‘The correspondent had asked footballer Mehdi Taremi for his views on the protests in Iran.
Afterwards, Mr Queiroz asked if it was fair for the player to have been asked a political question’
The BBC think they are the worlds morality police now. Dirty tricks like this are why so much of the rest of the world hate the BBC. That player (who is probably not very bright) would have been damned whatever answer he gave. Either by his boss or the BBC.
But I blame OFCOM for giving the BBC so much slack, they feel confident to do things like this. They are an absolute disgrace.
The most serious aspect of this is that with Iran – if one of its’ footballers says the wrong thing ‘off the cuff ‘ then it can mean – at worse – a death sentence . Now the BBC might not care because it gives them a headline – but it’s a big price to pay ….
Time to ‘bang up ‘ another BBC spy in Iran again …..
After 12 years of Tory government we have been turned into a third world country. Funny how thr BBC has not raised this?
Any Tory MPs left in this government?
The silly government are more concerned with carbon net zero when adding to the population makes it worse !
The rest of the word doesn’t give a toss.
Taffman. You’ve won . You constantly campaign for ‘Reform ‘ or UKIP and I’ve argued against it in order to avoid a split ‘right ‘ vote .
But now there is no ‘right ‘ vote – so I will save their deposit if I get the chance . But I wish there was a more credible – better – party of the Right . There isn’t now – unless Farage get going ….
UK muzzies co ordinated complaint campaign again. No doubt their “council of Bri hain innit bruv” behind the scenes (they run courses in how to complain to the media ):
“BBC gets 1,500 complaints its opening of World Cup coverage that included Gary Lineker calling it the ‘most controversial’ tournament ever was too harsh on Qatar
The BBC received complaints it was ‘inappropriate or overly critical’ of Qatar
Sunday’s broadcast of opening match included a monologue from Gary Lineker
He raised corruption, treatment of migrant workers and illegal homosexuality
Revealing it had received 1,435 complaints, the BBC said some ‘took issue’
“Cyclist, 59, is fined £2,500 for riding into path of motorbike to cause crash that killed the 23-year-old biker
Garry Kopanycia-Reynolds was cycling in Poole when the incident happened
The 59-year-old collided with biker Callum Clements on December 21, 2021
He had pulled into a road at a junction without checking it was clear of traffic”
Reassuring – as a motorcyclists that is a non paying unlicensed cycle rider kills md dangerously he ‘/ she ‘ they will only have to stump up £2500 whereas a driver will probably do time ….
As a motorcyclist I fear cycles and Ubers more than cars now … they seem to have a death wish …
Rather bizarrely, the BBC refers to this person as ‘they’ and ‘them’, as though there are more than one. If something is neither masculine or feminine, then it is neutral and should be referred to as ‘it’. This is simply the grammar of the English language and does not carry any sort of value judgement. Or perhaps the problem arises as the BBC is employing too many people who are not native speakers of the language.
One of the girls ‘interviews’ the head of the nurses ‘ union – who has a strong Northern Irish accent . As an Englishman whenever I hear such an accent blaming the government – making demands – I think IRA .
The lady’s aggressive attitude to the bbc girl doesn’t paint a nice picture of the nursing wing of the medical mafia .
Apparently they are striking a couple of days in December – but not on days when they get double or triple time of presents from gullible donors ….
Does suggest a fact check, erring on Trading Standards claim, next time BBC Press runs a paid ad featuring Jez in a ditch overlooked by a bemused babushka doing her daily shop.
I’m guessing that most of us at Biased BBC will have been pretty horrified, but not overly surprised, by our recent immigration figures…
Just to re-cap, for my own benefit…what we’ve heard is that over one million came to Blighty legally in one calendar year…and about half that number left. We get something close to 300,000 “students” coming over…and they’re now allowed to bring their families with them…Well why not? The more the merrier.
We have had, so far, a further 42,000 dinghy dodging illegals…that we know about…and God only knows how many that we don’t know about…
While all this mayhem continues unabated, we’ve got our own indigenous homeless problem. Many of these people are army veterans, sleeping in shop doorways and park benches. While they’re shivering in doorways, wrapped up in discarded newspapers to keep the November chill at bay, across the road at the “Alhambra Hotel” Mustafa Fagg and his merry men are tucking into a four course, halal-based meal, with all the trimmings, watching a bit of telly and then snuggling down in a nice warm bed.
Just remind me why you’re still voting “Conservative”…
Jeff – I think CCHQ will assume that the coming polls showing only 10% of those voting will consider voting blue labour – are just wrong ….
They certainly lost me . I want to be properly represented by a Britain / Fedup First Party …. But it won’t happen ….
I wonder if folks would be interested in registering for a ‘rotten borough’. It is legal to be on multiple electoral registers (but only vote in one). Once the roll got up to 50,000 voters then it could have candidates.
The candidates would only be eligible if they did not belong to any political party i.e. they were independent.
A short trip from two-for-one to three-in-one edition
Our BBC likes to make two picks from the press headlines so as to construct their own daily online newspaper review… er… headline.
Red top tabloid readers would recognise this formula as a double whammy; advertising freesheet fans might see it as a bogoff or perhaps a twofor, whilst a few old school right-leaning broadsheet habitues might notice a brace.
Newspaper headlines: ‘Student visa crackdown’ and record migrant levels (BBC) – and there dear reader you have a fine example of the bad news emerging coupled with the government’s rushed rhetorical response – which we all know damned well translates to absolutely nothing will be done about the problem of hyper immigration.
Credit where credit is due – our BBC quite rightly scare quotes the notion of a ‘crackdown’ – as if?
Hyper – it’s gone well beyond mass- immigration, that’s simply a problem our political class do not see as a problem.
The formerly patriotic Times, which leans closet-Blairite liberal wet Tory posing in a blue rosette, is just the place for the government to lay some shoddy smokescreen over the shocking inward migration numbers.
Foreign students face ban from universities – a doozy of a headline at one stroke placating short attention span conservatives cognisant of the fact hundreds of post drop register then dropout colleges across Britain act as easy visa factories – while simultaneously the self-same headline may still interest by aggravation that newfound lefty liberal Times college educated readership into some righteous morning outrage. Especially since ‘top’ universities will apparently be exempt.
All foreign students will also have new restrictions on bringing family members with them after the number of dependents almost tripled in a year – what is this – bring your old mum to college month?
Now tell me it wasn’t beyond the wit of man (or the civil service) to realise that this student dependents loop hole wouldn’t be exploited big time.
Part of the government distraction policy here is to set off some crying, whingeing and gnashing of teeth on the left.
The left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper is here to oblige and gifts the government the false notion of a crackdown being underway: Student visa crackdown set to spark major cabinet row – really?
Migration is in iteslf one of those carefully crafted misnomers. It implies seasonal travel to and from.
