“Intel Slava Z
🇺🇦⚡Today, the “Widows’ March” took place in Kiev, the wives and mothers of Ukrainian militants who are listed as missing, came out to protest.
The command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine deliberately underestimates the number of dead servicemen in order not to pay money to their relatives . With a slight movement of the hand, the dead turn into the missing. Profit!
TOADY Watch #3 – the Truth and Lies edition – then there is the character of the contributors to the discussion ….
Nick Robinson in charge for a discussion over whether the Labour Party should make it a manifesto pledge to rejoin ‘the Single Market’, which phrase I take to mean rejoin the EU. Contributors are Alastair Campbell and AN Other. As if Keir Starmer has not got enough trouble keeping the women who want his job at bay, Sadiq Khan Mayor of London, might be pitching for it as well. Brexit is a disaster says Mayor Kahane. Al Campbell said quite firmly that the voters at the EU Referendum were lied to.
He would know all about that as Blair’s and Brown’s ‘schpin Meister’ 1997-2010.
Mrs Voter was watching Final Score on the boob tube this afternoon, one thing that the BBC can’t lie about. Up comes a trailer for a new show “Fighting the power” how hip hop changed the world. For gods sake it was black musicians, not very intelligent musicians at that spouting any crap that came into their heads. Get a grip BBC, you’re losing it big style.
The lyrics of ‘black’ music is very often blatant hate, promotion of drugs and support for anarchy (so they are free to get on with their own ‘business’ without the police scum). It would be banned if whitey tried it.
TOADY Watch #4 – the Truth and Lies edition – then there is the character of the author and his wife ….
BBC mentioned in passing a few times that a certain ‘shy princeling’ has more grievances to air. The BBC are far too polite to question whether we would believe him.
ITV : Met police update on Camden shooting
: A seven year old girl is in a “life-threatening” condition tonight following a suspected drive-by shooting at a funeral close to Euston station that left five other females injured.
A 12 year-old girl was also wounded in the attack
Tweeter : We’ve just been informed that my wife knows people at the Euston shooting, theyre all uninjured.
Horrendous. Very strong suspicion of mistaken identity.
Was a dual funeral for a Mother & Daughter who had no enemies.
Watched Match of the Day on BBC1.
And what a pleasure it was to hear Marcus Rashford’s scintillating, erudite, intelligent, well-argued, discursive contribution of monosyllables.
No wonder he was so able to front those campaigns and write those complex letters to the government.
Weren’t you listening to Moral Maze where Ash Sarkar was one of the panelists
and the last guest Sophie Lewis* was even more lefty than her “We have to abolish the family blah blah
.. and this abolition of the family can only work if we abolish capitalism at the same time”
.. “I’ll stop you right there” said Michael Burke
* author of Abolish the Family: A Manifesto for Care & Liberation
BTW Sarkar was introduced as “Libertarian Marxist” ironic cos Marxists are CONTROLLING
Other panelists were Jewish author Lionel Shriver
and Mona Siddiqui
So all woman panel
Love to @AyoCaesar for asking me on BBC Radio 4, being thoughtful, & taking the politics of family abolition srsly. (Which can't be said for Moral Maze host Michael Buerk, who, predictably, laughed reading out my book title & then said "wow what did your parents do to YOU?" yawn)
Earlier 6:15 Loose Ends
Advertorial : Liam Dutton the Channel 4 News’ Weather Presenter was plugging his book a children’s non-fiction weather book
” Liam takes readers on a globetrotting tour of the world’s wildest weather”
Of course he started claiming weird weather is ONLY due to Climate Change
Brainwashing the kids
Then the black interviewer YolanDa Brown sarts going on about drag queens
“Of course he started claiming weird weather is ONLY due to Climate Change”.
This is a blatant iie. What Liam Dutton actually said:
“Sometimes people think something only happens because of climate change, but climate change is this thing lurking in the background. So you can have your normal weather, rain, heatwaves that go on; but what climate change does is that it makes these things more extreme.”
If only Liam could define what’s normal – how many more drops of rain (or fewer in drought) or increments of increased temperature (or decrements) were attributable ….
– and so on.
I rather liked the rock carvings purportedly found in the Rhine with “when it gets this low you’re f*cked” chiselled into them (I paraphrase) from a few hundred years ago pushed by nitwits as evidence of unprecedented climate change caused by man
I see the weather changing in other planets – perhaps we can have a tax to stop that happening?
Maxi. no it’s not a lie, you are debating in bad faith again.
You are quoting the end after minutes of conversation when Liam clarified his earlier hyperbole
except you left out the bit “.. it’s kinda putting the weather on steroids”
He began his speech by listing a series of events and saying : see Climate Change.
Earlier lines were “There’s so much going on particularly with this era of climate change that we are in, we are getting all this severe weather
There are all these weather events that are here in the context of climate change
..I think it’s particularly important in the era we are living you know with climate change happening and weather being so extreme, that we have it on the radar from a young age”
..(weather has been MORE extreme in the past.. cos the past is a very long time)
Here’s entire beginning from the start
The presenter began by feeding him a probably prepared line
“In your book we take a globetrotting tour around the world’s wildest weather
why’s this *so important* to the next generation because your book is for 7 to 11 year olds
Why’s this *so important* to the next generation to understand the skies ?”
Liam “There’s so much going on particularly with this era of climate change that we are in, we are getting all this severe weather
It’s just been announced that we’ve had the 6th warmest year on record (UK only ?)
lots of years in the past and being very warm we’ve had the warmest 8 years on record globally.
UK’s just had its warmest year on record.
Last year we had 40 degrees for the first time *EVER*
There are all these weather events that are here in the context of climate change
* (That’s not true the past is a very long time, of course the UK has had many days warmer than 40C before recent records)
It’s really important for young readers to have that sense of what’s happening, why’s it’s happening
We only talk about things when we know more about them
you know about the weather when it’s raining, but you have more in-depth … and even parents
I think it’s particularly important in the era we are living you know with climate change happening and weather being so extreme, that we have it on the radar from a young age.”
The programme has been and gone last week, so the person in charge of the Radio4 Twitter account is not promoting a programme
they are pushing an agenda.
What personal lifestyle habits are we prepared to give up to stop global warming and who is responsible for changing our behaviour?
“Pictured: The 11st Leonburger named Shiva at the centre of the beauty spot horror that saw a female dog walker, 28, ‘mauled to death by dogs’ ” https://archive.is/E4cOB
BBC seems to have lost interest in the story..
Leaving it to the trashy Daily Mail.
“Shiva, an 11st Leonburger, was among eight hounds with the victim. ”
“When much younger, Shiva appeared in a BBC2 programme about unruly puppies who chew through furniture”.
Owner must be a BBC “journalists” friend or something..
“Following the attack on Thursday, Shiva’s owner Delia Lewis, a psychic and life coach, posted online that her dog was ‘missing’.”
Google image of this owner- who thinks an 11 stone dog is appropriate.
@Eddy that’s an incredible story
So the *PSYCHIC* failed to foresee that having an 11 stone dog is difficult ?
She’s put her Instagram to Private mode
She Left a testimonial i had a really productive session with cat for my young leonberger, shiva. I reached out to her to help me get a handle on some adolescent behaviours.
Since shiva’s season she had become leash reactive, dragging when she walked and extremely dog focused.
Cat had her walking to heel in literally 10 minutes!
And the dog focus and leash reactivity has been significantly reduced.
We have gone from lunging and barking to just looking.
All from 1 session. I can’t thank cat enough.
Delia lewis, from bbc2s ten puppies & us, november 2017
I checked on Twitter ..and no one has ever said that breed is actually dangerous
People talk about one that was regularly brought into school to help children read.
Of course that is not conclusive info
A heart warming tale about a black man and his son who write poetry about ‘poverty, racism and the cost of living’. The soulful piano music starts at the very beginning for this journalistic masterpiece.
Here are a few of the incredible words he put together:
‘We’ve lost our smile, aint got a grin
Due to price rise and cost of living’
Nearly as good as the amazing poem my cat wrote last week when it walked across my keyboard.
