The old tweets paint a happy situation then quiet for 2 years
Then July 26th BBC saying inquiry going on
Aug 1 fire
Now results of inquiry.
Since the unit is small , only 25 beds, it does make sense for it to be mixed sex, especially since staff are supposed to be awake monitoring it at all times.
The BBC made its first broadcast 100 years ago yesterday. This was celebrated with due ceremony on the Today programme. It was all very jolly, although the opening news broadcast of the morning promoted Private Pike of Dad’s Army to the rank of captain, an error which must have had the late Arthur Lowe (Captain Mainwaring) turning in his grave.
I was honoured to appear as the one party pooper, pointing out that the BBC licence fee is a) an unfair privilege and b) obsolescent because of technology.
As one who has enjoyed so many BBC productions, I did feel a bit churlish.
I can vividly remember, aged 11, watching the very first opening credits of Dad’s Army with the swastika being repulsed from the English Channel by the Union flag and recognising that this one was going to be a winner. On our staircase at home stood (and still stands) a pike used in the Irish Rebellion of 1798, which had briefly done service in our village Home Guard in 1940. The programme completely understood the inherent comedy of the diverse nation it depicted as well as anyone since Shakespeare in Henry V. Yes, the BBC could do amazing things.
But I must not surrender to nostalgia, because in the BBC’s beginning is its end. Although it was established in 1922, its key date is 1926. It was then, under its general manager, John Reith, that it ceased to be the private-sector British Broadcasting Company and became the British Broadcasting Corporation with a royal charter – with Reith as its first director general. Ever since, it has been the poll tax-funded, privileged autocrat of our cultural life.
The life of Reith suggests that he was virtually mad, but also a genius (the two things being traditionally near-allied). “He seems to talk as if he were in charge of national well-being,” one contemporary critic remarked. He saw his mission as part-imperial, part-religious. He invented the Empire Service and persuaded King George V to start a Christmas message to the Empire which, in modern, post-imperial form, George V’s great-grandson, our new King, will deliver for the first time next month. In job interviews, Reith asked applicants whether they believed in the teachings of Jesus. In programming, he made sure that no one could have fun on Sundays.
Reith was bravely independent of government, but it seems never to have occurred to him to doubt for one second that he had an absolute right to force his idea of life, the universe and everything upon the British people. Many of his aims and prejudices were admirable. He disliked television, for example, much preferring radio. But he was innocent of the democratic belief that people should be free to choose.
This remains the BBC’s problem today. The teachings of Jesus have long ceased to hold sway in Broadcasting House, but the dominance of doctrine is the same. In news, in drama, in documentaries and even more in magazine programmes, such as Today, which include news, the orthodoxy is multiculturalism, diversity (which means ethnically diverse but politically uniform), victim culture and exposés of government for not spending enough money on things. In another echo of old-time religion, there is even a constant “The End is Nigh” theme, in the form of global warming.
One is all in favour of people being able to hold these opinions. One is less in favour of making the rest of us pay for them. In the 19th century, Parliament finally commuted the tithes, the taxes which lavished money on the Church of England. In the 21st, it should commute the licence fee and invite the BBC to finance its dogmas, temples and priesthood by other means.
Much is currently made of the BBC commitment to regions. It beats its breast about how it should do more things out of London. But in fact it is cutting back on valued local programming. I have recently received unsolicited complaints about the effects of its decision to drop broadcasting from Oxford and Cambridge. Was that made, perhaps, because the names associated with the highest levels of education might sound “elitist”?
The BBC decision was mysteriously justified by the need to “move decisively to a digital-first BBC to better deliver value for all audiences”. What this means in practice is that local people and institutions that have built up solid relationships with local journalists in or near either city have now lost them. If you are in Oxford, you must make contact with Southampton – almost a different universe. If you are in Cambridge, your Look East programme will now come – surely a power grab by Alan Partridge – out of Norwich.
I must not leave the subject of Lord Reith without pointing readers in the direction of a wonderful interview conducted with him in old age by Malcolm Muggeridge. An edit of it is currently circulating on Twitter.
Muggeridge asks Reith, a Scot, why he had insisted on a “BBC accent” that sounded English. Reith defends himself, citing the need for an “educated” way of speaking which ensures clarity. Muggeridge objects that this accent identified the BBC as being “the organ of the genteel and respectable elements in society”. Reith turns his great granite head round and stares at Mugg. “Anything wrong with that?” he asks, witheringly. In the age of the consonant-free Amol Rajan, one can only cheer.ENDS
“THE former Yorkshire cricketer Azeem Rafiq is today at the centre of explosive allegations concerning two incidents of indecent exposure.” from 2012
“These incidents were amongst the incidents alluded to in the 14 October letter when it referred, inter alia, to ‘endless episodes of Azeem’s bad behaviour, well-known to the club.’ ”
OK This seems to be the chain
Yorkshire Cricket Club produced a report about racism toward Rafiq
It seemed to be overly secretive
It seems the reason was the report was full of stuff damaging to Rafiq too.
Rafiq raised a fuss and basically took control, brought Lord Ahmad in, who then gave him a £200K payoff and sacked a lot of the backroom staff including an Asian physio.
The sacked white physio says that was unfair dismissal
and submitted answers to questions to the court.
Yorkshire Post has now obtained this document.
This one will run and run. Pakistan is a such a calm and well run country, a model of democracy, so it is hardly surprising that its people are so honest and trustworthy. Why not believe every word he says?
Not forgetting the fat-shaming, homophobia and anti-semitic tweets when he accused another cricketer of not paying for dinner because “he is a Jew”.
ITV now reporting that he’s leaving the UK (I predict the BBC will ignore the story as much as they can).
“… he is now having to pack up his home in Barnsley, South Yorkshire, and quit the country for his family’s protection […] “Twenty-one years ago, my dad picked us up and moved us because his business partner had been kidnapped and burnt. Twenty-one years on, deja vu and I’m having to pick my family up and leave for safety reasons. That breaks me.””
And in their usual manner they open up a HYS, expecting the usual tirade of anti-government posts. But just for a change the top rated posts are ‘electric fires don’t cause accidents, people using them inappropriately cause accidents’.
How nice for the BBC to get its comeuppance once in a while.
In other BBC news. Wheelchair bound man living off grid in remote Scottish glen worries about keeping warm this Winter.
I just made that up. But then again, didI?
How many will
Come out ?
Fail a drugs test ?
Get caught with the wrong WAG?
Get sent ‘home ‘?
Get arrested by the Islamic police ?
Get caught betting ?
Apparently the population of the planet has hit 8? Billion? Or is it 9?
