally, he lost his son to Covid and his penis to cancer, as well as his wife and his welfare benefits, and was mentally deranged. Enough to make you quite grumpy.)
The Conservative Party CAVE IN to libmob almost all the time.
eg Sunak going to COP
libmob the WokeSupremacist GreenSupremacist cult think they don’t better than us
and that rather than be governed by democracy
where each member of the family gets something done their way, everything has to be done libmob’s way or be banned.
Anti-Brexit it is the only thing the Tory party haven’t fully caved into.
(I see Vlad was writing something similar at the same time
we are on the same hymn sheet)
‘You have to wonder how many more mosques will require building’…..I’m sure there are plenty of churches that can be used for this purpose. Or pubs, cinemas, community centres, halls, in fact pretty much any building can be repurposed. And no doubt will be. Planning permission not required for our ‘guests’.
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 31, 22:28 Start the Week 31st March 2025 A stupid episode in The Archers recently had nice Mr Malik cancel his family’s Eid firework display out of sensitivity…
BRISSLESMar 31, 22:14 Start the Week 31st March 2025 All out broadcasting on Islamic Eid – celebrating in Parliament no less too. Can we expect other religious festivals to…
tomoMar 31, 22:14 Start the Week 31st March 2025 we’ve too many of these types in the UK … https://x.com/Bubblebathgirl/status/1906419124554674281 [img]https://i.ibb.co/Hpnx3Tbw/parasite.jpg[/img]
ZephirMar 31, 20:40 Start the Week 31st March 2025 Well, well, part 2: “Guardian editors helped fuel Southport riots by showing contempt for the white working class, peer claims…
tomoMar 31, 20:25 Start the Week 31st March 2025 Actually, quite a fair comparison [img]https://i.ibb.co/vCgVKcSk/immigrants.jpg[/img]
ScrobleneMar 31, 20:12 Start the Week 31st March 2025 Perhaps when the awful, corrupt EU gets its accounts signed off, (never done), they can pontificate, meanwhile normal British citizens…
ZephirMar 31, 20:10 Start the Week 31st March 2025 I would suspect a surfeit of Prosecco or whatever crap this lot consume.
Fedup2Mar 31, 20:07 Start the Week 31st March 2025 Perhaps she has adopted the US Democrat recent practice of swearing at public speeches to show ‘authenticity ‘ …. Apparently…
What we are seeing, in front of our eyes, is the degradation of our society through the immigration of mainly uneducated middle eastern and african people.
Once within our society they insist on ignoring our cultural values, and choose to live in their own separate societies.
Since many are uneducated or in the case of many black males, do not value education, they find themselves with fewer opportunities, envying those who have better incomes through education and working their way up in careers.
They then exercise that resentment through criminal activity and joining gangs.
They are not satisfied with simply seeking refuge, many are demanding the same socio economic status that many in our society have achieved through education, training and working their way up.
And they want it NOW.
Others use lawyers and protests to insert their cultural values against ours such as in educational issues (islamic schools, threatening OFSTED inspectors, sex education etc etc),and demanding mosques etc.
Many also have a very insidious attitude to women which is a definite safety issue, (ignored by the me too movement but numbers do not lie, see earlier posts about the massive increase in sexual assaults by non indigenous perps)
they are cowards who attack in numbers or when they are armed against unarmed and outnumbered,
This is the simple truth, if some say it is racist to seek to protect our women, children and cultural norms and peace on our streets and public safety then so be it.
And if we are ever at war and have to fight for our country again, they have form, and will run to the nearest coastline…
I live in Reading. Whereas we had a sizeable immigration influx in the fifties and sixrlties from India, Pakistan and the West Indies, we have been swamped by Africans and Arabs. Plenty of Polish ( the best of the bunch, but no saints) and Eastern Europeans too (the guys from the local car wash steal from the charity clothes collection bins most evenings)
West and East of the town have been ghettoised, most of the indigenous people have died off or moved out.
I board a bus to work in the morning, about twenty secondary schoolkids get off, maybe one or two are white British.
The last two illegals in the news, one murdered three gay teachers in Forbury Gardens and the other burnt his block of flats down with petrol, killing two and maiming others just because he was evicted for bad behaviour.
