Although the comrades are striking on Wednesday there appears no solidarity in the Far Left BBC. It will be desperate to create more gloom with one long day of Left Wing propaganda comrades .
Your suspicion that the journalists who frequently complain of "misinformation," or who have "disinfo" in their Twitter bio, are the ones most opposed to equal news coverage.
Least we forget how it all works … videos, words, pictures … you don’t get to choose the arrangement …
Chaos as police stop Hungary migrant train – Gavin Hewitt – BBC -Sep 2015 @53s
“… the a really distressing incident happened. A women who was carrying a small baby began crying for help (photo of lady carrying baby). One of her companions tried to help her (photo of man with women on track, riot police reaching towards them) Somehow there became a push and a shove with the police. She ended up on the railway lines (by the male refugee dragging her and the baby to the floor, but this is not said) with the riot police trying to pull her back, and this of course inflamed all the other people…”
-Gavin Hewitt – Sep 2015
Watch the video and the male refugee (companion trying to help?) drags the women and baby to the floor, by force.
Even the Mirror (03Sept2015) says “… this refugee couple cradle their tiny baby, after throwing themselves (NO! Male refugee drags women and baby onto train tracks) on train tracks as police try to take them to migrant camps in Hungary”
Gets better. Two days (05Sept2015) later the Mirror then report it as
“Refugee who dragged pregnant wife and baby son onto train track did it because ‘death would be better’”
1. BBC Version uses words and pictures to hide the video version
2. The Mirror shows the video but uses words to tell a different version
Can I suggest a little story – “Male refugee forces pregnant women refugee holding child down onto a train track, police drag him away for her safety? Riot police then lift women with child off track with tender arms.”
Kim Johnson is an interesting character . Kim is the Labour MP for some Liverpool crap hole . Kim was allowed to ask the PM a question about Israel which she described as a ‘fascist state ‘ practising ‘apartheid ‘- there was the sound of a bit of discomfort – but the gutless PM and gutless Speaker said nothing – sunak just blah blah Ed …
Since then she has apparently had to ‘apologise ‘ – scum like ms Johnson might be expected to spout stuff like that . But surely that chamber should have bought her down at the time ?
rules document
I think from International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance
They said “These latest statements from Labour MP Kim Johnson show that nationally the U.K. Labour Party still have unfortunate issues understanding this.”
Not raising the issue straight away may have been a tactical move by Sunak
“The MP was Kim Johnson. A far left Corbynite who replaced Louise Ellman in Liverpool Riverside who herself resigned from Labour over Antisemitism during the Corbyn years. ”
Well it’s lucky that ‘holocaust Memorial Day ‘wasn’t recent or that the red Labour Party has a long history of anti semitism – which starmer has eradicated …or maybe not …and why does Liverpool have just a track record of producing scum ?
Do they resent being part of England when they’d rather be in Eire ? Rhetoric question …
As expected, the BBC are all over the police murder of Tyre Nichols in the US.
Meanwhile, back in Blighty…Brenda Blainey, an 87-year-old, good hearted woman, was murdered in her own home by a failed Iranian asylum seeker.
She had virtually adopted the bloke, treated him like a surrogate grandson…and he, by way of thanks, had strangled her, cut her throat and smashed her head to smithereens on the kitchen floor.
We’re told that he is schizophrenic and wasn’t taking his prescribed medication. I just wonder how many more of these human timebombs we have wandering our streets. It would be nice to know…
Now, here we have two absolutely appalling stories. One of them is a British tragedy, that highlights the horrific consequences of bringing in thousands and thousands of unchecked, dangerous third world scum.
The other happened in another country, has nothing to do with us, but involves a black man murdered by the police.
You don’t get much humour ( humor) out of the US these days but she kinda makes up for it .
But one must ponder on what kind of system – however corrupt – wouid put something like her where she is ….. maybe it’s our times with adern – ginger growler – Meghan – Greta – having a voice – ( I was gonna put troodo in there but it would bust the mysogeny allegation )
“Through the black magic, witchcraft you are able to send a lightning bolt to strike someone, Can you explain that scientifically … ” @0:50 – one of the speakers
“It’s not true” – audience member
“I need to address you directly (audience member who says witchcraft does not work). When we started this we agreed on certain house rules. By you doing that (arguing) you are disrespecting that sacredness of this space. I would like you please first to apologise …” – another speaker
Dear Winston Smith at the BBC £3.5bn UK News Service Department,
I noticed on the BBC news (2jul2019) you showed the opening of the EU Parliament and The Brexit Party facing the opposite way (outward looking) to the other MEPs (inward looking) and went on to show the Liberal Demoracts Party wearing bright yellow t-shirts front side only (not yellow vests).
May I point out three bits of omission as it was a former employee of yours that said “Omission was the greatest lie.”.
1) You showed the Liberal Democrats t-shirts but did not display what was on the back .. B*LL*CKS TO BREXIT. I added stars incase your system blocks swear words. This is missing the point that grown ups are swearing in Parliament.
3) I see MEP Magid Magid got refused entry to the EU Parliament, but the article shows a nice t-shirt (IMMIGRANTS MAKE BRITAIN GREAT) and not the one he wore which was “F**K FASCISM” when trying to enter Parliament.
From these 3 cases I hope you can see that omission lets the BBC tell a different story and can elevate those in favour and bring scorn to those out of favour.
I know this email is on its way to the BBC Memory Hole but hope that at least one person in the BBC, you Winston, get a chance to raise an eyebrow.
Many Thanks,
A BBC TV License Tax payer helping the Few like Gary Lineker, Not the Many like the over 75s.
Whiteboardpengate could be the scoop that gets Lewis, Sopes and BS back in W1A.
"We haven't had one week since September when we've had the heating, photocopier and internet working."
"Last year, we ran out of whiteboard pens."@lewis_goodall spoke to some of the 30,000 teachers marching on Whitehall to demand better pay and funding.
England and Manchester United forward Marcus Rashford has been awarded an MBE for his campaign to support vulnerable children. Rashford has been recognised for his drive to ensure no child in need went hungry, which resulted in the Government changing its policy over its free school meals vouchers during lockdown.9 Nov 2021
That’s the current Court case of the killing last year
“Eritrean-born Fanta, who arrived in Britain in 2014, had previous convictions for criminal damage, assaulting a police constable and emergency worker, and was on bail at the time of the killing.
for for “brandishing a saw” in Swansea a few days before”
Who are the nutters ?
Surely the clown who allowed bail
His defence is he was a child soldier and that screwed him up
“British Steel considering 800 job cuts in Lincolnshire”
Sacrificed on the alter on “Green Energy”?
Of course we all know where the orders for steel will go now.
“Months ago, Daniel Barber with the Citywide Council of Presidents of New York City Housing Authority Tenant Associations called out Adams for spending at least $600 million on the newly arrived border crossers while the city’s working poor struggle in subsidized housing projects”
The Trusted News Initiative (TNI) founded by the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), controls at least 85% of the online social media news market, 90% of the overall social media market, 90% of the social networking market, 75% of the video hosting market, and 95% of the search-engine market. Thanks to the British Broadcasting Corporation, the American people have lost trust in these legacy news corporations because they have failed to report the truth. This has been abundantly evident since the emergence of COVID-19, when companies like the BBC, Associated Press, and others have dutifully regurgitated the script passed down by their overlords in the pharmaceutical industry.
Breakthrough. A video of Professor Sucharit Bhakdi has gone viral on Twitter, claiming that Thailand is preparing to declare the Pfizer vaccine contracts null and void. Also, no indemnity in Australia? And Sir Graham Brady was told ‘when the people find out what has been done, there will be civil unrest and probably civil war’ to which the alleged response from Sir Graham Brady was ‘the Government expect it, they are prepared for it, and they are actually surprised that it hasn’t kicked off before last September’.
My father lost some members of his family in the Holocaust. I totally agree with these doctors that Bridgen was not Anti-Semitic in any way. As far as I’m aware nearly all the anti-Semites in Parliament are on the Opposition benches.
Not just the left-wing BBC, but Americans are angry about the closet left-wing Daily Mail’s contempt for the mRNA spike protein injured, including Elon Musk, and committing libel against Angelia Desselle:
Two Americans fighting against British Fakestream Media. Robert F. Kennedy Jnr. versus the BBC & Angelia Desselle versus The Daily Mail.
No motive ? Maybe the coloured boy doesn’t like whitee….he’ll Be ‘ well enough ‘ in a couple of years to be put into the care of the probation service ….no chance of a deport yet alone execution …
Radio 2 lost more than half a million listeners last year as “golden oldie” stations targeted its audience.
The audience fell from 14.87 million in the last quarter of 2021 to 14.29 million in the last quarter of 2022.
Shows in decline include Zoe Ball’s breakfast programme, which lost 350,000 listeners.
Greatest Hits Radio, a commercial station which recently announced that it had poached Radio 2’s Ken Bruce, put on more than a million listeners over the same period.
Its audience rose from 3.33 million to 4.36 million. The drivetime show hosted by Simon Mayo, the former BBC presenter, grew by 19 per cent to reach 1.5 million listeners.
Greatest Hits plays songs from the 1970s, 1980s and 1990s, at a time when Radio 2 is trying to attract a younger audience with a playlist of more recent tunes.
The quarterly figures were published by Rajar, the industry body. Another success story was Boom Radio, a station aimed at “baby boomers”. It launched in 2021 with a line-up that includes the veteran DJ David Hamilton, and over the past year, its audience more than doubled from 242,000 to 531,000.
Radio 2 bosses will have to wait until the next quarter to get a full set of results for Scott Mills, who replaced Steve Wright in the drivetime slot at the end of October.
Wright is one of several Radio 2 veterans to have left their show in recent times. Bruce announced last month that he would be joining Greatest Hits Radio in April, and urged his loyal listeners to follow him.
Almost all of the BBC’s national stations lost listeners over the past year, with Radio 3 registering the biggest fall of 6.3 per cent.
The audience for Radio 4’s Today programme fell from 6.4 million to 6.17 million.
