If you really want a kinder world, stop describing those whose views differ from yours 'rightwing extremists.' Oh, and this 'driving out of the public sphere' business: we celebrate diversity of opinion; it's the metro left that seeks to suppress it…
It seems that our royals are turning out to be as woke and spineless as we feared, judging by the causes they’re rushing to support and their shameful treatment of Lady Hussey.
Careful, your Majesties and your Highnesses, remember: Get Woke, Go Broke.
digg, “They are the epitome of turkeys voting for Christmas….”
I assume you refer to ‘the firm’ and not ‘the shy couple’. Perhaps those with short memories will not remember who is buried at Frogmore Cottage but my parents certainly held that one in low regard for what she did to this country, at a time when they did not need it and when it did a lot of harm.
I reckon if ‘push came to shove’ the nation will prize loyalty over publicity seeking but I could be wrong on that. I guess the BBC will be happy to stir the pot for all they are worth. HM might have to assert and exert his authority.
Some good news for any anti-wokesters: the trailer for Harry and Meghan’s sobfest has been massively ‘ratio-ed’ on YouTube. It received 18k upticks to 138k downticks, despite all Netflix and YouTube’s manipulations.
2 pernicious bastards get their just deserts in my opinion. Although I think Harry is led by the nose by Hollywood wankers because he is intrinsically thick as pig shit.
“Was the poor lady insulted at Buckingham Palace born as Ngozi Fulani? Or did she change her name?
She was born Melanie Headey in London: she changed her name for something that sounded African. But at least one Nigerian reader of The Times has pointed out that if she ever goes to Nigeria just about everybody she meets will grill her about “where she comes from”, because Fulani is the name of one Central African tribe many of who, live in Nigeria, and Ngozi is a name from the Igbo language, which is used only by Igbo people. Basically, the two together simply do not make a credible African name.
And she chose to go to the reception wearing an ostentatiously “African tribal” outfit (I couldn’t say whether it was a real African outfit or just a made-up mishmash like her name), which IMO amounts to an invitation to ask where she was from. ‘National costume’ is an official alternative to the standard dress code at palace functions, but the implicit understanding is that it is only worn by people actually of that nationality. So it would be reasonable for anyone there to assume that she was indeed a national of an African country, and to ask what country she was from.
All of which makes me suspect that she went to that reception actively hoping somebody would say something she could yell was ‘racist!’ and was successful. The more so as she has tweeted in support of the Duchess of Sussex in the past. I think Lady Hussey was set up.”
“The whole thing is much ado about nothing, and reflective of how delicate and over the top PC today’s people seem to be
She has a Nigerian name, regardless of where she was born or her citizenship. The same goes for my Bangladeshi Muslim name. We were named this way, because we or our parents wanted that connection to our past heritage. It’s natural for other people to be curious at best and confused at worst, as a consequence of that.
I’d dare say people would be even more confused today if my parents had not obliged to our ancestral culture and had named me something like John Brown or Robbie McDonald instead.
Many people, innocently ask where I’m originally from, even though I was born in the UK and speak English without a foreign accent. Why should that be a big thing, and why would that be offensive?
Some people, especially older people, have difficulty accepting me as a British person, which I am by nationality only, not obviously ethnically. So what?
Why let other people’s intentional perspectives or innocent mistakes cause people to make such a fuss about essentially nothing?”
Yep it’s playground stuff, so shouldn’t be on the news.
Proper injustice exists
eg There are people in prison who didn’t commit the crime, some white some black
That deserves proper analysis, not this one off the cuff remark
It’s once again PR not news.
Racism is real and sometimes a person’s skin colour might get them falsely jailed or beaten etc… that is real injustice
Not just taking offence ta a few words.
Often Taking Offence is used as a weapon .. a kind of bullying.
Both GBnews and TalkTV are giving that short conversation too much time.
The lady is a poisonous bitch. Time our on the ball National press learned to differentiate these opportunist twats from genuine people and stop them damaging innocent people for whom they couldn’t give a shit.
Marlene was Boycie’s wife, Debs, but in one episode she admitted that while she couldn’t accept a coloured baby, a good reason to have one was because ‘Dukey’s brown..!
(Duke was their Great Dane…)
And, sorry for being such a pedant! When we stopped watching any ‘comedy’ on the TV, we bought the whole boxed set of Del Boy, and they just get played over and over when we feel like a pre-woke laugh!
On a more serious note though, I feel that Lady Hussey was completely set up, and the BBC and the press should hang their heads in shame at the way she’s been treated. They really have been duped themselves by a disgraceful sting, but of course, they’ll never apologise when the whole story comes out.
6:30pm BBC2 Hannah Fry’s doco about electric cars (repeated from Thursday)
#PRasnews #AgendaPushing
@FryRsquared I didnt like the US targetted nature if your electric car documentary. Thomas Parker is only a foot note. No mention of Wolverhampton or Walter Watty Wall. It kind of implied Edison was behind it. Also incorrectly giving him the light bulb over Swan.
Stew, that really doesn’t read well, in fact if we are honest, it is incomprehensible. I think you and Guest and any others on here deserve medals for being on Twitter.
The way in which the Democrats have used every aspect of life to get power really is resonant of the way the nazis took over Germany ….
Dissidents such as James Woods are just cancelled – they may as well be sent to a camp – the federal justice system is used to lock up dissidents – eg the Capitol protest ( not an insurrection ) ….
… infiltration by the lefties has been going on since the late ’50’s. They’ve played the long game. Unions were just the front. Posts in education, the Civil Service and NHS were successfully secured and there is no turning back. There is currently no one right of centre capable of changing this status quo. The best hope is that it eats itself, like communism eventually does …
As the BBC celebrates its centenary, it might be time to review its contribution to culture: which, currently, is unimpressive. Yet looking back, whether on wireless or television, the Corporation’s record is immense. It broadcast its first classical music concert in its first year, on Radio 3, which remains its cultural epicentre, continuing to champion live performances, new artists and contemporary composers: and so it must. Great documentary series (The Great War, Civilisation, The British Empire, The Ascent of Man) were conspicuous, but now all are in the distressingly distant past. The lone survivor is a veteran of that era, David Attenborough, with his stunning wildlife series. The Corporation has been subject to political forces, some self-inflicted. A determination to dilute anything that might be interpreted as elitism strongly prevails.
The BBC is nearing a fork in the road, but the direction it takes will not be of its choosing. Only the brave would assert that the Conservative Party, which is highly sceptical about the BBC, will win the next general election, but if it does, the hitherto formal renewal of the Corporation’s charter will be in jeopardy. The entirely unsuitable and unthoughtful Nadine Dorries has, thank God, resigned as culture secretary: but a view remains in the Conservative Party not so much that the BBC is institutionally Leftist (though in large tracts of it, it is) but that it is dumbed down and unworthy of the funds and support given to a state broadcaster.
However if, as seems likely, we have a Labour government, the BBC can relax. Labour will make a point of preserving it, not least because so many Conservatives dislike it. The long-overdue reassessment of using a household poll tax – the licence fee – to fund the BBC is unlikely to happen either. I hope there is someone sufficiently enlightened in the Labour Party to grasp that the perpetuation of the BBC in its present form is damaging our national culture, and that the determination to make it better should be a matter above politics. Sadly, there is no sign of its reaching that happy state.
The BBC’s defenders will refer, one supposes, to the immaculate job it did this year in presenting first the Platinum Jubilee, and then the late Queen’s funeral ceremonies: there is no question that the Corporation is still capable of rising to the occasion – even if, for the most solemn events, it has to call the great David Dimbleby out of retirement at the age of almost 84 to do them.
But there is simply too much trash on the BBC, whether on radio or television. I appreciate that tastes vary, not everyone holds a PhD and some people come to the BBC simply for entertainment; but what is now almost absent from the schedules (except on Radio 3 and, very occasionally, on the sharply deterioriating Radio 4) is anything that Lord Reith might have classed as educational, at whatever level. BBC Four is on the verge of closing down; the great 26-part adaptations (notably The Forsyte Saga and The Pallisers) are but a distant memory. Anything the BBC now does that calls itself “historical” is routinely riddled with laughable inaccuracies.
There is an unpleasant pressure to conform with the political fashions of the day. Even Radio 3 has been forced in on the act. Its search for black composers to put in its schedules recently led to a Composer of the Week series (typically one of finest things on the BBC) on The Harlem Renaissance. I don’t dispute Louis Armstrong and Duke Ellington’s talent, but they are not classical musicians. Non-classical music has plenty of space around the BBC and classical has too little, so it is tiresome to see it eaten up in this way. Also tedious is the way in which the not especially good black composer Samuel Coleridge-Taylor is feted, as is the even more mediocre Florence Price, who ticks two boxes, being a woman.
