More restrictions on cars in big towns and cities! Low Traffic Neighbourhoods are causing absolute chaos according to a chap in Chelsea on LBC this morning! Well worth listening to Ian Payne and the wrath of some of his callers, (except fuming Sharon in Alicante, who somehow got everyone’s back up right at the start)!
Looks like Mare Khan’s Piggy Bank is raking it in these days! Thank goodness we’ll never, ever visit London again, we’ll take what prosperity and goodwill we have to offer, to places where we’ll be made welcome!
This morning on Today as I switched on, Robinson was ‘interviewing’ a member of the Netanyahu government, the Justice minister I think. He was in Israel and the line didn’t appear brilliant. I have put ‘interviewing’ in inverted commas because poor Mr Klein was hardly able to put two words together before Nick shouted over him. Eventually Nick switched to an Israeli union leader who was in the studio with the volume raised and given free rein. At one point the union man paused for breath so Nick started speaking. When the union man restarted, Nick said the words, ‘I apologise for interrupting you’. No bias there.
I am not a maritime lawyer or seafaring expert , but I`ve taken a look at the Saving Of Lives At Sea convention .
It was first drafted in 1914 in response to the Titanic disaster , and revised a few times , the last being the 1974 version , fifty years ago .
It`s separated into 14 chapters with several amendments which any country can denunciated every 5 years .
The first chapter devises the scope of what vessels come under the charter , for example the minimum tonnage and what are exempt .
And under regulation 1 it exempts all naval ships and ” other ships owned or operated by a contracting government ” .
So that means the Border Farce ships which we all know are useless and should be sold off and the crews made redundant .
There is a proviso to the above as the charter encourages the governments to apply the convention with such ships if it is reasonable and practical .
Obviously there is an appeal to abide by the spirit of the law here , lets return to that later .
In regulation II there must be a ship reporting system para 5 says it must be co ordinated .
regulation 35 talks about the misuse of the system .
Chapter 5 is the all encompassing one which the BBC and do gooders use to bring the invaders in .
Chapter 9 starts with the contracting governments are to Enhance Maritime Safety . How does letting dinghies of illegals cross one of the busiest lanes of shipping help safety ?
Regulation 6 says that the authorities must investigate marine casualties and incidents . Are the French and British authorities doing that ?
regulation 8 says masters of ships must take into account the security threat and safety of the seamen ie ; is it safe to rescue these illegals .
Regulation 7 is a good one . The authorities must adapt the rules if there is a security threat to the country or its coastal region .
Considering that some of these illegals want to massacre children at pop concerts or blow up maternity hospitals I would say there is a threat .
So there are reasons enough to use the letter of the law not to go out and bring these invaders in . But what about the spirit of the law and saving all lives in danger ?
Well the convention was drawn up over 100 years ago and revised fifty years ago , in an age of reason by concerned parties who looked at a specific problem .
It was designed to protect innocent merchant seaman and passengers from peril .
It was not designed to facilitate criminals breaking into a country and occupying it .
Lots of statistics about gun crime in the USA from the BBC but as I read it, one big elephant is in the room. All kinds of obfuscation and data about largely irrelevant stuff to make you think how you are supposed to think.
But the ONE fact which they don’t go anywhere near is identifying which group of people are responsible for the VAST MAJORITY of murders using firearms. A specific group which makes up 10% of the population is reponsible for 60% of the murders.
This is an excellent example of how the BBC (and the Left) will simply not talk about anything which does not fit their agenda. Even when it means thousands of people are being murdered.
And if nobody will ever admit the problem, you can be sure nothing will change to do something about it.
‘Black Lives Matter’ my arse. I have the utmost contempt for their total lack of principles and ethics. They are the very worst kind of liars.
And of course I see they are still running the campaign that the worst thing the Taliban have done is stop girls going to school. Tell that to people they have murdered. And the Taliban didn’t just ‘take over’ when the Americans left as if it were all part of the agreement like the BBC write. They will never mention why the government we spent so many billions building and supporting collapsed overnight because of one man. All of this is down to Biden and they know it. But the agenda is more important than a catastrophe on this scale so they don’t care. Totally disgusting.
Please correct me if I’m wrong, but didn’t BLM start to prosper and cheat everyone as soon as Biden staggered into the White House?
Presumably Barry told him what to do even back then, but he certainly doesn’t know what to do about anything these days, so is probably still wandering around in a daze after getting his Horlicks for breakfast, and orders from Billary.
The EU incorporates a large number of Western European countries. Those countries are, historically, some of the most prosperous in the World. People in Europe have become accustomed to a high standard of living. The problem is that nothing Europe makes can”t be produced more inexpensively elsewhere. So what is required is economic protectionism, the EU provides that. The way economic activity is regulated plays into the hands of Governments and big business.
Ahh that saddens me. I have downloads of many of his Sunday night shows which I listen to regularly while I am working. He was one of the last people I could still listen to on Radio-2 up until he too got pushed out to ‘attract the younger audience’.
Before clicking the link you get the heading
“Improving relations with Europe is the priority” – I suppose the bbc is still in mourning for loosing its funding from the eu
Prince Charles given €3m in cash in bags by Qatari politician, according to report
This article is more than 8 months old
Money was passed immediately to one of the prince’s charities, says Clarence House
BBC News – having trouble with the trannie mass murder animal in the US of school shootings . They refer to the killer not as he / she / it / who cares – but as ‘the person ‘…
The only upside to this was the swift response by plod who went straight in and killed the monster – they didn’t use hand sanitizer and stand about like last time ….
Biden – of course – wants more gun control – if I was a yank every time he said that I’d buy a bigger gun …
Shadow health secretary @WesStreeting will be joining @KayBurley at 8.05am to discuss public satisfaction with the NHS – and what can be done to reform health and social care services in the UK.
Curious that our Justin didn’t mention his tax return when interviewed on ‘today ‘ … I reckon the liberals had an agreement for him to turn up but not be questioned on that …. Davey usually deployed the ‘disabled son ‘ when in difficulty to prey on the emotional sympathy of decent people .
But he’s a politician ….
First up I need to RIP the poor victims of this horror story, and feel for those they leave behind to mourn and cope as this gets chewed over in ways that avoids anything like addressing the real issues.
Tucker struggles to think of any trans person murdered by a pastor.
“The BBC Trust, a group of “independent trustees acting in the public interest”, rejected suggestions that the drama associated fanatical Christianity with evangelicalism”
Hi-di-ho, campers. Look out for comedians with milkshakes.
‘He died “unexpectedly but peacefully” on Tuesday evening, his husband Andre Portasio said in a statement.’
I must be doing something right as I’ve never heard of him/it.
Anyway looks like one less fruit, so unexpectedly good breakfast news.
Coronavirus tab has disappeared from BBC website, so no link to how much vaccine gunge Paul may have shot up.
“… He later married a Portuguese lesbian in 1977 in a marriage of convenience and only legally divorced her in 2005.”
Convenience for what? Is this BBC code for something illegal which they have decided isn’t?
Mind you – lying is the same as telling the truth in that business. Despite all their crowing about loving each other and respecting each other they are the nastiest, most unpleasant b*stards of all.
Being such low-life scum is what allows them to virtue-signal and lie so easily. With a few – but not many – exceptions.
Plenty made other commitments for Brexit and the last USA election and I am not aware of a single one of them who actually did it.
Our BBC employees’ favourite newspaper embarks on some self-flagelation this morning: Guardian owner apologises for founders’ links to slavery… “this awful history must reinforce our determination to expose racism, injustice and inequality” Katherine Viner, Editor-in-chief
Presumably that posture is calculated to allay acusations of hypocrisy and ought to go down well with their – mainly white – anti-white readership. What’s the ultimate goal in a campaign of anti-racism, we wonder? What must a white person do? Paint one’s self black, perhaps? That’s what the achingly right-on Justin Trudeau – for whom the Gruan is a fan – reflexively did in his formative years. Men who make up in black face to mock black men (usually) are considered evil – whereas men who make up as women… well, we won’t go there – not on a day when we mourn Paul O’Grady who did this as part of his stage act as a talented and much admired entertainer
Paul O’Grady was ‘surrounded by dogs’ and ‘full of life’ day before his death (Liverpool Echo)
Trudeau to announce US-Canada asylum deal after Biden talks… Under the deal, which Canadian officials hope will temper the increase in irregular border crossings in recent months, Canada will bring in 15,000 more South and Central American migrants to Canada (Guardian)
That formula of we’ll take more legally because lots are coming illegally sounds rather familiar: Rishi Sunak set to open ‘safe’ routes for 20,000 migrants a year. Ministers finalising plans that would see thousands of migrants from around the world offered a new home in Britain (Telegraph) – when the idea of the new initiative was supposed to be to….temper the increase in irregular border crossings – as they say.