BBC local radio listening saw a sharp decline from 9.04 million in the last quarter of 2021 to 7.78 million in the last quarter of 2022.
Commercial radio grew by 1.3 million listeners overall, while BBC radio fell by almost the same number. Commercial radio is now 4.9 million listeners ahead of the BBC.
The data also showed that listening to the radio via smart speakers, such as those with Amazon’s Alexa, continues to grow and now accounts for 14 per cent of listening.ENDS
every time just one person questions the BBC and switches it off is a victory for us .
Cheers Andy – it’s good – but I made the mistake of catching the 0700 R4 Radio news followed by meesh slapping the CEO of centrica ( British Gas ) over the practice for forcing entry to put in pre pay meters FOR PEOPLE WHO DONT PAY .
Meesh went for the CEO … I was picturing a torture chamber where he had given up everything but meesh still wanted more .
The BBC / meesh – wants ‘free gas for all ‘ – screw those rich mugs who pay their bills – give free gas to the feckless together with every thing else ….
… meanwhile … for a ‘global brand ‘ – it was difficult to conceive that Shell is a global oil company . It’s made huge profits (good ) so the BBC wants it taxed even more .
Then someone slightly more learned mentioned she’ll only services 5% of its company to the UK – so only 5% is taxable in the UK …. Not good enough for the BBC ….
Come on Starmer – nationalise everything – we re almost there .
Off switch – commercial music …
I have no doubt when poorly educated, desperate, angry young men with poor leadership are thrown in the bear pit to fight to the death, shizzle happens.
No truck with the Russians, but…
Hence, the BBC Moaning Emole ‘investigates’, ‘Rama styly…
Ukraine torture claims
By Lauren Turner
‘Our troops tortured Ukrainians’
Story detail
Allegations of brutal interrogations, where Ukrainian men were shot and threatened with rape, have been made by a former Russian military officer – the most senior to talk openly. In an exclusive interview, Konstantin Yefremov told the BBC’s Russia editor Steve Rosenberg that Russia now sees him as a traitor and defector. He said at one site in southern Ukraine, interrogations and torture continued for about a week – sometimes happening twice a day. He says he is “anti-war” and that he tried to resign from the army several times but has now been sacked and has fled Russia.
Using photographs and military documents supplied by Mr Yefremov, the BBC has verified he was in Ukraine early in the war – in the Zaporizhzhia region, including the city of Melitopol. The former senior lieutenant, who was deployed to Ukraine last year, says his comrades looted occupied areas of Ukraine. He described brutal interrogation sessions, led by a Russian colonel. The BBC was unable to independently confirm Konstantin Yefremov’s specific allegations of torture, but they are consistent with other claims of abuse of Ukrainian prisoners. The UN’s Human Rights Office has been documenting cases of mistreatment during the war in Ukraine and has interviewed more than 400 prisoners of war – both Ukrainians and Russians. Russia’s Defence Ministry did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
So Lauren back at the office subs what a kindly young junior, most senior deserter tells, claims, alleges to the BBC’s man on the front lineish, which cannot be verified at the end. Exclusively. He was there, apparently.
Now, were I seeking a gig on the other side, I might well approach the state medium of Boris and Challenger tanks and SAS loathing with an oddly vague way checking facts before writing ‘quote’ headlines.
Due process is as dead as any hint of journalistic integrity.
This from the title famous mainly for giving the media the Editorial excellence of Amol.
“ Sunak under pressure from ‘frustrated’ Tory MPs over Raab allegations
Rishi Sunak is under growing pressure to explain what he knew and when about the Dominic Raab bullying allegations before he appointed him deputy prime minister.
The prime minister has refused to suspend Mr Raab pending the outcome of an investigation into complaints from as many as 24 civil servants.”
Pure, unadulterated, ideological, propaganda-driven, allegation-based, substance free wibble with a ‘quote’ generic claim.
The Civil Serpent Pit served by the MSM will finish this country quicker than our inept elected government and shady bench of fools on the benches opposite.
I’ve noticed that the BBC are using unsubstantiated, unproveable allegations like that more and more these days. They have got much worse since Brexit and their latest trick is to get someone else to say what they want to write so it is technically an opinion and so does not need any evidence or ciunter arguments for balance.
And they now hide behind generic accusations such as ‘bullying’ without any details whatsoever. I am certain they would include Rab shouting at some civil servant for not doing what he was told as ‘bullying’.
What they are doing here is smearing Rab personally and making his name toxic so that when he is gone, he cannot come back without great fuss from the Left about his character (and multiple HYS on the BBC for the activists to vent their hate in public) . They have done exactly to several politicians now – and all of them right wing. The frenzy of hate against Trump by the Left now is just unbelievable.
Meanwhile people on the left like Biden, Rayner and Bercow get a free ticket no matter what they do.
The problem is that BBC and OFCOM are now completely politically corrupt. And the worst part is that they think they are right to be so biased because they have been taken over by ideologically driven activists.
The most outrageous and dangerous part of it all is how the BBC now abuse their position to remove the people who threaten them and their income. They have all gone.
I genuinely believe that if we took the current Lefties back in time to Nazi Germany and gave them the same power, they would do exactly the same again. I am always stunned at the hate and spite in most comments in any BBC HYS involving Boris, Nigel, Trump or JRM. They absolutely wish them dead.
Yes, the question is not whether Mr Raab behaved in a bullying manner, but why might people want him out of the way. The issue is usually not the one presented by the BBC and MSM but another more hidden one, so you need to keep asking the old cui bono / who benefits? question.
Why is Alastair Campbell not banned from radio/TV studios after his behaviour, which inspired the fictional Malcolm Tucker? Why were there bullying allegations against Priti Patel at the Home Office, whatever you think of her record on protecting our borders? How did the revolting Squeaker Bercow get away with it for so long? What of Angela “Tory scum” Rayner? Why do they want Mrs Braverman out of the way?
In the light of recent developments in the US, I’m even wondering if Pres. Nixon was as much of a crook as we are told. Again, who stood to gain when he and his vice-President were removed in 1973-4? Why are we hearing things about Pres. Biden and his son Hunter only now, when it would have been more useful to voters before the 2020 and 2022 elections? Why is Hillary not in prison for destroying subpoenaed documents?
Mustapha, the LibbyLefty MSM including the BBC achieved a coup with Damien (“He touched my knee” – Maltby) Green so they went after other Conservative Party Cabinet Members. Theresa May was having none of it with Priti Patel as her Foreign Secretary so the MSM+BBC tried again (with the bullying play) when Bojo appointed her Home Secretary. He resisted and the storm eventually went away.
Bojo was set up via ‘Partygate’ so now the power has gone to the heads of the LibbyLeftyMSM Mob + BBC and they think they can remove anyone in Government at will. You are right to ask ‘who benefits’ and it is the Labour Party, generally, and the other parties in Parliament less so. The people who lose out are the electorate who have no democracy, little that we had before. I have never known anything like it and I am just old enough to vaguely remember the Profumo thing.
‘Civil Serpents’.
Not heard that before but an excellent description of an organisation that sucks the life out of anything in its way reading it lifeless and useless.
I do wonder if Raab’s bullying consisted of nothing more than asking civil serpents to do things which were anathema to them and against their self-serving, career-protecting Leftoid woke principles.
They don’t like it up em.
Sluff, I was just about to say something like that, but luckily, you were more erudite, and far less Anglo-Saxon than me on this subject!
I was also going to write something in Hispano-Swahili, Franco-Dutch and Pidgin-Transvaal, but need my blood pressure to stay stable while I finish this glass of strong ale…
Basically soldier alleges torture happened, as ‘proof’ the bbc provide cross referenced photos proving he was in Ukraine ..😃
Then he refused to return to Ukraine and just gets dismissed from Army.
I’m guessing that’d be more of an offence in the British army.
The BBC has testimony of soldiers they like, on record, and that of those they like more, less on record, covered by a host of BBC #1degreepfseparation get outs.
Soldiers they don’t like most usually being the targets.
On matters manipulated, I am reading more details on the Baldwin case.
Given his vocal and performance based TDS, it was obviously going to be partisan from the off, from both sides, but looking back at the msm narratives from first release to even now, it is astounding the lengths they will go to to protect one of their ow rather than the justice of the victim.
It is for a court and jury to decide, and in America that has a health warning all of its own, but history needs to judge the ways ‘reporting’ of cases such as this proceed… depending on the politics of perps and victims, depending.
The Judge and Jury case falls down when the pressure from the media is so great, the Jury dare not return the wrong verdict because they would be in fear of their lives.
Floyd is a perfect example. Imagine the lynching of anyone who said it was not murder.
"Please can we just have a city that it is safe to breathe in. I know us youngsters are asking a lot here and you guys really like your dirty cars but, come on, give us a break.”
Young people across our city have written to anti-Ulez council leaders:
Emily Feng in Beijing MARCH 29 2018
Print this page
Long renowned for its thick industrial haze, China’s capital has over the winter enjoyed more frequent blue skies.
“We’ve got too many chicken shops in our town centres (London), … We’ve got too many pawn brokers in our town centres (London 2015). We’ve got too many gambling shops in our town centres (London 2015). Elect me (Sadiq Khan) to be the London Mayor and we’ll sort all those three things out. { aug2015}”
…. compare Mr. Khan with a man speaking from years ago, in the desert ….
“O ye who believe! Intoxicants and gambling, (dedication of) stones, and (divination by) arrows, are an abomination…” – Qur’an 5v90
Who is in charge of 7000+ pubs in London in 2017?
… wait, 3 years earlier Sadiq Khan spoke at the Chicken Cottage Awards in 2012 for more Halal and Chicken Cottage …
“Here’s the beautiful thing … these are British products, selling Islamic Products, selling Halal Products (Halal – throat cut whilst conscious, slaughtered by Muslim only employee, incantation to animal from a Koran by Muslim only). That is niche and general, but it’s gone main stream. {Sadiq Khan – youtube Chicken Cottage Award Ceremony 2012}”
– Mayor in charge of 7000+ pubs of London with moral conflict with his religion?
– Mayor in charge of betting shops of London with moral conflict with his religion?
