The European Parliament has voted overwhelmingly to expel Vice President Eva Kaili over her corruption charges in the unravelling EU-Qatari scandal. 625 votes in favour, 1 against and 2 abstentions. This is just the tip of the iceberg…
3 ways MEPs can fiddle expenses
Nicholas Aiossa
27 January, 2017
The Westminster expenses scandal in the UK back in 2009 made headlines with journalists uncovering parliamentarians using their expenses to redecorate their home homes, evade taxes and one MP even used expenses to build a duck house. This led to a massive overhaul of how the whole expenses system was run and increased transparency around what MPs were spending tax payers’ money on.
The same sort of scandal has yet to emerge on a mass scale with Members of the European Parliament (MEPs). But that doesn’t mean that there are not loopholes in the expenses system which are open to abuse. With more transparency and accountability these loopholes can be shut down. Here’s some loopholes in the system that allow the potential for the misuse of MEPs expenses.
Ian Roddison let the cat out of the bag when adding “I think our plan in the past has been don’t mention CSE [Child Sexual Exploitation], it will go away”…
“A bit like Basil Fawlty in the Germans episode when he said ‘ I mentioned the war once but i think i got away with it’ Make no mistake this will be an issue at the general election as it was in 2021 in the local elections when the tories got around twenty councillors elected.”
‘Don’t mention the child sexual exploitation concerns’. That’s the Tories’ leaflet written for them…
I just pass these things on. Whether they are news, or not, beyond is likely down to editorial decisions on how such things affect sacred cows dear to media broadcast hearts.
These include: trustees posing as independent examiners to sign off the accounts; accounts being drawn up on the wrong basis; a 4703% year-on-year increase in administrative expenses; the use of donations to buy wares for sale in the charity’s shop; the use of unsubstantiated (and suspiciously round) numbers in grant applications; and much more. Of course, this is on top of the usual stuff about close links to businesses run by family and friends.
Wishy washy in the house of commons announcing the formation of a new taxi service to *pick people up* from the channel. They will use drones apparently. Wouldn’t want the poor loves getting cold.
Using VPN one can get a bit of a sense of how bat-sh*t crazy the UK is compared to other countries. This is a Dutch state lottery ad on Twitter. Don’t know what the, er… ‘couple’ are saying to each other but one of the replies is:
“Is that one of those grandmothers who picked up a young love in Gambia for a lot of money? This commercial is really weird, stop with that woke craziness.”
Soms denken we allemaal dat we onsterfelijk zijn, maar helaas is het tegendeel waar. Wacht niet tot geluk je overkomt en bekijk de hele video nu. 🧡 #Oudejaarstrekking
They arrested the fat FTX fuck to stop him from testifying tomorrow. Everyone in the media knows it. The Southern District of NY had ample time to indict. They waited for him to do the media rounds with George and ABC plus others. We see through you Marxists.
BBC is inspired by comrade BIDEN. The new Messiah!
So this Christmas (being currently renamed here in the UK as seasonal ‘festival’ to not upset Muslims and gender fluids), who hate the history of England and the “West’ in general.
BBC inspirations include:
(1) Biden Invites Drag Queens to Attend Bill Signing at White House. President Joe Biden has invited multiple drag queens to attend the signing of the Respect for Marriage Act at the White House”. Read more here.
(2) “California Elementary Teacher Uses Stuffed Animals to Teach Kids About Being ‘Gender-Fluid.’ A California teacher who identifies as “trans demiboy non-binary” posted on social media about using a “gender-fluid” stuffed animal to teach children how to use the proper pronouns”. Read more here .
I am sure there are many others using TOP BBC journalists (as they all are)
You can be sure the BBC are on ‘it’ and preferred pronouns (plonker) are in place for staff this ‘festival’ as the left now take ‘offence the word Christmas. That is Western ‘imperialism’ for some. therefore to be banned. or taken over as a ‘pagan’ festival of Moon worship (Druids).
Also take note that TWITTER (a BBC favourite) censored critics of COVID and Climate Change (both BBC topics they seek to silence). Musk abolished this censorship only yesterday. The BBC gave everyone (BBC freebie) an iPhone to engage in Twitter wars. Gary Lineker is an avid user (something the BBC can deny as being policy)
This is a war run by the left using big tech companies to silence free speech.