Anyway the BBC seems to think that’s good news . But how can that be ? Surely the green apostles want to cull the world population – maybe by a billion or two . The starting point is whitee in the west – encourage wimmin not to breed – replace them with the third world while they watch …
… personally I think mankind will cull itself one way or another – whether planned or not … I just hope when it comes it’s quick and we won’t have to suffer the BBC asking people how they feel about nuclear death …
……….and will it encourage more people to use bicycles
A two year old boy has died in a rented flat as a result of institutional racism, sorry mould on the walls of his bedroom. A quick peep at the article shows why the bbc are all over it. I rent my home, and if a bulb blows then I replace it; I don’t run off and moan at the landlord. Why does nobody ask the father “did you consider getting off your arse and applying some treatment to the walls yourself?” the answer would probably be “I did everything humanly possible, I complained to Rochdale council, and….er that’s it”. What sort of father would do precisely nothing except wait for the council to phone them back (Probably on their iphone 99)? I know exactly the sort, and I imagine I’m not alone.
“Rochdale Coroners’ Court heard his father had reported the mould several times to Rochdale Boroughwide Housing”
The mould had been reported, the coroner concludes, to the RBH housing association. Remedial works to treat and remove it “should have been undertaken.” This “lack of action” meant Awaab continued to be “exposed to harmful mould.”
People reply to SkyNews
“I lived in a mould infested council house as a child, but my mother took it upon herself to regularly clean the areas with bleach and ensure good ventilation.
It seems to of become the norm now to let it get as worse as possible to try get a better house.”
Mould happens cos the building ventilation and insulation is not up to scratch.
but can be controlled using bleach. humidifiers, sunlight, heating etc.
The ITV report says that health concerns about the mould had been logged but housing association workers were using the IT system wrongly so it never got dealt with.
Awaab’s mum Aisha Amin had limited English
Staff will now get an app on their phones to give them access to an interpreter which could help workers dealing with such tenants.
The party of the incumbent president usually does badly in the mid terms. Even Obama, who could speak and think, and even walk, got a “shellacking” in the mid terms.
The current incumbent is senile. He handed Afghanistan to the Taliban. He presides over 10% inflation and an open southern border.
So obviously, he has had the best mid term results for 20 years. Nothing suspicious about that at all. It’s just the case that it takes over a week to count the votes until they have enough for the Democrat to win. Now move along, there’s nothing to see here.
Rob – democracy won . I fear the BBC will be ‘over the moon ‘ burying President Trump if he decides not to run . And if he blames the election fraud 2020 2022 they’ll really enjoy themselves with ‘unfounded allegations ‘ written into judgemental new reports – no bias now – no bias at all…
I think the democrat in charge of counting has whispered that they’ve found enough postal votes to ensure that democracy wins – ie – an approved result …..
The feds will be down on dissenters stazi style …
Katty Kay’s recent piece (on the webpage BBC News US and Canada) on her meeting with “denier” Kari Lake (GOP candidate to be Arizona Governor):
“… … … …
Second, she refuses to concede any doubt at all in her own election denial. During our interview, I put it to her that there was no evidence the 2020 election had been stolen. I pointed out that the Arizona Republican party’s own recount had confirmed that Joe Biden had won the state. I reminded her that over 60 lawsuits claiming election fraud had been dismissed for lack of cause by judges around the US, including judges Trump himself had appointed.
It made no difference. She is far more disciplined and on message than Trump could ever be.
“We could sit here all day,” she said. “I can go over the evidence and the media still won’t believe it because they’re on a mission to discredit that.”
She said evidence has never been presented, at least not in public. If the Lake team has it, we haven’t seen it. She told me Arizona’s attorney general has sat on a mountain of evidence. He says he’s wrapped up his investigation and there’s no evidence of fraud. The back-and-forth of baseless claims is frustrating. This should be black and white, fact-based, especially, one would think, to a news journalist.
I went into my interview with Lake hoping to discover if she really believes what she says about the election being rigged, or if she just uses the conspiracy as a useful way to win votes. Honestly, I left none the wiser.
And maybe it doesn’t really matter. Lake is still casting doubt on the validity of elections, this time her own. And whether she believes it or not, millions of her supporters do. That’s where the damage to American democracy can be done.”
Well, Katty, there’s “2000 Mules” by Dinesh D’Souza for starters, dealing with the 2020 Presidential and other elections, and plenty of prima facie evidence that the BBC might at least look into. Why do the Democrats so often win close races where the counting is drawn out over many days and the result delayed?
Wiki reassures us that “In May 2022, D’Souza released 2000 Mules, a film that falsely alleges Democrat-aligned individuals were paid to illegally collect and deposit ballots into drop boxes in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin during the 2020 presidential election.”
Sarah Smith has added her bit under the heading “Kari Lake defeat: Did democracy win in US midterms?”
“… … …
So far none of the defeated candidates has cried foul and said they don’t believe these election results.
But Kari Lake has said on Twitter that “Arizonans know BS when they see it”. Will she try to challenge the legitimacy of her opponent’s victory? Or have the lies about stolen elections been defeated at the ballot box?
Donald Trump is due to give his “very big announcement” at Mar-a-Lago on Tuesday evening.
We expect he will announce his third tilt at the White House. Will he continue to campaign on the basis of his election lies or will he have to find a new song to sing?”
“Lies” is a strong word for an impartial reporter to use: how does she know? The BBC has done very little digging into allegations of electoral malpractice and suspicious postal voting in this or the 2020 elections. A better phrase would be “allegedly stolen elections” or “unproven Republican suspicions of electoral fraud.”
But then the 100-year old BBC isn’t impartial so that would be expecting too much.
It might not be £600m full loss
The 53 solar farms are still working and collecting income
but their sale value might be say £200m less than the council invested.
Obviously it’s not about saving ,CO2 cos if the panels were sited in sunny Africa they’d be working much harder thus displacing 3-4 times more CO2
Stew thank you – I heard this scandal in passing but it seems ok to defraud tax payers of – say £300 000 000 if it’s done in the name of green crap ….
….. I bet every one had a taste of that one …
Queen’s property manager and Treasury to get windfarm windfall of nearly £9bn
This article is more than 1 year old
BP among the winners in auction of offshore seabed rights for next decade
Ulster : “The far-right Irish National Party was holding its annual conference at the five-star hotel when a group of left-wing protesters disrupted the event.
Violence broke out, and six people were injured – four of them were taken to hospital for treatment.”
… I’d guess bringing violence is an antifa tactic to intimidate hotels.
‘See you host a righty event. and violei will happen’
BBC “Protesters describing themselves as anti-fascists* disrupted a political conference at the Lough Erne Resort”
“Police have charged a 34-year-old man with affray, attempted grievous bodily harm with intent, criminal damage and possession of an offensive weapon.”
* ie lefties who smear label political opponents was “fascists”
back in the day when I was familiar with The Anti Nazi League and Rock against Racism – a splinter group would always have a snappy TLA or properly oxymoronic branding. “anti fascists” – I don’t think so.
ITV there are choosing NOT to identify the perps – which logically would reasonable infer that once their provenance was known – any sympathy and consequent platforming of the message would evaporate ?
BBC going big on the Sudanese kid who died in Rochdale . The coroner a fully woke type .It happened 2 years ago. The housing situation has worst ended dramatically since then – with a lot of landlords selling up and the private rental market reducing in size .