One day, we shall have unquestionably great black classical composers who deserve routinely to elbow Bach out of the schedules. For now, we don’t. Engaging in tokenism is patronising and offensive, and does nothing to advance the cause of true high culture. But such advancement no longer seems to interest the BBC.ENDS
Remember Anne Marie Waters? Here she is on the African Queen confected outrage (plot?), stating the blindingly obvious and asking questions the BBC wouldn’t dare ask in a million years.
In an age when stating the obvious is a criminal offence, watch it quick before YouTube take it down and Waters gets arrested!
It is becoming to look like this complaining lady might just put back the cause of integration by quite some time as she viciously goes after anything white.
A good thing about this absolutely ridiculous racist black woman is that it has drawn the other racists (like the BBC) out to support her who can now be judged in the cold light of day.
Keep quiet and wait for everyone to forget about it.
Can’t upset the enrichment, they start calling everyone racists as soon as anyone points out anything negative about them. Doesn’t matter about the white people.
For all the greenie climate alarmists who told us decades ago the kids of today wouldn’t know what snow was, wait until the end of this week and lets see another example of them not apologising, but ignoring it yet again.
Outrage mob “Lady Susan Hussey isn’t just a random *staff member .. she is Prince William’s GODMOTHER !”
FFS Harry’s godfather Prince Andrew is connected to the Epstein scandal
(Harry has another six godparents Diana’s friend Lady Sarah Armstrong-Jones; neighbors Lord Vestey and Celia Vestey; Charles’s friend Gerald Ward; Diana’s former roommate Carolyn Bartholomew; and painter Bryan Organ)
– one might easily assume that Jen’s eye twitch got to the point where they needed a credulous complete dimwit to read the scripts at the WH pressers….
The story should be absolutely huge because they deliberately used twitter to influence the result of an election far, far more than Russia or anyone else did.
Yet the biased BBC scumbags haven’t even reported it because it doesn’t fit their agenda.
Thursdays BBC local NewsPR show
had a #PRasNews item about the cable connection to Denmark being completed
The narrative was that the cable is for sharing GREEN electricity
That when there’s no wind in the UK, Danish windfarms will be sending leccy.
In reality, it’s a grid to grid connection.
Sure sometimes there will be wind in Denmark, but at others we could ultimately be getting leccy derived from German coal plants
I’m not saying that the interconnectors are pointless – but – iirc all the ones being built at the moment are consequences of infrastructure decisions taken in Brussels which were imho driven more by politics than engineering considerations.
– they might turn out to be useful… then again they might not.
The Western Link interconnector between Scotland and England was plagued with problems – and if it was working to design specs one might reasonably expect some PR adulation… as it stands the operators are reticent about its operational status – there are four failures acknowledged at Wikipedia – but there were at least 7 to be found via search engines 18 months ago.
Offshore power cables have become a lawyers (and Soho PR crew) playground with fierce Non Disclosure Agreements pervading the contractual landscape. Hundreds of km of offshore wind farm cables have had to be replaced.
Good old BBC : find a few exceptions to a rule that fit the agenda then claim they are ‘deleting a myth’.
As a long standing professional software engineer, it’s clear to me that the author of the article has no clue whatsoever what she is talking about. None of those women are ‘coders’ – they are all ‘users’ of software someone else wrote.
The whole article is complete agenda-based hogwash.
I give you the author: Rhiannin Wilkins. Why do NONE of these ‘reporters’ have English sounding names ?.
In all the hyperventilating it seems a little bit strange to me That Richard North has given the first account of the Marlene Headley vs Lady Hussey saga with some detailed context. – that I’ve seen fwiw.
if you adopt an African name, dress like an African and adopt the culture of an African, and then say you are British, to be asked where you’re really from is just polite conversation.
Richard North’s previous article on ‘increasing diversity’ is also relevant.
In 1964, before multiculturalism in England had reared its head – despite the BBC’s attempt to inject diversity into our historical timeline that simply didn’t exist – there was a book published under the name of Winston Churchill, entitled “The Island Race”. It is a celebration of his history of the British, white British, whom Churchill quite openly regarded as a race, and a race apart.
To celebrate our unique distinctiveness as a white race is clearly no longer permitted. It is regarded as the very embodiment of racism. But to celebrate the dilution of our heritage by the onslaught of other races, it seems, is not only encouraged, but almost compulsory.
If we continue the trajectory identified by the 2021 census, to which figures must be added another million immigrants this year, it will not be long before there is no distinctive island race. And to mourn its passing will be a hate crime.
I can only imagine there will be some serious head scratching now by the Royal family and their Aides, as to how to start a conversation with guests at future cocktail parties without the fear of kicking of a constitutional crisis !!!
( Ginger whinger has clearly lost the plot – he’s now dressed up as Batman giving yet another mission statement, then he does the big reveal when he takes the head mask off. Dear God. )
The complete and utter clusterf*ck of illegal immigration and monumental Brexit referendum betrayal continues.
This article is full of the usual excuses, blame and victimhood that the BBC shoehorn into all such articles these days, but this sentence stood out:
This is what our new ‘immigration minister’ thinks:
“They could be facing labour exploitation in different industries such as construction or car washes; they could be criminally exploited in drug distribution or in cannabis farms, or they could be sexually exploited.”
It seems the possibility that they have simply absconded to merge into our society and live by any means – honest or dishonest, – they can, just like they did back home, did not occur to him.
This is complete and utter madness. And it’s all because of leftists like the BBC who like to feel they are morally superior to everyone else (as long as these people don’t go near where THEY live of course).
Acquaintances have told me of “slave markets” in London where around dawn, if you know where to go – you can get “day labourers”.
Our public servants choose not to root out these sorts of things going on under their noses…. – one has to assume that pure incompetence isn’t the only thing driving their decision taking.
You would have to live on a different planet not to
know that the BRITISH broadcasting corporation is
just about the best example of an oxymoron you
could find. Ok deafening silence runs it a close second.
Does anybody think that the BBC is capable of
supporting England against Senegal today ?
I doubt they will.
Nailed it in one , “Oxymoron” it certainly is !
Along with the mass invasion of Great Britain , it’s another thing our so called ‘Right wing’ Tory government has failed to address after years of promises .
Lets hope more Conservative MP ‘do a runner’.
I bet the Africans will be warmed by the sight of woke united taking the knee . I think I’ll support Senegal …..
BBC News leading with mickey Lockwood – head of the woke police outfit being fired for alleged naughties – looks like the vetting on him didn’t amount to anything other than ‘nice chap’.
I guess he was appointed by Tessie May so it’s on her ….
But I have an idea – appoint someone coloured – maybe lord Lennie of the palace woman or that IS terrorist in Syria …. Might as well .. it’s part of a ‘trend ‘….
Elswhere – parents keeping kids at home over strep to reduce their immunity even more.. … but the jungle MPs career is on the ‘up’ so that’s ok …
There are certain tv shows addicted to certain people to drive ratings via creation of discord. These shows are the feeding ground of the sorriest scum in the world. Often sporting titles like ‘Dr’. Vile.
I do. Just think kind of funnywe're discussing wearing a British flag as indicator of Britishness, when someone got in trouble for asking someone in African dress where they were from.
‘What I don’t understand about racists is why they would waste their precious time on earth hating other human beings. Why not treat people as you find them rather than pretend you’re superior because of your skin colour? Most peculiar.’
Says Matt who appears to spends his entire time on twitter hating other human beings.
A small sample of what would be my top priorities:
Revisit Bliars amendments to the Treason Acts and re-instate the Death Penalty; (frankly, I’d love to see certain people dangling whilst still twitching from a lamppost)
Exit the European Convention on Human Rights;
Government to disassociate from and abolish the Charities Commission.
would they stop because of the damage to their credibility – or simply because their narrative imploded and was no longer supportable? On the evidence – self awareness in reputational terms seems way down the list of things they pay attention to.
They just toss “inconvenient” aside and grab something “fresh” off the story dispenser and run with that.
Top man at the UK’s national police complaints public body has been taken down – details yet to emerge.
…. cynics wonder in light of serial plod underperformance – if the guy was actually being effective and had to be stopped?
A real infraction or a hit ? – we deserve some real detail / context – which the best public broadcaster in the world seems disinterested in providing.
Big girl’s blouse and the English – the new pandas edition
One notes our BBC busy employing a celeb to combine with so as to campaign for more restrictions on free speech online: Winslet tells Kuenssberg of online safety fears
Social media can be quite scary – particularly for those elites who fear another successful Donald Trump-like populist outsider using social media instead of the controlled and curated mainstream to get his message across to the masses.