– Mayor promises fewer chicken shops (2017) but was promoting more Halal chicken production (2012)!
– Mayor promotes Halal food process – which is positive discrimination for Muslims! {}
{previous halal post}
“London chose me as their mayor, not just an ethnic minority, not just a religious minority, but a Londoner of Islamic faith.” – Sadiq Khan, { sep2016}
Very odd that Sadiq Khan’s London Manifesto 2016 does not mention voting for him because of his Islamic Faith?
The Welsh Rugby Union are banning the singing of ‘Delilah’ on advice from domestic violence charities.
Can we expect that soon they will also ban ‘Land of Our Fathers’ on advice from Stonewall and the transgender community?
Just another example of tiny tiny minorities given priority over the rest of us.
PS not a million miles from GW’s ULEZ Sad Dick Khan post above.
Speaking of the Welch, @TwitterBrainStrain is tag-teaming all his colleagues trying to get more Blair Voters in daily.. to take hotel rooms from… er…
Our veterans have made immense sacrifices to protect our country. The government needs to take immediate action to ensure that veterans get the support they need.
BBC going apoplectic about Shell’s ‘record’ profits.
Not mentioned are the inflation unprotected pension funds of millions of private sector workers, for whom Shell turning a profit is very good news indeed.
The BBC has declared a record income of £5.33 billion ($6.4 billion) for the 2021/2022 period, up from £5.06 billion last year, and a surplus of £206 billion.12 Jul 2022
On pensions, hark back to the days when very rich ex Beeboids had theirs propped up using the forced fusing of those less blessed when it all too a dip for woke investing.
Why we’re still paying the price of Labour’s drive to ‘rub the Right’s nose in diversity’: Far from carrying out their duties to implement government guidelines on immigration, some in the Civil Service are working to undermine them, writes DR ALAN MENDOZA
Killing members of the group. Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group. Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part. Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group.
The code also sets out the general ‘duties of members’ (to be faithful to the Queen, to uphold the law, to act in the interests of the nation
Three wheels on my wagon, but I’m still rollin’ along…
[The Christy Minstrels 1961 – no blackface, honest]
Not on any of the press frontpages this morning – reported by our BBC? – you have to be kidding…
Military operatives were part of an operation that targeted politicians and high-profile journalists who raised doubts about the official pandemic response
Remember folks, it’s not a conspiracy theory, if it’s true
Way too toxic for the BBC’s online Corona news tab… although in certain quarters there’s a rearguard action underway, more desperately fought than at Bakhmut…
Project Veritas, a conservative activist group known for spreading misinformation, recently published a concealed-camera video allegedly showing a Pfizer employee describing the company’s COVID-19 vaccine research efforts. As described by Project Veritas, the video features “Jordon Trishton Walker, Pfizer Director of Research and Development – Strategic Operations and mRNA Scientific Planning,” sharing details about Pfizer’s plans for conducting gain-of-function SARS-CoV-2 research.
A disabled woman who cannot afford to heat her home for more than two hours a day said she puts her cat down her jumper to keep warm.
From her photo in her bed with the poor unnamed cat, who is regularly shoved down her bosom against his will, she obviously fills most (but unfortunately not all) of the diversity requirements before the BBC will publish.
The article is, of course, light on facts:-
‘Her council house has an air source heat pump which takes warmth from the air outside to heat the home inside, but costs £8 per day to run.
“Two hours, that’s all I can afford,” Ms Hearn said. “I tend to get to hypothermic stage, end of November beginning of December.
“I will then be forced to put it on two hours a day, and even by March or April, I’m having bills of five, six, seven hundred pounds.
“If that’s the case, if I have it on 24 hours a day, then how much is that going to equate to?”
So does it cost £8 for 2 hours which seems very expensive for air source heat pumps or £8 per 24 hours and how much exactly are her bills, five six or seven hundred pounds? And per month or quarter? There’s a big difference
Surely there must be a simple answer to this problem as we discover ‘Ms Hearn said she was told by the Warm Home Discount (WHD) helpline she was no longer eligible because her bungalow has a D-rating on its energy performance certificate’. Maybe a bit of thinking ahead and OK I am guessing, but loft insulation or similar, which wouldn’t cost five, six, seven hundred pounds and may well be available free, bearing in mind her ‘circumstances’
As we don’t have one I’m off to find a cat or two, although I assume any small or better still large furry animal will help with the crisis. Suggestions please ?
“Sharon Hearn, 50, who is disabled, said she can’t afford to heat her home for more than two hours a day, so she’s using her cat Toby to help her stay warm this winter.”
An Eccentrica Gallumbits vessel of consumption is now banned from the Galactic beverage lexicon a) as 3 pints is over the reccomended daily intake, and) galactist types were using it as an icon of planetary nationalism.
I’m getting used to this, what was once comedy is now news.
“Uh, so many are cold, shivering in the night, so I say, butcher those cats, skin them! Use their fur to keep hundreds warm!”
– Frank Drebin in Naked Gun 33 1/3 – The Final Insult. Third, last and least of the Naked Gun movies.
Air source heat pumps are useless unless they operate in very well insulated homes and have to be on nearly all the time as they do not produce very hot air.
The scandal here is not just the BBC obsessive focus on hard luck stories but the wanton waste of taxpayers money by the eco-warrior council that put in the heat pump in the first place.
It may however be a good example of what we can all look forward to as the green lunatics take over the asylum.
I might add that wearing two pairs of socks and using three or four blankets is……..exactly how we used to live routinely in the 1960s with fires downstairs and no central heating upstairs. Yet somehow we managed to survive. As did my grandparents.
If the house has a D energy rating, it should never have had a heat pump installed as they only work in well insulated houses. Sounds like green virtue signaling by her council is the root cause of this lady’s heating problems.
Think nut nut is just a bought mouthpiece for dodgy Ukrainians …. As long as the Americans know his value to the British was just as a corrupt joker all will be well .
The amorality of Johnson will be his epitaph ….he’d do well back at the bbc …
“[His] bad ideas are starting to infect thinking around the world about what Putin stands for…[Putin] stands for war, aggression systematic murder, rape and destruction.”
Last night Farage played a clip from Boris appearance on FoxNews
where Boris said that maybe Farage was getting orders from Moscow
.. Farage replied that that is slander, outrageous
and low class
How much cash is the useless fat buffoon getting for this nonsense. Sadly he was given his chance and completely screwed up. A failed politician like Bliar only interested in lining his pockets.
I made one of my rare replies to a Times article. It was rejected automatically and I can’t see why! Thes response was that contents in my comment may upset others. Can you help me please?
“My problem is that almost everything going on at present seems to conform with WEF manifesto/Agenda 2030. CBDC and digital ID gives incredible power, potentially, to Government which would not necessarily be “benign” (hah!) in the future; promotion of LGBT+ reduces the replacement rate of the population; promotion of EV with the restrictions for many people who would not have easy access to chargers leading to reliance on public transport; 15-minute cities eventually meaning that only publicly supplied homes will be practical for most people; unfettered immigration eventually will erode nationalism; even TV adverts are intended to lead to miscegenation! Moves to rejoin the EU is a step to one-world government.
How can you not expect people to be conspiracy theory “nutters” when so many dots add up?”
Pop eye – I reckon you offended the Qs in the LBJT thing by omitting it . I am deeply fortunate in not knowing what it is meant to stand for – and hopefully never will . Otherwise mentioning WEF might be banned by Murdock globalists
You also used long words and reasoned argument which will upset the woke kidults ….
I can’t understand the need to expose oneself to national newspaper comments readers because many will just be after a fight rather than a ‘debate ‘ – which is no longer used in the west – just ‘approval ‘….
@Popeye Saturdays Times has a column by the Comments moderation team
The last one was about how they are now enforcing a REAL NAMES rule
they raved about how great that it is
I will come back later and try to explain why it’s bad.
I used my real name. I’m not ashamed of my right-of-centre views!
I think, as Fedup says, it was WEF that triggered it. Our (actual) masters are not happy with people knowing the power they have over us. Think behavioral psychology – nothing obvious, just a succession of nudges!
Not the bBC – but they love him.
At the weekend I posted this interview about Starmer’s membership of the Trilateral Commission.
Here is an update for clarification.
The Trilateral Commission membership lists have a special category entitled Former Members in Public Service. (Wiki says that to help preserve the Commission’s unofficial charter, members who enter in government roles must relinquish their membership).
There are no categories for other ‘former members’ (such as David Miliband, Peter Mandelson).
In April 2021 the master list still had Starmer as a full member described incorrectly as Member of the British Parliament; Shadow Secretary of State for Exiting the European Union.
Now (2 June 2022 – the latest list I can find) he appears in the special Former Members in Public Service category and is described correctly as Member of the British Parliament; Leader of the Labour Party and Leader of the Opposition in the British Parliament.
Of course he can now claim – just in case anyone asks – that he is not officially a member. However, the fact there is a special category for these people denotes an ongoing allegiance. Just in case anyone is in any doubt the aim of the European Group is the pursuit of European unification. The progress of the European Community over the past decades, to fold into a broader and deeper European Union since, has validated the vision of the Commission’s founders.
After last winters full on attack by the bBBC and msm on global warming causing all the storms and bad weather, today the bBBC asks ‘why haven’t we had any storms this winter?’. The article continues to it’s inevitable conclusion that global warming is the reason we haven’t had any storms this winter.
Damned if you do, damned if you don’t.
Here we go again, another “boffin” is warning about avian flu being the next covid….
Mumble mumble , could transmit, mumble mumble, some signs, mumble mumble we need to take action, mask everybody, stop eating meat, isolate, isolate, isolate.
What absolute twaddle, avian flu has come and gone for years without this bloody drama. In my view another idiot trying for fame and fortune…. Whilst pushing the vegan nonsense into the bargain.
Now that interest rates have increased by 0.5% the good news for savers is that in 3 months time the rate paid by Banks to savers will increase by 0.1%
EG – Spreading false news ? 0.09% nearer to it – stand by for more hardship involving cats or repossession – I would describe the stereotypical ‘victim’ of the nasty bank repossessing the ‘family home ‘ …. But you can see that in about a months’ time ….