Speaking of which…
Airport security rules on liquids and laptops could be lifted in UK in 2024 (Guardian)
The female interest ‘i’ newspaper is on it: Opinion. Now can I take my lubricant on holiday? Rebecca Reid
Don’t worry about it, luv. Mr AsI assumes his Greek island bicycle hire shop will have a drop of 3-in-one they can lend him.
I saw that university lecturers were on strike . And somehow the state is involved . But I thought universities were private institutions now …
But I can’t remember items on the BBC about ‘a shortage of lecturers ‘ – so let the market fix their wages – discuss …
Or maybe there should be protected high value degrees ( the useful ones like sums and engineering ) – with a ‘duty’ on the useless ones like drama and media and PPE ….
Having my early morning “two minutes of hate” (The bbc usually provide the backdrop) and there’s an article “Has Putin’s war failed?”. It features such gems as –
“Repeated Russian claims of Nazis and genocide in eastern Ukraine were completely unfounded”
“His declared aim was to protect people subjected to what he called eight years of bullying and genocide by Ukraine’s government – claims which have no basis in evidence.”
In the interest of balance, a close friend of mine regularly spends half an hour watching the R-T news feed, and if it’s all fabricated by Russia then it’s one hell of a convincing hoax.
This is the sort of blatant propaganda being fed to the British populace by the bbc. I don’t defend Russia at all, but to continually paint the ukranians as innocent folk goes far beyond well-intentioned bias.
I suspect a lot of the virtue signalling Ukraine supporting public in this country have never heard of Stepan Bandera and are completely ignorant of Ukraine’s history
Tuesday’s BBC local NewsPR had a rare thing
Tory MP Edward Leigh was allowed on
Why ? cos he wanted to give a message that is truthful yet UNPOPULAR ‘You can’t have your cake and eat it
You can’t go spending all that money
on new projects the Lab/Tory Party support
& still have the same money in the pot
without borrowing which makes the £ exchange rate plummet
We all have to pay MORE tax
& reducing pensions is tax’
Rich man calls for triple lock to be cancelled – wonder if he gets a peerage when he gets kicked out of his seat ?
I am not a beneficiary of the ‘triple lock ‘ but those pensioners without anything other than a State Pension deserve to be cared for – other benefits though – cut – force more into work or cut their benefits …. Give the BBC more sob stories ….
Troubling news and rumours about the US rail strike comming out of America and the Dems showing their true evil nature once again.
A one day rail strike in the US isn’t like a one day strike here. Legislation in the US means any hazardous cargo cannot be left in any unsecured situation therefore all hazardous cargo has to be moved to secure locations prior to any strike action and then retreived from there making it an onerous task.
Now the US Dems have woken up and realised the scale of the issue they (Pete Buttigieg) are talking about forcing workers back to work at the barrel of a gun.
I know I have been very naive. BUT I honestly didn’t
know that Alex Scott the ex Arsenal and England
ladies footballer . Whom we now see as a football pundit
amongst another plethora of other “entertainment”
programmes . Ticked EVERY box to become a BBC
“personality.” And she has learned to dot her I’S and G’S
as well in her speech. In a way that the only job she probably
wouldn’t able to do now. Is being a continuity presenter.
I don’t think her patois is up to scratch anymore.
Actually, joking apart. She is presentable.And I reterate become
more literate and loquacious. Which I am not sure how her
brothers and sisters take this.
I see that the primary sponsors of that Dealbook Summit where FTX “SBF” guy is purportedly speaking alongside the US Treasury Secretary Yellen and Zelensky is Accenture (AKA Arthur Anderson of Enron fame)
Be there as the conversation unfolds, revealing hidden complexities, unexpected relationships and the wide-ranging ripple effects of change.
BBC’s Matthew Sweets is very pleased with GBnews talk about the Died Suddenly doco
..I bet some parts of it are flawed, but don’t know how much
I have some words. It is a farrago of conspiracist bullshit that does not bear the smallest amount of intelligent scrutiny. That @GBNEWS presenters are promoting it should be a matter of concern to the public and the regulator. Facts here: https://t.co/O69LkfuVPphttps://t.co/N1y44SeXKy
Strange the Mr Sweet has such a ‘thing ‘ about this issue . What skin does he have in the game? Is he just a far left monopolist BBC type looking for advancement ? Taken a bung ? What ?
I find it sad that Any non approved comment / approach to an issue is slapped with ‘false ‘ or ‘conspiracy ‘ or similar .
I wonder what Mr sweet thinks of those death certificates where the vaccine is named as cause or contributing cause ?
And are those being paid out by the State frauds ? Did their loved ones not die ?
Just pinning links for all ten parts as the
Modernism season comes to an end. It was an absolute pleasure to make this with
and all the contributors. And it felt right to be doing it on the radio – a properly Modernist medium.
Just pinning links for all ten parts as the @BBCRadio3 and @BBCRadio4 Modernism season comes to an end. It was an absolute pleasure to make this with @ElianeGlaser@julian_may and all the contributors. And it felt right to be doing it on the radio – a properly Modernist medium. https://t.co/VaZZW1LnL6
In an item about the rise in infections caused by Omicron and its impact on the NHS we said: ‘NHS England says between 20 and 30 per cent of critical care beds are occupied by Covid patients…. three quarters of those haven’t been vaccinated.’
We also said that the ‘vast majority’ of those in critical care are unvaccinated.
In fact, the most recent figures from the Intensive Care and National Audit Research Centre (ICNARC) show that 51% of intensive care patients in England with Covid in November were vaccinated and 48% were not.
Matthew Sweet
Writer & broadcaster for hire.
Sound of Cinema. Victorianist til I die. @matthewsweet@mastodon.social
Londonunitedagents.co.uk/matthew-sweetJoined April 2011
5,940 Following
Funny how BBC Oxbridge ‘experts’ like Sweet get to have such opinions about something they know nothing about and have no qualifications in. A ‘high ego’ does not equal ‘intelligent scrutiny’.
Rent an arrogant ‘gob’ would be an accurate description.
I believe The State knows there will be deaths and serious aftermaths for some receiving the vaccine – but they think the advantage to the majority outweighs the KSI .
And the likes of the MSM BBC is instructed to suppress any ‘anti ‘ views . BBC OFCOM depend on the likes of `GBNews not have the audience size to affect the policy – so won’t attack it formally … informally though … who knows ?
if their favourite favoured muzzies here get the whip hand…they would be out of a job pronto…..
“‘This is what Qatar is like!’: World Cup officials interrupt ANOTHER live broadcast, threaten to confiscate equipment and order TV crew to leave as they interview a fan in a wheelchair
Officials interrupt live broadcast as reporter chats with fan, forcing crew to leave
‘It’s censorship when you know you’re doing nothing wrong,’ reporter’s wife says
Incident latest in string of Qatari officials appearing to censor journalists’ work ”
Additionally, some workers have gone with little to no pay. This has led to hundreds of thousands of people living in labor camps, where disease and poverty are rampant.18 Oct 2020
Climate Crisis
Qatar’s economic prosperity is derived from the extraction and export of petroleum—discovered in 1939 and first produced in 1949—and natural gas.
