Although the comrades are striking on Wednesday there appears no solidarity in the Far Left BBC. It will be desperate to create more gloom with one long day of Left Wing propaganda comrades .
Good of you to post a link to Redacted. Its a very good informative site. Their recent posts on what America is doing, and has done to Syria over the last 10 years, is a war crime not to put a fine point on it. Ditto what America did in Iraq.
America still occupies the best agricultural part of Syria, including Syria’s only oil field.
Sanctions are also on Syria. Thus Syria, the most tolerant nation in the ME, and probably Europe, is being slowly starved to death and robbed of its oil. And ofcourse the bombing of Syria for using chemical weapons. Fake cooked up evidence, in collaboration with White Helmets.
There would have been “regime change” in Syria using America’s tool – al Qaeda or al Nusra, had it not been Russia’s intervention. Gone Syria into a Jihadi hell hole for its citizens..
Some more today on Syria by Vanessa Beeley at Redacted.
Interesting bit of additional info on ‘the-cost-of-living-crisis’ provided by the Telegraph web-site today, 31 January: second home and buy to let purchases are up by 20%.
The left would say the rich are getting richer.
The Amazons etc,
However evidence on the ground shows those much lower down spend money like water
Take school proms ..we never had them
Its wise to spend your savings now and get hardware, as cash in hand or in the bank is going to be worth less and less.
America has a 30 trillion dollar debt. Its going to recover that by printing money. As the dollar is the Reserve country, primarily for the West, we will sink and drown.
Russia, China , India and the BRICK nations are buying gold and silver, as well as Saudi Arabia the oil nations . They are going away from the dollar. The end of the petro- dollar is in sight.
Was in John Lewis today and the pensioners were all busy spending, but then they are affected positively by rising interest rates, and those with index linked pensions are laughing.
Meanwhile grocery inflation has now climbed to an astonishing 17%
Its not all down to index linked pensions or rising interest rates. Changing circumstances is part of it as well. My ‘war generation’ parents didn’t own their property – rented all their life, so I wasn’t benefitting from any inheritance – unlike most of young and youngish people today who will.
Late husband and I chose not to have children, so do I apologise for that ? this resulted in us working continually and planning for our retirement so paying into private pensions, do I apologise for that ?
We cannot be blamed for getting past the age of 65, unlike my husband who died in his 50’s so he never enjoyed the fruits of what was to come. We too lived in rented flat for most of our married life and didn’t buy our house until our late 40’s, we saved and waited. I still live in it.
Its so easy to criticise pensioners – many who are not as fortunate as me. Perhaps we should live in a world in an extended version of Logan’s Run and put an age limit on the population, as all I hear commentators say is “we are an ageing population”. If we all pegged it at 60 then there would be no need for dementia wards, care homes, incontinence pads or commodes !!! so that in itself would put thousands out of work.
I’m interested in the pensioners with index linked pensions, because the only ones I know about are in the feather-bedded public sector.
In the private sector, many pension schemes have inflation protection up to a maximum. I know of 7% maxima, 5% maxima, and even 2.5% maxima. Not much good with 10% inflation and there is no Union to provide support. In fact private sector pensioners are totally forgotten, as usual, by the state authorities.
I might also add that a public sector worker’s final salary pension can pay out an annual pension of up to £50,000 without a tax penalty.. for the private sector worker, the current maximum for the equivalent annuity is about £40,000. To get to the £50,000 annual pension level, the private sector worker would incur a tax liability of 55%.
Some pensioners are more equal than others. A fact not mentioned during all the current strikes.
Starring a mixed race couple – so you’d think the BBC would leave them alone and even criticise the police for obvious harassment, and be asking exactly what offence they’re suspected of, to warrant a nationwide manhunt?
The guy is a convicted rapist, whose become father- but that’s not an offence.
The baby hasn’t been registered; but that’s not an offence until after 42 days.
I guess the woman’s rich father, whom the daughter wants nothing to do with, has some kind of masonic connections, giving leverage across the swamp, media and police, allowing him to hunt her down if she goes off grid for a while.
Surely the 10k incentive could have been used to catch a real criminal..
Eddy, you may think a baby has to be registered within 42 days. A friend in south London has a new granddaughter. The parents have booked an appointment to register the birth. I forget the exact time lag but more like 6 months than 6 weeks. Presumably the registrars are working from home and only come in once a fortnight.
Around the globe, there are growing calls from politicians, policymakers, academics,and civil society for greater transparency from online platforms.1But what this meansinpracticeisnotalwaysclear
A February 2008 Freedom of Information Act request for the release of details of MPs’ expenses claims was allowed by an Information Tribunal but challenged by the House of Commons Authorities on the grounds that it was “unlawfully intrusive”.
TR is trending
As ever TR shouldn’t be the story
cos he is merely a reporter trying to highlight the cases of bigger victims
Yet attempts to shut him up MAKE him the story
It’s alleged that Coordinated Mass reporting was used to get Twitter to shut down his account
video :
If you watch the video above you will learn the reason Musk bought Twitter, was because he wants to be the one running the “everything App” which you’ve probably not even heard of yet, but you will soon. I suggest you watch it.
Sarah Champion resigns as shadow equalities minister
This article is more than 5 years old
Labour MP wrote controversial article in the Sun saying ‘Britain has a problem with British Pakistani men raping white girls’
She’s very lucky she hasn’t been cancelled, any male that had been given a police caution for spouse beating would have. Lost respect for her after that incident.
“UK pays more for electricity than it costs to make”
Why ? Tories.
IMHO, the silly ideals of ‘Net Zero’ , ‘carbon footprints’ and the silly ‘green energy’ .
The rest of the world doesn’t give a toss !
Simple answer, vote for The Reform Party because the rest are closet ‘Remainers’ and want to see us fail.
Wouldn’t it be outstanding if @BBCNews ‘experts’ got a calculator out ,added up the cost of all of the public sector pay demands ,and then explained to us how we would afford it ..that is of course whilst Faisal is showing us one of his ‘fear mongering economic growth graphs’
Lefty Remainiacs “Brexit has made Britain much poorer”
Lefty Remainiacs “There is a magic money tree, we can pay all government worker much more”
The fact is greendream measures, woke measures, immigrants & 2020-2022 Covid all add COSTS & inefficiencies so we all have to take an effective pay CUT to pay for it all.
Stew, quite correct. Excellent post. Inflation, recession, under-performance, lack of growth, etc., are going to be the rule for Western economies until they abandon NutsZero
“What impact has Brexit had on the UK economy?”
The ‘meeja’ are hard at work to get us back into the EU.
The only reason we are in a financial mess is because we have not fully left the EU . Thanks to the useless Conservatives Government .
Disgusted by the behaviour of male colleagues edition
Raab bullied staff ‘like an abusive husband’ – screams the Daily Mirror – that’s an interesting analogy.
And a similitude our cringing lacklustre civil servants didn’t seek to employ against (hysterical shrewish?) Priti Patel: Investigation found she bullied staff, sometimes shouting and swearing at them (Daily Mail, November 2021)
I’ve a theory. Women are the potential swing voters (psepholoy tells us that) and therefore the target audience for this stuff. Because let’s not forget, this line of attack isn’t aimed at making the Westminster ministerial office a little less Malcolm Tucker’s The Think of It or Gordon Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares and a little more like The Love Boat or The Brady Bunch – it’s naked party politics at heart: Tory misconduct probe (Mirror) – in case you were in any doubt as to the rosette colour being put in the dock here.
