It seems strange that bias within the BBC should make headlines via the words of a football presenter . Yet we are witnessing a civil war in the BBC – with taxpayers ( licence buyers ) as casualties . Let’s hope it causes long term damage . Who is still going to be in post by the end of the week ?the DG?The Chairman ?The Footy pundit and his disciples ? Enjoy …..
Start the Week 13 March 2023
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The BBC ignores a lot. Curiously one sidedly.
Secure that, ultimately, they get paid no matter what.
Cost of living – BBC to cancel tv tax to help all families in the UK
‘We’ve transformed our democracy’ – How Johnson signed off from Commons
Here’s the full text of what Boris Johnson had to say as he concluded his final answer in PMQs
“I want to use the last few seconds to give some words of advice to my successor whoever he or she may be.
“Stay close to the Americans, stick up for the Ukrainians, stick up for freedom and democracy everywhere.
“Cut taxes and deregulate wherever you can to make this the greatest place to live and invest. I love the Treasury, but remember, if we’d always listened to the Treasury we wouldn’t have built the M25 or the Channel Tunnel.
“Focus on the road ahead but always remember to check the rear view mirror. And remember above all, it’s not Twitter that counts. It’s the people that sent us here.
“The last few years have been the greatest privilege of my life and it’s true that I helped to get the biggest Tory majority for 40 years and a huge realignment in UK politics.
“We’ve transformed our democracy and restored our national independence. I’ve helped to get this country through the pandemic and helped save another country from barbarism.
“And frankly that’s enough to be going on with. Mission largely accomplished for now.
I want to thank you Mr Speaker, I want to thank all the wonderful staff at the House of Commons, I want to thank all my friends and colleagues, I want to thank my right honourable friend opposite, Mr Speaker and, I want to thank everybody here and…
“Hasta la vista, baby.”
1400 raped kids in Rotherham
1000 raped kids in Telford
3 teachers hiding in Batley
NI border in the Irish Sea.
Afghanistan ran by Warlords.
In May last year NHS Test and Trace (NHST&T) was set up with a budget of £22 billion. Since then it has been allocated £15 billion more: totalling £37 billion over two years.
3 million hong kongs escaping China.
20K afghans escaping Islam.
Dinghies every day.
‘We’ve transformed our democracy’ – How Johnson signed off from Commons
‘We’ve transformed our democracy’ – How Johnson signed off from Commons
‘The last few years have been the greatest privilege of my life and it’s true that I helped to get the biggest Tory majority for 40 years’
Slight typo:
‘The last few years have been the greatest privilege of my life and it’s true that I threw away the biggest Tory majority for 40 years’
Police drop most complaints of officer violence against women, figures show
How can this be, surely the figures should far higher, or just maybe the figures are right.
Being accused, isn’t the same as being guilty bBC!
Without #accusedof , fast tracked from favoured sources by bbc cubicle bots without checking anything, BBC ‘News’ might have to return to… news.
And never forget of course that the people the police tend to have to deal with are FAR from the cream of society.
And this label ‘violence against women’ again. What does that mean ?. Is it holding their arm tightly or punching them in the face ?.
This is how the Left work when pushing their agenda.
It’s not long since they had an article saying not enough men were being convicted of rape. So much for the rule of law : when feminists are involved, men are guilty. Period. Feminism has been taken over by misandrists. The BBC are not the worst : The DT and Guardian have some extreme man-haters in their ranks.
Speaking of pulling in the audience…
Presumably, producing net zero of anything except ex bbc pundits is a national goal to compete on the world stage?
Just like we use renewable electricity. Until people want to use some of course – then we have to fire up the gas burners.
‘.. green hydrogen is 2-3 times more expensive than blue hydrogen.’
Cost doesn’t matter to green activists : it’s all other peoples money.
Did that really happen? A dream perhaps? Or a nightmare?
It would appear that the BBC couldn’t get rid of Lineker. Although he was known to be free with his views he was signed up by the BBC with a contract that was supposed to restrict Lineker from bringing the BBC into disrepute. The contract doesn’t seem to have been effective. Faced with paying Lineker off they decided it was less embarrassing to keep him on. A nonentity manages to make fools of the intelligentsia.