… and if I recall 1,5 million fixed rate mortgages end this year out of a total of 21 million … I believe it won’t be as easy to ‘beat ‘ inflation as being described now and the rate will go up for the rest of the year …. And probably next – assuming putin isn’t dead .
It’s true that house prices have gone up to something like 8 times your salary compared to about 4 times in the ‘olden’ days.
As long as we are getting 600,000 net coming in every year (that they admit to) we will have more people chasing fewer houses and the gap between available houses and those chasing them getting ever bigger.
It’s a sellers market.
I remember saving up each month and the house price I was aiming at going up by more than I could save.
If the young people are complaining that house prices are too high they should be campaigning to stop (or better still, reverse) immigration at least until there are enough houses for all. Then the prices will be more realistic.
Trouble is, so many are making piles of money out of the shortage and these are the people influencing the decision makers.
Also, much of our youth are now so brainwashed by the lefty schools that they are welcoming ever more to come and live here (and are too frightened to go against this in case the left cancel them)
The masochist (spelling ) in me enjoys listening to Rachel Reeve spouting on about Shell profits . But lady Brooke gave her an easy time on the 1pm news .
The question about whether Shell would relocate to a friendlier tax regime wasn’t raised … but it was just the tired thing about bigger windfall taxes
Also – if this had been a blue labour – she’d have been asked about an antisemitic labour ( Liverpool) MP who still has the red Labour whip – a real nasty scum piece of work …
But the question never came ….
Amazon had a record-breaking year in Europe in 2020, as the online giant took in revenue of 44 billion euros while people were shopping from home during the pandemic. But the company ended up paying no corporate tax to Luxembourg, where the company has its European headquarters.12 May 2021
It may surprise some, but I have a great love for classical
music and opera. Some of the lyrics from Gilbert, of
Gilbert and Sullivan operetta’s have wonderful facetious
ditty’s . None better than ” I’ve got a little list” sung by Koko,
a cheap tailor about to be executed for the crime of flirting,
finds himself elevated to the rank of Lord High Executioner !
Koko starts his aria.
“As some day it may happen that a victim must be found.
I’ve got a little list . An none of them would be missed.”
It then goes on.
” Of society offenders who might well be UNDERGROUND !!”
WELL I know hundreds of society offenders who you will
find UNDERGROUND. And if the tube train drivers were sacked
none of them would be missed !
Instead of paying them anything up or over £1500 a week with
overtime. Crows, who have the intelligence of 8 year old kids
could be trained to drive a tube train , which are all but automatic . And could be wholly automatic , in around an hour.
You would just have to put some bird seed in a pouch at the front of the train. and strikes would be a thing of the past!!
You can listen to the original words on Youtube.
“Crows, who have the intelligence of 8 year old kids,
could be trained to drive a tube train , which are all but automatic.”
“… and strikes would be a thing of the past!!”
Well, not if the birds discovered their “inner Crow”, i.e. the spirit of the late Bob of that name, who liked the odd strike or two in his time at the RMT.
“Delilah: Rugby fans torn over WRU choir ban on Tom Jones song”
I don’t think the fans are “torn” . Watch next Saturday’s game !
What will they try next – Ban “Swing low sweet chariot” ?
Who or what organisation is issuing these edicts ?
When is our Tory Secretary of State for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport going to end all this Woke culture ?
Are we being governed by a Tory Prime Minister or a ‘sock puppet’ ?
Dante’s Divine Comedy ‘offensive and should be banned’
It is a world-renowned work of literature and one of the foundation stones of the Italian language, but Dante’s Divine Comedy has been condemned as racist, homophobic, anti-Islamist and anti-Semitic.
“A statement from the BBC said: “These are challenging times financially and we need to make difficult decisions and focus our resources on content that has the highest impact.”
Yippee – it’s public inquiry time . This one is for the Omagh Bombing In 1998 .Let’s blame someone other than the IRA who planted the bomb . Every one dead will come back to life . There will be lessons learned – and the new one – ‘culture change ‘ – Tony Blair gave IRA terrorists a free pass for getting an armistice .
Who benefits ? Irish republicans – IRAsinnFein – Lawyers –
Who loses ? British taxpayers ….
Yet again ITV local newsPR have a syndicated item where their BAME divides the world by skin colour and makes generalisations.
“black people earn 2 % less
Asian people are more likely to cut back on pension investments”
She interviewed Zainab Yusuf.
The next item of news was PRasNews for the later itvTonight prog
TV news is very diverse and original
they very rarely film at foodbanks ../sarc
Filming at a foodbank in Hull today where demand since 2020 has tripled but some food costs have doubled. They’ve now employed a food stock manager just to deal with demand. More @itvcalendar at 6pm 📺
This means we need to ban lots of rap songs, but guess, given ‘community’ solidarity and all that, you’ll pass. Our National Anthem amongst others would need to be banned too. How silly 😂
There needs to be a list of banned tunes, Banned books and of course – banned people – those not approved .Chief constable Fuhrer Lewis can decide what and who is banned – and arrange they removal ….
Wtf is happening ?
I have to confess I’m not very familiar with rap “music”? To my uneducated ear it just sounds like a bunch of semi-literate barbarians mumbling incomprehensible gibberish to a backing track. Music? I think not…Of course, I could be wrong…
However, I’ve heard that they are often full of misogynism, racism, violence and general ugliness.
Invariably the people that “sing” them are black, so no virtue signalling, chief constable twat will ever recommend banning them.
The song isn’t being banned for being about murder, its because it portrays a scenario where the police actually detect it and catch the criminal
and these days that is such an unrealistic expectations.
(said some bloke on Twitter)
“Did they arrest Bob Marley, for his confession about the Sheriff ?”
ah yes but if it is a wimmin murdering a man in cold blood when he is sleeping the the wife of Mr B Liar will come along and pin a medal on her the all the fems give her an ovation fit for a star and the Grauniad puts her saint like picture on the front page.
crazy City PR people have told city media that there may be job cuts at British Steel Scunthorpe.
And media think they can only report news if they stand outside a building.
So they’ve all gone down to stand out Scunthorpe steelworks
Except the PR people haven’t released the news
So the ITV local newsPR item had no info
and now the local BBCnewsPR is almost the same
Except they have the local Blue Socialist MP standing outside the steelworks saying she doesn’t know anything new either.
Q What have Martine Croxhall Ben Brown and Jane Hill – comrades presenters at the BBC – got in common ? A they are about to ‘leave the organisation ‘ as the propaganda / news department ‘down sizes ‘ – snigger ….
JohnCMar 11, 01:07 Start the Week 10th March 2025 They are cherished at the BBC harry. The only ones who can tick EVERY box.
harry142857Mar 11, 00:54 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Thanks John, sort of. I thought homosexual moslems ended up falling out of windows. What a freak. Expect old bill…
JohnCMar 11, 00:11 Start the Week 10th March 2025 [img][/img] Are you surprised. His previous job: ‘Qadeer is chief diversity officer at Alexion Pharmaceuticals.’ And anyone who comes out…
harry142857Mar 11, 00:07 Start the Week 10th March 2025 BBC’s HR department is led by Uzair Qadeer (Chief People Officer) and has 121 employees. Yet can’t out perverts like…
JohnCMar 10, 23:45 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Just when you think the BBC can’t get any more ridiculous and desperate in their attempts to discredit the Trump…
MarcoMar 10, 23:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I’ve been listening to Scott Ritter on you tube and his take on trump is very interesting,he thinks trump is…
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 10, 23:10 Start the Week 10th March 2025 From the Daily Mail online: “… … … According to the Telegraph, figures from the most recent BBC annual report…
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 10, 22:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Carney worked for Goldman Sachs for 13 years, curiously enough.
FlotsamMar 10, 22:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I might be wrong. One ship, the Stena Immaculate might have been moving around at anchor due to wind and/or…
Least we forget how it all works … videos, words, pictures … you don’t get to choose the arrangement …
Chaos as police stop Hungary migrant train – Gavin Hewitt – BBC -Sep 2015 @53s
“… the a really distressing incident happened. A women who was carrying a small baby began crying for help (photo of lady carrying baby). One of her companions tried to help her (photo of man with women on track, riot police reaching towards them) Somehow there became a push and a shove with the police. She ended up on the railway lines (by the male refugee dragging her and the baby to the floor, but this is not said) with the riot police trying to pull her back, and this of course inflamed all the other people…”
-Gavin Hewitt – Sep 2015
Watch the video and the male refugee (companion trying to help?) drags the women and baby to the floor, by force.
Even the Mirror (03Sept2015) says “… this refugee couple cradle their tiny baby, after throwing themselves (NO! Male refugee drags women and baby onto train tracks) on train tracks as police try to take them to migrant camps in Hungary”
Gets better. Two days (05Sept2015) later the Mirror then report it as
“Refugee who dragged pregnant wife and baby son onto train track did it because ‘death would be better’”
1. BBC Version uses words and pictures to hide the video version
2. The Mirror shows the video but uses words to tell a different version
Can I suggest a little story – “Male refugee forces pregnant women refugee holding child down onto a train track, police drag him away for her safety? Riot police then lift women with child off track with tender arms.”
Not `bBC
Kim Johnson is an interesting character . Kim is the Labour MP for some Liverpool crap hole . Kim was allowed to ask the PM a question about Israel which she described as a ‘fascist state ‘ practising ‘apartheid ‘- there was the sound of a bit of discomfort – but the gutless PM and gutless Speaker said nothing – sunak just blah blah Ed …
Since then she has apparently had to ‘apologise ‘ – scum like ms Johnson might be expected to spout stuff like that . But surely that chamber should have bought her down at the time ?
good job shes not anti-semitic like andrew bridgen
rules document
I think from International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance
They said “These latest statements from Labour MP Kim Johnson show that nationally the U.K. Labour Party still have unfortunate issues understanding this.”