Where I live some Nigerian drug seller has moved in two months ago, first week there he’s walking round the courtyard threatening people with a two foot piece of 4″ by 2″. There are junkies and undesirables out and about at all hours now.
England’s largest town turned into a right dump.
Harry – I think the most demoralising thing is when you are told that there is no problem – that what you are seeing and experiencing is not an ‘issue ‘ and that it’s all part of living in a multicultural city / dump – to cite a certain londonistan emir .
I think we ve lost it – who or whatever politician claims to be in control.
The sort of sad desperate protest done at the weekend at a ‘migrant centre ‘ is the shape of things to come methinks ….
Its a step down into the abyss daily. A country which is experiencing meteoric decline in everything you, as a indigenous Brit once thought of as, ‘solid’. A breakdown in Law & Order is no shock and now confirmed by the news about the National Police Force. Only a jabbering drooling idiot would now disagree that the end is not too far away.
Where is it all going? Re-watch ‘Mad Max’ films and glean some hints.
I live in Oldham – I feel your pain.
I could weep when I think back to my childhood in the 70s before the “progressives” got themselves embedded in our institutions and made a mess of a once honest and civilised country.
What I did see yesterday from Al Beeb was something of a volte face.
One o’clock News, the top story was still all about Suella Braverman’s use of the term “invasion” being disgraceful and inflammatory.
Come the Six o’clock News Midazolam Matt Hancock had taken over top spot with the situation at Manston being relegated to the second item. The tack then had gone from calling for Suella’s head to (1) telling us how bad the conditions are for the poor souls stuck at Manston and how it’s all been caused by Government ineptitude, and (2) an “in-depth” analysis by Mark Easton basically telling us that 40,000 people isn’t a lot in the scheme of things and how we are mid-table in the league of who takes most migrants.
A clear case of them realising that the average man in the street does indeed consider 40,000 uninvited people in 10 months an invasion, realising they’re flogging a dead horse with their “outrage” at Suella and then changing approach to tell us that there isn’t a problem in the first place.
I have to hand it to Suella, by making those comments she poked the bear, a bear that had been wilfully looking the other way and refusing to report what was going on in the Channel. By using the opportunity to attack her, they’ve raised the profile of a long ignored problem. Easton’s “analysis” was an attempt to force the genie back into the bottle.
Dispicable people.
That hashtag; is it citing the BBC, or asking it to invite further?
Brilliant post. I would add one thing. If a black father is not bringing in much income and if the mother can get more money by marrying the state then she behaves logically. The father is cast out and a matriarchal society forms. The young males growing up then only see older males who are gang-banging and engaged in criminal activity. It is natural for then to want to also join these gangs to seek male approval and a sense of belonging.
So into the mix of everything you rightly mentioned I would add western welfare as a villain of the peace.
and I agree, I was at a local authority over ten years ago when they were desperately trawling around looking for “black male role models” for a poster.
So even the far left socialist council officers recognise there is a problem, although will never, ever publicly admit it.
That makes the stinking filthy lies of the bbc and advertising world even more offensive, just think the social harm this will cause to some of those and their children stupid enough to fall for these lies and think it is a lifestyle choice worth persuing.
Cost of a cup of tea rising as food prices jump
Information brought to you by the racist bBC, gettyimage
Do Asian people actually exist in the UK I wonder, or just 80% black
The campaigning bBC brings us:_
Manston migrant centre like a zoo, says asylum seeker
Good to know its better than the hole your came from I guess, “free” electric, “free” accomodation, free food, free medical – unless your a tax payer of course
Dont forget the free mobile phone, as its against your civil liberties to not be able to contact your family worldwide, before you bring all of them here #annoyed
Good to see the arabic graffiti on the walls in the pictures – its what you make it!
BBC Moaning Emole
Inside Kent’s overcrowded migrant centre
A migrant centre in Kent has been in the spotlight in recent days after concerns about overcrowding at the Home Office facility were brought to a head. Local Tory MP Sir Roger Gale and Immigration Minister Robert Jenrick recently visited the processing centre reportedly holding 4,000 migrants instead of 1,600. The government insists the numbers are coming down at the site, but what is it like for those living there? We have spoken to a recent resident who says conditions at Manston, a former military base, were like living in a prison or a zoo. He describes being forced to sleep on the floor, prevented from going to the toilet, taking a shower or going outside for exercise. He also claims he and others were not allowed to contact family during their stay.