The coroner as usual blames anyone but the parents – who it seems – and not good at Dee eeengllish . Maybe if they learnt the kid might still be alive – or not . Parents are responsible for their kids – with the state and agencies as a fall back . I hate the welfare state as much as the BBC .
My mum and dad worked hard to get away from welfare . And succeeded – but they suffered and watched the feckless living easy lives on giveme benefits and other peoples’ money . …
I assume this one will be swerved by labour if Rochdale is one there s – also – someone might mention Pakistani Muslim rape gangs in passing …
There are so many cover ups on the go in Brigadoon that you would scratch your head in astonishment that Krankie and her crew of incompetents are not being hunted down by the MSM and , in particular the white elephant £32 million waste bBC Scotland.
This is proof if we need it that the bBC is nothing more than a political machine of the Left.
Why, the Conservatives are maintaining bBC,s existence and status quo together with their failure to dedicate a “deportation unit”that is ruthless and effective suggests they are lost.
A resulting labour /SNP coalition will finish off the UK and herald an “emigration” event to dwarf what is happening on the South Coast.
1) Please issue a formal notice of intent that the L/F will end in 2023
2) Appoint a deportation Czar with clout to remove all invaders.
Stephen Kinnock
Labour MP for Aberavon | Shadow Minister for Immigration |
Port July 2012
1,925 Following
Name of donor: Refugee, Asylum and Migration Policy (RAMP)
Address of donor: c/o Kirk Rice, The Courtyard, 69 High Street, Ascot SL5 7HP
Estimate of the probable value (or amount of any donation): Bus hire, Eurotunnel crossing and food, value £317
Destination of visit: Calais, France
Dates of visit: 9 June 2022
Purpose of visit: Delegation from the Migration APPG to Calais to meet with volunteers, NGOs, refugees and local politicians to discuss the migrant crisis in the English Channel.
Apparently he was once declared by his accountant to be gay for tax purposes, but it seems that was all a misunderstanding about why he was living in Switzerland whilst his wife was prime minister of Denmark. It could happen to anybody.
Tomo – I admire the sheer amorality of this if true . And if the Welsh people who voted for him – and will still vote for him – then that sums up the sadness of our system too . I won’t refer to it as a democracy because it isn’t .
I know his mother has late stage dementia and will not be here much longer . I am sure she and her husband have EU pensions which more than provide for the kind of care (@£1500 a week ) required . I wish I could have afforded it for my mum …
If kinnock junior is such a tax avoider – why has it not been voiced before ….? Do I smell a falsehood …
I feel Kinnock Jnr is silver spoon territory – his denial is robust enough about UK tax – less so with Denmark.
Quite surprised he hasn’t got overt links to Common Purpose – he looks like the sort of character they love to recruit. He was a “director” at WEF for some time – one of Klaus’s young leaders…
South Wales is tribal boyo territory – they’d elect a goat with a red rosette.
A friend with a large house is currently housing a Ukrainian family.
He reports an enormous amount of red tape in order to do this.
Now we might expect some checks to make sure that he is not part of a Rochdale- style grooming gang….well he is white after all. But I digress.
In order to house these genuine refugees he needs to have his house’s electrical wiring checked up to the highest standards. He needs fire and smoke detectors. He needs a fire escape plan.
In other words the standards necessary FAR exceed anything that ordinary homeowners would deem necessary. That’s ordinary British citizens to you and me. I wonder what electrical and safety standards apply in war-torn Ukraine?
What a pathetic crazy jobsworth public sector now rules our lives.
Why are only white people racist? The answer they aren’t but the bBC likes to inform us this is fact – if your listening bBC there is good and bad in ALL races!
“has ruined my career,” business graduate Mr Igene said – Career? Surely as a graduate you haven’t had much of a career???
Dear not the Albanian invasion. The NHS needs cheapo nurses.
The only problem will be that patient’s cash and belongings will start disppearing from bedside lockers.
Albanians in this country are often reputed to be violent drug-dealers.
I read last night that the long-deceased American comedian John Belushi was from an Albanian family.
Belushi died at 33 from an overdose of cocaine and heroin.
A mere coincidence, to be sure.
How gangs of Albanian sex traffickers and drug lords mocked UK system
Albanian gangsters have built up multi-million-pound crime empires after sneaking into the UK.
22:50, Wed, Oct 26, 2022 | UPDATED: 22:58, Wed, Oct 26, 2022
#BBCtrending: Five facts about #BringBackOurGirls { may2014} The top BBC journalists have reviewed the hashtag and the findings are in …
1. When did it start? – 23rd April, 2014
2. How many times has it been used on Twitter? – 3.3million
3. Where is it being used? – Top Countries Nigeria 27%, UK, USA
4. Who is using it? – 56% Women, 44% Men
5. Most shared tweet? – 57,000 Retweets
Oh, and the missing, most important one for the actual 276 girls … not asked by the BBC …
6. Did #bringbackourgirls actually bring back the 276 girls? (the most important question)
“When they go low, we go high” – Michelle Obama – 2016
“#bringbackourgirls” – Michelle Obama – April 2014
Nigeria rejected British offer to rescue seized Chibok schoolgirls { – mar2017}
In a mission named Operation Turus, the RAF (UK Airforce) conducted air reconnaissance over northern Nigeria for several months, following the kidnapping of 276 girls from the town of Chibok in April 2014 (by Islamist militant group Boko Haram). “The girls were located in the first few weeks of the RAF mission,” a source involved in Operation Turus told the Observer. “We offered to rescue them, but the Nigerian government declined.”
– Guardian UK Online Website / 4 March 2017
#bringbackourgirls – makes you wonder who Michelle Obama was asking to do this? The wife of the most powerful man in the World, with a special relationship with the Country who could have taken action, reduced to holding a piece of card for the World to read a #hashtag that did NOT bring the girls back.
The Vision of the Anointed (1995) is a book by economist and political columnist Thomas Sowell which brands the anointed as promoters of a worldview concocted out of fantasy impervious to any real-world considerations.[1] Sowell asserts that these thinkers, writers, and activists continue to be revered even in the face of evidence disproving their positions.
Sowell argues that American thought is dominated by a “prevailing vision” which seals itself off from any empirical evidence that is inconsistent with that vision.
“UK’s reputation has taken a knock, admits Rishi Sunak”
Who’s fault is that Rishi?
How many illegal invaders are you going to let in to Great Britain Rishi?
I know what you mean, not sure I can take much more of this either. But the next general election’s not for a while, and the BBC are masters of ethnic tragedy porn.
COP 27 How it started. how it’s gone
#1 The PR machine sent in scantily clan young women as a PR trick
#2 COP has had to issue a sexual harassment warning
2 Columbians
“We’re still waiting for UN, to confirm the names of the two people denounced for alleged sexual harassment
Interior Minister Alfonso Prada said on Sunday.
The official suggested, however, that they were possibly individuals who used “Colombian credentials illegally.”
BBC IMAGE WATCH !!- Day after day after day after day.
