I’m the first to wish everyone a very Happy Christmas and best wishes for a warm and peaceful New Year.
Big thanks to Fed for his moderation through the year, Stew for providing links and also, with Guest Who, for braving Twitter. And a big thank you to Robert working hard behind the scenes to keep this show on the road.
May we all be rewarded with Parliamentary pressure on the BBC to drop the TV Licence Fee for a much reduced subscription payment. May a household TV charge via Council Tax never come into being. Instead we hope for a streamlined, efficient BBC instead of the bloated, partisan, broadcaster who keeps us all occupied.
Harvey Proctor says on Day 19 ITV finally contacted him to say they are investigating
Day #14 without a response from @ITV’s @GMB. Further confirmation of their left wing agenda, disregard for victims of false allegations, fairness & balance. pic.twitter.com/VbyTx7kmku
On the previous comments you said you didn’t believe my post mentioning the Rwanda deal where for each one we send there we get a Rwanda person back who has problems (medical) that Rwanda can’t do anything about and that we would have to care for them (and still pay Rwanda many £millions)
If you can get Farage on catch-up from tonight he talks with Ben Habib and they also point this out as well as saying it’s being kept quiet about.
I posted it a couple of hours before Farage and you have possibly seen it since then and if so you can disregard this.
This is indeed the case. It is discreetly hidden away as section 16 in part 2 of the Memorandum of Understanding between the UK and Rwanda governments, published on 14th April 2022 and available here:
‘16.1 The Participants will make arrangements for the United Kingdom to resettle a portion of Rwanda’s most vulnerable refugees in the United Kingdom, recognising both Participants’ commitment towards providing better international protection for refugees.’
In practical terms, this means many people with severe medical problems, particularly Congolese refugees who sought sanctuary in Rwanda. According to the UNHCR, Rwanda was hosting 127,000 refugees at the end of 2021, mainly from DR Congo and Burundi.
The memorandum is a scam and needs to be replaced. So-called asylum seekers could still be sent to Rwanda, but there must be no reciprocity. Rather, foreign aid payments to Rwanda would be made dependent on their co-operation. In turn, the foreign aid to countries that the so-called asylum seekers have come from e.g. Pakistan, Afghanistan etc, would in turn be reduced to help pay for it.
A few years back, the British government commited £64 million aid to Rwanda, of which they then spent nearly half of it on a sponsorship deal with Arsenal football club.
Thank you for the depressing research – it puts a different spin on the whole thing . By the looks of it we’d be better off without the Rwanda involvement ….
…and I am amazed – amazed – that this has not been picked up by the Daily Angry or even leading MPs ….
.. maybe it’s just not real …? But if it is …. It’s a worse state of affairs than anyone could imagine …..
… I bet there are Rwandans here already knowing the current dumb government …
How about we do a deal with Albania. For every one of their invaders we get to send them two of our ‘vulnerable refugees’. The term is much beloved of our lawyer classes who get to define this to include all kind of scumbags.
So for every Albanian invader we get rid of two of the worst from our country. Examples would be the murderers of Jamie Bulger or the couple who murdered the Soham schoolgirls. We could also include people who are enemies of the realm such as immigration judges and human rights lawyers.
Here is the best bit. Albania pays the UK every time this happens.
Not one for one
Habib clearly said it definitely a one in one out policy
However that is not what the paper says
It opens
“The UK has also committed to resettling a small but unspecified number of vulnerable refugees currently in Rwanda.” https://commonslibrary.parliament.uk/research-briefings/cbp-9568/
The term ‘small’ being intentionally ambiguous e.g. I heard an MP on the radio last week saying that ‘only a relatively small number of people have crossed the Channel this year’. Don’t be surprised if a handful of so-called asylum seekers sent to Rwanda are replaced by several thousand coming the other way.
Washington Post laying off large numbers of woke staff after they lost 500K subscribers – go woke go broke, but this wouldn’t apply to the BBC as normal market punishment for failure is not for them thanks to the unique way, but it should do, as the market is very efficient at rewarding those who please the people they serve, and punishing the ones who don’t.
BTW if you can watch the meeting with management and employees at the WaPo as the lefties find out it really is worth a watch.
On the BBC news this evening was a young black BBC reporter who has done an article saying, “why do no teachers look like me?”, moaning that most teachers are white.
He will have only got his job at the BBC because of his skin colour, for many years now the BBC recruitment adverts exclude white male students from applying.
Our schools will probably be doing that now as well.
One of the few things I still enjoy on the BBC is, despite its ever-increasing wokeness, University Challenge. This week it’s the traditional Christmas Special featuring teams of alumni distinguished, at least in terms of the Gramscian Establishment, in various fields.
I find this series amusing because so many of the highly-educated contestants appear to be lamentably ignorant: one team, when asked to name a work by Tchaikovsky which featured the ringing of church bells in honour of the Battle of Borodino, had no idea (the 1812 Overture).
Little Owen Jones was a member of the University College, Oxford team and apart from a couple of bonus questions pertaining to the establishment of the Irish Free State in 1922 might as well not have been there for all he contributed. Laugh…..? I’m afraid I did….
Skeldings……You didn’t need to enlighten us with the answer “1812 Overture”. You are among intelligent people here who know the BBC are Extreme left wing, wokeist, Remoaner trash.
I noticed that! He sat there looking thick as sh*te and contributed nothing until his moment of glory came when a question about Michael Collins was asked.
Media EV “expert” doesn’t know batteries don’t like the cold.
It’s incredible how you have the cheek to claim being a “sustainable transport & EV expert” yet ask for help on basic ev issues. Then when people respond with facts you ignore them 🤡🤦🏻#bbc#failspic.twitter.com/t5MR7MdeEl
It would appear everyones American Favourite AOC
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has made a documentary together with Woke loons at Netflix to such an extent along with other woke loons like the Harkles that Netflix are having to refund advertisers their money back because of exaggerated viewing figures.
AOC also made a climate change Documentary it was released in cinemas called “To The End” It managed a gross of less than $83 per cinema at its opening weekend taking less than $10000 !
Her previous documentary “Knock down the house” received a 99% from professional media luvvie reviewers, whilst the real people rated it at a laughable 11% !
Seems to be #ccbgb week in spades across the whole woke, luvvie, media diversity, bimbo, Carol, Stella, thick pol community.
Oh, and certain billionaires the bbc likes and leaves alone, because… the vig.
Extraordinary for him to assert that Twitter WAS run with adherence to an 'objective set of measures done by a broad group of people'. Being steered by the FBI- objective? Democrat bias and interference- objective? No a narrow and highly partisan amalgam of State and government!
Microsoft has been hammered in the courts. The evidence against the giant is overwhelming, says Neil McIntosh, while (below) Jack Schofield says Judge Jackson got it all wrong
Microsoft on trial: special report
Thu 11 Nov 1999 01.21 GMT
Judge Thomas Jackson’s finding that Microsoft unfairly wields monopoly power, the central conclusion in his 207-page findings of fact paper published on Friday, was the main thrust in a sweeping first-round victory for the US Department of Justice.
She is the kind of pol the bbc know, like them, speaks the people’s body language.
Hence watching a sports event at home with the dimmer bulb partner, but first setting up the camera pointing back at you, and then jumping up and down like a frog’s leg on a battery in biology class.
I can’t say absolutely for nurses, the authorities really like to bury the details amid all the guff.
But when you hear about teachers pay, do you ever hear about the contribution the school has to make to their pension scheme ? Nope, you most certainly do not.
In fact it is over 23% of salary.
Hands up all you private sector workers who get a 23% employer pension contribution.
Just as I thought. No- one.
So whatever you hear about nurses pay, just add a rough 20-25% to get their total remuneration.
The BBC will not be mentioning this. Too embarrassing. By far.
How much do nurses have to earn before the gullible brainwashed British public learn to say ‘they earn enough and don’t need a pay rise’.
And how much more tax are those same people prepared to pay before that happens?
Those criticising ‘rich bankers’ would laugh on the other side of their faces if the banks decided to ask for the money back on the money loaned for 25 years as a mortgage for their house. Where do they think that money comes from?
Money only grows on trees in LeftoidBBCGuardianland.
Must lose your job according to the far left libtard witch hunters
(so why is Brand still employed ?)
A look at the comments are interesting
“Jeremy Clarkson faces calls to be axed as host of ITV’s Who Wants to be a Millionaire and from Amazon Prime shows as backlash grows over column saying Meghan Markle should be publicly shamed
Former Top Gear host, 62, has faced a huge backlash over the piece on Friday
He wrote that he despises Meghan ‘on a cellular level’ and felt sorry for Harry
Column has become Ipso’s most complained about article, with over 17,500
Clarkson now facing calls to be let go from ITV’s Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?”
