I believe that we in Britain and the West, are now living in an Orwellian age. What happened in a bad flu, became an official pandemic, mandating virtually force vaccination in Britain, and actual forced one in much of the West EU.
The MSM media, particularly the BBC, became the official media which transmitted the government line in the UK and the world. The policy has been so successful that I see no reason why the BBC will be ditched anytime other then a cultural revolution and more.
The vaccination programme allowed the government to restrict our freedom to move unless we had a “Health Passport”. What could be more Orwellian.
And now we the West, are in a perpetual war against Eastasia. Which means the BBC becomes an even more important organisation for not only Britain but as a “trusted” information source and propaganda, for the world.
If we ever get out of this age, historians will view the flue pandemic as the lever that allowed almost all governments to imprison their people.
Governments with incessant propaganda and restricting free speech under the guise of misinformation, made out that covid was worse then ebola and we were all going to die. Far from the case. And now they know that we are sheep.
NCBBC, I suspect Covid-19 was a mutation of chicken ‘flu’ and bird ‘flu’ that occurred in China just after the turn of the century. It was highly notable that a doctor in the UK, very early in the Pandemic (something like April/May 2020) said he had noticed an effect on the airways of a patient similar or identical to SARS-CoV-2 which is an influenza-type effect similar to chicken ‘flu’/bird ‘flu’. It is thought that Covid-19 in all its mutations is zoonotic in origin.
Why don’t Polio, the Measles or most other ‘viruses’ have hundreds of mutations like SARS-CoV-2? SARS-CoV-1 had none. Don’t you think this is strange? This SARS-CoV-2 ‘virus’ seems to be indestructible although not being vaccinated I have been remarkably adept at avoiding it over the last three years. So have all of my unvaccinated friends. It’s a funny old world.
The next ‘pandemic’ is in the offing. Check out the Government website and the jobs advertised by the UKHSA. These guys can find anything in anything with their PCR tests and they will wash, rinse and repeat. Furthermore, the usual suspects held another one of their desktop simulations of an outbreak of a ‘deadly’ virus (ie one where no one dies) in October of 2022. However this time they ‘predict’ it will affect younger people more than the Covaids which is why they needed to get the harmful injections into the arms of everyone. The next one is going to be exponentially more ‘deadly’ and you will sit up and pay attention this time. Not my words, those of Kill Gates.
This is the decade of pandemics.
It is alleged America also had scores of biolabs funded in Ukraine. Now stopped.
All these publically funded biolabs must be under legally mandated public scrutiny. No exception, as bioweapons are illegal and thus no justification for secrecy
When things go wrong, the high and mighty get proper shelter, and party it up, while we the ones who funded all this, are left to be shouted at and locked down with threats by the police.
Noticed the Hairy Bikers (on electric motorbikes now) are dropping lots of references to veganism etc., and tonight visited a farm that produces Tofu.
Drip drip drip.
I first met Dave Myers when he came to our village here in France to buy a house, quite a big one, indoor swimming pool, I believe. Anyway I was just getting into my car when up comes this fellow on the biggest bag of sh1t motorbike I’ve ever seen. It was the said D Myers, I asked if he’d left the good bike at home. He let on the bike was his and that the BBC provide all the bikes used in the show. Haven’t seen him in the village for years.
The mission never flew; a cabin fire during a launch rehearsal test at Cape Kennedy Air Force Station Launch Complex 34 on January 27 killed all three crew members—Command Pilot Gus Grissom, Senior Pilot Ed White, and Pilot Roger B. Chaffee—and destroyed the command module (CM).
“BBC gives Shamima Begum 10-part PODCAST to tell her story of how she joined ISIS
The BBC released a 10-part podcast about Shamima Begum and her life in ISIS. The 23-year-old tells a journalist about her life in a refugee camp in Syria. The broadcaster insists that the show is a ‘robust’ investigation into Begum”
And hot on the heels of the ‘groomed’ ‘far-right’ terrorist girl who killed herself, it includes the line:
The question which jumps out of the article is : Why are the BBC so bothered about this person to devote so much time and licence-fee payers cash towards trying to help her ?.
Is it because they have so much support for her in the office ?. Or she’s another BAME/Muslim ‘victim’ to virtue signal about ?.
What I did notice is they now have adopted the phrase ‘terror group’ to avoid using the word ‘terrorist’. Which, of course, is still used ‘liberally’ (pun) against the Right.
The BBC have never done a ‘robust investigation’ into anything. It’s ALWAYS carefully crafted to make you think in line with their agenda.
From the leftist bbc i’m sure they’ll be campaigning for its returned
Just looking at one of the pictures “I’m not a monster series 2” – we all know when the bBC wants to go on and on about something for days/months – they are keen
‘The tribunal hearing has centred on whether she was a victim of trafficking for sexual exploitation, or a committed IS volunteer who is a threat to the UK.’
Why ‘is a threat to the UK’ tacked on the end ?. Are all ISIS members welcome here as long as we don’t think they will murder us ?.
It’s perfectly obvious that she went willingly. She would not want to come back if ISIS had won.
Anjem Choudary calls Duke of Sussex a ‘Muslim killer’ and calls on jihadis to retaliate
Hate preacher said Harry’s claim he killed 25 Taliban was a ‘wake-up call’ for Muslims everywhere to ‘end the occupation of foreign forces’
Martin Evans,
8 January 2023 • 6:43pm
John -I have no truck with Shamima Begum. BUT believe
that she would do less harm on returning to the UK, than
the druggy, paranoid prince from Montecito California
and any of the rest of the cult he has joined.
Some ‘researcher ‘ apologist for this Islamic terrorist was interviewed on Today . It sounds like the BBC has a whole package of stuff starting with a book – followed by a Film and then ‘shamima – the musical ‘…. A cookery programme – ‘shamima great railway journeys ‘- home decorating with shamima ‘…… bear grills meets shamima …..grooming tips with shamima …
The book will be ‘ghosted’ by the same one who did the Harry Hewitt one – using the same ‘victim ‘ theming ….
Should sell well in Tower Hamlets ….( in Urdu of course )
Is it right to use humour to mock extremism?
A sketch called ‘The Real Housewives of ISIS’ featured on BBC Two show Revolted this week. It features women in mock suicide vests and depicts brides of terrorists in a spoof reality show style sketch. It has sparked discussion online – some are offended by the satirical sketch which makes light of real ISIS housewives that are exploited. However, others say it is just a comedy and should be taken lightly. Callers Taj and Shahji told Shazia what they thought of the sketch.
Maybe the Black Broadcasting Corporation will move on to a cooking programme for her? ‘We realise that you can’t come here so we are prepared to travel to you for filming’…….
So the article by the BBC about the queues was a complete lie then.
But what I find extremely worrying is that if you search ‘harry spare queue’ on google, you get many results of different news sources saying the same lie.
I’ve mentioned this here many times before about how an agenda-story suddenly appears everywhere overnight. And this one being a complete lie is absolute proof that somehow they are being fed these stories and they all fall into line and run them without question – presumably to swamp news feeds.
FB now crams timelines with ‘Suggested for you’ posts funded by god knows who.
Between Gazan PR clowns and Corbynites there are endless BBC Local Democracy efforts from such as Cleethorpes Live. Still reposting the claims about fans storming bookshops when utterly debunked and mocked yesterday,
My vivid experience of ringing 999 and being met with every possible reason for not sending help still stings – and that years ago – I still think there’s a case for ending the 999 system – think of the money it would save – and could be used to give the angels their 19%.
Elswhere – the Pakistani uranium dirty bomb imported to Heathrow has now been down graded to ‘scrap metal’. By lunchtime the story will either be gone or the bomb will have turned into organic tea tree extract …. Don’t want to upset the pakis / Muslims do they?
If you wanna bring a dirty bomb the best way is via dinghy – no radiation detectors on the beach at Dover …. Try not to blow up Premier /inns because they are needed for new arrivals
Andy – the thing that really gets me is that the voters were never consulted about having their country wrecked all the way back to the first legislation in 1948.
It leaves me in a sewer / place I don’t want to be any more –
I’m pondering on a pleading letter to Sunak. Simply explaining that, being in the winter of my years, I’ll certainly not be around to see things to the end of the Grand Plan. But I’m eager to know before I drop of the end. So, If I promise not to tell, tell me, PM, how long is it estimated until the country is completely destroyed by the political elite?
Hopefully, I will be around to see the gallows erected on Parliament Square. Oh! hang on: that would involve Planning Permission and the Local Plan beforehand…………….
I have to say that Peterson put everything I am thinking into words far better than I could.
And I also have to say I still think Morgan is a complete tw@t. He didn’t like it at first because Jordan was disagreeing with him but then he was eventually silenced as he had no arguments against what he said.
Thanks for that G, I enjoyed to watch it.
Just as he said, under the current strategy ‘victory in Ukraine’ is Ukraine in ruins. I’m sure our Challenger 2’s will do their part.
Then of course it’s all about rebuilding Ukraine which we will pay for as well.
Peterson made a good point about the West making themselves dependent on Putin with their Crazy Climate policies
so putting him a strong position
they need his gas.
That video is 3 months old
and we know that the west and Ukraine will survive the winter despite his threats to cut off gas.
I first met Dave Myers when he came to our village here in France to buy a house, quite a big one, indoor swimming pool, I believe. Anyway I was just getting into my car when up comes this fellow on the biggest bag of sh1t motorbike I’ve ever seen. It was the said D Myers, I asked if he’d left the good bike at home. He let on the bike was his and that the BBC provide all the bikes used in the show. Haven’t seen him in the village for years.
French blue tick journo tweets
“The man on whom no identity papers were found, declared his name to be Mohamed Amine M., of Algerian nationality.
He says he is 31 years old. The investigators of the criminal brigade, to whom the investigation was entrusted, are trying to cross-check his statements”
I wonder if the fact there are armed police ready to shoot people like him is because of the threat from the far right …
I notice how the BBC try to downplay the incident so we don’t get alarmed. The entire event was referred to just once as ‘a stabbing’ and it’s basic facts only.
And it’s already slipped half-way down the front page. The usual trick is to delay reporting who did it until the story gets cold.
‘I’m actually polite and sensitive in the boardroom. But that doesn’t make good telly. So the monkeys at the TV company pick the moments where I’m banging on the table’
Not young, but at last grasps how there is reality, and what sells.
Former paper of record the Times finally acknowledges what non-mainstream voices have been warning of for months – Lockdown chickens have come home to roost: 1,000 excess deaths each week as the NHS buckles
But… but, but… you may ask, didn’t we ‘save’ the NHS? Flatten the sombrero and all that?
Fifty thousand more people than normal died over the past 12 months, with NHS delays blamed for one of the most deadly years on record (Times)
Perhaps the NHS is un-savable?
On a much lighter note, let’s attempt to get our heads around this one…
Foyle’s War star: I drove drunk to dodge a threesome (Daily Mail)
Such a sweet old-fashioned looking girl; she makes Times frontpage pin up while the Telegraph goes for a proper old blue stocking: Oxford’s new head dons the mantle… Prof Irene Tracey… was named its 273rd vice-chancellor yesterday… insisted she was against setting targets that would restrict… private school pupils…
No contest…
Honeysuckle Weeks… has admitted driving while twice over the alcohol limit. She said she had to flee a friend’s house as she feared being coerced into a threesome (Times) – I don’t believe a three-handed ‘cutthroat’ rubber or two of bridge is being referred to here.
Jolly poor show from Chief Superintendent Foyle’s prim lady chauffeur, who was always so adept with his 1938 Wolseley around the quaint little backstreets of Hastings: …she reversed into a parked car in Arundel, West Sussex, and drove off (Telegraph) – she could have broken character for a moment and called an Uber
Excuses excuses… from one threesome (make-up unspecified) to the single survivor of those infamous ISIS girls Mr AsI likes to call the Three Mosqueteers…
Shamima Begum accepts she joined a terror group. In extensive BBC interviews… (BBC) – that’s our licence fee cash well spent, eh?
I shouldn’t knock it really, I’ve a bet on that she’ll be back in Blighty, sooner or later and I’m confident I’ll collect.