The Chinese COVID experiment (US run by big tech) is seen as a success!! Our future is lock-down and climate change scares.
Biden is now seen as a prophet – Means COVID and climate lock-downs for ever more. That means we are all Green, we will ‘own nothing and be happy’. This is the WEF declaration of intent. Global socialism along Chinese lines. Run by the usual suspects ‘Saving the planet’ declaring net-zero is ‘necessary’ and ‘urgent’ both of which are totally untrue. A bit like the BBC TV license is ‘necessary’ and ‘urgent’ to fund itself.
Rasheed thinks he can attract support for his dying party with this phony promise to ease the backlog and offer of more jobs for those assisting the migrants.
”Rishi Sunak has promised more staff to help clear the UK’s backlog of asylum seekers by end of next year.
Under a plan unveiled by the prime minister, a dedicated unit of 400 specialists will be set up to handle claims from Albanians.
UK border officials will also be posted in Albania, under a new agreement with the country.”
Lame WEF puppet declares “asylum” backlog will be cleared in the future.
– so that’s alright then.
Elsewhere :
breathless tootling –
“300 seat Labour majority” champers all round.
FFS – talk about out of the frying pan and into the fire – who, really who – thinks that the utter shower of berks in the present Labour Party would be any kind of improvement on what we have already?
Suppression of effective, sane alternatives has the highest priority at Broadcasting House.
Theresa May on immigration … from ‘hard’ line to ‘pink no line’ …
2012 … “Two and a half years ago, the coalition government was formed, and we made a clear promise to the British public. After thirteen years of uncontrolled mass immigration, this government would reduce and control immigration.” – Theresa May 2012
2015 … “Because when immigration is too high (no figure given), when the pace of change is too fast, it’s impossible to build a cohesive society.” – Theresa May 2015
2018 … “Over the years, overall, immigration has been good for the UK. It has brought people with different backgrounds, different outlooks here to the UK,” – Theresa May 2018
I wonder if anyone believes their crap anymore . Without withdrawing from dumb out of date treaties – stopping helping boats arrive – physically dealing with the dross arriving the country is lost . Neither the reds nor the blues will do anything apart from wasting words ….
“We will (Conservatives) reduce net migration from the hundreds of thousands to the tens of thousands. It will not be easy. It will take hard work and a great deal of political courage. But the British people want us to do it and it is the right thing to do. So we will do it.” – Theresa May
“Immigration: Home Secretary’s speech of 5 November 2010”
– But the British people want us to do it and it is the right thing to do.
But while they dither, unintentionally not acting, the numbers are going up by the million. Let’s face it, it is a battle between what the voters want and what the Government (each side of the isle) want. The Government of the day will prevail. We know that.
Maybe the BBC could ask David Lammy if he will ride his bike to show how international he is … £650 bike paid with UK MP expenses (so free to him, £650 to you) …
PM speech on action to tackle illegal migration: 14 April 2022
Prime Minister Boris Johnson gave a speech on plans to tackle illegal migration.
Since 2015 we have offered a place to over 185,000 men, women and children seeking refuge, more than the entire population of Sunderland and more than any other similar resettlement schemes in Europe.
This includes almost 100,000 British Nationals Overseas threatened by draconian security laws in Hong Kong, 20,000 through our Syrian scheme, 13,000 from Afghanistan and to whom we owe debts of honour, and around 50,000 Ukrainians.