It will be interesting to see what the viewing figures will be for MOTD. I suspect it will increase for the first one, curiosity value, but will drop down as many offended by this debacle will vote with their remotes.
By his latest twitter posts Lineker is now telling us that he is nominally in control of the BBC. Someone that I expect who
has had his own way from 12 years old. Except when Graham Taylor took him off in a Euro 92 match against Sweden in the 62th
minute when Lineker threw a tantrum.
I wonder what Lineker will tweet next. Another Corbynesque rant
against Israel? How I would love to ask Lineker why those Albanian men and others from countries where there is no danger . Should not be deported straight away. When they have
thrown their passports and personal papers into the sea before landing. But Lineker and his champagne socialist gangs would
just sneer at you . Or show one of their smug expressions as Lineker does.
Mini Kev Mikey speaks for the nation.
I still cannot understand why these illegals don’t just get on a P&O ferry, have a couple of non-alcoholic lager tops and a bagel on the boat if they’re muslim, then get off at Dover and vanish – all for just a few quid!
Passports are much cheaper than paying a smuggling thug seven thousand for a seaside dinghy with a plastic outboard…
I cannot understand why these illegals, young fit men with money to pay people smugglers, cannot buy a dinghy in France and cut out the smugglers.
I think maybe the gangs running the operation might get upset ….
But do the illegals seek out the gangs, or do the gangs advertise?
I bet there’s a thriving ‘dark net’ for contacts, but if that’s the case, what happens if they finish up showing pics of their kids to Gary Glitter…;0)
It’s not on the dark net, the gangs advertise on Tik Tok. Mark Steyn used to show the adverts until Ofcom did him in.
I don’t believe these fit young men, sorry I mean downtrodden victims fleeing from the cruelty that is France, arrive at the French coast with a large wad of cash in the back pocket. Someone from the left agreed with me, except they are convinced that the pseudo asylum seekers go into slavery here, working off the thousands they owe. I think someone is paying for them be it Soros, Gates or one of the other wealthy foundations.
flights from albania are from £21
but you will need a tourist visa , which you maybe refused if you have a criminal record
Today again
Meesh interviewing ex military who helped out with the afgee run away disaster . The source of the failure – Biden Obama didn’t get a mention ( as usual ) . Meesh wanted to know how many of her fellow Muslims got left behind – what the military chap thought of the dog evacuation.. and of course how Canmore afgees get to blighty for free stuff …
Dickie – thank you – I cannot see any MP of any breed – asking for information in the commons .
2500 declared died of a vaccine should be a ‘story ‘ yet it isn’t …( on my read of the article )
Yes thank you Dickie!
“But no lessons were learnt, and today the Big Pharma lobby is hugely more powerful with its tentacles reaching into academe, public health and government quangos and agencies, most often under the guise of philanthropy and independent scientific research.”
I guess that the more expensive charities would also be in on the act, as their influence is far, far greater than the plodding government useful idiots!
I also would like to know …
4 hours ago edited
I would like to know how many in UK Parliament have been given covidv19 vaccine and booster shots. In France its only 1/3rd of their Assembly. In the US, its near zero.
theisland – Great idea. I would like to know how heavy they are too.
Ah, well, they and the rest, including politicians, got ‘persuaded’, Barry…
You can imagine the Chinese stopping dead to listen to tulip eh?
Don’t give her any more ideas Fed, she’ll be on the next plane over with massive expenses!
“sophisticated approach” = kick can
Barry Gardiner defends donations worth £500,000 from Chinese agent
The Labour MP said Christine Lee appeared to be ‘operating as a legitimate person in the UK’.
Amy Gibbons
Thursday 13 January 2022 20:23
“sophisticated approach” = kick can
Bob, and Talk TV, showing the true power of “quotes”, selective editing and… irony.
I would have run with… “…it would be nice if they then explained what they think should be done”.
