… and here we have yet another feminist story chock full of misandry and ‘victimhood’ which I’m afraid I can only describe as complete and utter trash.
What’s it all about I hear you ask ? :
‘Women say they fear they are more vulnerable to being taken advantage of when seeking budget rents on an app because of the cost of living crisis.’
What ?.
Followed by:
‘One woman moved into a house where the landlord did not tell her he was taken to court by an ex-tenant for assault.’
They use this twice – but you have to go right down the article to discover he was found not guilty. And no context whatsoever. So they could have written ‘falsely accused of assault’ if they wanted. The term ‘innocent male’ means nothing to the misandrists infesting the BBC.
The whole article is similar : desperately trying to make out women are victims. Take poor Marta for example:
‘Marta said one potential flatmate made personal remarks about her appearance.’
How absolutely terrible.
I can hear you demanding to know what kind of pathetic creature the BBC are employing (at license-fee payers expense) to come up with this kind of complete guff.
Same kind as all the others who write the rest of the tripe they churn out these days:
Prominent line “the landlord did not tell her he was taken to court by an ex-tenant for assault.”
Then down the page it says
“One day her live-in landlord came home celebrating after winning a court case in which a previous tenant accused him of assault.”
“I know he was acquitted but the fact he didn’t disclose it when it was still pending made me feel uncomfortable”
As ever the BBC is just cuttingNpasting from PR material given to them by an activist group.
And even knowing someone’s past convictions is a safeguarding fallacy.
A clean sheet is not proof of safety : Person B is not necessarily safer than convicted Person A
.. cos Person B may have done lots of sexual offences before, but just not been found out.
GB News, Neil Oliver Show, 6pm on Saturday. Reduced to one hour. But somehow he got what must be the first interview on a Freeview channel for Holocaust survivor, Vera Sharav. She talked about her mainstream censored five part documentary “Never Again Is Now Global” found on the neveragainisnowglobal dot com website. The documentaries interview Holocaust survivors and their families who “see” the comparisons between 1933 and 2020. Vera has said “By declaring a state of emergency in 1933 and 2020, constitutionally protected personal freedom, legal rights and civil rights were swept aside”.
But I love being proved right . I forecast recently that as many blue labour MPs head for rightful oblivion there’d be the dumb ones caught in corruption scams .
It’s okay though because it’s ‘within the rules ‘ that the venal Matthew Handcock and the inept kwazi kwazi want to trouser £10 000 a day – that’s ten thousand a day for doing nothing wrong by ‘representing ‘ a fictitious South Korean ‘company ‘.
Maybe if it was North Korean it would be £20 000 a day .
But just imagine – these were 2 dumb enough to get caught .
How many more of these vermin are never detected ?
Fed re “Tory MP’s caught in sting asking £10,000 per day”
I wouldn’t take such claims at face value
Led By Donkeys is a load of Greenpeace guys who use every Alinsky trick,
if they made a similar accusation against Hunter Biden I’d still doubt it
For a start they probably avoided checking most Labour MPs
Stew – in the piece the two I mention admit it . A third one saw the scam and avoided. I don’t care who tries to get them . They deserve to be got – whether red or blue ..
I’m against profitable outside ‘interests ‘ held because they are MPs ..
When you ask tradesman to price a job, you often get one giving you a crazy high price
that doesn’t mean that’s his normal income
but rather tells us he doesn’t really want the job.
So if an MP says he asked for £10K that doesn’t mean he was actually going to take the job.
We horny-handed sons of toil call that a ‘fuck off price’. Though we don’t call it that on the written quotation.
Incidentally it doesn’t always work. Having done Phase 1 work at an exorbitant price (we knew it would be a horrible job on a horrible estate full of undesirables) when asked to quote for Phase 2 we remembered just what a nightmare Phase 1 had been (had to pay security guards to protect our vehicles and chaperones for when we went in the houses because of false accusations). So we submitted a totally ludicrous price. And I mean totally ludicrous. We got the job. No-one else would touch it.
Were the undesireables white male scum or victims of institutional racism ?.
My friend has a garage. People come in, ask how much and he tells them a fair price. They say yes or no.
Except the local Pakistanis that is. Who then try some passive aggressive negotiation to bring it down. So now he just quotes them a high price to get rid of them.
Nothing to do with their colour. Everything to do with the culture they brought with them.
That image looks absolutely fake to me. Yet the BBC confidently claim it is real.
I mean – if you were going to make a mask, you would never pick that picture. It’s got Lefty-Lies written all over it.
And of course we know for 100% certain now that the BBC are quite happy to use completely fake pictures to support their stories. When they get found out, they say ‘it captures the sentiment of the story’. Because to the Left, their own lies are always justified.
I think our Lucy is one of the most dangerous threats to what remains of ‘free speech ‘ around – hyperbole used on purpose .
Every restriction she will impose will be done in the name of ‘community safety ‘ or some 14 year old who killed themselves .
Once it’s gone – it’s gone …..
Much news humour today – rishi going on about ‘anti social behaviour ‘ – rishi mate – your lot have been in power for 12 years …..
Labour know they just need to keep quiet and the win will fall into their laps – their media proxies will do all the dirty work.
The Tories on the other hand have to be seen to be putting up a show.
Rishi crime blitz to woo red wall (Sunday Express) – this wording comes as very few of the voting population can still recall the wartime Blitz – and fewer and fewer now can even remember Blitz the nightcub; where Boy George, Marilyn and future members of Spandau Ballet used to hang out. Enough with The Blitz, already.