Let ’em come, Let ’em all come down to The Den is the Millwall FC semi-official fan song.
Alternatively, popular with the fans is the somewhat nihilistic “No one likes us, we don’t care”
First Dog on refugees: let them all come… First Dog on the Moon has drawn refugee cartoons for years. As the debate over Syria heats up, here are three of his classics (Guardian 2015, in reference to cartoonist First Dog illustrations published between 2011 and 2013)
Let Mr AsI know if you can figure out what he’s getting at here from some extracts:
‘let them all come, let them come and ruin our way of life… bring it all to dust, raise it to the ground then salt the earth to the end of the world, smash it all, let them all come’
And today: NHS: Public satisfaction with health service drops to record low (BBC); Satisfaction in our health service is now at the lowest level ever recorded due to massive backlog in treatment caused by the pandemic (Daily Express) – oh dear, let’s just fix that line from the Express: …due to massive backlog in treatment caused by the Lockdown and excess demand caused by hyper immigration
Our BBC online news frontpage has lost interest in the lastest US school shooting. Their North America page has this rather bland inconsequential take: Nashville school shooter hid guns in parents’ house
The giveaway – in more ways than one – Metro prefers the line: Trans shooter had murder manifesto before starting on killing spree at school
And to the globalist technocrat FT where presumably they yearn for one world government with all the plebs barcoded, tracked and traced: Datawatch Cradle to grave… Completeness of registration system… Disparities in registration systems mean nearly 40 per cent of the world’s deaths are not registered, most in poor countries. Although most nations have some form of birth registration, 36mn babies around the world each year are unregistered
One has to admire the FT’s use of WHO classifications for the quality of registration system… Sustainable – that’s the top dog, the magic word these days representing super double plus good 90%+ events registered.
Moving down the scale…
Well-developed… “oo, er, missus!” Sorry I am taking this seriously. I just couldn’t help the thought of a bit of Carry On humour there. Specifically Barbara Windsor’s classic line “I’m only 16!”
Moderate is the WHO reasonable take on mid-table mediocrity
Limited and the rather generous Nascent round off the lower reaches of the table – ripe for western NGOs run by the likes of Bill Gates and Tony Blair to move in and sort things out for the natives, right?
11th Feb 2021 – ‘Paul Grady says getting COVID vaccine was a doddle’
Annie 2023 panto dates cancelled – ‘I just felt terrible with it. I’ve never slept so much in my life. I’d had all the jabs, but it just finished me off’
“UK asylum plans: Barges and ex-bases set to be used to house migrants”
The Tory Gov., has been allowing our country to be stuffed full of unknown aliens for the last 13 years instead of defending our borders and wasting millions of taxpayers money on fluff and puff .
The ‘Coronavirus’ tab may have disappeared from the bBC websh1te but the ‘Brexit’ one still lurks hopefully hidden under ‘Politics’.
How many years is it since the referendum?
Now we know why votes on the WF were rushed through. Surely there is a case of wilfully misleading Parliament by @chhcalling This is much more deliberate than a cake
Yes, the Rejoiners really are coming – to reverse Brexit ‘step-by-step’. Their new Chairman could not be clearer: “The wind is in our sails now”. Your #Brexit summary is here : And please retweet!
Agreed Taffman but its like the expression goes: “rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic”.
The country (whether England alone or the so called Union) is on a death spiral suffering from a variety of forms of inoperable malignant cancerous cells. All working to dismantle and destroy the whole. Best part about it is, when its all over and there’s just bones to pick over, there will be no crowning the champion, the wars will resume but between those factions left. That’s the nature of these animals.
Don’t fancy the chances of WEF when continuing the war with Islam.
The principle of the primacy (also referred to as ‘precedence’ or ‘supremacy’) of European Union (EU) law is based on the idea that where a conflict arises between an aspect of EU law and an aspect of law in an EU Member State (national law), EU law will prevail.
EU enlargement
Enlargement policy applies to countries currently aspiring to join the EU and potential candidates. The prospect of membership is a powerful stimulus for democratic and economic reforms in countries that want to become EU members.
Giorgi confessed on 15 December 2022 to having been bribed by Qatari officials to influence the European Parliament’s decisions. He also confessed receiving funds from the Moroccan government, and while exonerating his partner, Kaili, he explicitly implicated the involvement of Panzeri, Cozzolino, and Tarabella.
Island- Yes , they tick all the right boxes so far as the BBC is
concerned. It would not surprise me to see the family
in adverts as well. sooner than later. I suppose it must be heart
breaking for the diversity department of the BBC to see the
adverts on Commercial TV. I suppose this is one of the only
answers they have. The only problem is that if ” Eastenders”
was really portraying reality in the east end of Londonistan.
Anybody moving in would be of Bangladeshi ethnicity.
New EastEnders set may include mosque
This article is more than 7 years old
BBC declines to confirm report but says new set will ‘better reflect the East End of London’
Local BBC radio newsPR
#1 A posh food court in Hull that hasn’t opened since December has permanently closed *
#2 @DrMatthewSweet from #Hull remembers Paul O’Grady
#3 Dinghy divers to be housed in ships and ex military bases like Scampton
* No one used the food court cos ot was super expensive
But the BBC presenter waa always saying he thought it was a great place and he hung out there, but couldn’t understand why more people didn’t use it.
To be fair, an RAF base is the perfect place for fighting age men. I just wish they’d be likely to fight for the country they’re in. Although, technically, fighting for the country will be exactly what they will be doing, as occupiers.
Jack Straw: Labour made mistake letting Poles in early
Former home secretary says number and impact of migrants from eastern Europe far exceeded predictions
TalkTV had a discussion with Mathew Goodwin about the New Elite
about the danger of the elite wokesupremacists like Lineker
and their groupthink taking over society
even though their views only represent a small percentage of society.
“You can see this from the way adverts reflect how these people WANT society to be, not how it actually is”
The adverts come on .. A funeral advert with 2 realist old women mourners at a funera
l with two unrealistically placed black young men behind their shoulders.
Labour conference: Wrong to say that only women have a cervix, says Keir Starmer
MP Rosie Duffield staying away from Brighton gathering over online threats
Andrew Woodcock
Political Editor
Sunday 26 September 2021
The Vision of the Anointed (1995) is a book by economist and political columnist Thomas Sowell which brands the anointed as promoters of a worldview concocted out of fantasy impervious to any real-world considerations.
Nicola Sturgeon and Yvette Cooper offer to house Syrian refugees
This article is more than 7 years old
Scottish first minister and Labour leadership contender join Bob Geldof in saying they would open their home to those fleeing war in Syria
During a debate on the Illegal Migration Bill yesterday, Stephen Kinnock made the bold claim “The party opposite has spent the last five or six years completely destroying our relationships with our European neighbours”. Theresa May was also present, and wasn’t going to take this sitting down, she intervened:
“He said we’d spent the last five or six years destroying our relationship with France, perhaps he might like to reduce that by, I think, two?”
“That’s one of the best interventions I have ever received” replied Kinnock.
How could Theresa May back REMAIN and say this in 2012?
‘It is not a choice between wealth and poverty, but of the sort of country one desires to inhabit.’ – THERESA MAY 12dec2012 speech
The institution may well be founded on a principle of doing good for others. It is inevitably the case that the institution will soon come to regard doing good for itself as the same thing as doing good for others.
I haven’t opened it but a Telegraph headline is saying:
Queen deeply saddened by Paul O’Grady death.
It’s still on line at this moment but as I said, I cannot open the article and so cannot say if it’s not as it reads and may have nothing to do with Liz.
Journalists of America: tweets like this from @reuters are why so many people do not trust you, do not respect you, and actively hate you. If you can't understand why based on this tweet, you're part of the problem.
Reuters tweet got a big ratio 5:1
5.2 million views , less than 1000 Likes
so less than 1 in 5,200 Like the tweet
almost 5,000 people replied to the tweet
@JackPosobiec tweeted
“BREAKING: The NY Times has apologized to the LGBT community for misgendering the trans mass shooter”
There was confusion later on Monday about the gender identity of the assailant in the Nashville shooting. Officials had used “she” and “her” to refer to the suspect, who, according to a social media post and a LinkedIn profile, appeared to identify as a man in recent months.
Humza Yousaf has said becoming Scotland’s first Muslim leader sends a strong message “to every single person out there who feels that they don’t belong”, after he was voted in by MSPs.