Again, Farming Today was suggesting that we need EU style checks to avoid contaminated farm produce coming into the UK. Anna Hill celebrates the tenth anniversary of ‘The Horsemeat Scandal’ which, if I recall correctly, happened in 2012! Better late than never for a reminder that the EU doesn’t work and that we are better off out and away from that dreadful organisation of so-called Sovereign States which didn’t prevent contamination of the UK meat supply by horsemeat.
Mind you, doesn’t stop the BBC propaganda, the BBC lobbying to get the UK back in the EU.
The same argument came up yesterday in the Jim Al-Khalili show
His guest said all food coming into Rotterdam used to be checked, but now food destined for UK has zero checks.
I don’t believe either.
R4 now More or Less is looking at NHS excess deaths
are they due to A&E delays ? etc
Northern Ireland demographics
Catholics should soon outnumber Protestents
but already the largest lump of people 38% identify as neither Protestant nor Nationalist.
Evil Tucker Carlson misled on Athlete Covid vax sports deaths.
1598 death count on Good Sciencing list includes Pele, another 86 yo person .. it’s pretty random.
Basically Tucker’s source is a bit mad
Though you could probably use a list which shows Sudden Cardiac deaths in athletes have increased a bit since Covid, he uses a super hyperbolic list from the internet, which has a lot of junk in it.
That’s not saying it’s all junk, but why would anyone use a list which has obvious junk in it ?
Most of the experts raising concern are using the ‘all cause death’ metric. This is because this figure is the most difficult for corrupt governments, resident psychopaths, and indeed our anychess to corrupt.
If there is an explosion in all cause deaths it explains why experts in their individual fields such as: cardiologists, footballers, undertakers, cancer consultants, politicians, vaccine experts, lawyers, pathologists, financial experts, underwriters etc etc etc are all raising the alarm.
Personally I would prefer that a drug was proved safe before unleashing it on the public, especially children.
I do not subscribe to the theory that the vaccine is the causal factor in these cases. Far more likely it is the heavy contact. There is a condition known as “commotia cardis” which major cardiac dysfunction due to sudden impact on the chest wall.
The whole Covid debate such as it is is really poisoned by partisan advocacy, deliberate misinformation, hyperbolising and worse driven by the pharma companies, CYA-ing state bureaucrats, random nutters – truth and verifiable data are mostly MIA.
The revelations from Twitter about censorship must be applied to just about all commercial entities across the public space.
9am Local newsPR
NEW research from Shelter has shown that more than 5,000 people are recorded as homeless in Yorkshire and the Humber – a number which includes over 2,000 children Shelter’s “analysis” of official homelessness figures and responses to a Freedom of Information request shows that of the over 5,000 people, 170 people are sleeping rough on any given night and 4,540 are living in temporary accommodation.
I presume Shelter are a Labour front group, who’s job is to bash the Tories.
The clip had the Shelter guy saying Tories must push up Housing Benefit payments
I reckon doing that is bad cos it ends up pushing up rents
And such TAXPAYER money mostly ends up in the pockets of RICH housing landlords.
Not BBC.
Soft Britain, part ( insert high number).
Parents are complaining about their local primary school in Wiltshire where older children sit with younger ones at dinner (southerners call it lunch) time, serve up the food and collect the plates afterwards. Shock! Horror!
Which is exactly the system we had in the 1960s. Yet miraculously we have survived and lived to tell the tale.
Can I make a claim against the Education Department for psychological trauma? Lack of choice, no veggie option, variable portion sizes. I feel damaged. There must be some lawyers somewhere who can help……I.e. claim……
Sluff – my long term plan for global dominance began when I was selected to be ‘dinner monitor ‘ at primary school – my plan for the invasion of Russia started when I was clearing up the ‘afters’ bowls ( posh people call it ‘sweet ‘) …
The kitchen staff ie. the cook, the under cook and the scullery assistant together with the maid who delivers it to the dining room, all call it ‘dessert’.
We didn’t care what it was called as long as it was dished up by the gorgeous Brenda, who melted every boy’s hearts to the point of imminent blindness…
And that cake – which is worse than any beginner in cake icing could come up with – is what you get a gong for, is what gives you endless column inches in magazines, gives you a cookery programme, deals with publishers, your own travelogue and as ‘guest’ on every other BBC2 programme.
Strangely the cut and paste below hasn’t hit the msm –
From Kent online via the twitter … it may or may not be true …
STARTS A disgraced children’s doctor was chased through a hospital by a self-professed ‘paedo hunter’ after arranging to meet an underage boy for sex.
Intensive care paediatrician Salman Siddiqi – who was allowed to treat youngsters at QEQM despite a previous caution for flashing – was arrested at the site on Sunday morning following a sting by the amateur detective.
The anonymous ‘hunter’ – who works alone – had pretended to be a 14-year-old boy and arranged to meet the consultant at his lodgings in the hospital grounds.
Siddiqi, 44, of Globe Road in Hornchurch, had sent naked pictures of himself ahead of the 3am encounter and was expecting the pair to engage in sexual activity.
But when he was instead confronted outside the accommodation by a 49-year-old man, he turned and ran into the hospital’s A&E department.
The ‘paedo hunter’ gave chase while calling police, following Siddiqi through a number of doors he was opening using a security card.
Siddiqi was eventually detained by staff and arrested when officers arrived at the hospital, before being swiftly charged and hauled in front of Folkestone magistrates yesterday.ENDS
This one seems sub Judy see so careful …dr saddiqui is innocent until guilty …
Notice I didn’t include a map of Globe Road Hornchurch …
Whilst looking at this I found the nmc register of struck of NHS nurses – but it doesn’t give the reasons ….
County lines gangsters rip out fingernails and tear out hair of children who work for them as young males are raped and females passed around as ‘gift girls’, researchers say
Hospital A&E staff warned of a rise in the number of injuries sustained by victims
Injuries included fingernails pulled off, hair torn out and multiple stab wounds
One worker reported an increase in males aged 21 or under who had been raped
Young women in particular groomed online with use of ‘gift girls’ also mentioned
PUBLISHED: 12:25, 17 June 2021 | UPDATED: 14:22, 20 June 2021
A Labour peer facing allegations that he blamed a Jewish conspiracy for his dangerous driving jail term has resigned from the party.
Lord Ahmed had been suspended from the party after he was reported to have been caught on camera blaming his prison sentence – for sending text messages shortly before his car was involved in a fatal crash – on pressure placed on the courts by “Jewish friends who own newspapers and TV channels”.
There has been a knife attack at the Gare du Nord in Paris.
Despite the fact that dozens if not hundreds must have seen it, there is no description whatever of the perpetrator on the BBC news.
Presumably their ‘investigative journalists’ are too busy drooling over their Shamima Begun podcast.
Mohamed Amine, male (31), an Algerian migrant, shouted “Allahu Akbar” while stabbing 6 people with a knife before being shot by an off-duty police officer
Nearly three years have passed since Rishi first opened the chequebook when Covid hit. Given taxes are now at a 70-year high and there’s another strike every ten minutes, it is worth remembering just how much cash has been lost to fraud and negligence – probably never to be found – since 2020. BEIS’ annual report showed that, of the three main loan schemes available to businesses during the pandemic, the level of “fraud and error” is estimated at 8.4% – or around £985 million. HMRC now say it’s £4.5 billion. The total liabilities for all Covid loan schemes, including for businesses which later went bust, is £15.8 billion…
Parliament’s £13 billion restoration.
HS2 £150 billion, original budget £36 billion.
Track and Trace £37 billion – no tracking or tracing where this money went.
£1.1bn of COVID small business loans identified as fraud
£4 billion of unusable PPE bought in first year of pandemic will be burnt “to generate power”
MM, actually it is something of media myth that taxes are at a 70 year high. They were actually higher than they are at present during Margaret Thatcher’s time as Prime Minister. I cannot remember the current numbers I think they are under 40% but I do remember that in the 1980s the tax burden nearly hit 50%. Of course it all depends what taxes you include in ‘the tax burden’, we have so many ‘directs’ and even more indirect taxes.
inkley Point C: no easy solution to Theresa May’s Chinese puzzle
Terry Macalister
Energy editor
British prime minister will face tough questions from French and Chinese at G20 summit over delayed nuclear project
Dover MP Natalie Elphicke told the Commons that the BBC’s “shocking report” contained the “breath-taking” disclosure of free French public bus services being used to ferry migrants from camps to Dunkirk beaches.
“Treasury will reportedly not sign off on investment until technology approved by regulators
A funding deal for the first fleet of mini nuclear reactors may not materialise for another 12 months, to the dismay of domestic leaders in the technology.
.. and as we are entering a period of diplomatic frost where we will hang off the coat-tails of the USA again and make an enemy of China, what could possibly go wrong ?.
Germany’s former chancellor to join Gazprom board
02/04/2022February 4, 2022
Gerhard Schröder, a former German chancellor with close ties to Russia, has been tapped to join the Gazprom supervisory board. Schröder has come under fire in Germany for working in the Russian energy sector.
The official policy of the government is ‘delay, delay, delay, until it is too late’. Partly this is driven by the fact that Britain’s nuclear industry is nationalised – not by this government, but by the French government (the owner of EDF, which is running our nuclear power stations). No doubt a report will surface in a year or two saying yes, we should be developing our own nuclear power stations – a technology we largely invented – but, son of a gun, we are just too far down the track with EDF at this point, can’t cancel the contract without financial penalties, delays which would affect our NetZero commitments… drone, drobe, zzzz, zzzz…
The BBC and other mass media are responsible for making the elderly and others scared to turn on their heating in their homes because of the higher electricity and gas prices they keep forecasting. Clearly without adequate warmth in the winter , the spread of flu and pneumonia will be more of a problem and more hospital beds will be occupied.
The BBC news editors should be challenged to answer for their scaremongering tactics . If many individuals complain they may , just may, realize how irresponsible their so called “news” reporting is. It is worth a try!
Andrew Bridgen has been suspended from the whip for vax tweet he shared a critical article and wrote
‘As one consultant cardiologist said to me this is the biggest crime against humanity since the holocaust.’
.. https://twitter.com/ABridgen/status/1613094003611688961
An outcry immediately followed. Fellow Conservative MP Simon Clarke described his claim as ‘disgraceful’ while former Tory MP Christian Wakeford said it was ‘despicable’ to make such a comparison during the month of Holocaust Memorial.
Chief Whip “He has crossed a line, causing great offence in the process. As a nation we should be very proud of what has been achieved through the vaccine programme. The vaccine is the best defence against Covid that we have. Misinformation about the vaccine causes harm and costs lives. I am therefore removing the whip from Andrew Bridgen with immediate effect, pending a formal investigation.”
Bridgen is also currently serving a five day suspension from the Commons after being found to have breached rules on paid lobbying and declaring interests.
@jonsopel tweeted
What an astonishingly fatuous and historically ignorant remark.
To compare a vaccination programme to the industrial slaughter of millions of Jews, Roma, gays and communists is idiocy on an epic leve
@BoardofDeputies tweets
For an MP to suggest that Covid vaccines are the biggest crime against humanity since the Holocaust is unconscionable.
What are the 5 parts of genocide?
Elements of the crime
Killing members of the group.
Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group.
Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part.
Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group.
Sep 27, 2022
Cardiologist Dr Aseem Malhotra opens his “press conference” with some absolute corkers…NHS for 20 years…willful blindness…like Saville…like the holocaust…
He has tweeted the point that people’s thought’s should not be about Hitler
but rather the administrators who all went along with it . instead of stopping him
Surely that’s a valid point ?
However is supporters case is weakened by their overreach
They hype him as a top NHS cardiologist
rather he worked a year and then moved to a small private practice.
.. https://twitter.com/icysimon/status/1610729373954367488
… for goodness sake Andrew Bridgen was quoting the words of a Consultant. Both the Consultantt and Bridgen know they are closer to the truth than the terrified Establishment. We know what was said was more a figure of speech and using the word ‘holocaust’ is a taboo for some. Faulty, ineffective vaccines are a fact of life but, like the kings’ new clothes, we mustn’t speak the truth. Keep going Andrew …
“Andrew Bridgen has crossed a line, causing great offence in the process. As a nation we should be very proud of what has been achieved through the vaccine programme. The vaccine is the best defence against Covid that we have. Misinformation about the vaccine causes harm and costs lives. I am therefore removing the Whip from Andrew Bridgen with immediate effect, pending a formal investigation.”