“end of backlog” – basically still arrive in the UK, but process more of them quicker 🙁
“plans for Parliament to set an annual quota for refugees coming to the UK” – lets say a number of 10,000, but 15,000 turn up? Shoot 5000 to keep the numbers down 10,000? While we have a left/do-gooder society who do not realise this is a problem until its in the their backyard and then its too late to do anything about
The racist charity, I found these comments on the internet:-
Have a look at the so called Charity known as “Sistah Space” and registered by the U.K. Charity Commission in 2018 under the registration number 1179934 –
Now there is very little to see as far as finances are concerned and the income went from virtually nothing to 350k in four years – the sole paid employee of that Charity is one Ngozi Fulani (our race baiter) who receives 65k tax free and there was a further 180k paid out in “expenses” which are not accounted for – and there are no records of where the rest of the money went to and the accounts for three years have always been filed late and the Charity subsequently fined – – now that’s not her real name of course – it’s a West African name and yet the lady was born in the U.K. to Gladstone and Mildred Headley who were both Barbadian by birth – her real name is Mary Headley – apart from that little subterfuge – the Charity wasn’t formed in 2015 it was formed in 2018 and commenced fund raising in 2019 – I can also find no details of a change of name for the lady either so one can assume that she has either previously married a West African or adopted a West African name for effect and dresses as a West African for some reason whilst being Caribbean by nature of her parents and indeed British by birth – all very odd and also suspicious and perhaps the reason why she was so evasive when Lady Hussey attempted to engage with her –
Ngozi Fulani is also on record previously for accusing the Royal Family of being guilty of Domestic Violence against Meghan Markel and for also accusing the Royal Family of being “institutionally racist” her charity had received payments from the Guardian and the Independent for those interviews as it did for the Daily Mail story – now I must make it clear that all charities registered with the commission are bona fida – but that doesn’t mean that they are run properly and it doesn’t mean that someone inside those organisations isn’t helping themselves to a very comfortable lifestyle – people in glass houses comes to mind but either way the woman is a fraud and we should not donate a single penny to her ”charity”
The BBC recently defended broadcasting of a Palestinian song with the lyrics “don’t leave your weapon in its sheath.” Stabbing rampages are among Palestinian terrorists’ favoured forms of attacks on unarmed Israelis.
The lyrics of this song are very direct in supporting and encouraging Palestinian youth to continue murdering Israeli’s. How any responsible media organization can broadcast a song and than defend their broadcast when the song resembles the Hitler Youth songs is beyond belief.!!!
The whole ‘charity’ is a scam, Punani was receiving an obscene salary + ‘expenses’ for doing nothing except stir up race hate. She went to the Palace looking for trouble.
The grovelling reaction of Charles and William was a disgrace (and, of course, the BBC).
I’m giving the new firm 3 strikes; they’ve already used up 2.
“Her great wealth, which is estimated to be $215m (£175m) and was held in trust, came from her great-grandfather, James Campbell, an Irish businessman who owned a sugar plantation”
Oww no, money and maybe slave trade links, could be a series of reports from the bBC watch this space
Michael Byng, a quantity surveyor, believes the true cost of HS2 should be £158 billion not £102 billion and that the true costs are being withheld from parliament for fear of cancellation of the project. Tony Gueterbock (Lord Berkeley)
In May last year NHS Test and Trace (NHST&T) was set up with a budget of £22 billion. Since then it has been allocated £15 billion more: totalling £37 billion over two years.
You can see why he doesn’t get a lot of MSM (or BBC – Guardian) by-lines
not exactly a truth bomb – but quite Orwell-esque.
The same worthless media liberals who never break stories, who never do any reporting, who just sit around mimicking each other every day – speaking only to and for one another in servitude to Dems – all write the same articles because they're all hive-minded empty herd animals.
It’s that time of year when there are reviews of the past year on BBC radio and TV . It must be pretty easy for reviewers to find the ‘high points ‘ of stuff like drama or comedy – there isn’t any .
In the Telegraph review of BBC radio loca; radio is viewed as ‘the same ‘ from region to region . The high spot ( jewel?) of R5 live was described as the film review or Komode and watshisname which was popular and ends and is now on a commercial podcast ….
R4 – the former home of qualify and information and listenable stuff is now ….. well not even worth the time seeing what on ….
This is a;l good for those who want to see this organisation ended – like me …
The woke quiz show Only Connect outdid itself last night. Both the team captains were trannies, and one of the other contestants was a lesbian.
One of the trannies, who was irritatingly camping it up, was described as a teacher of Latin and Greek. Must be at a private school. I’m sure he does wonders for the fees. When I was at school many of the teachers were WWII veterans. He wouldn’t have lasted long.
Only Connect has turned into a sick parody of the future the BBC wants to see for us all.
Oy Sunak, never mind trying to house these illegals out of hotels, never mind spending more taxpayers money on asylum claims, get them sent home and stop more coming or you are doomed at the next election.
Also again not a whisper on the biased BBC 6.00 oclock news about the EU corruption, isnt this not reporting a crime of omission?
Mark Steyn is still ‘under the weather’ according to his website so his 8pm slot on GBN is being taken by Patrick Christys.
Yesterday Patrick spoke to Charlie Peters who is making a documentary about the rape gang scandals.