Humza Yousaf and the new face of Islam in public life
When The Satanic Verses was published in 1988, it was violently protested across the globe. India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Malaysia and South Africa banned it, while crowds gathered, infamously, to burn it in the streets of Bradford. Bookshops were bombed. On 14 February 1989, author Salman Rushdie was attending a book event in London. When news came through that Ayatollah Khomeini had issued a fatwa condemning Rushdie and the publishers to death, he was taken from the event by security services and spent more than a decade in hiding.
So it was that within months of the fall of the Berlin Wall, and the end of the Cold War, other walls were going up, and the first rumblings of a new struggle were being felt. This conflict would not be between geo–political power blocks but between western liberalism and discontents in the wider world, most obviously in the form of political Islam. Domestically, the Rushdie affair set the tone for a multi–decade debate about the relationship between Islam and what became known as ‘British values’. In 2023, this is debate is still very much live – with a recent review of the Prevent scheme suggesting that officials were “not doing enough to counter non–violent Islamist extremism”. Meanwhile, the Muslim community has felt consistently othered, and targeted, by such policies.
Much of this can be traced first to liberal bewilderment at the sheer ferocity of Muslim response in 1988. What about free expression? What about tolerance? Then, Islamist terrorism regularly injected an accelerant to this fire – every couple of years, a new atrocity to remind us that some British Muslims, even if the tiniest minority, truly hated the West, freedom, democracy, etc… Indeed, it could be argued that significant part of the Islamist agenda in 9/11, London, Madrid, Mumbai, Paris and the rest was indeed to create a sense that Islam and liberal democracy could not co–exist.
But yesterday, Humza Yousaf won the race to become the UK’s first Muslim leader of a major political party, and in due course first minister of Scotland, which makes him the first Muslim premier in Europe. The Scottish Labour Party is also led by a Muslim, Anas Sarwar. We have a Muslim mayor for London.
“High-earners”. Could that be the Saudi’s and others who contribute heavily to Mona Sadiq and her Edinburgh Uni who run their islamic (conversion) studies courses?
Is that the moaning sadiqui who turns up on ‘thought for the day ‘ and is no longer referred to as an ‘Islamic scholar ‘ but just a ‘religious scholar ‘ – nice nuanced bias I thought …
Maybe the new imam will stop girls getting silly ideas in their heads through education ….
“She gave her life protecting the kids”… but BBC shoehorn in the photo of the one black victim from Nashville (Mike was a ‘he’, as far as we know).
Also — we need to talk about gun controls again, but not problems that arise from identifying as the opposite gender because everyone loved Lily Savage (whose sudden death had nothing to do with dodgy biotech which we also definitely don’t need to talk about).
TWATO just. Did I hear correctly? Ed Davey calls for the Government to recruit 8000 (eight thousand) GP’s immediately. And our Black Broadcasting Corporation give him airspace?
Even if you tried, you could not find a moron in the street at random who didn’t know how stupid Mr Davey’s demand was/is.
Exactly G. This sums up the complete clusterfuck of the combination of a moronic MSM and equally moronic politician. It is mind boggling that a) they give publicity to outrageous rubbish that these idiots spout and b) that any politician would spout such nonsensical rubbish! Why did no one think to question where he got his figures and where are such GP’s going to come from. Each medical produces about a 100 doctors year and take years to train.
Davey was partly responsible for high energy prices because he spiked any attempt at nuclear power when Cameron and that Google bloke were in power …..
Easy to forget …
I wonder what the bribe was to get the knighthood – certainly not ability …
Are there more GPs ? BBC page
Yes : “They looked at the number for all GPs in the NHS in England between September 2019 and September 2022. On this basis, they’re right – the number for ‘all GPs’ increased by 2,200 in this time.
The thing is, there are a lot more GPs in training now – it’s gone from about 6,500 in 2019 to 9,500 now. GPs in training are involved in patient care, but under supervision, and are obviously far less experienced”
Are there less fully-qualified GPs ?
So when you exclude GPs in training from the numbers, they look very different
– there are indeed about 600-700 fewer fully-qualified GPs today than in 2019, as the Royal College for GPs said. “
Sunak was in front of a Parliamentary commission the other day in a dream world as usual, oblivious to the old adage ” better to keep quiet and let people think you a fool than open your mouth a remove all doubt”.
He claimed that UK military kit being sent to Ukraine was being used in its primary purpose to degrade Russian military capability. He was completely unconcerned the Russian military machine was now running at 100% producing 500K heavy artilery shells per month while we struggle to produce one, and he hasn’t reordered anything to replace them.
The man is utterly clueless and has no business being in politics at all let alone in charge of a political party.
Another couple of years and he won’t be, it’ll be another clone just the same for 5 year (maximum).
Something I noticed the other week when the news was all about a young and troubled white lass that had faked being groomed, beaten and raped by Pakistani paedo’ gangs. The MSM were all over it. Don’t get me wrong, this was an atrocious thing to do, but…
The BBC and Channel 4 were like feral dogs with a juicy bone, they couldn’t leave it alone. We heard from the innocent men involved whose lives have been wrecked, from their family’s and from the “community”. However…
There have been tens of thousands of young white girls who HAVE been groomed. beaten and raped…some even murdered…and the bloody media want nothing to do with them. The BBC and Channel 4 scurry away, as though the story had rabies and they were terrified of becoming infected.
By hi-lighting this one deeply troubled young woman they hope to cast aspersions on all the other real cases.
It’s certainly many more than that. How do we know this?
Well, the Alexis Jay report into the Rotherham child abuse scandal identified the well-known figure of 1,400 for 1997-2013 in this one town of around 250,000 people.
A similar inquiry into Telford (pop. about 3/5 of Rotherham’s) identified 1,000 cases in a longer period of around three decades. The Rotherham official total is now a few hundred above the original Jay figure, as more girls have come forward. These totals were always likely to understate the scale of the problem, for reasons such as victims’ understandable reticence to come forward and the difficulty of proof.
So we have an official tally of, at a minimum, 2,400 girls abused up to, let’s say, 7-10 years ago, from a combined population of 400,000 from the two named towns (i.e. 250,000 + 150,000). Add to this other instances such as Rochdale, Derby, Oxford, Blackburn, Tyneside, etc, and you can see that the total will likely be tens of thousands rather than thousands. Some have claimed up to one million, which I personally doubt, but the scale of the crime (and official indifference to it) is shocking.
BTW We have 4 stations that burn coal
Maybe you forgot the 2 Drax units
or the one in N Ireland that runs a lot
Northern Ireland’s Kilroot COAL power station runs normally daily
& doesn’t get converted to gas until after 2024
The other 2 are standby ones Ratcliffe .. and West Burton
Ironically it’s crazy UK political stunts like blowing up COAL power stations
that drive high gas prices
Eggborough Power station was blown up on 1 August 2021
It’s just what I heard on Farage or Mogg.
A guest mentioned we only had 3.
Your reply looks more accurate or maybe they just meant power stations in England.
Anyway, it’s still an insignificant number compared to China.
Yep build more – on Friday apparently it’s gonna very windy – solar wise – every thing will fry – the climate will change – a new ice age – …. Or maybe I lie – but the solar thing is heading towards us …
UK courts used the harassment law to persecute/jail two Yellow vest activists
mere cos they spoke to Anna Soubry twice
saying that a third time was an intention but Soubry didn’t turn up.
Yet Steve Bray has been harassing Brexit viewers for years by hijacking TV segments by putting his anti Brexit sign in camera shot.
He did that again this morning as TalkTV interviewed Wes Streeting.
Pics …
I was just reading on the bBC webshte about HM the King in Germany
Under 1 of the photos a caption “A diverse crowd waits for them” The bBC found its perfect shot 🙂
Announcing the state visit earlier this month, Buckingham Palace said it would “celebrate Britain’s relationship” with Germany, “marking our shared histories, culture and values”. – Maybe they could discuss world war II
So lets celebrate Britain’s relationship with Germany, marking our shared history with an occasion in Bonn on the 5th May 1955. The day Germany obtained its sovereignty from British colonial rule.
On the 5th May 1955 the Federal German Republic became a sovereign State ten years after the fall of Hitler’s Reich. This event had been greeted throughout the country with restrained and sober approval, but there were no national celebrations. After considerable discussion the Government decided that such celebrations should wait for the day when Germany is reunified and finally free.
At noon the British High Commissioner, Sir Frederick Hoyer-Millar, called on Dr Adenauer in the Palais Schaumburg, where he handed to him the instruments of ratification of the Agreements ending the British occupation. The British High Commissioner also delivered two messages to the Chancellor, one from the Prime Minister, Sir Anthony Eden, and the other from the Foreign Secretary, Mr Macmillan. In his message Sir Anthony welcomed Germany as an equal partner among the Western nations, and went on: “This happy outcome has called for much resolution. I should like to pay a tribute to the patience which you, Mr Chancellor, have shown and to the courage and statesmanship with which you have overcome the many difficulties you have had to face. Much remains to be done before the security of the free world is finally assured, but I know that we shall travel on this road together.”