Not raising the issue straight away may have been a tactical move by Sunak
“The MP was Kim Johnson. A far left Corbynite who replaced Louise Ellman in Liverpool Riverside who herself resigned from Labour over Antisemitism during the Corbyn years. ”
also Labour councillor @aydindikerdem tweet called an Israeli MP fascist too
He’s deleted it now
Labour does follow the IHRA definition of Antisemitism above which includes these,
Kim Johnson is certainly in breach of them
Well it’s lucky that ‘holocaust Memorial Day ‘wasn’t recent or that the red Labour Party has a long history of anti semitism – which starmer has eradicated …or maybe not …and why does Liverpool have just a track record of producing scum ?
Do they resent being part of England when they’d rather be in Eire ? Rhetoric question …
Her SINCERE apology
reading off a sheet Labour PR had written for her
video …
Liverpool = Glasgow
As expected, the BBC are all over the police murder of Tyre Nichols in the US.
Meanwhile, back in Blighty…Brenda Blainey, an 87-year-old, good hearted woman, was murdered in her own home by a failed Iranian asylum seeker.
She had virtually adopted the bloke, treated him like a surrogate grandson…and he, by way of thanks, had strangled her, cut her throat and smashed her head to smithereens on the kitchen floor.
We’re told that he is schizophrenic and wasn’t taking his prescribed medication. I just wonder how many more of these human timebombs we have wandering our streets. It would be nice to know…
Now, here we have two absolutely appalling stories. One of them is a British tragedy, that highlights the horrific consequences of bringing in thousands and thousands of unchecked, dangerous third world scum.
The other happened in another country, has nothing to do with us, but involves a black man murdered by the police.
I wonder which one the BBC will concentrate on?
The US Vice President is an expert on space travel
You don’t get much humour ( humor) out of the US these days but she kinda makes up for it .
But one must ponder on what kind of system – however corrupt – wouid put something like her where she is ….. maybe it’s our times with adern – ginger growler – Meghan – Greta – having a voice – ( I was gonna put troodo in there but it would bust the mysogeny allegation )
Apparently she has a very special skill which made her popular with male politicians.
Sadly, when she uses her mouth for talking everything goes wrong.
How do we start to decolonize science? @0:10
“Through the black magic, witchcraft you are able to send a lightning bolt to strike someone, Can you explain that scientifically … ” @0:50 – one of the speakers
“It’s not true” – audience member
“I need to address you directly (audience member who says witchcraft does not work). When we started this we agreed on certain house rules. By you doing that (arguing) you are disrespecting that sacredness of this space. I would like you please first to apologise …” – another speaker
Bob and Dug and Kamala and Buzz… cadets all.
Yeah… she ‘corpsed’… to obscurity and beyond.
Another BBC impartial type?
Does she post pics of the anti BBC protests ? eg the Indian one
… or the anti-lockdown protests
rhetorical question , I suppose
Amazing what you can do with Photoshop these days, especially with such a poor quality picture…
Why is ‘The Langham’ in such sharp focus, but the hundreds (tens ?) of very blurred strikers are like a coloured bowl of sick?
Dear Winston Smith at the BBC £3.5bn UK News Service Department,
I noticed on the BBC news (2jul2019) you showed the opening of the EU Parliament and The Brexit Party facing the opposite way (outward looking) to the other MEPs (inward looking) and went on to show the Liberal Demoracts Party wearing bright yellow t-shirts front side only (not yellow vests).
May I point out three bits of omission as it was a former employee of yours that said “Omission was the greatest lie.”.
1) You showed the Liberal Democrats t-shirts but did not display what was on the back .. B*LL*CKS TO BREXIT. I added stars incase your system blocks swear words. This is missing the point that grown ups are swearing in Parliament.
2) Your complaints page has been missing for at least two weeks that shows your omissions and corrections in 2018 like the one where you said NHS nurse but in fact she was a Labour Activist.
3) I see MEP Magid Magid got refused entry to the EU Parliament, but the article shows a nice t-shirt (IMMIGRANTS MAKE BRITAIN GREAT) and not the one he wore which was “F**K FASCISM” when trying to enter Parliament.
From these 3 cases I hope you can see that omission lets the BBC tell a different story and can elevate those in favour and bring scorn to those out of favour.
I know this email is on its way to the BBC Memory Hole but hope that at least one person in the BBC, you Winston, get a chance to raise an eyebrow.
Many Thanks,
A BBC TV License Tax payer helping the Few like Gary Lineker, Not the Many like the over 75s.
Whiteboardpengate could be the scoop that gets Lewis, Sopes and BS back in W1A.
BBC always accept the count numbers of their mates
whilst a 3000 crowd of unfavoured protesters is described as “in the hundreds”
The BBC accept because, on the evidence – they can’t count…
They just photoshop Tomo – see above…
Hello Tomo
Dont forget the low level photos – helps to give the impression of thousands
England and Manchester United forward Marcus Rashford has been awarded an MBE for his campaign to support vulnerable children. Rashford has been recognised for his drive to ensure no child in need went hungry, which resulted in the Government changing its policy over its free school meals vouchers during lockdown.9 Nov 2021
“Violent man killed stranger on busy Oxford Street”
One of those “Men” again.
See it quickly before it disappears from the headline news.
That’s the current Court case of the killing last year
“Eritrean-born Fanta, who arrived in Britain in 2014, had previous convictions for criminal damage, assaulting a police constable and emergency worker, and was on bail at the time of the killing.
for for “brandishing a saw” in Swansea a few days before”
Who are the nutters ?
Surely the clown who allowed bail
His defence is he was a child soldier and that screwed him up
Imagine if the races were reversed.
“British Steel considering 800 job cuts in Lincolnshire”
Sacrificed on the alter on “Green Energy”?
Of course we all know where the orders for steel will go now.
So it’s not just Britain placing immigrants in posh hotels, with lucrative contracts for the owners- must be some globalist plan.
“New York City Mayor Eric Adams (D) is pleading with border crossers, who are refusing to leave the Watson Hotel in Manhattan where they were initially placed for free, to relocate to the city’s mega-shelter at the Brooklyn Cruise Terminal”
“Months ago, Daniel Barber with the Citywide Council of Presidents of New York City Housing Authority Tenant Associations called out Adams for spending at least $600 million on the newly arrived border crossers while the city’s working poor struggle in subsidized housing projects”
If you have just rocked up from Guatemala and are living in a posh hotel in New York, why would you ever want to leave?
It’s the new version of the “American Dream”.
Illegal Censorship by the BBC Killed Americans: We’re Taking Them to Court:
The Trusted News Initiative (TNI) founded by the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), controls at least 85% of the online social media news market, 90% of the overall social media market, 90% of the social networking market, 75% of the video hosting market, and 95% of the search-engine market. Thanks to the British Broadcasting Corporation, the American people have lost trust in these legacy news corporations because they have failed to report the truth. This has been abundantly evident since the emergence of COVID-19, when companies like the BBC, Associated Press, and others have dutifully regurgitated the script passed down by their overlords in the pharmaceutical industry.
Breakthrough. A video of Professor Sucharit Bhakdi has gone viral on Twitter, claiming that Thailand is preparing to declare the Pfizer vaccine contracts null and void. Also, no indemnity in Australia? And Sir Graham Brady was told ‘when the people find out what has been done, there will be civil unrest and probably civil war’ to which the alleged response from Sir Graham Brady was ‘the Government expect it, they are prepared for it, and they are actually surprised that it hasn’t kicked off before last September’.
Jewish support for Andrew Bridgen:
My father lost some members of his family in the Holocaust. I totally agree with these doctors that Bridgen was not Anti-Semitic in any way. As far as I’m aware nearly all the anti-Semites in Parliament are on the Opposition benches.
Not just the left-wing BBC, but Americans are angry about the closet left-wing Daily Mail’s contempt for the mRNA spike protein injured, including Elon Musk, and committing libel against Angelia Desselle:
Two Americans fighting against British Fakestream Media. Robert F. Kennedy Jnr. versus the BBC & Angelia Desselle versus The Daily Mail.
Watch the first three minutes for Tucker talking about Boris Johnson.
The politics of the late Ottoman court transferred to Washington
Remarkably dishonest. And very rich. Somehow.
Like almost all ex ‘leaders’ bar very few.
Russian army officer admits: ‘Our troops tortured Ukrainians’
Terrible Russians, and for fair and balanced reporting, are the Ukrainians saints and angels?
First picture of killer who stabbed man to death in Oxford Circus random attack near London Underground station
Most days the majority are foreign imported crminals
One of todays criminals is named Tedi Fanta Hagos
Its rarely Smith, Jones, why do we lower our standards and import crime 🙁
No motive ? Maybe the coloured boy doesn’t like whitee….he’ll Be ‘ well enough ‘ in a couple of years to be put into the care of the probation service ….no chance of a deport yet alone execution …
Happy news – from the DT
Radio 2 lost more than half a million listeners last year as “golden oldie” stations targeted its audience.
The audience fell from 14.87 million in the last quarter of 2021 to 14.29 million in the last quarter of 2022.
Shows in decline include Zoe Ball’s breakfast programme, which lost 350,000 listeners.
Greatest Hits Radio, a commercial station which recently announced that it had poached Radio 2’s Ken Bruce, put on more than a million listeners over the same period.
Its audience rose from 3.33 million to 4.36 million. The drivetime show hosted by Simon Mayo, the former BBC presenter, grew by 19 per cent to reach 1.5 million listeners.
Greatest Hits plays songs from the 1970s, 1980s and 1990s, at a time when Radio 2 is trying to attract a younger audience with a playlist of more recent tunes.
The quarterly figures were published by Rajar, the industry body. Another success story was Boom Radio, a station aimed at “baby boomers”. It launched in 2021 with a line-up that includes the veteran DJ David Hamilton, and over the past year, its audience more than doubled from 242,000 to 531,000.
Radio 2 bosses will have to wait until the next quarter to get a full set of results for Scott Mills, who replaced Steve Wright in the drivetime slot at the end of October.
Wright is one of several Radio 2 veterans to have left their show in recent times. Bruce announced last month that he would be joining Greatest Hits Radio in April, and urged his loyal listeners to follow him.