It is facsinating to watch from a distance the way our managers (I won’t use the outdated term government in this context) outsource their campaign to nudge, badger and justify those inexerable moves toward doing exactly what it was they intend to do anyway – and the classic move – think of the children: Who needs to ‘step up’ to keep kids safe online? “Whoever those people are, they know who they are, they should just step up and do better,” she told me – the three times married film actress Kate Winslet there promoting her new film to the BBC’s (supposedly non-advertising) Laura K: The drama – I am Ruth – is hard to watch, but hard to look away from. Without giving a terrible spoiler, it does also in the end offer hope.
Tickets and screen times available, etc, etc…
With impeccable timing the Telegraph notices far from home: Techno tyrany. How China keeps lockdown protesters in line
By the way, one googles On Line Saftey Bill news and your top hit is the very same Laura K report as quoted above: Is the Online Saftey Bill enough, ask Laura Kuenssberg? (BBC)
Online Safety Bill’s ‘spy clause’ will pave way for ‘state-mandated mass surveillance’ of WhatsApp messages (‘i’ news) – yep, that should just about do the job.
Oddly enough, our media mainstay of leftist opinion don’t seem to see it that way – think of the ladies: Online safety bill will criminalise ‘downblousing’ and ‘deepfake’ porn (Guardian) – Downblousing? There’s your new word of the week. Funnily though, if there’s one traditional rather modest article of female atire rather approved by us chaps that’s sadly edging toward extinction – quicker than English people in England – replaced with anything from items vaguely termed ‘tops’ that may as well be male sports shirts to the American female ‘shirt’ to strange ethnic cosplay concoctions as modelled by race hustler and Royal shindig invitee Ngozi Fulani – who identifies as heaven knows what?
What next on the list for a special anti-male gaze legal prohibition we wonder, sideglancing? Casual observation? Rearward reconnaissance? Ankle clocking? Perhaps we’ll reach a stage where us chaps of a lower caste by law and custom must lower our eyes whenever a female passes on the street.
With the papers chockfull of football and debilitating Royal race nonsense, we welcome the return of the intermittant short-lived probably doomed rare feature Maybe It’s Because I’m a Londoner – also known as Last One to Leave Haul Down the Union Jack
The English are such an endangered species these days that the World Wifelife Fund will soon be onto it. Oh bugger… they’ve only gone and rebranded as: World Wide Fund for Nature
Anyway, English people are the new pandas. It’s only a matter of time before Rishi Sunak as a diplomatic gesture is gifting a rare breeding pair of English people to foreign states to display in their zoos. I digress.
Posters have gone up around south London picturing what one takes to be a young black school boy with a few school girls in the background and the slogan “He’s a solid 7”
Being somewhat out of the loop current youth playground argot-wise Mr AsI wondered at first glance whether this was some general exortation toward improved exam accomplishment – get youreslf up to a Grade 7 to impress the girls? Or perhaps the new transatlantic educationalist jargon for what we used to term the 4th form.
It began gradually to dawn on Mr AsI then the meaning suddenly struck him – like the big Marlon Brando speech in Apocalypse Now – it hit me in the forehead like a diamond bullet, you might say. He noticed a feminist campaign line along the lines of “Against harrassment of females from men and boys”
One should have noticed the subtle subliminal nudge of the poster colouration in green and purple – the suffragette campaign colours.
The meaning of the black school boy being a solid seven is that the girls think (colloquially speaking) he may fancy himself but don’t try it on with us because we think he’s not all that.
It’s a bit edgy making him a black lad but one supposes south London has nowadays to address its present audience. I’m sure the authors of this campaign would strenuously deny male on female harrasment had anything at all to do with being an ethinc issue in London schools.
The problem with such campaigning is that the actual offenders perpetrating these bad behavious will remain completely unmoved.
The real effect will be felt on the innocent. Already insecure adolescent boys will further fear contact with their female peers incase a misplaced awkward action or remark might lead to some accusation of sex crime. Already empowered females with have the extra weapon of an harassment accusation in their armoury. Just think along the lines of the recent super-hyped Royal race row – remember who possesses the super power of accusation, ie who holds the whip hand these days (TM Enoch Powell 1968)
Let’s further define the meaning of He’s a Solid Seven the moniker with which this camapaign seeks to brand all young males. So undermining their confidence.
A safe response when your drunk/insecure friend asks you to rate them on a 10 point scale. It’s high enough to protect their ego but low enough they know you’re not just humoring them. (But you are humoring them, they’re a five.) When in doubt, everybody is a solid seven (Urban Dictionary)
The Solid Seven meme is a popular meme on 4chan’s sports image board.. It is used mainly as a saying in response to an unattractive female’s picture being posted on the board. The term comes from the well-known “scale from 1 to 10” used to measure female attractiveness. Although a 7/10 is generally a “good”… (Know Your Meme.com) – Clearly the internet savvy youth will know a solid seven is used ironically to indictate a minger. Boys – you’re all mingers.
It is my experience of the world that ALL black people have a racist chip on their shoulder against white people. The reasons may be up for debate, but the fact remains.
So they are ‘racially racist’. That stupid woman at the Royal Garden Party is a prime example.
Why does nobody EVER talk about that ?. It’s double standards and hypocrisy on a scale I can scarcely comprehend.
“Why does nobody EVER talk about that ?” They’re all looking forward to more Government legislation/guidance which essentially, discriminately gives blacks more and more prominence to the detriment/subservience of whitee. All, obviously, with Government connivance.
A last word on the whole Ngozy Punani farce (she of the leopard skin dress, dreadlocks and tiara in the Palace).
The BBC gave the non-story lavish airtime and front page prominence on its website, and at least two fawning interviews.
The whole coverage was entirely uncritical and only gave one side of the story.
Elsewhere, real journalists did a bit of background research and discovered some unsavoury facts about Saint Punani: that she felt malice towards the royals, that she sided with Meghan (whom she described as “a survivor of domestic abuse” at the hands of her in-laws), that she had connections with BLM – the terrorist organisation that torched the US for months while the BBC looked the other way. In the words of Farage, “My view is that Fulani planned this right from the very start. She’s an anti-Royal, anti-British Marxist”.
All of which gives sheds a very different light on the story, and none of which the BBC thought worth mentioning.
I only hope someone is doing a forensic examination of her racist charity only there for black wimmin, and how it can access tens of thousands in Government grants, my experience of grant criteria in local government is that the proposals have to be for the BENEFIT OF EVERYONE EQUALLY
Does this dodgy charity insist on asking “where are you from” before they open their coffers full of taxpayers cash ?
(PS. By catering to domestic and sexual abuse only among blacks, I hope Sistah Space isn’t implying that they are inordinately violent, as that would be… racist!)
And I suppose its not racist that there is the Black Policeman’s Association and Black Nurses Association.
When I worked in the NHS and a black ward sister asked me to create an information poster for an upcoming meeting of black nurses, I looked at her and said “there would be uproar if I was asked to do this for white nurses”. She pulled a face shrugged her shoulders and left the office. Speaks volumes.
Bit of a mix up with the load I hauled this morning— there was no paperwork for it .
Well the BBC likes migrants to be undocumented and I hope they’re not prejudiced and this applies to inanimate objects as well .
But the place where I’m delivering to asked where the stuff was from ! How rude . Don’t they know that’s bad mannered since the Palace party ?
I looked at the beeboid’s grubby little website, and tried in vain to find anything about the stitch-up of Lady Hussey!
Senora O’Blene (not her real nationality I might add), has a proper Italian Christian name – we’ve been chums since 1966, and married for over fifty years, and she still suffers from people asking her about her name, why she has it, how does she spell it , and all this is usually from the more gormless/stupid/idiot end of society too – it’s been the bane of her life forever!
So all these made-up names given to kids these days are doing nothing for how they’ll get on in life! The silly bitch who set up Lady Hussey once had a normal British name, but chose to try and fake some tribal connection which most normal British citizens associate with foreigners. Usually, by seeing the names of the stabbed and the stabbers with monotonous regularity, it becomes a second nature to assume they’re never going to assume British values in their lifetime!
This bloody diversity cult is beginning to make normal British citizens fling their arms up in the air and escape from general news, adverts, mailshots, programmes, and many other issues associated with the watering down of British culture, and as one good poster here mentioned a short while back, we’re certainly wanting to distance ourselves from these new invaders, where before we couldn’t care a monkey’s!
Sadly, the next Labour government will enjoy all the crap associated with the acquired measures of the wretched diversity, and LGBVTERTYYUIOOP rubbish, so we might just as well chuck every listening and watching device in the bin.
I don’t think the bond markets would listen to the BBC . They are cold calculating monsters – when they see a crap budget and crap chancellor they’ll ‘do ‘ them .
I did want to hear Robison talking to a truss ‘insider ‘ which I think was on yesterday in which she describes how treasury staff met truss before the Budget – knew the danger – but never told her because they were never asked.
It was good that truss and the idiot got fired – anyone putting forward unverified unfunded changes the way they did deserved what the got . Hunt / sunak next ….