They started by discussing Labour’s nomination of former Rotherham councillor Dominic Beck as their candidate for Rother Valley. See here between 21:40 and 31:30.
UPDATE: Rother Valley Labour campaigner voices concern over Dominic Beck selection, tells activists: "I think our plan in the past has been don't mention CSE, it will go away."
In their report on Sunak’s latest plan to curb immigration, the BBC are quick to tell us that ‘Refugee charities branded the plans “cruel” and “ineffective”.’
Well they would, wouldn’t they? And so would the BBC, using their usual third-party trick to express their own views.
Ffs, this is an island, it should be dead easy to defend. We repelled the Armada, we repelled Napoleon and Hitler; and we can’t handle a few dinghies??
Instead of sending these channel crosser people to Rwanda (if it ever happens) why not send them to Albania instead.
I hear they are suffering from a decline in population, especially 18-30 year old males.
I’m sure the Albanian government will be happy to receive these people who, as we are constantly told, add to the GDP and in all ways enrich the place they go to.
An added bonus is that many of them are able to speak Albanian.
Seems linaker has given an interview in which he describes the next host of the corrupt World Cup an incredibly racist country – but that’s America for you .
But I’m vexed – you know that thing about the BBC being obsessed with giving a voice to a ‘diverse community of minorities ‘?
Well where are the Albanian reporters.? Or stories about newly arrived Albanians doing Good Things ? And the BBC Albania TV channel ….?
With that – and Lionel messi giving Harry woke Kane a lesson in taking a penalty – I open the new thread … ( a bit early … but I’m a bit ahead time wise … and somewhere warm …😎)
In lieu of a TOADY Watch, I will muse on the story about the 1 colleague in 20 who as a tee-totaller forced his/her colleagues to have a non-alcoholic Christmas Party.
It struck me today, that in our present affluent society (notwithstanding ‘the-cost-of-living-crisis’) having a choice is a good and that depriving choice to a group, whether colleagues, a secular social society (rotary group, golf club, cricket club, womens insitute) or even the whole of a nation’s population is a bad thing.
It could be argued that it is selfish for one person in twenty to insist that no alcohol is served at a party. It is also curiously at odds with both Conservative and LeftistLibbySocialist (I/we’d include the BBC in that group) that choice is a good thing. For the Conservatives, choice of train operating company, which hasn’t quite arrived yet; for the SocialistLeftist the need to support LBGTQi+ principles to give every human a choice of their gender. That last is mind-boggling and impossible truly scientifically but but still beloved of many in ‘the West’. For evidence: see the World Cup and replay all the meejah hoo-hah of the last month.
The Office Christmas Party makes me shiver . I haven’t been to one for a long time – but I recall a growing number of ‘attendees ‘ who seemed to be there only for the purpose of getting evidence for their tribunal action .
If one person in 20 insists on no booze – then there is no party . End Ot . The one person kills the Christmas spirit – something of our sad effed up time …
JohnCMar 11, 01:07 Start the Week 10th March 2025 They are cherished at the BBC harry. The only ones who can tick EVERY box.
harry142857Mar 11, 00:54 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Thanks John, sort of. I thought homosexual moslems ended up falling out of windows. What a freak. Expect old bill…
JohnCMar 11, 00:11 Start the Week 10th March 2025 [img][/img] Are you surprised. His previous job: ‘Qadeer is chief diversity officer at Alexion Pharmaceuticals.’ And anyone who comes out…
harry142857Mar 11, 00:07 Start the Week 10th March 2025 BBC’s HR department is led by Uzair Qadeer (Chief People Officer) and has 121 employees. Yet can’t out perverts like…
JohnCMar 10, 23:45 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Just when you think the BBC can’t get any more ridiculous and desperate in their attempts to discredit the Trump…
MarcoMar 10, 23:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I’ve been listening to Scott Ritter on you tube and his take on trump is very interesting,he thinks trump is…
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 10, 23:10 Start the Week 10th March 2025 From the Daily Mail online: “… … … According to the Telegraph, figures from the most recent BBC annual report…
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 10, 22:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Carney worked for Goldman Sachs for 13 years, curiously enough.