After the independence ceremony, Dr Adenauer presided at a Cabinet meeting, where the text of a proclamation on Germany’s newly won sovereignty was agreed. At three o’clock in the afternoon the red, black, and gold flag of the Federal Republic was formally hoisted on all public buildings in Bonn. Then in the evening Sir Frederick Hoyer-Millar presented his credentials to President Heuss, as the first British Ambassador to Germany since Sir Nevile Meyrick Henderson had to leave in 1939.
On 5 May 1955, in Bonn, Sir Frederick Hoyer Millar (left), British High Commissioner of Germany, and the German Chancellor, Konrad Adenauer (centre), sign the agreements which officially put an end to the British occupation of Germany.
That should not be regarded as trans at all as it’s clearly a bloke who slapped a bad wig on his head and pulled a cheap dress on.
He has stubble and thick bushy eyebrows, he has made absolutely zero attempt to live as a woman and that to me makes a big difference.
I am prepared to believe the medical evidence that a small number of people are unfortunate enough to have this condition, and that the fact that they do is statlingly obvious if you’ve ever met any of them. This and many others can be seen because it’s screamingly obvious they are not trans, but the fact the Left says they are appears to make all the difference to the BBC.
Zara Jade sounds a lot like Mara Jade, a sexy character from the Star Wars universe that girls like to cosplay as.
Reminds me of the murdered trans found on the Norfolk coast a couple of decades ago who went by the name Christine Chapel (the nurse from Star Trek).
These people are nothing more than fantasists.
SNP candidate Kate Forbes got a severe grilling from the press (including the odious BBC) for daring to hold traditional Christian values.
As a result, she lost.
Strangely, muslim Humza Yousaf got a free ride.
Yet journalists could have asked him about all sorts of quaint muslim beliefs and practices, such as the tiny sample below:
Plenty more where that came from, not to mention the hundreds of people murdered and mutilated every month by muslim terrorists.
1097 in the past 30 days alone.
Oh, it’s just gone up to 1098…
Anjem Choudary calls Duke of Sussex a ‘Muslim killer’ and calls on jihadis to retaliate
Hate preacher said Harry’s claim he killed 25 Taliban was a ‘wake-up call’ for Muslims everywhere to ‘end the occupation of foreign forces’
Martin Evans,
8 January 2023 • 6:43pm
I’d go along with that. Let’s give ’em all notice that they have to leave the country double-quick. Pakistan et al. awaits the arrivals.
Perhaps they need to house them in 4 Star hotels in Islamabad and elsewhere…………….
Humza has added “NHS Recovery” to the Health Secretary title, presumably to reflect the urgent care it needs after his own tenure leading that department…
2015 …. So we’ll take a radical step – we’ll make illegal working a criminal offence in its own right. That means wages paid to illegal migrants will be seized as proceeds of crime… and businesses will be told when their workers’ visas expire… so if you’re involved in illegal working – employer or employee – you’re breaking the law.
I saw a headline saying “Queen sorry about death of Paul o’ Grady “… wow I thought liz is back – no – it must be Freddie mercury – then – no – … so who could this ‘ Queen bee?
Mrs S and I book hotels occasionally at home or abroad. Our limit is around £150 per night for a double ( or twin in extremis). Typically we’d get a double for nearer £100.
The government are well-reported to be spending £6,000,000 a day housing 51,000 rubberised cross-channel ferry passengers in hotels.
Do the maths. That’s nearly £120 per person per night. About double what Mrs S and I pay. And the government presumably can ‘negotiate’ better deals. Hahahahahahaha.
Isn’t it an absolutely pathetic waste of taxpayers money.
I’d like to thank you for contributing to my considerable dividend increase in my hotel shares . But don’t worry – I have ploughed the profits into a French dinghy manufacturing company situated close to the coast ….. I also intend to by Hulk futures – and maybe cruise liners ……
Ok a confession – i am a Ruttles fan – the now forgotten group so badly ripped off by The Fab 4.
At the centre of The Ruttles was Neill Innes RIP. Now surprisingly -as i wondered across BBc4 extra looking for anything not woke crap – i found his series from – lord – 20 years ago … if you get a chance …. One show was on last night and is on that repeat internet thing …
JohnCMar 11, 01:07 Start the Week 10th March 2025 They are cherished at the BBC harry. The only ones who can tick EVERY box.
harry142857Mar 11, 00:54 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Thanks John, sort of. I thought homosexual moslems ended up falling out of windows. What a freak. Expect old bill…
JohnCMar 11, 00:11 Start the Week 10th March 2025 [img][/img] Are you surprised. His previous job: ‘Qadeer is chief diversity officer at Alexion Pharmaceuticals.’ And anyone who comes out…
harry142857Mar 11, 00:07 Start the Week 10th March 2025 BBC’s HR department is led by Uzair Qadeer (Chief People Officer) and has 121 employees. Yet can’t out perverts like…
JohnCMar 10, 23:45 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Just when you think the BBC can’t get any more ridiculous and desperate in their attempts to discredit the Trump…
MarcoMar 10, 23:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I’ve been listening to Scott Ritter on you tube and his take on trump is very interesting,he thinks trump is…
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 10, 23:10 Start the Week 10th March 2025 From the Daily Mail online: “… … … According to the Telegraph, figures from the most recent BBC annual report…
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 10, 22:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Carney worked for Goldman Sachs for 13 years, curiously enough.
FlotsamMar 10, 22:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I might be wrong. One ship, the Stena Immaculate might have been moving around at anchor due to wind and/or…
No, it can’t be…
ULEZ if you want to.
Better LTN, (late than never)…
More restrictions on cars in big towns and cities! Low Traffic Neighbourhoods are causing absolute chaos according to a chap in Chelsea on LBC this morning! Well worth listening to Ian Payne and the wrath of some of his callers, (except fuming Sharon in Alicante, who somehow got everyone’s back up right at the start)!
Looks like Mare Khan’s Piggy Bank is raking it in these days! Thank goodness we’ll never, ever visit London again, we’ll take what prosperity and goodwill we have to offer, to places where we’ll be made welcome!
This morning on Today as I switched on, Robinson was ‘interviewing’ a member of the Netanyahu government, the Justice minister I think. He was in Israel and the line didn’t appear brilliant. I have put ‘interviewing’ in inverted commas because poor Mr Klein was hardly able to put two words together before Nick shouted over him. Eventually Nick switched to an Israeli union leader who was in the studio with the volume raised and given free rein. At one point the union man paused for breath so Nick started speaking. When the union man restarted, Nick said the words, ‘I apologise for interrupting you’. No bias there.
Simply criminal
Wind farms can simply ignore agreed contracts and cash in big time, FOI reveals
I am not a maritime lawyer or seafaring expert , but I`ve taken a look at the Saving Of Lives At Sea convention .
It was first drafted in 1914 in response to the Titanic disaster , and revised a few times , the last being the 1974 version , fifty years ago .
It`s separated into 14 chapters with several amendments which any country can denunciated every 5 years .
The first chapter devises the scope of what vessels come under the charter , for example the minimum tonnage and what are exempt .
And under regulation 1 it exempts all naval ships and ” other ships owned or operated by a contracting government ” .
So that means the Border Farce ships which we all know are useless and should be sold off and the crews made redundant .
There is a proviso to the above as the charter encourages the governments to apply the convention with such ships if it is reasonable and practical .
Obviously there is an appeal to abide by the spirit of the law here , lets return to that later .
In regulation II there must be a ship reporting system para 5 says it must be co ordinated .
regulation 35 talks about the misuse of the system .
Chapter 5 is the all encompassing one which the BBC and do gooders use to bring the invaders in .
Chapter 9 starts with the contracting governments are to Enhance Maritime Safety . How does letting dinghies of illegals cross one of the busiest lanes of shipping help safety ?
Regulation 6 says that the authorities must investigate marine casualties and incidents . Are the French and British authorities doing that ?
regulation 8 says masters of ships must take into account the security threat and safety of the seamen ie ; is it safe to rescue these illegals .
Regulation 7 is a good one . The authorities must adapt the rules if there is a security threat to the country or its coastal region .
Considering that some of these illegals want to massacre children at pop concerts or blow up maternity hospitals I would say there is a threat .