Here’s another female-centric call to arms from the same frontpage editorial lead: Deputy PM’s rants left workers feeling suicidal, civil servants tell inquiry
Claiming to feel suicidal is a rather female expression of discomfort
I don’t know about you chaps, but mild mannered keyboard warrior bloke as I am, my go-to reaction to overbearing bosses in the past (and I’ve had them) has been a (supressed) desire to punch their lights out.
Why more men than women die by suicide… women are more likely to be diagnosed with depression and to attempt suicide… But male suicide methods are often more violent, making them more likely to be completed – the BBC Future feature there providing us with what those Shampoo adverts tend to term the science bit
The left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper also assumes it adresses a female audience – their frontpage teaser for Relationship advice (as if inclusion of such a feature wasn’t clue enough in itself – there’s no graph-laden FTDatawatch thereabouts): Dating vigilantes The women-only groups who vet your next Tinder match – the possessive adjective ‘your’ is clearly and exclusively (let’s ignore the trans debate) female. One has to smile as though this were some new revelation in dating – as if she didn’t get her mates to check you out and assess what they reckon of you anyway.
‘Fatness is still a touchy subject’ Sofie Hagen on fatphobia – is the Interview feature in what we’ve noted of late to be the most noticably coronaphobic (or could that be coronaphilic?)‘i’ newspaper
Who’s Wearing a Mask? Women, Democrats and City Dwellers… Women are more likely than men to wear masks. About 67 percent of women said they had worn a mask outside their home, compared with 56 percent of men, according to the Gallup poll (New York Times)
Despite: Coronavirus: Why Men are More Vulnerable to Covid-19 Than Women? (National Library of Medicine)
The ‘i’ knows the likes and dislikes – and indeed those subjects likely to set off an emotional reaction in its audience.
As of course does the BBC: Police inquiry into claims female corpses photographed at fire service – the slightly amusing quirk in this BBC report is that they use a Getty Image of a woman firefighter to illustrate this ‘degrading’ behaviour that men are being put in the dock for.
Importantly – proving perhaps the BBC does employ some editorial oversight of their articles: One female firefighter (not pictured) reportedly said she was “disgusted” by the behaviour of some male colleagues
And have no doubt, you ain’t heard the last of this one: Chief Fire Officer Ben Ansell said: “As part of this investigation, I will be providing all of our female staff with the opportunity to speak to an independent organisation. “We would ask that any individuals affected provide us with further information to allow us to investigate these allegations.”
We’ve seen this feminisation of our armed services and of our police. How long will it be before we start to hear of recruitment difficulties in the foreservice?
Slowly but surely the BBC are doing their dirty work to get rid of any politicians who supported Brexit and/or are a threat to the license fee debate coming up when the rules are up for renewal.
All I can think about stories like this how the BBC gave Bercow a free ride for years because he opposed Brexit.
What utter and complete double-standard hypocrites they are. And OFCOM are a complete farce.
The cost of buying cheap properties due to local conditions, then relying on #prasnews from ‘groups’ to bbc cubicle garden moppets to try and score a claim?
As I mentioned yesterday that seems to be a one woman NGO that got a #PRasNews article in the Yorkshire Post,on Tuesday morning
which BBC staff must have read
cos on Tuesday tea-time they put up the BBC article
What a load of total and utter BBC garbage.
On this basis we have had proven global warming for the last 900 years, which is the approximate historic record of lost villages on the Yorkshire Coast.
It must be all those gas guzzling cars in the 13 th century..
The first harbinger of its reemergence was in the surprising setting of ITV’s breakfast show, Good Morning Britain. During a debate last year about Donald Trump’s first official visit to the UK, the host Piers Morgan accused one of his guests, the young journalist and political commentator Ash Sarkar, of hero-worshipping Barack Obama. Protesting that she was in fact a critic of the former US president, she exclaimed, “I’m literally a communist, you idiot!”
Saudi Arabia executed 81 prisoners on 12 March 2022, including these nine men whose families agreed for their photographs to be shared with media
Teacher who showed his pupils a cartoon of the Prophet Mohammed is still in hiding a year after fleeing his home due to death threats
The Batley Grammar School teacher is still in hiding a year after the lesson
The image of the Prophet Mohammed was shown during religious education
The 30-year-old teacher was cleared of misconduct but he still has not returned to his home or work
“Not only did they take their lives, they intentionally maligned them and accused them of things they’ve not done.”
Got to love the sheer blatancy of one of the latest BBC tricks. Straight from the ‘Panorama’ instruction book:
Get someone to say something you want to say, present it as fact while avoiding any accountability with quote marks – then give no opportunity or details for the opposite argument.
The BBC : making sure you only get to read the things they want you to read. AKA lying by omission.
7.Members should act on all occasions in accordance with the public trust placed in them. They should always behave with probity and integrity, including in their use of public resources.
Pakistan: man sentenced to death for blasphemy on Facebook
Taimoor Raza was found guilty of insulting the prophet Muhammad during an argument on social media with a counter-terrorism official
How is it going with the BBC? Im giving myself a rest from it a bit – the bias is one thing – but the gloom is another . It goes on about ‘deteriorating mental health ‘ – anyone – anyone – listening to that stuff every day and paying for it – is bound to be adversely affected .
Surely that will help our cause of ending the BBC.
BTW – Thursday brings the latest interest decision . My money is on a pallid 0.25% when the economy needs a full 1% or more – this is based on the rising prices I see in the supermarket … more doom and gloom …..
.. I bet the BBC can’t wait for the first mortgage default and repossession ….
BBC More Or Less used to be about teaching their own BBC staff about maths errors
now it’s a prog run by BBC Remainiac lefties looking to score points against the Tories
Item “A Brexit guy said UK EU exports are up
but but but he cherrypicked one month
and he failed to account for inflation”
That’s true
#1 the prog failed to mention there is an exception thing
the exports are inflated by the way EU stopped buying Russian gas and now buys US which comes in via the UK, cos we have LNG terminals
#2 That pre Brexit months could have had exceptions too
eg corps rushing to move inventory before Brexit
#3 Export/Import figures often seem to miss intangibles like services/online say insurance and consulting etc.
#4 That Big Tech choosing to base in Ireland/Luxembourg for tax reasons might artificially inflate those countries exports
Brexit supporters using cherry-picked ONS figures to claim that UK trade with the EU is up between 2019 and 2022. Unfortunately they failed [deliberately?] to adjust for inflation. Looking at volume – the key measure – imports and exports are actually down. @BBCMoreOrLess
Cara Delevingne: ‘Being queer felt fluid and free’
Cara Delevingne discusses growing up queer in the 1990s, visiting her first Pride in her late 20s and discovering her true gender identity through making BBC Three documentary Planet Sex.
Local radio
caller “I’m just a parent whose been told to come on to explain i’m not letting my children cross the teachers’ picket line ”
her next line was honest
“I am a Unison union convener”
How many times are “normal” callers not so honest
“When youare a teacher 60% of your money goes straight back into the economy”
What does that even mean ?
Of course your salary goes either into your spending or government spending with a bit left over into your saving account
If that amount is 40% then you are doing very well
Went to Cribs Causeway Saturday. Absolutely packed.
Then went out for a meal Saturday night, restaurant packed.
Where is the cost of living crisis?
Yes there are poor people, but there’s always, and always will be some poor people. I remember the 70s
Never had it so good.