‘Inspired by his dad, Zayden also picked up the pen at just nine years old, and wrote a poem about being bullied.’. Of course he did.
If he’s inherited his father’s talent, it probably went something like:
‘We got some petrol so the tank got fullied
I went to school and there I got bullied’
And the author of this is:
Whose other great works include a man who has improved his mental health by taking pictures of cows and ‘Why I cut homeless peoples hair for free’ (another black trailblazer) and Nottingham street dancer: ‘Why I dance in front of strangers’ about another black fruit-cake.
Sadly this kind of cheap empathy tosh is the norm at the BBC now, not the exception.
I am refreshed to hear your cat is composing poetry. Maybe something to do with a surfeit of catnip.
I suspect mine is behind some of these online petitions calling for the execution of dangerous dogs, in fact all dogs, after an incident on the doorstep a couple of months ago.
If a five foot woman can’t hold and control an alsatian on a lead she should not take it out in public.
The true origin of the ‘Bandogge’ or American Bandog Mastiff is unknown, although it is thought that the hybrid breed came into existence in Middle England, around 1250-1300. The ancestors of the Bandog are believed to be the American Pit Bull Terrier and the Neapolitan Mastiff, however other contributing bloodlines may include the early Bullenbeissers and crossed breeds used in the Crusades. Strictly a working dog, the Bandog was primarily bred for hunting, fighting and guarding property – usually chained throughout the day and released at night to protect the homestead.
I feel we all know that the anychess is a distended, dysfunctional bureaucracy and that politicians (and establishment media) are in denial of this hard fact.
The incentives in public services are distorted to favour “carrots for all” regardless of performance – I’m not sure there’s a simple remedy but sticks have to figure in there.
The Canadian “liberals” seem to have come up with a way of dealing with taxpayers who’ve increasingly been trivially failed by socialised healthcare – just euthanise them… There’s inevitable compromises in medicine – but Harold Shipman must be nodding and smiling from down there in hell.
Sorry what, @wesstreeting ?! The doctors we represent at @EveryDoctorUK have endured unbelievable things to keep the public safe, and continue to do so. I hear unbelievable stories of their sacrifice every single day. This is absolute nonsense. https://t.co/I37vVMTN9d
#BBCLauraK Kier Starmer has obviously ‘forgotten’ his role in weakening the hand of the government when negotiating the BREXIT deal. Eg undermining the government with his seditious meetings with European leaders & support of the Surrender Act. Now he thinks he can do better 😏
First the British Museum now our NHS medics are losing their marbles edition
The Ukraine war may have reached a state of deadlock making few headlines lately and with both sides digging in but Keir Starmer is obviously out on manoeuvres.
Starmer: I will slash ‘nonsense’ bureaucracy in the NHS (Telegraph)
NHS must reform or die, warns Sir Keir Starmer (BBC) – the admission of ‘nonsense’ bureaucracy in the public sector is obviously a little too racey a headline for the BBC – even if the leader of Labour has said it.
He badly misjudged the public mood on Brexit, he missed the bus again as he wedded his party to earlier, stricter and longer Lockdowns…
Apparently he’s seen polling that the relentless campaign by media friendly to Labour blaming every NHS failing solely on the Tories’ supposed parsimony with funding just doesn’t land a sufficient punch anymore.
Nurses’ strike: Union says next one will be twice as big (BBC) – you may still have the very greatest of sympathy for those angels – yet who wants to see a picket line on their arrival at the Pearly Gates when you eventually get there or you’re met with a note left by St Peter reading Working From Home?
Millions miss out on seven-day GP access (BBC, July 2018)
The NHS is straining our patience – he punned – physician heal thyself
Sunday People: Half of NHS docs in mental health crisis… fears for desperate frontline medics
The Telegraph today runs a chancy headline for a health feature: How Britain spends billions on useless treatments – moving quickly on…
“I’d rather have lucky generals than good ones” is a quote often attributed to Napoleon – and at the end of a week when Starmer has moved on from his law and order attacks and chosen to go with the NHS we get: A SEVEN-YEAR-OLD girl was left critically ill in hospital after a gunman opened fire on a funeral Mass near one of London’s busiest train stations (Telegraph) – it was Euston, in case you were wondering. I think they mean RAILWAY station and if you’re going to borrow Americanisms willy nilly you may as well admit this was a DRIVE BY SHOOTING – as a further comment – feminists may or perhaps may not wonder why the word girl didn’t get included in the ALL CAPS?
The unashamedly tabloid Sun On Sunday goes there: Girl, 7, shot in drive-by at funeral
As is so often the case in such cases where one suspects motive and target was obvious to all involved – except the public reading the news – the full circumstances are circumscribed by our desk-bound (WFH?) media who rely not on journalism but police PR statements: In a statement, the Met said an urgent investigation was under way and details of the incident were still emerging (BBC)
Supt Ed Wells said any shooting incident was “unacceptable, but for multiple people, including two children, to be injured in a shooting in the middle of a Saturday afternoon is shocking… I can assure the communities of Camden and beyond that we will do everything we possibly can to identify and bring to justice those who were responsible”… He added that there would be “an increased visible police presence in the area through the weekend and into the days ahead” (BBC)
All by rote. I thought the police, FBI, whatever, always attended gangster funerals to keep an eye on things – or is that just in the movies?
Politics can be a dirty game – fraught and often more bitterly fought within a party than without – Tory boys come out again today to bash former Tory boys…
Sunday Times: Johnson had credit facility worth up to £800,000 while in Downing Street – mind you, Rishi Sunak apparently thinks the country has an almost incalculable elastic borrowing facility: UK government debt and deficit: June 2022… gross debt was £2,436.7 billion… general government deficit (or net borrowing) was £43.9 billion (ONS)
Daniel Hannan. Losing marbles will be a victory of nationalism over human heritage (Telegraph) – this is a hit on George Osborne presently the boss custodian of the family silver over at the British Museum – remember him? He was the tax and public spending increasing Tory chancellor about seven tax and public spending increasing Tory chancellors ago. There was one somewhere in the seven who suggested cutting tax, black chap as I recall – but they canned him tout suite.
A British woman who claims she was raped by American porn movies star Ron Jeremy is horrified that the actor has been declared unfit for trial.https://t.co/34Q1rJX3dO
I rather enjoyed the in depth sunday times piece on nut nut ( boris johnson ) receiving a benefit in kind or two from a distant canadian relative who just happened to be up for chair of the £british council£ and subsequent gong
Lots of ethics advice – no one did anything wrong – but boris being amorality made flesh the comments were mainly ‘ any one surprised’
Nut nut was staying in a caribean palace owned by said canadian and it was from there that he returned when Mary Truss commited political suicide …
With another napoleon reference – it was his Elba – but met his waterloo against the Green Card PM …
An interesting thing about the urban war in Ukraine:
Apparently because of Russians drones and American satellites, any tank or fighting vehicle which goes onto the streets is quickly destroyed by precison munitions. So the fighting has reverted to old-style brutal room-to-room clearance with all the associated booby-trapping, close-quarters combat etc which goes with it. A truly horrific place to be. It’s almost back to WW1 trenches.
But the BBC never go anywhere near telling people what the reality is. The only thing they care about is the odd missile which hits an apartment and they can use the word ‘children’ for empathy.
I am still perplexed by how little we are told about what is actually going on over there. It’s difficult to find videos of the actual fighting using google which are not Ukraine propaganda pieces. I am wondering if it’s because of the agenda to keep it all going.
As an armchair general – I really can’t see those foreign tanks being put ‘in harms way ‘ to go American a bit – but they’ll function as being one step closer to NATO membership ….
… the bounty on capturing a western tank to be paraded through Moscow must be huge …..
