BBC coverage of Zelenski trip to the US.
The BBC helpfully show a bar chart of donations.
Take out Poland and Germany. The UK has donated more than the whole of the rest of the EU put together.
Would you believe it but even Australia has donated more than the duplicitous French.
But perish the thought that the BBC might show the useless EU in a negative light.
Anyone hoping the war might end soon may be disappointed…
Telegram “Intel Slava Z
🇺🇲🇺🇦 The new US military assistance package for Ukraine under the PDA program (1 billion) includes:
– One Patriot SAM battery and ammunition;
— ammunition for HIMARS
– 500 units of 155-mm high-precision projectiles
– 10 120-mm mortars and 10,000 120-mm mines for them;
– 10 82-mm mortars;
– 10 60-mm mortars;
– 37 heavy MRAP Cougar;
– 120 HMMWV vehicles;
– 6 armored general purpose trucks;
– HARM anti-radar missiles;
– JDAM kits;
– more than 2,700 grenade launchers and small arms;
– Claymore anti-personnel mines;
— Night vision devices and optics;
— Tactical secure communication systems;
— Bulletproof vests;
List of military assistance provided under the USAI program ($800 million):
– 45,000 152-mm artillery shells;
– 20,000 122-mm artillery shells;
– 50,000 122mm rockets for the MLRS BM-21 “Grad”;
– 100,000 125-mm tank ammunition;
— SATCOM terminals and services;
— Funding for training, maintenance.
Thanks Eddy
Always good to see the US military industrial complex in business . The russians are our enemy so anything bad going their way is good news. And they liberalism – quite rightly as a weakness .
The problem with all this kit floating about is the danger of ‘ accidents’ kicking of a bigger war …
Also – surely the Ukrainians cant have a bottomless pit of troops wheras
The russians can always grab another few thousand …
Who is going to provide the final taxi service to the rubberised cross channel ferry customers now the ambulances are on strike?
Are the RNLI allowed to work on land?
1966 World Cup ( men)
England Results
Vs Uruguay (0-0), France (2-0), Mexico (2-0), Argentina (1-0), Portugal (2-1), and Germany (4-2 aet)
Very competitive, tight games.
Bobby Moore won the BBC SPOTY.
2022 European Championships (women)
England results
Vs Austria (1-0), Norway (8-0), N Ireland (5-0), Spain (2-1), Sweden (4-0), Germany (2-1).
Not quite so competitive, three easy games out of 6.
Beth Mead (she was the captain of the team).wins the BBC SPOTY.
Proof positive of the effect of woke political correctness on the revaluation of real achievement.
Somehow I think Beth may be forgotten in rather less than the 57 years we have been remembering Bobby Moore.
PS followed by England 10 Luxembourg 0 in the woman’s World Cup qualifier. Another tough match.
PPS shortly after writing the above I saw a headline on the BBC webshite for Arsenal topping out in their Champions League group.
They’ve just beat Zurich 9-1 away!!!! Wow.
But it soon became clear. This was a womens match! The BBC wheeze these days is to not specify the gender of the competition so as to drag you in, only when you have clicked on do you see they have wasted your time. Positive discrimination writ large.
The BBC really are a sick joke. They are now saying that this Mead woman holds the record for England goals scored in a season ‘beating Jimmy Greaves’. How the hell can they compare the two? Fortunately they are getting a good kicking in the comments. Are they wilfully stupid or what?
Its not real – its social conditioning like that ridiculous nickname theyve created for them …
I will buy popcorn for the day they demand parity with real players in the Prem …
Latvian team was selected from a group of mainly 19-20 year old amateurs with no experience at a higher level and who had a few days training together.
England 20 Latvia 0
Mead (3’minutes, 12’minutes, 23’minutes), White (6’minutes, 9’minutes, 49’minutes), Hemp (18’minutes, 44’minutes, 76’minutes, 88’minutes), Toone (42’minutes), Stanway (52’minutes pen), Carter (56’minutes), England (61’minutes, 84’minutes), Scott (67’minutes), Russo (71’minutes, 81’minutes, 82’minutes), Nobbs (80’minutes)
HT 8-0
“You want competitive games and these are not competitive games,” Sarina Wiegman (England manager) said afterwards.
“In every country you want to develop the women’s game but I don’t think it’s good that the scores are so high. I know it has the attention of the federations and I think that’s good as I don’t think 20-0 is good for the development of anyone.
“We really need some top-level games now which we’re going to have [next year] because then we’ll really know where we are.”
FBI in denial….This is pure lefty ideology at work. If anyone comes up with undeniable proof that they are acting illegally they ignore the accusation and facts totally and simply give the accuser a “conspiracy” label and carry on.
It shows their utter contempt for truth and fair play, the end game is all that matters. Thats why in most left-wing situations the powers that be are only eventually disrupted when people have had enough and turn to physical means on the streets to deal with them.
Even the EU is moving rapidly into this ideology.
Proven over and over again in Soviet Russia, China and quite a few South American dictatorships which is what the US is moving towards under the laughably incompetent Biden administration.
Has anyone seen any picture of the people on strike which does not have a black person strategically placed in the middle of the shot ?. 1 in 30 of the population. What are the chances of that unless someone is deliberately selecting them ?.
Anti-white male racist and sexist discrimination is now rife throughout our society. For reasons I am unable to fathom (other than stupendous hypocrisy), the BBC and the Left seem to think that’s fine.
Oddly enough ‘History Debunked’s’ Simon Webb, gave a speech recently in which he said the ubiquity of black faces and particularly on the BBC, is all down to everybody (them – BBC et al.) feeling shame at how the blacks have been treated by Whitee over the centuries. A sort of effort at ‘Payback’. An act of paying reparations as I see it and in the case of the BBC, at license payers expense. Do blacks deserve it? I ask.
This is the most interesting of questions. Why are people on the left so anti-white, anti-male, anti-British, anti-everything that has made us great?
I think that the affluent, Chardonnay-sipping, liberal intellectual types in Hackney and Islington may be embarrassed by their wealth and good fortune in life and are trying to salve their consciences by taking the side of those they perceive to be less fortunate. Adopting progressive attitudes is for them like a tax they pay which enables them to assuage their guilt and think highly of themselves while continuing to lead their privileged, Chardonnay-drinking lives.
Less affluent progressives may be motivated by envy and resentment and a desire to destroy the system that has not resulted in a fortunate, Chardonnay-drinking birth for them. These malcontents will identify with black knifemen or Muslim terrorists long before they feel the slightest affinity with “evil Tories”.
Anti-white discrimination is in my view less a sincere drive for equality and more a tacit acknowledgement that blacks are inferior in many ways to whites and must be given special help. Every metric that shows blacks doing worse than whites and every negative disparity in outcomes must be put down to white racism rather than the inherent characteristics of blacks.
It’s desperate stuff. The left secretly knows that multiculturalism hasn’t worked but now they play harder at the game of “Let’s Pretend”. Let’s pretend blacks have assimilated well into British society by strategically placing them in the middle of every group photo, by having them married to every white woman in TV commercials, by having them play white fictional characters and white historical figures in TV dramas and films.
So for me it’s a psychological sickness infecting a once proud people who no longer feel comfortable in their skin or confident in their superior abilities. What healthy people hand their country over to strangers?
I suspect there may be yet deeper reasons which I have not quite fathomed about why this should be. It is a fascinating question, JohnC.
The way I see it “victimhood” has become a desirable attribute if you are in any way lacking in personal metal or attributes. It provides instant prowess without effort due to it’s universal acclaim by our media.
Its simply a way of getting payback without effort.
However there are carefully selected groups who are allowed to be such “victims” and others who most certainly are not and certainly never white, intelligent, hard-working and capable males.
Compare the treatment by the media of the Begum wretch and a certain Yaxley Lennon. One fighting against the UK and one for it.
Other words I don’t like are “vulnerable”, “marginalised” and “stigmatised”. Any group who can get themselves classed in those categories gets a free ride.
Politicians seem to stop thinking whenever they hear a group described in those terms. The Gender Recognition Reform (Scotland) Bill is a case in point where a group of “vulnerable, marginalised and stigmatised” people, which includes children, have now been given free rein to medically diagnose themselves, risking harm to themselves and presenting a danger to women and girls.
The NHS are responsible for negotiating with their Staff, it’s nothing to do with the Government whatsoever other than trying to handle the mess the union barons create and trying to protect the people. Why can’t these people see that?
Even Lynch tried to do the same over the rail strike issue. The issue was between the train operators and the unions but he just berated the government for failing to go into discussions whilst refusing to allow his own members a voice or vote on the issue.
I guess they simply don’t want to proving that their real ambition is to target and possibly bring down the government at any cost.
The BBC Springwatch presenter Chris Packham declared that Clarkson was guilty of a ‘hate crime’ and called for him to be jailed.
Labour MP Stella Creasy also suggested he should be prosecuted for a hate crime and that the law should be changed, if necessary, to make it possible.
A petition on the website demanded that Clarkson be sacked by Amazon Prime and ITV, where he presents Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? It has already attracted five thousand signatures, although ITV says he will keep his job.
During Britain’s last round of European Parliament elections in 2019, Nigel Farage, then leader of the Brexit Party, had a milkshake thrown over him.
A few days later, comedian Jo Brand said on the Radio 4 programme Heresy: ‘Why bother with a milkshake when you could get some battery acid.’ She followed up her remark by saying: ‘That’s just me. I’m not going to do it. It’s purely a fantasy, but I think milkshakes are pathetic, I honestly do, sorry.’
In spite of acid attacks being a very serious problem, and the murder of Labour MP Jo Cox three years earlier, the BBC refused to apologise for broadcasting Brand’s comments, saying they were made on a ‘deliberately provocative’ show.
children’s author Sir Philip Pullman described Clarkson’s column as ‘poison’. Yet in 2019, when the debate over the Brexit Withdrawal Bill was reaching its heated climax, Sir Philip weighed in by tweeting: ‘When I hear the name ”Boris Johnson”, for some reason the words ‘rope’ and ‘nearest lamp-post’ come to mind as well.’
When he was criticised for what he said he had intended as a joke, far from apologising, he merely switched his proposed method of execution — throwing in for good measure some language parents wouldn’t want in their children’s bedtime stories.
‘For goodness’ sake,’ he wrote, ‘Of course I wasn’t advocating hanging the b*****d. But rulers who try to do away with democratic parliaments come to bad ends. As I pointed out on Twitter some time ago, the axe and the block are still in working order.’
In an interview with The Guardian shortly afterwards, he was still revelling in his ‘joke’, saying ‘the upshot of it was that I gained 2,000 Twitter followers.