Rishi Sunak promises anti-social behaviour crackdown… Offenders will be made to wear jumpsuits or hi-vis jackets and work under supervision so that they are visible to members of the public, to assure them “justice is being done”… Offenders could be made to to pick up litter or wash police cars (BBC) – presumably that’ll be some of those rainbow-painted police cars – introduced under thirteen years of the Torie, mind you.
The hi-viz won’t work to single out the offenders – every bloody Tom, Dick and Harry you see in the street is outfitted in hi-viz these days.
Orange jumpsuits? Wait until the civil rights lawyers get to work on that duff proposal. What are we… ISIS? At least Shamima Begum will feel more at home when she gets back to Bethnal Green and sees all the young offenders cleaning up the estates. Mr AsI has this bet she’ll be back in Blighty eventually. I’m tying a black ribbon round the old oak tree.
For a moment back there, glancing at the BBC’s Getty Image of a chap spraying a lock up garage door with something, one speculated that Banksy might be the target of this latest lame Tory PR.
Like I say, their media proxies will do all Labour’s dirty work…
Top Tory MPs ask for £10,000 a day for fake company work… Kwarteng, Hancock duped by campaigners (Observer) – what amuses one about this easy sting is that the Left may of course note how very easy it is to snare MPs with promises of filthy lucre – but they never question the likes of… say… Net Zero policies dear to the hearts of Lib/Lab/Cons where certain corporate interests stand to benefit and MPs might very well be enjoying nice kickbacks. Then there’s MPs on the take from the likes of China.
When it comes to sport we’re quite accustomed our BBC – in the manner of Andy Murray – supporting anyone but the England team.
Here they go again: Emanuel Rosu, BBC Sport England v Ukraine: ‘The whole country dreams of a win at Wembley’… On Sunday, at Wembley, Ukraine take on England to start their Euro 2024 qualifying campaign… as the people of Ukraine and those at war look to pause their darkest thoughts for two hours of footballing hope (BBC)
Mr AsI thought that war should have been over… some warmongers queered the pitch… it isn’t now!
We know our Gareth Southgate is a bit of a yes-man for the current regime – he’s achingly PC. And bought and sold on his new contract. One wonders if he will advise the England lads to take a dive – as they say in boxing.
One wonders at the ‘ thought process’ in number 10 which couldnt come up with something better that ‘ tough on louts ‘ when the teenage murder stabbings casually carry on with plod so dirty that they need ‘special measures’
And the idea of slimy rishi being tough on anyone …? And a home sec who reminds me more and more of a certain US VP …
Sunday local news item was as usual a trailer for the BBC politics North TV show
The words were like asylum seekers who come to the UK for a *Better Life* and safety
Scampton migrant camp controversy
Councils threaten legal action over hotel asylum use in places like Skegness”
Hang on “safety” is one thing but coming to a country for “a Better Life” is economic migrants breaking into a country and exploiting asylum rules.
After yesterdays post regarding America as the global bully post Biden some one else thought the US is gunning for war with China posted this video 8 hours ago.
It is sadly inevitable that the muppets in Westminster who seem incapable of intelligent independent thought will follow the US down this route which even US models show will result in at best a stalemate and at worst a defeat.
Seems to me the USA weakens by the year and china strengthens by year . Whether it is Taiwan or something else they’ll ( presumably ) want to keep any war ‘civilised ‘ – can’t see Americans wanting to fight for Biden Obama …
Dunno who he is, first time I watched him, and he seems a little odd, but it seemed quite odd that having reached the conclusion I did yesterday it should appear this morning.
I also listened to Willem Middlekoop (the oracle of Amsterdam) who reaches a similar conclusion.
Remember that China and the Western allies fought each other in the Korean war and despite WWII battle hardened troops the allies did not prevail. It’s impossible when the other side has billions of people it can call upon to fight.
Thoughtful – I’m ignorant as to the financial consequences of a China – US clash – all that US debt held by China ….
……. At least the UK can’t get seriously involved in a ‘global war ‘ because our few troops are busy either working from home or on diversity training ….
/.. I listened to the chap but the usual Far left hatred of America seems not to chime with the far left running the thing – they do like the ‘military industrial complex’….
… as for Ukraine – does anyone thing the US was clever enough to engineer putin into invasion ?
Maybe the paranoid mindset of the Russian sees NATO as a threat – but Russia is huge – has huge resources and not that easy to ‘take on ‘…. 2 military ‘geniuses ‘in the past found that out …
The US engineered a bloody coup in Ukraine to overthrow the elected government by the worst President the US has ever had, Barak Obama, and they installed the extreme right wingers Russia is complaining about.
Then you can listen to this one:
And then you come to the real kicker, that admission by Angela Merkel that the Misk agreement was a sham and simply to buy Ukraine more time for an arms build up.
Of course this is an invasion which was engineered by America, only the media has chosen not to keep the people informed about it. The fact that Donald Trump was elected delayed the evil Mafia Democrat parties plans, but had crooked Hilary been president you can bet she would have been milking the Ukraine situation for every cent she could get her grasping hands on, just like Biden is, and Boris Johnson, and that David Cameron would have been doing.