… but on the upside – at least the tank will remain part of the UK armoury for the foreseeable future
To JohnC – For an analysis on whats going on in Ukraine try Alexander Mercouris on rumble.com or Col Douglas Macgregor on you tube. Larry Johnson on sonar21.com is also interesting. The Gateway Pundit is an american website commenting on the USA. Moon of Alabama, Zero Hedge, Covert Action Magazine, the Daily Sceptic, UKcolumn.org. There are many more. Just got to do your own research. Don’t rely on Google.
Thanks Dickie, I’ll check them out. I watch a couple already : it’s absolutely shocking how inaccurate, biased and misleading the mainstream media is. Particularly the BBC. It’s akin to WW2 propaganda movie reels sometimes.
Another factor of interest, bearing in mind that 80% and more of the Ukraine forces seem clinically obese, is how they plan to enter and exit a Challenger ll with any level of professional aplomb.
Goven Surfer – Edit to spill chuck – Given Surfer – will say anything for a vote, this comes as no surprise but stretches surely the credulity of even the dimmest voter as likelihood of being enacted.
The socialists are up in arms about the limit on ‘rough camping ( on Dartmoor ) where a landowner was held to have the right to forbid people turning up and camping on his land .
I’m sure this case will get to the big court but in the meantime will the BBC run a lefty campaign against property ownership – as it does with landlords renting their places out …?
I am not a landlord and never will be – although I could rent out if I chose …
I think the BBC are at last being told to understand the property market Fed!
Someone said that the Wogan House was going to empty out soon, so that means they pay less rent on their decidedly lavish, unnecessary and expensive Langham Place buildings, which may stop the loss of any more beeboids leaving the sinking ship!
It is rather pleasant not having to see or hear Marr, Maitless, ‘Doctor’ Horribin on the tax-paid wavelengths, but as I only ever get my news from here, Guido, a few rags online, and LBC (only when Ian Payne, Steve Allen or Richard Spurr are on the wireless), I wouldn’t miss them anyway!
Our spineless government is doing everyone a huge disservice by not defunding the BBC – our votes are certainly up for grabs where the next crowd of misfits are up to replace them!
The Global Classic Old Pompous Ph. Art Sunday salary supplement for ex Beeboids continues, as Marr turned up today.
Have to concede he has a better voice for radio, and actually seems to stick to music in a more sonourous manner than the other over the border effort.
Scroblene – I think there is a chasm between the personal financial interests of BBC types and their overtly socialist group think – like the x3 ‘presenters ‘ who left this week and lost their production company court case .
Since these are state employees I think taxpayers are entitled to know whether they have second homes – private health insurance – send their kids to private schools – whether their kids are company directors …. Just the same as all MPs –
And if they don’t like the disclosure – go find another job – there is never a shortage of politicians or journalists …. And do either really improve the country – or just their personal circumstances ?
Comment -Rickformus
Absolutely right. The truth getting out would jeopardize Gates’ 20-to-1 return investment so it must be censored, suppressed and crushed. But in the end, as the evidence of harm mounts, they will not succeed. What a joy to see a big crack in the dam appearing the other day with Dr Aseem Malhotra truth bombing the BBC.
Gates has a financial interest in the BBC, iirc. Or is the other way around?
My greater concern is when febrile facts are open to debate, a lot goes very obscure, very fast, and the calibre of most msm fact debaters is beyond risible.
Or the heat gets cranked up to try and shut things down.
Comment – Frank Palmer
That quack kept dodging the question and kept talking over Oliver when he tried to press the questions. A horrible man.
The Co-op due to its “community” and working class roots has long been a magnet for all kinds of social class warriors for employment.
I realised it was changing from a normal Company into a vessel for political activation some time back and hence ditched all my connections with it including my bank account.
I needed a bank that concerned itself with looking after my cash and account, not one bragging about how ethical it was to be such as ditching fossil fuel investment activity etc etc. etc.
I believe that unless it wakes up to the fact that it is just another commercial entity it will be on borrowed time. I suspect that the majority of folk are getting irritated by all this corporate posturing.
Despite the adverts, Coop Bank’s holding company is owned by hedge funds and other asset management companies
In March 2013 the bank reported losses of £600m. In May Moody’s downgraded its credit rating by six notches to junk
Hedgefunds provided rescue money, the Co-operative Group no longer owns a stake in the bank at all.
The chairman Paul Flowers, who had occupied a variety of powerful Labour political and business posts and had been appointed by Labour leader Ed Miliband to a senior post in 2010,
He’s guilty of a number of pervy crimes like drug taking , sex in a public toilet, porn on his council computer
failing to disclose pedophile crimes etc. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Flowers_(banker)
My guess is that the couple in the last picture are a white heterosexual couple. The remit from the editor was probably “Go and find two people who are working hard and doing something constructive”. A few hours later “Sorry chief, this is all I could find”.
BBC Statement
Dr Aseem Malhotra was invited on to the BBC News Channel to talk about the latest NICE recommendations on statins. During the discussion he made unprompted claims about the Covid mRNA vaccine. We then asked Professor Peter Openshaw, who represents the overwhelming scientific consensus on the vaccine, to be interviewed on air on this topic and he challenged and rebutted the claims that had been made.
I did a rapid response interview on the BBC news channel this morning to say that vaccine side effects very, very rare in comparison with the preventable risks of COVID-19. The staff seemed alarmed and embarrassed that they had given him the a platform.
BTW is Snopes biased lefty propaganda ?
See how they describe Farage
“The exchange was shared widely by Malhotra
and former politician Nigel Farage, who is *known for his far-right views* and support for Brexit. ”
That’s a nasty monstering label. Farage is NOT Far Right by normal definition.
You should see the promo ad for shopping channel QVC ! couples are …. 2 glam ladies cradling coffee, 2 young bald chaps wearing fair isles sweaters cradling their dogs, a white male with a mixed race lady having a romantic dinner, a white lady reclining on a bed with her chap – an Indian Maharaji lookalike with flowing white hair ! (as if ) Yet the audience is mainly middle aged/older /disabled women.
If that wasn’t enough, during the summer all the presenters/guests were wearing rainbow brooches promoting Gay Pride. Some were indignant about this, and noises were made that QVC should not promote individual causes, and if they did why not show balance and include the RSPCA, Age Concern, Help for Heroes, any child illness charity, etc etc, No, its all about wokeness and Gay Pride was considered more worthy than any other cause. Shameful.
Symptoms of news ‘management ‘ over the shooting outside a funeral yesterday . The identity and pictures of the victims was on twitter yesterday – together with the circumstances of the deaths …
….but the possible reasons / target for the shooting hasn’t been mentioned yet …. But my prejudice suggests it is a cultural / heritage reason ……
Yes isn’t it grand to import all these indigenous customs like shooting people you have a bitch with.
I believe it’s called cultural enrichment…or freedom of expression!
London will end up like New York in a short while….
Once society ceases to see its fellow men as humans and treats them as either obstacles in life or opportunities for self enrichment then goes about instilling this into their children, the killing begins…
This is only the tip of the iceberg, in 10 years time most normal people will have fled the city to leave it to the new arrivals to divide it between themselves.
MOTD Live Women’s Super League, Manchester United v Liverpool.
In a typical WSL scoreline, Liverpool are 4-0 down.
One of the Liverpool defenders just accidentally kicked the ball into her own net. One of the commentators described it as a ‘deflection.’
Remember the fuss about ‘Wallpapergate’ ? When Carrie Antoinette decided that she could not live with Mrs Brown’s dingy decorating and instead went for some very expensive wallpaper from George Osborne’s shop or somesuch. Apparently it was all covered by cash, not from a Party donor as was originally mooted in the media, but from a bank who offered the then PM a credit line secured by a relative. Somebody will be in trouble now; either the blabbermouth bank or the blabbermouth cousin. More ammunition to attack the former PM with.
Boris has got the Liberal Media, including the BBC, absolutely terrified that he might be Party Leader again.
God I really hope nut nut is finished – I think I prefer the red labour version of corruption to his …. As I mentioned earlier the funding he got from a Canadian just stinks ….