Here’s more on the problems at Manston migrant centre
Find out what is behind the backlog
What’s behind it, BBC? You.
And all you enable.
This is from Amol’s old training bed.
1 / Exclusive: Suella Braverman plans for vulnerable child refugees to undergo X-rays
Home secretary Suella Braverman risks inflaming the migration row with plans for vulnerable child refugees to undergo X-rays to verify their age.
Now he is an all platform BBC gob.
Just read two folk discussing his gibbering seeing them seek other stations. So another triumph.
They too, are very focussed on ‘belief’ by ‘scientists who say’?
Lamb Chop?
It really is a joke.
But now Saz and Lurch can ‘quote’ it.
Moving on…
Glass half smashed guys, clearly.
Guest the “pulled additional camera angles” is confusing… kind of suggests the police cut cameras, Epstein-style.
Ah it actually means they then accessed other feeds.
But I’m not an indy jurnalist so wot do i no about writing
Break-in or break-out?
As others have said I would expect the broken glass to be inside the house in the case of a break-in.
Denmark election: Centre-left bloc comes out on top
bBC campaigning for the left as usual, what a luvly news report
Today watch
Report Porn – a daily dose of hard core reporting . Today – it’s the lack of police vetting . But no joining the dots …. The drive to get coloured plods – dropping joining standards – pressure to get the numbers in ….making plod ‘reflect the population they police ‘…..
And what do you get ? Thousands of corrupt plod. But at least they are fully woke – which is all that matters ……
There is no mention about who exactly was responsible for reducing vetting standards . Were they stupid or corrupt ? Did they get promoted for getting more inferior ‘diverse ‘ plod candidates in ?
We will never know . Nor will we know whether anything will be done about the imported corruption of plod .
This one from the BBC brought a wry smile this morning: Prison job advert banned for racial stereotyping… A prison job advert showing a black inmate and a white officer has been banned due to racial stereotyping – and of course the opposite casting would be just hunky dory.
Hello AslSeelt, just read with “interest” on the bBC webshte
and also:-
Royal Mail postal workers to strike on Black Friday
How BLACK Friday be acceptable this is day lol
New DG?
Sounds like mr Owen knows all about ‘divisive , baseless, lying hate filled bilge ‘ – don’t you ?
And the party and broadcaster he needs.
10hrs. 3 reactions.
Justin will be jelly.
He’s a senior journalist. Like Springster.
She copes with climate anxiety by making sure she has lots of money. Me? I cope by not giving a %@#!
Today watch
The referencing to Christmas is starting to rise … the BBC is now declaring a ‘tough winter ahead . Well I’ve got news for the BBC it’s a tough 2023 and 2024 coming too – if the Ukraine war continues …
Tomorrow – Thursday – interest rates will rise . Maybe as high as 0.75 % – when it should really be far far higher . Inflation is out of control – you’ll know that if you go shopping .
Anyone who is already on the edge will be pushed further . The State will have to pull back as more taxpayers ‘ money is used to pay interest on borrowed money …
… and it’s the same whatever politician claims to be in control ..
Sorry to deliver the gloom again but it’s very bad .
Egged on by the BBC of course.
Same as all the feminist protesters in Afghanistan who seem to have been thrown under a bus (or into a jail).
Passivity breeds abuse.
If the British people are willing to meekly accept that their ruling elite consistently allow , in many cases promote, the invasion of their country and destruction of their culture, then their tolerance , or more rightly passivity, will be abused.
But we are the frog in the heating water – together with the likes of the BBC constantly banging on about race guilt . The whole state is infected with anti white anti British doctrine –
Watching Douglas Murray The other day confirmed my fear – we – the white British – are done for – and it’s just a fight to slow the inevitable down – gonna get nasty …. Particularly as the recession bites …
London’s water – a purely supply side problem?
We’ve had a hosepipe ban in place for over two months now – so surely the recent heavy rain means we can remove it?
Unfortunately, that’s not the case just yet – and here’s why… New figures show we had 100mm of rain in October, but only 6mm of that will reach our sources. We need many more weeks of above-average rain to help them recover. – wrong type of rain? Or just possibly something to do with increasing demand?