But ‘they’ never do.
Bob needs to get on Vile with Marina.
It’s who they are, who they work with, who they invite on, who they quote, and who they campaign to delete.
“the amazing Jeremy Vine Show” … Blimey, I’d never noticed before how amazing it is. Because it isn’t.
Marina is full of
Save the nurses – ban BBC tv license.
In the interests of balance…
They who control the edit control the context.
I merely note that up to now a lot of editorial control was ‘out’, and little of this footage was ‘in.
And Robster appears to have stuck with a short counter rather than actual stuff.
And of those claimed to have been ‘killed’ at the time, only one was… and not in a way that the TNI seems keen to delve into, Panoramically.
Swansea: BBC reporter at the scene of major house explosion
The teenage bbc report has nice eyebrows
Somehow I reckon this will be filtered by the BBC
‘I earn £30,000 a year and I’m still struggling’
She earns £30k, but in the report this mentions:-
“she does not know if she and her partner will be able to afford to stay in the one bedroom flat they rent” – so HOW MUCH DOES HE EARN?????????? Struggling on possibly £50k plus then??
I’m seeing lots of budget headlines about good news for pensions.
I then clicked on an article and found out it’s about letting very rich people put more money into pensions (to keep them working)
Here’s me thinking it might have been something about the £156pw pension (maximum) that the 70+ year olds get.
Now that lineker can tweet away about anything with nobody daring to do anything he’s combined the footy pundit and news desk jobs. How about having Naga or Fiona doing MOTD where they can do the same.
The DE is saying Shearer and Wright will have to wait until after this weekend’s MOTD to find out what will happen to them (and the other sympathisers)
There’s no way they can be sacked because lineker would only need to threaten to leave and the bbbc will collapse again.
It’s good to leave lineker on MOTD as he will be a constant reminder of the woke bbbc every time he appears.
I think that’s why GB News have these gobshites like that narinder wimmin on, she does the far left far more harm than good with her constant shouting and interrupting (and daft opinions)
Just about all the GBN lefties are smug and smarmy with Paul Embury being the exception as he usually speaks a lot of common sense (apart from his union wage dispute which I suppose is understandable)
I too fail to understand the thinking behind why GBN need to have the low opinions of such (common) ‘ladies’ as Nurinda Kuhr, and Lizzie Cundy who pitches up in between her attendances at the opening of envelopes. Equally there are male versions in those unfunny comedians like Leo Kurst, the bloke with glasses and more hair on his chin than his head, and the two gobby yanks. When any of these are on, I switch off.
I totally agree about Paul Embury, he always calmly and intelligently gives his side of an argument. I see that Nigel Nelson is to have his own show – the first ‘lefty’ to have his own programme ? that should be interesting.
Brissles – I think now that Steyn has gone and the owners know they have complaint presenters / staff – they’ll just go safe and get BBCOFCOM approved people on ….
.. l don’t listen or hear it anymore and have no interest in the empty words of ‘the coast guy ‘ and his luvvie self love ..
Below is a piece by an ex BBC type upset by changes in the BBC cultural department- ok it’s for the guardian – but it adds to the BBC civil war –
For 23 years as director of the BBC Symphony Orchestra and Chorus, and latterly the BBC Singers, I was custodian of three great ensembles that have shaped the musical landscape of this country for almost a century. They are celebrated worldwide for unparalleled versatility, flexibility and ability to respond to an ever-changing landscape and the demands of (in my time) six director generals, each keen to leave their mark. Delivering quality first and value for money was the mantra, and meeting the challenge of reaching new and diverse audiences was the reward. Or so we thought.
The BBC announced last week that its great cultural assets are to be savaged so violently that they may never recover; that is the reward. The corporation runs one full-time professional chamber choir, three full-time orchestras in England, and one each in Wales and Scotland. The plan is to axe the BBC Singers before the Proms, on the eve of their centenary, to reduce the headcount by 20% of the three English orchestras, while Simon Webb, the newly appointed fall guy is working with the nations’ orchestras “to consider whether there could be any lessons” for them. A dark warning indeed.