Switched off the BBC this morning as it was gleefully salivating over the strikes. Worse, anyone who disagreed with the industrial action was audibly sneered/sighed at. I’ve got some sympathy with teachers, but don’t like to hear such hysterical bias!
If you stop other people going about their delaying activity
that is YOU being a bully, it is NOT peaceful
but this guy says he’s the VICTIM
I guess he has mental issues.
Just @snb19692 being assaulted by staff at the BBC for shouting #ToriesOut whilst in the audience of the @BBCRadio4 Today Programme. Nothing to see here. Just Common Assault. @metpoliceuk hopefully you’ll take this further. You can’t do this to people. This is a free country!
Oh since the Twitter name is obscure I missed that the disrupter was Steve Bray at the Radio4 Today Brexit debate
He’s the bully in the top hat that tries to disrupt live TV outside parliament
So it was a Steve Bray stunt
quote “Who let Steve Bray in to the BBC studio. A BBC set up surely!”
His real name is Dave Allen
I know that I seem to be a publicity agent for Victor Davis Hanson but believe me I’m not, I just find he always hits the nail on the head. This time,I’m recommending an article that he has written in the Daily Signal which can be found on You Tube. The title of the article sums up the content , ‘ A country we no longer recognise , a coup we never knew.’
He sums up so many of the things that have happened in the USA in the past few years which only ten or twenty years ago no one would ever have thought possible , let alone likely. In the space of a few short years we have seen power concentrated in just a few liberal left hands and a hundred million plus citizens disenfranchised.
Of course the same is happening on this side of the Atlantic too.
The message for anyone tracking a UK parcel via Royal Mail right now is,
“Our international export services continue to be disrupted following a cyber incident. There is currently a limited service.
For more information please click here.”
If CBDC / Digital ID’s? All your information will be accessible to anyone that’s loosely working for Government.
Use EVRI every time … if you never want to see a delivery – never able to contact anybody – never able to track it online .
In London – delivery – apart from directly from Amazon – is rapidly worstening – so if you buy anything online – try to see who is meant to deliver it – and avoid EVRI every time …
Sometimes ….G …. But I’d suggest not buying from companies who use EVRI – I got lucky at Christmas getting £200 back for something EVRI never delivered and probably stole .
Every wondered why you can’t find the mathematical sign for ‘therefore’ on ‘symbols’? Wonder why. Well, it is ‘simple’, follow these instruction (if you can) to insert ∴ (I copied and pasted this one – job done) –
I’m afraid it’s too late. The enemy is already here in one form or another. I read something a year or so ago, and the specialist said that when a migrant population reaches 20% of the whole, historically, that’s when the trouble really starts. We are down to low 80’s now – and falling rapidly………..
London has remained the region with both the largest proportion of people born outside the UK and the largest proportion of people with non-UK passports. In 2021, more than 4 in 10 (40.6%) usual residents in London were non-UK born, and more than 1 in 5 (23.3%) had a non-UK passport.2 Nov 2022
It is never to late . Start by deporting all the illegal criminals already here. This will need a strong pro-British Government to do that . Not the woke, Tory lot at the moment.
What other nation not only allows illegal invaders in but puts them up in 4 Star hotels , warms them, feeds them and provides medical care when its own nationals suffer in poverty ?
The people of Great Britain have been betrayed by a “Conservative” government .
Taffman – the military failed and have handed the taxi service back to the home office – which is recruiting 731? New border force ‘staff’ – presumably from gang members from Albania already here using the ‘police vetting ‘ method …..
“the military failed”
I am afraid its not the military but the present will of the Conservative Government that cling on to the ECHR and ignore the human rights of the people of Britain.
How many have invaded our shores today ?
How many are not being reported by the woke media ?
“Government borrowing has little in common with the borrowing that you or I engage in”
Nope borrowing is not free
The more the government borrows the more interest charges are .. it’s NOT free money
and it also influences the exchange rate
can make imports more expensive.
Who is Meadway ? Former advisor to Shadow Chancellor.
Is he a Marxist too ?
Jun 7, 2021 “The idea that Black Lives Matter is neo-Marxist is just nonsense conspiracy theory,” James Meadway tells us.”
Naga and filmmaker Josh apply the oily BBC apologetics by the bucketful… she was attracted to a new life… navigating difficult teenage roles… disenfranchisement… Begum had an issue “finding her place in British society” etc etc.
Anyway Naga’s “really enjoying it”. It’s a regular Wednesday feature apparently (10 parts) so tune in for more teenage beheading larks next week…
What a wonderful career with the BBC this ISIS terrorist has ahead of her when they get her to the UK . Cooking with shamima – country walks with shami – shami meets shami –
Shamima on ice ——… you know the tune …..
I still witness it – but a waste of time – but it shows the inability of starmer to think on his feet and hold the green card PM to account – corruption in the blue Labour Party should be any easy hit but he still fails
In the absence of real change next election the most we can hope for is a hung parliament -with – maybe – something British and Right ( reform ?) getting seats … until then – it’s more of the same with added taxes …
Kaiser – the humble crofter who used to be leader of the SNP asked a question from the backbenches with a rapturous welcome from the blue labour lot – apparently they used to make money from bets on how many times he would say ‘the people of Scotland ‘… he went bright red …
I see this type of talk 1000 times a day on Twitter
A Brexit debate, chaired by Remainer Mischall Hussein with Remainer leader Alastair Campbell, the Remainer CBI guy
vs Mogg and non-Tory Claire Fox
is somehow an outrage cos it allowed ONE Tory on
BBC Radio 5 Live Breakfast
BBC Radio 5 Live, Wednesday 3 January 2018
During a phone-in on the programme a contributor, Danielle Tiplady was introduced as a staff nurse. We should have established and made clear on air that she was a political activist.
Many of these deaths seem to result after traffic stops.
I think the reason is that in a traffic stop, the officer has no idea who the driver is. It could be an armed felon. Large numbers of police officers are killed every year.
The solution US police officers use is to demand absolute compliance from any driver they stop. Any sudden movement could be interpreted as a move for a gun.
In this case, the dead man ran away from the car. In other cases the driver has put up a struggle or tried to escape for whatever reason. And so the police feel under threat, and the driver ends up dead.
I am not defending their actions, but that is the way it is. A traffic stop by American police is dangerous for both sides. You need to comply with the officer. If you behave like a dick, you do so at your own risk.
The Blue Socialist WEF party have sent their election leaflet around
“Ooh look at us we went litter picking ”
.. yeh and half a day later the same oiks will have thrown a load more down
.. Why don’t oiks get whipped or something ?
– “Every Household has received £400 Cost Of Living cash for energy bills”
– “Every pensioner has had £300 on top”
– “And the poorest families have had £650 on top too
and a further £900 is coming”
– “Full time minimum wage people will get an extra £1,600 pa”
– “There will be the biggest increase in State pension EVER £870
and on top the poorest couples get £1,470 per couple or £960 single”
“Plus there are other support packages”
So the government is taking tax off people,
then throwing out presents
but cos people spend that on double energy bills etc. the gov immediately get back double the previous VAT and energy taxes,
Then with the tax money the government pays its own Full time minimum wage people an extra £1,600 pa meaning that hospitals and schools have a budget shortfall so give worse service
And these energy giveaways wouldn’t have been necessary if the stupid government wasn’t controlled by the GreenBlob and had actually kept UK fossil fuel mining and storage buoyant.
In 2020, the president signed amendments to the media law that included protections for journalists’ rights but also featured vaguely worded provisions criminalizing the dissemination of “false information,” and reports that conflict with the “national interest,” according to Freedom House.