Seems like Iran has abolished its ‘ ‘morality police ‘ – but don’t worry – they’ve been offered jobs with plod checking the thinking of unapproved social media users ….
This all reminds me of Camila BATMANghelidjh – remember her ? of the charitIes Kids Company and Place2Be. Feted by all and sundry and the BBC bigwigs, then corruption was found to be rife – end of Batman’s career.
Brissles – yes I thought of that corrupt saga in the context of this ridiculous nonsense . ….
But I’ve often thought that the charity game in this country is something the State doesn’t want to look at – at all – particularly the Islamic and coloured ones …
The collapse of Kids Company continues to prompt many questions about the children’s charity’s management and finance. But what was behind its fall?
In February 1997, the Independent reported on a small charity in south London that was opening a new, permanent centre.
In what became a familiar fundraising refrain over the next 18 years, its charismatic leader said they believed they could spend “£500 a year to help a child, as opposed to the £2,500 that it costs clinics and agencies. To keep a young offender in an institution costs around £30,000 a year.”
‘What do you gargle with, pebbles?’ (speaking to singer Tom Jones after the 1969 Royal Variety Performance).
‘I declare this thing open, whatever it is.’ (on a visit to Canada in 1969).
‘Everybody was saying we must have more leisure. Now they are complaining they are unemployed’ (during the 1981 recession).
‘If it has got four legs and it is not a chair, if it has got two wings and it flies but is not an aeroplane, and if it swims and it is not a submarine, the Cantonese will eat it.’ (at a 1986 World Wildlife Fund meeting).
‘It looks like a tart’s bedroom.’ (on seeing plans for the Duke and Duchess of York’s house at Sunninghill Park in 1988)
‘Yak, yak, yak; come on get a move on.’ (shouted from the deck of Britannia in Belize in 1994 to the Queen who was chatting to her hosts on the quayside).
‘We didn’t have counsellors rushing around every time somebody let off a gun, asking “Are you all right? Are you sure you don’t have a ghastly problem?” You just got on with it.’ (about the Second World War commenting on modern stress counselling for servicemen in 1995).
‘How do you keep the natives off the booze long enough to get them through the test?’ (to a driving instructor in Oban, Scotland, during a 1995 walkabout).
‘If a cricketer, for instance, suddenly decided to go into a school and batter a lot of people to death with a cricket bat, which he could do very easily, I mean, are you going to ban cricket bats?” (in 1996, amid calls to ban firearms after the Dunblane shooting).
‘Bloody silly fool!’ (in 1997, referring to a Cambridge University car park attendant who did not recognise him).
‘It looks as if it was put in by an Indian.’ (pointing at an old-fashioned fusebox in a factory near Edinburgh in 1999).
“Cost of living: Struggling single dad flooded with offers of help”
“The response to his story has been huge, so Fiona Lamdin went back to show him how many people have been in touch to offer help.” Not a great surprise since the BBC were pushing this story on their home page for about a week. Have to say that I had some queries about Samuel’s heritage and religious orientation, on account of his headwear. But he’s in Britain so he must be Christian, and British, as must his kids Zenuel and Lysander, and no more questions asked thank you.
Job done for the BBC, now continue consuming your social engineering.
Seems like Elon musk is releasing the contents of the Hunter Biden laptop . Wise sages on twitter predict that the stazi – formerly known as the FBI – will be raiding twitter HQ pretty soon – using the ‘trump contrivance method ‘….
-and if they can get the handcuffs on Mr Musk I’m sure the DNC will order it ….
The BBC’s coverage of the Hunter laptop tale and pater Biden’s plain as day corruption has been epically twisted and selective with some risibly sour comparisons of Hunter to Trump offspring.
At least Goebbels actually called his outfit Reichsministerium für Volksaufklärung und Propaganda ( swerves Godwin’s Law)
Strikes unfair at Christmas, Tory chairman Nadhim Zahawi says
3 hours ago https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-63851251
Tory MP Nadhim Zahawi admits taxpayers paid power bill for his stables
This article is more than 9 years old
MP promises to repay the part of £5,822.27 expenses claim for second home energy bills that relates to electricity for stables
Nadhim Zahawi MP with David Cameron
Nadhim Zahawi with David Cameron. Photograph: Stefan Rousseau/PA Photograph: Stefan Rousseau/PA
Press Association
Sun 10 Nov 2013 06.46 GMT
The Zahawi stables claim ranks up there for the amorality of politicians – no shame – no concept of something being just ‘wrong ‘
– it’s ok though – because it’s ‘within the rules ‘…. Another one due to be flushed into the Lords toilet in 2 years time ….
At this time of year the BBC goes ‘all Christmas ‘ – since it is anti God ( but pro Islam ) this seems a bit strange . And now that we know officially that the UK is no longer -mainly Christian – perhaps it’s time to down grads ‘Christmas ‘ and just officially redesignste it ‘Wintervall ‘ – with all those cribs and angels declared ‘unapproved ‘ ….
For much of the past two centuries, it was illegal to be gay in a vast swathe of the world – thanks to colonial Britain.
Till today, colonial-era laws that ban homosexuality continue to exist in former British territories including parts of Africa and Oceania.
But it is in Asia where they have had a significantly widespread impact. This is the region where, before India legalised homosexual sex in 2018, at least one billion people lived with anti-LGBTQ legislation.
It can be traced back to one particular law first conceptualised in India, and one man’s mission to “modernise” the colony.
Just as an appendage. If you watch the BBC WC matches on
a lap top you can chose either the woke TV commentaties
with the usual suspects as commentator or summariser.
On Five Live you can often hear two white blokes like today
with a bit of banter.
I knew my serious relationship with footy was over when I had to stop using industrial language because the families of mummy and daddy and the 5 years started turning …. And having a ‘pick Nick ‘
Another irksome thing that bloody Zelensky, can,t switch the telly on without him there standing next to a bombsite now he,s in midfield for Poland, probably over there buying AK47s and got on the wrong coach or something
At least he,s not wearing that Primark camouflage get up today
“It is a strange fact, but it is unquestionably true, that almost any English intellectual would feel more ashamed of standing to attention during “God Save the King” than stealing from a poor box”
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 10, 22:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Carney worked for Goldman Sachs for 13 years, curiously enough.
FlotsamMar 10, 22:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I might be wrong. One ship, the Stena Immaculate might have been moving around at anchor due to wind and/or…
FlotsamMar 10, 21:59 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Kelvin Mackenzie on form on GBNews. “Why should the public be forced to pay, under threat of prosecution, to watch…
FlotsamMar 10, 21:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I’ve studied the tracks of the two ships and it’s clear to me that both were moving when the collision…
BRISSLESMar 10, 21:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 My nephew married a Russian girl – from Kursk, a few years ago. Her parents (just lovely ordinary people like…
Emmanuel GoldsteinMar 10, 21:26 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I keep hearing from MP’s an excuse for them not doing what they were voted in to do, things such…
Fedup2Mar 10, 20:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Richard – thanks – nice to see the boys and girls of 77 brigade get an honourable mention . As…
FlotsamMar 10, 19:41 Start the Week 10th March 2025 As a seafarer myself it seems to be an unbelievably bad bit of driving. One ship was at anchor, there…
The name of a suspect in the latest London stabbings has been released.
Strangely, no photo on the BBC website. Funny that.
His name is Hussain Bah.
Moonbat’s appeal within W1A clarified:
God Almighty, bloody Beckham handed out a prize at the Earthshot Awards. That f……….g bloke worms his way everywhere.
“Loctite Superglue M25” award ?
or the “Golden Gantry” award for holding up the most ambulances ?
It seems that our royals are turning out to be as woke and spineless as we feared, judging by the causes they’re rushing to support and their shameful treatment of Lady Hussey.
Careful, your Majesties and your Highnesses, remember: Get Woke, Go Broke.
Quora comments are massively in support of the vilified 83 year old by the black chip on shoulder race grifter.
They are the epitome of turkeys voting for Christmas….
digg, “They are the epitome of turkeys voting for Christmas….”
I assume you refer to ‘the firm’ and not ‘the shy couple’. Perhaps those with short memories will not remember who is buried at Frogmore Cottage but my parents certainly held that one in low regard for what she did to this country, at a time when they did not need it and when it did a lot of harm.
I reckon if ‘push came to shove’ the nation will prize loyalty over publicity seeking but I could be wrong on that. I guess the BBC will be happy to stir the pot for all they are worth. HM might have to assert and exert his authority.
Not some random bloke saying this
Some good news for any anti-wokesters: the trailer for Harry and Meghan’s sobfest has been massively ‘ratio-ed’ on YouTube. It received 18k upticks to 138k downticks, despite all Netflix and YouTube’s manipulations.
The comments are delicious too.
