FFS Radio4 has the Tate story as a main item
Now they’ve brought on As Sarkar as if she is some kind of expert
She’s off “right wing influencers”… blah blah
– she’s on so often that she contributes more than quite a few salaried goons.
I have to say that I didn’t like Tate – but the brouhaha surrounding the matter stinks.
It’s going to be interesting to see how Joe Rogan reacts – as far as I can see ( not very far usually) – Rogan is a pal outside the podcast guest milieu…
The worse news is this: right now, they claim they’re converting all the old vaccines into mRNA type products.
If they do this, and people accept them, they’re going to kill a big proportion of the people on this planet.
So here’s another murder branching out into a wider campaign. The BBC obviously know it was a white man who did it.
Up until now, every murder which runs for more than one article at the BBC has been done by whitey. The exception being Sabina Nessa who started off with the night-time vigils etc but was then totally and shamelessly dropped once the racists and misandrists discovered the man who looked like he could be white turned out to be an Albanian immigrant.
Lets see if I’m wrong and he turns out to be black but they keep running it. I’d bet my house that doesn’t happen.
I’d add that in the UK solar farms afaics are largely operated by shadowy financial
scammers based in IoM or The Channel Islands …
It's a very serious point that most people just don't get. A solar panel north of the Alps probably adds to net emissions, because it does not generate as much energy in its lifetime as it required during its manufacture and operation. https://t.co/sLckYk7sAo
@QuentinWillson is on GBnews ostensibly to talk about rising costs for the motorist
but he’s just praising Khan’s expansion of the ULEZ zone to anywhere inside the M25
“We really have to get air pollution down with these 40,000 premature deaths every year”
Firstly that is fake zombie stat .. practically no ones death certificate has “air pollution on it”
#2 Air pollution has been falling for years and years
Even if you do nothing it falls
cos new ICE engines get better in design.
#3 Air pollution impact is not mainly car engines ..so purely forcing people out of cars or into EV cars doesn’t change air pollution input much
.. It’s stufff in their home, it’s log burners, it’s trucks, buses, trains, underground, it’s tyre and dust etc.
Building dust in London, Stew. I used to look out over the City of London. Easter, Spring and August Bank Holidays the sky would be free of the stuff; first day back to work it would start to show from 7 a.m. onwards.
Sore point with me . I’ve had to sell my car or incur 12.50 every time I used to . Just another reason to leave londonistan .
Ironic that I bought new – encouraged to get a diesel by the state – but then found to have been the victim of Kraut fraud . But it did cost them in the end …
Funny thing was – I mainly use my scooter and the car was a fall back …I wish khan a short life
Quentin is akin to Kryten – there’s tubs of ad money and PR opportunities are awash with cash.
Mercenary true believers do very well indeed.
As a watcher of the EV promotional circus they reward “suitable” content creators handsomely – plane tickets, hotels, loan vehicles, ££££ for puff pieces.
I used to watch Kryten’s pieces but he’s gotten too absurd for my taste – A Dr. Pangloss for the 21st Century.
A search for “future transport” on YouTube hints at how much money is being hosed into fantasy…
that the BBC will do some programmes with highlights of 2022 , but gloss over very quickly the Marlene Headley AKA Ngozi Fulani ( do African -a continent not a country – nations use capitals for names and in what order ? ) and her spurious charity .
This evening the BBC does its’ Correspondents look ahead ‘ thing – which has been going for decades . I’ve listened since I was a kid . It used to be knowledgable – informative – with experienced journos giving reasoned analysis of various countries in the coming year .
Now it is a smug Islington based woke propaganda piece – usually expending hate on `president Trump and anyone else not approved by the swamp …. I can already hear the sneer …
( they will assume BTW that mr trump will be charged and convicted with some crime – maybe tax fraud ) ….
Fed, the cream of ‘Correspondents Lokk Ahead’ used to be the equivalent of Any Answers that followed the Saturday repeat. The public used to e-mail and ‘phone in to get their voices heard.
The BBC stopped that a few years back.
I wonder if it was because the public were rather less biased than the BBC approved and/or were more accurate with their predictions.
The BBC is “warping modern Britain” by allowing a Left-wing, politically correct bias to infuse the storylines of drama series, a new report has said.
Some shows are described as being close to outright propaganda because of their criticisms of Brexit, the police, capitalism, the nuclear deterrent and government agencies.
The Campaign for Common Sense reviewed more than a year’s output of BBC drama and found that the corporation was presenting a version of the UK that few viewers would recognise….