The law grants the Ministry of Information broad powers to regulate the media.
Funny – at the Sunday mass the priest – in passing – mentioned that the boss of Starbucks has said that anyone who believes that marriage is only valid for a man and woman they should buy coffee from elsewhere –
My priest being relaxed about matters advised the congregation to make their own minds up . When I was working in central london I had to use Starbucks for unofficial meetings – but never ever again ….
I have a decent grinder at home and buy packaged beans, makes lovely coffee to my specification and I can get a good variety online. It works out around 30p a cup.
More or Less when a lefty writer made a righty claim
they found her claim was true
The New Statesman journo Cunliffe said ..
“There are more pensioners in ‘millionaire households’
.. than pensioners in poverty”
The big caveat is most people jump to assuming you are a millionaire or poor but 60% are in the middle in neither category.
– millionaire households are quite common when you add up the house and 2 people’s pension pot .. 27% of pensioners
More or Less had a stupid dramaqueen item
“did the renaming of Blackboy Lane really cost Haringey £180K ?”
… “oh no that was the top end pre budget guess based on paying each household £300 for inconvenience
.. they actually paid £250”
The point is it still mean about £100K of public money was used instead of going to REAL NEEDS
Next item “do store loyalty cards show patterns of ovarian cancer before you know”
Doh yes they do often, that was all explained in the news
There is no maths angle, the prog just used it as an excuse to bring on their mate Hannah Fry.
Remember Starmer’s inability to say what a woman is.
Here’s a question some interviewer should put to him.
“Are you a man”
If that is too difficult for him maybe ask “what are you”
It doesn’t matter what answer he gives because it will upset loads of lefties and wokies as they will find ANY answer offensive.
Of course, if he did answer it would be a load of old waffle without saying anything (but just imagine if he made the mistake of admitting he was a man)
Normally, a black man killed by cops would deserve acres of print and months of airtime and analysis by the BBC.
And normally, black men committing murder would get little or no mention at all.
So when black cops kill a black man, the BBC find themselves in a quandary and compromise by sliding the story off the news as quickly as possible, as it doesn’t fit their narrative of ‘racist white cops’.
Wales goes Woke!
“Delilah” banned for choirs at Principality Stadium.
Red rag to bull ?
This could turn out to be “interesting” to say the least as Wales has no need of choirs, the taffmen among the supporters are much better and vociferous ……………….
“‘I haven’t seen this many civil servants in Westminster since the pandemic’: Ex-minister Jake Berry mocks mandarins for picketing outside government departments despite resisting efforts to get them to return to their offices to work”
About as near an admission from the BBC that Russia are currently winning the war – but you have to read between the lines to realise it. Along with a quote from someone at the front line who has said they ‘need Western fighter jets to break through all of Russia’s new defences to give us aeroplanes to win’. They needed the tanks so they could ‘recapture more territory from Russia’. Clearly he has been duly briefed and moved on from tanks so the BBC can apply the pressure.
But the bit which almost made me laugh is:
“There have been cases of [Ukrainian] units who don’t seem willing to fight, and disagreements [over tactics],” one Ukrainian soldier acknowledged, speaking off the record.
…. errrr … doesn’t ‘off the record’ mean not to be disclosed publicly BBC ?.
What I see when I read this article is that Russia has learned how to nullify the effect of our anti-tank missiles, the HIMARS system and the massive amount of satellite intelligence the USA are giving Ukraine and all of our other most advanced weapons.
So they are now match fit for WW3. Are we ?.
No doubt top of the list next will be to capture some examples of our best tanks to have a look at and learn where they are weakest.
And of course no BBC article about this war would be complete without something which looks completely fake.
Here’s where a bomb landed:
I wonder how that wire at the bottom of the ‘crater’ remained undamaged. And the debris landed remarkably tidily. It even separated itself into different piles.
#2 BBC read out Musk’s reply (saying he’d never heard of it)
but omitted to say we can’t see that tweet of of today
cos something extraordinary has happened
Musk has put his own account into PROTECTED mode
as if he’s hiding from something
WTF? “The consensus among younger journalists is that we got it all wrong,” Emilio Garcia-Ruiz, editor in chief of the San Francisco Chronicle, told us. “Objectivity has got to go.”
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 10, 22:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Carney worked for Goldman Sachs for 13 years, curiously enough.
FlotsamMar 10, 22:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I might be wrong. One ship, the Stena Immaculate might have been moving around at anchor due to wind and/or…
FlotsamMar 10, 21:59 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Kelvin Mackenzie on form on GBNews. “Why should the public be forced to pay, under threat of prosecution, to watch…
FlotsamMar 10, 21:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I’ve studied the tracks of the two ships and it’s clear to me that both were moving when the collision…
BRISSLESMar 10, 21:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 My nephew married a Russian girl – from Kursk, a few years ago. Her parents (just lovely ordinary people like…
Emmanuel GoldsteinMar 10, 21:26 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I keep hearing from MP’s an excuse for them not doing what they were voted in to do, things such…
Fedup2Mar 10, 20:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Richard – thanks – nice to see the boys and girls of 77 brigade get an honourable mention . As…
FlotsamMar 10, 19:41 Start the Week 10th March 2025 As a seafarer myself it seems to be an unbelievably bad bit of driving. One ship was at anchor, there…
Some new interesting organisations mentioned here, along with many lies.
Good of you to post a link to Redacted. Its a very good informative site. Their recent posts on what America is doing, and has done to Syria over the last 10 years, is a war crime not to put a fine point on it. Ditto what America did in Iraq.
America still occupies the best agricultural part of Syria, including Syria’s only oil field.
Sanctions are also on Syria. Thus Syria, the most tolerant nation in the ME, and probably Europe, is being slowly starved to death and robbed of its oil. And ofcourse the bombing of Syria for using chemical weapons. Fake cooked up evidence, in collaboration with White Helmets.
There would have been “regime change” in Syria using America’s tool – al Qaeda or al Nusra, had it not been Russia’s intervention. Gone Syria into a Jihadi hell hole for its citizens..
Some more today on Syria by Vanessa Beeley at Redacted.
Interesting bit of additional info on ‘the-cost-of-living-crisis’ provided by the Telegraph web-site today, 31 January: second home and buy to let purchases are up by 20%.
“Crisis? What Crisis?” © Jim Callaghan (Labour Party PM 1970s)
The left would say the rich are getting richer.
The Amazons etc,
However evidence on the ground shows those much lower down spend money like water
Take school proms ..we never had them
Its wise to spend your savings now and get hardware, as cash in hand or in the bank is going to be worth less and less.
America has a 30 trillion dollar debt. Its going to recover that by printing money. As the dollar is the Reserve country, primarily for the West, we will sink and drown.
Russia, China , India and the BRICK nations are buying gold and silver, as well as Saudi Arabia the oil nations . They are going away from the dollar. The end of the petro- dollar is in sight.
Was in John Lewis today and the pensioners were all busy spending, but then they are affected positively by rising interest rates, and those with index linked pensions are laughing.
Meanwhile grocery inflation has now climbed to an astonishing 17%
Its not all down to index linked pensions or rising interest rates. Changing circumstances is part of it as well. My ‘war generation’ parents didn’t own their property – rented all their life, so I wasn’t benefitting from any inheritance – unlike most of young and youngish people today who will.
Late husband and I chose not to have children, so do I apologise for that ? this resulted in us working continually and planning for our retirement so paying into private pensions, do I apologise for that ?