2 pernicious bastards get their just deserts in my opinion. Although I think Harry is led by the nose by Hollywood wankers because he is intrinsically thick as pig shit.
A trait he must have got from his ma!
Good points, but Ginger also comes across as a pathetic, whinging creep…and I think you’re being a little unkind to pig shit.
Oh, and let’s be honest, his dad ain’t the bleedin’ brightest.
Whoever he is…
From Quora:
“Was the poor lady insulted at Buckingham Palace born as Ngozi Fulani? Or did she change her name?
She was born Melanie Headey in London: she changed her name for something that sounded African. But at least one Nigerian reader of The Times has pointed out that if she ever goes to Nigeria just about everybody she meets will grill her about “where she comes from”, because Fulani is the name of one Central African tribe many of who, live in Nigeria, and Ngozi is a name from the Igbo language, which is used only by Igbo people. Basically, the two together simply do not make a credible African name.
And she chose to go to the reception wearing an ostentatiously “African tribal” outfit (I couldn’t say whether it was a real African outfit or just a made-up mishmash like her name), which IMO amounts to an invitation to ask where she was from. ‘National costume’ is an official alternative to the standard dress code at palace functions, but the implicit understanding is that it is only worn by people actually of that nationality. So it would be reasonable for anyone there to assume that she was indeed a national of an African country, and to ask what country she was from.
All of which makes me suspect that she went to that reception actively hoping somebody would say something she could yell was ‘racist!’ and was successful. The more so as she has tweeted in support of the Duchess of Sussex in the past. I think Lady Hussey was set up.”
“The whole thing is much ado about nothing, and reflective of how delicate and over the top PC today’s people seem to be
She has a Nigerian name, regardless of where she was born or her citizenship. The same goes for my Bangladeshi Muslim name. We were named this way, because we or our parents wanted that connection to our past heritage. It’s natural for other people to be curious at best and confused at worst, as a consequence of that.
I’d dare say people would be even more confused today if my parents had not obliged to our ancestral culture and had named me something like John Brown or Robbie McDonald instead.
Many people, innocently ask where I’m originally from, even though I was born in the UK and speak English without a foreign accent. Why should that be a big thing, and why would that be offensive?
Some people, especially older people, have difficulty accepting me as a British person, which I am by nationality only, not obviously ethnically. So what?
Why let other people’s intentional perspectives or innocent mistakes cause people to make such a fuss about essentially nothing?”
Yep it’s playground stuff, so shouldn’t be on the news.
Proper injustice exists
eg There are people in prison who didn’t commit the crime, some white some black
That deserves proper analysis, not this one off the cuff remark
It’s once again PR not news.
Racism is real and sometimes a person’s skin colour might get them falsely jailed or beaten etc… that is real injustice
Not just taking offence ta a few words.
Often Taking Offence is used as a weapon .. a kind of bullying.
Both GBnews and TalkTV are giving that short conversation too much time.
The lady is a poisonous bitch. Time our on the ball National press learned to differentiate these opportunist twats from genuine people and stop them damaging innocent people for whom they couldn’t give a shit.
I understand Ngozi’s name at birth was Marlene as in Trigger’s wife.
Marlene was Boycie’s wife, Debs, but in one episode she admitted that while she couldn’t accept a coloured baby, a good reason to have one was because ‘Dukey’s brown..!
(Duke was their Great Dane…)
And, sorry for being such a pedant! When we stopped watching any ‘comedy’ on the TV, we bought the whole boxed set of Del Boy, and they just get played over and over when we feel like a pre-woke laugh!
On a more serious note though, I feel that Lady Hussey was completely set up, and the BBC and the press should hang their heads in shame at the way she’s been treated. They really have been duped themselves by a disgraceful sting, but of course, they’ll never apologise when the whole story comes out.
6:30pm BBC2 Hannah Fry’s doco about electric cars (repeated from Thursday)
#PRasnews #AgendaPushing
Stew, that really doesn’t read well, in fact if we are honest, it is incomprehensible. I think you and Guest and any others on here deserve medals for being on Twitter.
The way in which the Democrats have used every aspect of life to get power really is resonant of the way the nazis took over Germany ….
Dissidents such as James Woods are just cancelled – they may as well be sent to a camp – the federal justice system is used to lock up dissidents – eg the Capitol protest ( not an insurrection ) ….
… infiltration by the lefties has been going on since the late ’50’s. They’ve played the long game. Unions were just the front. Posts in education, the Civil Service and NHS were successfully secured and there is no turning back. There is currently no one right of centre capable of changing this status quo. The best hope is that it eats itself, like communism eventually does …
It will! There are always a few brave people like Musk who will lead the way!
As my dad used to say… liars and cheats never prosper!
“There is currently no one right of centre capable of changing this status quo.”
Nigel Farage, UKIP & The Reform Party.
Simon Heffer in the Daily telegraph STARTS
As the BBC celebrates its centenary, it might be time to review its contribution to culture: which, currently, is unimpressive. Yet looking back, whether on wireless or television, the Corporation’s record is immense. It broadcast its first classical music concert in its first year, on Radio 3, which remains its cultural epicentre, continuing to champion live performances, new artists and contemporary composers: and so it must. Great documentary series (The Great War, Civilisation, The British Empire, The Ascent of Man) were conspicuous, but now all are in the distressingly distant past. The lone survivor is a veteran of that era, David Attenborough, with his stunning wildlife series. The Corporation has been subject to political forces, some self-inflicted. A determination to dilute anything that might be interpreted as elitism strongly prevails.
The BBC is nearing a fork in the road, but the direction it takes will not be of its choosing. Only the brave would assert that the Conservative Party, which is highly sceptical about the BBC, will win the next general election, but if it does, the hitherto formal renewal of the Corporation’s charter will be in jeopardy. The entirely unsuitable and unthoughtful Nadine Dorries has, thank God, resigned as culture secretary: but a view remains in the Conservative Party not so much that the BBC is institutionally Leftist (though in large tracts of it, it is) but that it is dumbed down and unworthy of the funds and support given to a state broadcaster.
However if, as seems likely, we have a Labour government, the BBC can relax. Labour will make a point of preserving it, not least because so many Conservatives dislike it. The long-overdue reassessment of using a household poll tax – the licence fee – to fund the BBC is unlikely to happen either. I hope there is someone sufficiently enlightened in the Labour Party to grasp that the perpetuation of the BBC in its present form is damaging our national culture, and that the determination to make it better should be a matter above politics. Sadly, there is no sign of its reaching that happy state.
The BBC’s defenders will refer, one supposes, to the immaculate job it did this year in presenting first the Platinum Jubilee, and then the late Queen’s funeral ceremonies: there is no question that the Corporation is still capable of rising to the occasion – even if, for the most solemn events, it has to call the great David Dimbleby out of retirement at the age of almost 84 to do them.
But there is simply too much trash on the BBC, whether on radio or television. I appreciate that tastes vary, not everyone holds a PhD and some people come to the BBC simply for entertainment; but what is now almost absent from the schedules (except on Radio 3 and, very occasionally, on the sharply deterioriating Radio 4) is anything that Lord Reith might have classed as educational, at whatever level. BBC Four is on the verge of closing down; the great 26-part adaptations (notably The Forsyte Saga and The Pallisers) are but a distant memory. Anything the BBC now does that calls itself “historical” is routinely riddled with laughable inaccuracies.
There is an unpleasant pressure to conform with the political fashions of the day. Even Radio 3 has been forced in on the act. Its search for black composers to put in its schedules recently led to a Composer of the Week series (typically one of finest things on the BBC) on The Harlem Renaissance. I don’t dispute Louis Armstrong and Duke Ellington’s talent, but they are not classical musicians. Non-classical music has plenty of space around the BBC and classical has too little, so it is tiresome to see it eaten up in this way. Also tedious is the way in which the not especially good black composer Samuel Coleridge-Taylor is feted, as is the even more mediocre Florence Price, who ticks two boxes, being a woman.
One day, we shall have unquestionably great black classical composers who deserve routinely to elbow Bach out of the schedules. For now, we don’t. Engaging in tokenism is patronising and offensive, and does nothing to advance the cause of true high culture. But such advancement no longer seems to interest the BBC.ENDS
Remember Anne Marie Waters? Here she is on the African Queen confected outrage (plot?), stating the blindingly obvious and asking questions the BBC wouldn’t dare ask in a million years.
In an age when stating the obvious is a criminal offence, watch it quick before YouTube take it down and Waters gets arrested!
It is becoming to look like this complaining lady might just put back the cause of integration by quite some time as she viciously goes after anything white.
It was a setup by a black activist.
A good thing about this absolutely ridiculous racist black woman is that it has drawn the other racists (like the BBC) out to support her who can now be judged in the cold light of day.
What will our Government do about it?
Keep quiet and wait for everyone to forget about it.