This sums up the Left and the woke perfectly. If they don’t like what you say, they don’t just want their free-speech to say it. They want to ruin you. These people do everything they can to ruin people’s lives and the key point here is that they really think they deserve it.
It’s the most extreme kind of spiteful hate and one of the base characteristics of the Left. It’s the flip side of their shallow, bi-polar character which is a fundamental part of what makes them like they are. The other being extreme empathy for things which is way out of proportion to the real world.
As you say Zephir, the complete lack of response to Jo Brand whose comment was far, far worse speaks volumes on what total hypocrites these people are.
Jo Brand’s controversial joke about throwing battery acid “went beyond what was appropriate” for a Radio 4 comedy show, the BBC has ruled.
The corporation has partially upheld complaints about the quip made by the comedian on Radio 4’s Heresy in June.
Referring to political figures who had been hit by milkshakes, she said: “I’m thinking, why bother with a milkshake when you could get some battery acid?”
But the BBC dismissed complaints that her remark amounted to incitement.
For the sake of fair play, a recent and mercifully short glimpse of Ms Brand suggests she’s currently treating a bad case of ringworm with chilli paste.
“Police investigate Conservative MP Bob Stewart’s Bahrain comment” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-64041140
Something tells me that with the mass invasion being allowed on our shores by the present Tory Government the Police will have far more important things to be concerned about ?
Wheres the pics bbc ? (you are normally so keen on pics of black men) ……it’s not even in London news…
“Four gangsters are jailed over shooting which left innocent fashion student, 32, on a first date paralysed for life when she was hit by a stray bullet that was aimed at drill rappers who were filming video on enemy turf”
“Ambulance strike causing deep worry, say NHS bosses” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-64037468
Remedy ?
Get rid of the NHS bosses and their parasitic penpushers and bean counters replace them with real doctors and nurses .
Simples !
I disagree. A good doctor is not necessarily a good manager. The NHS needs people to manage it properly. However, this 1948 era socialist behemoth is now probably too big to manage. Like the BBC, it cannot be reformed. Reform has been tried many times, and has always failed.
Spot on Rob. This is half the problem with the NHS. Nurses climb the ladder to the top of their pay grade, then are slid into a Management Course so they can position themselves into “MANAGEMENT” thus earning mega more than their nursing pay grade, but know bugger all about administration, but are eager to have the title of Manager of anything from Diversity to Social Awareness to Milk Monitor or Prefect !!!!! I saw it for myself on numerous occasions !! and it needs stopping.
Ditch the dross, stop contracting out, no more 6 months paid sick, and install ‘proper’ accountants who have a firm grip on spending .
A licence to swagger around amongst one’s ex-colleagues, spending ages trying to make them stay with the firm, getting a GL car, a few more quid, and a general sneering from just about everybody one they knew in their business!
The only way forward was to move firms!
Doesn’t happen much in public services though; they lap it up, and when they get to a certain level, they swap jobs every couple of years to a new sinecure, where they become even more incompetent than they were previously.
Of course, it’s all tax-payer’s money, so they care very little.
Nurses and matrons make “good managers” who have had ‘hands on experience’ .
I still maintain that there are far too many managers and people employed in ‘non clinical jobs’.
IMHO the trusts get a budget each year which they must use before the next financial year or they will lose it, hence the ‘silly jobs’ and waste in the NHS. What exactly do the trusts do ?
Please correct me if I am wrong.
“Pro-life activist arrested for praying silently near an abortion facility
Isabel Vaughan-Spruce, the Director of the UK March for Life, was standing near the BPAS Robert Clinic in Kings Norton, Birmingham in an area ADF UK called a “censorship zone,” when police approached her after an onlooker complained she might be praying outside the abortion facility the report said. Birmingham’s authorities established a buffer zone around abortion clinics, which makes it illegal for an individual to engage in any act or attempted act of approval or disapproval as it relates to abortion and includes “verbal or written means” like “prayer or counseling.”
“It’s abhorrently wrong that I was searched, arrested, interrogated by police and charged simply for praying in the privacy of my own mind,” Vaughan-Spruce said following her arrest. “I was exercising my freedom of thought, my freedom of religion, inside the privacy of my own mind. Nobody should be criminalised for thinking and for praying, in a public space in the UK.”
“As part of her conditions for bail, police restricted Vaughan-Spruce from praying publicly in other areas besides the abortion facility, according to ADF.
Parliamentarians in the UK are considering legislation to introduce similar censorship zones in other parts of England and Wales that would restrict pro-life volunteers from from interfering with the ability to “access, provide, or facilitate the provision of abortion services.”
@Zephir “unbelievable”
#1 Nope it is totally believable
She broke the Public Space Protection Order law and was charged
What’s strange is similar laws are NOT used against XR
Police “The PSPO creates a zone around a specific facility to protect women from harassment by any means if they are seeking a medical procedure or advice at an abortion clinic.”
BBC so keen to talk about Twitter when a non lefty is in charge, but………somehow, appear to be biased ?
“FBI paid Twitter $3.5M ‘to do its bidding’: Taxpayers’ money was used for ‘processing requests’ from the bureau amid Hunter Biden censorship scandal – as anger grows over secret state censorship of the American people”
King Herod comes to a Parliament near you. How appropriate for the Christian Feast day at the start of next week. (Technical note: the wise men turned up a bit ‘after the event’ because they had come a long way, possibly as far as India and China, so all the babies two years of age and under were ordered by Herod to be killed.)
Excellent news
The ambulance service going on strike . This will relieve pressure on the hard working NHS by not taking people to hospital .
Also – hospital mortality rates will fall as punters die ‘in the community ‘… another plus . ……
More seriously – with nurses and ambulance staff and other medical mafia striking for various reasons – normally Money – surely there is a case for restructuring the NHS – perhaps concentrating on ‘core ‘ issues rather than the woke stuff …?
( I know this won’t happen – it just sucks in more billions which achieve nothing )….
Taffman – short answer is ‘no’ .The Left is in a happy place watchiny blue labour acting like socialists .
Although those MPs already jumping ship know whats coming a lot still think they can convince a fed up electorate that they are worth voting for .
Much of the blame lies with johnson who was only good at getting elected – not at doing the job .
At one stage I had a personal interest in this so read the dillnot report – upon which the ‘reform ‘ was based .
I don’t think either the red or blue labour types give a damn about social care – and would much rather suffer from overwhelmed hospitals …..
Chris has a point… just not the one he ‘s raving about.
It’s hate crime , pure & simple . If there were any sort of justice there would be laws that would jail him . And shut down the publisher . Is this the country we want to live in ? Is this what we should tolerate ? We must ask ourselves – where is this leading ? Nowhere good .
Zero idea what this Chris is talking about; guess I’m not keeping up.
Really edgy typing – leaving a space before commas, full stops and question marks🙄.
Pakistan: man sentenced to death for blasphemy on Facebook
Taimoor Raza was found guilty of insulting the prophet Muhammad during an argument on social media with a counter-terrorism official
tomo, same is happening here. The ONS relate unemployment as a percentage figure. Unless you know the UK workforce figure (currently about 34 million+) you cannot work out how many are unemployed in the UK. That enables the BBC to be equally vague. I really ought to write to Marianna Spring to get her to look into this.
“Enough fentanyl to kill every single American seized in 2022”
If only there was a high-profile case they could use as an example of the sort of tragedy unfolding every day? For example a career criminal dying during an arrest while doped to the eyeballs?
They can’t have forgotten his name already, could they? It was top story for Lord knows how long.
A middle aged relative of mine is a GP , mind you that no longer means that he isn’t daft. At a family get together this week he declared that the boys who recently drowned in Solihull were victims of climate change!
His rationale was that because winters had been milder in recent years the boys would never have seen the lake frozen and wouldn’t know that walking on ice was dangerous.
Another relative has been suffering from migraine attacks recently and wondered if they were caused by climate change too. The GP said that increased humidity could lead to headaches and sinus problems so climate change could be a factor.
I kept quiet , they know what I think and don’t welcome cold showers of common sense. But seriously if 40 somethings think like this what hope have we got.
Double, er, actually no, increased humidity is good for sinuses – and throats, too. Professional singers sometimes use nebulisers to clear the sinuses and also to moisten and lubricate the vocal cords. They wouldn’t do that if it gave them a headache because singing would make that headache worse.
Weirdly there is the germ of a truth in this story.
Which is that we are subject to statist de-skilling, often in the alleged name of safety. By cosseting people, including children, by wrapping them in cotton wool, we deny them the learning of evaluating risk. Don’t climb trees, you might fall and hurt yourself. Don’t do this. Don’t do that.
And think about all those pelican crossings. Much safer than chancing it across the road, yes? Notice how many women ( could be men) at pelican crossings FIRST push the pushchair into the road when the green man (other genders are available) lights up. They don’t look at the traffic!!!!!!!! How do they know the motorist has seen his/ her lights go red?