So there are reasons enough to use the letter of the law not to go out and bring these invaders in . But what about the spirit of the law and saving all lives in danger ?
Well the convention was drawn up over 100 years ago and revised fifty years ago , in an age of reason by concerned parties who looked at a specific problem .
It was designed to protect innocent merchant seaman and passengers from peril .
It was not designed to facilitate criminals breaking into a country and occupying it .
How many US mass shootings have there been in 2023?
Lots of statistics about gun crime in the USA from the BBC but as I read it, one big elephant is in the room. All kinds of obfuscation and data about largely irrelevant stuff to make you think how you are supposed to think.
But the ONE fact which they don’t go anywhere near is identifying which group of people are responsible for the VAST MAJORITY of murders using firearms. A specific group which makes up 10% of the population is reponsible for 60% of the murders.
This is an excellent example of how the BBC (and the Left) will simply not talk about anything which does not fit their agenda. Even when it means thousands of people are being murdered.
And if nobody will ever admit the problem, you can be sure nothing will change to do something about it.
‘Black Lives Matter’ my arse. I have the utmost contempt for their total lack of principles and ethics. They are the very worst kind of liars.
And of course I see they are still running the campaign that the worst thing the Taliban have done is stop girls going to school. Tell that to people they have murdered. And the Taliban didn’t just ‘take over’ when the Americans left as if it were all part of the agreement like the BBC write. They will never mention why the government we spent so many billions building and supporting collapsed overnight because of one man. All of this is down to Biden and they know it. But the agenda is more important than a catastrophe on this scale so they don’t care. Totally disgusting.
‘Black Lives Matter’ my arse. I have the utmost contempt for their total lack of principles and ethics. They are the very worst kind of liars.
‘Black Lives Matter’ – defund the police – and replace with?
‘Black Lives Matter’ – destroy the nuclear family and replace with what?
Please correct me if I’m wrong, but didn’t BLM start to prosper and cheat everyone as soon as Biden staggered into the White House?
Presumably Barry told him what to do even back then, but he certainly doesn’t know what to do about anything these days, so is probably still wandering around in a daze after getting his Horlicks for breakfast, and orders from Billary.
So what is the EU really about?
The EU incorporates a large number of Western European countries. Those countries are, historically, some of the most prosperous in the World. People in Europe have become accustomed to a high standard of living. The problem is that nothing Europe makes can”t be produced more inexpensively elsewhere. So what is required is economic protectionism, the EU provides that. The way economic activity is regulated plays into the hands of Governments and big business.
Paul O’ Grady dead at 67. RIP.
I won’t make any quips, but expect his stint as Lily Savage will get get more attention than his recent interviews or fronting For The Love Of Dogs.
Ahh that saddens me. I have downloads of many of his Sunday night shows which I listen to regularly while I am working. He was one of the last people I could still listen to on Radio-2 up until he too got pushed out to ‘attract the younger audience’.
King Charles’s first state visit: What to expect from Germany trip
Before clicking the link you get the heading
“Improving relations with Europe is the priority” – I suppose the bbc is still in mourning for loosing its funding from the eu
Kaiser Charles returns ‘home ‘ …. Got the making of one long wince …
King Charles – 15 minute cities – his drive is 16 minutes long.
Prince Charles given €3m in cash in bags by Qatari politician, according to report
This article is more than 8 months old
Money was passed immediately to one of the prince’s charities, says Clarence House
David Connett
Sat 25 Jun 2022 23.02 BST
How Qatar used a secret deal to bind itself to the EU Parliament
POLITICO has obtained a cooperation pact between a Parliament subcommittee and a Qatari organization. Officially, however, the deal doesn’t exist.
BBC News – having trouble with the trannie mass murder animal in the US of school shootings . They refer to the killer not as he / she / it / who cares – but as ‘the person ‘…
The only upside to this was the swift response by plod who went straight in and killed the monster – they didn’t use hand sanitizer and stand about like last time ….
Biden – of course – wants more gun control – if I was a yank every time he said that I’d buy a bigger gun …
Yes they are sticking with version 17 for the moment, having deleted the version saying there was “some confusion about Hale’s gender identity.”
‘The suspect was under “doctor’s care for an emotional disorder”, police say.’
I think that sums the entire situation up. A bit like every salesman for Alans Snackbar having mental-health issues.
Abnormality for what so many of these people do must be distanced from the agenda at all costs. The two must never be linked.
Yes, a great response from brave police officers. They went straight and and killed the bastard. No messing around. They saved a lot of lives.
Matching media.
Alternatives promised. Likely to be assessed? Ever to be enacted?
Man of integrity.
Curious that our Justin didn’t mention his tax return when interviewed on ‘today ‘ … I reckon the liberals had an agreement for him to turn up but not be questioned on that …. Davey usually deployed the ‘disabled son ‘ when in difficulty to prey on the emotional sympathy of decent people .
But he’s a politician ….
Yesterday I posted an image of a trans activist T-shirt – Tucker Carlson elaborates where that T-shirt fits in ….
First up I need to RIP the poor victims of this horror story, and feel for those they leave behind to mourn and cope as this gets chewed over in ways that avoids anything like addressing the real issues.
Tucker struggles to think of any trans person murdered by a pastor.
Yet, here…
“The BBC Trust, a group of “independent trustees acting in the public interest”, rejected suggestions that the drama associated fanatical Christianity with evangelicalism”
Hi-di-ho, campers. Look out for comedians with milkshakes.
“Paul O’Grady: TV presenter and comedian dies aged 67”
‘He died “unexpectedly but peacefully” on Tuesday evening, his husband Andre Portasio said in a statement.’
I must be doing something right as I’ve never heard of him/it.
Anyway looks like one less fruit, so unexpectedly good breakfast news.
Coronavirus tab has disappeared from BBC website, so no link to how much vaccine gunge Paul may have shot up.
“… He later married a Portuguese lesbian in 1977 in a marriage of convenience and only legally divorced her in 2005.”
Convenience for what? Is this BBC code for something illegal which they have decided isn’t?
Illegal – … He later married a Portuguese lesbian in 1977 in a marriage of convenience and only legally divorced her in 2005.”
I know of men who’ve dressed as and acted as women for decades without any of the drama and noise we’re seeing from the present crew.
The activism seems cultivated….
+ Orchestrated. Wonder who?
Presumably she kept missing?
Too small a target to hit even at point blank range.
0 brains so she was safe.
Oh good😁
Let’s hope she starts a trend among the luvvies.
Mind you – lying is the same as telling the truth in that business. Despite all their crowing about loving each other and respecting each other they are the nastiest, most unpleasant b*stards of all.
Being such low-life scum is what allows them to virtue-signal and lie so easily. With a few – but not many – exceptions.
Plenty made other commitments for Brexit and the last USA election and I am not aware of a single one of them who actually did it.
One more reason to vote Trump.
“Naga says she heard Emily and Sopes say to Lewis that the Tories are evil. Reportedly. According to me”
First dog to top dog edition
Our BBC employees’ favourite newspaper embarks on some self-flagelation this morning: Guardian owner apologises for founders’ links to slavery… “this awful history must reinforce our determination to expose racism, injustice and inequality” Katherine Viner, Editor-in-chief
Presumably that posture is calculated to allay acusations of hypocrisy and ought to go down well with their – mainly white – anti-white readership. What’s the ultimate goal in a campaign of anti-racism, we wonder? What must a white person do? Paint one’s self black, perhaps? That’s what the achingly right-on Justin Trudeau – for whom the Gruan is a fan – reflexively did in his formative years. Men who make up in black face to mock black men (usually) are considered evil – whereas men who make up as women… well, we won’t go there – not on a day when we mourn Paul O’Grady who did this as part of his stage act as a talented and much admired entertainer
Paul O’Grady was ‘surrounded by dogs’ and ‘full of life’ day before his death (Liverpool Echo)
Trudeau to announce US-Canada asylum deal after Biden talks… Under the deal, which Canadian officials hope will temper the increase in irregular border crossings in recent months, Canada will bring in 15,000 more South and Central American migrants to Canada (Guardian)
That formula of we’ll take more legally because lots are coming illegally sounds rather familiar: Rishi Sunak set to open ‘safe’ routes for 20,000 migrants a year. Ministers finalising plans that would see thousands of migrants from around the world offered a new home in Britain (Telegraph) – when the idea of the new initiative was supposed to be to…. temper the increase in irregular border crossings – as they say.
Let ’em come, Let ’em all come down to The Den is the Millwall FC semi-official fan song.