Can’t upset the enrichment, they start calling everyone racists as soon as anyone points out anything negative about them. Doesn’t matter about the white people.
Sharing this with your pals is one thing I suppose…
but … pfffff…
Is it Coco the Clown?
For all the greenie climate alarmists who told us decades ago the kids of today wouldn’t know what snow was, wait until the end of this week and lets see another example of them not apologising, but ignoring it yet again.
Outrage mob “Lady Susan Hussey isn’t just a random *staff member .. she is Prince William’s GODMOTHER !”
FFS Harry’s godfather Prince Andrew is connected to the Epstein scandal
(Harry has another six godparents Diana’s friend Lady Sarah Armstrong-Jones; neighbors Lord Vestey and Celia Vestey; Charles’s friend Gerald Ward; Diana’s former roommate Carolyn Bartholomew; and painter Bryan Organ)
Oct 20, 2020 Biden Press Secretary @jrpsaki tweeted
“Hunter Biden story is Russian disinfo, dozens of former intel officials say”
… https://twitter.com/jrpsaki/status/1318382779659411458
– one might easily assume that Jen’s eye twitch got to the point where they needed a credulous complete dimwit to read the scripts at the WH pressers….
So the Democrats worked with Twitter executives to rig stuff
.. that’s all ..they wouldn’t rig the BBC and other media
FFS Big tech basically banned Gab and Parler
The story should be absolutely huge because they deliberately used twitter to influence the result of an election far, far more than Russia or anyone else did.
Yet the biased BBC scumbags haven’t even reported it because it doesn’t fit their agenda.
Thursdays BBC local NewsPR show
had a #PRasNews item about the cable connection to Denmark being completed
The narrative was that the cable is for sharing GREEN electricity
That when there’s no wind in the UK, Danish windfarms will be sending leccy.
In reality, it’s a grid to grid connection.
Sure sometimes there will be wind in Denmark, but at others we could ultimately be getting leccy derived from German coal plants
#1 the cable takes another year to set up and test
#2 National Grid enthusiastically tweeted a prog link
but the prog is only archived for 24 hours
So that link is dead now.
… https://twitter.com/nationalgrid/status/1598383255971303424
I’m not saying that the interconnectors are pointless – but – iirc all the ones being built at the moment are consequences of infrastructure decisions taken in Brussels which were imho driven more by politics than engineering considerations.
– they might turn out to be useful… then again they might not.
The Western Link interconnector between Scotland and England was plagued with problems – and if it was working to design specs one might reasonably expect some PR adulation… as it stands the operators are reticent about its operational status – there are four failures acknowledged at Wikipedia – but there were at least 7 to be found via search engines 18 months ago.
Offshore power cables have become a lawyers (and Soho PR crew) playground with fierce Non Disclosure Agreements pervading the contractual landscape. Hundreds of km of offshore wind farm cables have had to be replaced.
Coding: Female engineers deleting myth that tech is for men
Good old BBC : find a few exceptions to a rule that fit the agenda then claim they are ‘deleting a myth’.
As a long standing professional software engineer, it’s clear to me that the author of the article has no clue whatsoever what she is talking about. None of those women are ‘coders’ – they are all ‘users’ of software someone else wrote.
The whole article is complete agenda-based hogwash.
I give you the author: Rhiannin Wilkins. Why do NONE of these ‘reporters’ have English sounding names ?.

Rhiannin will likely bag a trip to Geneva to opine on particle physics next week.
In all the hyperventilating it seems a little bit strange to me That Richard North has given the first account of the Marlene Headley vs Lady Hussey saga with some detailed context. – that I’ve seen fwiw.
Richard North’s previous article on ‘increasing diversity’ is also relevant.
In 1964, before multiculturalism in England had reared its head – despite the BBC’s attempt to inject diversity into our historical timeline that simply didn’t exist – there was a book published under the name of Winston Churchill, entitled “The Island Race”. It is a celebration of his history of the British, white British, whom Churchill quite openly regarded as a race, and a race apart.
To celebrate our unique distinctiveness as a white race is clearly no longer permitted. It is regarded as the very embodiment of racism. But to celebrate the dilution of our heritage by the onslaught of other races, it seems, is not only encouraged, but almost compulsory.
If we continue the trajectory identified by the 2021 census, to which figures must be added another million immigrants this year, it will not be long before there is no distinctive island race. And to mourn its passing will be a hate crime.
I can only imagine there will be some serious head scratching now by the Royal family and their Aides, as to how to start a conversation with guests at future cocktail parties without the fear of kicking of a constitutional crisis !!!
( Ginger whinger has clearly lost the plot – he’s now dressed up as Batman giving yet another mission statement, then he does the big reveal when he takes the head mask off. Dear God. )
(um, Spiderman) doh !
They usually ask where the person is from or if they have come far. Neither will be acceptable in future!
Channel crossings: Dozens of Albanian child migrants go missing
The complete and utter clusterf*ck of illegal immigration and monumental Brexit referendum betrayal continues.
This article is full of the usual excuses, blame and victimhood that the BBC shoehorn into all such articles these days, but this sentence stood out:
This is what our new ‘immigration minister’ thinks:
“They could be facing labour exploitation in different industries such as construction or car washes; they could be criminally exploited in drug distribution or in cannabis farms, or they could be sexually exploited.”
It seems the possibility that they have simply absconded to merge into our society and live by any means – honest or dishonest, – they can, just like they did back home, did not occur to him.
This is complete and utter madness. And it’s all because of leftists like the BBC who like to feel they are morally superior to everyone else (as long as these people don’t go near where THEY live of course).
It’s coming up to 10 years since 20+ illegals drowned picking cockles on the sands of Morecambe Bay
Acquaintances have told me of “slave markets” in London where around dawn, if you know where to go – you can get “day labourers”.
Our public servants choose not to root out these sorts of things going on under their noses…. – one has to assume that pure incompetence isn’t the only thing driving their decision taking.
You would have to live on a different planet not to
know that the BRITISH broadcasting corporation is
just about the best example of an oxymoron you
could find. Ok deafening silence runs it a close second.
Does anybody think that the BBC is capable of
supporting England against Senegal today ?
I doubt they will.
How many English will be supporting England?
Nailed it in one , “Oxymoron” it certainly is !
Along with the mass invasion of Great Britain , it’s another thing our so called ‘Right wing’ Tory government has failed to address after years of promises .
Lets hope more Conservative MP ‘do a runner’.
I bet the Africans will be warmed by the sight of woke united taking the knee . I think I’ll support Senegal …..
BBC News leading with mickey Lockwood – head of the woke police outfit being fired for alleged naughties – looks like the vetting on him didn’t amount to anything other than ‘nice chap’.
I guess he was appointed by Tessie May so it’s on her ….
But I have an idea – appoint someone coloured – maybe lord Lennie of the palace woman or that IS terrorist in Syria …. Might as well .. it’s part of a ‘trend ‘….
Elswhere – parents keeping kids at home over strep to reduce their immunity even more.. … but the jungle MPs career is on the ‘up’ so that’s ok …
An interesting piece which I feel exposes an agenda that the BBC is only slaved to….
Power … but not the electrical sort.
There are certain tv shows addicted to certain people to drive ratings via creation of discord. These shows are the feeding ground of the sorriest scum in the world. Often sporting titles like ‘Dr’. Vile.
No wonder even the bbc swerved Matt of Color.
Juts looked at his twitter and saw he posted:
‘What I don’t understand about racists is why they would waste their precious time on earth hating other human beings. Why not treat people as you find them rather than pretend you’re superior because of your skin colour? Most peculiar.’
Says Matt who appears to spends his entire time on twitter hating other human beings.
Astonishing lack of self-awareness.
A small sample of what would be my top priorities:
Revisit Bliars amendments to the Treason Acts and re-instate the Death Penalty; (frankly, I’d love to see certain people dangling whilst still twitching from a lamppost)
Exit the European Convention on Human Rights;
Government to disassociate from and abolish the Charities Commission.
It seems that the BBC have gone from completely over-the-top coverage of this story to dropping it completely.
Once again they completely misjudged the public and have realised what damage they have done to themselves.
would they stop because of the damage to their credibility – or simply because their narrative imploded and was no longer supportable? On the evidence – self awareness in reputational terms seems way down the list of things they pay attention to.
They just toss “inconvenient” aside and grab something “fresh” off the story dispenser and run with that.
I think even the BBC realise when they have made total arses of themselves.
But as you say, they don’t care one bit and they are too arrogant to learn. They will do exactly the same tomorrow if another agenda story comes up.
Laura k still banging on about public sector pay FFS
Top man at the UK’s national police complaints public body has been taken down – details yet to emerge.
…. cynics wonder in light of serial plod underperformance – if the guy was actually being effective and had to be stopped?