I am now the weak link in the chain of access to this site. As I suspected, the need to fully log in intervals have fallen and I think it will reduce to a full log in per visit. An increasing deterrence? I have hitherto used an applauded “very strong” password that has been replaced by a, simple to remember (need not write down) password to match the frequency of having to use it. Now: “very weak”. I hope no extraneous entity capitalises on my admission.
Try this : right click this link and select open in incognito
enter your login /password, but don’t rush
Click the tick box “Remember Me”
Then click the Login button
..Also there should be a small box which says “remember password for this site”
tick that
..and at least when you get logged out, all you need to do is click the word at the top of the page “Your Profile” and your login details should already be there.
I’m happy to use my “weak password” hereon in. In doing so, I hope nothing untoward occurs. Anything for a simple life avoiding increasingly and now daily, ‘in yer face’ attempts to access my information.
I originally had a degree of sympathy for the Government when Covid arrived late 2020. Apparently, they did not know what they were dealing with. But did they?
Another brilliant expose by Dr John. Highly recommended at least to pose the question whether when this info came to light did, “never let a crisis go to waste” become the guiding principle. I think so.
Here’s a view of the political and economic future which is (I believe) reality and far from what the media are selling to us. The outlook is not good and I do wonder how this country is going to cope iand how much civil unrest it is going to cause as a result.
If Labour are in power during this transition phase it will probably be the end of the UK as a viable G5 country possible even a G7 country. Maybe Europe will collapse as a viable groups too.
Thanks thoughtful – every time red labour get power the expectation on them to be ‘better ‘ ends very quickly with disappointment – if pressure on public spending / salaries with falling quality of life and increasing taxes there are going to be many more cheesed off people ….
…. Maybe the current French experience is a warning …
GDX and GLD are for me the only defensive options at the moment.
The English people have proven themselves remarkably slow to rebel against the inept government and civil service advisors who might be clever people, but are only as smart as the education they were indoctrinated with which was wrong.
One such example was that gold was not worth holding leading to Gordon Brown selling it all off in what is known as the Gordon Brown bottom, a low price for Gold. They used the money raised to buy worthless US Dollar debt.
This is the result of clever people being taught facts which are clearly wrong.
Currently popular with academics is a crazy economics known as “modern economics” which says you can print as much money as you want without consequence, just keep the printing presses rolling to pay the interest and continually deflate the currency.
But that clearly to any sane mind means massive inflation as we are seeing now – super inflation double digit and rising, as profligacy reduces the value of any poor sap who has money in a savings account.
Gold as coinage, Soveriegns Britannias or fractionals is a great investment as there is no capital gains tax or inheritance tax, because the crazed establishment still clings to the romantic notion that it is money and therefore not taxable !
There are continuous predictions that economies will crash as various nations pump out made up money – I wonder what the limit is ?
There seems to be an assumption that inflation will start to reduce soon … but households are having to deal with increasing bills from councils , water , insurance , supermarkets…income tax …. If oil / gas heads up again then pressure will really be on
Have you seen the newspaper articles about ABBA.
They don’t want people to wear Afro wigs copying Frida’s hairstyle period where she had curly hair (perm?)
Apparently it might upset others. (Snowflakes that is)
So then, just to be fair.
All of those who would naturally have Afro/curly hair should not be allowed to use hair straighteners.
Of course, we all (except the brain dead wokies) know it only works one way.
Last week there was a prominent story about a wedding involving RNLI personnel being interrupted by a call out.
Today there is a webshite story entitled ‘Boat Race 2023- what happens when it goes wrong’ . But actually it’s about the RNLI crew that are on duty on the Thames for the event.
Co-incidence? Or a concerted BBCLeftoid plan to rehabilitate the RNLI image after its main role as a rubber cross-channel ferry support service was given publicity?
What’s the betting the country will become like Cuba?
We’ll all be driving round in ancient petrol and diesel vehicles whose complex electrics don’t fail every few months and which have plenty of range to get from A to B without the anxiety of running out of ‘fuel’ ?
Our idiot council, a cabal of amateur and/or activist
greens and Indies swept in on the back of Cameron and May’s ineptitude at national level, have been screwing our shire into Net Zero farce ever since.
Not sure what is going to happen in May, as no one seems keen to stand any more as there is basically no point.
The local eco loons were emboldened by every tweak Carrie managed on hubs’ todger, and of course even went the rigged Citizen’s climate Assembly route, which fooled no one. Especially the ‘new form of democracy’ bit.
And the whole clown show is ‘held to account’ by a new form of journalism in the form of BBc radio and Local Democracy reporting infiltrated into every desperate rag in every town, who are pushing the agenda as hard as they can.
Look at this effort to try and keep the Greens in, or at least substituted by Limps.
“To which Coun Paul Rone said: ‘If not here, where in Herefordshire? We have declared a climate change emergency, we really cannot say no to this.’ ”
Which, of course, is why the council’s decision to declare a climate emergency, without any reference to the electorate, was such virtue-signalling nonsense.
Rigging, damn rigging, and ‘new forms of local democracy’.
The Insidious creep of the fruitcake vegans into the BBC I’m afraid, it goes with the warped greeny mantra the BBC are now 100% signed up to.
Best shut down and gone in my opinion.
Weird that in my younger existence getting children to eat their greens was the biggest struggle, now it’s going 180 degrees the other way.
I’ll believe it’s arrived when McDonalds close their shops which are always packed with teenagers and not BBC presenters saying yummie! while eating disgusting mucus-pus-filled weevils.