Alternatively, popular with the fans is the somewhat nihilistic “No one likes us, we don’t care”
First Dog on refugees: let them all come… First Dog on the Moon has drawn refugee cartoons for years. As the debate over Syria heats up, here are three of his classics (Guardian 2015, in reference to cartoonist First Dog illustrations published between 2011 and 2013)
Let Mr AsI know if you can figure out what he’s getting at here from some extracts:
‘let them all come, let them come and ruin our way of life… bring it all to dust, raise it to the ground then salt the earth to the end of the world, smash it all, let them all come’
And today: NHS: Public satisfaction with health service drops to record low (BBC); Satisfaction in our health service is now at the lowest level ever recorded due to massive backlog in treatment caused by the pandemic (Daily Express) – oh dear, let’s just fix that line from the Express: …due to massive backlog in treatment caused by the Lockdown and excess demand caused by hyper immigration
Our BBC online news frontpage has lost interest in the lastest US school shooting. Their North America page has this rather bland inconsequential take: Nashville school shooter hid guns in parents’ house
The giveaway – in more ways than one – Metro prefers the line: Trans shooter had murder manifesto before starting on killing spree at school
And to the globalist technocrat FT where presumably they yearn for one world government with all the plebs barcoded, tracked and traced: Datawatch Cradle to grave… Completeness of registration system… Disparities in registration systems mean nearly 40 per cent of the world’s deaths are not registered, most in poor countries. Although most nations have some form of birth registration, 36mn babies around the world each year are unregistered
One has to admire the FT’s use of WHO classifications for the quality of registration system… Sustainable – that’s the top dog, the magic word these days representing super double plus good 90%+ events registered.
Moving down the scale…
Well-developed… “oo, er, missus!” Sorry I am taking this seriously. I just couldn’t help the thought of a bit of Carry On humour there. Specifically Barbara Windsor’s classic line “I’m only 16!”
Moderate is the WHO reasonable take on mid-table mediocrity
Limited and the rather generous Nascent round off the lower reaches of the table – ripe for western NGOs run by the likes of Bill Gates and Tony Blair to move in and sort things out for the natives, right?
Sick isn’t it ? Whenever I see a ‘sudden unexpected death ‘ now I just think ‘covid vaccine ‘ …..
The evasiveness and misdirection of MSM and public bodies / public servants is not conducive to public confidence.
11th Feb 2021 – ‘Paul Grady says getting COVID vaccine was a doddle’
Annie 2023 panto dates cancelled – ‘I just felt terrible with it. I’ve never slept so much in my life. I’d had all the jabs, but it just finished me off’
“UK asylum plans: Barges and ex-bases set to be used to house migrants”
The Tory Gov., has been allowing our country to be stuffed full of unknown aliens for the last 13 years instead of defending our borders and wasting millions of taxpayers money on fluff and puff .
Just one example
Diesel 17p more per litre than petrol despite oil price falls
BS corp quoting British retail consortium again, and just taking their word for it
Constantly we are ripped off in this country, and have the bbc there to promote increases
The TV Tax is another rip off.
Apparently getting a fuel card by being a tradesman etc.
gets you cheaper diesel than the pump price
The ‘Coronavirus’ tab may have disappeared from the bBC websh1te but the ‘Brexit’ one still lurks hopefully hidden under ‘Politics’.
How many years is it since the referendum?
Time now for The Reform Party to form an alliance with UKIP to blow the “Rejoiners” into extinction .
Agreed Taffman but its like the expression goes: “rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic”.
The country (whether England alone or the so called Union) is on a death spiral suffering from a variety of forms of inoperable malignant cancerous cells. All working to dismantle and destroy the whole. Best part about it is, when its all over and there’s just bones to pick over, there will be no crowning the champion, the wars will resume but between those factions left. That’s the nature of these animals.
Don’t fancy the chances of WEF when continuing the war with Islam.
The principle of the primacy (also referred to as ‘precedence’ or ‘supremacy’) of European Union (EU) law is based on the idea that where a conflict arises between an aspect of EU law and an aspect of law in an EU Member State (national law), EU law will prevail.
EU enlargement
Enlargement policy applies to countries currently aspiring to join the EU and potential candidates. The prospect of membership is a powerful stimulus for democratic and economic reforms in countries that want to become EU members.
Giorgi confessed on 15 December 2022 to having been bribed by Qatari officials to influence the European Parliament’s decisions. He also confessed receiving funds from the Moroccan government, and while exonerating his partner, Kaili, he explicitly implicated the involvement of Panzeri, Cozzolino, and Tarabella.
Eastenders new family
More ticking:-
BBC appoints new Diversity & Inclusion Strategic Disability Lead
its does like to waste other peoples money
Surely you mean TV Taxpayers money .
Eastenders new family
Will they be buying a new sofa?
Island- Yes , they tick all the right boxes so far as the BBC is
concerned. It would not surprise me to see the family
in adverts as well. sooner than later. I suppose it must be heart
breaking for the diversity department of the BBC to see the
adverts on Commercial TV. I suppose this is one of the only
answers they have. The only problem is that if ” Eastenders”
was really portraying reality in the east end of Londonistan.
Anybody moving in would be of Bangladeshi ethnicity.
And they would discuss last night’s Corrie in the caff. And there would be the occasional stabbing.
12 Likes, no replies
I guess that’s a blind man
The previous person left in July
@Nina_Goswami tweeted Aug 1, 2022
that she was now Head of #Inclusion UK
Chinny Okolidoh has been the overall BBC Director of Diversity and Inclusion since Sept 2022
New EastEnders set may include mosque
This article is more than 7 years old
BBC declines to confirm report but says new set will ‘better reflect the East End of London’
Local BBC radio newsPR
#1 A posh food court in Hull that hasn’t opened since December has permanently closed *
#2 @DrMatthewSweet from #Hull remembers Paul O’Grady
#3 Dinghy divers to be housed in ships and ex military bases like Scampton
* No one used the food court cos ot was super expensive
But the BBC presenter waa always saying he thought it was a great place and he hung out there, but couldn’t understand why more people didn’t use it.
Suelle Braverman – invasion to occupation.
To be fair, an RAF base is the perfect place for fighting age men. I just wish they’d be likely to fight for the country they’re in. Although, technically, fighting for the country will be exactly what they will be doing, as occupiers.
UK hate preacher calls Prince Harry a ‘Muslim killer’ whose Taliban confession should be a ‘wake-up call’
By Lee Brown
January 9, 2023 12:42pm
BBC – spend expenses lunch money on booze!
The Conservatives are atrocious.
Then you see the alternative.
“Never play chess with a pigeon.
The pigeon just knocks all the pieces over.
Then shits all over the board.
Then struts around like it won.”
Bloody racist, nazi, brexit pigeons.
Jack Straw: Labour made mistake letting Poles in early
Former home secretary says number and impact of migrants from eastern Europe far exceeded predictions
The predicted numbers were just a other Bliar lie
Incredible – hulks..
By Esme Stallard
Climate and Science Reporter, BBC News
“The committee, also known as the CCC, is an independent group of experts* set up to provide the government with advice on the climate crisis.”
*Needs checking for facts.
No conflict there then – NOT
Esme is a fifth columnist – more BBC climate BS
Safe to say that she knows f-all about much anything – can’t even report it seems…
TalkTV had a discussion with Mathew Goodwin about the New Elite
about the danger of the elite wokesupremacists like Lineker
and their groupthink taking over society
even though their views only represent a small percentage of society.
“You can see this from the way adverts reflect how these people WANT society to be, not how it actually is”
The adverts come on .. A funeral advert with 2 realist old women mourners at a funera
l with two unrealistically placed black young men behind their shoulders.
A bonus of being ‘elite’ but thick, and hence woke rich liberals is… you can be selective at whim.
Research has suggested.
Labour conference: Wrong to say that only women have a cervix, says Keir Starmer
MP Rosie Duffield staying away from Brighton gathering over online threats
Andrew Woodcock
Political Editor
Sunday 26 September 2021
The Vision of the Anointed (1995) is a book by economist and political columnist Thomas Sowell which brands the anointed as promoters of a worldview concocted out of fantasy impervious to any real-world considerations.
Nicola Sturgeon and Yvette Cooper offer to house Syrian refugees
This article is more than 7 years old
Scottish first minister and Labour leadership contender join Bob Geldof in saying they would open their home to those fleeing war in Syria
A question as a headline:
Slight hint at the end.
Subhead picks up…
Certainly not helped by ‘experts via #prasnews to brain dead moppets in news rooms-ism’. seems to like Theresa May.
During a debate on the Illegal Migration Bill yesterday, Stephen Kinnock made the bold claim “The party opposite has spent the last five or six years completely destroying our relationships with our European neighbours”. Theresa May was also present, and wasn’t going to take this sitting down, she intervened:
“He said we’d spent the last five or six years destroying our relationship with France, perhaps he might like to reduce that by, I think, two?”