In a 2013 edition of BBC Radio 4’s The News Quiz, chaired by Sandi Toksvig, one of the guests referred to Michael Gove, then education secretary, as having ‘a face like a foetus in a jar’. Not to be outdone, another guest on the show replied that Gove had ‘a face that makes even the most pacifist of people reach for the shovel’.
Cue laughter all round.
In an edition of Channel 4’s late-night comedy show The Last Leg in May 2020, just days after Boris Johnson had narrowly escaped death from Covid-19, actress Miriam Margolyes attacked the Government’s handling of the pandemic before adding: ‘I mean, I had difficulty not wanting Boris Johnson to die. Then I thought, that will reflect badly on me and I don’t want to be the sort of person that wants people to die.’
Since she is a confirmed member of the ‘outspoken’ liberal Left, her comments have not prevented her being invited onto Channel 4 shows since.
The Guardian is never slow to call out racism, whether real or imagined. But, in March 2020, that did not stop the paper publishing a drawing by its in-house cartoonist, Steve Bell, depicting then Home Secretary Priti Patel as a bull. Sitting alongside Boris Johnson (also as a bull) in the Commons, she had cloven hooves for hands, a ring through her nose, horns and a demonic expression.
Patel, as the paper’s editors surely knew, is a Hindu and it was deeply offensive to portray her in this way. Yet it declined to remove the cartoon or apologise, merely stating that ‘politicians of all parties are quite often caricatured as animals’.
John Edwards, a councillor in the West Midlands, tweeted ‘#The passing of Thatcher. Rejoice! Rejoice!’. Former Labour MP George Galloway tweeted: ‘May she burn in the hellfires.’
In Glasgow, 300 people gathered for a ‘celebration’ on the streets, while the former Prime Minister’s Left-wing enemies sent Ding Dong! The Witch Is Dead (a song from the film The Wizard Of Oz) to No. 2 in the charts.
the Ealing Central and Acton MP Rupa Huq described the then Chancellor as only ‘superficially’ black, adding: ‘If you hear him on the Today programme, you wouldn’t know he’s black.’
Angela Rayner, referred to the Tories as ‘scum’ in a speech at a fringe event at the Labour Party conference in 2021. ‘We cannot get any worse than a bunch of scum, homophobic, racist, misogynistic, absolute vile… banana republic, vile, nasty, Etonian… piece of scum,’
Uju Anya, an associate professor of applied linguistics at Carnegie Mellon University in the U.S.tweeted: ‘I heard the chief monarch of a thieving, raping, genocidal empire is finally dying. May her pain be excruciating.’
Given the circumstances, her comment was infinitely more offensive than Clarkson’s about Meghan. Yet far from earning her condemnation, many on the Left praised her. She was even treated to an interview in The Guardian.
The problem with the woke left over reaction to the Clarkson comments ( which I only vaguely know and could care less ) is self censorship – which I think is far more dangerous than the rants of bbc types such as packham screaming on social media .
One comment leads to an instant demand for job loss – career end – apologies in these cases have no value – despite the likes of the bbc demanding apology for this and that .
As mentioned above – attacks on ‘approved targets ‘ is fine – whole panels of group think lefties can sit around in TV studios kicking disapproved people – I should add – I don’t watch this crap and depend on secondary sources .
As people voice opinions there is more of a challenge to what ‘free speech ‘ remains …. And it is the Woke Far Left leading the charge to extinguish this freedom – in the cause of ‘community safety ‘ of course ….
Surely the bBC wants to make this frontpage news for days and go on and on about the scandal within the eu. But no its not been mentioned again or updated
Remember partygate, lets face its we couldn’t forget about that – hourly reminders for weeks – then dropped when the bBC had overthrown an elected PM
Just put ‘eu corruption’ into google and see how important and current it still is. Then add ‘BBC’ on the end and suddenly nothing since the story broke.
The BBC choosing not to report news they don’t like is an absolute scandal. OFCOM are a complete disgrace : they are as politically corrupt as the BBC.
I’m sure I heard this morning that the Scottish £ nurses have reneged on the 7.5% pay increase … I’ve not seen this elsewhere so maybe they got it wrong ….
And I’m guessing that there were no serious incidents on Wednesday where people died because NHS staff thought their pay more important than their punters …
I just saw a snowman-shaped home-help nurse coming out of someones house and I must admit, I did wonder how she could be such a size when the BBC are telling us they can’t afford food.
Free food campaign continues . ‘Parents ‘ whose income is below about £7 k – excluding benefits / social get tax funded food for the kids they breed . There is no discouragement for women who have low or no income to breed . This fact is ‘unapproved ‘ and I can feel an element of disapproval as I write .
But I come from a tough background – but my parents were self dependent and worked hard . The idea of going to the state for welfare was alien to them . But how times change . Now … let’s see.. what can I claim … what am I entitled to …?
BTW – the bbc has researched local councils to see if the children get the free food they are entitled to during the Summer – there’s other stuff local tax payers are meant to fund for summers – or when there’s no school . Why not just dump all ‘parents ‘ take the kiddies into State control?
The general public should do everything by the book. Lets face it its only the likes of MPs who can make claims on “expenses”
The rich who fly around the world in private jets, this is fine. But the general public should not take holidays due to the “carbon footprint”
More important things to worry about than what the bBC says is important – like the thousands of spongers who arrive daily and the cost to us the tax payer
Well, there’s a bit of an agenda to this. Behind the scenes, one of the options being explored for financing the BBC is a subscription model a la Netflix, so they want to set precedent and close down possible loopholes. However, my sources tell me that the BBC’s and Government’s preference is for a household levy similar to the council tax, possibly even added directly to it. Less defaulters, plus We Are All In It Together, Comrades.
Very few black faces in the video towards the bottom of this link, surely the daily 80% should be shown
Or maybe when the likes of the bBC puts loads of effort into trying to cater for non-whites the effort is actually pointless and continues to alienate the general white population
Apparently – last night there was a 2.5 hour sports thing in which someone called ‘Beth ‘ won the top gong .. the only ‘interest’ I had was whether the avaricious linaker would jet straight from the World Cup to ‘host’( read the autocue ) for the customary fee ( I don’t know the answer to that or care ) ….
BBC News today is full of this show – and toady is so woke lefty today that the off switch was hit long ago … the adverts they run with carols and stuff seem so out of place for such a godless organisation – i m sure the drive to exterminate Christmas to drive along in coming years if it is not stopped …
Fed, I see from the newspapers front pages that Beth Mead forgot to put her blouse or shirt on. Maybe down to too much heading of the football when young …. ?
I only saw a couple of seconds thinking I was going to see local news. I was assuming Linneaker has been at the pork pies because his jacket was too tight. But they probably can’t get pork pies in Qatar so it was probably some other high calorie intake.
Deborah, crisps may be the cause of Lineker’s jacket being too tight. What?!! Shock! Horror! He eats them as well as earning a fortune for advertising them?
Up2 – I don’t know who that person is – I understand she plays wimmins footy and won something in the summer …. the critic on the DT was pretty vitriolic about the whole thing … with st Leonel winning something but not even a noted saying ‘cheers ‘ in Argentinian from his agent … but then mr messi and me might share the value of such BBC crap ….
The BBC couldn’t afford to broadcast premier league football, so it concentrated on the womens game which it could afford, and also found that it was able to leverage it to virtue signal.
Poorer people or those more sensible who refuse to contribute to the prima donnas premier league ludicrous pay, watch what is available which is what makes them so very vulnerable and the BBC such a monster.
As it turned out for the BBC the women did considerably better than the men did on the international stage, and perhaps the moral here should be that fostering home grown talent would pay dividends over simply buying it in from abroad, and by extention that could be applied to other areas of the UK economy (but won’t be by the BBC which supports mass immigration).
And so the BBC celebrate the achievements of one who assisted them at a time when there was little else to broadcast.
For those Socialists following the demon, John Rawls inane drivel this is manna from heaven.
Thing is, there is a discussion to be had, maybe between Stevo and SurBob, though I doubt taking in four lovely young men from Africa each will resolve the breeding programme issues there.
Mother Jones usually sticks to climate, so good to see they are moving into mostly bbc territory, reportedly.
I thought we have to say allegedly & imo on these tweets otherwise we get shut down. Good to have rational debates on difference of opinions. Your opinion may be rejected by thousands imo.💖
I think she made a mistake. She meant to say reduce the world population by all the lobbying bodies, Quangos, interfering billionaires, and state funded media. That includes, with a vengeance, the organisation on the billboard behind her.
Just wondering what particular “problems” this lady has personally? Can obviously afford to turn up at a big WEF bash without too much of a problem. Or are “problems” only things that poorer folk create?
@TheConWom 1h The BBC has revealed its tenth annual list of 100 ‘inspiring and influential’ women from around the world for 2022. It includes at least 2 men, anti-Israel zealots, #climatechange cultists + leftie US singers and actors.
An affront to British culture?
This is so true. Comedian Stuart Lee once suggested that having sex with me would be like intercourse with a dead pig. In the @guardian – it’s still on the website. I don’t condone what Clarkson wrote. But there’s a hypocrisy here.
Cost of asylum system soars to £3.5bn a year (Daily Express)
UK economy shrank more than previously thought… Growth figures for the first half of 2022 have also been revised down. The UK is forecast to fall into recession in the final three months of the year as soaring prices hit growth (BBC)
England footballer Beth Mead was voted BBC Sports Personality of the Year… (Telegraph) – never heard of her.
… while the team, coach and young personality awards were also won by women.
It was Ernie K-Doe who sang that earwormy chanting Here come the girls (girls, girls, girls-girls) and chemist and toiletries retailer Boots that used the chant in their TV advertising.
Meanwhile: ‘You are the man of the year’ Emotional: Volodymyr Zelensky meets Joe Biden in U.S. yesterday (Daily Mail) – good to be told us chaps still have our uses.
The making of a young Hero of Ukraine… This is a war where Ukrainian fathers and sons serve on the same frontlines. (BBC)
Like father like son?
My dad was a bricklayer. I’m trying to find my Adele moment. Luke Evans on his BBC special (‘i’) – further comment there would seem superfluous.
This Biden Zelensky photo op certainly bridged the generations: A hero’s welcome and patriot missiles for Zelensky (Express) – I’m oddly reminded of Charlie in Willy Wonka’s Chocolate factory (of war weapons) and his old Grandpa Joe
Zelensky’s US trip rewarded with more weapons (Telegraph)
Nine months in and as the war becomes a dirty cold hard attritional slog we now tend to see fewer of those gun toting gals in khaki press shots. Funny that.
From war to politics… by the Waugh on politics column in the left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper: The longer strikes go on, Tories risk narrative that ‘Britain is broken’ – gosh, but there’s so much to unpack there… who could it be that constructs and who precisely deploys these so-called ‘narratives‘ of which you speak Mr Waugh? Surely our news media bring us news with a bit of thoughful commentary? And you think Britain ain’t already broken?