Thank you for upholding the hosepipe ban and for any savings you’re making around the home. They really do make a big difference.
The Thames Water Team
Yes! I’ve had that E mail too . So I’ve decided to help . I’m going to leave my taps fully on all the time and channel the water into the ground .
If every one does this they won’t need a hose pipe ban .
The only industry which encourages you not to use their product …
Vile’s fave little cuddly chocolate bear.
He is, of course, talking just money. It seems.
Meanwhile, the Royal Navy is delivering direct to… Rotherham, Pop concerts, Kent on fire…?
will the bBBC ‘Fact check’ that ‘Fact’?
Paul Brand the Red Baron who shoots down Tories
points his gun at Braverman,
aided by Claire Pearsall a wet Tory who’s married to the Daily Mirror’s long term political editor.
Massively important news which for some reason has not yet been reported in the UK, possibly because of the inevitable panic at the pumps it would cause.
Saudi Arabia has passed intelligence to the USA that Iran intends to immenently invade the Kingdom.
It doesn’t matter if this is true or if it isn’t, the markets are already reacting by increasing oil futures, but if it is true then the effects on oil supply at this critical time would be devastating. to the West.
I read that and initially thought it referred to the United Kingdom, was desperately trying to work out the logistics and the fact that this Kingdom is already being invaded.
Always on the cards – the hatred is intense and visceral, the regime’s grip is slipping and a war would likely work esp. a religious one.
The only bit that is of interest to Iran initially is the oil province just on the other side of the Gulf.
They will however doubtless take the opportunity should it arise to grab Mecca.
The Yanquis can’t handle Kiev and Tehran at the same time
Charles Moore
Suella Braverman is the victim of a Westminster witch-hunt
Paywall – so I copied this extract using pressreader.
Why is Mrs Braverman – returned to her post by Rishi Sunak – marked out for destruction by the BBC and other critics of the Government? To listen to them, you would think her infractions – not Putin’s war and energy and grain blockades, nor inflation – were the big news. You would think the overcrowding of migrants at Manston was the result of her personal inhumanity rather than the scale of the migration problem she wishes to tackle.
It is striking that this Home Secretary, like Priti Patel before her, is so harried. Perhaps the mindset of enthusiasts for mass migration is deeply offended when women of Indian heritage have opinions of their own. Mrs Braverman does indeed think differently. Yes, she has been home secretary twice, but only for a few weeks. Her opponents are trying to prevent her enacting the policies she wants.
There is also a shifting of blame. Policy is, rightly, the responsibility of ministers, but when practical immigration issues have been implemented so badly for so long, might that not reflect poorly on Home Office officials? Much easier than putting things right is to leak. Lobby correspondents love restarting the favourite blood-sport of the Westminster village – getting a minister sacked. Yesterday morning on Radio 4, the BBC’S Nick Eardley did the usual “Questions aren’t going away” routine. Of course, they aren’t: his tribe will ensure that, thus marking the anniversary of their director-general’s great impartiality drive.
“Manston migrant centre like a zoo, says asylum seeker”
“Ahmed – not his real name”
Free to travel back to France then, whatever his “real name is” ?
Hi see the Prince of moans has released a book called “spare”.
Wonder if anyone has informed him yet that a few years back, the phrase “a spare” was commonly used in the UK amongst younger people to describe a mentally deficient idiot with a low IQ?
Must have a different meaning in the Land of the Free and Home of the Brave?
He is that thick he probably has no idea. Certainly when I was young a moronic individual was indeed called a “spare!. Highly appropriate I think.
Perhaps he’s discovered a streak of self awareness?
Criminals and sexual predators allowed into police, says report
For a moment I misread this and thought the bBC had done a report on its self
A bit like when It did a drama on Jimmy Savile, no shame to this organisation!
Have you given up on the paper review ?- I’m not paying the $8 a month subscription to this site if you do that ….!
Dover MP Natalie Elphicke told the Commons that the BBC’s “shocking report” contained the “breath-taking” disclosure of free French public bus services being used to ferry migrants from camps to Dunkirk beaches.
Today the BBC journalists Michael Keohan and Colin Campbell released a shocking report on the channel crossings. It showed people smugglers selling their wares brazenly in the migrant camps and many children living in unsafe and dangerous conditions, as well as—this is breathtaking—a free French public bus service that migrants can use to travel directly from the camps to the Dunkirk departure beaches. Will my right hon. Friend allow a statement on the issue of tackling the small boat crossings and the Government’s response in their work with France?