And now we have all these whizzy parking sensors we don’t need to be able to reverse into a space anymore. So we lose the skill to do so.
The GP may have been right but for the wrong reason.
Not global warming but mollycoddling.
Sluff, when we were children we sort of knew science, largely through observation. Therefore, lake with vegetation (although it is true for any body of water outdoors in below zero temperatures eg. birdbath) is likely not to freeze to any great depth. Try the ice at the edge with someone hanging on to your other (inland) arm. Stamp down really hard. If it doesn’t break, it might support your weight. Then venture out onto the ice and listen carefully for cracking noises. If you hear any, head for the shore immediately.
Watching the sat nav, useful as the thing is, saps your map-reading ability, so you don’t really know where you are.
It is like looking at the TV screen to tell you what weather you would see if you looked out of the window.
Heard on a bus:
“Where did you go for your holiday, Tracy?”
“Where’s that?”
“I dunno, we went by air.”
Double – wise choice – maybe the doc should take more water with it …..
There is a clear case for making 8 year old boys ( I was one once ) fill out a risk assessment form before they go out to play …
Those poor boys paid the awful price …
Kids are already filling out their own elf-an-safety forms. At my daughters school they had to fill in a form even if the kids were going outside to pick daisies. The teachers were so sick to the tooth of these forms that they got the kids to fill in the forms themselves – i.e. what *could* happen to them.
Please advise the teachers that picking daisies has a catastrophic impact on biodiversity and harms the ecosphere. It is a practise that must be stamped out .
In a reply the Hull Sisters twitter thread about their PR piece on Look North, Malika says asylum seekers are “Forced to eat poison”
Racial biases is so high in Hull that BBC has closed the comment section for this post. People are forced to eat poison and are giving messages by the services to be grateful of what they have been offered, forcing them to eat poison.
As the nurses and paramedics strike, and only deal with priority 1 life threatening cases, does this have an impact on A&E? All the people who go to A&E with non urgent cases, acting as a sink hole for GPs, that clog up the system will be absent. Maybe the real purpose of A&E will be more efficient.
The strikes by nurses and paramedics are RACIST. A&E departments are often used by vulnerable communities who may not be registered with doctors, and instead are forced to attend A&E for any medical matters. As such, these communities, who mainly, ney, exclusively, comprise women and children plus doctors, engineers and architects, are disproportionately impacted i.e. racism, pure and simple. Why is the BBC not pointing this out?
How about having it as a pervert free toilet?
Unless theres a servere shortage of coffee shops in Soho, naturally the locals the bbc mention won’t need a toilet themselves.
There was a similar place in Leytonstone, I avoided ever going in, but would still see the creepy gays loitering around in the doorway.
One day I naively thought the problem had been sorted, as there was a prominant police warning notice stuck outside!
But no, it was warning users that homophobic behaviour wouldn’t be tolerated.
Hey Eddy – was it the one on Whips X roundabout ? One of those ‘boys ‘ tried to pick me up near there once after I’d been visiting the hospital ( honest your honour ) I was an innocent teen then … yes really …
The convenience diagonally opposite Leytonstone tube station, next to the bus station.
Talking over 10 years ago.
Guess every other place in London was/ is full of them too.
“Have you ever spent longer than necessary in a mens public toilet ”
Should be an employment question for gay candidates, which would vet out 99% of the creeps.
I am disgusted. Disgusted I tell you.
Your posts totally omit consideration of transgender individuals.
Don’t you know their rights are far greater proportionally than gay or straight people, according to the SNP and BBC, so it must be true.
What do we want ? Transgender cottaging.
When do we want it? Errrrrrrr………….
Nihal in his happy place talking at length about Hall’s warmth, his vulnerability, his mental health, which of course leads to the Arthanayakean foundational theme, ready to be invoked at a moment’s notice… boys not talking about their emotions.
Then caught a bit in the car later, the two hosts continuing… racial tension in the 80s, inclusivity, Thatcher, etc etc. Anything about the music he made? No.
The BBC have more in-group favourites than a playground full of schoolgirls.
Terminal – I only vaguely know of the R5 type you name – but I reckon he is not old enough to recall the 1980s … I do. – it was the time when the coal mines were closed by an ultra green government to save the planet … ( or maybe this is an alt history ) …
I did like that ‘1 in 10 ‘ though ( another lie )
Terminal – yes – I remember – the BBC was ‘upskilling’ on its anti Britain back then – an identifiable target ( Mrs T) – pro IRA- pro union – but still without the 24/7 total social change agenda it now runs on all ages in all media ….
It’s far more dangerous now and with every passing year it is making it ‘normal ‘…
… fixations about colour – trannies – rights – ( benefits – welfare scrounging ) is only growing as Blighty heads south for the foreseeable future …
Mp Andrew Bridgen Speaks Out To James Delingpole On Covid-19. "We've been lied to by scientists, we've been lied to by politicians, and we've been lied to by advisors." https://t.co/1F2jqb8ZYFpic.twitter.com/GmNWwQ9Ex4
'I wonder if this drives an attempt to encase the Covid event with impenetrable denial.'
Neil Oliver gives his take on Parliament shutting down Andrew Bridgen's call for the Government to halt the use of mRNA Covid vaccines. pic.twitter.com/lPH3JNbK3Z
In August 2019, Mere Plantations paid £3,300 for Bridgen to travel to Ghana to visit the teak plantations.
“They flew me out to show me the trees. I saw 10,000 acres of very good trees,” Bridgen said
So that looks like almost paid lobbying, cos he got a free trip.
Then he screwed up the paperwork
Instead of saying he’d been on a trip value £3K, his Member of Interests page said he was a director and could get future payments up to £12K. Yet he that was never true. Now he says that should have said he was an advisor who never took any wage.
He argues the trip Ghana was not worth anything to him
However to anyone else the hospitality value to it , though not much
Dec 2022 Five day suspension from Commons confirmed with warning it could have been longer after MP accepted free trip to Africa and £5000 donation and then lobbied minister for the timber firm that provided them.
The suspension is counted in parliament sitting time ..and his salary is not paid for those days.
Tomo – after witnessing the antics of the new bercow – closing down any questions about the vaccines – I’m surprised anyone was allowed to make a speech about those killed / seriously injured by those dodgy products ….
… hence a timely disinterment of historical disciplinary things – seems a reasonable inference?
I just listened to an hour of cardiologists Malhotra and McCullough discussing the mRNA “vaccines” – the emphasis wasn’t really on IF but on scoping the extents of the wholly unacceptable impacts that have been observed with some anecdotes about the suppression tactics doing the rounds.
Vax fee to general practice increased as government sets huge target
By Shruti Sheth Trivedi, Dave West30 November 2021
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Primary care providers will be paid £15 for covid vaccinations from tomorrow, up from £12.58
Calls for military support to be brought in due to staffing concerns
NHS asked for huge expansion of vaccination programme
Dropping GP pay-for-performance still under discussion
GP practices and pharmacies providing covid vaccinations will be paid around 20 per cent more over the next two months, as the NHS seeks to hugely speed up the process despite major constraints on workforce, HSJ has learned.
There’s stuff circulating that the Brixton gig mayhem was caused by people turning up without tickets. Even some reports of stewards letting them into the venue, favours for mates or similar.
I remember the Champions League final in May where French police were accused of heavy-handed tactics on fans. Far less reported were the gangs of ticketless ‘locals’ trying to force their way into the stadium and mugging Liverpool and Madrid fans outside.
It was in Paris — except it wasn’t — it was in St Denis, a banlieue with a known crime problem. Thierry Henry had already warned about the venue location prior to the final. But the most the BBC could bring themselves to acknowledge was that the troublemakers were “young men who did not appear to be wearing red Liverpool shirts.”
If we do find out what happened at Brixton, it won’t be via the BBC.
Thierry Henry before the Champions League Final:
“The final is in Saint-Denis, not Paris. Trust me, you don’t want to be in Saint-Denis.” pic.twitter.com/UJmhb9lUQm
Eddy, three months, often, usually, standard, for pancreatic cancer. Friend of mine survived for a whole year. Wilko Johnson did even better but then he had an operable tumour and a great surgeon.
I didn’t like that song much at all – and I didn’t even realise it was politcial.
The reason The Guardian and the Left liked it so much is because it was criticising Thatcher.
Same hypocrisy as those who clapped Baldwin doing his Trump impressions on SNL just for making fun of someone they hate : it’s a kind of childish spite and I expect they are all absolutely unware of what they are.
“It’s Jane Fonda. I’m writing to you today about the future of our planet.
Scientists say that time is running out to break away from fossil fuels like oil, gas, and coal before the worst effects of the climate crisis become irreversible.