US tech giants’ retreat from London raises heat on commerical landlords (FT) – can we blame this one on Brexit perhaps?
Dublin caught in bid to cut space (FT) – sadly, not. That’ll be Lockdowns then.
BBC go to brain donor Burgon is currently running with the ‘nhs is underfunded’ line.
Even under Musk, fascinating how many from his asylum still depend on it for their very existence. No wonder they screamed. But seem to be clawing things back.
TOADY Watch #1 – am I glad she is not PM? Yes, I think she has just the right job.
TOADY played sound clips of Home Secretary, Suella Braverman’s, appearance before the Lords Justice and Home Affairs Committee. She sounded really good, talked sense, and brought a bit of good cheer to the first hour of TOADY. I hope she is able to use the cruise ships idea. Anchoring them off the coast of France would be a great idea but I cannot see the French agreeing to that.
TOADY Watch will suffer its usual interruption to normal service unless something exceptional happens after Christmas. I just cannot stand the SlebEdits editions and may not listen at all December 26th through 31st December. Usual service should be available from 2nd January onwards.
Anchoring them off the coast of France would be a great idea but I cannot see the French agreeing to that.
If any ships are used – the French really don’t have much of a say in the matter. If the vessel’s ownership paperwork is straight and the vessel is properly registered and has all the certs and is insured and pays harbour fees – that’s it…
The French/EU have allowed ships with dodgy papers into Mediterranean ports (after they’ve been refused Italian discharge of “passengers”…) – in the proposed case the peeps are departing…
Could be a useful method to pressure the French (EU) bureaucrats.
tomo, think anchoring them in French National Water’s might ‘hot’ things up a bit in Western Europe: and not in the way we would like. The de facto ‘owner’ would be the UK Government, and then I think Harbour Masters can refuse entry, can they not, even if a fee was paid or taken out of the many millions we’re giving the French anyway?
HMG would be the charterer – departures generally aren’t a problem – it’s *arrivals* that trigger the customs & immigration peeps – although it might nettle les froggie bureaucrats nicely as they’d have to document the departing “passengers” 🙂
In all – sending cruise ships to pick up migrants would put the French government peeps in a bit of a pickle I think. I’d drop them off in Glasgow or Edinburgh – once every couple of weeks – maybe alternate between the two.
Just a thought about the troubles within the anychess that the Bloated Biased Corporation like to prattle on about.
1. There are more than 217 extant NHS Trusts in the UK.
2. According to the Gruniad 15 CEO’S were paid over £250k
3.The rest are paid between £80k and £181k.
These are just the figures for the top bodies, how much less their underlings and arsewipes are paid is anyone’s guess. The answer would appear to be quite simple, scrap all these “trusts”(does anyone trust them?) and put it all under one roof as it used to be, under the DoH. Only 1 man or woman or tranny in charge. 1 diversity officer if required. Think of the savings.
One local NHS Trust was shuttered (Wiltshire PCT) – the proffered reason officially given by DoH – “Not Fit For Purpose”.
The truth about the “Trust” was hidden – the local hospitals were neglected – to the point where nurses of my acquaintance were bringing in their own bogrolls. The Management were rarely (if ever) seen anywhere where there were patients and they had an expensive office on a business park that was notorious locally for literally dozens of new lease BMWs, Mercedes and Audis being double parked and parked on grass verges.
Some NHS officials were actually conducting sub contractor briefings / meetings at local golf clubs.
Not far away the NHS Trust at Chippenham duplicated the upper management structure by engaging a management consultancy company to advise on how to run their small fleet of facilities.
There’s been selling off of existing facilities to housing developers and subsequent newbuild health centres on green field sites (with borrowed money?) which have not been as financially transparent as one might hope… (at all – afaics)
All too easy to believe that the NHS is rotten in parts.
I would certainly watch a debate between her, Bob Ward, our Council Executive, Justin Rowlatt and Ed Pede.
However, the BBC would not host, or cover it.
Thanks to that unique way they are soon to be funded by our council tax.
I have by coincidence noted that every mental ‘suggested for you’ post on my FB thread on Megharry, Clarkson, Amber, climate, trannies, etc is from a BBC local democracy title nowhere near where I live.
Oh NO NO NO. We must fight that Council Tax- BBC licence proposal tooth & nail. That’s force-funding the Beast.
We must retain our right to watch television or not. Our choice. I’m not paying for something I don’t use. I’ve been very happy without live TV for 4 years. I don’t intend to turn back.
Chairman of Brexit-Watch Ben Habib says "the vast majority of fish in the English Channel are still caught by EU boats", despite a new deal meaning British fishermen can catch 30,000 tonnes more than before Brexit.@drdavidbull |
Its not as clean cut as that Andrew. 54% of quota is till attached to flagships, these foreign vessels are non – dom in the UK. 1,700 EU vessels still plundering UK waters unmonitored, 8 super trawlers still in UK waters, these killing machines are banned in China & Australia.
The UK should stop licences for French fishing vessels for every illegal immigrant invader landing on our shore.
The French vessels will act immediately to turn the so called ‘small boats’ back.
We have a very soft government or, our government is allowing the illegal migrants landings by design ?
Nicola Sturgeon ‘personally blocks law change that would stop rapists and child abusers from changing sex’ as fight over Scotland’s gender reform bill rages on with First Minister facing opposition from within the SNP
“Man jailed”, was the headline
but BBC Radio Lincolnshire did then give the name.
Tahmid Majid of Croydon
“The men had been seen talking to the 13 y.o. girl in a passageway next to Grantham railway station.
A conversation was overheard to the effect that the girl could earn large sums of money and would be given a house to live in.-”
“Majid was arrested and inquiries revealed he had been travelling from London to engage in sexual activity with the girl for over two years”
I read with disbelief, though I should have known better, that the Tory Government said that they have no alternative than to find accommodation for all migrants arriving on these shores as it is a statutory obligation. I find it incredible that they do not have a spine between them and not one of them have I heard say that we should ignore any statutory requirement until all our own people without a roof over their head are given accommodation first. From now on I will refer to the Tory’s as the Spineless-Tories and will ask all friends, relatives, readers and contributors to do likewise. Hopefully this may spread a little into the common language as these things often do, and they will get a clear message of what many think of them collectively, as currently they are not hearing us.
Mouse – try blue labour – very accurate description . There seems to be an acceptance by the swamp that the population of the UK will rise by a million for foreseeable years … under any party ….
I might take the cowards’ way out and find a better country – it won’t be difficult … one person can only do so much …. But I’m in londonistan which is a multicultural sewer …
The Mouse
That’s exactly why I will be voting for The Reform Party at the next General Election.
Ex Tory voters should not spoil your vote . Consider The Reform Party ..
Please refer to me as Miss Fos in future,. I have applied for
an executive job with BBC Scotland . On the grounds of
positive discrimination, inclusiveness , diversity, quotas.
I reckon that I am a shoe in to get the job. You should the dress
and bra I have bought !
Scotch gender bill passed. Will the real Government of the UK allow it?
I have always been suspicious about Scotch men – wearing frocks suggests they have funny ideas about biological sex
BBC hero speaks to US Congress.
Something smells… eh Branden. our government is playing us for fools and laundering taxpayers money right in front of our faces! They’ve never shown so much support for a single country, because they’ve never owned one that they could use as their personal piggy bank! #fuckincrooks
How billionaires fill the media with climate fear and panic
(excerpt) – Daily Sceptic.
….Recently I reported that the Mirror had run a nonsense story about much of London disappearing beneath the waves within 80 years. I noted that this was not the handiwork of a crack team of investigative reporters, but rather the placed work of a U.S. green activist group called Climate Central. This operation specialises in ready-to-publish climate change material highlighting local landmarks allegedly due to disappear beneath the waves. Similar tactics are used by another activist group spreading fear and alarm called Covering Climate Now (CC Now). This operation is run out of the Columbia Journalism Review in New York, and is backed by the Nation and the U.K. Guardian. Both operations rely heavily on large gifts from Left-leaning U.S. foundations.
CC Now was started in 2019 and claims to feed over 500 media operations with written stories and climate narratives. Its “partners” include some of the biggest names in news publishing such as Reuters, Bloomberg, Agence France-Presse (AFP), CBS News, ABC News and MSNBC News. Leading journals are said to include Rolling Stone, Huff Post and Teen Vogue. The founders seek a “reframing” of the way journalists cover climate change. What this means in practice is amplifying an invented ‘climate emergency’ by constant story catastrophisation, while denying any inconvenient science. The political aim is the promotion of the command-and-control Net Zero agenda.
There is plenty of advice for tame journalists aiming to ramp up climate hysteria. “The fastest way to catch up is to emulate outlets that are already covering climate change well. You can’t do better than the Guardian,”…
…Relentless catastrophising of individual weather events is the favoured weapon to spread climate fear among the wider population. Using the recent experience of the Covid pandemic, activists have been emboldened to spread panic and alarm in controllable media to achieve their wider political aims. Despite oft-made claims, it is impossible to use models to ‘attribute’ single weather events to long term changes in the climate. CC Now skirts this obvious problem by providing a number of helpful explanations for gullible journalists to copy-and-paste.
…Billionaire-run foundations are spending enormous sums promoting junk alarmist science, in addition to funding on-side academic institutions and other influential bodies. Both Climate Central and CC Now are funded by the Rockefeller Foundation, while Climate Central takes support from the Grantham fund. This latter foundation is connected with the green billionaire investor Jeremy Grantham, and also partly funds three U.K. university institutes. At the LSE, this operation provides material that supports the Net Zero initiatives.
…The science writer and climatologist Dr. Judith Curry has become increasingly concerned about the effect of all this propaganda on children. In a recent essay, she wrote that it was difficult to avoid the conclusion that children are being used as tools in adults’ political agenda surrounding climate change. This is having adverse impacts on the mental health of children, she warned. The apocalyptic rhetoric surrounding the climate ‘crisis’ has numerous victims, she added. “Children and young adults rank among the victims of greatest concern.
The BBC have this as policy, all such climate prediction are deemed true and cannot be challenged by any one inside or outside the BBC. We know this is how the BBC works. It is a complete set up…
Needless to say the BBC supplies ENDLESS news feeds about the impending global (and local) APOCALYPSE. Most of this is scientifically and proven untrue. Yet here we are, back to the 1970’s and to reach Net zero targets will be plunged back to the middle ages to those on low to middle incomes. For some its socialism (again), others Marxism-in-action (repeat of Spanish war to overthrow Fascism) but its actually the wet Liberals and Green lobby driving this Climate Change – that only the super rich will benefit. The useful idiots of globalist billionaires.