We cannot be blamed for getting past the age of 65, unlike my husband who died in his 50’s so he never enjoyed the fruits of what was to come. We too lived in rented flat for most of our married life and didn’t buy our house until our late 40’s, we saved and waited. I still live in it.
Its so easy to criticise pensioners – many who are not as fortunate as me. Perhaps we should live in a world in an extended version of Logan’s Run and put an age limit on the population, as all I hear commentators say is “we are an ageing population”. If we all pegged it at 60 then there would be no need for dementia wards, care homes, incontinence pads or commodes !!! so that in itself would put thousands out of work.
I’m interested in the pensioners with index linked pensions, because the only ones I know about are in the feather-bedded public sector.
In the private sector, many pension schemes have inflation protection up to a maximum. I know of 7% maxima, 5% maxima, and even 2.5% maxima. Not much good with 10% inflation and there is no Union to provide support. In fact private sector pensioners are totally forgotten, as usual, by the state authorities.
I might also add that a public sector worker’s final salary pension can pay out an annual pension of up to £50,000 without a tax penalty.. for the private sector worker, the current maximum for the equivalent annuity is about £40,000. To get to the £50,000 annual pension level, the private sector worker would incur a tax liability of 55%.
Some pensioners are more equal than others. A fact not mentioned during all the current strikes.
This creepy (not) missing persons story continues:
“Constance Marten: Police offer £10,000 in missing couple and baby hunt”
Starring a mixed race couple – so you’d think the BBC would leave them alone and even criticise the police for obvious harassment, and be asking exactly what offence they’re suspected of, to warrant a nationwide manhunt?
The guy is a convicted rapist, whose become father- but that’s not an offence.
The baby hasn’t been registered; but that’s not an offence until after 42 days.
I guess the woman’s rich father, whom the daughter wants nothing to do with, has some kind of masonic connections, giving leverage across the swamp, media and police, allowing him to hunt her down if she goes off grid for a while.
Surely the 10k incentive could have been used to catch a real criminal..
Eddy, you may think a baby has to be registered within 42 days. A friend in south London has a new granddaughter. The parents have booked an appointment to register the birth. I forget the exact time lag but more like 6 months than 6 weeks. Presumably the registrars are working from home and only come in once a fortnight.
Mark Steyn tweeted this new essay by Ofcom
@MarkSteynOnline says
“Enjoy the Internet while you can. It’s about to get OffCommed.”
This at the behest of the Karen who, for some reason, was swanning about Davos?
Around the globe, there are growing calls from politicians, policymakers, academics,and civil society for greater transparency from online platforms.1But what this meansinpracticeisnotalwaysclear
A February 2008 Freedom of Information Act request for the release of details of MPs’ expenses claims was allowed by an Information Tribunal but challenged by the House of Commons Authorities on the grounds that it was “unlawfully intrusive”.
TR is trending
As ever TR shouldn’t be the story
cos he is merely a reporter trying to highlight the cases of bigger victims
Yet attempts to shut him up MAKE him the story
It’s alleged that Coordinated Mass reporting was used to get Twitter to shut down his account
video :
If you watch the video above you will learn the reason Musk bought Twitter, was because he wants to be the one running the “everything App” which you’ve probably not even heard of yet, but you will soon. I suggest you watch it.
Sarah Champion resigns as shadow equalities minister
This article is more than 5 years old
Labour MP wrote controversial article in the Sun saying ‘Britain has a problem with British Pakistani men raping white girls’
Sarah Champion distances herself from Sun article
She’s very lucky she hasn’t been cancelled, any male that had been given a police caution for spouse beating would have. Lost respect for her after that incident.
“UK pays more for electricity than it costs to make”
Why ? Tories.
IMHO, the silly ideals of ‘Net Zero’ , ‘carbon footprints’ and the silly ‘green energy’ .
The rest of the world doesn’t give a toss !
Simple answer, vote for The Reform Party because the rest are closet ‘Remainers’ and want to see us fail.
Lefty Remainiacs “Brexit has made Britain much poorer”
Lefty Remainiacs “There is a magic money tree, we can pay all government worker much more”
The fact is greendream measures, woke measures, immigrants & 2020-2022 Covid all add COSTS & inefficiencies so we all have to take an effective pay CUT to pay for it all.
NHS hires diversity managers on £77,000 a year despite ‘war on wokery’
A government review had suggested the roles should be cut back
Stew, quite correct. Excellent post. Inflation, recession, under-performance, lack of growth, etc., are going to be the rule for Western economies until they abandon NutsZero
Dear Darren Henry,
Parliament’s £13 billion restoration.
HS2 £150 billion, original budget £36 billion.
Track and Trace £37 billion – no tracking or tracing where this money went.
£1.1bn of COVID small business loans identified as fraud
£4 billion of unusable PPE bought in first year of pandemic will be burnt “to generate power”
13 + 150 + 37 + 1.1+ 4 = £205 billion
Nuclear reactor = £6 billion
Yours sincerely,
Mr H
“UK pays more for electricity than it costs to make”
Why ? Tories.
Really ? The BBC means that it is really treacherous for any company to sell at more than cost – how very socialist of them !
“What impact has Brexit had on the UK economy?”
The ‘meeja’ are hard at work to get us back into the EU.
The only reason we are in a financial mess is because we have not fully left the EU . Thanks to the useless Conservatives Government .
Black Boy Lane poster installed behind new La Rose Lane sign
“when the new road sign was vandalised with black paint”
The racists even used black paint! 🙂
This is of course America.
The BBC runs the polls here.
Disgusted by the behaviour of male colleagues edition
Raab bullied staff ‘like an abusive husband’ – screams the Daily Mirror – that’s an interesting analogy.
And a similitude our cringing lacklustre civil servants didn’t seek to employ against (hysterical shrewish?) Priti Patel: Investigation found she bullied staff, sometimes shouting and swearing at them (Daily Mail, November 2021)
I’ve a theory. Women are the potential swing voters (psepholoy tells us that) and therefore the target audience for this stuff. Because let’s not forget, this line of attack isn’t aimed at making the Westminster ministerial office a little less Malcolm Tucker’s The Think of It or Gordon Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares and a little more like The Love Boat or The Brady Bunch – it’s naked party politics at heart: Tory misconduct probe (Mirror) – in case you were in any doubt as to the rosette colour being put in the dock here.
Here’s another female-centric call to arms from the same frontpage editorial lead: Deputy PM’s rants left workers feeling suicidal, civil servants tell inquiry
Claiming to feel suicidal is a rather female expression of discomfort
I don’t know about you chaps, but mild mannered keyboard warrior bloke as I am, my go-to reaction to overbearing bosses in the past (and I’ve had them) has been a (supressed) desire to punch their lights out.
Why more men than women die by suicide… women are more likely to be diagnosed with depression and to attempt suicide… But male suicide methods are often more violent, making them more likely to be completed – the BBC Future feature there providing us with what those Shampoo adverts tend to term the science bit
The left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper also assumes it adresses a female audience – their frontpage teaser for Relationship advice (as if inclusion of such a feature wasn’t clue enough in itself – there’s no graph-laden FT Datawatch thereabouts): Dating vigilantes The women-only groups who vet your next Tinder match – the possessive adjective ‘your’ is clearly and exclusively (let’s ignore the trans debate) female. One has to smile as though this were some new revelation in dating – as if she didn’t get her mates to check you out and assess what they reckon of you anyway.