Stoning is no longer a legal punishment in Qatar, and has never been used.[8][16][17] Apostasy is a crime punishable by the death penalty in Qatar.[18] Blasphemy is punishable by up to seven years in prison and proselytizing any religion other than Islam can be punished by up to 10 years in prison.[18] Homosexuality is a crime punishable in sharia by the death penalty for Muslims, though in Qatar the penalty for consenting males is up to 5 years in prison.[19] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_rights_in_Qatar
proselytizing any religion other than Islam can be punished by up to 10 years in prison
How many times have we heard from the pro vaccinators that somebody has had covid and been in a terrible state but has had the vaccine. They then say it would have been much worse if they had not been vaccinated.
Is there any truth in this?
It’s easy to say it but I would imagine both vaccinated and unvaccinated catch Covid and both groups will have symptoms varying from mild to severe and death.
Could it be that you will be affected the same whether vaccinated or not and having he vaccine makes no difference to the severity of the symptoms.
I doubt the msm will come out with anything about this and we have to wait for the likes of GB News to find out the truth as nobody else will tell us.
Here’s a question:
The 350 million on the bus and those asking “where is it?”
How much are the nhs getting now compared to before we ‘left’
Is it more or less than the £350 million per week and if it’s more why don’t people say so when remoaners ask it.
(If it’s less then why?)
£350 million …. In September 2021, the government announced that the health and care system would receive a £36 billion funding settlement over the next three years. This would be funded in part by a new health and care levy – a 1.25 per cent increase in National Insurance contributions from April 2022.22 Aug 2022
The LeftyLibbyMedia didn’t like that, MM, especially the BBC. What?! A Conservative Government funding the NHS big-time then sorting out the Social Care programme that the Labour Party had not been able to do when in government 1974-1979 and 1997-2010.
One brother in law had a bad batch jab about a year ago – he was proper poorly – 10 days – over half of which were bed-bound.
The jabbers cheerily sent an appointment for a another go at it …. nothing by way of explanation – he found out via Internet search and the clinic were reticent and slope-y-shouldered about admitting it.
Tempted to write to ECU, Timmeh!, OFCOM and DCMS (and whichever dim bulb is notionally unincharge of it) to ask why BBC Complaints has been, is, and will always be a deliberately labyrinthine entity, unfit for any purpose,.
But I answered my own question.
And would just get banned again.
Propaganda backed by censorship is ugly and dangerous.
The absurdist climate alarmists just don’t care about spectacular lying at the moment. If you blub into the selfie camera or have a histrionic tizzy – as far as the BBC works – that makes the climate catastrophe that much more legitimate.
China currently manufactures and supplies more than 80 per cent of the globe’s solar photovoltaic (PV) panels, a new report by the International Energy Agency (IEA) has said. Based on the current expansion plans, China will be responsible for 95 per cent of the entire manufacturing process by 2025.11 Jul 2022
Today’s #comfortandhope poem. Thank you to the Gibran National Committee in Lebanon for allowing this use – and to producer
@cswift2 http://gibrankhalilgibran.org
I see the BBC report that sharing something called deep porn fakes is to be made illegal.
Never heard of this word before.
So I experimented on Google, typing in the name of a famous BBC presenter – say Laura -Kuenssberg and indicating Porn Pictures.
Pease don’t do this you will be shocked and outraged by the result delivered in less than 10 seconds.
Does it say what I will have to do with my collection of ‘deep porn fakes ‘? My collection of ‘the ladies of the BBC’ is a personal treasure ….
It’s Friday so let’s ban something ….. apparently that censorship bill will be nodded through in a few days
I know the terrible case of the 14 year old girl who killed herself after watching too many self ham sites – but censoring only goes one way .
And if kids want to find such stuff on the net they ll find it …. But I feel sorry for parents trying to shield their kids from nasty stuff ….
This is the same Arts Council England that likes to spaff taxpayer millions on projects that tell straight white men to “pass the power“, gave over £215,000 in Covid funding to a solo drag act, and is expected to spend around £1.34 billion in grants in the three years to 2026. If the whole point of this hearing is to pry into the Council’s funding decisions, there are a few obvious questions to ask…
Powerful piece by @JeanHatchet "The loss of women’s rights starts with looking the other way for an Eddie Izzard and ends with a society that doesn’t flinch at placing a male sex offender in jail with women." Serious issues we must discuss.@SheffieldGreenshttps://t.co/zpEaSUhJV3
Powerful piece by
“The loss of women’s rights starts with looking the other way for an Eddie Izzard and ends with a society that doesn’t flinch at placing a male sex offender in jail with women.” Serious issues we must discuss.
Just watched the Iran v Wales highlights on the BBC’S youtube channel and couldn’t help but notice the appalling picture quality. The resolution was in a pitiful 360p (which translates to 480 by 360 ratio). Compare this to the highlights on the ITV youtube channel which are in a high definition 1080p. Untold billions in license fee extortion money and this is the best picture quality they can serve up?
Don’t like defending bbc, but it’s probably
YouTube’s behaviour, which shows newly uploaded videos at low resolution at first and eventually works up to 1080 after an hour or whatever
PM Justin Trudeau at a hearing today: “Using protests to demand changes to public policy is something that I think is worrisome” pic.twitter.com/rtKERsGnM6
Sunday Scrum: Trudeau dodges ethics question 18 times during QP
In Wednesday’s Question Period, the opposition asked the prime minister how many times he met with Ethics and Conflict of Interest commissioners over his trip to the Aga Khan’s private island and never got a direct answer.
Al Janoub Stadium has been designed by Zaha Hadid Architects. Its design was inspired by the hulls of the traditional dhow pearl fishing boats, further reflected by the use of timber and traditional materials. The symmetrical roof composed of three shells is the standout feature. Following the release of the designs, people soon starting noting the resemblance of the roof to female genitalia, but Zaha Hadid denied any comparisons.
I recall some mention of US supply chain issues over a bridge closure – but Biden pressuring Jussie over auto plants closures actually sounds about right since Joe is bought and paid for by The Auto Workers Union who were pivotal aiui in excluding Tesla from The White House EV jamboree a while back.
If the BBC mention this I will eat one of my hats.
REVEALED: Biden ordered Trudeau to END freedom convoy over fears US car plants would close within hours – before the Canadian PM invoked emergency powers to quash it via https://t.co/YqXcrAs4FShttps://t.co/WXqDzpgpqv
The vote on a general amnesty on twitter came back with an overwhelming ‘yes ‘ ( not using the Biden method ) which could mean the likes of Tommy Robinson will get their voice back again .