So it is our job to do everything we can to end the era of fossil fuels. That means breaking the stranglehold that fossil fuel companies have on our governments. That means leading the way in helping communities own their renewable energy futures.
And it means campaigning and organising for what we want our world to look like when oil, gas, and coal are things of the past.
That is why I’m asking if you can join me in making your first donation to 350.org before the new year.”
This from a woman whose face could offset the Plastics Pact. How did she get to Hanoi?
According to Wikipedia, Jane Fonda’s Workout was the biggest selling VHS of the 20th century.
That’s a heck of a lot landfill for the now obsolete format.
Vis a vis that young black reporter, Mrs Voter and I are spending Christmas in blighty with her sister. She had the Blatantly Black Channel on last night at 6 o’clock and there was this young reporter called David, I have no idea how old he is, probably got here in a dinghy as a 12 year old. He could not look the aged reporter in the eye and wasn’t exactly articulate, v for the, or any other word containg the letters th, etc.
He did report however that he was going to carry on, his next assignments include :-
1. Why do all machete carriers look like me.
2. Why do all looters look like me.
3. Why do all rioters look like me.
4:30pm R4 Media Show
“Social media, anti-social media, breaking news, faking news: this is the programme about a revolution in media.”
Really it’s a BBC panel obsessed with Musk
and sneering at him
The presenter just told off American journo for saying “sh!tty”
TwatO Watch #1 – duher, that’s really not very bright
Sir Lindsay Hoyle MP, Speaker of the House of Commons demonstrates that he doesn’t know his job! Apparently, he thinks Gordon Brown’s rescue plan for The Sucker in Charge of Labour to get rid of the House of Lords after the next GE will not work and he claims that you cannot have two elected Chambers.
Sir Lindsay is obviously not one of the sharpest twigs in the Westminster forest. Most legislatures around the world run two elected Chambers and Sir Lindsay was not paying attention obviously to the recent US mid-term Elections. All Labour would need to do is to have a stated Primacy for the Commons written into the legislation abolishing the House of Lords. At times, I despair at the quality of our MPs.
Just seen that that annual waste of space and time Sports personality of the year is on tonight. A long time ago when I was young I enjoyed this. However with non stop bloody wokeness foisted on us now it is just be avoided at all costs. We really do NOT want to see jug ears and his cadre of sycophants out woke themselves to brighten our evening.
Safe to say I will not be watching. The “Peripheral” is on Amazon prime. Will finish that instead.
Why Mariah Carey was wrong to play Saudi Arabia
This article is more than 3 years oldOwen Jones
Owen Jones
When pop stars are duped into performing in the Arab country, they merely help the regime’s propaganda machine
“Disused cruise ships could be used to house asylum seekers – Braverman” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-64053099
More huff and bluff ?
Promises, promises and even more promises from the totally, useless Tory Government.
Celebrities, authors and footballers have spoken out to pledge their support for the thousands of refugees seeking sanctuary in Europe. Bob Geldof, in a highly charged interview on Irish radio, offered to take in four families immediately and give them shelter in his homes in Kent and London.4 Sept 2015
Benedict Cumberbatch ‘regrets’ speaking out on migrant crisis: ‘I got carried away’
The actor was criticised when he hit out at politicians over their handling of the situation
Asylum seekers found returning home to war zones on HOLIDAY
REFUGEES seeking asylum from war and persecution are returning to danger zones on HOLIDAY, German employment agencies has confirmed.
13:46, Tue, Sep 13, 2016 | UPDATED: 13:51, Tue, Sep 13, 2016
Today the BBC journalists Michael Keohan and Colin Campbell released a shocking report on the channel crossings. It showed people smugglers selling their wares brazenly in the migrant camps and many children living in unsafe and dangerous conditions, as well as—this is breathtaking—a free French public bus service that migrants can use to travel directly from the camps to the Dunkirk departure beaches. Will my right hon. Friend allow a statement on the issue of tackling the small boat crossings and the Government’s response in their work with France?
Isn’t it just amazing that murders by white males get multiple, lengthy articles full of empathy for the victims and the many brutal murders we have by black people are almost always single, brief articles which start in the sub-panes and disappear quickly – if they are even reported at all.
Meanwhile two murders – both updated within the last 4 hours – from Londonistan – aren’t even on the front page.
The ‘London Violence’ page is always an enlightening read for people who care about BBC racist discrimination. Very few of those articles make the actual news page (unless whitey is involved of course). https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/topics/ce73e14rlz3t
In general I agree. I wish in this case it hadn’t been such detailed coverage as it is stomach turning. This individual is an inhuman, a monster, and I hope someone sorts him out quickly in prison.
Fedup2Mar 10, 20:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Richard – thanks – nice to see the boys and girls of 77 brigade get an honourable mention . As…
FlotsamMar 10, 19:41 Start the Week 10th March 2025 As a seafarer myself it seems to be an unbelievably bad bit of driving. One ship was at anchor, there…
diggMar 10, 19:14 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Two ships crash in the North Sea with risky cargos…. TV roll on environmental mouthpieces.. oh the curlews….oh the puffins…..…
Up2snuffMar 10, 18:56 Start the Week 10th March 2025 MM, Hindus & Muslims have always clashed. Do pay attention. They clash in modern India. They also clashed way back…
Richard PinderMar 10, 18:47 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Not reported by the BBC. Donald Trump is revealing the criminal activity of the British Establishment. I think Trump has…
Richard PinderMar 10, 18:42 Start the Week 10th March 2025 After banning elected President Călin Georgescu and ruling he can never run again, Romanian authorities are now using brute force…
Emmanuel GoldsteinMar 10, 18:30 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Anybody else think that the Mike Amesbury election is suddenly going to take place because Labour feel it’s their best…
Fedup2Mar 10, 18:06 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Someone has noticed the slaughter of non Muslims in Syria – now who could that be – well according to…
atlas_shruggedMar 10, 18:06 Start the Week 10th March 2025 How about sending Palestinian Action off to gaza to help the Palestinians: https://www.standard.co.uk/news/crime/palestine-action-allianz-protest-gracechurch-street-occupation-b1215699.html No need to get them back. This…
I’m the first to wish everyone a very Happy Christmas and best wishes for a warm and peaceful New Year.
Big thanks to Fed for his moderation through the year, Stew for providing links and also, with Guest Who, for braving Twitter. And a big thank you to Robert working hard behind the scenes to keep this show on the road.
May we all be rewarded with Parliamentary pressure on the BBC to drop the TV Licence Fee for a much reduced subscription payment. May a household TV charge via Council Tax never come into being. Instead we hope for a streamlined, efficient BBC instead of the bloated, partisan, broadcaster who keeps us all occupied.
Very kind – and to you and all who read / contribute to this site – thank you. Its a long and worthy battle .
Harvey Proctor says on Day 19 ITV finally contacted him to say they are investigating
On the previous comments you said you didn’t believe my post mentioning the Rwanda deal where for each one we send there we get a Rwanda person back who has problems (medical) that Rwanda can’t do anything about and that we would have to care for them (and still pay Rwanda many £millions)
If you can get Farage on catch-up from tonight he talks with Ben Habib and they also point this out as well as saying it’s being kept quiet about.
I posted it a couple of hours before Farage and you have possibly seen it since then and if so you can disregard this.
This is indeed the case. It is discreetly hidden away as section 16 in part 2 of the Memorandum of Understanding between the UK and Rwanda governments, published on 14th April 2022 and available here:
The paragraph reads:
‘16.1 The Participants will make arrangements for the United Kingdom to resettle a portion of Rwanda’s most vulnerable refugees in the United Kingdom, recognising both Participants’ commitment towards providing better international protection for refugees.’
In practical terms, this means many people with severe medical problems, particularly Congolese refugees who sought sanctuary in Rwanda. According to the UNHCR, Rwanda was hosting 127,000 refugees at the end of 2021, mainly from DR Congo and Burundi.
The memorandum is a scam and needs to be replaced. So-called asylum seekers could still be sent to Rwanda, but there must be no reciprocity. Rather, foreign aid payments to Rwanda would be made dependent on their co-operation. In turn, the foreign aid to countries that the so-called asylum seekers have come from e.g. Pakistan, Afghanistan etc, would in turn be reduced to help pay for it.
A few years back, the British government commited £64 million aid to Rwanda, of which they then spent nearly half of it on a sponsorship deal with Arsenal football club.
Arsenal is in turn owned by the American billionaire, Stan Kroenke.
See how it all works, folks?
Thank you for the depressing research – it puts a different spin on the whole thing . By the looks of it we’d be better off without the Rwanda involvement ….
…and I am amazed – amazed – that this has not been picked up by the Daily Angry or even leading MPs ….
.. maybe it’s just not real …? But if it is …. It’s a worse state of affairs than anyone could imagine …..