That means the BBC can charge what they like. It does not matter what you ‘watch’ or don’t, as the propaganda is there wall-to-wall’ for a reason to enforce compliance to a new Green God. That means constant propaganda on all media platforms, not just The Guardian bit backed up by the BBC as an ‘enndorsement’ as it is trusted more by the public who are not told the facts but led along a narrow path where there are no political options.
Without the BBC, The Gurdian lacks punch, with the BBC it seems like the new dawn has arrived, just follow the money.
Strange that the Guardian has so few readers and yet dictates future energy policy for the next Soclaist governemnet (that once again wil have no money and will tax us all based on the BBC repeated scares about climate that is now staring to raise taxes and basic foodstiffs, water, electricity, gas, transport and the manufacture of anything and everything based on CO2 emissions.
For the US globalists, this is easy money. For the BBC its easy money. For the EU its debt for the next twenty years, for the UK it will devastate our industries bar the media that rely on slush funds. There is a lot of money sloshing about to fund the program which although discredited, is now pushed by the US as a sign of social morality wher the fabled ‘green’ jobs will herald a new dawn of false jobs, prosperity and higher taxes beyond anything we have see since biblical times.
The BBC is safe for the time being. As long as we all believe in the false prophets, Allah, the EU, Climate (CC), Race, equality (socialism), Weather events (hot or cold) are all due to CC, BBC News will endorse this message until children have breakdowns, familes disparate, the ‘old’ asked to die early (to save the NHS) and the state ‘abortion-on-demand ‘is available along with COVID masks, HIV injections and drugs to ensure you die early from an infectious diseases. More as immigration intensifies and young forced to move to cities as cheap labour.
Only this way will they save the planet by – eventual ‘western nation’ depopulation and centralisation run by huge multi-national corporate bodies run by the very same Billionaires, passing the batton for a life on easy money and no competition. There is anew young generation who believe in this falsehood who will glue thelmsleve to a railway or road, to die for the cause or be arrested as public nusiance.
That is why the BBC is important. It is the secular high Church of climate endorsement. The Lefts religon that succeeds all other religions with Marxist vigour and ‘truth’. (Run by you know who DAVOS). The same opaque people behind the funding of Climate Change reports for the mass media. Globalists behind poltical and cultural ‘Climate Change’ push the agenda until they can effectively take over and charge what they like, when they like and if you refuse – well they have the NHS drugs for deniers. Nasty diseases can suddenly appear to those that question.
Is this our future? What has happened to the BBC is now NHS, UK institutions, National Museums and ‘woke’ charities that blame the UK industrial revolution and ALL the worlds problems on being born white and using up all the world ‘resources’ (which is another huge lie). But repeated often enough, it becomes a BBC ‘truth’ for the public at large.
At least we have Christmas, before they take that away as well…
Makes Putin’s assertion that the US and NATO are trying to push NATO power right up to the Russian border pretty credibIe, I reckon Biden and the UN will drag the World into a massive global war eventually.
I do feel a bit uncomfortable when ladies’ football and other sport is shoved across the airwaves, because Senora O’Blene was a very seriously trained games teacher, and also a great hockey, lacrosse and tennis player in her day, but why on earth cannot the awful BBC ensure that both women’s and men’s sports are kept separate, for the enjoyment of both sexes, (forgetting the stupid/vitriolic interference of the ‘trans crowd’), and treat the various games as the sort of pastimes most normal people enjoy by their original gender?
The pathetic pandering to women playing football and men thinking this is a usual game is utterly ridiculous! The two ‘genders’ are just not the same, and if the blokes wanted to play netball or rounders, they’d be in a peculiar position regarding their sexuality!
Luckily, neither of us bother with watching any sport on the BBC these days – the TV tax was cancelled several weeks ago anyway – but the twaddle around the rags and catch-up TV is deplorable, especially as the spoty disaster was so weird, and fixed to bow to the lefties and wokers!
Sport on TV was once supposed to be informative and thrilling, but it just ain’t these days; the bbc have ruined the vestiges of exciting watchable sport.
A new concern is that the sporting ladies are injuring themselves rather badly playing football!
Who would have thought it!
Beth Mead wanted to see a global study into why women’s footballers are more susceptible to the anterior cruciate ligament injuries currently plaguing the women’s game.
BBC Sports Personality of the year winner Mead who underwent knee surgery earlier this month, and her partner and Arsenal team-mate Vivianne Miedema both arrived at Wednesday’s SPOTY event on crutches, but the north London club’s attacking duo aren’t alone in having been sidelined by the same injury.
Of the top 16 players on 2022’s Women’s Ballon d’Or vote, five are currently out with ACL injuries and some of those are amongst the 100 senior Women’s Super League players sidelined by the problem.
And: England head coach Sarina Wiegman, speaking after winning the Coach of the Year award at the BBC’s SPOTY event, also called on governing bodies around the world to take action, adding: “There hasn’t been that much research about women’s football. Women are built differently to men, the hips and the knees are different, the angles are different. There’s lots of research in the men’s game, not the women’s game.
Meanwhile: its carry on at the BBC and gender swops in Scotland already available at the BBC (on demand) with the BBC iPlayer app. (TV license required).
Perhaps mother? Nature is telling the girls something …. Lucky they are not using the solid ball of the pre prem times – which put me off playing the game ….
Yes but women and men are the same! So a bloke identifying as a woman can fairly compete in a woman’s sport! No?
When I heard about this award I thought about how delicious it’s going to be when a trans woman (bloke) wants to play on their team…the scores will probably quadruple.
Same for tennis etc
Which side will the bbc take?
BBC local NewsPR show, was only 15 mins today.
And we’ll end with some chosen highlights from this year
They then only played ONE item. It was the 16 yo drag queen from Skegness
She looks hideous, cos it’s Ru Paul style drag
I do wonder a tiny bit what these metro woke kidults would do if they were really up against it ….. for instance – the loss of their iPhone / internet . … what proportion would be able to adapt ?
The State Dependency virus – which was speeded up by the Chinese Virus – has created expectation that the State will provide and know what to do .
Such unhealthy assumption will make things even worse when / if the doo doo hits the fan ….
They would start blaming everybody else for not sorting it out for them and then start writing empathy pieces about mothers who can’t feed their children so they can all feel really sorry for them.
If it REALLY hit the fan and civilisation as we know it ends, nature would take it’s course and people born with the Leftist ideology would eventually die out because they would not survive.
Bill Gates gave the BBC 3.6 million Dollars + $53m provided for BBC Media Action. Proof below:
Last year, the investigative publication Mint Press News (whose account has been closed by PayPal), put the Gates spend on media projects at around $300 million, but noted the amount could be much higher once sub-grants are taken into account. Among the broadcasters receiving money were the BBC ($3.67 million), CNN ($3.6m) and NBC Universal ($4.37m). In the U.K., the Guardian collected $12.95m, while the less well known green, woke blog The Conversation was granted $6.66m. The Telegraph collected £3.45m, but that doesn’t include a recent $2.43m grant for “global policy and advocacy”. In Europe, Der Spiegel ($5.44m), El Pais ($3.97m) and Le Monde ($4m) all received money. Gates has also given money to charities run by media operations, with a massive $53m provided for BBC Media Action. Large grants are also provided for journalistic training purposes
A bit surprised its not more. But that is just from ONE source (Gates), none of the others (there are hundreds of slush funds by corporate Billionaires to the BBC, all with an odd climate agenda).
Watching an episode of Till Death Us Do Part on That’s TV (Freeview 65).
They were arguing about Mary Whitehouse. Alf complained that the BBC was the worst offender and made a comment about “that bloody albino clunk-click perv” (or something like that).
Just an offhand bit of Alf Garnett abuse or was Johnny Speight trying to give the audience a clue about Savile?
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 10, 23:10 Start the Week 10th March 2025 From the Daily Mail online: “… … … According to the Telegraph, figures from the most recent BBC annual report…
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 10, 22:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Carney worked for Goldman Sachs for 13 years, curiously enough.
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FlotsamMar 10, 21:59 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Kelvin Mackenzie on form on GBNews. “Why should the public be forced to pay, under threat of prosecution, to watch…
FlotsamMar 10, 21:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I’ve studied the tracks of the two ships and it’s clear to me that both were moving when the collision…
BRISSLESMar 10, 21:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 My nephew married a Russian girl – from Kursk, a few years ago. Her parents (just lovely ordinary people like…
Emmanuel GoldsteinMar 10, 21:26 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I keep hearing from MP’s an excuse for them not doing what they were voted in to do, things such…
For all those fortunate enough to have not looked at the BBC homepage today, here’s a synopsis:
The BBC help a woman to get her marital status changed on Wikipedia because she can’t do it.
A fourth Russian athlete has gold medal taken away.
Password sharing on Netflix is illegal.
Lynette has arse covered by the BBC over his Quatar fiasco.
A strictly star has been body shamed.
Video gamers to sue Microsoft.
A pub landlord says they will close early if no one shows up.
Man feels betrayed and let down.
Can we cure ageing? (The NHS is trying its best to help out on that one!)
Zelensky on hols in the US.
Just another day in BBC world!
BBC coverage of Zelenski trip to the US.
The BBC helpfully show a bar chart of donations.
Take out Poland and Germany. The UK has donated more than the whole of the rest of the EU put together.
Would you believe it but even Australia has donated more than the duplicitous French.
But perish the thought that the BBC might show the useless EU in a negative light.
That would absolutely never do.
Anyone hoping the war might end soon may be disappointed…
Telegram “Intel Slava Z
🇺🇲🇺🇦 The new US military assistance package for Ukraine under the PDA program (1 billion) includes:
– One Patriot SAM battery and ammunition;
— ammunition for HIMARS
– 500 units of 155-mm high-precision projectiles
– 10 120-mm mortars and 10,000 120-mm mines for them;
– 10 82-mm mortars;
– 10 60-mm mortars;
– 37 heavy MRAP Cougar;
– 120 HMMWV vehicles;
– 6 armored general purpose trucks;
– HARM anti-radar missiles;
– JDAM kits;
– more than 2,700 grenade launchers and small arms;
– Claymore anti-personnel mines;
— Night vision devices and optics;
— Tactical secure communication systems;
— Bulletproof vests;
List of military assistance provided under the USAI program ($800 million):
– 45,000 152-mm artillery shells;
– 20,000 122-mm artillery shells;
– 50,000 122mm rockets for the MLRS BM-21 “Grad”;
– 100,000 125-mm tank ammunition;
— SATCOM terminals and services;
— Funding for training, maintenance.
🔗milinfolive “
Thanks Eddy
Always good to see the US military industrial complex in business . The russians are our enemy so anything bad going their way is good news. And they liberalism – quite rightly as a weakness .
The problem with all this kit floating about is the danger of ‘ accidents’ kicking of a bigger war …
Also – surely the Ukrainians cant have a bottomless pit of troops wheras
The russians can always grab another few thousand …
Who is going to provide the final taxi service to the rubberised cross channel ferry customers now the ambulances are on strike?