Getty’s give the BBC images which BIG BROTHER from
the diversity department DEMAND!! Ethnic models
imaging a public interest feature.
Another contributer has featured one above. On Micheel
Rose’s business feature we see see , as we ALWAYS see on
the BBC two ethnic models ” Autumn Statement , when it
is , and how will it affect me.
BBC !! We live in a north west european country . The
indigenous population is 85% Caucasian. Would you mind
just on occasion use WHITE skinned models for your
public imaging !!!!
During the interview the Tory minister explains to Kay Burley that under the coronavirus restrictions in place at the time, people should stick to their “established” partners when it comes to sexual contact.
Matt Hancock ‘getting paid £400,000 for doing I’m A Celeb’
3 November 2022, 06:08
WHAT a day for Matt Hancock.
First there’s the picture of him appearing to share a kiss with departmental adviser Gina Coladangelo.
Then it emerges he’s left up an Instagram story encouraging more “brilliant women” to “get involved” in his team.
Now an interview from September 2020 of him discussing relationships during the Covid-19 pandemic has re-emerged, and makes awkward viewing.
Hancock, who is said to have met Coladangelo at university, has been married to his wife Martha for 15 years and they have three children together.
During the interview the Tory minister explains to Kay Burley that under the coronavirus restrictions in place at the time, people should stick to their “established” partners when it comes to sexual contact.
The inquiry team found examples of “children who had been doused in petrol and threatened with being set alight, threatened with guns, made to witness brutally violent rapes and threatened they would be next if they told anyone”.
– get a report (rapes repeated again across country).
fly banner – get a report – UK citizens are easily pleased.
“The global population has hit eight billion, the UN has announced. Demographers chose 15 November to mark this milestone – though it could be up to a year or two on either side.”
itv local newsPR opens
#1 scareporn about turkeys
“ooh you might not have a turkey at Christmas”
..farmer said the other day the UK has 30 million turkeys
and birdflu won’t effect more than 1 million in the extreme scenario.
Looks like the BBC are preparing the ground for a win against the true president trump whatever he announces – if he runs he will be declared ‘deluded ‘ – if he doesn’t it will show that his claims about election theft were always false .
He is being ridiculed for saying the coming US presidential election is the most important ever – but the U.S. is heading to be the sort of one party state the UK has become – the difference being that the UK population was bought off with welfare dependency …
…..whereas the independence found in the American culture is being eroded by socialism …
I shall post this very long video of one of the cities most succesful traders and his campaign on inequality. Might seem odd until you realise when he is talking about taxing the rich he isn’t meaning high earners, he is meaning wealth, and that wealth is predominantly foreign owned assets in the UK by ultra rich individuals who are using those assets to bleed the ordinary people of this country dry.
As he says they now own more or less everything, and you’re next in line as companies like Blackrock begin to buy housing making it unaffordable for the next generation.
Maybe I was a bit dim, when I thought the maxim you will own nothing you will be happy was a form of Communism and the government owned all the assets, but the reality is that the really wealthy own everything and are looking to hoover up that what they don’t already have in a return to a kind of fuedalism.
The guy is clearly very very bright, uses some choice language, but he isn’t a socialist by any means, he has the same Capitalist beliefs I have you work hard, keep your nose clean and in return you can buy a home settle down and enjoy a nice life.
Anyway have a watch and if you can’t sit through the entire interview try the last few minutes but he certainly has a point and it’s worth watching to listen to media faults, academic faults professional faults and the reasons why they happen.
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 10, 23:10 Start the Week 10th March 2025 From the Daily Mail online: “… … … According to the Telegraph, figures from the most recent BBC annual report…
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 10, 22:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Carney worked for Goldman Sachs for 13 years, curiously enough.
FlotsamMar 10, 22:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I might be wrong. One ship, the Stena Immaculate might have been moving around at anchor due to wind and/or…
FlotsamMar 10, 21:59 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Kelvin Mackenzie on form on GBNews. “Why should the public be forced to pay, under threat of prosecution, to watch…
FlotsamMar 10, 21:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I’ve studied the tracks of the two ships and it’s clear to me that both were moving when the collision…
BRISSLESMar 10, 21:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 My nephew married a Russian girl – from Kursk, a few years ago. Her parents (just lovely ordinary people like…
Emmanuel GoldsteinMar 10, 21:26 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I keep hearing from MP’s an excuse for them not doing what they were voted in to do, things such…
Extra funding for the NHS, with 50,000 more nurses and 50 million more GP surgery appointments a year.
20,000 more police and tougher sentencing for criminals.
An Australian-style points-based system to control immigration.
Millions more invested every week in science, schools, apprenticeships and infrastructure while controlling debt.
Reaching Net Zero by 2050 with investment in clean energy solutions and green infrastructure to reduce carbon emissions and pollution.
We will not raise the rate of income tax, VAT or National Insurance.
Redditch mental health ward faces claims of sleeping staff and bullies
“25-bed, mixed-gender Hill Crest Ward in Redditch, Worcestershire”
Mixed-gender? Man, Women, other
The old tweets paint a happy situation then quiet for 2 years
Then July 26th BBC saying inquiry going on
Aug 1 fire
Now results of inquiry.
Since the unit is small , only 25 beds, it does make sense for it to be mixed sex, especially since staff are supposed to be awake monitoring it at all times.
Charlie Moore in the DT writing about the BBC –
The BBC made its first broadcast 100 years ago yesterday. This was celebrated with due ceremony on the Today programme. It was all very jolly, although the opening news broadcast of the morning promoted Private Pike of Dad’s Army to the rank of captain, an error which must have had the late Arthur Lowe (Captain Mainwaring) turning in his grave.
I was honoured to appear as the one party pooper, pointing out that the BBC licence fee is a) an unfair privilege and b) obsolescent because of technology.
As one who has enjoyed so many BBC productions, I did feel a bit churlish.
I can vividly remember, aged 11, watching the very first opening credits of Dad’s Army with the swastika being repulsed from the English Channel by the Union flag and recognising that this one was going to be a winner. On our staircase at home stood (and still stands) a pike used in the Irish Rebellion of 1798, which had briefly done service in our village Home Guard in 1940. The programme completely understood the inherent comedy of the diverse nation it depicted as well as anyone since Shakespeare in Henry V. Yes, the BBC could do amazing things.
But I must not surrender to nostalgia, because in the BBC’s beginning is its end. Although it was established in 1922, its key date is 1926. It was then, under its general manager, John Reith, that it ceased to be the private-sector British Broadcasting Company and became the British Broadcasting Corporation with a royal charter – with Reith as its first director general. Ever since, it has been the poll tax-funded, privileged autocrat of our cultural life.
The life of Reith suggests that he was virtually mad, but also a genius (the two things being traditionally near-allied). “He seems to talk as if he were in charge of national well-being,” one contemporary critic remarked. He saw his mission as part-imperial, part-religious. He invented the Empire Service and persuaded King George V to start a Christmas message to the Empire which, in modern, post-imperial form, George V’s great-grandson, our new King, will deliver for the first time next month. In job interviews, Reith asked applicants whether they believed in the teachings of Jesus. In programming, he made sure that no one could have fun on Sundays.