How has this been allowed to happen? Early last year, the BBC’s music review recommended an extraordinary restructure. Alan Davey, the recently departed controller of BBC Radio 3 and the Proms, ceased to have direct responsibility for the classical ensembles that are now under the control of former head of rock and pop Lorna Clarke, while Webb, the former director of the BBC Philharmonic, is the new head of orchestras and choirs in England.
The BBC’s timing is as calculated as its strategy is callous: ensembles struggling to recover from the pandemic, exhausted from keeping the show on the road throughout, three of the ensembles without a director and all contractually gagged. There is not one single champion for classical music left at the BBC in any position of power or influence. Herod has been left minding the creche.
The rhetoric wrapped around the plan is as predictable and flimsy as it is insulting to the licence-fee payer, the UK’s music lovers and all BBC musicians. “Bold. Ambitious. Good for the audiences who love classical music. Ensuring every pound of the licence fee works harder for the sector and for our audiences.” And so it goes on. We’ve heard it before.
Nicholas Chalmers conducting the BBC Singers during the first night of the Proms 2020 at the Royal Albert Hall in London.
What does it mean? Imagine having a garage with five high-performance sports cars, and deciding to save money by removing a wheel from each one and using the spare when you decide to race one. Oh, and that’s when you’ve already shot the only champion racehorse you had in the stable. It takes years to train musicians and forge an orchestra or choir to operate at the highest level on a world stage; that almost telepathic connection that thrills an audience can only be achieved from musicians who work together day in day out.
After the long dark months of Covid, when the world wondered whether live music would ever be heard again, it was the BBC Singers and BBC Symphony Orchestra that came together in an empty Royal Albert Hall for the first night of the 2020 Proms to give performances of such profound emotional depth of the sort that only those musicians could, working in such alien conditions. How proud the BBC was of them then and how grateful music lovers everywhere.
Why does this matter? Because reductions in the BBC’s commitment to classical music will shrink the sector and offer increasingly less value to audiences. It’s all very well to speak of music education, but for what? If there are no beacons of excellence to aspire to, and inspire, no opportunities for young musicians to experience live music, for composers to find their voice, for conductors to practise their craft, and for audiences to be engaged and enthralled, isn’t that hypocritical? Because that is the trajectory of classical music in this country. If we don’t wake up soon, there will be no live classical music. Whether you engage with it or not, its right to exist needs protecting.
When I joined the BBC in 1999, I understood the role of public service broadcasting, which, in turn, defined the role of the orchestras and choirs. To serve our audiences with great and familiar music, to share the less well-known and neglected repertoire, to introduce new talent and to bring to the UK important new works from around the world. I think back to UK premieres of John Adams’ operas The Death of Klinghoffer and Doctor Atomic, or Jake Heggie’s searing Dead Man Walking, all dealing with controversial issues relevant to our time. Every time I read or heard “only the BBC could do that”, I felt so proud, and how often were we and our work championed by the BBC every time the charter review came around or the big cheeses were entertaining at the Proms.
I no longer know if the BBC is a public service broadcaster; I don’t recognise it any more, or its values. If it no longer exists to do that which others cannot or will not, then what is it for? After 23 years of constant change, the ensembles of the BBC have never been more agile, flexible or willing to adapt, and they represent tremendous value for money in the grand scheme of the BBC’s budget and our licence-fee payment.
The role of cultural patron is not optional, and the responsibilities as custodian of music ensembles do not give the BBC permission to dispose of and dismantle them without serious public discussion, not to mention honest, transparent internal debate. The values and behaviour of what we are told repeatedly is “our BBC” must matter to all of us as much as the content.ENDS
Interesting! Doubt the bBBC care as they have to fund Lineker and his parasitic mates at ridiculous expense. Music is an enjoyable experience for millions unlike jug ears and his wittering nonsense that goes in one ear and out the other with no thought whatsoever.