FlotsamMar 10, 22:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I might be wrong. One ship, the Stena Immaculate might have been moving around at anchor due to wind and/or…
The European Parliament has voted overwhelmingly to expel Vice President Eva Kaili over her corruption charges in the unravelling EU-Qatari scandal. 625 votes in favour, 1 against and 2 abstentions. This is just the tip of the iceberg…
3 ways MEPs can fiddle expenses
Nicholas Aiossa
27 January, 2017
The Westminster expenses scandal in the UK back in 2009 made headlines with journalists uncovering parliamentarians using their expenses to redecorate their home homes, evade taxes and one MP even used expenses to build a duck house. This led to a massive overhaul of how the whole expenses system was run and increased transparency around what MPs were spending tax payers’ money on.
The same sort of scandal has yet to emerge on a mass scale with Members of the European Parliament (MEPs). But that doesn’t mean that there are not loopholes in the expenses system which are open to abuse. With more transparency and accountability these loopholes can be shut down. Here’s some loopholes in the system that allow the potential for the misuse of MEPs expenses.
Will anything happen? NO!
Ian Roddison let the cat out of the bag when adding “I think our plan in the past has been don’t mention CSE [Child Sexual Exploitation], it will go away”…
“A bit like Basil Fawlty in the Germans episode when he said ‘ I mentioned the war once but i think i got away with it’ Make no mistake this will be an issue at the general election as it was in 2021 in the local elections when the tories got around twenty councillors elected.”
‘Don’t mention the child sexual exploitation concerns’. That’s the Tories’ leaflet written for them…
Too dangerous to go to school today so all the kids have made it to Wetherspoons pub down the road from the school
The BBC uses #accusedof as the basis for a post, so my EdGuds feel that is good enough here.
Ticks all the right boxes.
I just pass these things on. Whether they are news, or not, beyond is likely down to editorial decisions on how such things affect sacred cows dear to media broadcast hearts.
These include: trustees posing as independent examiners to sign off the accounts; accounts being drawn up on the wrong basis; a 4703% year-on-year increase in administrative expenses; the use of donations to buy wares for sale in the charity’s shop; the use of unsubstantiated (and suspiciously round) numbers in grant applications; and much more. Of course, this is on top of the usual stuff about close links to businesses run by family and friends.
BLM all over again, whats the common factor ?
Second common factor = half-witted
kneelersenablers.A BBC “expert”…
I wondered how she was presented…
There is no climate crisis. Solved that for you, it was surprisingly easy.
Wishy washy in the house of commons announcing the formation of a new taxi service to *pick people up* from the channel. They will use drones apparently. Wouldn’t want the poor loves getting cold.
Promises, promises and yet more promises .
The Tory Party is finished.
Check out The Reform Party –
Using VPN one can get a bit of a sense of how bat-sh*t crazy the UK is compared to other countries. This is a Dutch state lottery ad on Twitter. Don’t know what the, er… ‘couple’ are saying to each other but one of the replies is:
“Is that one of those grandmothers who picked up a young love in Gambia for a lot of money? This commercial is really weird, stop with that woke craziness.”
Nails it
BBC is inspired by comrade BIDEN. The new Messiah!
So this Christmas (being currently renamed here in the UK as seasonal ‘festival’ to not upset Muslims and gender fluids), who hate the history of England and the “West’ in general.
BBC inspirations include:
(1) Biden Invites Drag Queens to Attend Bill Signing at White House. President Joe Biden has invited multiple drag queens to attend the signing of the Respect for Marriage Act at the White House”.
Read more here.
(2) “California Elementary Teacher Uses Stuffed Animals to Teach Kids About Being ‘Gender-Fluid.’ A California teacher who identifies as “trans demiboy non-binary” posted on social media about using a “gender-fluid” stuffed animal to teach children how to use the proper pronouns”.
Read more here .
I am sure there are many others using TOP BBC journalists (as they all are)
You can be sure the BBC are on ‘it’ and preferred pronouns (plonker) are in place for staff this ‘festival’ as the left now take ‘offence the word Christmas. That is Western ‘imperialism’ for some. therefore to be banned. or taken over as a ‘pagan’ festival of Moon worship (Druids).
Also take note that TWITTER (a BBC favourite) censored critics of COVID and Climate Change (both BBC topics they seek to silence). Musk abolished this censorship only yesterday. The BBC gave everyone (BBC freebie) an iPhone to engage in Twitter wars. Gary Lineker is an avid user (something the BBC can deny as being policy)
This is a war run by the left using big tech companies to silence free speech.