Almost all of the BBC’s national stations lost listeners over the past year, with Radio 3 registering the biggest fall of 6.3 per cent.
The audience for Radio 4’s Today programme fell from 6.4 million to 6.17 million.
BBC local radio listening saw a sharp decline from 9.04 million in the last quarter of 2021 to 7.78 million in the last quarter of 2022.
Commercial radio grew by 1.3 million listeners overall, while BBC radio fell by almost the same number. Commercial radio is now 4.9 million listeners ahead of the BBC.
The data also showed that listening to the radio via smart speakers, such as those with Amazon’s Alexa, continues to grow and now accounts for 14 per cent of listening.ENDS
every time just one person questions the BBC and switches it off is a victory for us .
Hello Fed
Good 🙂
In the right direction
Cheers Andy – it’s good – but I made the mistake of catching the 0700 R4 Radio news followed by meesh slapping the CEO of centrica ( British Gas ) over the practice for forcing entry to put in pre pay meters FOR PEOPLE WHO DONT PAY .
Meesh went for the CEO … I was picturing a torture chamber where he had given up everything but meesh still wanted more .
The BBC / meesh – wants ‘free gas for all ‘ – screw those rich mugs who pay their bills – give free gas to the feckless together with every thing else ….
… meanwhile … for a ‘global brand ‘ – it was difficult to conceive that Shell is a global oil company . It’s made huge profits (good ) so the BBC wants it taxed even more .
Then someone slightly more learned mentioned she’ll only services 5% of its company to the UK – so only 5% is taxable in the UK …. Not good enough for the BBC ….
Come on Starmer – nationalise everything – we re almost there .
Off switch – commercial music …
The smartest leader of any English speaking country in the world.
Water bills to increase by most in almost 20 years from April
Increasing because? Lets do some investigation, other than just announcing what the water body says, and the plebs just pay up
#useless bbc
War is Hell.
I have no doubt when poorly educated, desperate, angry young men with poor leadership are thrown in the bear pit to fight to the death, shizzle happens.
No truck with the Russians, but…
Hence, the BBC Moaning Emole ‘investigates’, ‘Rama styly…
Ukraine torture claims
By Lauren Turner
‘Our troops tortured Ukrainians’
Story detail
Allegations of brutal interrogations, where Ukrainian men were shot and threatened with rape, have been made by a former Russian military officer – the most senior to talk openly. In an exclusive interview, Konstantin Yefremov told the BBC’s Russia editor Steve Rosenberg that Russia now sees him as a traitor and defector. He said at one site in southern Ukraine, interrogations and torture continued for about a week – sometimes happening twice a day. He says he is “anti-war” and that he tried to resign from the army several times but has now been sacked and has fled Russia.
Using photographs and military documents supplied by Mr Yefremov, the BBC has verified he was in Ukraine early in the war – in the Zaporizhzhia region, including the city of Melitopol. The former senior lieutenant, who was deployed to Ukraine last year, says his comrades looted occupied areas of Ukraine. He described brutal interrogation sessions, led by a Russian colonel. The BBC was unable to independently confirm Konstantin Yefremov’s specific allegations of torture, but they are consistent with other claims of abuse of Ukrainian prisoners. The UN’s Human Rights Office has been documenting cases of mistreatment during the war in Ukraine and has interviewed more than 400 prisoners of war – both Ukrainians and Russians. Russia’s Defence Ministry did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
So Lauren back at the office subs what a kindly young junior, most senior deserter tells, claims, alleges to the BBC’s man on the front lineish, which cannot be verified at the end. Exclusively. He was there, apparently.
Now, were I seeking a gig on the other side, I might well approach the state medium of Boris and Challenger tanks and SAS loathing with an oddly vague way checking facts before writing ‘quote’ headlines.
Due process is as dead as any hint of journalistic integrity.
This from the title famous mainly for giving the media the Editorial excellence of Amol.
“ Sunak under pressure from ‘frustrated’ Tory MPs over Raab allegations
Rishi Sunak is under growing pressure to explain what he knew and when about the Dominic Raab bullying allegations before he appointed him deputy prime minister.
The prime minister has refused to suspend Mr Raab pending the outcome of an investigation into complaints from as many as 24 civil servants.”
Pure, unadulterated, ideological, propaganda-driven, allegation-based, substance free wibble with a ‘quote’ generic claim.
The Civil Serpent Pit served by the MSM will finish this country quicker than our inept elected government and shady bench of fools on the benches opposite.
I’ve noticed that the BBC are using unsubstantiated, unproveable allegations like that more and more these days. They have got much worse since Brexit and their latest trick is to get someone else to say what they want to write so it is technically an opinion and so does not need any evidence or ciunter arguments for balance.
And they now hide behind generic accusations such as ‘bullying’ without any details whatsoever. I am certain they would include Rab shouting at some civil servant for not doing what he was told as ‘bullying’.
What they are doing here is smearing Rab personally and making his name toxic so that when he is gone, he cannot come back without great fuss from the Left about his character (and multiple HYS on the BBC for the activists to vent their hate in public) . They have done exactly to several politicians now – and all of them right wing. The frenzy of hate against Trump by the Left now is just unbelievable.
Meanwhile people on the left like Biden, Rayner and Bercow get a free ticket no matter what they do.
The problem is that BBC and OFCOM are now completely politically corrupt. And the worst part is that they think they are right to be so biased because they have been taken over by ideologically driven activists.
The most outrageous and dangerous part of it all is how the BBC now abuse their position to remove the people who threaten them and their income. They have all gone.
I genuinely believe that if we took the current Lefties back in time to Nazi Germany and gave them the same power, they would do exactly the same again. I am always stunned at the hate and spite in most comments in any BBC HYS involving Boris, Nigel, Trump or JRM. They absolutely wish them dead.
Yes, the question is not whether Mr Raab behaved in a bullying manner, but why might people want him out of the way. The issue is usually not the one presented by the BBC and MSM but another more hidden one, so you need to keep asking the old cui bono / who benefits? question.
Why is Alastair Campbell not banned from radio/TV studios after his behaviour, which inspired the fictional Malcolm Tucker? Why were there bullying allegations against Priti Patel at the Home Office, whatever you think of her record on protecting our borders? How did the revolting Squeaker Bercow get away with it for so long? What of Angela “Tory scum” Rayner? Why do they want Mrs Braverman out of the way?
In the light of recent developments in the US, I’m even wondering if Pres. Nixon was as much of a crook as we are told. Again, who stood to gain when he and his vice-President were removed in 1973-4? Why are we hearing things about Pres. Biden and his son Hunter only now, when it would have been more useful to voters before the 2020 and 2022 elections? Why is Hillary not in prison for destroying subpoenaed documents?
The double-standards are off the scale.
Mustapha, the LibbyLefty MSM including the BBC achieved a coup with Damien (“He touched my knee” – Maltby) Green so they went after other Conservative Party Cabinet Members. Theresa May was having none of it with Priti Patel as her Foreign Secretary so the MSM+BBC tried again (with the bullying play) when Bojo appointed her Home Secretary. He resisted and the storm eventually went away.
Bojo was set up via ‘Partygate’ so now the power has gone to the heads of the LibbyLeftyMSM Mob + BBC and they think they can remove anyone in Government at will. You are right to ask ‘who benefits’ and it is the Labour Party, generally, and the other parties in Parliament less so. The people who lose out are the electorate who have no democracy, little that we had before. I have never known anything like it and I am just old enough to vaguely remember the Profumo thing.
It is quite disgraceful!
‘Civil Serpents’.
Not heard that before but an excellent description of an organisation that sucks the life out of anything in its way reading it lifeless and useless.
I do wonder if Raab’s bullying consisted of nothing more than asking civil serpents to do things which were anathema to them and against their self-serving, career-protecting Leftoid woke principles.
They don’t like it up em.
Can’t claim it but it serves well.
Again, the word ‘alleged’ by anyone now ceases to have value except flagging something in needed of parking until proven.
Not a full MSM headline blitz.
Sluff, I was just about to say something like that, but luckily, you were more erudite, and far less Anglo-Saxon than me on this subject!
I was also going to write something in Hispano-Swahili, Franco-Dutch and Pidgin-Transvaal, but need my blood pressure to stay stable while I finish this glass of strong ale…
Basically soldier alleges torture happened, as ‘proof’ the bbc provide cross referenced photos proving he was in Ukraine ..😃
Then he refused to return to Ukraine and just gets dismissed from Army.
I’m guessing that’d be more of an offence in the British army.
The BBC has testimony of soldiers they like, on record, and that of those they like more, less on record, covered by a host of BBC #1degreepfseparation get outs.
Soldiers they don’t like most usually being the targets.
On matters manipulated, I am reading more details on the Baldwin case.
Given his vocal and performance based TDS, it was obviously going to be partisan from the off, from both sides, but looking back at the msm narratives from first release to even now, it is astounding the lengths they will go to to protect one of their ow rather than the justice of the victim.
It is for a court and jury to decide, and in America that has a health warning all of its own, but history needs to judge the ways ‘reporting’ of cases such as this proceed… depending on the politics of perps and victims, depending.
The Judge and Jury case falls down when the pressure from the media is so great, the Jury dare not return the wrong verdict because they would be in fear of their lives.
Floyd is a perfect example. Imagine the lynching of anyone who said it was not murder.
One for the “quote’ factory that is the media.
Emily Feng in Beijing MARCH 29 2018
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Long renowned for its thick industrial haze, China’s capital has over the winter enjoyed more frequent blue skies.
Judging by the comments his moronic view is not widely supported.
“We’ve got too many chicken shops in our town centres (London), … We’ve got too many pawn brokers in our town centres (London 2015). We’ve got too many gambling shops in our town centres (London 2015). Elect me (Sadiq Khan) to be the London Mayor and we’ll sort all those three things out. { aug2015}”
…. compare Mr. Khan with a man speaking from years ago, in the desert ….
“O ye who believe! Intoxicants and gambling, (dedication of) stones, and (divination by) arrows, are an abomination…” – Qur’an 5v90
Who is in charge of 7000+ pubs in London in 2017?