At last! We are vindicated. The BBC is both corrupt and biased and here is the new report (in proof) in full that proves it…
The Telegraph (today): by Gordon Rayner/ Associate Editor
In another report today Another DT article savaging the BBC distortion of ‘history’. The BBC won’t wriggle out of this one.
It is by leading Academic historians concerned about BBC’s distortion of the facts, stated as ‘facts’ which are usually false and arranged as ‘drama’ by the BBC.
Article by Robin Aitkin writing in DT (today)
“The BBC is largely staffed by people who consider themselves intellectuals and they often act as if they hate the country they serve. They rarely celebrate the many episodes in British history where the country displayed bravery, fortitude and moral courage. The fact that this country, at the height of its power embarked on the onerous and hugely costly venture of suppressing the slave trade should be a source of great pride – but the BBC prefers to portray us as slavers.”
It’s an old video – from August. Twitter has added a BBC and a Reuters link (spit) detailing that he’s still talking to police.
One might expect that somebody operating online wanking sites would be very (extremely) careful about their legal position – the involvement of US Embassy and the earlier SWATing hint that hes trodden on a few toes and that as a consequence there’s a bounty on his head…
In the long Robert Barnes chat I linked above – there is more relevant context.
One thing I can see that Tate has persistently done is to raise his profile by provoking/cultivating outrage where he can – and the numbers suggest that that has worked for him + his business. The triggered censoriousness of lefty liberals has been a valuable tool in expanding his reach on the interwebs 🙂
If he were actually involved in forced sex trafficking – the Romanian police / authorities would categorically be the least of his worries. It might be though that some other players are interested in taking over his business…
Woow! BBC America is below ‘Adult swim’ channel (listed as 54) but slightly above ‘Disney Junior’ (74) and the ‘Cartoon Network’ (76).
I guess for the BBC that is a great result for the future of public broadcasting. So where is CNN?, I wonder. Similar BBC lefty profile, not even on the radar.
Weeeeelllll she could be right there, we have fun in the summer here in the south of France waggling our little fingers at sports cars. Known far and wide as small penis cars amongst our friends.
Your personal memories of a particular weather event are almost always distorted or exaggerated. There is a reason we take careful measurements and document them, not just recollect from memory.
Guest Who – it’s one of the many reasons I dissent from the green global warming crap . Metrology is still in its’ infancy – accurate data has only been collected since aviation got going – really within living memory ….
So it they think the bevsviour of the whole climate of the whole world – based on ice samples and tree rings – is an insult ….and a political rather than a scientific belief …
Oh NOES! The shuddering HORROR. Should we send the SAS? Will John be late for cocktails at the chalet? Will the chef have to hold dinner? https://t.co/GULPLFkb57
Funny isn’t it ? I was at a EU airport where the EU passport line was about x20 the length of the non EU ( really UK ) arrivals …
….. and low and behold – the EU passport holders jumped across – there was no twitter comment about this …
Here is supposedly one of the more senior, overpaid, of the old school, old boy network of editors…
…and in his desperation to make a silly, inaccurate point whilst flaunting his lifestyle to the expensive if brain dead seats, thinks it a smart play to post such a thing!
BBC Pension defeciit is never publishes but its given to Mp’s as a ‘default’ if they were to ever pull the plug on the BBC TV license. If that happened (they say) the UK Government would have to pick up the bill. Blackmail of sorts.
NHS Pensions (it is rumored) are equivalent to five times its annual NHS budget operating expenditure – and that was also hushed up when published back in 2019. It should be easy to find however. BBC also has to publish, although they would like it kept quiet that – its almost bankrupt on over generous BBC ‘pensions’ to those who last the longest.
Times like this you call to mind the unique contributions of BBC Newsnight, James O’Brien, Martin Bashir and the recently ennobled Lord Watson.
An NBC News "reporter", @kattenbarge, re-tweeted and helped viralize this obvious fabrication by an anonymous account that I'm an owner of Rumble, along with Peter Thiel, and paid Andrew Tate to stream for "their service."
Did you miss our special programme this week all about rest? You can listen back on @bbcsounds or read our NEW article for advice from @claudiahammond, author of The Art of Rest, on why rest is so important and how we can all do it better ⬇️
Sometimes you look at a newspaper website headline and just go WTF ?
Well …. Are you a MAP? A ‘minor – attracted – person ?” – because that’s the term Police Scotland use in a report to describe what polite people refer to as paedophiles – and others describe in a more ‘basic ‘ sense.