The Chinese COVID experiment (US run by big tech) is seen as a success!! Our future is lock-down and climate change scares.
Biden is now seen as a prophet – Means COVID and climate lock-downs for ever more. That means we are all Green, we will ‘own nothing and be happy’. This is the WEF declaration of intent. Global socialism along Chinese lines. Run by the usual suspects ‘Saving the planet’ declaring net-zero is ‘necessary’ and ‘urgent’ both of which are totally untrue. A bit like the BBC TV license is ‘necessary’ and ‘urgent’ to fund itself.
Rasheed thinks he can attract support for his dying party with this phony promise to ease the backlog and offer of more jobs for those assisting the migrants.
”Rishi Sunak has promised more staff to help clear the UK’s backlog of asylum seekers by end of next year.
Under a plan unveiled by the prime minister, a dedicated unit of 400 specialists will be set up to handle claims from Albanians.
UK border officials will also be posted in Albania, under a new agreement with the country.”
“a dedicated unit of 400 specialists”
Specialists in what?
someone who has a lot of experience, knowledge, or skill in a particular subject
Shortlisted by HR according to diversity like (what seems to be) the majority of HO staff.
Will there need to be 400 interpreters too?
How many people post on this site? We’ll do it in half the time for half the cost.
“Breaking News!”
Lame WEF puppet declares “asylum” backlog will be cleared in the future.
– so that’s alright then.
Elsewhere :
breathless tootling –
“300 seat Labour majority” champers all round.
FFS – talk about out of the frying pan and into the fire – who, really who – thinks that the utter shower of berks in the present Labour Party would be any kind of improvement on what we have already?
Suppression of effective, sane alternatives has the highest priority at Broadcasting House.
Theresa May on immigration … from ‘hard’ line to ‘pink no line’ …
2012 … “Two and a half years ago, the coalition government was formed, and we made a clear promise to the British public. After thirteen years of uncontrolled mass immigration, this government would reduce and control immigration.” – Theresa May 2012
2015 … “Because when immigration is too high (no figure given), when the pace of change is too fast, it’s impossible to build a cohesive society.” – Theresa May 2015
2018 … “Over the years, overall, immigration has been good for the UK. It has brought people with different backgrounds, different outlooks here to the UK,” – Theresa May 2018
I wonder if anyone believes their crap anymore . Without withdrawing from dumb out of date treaties – stopping helping boats arrive – physically dealing with the dross arriving the country is lost . Neither the reds nor the blues will do anything apart from wasting words ….
“…..they SHOULD be sent back”. not, ‘will’, no, a flaky ‘Should’. Jelly-wobble.
Top Reply:
Jeremy Vine will be blaming the parked cars for this.
‘Cannon fodder’
Rishi Sunak has promised more staff to help clear the UK’s backlog of asylum seekers by end of next year.
“We will (Conservatives) reduce net migration from the hundreds of thousands to the tens of thousands. It will not be easy. It will take hard work and a great deal of political courage. But the British people want us to do it and it is the right thing to do. So we will do it.” – Theresa May
“Immigration: Home Secretary’s speech of 5 November 2010”
– But the British people want us to do it and it is the right thing to do.
But while they dither, unintentionally not acting, the numbers are going up by the million. Let’s face it, it is a battle between what the voters want and what the Government (each side of the isle) want. The Government of the day will prevail. We know that.
Maybe the BBC could ask David Lammy if he will ride his bike to show how international he is … £650 bike paid with UK MP expenses (so free to him, £650 to you) …
Who’s up for a cycling challenge around Europe? #IamEuropean #GenerationEurope
PM speech on action to tackle illegal migration: 14 April 2022
Prime Minister Boris Johnson gave a speech on plans to tackle illegal migration.
Since 2015 we have offered a place to over 185,000 men, women and children seeking refuge, more than the entire population of Sunderland and more than any other similar resettlement schemes in Europe.
This includes almost 100,000 British Nationals Overseas threatened by draconian security laws in Hong Kong, 20,000 through our Syrian scheme, 13,000 from Afghanistan and to whom we owe debts of honour, and around 50,000 Ukrainians.
Sunak promises end to asylum seeker backlog
Is the Biden Broadcasting Corporation showing this?
(Do watch, it’s only a minute long. The comments are spot on, too, if you watch on YouTube.)