Next week the BBC are showing the annual bowls world championship. I’ve got to be honest, I’ve never played the game, though I think I’d rather enjoy it and yonks ago, as a young whippersnapper, I used to tend a bowling green. Lovely job…
I can (almost) guarantee that the competitors and the audience will be 100% white…mostly of a certain vintage…even older than me…
I’ve got a feeling there won’t be any BLM kneeling or rainbow flags on display. FFS, can you imagine?
How the Hell can the BBC show this? They must hate it!
… just thinking about an earlier post about the ‘media show ‘ and the attitude bbc presenters have toward the Minister for ‘culture’ …
…this was not a ‘one off ‘ – previous post holders – such as the auto – mouth – Dorries got regularly sneered at – and her predecessor – a vacuum whose name I cannot recall – was also on the receiving end .
The BBC thinks it is invulnerable to political control – it knows that OFCOM is just an extension – full of pals – and that there is no need to fear change .
The remedy is mass non payment – with the risk of hare brained ideas like including cost in the ‘community charge ‘….
Nothing would surprise from the red or blue controlling our lives ….there is no democracy .
The Germans have announced that if there is a decision to send panzers to the Ukraine ( again ) they won’t be ready until 2024 / 5 / 6 – pick a number .
This is because they must be rendered ‘carbon zero ‘ and be electrically powered . Therefore charging posts need to be built at the front line in order to provide overnight charging facilities . ….
The above may not be true … but you never know …
I’m sure pseudo NATO can reach an agreement with Russian partners that hostilities will be suspended whilst armoured vehicles are recharged ‘off battlefield ‘…
Provision must also be made for fueling using recycled vegetable oil
The Ukrainian war feed I have been watching describes Germany as so woke, it’s not a factor in this conflict at all.
It’s amazing how little news we get from Germany and the rest of the EU on the BBC compared to what we get about the USA which is much further away.
But then again there isn’t a life-and-death struggle between Left and Right which is all the BBC care about. Their No.1 objective is to help assasinate Trump so he doesn’t get elected again. They hate him with the passion only the ideological Left can muster.
Tomo – it’s good to learn something new every day . I hope the coal used conforms to EU pollution rules – it would be a bit off for them to be served fixed penalty notices .
The emir of londonistan would also ban their use within the M25 ….
Mrs Voter was just watching Ski Sunday courtesy of the Beeb. Not one black face did I see, either in the crowd, the participants or the commentators, there was plenty of snow however, that stuff there was a shortage of last week.
Anyway, just after it finished, up popped a trailer for yet another travel/house renovation/living abroad programme.
Starring believe it or not Alan Carr and Amanda Holden (Daily Mail readers will recognise Miss Holden’s threepenny bits, theyv’e been in the paper enough)
Just what this pair of absolute oxygen thieves know about anything, and I mean anything, could be downloaded on the back of a stamp.
NV they did cover the topic of the lack of black faces on the slopes last year.I watched a few of last seasons episodes and one featured a young skier who was black or atleast the BBC were calling him black to my eyes he was only slightly darker than the stuff they were stood on.The word desperation sprung to mind!
BBC Father Brown set in the early 1950’s : episode 2, first black character as a village ‘local’ and a main character in the story appears after 35 seconds.
I read that all the usual cast who are now missing ‘quit to do other things’. Not surprised : it transformed to this woke garbage in the last series.
Well done racist BBC. Another one of my favourites turned into a farce. The worst part is that you actually think it’s right to do it.
I managed 12 minutes and had to turn it off. Basically the story is about a whitey men-only club where the upper-class whitey owner is entirely unpleasant and beats his wife. The staff are all oppressed women + the bar-tender is a black male. So at least he’s not racist.
Lady Felatio (I think that was her name) has reappeared and her character has totally changed. She is now an unpleasant arrogant, upper-class woman and has just entered the men-only club and chained herself to the bar until they allow women in
I don’t know what happens next and I don’t care. It’s gone ridiculously anti-male/anti-white even by the BBC’s extreme standards. It’s absolutely atrocious. I suspect it’s been written by people like Marianna who are eager to do whatever their boss tells them too because they can’t believe they got the job they have.
And of course in the real world, they wouldn’t have.
Britain is about 3% black, so I do expect black faces on the BBC
Last weekend I flipped to the BBC Shakespeare production and Clive Myrie had been selected to do the intro
Tonight it’s the Stravinsky concert and again the BBC chose a black woman to do the intro.
Glad I don’t watch the stuff anymore …although whilst watching Liverpool being thrashed by Brighton I was treated to a piece on ‘asylum seekers ‘ and a prem footy team ( Fulham?) being fully woke … off switch …
Jon Snow earning a few more bucks travelling the World to places where people live longer to find out why.
Not sure why he would want to do this other than a fear of the grim reaper approaching but hey ho, it’s all a pay cheque init?
Almost laughed out loud when he went to an enclave in the USA where a group of Christian zealots live and have 10 years longer lives than the rest of Americans (not difficult to understand really with all those burgers, dogs galore etc!)
He warbled about “quite liking these people” obviously without realising they were pretty much 100% hideously white people!
More like 15% Black. 15% Indian/Pakistani. 10% Eastern European. Plus another 10% in total Chinese, turks, Arabs, Balkans etc.
Plenty not officially here completing censuses, working illegally in agriculture, garment swearshops, car washes, building sites, takeaways and nail bars.
JohnCMar 11, 01:07 Start the Week 10th March 2025 They are cherished at the BBC harry. The only ones who can tick EVERY box.
harry142857Mar 11, 00:54 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Thanks John, sort of. I thought homosexual moslems ended up falling out of windows. What a freak. Expect old bill…
JohnCMar 11, 00:11 Start the Week 10th March 2025 [img]https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/images/ic/400xn/p0fxrn3k.jpg[/img] Are you surprised. His previous job: ‘Qadeer is chief diversity officer at Alexion Pharmaceuticals.’ And anyone who comes out…
harry142857Mar 11, 00:07 Start the Week 10th March 2025 BBC’s HR department is led by Uzair Qadeer (Chief People Officer) and has 121 employees. Yet can’t out perverts like…
JohnCMar 10, 23:45 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Just when you think the BBC can’t get any more ridiculous and desperate in their attempts to discredit the Trump…
MarcoMar 10, 23:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I’ve been listening to Scott Ritter on you tube and his take on trump is very interesting,he thinks trump is…
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 10, 23:10 Start the Week 10th March 2025 From the Daily Mail online: “… … … According to the Telegraph, figures from the most recent BBC annual report…
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 10, 22:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Carney worked for Goldman Sachs for 13 years, curiously enough.
FlotsamMar 10, 22:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I might be wrong. One ship, the Stena Immaculate might have been moving around at anchor due to wind and/or…
Those men ‘things’ worry about that sort of thing.
A little protest in Kiev today.
You can bet the BBC would be all over it, had it been a Russian demonstration in Moscow..
“Intel Slava Z
🇺🇦⚡Today, the “Widows’ March” took place in Kiev, the wives and mothers of Ukrainian militants who are listed as missing, came out to protest.
The command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine deliberately underestimates the number of dead servicemen in order not to pay money to their relatives . With a slight movement of the hand, the dead turn into the missing. Profit!
Victory in Ukraine at the moment means all the men dead and the country in ruins.
A perfect vaccuum to fill with US bases ready for the big reckoning when China go to war and for people from the overpopulated EU to spill into.
Nobody wants to stop it.
TOADY Watch #3 – the Truth and Lies edition – then there is the character of the contributors to the discussion ….
Nick Robinson in charge for a discussion over whether the Labour Party should make it a manifesto pledge to rejoin ‘the Single Market’, which phrase I take to mean rejoin the EU. Contributors are Alastair Campbell and AN Other. As if Keir Starmer has not got enough trouble keeping the women who want his job at bay, Sadiq Khan Mayor of London, might be pitching for it as well. Brexit is a disaster says Mayor Kahane. Al Campbell said quite firmly that the voters at the EU Referendum were lied to.
He would know all about that as Blair’s and Brown’s ‘schpin Meister’ 1997-2010.