‘Fatness is still a touchy subject’ Sofie Hagen on fatphobia – is the Interview feature in what we’ve noted of late to be the most noticably coronaphobic (or could that be coronaphilic?)‘i’ newspaper
Who’s Wearing a Mask? Women, Democrats and City Dwellers… Women are more likely than men to wear masks. About 67 percent of women said they had worn a mask outside their home, compared with 56 percent of men, according to the Gallup poll (New York Times)
Despite: Coronavirus: Why Men are More Vulnerable to Covid-19 Than Women? (National Library of Medicine)
The ‘i’ knows the likes and dislikes – and indeed those subjects likely to set off an emotional reaction in its audience.
As of course does the BBC: Police inquiry into claims female corpses photographed at fire service – the slightly amusing quirk in this BBC report is that they use a Getty Image of a woman firefighter to illustrate this ‘degrading’ behaviour that men are being put in the dock for.
Importantly – proving perhaps the BBC does employ some editorial oversight of their articles: One female firefighter (not pictured) reportedly said she was “disgusted” by the behaviour of some male colleagues
And have no doubt, you ain’t heard the last of this one: Chief Fire Officer Ben Ansell said: “As part of this investigation, I will be providing all of our female staff with the opportunity to speak to an independent organisation. “We would ask that any individuals affected provide us with further information to allow us to investigate these allegations.”
We’ve seen this feminisation of our armed services and of our police. How long will it be before we start to hear of recruitment difficulties in the foreservice?
Dominic Raab: Third senior civil servant gives evidence to bullying probe
Slowly but surely the BBC are doing their dirty work to get rid of any politicians who supported Brexit and/or are a threat to the license fee debate coming up when the rules are up for renewal.
All I can think about stories like this how the BBC gave Bercow a free ride for years because he opposed Brexit.
What utter and complete double-standard hypocrites they are. And OFCOM are a complete farce.
The cost of buying cheap properties due to local conditions, then relying on #prasnews from ‘groups’ to bbc cubicle garden moppets to try and score a claim?
As I mentioned yesterday that seems to be a one woman NGO that got a #PRasNews article in the Yorkshire Post,on Tuesday morning
which BBC staff must have read
cos on Tuesday tea-time they put up the BBC article
Hello Guest
I saw the bBC were on about house prices falling
What a load of total and utter BBC garbage.
On this basis we have had proven global warming for the last 900 years, which is the approximate historic record of lost villages on the Yorkshire Coast.
It must be all those gas guzzling cars in the 13 th century..
Champion is, of course a) not a journalist or b) with a clue on struggling, but I’ll allow it.
Matter of time only before she and magic gramps are standing, head to lower down, in solidarity with a union leader on £150k.
‘Deeply worrying’ research suggests 25% of nurses in England are obese
05 DECEMBER, 2017
The first harbinger of its reemergence was in the surprising setting of ITV’s breakfast show, Good Morning Britain. During a debate last year about Donald Trump’s first official visit to the UK, the host Piers Morgan accused one of his guests, the young journalist and political commentator Ash Sarkar, of hero-worshipping Barack Obama. Protesting that she was in fact a critic of the former US president, she exclaimed, “I’m literally a communist, you idiot!”
Secretive Saudi executions leave families in the dark
Selective caring brought to you by the bBC
Saudi Arabia executed 81 prisoners on 12 March 2022, including these nine men whose families agreed for their photographs to be shared with media
Teacher who showed his pupils a cartoon of the Prophet Mohammed is still in hiding a year after fleeing his home due to death threats
The Batley Grammar School teacher is still in hiding a year after the lesson
The image of the Prophet Mohammed was shown during religious education
The 30-year-old teacher was cleared of misconduct but he still has not returned to his home or work
PUBLISHED: 22:12, 26 March 2022 | UPDATED: 23:41, 26 March 2022
Pakistan: man sentenced to death for blasphemy on Facebook
Taimoor Raza was found guilty of insulting the prophet Muhammad during an argument on social media with a counter-terrorism official
“Not only did they take their lives, they intentionally maligned them and accused them of things they’ve not done.”
Got to love the sheer blatancy of one of the latest BBC tricks. Straight from the ‘Panorama’ instruction book:
Get someone to say something you want to say, present it as fact while avoiding any accountability with quote marks – then give no opportunity or details for the opposite argument.
The BBC : making sure you only get to read the things they want you to read. AKA lying by omission.
7.Members should act on all occasions in accordance with the public trust placed in them. They should always behave with probity and integrity, including in their use of public resources.
6.Members have a general duty to act in the interests of the nation as a whole; and a special duty to their constituents.
‘Mask Has Slipped’: Potential Future PM Keir Starmer Says He Prefers Davos over Westminster
See, if they make it question… no backsies.
There’s a meme in reply that might see Timmeah! needing a detail again.
Pakistan: man sentenced to death for blasphemy on Facebook
Taimoor Raza was found guilty of insulting the prophet Muhammad during an argument on social media with a counter-terrorism official
How is it going with the BBC? Im giving myself a rest from it a bit – the bias is one thing – but the gloom is another . It goes on about ‘deteriorating mental health ‘ – anyone – anyone – listening to that stuff every day and paying for it – is bound to be adversely affected .
Surely that will help our cause of ending the BBC.
BTW – Thursday brings the latest interest decision . My money is on a pallid 0.25% when the economy needs a full 1% or more – this is based on the rising prices I see in the supermarket … more doom and gloom …..
.. I bet the BBC can’t wait for the first mortgage default and repossession ….
BBC More Or Less used to be about teaching their own BBC staff about maths errors
now it’s a prog run by BBC Remainiac lefties looking to score points against the Tories
Item “A Brexit guy said UK EU exports are up
but but but he cherrypicked one month
and he failed to account for inflation”
That’s true
#1 the prog failed to mention there is an exception thing
the exports are inflated by the way EU stopped buying Russian gas and now buys US which comes in via the UK, cos we have LNG terminals
#2 That pre Brexit months could have had exceptions too
eg corps rushing to move inventory before Brexit
#3 Export/Import figures often seem to miss intangibles like services/online say insurance and consulting etc.
#4 That Big Tech choosing to base in Ireland/Luxembourg for tax reasons might artificially inflate those countries exports
Money Tree …
Cara Delevingne: ‘Being queer felt fluid and free’
Cara Delevingne discusses growing up queer in the 1990s, visiting her first Pride in her late 20s and discovering her true gender identity through making BBC Three documentary Planet Sex.
She’s a mucky pup.
Facts about slavery never mentioned in school | Thomas Sowell
Facts is rassiss innit
Local radio
caller “I’m just a parent whose been told to come on to explain i’m not letting my children cross the teachers’ picket line ”
her next line was honest
“I am a Unison union convener”
How many times are “normal” callers not so honest
“When youare a teacher 60% of your money goes straight back into the economy”
What does that even mean ?
Of course your salary goes either into your spending or government spending with a bit left over into your saving account
If that amount is 40% then you are doing very well
Went to Cribs Causeway Saturday. Absolutely packed.
Then went out for a meal Saturday night, restaurant packed.
Where is the cost of living crisis?
Yes there are poor people, but there’s always, and always will be some poor people. I remember the 70s
Never had it so good.
So Green PR people, what do you think of the work the BBC is doing for you ?
If you stop other people going about their delaying activity
that is YOU being a bully, it is NOT peaceful
but this guy says he’s the VICTIM
I guess he has mental issues.