I guess woke police Scotland don’t want to offend the MAPs working for them …..
A lot of loser activist sites are struggling, and have the begging bowl out.
Rather quaintly and with a @jack-esque level of total misunderstanding about the evolution of his own idea, @jimmy_wales believes that this statement be a good thing. The Tragedy of the Commons keeps being tragic… pic.twitter.com/4WaI7HbF8i
Wikipedia is hardly struggling – they’ve quite a wedge in the bank as I understand it – the tin rattling / panhandling is just a reminder that they’re a not for profit.
I gave a little money in the early days – but then they allowed obsessive ideological wingnuts to run amok – as in prize shithead William Connolley – their cowardice and general sleaziness in sacking him and locking him out was not inspiring to watch.
All told, Conolley created or rewrote 5,428 unique, deleted 500 more and managed to block ca. 2000 other authors of Wikipedia articles
Conolley hasn’t gone away – he’s likely been gluing himself to stuff around the place. He has a band of trolls who hang on his every word.
libmob hijack charities so
THEY get ALL the SAY
WE are the ones that PAY
That’s why I don’t donate to orgs that they have hijacked in Alinsky style ..like Wikipedia
Paul Homewood is doing his Christmas donations drive
and I think people should follow the line of my old boss
“don’t rely on people’s charity
… If you want a professional job
then pay professional money ”
I keep thinking about whether I should use a begging bowl for my projects
but generally I work out very economical ways of living and doing things, and then people often give me free stuff anyway, so who am I to take people’s money that could go to other things ?
I don’t fully understand what Omnologos (See the Big Picture) is saying
There is a line “a nonprofit so no-one turns it into their personal playground”
that is a clear smug dig at Elon Musk and Twitter
but right now Twitter is Freer than the Wikipedia dominated by William Conolleys
Definite synergy with the BBC’s take on their “fact checking”
Some years ago I did register to edit some clearly fallacious Wikipedia entries (with references etc.) – there was a pile-on … the lefty greens involved were vituperative and gratuitously insulting (felt like unmoderated Gurdian comments)
A lot of Wikipedia contributors are ignorant shouty jerks. Over 20 years I’ve probably edited a couple of parochial local entries – and had the edits undone by people who regard the subject as their own personal fiefdoms.
iirc – Wales’s people have covered up / expunged the Connolley affair ?
I see the BBC’s “who fell off their perch in 2022?” piece is still crediting Sacheen Littlefeather (aka Marie Louise Cruz) as an Apache / Yaqui native American.
The linked obit piece make no mention of her 2 sisters claiming that they are all Mexican and that their sister was a pretendian .
Humans share 25% of their DNA with bananas – purportedly…
JohnCMar 11, 01:07 Start the Week 10th March 2025 They are cherished at the BBC harry. The only ones who can tick EVERY box.
harry142857Mar 11, 00:54 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Thanks John, sort of. I thought homosexual moslems ended up falling out of windows. What a freak. Expect old bill…
JohnCMar 11, 00:11 Start the Week 10th March 2025 [img]https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/images/ic/400xn/p0fxrn3k.jpg[/img] Are you surprised. His previous job: ‘Qadeer is chief diversity officer at Alexion Pharmaceuticals.’ And anyone who comes out…
harry142857Mar 11, 00:07 Start the Week 10th March 2025 BBC’s HR department is led by Uzair Qadeer (Chief People Officer) and has 121 employees. Yet can’t out perverts like…
JohnCMar 10, 23:45 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Just when you think the BBC can’t get any more ridiculous and desperate in their attempts to discredit the Trump…
MarcoMar 10, 23:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I’ve been listening to Scott Ritter on you tube and his take on trump is very interesting,he thinks trump is…
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 10, 23:10 Start the Week 10th March 2025 From the Daily Mail online: “… … … According to the Telegraph, figures from the most recent BBC annual report…
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 10, 22:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Carney worked for Goldman Sachs for 13 years, curiously enough.
FlotsamMar 10, 22:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I might be wrong. One ship, the Stena Immaculate might have been moving around at anchor due to wind and/or…
FFS Radio4 has the Tate story as a main item
Now they’ve brought on As Sarkar as if she is some kind of expert
She’s off “right wing influencers”… blah blah
I wonder if Ash gets honorarium dosh?
– she’s on so often that she contributes more than quite a few salaried goons.
I have to say that I didn’t like Tate – but the brouhaha surrounding the matter stinks.
It’s going to be interesting to see how Joe Rogan reacts – as far as I can see ( not very far usually) – Rogan is a pal outside the podcast guest milieu…
It’s who she was on to acquire Champion status that needs investigating.