I notice the girl put a spring in the old perv’s step.
Sunak promises end to asylum seeker backlog
“end of backlog” – basically still arrive in the UK, but process more of them quicker 🙁
“plans for Parliament to set an annual quota for refugees coming to the UK” – lets say a number of 10,000, but 15,000 turn up? Shoot 5000 to keep the numbers down 10,000? While we have a left/do-gooder society who do not realise this is a problem until its in the their backyard and then its too late to do anything about
We do not have any borders!
The racist charity, I found these comments on the internet:-
Have a look at the so called Charity known as “Sistah Space” and registered by the U.K. Charity Commission in 2018 under the registration number 1179934 –
Now there is very little to see as far as finances are concerned and the income went from virtually nothing to 350k in four years – the sole paid employee of that Charity is one Ngozi Fulani (our race baiter) who receives 65k tax free and there was a further 180k paid out in “expenses” which are not accounted for – and there are no records of where the rest of the money went to and the accounts for three years have always been filed late and the Charity subsequently fined – – now that’s not her real name of course – it’s a West African name and yet the lady was born in the U.K. to Gladstone and Mildred Headley who were both Barbadian by birth – her real name is Mary Headley – apart from that little subterfuge – the Charity wasn’t formed in 2015 it was formed in 2018 and commenced fund raising in 2019 – I can also find no details of a change of name for the lady either so one can assume that she has either previously married a West African or adopted a West African name for effect and dresses as a West African for some reason whilst being Caribbean by nature of her parents and indeed British by birth – all very odd and also suspicious and perhaps the reason why she was so evasive when Lady Hussey attempted to engage with her –
Ngozi Fulani is also on record previously for accusing the Royal Family of being guilty of Domestic Violence against Meghan Markel and for also accusing the Royal Family of being “institutionally racist” her charity had received payments from the Guardian and the Independent for those interviews as it did for the Daily Mail story – now I must make it clear that all charities registered with the commission are bona fida – but that doesn’t mean that they are run properly and it doesn’t mean that someone inside those organisations isn’t helping themselves to a very comfortable lifestyle – people in glass houses comes to mind but either way the woman is a fraud and we should not donate a single penny to her ”charity”
Maybe the likes of the bBC could fact check that!
We are all african brother?!
The BBC recently defended broadcasting of a Palestinian song with the lyrics “don’t leave your weapon in its sheath.” Stabbing rampages are among Palestinian terrorists’ favoured forms of attacks on unarmed Israelis.
The lyrics of this song are very direct in supporting and encouraging Palestinian youth to continue murdering Israeli’s. How any responsible media organization can broadcast a song and than defend their broadcast when the song resembles the Hitler Youth songs is beyond belief.!!!
I assume it was on that anti British radio station mis named as ‘the world service ‘( I prefer radio bongo bongo ) …
The whole ‘charity’ is a scam, Punani was receiving an obscene salary + ‘expenses’ for doing nothing except stir up race hate. She went to the Palace looking for trouble.
The grovelling reaction of Charles and William was a disgrace (and, of course, the BBC).
I’m giving the new firm 3 strikes; they’ve already used up 2.
‘Last Hawaiian princess’ Abigail Kawānanakoa dies with $215m in wealth
“Her great wealth, which is estimated to be $215m (£175m) and was held in trust, came from her great-grandfather, James Campbell, an Irish businessman who owned a sugar plantation”
Oww no, money and maybe slave trade links, could be a series of reports from the bBC watch this space
Michael Byng, a quantity surveyor, believes the true cost of HS2 should be £158 billion not £102 billion and that the true costs are being withheld from parliament for fear of cancellation of the project. Tony Gueterbock (Lord Berkeley)
MarkyMark – What a surprise – NOT
A gravy train with deep pockets! (your wallet and credit score)
In May last year NHS Test and Trace (NHST&T) was set up with a budget of £22 billion. Since then it has been allocated £15 billion more: totalling £37 billion over two years.
seems to have been flubbed badly in implementation by the “Conservatives”
You can see why he doesn’t get a lot of MSM (or BBC – Guardian) by-lines
not exactly a truth bomb – but quite Orwell-esque.
It’s that time of year when there are reviews of the past year on BBC radio and TV . It must be pretty easy for reviewers to find the ‘high points ‘ of stuff like drama or comedy – there isn’t any .