JCVI ‘largely opposed’ to Covid vaccination for children under 16
This article is more than 1 year old
Exclusive: Members of government’s expert committee disagree with politicians and Jonathan Van-Tam
Coronavirus – latest updates
See all our coronavirus coverage
Young people lineup to get vaccinated in London on Friday.
Young people lineup to get vaccinated in London on Friday. Photograph: Andy Rain/EPA
Rowena Mason and Jessica Elgot
Sat 7 Aug 2021 07.00 BST
R4 consumer show
“Ru Pauls DragCon is a very inclusive event”
..ah now criticism that wheelchair people couldn’t see the main room
and now more complainers
“not enough spaces on the accessible platform, 40 limit”
Dr Aseem Malhotra has come out fighting there
People do use rhetoric in arguments
and usually it’s libmob with labels like Scum, Nazis, deniers, anti-vaxxers .. “never kiss a Tory” etc.
The term “climate denier” is a deliberate rhetoric to equate skeptics with Holocaust deniers
Such language is LEGAL
but I wouldn’t use it
#1 It is insulting to the memory of Holocaust victims to insinuate their torturers were merely the same as provocative tweeters
#2 If you want people to improve , then calling them scum and Nazis is not a good starting point
#3 The use of such language reflects badly on those using it
Yet I’d expect that libmob tweeters have endorsed people on their own side
eg when they someone says the “Climate Crisis” is a holocaust , or that Britain’s treatment of Dinghy Divers is
Cheval, yes but, no but … it is not Jewish people who will be offended by the use of the word holocaust but Armenians and another distinctly unChristian/non-Christian faith group. 😉
BTW Andrew Bridgen has deleted his quote Holocaust tweet
but the rest of his tweets make clear he thinks covid vaccine harms is a mega thing
I unequivocally apologise for the words I used when trying to emphasise the gravity of the situation facing us at COP26. It's never right to make comparisons with the atrocities brought by the Nazis, and I'm sorry for the offence caused to Jews by these words. https://t.co/T0Be5rpnc1
Is mr bridgen still appearing on GBNews – I guess he ll be cancelled now …. Referencing vaccine deaths against the systematic murders by the nazis is – can’t get the word – ‘painful “? …
But maybe it’s an over reaction . Some might say that anything which reminds people of what happened is on the ‘plus side ‘ – but there again I’m not directly affected by what happened ….
… and freedom of speech includes the freedom to upset / offend – but maybe not the job of an MP …
In a discussion about the Just Stop Oil protests a contributor said ‘everyone agrees that our government’s decision to pursue new oil is a death sentence for millions across the globe.’
The presenter challenged whether ‘everyone agrees’ and went onto add that ‘no government in any country around the world of any political complexion agrees with that statement.’
To be clear, the presenter did not intend to suggest that all governments take the view that new oil developments are a mistake. Rather he was questioning the claim that ‘everyone agrees’ that the UK Government decision regarding such development will result in millions of deaths around the world.
Anyone think Nu Nu Labour leader Starmer of Beergate is a centrist moderate man? Think again. He is controlled by the Unions and the raving looney lefties sat all around him. Think Rayner, Lammy, Abbott, Milliband etc They are in control, not him.
Regarding the current round of public sector strikes. It seems to me that the public sector have it very good indeed. They did well out of the pandemic and now they want us to pay them for the damage they have done.
The Unions and their leaders are a total disgrace. You see how their leaders are Communist/anarchist and anti Government they are. But behind them are the branch leaders who are so left wing and anti capitalist that Lenin would have branded them as too extreme. My son, as a senior teacher, has to deal with these people on a daily basis. Unison! You are talking about people with zero idea how the real world pays for things. Tax monies are just there for plucking. They defend useless and dishonest teachers who have no right to be in a school.
It is quite obvious to most sensesibly minded people these strikes are well co-ordinated and obviously being sanctioned by the Labour party.(the unions lap dogs)
The sad part about all of this is that Labour are riding high in the Polls, not by policy but by constantly voicing innuendo and introducing half truths and false hoods, and of course being helped by the MSM in particular the BBC.
Mr & Mrs Joe Public need to start smelling the coffee before its too late, god help us if Labour get in
Two things worry me about Uranium showing up at Heathrow.
1) The BBC downplay the story, burying it under Regions – London.
2) They quote various authorities telling us that the incident “should not worry the public”.
Ok, now I’m worried.
While the Beeb are positively nonchalant, the Sun frames the story quite differently with the headline: “NUKE PLOT SMASHED. Deadly shipment of uranium seized at Heathrow en route to Iranians based in UK sparking terror probe.”
I trust the Sun much more than the BBC, especially with stories concerning certain, ahem, religious groups of a murderous disposition.
The uranium originated in Pakistan, then transited via Oman to the UK where it was destined to Iranians (which is not mentioned in the BBC report).
I’m sceptical about enrichment… especially when it comes to uranium.
Current national threat level
The threat to the UK (England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland) from terrorism is SUBSTANTIAL.
Current Northern Irish Related Terrorism in Northern Ireland threat level
The threat to Northern Ireland from Northern Ireland-related terrorism is SUBSTANTIAL.
LOW means an attack is highly unlikely
MODERATE means an attack is possible, but not likely
SUBSTANTIAL means an attack is likely
SEVERE means an attack is highly likely
CRITICAL means an attack is highly likely in the near future
Uranium from overseas is vibrant uranium. Illegal nuclear fuel from other countries is a vital part of our society… Britain has always been a radioactive country…
(Say Sadiq Khan, Dr Shola Thingamabob, the Guardian etc)
Ian Collins on talk tv has been slagging off Mark Bridgen for the last hour or so.
He says 99.9% of those who know (cardiologists and the like) are the ones he believes.
He can’t understand that anyone without the government approved position on the vaccine is not allowed any msm space and any who do dare to speak up (like Bridgen) get cancelled by the lefty msm.
That’s why he only hears one side of the argument.
He’s even insinuating that there’s something wrong with Bridgen and that he’s worried for him.
He says Bridgen is a tin foil hat lunatic.
Give him his due, he is reading out the viewers comments and just about every one is pro Bridgen and are saying things like “go and work for the bbc” and things like that to him (Collins)
He seems to have bought the governments position hook line and sinker.
He probably believes the masks stop you getting (and passing on) Covid.
He’s now arguing with a caller. The caller asked him if he believed that sudden deaths were happening and he said they were NOT happening.
The caller had him reeling and he stopped the call saying he had to go to the news (then went on to play adverts)
In the DM comments, well over 90% of the comments are completely behind Bridgen.
Well done Andrew. There’s lots of us on your side and you will be proved correct in time.
“He’s even insinuating that there’s something wrong with Bridgen and that he’s worried for him.”
If anyone isn’t already aware of what happened to Dr. Thomas Binder it’s worth a look. Soviet-level abuse by the Swiss state of a cardiologist in 2020:
“Dr. Binder posted a blog to his website, which provided a thorough analysis of COVID-19 and the various unscientific measures implemented at that time. […] officers sent an emergency doctor to evaluate Dr. Binder’s mental health status, and he was diagnosed with “Corona Insanity,” and then placed in a psychiatric unit.”
Is this really front-page, headline news by the BBC ?.
Perhaps the Reality Check team can have a look at the article below then reveal to us all just what monumental, double-standard hypocrites the holier-than-thou BBC Socialists really are.
Exponential increase in the adoption of Digital is a huge disruptive force that is leading to consumers of tomorrow. This in turn demands healthcare organizations to gear up to manage the consumer experience effectively. Healthcare IT innovations play vital role in the digital era of the industry addressing the critical business transformation needs for adaptation and market sustenance. While increased cost of care, industry consolidation and regulatory compliance are few of the challenges faced by healthcare companies they are in parallel gearing up to leverage the Next Gen Technologies around Automation, AI, Analytics and digital experience. Organizations can thrust growth across the value chain through advanced technology supported business strategy.
At Infosys we understand the industry drivers of healthcare outcomes, optimized cost along with evolving compliance needs well and have aligned our services strategy to support healthcare organizations navigate their digital journey of tomorrow. Our Healthcare industry services are designed with principles of:
AI-powered data core to deliver insights: Competencies to build a digital foundation that vastly outperforms competition through game changing organizational capabilities by reimagining the core processes.
Experience layer at scale: To create new enterprise-wide digital capability that enables unprecedented business growth which will help transform your business.
Always-on learning: to drive continuous improvement by reskilling – both human and virtual workforce through transferring digital skills along with ideas from a cross-section of industries and innovation ecosystems
I play the ‘excluded’ game with PMQs now – today there was a lot about private health / dental – but I was surprised they didn’t go for the flight from London to Leeds … which Alexa says is 310km by car …. But I suspect MPs of all types use first class this and that travel –
Also – it would have opened the door to red labour MPs being bunged for no apparent reason £ …. ( come on down Evette £ Cooper ) …
Yeah I know …. I was to busy trying to remember 310kms kgs or whatever – my short term memory is very short – my short term memory is … er .. forgotten …
I look at Andrew Bridgen’s Twitter
it’s mostly about Covid policy and the Vax
There’s a tweet saying ‘John Campbell he’s the man ‘
.. Yet the John Campbell video doesn’t play
Turns out that on Swindon, Campbell has been a victim of Garbage In, Garbage Out
The original data showed Swindon to be the world myocarditis hotspot
Having a rate as high as the South of England, and growing magnitudes yearly
He made a video it went viral ..his opposers laughed.
12 hours later Swindon said “sorry we had a database error”
and put out a correction to their data, which meant Swindon has steady myocarditis
on the scale of a small town
“very fortunate” Campbell sarcastically said in the new Swindon video he immediately put up.
A graphic attributed the following statement to the Government Race and Disparities Report 2021:
Not a single police force in England and Wales registered an arrest rate of less than 20 for every 1000 black people.
By contrast not a single police force in England and Wales registered an arrest rate of more than 20 for every 1000 white people
We should have made it clear that this conclusion had been carried by The Independent newspaper the previous year in a wider survey of social and economic data on disparities between different ethnicities in the UK and reflected statistics from a different Government website which was now out of date.
The most recent figures show there are four police forces with an arrest rate of below 20 for every 1000 black people.
Victoria Derbyshire
BBC Two and BBC News Channel, Monday 13 August 2018
During an item about homelessness, the Victoria Derbyshire programme interviewed a homeless man called Ashley who told us that he had been forced to leave home by his father because he is gay. His family subsequently contacted the BBC. They deny that Ashley’s sexuality was the reason why he became homeless and say it was for other reasons. We apologise that this was not reflected in the programme and for any distress caused.
It’s not unreasonable to expect a FoI on a technical issue to a public body to be sanity checked prior to release – as those subject to FoI are by definition authoritative!
The twerps in Swindon Great Western Hospital Trust should be sentenced to 3 months cleaning bedpans with toothbrushes.
If they got that wrong – non unreasonable to suspect that other stuff is sloppily done by people who’re expecting not to be punished or publicly humiliated for a screwup that could have very serious consequences – and that … in my not so humble opinion is not how it should work.
It’s even weirder than that.
Campbell showed stats for hospital discharges. Can’t remember the exact detail but something like 350 carditis cases……..but over 700 discharges of patients who had recovered from carditis.
If you’d come into hospital for Covid or something then got myocarditis
would that explain you being on the discharged listbut not admitted list.
Surely the data should be myocarditis events not just admissions for it.
…of all ages, genders and abilities iv. Provide timely and efficient reporting mechanisms to support the monitoring and evaluation of the service. Full details can be found and any bid may be made via: http://www.supplyingthesouthwest.org.uk...