Another interesting article which you won’t read or hear on the Bullshit Broadcasting Corporation or the msm.
“Follow the science”!
– unless … you know the rest
The bBC/government don’t want to investigate mRNA technology.
The worse news is this: right now, they claim they’re converting all the old vaccines into mRNA type products.
If they do this, and people accept them, they’re going to kill a big proportion of the people on this planet.
Mike Yeadon recommends this:
All mRNA Vaccines will cause harm – Prof. Dr. Bhakdi
Wallasey pub shooting: Elle Edwards’s family needs answers, say police
So here’s another murder branching out into a wider campaign. The BBC obviously know it was a white man who did it.
Up until now, every murder which runs for more than one article at the BBC has been done by whitey. The exception being Sabina Nessa who started off with the night-time vigils etc but was then totally and shamelessly dropped once the racists and misandrists discovered the man who looked like he could be white turned out to be an Albanian immigrant.
Lets see if I’m wrong and he turns out to be black but they keep running it. I’d bet my house that doesn’t happen.
Recalled to prison, John, according to TWatO.
Another probation mistake?
I’d add that in the UK solar farms afaics are largely operated by shadowy financial
scammers based in IoM or The Channel Islands …
@QuentinWillson is on GBnews ostensibly to talk about rising costs for the motorist
but he’s just praising Khan’s expansion of the ULEZ zone to anywhere inside the M25
“We really have to get air pollution down with these 40,000 premature deaths every year”
Firstly that is fake zombie stat .. practically no ones death certificate has “air pollution on it”
#2 Air pollution has been falling for years and years
Even if you do nothing it falls
cos new ICE engines get better in design.
#3 Air pollution impact is not mainly car engines ..so purely forcing people out of cars or into EV cars doesn’t change air pollution input much
.. It’s stufff in their home, it’s log burners, it’s trucks, buses, trains, underground, it’s tyre and dust etc.
Building dust in London, Stew. I used to look out over the City of London. Easter, Spring and August Bank Holidays the sky would be free of the stuff; first day back to work it would start to show from 7 a.m. onwards.
Sore point with me . I’ve had to sell my car or incur 12.50 every time I used to . Just another reason to leave londonistan .
Ironic that I bought new – encouraged to get a diesel by the state – but then found to have been the victim of Kraut fraud . But it did cost them in the end …
Funny thing was – I mainly use my scooter and the car was a fall back …I wish khan a short life
Fed, are you not of an age where you get free bus and rail travel in London?
Quentin is akin to Kryten – there’s tubs of ad money and PR opportunities are awash with cash.
Mercenary true believers do very well indeed.
As a watcher of the EV promotional circus they reward “suitable” content creators handsomely – plane tickets, hotels, loan vehicles, ££££ for puff pieces.
I used to watch Kryten’s pieces but he’s gotten too absurd for my taste – A Dr. Pangloss for the 21st Century.
A search for “future transport” on YouTube hints at how much money is being hosed into fantasy…
I predict ,
that the BBC will do some programmes with highlights of 2022 , but gloss over very quickly the Marlene Headley AKA Ngozi Fulani ( do African -a continent not a country – nations use capitals for names and in what order ? ) and her spurious charity .
New years honours due …..
Queen’s / King’s award for import ?
Hyenas teeth necklaces and leopard skin support bras
Charity Commission’s expenses of the year award ?
BLM property of the year bought on charity donations award ?
Harry Hill “You’ve been framed” award for best illicit recording ?
White Lightning Cider / Carslberg Special Brew “Worst dreadlocks of the Year” award:
Prize includes an all expenses paid two weeks in a hippy bus in a car park on Glastonbury industrial estate with a starving dog on a rope.
This evening the BBC does its’ Correspondents look ahead ‘ thing – which has been going for decades . I’ve listened since I was a kid . It used to be knowledgable – informative – with experienced journos giving reasoned analysis of various countries in the coming year .
Now it is a smug Islington based woke propaganda piece – usually expending hate on `president Trump and anyone else not approved by the swamp …. I can already hear the sneer …
( they will assume BTW that mr trump will be charged and convicted with some crime – maybe tax fraud ) ….
Fed, the cream of ‘Correspondents Lokk Ahead’ used to be the equivalent of Any Answers that followed the Saturday repeat. The public used to e-mail and ‘phone in to get their voices heard.
The BBC stopped that a few years back.
I wonder if it was because the public were rather less biased than the BBC approved and/or were more accurate with their predictions.