Mrs Voter was watching Final Score on the boob tube this afternoon, one thing that the BBC can’t lie about. Up comes a trailer for a new show “Fighting the power” how hip hop changed the world. For gods sake it was black musicians, not very intelligent musicians at that spouting any crap that came into their heads. Get a grip BBC, you’re losing it big style.
The lyrics of ‘black’ music is very often blatant hate, promotion of drugs and support for anarchy (so they are free to get on with their own ‘business’ without the police scum). It would be banned if whitey tried it.
TOADY Watch #4 – the Truth and Lies edition – then there is the character of the author and his wife ….
BBC mentioned in passing a few times that a certain ‘shy princeling’ has more grievances to air. The BBC are far too polite to question whether we would believe him.
If we are ever to become a socialist state, the monarchy HAS to fall.
The BBC is the polar opposite to what it used to be. There is nothing ‘British’ about it now.
ITV : Met police update on Camden shooting
: A seven year old girl is in a “life-threatening” condition tonight following a suspected drive-by shooting at a funeral close to Euston station that left five other females injured.
A 12 year-old girl was also wounded in the attack
Tweeter : We’ve just been informed that my wife knows people at the Euston shooting, theyre all uninjured.
Horrendous. Very strong suspicion of mistaken identity.
Was a dual funeral for a Mother & Daughter who had no enemies.
They don’t like it …..
Watched Match of the Day on BBC1.
And what a pleasure it was to hear Marcus Rashford’s scintillating, erudite, intelligent, well-argued, discursive contribution of monosyllables.
No wonder he was so able to front those campaigns and write those complex letters to the government.
Weren’t you listening to Moral Maze where Ash Sarkar was one of the panelists
and the last guest Sophie Lewis* was even more lefty than her
“We have to abolish the family blah blah
.. and this abolition of the family can only work if we abolish capitalism at the same time”
.. “I’ll stop you right there” said Michael Burke
* author of Abolish the Family: A Manifesto for Care & Liberation
BTW Sarkar was introduced as “Libertarian Marxist” ironic cos Marxists are CONTROLLING
Other panelists were Jewish author Lionel Shriver
and Mona Siddiqui
So all woman panel
She’s a bundle of laughs
Who employs nutter Sophie?
I tormented myself with an hour of R4 this evening while driving – waves of meeeee, reeee – I shan’t do that again in a hurry…
So Champion now chooses BBC guests?
Earlier 6:15 Loose Ends
Advertorial : Liam Dutton the Channel 4 News’ Weather Presenter was plugging his book a children’s non-fiction weather book
” Liam takes readers on a globetrotting tour of the world’s wildest weather”
Of course he started claiming weird weather is ONLY due to Climate Change
Brainwashing the kids
Then the black interviewer YolanDa Brown sarts going on about drag queens
It’s TheirBBC
Loose Ends – the “novelist” wittering about his novel featuring Drag Queens…
“Of course he started claiming weird weather is ONLY due to Climate Change”.
This is a blatant iie. What Liam Dutton actually said:
“Sometimes people think something only happens because of climate change, but climate change is this thing lurking in the background. So you can have your normal weather, rain, heatwaves that go on; but what climate change does is that it makes these things more extreme.”
If only Liam could define what’s normal – how many more drops of rain (or fewer in drought) or increments of increased temperature (or decrements) were attributable ….
– and so on.
I rather liked the rock carvings purportedly found in the Rhine with “when it gets this low you’re f*cked” chiselled into them (I paraphrase) from a few hundred years ago pushed by nitwits as evidence of unprecedented climate change caused by man
I see the weather changing in other planets – perhaps we can have a tax to stop that happening?
Maxi. no it’s not a lie, you are debating in bad faith again.
You are quoting the end after minutes of conversation when Liam clarified his earlier hyperbole
except you left out the bit
“.. it’s kinda putting the weather on steroids”
He began his speech by listing a series of events and saying : see Climate Change.
Earlier lines were
“There’s so much going on particularly with this era of climate change that we are in, we are getting all this severe weather
There are all these weather events that are here in the context of climate change
..I think it’s particularly important in the era we are living you know with climate change happening and weather being so extreme, that we have it on the radar from a young age”
..(weather has been MORE extreme in the past.. cos the past is a very long time)
Here’s entire beginning from the start
The presenter began by feeding him a probably prepared line
“In your book we take a globetrotting tour around the world’s wildest weather
why’s this *so important* to the next generation because your book is for 7 to 11 year olds
Why’s this *so important* to the next generation to understand the skies ?”
Liam “There’s so much going on particularly with this era of climate change that we are in, we are getting all this severe weather
It’s just been announced that we’ve had the 6th warmest year on record (UK only ?)
lots of years in the past and being very warm we’ve had the warmest 8 years on record globally.
UK’s just had its warmest year on record.
Last year we had 40 degrees for the first time *EVER*
There are all these weather events that are here in the context of climate change
* (That’s not true the past is a very long time, of course the UK has had many days warmer than 40C before recent records)
It’s really important for young readers to have that sense of what’s happening, why’s it’s happening
We only talk about things when we know more about them
you know about the weather when it’s raining, but you have more in-depth … and even parents
I think it’s particularly important in the era we are living you know with climate change happening and weather being so extreme, that we have it on the radar from a young age.”
Only then do we get to second part
Oh no, Maxi’s fallen out of his Petri dish again😂
The programme has been and gone last week, so the person in charge of the Radio4 Twitter account is not promoting a programme
they are pushing an agenda.
“Pictured: The 11st Leonburger named Shiva at the centre of the beauty spot horror that saw a female dog walker, 28, ‘mauled to death by dogs’ ”
BBC seems to have lost interest in the story..
Leaving it to the trashy Daily Mail.
“Shiva, an 11st Leonburger, was among eight hounds with the victim. ”

“When much younger, Shiva appeared in a BBC2 programme about unruly puppies who chew through furniture”.
Owner must be a BBC “journalists” friend or something..
“Following the attack on Thursday, Shiva’s owner Delia Lewis, a psychic and life coach, posted online that her dog was ‘missing’.”
Google image of this owner- who thinks an 11 stone dog is appropriate.
@Eddy that’s an incredible story
So the *PSYCHIC* failed to foresee that having an 11 stone dog is difficult ?
She’s put her Instagram to Private mode
She Left a testimonial
i had a really productive session with cat for my young leonberger, shiva. I reached out to her to help me get a handle on some adolescent behaviours.
Since shiva’s season she had become leash reactive, dragging when she walked and extremely dog focused.
Cat had her walking to heel in literally 10 minutes!
And the dog focus and leash reactivity has been significantly reduced.
We have gone from lunging and barking to just looking.
All from 1 session. I can’t thank cat enough.
Delia lewis, from bbc2s ten puppies & us, november 2017
I checked on Twitter ..and no one has ever said that breed is actually dangerous
People talk about one that was regularly brought into school to help children read.
Of course that is not conclusive info
Cost of living: The father and son who write poetry for tough times
A heart warming tale about a black man and his son who write poetry about ‘poverty, racism and the cost of living’. The soulful piano music starts at the very beginning for this journalistic masterpiece.
Here are a few of the incredible words he put together:
‘We’ve lost our smile, aint got a grin
Due to price rise and cost of living’
Nearly as good as the amazing poem my cat wrote last week when it walked across my keyboard.
‘Inspired by his dad, Zayden also picked up the pen at just nine years old, and wrote a poem about being bullied.’. Of course he did.
If he’s inherited his father’s talent, it probably went something like:
‘We got some petrol so the tank got fullied
I went to school and there I got bullied’
And the author of this is:

Whose other great works include a man who has improved his mental health by taking pictures of cows and ‘Why I cut homeless peoples hair for free’ (another black trailblazer) and Nottingham street dancer: ‘Why I dance in front of strangers’ about another black fruit-cake.
Sadly this kind of cheap empathy tosh is the norm at the BBC now, not the exception.
I am refreshed to hear your cat is composing poetry. Maybe something to do with a surfeit of catnip.