Bugger Lineker. Far more interesting topics to chomp on. The BBC and MSM are using the Walkers crisps advertiser as a distraction:
bBC reports of food prices
“But at last, there is a glimmer of relief. The average price in February – $4.21 (£3.45) for a dozen large eggs”
Yes £3.45 according to the bbc –
Or goto Sainsburys for £2.55
Or goto ASDA for £2.80
Or Morrisons for £2.79
How about Aldi’s for £2.49
etc etc
I never know where they get there prices from when doing these reports and try to scare the public with inflation – we can’t all shop at Harrods
….or buy your own hens😂😂😂
Important news from our medicines regulator that the BBC is reporting today:—
“Cough medicines containing pholcodine withdrawn over safety fears […] Health experts say there is a very rare chance that some people could experience an allergic reaction linked to an ingredient called pholcodine.”
Not at all important news from our medicines regulator that the BBC isn’t reporting today:—
“… given the end of the Autumn 2022 booster campaign and the stable safety profile of the COVID-19 vaccines […] The report published 8 March 2023 is therefore the last regular publication of the Summary of Yellow Card reporting for COVID-19 vaccines.”
Covid vaccine saved Santa- FACT.
The footy presenter thing keeps going .
Now a favourite red Labourite of mine – ms Lucy Powell – the shadow culture minister likens the suspension of the footy presenter as ‘like putin’ Russia ‘.
Did I miss something ? But I don’t recall said presenter falling out of a 7th floor window or getting a dose of nerve agent .
Ms Powell – BTW – advocated licencing of all site on the internet a while ago – for ‘ community safety ‘ of course …
Ah, there’s a lesson to be learnt here. If you’re suffering from nerve agent poisoning, never go anywhere near a 7th floor window.
Sorry my ex military black humour.
EXCLUSIVE: Gary Lineker welcomes second refugee into his home who is training to be rocket scientist
Match of the Day host Gary Lineker, 61, is passionate about the rights of refugees – and has now welcomed two refugees into his Surrey home
After giving the 26-year-old a new start, he has since gone to study at university – with hopes of becoming a rocket scientist someday
rocket scientist huh cmon they are having a laugh
now living off student loan that he will never pay back more like
New BBC marketing materials leaked?
Let’s petition the UN to open borders for everyone and see how many displaced people come here instead of Turkmenistan.
It’ll probably only be 10 or 20 million or so, and then we’ll be able to say the Tories always lie.
Barwell – tess May s bi-ch – if ever there’s a reason to kill blue labour – that is it … disgraceful …
Dinghy Invasion – Hotel occupation.
Perhaps something for Marianna Spring to get her teeth into. Should keep her busy thinking about it:
March 4, 2022
Bill Gates’s ex-wife is anxious to distance herself from Jeffrey Epstein
By Andrea Widburg
On Thursday, Melinda French Gates, who is Bill Gates’s ex-wife, sat down for an interview with CBS’s Gayle King. It was fascinating to see how adamantly and completely Melinda distanced herself from Epstein and the nature of Bill’s friendship with him. I couldn’t help wondering if she isn’t worried about something regarding Bill’s relationship with Epstein.
Before the last few months, if I ever thought about Melinda Gates, who was married to Microsoft mogul Bill Gates for 27 years, it was that she was (allegedly) the woman who finally got Gates to bathe and brush his teeth. With the breakup of their marriage, though, it emerged that Bill Gates was not only a compulsive womanizer (not too surprising for a creepy nerd with lots of money), but also a close friend of the late, unlamented Jeffrey Epstein.
A little more info for those who have been taken in by the MSM propaganda:
Sorry, a bit late, but…
Mrs Loather tells me the twat in the frock and earrings was on the losing team in last night’s Only Connect final. Boxes ticked:
Twat: Yes
Winner : No
It was hilarious when zhe lost, zhe looked crushed! Zher team had been leading almost till the end, and then got pipped at the post.
Now I am wondering what freaks they can find for the next series?
The news has learnt that no one has time for all the news – a title and feeling of niceness is all the BBC offers – make you feel good news.