The BBC is “warping modern Britain” by allowing a Left-wing, politically correct bias to infuse the storylines of drama series, a new report has said.
Some shows are described as being close to outright propaganda because of their criticisms of Brexit, the police, capitalism, the nuclear deterrent and government agencies.
The Campaign for Common Sense reviewed more than a year’s output of BBC drama and found that the corporation was presenting a version of the UK that few viewers would recognise….
At last! We are vindicated. The BBC is both corrupt and biased and here is the new report (in proof) in full that proves it…
The Telegraph (today): by Gordon Rayner/ Associate Editor
DOWNLOAD PDF file (full article here)
or read:
In another report today Another DT article savaging the BBC distortion of ‘history’. The BBC won’t wriggle out of this one.
It is by leading Academic historians concerned about BBC’s distortion of the facts, stated as ‘facts’ which are usually false and arranged as ‘drama’ by the BBC.
Article by Robin Aitkin writing in DT (today)
“The BBC is largely staffed by people who consider themselves intellectuals and they often act as if they hate the country they serve. They rarely celebrate the many episodes in British history where the country displayed bravery, fortitude and moral courage. The fact that this country, at the height of its power embarked on the onerous and hugely costly venture of suppressing the slave trade should be a source of great pride – but the BBC prefers to portray us as slavers.”
See full article reproduced here:
or view on Telegraph link:
‘Shoot them’ when only ‘mostly peacefully’ rioting, surely?
Seems in the Jo Brand zone, in more ways than one.
BBC HR cause and effect.
Copying bbc editorial style guidelines seems a dubious way to prevail.
Interesting…..if true
BBC do like a bit of association. Only, the correct kind.
It’s an old video – from August. Twitter has added a BBC and a Reuters link (spit) detailing that he’s still talking to police.
One might expect that somebody operating online wanking sites would be very (extremely) careful about their legal position – the involvement of US Embassy and the earlier SWATing hint that hes trodden on a few toes and that as a consequence there’s a bounty on his head…
In the long Robert Barnes chat I linked above – there is more relevant context.
One thing I can see that Tate has persistently done is to raise his profile by provoking/cultivating outrage where he can – and the numbers suggest that that has worked for him + his business. The triggered censoriousness of lefty liberals has been a valuable tool in expanding his reach on the interwebs 🙂
If he were actually involved in forced sex trafficking – the Romanian police / authorities would categorically be the least of his worries. It might be though that some other players are interested in taking over his business…
BBC America and partner in obscurity CNN doing well.
Woow! BBC America is below ‘Adult swim’ channel (listed as 54) but slightly above ‘Disney Junior’ (74) and the ‘Cartoon Network’ (76).
I guess for the BBC that is a great result for the future of public broadcasting. So where is CNN?, I wonder. Similar BBC lefty profile, not even on the radar.
“body shaming” seems to be a bbc libtard favourite….
any outrage over Greta Thunberg and her “small dick” comment ?
Weeeeelllll she could be right there, we have fun in the summer here in the south of France waggling our little fingers at sports cars. Known far and wide as small penis cars amongst our friends.
All things considered, most know she would be as personally informed as ever on matters of data to have not issued that statement.
Rules for thee and not for me…
Still not convinced it is not a Maxi Pad grade faux.
Hence the bbc liking to get in single muvva Shaz to ‘analyse’ stuff based on extensive belief.
Guest Who – it’s one of the many reasons I dissent from the green global warming crap . Metrology is still in its’ infancy – accurate data has only been collected since aviation got going – really within living memory ….
So it they think the bevsviour of the whole climate of the whole world – based on ice samples and tree rings – is an insult ….and a political rather than a scientific belief …
A welcome return for global Trotter Sopesless.
Pathetic weasel doubles down. #ccbgb
You can take the man out of the bbc, but they will always be an utter tool.
Ex BBC, of course.
Now Joe and Hunter to publish their accounts?
Noooooo…. there would be a riot.
Likely described as ‘mostly peaceful’.
So, not newsworthy.
Still spiralling gloriously.
Funny isn’t it ? I was at a EU airport where the EU passport line was about x20 the length of the non EU ( really UK ) arrivals …
….. and low and behold – the EU passport holders jumped across – there was no twitter comment about this …
But does it not make you wonder too?
Here is supposedly one of the more senior, overpaid, of the old school, old boy network of editors…
…and in his desperation to make a silly, inaccurate point whilst flaunting his lifestyle to the expensive if brain dead seats, thinks it a smart play to post such a thing!