Procurement stage Opportunity
Notice status Open
Closing 16 January 2023, 12pm
Contract location England
Contract value £246,000
Publication date 8 December 2022, last edited 13 December 2022
Marianna has a new BBC chum — Rachel Schraer (top pic) covers health and misinformation and has been called up as cavalry in the Bridgen Wars. Suggesting he is “becoming detached from reality”… she references another brave (non-BBC) misinformation warrior.
Rachel Schraer
Senior reporter for
, covering health and misinformation. Send me things to investigate: rachel.schraer@bbc.co. uk
Debunk bed bbc.co.uk/newsJoined April 2012
2,726 Following
And it's something more than one genuinely vaccine-injured person has told me is further hurting their ability to get help
thanks Bryan – it’s a really tough one. How can we stick to the facts and call out people who manipulate them, while not minimising the genuine suffering of people with rare but real injuries
And it's something more than one genuinely vaccine-injured person has told me is further hurting their ability to get help
The Andrew Marr Show
BBC One and BBC Parliament, Sunday 10 May 2020
The programme reported that “more than 31,000 people have died OF Covid-19 in Britain so far”.
In fact it would have been more accurate to say these people died WITH Covid-19. The figures were for all deaths where the person has died within twenty eight days of testing positive for Covid 19.
The thing about all these ‘slip-ups’ by the BBC is that they are ALWAYS in favour of whatever agenda they have today and hence are ALWAYS 100% deliberate.
Affirmative action, young, inexperienced bimbos who are dubiously qualified and/or rammed with ideology who spend most of their time in a cubicle sifting press releases and tips from anyone on the nice list not blocked by BBc staff that fits the BBc agenda.
The useless BBC is delighted to announce that the useless Archbishop of Cunterbury is delighted to announce that the useless Church of England is pledging £100m to “address past wrongs”, after its investment fund was found to have historic links to slavery. (Dating back many centuries.)
The money will go to certain communities where it will no doubt be spent on trainers, drugs, knives and guns.
The Coronavirus SARS‑CoV‑2 developed in Wuhan is a synthetic spike protein chimera engineered to attach to human ACE2 receptors. It causes an allergic reaction in mature immune systems called a cytokine storm, an allergic reaction to fragments of spike protein. It’s why children with an immature immune system are not effected. The only protection that the mRNA jab gives you from Covid, is by temporarily suppressing your immune system to protect you from the allergic reaction. But all mRNA Injected people have consistently altered blood as seen with live cell dark field microscopy. This includes impeded blood flow with deformed red blood cells sticking to each other, and profoundly decreased red blood cell stability and survival. The lipid nanoparticles in the jab gives you a gene sequence that makes your body make spike proteins. The spike proteins induce red blood cell death, which creates fatty deposits that form what looks like white blood clots. The haemoglobin is wiped out, caused by a massive outflow of fluid from the interior of the cell, causing the cell membrane to fold, as a result, the cells turn white. A number of embalmers have reported pulling these stringy, stretchy objects out of deceased people who got the jab, and they’re different from anything they’ve ever seen before. Processes that would normally break down a blood clot do not work on these amyloid-like depositions. Impurities also means that you may be getting fragmented RNA, as opposed to complete RNA, which can have unforeseen consequences, as shortened RNA can end up producing incomplete proteins. They have polyethylene glycol content in varying ratios. They have salts, sugars, genetic material and other contaminants. Natural immunity protects the unvaccinated from myocarditis due to antibodies created against the natural spike proteins, stopping and limiting spike protein exposure to less than a week. But in the mRNA jabbed, the spike proteins hang around in the lymph node germinal centres long after a jab, and the jab makes human cells continue to produce spike proteins as well as spike protein antigens over the long term, producing long term damage for the jabbed individual. In effect unvaccinated Human cells don’t make spike proteins, but mRNA vaccinated Human cells make lots and lots of obsolete variant spike proteins. Ivermectin may be the best approach to bind the circulating spike protein.
Many African countries have been praised for waging an effective campaign to combat the spread of coronavirus despite their reputation for having fragile state heath systems.
The continent, which has a population of more than one billion, has had about 1.5 million cases, according to data compiled by the John Hopkins University.
The continent, which has a population of more than one billion, has had about 1.5 million cases, according to data compiled by the John Hopkins University.
There’s a term “SWAG” = Scientific Wild Assed Guess
52 heads of state, 300 government ministers, and 600 CEOs will head to Davos next week to attend the elitist confab, a great many of them on private jets.
One of the top issues of discussion: Reducing carbon emissions to 'better address global warming'.
Now if most people can see that the majority of the people responsible for all the trouble in the world today will be in one place at one time, hopefully Russian intelligence can too.
4:30pm R4 The Media Show
What the Culture Minister Really Thinks
Michelle Donelan is the Secretary of State for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport.
In this broad interview with Katie Razzall, the minister explains why she reversed her predecessor’s plans for Channel 4,
– gives her thoughts on Prince Harry’s complaint about the press, – says why the Parthenon marbles will not be returning to Greece.
Razzall “many people know them as the Elgin Marbles”
.. BBC changing the language !
BBC story
Michelle Donelan slaps down George Osborne over Parthenon Marbles negotiations,
“He would agree with me that we shouldn’t be sending them back, and actually they do belong here in the UK, where we’ve cared for them for a great deal of time…”
As ever the BBC is cheating
They ended the interview at 4:52pm and then brought on Lara O’Reilly* to do all the BBC rebuttals and to diss Michelle Donelan
.. Instead of allowing the minister a final say.
@larakiara Journalist @thisisinsider on the advertising desk, covering digital advertising companies
Opinion: China has cornered the market on antibiotics, so the U.S. must rebuild its manufacturing capacity
Published: April 28, 2021 at 4:10 p.m. ET
By Rosemary Gibson
comments The U.S. allowed its plants to close under the onslaught of subsidized Chinese production
Right now, the U.S. has virtually no capacity to manufacture antibiotics. That’s because China currently controls roughly 90% of the global supply of inputs needed to make the generic antibiotics that treat bronchitis, pneumonia, pediatric ear infections, and life-threatening conditions such as sepsis.
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 10, 23:10 Start the Week 10th March 2025 From the Daily Mail online: “… … … According to the Telegraph, figures from the most recent BBC annual report…
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 10, 22:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Carney worked for Goldman Sachs for 13 years, curiously enough.
FlotsamMar 10, 22:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I might be wrong. One ship, the Stena Immaculate might have been moving around at anchor due to wind and/or…
FlotsamMar 10, 21:59 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Kelvin Mackenzie on form on GBNews. “Why should the public be forced to pay, under threat of prosecution, to watch…
FlotsamMar 10, 21:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I’ve studied the tracks of the two ships and it’s clear to me that both were moving when the collision…
BRISSLESMar 10, 21:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 My nephew married a Russian girl – from Kursk, a few years ago. Her parents (just lovely ordinary people like…
Emmanuel GoldsteinMar 10, 21:26 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I keep hearing from MP’s an excuse for them not doing what they were voted in to do, things such…
First again, note to self, get a life!
No NV, we just need to get Up2 in a pincer movement !!!
Brissles, my dear old thing (well, it will be cricket again soon somewhere in the globe) where were you? You cannot keep turning up late to the party.
I believe that we in Britain and the West, are now living in an Orwellian age. What happened in a bad flu, became an official pandemic, mandating virtually force vaccination in Britain, and actual forced one in much of the West EU.
The MSM media, particularly the BBC, became the official media which transmitted the government line in the UK and the world. The policy has been so successful that I see no reason why the BBC will be ditched anytime other then a cultural revolution and more.
The vaccination programme allowed the government to restrict our freedom to move unless we had a “Health Passport”. What could be more Orwellian.
And now we the West, are in a perpetual war against Eastasia. Which means the BBC becomes an even more important organisation for not only Britain but as a “trusted” information source and propaganda, for the world.
If we ever get out of this age, historians will view the flue pandemic as the lever that allowed almost all governments to imprison their people.
Governments with incessant propaganda and restricting free speech under the guise of misinformation, made out that covid was worse then ebola and we were all going to die. Far from the case. And now they know that we are sheep.
NCBBC, I suspect Covid-19 was a mutation of chicken ‘flu’ and bird ‘flu’ that occurred in China just after the turn of the century. It was highly notable that a doctor in the UK, very early in the Pandemic (something like April/May 2020) said he had noticed an effect on the airways of a patient similar or identical to SARS-CoV-2 which is an influenza-type effect similar to chicken ‘flu’/bird ‘flu’. It is thought that Covid-19 in all its mutations is zoonotic in origin.
Why don’t Polio, the Measles or most other ‘viruses’ have hundreds of mutations like SARS-CoV-2? SARS-CoV-1 had none. Don’t you think this is strange? This SARS-CoV-2 ‘virus’ seems to be indestructible although not being vaccinated I have been remarkably adept at avoiding it over the last three years. So have all of my unvaccinated friends. It’s a funny old world.
You are right. The research on the virus was was also funded by Dr Fauci of National Institute etc America.
The next ‘pandemic’ is in the offing. Check out the Government website and the jobs advertised by the UKHSA. These guys can find anything in anything with their PCR tests and they will wash, rinse and repeat. Furthermore, the usual suspects held another one of their desktop simulations of an outbreak of a ‘deadly’ virus (ie one where no one dies) in October of 2022. However this time they ‘predict’ it will affect younger people more than the Covaids which is why they needed to get the harmful injections into the arms of everyone. The next one is going to be exponentially more ‘deadly’ and you will sit up and pay attention this time. Not my words, those of Kill Gates.
This is the decade of pandemics.
It is alleged America also had scores of biolabs funded in Ukraine. Now stopped.
All these publically funded biolabs must be under legally mandated public scrutiny. No exception, as bioweapons are illegal and thus no justification for secrecy
When things go wrong, the high and mighty get proper shelter, and party it up, while we the ones who funded all this, are left to be shouted at and locked down with threats by the police.
NV, Well done. How did you know I was distracted again?
Noticed the Hairy Bikers (on electric motorbikes now) are dropping lots of references to veganism etc., and tonight visited a farm that produces Tofu.
Drip drip drip.
Shan’t be buying the DVDs or cookbook for the series.
Just two bought and sold tossers now, off my watch list!
They are called “chefs” but have never run a kitchen in their lives.
The producer tells them what to do and nowadays the program won’t get the green light unless it fills the required woke, carbon parameters.
I first met Dave Myers when he came to our village here in France to buy a house, quite a big one, indoor swimming pool, I believe. Anyway I was just getting into my car when up comes this fellow on the biggest bag of sh1t motorbike I’ve ever seen. It was the said D Myers, I asked if he’d left the good bike at home. He let on the bike was his and that the BBC provide all the bikes used in the show. Haven’t seen him in the village for years.
Beardy Booster Biz go bye-bye?
Scott Manley YouTube rocket man has reviewed the Virgin fail over Irish territory.
The mission never flew; a cabin fire during a launch rehearsal test at Cape Kennedy Air Force Station Launch Complex 34 on January 27 killed all three crew members—Command Pilot Gus Grissom, Senior Pilot Ed White, and Pilot Roger B. Chaffee—and destroyed the command module (CM).
‘Grissom, White & Chaffee on a rocket ride to heaven’
Name that song?
Scum, no other words
“BBC gives Shamima Begum 10-part PODCAST to tell her story of how she joined ISIS
The BBC released a 10-part podcast about Shamima Begum and her life in ISIS. The 23-year-old tells a journalist about her life in a refugee camp in Syria. The broadcaster insists that the show is a ‘robust’ investigation into Begum”
Shamima Begum accepts she joined a terror group
Just been reading that on the BBC site.
And hot on the heels of the ‘groomed’ ‘far-right’ terrorist girl who killed herself, it includes the line:
The question which jumps out of the article is : Why are the BBC so bothered about this person to devote so much time and licence-fee payers cash towards trying to help her ?.
Is it because they have so much support for her in the office ?. Or she’s another BAME/Muslim ‘victim’ to virtue signal about ?.
What I did notice is they now have adopted the phrase ‘terror group’ to avoid using the word ‘terrorist’. Which, of course, is still used ‘liberally’ (pun) against the Right.
The BBC have never done a ‘robust investigation’ into anything. It’s ALWAYS carefully crafted to make you think in line with their agenda.