I’m reminded that the often cited reason for restricting absolute free speech is to discourage people shouting things in a crowded theatre.
Oh since the Twitter name is obscure I missed that the disrupter was Steve Bray at the Radio4 Today Brexit debate
He’s the bully in the top hat that tries to disrupt live TV outside parliament
So it was a Steve Bray stunt
quote “Who let Steve Bray in to the BBC studio. A BBC set up surely!”
His real name is Dave Allen
Main voice in the debate was Alastair Campbell
Mogg dealt well with Steve Bray baying “Tories Out” like a donkey
until security removed him.
22m45s to 23m15s
I know that I seem to be a publicity agent for Victor Davis Hanson but believe me I’m not, I just find he always hits the nail on the head. This time,I’m recommending an article that he has written in the Daily Signal which can be found on You Tube. The title of the article sums up the content , ‘ A country we no longer recognise , a coup we never knew.’
He sums up so many of the things that have happened in the USA in the past few years which only ten or twenty years ago no one would ever have thought possible , let alone likely. In the space of a few short years we have seen power concentrated in just a few liberal left hands and a hundred million plus citizens disenfranchised.
Of course the same is happening on this side of the Atlantic too.
The message for anyone tracking a UK parcel via Royal Mail right now is,
“Our international export services continue to be disrupted following a cyber incident. There is currently a limited service.
For more information please click here.”
If CBDC / Digital ID’s? All your information will be accessible to anyone that’s loosely working for Government.
No thank you.
Use EVRI every time … if you never want to see a delivery – never able to contact anybody – never able to track it online .
In London – delivery – apart from directly from Amazon – is rapidly worstening – so if you buy anything online – try to see who is meant to deliver it – and avoid EVRI every time …
Don’t think I have a choice over which company a sender uses. Or have I?
Sometimes ….G …. But I’d suggest not buying from companies who use EVRI – I got lucky at Christmas getting £200 back for something EVRI never delivered and probably stole .
Buyer beware
Is it me?
Every wondered why you can’t find the mathematical sign for ‘therefore’ on ‘symbols’? Wonder why. Well, it is ‘simple’, follow these instruction (if you can) to insert ∴ (I copied and pasted this one – job done) –
Yet another small example of where the ‘experts’, ‘academics’ are taking us. Long may I stay out of their World. “Follow the Science”
You could use
=> leads to
G does anyone still need it?
I’m pretty sure predicate logic is a tool of the white patriarchy and must be dismantled.
libmob “Migrants use dinghies cos there is no legal route from France to the UK for refugees”
Ben Habib “Of course there isn’t, cos France is a SAFE country”
Time now for Great Britain to Use Force do defend our borders and the safety of the people therein.
I’m afraid it’s too late. The enemy is already here in one form or another. I read something a year or so ago, and the specialist said that when a migrant population reaches 20% of the whole, historically, that’s when the trouble really starts. We are down to low 80’s now – and falling rapidly………..
London has remained the region with both the largest proportion of people born outside the UK and the largest proportion of people with non-UK passports. In 2021, more than 4 in 10 (40.6%) usual residents in London were non-UK born, and more than 1 in 5 (23.3%) had a non-UK passport.2 Nov 2022
It is never to late . Start by deporting all the illegal criminals already here. This will need a strong pro-British Government to do that . Not the woke, Tory lot at the moment.
What other nation not only allows illegal invaders in but puts them up in 4 Star hotels , warms them, feeds them and provides medical care when its own nationals suffer in poverty ?
The people of Great Britain have been betrayed by a “Conservative” government .
Taffman – the military failed and have handed the taxi service back to the home office – which is recruiting 731? New border force ‘staff’ – presumably from gang members from Albania already here using the ‘police vetting ‘ method …..
“the military failed”
I am afraid its not the military but the present will of the Conservative Government that cling on to the ECHR and ignore the human rights of the people of Britain.
How many have invaded our shores today ?
How many are not being reported by the woke media ?
Taffman- same thing – I think you’d do the same thing with these criminal invaders -but I won’t write it here ……
Channel Tunnel?
Virgin Space Port?
DramaGreens dramagreen
It’s dishonest not to mention that sea levels generally rise even without Climate Change
Guardian Opinion :
Bad economics at the BBC enabled Tory austerity and its aftermath – and it knows as much
James Meadway
“*Independent* experts Andrew Dilnot and Michael Blastland”
*interesting since they both worked for the BBC extensively
“Government borrowing has little in common with the borrowing that you or I engage in”
Nope borrowing is not free
The more the government borrows the more interest charges are .. it’s NOT free money
and it also influences the exchange rate
can make imports more expensive.
Who is Meadway ? Former advisor to Shadow Chancellor.
Is he a Marxist too ?
Jun 7, 2021 “The idea that Black Lives Matter is neo-Marxist is just nonsense conspiracy theory,” James Meadway tells us.”
video his BLM debate
His video saying the BBC is not leftwing
ends with Tom Harwood listing a few typical examples
R5 promoting the Shamima Begum podcast just now.
Naga and filmmaker Josh apply the oily BBC apologetics by the bucketful… she was attracted to a new life… navigating difficult teenage roles… disenfranchisement… Begum had an issue “finding her place in British society” etc etc.
Anyway Naga’s “really enjoying it”. It’s a regular Wednesday feature apparently (10 parts) so tune in for more teenage beheading larks next week…
What a wonderful career with the BBC this ISIS terrorist has ahead of her when they get her to the UK . Cooking with shamima – country walks with shami – shami meets shami –
Shamima on ice ——… you know the tune …..
Hello Terminal
Under the heading “I’m not a monster”
Yes you are!
Andy your moral framework isn’t to be trusted. Let the BBC decide for you, they have fact checkers… just relax and don’t think too much…
Hello Terminal
You are right, I should trust the “worlds most trusted” 🙂
When are the BBC going on strike ?
I still witness it – but a waste of time – but it shows the inability of starmer to think on his feet and hold the green card PM to account – corruption in the blue Labour Party should be any easy hit but he still fails
In the absence of real change next election the most we can hope for is a hung parliament -with – maybe – something British and Right ( reform ?) getting seats … until then – it’s more of the same with added taxes …
a “hung” parliament , dont get me all hopeful fed
Kaiser – the humble crofter who used to be leader of the SNP asked a question from the backbenches with a rapturous welcome from the blue labour lot – apparently they used to make money from bets on how many times he would say ‘the people of Scotland ‘… he went bright red …
I see this type of talk 1000 times a day on Twitter
A Brexit debate, chaired by Remainer Mischall Hussein with Remainer leader Alastair Campbell, the Remainer CBI guy
vs Mogg and non-Tory Claire Fox
is somehow an outrage cos it allowed ONE Tory on
BBC Radio 5 Live Breakfast
BBC Radio 5 Live, Wednesday 3 January 2018
During a phone-in on the programme a contributor, Danielle Tiplady was introduced as a staff nurse. We should have established and made clear on air that she was a political activist.
Messing with the narrative is a major BBC no-no.
Looking forward to them taking out a few XR human road ornaments if interrupted filming a Labour coronation drive by.
Court in the morning ?
and he got in how?
Many of these deaths seem to result after traffic stops.
I think the reason is that in a traffic stop, the officer has no idea who the driver is. It could be an armed felon. Large numbers of police officers are killed every year.
The solution US police officers use is to demand absolute compliance from any driver they stop. Any sudden movement could be interpreted as a move for a gun.