… I bet there are Rwandans here already knowing the current dumb government …
How about we do a deal with Albania. For every one of their invaders we get to send them two of our ‘vulnerable refugees’. The term is much beloved of our lawyer classes who get to define this to include all kind of scumbags.
So for every Albanian invader we get rid of two of the worst from our country. Examples would be the murderers of Jamie Bulger or the couple who murdered the Soham schoolgirls. We could also include people who are enemies of the realm such as immigration judges and human rights lawyers.
Here is the best bit. Albania pays the UK every time this happens.
Well I can dream can’t I?
Not one for one
Habib clearly said it definitely a one in one out policy
However that is not what the paper says
It opens
“The UK has also committed to resettling a small but unspecified number of vulnerable refugees currently in Rwanda.”
The term ‘small’ being intentionally ambiguous e.g. I heard an MP on the radio last week saying that ‘only a relatively small number of people have crossed the Channel this year’. Don’t be surprised if a handful of so-called asylum seekers sent to Rwanda are replaced by several thousand coming the other way.
Small – 4000K?
Washington Post laying off large numbers of woke staff after they lost 500K subscribers – go woke go broke, but this wouldn’t apply to the BBC as normal market punishment for failure is not for them thanks to the unique way, but it should do, as the market is very efficient at rewarding those who please the people they serve, and punishing the ones who don’t.
BTW if you can watch the meeting with management and employees at the WaPo as the lefties find out it really is worth a watch.
On the BBC news this evening was a young black BBC reporter who has done an article saying, “why do no teachers look like me?”, moaning that most teachers are white.
He will have only got his job at the BBC because of his skin colour, for many years now the BBC recruitment adverts exclude white male students from applying.
Our schools will probably be doing that now as well.
One of the few things I still enjoy on the BBC is, despite its ever-increasing wokeness, University Challenge. This week it’s the traditional Christmas Special featuring teams of alumni distinguished, at least in terms of the Gramscian Establishment, in various fields.
I find this series amusing because so many of the highly-educated contestants appear to be lamentably ignorant: one team, when asked to name a work by Tchaikovsky which featured the ringing of church bells in honour of the Battle of Borodino, had no idea (the 1812 Overture).
Little Owen Jones was a member of the University College, Oxford team and apart from a couple of bonus questions pertaining to the establishment of the Irish Free State in 1922 might as well not have been there for all he contributed. Laugh…..? I’m afraid I did….
Skeldings……You didn’t need to enlighten us with the answer “1812 Overture”. You are among intelligent people here who know the BBC are Extreme left wing, wokeist, Remoaner trash.
Flotsam, don’t hold back, tell the BBC how you really feel about them. 🙂
I thought the black female black-feminist team captain was very well-balanced. She clearly had a chip on both shoulders.
And was on the losing team.
I noticed that! He sat there looking thick as sh*te and contributed nothing until his moment of glory came when a question about Michael Collins was asked.
Media EV “expert” doesn’t know batteries don’t like the cold.
The kind of ‘expertise’ the bbc likes, if white, in a nice red number.
Wait until they promote her to ‘specialist’ Spingster Class.
It would appear everyones American Favourite AOC
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has made a documentary together with Woke loons at Netflix to such an extent along with other woke loons like the Harkles that Netflix are having to refund advertisers their money back because of exaggerated viewing figures.
AOC also made a climate change Documentary it was released in cinemas called “To The End” It managed a gross of less than $83 per cinema at its opening weekend taking less than $10000 !
Her previous documentary “Knock down the house” received a 99% from professional media luvvie reviewers, whilst the real people rated it at a laughable 11% !
Seems to be #ccbgb week in spades across the whole woke, luvvie, media diversity, bimbo, Carol, Stella, thick pol community.
Oh, and certain billionaires the bbc likes and leaves alone, because… the vig.
Microsoft has been hammered in the courts. The evidence against the giant is overwhelming, says Neil McIntosh, while (below) Jack Schofield says Judge Jackson got it all wrong
Microsoft on trial: special report
Thu 11 Nov 1999 01.21 GMT
Judge Thomas Jackson’s finding that Microsoft unfairly wields monopoly power, the central conclusion in his 207-page findings of fact paper published on Friday, was the main thrust in a sweeping first-round victory for the US Department of Justice.
She is the kind of pol the bbc know, like them, speaks the people’s body language.
Hence watching a sports event at home with the dimmer bulb partner, but first setting up the camera pointing back at you, and then jumping up and down like a frog’s leg on a battery in biology class.
Then… posting it.
Hello Thoughtful
RNLI ferries keep advertising on the tele, I’m wondering if the left is propping them up
Substitute ‘Soros’ for ‘left’
I can’t say absolutely for nurses, the authorities really like to bury the details amid all the guff.
But when you hear about teachers pay, do you ever hear about the contribution the school has to make to their pension scheme ? Nope, you most certainly do not.
In fact it is over 23% of salary.
Hands up all you private sector workers who get a 23% employer pension contribution.
Just as I thought. No- one.
So whatever you hear about nurses pay, just add a rough 20-25% to get their total remuneration.
The BBC will not be mentioning this. Too embarrassing. By far.
How much do nurses have to earn before the gullible brainwashed British public learn to say ‘they earn enough and don’t need a pay rise’.
And how much more tax are those same people prepared to pay before that happens?
Those criticising ‘rich bankers’ would laugh on the other side of their faces if the banks decided to ask for the money back on the money loaned for 25 years as a mortgage for their house. Where do they think that money comes from?
Money only grows on trees in LeftoidBBCGuardianland.
Must lose your job according to the far left libtard witch hunters
(so why is Brand still employed ?)
A look at the comments are interesting
“Jeremy Clarkson faces calls to be axed as host of ITV’s Who Wants to be a Millionaire and from Amazon Prime shows as backlash grows over column saying Meghan Markle should be publicly shamed
Former Top Gear host, 62, has faced a huge backlash over the piece on Friday
He wrote that he despises Meghan ‘on a cellular level’ and felt sorry for Harry
Column has become Ipso’s most complained about article, with over 17,500
Clarkson now facing calls to be let go from ITV’s Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?”
Clarkson’s Meghan comments ‘awful’ but host will remain, says ITV boss
Now the BBC are in on it.
This sums up the Left and the woke perfectly. If they don’t like what you say, they don’t just want their free-speech to say it. They want to ruin you. These people do everything they can to ruin people’s lives and the key point here is that they really think they deserve it.
It’s the most extreme kind of spiteful hate and one of the base characteristics of the Left. It’s the flip side of their shallow, bi-polar character which is a fundamental part of what makes them like they are. The other being extreme empathy for things which is way out of proportion to the real world.
As you say Zephir, the complete lack of response to Jo Brand whose comment was far, far worse speaks volumes on what total hypocrites these people are.
Jo Brand battery acid joke ‘went too far’, BBC rules
29 August 2019
Jo Brand’s controversial joke about throwing battery acid “went beyond what was appropriate” for a Radio 4 comedy show, the BBC has ruled.
The corporation has partially upheld complaints about the quip made by the comedian on Radio 4’s Heresy in June.
Referring to political figures who had been hit by milkshakes, she said: “I’m thinking, why bother with a milkshake when you could get some battery acid?”
But the BBC dismissed complaints that her remark amounted to incitement.
For the sake of fair play, a recent and mercifully short glimpse of Ms Brand suggests she’s currently treating a bad case of ringworm with chilli paste.
I do hope so.
“Police investigate Conservative MP Bob Stewart’s Bahrain comment”
Something tells me that with the mass invasion being allowed on our shores by the present Tory Government the Police will have far more important things to be concerned about ?
Why? Illegal immigrants are allowed to do whatever they want.
Feeling the enrichment ?
Wheres the pics bbc ? (you are normally so keen on pics of black men) ……it’s not even in London news…
“Four gangsters are jailed over shooting which left innocent fashion student, 32, on a first date paralysed for life when she was hit by a stray bullet that was aimed at drill rappers who were filming video on enemy turf”
“Ambulance strike causing deep worry, say NHS bosses”
Remedy ?
Get rid of the NHS bosses and their parasitic penpushers and bean counters replace them with real doctors and nurses .
Simples !
I disagree. A good doctor is not necessarily a good manager. The NHS needs people to manage it properly. However, this 1948 era socialist behemoth is now probably too big to manage. Like the BBC, it cannot be reformed. Reform has been tried many times, and has always failed.
Spot on Rob. This is half the problem with the NHS. Nurses climb the ladder to the top of their pay grade, then are slid into a Management Course so they can position themselves into “MANAGEMENT” thus earning mega more than their nursing pay grade, but know bugger all about administration, but are eager to have the title of Manager of anything from Diversity to Social Awareness to Milk Monitor or Prefect !!!!! I saw it for myself on numerous occasions !! and it needs stopping.