Hello JohnC
From the leftist bbc i’m sure they’ll be campaigning for its returned
Just looking at one of the pictures “I’m not a monster series 2” – we all know when the bBC wants to go on and on about something for days/months – they are keen
I agree Andy – but for the life of me I can’t fathom out why.
Auntie knows best, well thinks
PS Had 1 of those threating letters when I got home yesterday, upto £1000 fine or pay up now
I use Netflix and Prime
It simply fits the agenda:
It’s anti Tory Government
It’s full on virtue signalling
It’s pro “Diversity”. We need more terrorists around us.
oops – missed the line I meant to quote which is:
‘The tribunal hearing has centred on whether she was a victim of trafficking for sexual exploitation, or a committed IS volunteer who is a threat to the UK.’
Why ‘is a threat to the UK’ tacked on the end ?. Are all ISIS members welcome here as long as we don’t think they will murder us ?.
It’s perfectly obvious that she went willingly. She would not want to come back if ISIS had won.
Anjem Choudary calls Duke of Sussex a ‘Muslim killer’ and calls on jihadis to retaliate
Hate preacher said Harry’s claim he killed 25 Taliban was a ‘wake-up call’ for Muslims everywhere to ‘end the occupation of foreign forces’
Martin Evans,
8 January 2023 • 6:43pm
John -I have no truck with Shamima Begum. BUT believe
that she would do less harm on returning to the UK, than
the druggy, paranoid prince from Montecito California
and any of the rest of the cult he has joined.
Foscari –
Some ‘researcher ‘ apologist for this Islamic terrorist was interviewed on Today . It sounds like the BBC has a whole package of stuff starting with a book – followed by a Film and then ‘shamima – the musical ‘…. A cookery programme – ‘shamima great railway journeys ‘- home decorating with shamima ‘…… bear grills meets shamima …..grooming tips with shamima …
A book?
Will there be an Apache doing the beastly to gorgeous young men all around her?
Not flown by Justin Trudeau.
The book will be ‘ghosted’ by the same one who did the Harry Hewitt one – using the same ‘victim ‘ theming ….
Should sell well in Tower Hamlets ….( in Urdu of course )
Isis Island
Is it right to use humour to mock extremism?
A sketch called ‘The Real Housewives of ISIS’ featured on BBC Two show Revolted this week. It features women in mock suicide vests and depicts brides of terrorists in a spoof reality show style sketch. It has sparked discussion online – some are offended by the satirical sketch which makes light of real ISIS housewives that are exploited. However, others say it is just a comedy and should be taken lightly. Callers Taj and Shahji told Shazia what they thought of the sketch.
Release date:05 January 2017
2 minutes
Maybe the Black Broadcasting Corporation will move on to a cooking programme for her? ‘We realise that you can’t come here so we are prepared to travel to you for filming’…….
O my gawd…
Will they have plinky-plonky piano music in a minor key playing in the background throughout?
Maybe ‘Singing in the Rain’?
More ironic than Wagner in the morning.
16 … vote in wales.
15 … join ISIS
10 .. choose gender.
6 … marry in Islam.
The BBC are protected as they are too important. And they know it, for in all matters that really matter, the BBC will be the obedient servant.
Lone reader queues for Prince Harry’s release of Spare
Staff at London bookshops were surprised when the expected onrush of buyers failed to appear
So the article by the BBC about the queues was a complete lie then.
But what I find extremely worrying is that if you search ‘harry spare queue’ on google, you get many results of different news sources saying the same lie.
I’ve mentioned this here many times before about how an agenda-story suddenly appears everywhere overnight. And this one being a complete lie is absolute proof that somehow they are being fed these stories and they all fall into line and run them without question – presumably to swamp news feeds.
Something stinks in our media.
More than something.
FB now crams timelines with ‘Suggested for you’ posts funded by god knows who.
Between Gazan PR clowns and Corbynites there are endless BBC Local Democracy efforts from such as Cleethorpes Live. Still reposting the claims about fans storming bookshops when utterly debunked and mocked yesterday,
Great day for the comrades –
1 ambulance staff not bothering
2 999 call handlers not bothering
3 20% of plod planning to leave .
Will anyone notice the reduction in ‘service ‘?
My vivid experience of ringing 999 and being met with every possible reason for not sending help still stings – and that years ago – I still think there’s a case for ending the 999 system – think of the money it would save – and could be used to give the angels their 19%.
Elswhere – the Pakistani uranium dirty bomb imported to Heathrow has now been down graded to ‘scrap metal’. By lunchtime the story will either be gone or the bomb will have turned into organic tea tree extract …. Don’t want to upset the pakis / Muslims do they?
If you wanna bring a dirty bomb the best way is via dinghy – no radiation detectors on the beach at Dover …. Try not to blow up Premier /inns because they are needed for new arrivals
The religion of peace seems to have kicked off in Paris. Multiple stabbing.
Q the bBC reporting on mental issues etc.
The Uranium is obviously a test run to see if it got through.
The BBC seem to think it’s irrelevant that it was destined for Iranians so they didn’t tell us.
Why do we import the 3rd turd, sorry world
Afghan asylum seeker, 21, ‘stabbed aspiring Royal Marine to death’
Hello Fed
Know what you mean, its all part of the government plan for the older population, Importing the 3rd world 🙁
Andy – the thing that really gets me is that the voters were never consulted about having their country wrecked all the way back to the first legislation in 1948.
It leaves me in a sewer / place I don’t want to be any more –
I was proud as a kid to say I was British, unsure what it stands for anymore
A bit like the bBC
I’m pondering on a pleading letter to Sunak. Simply explaining that, being in the winter of my years, I’ll certainly not be around to see things to the end of the Grand Plan. But I’m eager to know before I drop of the end. So, If I promise not to tell, tell me, PM, how long is it estimated until the country is completely destroyed by the political elite?
Hopefully, I will be around to see the gallows erected on Parliament Square. Oh! hang on: that would involve Planning Permission and the Local Plan beforehand…………….
Nothing like planning ahead.
A BBC bosom buddy media partner, I believe.
Saz, Lurch and Frizz still checking Don’s bins?
The other day, some numpty said Trump deserved investigating because he is a known liar but Biden should be given the benefit of the doubt.
That list is full of the most cynical and blatant whoppers which can have no excuse.
I find it difficult to maintain any respect whatsoever for the left. They lie because they think it is right to lie.
The light touch being applied to Biden really does show the bias .
“I find it difficult to maintain any respect whatsoever for the left. They lie because they think it is right to lie.”
Epitomised by one of their ‘Leaders’, Putin.
Jordan Peterson’s got it all worked out.
Just saw this:
Leo seems to be ok with whataboutery here. Or whatabootery in this instance.
An ex Graun BBC fave, he also attracts Newsnight level audiences. Likely gets his info via The Critic Mag too via Justin.
Meanwhile, a US person of BS channels her inner Maitlis in true BBC style.
Then there is an Oz Perfesser of Crashed Bandicootism.
Any Beeboids down under left? They seem to burn through them fast, posting one story a year.
I have to say that Peterson put everything I am thinking into words far better than I could.
And I also have to say I still think Morgan is a complete tw@t. He didn’t like it at first because Jordan was disagreeing with him but then he was eventually silenced as he had no arguments against what he said.
Thanks for that G, I enjoyed to watch it.
Just as he said, under the current strategy ‘victory in Ukraine’ is Ukraine in ruins. I’m sure our Challenger 2’s will do their part.
Then of course it’s all about rebuilding Ukraine which we will pay for as well.
Peterson made a good point about the West making themselves dependent on Putin with their Crazy Climate policies
so putting him a strong position
they need his gas.
That video is 3 months old
and we know that the west and Ukraine will survive the winter despite his threats to cut off gas.
President Trump’s 100 Days President Biden’s 0 Day
Dear Winston Smith in the Records Department of the Ministry of Truth,
You covered President Trump’s 100 Days and then produced a Beyond 100 Days to hold power to account.
Why have you not done the same for President Biden to hold power to account?
‘Omission is the greatest form of lie.’
Thank you again for contacting us,
BBC Complaints Team
Anyone seen mention of the Paris attacks on bBBC News web page?
It is on the Sky News equivalent.
Paris attack: 6:43am Knifeman shot by police after attacking six at Gare du Nord
Six people were injured in the attack, with one left with major injuries, police said.
The attacker was shot several times by police and taken to hospital
BBC tweeted at 9:25am
Ban knifes?
Surely exterminating all the infidels would solve the problem?
When we all embrace Islam comrade – Islamophiba will end.
I first met Dave Myers when he came to our village here in France to buy a house, quite a big one, indoor swimming pool, I believe. Anyway I was just getting into my car when up comes this fellow on the biggest bag of sh1t motorbike I’ve ever seen. It was the said D Myers, I asked if he’d left the good bike at home. He let on the bike was his and that the BBC provide all the bikes used in the show. Haven’t seen him in the village for years.
French blue tick journo tweets
“The man on whom no identity papers were found, declared his name to be Mohamed Amine M., of Algerian nationality.
He says he is 31 years old. The investigators of the criminal brigade, to whom the investigation was entrusted, are trying to cross-check his statements”
The BBC seem to have a new euphemism: “Authorities are trying to establish if there was a motive for the attack.”
I wonder if the fact there are armed police ready to shoot people like him is because of the threat from the far right …
I notice how the BBC try to downplay the incident so we don’t get alarmed. The entire event was referred to just once as ‘a stabbing’ and it’s basic facts only.
And it’s already slipped half-way down the front page. The usual trick is to delay reporting who did it until the story gets cold.
Bbc muzzies working to get it into local news
Started a walking group yet?
Or cooking circle?
Or swimming team?
Lord Diabetes in the Graun
‘I’m actually polite and sensitive in the boardroom. But that doesn’t make good telly. So the monkeys at the TV company pick the moments where I’m banging on the table’
Not young, but at last grasps how there is reality, and what sells.
Then there is naked ideology. See BBC N. America.
Take three girls edition
Former paper of record the Times finally acknowledges what non-mainstream voices have been warning of for months – Lockdown chickens have come home to roost: 1,000 excess deaths each week as the NHS buckles
But… but, but… you may ask, didn’t we ‘save’ the NHS? Flatten the sombrero and all that?
Fifty thousand more people than normal died over the past 12 months, with NHS delays blamed for one of the most deadly years on record (Times)
Perhaps the NHS is un-savable?
On a much lighter note, let’s attempt to get our heads around this one…
Foyle’s War star: I drove drunk to dodge a threesome (Daily Mail)
Such a sweet old-fashioned looking girl; she makes Times frontpage pin up while the Telegraph goes for a proper old blue stocking: Oxford’s new head dons the mantle… Prof Irene Tracey… was named its 273rd vice-chancellor yesterday… insisted she was against setting targets that would restrict… private school pupils…
No contest…
Honeysuckle Weeks… has admitted driving while twice over the alcohol limit. She said she had to flee a friend’s house as she feared being coerced into a threesome (Times) – I don’t believe a three-handed ‘cutthroat’ rubber or two of bridge is being referred to here.
Jolly poor show from Chief Superintendent Foyle’s prim lady chauffeur, who was always so adept with his 1938 Wolseley around the quaint little backstreets of Hastings: …she reversed into a parked car in Arundel, West Sussex, and drove off (Telegraph) – she could have broken character for a moment and called an Uber
Excuses excuses… from one threesome (make-up unspecified) to the single survivor of those infamous ISIS girls Mr AsI likes to call the Three Mosqueteers…
Shamima Begum accepts she joined a terror group. In extensive BBC interviews… (BBC) – that’s our licence fee cash well spent, eh?
I shouldn’t knock it really, I’ve a bet on that she’ll be back in Blighty, sooner or later and I’m confident I’ll collect.
Over at the BBC Moaning Emole Naff feels Harry can be milked some more:
Harry’s take on his Taliban comments:
His take on his take? Novel. Ohhhhh…
Sub: Prince Harry condemns spin on his Taliban comments
His spin on his spin. Glad that is cleared up.
GW, more spin than Murali and Shane playing in the same team!