In this case, the dead man ran away from the car. In other cases the driver has put up a struggle or tried to escape for whatever reason. And so the police feel under threat, and the driver ends up dead.
I am not defending their actions, but that is the way it is. A traffic stop by American police is dangerous for both sides. You need to comply with the officer. If you behave like a dick, you do so at your own risk.
The Blue Socialist WEF party have sent their election leaflet around
“Ooh look at us we went litter picking ”
.. yeh and half a day later the same oiks will have thrown a load more down
.. Why don’t oiks get whipped or something ?
– “Every Household has received £400 Cost Of Living cash for energy bills”
– “Every pensioner has had £300 on top”
– “And the poorest families have had £650 on top too
and a further £900 is coming”
– “Full time minimum wage people will get an extra £1,600 pa”
– “There will be the biggest increase in State pension EVER £870
and on top the poorest couples get £1,470 per couple or £960 single”
“Plus there are other support packages”
So the government is taking tax off people,
then throwing out presents
but cos people spend that on double energy bills etc. the gov immediately get back double the previous VAT and energy taxes,
Then with the tax money the government pays its own Full time minimum wage people an extra £1,600 pa meaning that hospitals and schools have a budget shortfall so give worse service
And these energy giveaways wouldn’t have been necessary if the stupid government wasn’t controlled by the GreenBlob and had actually kept UK fossil fuel mining and storage buoyant.
Somalia media guide
Keep paying the tele tax for anyone that is, good value for money, Not
How about 3rd world war?
Petr Pavel: Ukraine deserves to join Nato, says new Czech leader
In 2020, the president signed amendments to the media law that included protections for journalists’ rights but also featured vaguely worded provisions criminalizing the dissemination of “false information,” and reports that conflict with the “national interest,” according to Freedom House.
The law grants the Ministry of Information broad powers to regulate the media.
“Costa cappuccino has five times more caffeine than Starbucks’ ”
Dear me.. BBC retards need Which? to measured the caffeine in drinks at the five big chains, to realise Starbucks coffee is piss weak.😆
Costa was the chain that had most traces of faeces in it’s products.
Funny – at the Sunday mass the priest – in passing – mentioned that the boss of Starbucks has said that anyone who believes that marriage is only valid for a man and woman they should buy coffee from elsewhere –
My priest being relaxed about matters advised the congregation to make their own minds up . When I was working in central london I had to use Starbucks for unofficial meetings – but never ever again ….
I have a Starbucks round the corner. Never been in one and never will.
Want a large coffee?
In Starbucks it seems they take a small coffee and top it up with hot water.
I NEVER visit as they just serve brown water.
The best coffee is in my own home. No company comes close to it.
I have a decent grinder at home and buy packaged beans, makes lovely coffee to my specification and I can get a good variety online. It works out around 30p a cup.
More or Less when a lefty writer made a righty claim
they found her claim was true
The New Statesman journo Cunliffe said ..
“There are more pensioners in ‘millionaire households’
.. than pensioners in poverty”
The big caveat is most people jump to assuming you are a millionaire or poor but 60% are in the middle in neither category.
– millionaire households are quite common when you add up the house and 2 people’s pension pot .. 27% of pensioners
Poverty households 15% of pensioners
More or Less had a stupid dramaqueen item
“did the renaming of Blackboy Lane really cost Haringey £180K ?”
… “oh no that was the top end pre budget guess based on paying each household £300 for inconvenience
.. they actually paid £250”
The point is it still mean about £100K of public money was used instead of going to REAL NEEDS
Next item “do store loyalty cards show patterns of ovarian cancer before you know”
Doh yes they do often, that was all explained in the news
There is no maths angle, the prog just used it as an excuse to bring on their mate Hannah Fry.
FBI search President Biden’s home in Delaware
was “planned”
Luckily the FBI “planned” this, maybe helpful if you need to “mislay” anything
Remember Starmer’s inability to say what a woman is.
Here’s a question some interviewer should put to him.
“Are you a man”
If that is too difficult for him maybe ask “what are you”
It doesn’t matter what answer he gives because it will upset loads of lefties and wokies as they will find ANY answer offensive.
Of course, if he did answer it would be a load of old waffle without saying anything (but just imagine if he made the mistake of admitting he was a man)
Normally, a black man killed by cops would deserve acres of print and months of airtime and analysis by the BBC.
And normally, black men committing murder would get little or no mention at all.
So when black cops kill a black man, the BBC find themselves in a quandary and compromise by sliding the story off the news as quickly as possible, as it doesn’t fit their narrative of ‘racist white cops’.
Other commentators are less squeamish.
Wales goes Woke!
“Delilah” banned for choirs at Principality Stadium.
Red rag to bull ?
This could turn out to be “interesting” to say the least as Wales has no need of choirs, the taffmen among the supporters are much better and vociferous ……………….
Sung to Dodgy’s ‘Good Enough’, the lyrics are:
“If he’s good enough for you, he’s good enough for me.
“If he scores another few, then I’ll be Muslim too.
“If he’s good enough for you, he’s good enough for me.
“Sitting in the mosque, that’s where I wanna be!
“Mo Salah-la-la-la, la-la-la-la-la-la-la.”
This is about right:
“‘I haven’t seen this many civil servants in Westminster since the pandemic’: Ex-minister Jake Berry mocks mandarins for picketing outside government departments despite resisting efforts to get them to return to their offices to work”
Ukraine war: Russian threat growing, front line troops fear
About as near an admission from the BBC that Russia are currently winning the war – but you have to read between the lines to realise it. Along with a quote from someone at the front line who has said they ‘need Western fighter jets to break through all of Russia’s new defences to give us aeroplanes to win’. They needed the tanks so they could ‘recapture more territory from Russia’. Clearly he has been duly briefed and moved on from tanks so the BBC can apply the pressure.
But the bit which almost made me laugh is:
“There have been cases of [Ukrainian] units who don’t seem willing to fight, and disagreements [over tactics],” one Ukrainian soldier acknowledged, speaking off the record.
…. errrr … doesn’t ‘off the record’ mean not to be disclosed publicly BBC ?.
What I see when I read this article is that Russia has learned how to nullify the effect of our anti-tank missiles, the HIMARS system and the massive amount of satellite intelligence the USA are giving Ukraine and all of our other most advanced weapons.
So they are now match fit for WW3. Are we ?.
No doubt top of the list next will be to capture some examples of our best tanks to have a look at and learn where they are weakest.
And of course no BBC article about this war would be complete without something which looks completely fake.
Here’s where a bomb landed:

I wonder how that wire at the bottom of the ‘crater’ remained undamaged. And the debris landed remarkably tidily. It even separated itself into different piles.
Looks like your typical BT OpenReach work site to me.
4:30pm Media Show .. Yet again they kept the blurb blank before broadcast
Surely that is to hide from critics
#1 BBC’s controversial doco about Modi
I reported the protests against BBC across the UK
Modi has got big tech to remove BBC content from YouTube
Guest tweet :
#2 Spotify is winding back from its expansion programme
so will layoff workers
#1 The prog said SOMEONE had asked Elon Musk about banning of the BBC Modi documentary
#1 They deliberately avoided saying who
it was Libertarian YouTuber VivaFrei
#2 BBC read out Musk’s reply (saying he’d never heard of it)
but omitted to say we can’t see that tweet of of today
cos something extraordinary has happened
Musk has put his own account into PROTECTED mode
as if he’s hiding from something
screenshot ..
BBC already way ahead on this.
Trust them.