Are the RNLI allowed to work on land?
1966 World Cup ( men)
England Results
Vs Uruguay (0-0), France (2-0), Mexico (2-0), Argentina (1-0), Portugal (2-1), and Germany (4-2 aet)
Very competitive, tight games.
Bobby Moore won the BBC SPOTY.
2022 European Championships (women)
England results
Vs Austria (1-0), Norway (8-0), N Ireland (5-0), Spain (2-1), Sweden (4-0), Germany (2-1).
Not quite so competitive, three easy games out of 6.
Beth Mead (she was the captain of the team).wins the BBC SPOTY.
Proof positive of the effect of woke political correctness on the revaluation of real achievement.
Somehow I think Beth may be forgotten in rather less than the 57 years we have been remembering Bobby Moore.
PS followed by England 10 Luxembourg 0 in the woman’s World Cup qualifier. Another tough match.
PPS shortly after writing the above I saw a headline on the BBC webshite for Arsenal topping out in their Champions League group.
They’ve just beat Zurich 9-1 away!!!! Wow.
But it soon became clear. This was a womens match! The BBC wheeze these days is to not specify the gender of the competition so as to drag you in, only when you have clicked on do you see they have wasted your time. Positive discrimination writ large.
Give them a 1960s football to play with.
Yellow card offence for running and throwing like a girl
Extra point for taking shirt off when you score
The BBC really are a sick joke. They are now saying that this Mead woman holds the record for England goals scored in a season ‘beating Jimmy Greaves’. How the hell can they compare the two? Fortunately they are getting a good kicking in the comments. Are they wilfully stupid or what?
Its not real – its social conditioning like that ridiculous nickname theyve created for them …
I will buy popcorn for the day they demand parity with real players in the Prem …
November last year
Latvian team was selected from a group of mainly 19-20 year old amateurs with no experience at a higher level and who had a few days training together.
England 20 Latvia 0
Mead (3’minutes, 12’minutes, 23’minutes), White (6’minutes, 9’minutes, 49’minutes), Hemp (18’minutes, 44’minutes, 76’minutes, 88’minutes), Toone (42’minutes), Stanway (52’minutes pen), Carter (56’minutes), England (61’minutes, 84’minutes), Scott (67’minutes), Russo (71’minutes, 81’minutes, 82’minutes), Nobbs (80’minutes)
HT 8-0
“You want competitive games and these are not competitive games,” Sarina Wiegman (England manager) said afterwards.
“In every country you want to develop the women’s game but I don’t think it’s good that the scores are so high. I know it has the attention of the federations and I think that’s good as I don’t think 20-0 is good for the development of anyone.
“We really need some top-level games now which we’re going to have [next year] because then we’ll really know where we are.”
Maybe the G-men should get Springster in, to confer credibility?
What manner of beast is this?
DisinfoUs Thickus Sprigsteri.
Summer plumage.
FBI in denial….This is pure lefty ideology at work. If anyone comes up with undeniable proof that they are acting illegally they ignore the accusation and facts totally and simply give the accuser a “conspiracy” label and carry on.
It shows their utter contempt for truth and fair play, the end game is all that matters. Thats why in most left-wing situations the powers that be are only eventually disrupted when people have had enough and turn to physical means on the streets to deal with them.
Even the EU is moving rapidly into this ideology.
Proven over and over again in Soviet Russia, China and quite a few South American dictatorships which is what the US is moving towards under the laughably incompetent Biden administration.
Nads, a poll and, of course, the bbc.
What do you expect when you poll people who subscribe to, watch and believe bbc lies and omissions ?
A poll at the Daily Mail was 75% against.
Has anyone seen any picture of the people on strike which does not have a black person strategically placed in the middle of the shot ?. 1 in 30 of the population. What are the chances of that unless someone is deliberately selecting them ?.
Anti-white male racist and sexist discrimination is now rife throughout our society. For reasons I am unable to fathom (other than stupendous hypocrisy), the BBC and the Left seem to think that’s fine.
Oddly enough ‘History Debunked’s’ Simon Webb, gave a speech recently in which he said the ubiquity of black faces and particularly on the BBC, is all down to everybody (them – BBC et al.) feeling shame at how the blacks have been treated by Whitee over the centuries. A sort of effort at ‘Payback’. An act of paying reparations as I see it and in the case of the BBC, at license payers expense. Do blacks deserve it? I ask.
This is the most interesting of questions. Why are people on the left so anti-white, anti-male, anti-British, anti-everything that has made us great?
I think that the affluent, Chardonnay-sipping, liberal intellectual types in Hackney and Islington may be embarrassed by their wealth and good fortune in life and are trying to salve their consciences by taking the side of those they perceive to be less fortunate. Adopting progressive attitudes is for them like a tax they pay which enables them to assuage their guilt and think highly of themselves while continuing to lead their privileged, Chardonnay-drinking lives.
Less affluent progressives may be motivated by envy and resentment and a desire to destroy the system that has not resulted in a fortunate, Chardonnay-drinking birth for them. These malcontents will identify with black knifemen or Muslim terrorists long before they feel the slightest affinity with “evil Tories”.
Anti-white discrimination is in my view less a sincere drive for equality and more a tacit acknowledgement that blacks are inferior in many ways to whites and must be given special help. Every metric that shows blacks doing worse than whites and every negative disparity in outcomes must be put down to white racism rather than the inherent characteristics of blacks.
It’s desperate stuff. The left secretly knows that multiculturalism hasn’t worked but now they play harder at the game of “Let’s Pretend”. Let’s pretend blacks have assimilated well into British society by strategically placing them in the middle of every group photo, by having them married to every white woman in TV commercials, by having them play white fictional characters and white historical figures in TV dramas and films.
So for me it’s a psychological sickness infecting a once proud people who no longer feel comfortable in their skin or confident in their superior abilities. What healthy people hand their country over to strangers?
I suspect there may be yet deeper reasons which I have not quite fathomed about why this should be. It is a fascinating question, JohnC.
The way I see it “victimhood” has become a desirable attribute if you are in any way lacking in personal metal or attributes. It provides instant prowess without effort due to it’s universal acclaim by our media.
Its simply a way of getting payback without effort.
However there are carefully selected groups who are allowed to be such “victims” and others who most certainly are not and certainly never white, intelligent, hard-working and capable males.
Compare the treatment by the media of the Begum wretch and a certain Yaxley Lennon. One fighting against the UK and one for it.
Totally agree with those comments, digg.
Other words I don’t like are “vulnerable”, “marginalised” and “stigmatised”. Any group who can get themselves classed in those categories gets a free ride.
Politicians seem to stop thinking whenever they hear a group described in those terms. The Gender Recognition Reform (Scotland) Bill is a case in point where a group of “vulnerable, marginalised and stigmatised” people, which includes children, have now been given free rein to medically diagnose themselves, risking harm to themselves and presenting a danger to women and girls.
Utterly preposterous, stupid and dangerous.
The NHS are responsible for negotiating with their Staff, it’s nothing to do with the Government whatsoever other than trying to handle the mess the union barons create and trying to protect the people. Why can’t these people see that?
Even Lynch tried to do the same over the rail strike issue. The issue was between the train operators and the unions but he just berated the government for failing to go into discussions whilst refusing to allow his own members a voice or vote on the issue.
I guess they simply don’t want to proving that their real ambition is to target and possibly bring down the government at any cost.
People will see through this eventually.
“an absolute disgrace”
“apologise”, is that all ?
Scrap or reform the House of Lords, its not fit for purpose
The BBC Springwatch presenter Chris Packham declared that Clarkson was guilty of a ‘hate crime’ and called for him to be jailed.
Labour MP Stella Creasy also suggested he should be prosecuted for a hate crime and that the law should be changed, if necessary, to make it possible.
A petition on the website demanded that Clarkson be sacked by Amazon Prime and ITV, where he presents Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? It has already attracted five thousand signatures, although ITV says he will keep his job.
During Britain’s last round of European Parliament elections in 2019, Nigel Farage, then leader of the Brexit Party, had a milkshake thrown over him.
A few days later, comedian Jo Brand said on the Radio 4 programme Heresy: ‘Why bother with a milkshake when you could get some battery acid.’ She followed up her remark by saying: ‘That’s just me. I’m not going to do it. It’s purely a fantasy, but I think milkshakes are pathetic, I honestly do, sorry.’
In spite of acid attacks being a very serious problem, and the murder of Labour MP Jo Cox three years earlier, the BBC refused to apologise for broadcasting Brand’s comments, saying they were made on a ‘deliberately provocative’ show.
children’s author Sir Philip Pullman described Clarkson’s column as ‘poison’. Yet in 2019, when the debate over the Brexit Withdrawal Bill was reaching its heated climax, Sir Philip weighed in by tweeting: ‘When I hear the name ”Boris Johnson”, for some reason the words ‘rope’ and ‘nearest lamp-post’ come to mind as well.’
When he was criticised for what he said he had intended as a joke, far from apologising, he merely switched his proposed method of execution — throwing in for good measure some language parents wouldn’t want in their children’s bedtime stories.
‘For goodness’ sake,’ he wrote, ‘Of course I wasn’t advocating hanging the b*****d. But rulers who try to do away with democratic parliaments come to bad ends. As I pointed out on Twitter some time ago, the axe and the block are still in working order.’
In an interview with The Guardian shortly afterwards, he was still revelling in his ‘joke’, saying ‘the upshot of it was that I gained 2,000 Twitter followers.
In a 2013 edition of BBC Radio 4’s The News Quiz, chaired by Sandi Toksvig, one of the guests referred to Michael Gove, then education secretary, as having ‘a face like a foetus in a jar’. Not to be outdone, another guest on the show replied that Gove had ‘a face that makes even the most pacifist of people reach for the shovel’.
Cue laughter all round.
In an edition of Channel 4’s late-night comedy show The Last Leg in May 2020, just days after Boris Johnson had narrowly escaped death from Covid-19, actress Miriam Margolyes attacked the Government’s handling of the pandemic before adding: ‘I mean, I had difficulty not wanting Boris Johnson to die. Then I thought, that will reflect badly on me and I don’t want to be the sort of person that wants people to die.’
Since she is a confirmed member of the ‘outspoken’ liberal Left, her comments have not prevented her being invited onto Channel 4 shows since.
The Guardian is never slow to call out racism, whether real or imagined. But, in March 2020, that did not stop the paper publishing a drawing by its in-house cartoonist, Steve Bell, depicting then Home Secretary Priti Patel as a bull. Sitting alongside Boris Johnson (also as a bull) in the Commons, she had cloven hooves for hands, a ring through her nose, horns and a demonic expression.