I suspect mine is behind some of these online petitions calling for the execution of dangerous dogs, in fact all dogs, after an incident on the doorstep a couple of months ago.
If a five foot woman can’t hold and control an alsatian on a lead she should not take it out in public.
The cat is still in therapy.
Ban dogs .
They’re even worse:
The Bandog originates from…
The true origin of the ‘Bandogge’ or American Bandog Mastiff is unknown, although it is thought that the hybrid breed came into existence in Middle England, around 1250-1300. The ancestors of the Bandog are believed to be the American Pit Bull Terrier and the Neapolitan Mastiff, however other contributing bloodlines may include the early Bullenbeissers and crossed breeds used in the Crusades. Strictly a working dog, the Bandog was primarily bred for hunting, fighting and guarding property – usually chained throughout the day and released at night to protect the homestead.
Nice tripod.
Looking at the picture, I do believe he’s painted a smiley face on his thumb.
You cat may be able to write poetry but can it compose music?
Terry-Thomas – Bring Back the Cat:
Sunday programme – opening line
‘Can the Church of England deliver reparations for its’ involvement in slavery ‘… off switch …
The word ‘should’ at the start has been swerved by the BBC . It looks like the firm policy is to just give Money to third worlders …..
Maybe … since I presume 200 years ago my ancestors were peasants I can have compensation please …..
This will make Our next pot banger QT with Doc Rosena and Corbyn lively.
I feel we all know that the anychess is a distended, dysfunctional bureaucracy and that politicians (and establishment media) are in denial of this hard fact.
The incentives in public services are distorted to favour “carrots for all” regardless of performance – I’m not sure there’s a simple remedy but sticks have to figure in there.
The Canadian “liberals” seem to have come up with a way of dealing with taxpayers who’ve increasingly been trivially failed by socialised healthcare – just euthanise them… There’s inevitable compromises in medicine – but Harold Shipman must be nodding and smiling from down there in hell.
(Monty Burns Voice): “Excellent”.
All seems a bit gammony. But gay/wimmin ratio ok.
Isn’t the entire Labour/BBC/Dr thing meant to be 134% Asian Network approved by now?
Laura bbcing away?
Private in the morning – NHS in the afternoon ?£ lovely £
First the British Museum now our NHS medics are losing their marbles edition
The Ukraine war may have reached a state of deadlock making few headlines lately and with both sides digging in but Keir Starmer is obviously out on manoeuvres.
Starmer: I will slash ‘nonsense’ bureaucracy in the NHS (Telegraph)
NHS must reform or die, warns Sir Keir Starmer (BBC) – the admission of ‘nonsense’ bureaucracy in the public sector is obviously a little too racey a headline for the BBC – even if the leader of Labour has said it.
He badly misjudged the public mood on Brexit, he missed the bus again as he wedded his party to earlier, stricter and longer Lockdowns…
Apparently he’s seen polling that the relentless campaign by media friendly to Labour blaming every NHS failing solely on the Tories’ supposed parsimony with funding just doesn’t land a sufficient punch anymore.
Nurses’ strike: Union says next one will be twice as big (BBC) – you may still have the very greatest of sympathy for those angels – yet who wants to see a picket line on their arrival at the Pearly Gates when you eventually get there or you’re met with a note left by St Peter reading Working From Home?
Millions miss out on seven-day GP access (BBC, July 2018)
The NHS is straining our patience – he punned – physician heal thyself
Sunday People: Half of NHS docs in mental health crisis… fears for desperate frontline medics
The Telegraph today runs a chancy headline for a health feature: How Britain spends billions on useless treatments – moving quickly on…
“I’d rather have lucky generals than good ones” is a quote often attributed to Napoleon – and at the end of a week when Starmer has moved on from his law and order attacks and chosen to go with the NHS we get: A SEVEN-YEAR-OLD girl was left critically ill in hospital after a gunman opened fire on a funeral Mass near one of London’s busiest train stations (Telegraph) – it was Euston, in case you were wondering. I think they mean RAILWAY station and if you’re going to borrow Americanisms willy nilly you may as well admit this was a DRIVE BY SHOOTING – as a further comment – feminists may or perhaps may not wonder why the word girl didn’t get included in the ALL CAPS?
The unashamedly tabloid Sun On Sunday goes there: Girl, 7, shot in drive-by at funeral
As is so often the case in such cases where one suspects motive and target was obvious to all involved – except the public reading the news – the full circumstances are circumscribed by our desk-bound (WFH?) media who rely not on journalism but police PR statements: In a statement, the Met said an urgent investigation was under way and details of the incident were still emerging (BBC)
Supt Ed Wells said any shooting incident was “unacceptable, but for multiple people, including two children, to be injured in a shooting in the middle of a Saturday afternoon is shocking… I can assure the communities of Camden and beyond that we will do everything we possibly can to identify and bring to justice those who were responsible”… He added that there would be “an increased visible police presence in the area through the weekend and into the days ahead” (BBC)
All by rote. I thought the police, FBI, whatever, always attended gangster funerals to keep an eye on things – or is that just in the movies?
Politics can be a dirty game – fraught and often more bitterly fought within a party than without – Tory boys come out again today to bash former Tory boys…
Sunday Times: Johnson had credit facility worth up to £800,000 while in Downing Street – mind you, Rishi Sunak apparently thinks the country has an almost incalculable elastic borrowing facility: UK government debt and deficit: June 2022… gross debt was £2,436.7 billion… general government deficit (or net borrowing) was £43.9 billion (ONS)
Daniel Hannan. Losing marbles will be a victory of nationalism over human heritage (Telegraph) – this is a hit on George Osborne presently the boss custodian of the family silver over at the British Museum – remember him? He was the tax and public spending increasing Tory chancellor about seven tax and public spending increasing Tory chancellors ago. There was one somewhere in the seven who suggested cutting tax, black chap as I recall – but they canned him tout suite.
Must try me one of them paper reviews myself…
Proppa gander; none of that subtle bbc stuff. Still, it’s what keeps dead trees alive.
Thing is, masks save… moustaches?
Can’t wait for Kev Toryscum across every BBC political show.
I rather enjoyed the in depth sunday times piece on nut nut ( boris johnson ) receiving a benefit in kind or two from a distant canadian relative who just happened to be up for chair of the £british council£ and subsequent gong
Lots of ethics advice – no one did anything wrong – but boris being amorality made flesh the comments were mainly ‘ any one surprised’
Nut nut was staying in a caribean palace owned by said canadian and it was from there that he returned when Mary Truss commited political suicide …
With another napoleon reference – it was his Elba – but met his waterloo against the Green Card PM …
An interesting thing about the urban war in Ukraine:
Apparently because of Russians drones and American satellites, any tank or fighting vehicle which goes onto the streets is quickly destroyed by precison munitions. So the fighting has reverted to old-style brutal room-to-room clearance with all the associated booby-trapping, close-quarters combat etc which goes with it. A truly horrific place to be. It’s almost back to WW1 trenches.
But the BBC never go anywhere near telling people what the reality is. The only thing they care about is the odd missile which hits an apartment and they can use the word ‘children’ for empathy.
I am still perplexed by how little we are told about what is actually going on over there. It’s difficult to find videos of the actual fighting using google which are not Ukraine propaganda pieces. I am wondering if it’s because of the agenda to keep it all going.
Making things a, challenge, er, for any expensive donations from Rishi?
As an armchair general – I really can’t see those foreign tanks being put ‘in harms way ‘ to go American a bit – but they’ll function as being one step closer to NATO membership ….
… the bounty on capturing a western tank to be paraded through Moscow must be huge …..
… but on the upside – at least the tank will remain part of the UK armoury for the foreseeable future
sooo … the UK Army going forwards is going to have a higher ratio of horses to MBTs than before?