Ditch the dross, stop contracting out, no more 6 months paid sick, and install ‘proper’ accountants who have a firm grip on spending .
Too right Brissles!
Aaaah, the promotion to ‘Manager’…
A licence to swagger around amongst one’s ex-colleagues, spending ages trying to make them stay with the firm, getting a GL car, a few more quid, and a general sneering from just about everybody one they knew in their business!
The only way forward was to move firms!
Doesn’t happen much in public services though; they lap it up, and when they get to a certain level, they swap jobs every couple of years to a new sinecure, where they become even more incompetent than they were previously.
Of course, it’s all tax-payer’s money, so they care very little.
Nurses and matrons make “good managers” who have had ‘hands on experience’ .
I still maintain that there are far too many managers and people employed in ‘non clinical jobs’.
IMHO the trusts get a budget each year which they must use before the next financial year or they will lose it, hence the ‘silly jobs’ and waste in the NHS. What exactly do the trusts do ?
Please correct me if I am wrong.
This….is ….unbelievable……
The insanity being unleashed upon us IN THE UK
(but, it seems only reported outside of the UK):
“Pro-life activist arrested for praying silently near an abortion facility
Isabel Vaughan-Spruce, the Director of the UK March for Life, was standing near the BPAS Robert Clinic in Kings Norton, Birmingham in an area ADF UK called a “censorship zone,” when police approached her after an onlooker complained she might be praying outside the abortion facility the report said. Birmingham’s authorities established a buffer zone around abortion clinics, which makes it illegal for an individual to engage in any act or attempted act of approval or disapproval as it relates to abortion and includes “verbal or written means” like “prayer or counseling.”
“It’s abhorrently wrong that I was searched, arrested, interrogated by police and charged simply for praying in the privacy of my own mind,” Vaughan-Spruce said following her arrest. “I was exercising my freedom of thought, my freedom of religion, inside the privacy of my own mind. Nobody should be criminalised for thinking and for praying, in a public space in the UK.”
“As part of her conditions for bail, police restricted Vaughan-Spruce from praying publicly in other areas besides the abortion facility, according to ADF.
Parliamentarians in the UK are considering legislation to introduce similar censorship zones in other parts of England and Wales that would restrict pro-life volunteers from from interfering with the ability to “access, provide, or facilitate the provision of abortion services.”
Best not stifle a sneeze in public.
Caught at the wrong moment that could be a silent prayer/stare combo enough for Carol Pneumatic to demand the chair.
@Zephir “unbelievable”
#1 Nope it is totally believable
She broke the Public Space Protection Order law and was charged
What’s strange is similar laws are NOT used against XR
#2 It is not new news ..It happened on Dec 6th
#3 It was reported in UK media
eg https://www.birminghammail.co.uk/news/midlands-news/isabel-vaughan-spruce-45-charged-25794626
#4 It’s not unique ..similar has happened in Bournemouth
#5 The Protection Order. https://birmingham.gov.uk/download/downloads/id/24121/robert_clinic_station_road_b30.pdf
Police “The PSPO creates a zone around a specific facility to protect women from harassment by any means if they are seeking a medical procedure or advice at an abortion clinic.”
The reason I only recently heard this is because it was NOT reported in the national media and was reported on Fox news this week
BBC so keen to talk about Twitter when a non lefty is in charge, but………somehow, appear to be biased ?
“FBI paid Twitter $3.5M ‘to do its bidding’: Taxpayers’ money was used for ‘processing requests’ from the bureau amid Hunter Biden censorship scandal – as anger grows over secret state censorship of the American people”
“Kill the babies, kill all the babies!”
King Herod comes to a Parliament near you. How appropriate for the Christian Feast day at the start of next week. (Technical note: the wise men turned up a bit ‘after the event’ because they had come a long way, possibly as far as India and China, so all the babies two years of age and under were ordered by Herod to be killed.)
Timmeh! and Bill and Carol and Malice.
Excellent news
The ambulance service going on strike . This will relieve pressure on the hard working NHS by not taking people to hospital .
Also – hospital mortality rates will fall as punters die ‘in the community ‘… another plus . ……
More seriously – with nurses and ambulance staff and other medical mafia striking for various reasons – normally Money – surely there is a case for restructuring the NHS – perhaps concentrating on ‘core ‘ issues rather than the woke stuff …?
( I know this won’t happen – it just sucks in more billions which achieve nothing )….
Perhaps this blue labour government is considering taking a leaf out of Canadas book:
Government borrowing a record high !
Can this “government “ do anything right ?
Taffman – short answer is ‘no’ .The Left is in a happy place watchiny blue labour acting like socialists .
Although those MPs already jumping ship know whats coming a lot still think they can convince a fed up electorate that they are worth voting for .
Much of the blame lies with johnson who was only good at getting elected – not at doing the job .
Fed, you forget Bojo’s one and only achievement: sorting out the social care mess via the NI increase.
Up2 – I think Hunt dumped that … again …. I don’t think Nut nut achieved anything – apart from a symbolic exit from the ReichEU …..
The whole State mindset is still in it – dreaming of the formal rejoin…..
Fed, no, Truss did and Hunt did not reinstate it.
At one stage I had a personal interest in this so read the dillnot report – upon which the ‘reform ‘ was based .
I don’t think either the red or blue labour types give a damn about social care – and would much rather suffer from overwhelmed hospitals …..
… they really are so so thick ….
Zelensky in Washington: Ukraine’s leader heads to US for first foreign trip
Saint Zelensky is visting the US, the bBC is pleased
I wonder if Biden firstly will remember he’s coming and secondly bring us closer to WW3
I bet the russians had a think about shooting down the US aircraft carrying him ..
He’s probably just looking for a few more new homes he can purchase. Think he knows his time is up in Ukraine.
Why, because the Russians are winning? You crack me up.
“Migrants detained illegally, official email claims”
Is it because they are “illegal”?
Chris has a point… just not the one he ‘s raving about.
Zero idea what this Chris is talking about; guess I’m not keeping up.
Really edgy typing – leaving a space before commas, full stops and question marks🙄.
One of the bansturbators raving about Clarkson
Tolerant lefties
don’t like diversity of views, there must be conformity.
People TOLERATE, tolerant-lefties like Wes Streeting when he spouts hurty words
Same with SNP supporters
.. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FkX9JAgXgAMq61Q?format=jpg&name=900×900
Amol Rajan’s old tweets about throwing a brick at Kate Middleton etc.
Pakistan: man sentenced to death for blasphemy on Facebook
Taimoor Raza was found guilty of insulting the prophet Muhammad during an argument on social media with a counter-terrorism official
There’s telling fibs and there’s telling whoppers – iirc there was a bloke in Germany who coined a dictum about that sort of thing.
tomo, same is happening here. The ONS relate unemployment as a percentage figure. Unless you know the UK workforce figure (currently about 34 million+) you cannot work out how many are unemployed in the UK. That enables the BBC to be equally vague. I really ought to write to Marianna Spring to get her to look into this.
Front page on the you-know-where :-
“Enough fentanyl to kill every single American seized in 2022”
If only there was a high-profile case they could use as an example of the sort of tragedy unfolding every day? For example a career criminal dying during an arrest while doped to the eyeballs?
They can’t have forgotten his name already, could they? It was top story for Lord knows how long.
Fentanyl eh – its what Biden needs to take (or probably does to keep him going). Gets it from Hunter (discounted of course)
It could be that Zelensky is doing a John DeLorean; “Here’s my sealed diplomatic bag, now, about those billions”.
Cost of living: If no one comes we close early, says pub
Closing early, and tomorrow close a bit earlier, and by next week…
“The survey, which was shared exclusively with the BBC” – how special, cringe
Personally wouldn’t want to share anything with the likes of the bBC
A middle aged relative of mine is a GP , mind you that no longer means that he isn’t daft. At a family get together this week he declared that the boys who recently drowned in Solihull were victims of climate change!
His rationale was that because winters had been milder in recent years the boys would never have seen the lake frozen and wouldn’t know that walking on ice was dangerous.
Another relative has been suffering from migraine attacks recently and wondered if they were caused by climate change too. The GP said that increased humidity could lead to headaches and sinus problems so climate change could be a factor.
I kept quiet , they know what I think and don’t welcome cold showers of common sense. But seriously if 40 somethings think like this what hope have we got.
Double, er, actually no, increased humidity is good for sinuses – and throats, too. Professional singers sometimes use nebulisers to clear the sinuses and also to moisten and lubricate the vocal cords. They wouldn’t do that if it gave them a headache because singing would make that headache worse.
Weirdly there is the germ of a truth in this story.