It’s a mighty fine idea though Marky. We could set up a similar free service to ferry migrants from camps in Kent to Dunkirk beaches.
Have the Tories turned “Wet”?
Rishi Sunak is now going to COP27 climate summit
He was always there! Just wanted to look defiant.
Good boy Rasheed. Do what you are told, off to the cop conference and save the world.
Perhaps your media masters will make you take the King .
Is it really only four short years ago that 218 migrants arrived via the Channel crossing during the whole of 2018 ?? and this year its tens of thousands.
No-one is deported, but equally no-one is saying that these 40,000 migrants possibly up to 75,000 arrivals by the end of the year, can be tripled in number when they start having families !!! The great majority are Muslim, so at this rate of open borders and birth rate, the Muslims will be the biggest religion here in the UK by the end of this decade.
Much rabbiting going on about green energy by 2030 and net zero, but the bigger problem I believe is the obliteration of our Christian faith. The UK is in danger of becoming one huge ghetto island – “Escape from New York” ? no it will be escape from the UK. I feel we are sleepwalking into the hell of oblivion. 2030 I will be 82, and if I haven’t already left, then thankfully I won’t be around to experience the minarets and call to prayer.
Beachgoers watch migrant boat land on Spanish shore
This article is more than 5 years old
Group of as many as 20 people flee into countryside in Zahara de los Atunes after crossing Strait of Gibraltar
Migrant boat arrives on Spanish holiday beach
Migrant boat lands on Spanish holiday beach
Stephen Burgen in Barcelona
Thu 10 Aug 2017 13.20 BST
Maybe the MSM could get a Dunkirk style flotilla of pleasure boats, barges, yachts, tugboats, and with Clive Myrie at the prow pointing his sword towards France, heroically assist the RNLI/Royal Navy and bring the entire African sub-continent ashore at Dover.
Guess the BBC wont be interested in reporting this
3. The insider
Disaster Trolls
What sort of person spreads false claims about survivors of terror attacks? An unexpected source gives Marianna Spring the inside track on conspiracy show host Richard D Hall.
Neil Sanders has moved in the same sort of conspiracy-minded circles as Hall for years. He’s been a regular guest on Hall’s show. Neil even says he probably wouldn’t have written his book without Hall’s encouragement. In this episode, he helps Marianna chart Hall’s evolution from a UFO enthusiast obsessed with alien abductions to someone who promotes toxic conspiracy theories.
Neil rejects Hall’s theories about so-called “crisis actors” and faked terror attacks, and he recognises the distress those false claims cause to survivors.
In this BBC Radio 4 podcast, the BBC’s disinformation and social media correspondent Marianna Spring, investigates how survivors of UK terror attacks and tragedies are targeted with horrific conspiracy theories, online abuse and threats. Some are even tracked down offline too. Now they want answers and justice.
This episode contains audio from Richard D Hall’s website.
Presenter: Marianna Spring
Producer: Ant Adeane
Editor: Ed Main
Criminals and sexual predators allowed into police, says report
Matt Hancock defends joining I’m A Celebrity cast
Rishi Sunak is now going to COP27 climate summit
Nadine Dorries apologises to MPs over I’m a Celebrity appearance fee
This article is more than 8 years old
Tory MP forced to register £82,000 profit made by her company after ruling by parliamentary standards committee
Dorries said she was “fully and unreservedly” sorry after the Commons standards committee said she had breached the code of conduct by her attitude to the inquiry and refusal to say how much she was being paid.
19 November 2012, received payment of £6,960 for TV appearance on I’m a Celebrity. Hours: 12 days. (Registered 20 November 2013)
ctober 2013 received initial payment of £75,000 for writing a book from Head of Zeus Publishing, 45-47 Clerkenwell Green London EC1R 0HT , via Sheil Land, 52 Doughty Street. London WC1N 2LS. Hours: an average of 12 non-consecutive hours per week over 9 months (Registered 20 November 2013)
Every single BBC article now has a photo of non white people
Hello Tabs
Makes a nice change showing a guy of Asian origin though
‘No muslims wanted’. (Christmas………..)