To JohnC – For an analysis on whats going on in Ukraine try Alexander Mercouris on rumble.com or Col Douglas Macgregor on you tube. Larry Johnson on sonar21.com is also interesting. The Gateway Pundit is an american website commenting on the USA. Moon of Alabama, Zero Hedge, Covert Action Magazine, the Daily Sceptic, UKcolumn.org. There are many more. Just got to do your own research. Don’t rely on Google.
Thanks Dickie, I’ll check them out. I watch a couple already : it’s absolutely shocking how inaccurate, biased and misleading the mainstream media is. Particularly the BBC. It’s akin to WW2 propaganda movie reels sometimes.
we’ve already had The Ghost of Kiev
Another factor of interest, bearing in mind that 80% and more of the Ukraine forces seem clinically obese, is how they plan to enter and exit a Challenger ll with any level of professional aplomb.
Won’t see that fat warmongering slob Johnson or any UK mp volunteering to join those plucky Nazi Azov regiment Ukranians
More classified material found at Joe Biden’s Delaware home
Not exactly being given a hard time, but if this would have been Trump, never ending criticism
NHS must reform or die, warns Sir Keir Starmer
Misread the headline “Labour must reform or die”? surely he means
I’d like to know the version of ‘reform ‘ starmer has in mind …. He really won’t go near upsetting the medical mafia and their bank accounts ….
Goven Surfer – Edit to spill chuck – Given Surfer – will say anything for a vote, this comes as no surprise but stretches surely the credulity of even the dimmest voter as likelihood of being enacted.
Possibly even the BBC Politics team.
The socialists are up in arms about the limit on ‘rough camping ( on Dartmoor ) where a landowner was held to have the right to forbid people turning up and camping on his land .
I’m sure this case will get to the big court but in the meantime will the BBC run a lefty campaign against property ownership – as it does with landlords renting their places out …?
I am not a landlord and never will be – although I could rent out if I chose …
I think the BBC are at last being told to understand the property market Fed!
Someone said that the Wogan House was going to empty out soon, so that means they pay less rent on their decidedly lavish, unnecessary and expensive Langham Place buildings, which may stop the loss of any more beeboids leaving the sinking ship!
It is rather pleasant not having to see or hear Marr, Maitless, ‘Doctor’ Horribin on the tax-paid wavelengths, but as I only ever get my news from here, Guido, a few rags online, and LBC (only when Ian Payne, Steve Allen or Richard Spurr are on the wireless), I wouldn’t miss them anyway!
Our spineless government is doing everyone a huge disservice by not defunding the BBC – our votes are certainly up for grabs where the next crowd of misfits are up to replace them!
The Global Classic Old Pompous Ph. Art Sunday salary supplement for ex Beeboids continues, as Marr turned up today.
Have to concede he has a better voice for radio, and actually seems to stick to music in a more sonourous manner than the other over the border effort.
Scroblene – I think there is a chasm between the personal financial interests of BBC types and their overtly socialist group think – like the x3 ‘presenters ‘ who left this week and lost their production company court case .
Since these are state employees I think taxpayers are entitled to know whether they have second homes – private health insurance – send their kids to private schools – whether their kids are company directors …. Just the same as all MPs –
And if they don’t like the disclosure – go find another job – there is never a shortage of politicians or journalists …. And do either really improve the country – or just their personal circumstances ?
Nice to see ITBB starting to get back into specific topics.
The cowardly ‘wait until they have gone before snarking’ as about as low as it gets. And the BBc has perfected low.
Did someone mention a certain version of Truthiness?
Comment -Rickformus
Absolutely right. The truth getting out would jeopardize Gates’ 20-to-1 return investment so it must be censored, suppressed and crushed. But in the end, as the evidence of harm mounts, they will not succeed. What a joy to see a big crack in the dam appearing the other day with Dr Aseem Malhotra truth bombing the BBC.
Gates has a financial interest in the BBC, iirc. Or is the other way around?
My greater concern is when febrile facts are open to debate, a lot goes very obscure, very fast, and the calibre of most msm fact debaters is beyond risible.
Or the heat gets cranked up to try and shut things down.
Comment – Frank Palmer
That quack kept dodging the question and kept talking over Oliver when he tried to press the questions. A horrible man.
It’s when the msm does it first I get concerned.
new Coop supermarket PR email
Headline : “opportunities to win”
As ever woke orgs adverts are done to Virtue Signal
& end up distorting the REAL world
#1 Minimal white faces, especially male
in a country that’s 85% white
#2 Promotes Veganism
#3 Vote to be heard
.. the only clear faces are 3 non-white females
#4 Quiz .. pic of a garden
with the tiny faces of a possibly white couple
The Co-op due to its “community” and working class roots has long been a magnet for all kinds of social class warriors for employment.
I realised it was changing from a normal Company into a vessel for political activation some time back and hence ditched all my connections with it including my bank account.
I needed a bank that concerned itself with looking after my cash and account, not one bragging about how ethical it was to be such as ditching fossil fuel investment activity etc etc. etc.
I believe that unless it wakes up to the fact that it is just another commercial entity it will be on borrowed time. I suspect that the majority of folk are getting irritated by all this corporate posturing.
The Co-op is one of the most corrupt organisations in Britain. Think left wing, woke Socialist equals corrupt.
Despite the adverts, Coop Bank’s holding company is owned by hedge funds and other asset management companies
In March 2013 the bank reported losses of £600m. In May Moody’s downgraded its credit rating by six notches to junk
Hedgefunds provided rescue money, the Co-operative Group no longer owns a stake in the bank at all.
The chairman Paul Flowers, who had occupied a variety of powerful Labour political and business posts and had been appointed by Labour leader Ed Miliband to a senior post in 2010,
He’s guilty of a number of pervy crimes like drug taking , sex in a public toilet, porn on his council computer
failing to disclose pedophile crimes etc.
You’ll probably discover the ‘possibly white couple’ are transgender and gay.
My guess is that the couple in the last picture are a white heterosexual couple. The remit from the editor was probably “Go and find two people who are working hard and doing something constructive”. A few hours later “Sorry chief, this is all I could find”.
The crisps aisle in Tescos resembles a giant lottery counter
I think it will be.Now heading towards 17M views on twitter alone but still silence from the BBC! I haven’t checked but wouldn’t surprise me if they’ve edited it out from the iplayer or put a disclaimer on there.
@Nodding Dog whenever people here say in an offhand way “the BBC is silent about this”, that turns out to be false most times that I check
I know it’s false this time, cos when GBnews first reported the item they did that normal thing of ending with “we reached out to the BBC and they gave a statement”
There is a crazy Snopes page which contains a similar one.
BTW is Snopes biased lefty propaganda ?
See how they describe Farage
“The exchange was shared widely by Malhotra
and former politician Nigel Farage, who is *known for his far-right views* and support for Brexit. ”
That’s a nasty monstering label. Farage is NOT Far Right by normal definition.
You should see the promo ad for shopping channel QVC ! couples are …. 2 glam ladies cradling coffee, 2 young bald chaps wearing fair isles sweaters cradling their dogs, a white male with a mixed race lady having a romantic dinner, a white lady reclining on a bed with her chap – an Indian Maharaji lookalike with flowing white hair ! (as if ) Yet the audience is mainly middle aged/older /disabled women.
If that wasn’t enough, during the summer all the presenters/guests were wearing rainbow brooches promoting Gay Pride. Some were indignant about this, and noises were made that QVC should not promote individual causes, and if they did why not show balance and include the RSPCA, Age Concern, Help for Heroes, any child illness charity, etc etc, No, its all about wokeness and Gay Pride was considered more worthy than any other cause. Shameful.
Symptoms of news ‘management ‘ over the shooting outside a funeral yesterday . The identity and pictures of the victims was on twitter yesterday – together with the circumstances of the deaths …
….but the possible reasons / target for the shooting hasn’t been mentioned yet …. But my prejudice suggests it is a cultural / heritage reason ……
Yes isn’t it grand to import all these indigenous customs like shooting people you have a bitch with.
I believe it’s called cultural enrichment…or freedom of expression!
London will end up like New York in a short while….