I’m sure the blue Labour online censorship act will cancel him though ….
..guardian reports that another blue labour minister / Mp is to stand down next election ( as opposed to being smacked in the moosh by the vengeful electorate ) – no loss – they’ll all be gone .
For some reason apparently 12 red labour MPs are going too – maybe part of a bail condition …
Some time back I had a Spanish Civil War book binge and read all I could get my hands on – part way through I saw this Orwell quote – it resonated big time and it forced me to re-read some books with a totally changed perspective.
Once you see what the BBC is up to – you can’t unsee it.
2015 … 7 years ago before fake news became fake news …
Least we forget how it all works … videos, words, pictures … you don’t get to choose the arrangement …
Chaos as police stop Hungary migrant train – Gavin Hewitt – BBC -Sep 2015 @53s
“… the a really distressing incident happened. A women who was carrying a small baby began crying for help (photo of lady carrying baby). One of her companions tried to help her (photo of man with women on track, riot police reaching towards them) Somehow there became a push and a shove with the police. She ended up on the railway lines (by the male refugee dragging her and the baby to the floor, but this is not said) with the riot police trying to pull her back, and this of course inflamed all the other people…”
-Gavin Hewitt – Sep 2015
Watch the video and the male refugee (companion trying to help?) drags the women and baby to the floor, by force.
Even the Mirror (03Sept2015) says “… this refugee couple cradle their tiny baby, after throwing themselves (NO! Male refugee drags women and baby onto train tracks) on train tracks as police try to take them to migrant camps in Hungary”
Gets better. Two days (05Sept2015) later the Mirror then report it as
“Refugee who dragged pregnant wife and baby son onto train track did it because ‘death would be better’”
1. BBC Version uses words and pictures to hide the video version
2. The Mirror shows the video but uses words to tell a different version
Can I suggest a little story – “Male refugee forces pregnant women refugee holding child down onto a train track, police drag him away for her safety? Riot police then lift women with child off track with tender arms.”
MarkyMarkMar 11, 17:25 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “As a candidate for prime minister, however, he said he intended to renounce his British and Irish citizenships. Carney told…
tomoMar 11, 17:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I posted earlier but it deserves some repetition https://youtu.be/b1KiL59uQv8
tomoMar 11, 17:09 Start the Week 10th March 2025 The fall of the Daily Telegraph…. [img]https://i.ibb.co/bjCBYhVt/chrome-Zhi-OU3-Eth-I.png[/img]
MarkyMarkMar 11, 17:07 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Mark Carney’s Leadership Win Smells 60% of Party members didn’t vote, but media pretends that doesn’t matter. Mark Carney will…
MarkyMarkMar 11, 17:06 Start the Week 10th March 2025 0 March 2025 261 5 0 …………………………………………… The first duty of the government is to keep citizens safe and the…
MarkyMarkMar 11, 16:55 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Why protest in China when you can wait for China to come to you …. HA HA HAH AH “Last…
AlthepalerpMar 11, 16:53 Start the Week 10th March 2025 The Great Replacement continues.. . . . https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/migrants-detected-crossing-the-english-channel-in-small-boats/migrants-detected-crossing-the-english-channel-in-small-boats-last-7-days
Guest WhoMar 11, 16:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 https://thankyoutruckers.substack.com/p/mark-carneys-leadership-win-smells? Odour test aside, I noted this too: 60% of Party members didn’t vote, but media pretends that doesn’t matter.…
MarkyMarkMar 11, 16:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “The scholarly literature on emotions and politics tells us that anxiety holds people back from political involvement, while enthusiasm pushes…
Guest WhoMar 11, 16:40 Start the Week 10th March 2025 As I have little faith in all media, I read around. On occasion I get a laugh. https://www.science.org/content/article/stand-science-rally-drew-more-anxious-throng-2017-counterpart? ‘Throng’.
Just checking the London Violence BBC page and see that within the last 2 days, 4 murders are reported.
Notting Hill murder suspect:

Kusai Al-Jundi, 24, from Harrow and Mohammed El-Abboud, 28 accused of murdering Louise Kam
Lemar Rashawan in Brixton and an innocent Deliveroo driver as part of gang violence:

And which one makes it to the front page ?.
None of them.
But the headline page for the entire world DOES have the story:
‘India gripped by gruesome ‘fridge murder”
Which appears to be a BBC favourtie ‘men abusing women’ agenda item.
It’s true beyond doubt : lives don’t matter at all to the left unless they can used for the agenda.
Reverse Darwinism. Also known as ‘Generic drift’.
dislike of, contempt for, or ingrained prejudice against men (i.e. the male sex).
“poorly disguised misandry”
Iran football manager Queiroz confronts BBC’s Shaimaa Khalil
‘The correspondent had asked footballer Mehdi Taremi for his views on the protests in Iran.
Afterwards, Mr Queiroz asked if it was fair for the player to have been asked a political question’
The BBC think they are the worlds morality police now. Dirty tricks like this are why so much of the rest of the world hate the BBC. That player (who is probably not very bright) would have been damned whatever answer he gave. Either by his boss or the BBC.
But I blame OFCOM for giving the BBC so much slack, they feel confident to do things like this. They are an absolute disgrace.
The most serious aspect of this is that with Iran – if one of its’ footballers says the wrong thing ‘off the cuff ‘ then it can mean – at worse – a death sentence . Now the BBC might not care because it gives them a headline – but it’s a big price to pay ….
Time to ‘bang up ‘ another BBC spy in Iran again …..
After 12 years of Tory government we have been turned into a third world country. Funny how thr BBC has not raised this?
Any Tory MPs left in this government?
The silly government are more concerned with carbon net zero when adding to the population makes it worse !
The rest of the word doesn’t give a toss.
Hello Taffman
China and India care alot – as long as it doesn’t affect their outdated manufacturing.
In the west we need to do more, to compensate the far bigger issues the above 2 create
Would never have happened if the blokes in sheepskin coats with an encyclopaedic knowledge of the game were still allowed to work.
But give the job to an Egyptian muzzi and see what you get
also doing some shit stirring in Egypt…
“The BBC journalist Shaimaa Khalil has been released after being detained while reporting in Tahrir Square in the Egyptian capital, Cairo. ”
“Khalil grew up in an Egyptian military household.” hmmm pretty liberal then.
Taffman. You’ve won . You constantly campaign for ‘Reform ‘ or UKIP and I’ve argued against it in order to avoid a split ‘right ‘ vote .
But now there is no ‘right ‘ vote – so I will save their deposit if I get the chance . But I wish there was a more credible – better – party of the Right . There isn’t now – unless Farage get going ….
Today running order
Banning making saucy images
Plod failing wimmin on stalking
The angel nurses after even more money for failing ( they’ll get more cash from you )
The case for requiring a legal minimum level of ‘cover ‘Is getting stronger …..