Reith was bravely independent of government, but it seems never to have occurred to him to doubt for one second that he had an absolute right to force his idea of life, the universe and everything upon the British people. Many of his aims and prejudices were admirable. He disliked television, for example, much preferring radio. But he was innocent of the democratic belief that people should be free to choose.
This remains the BBC’s problem today. The teachings of Jesus have long ceased to hold sway in Broadcasting House, but the dominance of doctrine is the same. In news, in drama, in documentaries and even more in magazine programmes, such as Today, which include news, the orthodoxy is multiculturalism, diversity (which means ethnically diverse but politically uniform), victim culture and exposés of government for not spending enough money on things. In another echo of old-time religion, there is even a constant “The End is Nigh” theme, in the form of global warming.
One is all in favour of people being able to hold these opinions. One is less in favour of making the rest of us pay for them. In the 19th century, Parliament finally commuted the tithes, the taxes which lavished money on the Church of England. In the 21st, it should commute the licence fee and invite the BBC to finance its dogmas, temples and priesthood by other means.
Much is currently made of the BBC commitment to regions. It beats its breast about how it should do more things out of London. But in fact it is cutting back on valued local programming. I have recently received unsolicited complaints about the effects of its decision to drop broadcasting from Oxford and Cambridge. Was that made, perhaps, because the names associated with the highest levels of education might sound “elitist”?
The BBC decision was mysteriously justified by the need to “move decisively to a digital-first BBC to better deliver value for all audiences”. What this means in practice is that local people and institutions that have built up solid relationships with local journalists in or near either city have now lost them. If you are in Oxford, you must make contact with Southampton – almost a different universe. If you are in Cambridge, your Look East programme will now come – surely a power grab by Alan Partridge – out of Norwich.
I must not leave the subject of Lord Reith without pointing readers in the direction of a wonderful interview conducted with him in old age by Malcolm Muggeridge. An edit of it is currently circulating on Twitter.
Muggeridge asks Reith, a Scot, why he had insisted on a “BBC accent” that sounded English. Reith defends himself, citing the need for an “educated” way of speaking which ensures clarity. Muggeridge objects that this accent identified the BBC as being “the organ of the genteel and respectable elements in society”. Reith turns his great granite head round and stares at Mugg. “Anything wrong with that?” he asks, witheringly. In the age of the consonant-free Amol Rajan, one can only cheer.ENDS
So, what you’re saying is.. maybe the bbc is biased ?
Run that past me again
Blue Peter was OK
Val Singleton and her suggestive blouse..
Never mind she always deflected, taking ones mind off it by teaching you how to make Gotham City out of a pile of alsation shit and some toilet rolls
A skill that has served me well, apart from some early job interviews
“THE former Yorkshire cricketer Azeem Rafiq is today at the centre of explosive allegations concerning two incidents of indecent exposure.” from 2012
“These incidents were amongst the incidents alluded to in the 14 October letter when it referred, inter alia, to ‘endless episodes of Azeem’s bad behaviour, well-known to the club.’ ”
OK This seems to be the chain
Yorkshire Cricket Club produced a report about racism toward Rafiq
It seemed to be overly secretive
It seems the reason was the report was full of stuff damaging to Rafiq too.
Rafiq raised a fuss and basically took control, brought Lord Ahmad in, who then gave him a £200K payoff and sacked a lot of the backroom staff including an Asian physio.
The sacked white physio says that was unfair dismissal
and submitted answers to questions to the court.
Yorkshire Post has now obtained this document.
This one will run and run. Pakistan is a such a calm and well run country, a model of democracy, so it is hardly surprising that its people are so honest and trustworthy. Why not believe every word he says?
Not forgetting the fat-shaming, homophobia and anti-semitic tweets when he accused another cricketer of not paying for dinner because “he is a Jew”.
ITV now reporting that he’s leaving the UK (I predict the BBC will ignore the story as much as they can).
“… he is now having to pack up his home in Barnsley, South Yorkshire, and quit the country for his family’s protection […] “Twenty-one years ago, my dad picked us up and moved us because his business partner had been kidnapped and burnt. Twenty-one years on, deja vu and I’m having to pick my family up and leave for safety reasons. That breaks me.””
Sometimes it beggars belief the depths to which the seditious BBC will sink in order to maximise the negativity and doom and gloom.. Take this.
Cost of living: Electric heaters may pose fire risks despite savings
And in their usual manner they open up a HYS, expecting the usual tirade of anti-government posts. But just for a change the top rated posts are ‘electric fires don’t cause accidents, people using them inappropriately cause accidents’.
How nice for the BBC to get its comeuppance once in a while.
In other BBC news. Wheelchair bound man living off grid in remote Scottish glen worries about keeping warm this Winter.
I just made that up. But then again, didI?
How many will
Come out ?
Fail a drugs test ?
Get caught with the wrong WAG?
Get sent ‘home ‘?
Get arrested by the Islamic police ?
Get caught betting ?
The term “virtue signaling” was invented for this bunch of tosseurs.
I think I preferred it when England footballers were into hard drinking, gambling and spit roasting. At least they didn’t pretend to be perfect.
Footballers only to use male prostitues.
Apparently the population of the planet has hit 8? Billion? Or is it 9?
Anyway the BBC seems to think that’s good news . But how can that be ? Surely the green apostles want to cull the world population – maybe by a billion or two . The starting point is whitee in the west – encourage wimmin not to breed – replace them with the third world while they watch …
… personally I think mankind will cull itself one way or another – whether planned or not … I just hope when it comes it’s quick and we won’t have to suffer the BBC asking people how they feel about nuclear death …
……….and will it encourage more people to use bicycles
A two year old boy has died in a rented flat as a result of institutional racism, sorry mould on the walls of his bedroom. A quick peep at the article shows why the bbc are all over it. I rent my home, and if a bulb blows then I replace it; I don’t run off and moan at the landlord. Why does nobody ask the father “did you consider getting off your arse and applying some treatment to the walls yourself?” the answer would probably be “I did everything humanly possible, I complained to Rochdale council, and….er that’s it”. What sort of father would do precisely nothing except wait for the council to phone them back (Probably on their iphone 99)? I know exactly the sort, and I imagine I’m not alone.
“Rochdale Coroners’ Court heard his father had reported the mould several times to Rochdale Boroughwide Housing”
People reply to SkyNews
“I lived in a mould infested council house as a child, but my mother took it upon herself to regularly clean the areas with bleach and ensure good ventilation.
It seems to of become the norm now to let it get as worse as possible to try get a better house.”
Mould happens cos the building ventilation and insulation is not up to scratch.
but can be controlled using bleach. humidifiers, sunlight, heating etc.
The ITV report says that health concerns about the mould had been logged but housing association workers were using the IT system wrongly so it never got dealt with.