Plus, don’t forget that the most efficient way to “reduce” the population by the shady globalists when required would be via man’s oldest enemy, the infected insect. Maybe that’s the long term plan!
I was watching the riots in France today on social media and amused to see anarchist dressed all in black and masked attacking a Mc Donald’s. Presumably because it was a American/capitalist company, but they never seem to want to destroy their iphones.
Catching Children Carrying drugs or knives is not a thing that needs sorting based on quotas for diversity, it’s a dangerous route to a third world shitshow.
The authorities would not keep doing it to particular groups if they didn’t find more offenders that way.
In other words if you don’t want to be strip searched, stop carrying drugs or weapons whatever colour your skin is!
It’s worse, because if the bad people realise children cannot be searched they will force them to carry all manner of illegal things becomming involved with crime at a much younger age.
Tell it to the actual victims or crimes
If your daughter was raped or murdered
are you really bothered if a few guys are stopNsearched in order to stop some woman being raped or murdered ?
What the hell has been going on in the indoctrination factories known as universities?
Students are to be effectively BARRED from university, unless they meet certain minimum entry requirements
Whilst the exact details remain under discussion, it is thought that students will be required to get the equivalent of two E grades at A-level.
Students failing to meet the threshold would then either be banned or denied access to student finance (an effective ban).
So they have been allowing people into Universities with lesser qualifications that two E grade A levels?
The mind boggles as to what has been going on these past 25 years
We live in an extremely bigoted country
.. How do we know this?
Most of the companies we buy things from are so bigoted they refuse to advertise on a TV station that is a little non-lefty GBNews
Here’s the ‘strip search’ story from the other arse cheek : our beloved BBC.
Any article like this which describes any bias like this but deliberately withholds relevant information because of a political agenda is no different from outright lies. This is an appalling, agenda-based article by the BBC and is an excellent example of why they must not be allowed to continue to write them whilst the British people are forced to fund it.
It makes no reference whatsoever to WHY this children are being searched.
‘It also found black children were up to six times more likely to be searched than the overall child population.’
So what percentage of black children are likely to be carrying knives then BBC ?. Last time I worked it out, you are 7 times more likely to be stabbed by a black person than a white person.
The most blatant lie by omission.
And they write this as if it proves their point:
‘And 51% of the searches led to no further action.’
Jesus H Christ !!!. Are you telling me that HALF of all black children stopped and searched led to further action ???.
The whole article is disgusting activist propaganda from start to finish. Just like so many we see at the BBC these days. But of course no provable lies because they are experts in getting around fact-checkers. Just 100% misleading.
Lets see which BBC seasoned reporters wrote it:
I find the first one quite amusing but extremely shallow : she is such a narcissist she wants everyone to know she was on TV.
I’m a drug dealer . I’m over 15 – I know that plod won’t search young kids – say 8 year olds . So I stash my gear the 8 year olds . The the 8 year olds refuse I get them beaten up . It’s a good business practice and a small overhead coach ….
tomoMar 11, 17:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I posted earlier but it deserves some repetition https://youtu.be/b1KiL59uQv8
tomoMar 11, 17:09 Start the Week 10th March 2025 The fall of the Daily Telegraph…. [img]https://i.ibb.co/bjCBYhVt/chrome-Zhi-OU3-Eth-I.png[/img]
MarkyMarkMar 11, 17:07 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Mark Carney’s Leadership Win Smells 60% of Party members didn’t vote, but media pretends that doesn’t matter. Mark Carney will…
MarkyMarkMar 11, 17:06 Start the Week 10th March 2025 0 March 2025 261 5 0 …………………………………………… The first duty of the government is to keep citizens safe and the…
MarkyMarkMar 11, 16:55 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Why protest in China when you can wait for China to come to you …. HA HA HAH AH “Last…
AlthepalerpMar 11, 16:53 Start the Week 10th March 2025 The Great Replacement continues.. . . . https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/migrants-detected-crossing-the-english-channel-in-small-boats/migrants-detected-crossing-the-english-channel-in-small-boats-last-7-days
Guest WhoMar 11, 16:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 https://thankyoutruckers.substack.com/p/mark-carneys-leadership-win-smells? Odour test aside, I noted this too: 60% of Party members didn’t vote, but media pretends that doesn’t matter.…
MarkyMarkMar 11, 16:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “The scholarly literature on emotions and politics tells us that anxiety holds people back from political involvement, while enthusiasm pushes…
Guest WhoMar 11, 16:40 Start the Week 10th March 2025 As I have little faith in all media, I read around. On occasion I get a laugh. https://www.science.org/content/article/stand-science-rally-drew-more-anxious-throng-2017-counterpart? ‘Throng’.
Cost of living: Women feel trust was ‘violated’ on housing app
… and here we have yet another feminist story chock full of misandry and ‘victimhood’ which I’m afraid I can only describe as complete and utter trash.
What’s it all about I hear you ask ? :
‘Women say they fear they are more vulnerable to being taken advantage of when seeking budget rents on an app because of the cost of living crisis.’
What ?.
Followed by:
‘One woman moved into a house where the landlord did not tell her he was taken to court by an ex-tenant for assault.’
They use this twice – but you have to go right down the article to discover he was found not guilty. And no context whatsoever. So they could have written ‘falsely accused of assault’ if they wanted. The term ‘innocent male’ means nothing to the misandrists infesting the BBC.