Which is that we are subject to statist de-skilling, often in the alleged name of safety. By cosseting people, including children, by wrapping them in cotton wool, we deny them the learning of evaluating risk. Don’t climb trees, you might fall and hurt yourself. Don’t do this. Don’t do that.
And think about all those pelican crossings. Much safer than chancing it across the road, yes? Notice how many women ( could be men) at pelican crossings FIRST push the pushchair into the road when the green man (other genders are available) lights up. They don’t look at the traffic!!!!!!!! How do they know the motorist has seen his/ her lights go red?
And now we have all these whizzy parking sensors we don’t need to be able to reverse into a space anymore. So we lose the skill to do so.
The GP may have been right but for the wrong reason.
Not global warming but mollycoddling.
Sluff, when we were children we sort of knew science, largely through observation. Therefore, lake with vegetation (although it is true for any body of water outdoors in below zero temperatures eg. birdbath) is likely not to freeze to any great depth. Try the ice at the edge with someone hanging on to your other (inland) arm. Stamp down really hard. If it doesn’t break, it might support your weight. Then venture out onto the ice and listen carefully for cracking noises. If you hear any, head for the shore immediately.
Watching the sat nav, useful as the thing is, saps your map-reading ability, so you don’t really know where you are.
It is like looking at the TV screen to tell you what weather you would see if you looked out of the window.
Heard on a bus:
“Where did you go for your holiday, Tracy?”
“Where’s that?”
“I dunno, we went by air.”
Double – wise choice – maybe the doc should take more water with it …..
There is a clear case for making 8 year old boys ( I was one once ) fill out a risk assessment form before they go out to play …
Those poor boys paid the awful price …
Kids are already filling out their own elf-an-safety forms. At my daughters school they had to fill in a form even if the kids were going outside to pick daisies. The teachers were so sick to the tooth of these forms that they got the kids to fill in the forms themselves – i.e. what *could* happen to them.
Atlas – there’s a bit of me that says ‘you are kidding ‘ but another bit goes … oh lord …
Please advise the teachers that picking daisies has a catastrophic impact on biodiversity and harms the ecosphere. It is a practise that must be stamped out .
In a reply the Hull Sisters twitter thread about their PR piece on Look North, Malika says asylum seekers are “Forced to eat poison”
So they’re having a barbie ?
As the nurses and paramedics strike, and only deal with priority 1 life threatening cases, does this have an impact on A&E? All the people who go to A&E with non urgent cases, acting as a sink hole for GPs, that clog up the system will be absent. Maybe the real purpose of A&E will be more efficient.
The strikes by nurses and paramedics are RACIST. A&E departments are often used by vulnerable communities who may not be registered with doctors, and instead are forced to attend A&E for any medical matters. As such, these communities, who mainly, ney, exclusively, comprise women and children plus doctors, engineers and architects, are disproportionately impacted i.e. racism, pure and simple. Why is the BBC not pointing this out?
Hello Ian
You might have a point there about some just turning up, as my local walking centre has about 80% foreign people from all over the world
Let’s not forget that the NHS would collapse without immigrants.
Because they would have no patients…
“Why is the BBC not pointing this out?”
Because there are no enemies on the left.
The bidding war from W1A alone will be massive.
Really sorry but I can’t see the thatched roof and aga….
If there’s one thing noticeable about side streets in that part of London it’s the pervasive aroma of stale urine.
How about having it as a pervert free toilet?
Unless theres a servere shortage of coffee shops in Soho, naturally the locals the bbc mention won’t need a toilet themselves.
There was a similar place in Leytonstone, I avoided ever going in, but would still see the creepy gays loitering around in the doorway.
One day I naively thought the problem had been sorted, as there was a prominant police warning notice stuck outside!
But no, it was warning users that homophobic behaviour wouldn’t be tolerated.
Hey Eddy – was it the one on Whips X roundabout ? One of those ‘boys ‘ tried to pick me up near there once after I’d been visiting the hospital ( honest your honour ) I was an innocent teen then … yes really …
The convenience diagonally opposite Leytonstone tube station, next to the bus station.
Talking over 10 years ago.
Guess every other place in London was/ is full of them too.
“Have you ever spent longer than necessary in a mens public toilet ”
Should be an employment question for gay candidates, which would vet out 99% of the creeps.
Cheers – don’t know that one … there must be a ‘map’…
Eddy/ fed up
I am disgusted. Disgusted I tell you.
Your posts totally omit consideration of transgender individuals.
Don’t you know their rights are far greater proportionally than gay or straight people, according to the SNP and BBC, so it must be true.
What do we want ? Transgender cottaging.
When do we want it? Errrrrrrr………….
How did the BBC know this was a cottaging hotspot?
Classic BBC webshite politics of envy stuff.
‘Most expensive streets in England and Wales revealed’
I wonder where Gary Linekar and his fellow ‘BBC stars’ live?
The death of Terry Hall, ex The Specials, is STILL front page biased BBC webshite news.
Clearly they want to keep in play their Far Left early 80s anti Thatcher rancour and multi-racial propaganda. This is the only logical explanation.
Sluff, I also noticed that.
Nihal in his happy place talking at length about Hall’s warmth, his vulnerability, his mental health, which of course leads to the Arthanayakean foundational theme, ready to be invoked at a moment’s notice… boys not talking about their emotions.
Then caught a bit in the car later, the two hosts continuing… racial tension in the 80s, inclusivity, Thatcher, etc etc. Anything about the music he made? No.
The BBC have more in-group favourites than a playground full of schoolgirls.
Terminal – I only vaguely know of the R5 type you name – but I reckon he is not old enough to recall the 1980s … I do. – it was the time when the coal mines were closed by an ultra green government to save the planet … ( or maybe this is an alt history ) …
I did like that ‘1 in 10 ‘ though ( another lie )
Fedup, remember how awful and divisive society was then, and how much progress we’ve made post-Thatcher to achieve the inclusive communities of today?
Add another alt history to the pile…
Terminal – yes – I remember – the BBC was ‘upskilling’ on its anti Britain back then – an identifiable target ( Mrs T) – pro IRA- pro union – but still without the 24/7 total social change agenda it now runs on all ages in all media ….
It’s far more dangerous now and with every passing year it is making it ‘normal ‘…
… fixations about colour – trannies – rights – ( benefits – welfare scrounging ) is only growing as Blighty heads south for the foreseeable future …
Absolutely nothing to do with his recent speeches from the floor of The House of Commons eh?
– mere coincidence.
Well it’s nothing to do with new stuff cos the decision was already made in early November
based on a 2019 story
In August 2019, Mere Plantations paid £3,300 for Bridgen to travel to Ghana to visit the teak plantations.
“They flew me out to show me the trees. I saw 10,000 acres of very good trees,” Bridgen said
The 2020 story
In January 2020 Bridgen wrote to then international development secretary Alok Sharma, saying “Further to our discussion, could we arrange a meeting with Mark Hogg of Mere Plantations at your earliest convenience.”
So that looks like almost paid lobbying, cos he got a free trip.
Then he screwed up the paperwork
Instead of saying he’d been on a trip value £3K, his Member of Interests page said he was a director and could get future payments up to £12K. Yet he that was never true. Now he says that should have said he was an advisor who never took any wage.
He argues the trip Ghana was not worth anything to him
However to anyone else the hospitality value to it , though not much
Dec 2022 Five day suspension from Commons confirmed with warning it could have been longer after MP accepted free trip to Africa and £5000 donation and then lobbied minister for the timber firm that provided them.
The suspension is counted in parliament sitting time ..and his salary is not paid for those days.
It hardly compares to the £500,000 “back-hander” that Labour MP Barry Gardiner received from the Chinese communist party.
Strangely, he’s still there with his snout in the trough…
Tomo – after witnessing the antics of the new bercow – closing down any questions about the vaccines – I’m surprised anyone was allowed to make a speech about those killed / seriously injured by those dodgy products ….
… hence a timely disinterment of historical disciplinary things – seems a reasonable inference?
I just listened to an hour of cardiologists Malhotra and McCullough discussing the mRNA “vaccines” – the emphasis wasn’t really on IF but on scoping the extents of the wholly unacceptable impacts that have been observed with some anecdotes about the suppression tactics doing the rounds.
… does anyone know if hospitals were paid per head for treating Covid patients? Nice little earner for recording ‘Covid’ on a death certificate …
Vax fee to general practice increased as government sets huge target
By Shruti Sheth Trivedi, Dave West30 November 2021
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Primary care providers will be paid £15 for covid vaccinations from tomorrow, up from £12.58
Calls for military support to be brought in due to staffing concerns
NHS asked for huge expansion of vaccination programme
Dropping GP pay-for-performance still under discussion
GP practices and pharmacies providing covid vaccinations will be paid around 20 per cent more over the next two months, as the NHS seeks to hugely speed up the process despite major constraints on workforce, HSJ has learned.