“That’s one of the best interventions I have ever received” replied Kinnock.
How could Theresa May back REMAIN and say this in 2012?
‘It is not a choice between wealth and poverty, but of the sort of country one desires to inhabit.’ – THERESA MAY 12dec2012 speech
The institution may well be founded on a principle of doing good for others. It is inevitably the case that the institution will soon come to regard doing good for itself as the same thing as doing good for others.
Hence the need for a TVL hike. Apparently.
The ex British BC seems impressed with the foreign guy in traditional dress
I haven’t opened it but a Telegraph headline is saying:
Queen deeply saddened by Paul O’Grady death.
It’s still on line at this moment but as I said, I cannot open the article and so cannot say if it’s not as it reads and may have nothing to do with Liz.
Ah, on tv, the bottom scrolling banners say ‘Queen consort’ so they mean Camilla.
My mistake.
Brian May or May Not
Part of the TNI already? Getting invited?
Maybe if it was billed as a mostly non fatal slaughter of innocents?
Reuters tweet got a big ratio 5:1
5.2 million views , less than 1000 Likes
so less than 1 in 5,200 Like the tweet
almost 5,000 people replied to the tweet
There was a CBS tweet too..and NYT
@JackPosobiec tweeted
“BREAKING: The NY Times has apologized to the LGBT community for misgendering the trans mass shooter”
Humza Yousaf has said becoming Scotland’s first Muslim leader sends a strong message “to every single person out there who feels that they don’t belong”, after he was voted in by MSPs.
Humza Yousaf and the new face of Islam in public life
When The Satanic Verses was published in 1988, it was violently protested across the globe. India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Malaysia and South Africa banned it, while crowds gathered, infamously, to burn it in the streets of Bradford. Bookshops were bombed. On 14 February 1989, author Salman Rushdie was attending a book event in London. When news came through that Ayatollah Khomeini had issued a fatwa condemning Rushdie and the publishers to death, he was taken from the event by security services and spent more than a decade in hiding.
So it was that within months of the fall of the Berlin Wall, and the end of the Cold War, other walls were going up, and the first rumblings of a new struggle were being felt. This conflict would not be between geo–political power blocks but between western liberalism and discontents in the wider world, most obviously in the form of political Islam. Domestically, the Rushdie affair set the tone for a multi–decade debate about the relationship between Islam and what became known as ‘British values’. In 2023, this is debate is still very much live – with a recent review of the Prevent scheme suggesting that officials were “not doing enough to counter non–violent Islamist extremism”. Meanwhile, the Muslim community has felt consistently othered, and targeted, by such policies.
Much of this can be traced first to liberal bewilderment at the sheer ferocity of Muslim response in 1988. What about free expression? What about tolerance? Then, Islamist terrorism regularly injected an accelerant to this fire – every couple of years, a new atrocity to remind us that some British Muslims, even if the tiniest minority, truly hated the West, freedom, democracy, etc… Indeed, it could be argued that significant part of the Islamist agenda in 9/11, London, Madrid, Mumbai, Paris and the rest was indeed to create a sense that Islam and liberal democracy could not co–exist.
But yesterday, Humza Yousaf won the race to become the UK’s first Muslim leader of a major political party, and in due course first minister of Scotland, which makes him the first Muslim premier in Europe. The Scottish Labour Party is also led by a Muslim, Anas Sarwar. We have a Muslim mayor for London.
“High-earners”. Could that be the Saudi’s and others who contribute heavily to Mona Sadiq and her Edinburgh Uni who run their islamic (conversion) studies courses?
Is that the moaning sadiqui who turns up on ‘thought for the day ‘ and is no longer referred to as an ‘Islamic scholar ‘ but just a ‘religious scholar ‘ – nice nuanced bias I thought …
Maybe the new imam will stop girls getting silly ideas in their heads through education ….
Just an aside, does Katie live by a belisha beacon?
“She gave her life protecting the kids”… but BBC shoehorn in the photo of the one black victim from Nashville (Mike was a ‘he’, as far as we know).
Also — we need to talk about gun controls again, but not problems that arise from identifying as the opposite gender because everyone loved Lily Savage (whose sudden death had nothing to do with dodgy biotech which we also definitely don’t need to talk about).
Trust the media experts:
Humza wears traditional Scotch outfit for the swearing in ceremony.
er. It’s the traditional national outfit of Pakistan the Shalwar Kameez.
Not knowing, I have to assume that’s his two wives.
Hello G
I’m sure your right, the 3rd one is too old
@G – Three, if you count the little one.
TWATO just. Did I hear correctly? Ed Davey calls for the Government to recruit 8000 (eight thousand) GP’s immediately. And our Black Broadcasting Corporation give him airspace?
Even if you tried, you could not find a moron in the street at random who didn’t know how stupid Mr Davey’s demand was/is.
Still thinking Gallows on Parliament Square………..
Exactly G. This sums up the complete clusterfuck of the combination of a moronic MSM and equally moronic politician. It is mind boggling that a) they give publicity to outrageous rubbish that these idiots spout and b) that any politician would spout such nonsensical rubbish! Why did no one think to question where he got his figures and where are such GP’s going to come from. Each medical produces about a 100 doctors year and take years to train.
Davey was partly responsible for high energy prices because he spiked any attempt at nuclear power when Cameron and that Google bloke were in power …..
Easy to forget …
I wonder what the bribe was to get the knighthood – certainly not ability …
Oh BBC have helped his PR with a tweet
“8000 new GPs in 4 years”
No other party can compete with today’s multiple million pound Liberal election PR
His big yellow tractor smashes a blue wall
“Hi everybody”
Are there more GPs ? BBC page
Yes : “They looked at the number for all GPs in the NHS in England between September 2019 and September 2022. On this basis, they’re right – the number for ‘all GPs’ increased by 2,200 in this time.
The thing is, there are a lot more GPs in training now – it’s gone from about 6,500 in 2019 to 9,500 now. GPs in training are involved in patient care, but under supervision, and are obviously far less experienced”
Are there less fully-qualified GPs ?
So when you exclude GPs in training from the numbers, they look very different
– there are indeed about 600-700 fewer fully-qualified GPs today than in 2019, as the Royal College for GPs said. “
Sunak was in front of a Parliamentary commission the other day in a dream world as usual, oblivious to the old adage ” better to keep quiet and let people think you a fool than open your mouth a remove all doubt”.
He claimed that UK military kit being sent to Ukraine was being used in its primary purpose to degrade Russian military capability. He was completely unconcerned the Russian military machine was now running at 100% producing 500K heavy artilery shells per month while we struggle to produce one, and he hasn’t reordered anything to replace them.
The man is utterly clueless and has no business being in politics at all let alone in charge of a political party.
Another couple of years and he won’t be, it’ll be another clone just the same for 5 year (maximum).
Something I noticed the other week when the news was all about a young and troubled white lass that had faked being groomed, beaten and raped by Pakistani paedo’ gangs. The MSM were all over it. Don’t get me wrong, this was an atrocious thing to do, but…
The BBC and Channel 4 were like feral dogs with a juicy bone, they couldn’t leave it alone. We heard from the innocent men involved whose lives have been wrecked, from their family’s and from the “community”. However…
There have been tens of thousands of young white girls who HAVE been groomed. beaten and raped…some even murdered…and the bloody media want nothing to do with them. The BBC and Channel 4 scurry away, as though the story had rabies and they were terrified of becoming infected.
By hi-lighting this one deeply troubled young woman they hope to cast aspersions on all the other real cases.
Utterly despicable…
BBC drama 3 girls – to hide 1400+ girls.
More like 3,000 girls, across the country.
It’s certainly many more than that. How do we know this?
Well, the Alexis Jay report into the Rotherham child abuse scandal identified the well-known figure of 1,400 for 1997-2013 in this one town of around 250,000 people.
A similar inquiry into Telford (pop. about 3/5 of Rotherham’s) identified 1,000 cases in a longer period of around three decades. The Rotherham official total is now a few hundred above the original Jay figure, as more girls have come forward. These totals were always likely to understate the scale of the problem, for reasons such as victims’ understandable reticence to come forward and the difficulty of proof.
So we have an official tally of, at a minimum, 2,400 girls abused up to, let’s say, 7-10 years ago, from a combined population of 400,000 from the two named towns (i.e. 250,000 + 150,000). Add to this other instances such as Rochdale, Derby, Oxford, Blackburn, Tyneside, etc, and you can see that the total will likely be tens of thousands rather than thousands. Some have claimed up to one million, which I personally doubt, but the scale of the crime (and official indifference to it) is shocking.