Awaab’s mum Aisha Amin had limited English
Staff will now get an app on their phones to give them access to an interpreter which could help workers dealing with such tenants.
The poor wee mite. His family have lived in Rochdale for generations, and this is how they get treated. Shocking.
What’s that? They wanted a “better life”? How’s that working out for them? Still, think about the compo.
Clearly another £50 bn minimum of taxpayers money needs to be spent on social housing.
Bet you are surprised that Vic Derbyshire is providing a platform for the usual mob to shout “evil Tories”
Local radio listener just said the illegals should be paying loans back for taxpayers costs
Just like students have to pay back loans.
Then the prog has moved on to item where Quentin Wilson promotes electric cars .
Trump ally Kari Lake loses to Democrat Katie Hobbs in Arizona governor race
“Elsewhere, almost a week after votes were cast, the race to control the House of Representatives remains tight.
Republicans must win at least 218 seats to claim a majority in the House of Representatives, a prospect that has sharply narrowed.
The party has currently won 215 seats while Democrats have won 211, according to race projections from CBS News.”
Trump bashing aside, is the swamp toying with the idea of “winning ” the vote for the House of Representatives too?
Must be so tempting!
The party of the incumbent president usually does badly in the mid terms. Even Obama, who could speak and think, and even walk, got a “shellacking” in the mid terms.
The current incumbent is senile. He handed Afghanistan to the Taliban. He presides over 10% inflation and an open southern border.
So obviously, he has had the best mid term results for 20 years. Nothing suspicious about that at all. It’s just the case that it takes over a week to count the votes until they have enough for the Democrat to win. Now move along, there’s nothing to see here.
Rob – democracy won . I fear the BBC will be ‘over the moon ‘ burying President Trump if he decides not to run . And if he blames the election fraud 2020 2022 they’ll really enjoy themselves with ‘unfounded allegations ‘ written into judgemental new reports – no bias now – no bias at all…
“Even Obama, who could speak and think…”
But not at the same time, apparently, hence the pauses that you could drive a bus through.
the count hasn’t been declared – it’s the putrid MSM that are calling the result.
– they can’t wait…
I think the democrat in charge of counting has whispered that they’ve found enough postal votes to ensure that democracy wins – ie – an approved result …..
The feds will be down on dissenters stazi style …
they are busy CURING ballots
wrong signature no problem
no signature no problem
filled in the date after the election no problem
Katty Kay’s recent piece (on the webpage BBC News US and Canada) on her meeting with “denier” Kari Lake (GOP candidate to be Arizona Governor):
“… … … …
Second, she refuses to concede any doubt at all in her own election denial. During our interview, I put it to her that there was no evidence the 2020 election had been stolen. I pointed out that the Arizona Republican party’s own recount had confirmed that Joe Biden had won the state. I reminded her that over 60 lawsuits claiming election fraud had been dismissed for lack of cause by judges around the US, including judges Trump himself had appointed.
It made no difference. She is far more disciplined and on message than Trump could ever be.
“We could sit here all day,” she said. “I can go over the evidence and the media still won’t believe it because they’re on a mission to discredit that.”
She said evidence has never been presented, at least not in public. If the Lake team has it, we haven’t seen it. She told me Arizona’s attorney general has sat on a mountain of evidence. He says he’s wrapped up his investigation and there’s no evidence of fraud. The back-and-forth of baseless claims is frustrating. This should be black and white, fact-based, especially, one would think, to a news journalist.
I went into my interview with Lake hoping to discover if she really believes what she says about the election being rigged, or if she just uses the conspiracy as a useful way to win votes. Honestly, I left none the wiser.
And maybe it doesn’t really matter. Lake is still casting doubt on the validity of elections, this time her own. And whether she believes it or not, millions of her supporters do. That’s where the damage to American democracy can be done.”
Well, Katty, there’s “2000 Mules” by Dinesh D’Souza for starters, dealing with the 2020 Presidential and other elections, and plenty of prima facie evidence that the BBC might at least look into. Why do the Democrats so often win close races where the counting is drawn out over many days and the result delayed?
Wiki reassures us that “In May 2022, D’Souza released 2000 Mules, a film that falsely alleges Democrat-aligned individuals were paid to illegally collect and deposit ballots into drop boxes in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin during the 2020 presidential election.”
Sarah Smith has added her bit under the heading “Kari Lake defeat: Did democracy win in US midterms?”
“… … …
So far none of the defeated candidates has cried foul and said they don’t believe these election results.
But Kari Lake has said on Twitter that “Arizonans know BS when they see it”. Will she try to challenge the legitimacy of her opponent’s victory? Or have the lies about stolen elections been defeated at the ballot box?
Donald Trump is due to give his “very big announcement” at Mar-a-Lago on Tuesday evening.
We expect he will announce his third tilt at the White House. Will he continue to campaign on the basis of his election lies or will he have to find a new song to sing?”
“Lies” is a strong word for an impartial reporter to use: how does she know? The BBC has done very little digging into allegations of electoral malpractice and suspicious postal voting in this or the 2020 elections. A better phrase would be “allegedly stolen elections” or “unproven Republican suspicions of electoral fraud.”
But then the 100-year old BBC isn’t impartial so that would be expecting too much.
Ah yes…
Renewables are 9x cheaper than fossil fuels
and wind is free
– got that ?
Pelican energy ? Thurrock council ?£ 600 million ?of tax money gone ?
It might not be £600m full loss
The 53 solar farms are still working and collecting income
but their sale value might be say £200m less than the council invested.
Obviously it’s not about saving ,CO2 cos if the panels were sited in sunny Africa they’d be working much harder thus displacing 3-4 times more CO2
Stew thank you – I heard this scandal in passing but it seems ok to defraud tax payers of – say £300 000 000 if it’s done in the name of green crap ….
….. I bet every one had a taste of that one …
Queen’s property manager and Treasury to get windfarm windfall of nearly £9bn
This article is more than 1 year old
BP among the winners in auction of offshore seabed rights for next decade
Ulster : “The far-right Irish National Party was holding its annual conference at the five-star hotel when a group of left-wing protesters disrupted the event.
Violence broke out, and six people were injured – four of them were taken to hospital for treatment.”
… I’d guess bringing violence is an antifa tactic to intimidate hotels.
‘See you host a righty event. and violei will happen’
– I don’t see ITV identifying (or labelling even) the goons that showed up to attack the meeting.
– organised disruption by anonymous group eh?
“a group of left-wing protesters disrupted the event.”
“A man from Dublin has appeared in court Daniel Comerforde”
Someone claims that the defence solicitor is John Finucane
… North Belfast Sinn Féin MP
BBC “Protesters describing themselves as anti-fascists* disrupted a political conference at the Lough Erne Resort”
“Police have charged a 34-year-old man with affray, attempted grievous bodily harm with intent, criminal damage and possession of an offensive weapon.”
* ie lefties who smear label political opponents was “fascists”
back in the day when I was familiar with The Anti Nazi League and Rock against Racism – a splinter group would always have a snappy TLA or properly oxymoronic branding. “anti fascists” – I don’t think so.