… wait, 3 years earlier Sadiq Khan spoke at the Chicken Cottage Awards in 2012 for more Halal and Chicken Cottage …
“Here’s the beautiful thing … these are British products, selling Islamic Products, selling Halal Products (Halal – throat cut whilst conscious, slaughtered by Muslim only employee, incantation to animal from a Koran by Muslim only). That is niche and general, but it’s gone main stream. {Sadiq Khan – youtube Chicken Cottage Award Ceremony 2012}”
– Mayor in charge of 7000+ pubs of London with moral conflict with his religion?
– Mayor in charge of betting shops of London with moral conflict with his religion?
– Mayor promises fewer chicken shops (2017) but was promoting more Halal chicken production (2012)!
– Mayor promotes Halal food process – which is positive discrimination for Muslims! {}
{previous halal post}
“London chose me as their mayor, not just an ethnic minority, not just a religious minority, but a Londoner of Islamic faith.” – Sadiq Khan, { sep2016}
Very odd that Sadiq Khan’s London Manifesto 2016 does not mention voting for him because of his Islamic Faith?
The Welsh Rugby Union are banning the singing of ‘Delilah’ on advice from domestic violence charities.
Can we expect that soon they will also ban ‘Land of Our Fathers’ on advice from Stonewall and the transgender community?
Just another example of tiny tiny minorities given priority over the rest of us.
PS not a million miles from GW’s ULEZ Sad Dick Khan post above.
Speaking of the Welch, @TwitterBrainStrain is tag-teaming all his colleagues trying to get more Blair Voters in daily.. to take hotel rooms from… er…
Clogging up a medium mainly used by Grauns, Beenboids, Union members and NGO activists may feel cosy.
Chris, it just looks desperately opportunistic, even for you.
Market rate talent.
anna holligan 🎙
Foreign correspondent
📺📻📱 🚲 Creator: Dutch news from the cycle path 🌱 Author. Rep 📬 Co-founder
@bikebureau January 2009
BBC going apoplectic about Shell’s ‘record’ profits.
Not mentioned are the inflation unprotected pension funds of millions of private sector workers, for whom Shell turning a profit is very good news indeed.
The BBC has declared a record income of £5.33 billion ($6.4 billion) for the 2021/2022 period, up from £5.06 billion last year, and a surplus of £206 billion.12 Jul 2022
Is it income? More a tithe in many’s eyes.
On pensions, hark back to the days when very rich ex Beeboids had theirs propped up using the forced fusing of those less blessed when it all too a dip for woke investing.
Why we’re still paying the price of Labour’s drive to ‘rub the Right’s nose in diversity’: Far from carrying out their duties to implement government guidelines on immigration, some in the Civil Service are working to undermine them, writes DR ALAN MENDOZA
Killing members of the group. Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group. Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part. Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group.
The code also sets out the general ‘duties of members’ (to be faithful to the Queen, to uphold the law, to act in the interests of the nation
The code also sets out the general ‘duties of members’ (to be faithful to the Queen, to uphold the law, to act in the interests of the nation
Barry Gardiner defends donations worth £500,000 from Chinese agent
Three wheels on my wagon, but I’m still rollin’ along…
[The Christy Minstrels 1961 – no blackface, honest]
Not on any of the press frontpages this morning – reported by our BBC? – you have to be kidding…
Military operatives were part of an operation that targeted politicians and high-profile journalists who raised doubts about the official pandemic response
Remember folks, it’s not a conspiracy theory, if it’s true
Way too toxic for the BBC’s online Corona news tab… although in certain quarters there’s a rearguard action underway, more desperately fought than at Bakhmut…
Project Veritas, a conservative activist group known for spreading misinformation, recently published a concealed-camera video allegedly showing a Pfizer employee describing the company’s COVID-19 vaccine research efforts. As described by Project Veritas, the video features “Jordon Trishton Walker, Pfizer Director of Research and Development – Strategic Operations and mRNA Scientific Planning,” sharing details about Pfizer’s plans for conducting gain-of-function SARS-CoV-2 research.
Give it a year or two and the wheels may also be coming off those tanks we’ve sent to Ukraine
How to keep warm this winter courtesy of the BBC.
A disabled woman who cannot afford to heat her home for more than two hours a day said she puts her cat down her jumper to keep warm.
From her photo in her bed with the poor unnamed cat, who is regularly shoved down her bosom against his will, she obviously fills most (but unfortunately not all) of the diversity requirements before the BBC will publish.
The article is, of course, light on facts:-
‘Her council house has an air source heat pump which takes warmth from the air outside to heat the home inside, but costs £8 per day to run.
“Two hours, that’s all I can afford,” Ms Hearn said. “I tend to get to hypothermic stage, end of November beginning of December.
“I will then be forced to put it on two hours a day, and even by March or April, I’m having bills of five, six, seven hundred pounds.
“If that’s the case, if I have it on 24 hours a day, then how much is that going to equate to?”
So does it cost £8 for 2 hours which seems very expensive for air source heat pumps or £8 per 24 hours and how much exactly are her bills, five six or seven hundred pounds? And per month or quarter? There’s a big difference
Surely there must be a simple answer to this problem as we discover ‘Ms Hearn said she was told by the Warm Home Discount (WHD) helpline she was no longer eligible because her bungalow has a D-rating on its energy performance certificate’. Maybe a bit of thinking ahead and OK I am guessing, but loft insulation or similar, which wouldn’t cost five, six, seven hundred pounds and may well be available free, bearing in mind her ‘circumstances’
As we don’t have one I’m off to find a cat or two, although I assume any small or better still large furry animal will help with the crisis. Suggestions please ?
” the poor unnamed cat ”
The cat’s name is Toby.
“Sharon Hearn, 50, who is disabled, said she can’t afford to heat her home for more than two hours a day, so she’s using her cat Toby to help her stay warm this winter.”
An Eccentrica Gallumbits vessel of consumption is now banned from the Galactic beverage lexicon a) as 3 pints is over the reccomended daily intake, and) galactist types were using it as an icon of planetary nationalism.
When I read your reply I first read it as ‘an unarmed cat’ and I burst out laughing thinking that this brave moggy was entitled to danger money.
I suppose if Sharon couldn’t afford to eat she could always eat Toby, and use his fur as a wrap.
BBC cat recipes …. New show ‘eat your pet ‘…
I’m getting used to this, what was once comedy is now news.
“Uh, so many are cold, shivering in the night, so I say, butcher those cats, skin them! Use their fur to keep hundreds warm!”
– Frank Drebin in Naked Gun 33 1/3 – The Final Insult. Third, last and least of the Naked Gun movies.
Raising the temperature could be aided by scratching flea bites.
Air source heat pumps are useless unless they operate in very well insulated homes and have to be on nearly all the time as they do not produce very hot air.
The scandal here is not just the BBC obsessive focus on hard luck stories but the wanton waste of taxpayers money by the eco-warrior council that put in the heat pump in the first place.
It may however be a good example of what we can all look forward to as the green lunatics take over the asylum.
I might add that wearing two pairs of socks and using three or four blankets is……..exactly how we used to live routinely in the 1960s with fires downstairs and no central heating upstairs. Yet somehow we managed to survive. As did my grandparents.
If the house has a D energy rating, it should never have had a heat pump installed as they only work in well insulated houses. Sounds like green virtue signaling by her council is the root cause of this lady’s heating problems.
Boris’s schtick stopped being funny a long time ago.
Think nut nut is just a bought mouthpiece for dodgy Ukrainians …. As long as the Americans know his value to the British was just as a corrupt joker all will be well .
The amorality of Johnson will be his epitaph ….he’d do well back at the bbc …
“[His] bad ideas are starting to infect thinking around the world about what Putin stands for…[Putin] stands for war, aggression systematic murder, rape and destruction.”
Rotherham abuse scandal: How we got here
Boris Johnson earns £315,000 for 30 minute speech and ‘fireside chat’ in United States
The code also sets out the general ‘duties of members’ (to be faithful to the Queen, to uphold the law, to act in the interests of the nation and especially constituents…
Last night Farage played a clip from Boris appearance on FoxNews
where Boris said that maybe Farage was getting orders from Moscow
.. Farage replied that that is slander, outrageous
and low class
How much cash is the useless fat buffoon getting for this nonsense. Sadly he was given his chance and completely screwed up. A failed politician like Bliar only interested in lining his pockets.
I made one of my rare replies to a Times article. It was rejected automatically and I can’t see why! Thes response was that contents in my comment may upset others. Can you help me please?
“My problem is that almost everything going on at present seems to conform with WEF manifesto/Agenda 2030. CBDC and digital ID gives incredible power, potentially, to Government which would not necessarily be “benign” (hah!) in the future; promotion of LGBT+ reduces the replacement rate of the population; promotion of EV with the restrictions for many people who would not have easy access to chargers leading to reliance on public transport; 15-minute cities eventually meaning that only publicly supplied homes will be practical for most people; unfettered immigration eventually will erode nationalism; even TV adverts are intended to lead to miscegenation! Moves to rejoin the EU is a step to one-world government.
How can you not expect people to be conspiracy theory “nutters” when so many dots add up?”
I don’t think you are allowed to say “miscegenation” any more. We must instead applaud the mixed race couples who buy sofas in every advert.
Hello Rob
Mixed race couples everywhere
I wonder if they can act or just given the job because of the colour of their skin – not that, that is racist, apparently
Pop eye – I reckon you offended the Qs in the LBJT thing by omitting it . I am deeply fortunate in not knowing what it is meant to stand for – and hopefully never will . Otherwise mentioning WEF might be banned by Murdock globalists
You also used long words and reasoned argument which will upset the woke kidults ….
I can’t understand the need to expose oneself to national newspaper comments readers because many will just be after a fight rather than a ‘debate ‘ – which is no longer used in the west – just ‘approval ‘….
@Popeye Saturdays Times has a column by the Comments moderation team
The last one was about how they are now enforcing a REAL NAMES rule
they raved about how great that it is
I will come back later and try to explain why it’s bad.