Not BBC .
I wanted to to go from London to moanchester by train – £130 single . To fly there from stansted is £26 – 6 hours – via Dublin …Ryanair
Rail from London to stansted £20
….. Nuff said
UK muzzies co ordinated complaint campaign again. No doubt their “council of Bri hain innit bruv” behind the scenes (they run courses in how to complain to the media ):
“BBC gets 1,500 complaints its opening of World Cup coverage that included Gary Lineker calling it the ‘most controversial’ tournament ever was too harsh on Qatar
The BBC received complaints it was ‘inappropriate or overly critical’ of Qatar
Sunday’s broadcast of opening match included a monologue from Gary Lineker
He raised corruption, treatment of migrant workers and illegal homosexuality
Revealing it had received 1,435 complaints, the BBC said some ‘took issue’
As opposed to “death by dangerous driving”….
“Cyclist, 59, is fined £2,500 for riding into path of motorbike to cause crash that killed the 23-year-old biker
Garry Kopanycia-Reynolds was cycling in Poole when the incident happened
The 59-year-old collided with biker Callum Clements on December 21, 2021
He had pulled into a road at a junction without checking it was clear of traffic”
Reassuring – as a motorcyclists that is a non paying unlicensed cycle rider kills md dangerously he ‘/ she ‘ they will only have to stump up £2500 whereas a driver will probably do time ….
As a motorcyclist I fear cycles and Ubers more than cars now … they seem to have a death wish …
Sharing pornographic deepfakes to be illegal in England and Wales
“Deepfakes” – never heard of such a word, bbc does come up with these buzz words
UK to send 24 ambulances to Ukraine, says foreign secretary during visit
The government of the day, does seem to like Ukraine, maybe they will eventually like us Brits
PS what you doing about the invaders, other than ferrying them here
BBC News
Emma Corrin, who identifies as non-binary, says the best actor and actress categories should be merged into a single gender-free one.
And her… his… xe’s PR agency scores an easy one via BBC Deep Fake.
Rather bizarrely, the BBC refers to this person as ‘they’ and ‘them’, as though there are more than one. If something is neither masculine or feminine, then it is neutral and should be referred to as ‘it’. This is simply the grammar of the English language and does not carry any sort of value judgement. Or perhaps the problem arises as the BBC is employing too many people who are not native speakers of the language.
There’s a bloke called Dan Sodergren (he/him) on LinkedIn, who for some reason appeals to the BBC.
A bit of self promotion (Ht Isobelle Panton) so… Here’s me on BBC Radio. As asked for my take on the #ElonMusk and #trump stuff on #twitter.
It’s really is odd… ISN’T IT?
The link to the #video clip of the #interview is below.
But what else should I have said…
Could I have said?
Would love your thoughts…
Comment on the post when you have time today…
It’s safe to do so as not on twitter. We are on #linkedin. Lol.
And I think I say tremendously a few too many times in the interview. But… Do #comment
Got three. In three days.
Speaking for the nation.
Stalking super-complaint launched against police
“super” ? shows its most important than just a complaint, who knows
Wait until there is an ‘unprecedented’ complaint, or even an ‘historic’ one.
Mishal has a chart.
One of the girls ‘interviews’ the head of the nurses ‘ union – who has a strong Northern Irish accent . As an Englishman whenever I hear such an accent blaming the government – making demands – I think IRA .
The lady’s aggressive attitude to the bbc girl doesn’t paint a nice picture of the nursing wing of the medical mafia .
Apparently they are striking a couple of days in December – but not on days when they get double or triple time of presents from gullible donors ….
The Worlds most trusted, so they say
Does suggest a fact check, erring on Trading Standards claim, next time BBC Press runs a paid ad featuring Jez in a ditch overlooked by a bemused babushka doing her daily shop.
I’m guessing that most of us at Biased BBC will have been pretty horrified, but not overly surprised, by our recent immigration figures…
Just to re-cap, for my own benefit…what we’ve heard is that over one million came to Blighty legally in one calendar year…and about half that number left. We get something close to 300,000 “students” coming over…and they’re now allowed to bring their families with them…Well why not? The more the merrier.
We have had, so far, a further 42,000 dinghy dodging illegals…that we know about…and God only knows how many that we don’t know about…
While all this mayhem continues unabated, we’ve got our own indigenous homeless problem. Many of these people are army veterans, sleeping in shop doorways and park benches. While they’re shivering in doorways, wrapped up in discarded newspapers to keep the November chill at bay, across the road at the “Alhambra Hotel” Mustafa Fagg and his merry men are tucking into a four course, halal-based meal, with all the trimmings, watching a bit of telly and then snuggling down in a nice warm bed.
Just remind me why you’re still voting “Conservative”…
Jeff – I think CCHQ will assume that the coming polls showing only 10% of those voting will consider voting blue labour – are just wrong ….
They certainly lost me . I want to be properly represented by a Britain / Fedup First Party …. But it won’t happen ….
I wonder if folks would be interested in registering for a ‘rotten borough’. It is legal to be on multiple electoral registers (but only vote in one). Once the roll got up to 50,000 voters then it could have candidates.
The candidates would only be eligible if they did not belong to any political party i.e. they were independent.
Hello Atlas
I wonder if Baldrick could help with the voting. Oww the joys when bbc did do comedy
Each year UK needs homes for
#1 UK babies
(2021, 624,828 ….. 2020 613,936
many not of British origin parents)
#2 Migrants
Legal 504K net *
+ counted illegals
+ uncounted illegals
So about same tally
So traditional British propn is being diluted considerably
* That legal tally includes the relatives of people who came in illegally.
Are these foreign “students” studying physics at Cambridge? More likely English GCSE at Mr Patel’s language academy above the corner shop.
A short trip from two-for-one to three-in-one edition
Our BBC likes to make two picks from the press headlines so as to construct their own daily online newspaper review… er… headline.
Red top tabloid readers would recognise this formula as a double whammy; advertising freesheet fans might see it as a bogoff or perhaps a twofor, whilst a few old school right-leaning broadsheet habitues might notice a brace.
Newspaper headlines: ‘Student visa crackdown’ and record migrant levels (BBC) – and there dear reader you have a fine example of the bad news emerging coupled with the government’s rushed rhetorical response – which we all know damned well translates to absolutely nothing will be done about the problem of hyper immigration.
Credit where credit is due – our BBC quite rightly scare quotes the notion of a ‘crackdown’ – as if?
Hyper – it’s gone well beyond mass- immigration, that’s simply a problem our political class do not see as a problem.
The formerly patriotic Times, which leans closet-Blairite liberal wet Tory posing in a blue rosette, is just the place for the government to lay some shoddy smokescreen over the shocking inward migration numbers.