Again, Farming Today was suggesting that we need EU style checks to avoid contaminated farm produce coming into the UK. Anna Hill celebrates the tenth anniversary of ‘The Horsemeat Scandal’ which, if I recall correctly, happened in 2012! Better late than never for a reminder that the EU doesn’t work and that we are better off out and away from that dreadful organisation of so-called Sovereign States which didn’t prevent contamination of the UK meat supply by horsemeat.
Mind you, doesn’t stop the BBC propaganda, the BBC lobbying to get the UK back in the EU.
The same argument came up yesterday in the Jim Al-Khalili show
His guest said all food coming into Rotterdam used to be checked, but now food destined for UK has zero checks.
I don’t believe either.
R4 now More or Less is looking at NHS excess deaths
are they due to A&E delays ? etc
Northern Ireland demographics
Catholics should soon outnumber Protestents
but already the largest lump of people 38% identify as neither Protestant nor Nationalist.
Evil Tucker Carlson misled on Athlete Covid vax sports deaths.
1598 death count on Good Sciencing list includes Pele, another 86 yo person .. it’s pretty random.
The debunk of the vax sports deaths
seems to be based on this thread
… https://www.twitter.com/Doctor_Eric_B/status/1611017974072098818
Basically Tucker’s source is a bit mad
Though you could probably use a list which shows Sudden Cardiac deaths in athletes have increased a bit since Covid, he uses a super hyperbolic list from the internet, which has a lot of junk in it.
That’s not saying it’s all junk, but why would anyone use a list which has obvious junk in it ?
I’d trust Tucker Carlson x 1,000,000 over the filth at the BBC/ITV/SLY
Most of the experts raising concern are using the ‘all cause death’ metric. This is because this figure is the most difficult for corrupt governments, resident psychopaths, and indeed our anychess to corrupt.
If there is an explosion in all cause deaths it explains why experts in their individual fields such as: cardiologists, footballers, undertakers, cancer consultants, politicians, vaccine experts, lawyers, pathologists, financial experts, underwriters etc etc etc are all raising the alarm.
Personally I would prefer that a drug was proved safe before unleashing it on the public, especially children.
Q: Pourquoi?
A: Pour le Typhus
I do not subscribe to the theory that the vaccine is the causal factor in these cases. Far more likely it is the heavy contact. There is a condition known as “commotia cardis” which major cardiac dysfunction due to sudden impact on the chest wall.
The whole Covid debate such as it is is really poisoned by partisan advocacy, deliberate misinformation, hyperbolising and worse driven by the pharma companies, CYA-ing state bureaucrats, random nutters – truth and verifiable data are mostly MIA.
The revelations from Twitter about censorship must be applied to just about all commercial entities across the public space.
– not good
9am Local newsPR
NEW research from Shelter has shown that more than 5,000 people are recorded as homeless in Yorkshire and the Humber – a number which includes over 2,000 children
Shelter’s “analysis” of official homelessness figures and responses to a Freedom of Information request shows that of the over 5,000 people, 170 people are sleeping rough on any given night and 4,540 are living in temporary accommodation.
The number of people living in temporary accommodation across England has risen by 74 per cent in the last 10 years
I presume Shelter are a Labour front group, who’s job is to bash the Tories.
The clip had the Shelter guy saying Tories must push up Housing Benefit payments
I reckon doing that is bad cos it ends up pushing up rents
And such TAXPAYER money mostly ends up in the pockets of RICH housing landlords.
Not BBC.
Soft Britain, part ( insert high number).
Parents are complaining about their local primary school in Wiltshire where older children sit with younger ones at dinner (southerners call it lunch) time, serve up the food and collect the plates afterwards. Shock! Horror!
Which is exactly the system we had in the 1960s. Yet miraculously we have survived and lived to tell the tale.
Can I make a claim against the Education Department for psychological trauma? Lack of choice, no veggie option, variable portion sizes. I feel damaged. There must be some lawyers somewhere who can help……I.e. claim……
Sluff – my long term plan for global dominance began when I was selected to be ‘dinner monitor ‘ at primary school – my plan for the invasion of Russia started when I was clearing up the ‘afters’ bowls ( posh people call it ‘sweet ‘) …
Fed, ahem!
The kitchen staff ie. the cook, the under cook and the scullery assistant together with the maid who delivers it to the dining room, all call it ‘dessert’.
Pudding .
Oi! I take that as an insult!!! 🙂
We didn’t care what it was called as long as it was dished up by the gorgeous Brenda, who melted every boy’s hearts to the point of imminent blindness…
“One notices a nasty bump there, where did you get it”?
And that cake – which is worse than any beginner in cake icing could come up with – is what you get a gong for, is what gives you endless column inches in magazines, gives you a cookery programme, deals with publishers, your own travelogue and as ‘guest’ on every other BBC2 programme.
Strangely the cut and paste below hasn’t hit the msm –
From Kent online via the twitter … it may or may not be true …
STARTS A disgraced children’s doctor was chased through a hospital by a self-professed ‘paedo hunter’ after arranging to meet an underage boy for sex.
Intensive care paediatrician Salman Siddiqi – who was allowed to treat youngsters at QEQM despite a previous caution for flashing – was arrested at the site on Sunday morning following a sting by the amateur detective.
The anonymous ‘hunter’ – who works alone – had pretended to be a 14-year-old boy and arranged to meet the consultant at his lodgings in the hospital grounds.
Siddiqi, 44, of Globe Road in Hornchurch, had sent naked pictures of himself ahead of the 3am encounter and was expecting the pair to engage in sexual activity.
But when he was instead confronted outside the accommodation by a 49-year-old man, he turned and ran into the hospital’s A&E department.
The ‘paedo hunter’ gave chase while calling police, following Siddiqi through a number of doors he was opening using a security card.
Siddiqi was eventually detained by staff and arrested when officers arrived at the hospital, before being swiftly charged and hauled in front of Folkestone magistrates yesterday.ENDS
This one seems sub Judy see so careful …dr saddiqui is innocent until guilty …
Notice I didn’t include a map of Globe Road Hornchurch …
Whilst looking at this I found the nmc register of struck of NHS nurses – but it doesn’t give the reasons ….
County lines gangsters rip out fingernails and tear out hair of children who work for them as young males are raped and females passed around as ‘gift girls’, researchers say
Hospital A&E staff warned of a rise in the number of injuries sustained by victims
Injuries included fingernails pulled off, hair torn out and multiple stab wounds
One worker reported an increase in males aged 21 or under who had been raped
Young women in particular groomed online with use of ‘gift girls’ also mentioned
PUBLISHED: 12:25, 17 June 2021 | UPDATED: 14:22, 20 June 2021
He pleaded guilty in court today (January 9) to trying to arrange child sexual offences after he was caught in a ‘paedo’ hunter sting in Margate
East Kent Hospitals Trust.. confirmed Dr Siddiqi has been employed through an agency to fill shifts as a locum paediatric doctor at the Trust
A Labour peer facing allegations that he blamed a Jewish conspiracy for his dangerous driving jail term has resigned from the party.
Lord Ahmed had been suspended from the party after he was reported to have been caught on camera blaming his prison sentence – for sending text messages shortly before his car was involved in a fatal crash – on pressure placed on the courts by “Jewish friends who own newspapers and TV channels”.
There has been a knife attack at the Gare du Nord in Paris.
Despite the fact that dozens if not hundreds must have seen it, there is no description whatever of the perpetrator on the BBC news.
Presumably their ‘investigative journalists’ are too busy drooling over their Shamima Begun podcast.
“Police are yet to name the man, who did not have identity documents on him at the time he was taken to hospital”
says the BBC article..link above
Maybe they’ll put him on the ‘dinghy express’ this afternoon – all welcome …
Maybe Shamima Begum will be put on a dinghy and shoved across the Channel. That would be a “bit awkward” for all concerned. LOL !
She’ll probably bring a bit of radio active scrap – sure there no connection between uranium at Heathrow and the FAA closing US flights …
Not reported by the BBC…
Mohamed Amine, male (31), an Algerian migrant, shouted “Allahu Akbar” while stabbing 6 people with a knife before being shot by an off-duty police officer
France church attack: Priest killed by two ‘IS militants’
26 July 2016
Nearly three years have passed since Rishi first opened the chequebook when Covid hit. Given taxes are now at a 70-year high and there’s another strike every ten minutes, it is worth remembering just how much cash has been lost to fraud and negligence – probably never to be found – since 2020. BEIS’ annual report showed that, of the three main loan schemes available to businesses during the pandemic, the level of “fraud and error” is estimated at 8.4% – or around £985 million. HMRC now say it’s £4.5 billion. The total liabilities for all Covid loan schemes, including for businesses which later went bust, is £15.8 billion…
Parliament’s £13 billion restoration.
HS2 £150 billion, original budget £36 billion.
Track and Trace £37 billion – no tracking or tracing where this money went.
£1.1bn of COVID small business loans identified as fraud
£4 billion of unusable PPE bought in first year of pandemic will be burnt “to generate power”
13 + 150 + 37 + 1.1+ 4 = £205 billion
Nuclear reactor = £6 billion
MM, actually it is something of media myth that taxes are at a 70 year high. They were actually higher than they are at present during Margaret Thatcher’s time as Prime Minister. I cannot remember the current numbers I think they are under 40% but I do remember that in the 1980s the tax burden nearly hit 50%. Of course it all depends what taxes you include in ‘the tax burden’, we have so many ‘directs’ and even more indirect taxes.
Do you sort of get the impression that there will be no new nuclear power stations – just years of talk …. ?
inkley Point C: no easy solution to Theresa May’s Chinese puzzle
Terry Macalister
Energy editor
British prime minister will face tough questions from French and Chinese at G20 summit over delayed nuclear project
China blocked from funding nuclear power stations by Boris Johnson
France Build Nuclear Power station whilst ….
Dover MP Natalie Elphicke told the Commons that the BBC’s “shocking report” contained the “breath-taking” disclosure of free French public bus services being used to ferry migrants from camps to Dunkirk beaches.
“Treasury will reportedly not sign off on investment until technology approved by regulators
A funding deal for the first fleet of mini nuclear reactors may not materialise for another 12 months, to the dismay of domestic leaders in the technology.
The government made small modular reactors a central element of its plans to generate 24GW of energy from nuclear by 2050, but according to The Times there is significant uncertainty in Whitehall over the scale and state of investment plans”
There is an online discussion right now
.. https://www.twitter.com/NIAUK/status/1613116813637722112
Rolls Royce SMR nuclear reactor could be built for a snip at £3B
Maybe it could even be powered by confiscated nuclear terrorist material smuggled into the UK?
Equally interesting.
Worth a debate. 28Gate will ensure that cannot happen whilst Sir Boaty hands the airmiles to FryBoy.
I’m waiting for
“putin offers to build Chernobyl style nuclear reactors for Britain “ …..
BTW – the Chernobyl TV series recommended …
Putin could probably help with our space rockets too!
.. and as we are entering a period of diplomatic frost where we will hang off the coat-tails of the USA again and make an enemy of China, what could possibly go wrong ?.
I think they said that about Russian gas as well.
Germany’s former chancellor to join Gazprom board
02/04/2022February 4, 2022
Gerhard Schröder, a former German chancellor with close ties to Russia, has been tapped to join the Gazprom supervisory board. Schröder has come under fire in Germany for working in the Russian energy sector.
The official policy of the government is ‘delay, delay, delay, until it is too late’. Partly this is driven by the fact that Britain’s nuclear industry is nationalised – not by this government, but by the French government (the owner of EDF, which is running our nuclear power stations). No doubt a report will surface in a year or two saying yes, we should be developing our own nuclear power stations – a technology we largely invented – but, son of a gun, we are just too far down the track with EDF at this point, can’t cancel the contract without financial penalties, delays which would affect our NetZero commitments… drone, drobe, zzzz, zzzz…
The BBC and other mass media are responsible for making the elderly and others scared to turn on their heating in their homes because of the higher electricity and gas prices they keep forecasting. Clearly without adequate warmth in the winter , the spread of flu and pneumonia will be more of a problem and more hospital beds will be occupied.