The World at One
BBC Radio 4, 3 March 2023
During an interview about the former civil servant Sue Gray and her proposed move to be Chief of Staff for Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer, the former Culture Secretary Nadine Dorries made a number of claims which were not challenged at the time.
Ms Dorries, who is a staunch supporter of the former Boris Johnson, was highly critical of the move. She said Ms Gray had broken the civil servants code and brought the civil service into disrepute as a result of having conversations with Sir Keir Starmer about the rile. She also said Ms Gray and the Labour leader were personal friends and that Ms Gray was politically motivated when writing her report into Partygate last year.
To be clear there is no evidence that Sue Gray is a close friend of Sir Keir. The government appointments watchdog will look at whether any rules have been broken in her appointment. We should also have questioned Ms Dorries’ accusations around Ms Gray’s professional integrity.
We apologise for the programme’s shortcomings on this occasion.
The SVB bank clearly getting its priorities right – NOT:
SVB had NO head of ‘risk assessment’ for nine months before it collapsed… as woke boss for Europe, Middle East and Africa was busy organizing a month-long Pride campaign and a ‘Lesbian Visibility Day’
The news focus seems to have moved on from Lineker to Gary Glitter
J. Rees Mogg ( and other Cons, members) are clearly riled by the continued existence of the Licence Tax.
As this site has factually demonstrated under its current organisation and management the bBC operates in a manner which is anti British core values.
And continually hides behind an impartiality pretence.
What we need from JRM or whoever is a leadership campaign with teeth.
A starting point would be the removal of Capita by standing them down from enforcement activity.
Let people decide whether they wish to discontinue paying the Licence Tax.
Clearly there is no motivation within the bBC to accept the inevitable subscription route.
This would be a way to bring that into sharp focus and action.
Whatever the fallout of the Lineker fiasco, one beneficial result is to have highlighted once again the institutional bias of the BBC, and to have given fresh impetus to the question of BBC funding, with many newspapers and commentators exploring alternatives to the licence fee.
One option that must be killed stone dead before it gathers momentum is of funding from taxation, which would simply set in stone the current arrangement – and the bias.
BBC have issued new Social Media Guidance to staff
“If you have doubts about your tweet: Turn left, left again and then go hard left
.. Your tweet will almost certainly be then approved by the BBC bubbleworld”
”Hooo built the anychess”
”Migrants built the anychess”
TUC help organize demo tonight in Parliament Square.
What range do Himars have?
Don’t worry about the details – everything’s fine.
The BBC must really hate Tucker – his people do their homework and he isn’t afraid to tread on toes…
I don’t think Tucker Carlson is right on no bankers were punished. If I recall correctly at least one went to jail and one other, sadly, took his own life. OK, that’s not many but equally banking is a regulated business and no regulators went to jail and no politicians did either, despite encouraging the risky bankers’ behaviour.
BBC Hull TV news “cost of living crisis .. more kids should get free school meals.. here’s a struggling mother”
.. What’s she look like ?
… What’s her phone ?
… Multiple chins. iPhone, she’s twice as heavy as me
Charity EMS
Almost certainly Labour PRasNews
This general headline seems like gaslighting
Once upon a time Joe Public would be jumping up and down to support plod – now – who cares ? Maybe if they were less woke or less corrupt or criminal people might care…. I don’t feel they serve me any more …
I’ll probably get a knock the door to ‘check my thinking ‘ on that one – right 77 brigade ?
ITV local news item “ugh chemicals are dangerous for the soil ..natural, natural, natural”
Everything is “chemicals”
Their argument is the Nature Fallacy
ITV reporter was Cloe Oliver
I blame invoking The Nature Fallacy on The Telly Tubbies – Tiggywiggy, La-La etc. seem to be on the same intellectual plane as many regional TV presenters.
BBC Points West from Bristol became utterly unwatchable a couple of decades ago.
5pm Red red BBC Redio Humberside news
“Hull Labour MP Karl Turner due to morality the BBC Trust chairman has to go”
Oh which guy thumbs up the thuggery of milkshaking your political opponents ?