I used my real name. I’m not ashamed of my right-of-centre views!
I think, as Fedup says, it was WEF that triggered it. Our (actual) masters are not happy with people knowing the power they have over us. Think behavioral psychology – nothing obvious, just a succession of nudges!
Not the bBC – but they love him.
At the weekend I posted this interview about Starmer’s membership of the Trilateral Commission.
Here is an update for clarification.
The Trilateral Commission membership lists have a special category entitled Former Members in Public Service. (Wiki says that to help preserve the Commission’s unofficial charter, members who enter in government roles must relinquish their membership).
There are no categories for other ‘former members’ (such as David Miliband, Peter Mandelson).
In April 2021 the master list still had Starmer as a full member described incorrectly as Member of the British Parliament; Shadow Secretary of State for Exiting the European Union.
Now (2 June 2022 – the latest list I can find) he appears in the special Former Members in Public Service category and is described correctly as Member of the British Parliament; Leader of the Labour Party and Leader of the Opposition in the British Parliament.
Of course he can now claim – just in case anyone asks – that he is not officially a member. However, the fact there is a special category for these people denotes an ongoing allegiance. Just in case anyone is in any doubt the aim of the European Group is the pursuit of European unification. The progress of the European Community over the past decades, to fold into a broader and deeper European Union since, has validated the vision of the Commission’s founders.
After last winters full on attack by the bBBC and msm on global warming causing all the storms and bad weather, today the bBBC asks ‘why haven’t we had any storms this winter?’. The article continues to it’s inevitable conclusion that global warming is the reason we haven’t had any storms this winter.
Damned if you do, damned if you don’t.
BBC News channel announces chief presenter line-up for revamp
“BBC’s trusted journalism to people at home in the UK and around the globe”
Funny, they included “trusted”??
Worlds most trusted – because they say they are 🙂
Tips for spotting fake news online
The BBC logo is a good sign.
Here we go again, another “boffin” is warning about avian flu being the next covid….
Mumble mumble , could transmit, mumble mumble, some signs, mumble mumble we need to take action, mask everybody, stop eating meat, isolate, isolate, isolate.
What absolute twaddle, avian flu has come and gone for years without this bloody drama. In my view another idiot trying for fame and fortune…. Whilst pushing the vegan nonsense into the bargain.
I wouldn’t blame the bloke
It’s the media that spin stories
Now that interest rates have increased by 0.5% the good news for savers is that in 3 months time the rate paid by Banks to savers will increase by 0.1%
EG – Spreading false news ? 0.09% nearer to it – stand by for more hardship involving cats or repossession – I would describe the stereotypical ‘victim’ of the nasty bank repossessing the ‘family home ‘ …. But you can see that in about a months’ time ….
… and if I recall 1,5 million fixed rate mortgages end this year out of a total of 21 million … I believe it won’t be as easy to ‘beat ‘ inflation as being described now and the rate will go up for the rest of the year …. And probably next – assuming putin isn’t dead .
I still remember 15% mortgage and horrendous rates. To quote mc millan
“they have never had it so good”
It’s true that house prices have gone up to something like 8 times your salary compared to about 4 times in the ‘olden’ days.
As long as we are getting 600,000 net coming in every year (that they admit to) we will have more people chasing fewer houses and the gap between available houses and those chasing them getting ever bigger.
It’s a sellers market.
I remember saving up each month and the house price I was aiming at going up by more than I could save.
If the young people are complaining that house prices are too high they should be campaigning to stop (or better still, reverse) immigration at least until there are enough houses for all. Then the prices will be more realistic.
Trouble is, so many are making piles of money out of the shortage and these are the people influencing the decision makers.
Also, much of our youth are now so brainwashed by the lefty schools that they are welcoming ever more to come and live here (and are too frightened to go against this in case the left cancel them)
The masochist (spelling ) in me enjoys listening to Rachel Reeve spouting on about Shell profits . But lady Brooke gave her an easy time on the 1pm news .
The question about whether Shell would relocate to a friendlier tax regime wasn’t raised … but it was just the tired thing about bigger windfall taxes
Also – if this had been a blue labour – she’d have been asked about an antisemitic labour ( Liverpool) MP who still has the red Labour whip – a real nasty scum piece of work …
But the question never came ….
Amazon had a record-breaking year in Europe in 2020, as the online giant took in revenue of 44 billion euros while people were shopping from home during the pandemic. But the company ended up paying no corporate tax to Luxembourg, where the company has its European headquarters.12 May 2021
Reeve is a pathetic twitter addicted parrot. Makes Bryant seem almost imaginative.
UK: Halal counters at Asda – shop under one roof for all your Ramadan needs
That’s a 2017 story
and our local Asda’s don’t have a halal counter
BTW Asda was bought by two Muslim brothers who own a chain of petrol station shops.
Most of the money will be bank borrowing I guess.
It may surprise some, but I have a great love for classical
music and opera. Some of the lyrics from Gilbert, of
Gilbert and Sullivan operetta’s have wonderful facetious
ditty’s . None better than ” I’ve got a little list” sung by Koko,
a cheap tailor about to be executed for the crime of flirting,
finds himself elevated to the rank of Lord High Executioner !
Koko starts his aria.
“As some day it may happen that a victim must be found.
I’ve got a little list . An none of them would be missed.”
It then goes on.
” Of society offenders who might well be UNDERGROUND !!”
WELL I know hundreds of society offenders who you will
find UNDERGROUND. And if the tube train drivers were sacked
none of them would be missed !
Instead of paying them anything up or over £1500 a week with
overtime. Crows, who have the intelligence of 8 year old kids
could be trained to drive a tube train , which are all but automatic . And could be wholly automatic , in around an hour.
You would just have to put some bird seed in a pouch at the front of the train. and strikes would be a thing of the past!!
You can listen to the original words on Youtube.
“Crows, who have the intelligence of 8 year old kids,
could be trained to drive a tube train , which are all but automatic.”
“… and strikes would be a thing of the past!!”
Well, not if the birds discovered their “inner Crow”, i.e. the spirit of the late Bob of that name, who liked the odd strike or two in his time at the RMT.
“Delilah: Rugby fans torn over WRU choir ban on Tom Jones song”
I don’t think the fans are “torn” . Watch next Saturday’s game !
What will they try next – Ban “Swing low sweet chariot” ?
Who or what organisation is issuing these edicts ?
When is our Tory Secretary of State for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport going to end all this Woke culture ?
Are we being governed by a Tory Prime Minister or a ‘sock puppet’ ?
Dante’s Divine Comedy ‘offensive and should be banned’
It is a world-renowned work of literature and one of the foundation stones of the Italian language, but Dante’s Divine Comedy has been condemned as racist, homophobic, anti-Islamist and anti-Semitic.
By Nick Squires
13 March 2012 • 3:30pm
A useless sock puppet. Mind you Starmer is as bad.
“What will they try next – Ban “Swing low sweet chariot” ?
they already tried that with the help of that B****** Ginger Royal
“A statement from the BBC said: “These are challenging times financially and we need to make difficult decisions and focus our resources on content that has the highest impact.”
Packham alienated even more folk?
Some things they say?
Yippee – it’s public inquiry time . This one is for the Omagh Bombing In 1998 .Let’s blame someone other than the IRA who planted the bomb . Every one dead will come back to life . There will be lessons learned – and the new one – ‘culture change ‘ – Tony Blair gave IRA terrorists a free pass for getting an armistice .
Who benefits ? Irish republicans – IRAsinnFein – Lawyers –
Who loses ? British taxpayers ….
Magic Grampy gets to chair?
Trusted Media Initiatives include crushing those not conforming.
Yet again ITV local newsPR have a syndicated item where their BAME divides the world by skin colour and makes generalisations.
“black people earn 2 % less
Asian people are more likely to cut back on pension investments”
She interviewed Zainab Yusuf.
The next item of news was PRasNews for the later itvTonight prog
their BAME reporter
If already posted apols…
Get ’em young. And stupid.
No, really?
TV news is very diverse and original
they very rarely film at foodbanks ../sarc
Ms becket is the ‘cost of living correspondent ‘ mummy and daddy will be pleased – hugs .
BBC Drill getting him in?
There needs to be a list of banned tunes, Banned books and of course – banned people – those not approved .Chief constable Fuhrer Lewis can decide what and who is banned – and arrange they removal ….
Wtf is happening ?
I have to confess I’m not very familiar with rap “music”? To my uneducated ear it just sounds like a bunch of semi-literate barbarians mumbling incomprehensible gibberish to a backing track. Music? I think not…Of course, I could be wrong…
However, I’ve heard that they are often full of misogynism, racism, violence and general ugliness.
Invariably the people that “sing” them are black, so no virtue signalling, chief constable twat will ever recommend banning them.
Blimey, the tosser might be called a racist…
The song isn’t being banned for being about murder, its because it portrays a scenario where the police actually detect it and catch the criminal
and these days that is such an unrealistic expectations.
(said some bloke on Twitter)
“Did they arrest Bob Marley, for his confession about the Sheriff ?”
ah yes but if it is a wimmin murdering a man in cold blood when he is sleeping the the wife of Mr B Liar will come along and pin a medal on her the all the fems give her an ovation fit for a star and the Grauniad puts her saint like picture on the front page.
crazy City PR people have told city media that there may be job cuts at British Steel Scunthorpe.
And media think they can only report news if they stand outside a building.
So they’ve all gone down to stand out Scunthorpe steelworks
Except the PR people haven’t released the news
So the ITV local newsPR item had no info
and now the local BBCnewsPR is almost the same
Except they have the local Blue Socialist MP standing outside the steelworks saying she doesn’t know anything new either.
Viewer comment
“It seems the elites want to pay teachers and train drivers more
while some steelworkers will have no salary at all”
Q What have Martine Croxhall Ben Brown and Jane Hill – comrades presenters at the BBC – got in common ? A they are about to ‘leave the organisation ‘ as the propaganda / news department ‘down sizes ‘ – snigger ….
Are they keeping the daft bint on the bike on the dykes?
She’s…. Good value.
I think queers and coloured folk are kept on ..