This, btw, is Sopes’ peeps.
Plus Grayling, Adonis, Femi, OBrien…
remember truss suffering the coup because she ruined the pension funds
just truss ???
BBC Pension defeciit is never publishes but its given to Mp’s as a ‘default’ if they were to ever pull the plug on the BBC TV license. If that happened (they say) the UK Government would have to pick up the bill. Blackmail of sorts.
NHS Pensions (it is rumored) are equivalent to five times its annual NHS budget operating expenditure – and that was also hushed up when published back in 2019. It should be easy to find however. BBC also has to publish, although they would like it kept quiet that – its almost bankrupt on over generous BBC ‘pensions’ to those who last the longest.
Times like this you call to mind the unique contributions of BBC Newsnight, James O’Brien, Martin Bashir and the recently ennobled Lord Watson.
Even if the BBC and their best bet party will try to ensure they are not.
“low life scumbags who lie for a living”
– the BBC’s present crop of “journalists” in a nutshell?
The Independent still top my list of UK MSM scumbags with their faked names / by-lines on poisonous hit pieces and propaganda screeds…
Maybe sharing will reveal key aspects of clarity missing.
Plus they should have used Getty Images.
Did he call him/her/it a Brown Hatter, or a Mad Hatter?
Seems most feel the same. Of any gender.
Surprised to see Carry on up the Khyber still allowed to be seen this evening.
Wonder how it will fare ratings wise with ‘Adult Swim’.
How’s the NHS doing in taffland ?
Sometimes you look at a newspaper website headline and just go WTF ?
Well …. Are you a MAP? A ‘minor – attracted – person ?” – because that’s the term Police Scotland use in a report to describe what polite people refer to as paedophiles – and others describe in a more ‘basic ‘ sense.
I guess woke police Scotland don’t want to offend the MAPs working for them …..
Now Pink News, Unilad, Joe, etc can pretend it is true already.
Plus, of course, the broadcaster who gave us Sopes and Springster.
Terror_Alarm looks like a rallying point for cat ladies and Karens on a global scale.
A lot of loser activist sites are struggling, and have the begging bowl out.
350.Org could do a BBC and rebrand as 5,000,000,000.org.
Wikipedia is hardly struggling – they’ve quite a wedge in the bank as I understand it – the tin rattling / panhandling is just a reminder that they’re a not for profit.
I gave a little money in the early days – but then they allowed obsessive ideological wingnuts to run amok – as in prize shithead William Connolley – their cowardice and general sleaziness in sacking him and locking him out was not inspiring to watch.
Conolley hasn’t gone away – he’s likely been gluing himself to stuff around the place. He has a band of trolls who hang on his every word.
libmob hijack charities so
THEY get ALL the SAY
WE are the ones that PAY
That’s why I don’t donate to orgs that they have hijacked in Alinsky style ..like Wikipedia
Paul Homewood is doing his Christmas donations drive
and I think people should follow the line of my old boss
“don’t rely on people’s charity
… If you want a professional job
then pay professional money ”
I keep thinking about whether I should use a begging bowl for my projects
but generally I work out very economical ways of living and doing things, and then people often give me free stuff anyway, so who am I to take people’s money that could go to other things ?
Thread : there is graph showing Wiki has big $$
then a smirk from Musk
After that a useful comment about bias from The Wiki cofounder Larry Sanger
I don’t fully understand what Omnologos (See the Big Picture) is saying
There is a line “a nonprofit so no-one turns it into their personal playground”
that is a clear smug dig at Elon Musk and Twitter
but right now Twitter is Freer than the Wikipedia dominated by William Conolleys
Definite synergy with the BBC’s take on their “fact checking”
Some years ago I did register to edit some clearly fallacious Wikipedia entries (with references etc.) – there was a pile-on … the lefty greens involved were vituperative and gratuitously insulting (felt like unmoderated Gurdian comments)
A lot of Wikipedia contributors are ignorant shouty jerks. Over 20 years I’ve probably edited a couple of parochial local entries – and had the edits undone by people who regard the subject as their own personal fiefdoms.
iirc – Wales’s people have covered up / expunged the Connolley affair ?
I see the BBC’s “who fell off their perch in 2022?” piece is still crediting Sacheen Littlefeather (aka Marie Louise Cruz) as an Apache / Yaqui native American.
The linked obit piece make no mention of her 2 sisters claiming that they are all Mexican and that their sister was a pretendian .
Humans share 25% of their DNA with bananas – purportedly…