Patel, as the paper’s editors surely knew, is a Hindu and it was deeply offensive to portray her in this way. Yet it declined to remove the cartoon or apologise, merely stating that ‘politicians of all parties are quite often caricatured as animals’.
John Edwards, a councillor in the West Midlands, tweeted ‘#The passing of Thatcher. Rejoice! Rejoice!’. Former Labour MP George Galloway tweeted: ‘May she burn in the hellfires.’
In Glasgow, 300 people gathered for a ‘celebration’ on the streets, while the former Prime Minister’s Left-wing enemies sent Ding Dong! The Witch Is Dead (a song from the film The Wizard Of Oz) to No. 2 in the charts.
the Ealing Central and Acton MP Rupa Huq described the then Chancellor as only ‘superficially’ black, adding: ‘If you hear him on the Today programme, you wouldn’t know he’s black.’
Angela Rayner, referred to the Tories as ‘scum’ in a speech at a fringe event at the Labour Party conference in 2021. ‘We cannot get any worse than a bunch of scum, homophobic, racist, misogynistic, absolute vile… banana republic, vile, nasty, Etonian… piece of scum,’
Uju Anya, an associate professor of applied linguistics at Carnegie Mellon University in the U.S.tweeted: ‘I heard the chief monarch of a thieving, raping, genocidal empire is finally dying. May her pain be excruciating.’
Given the circumstances, her comment was infinitely more offensive than Clarkson’s about Meghan. Yet far from earning her condemnation, many on the Left praised her. She was even treated to an interview in The Guardian.
The problem with the woke left over reaction to the Clarkson comments ( which I only vaguely know and could care less ) is self censorship – which I think is far more dangerous than the rants of bbc types such as packham screaming on social media .
One comment leads to an instant demand for job loss – career end – apologies in these cases have no value – despite the likes of the bbc demanding apology for this and that .
As mentioned above – attacks on ‘approved targets ‘ is fine – whole panels of group think lefties can sit around in TV studios kicking disapproved people – I should add – I don’t watch this crap and depend on secondary sources .
As people voice opinions there is more of a challenge to what ‘free speech ‘ remains …. And it is the Woke Far Left leading the charge to extinguish this freedom – in the cause of ‘community safety ‘ of course ….
And the ex-comedian is still wearing his ‘combat’ olive drab T-shirt to meet Biden.
It’s just ridiculous and shows just how stupid and gullible they think they average person is.
Mind you, when maxi tried to claim that Churchill wearing a boiler suit for work was the same thing, you can understand why.
A surprising lack of “stop the war” coalions and peace protests from the far left this time ?
when they want Ukraine in the European Union….
Hello Zephir
The eu bribe scandal has gone quiet.
Surely the bBC wants to make this frontpage news for days and go on and on about the scandal within the eu. But no its not been mentioned again or updated
Remember partygate, lets face its we couldn’t forget about that – hourly reminders for weeks – then dropped when the bBC had overthrown an elected PM
Just put ‘eu corruption’ into google and see how important and current it still is. Then add ‘BBC’ on the end and suddenly nothing since the story broke.
The BBC choosing not to report news they don’t like is an absolute scandal. OFCOM are a complete disgrace : they are as politically corrupt as the BBC.
I work in a shop, and as a special gesture, if NHS staff show their identity cards, I will be charging them 10% EXTRA.
I’m sure I heard this morning that the Scottish £ nurses have reneged on the 7.5% pay increase … I’ve not seen this elsewhere so maybe they got it wrong ….
And I’m guessing that there were no serious incidents on Wednesday where people died because NHS staff thought their pay more important than their punters …
If you get a lot of nurses in your shop we can safely assume it is a pie or cake shop.
Stocking up before going to work advising people on healthy lifestyles, moderation and dieting.
Judging on the nurses I have encountered, the only part of Mediterranean diet they partake is probably deep fried pizzas. (And wimmin police)
I just saw a snowman-shaped home-help nurse coming out of someones house and I must admit, I did wonder how she could be such a size when the BBC are telling us they can’t afford food.
Free food campaign continues . ‘Parents ‘ whose income is below about £7 k – excluding benefits / social get tax funded food for the kids they breed . There is no discouragement for women who have low or no income to breed . This fact is ‘unapproved ‘ and I can feel an element of disapproval as I write .
But I come from a tough background – but my parents were self dependent and worked hard . The idea of going to the state for welfare was alien to them . But how times change . Now … let’s see.. what can I claim … what am I entitled to …?
BTW – the bbc has researched local councils to see if the children get the free food they are entitled to during the Summer – there’s other stuff local tax payers are meant to fund for summers – or when there’s no school . Why not just dump all ‘parents ‘ take the kiddies into State control?
Netflix password sharing may be illegal, says UK government
The general public should do everything by the book. Lets face it its only the likes of MPs who can make claims on “expenses”
The rich who fly around the world in private jets, this is fine. But the general public should not take holidays due to the “carbon footprint”
More important things to worry about than what the bBC says is important – like the thousands of spongers who arrive daily and the cost to us the tax payer
Calm Channel so expect many spongers today.
To be fast tracked.
Well, there’s a bit of an agenda to this. Behind the scenes, one of the options being explored for financing the BBC is a subscription model a la Netflix, so they want to set precedent and close down possible loopholes. However, my sources tell me that the BBC’s and Government’s preference is for a household levy similar to the council tax, possibly even added directly to it. Less defaulters, plus We Are All In It Together, Comrades.
Adding state broadcast funding to the poll tax is even more unjust than the current arrangement – so I suppose it is a ‘cert’….
Then don’t pay the levy, and point out to the bastards in no uncertain terms why you’re not paying it.
Very few black faces in the video towards the bottom of this link, surely the daily 80% should be shown
Or maybe when the likes of the bBC puts loads of effort into trying to cater for non-whites the effort is actually pointless and continues to alienate the general white population
Apparently – last night there was a 2.5 hour sports thing in which someone called ‘Beth ‘ won the top gong .. the only ‘interest’ I had was whether the avaricious linaker would jet straight from the World Cup to ‘host’( read the autocue ) for the customary fee ( I don’t know the answer to that or care ) ….
BBC News today is full of this show – and toady is so woke lefty today that the off switch was hit long ago … the adverts they run with carols and stuff seem so out of place for such a godless organisation – i m sure the drive to exterminate Christmas to drive along in coming years if it is not stopped …
Fed, I see from the newspapers front pages that Beth Mead forgot to put her blouse or shirt on. Maybe down to too much heading of the football when young …. ?
I only saw a couple of seconds thinking I was going to see local news. I was assuming Linneaker has been at the pork pies because his jacket was too tight. But they probably can’t get pork pies in Qatar so it was probably some other high calorie intake.
Deborah, crisps may be the cause of Lineker’s jacket being too tight. What?!! Shock! Horror! He eats them as well as earning a fortune for advertising them?
Probably gets a free crate every month …..
Up2 – I don’t know who that person is – I understand she plays wimmins footy and won something in the summer …. the critic on the DT was pretty vitriolic about the whole thing … with st Leonel winning something but not even a noted saying ‘cheers ‘ in Argentinian from his agent … but then mr messi and me might share the value of such BBC crap ….
The BBC couldn’t afford to broadcast premier league football, so it concentrated on the womens game which it could afford, and also found that it was able to leverage it to virtue signal.
Poorer people or those more sensible who refuse to contribute to the prima donnas premier league ludicrous pay, watch what is available which is what makes them so very vulnerable and the BBC such a monster.
As it turned out for the BBC the women did considerably better than the men did on the international stage, and perhaps the moral here should be that fostering home grown talent would pay dividends over simply buying it in from abroad, and by extention that could be applied to other areas of the UK economy (but won’t be by the BBC which supports mass immigration).
And so the BBC celebrate the achievements of one who assisted them at a time when there was little else to broadcast.
For those Socialists following the demon, John Rawls inane drivel this is manna from heaven.
Scottish ones now able to choose gender?
Sir Boaty and Goody at least got a fair innings.
Thing is, there is a discussion to be had, maybe between Stevo and SurBob, though I doubt taking in four lovely young men from Africa each will resolve the breeding programme issues there.
Mother Jones usually sticks to climate, so good to see they are moving into mostly bbc territory, reportedly.
Got to love the state of media now, sources close are telling Toenails.
I think she made a mistake. She meant to say reduce the world population by all the lobbying bodies, Quangos, interfering billionaires, and state funded media. That includes, with a vengeance, the organisation on the billboard behind her.
Just wondering what particular “problems” this lady has personally? Can obviously afford to turn up at a big WEF bash without too much of a problem. Or are “problems” only things that poorer folk create?
BBC 100 inspiring and influential wimmin.,Ghanaian%20author%20Nana%20Darkoa%20Sekyiamah
@TheConWom 1h
The BBC has revealed its tenth annual list of 100 ‘inspiring and influential’ women from around the world for 2022.
It includes at least 2 men, anti-Israel zealots, #climatechange cultists + leftie US singers and actors.
An affront to British culture?
re: Clarkson / it’s OK when we do it
Stella Creasy and Eddie Izzard in Mrs. Doubtfire 2, here.
Get woke AND go broke edition
Cost of asylum system soars to £3.5bn a year (Daily Express)
UK economy shrank more than previously thought… Growth figures for the first half of 2022 have also been revised down. The UK is forecast to fall into recession in the final three months of the year as soaring prices hit growth (BBC)
England footballer Beth Mead was voted BBC Sports Personality of the Year… (Telegraph) – never heard of her.
… while the team, coach and young personality awards were also won by women.
It was Ernie K-Doe who sang that earwormy chanting Here come the girls (girls, girls, girls-girls) and chemist and toiletries retailer Boots that used the chant in their TV advertising.
Meanwhile: ‘You are the man of the year’ Emotional: Volodymyr Zelensky meets Joe Biden in U.S. yesterday (Daily Mail) – good to be told us chaps still have our uses.
The making of a young Hero of Ukraine… This is a war where Ukrainian fathers and sons serve on the same frontlines. (BBC)
Like father like son?
My dad was a bricklayer. I’m trying to find my Adele moment. Luke Evans on his BBC special (‘i’) – further comment there would seem superfluous.
This Biden Zelensky photo op certainly bridged the generations: A hero’s welcome and patriot missiles for Zelensky (Express) – I’m oddly reminded of Charlie in Willy Wonka’s Chocolate factory (of war weapons) and his old Grandpa Joe
Zelensky’s US trip rewarded with more weapons (Telegraph)
Nine months in and as the war becomes a dirty cold hard attritional slog we now tend to see fewer of those gun toting gals in khaki press shots. Funny that.
From war to politics… by the Waugh on politics column in the left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper: The longer strikes go on, Tories risk narrative that ‘Britain is broken’ – gosh, but there’s so much to unpack there… who could it be that constructs and who precisely deploys these so-called ‘narratives‘ of which you speak Mr Waugh? Surely our news media bring us news with a bit of thoughful commentary? And you think Britain ain’t already broken?