The whole article is similar : desperately trying to make out women are victims. Take poor Marta for example:
‘Marta said one potential flatmate made personal remarks about her appearance.’
How absolutely terrible.
I can hear you demanding to know what kind of pathetic creature the BBC are employing (at license-fee payers expense) to come up with this kind of complete guff.
Same kind as all the others who write the rest of the tripe they churn out these days:
Prominent line “the landlord did not tell her he was taken to court by an ex-tenant for assault.”
Then down the page it says
“One day her live-in landlord came home celebrating after winning a court case in which a previous tenant accused him of assault.”
“I know he was acquitted but the fact he didn’t disclose it when it was still pending made me feel uncomfortable”
As ever the BBC is just cuttingNpasting from PR material given to them by an activist group.
And even knowing someone’s past convictions is a safeguarding fallacy.
A clean sheet is not proof of safety : Person B is not necessarily safer than convicted Person A
.. cos Person B may have done lots of sexual offences before, but just not been found out.
GB News, Neil Oliver Show, 6pm on Saturday. Reduced to one hour. But somehow he got what must be the first interview on a Freeview channel for Holocaust survivor, Vera Sharav. She talked about her mainstream censored five part documentary “Never Again Is Now Global” found on the neveragainisnowglobal dot com website. The documentaries interview Holocaust survivors and their families who “see” the comparisons between 1933 and 2020. Vera has said “By declaring a state of emergency in 1933 and 2020, constitutionally protected personal freedom, legal rights and civil rights were swept aside”.
Not directly BBC
But I love being proved right . I forecast recently that as many blue labour MPs head for rightful oblivion there’d be the dumb ones caught in corruption scams .
It’s okay though because it’s ‘within the rules ‘ that the venal Matthew Handcock and the inept kwazi kwazi want to trouser £10 000 a day – that’s ten thousand a day for doing nothing wrong by ‘representing ‘ a fictitious South Korean ‘company ‘.
Maybe if it was North Korean it would be £20 000 a day .
But just imagine – these were 2 dumb enough to get caught .
How many more of these vermin are never detected ?
Fed re “Tory MP’s caught in sting asking £10,000 per day”
I wouldn’t take such claims at face value
Led By Donkeys is a load of Greenpeace guys who use every Alinsky trick,
if they made a similar accusation against Hunter Biden I’d still doubt it
For a start they probably avoided checking most Labour MPs
Stew – in the piece the two I mention admit it . A third one saw the scam and avoided. I don’t care who tries to get them . They deserve to be got – whether red or blue ..
I’m against profitable outside ‘interests ‘ held because they are MPs ..
When you ask tradesman to price a job, you often get one giving you a crazy high price
that doesn’t mean that’s his normal income
but rather tells us he doesn’t really want the job.
So if an MP says he asked for £10K that doesn’t mean he was actually going to take the job.
We horny-handed sons of toil call that a ‘fuck off price’. Though we don’t call it that on the written quotation.
Incidentally it doesn’t always work. Having done Phase 1 work at an exorbitant price (we knew it would be a horrible job on a horrible estate full of undesirables) when asked to quote for Phase 2 we remembered just what a nightmare Phase 1 had been (had to pay security guards to protect our vehicles and chaperones for when we went in the houses because of false accusations). So we submitted a totally ludicrous price. And I mean totally ludicrous. We got the job. No-one else would touch it.
Were the undesireables white male scum or victims of institutional racism ?.
My friend has a garage. People come in, ask how much and he tells them a fair price. They say yes or no.
Except the local Pakistanis that is. Who then try some passive aggressive negotiation to bring it down. So now he just quotes them a high price to get rid of them.
Nothing to do with their colour. Everything to do with the culture they brought with them.
They certainly adopted a very ‘BBC’ ratio.
Who does not love a daily Labour vow?
Indeed it is.
Good to see Lurch securing BBC independence over the pond.
That image looks absolutely fake to me. Yet the BBC confidently claim it is real.
I mean – if you were going to make a mask, you would never pick that picture. It’s got Lefty-Lies written all over it.
And of course we know for 100% certain now that the BBC are quite happy to use completely fake pictures to support their stories. When they get found out, they say ‘it captures the sentiment of the story’. Because to the Left, their own lies are always justified.
That would be Independence from all views not supported by the Guardian/ Observer
I think our Lucy is one of the most dangerous threats to what remains of ‘free speech ‘ around – hyperbole used on purpose .
Every restriction she will impose will be done in the name of ‘community safety ‘ or some 14 year old who killed themselves .
Once it’s gone – it’s gone …..
Much news humour today – rishi going on about ‘anti social behaviour ‘ – rishi mate – your lot have been in power for 12 years …..
Labour know they just need to keep quiet and the win will fall into their laps – their media proxies will do all the dirty work.
The Tories on the other hand have to be seen to be putting up a show.
Rishi crime blitz to woo red wall (Sunday Express) – this wording comes as very few of the voting population can still recall the wartime Blitz – and fewer and fewer now can even remember Blitz the nightcub; where Boy George, Marilyn and future members of Spandau Ballet used to hang out. Enough with The Blitz, already.
Rishi Sunak promises anti-social behaviour crackdown… Offenders will be made to wear jumpsuits or hi-vis jackets and work under supervision so that they are visible to members of the public, to assure them “justice is being done”… Offenders could be made to to pick up litter or wash police cars (BBC) – presumably that’ll be some of those rainbow-painted police cars – introduced under thirteen years of the Torie, mind you.