ITV there are choosing NOT to identify the perps – which logically would reasonable infer that once their provenance was known – any sympathy and consequent platforming of the message would evaporate ?
Someone said some political people gave themselves by liking this tweet that endorses the violence.
BBC going big on the Sudanese kid who died in Rochdale . The coroner a fully woke type .It happened 2 years ago. The housing situation has worst ended dramatically since then – with a lot of landlords selling up and the private rental market reducing in size .
The coroner as usual blames anyone but the parents – who it seems – and not good at Dee eeengllish . Maybe if they learnt the kid might still be alive – or not . Parents are responsible for their kids – with the state and agencies as a fall back . I hate the welfare state as much as the BBC .
My mum and dad worked hard to get away from welfare . And succeeded – but they suffered and watched the feckless living easy lives on giveme benefits and other peoples’ money . …
I assume this one will be swerved by labour if Rochdale is one there s – also – someone might mention Pakistani Muslim rape gangs in passing …
There are so many cover ups on the go in Brigadoon that you would scratch your head in astonishment that Krankie and her crew of incompetents are not being hunted down by the MSM and , in particular the white elephant £32 million waste bBC Scotland.
This is proof if we need it that the bBC is nothing more than a political machine of the Left.
Why, the Conservatives are maintaining bBC,s existence and status quo together with their failure to dedicate a “deportation unit”that is ruthless and effective suggests they are lost.
A resulting labour /SNP coalition will finish off the UK and herald an “emigration” event to dwarf what is happening on the South Coast.
1) Please issue a formal notice of intent that the L/F will end in 2023
2) Appoint a deportation Czar with clout to remove all invaders.
Buckfast sales soar in SNP land
Is it just a myth that defendants in Scottish courtrooms often plead “The Bucky made me do it!”?
Blimey… I thought he lived in mum + dad’s converted garden office.
Neil + Glynnis’s combined pensions are?
Seems to have triggered some indignation.
I do believe he was once domiciled in Switzerland and escaped Danish taxes.
It is is extraordinary to claim he pays no UK taxes now.
He clearly dismisses it
Stephen Kinnock
Labour MP for Aberavon | Shadow Minister for Immigration |
Port July 2012
1,925 Following
Name of donor: Refugee, Asylum and Migration Policy (RAMP)
Address of donor: c/o Kirk Rice, The Courtyard, 69 High Street, Ascot SL5 7HP
Estimate of the probable value (or amount of any donation): Bus hire, Eurotunnel crossing and food, value £317
Destination of visit: Calais, France
Dates of visit: 9 June 2022
Purpose of visit: Delegation from the Migration APPG to Calais to meet with volunteers, NGOs, refugees and local politicians to discuss the migrant crisis in the English Channel.
Name of donor: The Danish Football Association
Address of donor: Brøndbyvester, Denmark
Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: Ticket to Euro 2020 semi-final, transport to Wembley, pre-match dinner; approx. value £600
Date received: 7 July 2021
Register of Members’ Interests
Stephen Kinnock
context : Kinnock is married to the exPM of Denmark hence the Denmark FA sent the couple free tickets
Nothing is free …
Apparently he was once declared by his accountant to be gay for tax purposes, but it seems that was all a misunderstanding about why he was living in Switzerland whilst his wife was prime minister of Denmark. It could happen to anybody.
Tomo – I admire the sheer amorality of this if true . And if the Welsh people who voted for him – and will still vote for him – then that sums up the sadness of our system too . I won’t refer to it as a democracy because it isn’t .
I know his mother has late stage dementia and will not be here much longer . I am sure she and her husband have EU pensions which more than provide for the kind of care (@£1500 a week ) required . I wish I could have afforded it for my mum …
If kinnock junior is such a tax avoider – why has it not been voiced before ….? Do I smell a falsehood …
I feel Kinnock Jnr is silver spoon territory – his denial is robust enough about UK tax – less so with Denmark.
Quite surprised he hasn’t got overt links to Common Purpose – he looks like the sort of character they love to recruit. He was a “director” at WEF for some time – one of Klaus’s young leaders…
South Wales is tribal boyo territory – they’d elect a goat with a red rosette.
Got the Job through daddy – snouts troughs ..
Is there any connection between Starmer/Labour and BBC local journos ?
The US voter?
Why did the England team arrive in a Rainbow plane ?
… Because they are expected to Bungle
1980s ITV children’s TV reference
A propos of nothing.
A friend with a large house is currently housing a Ukrainian family.
He reports an enormous amount of red tape in order to do this.
Now we might expect some checks to make sure that he is not part of a Rochdale- style grooming gang….well he is white after all. But I digress.
In order to house these genuine refugees he needs to have his house’s electrical wiring checked up to the highest standards. He needs fire and smoke detectors. He needs a fire escape plan.
In other words the standards necessary FAR exceed anything that ordinary homeowners would deem necessary. That’s ordinary British citizens to you and me. I wonder what electrical and safety standards apply in war-torn Ukraine?
What a pathetic crazy jobsworth public sector now rules our lives.
Anglesey: Racist caught on camera abusing black man in nightclub
Why are only white people racist? The answer they aren’t but the bBC likes to inform us this is fact – if your listening bBC there is good and bad in ALL races!
“has ruined my career,” business graduate Mr Igene said – Career? Surely as a graduate you haven’t had much of a career???
Lots of racism in Anglesey……against English people
Dear not the Albanian invasion. The NHS needs cheapo nurses.
The only problem will be that patient’s cash and belongings will start disppearing from bedside lockers.
Albanians in this country are often reputed to be violent drug-dealers.
I read last night that the long-deceased American comedian John Belushi was from an Albanian family.
Belushi died at 33 from an overdose of cocaine and heroin.
A mere coincidence, to be sure.
How gangs of Albanian sex traffickers and drug lords mocked UK system
Albanian gangsters have built up multi-million-pound crime empires after sneaking into the UK.
22:50, Wed, Oct 26, 2022 | UPDATED: 22:58, Wed, Oct 26, 2022
BBC Have Your Say has gone full revolutionary Marxism (more than normal that is).
Check out the most rated comment.
“Tax wealth not wages.”
– “Up the revolution comrade.”
Record wage rises still outpaced by soaring inflation
Seems Getty got an early Spicey Mel shot cheap too.