US tech giants’ retreat from London raises heat on commerical landlords (FT) – can we blame this one on Brexit perhaps?
Dublin caught in bid to cut space (FT) – sadly, not. That’ll be Lockdowns then.
BBC go to brain donor Burgon is currently running with the ‘nhs is underfunded’ line.
Even under Musk, fascinating how many from his asylum still depend on it for their very existence. No wonder they screamed. But seem to be clawing things back.
Male cricketers win world cup against top opposition nothing from bbc
Wimmin team win against mostly amateurs who wouldn’t worry a male pub team
Awards all over from sexist bbc
TOADY Watch #1 – am I glad she is not PM? Yes, I think she has just the right job.
TOADY played sound clips of Home Secretary, Suella Braverman’s, appearance before the Lords Justice and Home Affairs Committee. She sounded really good, talked sense, and brought a bit of good cheer to the first hour of TOADY. I hope she is able to use the cruise ships idea. Anchoring them off the coast of France would be a great idea but I cannot see the French agreeing to that.
TOADY Watch will suffer its usual interruption to normal service unless something exceptional happens after Christmas. I just cannot stand the SlebEdits editions and may not listen at all December 26th through 31st December. Usual service should be available from 2nd January onwards.
If any ships are used – the French really don’t have much of a say in the matter. If the vessel’s ownership paperwork is straight and the vessel is properly registered and has all the certs and is insured and pays harbour fees – that’s it…
The French/EU have allowed ships with dodgy papers into Mediterranean ports (after they’ve been refused Italian discharge of “passengers”…) – in the proposed case the peeps are departing…
Could be a useful method to pressure the French (EU) bureaucrats.
tomo, think anchoring them in French National Water’s might ‘hot’ things up a bit in Western Europe: and not in the way we would like. The de facto ‘owner’ would be the UK Government, and then I think Harbour Masters can refuse entry, can they not, even if a fee was paid or taken out of the many millions we’re giving the French anyway?
The vessels don’t need to anchor…
HMG would be the charterer – departures generally aren’t a problem – it’s *arrivals* that trigger the customs & immigration peeps – although it might nettle les froggie bureaucrats nicely as they’d have to document the departing “passengers” 🙂
In all – sending cruise ships to pick up migrants would put the French government peeps in a bit of a pickle I think. I’d drop them off in Glasgow or Edinburgh – once every couple of weeks – maybe alternate between the two.
tomo, nice idea about Glasgow and Edinburgh but there is no hard border between Scotland and England …. yet.
I don’t care so much about the borders as much as I care about prodding the frog+EU bureaucrats and the SNP 🙂
I’d also offer some part time assessment – interviewer gigs to prominent members of the “refugees welcome” crew.
Just a thought about the troubles within the anychess that the Bloated Biased Corporation like to prattle on about.
1. There are more than 217 extant NHS Trusts in the UK.
2. According to the Gruniad 15 CEO’S were paid over £250k
3.The rest are paid between £80k and £181k.
These are just the figures for the top bodies, how much less their underlings and arsewipes are paid is anyone’s guess. The answer would appear to be quite simple, scrap all these “trusts”(does anyone trust them?) and put it all under one roof as it used to be, under the DoH. Only 1 man or woman or tranny in charge. 1 diversity officer if required. Think of the savings.
One local NHS Trust was shuttered (Wiltshire PCT) – the proffered reason officially given by DoH – “Not Fit For Purpose”.
The truth about the “Trust” was hidden – the local hospitals were neglected – to the point where nurses of my acquaintance were bringing in their own bogrolls. The Management were rarely (if ever) seen anywhere where there were patients and they had an expensive office on a business park that was notorious locally for literally dozens of new lease BMWs, Mercedes and Audis being double parked and parked on grass verges.
Some NHS officials were actually conducting sub contractor briefings / meetings at local golf clubs.
Not far away the NHS Trust at Chippenham duplicated the upper management structure by engaging a management consultancy company to advise on how to run their small fleet of facilities.
There’s been selling off of existing facilities to housing developers and subsequent newbuild health centres on green field sites (with borrowed money?) which have not been as financially transparent as one might hope… (at all – afaics)
All too easy to believe that the NHS is rotten in parts.
The future’s dim, the future identifies as diverse.
I would certainly watch a debate between her, Bob Ward, our Council Executive, Justin Rowlatt and Ed Pede.
However, the BBC would not host, or cover it.
Thanks to that unique way they are soon to be funded by our council tax.
I have by coincidence noted that every mental ‘suggested for you’ post on my FB thread on Megharry, Clarkson, Amber, climate, trannies, etc is from a BBC local democracy title nowhere near where I live.
Is Soros funding all of this?
Someone should suggest that debate to GB News.
Guest Who,
Oh NO NO NO. We must fight that Council Tax- BBC licence proposal tooth & nail. That’s force-funding the Beast.
We must retain our right to watch television or not. Our choice. I’m not paying for something I don’t use. I’ve been very happy without live TV for 4 years. I don’t intend to turn back.
Agree totally.
Any councillor, or MP, of any party, that goes along with this will not get my vote. And will be actively campaigned against.
No idea where they think the money will come from hereabouts to pay for Lineker, Naga and a floor of diversity advisers in London.
I will simply withhold the amount from my DD.
Let it be funded by subscription or Scrap “the beast”!
Three stabbed in Birmingham no doubt more enrichment
Remember OUR FISH?
Not a ‘new deal’ – this deal is two years old.
There are still 1,700 EU vessels plundering our waters unmonitored.
Isn’t June Mummery a member of The Reform Party ?
The UK should stop licences for French fishing vessels for every illegal immigrant invader landing on our shore.
The French vessels will act immediately to turn the so called ‘small boats’ back.
We have a very soft government or, our government is allowing the illegal migrants landings by design ?
Woke insanity
Nicola Sturgeon ‘personally blocks law change that would stop rapists and child abusers from changing sex’ as fight over Scotland’s gender reform bill rages on with First Minister facing opposition from within the SNP
Perhaps someone has a picture of Sturgeon with ‘someone ‘ in a less than flattering’ situation ‘… but with Scotland going fully woke … what’s next …?
We have ………….”US winter storm will bring coldest Christmas in decades”
And ………………..”Canada’s polar-bear capital Churchill warms too fast for bears”
“Man jailed”, was the headline
but BBC Radio Lincolnshire did then give the name.
Tahmid Majid of Croydon
“The men had been seen talking to the 13 y.o. girl in a passageway next to Grantham railway station.
A conversation was overheard to the effect that the girl could earn large sums of money and would be given a house to live in.-”
“Majid was arrested and inquiries revealed he had been travelling from London to engage in sexual activity with the girl for over two years”
Dear Readers and Contributors,
I read with disbelief, though I should have known better, that the Tory Government said that they have no alternative than to find accommodation for all migrants arriving on these shores as it is a statutory obligation. I find it incredible that they do not have a spine between them and not one of them have I heard say that we should ignore any statutory requirement until all our own people without a roof over their head are given accommodation first. From now on I will refer to the Tory’s as the Spineless-Tories and will ask all friends, relatives, readers and contributors to do likewise. Hopefully this may spread a little into the common language as these things often do, and they will get a clear message of what many think of them collectively, as currently they are not hearing us.
Mouse – try blue labour – very accurate description . There seems to be an acceptance by the swamp that the population of the UK will rise by a million for foreseeable years … under any party ….
I might take the cowards’ way out and find a better country – it won’t be difficult … one person can only do so much …. But I’m in londonistan which is a multicultural sewer …
Fed, Zimbabwe? Needs some farmers and business people who can build the country up again.
The Mouse
That’s exactly why I will be voting for The Reform Party at the next General Election.
Ex Tory voters should not spoil your vote . Consider The Reform Party ..
Beeboid on Beeboid.
Folk seem weary of opposition gobs rotating through studios saying any old thing as an overpaid media propaganda tool nods on.
See also:
Nadia has to take her shoes & socks off to count past 10
Doubt any BBC staffer would be tempted on that wedge, even a starter diversity hire.
They may get Carol Pneumatic Boobs to wing it for free for coverage.
Failing which, this is what gets you an all access pass into every bbc studio, panel and toilet.
Please refer to me as Miss Fos in future,. I have applied for
an executive job with BBC Scotland . On the grounds of
positive discrimination, inclusiveness , diversity, quotas.
I reckon that I am a shoe in to get the job. You should the dress
and bra I have bought !
Scotch gender bill passed. Will the real Government of the UK allow it?
I have always been suspicious about Scotch men – wearing frocks suggests they have funny ideas about biological sex
BBC hero speaks to US Congress.
Something smells… eh Branden.
– and then they go around smearing people …
Brixton Academy licence suspended after fatal crush
I think it’s pretty clear to anyone who is actually honest that the root cause of the crush was not the Academy. It was it’s location.
How billionaires fill the media with climate fear and panic
(excerpt) – Daily Sceptic.
….Recently I reported that the Mirror had run a nonsense story about much of London disappearing beneath the waves within 80 years. I noted that this was not the handiwork of a crack team of investigative reporters, but rather the placed work of a U.S. green activist group called Climate Central. This operation specialises in ready-to-publish climate change material highlighting local landmarks allegedly due to disappear beneath the waves. Similar tactics are used by another activist group spreading fear and alarm called Covering Climate Now (CC Now). This operation is run out of the Columbia Journalism Review in New York, and is backed by the Nation and the U.K. Guardian. Both operations rely heavily on large gifts from Left-leaning U.S. foundations.
CC Now was started in 2019 and claims to feed over 500 media operations with written stories and climate narratives. Its “partners” include some of the biggest names in news publishing such as Reuters, Bloomberg, Agence France-Presse (AFP), CBS News, ABC News and MSNBC News. Leading journals are said to include Rolling Stone, Huff Post and Teen Vogue. The founders seek a “reframing” of the way journalists cover climate change. What this means in practice is amplifying an invented ‘climate emergency’ by constant story catastrophisation, while denying any inconvenient science. The political aim is the promotion of the command-and-control Net Zero agenda.
There is plenty of advice for tame journalists aiming to ramp up climate hysteria. “The fastest way to catch up is to emulate outlets that are already covering climate change well. You can’t do better than the Guardian,”…
…Relentless catastrophising of individual weather events is the favoured weapon to spread climate fear among the wider population. Using the recent experience of the Covid pandemic, activists have been emboldened to spread panic and alarm in controllable media to achieve their wider political aims. Despite oft-made claims, it is impossible to use models to ‘attribute’ single weather events to long term changes in the climate. CC Now skirts this obvious problem by providing a number of helpful explanations for gullible journalists to copy-and-paste.