Foreign students face ban from universities – a doozy of a headline at one stroke placating short attention span conservatives cognisant of the fact hundreds of post drop register then dropout colleges across Britain act as easy visa factories – while simultaneously the self-same headline may still interest by aggravation that newfound lefty liberal Times college educated readership into some righteous morning outrage. Especially since ‘top’ universities will apparently be exempt.
All foreign students will also have new restrictions on bringing family members with them after the number of dependents almost tripled in a year – what is this – bring your old mum to college month?
Now tell me it wasn’t beyond the wit of man (or the civil service) to realise that this student dependents loop hole wouldn’t be exploited big time.
Part of the government distraction policy here is to set off some crying, whingeing and gnashing of teeth on the left.
The left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper is here to oblige and gifts the government the false notion of a crackdown being underway: Student visa crackdown set to spark major cabinet row – really?
Migration is in iteslf one of those carefully crafted misnomers. It implies seasonal travel to and from.
Speaking of which…
Airport security rules on liquids and laptops could be lifted in UK in 2024 (Guardian)
The female interest ‘i’ newspaper is on it: Opinion. Now can I take my lubricant on holiday? Rebecca Reid
Don’t worry about it, luv. Mr AsI assumes his Greek island bicycle hire shop will have a drop of 3-in-one they can lend him.
I saw that university lecturers were on strike . And somehow the state is involved . But I thought universities were private institutions now …
But I can’t remember items on the BBC about ‘a shortage of lecturers ‘ – so let the market fix their wages – discuss …
Or maybe there should be protected high value degrees ( the useful ones like sums and engineering ) – with a ‘duty’ on the useless ones like drama and media and PPE ….
Having my early morning “two minutes of hate” (The bbc usually provide the backdrop) and there’s an article “Has Putin’s war failed?”. It features such gems as –
“Repeated Russian claims of Nazis and genocide in eastern Ukraine were completely unfounded”
“His declared aim was to protect people subjected to what he called eight years of bullying and genocide by Ukraine’s government – claims which have no basis in evidence.”
In the interest of balance, a close friend of mine regularly spends half an hour watching the R-T news feed, and if it’s all fabricated by Russia then it’s one hell of a convincing hoax.
This is the sort of blatant propaganda being fed to the British populace by the bbc. I don’t defend Russia at all, but to continually paint the ukranians as innocent folk goes far beyond well-intentioned bias.
I suspect a lot of the virtue signalling Ukraine supporting public in this country have never heard of Stepan Bandera and are completely ignorant of Ukraine’s history
The bubble the Labour/BBC axis of weevils inhabits is wonderfully isolated.
MPs get bumper £2.2k pay rise NEXT MONTH as Britons crippled with eye-watering tax hikes
QT wasn’r from Stafford then …
Tuesday’s BBC local NewsPR had a rare thing
Tory MP Edward Leigh was allowed on
Why ? cos he wanted to give a message that is truthful yet UNPOPULAR
‘You can’t have your cake and eat it
You can’t go spending all that money
on new projects the Lab/Tory Party support
& still have the same money in the pot
without borrowing which makes the £ exchange rate plummet
We all have to pay MORE tax
& reducing pensions is tax’
So he would cancel the triple lock.
Covid & hard lockdown policies/furlough cost £billions
Green Agenda costs £Trillions
Open border policies COST £billions
Sending everyone to uni
War in Ukraine
Giveaway pay rises
All those are extra costs
Yet folks accuse Leigh of not living in real world
Rich man calls for triple lock to be cancelled – wonder if he gets a peerage when he gets kicked out of his seat ?
I am not a beneficiary of the ‘triple lock ‘ but those pensioners without anything other than a State Pension deserve to be cared for – other benefits though – cut – force more into work or cut their benefits …. Give the BBC more sob stories ….
Troubling news and rumours about the US rail strike comming out of America and the Dems showing their true evil nature once again.
A one day rail strike in the US isn’t like a one day strike here. Legislation in the US means any hazardous cargo cannot be left in any unsecured situation therefore all hazardous cargo has to be moved to secure locations prior to any strike action and then retreived from there making it an onerous task.
Now the US Dems have woken up and realised the scale of the issue they (Pete Buttigieg) are talking about forcing workers back to work at the barrel of a gun.
but it’s all very kind and equal !
I know I have been very naive. BUT I honestly didn’t
know that Alex Scott the ex Arsenal and England
ladies footballer . Whom we now see as a football pundit
amongst another plethora of other “entertainment”
programmes . Ticked EVERY box to become a BBC
“personality.” And she has learned to dot her I’S and G’S
as well in her speech. In a way that the only job she probably
wouldn’t able to do now. Is being a continuity presenter.
I don’t think her patois is up to scratch anymore.
Actually, joking apart. She is presentable.And I reterate become
more literate and loquacious. Which I am not sure how her
brothers and sisters take this.
Meanwhile in the New York Times:
“SBF saves stranded kitten in a tree only to be interrupted by his exchange crashing”
Save the world and keep prostitutes paid.
There again…
“scientists say” at the BBC isn’t exactly the confidence inspiring endorsement it might once have been – is it?
Science proves 104 genders exist!
Teenage transgender row splits Sweden as dysphoria diagnoses soar by 1,500%
This article is more than 2 years old
New health report and TV debates highlight backlash against gender reassignment
I’m sick of the biased BBC hiding behind the word “could” to push its agenda. I “could” be Napoleon reincarnate …
And what “successfull Convid vaccines” would they be? The type that give you heart problems or the type that gave our daughter seizures?
The Crown star Emma Corrin has called for the best actor and best actress categories at major film awards to be merged into a single, gender-free one.
If you worked in Asia, you’ll know.
Doha souk is a hot spot for buying s/h Rolex watches….
I believe it was Rodney Trotter who once asked of Del-Boy
“How many ‘X’s should there be in Rolex?”
I just went out and bought that same roley because I want to be like Gareth – or Harry …
NUrse on £25k looks on from the food bank.
This is odd.
Hopefully the entire tv news world is headed her way.
I used to play rugby. Now they just ask if I fell out the pub again.
badly-drawn bee 🐝
mastodon: soapachu@mstdn.social
Instagram: soapachu
#BLM 🐝🌏🏳️⚧️🏳️🌈
London & LiverpoolJoined February 2009
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Abused Men: The Hidden Side of Domestic Violence Paperback – 24 Feb. 2009
by Philip W. Cook (Author)
Never get involved in a domestic, no good comes of it.
Wales vs Iran, worth a look today but again the racist, sexist BBC to be endured.
A wimmin running the pre match discussion and…..they’ve found a black Welsh footballist with a massive 2 goals for Wales.
Are they (Wales) still 100:1 ?