The hi-viz won’t work to single out the offenders – every bloody Tom, Dick and Harry you see in the street is outfitted in hi-viz these days.
Orange jumpsuits? Wait until the civil rights lawyers get to work on that duff proposal. What are we… ISIS? At least Shamima Begum will feel more at home when she gets back to Bethnal Green and sees all the young offenders cleaning up the estates. Mr AsI has this bet she’ll be back in Blighty eventually. I’m tying a black ribbon round the old oak tree.
For a moment back there, glancing at the BBC’s Getty Image of a chap spraying a lock up garage door with something, one speculated that Banksy might be the target of this latest lame Tory PR.
Like I say, their media proxies will do all Labour’s dirty work…
Top Tory MPs ask for £10,000 a day for fake company work… Kwarteng, Hancock duped by campaigners (Observer) – what amuses one about this easy sting is that the Left may of course note how very easy it is to snare MPs with promises of filthy lucre – but they never question the likes of… say… Net Zero policies dear to the hearts of Lib/Lab/Cons where certain corporate interests stand to benefit and MPs might very well be enjoying nice kickbacks. Then there’s MPs on the take from the likes of China.
When it comes to sport we’re quite accustomed our BBC – in the manner of Andy Murray – supporting anyone but the England team.
Here they go again: Emanuel Rosu, BBC Sport England v Ukraine: ‘The whole country dreams of a win at Wembley’… On Sunday, at Wembley, Ukraine take on England to start their Euro 2024 qualifying campaign… as the people of Ukraine and those at war look to pause their darkest thoughts for two hours of footballing hope (BBC)
Mr AsI thought that war should have been over… some warmongers queered the pitch… it isn’t now!
We know our Gareth Southgate is a bit of a yes-man for the current regime – he’s achingly PC. And bought and sold on his new contract. One wonders if he will advise the England lads to take a dive – as they say in boxing.
One wonders at the ‘ thought process’ in number 10 which couldnt come up with something better that ‘ tough on louts ‘ when the teenage murder stabbings casually carry on with plod so dirty that they need ‘special measures’
And the idea of slimy rishi being tough on anyone …? And a home sec who reminds me more and more of a certain US VP …
They need to be reformed . Vote for the party that will do it – The Reform Party .
That’s the old Brexit Party .
Simples .
Sunday local news item was as usual a trailer for the BBC politics North TV show
The words were like asylum seekers who come to the UK for a *Better Life* and safety
Scampton migrant camp controversy
Councils threaten legal action over hotel asylum use in places like Skegness”
Hang on “safety” is one thing but coming to a country for “a Better Life” is economic migrants breaking into a country and exploiting asylum rules.
After yesterdays post regarding America as the global bully post Biden some one else thought the US is gunning for war with China posted this video 8 hours ago.
It is sadly inevitable that the muppets in Westminster who seem incapable of intelligent independent thought will follow the US down this route which even US models show will result in at best a stalemate and at worst a defeat.
Seems to me the USA weakens by the year and china strengthens by year . Whether it is Taiwan or something else they’ll ( presumably ) want to keep any war ‘civilised ‘ – can’t see Americans wanting to fight for Biden Obama …
Is that bloke fully paid up by the Chinese?
‘Part already paid’ by all accounts, via drugee son.
Thoughtful – who is this china mouthpiece – embarrassingly poor propaganda …
Dunno who he is, first time I watched him, and he seems a little odd, but it seemed quite odd that having reached the conclusion I did yesterday it should appear this morning.
I also listened to Willem Middlekoop (the oracle of Amsterdam) who reaches a similar conclusion.
Remember that China and the Western allies fought each other in the Korean war and despite WWII battle hardened troops the allies did not prevail. It’s impossible when the other side has billions of people it can call upon to fight.
Thoughtful – I’m ignorant as to the financial consequences of a China – US clash – all that US debt held by China ….
……. At least the UK can’t get seriously involved in a ‘global war ‘ because our few troops are busy either working from home or on diversity training ….
/.. I listened to the chap but the usual Far left hatred of America seems not to chime with the far left running the thing – they do like the ‘military industrial complex’….
… as for Ukraine – does anyone thing the US was clever enough to engineer putin into invasion ?
Maybe the paranoid mindset of the Russian sees NATO as a threat – but Russia is huge – has huge resources and not that easy to ‘take on ‘…. 2 military ‘geniuses ‘in the past found that out …
Well in case you aren’t aware you should listen to the shocking hacked phone call between Victoria Nuland and the Ambassador to Ukraine Pyatt.
The US engineered a bloody coup in Ukraine to overthrow the elected government by the worst President the US has ever had, Barak Obama, and they installed the extreme right wingers Russia is complaining about.
Then you can listen to this one:
And then you come to the real kicker, that admission by Angela Merkel that the Misk agreement was a sham and simply to buy Ukraine more time for an arms build up.
Of course this is an invasion which was engineered by America, only the media has chosen not to keep the people informed about it. The fact that Donald Trump was elected delayed the evil Mafia Democrat parties plans, but had crooked Hilary been president you can bet she would have been milking the Ukraine situation for every cent she could get her grasping hands on, just like Biden is, and Boris Johnson, and that David Cameron would have been doing.