There’s stuff circulating that the Brixton gig mayhem was caused by people turning up without tickets. Even some reports of stewards letting them into the venue, favours for mates or similar.
I remember the Champions League final in May where French police were accused of heavy-handed tactics on fans. Far less reported were the gangs of ticketless ‘locals’ trying to force their way into the stadium and mugging Liverpool and Madrid fans outside.
It was in Paris — except it wasn’t — it was in St Denis, a banlieue with a known crime problem. Thierry Henry had already warned about the venue location prior to the final. But the most the BBC could bring themselves to acknowledge was that the troublemakers were “young men who did not appear to be wearing red Liverpool shirts.”
If we do find out what happened at Brixton, it won’t be via the BBC.
Or media gobs using ‘polls’ they and Labour like.
Here’s hoping Jeremy finds a patch of ice on his bicycle.
Immediately followed by a huge sinkhole.
Out of touch with the mood of the country !!!!!
That is so funny as the bbc is completely out of touch with the 93 per cent indigenous population 100 per cent of the time
Which is why they either disallow comments or remove them
“Terry Hall was diagnosed with cancer before his death, his bandmate reveals”
So he died from “pancreatic cancer, which had spread to his liver.”
Why didn’t they just say that yesterday?
“The band announced his death following a brief illness on Monday night”.
Doesn’t sound like the definition of a brief illness to me.
“The Specials were one of the biggest and most influential bands of their era”
Were they??
And I bet most people just remember the band, rather than any individuals in it.
I hardly remember the band. Just that bloody awful ghost town song.
Doc, I enjoyed ‘Ghost Town’. For me it is a bit of an ‘ear worm’. 🙂 Catchy.
Eddy, three months, often, usually, standard, for pancreatic cancer. Friend of mine survived for a whole year. Wilko Johnson did even better but then he had an operable tumour and a great surgeon.
I didn’t like that song much at all – and I didn’t even realise it was politcial.
The reason The Guardian and the Left liked it so much is because it was criticising Thatcher.
Same hypocrisy as those who clapped Baldwin doing his Trump impressions on SNL just for making fun of someone they hate : it’s a kind of childish spite and I expect they are all absolutely unware of what they are.
“As 2022 comes to a close, Accuracy in Media is taking a look back at the very worst media blunders from the year.
But before our top picks go out, we wanted to hear from you. Which articles and outlets do you think were the worst offenders of 2022?”
Based in Washington, USA.
Which BBC effort best qualifies, preferably from Lurch and Saz? Or as ignored by them.
Just fell off my chair laughing.
Will they send an ambulance round?
“It’s Jane Fonda. I’m writing to you today about the future of our planet.
Scientists say that time is running out to break away from fossil fuels like oil, gas, and coal before the worst effects of the climate crisis become irreversible.
So it is our job to do everything we can to end the era of fossil fuels. That means breaking the stranglehold that fossil fuel companies have on our governments. That means leading the way in helping communities own their renewable energy futures.
And it means campaigning and organising for what we want our world to look like when oil, gas, and coal are things of the past.
That is why I’m asking if you can join me in making your first donation to 350.org before the new year.”
This from a woman whose face could offset the Plastics Pact. How did she get to Hanoi?
Yes, and that plastic face was recorded on miles and miles of cellulose film, and then rerecorded on dvd.
Yet another luvvy that knows the square root of f all.
According to Wikipedia, Jane Fonda’s Workout was the biggest selling VHS of the 20th century.
That’s a heck of a lot landfill for the now obsolete format.
That video was in every charity shop. It took over in popularity from the book “The Queen Rides”.
Vis a vis that young black reporter, Mrs Voter and I are spending Christmas in blighty with her sister. She had the Blatantly Black Channel on last night at 6 o’clock and there was this young reporter called David, I have no idea how old he is, probably got here in a dinghy as a 12 year old. He could not look the aged reporter in the eye and wasn’t exactly articulate, v for the, or any other word containg the letters th, etc.
He did report however that he was going to carry on, his next assignments include :-
1. Why do all machete carriers look like me.
2. Why do all looters look like me.
3. Why do all rioters look like me.
4:30pm R4 Media Show
“Social media, anti-social media, breaking news, faking news: this is the programme about a revolution in media.”
Really it’s a BBC panel obsessed with Musk
and sneering at him
The presenter just told off American journo for saying “sh!tty”
TwatO Watch #1 – duher, that’s really not very bright
Sir Lindsay Hoyle MP, Speaker of the House of Commons demonstrates that he doesn’t know his job! Apparently, he thinks Gordon Brown’s rescue plan for The Sucker in Charge of Labour to get rid of the House of Lords after the next GE will not work and he claims that you cannot have two elected Chambers.
Sir Lindsay is obviously not one of the sharpest twigs in the Westminster forest. Most legislatures around the world run two elected Chambers and Sir Lindsay was not paying attention obviously to the recent US mid-term Elections. All Labour would need to do is to have a stated Primacy for the Commons written into the legislation abolishing the House of Lords. At times, I despair at the quality of our MPs.
Just seen that that annual waste of space and time Sports personality of the year is on tonight. A long time ago when I was young I enjoyed this. However with non stop bloody wokeness foisted on us now it is just be avoided at all costs. We really do NOT want to see jug ears and his cadre of sycophants out woke themselves to brighten our evening.
Safe to say I will not be watching. The “Peripheral” is on Amazon prime. Will finish that instead.
Mariah Carey performs in Saudi Arabia
Why Mariah Carey was wrong to play Saudi Arabia
This article is more than 3 years oldOwen Jones
Owen Jones
When pop stars are duped into performing in the Arab country, they merely help the regime’s propaganda machine
2013 PICTURED: Justin Bieber lives up to his ‘pop brat’ name as he spits over a balcony onto a crowd of adoring fans
2020 H&M: Justin Bieber collection axed after singer’s ‘trash’ criticism
“Disused cruise ships could be used to house asylum seekers – Braverman”
More huff and bluff ?
Promises, promises and even more promises from the totally, useless Tory Government.
They laughed at him then, but they’re not laughing now………………..
Celebrities, authors and footballers have spoken out to pledge their support for the thousands of refugees seeking sanctuary in Europe. Bob Geldof, in a highly charged interview on Irish radio, offered to take in four families immediately and give them shelter in his homes in Kent and London.4 Sept 2015
Benedict Cumberbatch ‘regrets’ speaking out on migrant crisis: ‘I got carried away’
The actor was criticised when he hit out at politicians over their handling of the situation
Asylum seekers found returning home to war zones on HOLIDAY
REFUGEES seeking asylum from war and persecution are returning to danger zones on HOLIDAY, German employment agencies has confirmed.
13:46, Tue, Sep 13, 2016 | UPDATED: 13:51, Tue, Sep 13, 2016
Today the BBC journalists Michael Keohan and Colin Campbell released a shocking report on the channel crossings. It showed people smugglers selling their wares brazenly in the migrant camps and many children living in unsafe and dangerous conditions, as well as—this is breathtaking—a free French public bus service that migrants can use to travel directly from the camps to the Dunkirk departure beaches. Will my right hon. Friend allow a statement on the issue of tackling the small boat crossings and the Government’s response in their work with France?
Why not use disused pig styes for the rubber
boat invaders and house homeless Brits in the cruise ships…
BBC ‘personality of the year’…
Gurning leftie millionaire with a few glammy birds to make himself look half-interesting!
Clare Balding can’t be classed as a glammy bird though 😆
Wots all this about an 88 year-old French man with a WW1 bomb up his bum?
Hilarious article and comments – best one – doctor was heard to say ‘bombs away!’
For the sake of clarity:
“It is understood that the man had inserted it in his bottom for sexual pleasure.”
I’m afraid I have to post this old chestnut or I’ll burst:
There was a young lady from Rhyl
Who used dynamite sticks for a thrill
They found her vagina
In North Carolina
And bits of her tits in Brazil
Boom boom
Funny that, cos they took the black guy off the rice packets?
And the one on the jam jar.
Why is it more relevant? Did they explain that?
Killamarsh murders: Damien Bendall given whole-life order
Isn’t it just amazing that murders by white males get multiple, lengthy articles full of empathy for the victims and the many brutal murders we have by black people are almost always single, brief articles which start in the sub-panes and disappear quickly – if they are even reported at all.
Meanwhile two murders – both updated within the last 4 hours – from Londonistan – aren’t even on the front page.
The ‘London Violence’ page is always an enlightening read for people who care about BBC racist discrimination. Very few of those articles make the actual news page (unless whitey is involved of course).
In general I agree. I wish in this case it hadn’t been such detailed coverage as it is stomach turning. This individual is an inhuman, a monster, and I hope someone sorts him out quickly in prison.