Noticeably, when TV reporters were asking the constituents of Dickhead Handcock what they thought of him going on a reality show, 3 out of 4 were foreigners. One could barely string 2 sentences together, and the others were of other than UK origin.
I tell you, we’ll be at the stage where a good portion of the population won’t have any history here before 1950 ! AND THEN WHO WILL BE LEFT TO MARCH IN MEMORY OF THE WORLD WAR VETERANS EH ?
Another BBC non report
This man reminded me how fortunate I am to be ‘live telly’ free 🙂
The man playing at being Health Secretary was deluded beyond belief, denying any link between C19 illness and Vitamin D deficiency (despite overwhelming evidence) and using Hollywood films to inform public health policy.
It’s fitting that he should migrate to being a minor TV celebrity. If only most of the HoC followed him we might have a chance of living in a sane country again.
“How Matt Hancock’s obsession with Matt Damon film drove UK’s vaccine strategy”
Rishi Sunak is now going to COP27 climate summit
bBC has opened this to comment, typical!
Full of people who want to bring down the government with the aid of the bbc
Surely bigger things to prioritise than the bbc making out the climate summit is the only thing that matters, and getting its own way, constantly ramming down our throats CLIMATE CHANGE, CLIMATE CHANGE
bBC is way too big, why so many channels, why 23,000 staff, and why a budget of BILLIONS, it needs to be put in its place
Today the BBC journalists Michael Keohan and Colin Campbell released a shocking report on the channel crossings. It showed people smugglers selling their wares brazenly in the migrant camps and many children living in unsafe and dangerous conditions, as well as—this is breathtaking—a free French public bus service that migrants can use to travel directly from the camps to the Dunkirk departure beaches. Will my right hon. Friend allow a statement on the issue of tackling the small boat crossings and the Government’s response in their work with France?
Pug I suspect the establishment media will have been emboldened by the recent takedown of Alex Jones and his $965m settlement over the Sandy Hook shooting.
It’s carte blanche now to push the narrative that independent researchers are all peddling hate and need to be stopped. They got a big scalp, I’m sure Marianna celebrated with an extra large frappuccino and another vacant-stared selfie or two.
It was also compared with a zoo, which is where some of them should be.
Throw them back —-
I made a comment on Twatter ” The Dinghys should be Sunk before leaving France ” and because of that Terrible comment they have suspended my account…..it’s not offensive because it will stop anyone drowning and save the Uk Taxpayers money , Simples !
Sympathy Charlie – I read twitter but never ever engage – I think you’re pretty big for worrying whether they drown or not .
I’d use sharks if direct action isn’t a fair game – they need to get a message ( one for the troll to file )
Abuse after Muslim hikers’ Countryfile appearance
its so bad this abuse, I wonder why the bBC ONLY report on racism against muslims or black people etc. I guess white people NEVER ever suffer this and are the main reason it happens!
Considering the majority of tele tax payers are white, and are funding the bBC – the biased bbc is offensive to me
To be inclusive have to make sure it has Muslim in the title rather than people!
We shall
fightwatch them come ashore on the beaches, we shall give them assistance fight on the landing grounds, we shallfightlet them pick our fruit in the fields and wash our cars in the streets, we shallfighthide in the hills; we shallneversurrender, and if, which I do not for a moment believe, this island or a large part of it were subjugated and starving, then our Empire beyond the seas, armed and guarded helping Iranians by the British Fleet, would carry on the struggle, until, in God’s good time, the New World, with all its power and might, steps forth to the removal of all that is British rescue and the liberation of the old.https://biasedbbc.org/blog/2020/05/12/midweek-thread-13-may-2020/#comment-1054844
Tory Manifesto … 20,000 more police and tougher sentencing for criminals.
Today … Criminals and sexual predators allowed into police, says report
Cost-of-living crisis: Hospital to offer food parcels for NHS staff
“Crisis” that the bBC keeps trying to create
The analysis found 25.1% of nurses were obese compared with 14.4% of “other healthcare professionals”, which included doctors and dentists.5 Dec 2017
BBC crisis. There’s a shortage of crises for them promote
UK Cannot produce enough people …
Census: Migration biggest part of England and Wales population rise
“The future belongs to those who show up.”
— Mark Steyn (
Try selling that in Iran or Pakistan mate!