The BBC news editors should be challenged to answer for their scaremongering tactics . If many individuals complain they may , just may, realize how irresponsible their so called “news” reporting is. It is worth a try!
Recent Spectator Australia articles
eg about the Brazil protests, Harry’s book etc.
UK articles
eg https://www.spectator.co.uk/article/did-stonewall-invent-300000-non-existent-trans-people/
Andrew Bridgen has been suspended from the whip for vax tweet
he shared a critical article and wrote
‘As one consultant cardiologist said to me this is the biggest crime against humanity since the holocaust.’
.. https://twitter.com/ABridgen/status/1613094003611688961
An outcry immediately followed. Fellow Conservative MP Simon Clarke described his claim as ‘disgraceful’ while former Tory MP Christian Wakeford said it was ‘despicable’ to make such a comparison during the month of Holocaust Memorial.
Chief Whip “He has crossed a line, causing great offence in the process. As a nation we should be very proud of what has been achieved through the vaccine programme. The vaccine is the best defence against Covid that we have. Misinformation about the vaccine causes harm and costs lives. I am therefore removing the whip from Andrew Bridgen with immediate effect, pending a formal investigation.”
Bridgen is also currently serving a five day suspension from the Commons after being found to have breached rules on paid lobbying and declaring interests.
@jonsopel tweeted
What an astonishingly fatuous and historically ignorant remark.
To compare a vaccination programme to the industrial slaughter of millions of Jews, Roma, gays and communists is idiocy on an epic leve
@BoardofDeputies tweets
For an MP to suggest that Covid vaccines are the biggest crime against humanity since the Holocaust is unconscionable.
What are the 5 parts of genocide?
Elements of the crime
Killing members of the group.
Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group.
Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part.
Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group.
Sep 27, 2022
Cardiologist Dr Aseem Malhotra opens his “press conference” with some absolute corkers…NHS for 20 years…willful blindness…like Saville…like the holocaust…
He has tweeted the point that people’s thought’s should not be about Hitler
but rather the administrators who all went along with it . instead of stopping him
Surely that’s a valid point ?
However is supporters case is weakened by their overreach
They hype him as a top NHS cardiologist
rather he worked a year and then moved to a small private practice.
.. https://twitter.com/icysimon/status/1610729373954367488
Stew, yes, that is the most valid of valid points!
… for goodness sake Andrew Bridgen was quoting the words of a Consultant. Both the Consultantt and Bridgen know they are closer to the truth than the terrified Establishment. We know what was said was more a figure of speech and using the word ‘holocaust’ is a taboo for some. Faulty, ineffective vaccines are a fact of life but, like the kings’ new clothes, we mustn’t speak the truth. Keep going Andrew …
‘Holocaust’ must be used with some respect, it appears. It was an unfortunate choice of words by Andew Bridgen MP who really ought to know better.
If it upsets these shitebags, it must be right.
Question the narrative ….
Chief Whip Simon Hart:
“Andrew Bridgen has crossed a line, causing great offence in the process. As a nation we should be very proud of what has been achieved through the vaccine programme. The vaccine is the best defence against Covid that we have. Misinformation about the vaccine causes harm and costs lives. I am therefore removing the Whip from Andrew Bridgen with immediate effect, pending a formal investigation.”
JCVI ‘largely opposed’ to Covid vaccination for children under 16
This article is more than 1 year old
Exclusive: Members of government’s expert committee disagree with politicians and Jonathan Van-Tam
Coronavirus – latest updates
See all our coronavirus coverage
Young people lineup to get vaccinated in London on Friday.
Young people lineup to get vaccinated in London on Friday. Photograph: Andy Rain/EPA
Rowena Mason and Jessica Elgot
Sat 7 Aug 2021 07.00 BST
… but what AB said isn’t misinformation …
Who decides?
R4 consumer show
“Ru Pauls DragCon is a very inclusive event”
..ah now criticism that wheelchair people couldn’t see the main room
and now more complainers
“not enough spaces on the accessible platform, 40 limit”
Well we know the bBC lies about most things, so …
‘The biggest spreaders of misinformation on the covid vaccine benefits and harms is in fact the BBC. Do you agree ?’
That must be the ultimate example of a rhetorical question.
But a minor correction, theisland. The BBC does not lie about ‘most things’ – it lies about everything.
Dr Aseem Malhotra has come out fighting there
People do use rhetoric in arguments
and usually it’s libmob with labels like Scum, Nazis, deniers, anti-vaxxers .. “never kiss a Tory” etc.
The term “climate denier” is a deliberate rhetoric to equate skeptics with Holocaust deniers
Such language is LEGAL
but I wouldn’t use it
#1 It is insulting to the memory of Holocaust victims to insinuate their torturers were merely the same as provocative tweeters
#2 If you want people to improve , then calling them scum and Nazis is not a good starting point
#3 The use of such language reflects badly on those using it
Yet I’d expect that libmob tweeters have endorsed people on their own side
eg when they someone says the “Climate Crisis” is a holocaust , or that Britain’s treatment of Dinghy Divers is
Justin Welby Nov 2021
.. https://twitter.com/bbclaurak/status/1455208710695960588
… talk to a holocaust survivors family and see if they’re offended by what AB said … they’re more grounded than you appear to be …
Cheval, yes but, no but … it is not Jewish people who will be offended by the use of the word holocaust but Armenians and another distinctly unChristian/non-Christian faith group. 😉
Jo Brand battery acid joke ‘went too far’, BBC rules
29 August 2019
Nov 2021 Welby apologised
BTW Andrew Bridgen has deleted his quote Holocaust tweet
but the rest of his tweets make clear he thinks covid vaccine harms is a mega thing
Two men speaking to the same God hear a different message!
2008 …. “The Archbishop of Canterbury (Rowan Williams) says the adoption of certain aspects of (Islamic) Sharia law in the UK “seems unavoidable”.”
2018 … “ISLAMIC rules are incompatible with British laws (Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby)”
Is mr bridgen still appearing on GBNews – I guess he ll be cancelled now …. Referencing vaccine deaths against the systematic murders by the nazis is – can’t get the word – ‘painful “? …
But maybe it’s an over reaction . Some might say that anything which reminds people of what happened is on the ‘plus side ‘ – but there again I’m not directly affected by what happened ….
… and freedom of speech includes the freedom to upset / offend – but maybe not the job of an MP …
BBC Radio 4, 26 October 2022
In a discussion about the Just Stop Oil protests a contributor said ‘everyone agrees that our government’s decision to pursue new oil is a death sentence for millions across the globe.’
The presenter challenged whether ‘everyone agrees’ and went onto add that ‘no government in any country around the world of any political complexion agrees with that statement.’
To be clear, the presenter did not intend to suggest that all governments take the view that new oil developments are a mistake. Rather he was questioning the claim that ‘everyone agrees’ that the UK Government decision regarding such development will result in millions of deaths around the world.
Anyone think Nu Nu Labour leader Starmer of Beergate is a centrist moderate man? Think again. He is controlled by the Unions and the raving looney lefties sat all around him. Think Rayner, Lammy, Abbott, Milliband etc They are in control, not him.
Regarding the current round of public sector strikes. It seems to me that the public sector have it very good indeed. They did well out of the pandemic and now they want us to pay them for the damage they have done.
The Unions and their leaders are a total disgrace. You see how their leaders are Communist/anarchist and anti Government they are. But behind them are the branch leaders who are so left wing and anti capitalist that Lenin would have branded them as too extreme. My son, as a senior teacher, has to deal with these people on a daily basis. Unison! You are talking about people with zero idea how the real world pays for things. Tax monies are just there for plucking. They defend useless and dishonest teachers who have no right to be in a school.
Barry Gardiner defends donations worth £500,000 from Chinese agent
The Labour MP said Christine Lee appeared to be ‘operating as a legitimate person in the UK’.
Amy Gibbons
Thursday 13 January 2022 20:23
Couldnt agree with you more..
It is quite obvious to most sensesibly minded people these strikes are well co-ordinated and obviously being sanctioned by the Labour party.(the unions lap dogs)
The sad part about all of this is that Labour are riding high in the Polls, not by policy but by constantly voicing innuendo and introducing half truths and false hoods, and of course being helped by the MSM in particular the BBC.
Mr & Mrs Joe Public need to start smelling the coffee before its too late, god help us if Labour get in
Aseem Malhotra’s new tweet says BBC censor people using its secretive “Trusted Media initiative”
and posts Tucker talking about a lawsuit
… https://twitter.com/DrAseemMalhotra/status/1613041969411891200
The court case webpage
Two things worry me about Uranium showing up at Heathrow.
1) The BBC downplay the story, burying it under Regions – London.
2) They quote various authorities telling us that the incident “should not worry the public”.
Ok, now I’m worried.
While the Beeb are positively nonchalant, the Sun frames the story quite differently with the headline: “NUKE PLOT SMASHED. Deadly shipment of uranium seized at Heathrow en route to Iranians based in UK sparking terror probe.”
I trust the Sun much more than the BBC, especially with stories concerning certain, ahem, religious groups of a murderous disposition.
The uranium originated in Pakistan, then transited via Oman to the UK where it was destined to Iranians (which is not mentioned in the BBC report).
I’m sceptical about enrichment… especially when it comes to uranium.
..rest assured the BBC and Labour will be blaming the Government shortly for a serious lapse of security…and p-ss poor inteligents..
However, he told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme that, in light of recent nuclear threats, he could see why the public was concerned.
Current national threat level
The threat to the UK (England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland) from terrorism is SUBSTANTIAL.
Current Northern Irish Related Terrorism in Northern Ireland threat level
The threat to Northern Ireland from Northern Ireland-related terrorism is SUBSTANTIAL.
LOW means an attack is highly unlikely
MODERATE means an attack is possible, but not likely
SUBSTANTIAL means an attack is likely
SEVERE means an attack is highly likely
CRITICAL means an attack is highly likely in the near future
Uranium from overseas is vibrant uranium. Illegal nuclear fuel from other countries is a vital part of our society… Britain has always been a radioactive country…
(Say Sadiq Khan, Dr Shola Thingamabob, the Guardian etc)
Ian Collins on talk tv has been slagging off Mark Bridgen for the last hour or so.
He says 99.9% of those who know (cardiologists and the like) are the ones he believes.
He can’t understand that anyone without the government approved position on the vaccine is not allowed any msm space and any who do dare to speak up (like Bridgen) get cancelled by the lefty msm.
That’s why he only hears one side of the argument.
He’s even insinuating that there’s something wrong with Bridgen and that he’s worried for him.
He says Bridgen is a tin foil hat lunatic.
Give him his due, he is reading out the viewers comments and just about every one is pro Bridgen and are saying things like “go and work for the bbc” and things like that to him (Collins)
He seems to have bought the governments position hook line and sinker.
He probably believes the masks stop you getting (and passing on) Covid.
He’s now arguing with a caller. The caller asked him if he believed that sudden deaths were happening and he said they were NOT happening.
The caller had him reeling and he stopped the call saying he had to go to the news (then went on to play adverts)
In the DM comments, well over 90% of the comments are completely behind Bridgen.
Well done Andrew. There’s lots of us on your side and you will be proved correct in time.
“He’s even insinuating that there’s something wrong with Bridgen and that he’s worried for him.”
If anyone isn’t already aware of what happened to Dr. Thomas Binder it’s worth a look. Soviet-level abuse by the Swiss state of a cardiologist in 2020:
“Dr. Binder posted a blog to his website, which provided a thorough analysis of COVID-19 and the various unscientific measures implemented at that time. […] officers sent an emergency doctor to evaluate Dr. Binder’s mental health status, and he was diagnosed with “Corona Insanity,” and then placed in a psychiatric unit.”
Like Labour were ‘worried’ for Dr David Kelly?
PMQs: Rishi Sunak says he is registered with NHS doctor
Is this really front-page, headline news by the BBC ?.
Perhaps the Reality Check team can have a look at the article below then reveal to us all just what monumental, double-standard hypocrites the holier-than-thou BBC Socialists really are.