…Billionaire-run foundations are spending enormous sums promoting junk alarmist science, in addition to funding on-side academic institutions and other influential bodies. Both Climate Central and CC Now are funded by the Rockefeller Foundation, while Climate Central takes support from the Grantham fund. This latter foundation is connected with the green billionaire investor Jeremy Grantham, and also partly funds three U.K. university institutes. At the LSE, this operation provides material that supports the Net Zero initiatives.
…The science writer and climatologist Dr. Judith Curry has become increasingly concerned about the effect of all this propaganda on children. In a recent essay, she wrote that it was difficult to avoid the conclusion that children are being used as tools in adults’ political agenda surrounding climate change. This is having adverse impacts on the mental health of children, she warned. The apocalyptic rhetoric surrounding the climate ‘crisis’ has numerous victims, she added. “Children and young adults rank among the victims of greatest concern.
Read more: (excerpt)
The BBC have this as policy, all such climate prediction are deemed true and cannot be challenged by any one inside or outside the BBC. We know this is how the BBC works. It is a complete set up…
Needless to say the BBC supplies ENDLESS news feeds about the impending global (and local) APOCALYPSE. Most of this is scientifically and proven untrue. Yet here we are, back to the 1970’s and to reach Net zero targets will be plunged back to the middle ages to those on low to middle incomes. For some its socialism (again), others Marxism-in-action (repeat of Spanish war to overthrow Fascism) but its actually the wet Liberals and Green lobby driving this Climate Change – that only the super rich will benefit. The useful idiots of globalist billionaires.
That means the BBC can charge what they like. It does not matter what you ‘watch’ or don’t, as the propaganda is there wall-to-wall’ for a reason to enforce compliance to a new Green God. That means constant propaganda on all media platforms, not just The Guardian bit backed up by the BBC as an ‘enndorsement’ as it is trusted more by the public who are not told the facts but led along a narrow path where there are no political options.
Without the BBC, The Gurdian lacks punch, with the BBC it seems like the new dawn has arrived, just follow the money.
Strange that the Guardian has so few readers and yet dictates future energy policy for the next Soclaist governemnet (that once again wil have no money and will tax us all based on the BBC repeated scares about climate that is now staring to raise taxes and basic foodstiffs, water, electricity, gas, transport and the manufacture of anything and everything based on CO2 emissions.
For the US globalists, this is easy money. For the BBC its easy money. For the EU its debt for the next twenty years, for the UK it will devastate our industries bar the media that rely on slush funds. There is a lot of money sloshing about to fund the program which although discredited, is now pushed by the US as a sign of social morality wher the fabled ‘green’ jobs will herald a new dawn of false jobs, prosperity and higher taxes beyond anything we have see since biblical times.
The BBC is safe for the time being. As long as we all believe in the false prophets, Allah, the EU, Climate (CC), Race, equality (socialism), Weather events (hot or cold) are all due to CC, BBC News will endorse this message until children have breakdowns, familes disparate, the ‘old’ asked to die early (to save the NHS) and the state ‘abortion-on-demand ‘is available along with COVID masks, HIV injections and drugs to ensure you die early from an infectious diseases. More as immigration intensifies and young forced to move to cities as cheap labour.
Only this way will they save the planet by – eventual ‘western nation’ depopulation and centralisation run by huge multi-national corporate bodies run by the very same Billionaires, passing the batton for a life on easy money and no competition. There is anew young generation who believe in this falsehood who will glue thelmsleve to a railway or road, to die for the cause or be arrested as public nusiance.
That is why the BBC is important. It is the secular high Church of climate endorsement. The Lefts religon that succeeds all other religions with Marxist vigour and ‘truth’. (Run by you know who DAVOS). The same opaque people behind the funding of Climate Change reports for the mass media. Globalists behind poltical and cultural ‘Climate Change’ push the agenda until they can effectively take over and charge what they like, when they like and if you refuse – well they have the NHS drugs for deniers. Nasty diseases can suddenly appear to those that question.
Is this our future? What has happened to the BBC is now NHS, UK institutions, National Museums and ‘woke’ charities that blame the UK industrial revolution and ALL the worlds problems on being born white and using up all the world ‘resources’ (which is another huge lie). But repeated often enough, it becomes a BBC ‘truth’ for the public at large.
At least we have Christmas, before they take that away as well…
US and NATO officials are up in arms and screaming over a report that Russia is being handed arms from North Korea.
Meanwhile Zelensky trips to Washington to accept an eye-watering promise of a lot more arms from the US.
Double standards?
Goose/gander comes to mind!
Something about this just doesn’t add up.
Makes Putin’s assertion that the US and NATO are trying to push NATO power right up to the Russian border pretty credibIe, I reckon Biden and the UN will drag the World into a massive global war eventually.
I do feel a bit uncomfortable when ladies’ football and other sport is shoved across the airwaves, because Senora O’Blene was a very seriously trained games teacher, and also a great hockey, lacrosse and tennis player in her day, but why on earth cannot the awful BBC ensure that both women’s and men’s sports are kept separate, for the enjoyment of both sexes, (forgetting the stupid/vitriolic interference of the ‘trans crowd’), and treat the various games as the sort of pastimes most normal people enjoy by their original gender?
The pathetic pandering to women playing football and men thinking this is a usual game is utterly ridiculous! The two ‘genders’ are just not the same, and if the blokes wanted to play netball or rounders, they’d be in a peculiar position regarding their sexuality!
Luckily, neither of us bother with watching any sport on the BBC these days – the TV tax was cancelled several weeks ago anyway – but the twaddle around the rags and catch-up TV is deplorable, especially as the spoty disaster was so weird, and fixed to bow to the lefties and wokers!
Sport on TV was once supposed to be informative and thrilling, but it just ain’t these days; the bbc have ruined the vestiges of exciting watchable sport.
A new concern is that the sporting ladies are injuring themselves rather badly playing football!
Who would have thought it!
Beth Mead wanted to see a global study into why women’s footballers are more susceptible to the anterior cruciate ligament injuries currently plaguing the women’s game.
BBC Sports Personality of the year winner Mead who underwent knee surgery earlier this month, and her partner and Arsenal team-mate Vivianne Miedema both arrived at Wednesday’s SPOTY event on crutches, but the north London club’s attacking duo aren’t alone in having been sidelined by the same injury.
Of the top 16 players on 2022’s Women’s Ballon d’Or vote, five are currently out with ACL injuries and some of those are amongst the 100 senior Women’s Super League players sidelined by the problem.
And: England head coach Sarina Wiegman, speaking after winning the Coach of the Year award at the BBC’s SPOTY event, also called on governing bodies around the world to take action, adding: “There hasn’t been that much research about women’s football. Women are built differently to men, the hips and the knees are different, the angles are different. There’s lots of research in the men’s game, not the women’s game.
Meanwhile: its carry on at the BBC and gender swops in Scotland already available at the BBC (on demand) with the BBC iPlayer app. (TV license required).
Perhaps mother? Nature is telling the girls something …. Lucky they are not using the solid ball of the pre prem times – which put me off playing the game ….
Yes but women and men are the same! So a bloke identifying as a woman can fairly compete in a woman’s sport! No?
When I heard about this award I thought about how delicious it’s going to be when a trans woman (bloke) wants to play on their team…the scores will probably quadruple.
Same for tennis etc
Which side will the bbc take?
BBC local NewsPR show, was only 15 mins today.
And we’ll end with some chosen highlights from this year
They then only played ONE item. It was the 16 yo drag queen from Skegness
She looks hideous, cos it’s Ru Paul style drag
Nigel Farage says he thought it was an “April fools day joke” when he saw the BBC announced a podcast about Shamima Begum’s story as an ISIS bride.
“… the BBC … sides with extremists against the common-sense majority in the country.”
The BBC Shamima Begum Podcast……..a disgrace. Heads should roll
Sometimes the kidults running the BBC must just push things as far as … the BBC allows itself …. If only she’d been topped like the other 2 …
I’ll guarantee that the people at the BBC behind it don’t have any real clue about what ISIS and people like Begum actually did.
They live in a bizarre metropolitan bubble where someone else does the dirty work.
I do wonder a tiny bit what these metro woke kidults would do if they were really up against it ….. for instance – the loss of their iPhone / internet . … what proportion would be able to adapt ?
The State Dependency virus – which was speeded up by the Chinese Virus – has created expectation that the State will provide and know what to do .
Such unhealthy assumption will make things even worse when / if the doo doo hits the fan ….
No question about that:
They would start blaming everybody else for not sorting it out for them and then start writing empathy pieces about mothers who can’t feed their children so they can all feel really sorry for them.
If it REALLY hit the fan and civilisation as we know it ends, nature would take it’s course and people born with the Leftist ideology would eventually die out because they would not survive.
Bill Gates gave the BBC 3.6 million Dollars + $53m provided for BBC Media Action. Proof below:
Last year, the investigative publication Mint Press News (whose account has been closed by PayPal), put the Gates spend on media projects at around $300 million, but noted the amount could be much higher once sub-grants are taken into account. Among the broadcasters receiving money were the BBC ($3.67 million), CNN ($3.6m) and NBC Universal ($4.37m). In the U.K., the Guardian collected $12.95m, while the less well known green, woke blog The Conversation was granted $6.66m. The Telegraph collected £3.45m, but that doesn’t include a recent $2.43m grant for “global policy and advocacy”. In Europe, Der Spiegel ($5.44m), El Pais ($3.97m) and Le Monde ($4m) all received money. Gates has also given money to charities run by media operations, with a massive $53m provided for BBC Media Action. Large grants are also provided for journalistic training purposes
(See Bottom half of page for link*)
A bit surprised its not more. But that is just from ONE source (Gates), none of the others (there are hundreds of slush funds by corporate Billionaires to the BBC, all with an odd climate agenda).
Watching an episode of Till Death Us Do Part on That’s TV (Freeview 65).
They were arguing about Mary Whitehouse. Alf complained that the BBC was the worst offender and made a comment about “that bloody albino clunk-click perv” (or something like that).
Just an offhand bit of Alf Garnett abuse or was Johnny Speight trying to give the audience a clue about Savile?
At the end of the episode a TV Licence inspector (Gorden Kaye) turns up and threatens Alf with a £50 fine or one year in prison.
I saw three dinghies sailing in,
On Christmas Day, on Christmas Day,
I saw three dinghies sailing in,
On Folkestone beach in the morning…
And what was in those dinghies three?
On Christmas Day, on Christmas Day,
And what was in those dinghies three,
At half past two in the morning?
Another gang of Albanians,
On Christmas Day, on Christmas Day,
And a couple of dozen Iranians,
Just like every other morning…
They were brought ashore by Border Force,
On Christmas Day, on Christmas Day,
And taken to a hotel, of course,
On Christmas Day in the morning…