I rather think you would be wearing that stupid placard round your neck.
We are based in the real world .. yet the BBC & news media feed us a theatrical false picture.
Medialand’s pasta prices are out by about 300%
Pasta on Aldi’s shelf is 23p and 35p
A few months back it was 21p and 32p
Yet GNnews at 14:13pm and in their tweet here claim the pasta price is 61p
What happens is media are fed THEATRICAL claims by someone,
& the they run with it cos it’s a great story
Regulator @Ofcom don’t seem to care it’s #FakeNews not #based in the real world
See 6m13s of their video tweet
.. https://www.twitter.com/GBNEWS/status/1587805297938034688
Halligan’s piece ended with making the DRAMATIC claim “inflation is actually at a higher rate than the figures I am showing you here” I paraphrase
I haven’t seen GBNews much and Halligan is much missed – but when I have caught him recently he seems angrier and angrier about inflation in Real Life being out of Control . It is .
And the Bank of England has failed to even try to control it . I hope it raises rates 1% tomorrow – but it won’t ….
It’s up to him to back up his claim by true data, not by false data
Energy prices might take months to come down or a year
but in countries where they don’t ban fuels, future price falls are almost certain
Looks like rashid is going to become the ideal politician –
1 all promises made when he was going for PM under review
2 elderly social care support to be frozen for at least a year
3 Tax allowances to be frozen
The overseas tax give away being used to nationalise hotels for criminal invaders
And he’s only been PM for – 3? Weeks ? …..
I see Liam the disinforming GBnews guy
just tweeted that news media are addicted to pushing disinformative hyperbole ..dramaqueening
PRC must be delighted they can get Hong Kong Chinese into the security service – what could go wrong -? Better than putting Chinese technology into the phone system – ….
How the liberal-left Establishment works. (That includes you, BBC.)
1) Suppress free speech and open, honest debate on issues that are of concern to the majority of people, eg, mass illegal immigration, islamo-creep, wokeism in all its nefarious forms, trans madness, BLMism, gayism, sexual indoctrination of children, lockdowns, etc.
2) The silent majority, lacking a voice and with no government action on such issues, grows frustrated and angry.
3) Now you accuse dissenters of extremism, fascism etc.
4) Eventually, the anger will boil over and someone, or some group, will do something stupid.
5) Now the liberal Establishment can say: See? We told you there were extremists and terrorists lurking in the shadows. (No, you CREATED them.)
6) Clamp down even further on free speech so as not to ‘fan the flames of hate’, allegedly.
7) Repeat cycle.
This pattern produces events like the January 6th demonstrations in DC that got out of hand, or crazed individuals like the Dover migrant centre ‘bomber’. (Incidentally, he lost his son to Covid and his penis to cancer, as well as his wife and his welfare benefits, and was mentally deranged. Enough to make you quite grumpy.)
(To save GreenStew the bother of fact checking me, it’s all in today’s Mail. Take it up with them.)
The Conservative Party CAVE IN to libmob almost all the time.
eg Sunak going to COP
libmob the WokeSupremacist GreenSupremacist cult think they don’t better than us
and that rather than be governed by democracy
where each member of the family gets something done their way, everything has to be done libmob’s way or be banned.
Anti-Brexit it is the only thing the Tory party haven’t fully caved into.
(I see Vlad was writing something similar at the same time
we are on the same hymn sheet)
media claim “perma crisis” is the word of the year
Yet I see them perma-dramaqueening
… and permanently GASLIGHTING us
The media are beyond corrupt now.
The Daily Mail claims Vlad just referred to
.. a smorgasbord of claims there.
Sounds like he had a lot on his plate.
You have to wonder how many more mosques will require building to cater for this influx?
Maybe the bBC could enlighten us?
Or perhaps they’ll just have to double up when at prayers which could make for some interesting viewing?
The kind of thing that a Monty Python sketch or even a Brian Rix
farce would have been made for!
‘You have to wonder how many more mosques will require building’…..I’m sure there are plenty of churches that can be used for this purpose. Or pubs, cinemas, community centres, halls, in fact pretty much any building can be repurposed. And no doubt will be. Planning permission not required for our ‘guests’.
Meanwhile, in a pointless multi million quango designed to protect THE BBC at the expense of the public…