Karl Turner is now mentioned on BBC TV news
“he’s leading a demonstration to commemorate the reorganization of PO staff one year ago, the actual date is Friday”
AFAIK almost every worker ultimately accepted redundancy.
The context is that all the other shipping companies switched to foreign crews years ago.
They don’t live in UK so don’t need to pay high UK house prices.
Let’s not forget Sue Gray or the Windsor agreement. We must keep this up front. She should be arrested as a traitor. The Windsor agreement is treasonous
Labour council in Rochdale causes outrage by naming a street after a councillor who lied to the Pakistani Muslim child rape gang inquiry, showing they have no concern what so ever about what happened.
So Gazza Looneyker tweets something he knows people won’t like and gets away with it. His son tweets that he’s standing behind his dad, someone else replies he should be killed, Gazza gets on his high horse and says Mr Musk must do something about tweets like this, now I’m not condoning the secondary tweet but, as the Bible says you shall reap as you will sow.
I live in Reading (I do mention it all the time).
To all the do gooders, we have had three instances of illegals not chucked out in the last few years.
A 28 year old Afghani, raped a 12 year old, got deported, now waiting in Calais to get back in.
Another illegal, drug dealing, shoplifting, psychopath stabbed three gay teachers to death in Forbury Gardens.
Number three, had an argument with his flatmates, burnt the building to the ground, killing two. A third, suffered burns so severe, that he is in constant pain.
To all you lefty c**ts like Caroline Lucas and jug ears, please persuade me why we should let any more savages in.
drone crashes after incident with Russian fighter jet
“The Pentagon briefing wrapped up a few minutes ago. Here is a quick recap of what we have learned:
Two Russian jets collided with a US drone in international airspace over the Black Sea, crashing the drone shortly after 07:00 central European time”.
International airspace 5000 miles from New York..😀
Russian Telegram channel
“Intel Slava Z:
🇷🇺🇺🇲 The forces of the Black Sea Fleet managed to find the crash site of the American MQ-9 Reaper drone and raise its wreckage from the water.”
It’ll be paraded in Red Square?
I’ve always been interested in how decisions are made . At the moment I’m listening to a really crap documentary about the ‘road to the Iraq war ‘ .
It explains that Blair exercised presidential power in going in with George bush to be his best friend
But the author – one Gordon Carrera – doesn’t explain where the Americans got the idea to take on Iraq – when the cause of 9/11 were Saudis and Saudi money .
I wonder if they thought they were invading Iran – a real enemy – but got confused by the Q and the N
It does show how quickly history repeats itself with a non existent Cabinet and a defective PM – the blue labour lot did there own version with the Chinese virus with a defective PM and a non – cabinet – leading to the mess the UK is no now …
Like so many BBC documentaries now – crap .
If you are curious about the detail of the US / Washington run up to Gulf War 2 – look no further than Thomas E Rickes’s Fiasco as a starter.
It would seem that the frenetic pace of the writing and researching (seriously) got in the way of Ricke’s personal loony Democrat ideology to document what he found – it’s an eye-opener…
For more background Yaroslav Trofimov’s “The Siege of Mecca” isn’t a bad primer on the run up to 9/11.
Many Sunnis of The Peninsula long perceived the Shias of Iran as mortal foes and the very worst sort of apostates deserving only death…. KSA / Kuwait / UAE paid Saddam to war against Tehran mullahs – the invasion of Kuwait was in part revenge by Saddam for Gulf arabs not coughing up more money… Washington played on Saddam’s side after Operation Eagle Claw ….
It’s a grotesquely tangled mess where the Americans have been fighting their notional allies as well as paying their enemies…
I’d place as much credence on BBC documentary these days as something coming out of Mohammed Saeed al-Sahhaf’s ministry back in the day.