Add another nought now tomo
I see that the primary sponsors of that Dealbook Summit where FTX “SBF” guy is purportedly speaking alongside the US Treasury Secretary Yellen and Zelensky is Accenture (AKA Arthur Anderson of Enron fame)
– I hope there’s some surprises….
BBC’s Matthew Sweets is very pleased with GBnews talk about the Died Suddenly doco
..I bet some parts of it are flawed, but don’t know how much
Strange the Mr Sweet has such a ‘thing ‘ about this issue . What skin does he have in the game? Is he just a far left monopolist BBC type looking for advancement ? Taken a bung ? What ?
I find it sad that Any non approved comment / approach to an issue is slapped with ‘false ‘ or ‘conspiracy ‘ or similar .
I wonder what Mr sweet thinks of those death certificates where the vaccine is named as cause or contributing cause ?
And are those being paid out by the State frauds ? Did their loved ones not die ?
Just pinning links for all ten parts as the
Modernism season comes to an end. It was an absolute pleasure to make this with
and all the contributors. And it felt right to be doing it on the radio – a properly Modernist medium.
BBC Radio 4, Monday 13 December
In an item about the rise in infections caused by Omicron and its impact on the NHS we said: ‘NHS England says between 20 and 30 per cent of critical care beds are occupied by Covid patients…. three quarters of those haven’t been vaccinated.’
We also said that the ‘vast majority’ of those in critical care are unvaccinated.
In fact, the most recent figures from the Intensive Care and National Audit Research Centre (ICNARC) show that 51% of intensive care patients in England with Covid in November were vaccinated and 48% were not.
Mr Sweet wants GB News taken off air. For our own good, of course. He works for the BBC.
Matthew Sweet
Writer & broadcaster for hire.
Sound of Cinema. Victorianist til I die. @matthewsweet@mastodon.social
Londonunitedagents.co.uk/matthew-sweetJoined April 2011
5,940 Following
Funny how BBC Oxbridge ‘experts’ like Sweet get to have such opinions about something they know nothing about and have no qualifications in. A ‘high ego’ does not equal ‘intelligent scrutiny’.
Rent an arrogant ‘gob’ would be an accurate description.
I believe The State knows there will be deaths and serious aftermaths for some receiving the vaccine – but they think the advantage to the majority outweighs the KSI .
And the likes of the MSM BBC is instructed to suppress any ‘anti ‘ views . BBC OFCOM depend on the likes of `GBNews not have the audience size to affect the policy – so won’t attack it formally … informally though … who knows ?
I thought I recognised the name
A self declared media whore pundit – wheedled his way onto the fast dial datavase.
Sweet ? – not.
RE lecturers on strike
What are they doing, switching their Zoom cameras off ?
On holiday – full pay.
Journalist getting peeved ? that’s a little rich
if their favourite favoured muzzies here get the whip hand…they would be out of a job pronto…..
“‘This is what Qatar is like!’: World Cup officials interrupt ANOTHER live broadcast, threaten to confiscate equipment and order TV crew to leave as they interview a fan in a wheelchair
Officials interrupt live broadcast as reporter chats with fan, forcing crew to leave
‘It’s censorship when you know you’re doing nothing wrong,’ reporter’s wife says
Incident latest in string of Qatari officials appearing to censor journalists’ work ”
Additionally, some workers have gone with little to no pay. This has led to hundreds of thousands of people living in labor camps, where disease and poverty are rampant.18 Oct 2020
Climate Crisis
Qatar’s economic prosperity is derived from the extraction and export of petroleum—discovered in 1939 and first produced in 1949—and natural gas.
Politically, women in Qatar achieved suffrage in 1997, long before its neighbors Bahrain, Oman, Kuwait, the UAE and Saudi Arabia followed suit.
Stoning is no longer a legal punishment in Qatar, and has never been used.[8][16][17] Apostasy is a crime punishable by the death penalty in Qatar.[18] Blasphemy is punishable by up to seven years in prison and proselytizing any religion other than Islam can be punished by up to 10 years in prison.[18] Homosexuality is a crime punishable in sharia by the death penalty for Muslims, though in Qatar the penalty for consenting males is up to 5 years in prison.[19]
proselytizing any religion other than Islam can be punished by up to 10 years in prison
IS LGBTQ+ a religion?

Nothing sticks it to the homophobes like dropping half a mill on a gay Rolex.
One more time Harry: when the little hand’s on ten and the big hand’s on two what time is it?
I wonder if England footballer John STONES is popular in Iran, Qatar, Saudi, et al?
Did any commentator say ‘the Iranians arnt taking any hostages ‘…?
How many times have we heard from the pro vaccinators that somebody has had covid and been in a terrible state but has had the vaccine. They then say it would have been much worse if they had not been vaccinated.
Is there any truth in this?
It’s easy to say it but I would imagine both vaccinated and unvaccinated catch Covid and both groups will have symptoms varying from mild to severe and death.
Could it be that you will be affected the same whether vaccinated or not and having he vaccine makes no difference to the severity of the symptoms.
I doubt the msm will come out with anything about this and we have to wait for the likes of GB News to find out the truth as nobody else will tell us.
Here’s a question:
The 350 million on the bus and those asking “where is it?”
How much are the nhs getting now compared to before we ‘left’
Is it more or less than the £350 million per week and if it’s more why don’t people say so when remoaners ask it.
(If it’s less then why?)
£350 million …. In September 2021, the government announced that the health and care system would receive a £36 billion funding settlement over the next three years. This would be funded in part by a new health and care levy – a 1.25 per cent increase in National Insurance contributions from April 2022.22 Aug 2022
The LeftyLibbyMedia didn’t like that, MM, especially the BBC. What?! A Conservative Government funding the NHS big-time then sorting out the Social Care programme that the Labour Party had not been able to do when in government 1974-1979 and 1997-2010.
One brother in law had a bad batch jab about a year ago – he was proper poorly – 10 days – over half of which were bed-bound.
The jabbers cheerily sent an appointment for a another go at it …. nothing by way of explanation – he found out via Internet search and the clinic were reticent and slope-y-shouldered about admitting it.
As anger rises and tragedies mount, China shows no sign of budging on zero-Covid
Newly surfaced video leads Tory leadership hopeful Jeremy Hunt to face fresh claims he is a ‘lockdown fanatic’ who would have shutdown UK economy in a bid to emulate China’s zero Covid policy
Jeremy Hunt’s wife presents show on China’s state-run TV ‘that whitewashes Communist Party’s human rights abuse’
RIP Wales
there will be celebrations in Luton and Rotherham etc
Lock up your schoolkids
I was listening on the digital wireless – did wales turn up ? Did bale play ?
Wales were awful, lost possession almost every pass they tried.
As opposed to Brazil second half last night a joy to watch and what a second goal :
Kanye West announces 2024 presidential bid
“Rapper Kanye West has said he intends to run for US president in 2024,..”
Do the BBC like him?