I am now the weak link in the chain of access to this site. As I suspected, the need to fully log in intervals have fallen and I think it will reduce to a full log in per visit. An increasing deterrence? I have hitherto used an applauded “very strong” password that has been replaced by a, simple to remember (need not write down) password to match the frequency of having to use it. Now: “very weak”. I hope no extraneous entity capitalises on my admission.
No idea . I assume I always have to log on whatever the site . It will disappear without trace one day I suspect …
Try this : right click this link and select open in incognito
enter your login /password, but don’t rush
Click the tick box “Remember Me”
Then click the Login button
..Also there should be a small box which says “remember password for this site”
tick that
..and at least when you get logged out, all you need to do is click the word at the top of the page “Your Profile” and your login details should already be there.
Done all that.
Are your cookie settings normal ?
If you switch off cookies then the site cannot remember that you are logged in.
I’m happy to use my “weak password” hereon in. In doing so, I hope nothing untoward occurs. Anything for a simple life avoiding increasingly and now daily, ‘in yer face’ attempts to access my information.
And here’s another two reports from last month which should worry everyone:
Strangelove never goes away …. Maybe the communists are still after our bodily fluids ….
I originally had a degree of sympathy for the Government when Covid arrived late 2020. Apparently, they did not know what they were dealing with. But did they?
Another brilliant expose by Dr John. Highly recommended at least to pose the question whether when this info came to light did, “never let a crisis go to waste” become the guiding principle. I think so.
He’s not a doctor.
‘Fraid he is. And before, degree and Masters.
Here’s a view of the political and economic future which is (I believe) reality and far from what the media are selling to us. The outlook is not good and I do wonder how this country is going to cope iand how much civil unrest it is going to cause as a result.
If Labour are in power during this transition phase it will probably be the end of the UK as a viable G5 country possible even a G7 country. Maybe Europe will collapse as a viable groups too.
Thanks thoughtful – every time red labour get power the expectation on them to be ‘better ‘ ends very quickly with disappointment – if pressure on public spending / salaries with falling quality of life and increasing taxes there are going to be many more cheesed off people ….
…. Maybe the current French experience is a warning …
Time to buy more gold / metals unit trusts ?
GDX and GLD are for me the only defensive options at the moment.
The English people have proven themselves remarkably slow to rebel against the inept government and civil service advisors who might be clever people, but are only as smart as the education they were indoctrinated with which was wrong.
One such example was that gold was not worth holding leading to Gordon Brown selling it all off in what is known as the Gordon Brown bottom, a low price for Gold. They used the money raised to buy worthless US Dollar debt.
This is the result of clever people being taught facts which are clearly wrong.
Currently popular with academics is a crazy economics known as “modern economics” which says you can print as much money as you want without consequence, just keep the printing presses rolling to pay the interest and continually deflate the currency.
But that clearly to any sane mind means massive inflation as we are seeing now – super inflation double digit and rising, as profligacy reduces the value of any poor sap who has money in a savings account.
Gold as coinage, Soveriegns Britannias or fractionals is a great investment as there is no capital gains tax or inheritance tax, because the crazed establishment still clings to the romantic notion that it is money and therefore not taxable !
There are continuous predictions that economies will crash as various nations pump out made up money – I wonder what the limit is ?
There seems to be an assumption that inflation will start to reduce soon … but households are having to deal with increasing bills from councils , water , insurance , supermarkets…income tax …. If oil / gas heads up again then pressure will really be on
I’d like to see its results in Euro NCAP crash tests.
25mph does that not class it as a moped
Have you seen the newspaper articles about ABBA.
They don’t want people to wear Afro wigs copying Frida’s hairstyle period where she had curly hair (perm?)
Apparently it might upset others. (Snowflakes that is)
So then, just to be fair.
All of those who would naturally have Afro/curly hair should not be allowed to use hair straighteners.
Of course, we all (except the brain dead wokies) know it only works one way.
Dianne Abacus, race baiter, culturally appropriated caucasian straightened hair. Should we demand an apology.
Just the house journal trying to stir up its hourly race hate.
Twitter says the Guardian deleted their tweet
Digg below at 8:02pm is about the Guardian article
The original tweet said the searches were in SCHOOLS
6 mins later the replacement tweet dropped the word schools
.. https://twitter.com/guardian/status/1639978463586025472
Have the BBC gone into partnership with the RNLI?
Last week there was a prominent story about a wedding involving RNLI personnel being interrupted by a call out.
Today there is a webshite story entitled ‘Boat Race 2023- what happens when it goes wrong’ . But actually it’s about the RNLI crew that are on duty on the Thames for the event.
Co-incidence? Or a concerted BBCLeftoid plan to rehabilitate the RNLI image after its main role as a rubber cross-channel ferry support service was given publicity?
Just assume all news is PRasNews unless proven otherwise
… The Matt Hancock WhatsApp messages were not unique
What’s the betting the country will become like Cuba?
We’ll all be driving round in ancient petrol and diesel vehicles whose complex electrics don’t fail every few months and which have plenty of range to get from A to B without the anxiety of running out of ‘fuel’ ?
Sooner than any may fear.
Our idiot council, a cabal of amateur and/or activist
greens and Indies swept in on the back of Cameron and May’s ineptitude at national level, have been screwing our shire into Net Zero farce ever since.
Not sure what is going to happen in May, as no one seems keen to stand any more as there is basically no point.
The local eco loons were emboldened by every tweak Carrie managed on hubs’ todger, and of course even went the rigged Citizen’s climate Assembly route, which fooled no one. Especially the ‘new form of democracy’ bit.