Once society ceases to see its fellow men as humans and treats them as either obstacles in life or opportunities for self enrichment then goes about instilling this into their children, the killing begins…
This is only the tip of the iceberg, in 10 years time most normal people will have fled the city to leave it to the new arrivals to divide it between themselves.
MOTD Live Women’s Super League, Manchester United v Liverpool.
In a typical WSL scoreline, Liverpool are 4-0 down.
One of the Liverpool defenders just accidentally kicked the ball into her own net. One of the commentators described it as a ‘deflection.’
So good to see the Liverpool teams suffering … let’s have a public inquiry ‘justice ‘…
The Simpsons (back when it was worth watching) got there first.
Commie Nazis!
From the News:
Remember the fuss about ‘Wallpapergate’ ? When Carrie Antoinette decided that she could not live with Mrs Brown’s dingy decorating and instead went for some very expensive wallpaper from George Osborne’s shop or somesuch. Apparently it was all covered by cash, not from a Party donor as was originally mooted in the media, but from a bank who offered the then PM a credit line secured by a relative. Somebody will be in trouble now; either the blabbermouth bank or the blabbermouth cousin. More ammunition to attack the former PM with.
Boris has got the Liberal Media, including the BBC, absolutely terrified that he might be Party Leader again.
God I really hope nut nut is finished – I think I prefer the red labour version of corruption to his …. As I mentioned earlier the funding he got from a Canadian just stinks ….
There’s a graphic of a golden calf on a plinth with “BBC” embossed on it – I can’t find it anywhere – anybody know of a copy and can paste it here?
Maybe bBBC could host an archive of cartoons / photos the BBC won’t like?
It was like the NHS one … or am I mis-remembering?
There must be a more suitable animal – a vampire bat perhaps ?
Next week the BBC are showing the annual bowls world championship. I’ve got to be honest, I’ve never played the game, though I think I’d rather enjoy it and yonks ago, as a young whippersnapper, I used to tend a bowling green. Lovely job…
I can (almost) guarantee that the competitors and the audience will be 100% white…mostly of a certain vintage…even older than me…
I’ve got a feeling there won’t be any BLM kneeling or rainbow flags on display. FFS, can you imagine?
How the Hell can the BBC show this? They must hate it!
In the words of Jon Snow
I’ve never seen so many white people…
Very quiet from just stop oil…..
Wonder why?
Quite missing them!
bit parky/wet to be on the streets and gantries – and then be mocked for plastic rainwear and synthetic insulation?
Maybe prison food doesn’t agree with them …..
… just thinking about an earlier post about the ‘media show ‘ and the attitude bbc presenters have toward the Minister for ‘culture’ …
…this was not a ‘one off ‘ – previous post holders – such as the auto – mouth – Dorries got regularly sneered at – and her predecessor – a vacuum whose name I cannot recall – was also on the receiving end .
The BBC thinks it is invulnerable to political control – it knows that OFCOM is just an extension – full of pals – and that there is no need to fear change .
The remedy is mass non payment – with the risk of hare brained ideas like including cost in the ‘community charge ‘….
Nothing would surprise from the red or blue controlling our lives ….there is no democracy .
General news
The Germans have announced that if there is a decision to send panzers to the Ukraine ( again ) they won’t be ready until 2024 / 5 / 6 – pick a number .
This is because they must be rendered ‘carbon zero ‘ and be electrically powered . Therefore charging posts need to be built at the front line in order to provide overnight charging facilities . ….
The above may not be true … but you never know …
That’s both batshit crazy Fedup but spookily believable at the same time!
I’m sure pseudo NATO can reach an agreement with Russian partners that hostilities will be suspended whilst armoured vehicles are recharged ‘off battlefield ‘…
Provision must also be made for fueling using recycled vegetable oil
The Ukrainian war feed I have been watching describes Germany as so woke, it’s not a factor in this conflict at all.
It’s amazing how little news we get from Germany and the rest of the EU on the BBC compared to what we get about the USA which is much further away.
But then again there isn’t a life-and-death struggle between Left and Right which is all the BBC care about. Their No.1 objective is to help assasinate Trump so he doesn’t get elected again. They hate him with the passion only the ideological Left can muster.
Given the state of EnergieWende (Energy transition to unicorn farts and pixie power) the new Panzers will be steam powered with lignite?
– am I rite?
The Americans actually had a steam powered tank – you live and learn!
Tomo – it’s good to learn something new every day . I hope the coal used conforms to EU pollution rules – it would be a bit off for them to be served fixed penalty notices .
The emir of londonistan would also ban their use within the M25 ….
I’d add that the item in the photo is a non flying drone (the arithmetic for lignite fired steam powered aircraft doesn’t work yet)
It’s not April 1st yet
Mrs Voter was just watching Ski Sunday courtesy of the Beeb. Not one black face did I see, either in the crowd, the participants or the commentators, there was plenty of snow however, that stuff there was a shortage of last week.
Anyway, just after it finished, up popped a trailer for yet another travel/house renovation/living abroad programme.
Starring believe it or not Alan Carr and Amanda Holden (Daily Mail readers will recognise Miss Holden’s threepenny bits, theyv’e been in the paper enough)
Just what this pair of absolute oxygen thieves know about anything, and I mean anything, could be downloaded on the back of a stamp.
I ferking despair.
The once-great BBC is now ‘shit for idiots’.
Sorry for the bad language Fed – but I can’t think of another way of saying it which captures the sentiment as well.
NV they did cover the topic of the lack of black faces on the slopes last year.I watched a few of last seasons episodes and one featured a young skier who was black or atleast the BBC were calling him black to my eyes he was only slightly darker than the stuff they were stood on.The word desperation sprung to mind!
Just FYI:
BBC Father Brown set in the early 1950’s : episode 2, first black character as a village ‘local’ and a main character in the story appears after 35 seconds.
I read that all the usual cast who are now missing ‘quit to do other things’. Not surprised : it transformed to this woke garbage in the last series.
Well done racist BBC. Another one of my favourites turned into a farce. The worst part is that you actually think it’s right to do it.
I managed 12 minutes and had to turn it off. Basically the story is about a whitey men-only club where the upper-class whitey owner is entirely unpleasant and beats his wife. The staff are all oppressed women + the bar-tender is a black male. So at least he’s not racist.
Lady Felatio (I think that was her name) has reappeared and her character has totally changed. She is now an unpleasant arrogant, upper-class woman and has just entered the men-only club and chained herself to the bar until they allow women in
I don’t know what happens next and I don’t care. It’s gone ridiculously anti-male/anti-white even by the BBC’s extreme standards. It’s absolutely atrocious. I suspect it’s been written by people like Marianna who are eager to do whatever their boss tells them too because they can’t believe they got the job they have.
And of course in the real world, they wouldn’t have.
Britain is about 3% black, so I do expect black faces on the BBC
Last weekend I flipped to the BBC Shakespeare production and Clive Myrie had been selected to do the intro
Tonight it’s the Stravinsky concert and again the BBC chose a black woman to do the intro.
Glad I don’t watch the stuff anymore …although whilst watching Liverpool being thrashed by Brighton I was treated to a piece on ‘asylum seekers ‘ and a prem footy team ( Fulham?) being fully woke … off switch …
Jon Snow earning a few more bucks travelling the World to places where people live longer to find out why.
Not sure why he would want to do this other than a fear of the grim reaper approaching but hey ho, it’s all a pay cheque init?
Almost laughed out loud when he went to an enclave in the USA where a group of Christian zealots live and have 10 years longer lives than the rest of Americans (not difficult to understand really with all those burgers, dogs galore etc!)
He warbled about “quite liking these people” obviously without realising they were pretty much 100% hideously white people!
Time for the new thread …
Britain is 3% Black.
Very much doubt it.
More like 15% Black. 15% Indian/Pakistani. 10% Eastern European. Plus another 10% in total Chinese, turks, Arabs, Balkans etc.
Plenty not officially here completing censuses, working illegally in agriculture, garment swearshops, car washes, building sites, takeaways and nail bars.
Featured topic on R4 all next week?