“.. despite facing several scandals over his recent behaviour.”
Tempted to write to ECU, Timmeh!, OFCOM and DCMS (and whichever dim bulb is notionally unincharge of it) to ask why BBC Complaints has been, is, and will always be a deliberately labyrinthine entity, unfit for any purpose,.
But I answered my own question.
And would just get banned again.
Propaganda backed by censorship is ugly and dangerous.
President Trump’s 100 Days President Biden’s 0 Day
Dear Winston Smith in the Records Department of the Ministry of Truth,
You covered President Trump’s 100 Days and then produced a Beyond 100 Days to hold power to account.
Why have you not done the same for President Biden to hold power to account?
‘Omission is the greatest form of lie.’
Thank you again for contacting us,
BBC Complaints Team
The absurdist climate alarmists just don’t care about spectacular lying at the moment. If you blub into the selfie camera or have a histrionic tizzy – as far as the BBC works – that makes the climate catastrophe that much more legitimate.
Lies are means to an end …
China currently manufactures and supplies more than 80 per cent of the globe’s solar photovoltaic (PV) panels, a new report by the International Energy Agency (IEA) has said. Based on the current expansion plans, China will be responsible for 95 per cent of the entire manufacturing process by 2025.11 Jul 2022
£5B budget, 20,000 staff, 5 mins in…
0 engagement.
Diversity Managers as well?
Clap on Monday as well as Thrusday?
Today’s #comfortandhope poem. Thank you to the Gibran National Committee in Lebanon for allowing this use – and to producer
Emma Corrin: The Crown star calls for gender neutral awards
So, what. I can for them not to be
I see the BBC report that sharing something called deep porn fakes is to be made illegal.
Never heard of this word before.
So I experimented on Google, typing in the name of a famous BBC presenter – say Laura -Kuenssberg and indicating Porn Pictures.
Pease don’t do this you will be shocked and outraged by the result delivered in less than 10 seconds.
Does it say what I will have to do with my collection of ‘deep porn fakes ‘? My collection of ‘the ladies of the BBC’ is a personal treasure ….
It’s Friday so let’s ban something ….. apparently that censorship bill will be nodded through in a few days
I know the terrible case of the 14 year old girl who killed herself after watching too many self ham sites – but censoring only goes one way .
And if kids want to find such stuff on the net they ll find it …. But I feel sorry for parents trying to shield their kids from nasty stuff ….
If I was Shamima begum I would get on one of the cross channel dinghies and claim asylum when picked up on the daily collections.
This is the same Arts Council England that likes to spaff taxpayer millions on projects that tell straight white men to “pass the power“, gave over £215,000 in Covid funding to a solo drag act, and is expected to spend around £1.34 billion in grants in the three years to 2026. If the whole point of this hearing is to pry into the Council’s funding decisions, there are a few obvious questions to ask…
Close it down / sell it
Powerful piece by
“The loss of women’s rights starts with looking the other way for an Eddie Izzard and ends with a society that doesn’t flinch at placing a male sex offender in jail with women.” Serious issues we must discuss.
Just watched the Iran v Wales highlights on the BBC’S youtube channel and couldn’t help but notice the appalling picture quality. The resolution was in a pitiful 360p (which translates to 480 by 360 ratio). Compare this to the highlights on the ITV youtube channel which are in a high definition 1080p. Untold billions in license fee extortion money and this is the best picture quality they can serve up?
Don’t like defending bbc, but it’s probably
YouTube’s behaviour, which shows newly uploaded videos at low resolution at first and eventually works up to 1080 after an hour or whatever
Panic in every tv studio?
Sunday Scrum: Trudeau dodges ethics question 18 times during QP
In Wednesday’s Question Period, the opposition asked the prime minister how many times he met with Ethics and Conflict of Interest commissioners over his trip to the Aga Khan’s private island and never got a direct answer.
Protests to demand change to public policy is worrying – Black Lives Matter????
“We should only protest to show that we agree with the governement. 👍”
Al Janoub Stadium has been designed by Zaha Hadid Architects. Its design was inspired by the hulls of the traditional dhow pearl fishing boats, further reflected by the use of timber and traditional materials. The symmetrical roof composed of three shells is the standout feature. Following the release of the designs, people soon starting noting the resemblance of the roof to female genitalia, but Zaha Hadid denied any comparisons.
Cost of living tips: Your personalised guide to saving money
By the Visual Journalism and Digital Formats teams 21 November 2022
I recall some mention of US supply chain issues over a bridge closure – but Biden pressuring Jussie over auto plants closures actually sounds about right since Joe is bought and paid for by The Auto Workers Union who were pivotal aiui in excluding Tesla from The White House EV jamboree a while back.
If the BBC mention this I will eat one of my hats.
The vote on a general amnesty on twitter came back with an overwhelming ‘yes ‘ ( not using the Biden method ) which could mean the likes of Tommy Robinson will get their voice back again .
I’m sure the blue Labour online censorship act will cancel him though ….
..guardian reports that another blue labour minister / Mp is to stand down next election ( as opposed to being smacked in the moosh by the vengeful electorate ) – no loss – they’ll all be gone .
For some reason apparently 12 red labour MPs are going too – maybe part of a bail condition …
Some time back I had a Spanish Civil War book binge and read all I could get my hands on – part way through I saw this Orwell quote – it resonated big time and it forced me to re-read some books with a totally changed perspective.
Once you see what the BBC is up to – you can’t unsee it.
2015 … 7 years ago before fake news became fake news …
Least we forget how it all works … videos, words, pictures … you don’t get to choose the arrangement …
Chaos as police stop Hungary migrant train – Gavin Hewitt – BBC -Sep 2015 @53s
“… the a really distressing incident happened. A women who was carrying a small baby began crying for help (photo of lady carrying baby). One of her companions tried to help her (photo of man with women on track, riot police reaching towards them) Somehow there became a push and a shove with the police. She ended up on the railway lines (by the male refugee dragging her and the baby to the floor, but this is not said) with the riot police trying to pull her back, and this of course inflamed all the other people…”
-Gavin Hewitt – Sep 2015
Watch the video and the male refugee (companion trying to help?) drags the women and baby to the floor, by force.
Even the Mirror (03Sept2015) says “… this refugee couple cradle their tiny baby, after throwing themselves (NO! Male refugee drags women and baby onto train tracks) on train tracks as police try to take them to migrant camps in Hungary”
Gets better. Two days (05Sept2015) later the Mirror then report it as
“Refugee who dragged pregnant wife and baby son onto train track did it because ‘death would be better’”
1. BBC Version uses words and pictures to hide the video version
2. The Mirror shows the video but uses words to tell a different version
Can I suggest a little story – “Male refugee forces pregnant women refugee holding child down onto a train track, police drag him away for her safety? Riot police then lift women with child off track with tender arms.”