PUFF PIECE …. “Michelle Obama: Being kind to myself is a challenge”
2020 above 2014 below
#BBCtrending: Five facts about #BringBackOurGirls { may2014} The top BBC journalists have reviewed the hashtag and the findings are in …
1. When did it start? – 23rd April, 2014
2. How many times has it been used on Twitter? – 3.3million
3. Where is it being used? – Top Countries Nigeria 27%, UK, USA
4. Who is using it? – 56% Women, 44% Men
5. Most shared tweet? – 57,000 Retweets
Oh, and the missing, most important one for the actual 276 girls … not asked by the BBC …
6. Did #bringbackourgirls actually bring back the 276 girls? (the most important question)
“When they go low, we go high” – Michelle Obama – 2016
“#bringbackourgirls” – Michelle Obama – April 2014
Nigeria rejected British offer to rescue seized Chibok schoolgirls { – mar2017}
In a mission named Operation Turus, the RAF (UK Airforce) conducted air reconnaissance over northern Nigeria for several months, following the kidnapping of 276 girls from the town of Chibok in April 2014 (by Islamist militant group Boko Haram). “The girls were located in the first few weeks of the RAF mission,” a source involved in Operation Turus told the Observer. “We offered to rescue them, but the Nigerian government declined.”
– Guardian UK Online Website / 4 March 2017
#bringbackourgirls – makes you wonder who Michelle Obama was asking to do this? The wife of the most powerful man in the World, with a special relationship with the Country who could have taken action, reduced to holding a piece of card for the World to read a #hashtag that did NOT bring the girls back.
Has she been elected Pope yet?
The Vision of the Anointed (1995) is a book by economist and political columnist Thomas Sowell which brands the anointed as promoters of a worldview concocted out of fantasy impervious to any real-world considerations.[1] Sowell asserts that these thinkers, writers, and activists continue to be revered even in the face of evidence disproving their positions.
Sowell argues that American thought is dominated by a “prevailing vision” which seals itself off from any empirical evidence that is inconsistent with that vision.
Would they have to use black smoke?
‘Smoke of color’, please.
I remember in the dim and distant past the smoke of colour was Sobranie cocktail cigarettes.
“UK’s reputation has taken a knock, admits Rishi Sunak”
Who’s fault is that Rishi?
How many illegal invaders are you going to let in to Great Britain Rishi?
I know what you mean, not sure I can take much more of this either. But the next general election’s not for a while, and the BBC are masters of ethnic tragedy porn.
Perhaps there’s a better country somewhere ….?
And if you can’t afford the kids don’t have them…
COP 27 How it started. how it’s gone
#1 The PR machine sent in scantily clan young women as a PR trick
#2 COP has had to issue a sexual harassment warning
That 11 year old girl that trailed the UK Climate Minister was doing harassment.
Interesting to note just how much engagement these media guys get having flown out to ‘raise awareness.’.
Sure one of the Middle East delegates dis not think Yoof Bimbo Soaf was one the perks?
2 Columbians
“We’re still waiting for UN, to confirm the names of the two people denounced for alleged sexual harassment
Interior Minister Alfonso Prada said on Sunday.
The official suggested, however, that they were possibly individuals who used “Colombian credentials illegally.”
Victorian-era diseases ‘returning’.
A warning from the past! I wonder what the cause is ?,Centre%20highlighted%20increases%20in%20gout%2C%20malnutrition%20and%20tuberculosis.
Isn’t that the Ozzie state with the bonkers govt?
BBC IMAGE WATCH !!- Day after day after day after day.
Getty’s give the BBC images which BIG BROTHER from
the diversity department DEMAND!! Ethnic models
imaging a public interest feature.
Another contributer has featured one above. On Micheel
Rose’s business feature we see see , as we ALWAYS see on
the BBC two ethnic models ” Autumn Statement , when it
is , and how will it affect me.
BBC !! We live in a north west european country . The
indigenous population is 85% Caucasian. Would you mind
just on occasion use WHITE skinned models for your
public imaging !!!!
During the interview the Tory minister explains to Kay Burley that under the coronavirus restrictions in place at the time, people should stick to their “established” partners when it comes to sexual contact.
Matt Hancock: Covid campaigners fly banner over I’m A Celebrity jungle
Matt Hancock ‘getting paid £400,000 for doing I’m A Celeb’
3 November 2022, 06:08
WHAT a day for Matt Hancock.
First there’s the picture of him appearing to share a kiss with departmental adviser Gina Coladangelo.
Then it emerges he’s left up an Instagram story encouraging more “brilliant women” to “get involved” in his team.
Now an interview from September 2020 of him discussing relationships during the Covid-19 pandemic has re-emerged, and makes awkward viewing.
Hancock, who is said to have met Coladangelo at university, has been married to his wife Martha for 15 years and they have three children together.
During the interview the Tory minister explains to Kay Burley that under the coronavirus restrictions in place at the time, people should stick to their “established” partners when it comes to sexual contact.
“demanding the removal of Matt Hancock.” – fly banner.
The inquiry team found examples of “children who had been doused in petrol and threatened with being set alight, threatened with guns, made to witness brutally violent rapes and threatened they would be next if they told anyone”.
– get a report (rapes repeated again across country).
fly banner – get a report – UK citizens are easily pleased.
“The global population has hit eight billion, the UN has announced. Demographers chose 15 November to mark this milestone – though it could be up to a year or two on either side.”
Monday night’s BBC local news.
A lot of the time was taken up with them talking about themselves doing Children in Need.
oh gawd…
we’ve got a problem… a serious problem
Does Justin think he’s the waiter ?
This country is ill served by those in politics.
Much worse by those in media.
The inarticulate one-horse sharpie was posting #sourceswhosay all the time.
itv local newsPR opens
#1 scareporn about turkeys
“ooh you might not have a turkey at Christmas”
..farmer said the other day the UK has 30 million turkeys
and birdflu won’t effect more than 1 million in the extreme scenario.
You can see why voters were so keen on the Democrats in the mid terms. Who doesn’t want more of this?
Looks like the BBC are preparing the ground for a win against the true president trump whatever he announces – if he runs he will be declared ‘deluded ‘ – if he doesn’t it will show that his claims about election theft were always false .
He is being ridiculed for saying the coming US presidential election is the most important ever – but the U.S. is heading to be the sort of one party state the UK has become – the difference being that the UK population was bought off with welfare dependency …
…..whereas the independence found in the American culture is being eroded by socialism …
I shall post this very long video of one of the cities most succesful traders and his campaign on inequality. Might seem odd until you realise when he is talking about taxing the rich he isn’t meaning high earners, he is meaning wealth, and that wealth is predominantly foreign owned assets in the UK by ultra rich individuals who are using those assets to bleed the ordinary people of this country dry.
As he says they now own more or less everything, and you’re next in line as companies like Blackrock begin to buy housing making it unaffordable for the next generation.
Maybe I was a bit dim, when I thought the maxim you will own nothing you will be happy was a form of Communism and the government owned all the assets, but the reality is that the really wealthy own everything and are looking to hoover up that what they don’t already have in a return to a kind of fuedalism.
The guy is clearly very very bright, uses some choice language, but he isn’t a socialist by any means, he has the same Capitalist beliefs I have you work hard, keep your nose clean and in return you can buy a home settle down and enjoy a nice life.
Anyway have a watch and if you can’t sit through the entire interview try the last few minutes but he certainly has a point and it’s worth watching to listen to media faults, academic faults professional faults and the reasons why they happen.
We can always look towards the leader of the free world
Envy of the world.
Meanwhile, in a cubicle…