A real infraction or a hit ? – we deserve some real detail / context – which the best public broadcaster in the world seems disinterested in providing.
A quick check on the BBC’s London violence page to see who murdered who that the BBC chooses to bury away because they don’t want us to know about.
This one:

Was found guilty of murdering this one:
Situation normal : Enrichment murdering enrichment and the BBC covering it up.
“Royal Navy digs out world’s most remote post office from Antarctic snow”
Global warming anyone ?
Interesting articles, especially for those that support the “plucky” Ukranian neo Nazis:
Big girl’s blouse and the English – the new pandas edition
One notes our BBC busy employing a celeb to combine with so as to campaign for more restrictions on free speech online: Winslet tells Kuenssberg of online safety fears
Social media can be quite scary – particularly for those elites who fear another successful Donald Trump-like populist outsider using social media instead of the controlled and curated mainstream to get his message across to the masses.
It is facsinating to watch from a distance the way our managers (I won’t use the outdated term government in this context) outsource their campaign to nudge, badger and justify those inexerable moves toward doing exactly what it was they intend to do anyway – and the classic move – think of the children: Who needs to ‘step up’ to keep kids safe online? “Whoever those people are, they know who they are, they should just step up and do better,” she told me – the three times married film actress Kate Winslet there promoting her new film to the BBC’s (supposedly non-advertising) Laura K: The drama – I am Ruth – is hard to watch, but hard to look away from. Without giving a terrible spoiler, it does also in the end offer hope.
Tickets and screen times available, etc, etc…
With impeccable timing the Telegraph notices far from home: Techno tyrany. How China keeps lockdown protesters in line
By the way, one googles On Line Saftey Bill news and your top hit is the very same Laura K report as quoted above: Is the Online Saftey Bill enough, ask Laura Kuenssberg? (BBC)
Online Safety Bill’s ‘spy clause’ will pave way for ‘state-mandated mass surveillance’ of WhatsApp messages (‘i’ news) – yep, that should just about do the job.
Oddly enough, our media mainstay of leftist opinion don’t seem to see it that way – think of the ladies: Online safety bill will criminalise ‘downblousing’ and ‘deepfake’ porn (Guardian) – Downblousing? There’s your new word of the week. Funnily though, if there’s one traditional rather modest article of female atire rather approved by us chaps that’s sadly edging toward extinction – quicker than English people in England – replaced with anything from items vaguely termed ‘tops’ that may as well be male sports shirts to the American female ‘shirt’ to strange ethnic cosplay concoctions as modelled by race hustler and Royal shindig invitee Ngozi Fulani – who identifies as heaven knows what?
What next on the list for a special anti-male gaze legal prohibition we wonder, sideglancing? Casual observation? Rearward reconnaissance? Ankle clocking? Perhaps we’ll reach a stage where us chaps of a lower caste by law and custom must lower our eyes whenever a female passes on the street.
With the papers chockfull of football and debilitating Royal race nonsense, we welcome the return of the intermittant short-lived probably doomed rare feature Maybe It’s Because I’m a Londoner – also known as Last One to Leave Haul Down the Union Jack
The English are such an endangered species these days that the World Wifelife Fund will soon be onto it. Oh bugger… they’ve only gone and rebranded as: World Wide Fund for Nature
Anyway, English people are the new pandas. It’s only a matter of time before Rishi Sunak as a diplomatic gesture is gifting a rare breeding pair of English people to foreign states to display in their zoos. I digress.
Posters have gone up around south London picturing what one takes to be a young black school boy with a few school girls in the background and the slogan “He’s a solid 7”
Being somewhat out of the loop current youth playground argot-wise Mr AsI wondered at first glance whether this was some general exortation toward improved exam accomplishment – get youreslf up to a Grade 7 to impress the girls? Or perhaps the new transatlantic educationalist jargon for what we used to term the 4th form.
It began gradually to dawn on Mr AsI then the meaning suddenly struck him – like the big Marlon Brando speech in Apocalypse Now – it hit me in the forehead like a diamond bullet, you might say. He noticed a feminist campaign line along the lines of “Against harrassment of females from men and boys”
One should have noticed the subtle subliminal nudge of the poster colouration in green and purple – the suffragette campaign colours.
The meaning of the black school boy being a solid seven is that the girls think (colloquially speaking) he may fancy himself but don’t try it on with us because we think he’s not all that.
It’s a bit edgy making him a black lad but one supposes south London has nowadays to address its present audience. I’m sure the authors of this campaign would strenuously deny male on female harrasment had anything at all to do with being an ethinc issue in London schools.
The problem with such campaigning is that the actual offenders perpetrating these bad behavious will remain completely unmoved.
The real effect will be felt on the innocent. Already insecure adolescent boys will further fear contact with their female peers incase a misplaced awkward action or remark might lead to some accusation of sex crime. Already empowered females with have the extra weapon of an harassment accusation in their armoury. Just think along the lines of the recent super-hyped Royal race row – remember who possesses the super power of accusation, ie who holds the whip hand these days (TM Enoch Powell 1968)
Let’s further define the meaning of He’s a Solid Seven the moniker with which this camapaign seeks to brand all young males. So undermining their confidence.
A safe response when your drunk/insecure friend asks you to rate them on a 10 point scale. It’s high enough to protect their ego but low enough they know you’re not just humoring them. (But you are humoring them, they’re a five.) When in doubt, everybody is a solid seven (Urban Dictionary)
The Solid Seven meme is a popular meme on 4chan’s sports image board.. It is used mainly as a saying in response to an unattractive female’s picture being posted on the board. The term comes from the well-known “scale from 1 to 10” used to measure female attractiveness. Although a 7/10 is generally a “good”… (Know Your Meme.com) – Clearly the internet savvy youth will know a solid seven is used ironically to indictate a minger. Boys – you’re all mingers.
A lot of talk about certain sectors of the UK being “institutionally racist”
(doesn’t stop them all wanting to come here AND stay here does it ?)
Recent events have enforced my opinion that certain sectors of our society are “institutionally c@ntish”
It is my experience of the world that ALL black people have a racist chip on their shoulder against white people. The reasons may be up for debate, but the fact remains.
So they are ‘racially racist’. That stupid woman at the Royal Garden Party is a prime example.
Why does nobody EVER talk about that ?. It’s double standards and hypocrisy on a scale I can scarcely comprehend.
“Why does nobody EVER talk about that ?” They’re all looking forward to more Government legislation/guidance which essentially, discriminately gives blacks more and more prominence to the detriment/subservience of whitee. All, obviously, with Government connivance.
A last word on the whole Ngozy Punani farce (she of the leopard skin dress, dreadlocks and tiara in the Palace).
The BBC gave the non-story lavish airtime and front page prominence on its website, and at least two fawning interviews.
The whole coverage was entirely uncritical and only gave one side of the story.
Elsewhere, real journalists did a bit of background research and discovered some unsavoury facts about Saint Punani: that she felt malice towards the royals, that she sided with Meghan (whom she described as “a survivor of domestic abuse” at the hands of her in-laws), that she had connections with BLM – the terrorist organisation that torched the US for months while the BBC looked the other way. In the words of Farage, “My view is that Fulani planned this right from the very start. She’s an anti-Royal, anti-British Marxist”.
All of which gives sheds a very different light on the story, and none of which the BBC thought worth mentioning.
I only hope someone is doing a forensic examination of her racist charity only there for black wimmin, and how it can access tens of thousands in Government grants, my experience of grant criteria in local government is that the proposals have to be for the BENEFIT OF EVERYONE EQUALLY
Does this dodgy charity insist on asking “where are you from” before they open their coffers full of taxpayers cash ?
Good point.
(PS. By catering to domestic and sexual abuse only among blacks, I hope Sistah Space isn’t implying that they are inordinately violent, as that would be… racist!)
And correct, according to data I have posted before
And I suppose its not racist that there is the Black Policeman’s Association and Black Nurses Association.
When I worked in the NHS and a black ward sister asked me to create an information poster for an upcoming meeting of black nurses, I looked at her and said “there would be uproar if I was asked to do this for white nurses”. She pulled a face shrugged her shoulders and left the office. Speaks volumes.
Ukraine war: Fighting set to slow for winter months, says US intelligence
BBC love quoting experts.
more like –
Putin : Hold my vodka.
Bit of a mix up with the load I hauled this morning— there was no paperwork for it .
Well the BBC likes migrants to be undocumented and I hope they’re not prejudiced and this applies to inanimate objects as well .
But the place where I’m delivering to asked where the stuff was from ! How rude . Don’t they know that’s bad mannered since the Palace party ?
I looked at the beeboid’s grubby little website, and tried in vain to find anything about the stitch-up of Lady Hussey!