And the whole clown show is ‘held to account’ by a new form of journalism in the form of BBc radio and Local Democracy reporting infiltrated into every desperate rag in every town, who are pushing the agenda as hard as they can.
Look at this effort to try and keep the Greens in, or at least substituted by Limps.
Hereford Times editor John Wilson said: “Publications like this are nothing more than party political propaganda.
Well, yes. That is the point.
And the Limps have been doing it every few months for years. The others just lie on social media.
And, what’s this?
Via an FB post headed: ‘It’ll power 9,000 homes’.
It will?
This comment serves well:
“To which Coun Paul Rone said: ‘If not here, where in Herefordshire? We have declared a climate change emergency, we really cannot say no to this.’ ”
Which, of course, is why the council’s decision to declare a climate emergency, without any reference to the electorate, was such virtue-signalling nonsense.
Rigging, damn rigging, and ‘new forms of local democracy’.
The idiots have been handed the asylum.
200 days since Labour MP Nick Brown was disappeared
Guessing… nifty caste and a wardrobe stuffed with Hugo Boss?
This pathetic little bastard is propping up the totally discredited SNP shits and he moans about abuse of power. What a f****** hypocrite!
If you are neither male or female you are an it. End of.
House journal finds something that needs defending.
Gives me an excuse to quote the Great Bob Monkhouse
“ They all laughed when I said I’d become a comedian. Well, they’re not laughing now.” … RIP Bob .
Eat bugs. This evening’s edition of BBC Countryfile. Yummy.
The Insidious creep of the fruitcake vegans into the BBC I’m afraid, it goes with the warped greeny mantra the BBC are now 100% signed up to.
Best shut down and gone in my opinion.
Weird that in my younger existence getting children to eat their greens was the biggest struggle, now it’s going 180 degrees the other way.
I’ll believe it’s arrived when McDonalds close their shops which are always packed with teenagers and not BBC presenters saying yummie! while eating disgusting mucus-pus-filled weevils.
Plus, don’t forget that the most efficient way to “reduce” the population by the shady globalists when required would be via man’s oldest enemy, the infected insect. Maybe that’s the long term plan!
I was watching the riots in France today on social media and amused to see anarchist dressed all in black and masked attacking a Mc Donald’s. Presumably because it was a American/capitalist company, but they never seem to want to destroy their iphones.
Black children over represented in strip searches say the gobby internet screechers.
Catching Children Carrying drugs or knives is not a thing that needs sorting based on quotas for diversity, it’s a dangerous route to a third world shitshow.
The authorities would not keep doing it to particular groups if they didn’t find more offenders that way.
In other words if you don’t want to be strip searched, stop carrying drugs or weapons whatever colour your skin is!
It’s worse, because if the bad people realise children cannot be searched they will force them to carry all manner of illegal things becomming involved with crime at a much younger age.
Tell it to the actual victims or crimes
If your daughter was raped or murdered
are you really bothered if a few guys are stopNsearched in order to stop some woman being raped or murdered ?
BTW it’s good for black people
cos the victims of black criminals are often black themselves
What the hell has been going on in the indoctrination factories known as universities?
Students are to be effectively BARRED from university, unless they meet certain minimum entry requirements
Whilst the exact details remain under discussion, it is thought that students will be required to get the equivalent of two E grades at A-level.
Students failing to meet the threshold would then either be banned or denied access to student finance (an effective ban).
So they have been allowing people into Universities with lesser qualifications that two E grade A levels?
The mind boggles as to what has been going on these past 25 years
// So they have been allowing people into Universities with lesser qualifications that two E grade A levels
That’s scary Thoughtful.
This defines entry requirements …
We live in an extremely bigoted country
.. How do we know this?
Most of the companies we buy things from are so bigoted they refuse to advertise on a TV station that is a little non-lefty GBNews
Children as young as eight strip-searched by police
Here’s the ‘strip search’ story from the other arse cheek : our beloved BBC.
Any article like this which describes any bias like this but deliberately withholds relevant information because of a political agenda is no different from outright lies. This is an appalling, agenda-based article by the BBC and is an excellent example of why they must not be allowed to continue to write them whilst the British people are forced to fund it.
It makes no reference whatsoever to WHY this children are being searched.
‘It also found black children were up to six times more likely to be searched than the overall child population.’
So what percentage of black children are likely to be carrying knives then BBC ?. Last time I worked it out, you are 7 times more likely to be stabbed by a black person than a white person.
The most blatant lie by omission.
And they write this as if it proves their point:
‘And 51% of the searches led to no further action.’
Jesus H Christ !!!. Are you telling me that HALF of all black children stopped and searched led to further action ???.
The whole article is disgusting activist propaganda from start to finish. Just like so many we see at the BBC these days. But of course no provable lies because they are experts in getting around fact-checkers. Just 100% misleading.
Lets see which BBC seasoned reporters wrote it:

I find the first one quite amusing but extremely shallow : she is such a narcissist she wants everyone to know she was on TV.
Welsh government failed to spend £155m at Covid height
bBC reports on the Welsh government failing to waste £155, surely they should have tried harder
I’m a drug dealer . I’m over 15 – I know that plod won’t search young kids – say 8 year olds . So I stash my gear the 8 year olds . The the 8 year olds refuse I get them beaten up . It’s a good business practice and a small overhead coach ….