Exponential increase in the adoption of Digital is a huge disruptive force that is leading to consumers of tomorrow. This in turn demands healthcare organizations to gear up to manage the consumer experience effectively. Healthcare IT innovations play vital role in the digital era of the industry addressing the critical business transformation needs for adaptation and market sustenance. While increased cost of care, industry consolidation and regulatory compliance are few of the challenges faced by healthcare companies they are in parallel gearing up to leverage the Next Gen Technologies around Automation, AI, Analytics and digital experience. Organizations can thrust growth across the value chain through advanced technology supported business strategy.
At Infosys we understand the industry drivers of healthcare outcomes, optimized cost along with evolving compliance needs well and have aligned our services strategy to support healthcare organizations navigate their digital journey of tomorrow. Our Healthcare industry services are designed with principles of:
AI-powered data core to deliver insights: Competencies to build a digital foundation that vastly outperforms competition through game changing organizational capabilities by reimagining the core processes.
Experience layer at scale: To create new enterprise-wide digital capability that enables unprecedented business growth which will help transform your business.
Always-on learning: to drive continuous improvement by reskilling – both human and virtual workforce through transferring digital skills along with ideas from a cross-section of industries and innovation ecosystems
The prime minister has told MPs he is registered with an NHS GP but has used “independent healthcare in the past”.
Rishi Sunak had previously refused to say whether he uses private healthcare, insisting it was “not really relevant”.
Chancellor Rishi Sunak held US green card until last year
8 April 2022
I play the ‘excluded’ game with PMQs now – today there was a lot about private health / dental – but I was surprised they didn’t go for the flight from London to Leeds … which Alexa says is 310km by car …. But I suspect MPs of all types use first class this and that travel –
Also – it would have opened the door to red labour MPs being bunged for no apparent reason £ …. ( come on down Evette £ Cooper ) …
Tell Alexa to use miles.
Yeah I know …. I was to busy trying to remember 310kms kgs or whatever – my short term memory is very short – my short term memory is … er .. forgotten …
I look at Andrew Bridgen’s Twitter
it’s mostly about Covid policy and the Vax
There’s a tweet saying ‘John Campbell he’s the man ‘
.. Yet the John Campbell video doesn’t play
Turns out that on Swindon, Campbell has been a victim of Garbage In, Garbage Out
The original data showed Swindon to be the world myocarditis hotspot
Having a rate as high as the South of England, and growing magnitudes yearly
He made a video it went viral ..his opposers laughed.
12 hours later Swindon said “sorry we had a database error”
and put out a correction to their data, which meant Swindon has steady myocarditis
on the scale of a small town
“very fortunate” Campbell sarcastically said in the new Swindon video he immediately put up.
BBC Two, 13 July 2021
A graphic attributed the following statement to the Government Race and Disparities Report 2021:
Not a single police force in England and Wales registered an arrest rate of less than 20 for every 1000 black people.
By contrast not a single police force in England and Wales registered an arrest rate of more than 20 for every 1000 white people
We should have made it clear that this conclusion had been carried by The Independent newspaper the previous year in a wider survey of social and economic data on disparities between different ethnicities in the UK and reflected statistics from a different Government website which was now out of date.
The most recent figures show there are four police forces with an arrest rate of below 20 for every 1000 black people.
Victoria Derbyshire
BBC Two and BBC News Channel, Monday 13 August 2018
During an item about homelessness, the Victoria Derbyshire programme interviewed a homeless man called Ashley who told us that he had been forced to leave home by his father because he is gay. His family subsequently contacted the BBC. They deny that Ashley’s sexuality was the reason why he became homeless and say it was for other reasons. We apologise that this was not reflected in the programme and for any distress caused.
It’s not unreasonable to expect a FoI on a technical issue to a public body to be sanity checked prior to release – as those subject to FoI are by definition authoritative!
The twerps in Swindon Great Western Hospital Trust should be sentenced to 3 months cleaning bedpans with toothbrushes.
If they got that wrong – non unreasonable to suspect that other stuff is sloppily done by people who’re expecting not to be punished or publicly humiliated for a screwup that could have very serious consequences – and that … in my not so humble opinion is not how it should work.
There are Frank Spencers at all levels….
Very worrying when organisations are brazenly changing data to suit the narrative or cover up problems.
It’s even weirder than that.
Campbell showed stats for hospital discharges. Can’t remember the exact detail but something like 350 carditis cases……..but over 700 discharges of patients who had recovered from carditis.
Wherever did those patients come from?
If you’d come into hospital for Covid or something then got myocarditis
would that explain you being on the discharged listbut not admitted list.
Surely the data should be myocarditis events not just admissions for it.
Interesting article, especially since the BBC is involved
Keywords: gender
Adult Weight Management
Dorset Council
…of all ages, genders and abilities iv. Provide timely and efficient reporting mechanisms to support the monitoring and evaluation of the service. Full details can be found and any bid may be made via: http://www.supplyingthesouthwest.org.uk...
Procurement stage Opportunity
Notice status Open
Closing 16 January 2023, 12pm
Contract location England
Contract value £246,000
Publication date 8 December 2022, last edited 13 December 2022
Marianna has a new BBC chum — Rachel Schraer (top pic) covers health and misinformation and has been called up as cavalry in the Bridgen Wars. Suggesting he is “becoming detached from reality”… she references another brave (non-BBC) misinformation warrior.
They do have a look, don’t they?
Rachel Schraer
Senior reporter for
, covering health and misinformation. Send me things to investigate: rachel.schraer@bbc.co. uk
Debunk bed bbc.co.uk/newsJoined April 2012
2,726 Following
And it’s something more than one genuinely vaccine-injured person has told me is further hurting their ability to get help
thanks Bryan – it’s a really tough one. How can we stick to the facts and call out people who manipulate them, while not minimising the genuine suffering of people with rare but real injuries
The Andrew Marr Show
BBC One and BBC Parliament, Sunday 10 May 2020
The programme reported that “more than 31,000 people have died OF Covid-19 in Britain so far”.
In fact it would have been more accurate to say these people died WITH Covid-19. The figures were for all deaths where the person has died within twenty eight days of testing positive for Covid 19.
The thing about all these ‘slip-ups’ by the BBC is that they are ALWAYS in favour of whatever agenda they have today and hence are ALWAYS 100% deliberate.
They should never happen.
But always do.
And, as you say, uniagendally.
Affirmative action, young, inexperienced bimbos who are dubiously qualified and/or rammed with ideology who spend most of their time in a cubicle sifting press releases and tips from anyone on the nice list not blocked by BBc staff that fits the BBc agenda.
Not senior.
Not journalists.
The BBC fact checker bints are definitely divorced from reality – time they collided with some imho.
Back to Shamima :
A documentary where Shamima shows where she puts her spit during ramadamma dingdong.
The useless BBC is delighted to announce that the useless Archbishop of Cunterbury is delighted to announce that the useless Church of England is pledging £100m to “address past wrongs”, after its investment fund was found to have historic links to slavery. (Dating back many centuries.)
The money will go to certain communities where it will no doubt be spent on trainers, drugs, knives and guns.
The Church of Hand-wringing, Wokeism, Feminism, Gayism and Transgenderism is predicted to disappear from Britain by 2033. https://www.spectator.co.uk/article/crisis-of-faith/
Hopefully, the BBC will follow shortly thereafter.
The Coronavirus SARS‑CoV‑2 developed in Wuhan is a synthetic spike protein chimera engineered to attach to human ACE2 receptors. It causes an allergic reaction in mature immune systems called a cytokine storm, an allergic reaction to fragments of spike protein. It’s why children with an immature immune system are not effected. The only protection that the mRNA jab gives you from Covid, is by temporarily suppressing your immune system to protect you from the allergic reaction. But all mRNA Injected people have consistently altered blood as seen with live cell dark field microscopy. This includes impeded blood flow with deformed red blood cells sticking to each other, and profoundly decreased red blood cell stability and survival. The lipid nanoparticles in the jab gives you a gene sequence that makes your body make spike proteins. The spike proteins induce red blood cell death, which creates fatty deposits that form what looks like white blood clots. The haemoglobin is wiped out, caused by a massive outflow of fluid from the interior of the cell, causing the cell membrane to fold, as a result, the cells turn white. A number of embalmers have reported pulling these stringy, stretchy objects out of deceased people who got the jab, and they’re different from anything they’ve ever seen before. Processes that would normally break down a blood clot do not work on these amyloid-like depositions. Impurities also means that you may be getting fragmented RNA, as opposed to complete RNA, which can have unforeseen consequences, as shortened RNA can end up producing incomplete proteins. They have polyethylene glycol content in varying ratios. They have salts, sugars, genetic material and other contaminants. Natural immunity protects the unvaccinated from myocarditis due to antibodies created against the natural spike proteins, stopping and limiting spike protein exposure to less than a week. But in the mRNA jabbed, the spike proteins hang around in the lymph node germinal centres long after a jab, and the jab makes human cells continue to produce spike proteins as well as spike protein antigens over the long term, producing long term damage for the jabbed individual. In effect unvaccinated Human cells don’t make spike proteins, but mRNA vaccinated Human cells make lots and lots of obsolete variant spike proteins. Ivermectin may be the best approach to bind the circulating spike protein.
Coronavirus in Africa: Five reasons why Covid-19 has been less deadly than elsewhere
Many African countries have been praised for waging an effective campaign to combat the spread of coronavirus despite their reputation for having fragile state heath systems.
The continent, which has a population of more than one billion, has had about 1.5 million cases, according to data compiled by the John Hopkins University.
The continent, which has a population of more than one billion, has had about 1.5 million cases, according to data compiled by the John Hopkins University.
There’s a term “SWAG” = Scientific Wild Assed Guess
Africa, data – they’re ‘avvin a larf.
Now if most people can see that the majority of the people responsible for all the trouble in the world today will be in one place at one time, hopefully Russian intelligence can too.
Climate change: Make people fly less, ministers told
26 October 2021
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22 hours ago
4:30pm R4 The Media Show
What the Culture Minister Really Thinks
Michelle Donelan is the Secretary of State for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport.
In this broad interview with Katie Razzall, the minister explains why she reversed her predecessor’s plans for Channel 4,
– gives her thoughts on Prince Harry’s complaint about the press, – says why the Parthenon marbles will not be returning to Greece.
Razzall “many people know them as the Elgin Marbles”
.. BBC changing the language !
BBC story
Michelle Donelan slaps down George Osborne over Parthenon Marbles negotiations,
“He would agree with me that we shouldn’t be sending them back, and actually they do belong here in the UK, where we’ve cared for them for a great deal of time…”
As ever the BBC is cheating
They ended the interview at 4:52pm and then brought on Lara O’Reilly* to do all the BBC rebuttals and to diss Michelle Donelan
.. Instead of allowing the minister a final say.
@larakiara Journalist @thisisinsider on the advertising desk, covering digital advertising companies
‘As ever’ should not be happening. Ever.
Right of reply denied by waiting until the main protagonist has left is as sneaky and dishonest as it gets.
So, perfect BBC SOP.
I wonder who got to her and her staff about privatising C4? Or was it one of those ‘favours ‘ run through the old boy / girl network ….?
“Today @bbc5live with Nicky Campbell on Govt assistance to small businesses re: energy.
It was a party political broadcast for the LabourParty “
Dylan Haskins @diylan
Commissioner for Podcasts at @BBCsounds & @BBC5live
Being a “Spare” by shami begum forward by Harry
Opinion: China has cornered the market on antibiotics, so the U.S. must rebuild its manufacturing capacity
Published: April 28, 2021 at 4:10 p.m. ET
By Rosemary Gibson
The U.S. allowed its plants to close under the onslaught of subsidized Chinese production
Right now, the U.S. has virtually no capacity to manufacture antibiotics. That’s because China currently controls roughly 90% of the global supply of inputs needed to make the generic antibiotics that treat bronchitis, pneumonia, pediatric ear infections, and life-threatening conditions such as sepsis.
The Chinese government already knows that the U.S. is acutely vulnerable to antibiotic shortages. In fact, Beijing has orchestrated a long-term cartel strategy that successfully drove the production of antibiotics—and thousands of other generic drugs—out of the United States.