In the Telegraph review of BBC radio loca; radio is viewed as ‘the same ‘ from region to region . The high spot ( jewel?) of R5 live was described as the film review or Komode and watshisname which was popular and ends and is now on a commercial podcast ….
R4 – the former home of qualify and information and listenable stuff is now ….. well not even worth the time seeing what on ….
This is a;l good for those who want to see this organisation ended – like me …
The woke quiz show Only Connect outdid itself last night. Both the team captains were trannies, and one of the other contestants was a lesbian.
One of the trannies, who was irritatingly camping it up, was described as a teacher of Latin and Greek. Must be at a private school. I’m sure he does wonders for the fees. When I was at school many of the teachers were WWII veterans. He wouldn’t have lasted long.
Only Connect has turned into a sick parody of the future the BBC wants to see for us all.
We had a few comments on the weirdo last night.
Oy Sunak, never mind trying to house these illegals out of hotels, never mind spending more taxpayers money on asylum claims, get them sent home and stop more coming or you are doomed at the next election.
Also again not a whisper on the biased BBC 6.00 oclock news about the EU corruption, isnt this not reporting a crime of omission?
Mark Steyn is still ‘under the weather’ according to his website so his 8pm slot on GBN is being taken by Patrick Christys.
Yesterday Patrick spoke to Charlie Peters who is making a documentary about the rape gang scandals.
They started by discussing Labour’s nomination of former Rotherham councillor Dominic Beck as their candidate for Rother Valley. See here between 21:40 and 31:30.
Starmer under pressure to ditch Beck?
If he gets to be an MP then will be open to a lot of stick about thegrooming scandal, and so will Starmer.
In their report on Sunak’s latest plan to curb immigration, the BBC are quick to tell us that ‘Refugee charities branded the plans “cruel” and “ineffective”.’
Well they would, wouldn’t they? And so would the BBC, using their usual third-party trick to express their own views.
Ffs, this is an island, it should be dead easy to defend. We repelled the Armada, we repelled Napoleon and Hitler; and we can’t handle a few dinghies??
Instead of sending these channel crosser people to Rwanda (if it ever happens) why not send them to Albania instead.
I hear they are suffering from a decline in population, especially 18-30 year old males.
I’m sure the Albanian government will be happy to receive these people who, as we are constantly told, add to the GDP and in all ways enrich the place they go to.
An added bonus is that many of them are able to speak Albanian.
Seems linaker has given an interview in which he describes the next host of the corrupt World Cup an incredibly racist country – but that’s America for you .
But I’m vexed – you know that thing about the BBC being obsessed with giving a voice to a ‘diverse community of minorities ‘?
Well where are the Albanian reporters.? Or stories about newly arrived Albanians doing Good Things ? And the BBC Albania TV channel ….?
With that – and Lionel messi giving Harry woke Kane a lesson in taking a penalty – I open the new thread … ( a bit early … but I’m a bit ahead time wise … and somewhere warm …😎)
In lieu of a TOADY Watch, I will muse on the story about the 1 colleague in 20 who as a tee-totaller forced his/her colleagues to have a non-alcoholic Christmas Party.
It struck me today, that in our present affluent society (notwithstanding ‘the-cost-of-living-crisis’) having a choice is a good and that depriving choice to a group, whether colleagues, a secular social society (rotary group, golf club, cricket club, womens insitute) or even the whole of a nation’s population is a bad thing.
It could be argued that it is selfish for one person in twenty to insist that no alcohol is served at a party. It is also curiously at odds with both Conservative and LeftistLibbySocialist (I/we’d include the BBC in that group) that choice is a good thing. For the Conservatives, choice of train operating company, which hasn’t quite arrived yet; for the SocialistLeftist the need to support LBGTQi+ principles to give every human a choice of their gender. That last is mind-boggling and impossible truly scientifically but but still beloved of many in ‘the West’. For evidence: see the World Cup and replay all the meejah hoo-hah of the last month.
Choice is good. Removing choice …. ?
The Office Christmas Party makes me shiver . I haven’t been to one for a long time – but I recall a growing number of ‘attendees ‘ who seemed to be there only for the purpose of getting evidence for their tribunal action .
If one person in 20 insists on no booze – then there is no party . End Ot . The one person kills the Christmas spirit – something of our sad effed up time …