Senora O’Blene (not her real nationality I might add), has a proper Italian Christian name – we’ve been chums since 1966, and married for over fifty years, and she still suffers from people asking her about her name, why she has it, how does she spell it , and all this is usually from the more gormless/stupid/idiot end of society too – it’s been the bane of her life forever!
So all these made-up names given to kids these days are doing nothing for how they’ll get on in life! The silly bitch who set up Lady Hussey once had a normal British name, but chose to try and fake some tribal connection which most normal British citizens associate with foreigners. Usually, by seeing the names of the stabbed and the stabbers with monotonous regularity, it becomes a second nature to assume they’re never going to assume British values in their lifetime!
This bloody diversity cult is beginning to make normal British citizens fling their arms up in the air and escape from general news, adverts, mailshots, programmes, and many other issues associated with the watering down of British culture, and as one good poster here mentioned a short while back, we’re certainly wanting to distance ourselves from these new invaders, where before we couldn’t care a monkey’s!
Sadly, the next Labour government will enjoy all the crap associated with the acquired measures of the wretched diversity, and LGBVTERTYYUIOOP rubbish, so we might just as well chuck every listening and watching device in the bin.
I don’t think the bond markets would listen to the BBC . They are cold calculating monsters – when they see a crap budget and crap chancellor they’ll ‘do ‘ them .
I did want to hear Robison talking to a truss ‘insider ‘ which I think was on yesterday in which she describes how treasury staff met truss before the Budget – knew the danger – but never told her because they were never asked.
It was good that truss and the idiot got fired – anyone putting forward unverified unfunded changes the way they did deserved what the got . Hunt / sunak next ….
Seems like Iran has abolished its ‘ ‘morality police ‘ – but don’t worry – they’ve been offered jobs with plod checking the thinking of unapproved social media users ….
This all reminds me of Camila BATMANghelidjh – remember her ? of the charitIes Kids Company and Place2Be. Feted by all and sundry and the BBC bigwigs, then corruption was found to be rife – end of Batman’s career.
Brissles – yes I thought of that corrupt saga in the context of this ridiculous nonsense . ….
But I’ve often thought that the charity game in this country is something the State doesn’t want to look at – at all – particularly the Islamic and coloured ones …
The collapse of Kids Company continues to prompt many questions about the children’s charity’s management and finance. But what was behind its fall?
In February 1997, the Independent reported on a small charity in south London that was opening a new, permanent centre.
In what became a familiar fundraising refrain over the next 18 years, its charismatic leader said they believed they could spend “£500 a year to help a child, as opposed to the £2,500 that it costs clinics and agencies. To keep a young offender in an institution costs around £30,000 a year.”
Conclusive proof that Lady Hussey was targeted?
Conclusive proof she’s slightly batty, no more
‘British women can’t cook’ (in Britain in 1966).
‘What do you gargle with, pebbles?’ (speaking to singer Tom Jones after the 1969 Royal Variety Performance).
‘I declare this thing open, whatever it is.’ (on a visit to Canada in 1969).
‘Everybody was saying we must have more leisure. Now they are complaining they are unemployed’ (during the 1981 recession).
‘If it has got four legs and it is not a chair, if it has got two wings and it flies but is not an aeroplane, and if it swims and it is not a submarine, the Cantonese will eat it.’ (at a 1986 World Wildlife Fund meeting).
‘It looks like a tart’s bedroom.’ (on seeing plans for the Duke and Duchess of York’s house at Sunninghill Park in 1988)
‘Yak, yak, yak; come on get a move on.’ (shouted from the deck of Britannia in Belize in 1994 to the Queen who was chatting to her hosts on the quayside).
‘We didn’t have counsellors rushing around every time somebody let off a gun, asking “Are you all right? Are you sure you don’t have a ghastly problem?” You just got on with it.’ (about the Second World War commenting on modern stress counselling for servicemen in 1995).
‘How do you keep the natives off the booze long enough to get them through the test?’ (to a driving instructor in Oban, Scotland, during a 1995 walkabout).
‘If a cricketer, for instance, suddenly decided to go into a school and batter a lot of people to death with a cricket bat, which he could do very easily, I mean, are you going to ban cricket bats?” (in 1996, amid calls to ban firearms after the Dunblane shooting).
‘Bloody silly fool!’ (in 1997, referring to a Cambridge University car park attendant who did not recognise him).
‘It looks as if it was put in by an Indian.’ (pointing at an old-fashioned fusebox in a factory near Edinburgh in 1999).
“Cost of living: Struggling single dad flooded with offers of help”
“The response to his story has been huge, so Fiona Lamdin went back to show him how many people have been in touch to offer help.” Not a great surprise since the BBC were pushing this story on their home page for about a week. Have to say that I had some queries about Samuel’s heritage and religious orientation, on account of his headwear. But he’s in Britain so he must be Christian, and British, as must his kids Zenuel and Lysander, and no more questions asked thank you.
Job done for the BBC, now continue consuming your social engineering.
Seems like Elon musk is releasing the contents of the Hunter Biden laptop . Wise sages on twitter predict that the stazi – formerly known as the FBI – will be raiding twitter HQ pretty soon – using the ‘trump contrivance method ‘….
-and if they can get the handcuffs on Mr Musk I’m sure the DNC will order it ….
Tomo – you beat me to it … I think mr Musk would do well not to fly in helicopters …
BBC admit they refused to report Hunter Biden Laptop story
Joe Biden calls for end to ‘dark money’ in US elections
The US president urges Congress to pass a campaign finance bill that would force political groups to disclose big donors.
“BBC admit they refused to report Hunter Biden Laptop story”
It’s not really an admission: more like a very brief and mild aside, heavily qualified and excused, and laughingly shrugged off.
The BBC’s coverage of the Hunter laptop tale and pater Biden’s plain as day corruption has been epically twisted and selective with some risibly sour comparisons of Hunter to Trump offspring.
At least Goebbels actually called his outfit Reichsministerium für Volksaufklärung und Propaganda ( swerves Godwin’s Law)
Strikes unfair at Christmas, Tory chairman Nadhim Zahawi says
3 hours ago
Tory MP Nadhim Zahawi admits taxpayers paid power bill for his stables
This article is more than 9 years old
MP promises to repay the part of £5,822.27 expenses claim for second home energy bills that relates to electricity for stables
Nadhim Zahawi MP with David Cameron
Nadhim Zahawi with David Cameron. Photograph: Stefan Rousseau/PA Photograph: Stefan Rousseau/PA
Press Association
Sun 10 Nov 2013 06.46 GMT
The Zahawi stables claim ranks up there for the amorality of politicians – no shame – no concept of something being just ‘wrong ‘
– it’s ok though – because it’s ‘within the rules ‘…. Another one due to be flushed into the Lords toilet in 2 years time ….
At this time of year the BBC goes ‘all Christmas ‘ – since it is anti God ( but pro Islam ) this seems a bit strange . And now that we know officially that the UK is no longer -mainly Christian – perhaps it’s time to down grads ‘Christmas ‘ and just officially redesignste it ‘Wintervall ‘ – with all those cribs and angels declared ‘unapproved ‘ ….
For much of the past two centuries, it was illegal to be gay in a vast swathe of the world – thanks to colonial Britain.
Till today, colonial-era laws that ban homosexuality continue to exist in former British territories including parts of Africa and Oceania.
But it is in Asia where they have had a significantly widespread impact. This is the region where, before India legalised homosexual sex in 2018, at least one billion people lived with anti-LGBTQ legislation.
It can be traced back to one particular law first conceptualised in India, and one man’s mission to “modernise” the colony.
bbc rubbing our faces in it again France Poland wimmin commentator
And of course a black wimmin french football expert at half time
Zephir-I am getting the Five live commentary on my lap top
and there are no woke commentators.
Just as an appendage. If you watch the BBC WC matches on
a lap top you can chose either the woke TV commentaties
with the usual suspects as commentator or summariser.
On Five Live you can often hear two white blokes like today
with a bit of banter.
I knew my serious relationship with footy was over when I had to stop using industrial language because the families of mummy and daddy and the 5 years started turning …. And having a ‘pick Nick ‘
Yeah – can’t do wimmin footy commentators – just not right in the chaps’ game …
Another irksome thing that bloody Zelensky, can,t switch the telly on without him there standing next to a bombsite now he,s in midfield for Poland, probably over there buying AK47s and got on the wrong coach or something
At least he,s not wearing that Primark camouflage get up today
Steady … there’s a limit…
BBBC news at 5.20 pm.
Footie news. The BBC suddenly decides to become all impartial.
Yes, extended coverage of football and its supporters in…..Senegal.
In other news, England are playing tonight.
“It is a strange fact, but it is unquestionably true, that almost any English intellectual would feel more ashamed of standing to attention during “God Save the King” than stealing from a poor box”
They should have filmed it in Hackney, probably more blacks there that hate England and the Royal Family