That Telegram account makes a big claim : that the Reaper has been raised
Yet supplies no evidence
Fox News broke the story and quoted
“causing U.S. forces to have to bring the MQ-9 drone down in international waters. ”
The stabbing in Cheltenham at the weekend is now reported in the mail as an attempted murder of an American on secondment to gchq…. No wonder it got next to no coverage in the MSM – they’d rather do the footy pundit …
From the DT – pressure on the Licence Tax
STARTS The BBC licence fee is losing support among the public, a culture minister said on Tuesday, as the furore over Gary Lineker’s suspension continued to dog the corporation.
In a sign that the row could have long-lasting repercussions, Julia Lopez, the media minister, stressed the “importance of impartiality” for the BBC if it was to continue being funded by licence fee payers.
Lineker was required to “step back” from his job as presenter of Match of the Day after posting on Twitter that the language of Home Office policy on migrants was “not dissimilar to that used by Germany in the 30s”.
On Monday – after a de facto strike by the show’s pundits and commentators – the BBC was forced into a humiliating climbdown and Lineker reinstated without need for an apology.
The Telegraph understands the former England football captain has given an undertaking not to post content on social media in breach of BBC rules. Tim Davie, the BBC’s director-general, has ordered a review of the impartiality guidelines he first introduced in 2020 because of “grey areas”.
Any future breach could lead to further action, it is understood, as the BBC attempts to reassert control over its stars.
In an intervention in the House of Commons, Sammy Wilson, a DUP MP, criticised the BBC and “the despicable way it handled the Gary Lineker affair and then caved in to this man and his friends”, adding: “The BBC has shown once again it’s impossible, because of the bias inherent in it, to be impartial and it is now time that people are no longer forced to finance the BBC through the licence fee.”
In response, Ms Lopez, the culture minister, said it was “right to highlight the importance of impartiality to the trust in which licence fee-payers hold the organisation and the importance in relation to the future of the licence fee.”
She added: “It’s something we’re considering, not least because there are fewer people paying the licence fee. We’re concerned the public is losing support for the licence fee.”
Support for Lineker appeared to come from Ofcom, the broadcasting regulator, whose chief executive said the BBC needed to balance impartiality with “freedom of expression”.
Public trust
Dame Melanie Dawes told a parliamentary committee on Tuesday: “On impartiality generally, clearly this is absolutely central for the BBC to have the public’s trust that their news and public affair coverage in particular is impartial.
“Clearly an episode like this goes straight to the heart of that wider reputation beyond their news and public affair coverage.I think there need to be very strict rules for news presenters. But once you’re looking beyond that, questions of freedom of expression do become relevant.”
Concerns over Lineker’s tweet refused to go away after anti-Semitism campaigners said the new social media guidelines needed to contain a warning to staff and freelancers not to draw modern day comparisons with Nazis and the Holocaust.
Rabbi Naftali Schiff, founder and chief executive of the charity, Jewish Futures, said: “It’s just stupid to compare this government to Goebbels, Goering and Hitler, and certainly BBC reporters need to be nuanced and intelligent and differentiated in their language and not draw parallels.”
The Campaign Against Antisemitism said: “Not every event in our political life needs to be equated to Nazi Germany for a point to be made… The BBC would be well advised to instruct its staff and contractors to think twice before making comparisons to Hitler and the Nazis.”
The Telegraph can disclose that over 75s who are struggling to pay the £159 licence during the cost of living crisis are receiving threatening letters warning them to expect home visits from enforcement officers. Free television licences for the elderly were scrapped in August 2020 after the Government decided to stop funding the scheme.
TV Licensing, which is part of the BBC, has refused to say how many over 75s are currently not paying their licence, but the most recent data, which was published in July 2021 – suggested the figure was between 200,000 and 300,000.
While no over 75-year-olds have yet been prosecuted for non-payment of the licence they have been receiving letters warning them they face fines of up to £1,000 and may also be visited at home by enforcement officers.
The letters – which have been seen by The Telegraph – warn recipients they could be visited at any time during the day or evening or even at weekends.
A TVL spokesman said the authority was “doing all we can to help people, particularly those in need of extra support” and that “prosecution is only ever a last resort and there has been no enforcement or prosecutions against over 75s who previously held a free licence”.ENDS