With it still going on I have no trouble believing that the figures go over a million.
We have 3 coal power stations.
China has (including some under construction) 1,400
BTW We have 4 stations that burn coal
Maybe you forgot the 2 Drax units
or the one in N Ireland that runs a lot
Northern Ireland’s Kilroot COAL power station runs normally daily
& doesn’t get converted to gas until after 2024
The other 2 are standby ones Ratcliffe .. and West Burton
Ironically it’s crazy UK political stunts like blowing up COAL power stations
that drive high gas prices
Eggborough Power station was blown up on 1 August 2021
It’s just what I heard on Farage or Mogg.
A guest mentioned we only had 3.
Your reply looks more accurate or maybe they just meant power stations in England.
Anyway, it’s still an insignificant number compared to China.
Germany opened a coal power station on 2 Jun 2020 — The 1,100-MW Datteln 4 power plant, owned by Uniper
They did have a plan to end coal power by 2038
but some days in September they have been one third powered by coal
Drat we ll always have drax – burn baby burn
Yep build more – on Friday apparently it’s gonna very windy – solar wise – every thing will fry – the climate will change – a new ice age – …. Or maybe I lie – but the solar thing is heading towards us …
I’ve always wanted to see the northern lights ..
UK courts used the harassment law to persecute/jail two Yellow vest activists
mere cos they spoke to Anna Soubry twice
saying that a third time was an intention but Soubry didn’t turn up.
Yet Steve Bray has been harassing Brexit viewers for years by hijacking TV segments by putting his anti Brexit sign in camera shot.
He did that again this morning as TalkTV interviewed Wes Streeting.
Pics …
I was just reading on the bBC webshte about HM the King in Germany
Under 1 of the photos a caption “A diverse crowd waits for them” The bBC found its perfect shot 🙂
Announcing the state visit earlier this month, Buckingham Palace said it would “celebrate Britain’s relationship” with Germany, “marking our shared histories, culture and values”. – Maybe they could discuss world war II
Diversity in action with the perfect shot:
Is that, surely not, a 50+ year old white male on the left edge? Now that really is diversity in BBC land.
Screenshot : So the boxticking BBC picture library editors trawled photos for boxticking ones
So lets celebrate Britain’s relationship with Germany, marking our shared history with an occasion in Bonn on the 5th May 1955. The day Germany obtained its sovereignty from British colonial rule.
On the 5th May 1955 the Federal German Republic became a sovereign State ten years after the fall of Hitler’s Reich. This event had been greeted throughout the country with restrained and sober approval, but there were no national celebrations. After considerable discussion the Government decided that such celebrations should wait for the day when Germany is reunified and finally free.
At noon the British High Commissioner, Sir Frederick Hoyer-Millar, called on Dr Adenauer in the Palais Schaumburg, where he handed to him the instruments of ratification of the Agreements ending the British occupation. The British High Commissioner also delivered two messages to the Chancellor, one from the Prime Minister, Sir Anthony Eden, and the other from the Foreign Secretary, Mr Macmillan. In his message Sir Anthony welcomed Germany as an equal partner among the Western nations, and went on: “This happy outcome has called for much resolution. I should like to pay a tribute to the patience which you, Mr Chancellor, have shown and to the courage and statesmanship with which you have overcome the many difficulties you have had to face. Much remains to be done before the security of the free world is finally assured, but I know that we shall travel on this road together.”
After the independence ceremony, Dr Adenauer presided at a Cabinet meeting, where the text of a proclamation on Germany’s newly won sovereignty was agreed. At three o’clock in the afternoon the red, black, and gold flag of the Federal Republic was formally hoisted on all public buildings in Bonn. Then in the evening Sir Frederick Hoyer-Millar presented his credentials to President Heuss, as the first British Ambassador to Germany since Sir Nevile Meyrick Henderson had to leave in 1939.
On 5 May 1955, in Bonn, Sir Frederick Hoyer Millar (left), British High Commissioner of Germany, and the German Chancellor, Konrad Adenauer (centre), sign the agreements which officially put an end to the British occupation of Germany.
ZARA Jade of BBC Look North
(I like the farce of the BBC going along with ‘her’ preferred pronouns.)
Are you judging ?
Judging beauty merely by facial appearance ?
Shame on you
…….. /sarc
Jimmy Saville lost brother shock
I thought it was Bill Owen, doing a skit from Last of the Summer Wine, he/she/it is prettier than Nora Batty.
That should not be regarded as trans at all as it’s clearly a bloke who slapped a bad wig on his head and pulled a cheap dress on.
He has stubble and thick bushy eyebrows, he has made absolutely zero attempt to live as a woman and that to me makes a big difference.
I am prepared to believe the medical evidence that a small number of people are unfortunate enough to have this condition, and that the fact that they do is statlingly obvious if you’ve ever met any of them. This and many others can be seen because it’s screamingly obvious they are not trans, but the fact the Left says they are appears to make all the difference to the BBC.
“How many fingers am I holding up, Winston?”
Zara Jade sounds a lot like Mara Jade, a sexy character from the Star Wars universe that girls like to cosplay as.
Reminds me of the murdered trans found on the Norfolk coast a couple of decades ago who went by the name Christine Chapel (the nurse from Star Trek).
These people are nothing more than fantasists.
SNP candidate Kate Forbes got a severe grilling from the press (including the odious BBC) for daring to hold traditional Christian values.
As a result, she lost.
Strangely, muslim Humza Yousaf got a free ride.
Yet journalists could have asked him about all sorts of quaint muslim beliefs and practices, such as the tiny sample below:
Death penalty for leaving Islam (apostasy)
Forced conversion:
Religious freedom:
Stoning and adultery:
Women worth less than men:
Wife beating condoned:
Men in charge:
Plenty more where that came from, not to mention the hundreds of people murdered and mutilated every month by muslim terrorists.
1097 in the past 30 days alone.
Oh, it’s just gone up to 1098…
Anjem Choudary calls Duke of Sussex a ‘Muslim killer’ and calls on jihadis to retaliate
Hate preacher said Harry’s claim he killed 25 Taliban was a ‘wake-up call’ for Muslims everywhere to ‘end the occupation of foreign forces’
Martin Evans,
8 January 2023 • 6:43pm
“‘end the occupation of foreign forces’”
I’d go along with that. Let’s give ’em all notice that they have to leave the country double-quick. Pakistan et al. awaits the arrivals.
Perhaps they need to house them in 4 Star hotels in Islamabad and elsewhere…………….
every month by muslim terrorists…………and other people to do the FGM
Humza has added “NHS Recovery” to the Health Secretary title, presumably to reflect the urgent care it needs after his own tenure leading that department…
Good value eh?
At the end of the Obama-Biden administration there were 654 miles of border wall. At the end of the Biden-Harris administration there should be none.
The people of Great Britain are less safe ever since the Tory government issued this “pledge” …………………
2015 …. So we’ll take a radical step – we’ll make illegal working a criminal offence in its own right. That means wages paid to illegal migrants will be seized as proceeds of crime… and businesses will be told when their workers’ visas expire… so if you’re involved in illegal working – employer or employee – you’re breaking the law.
I saw a headline saying “Queen sorry about death of Paul o’ Grady “… wow I thought liz is back – no – it must be Freddie mercury – then – no – … so who could this ‘ Queen bee?
I imagine Paul was friends with any number of queens over the years.
Ursula von der Leyen:
Why am I not the least bit surprised.
But tomorrows belong to hammy hamza
Why did they build military bases like Scampton ?
Was it not to stop foreign men coming into Britain and taking it over ?
.. And now
Should be no passport, no entry for a start.
Don’t worry – they’ll get shiny new British ones soon!
Mrs S and I book hotels occasionally at home or abroad. Our limit is around £150 per night for a double ( or twin in extremis). Typically we’d get a double for nearer £100.
The government are well-reported to be spending £6,000,000 a day housing 51,000 rubberised cross-channel ferry passengers in hotels.
Do the maths. That’s nearly £120 per person per night. About double what Mrs S and I pay. And the government presumably can ‘negotiate’ better deals. Hahahahahahaha.
Isn’t it an absolutely pathetic waste of taxpayers money.
I’d like to thank you for contributing to my considerable dividend increase in my hotel shares . But don’t worry – I have ploughed the profits into a French dinghy manufacturing company situated close to the coast ….. I also intend to by Hulk futures – and maybe cruise liners ……
( the above may all be made up …)
Ok a confession – i am a Ruttles fan – the now forgotten group so badly ripped off by The Fab 4.
At the centre of The Ruttles was Neill Innes RIP. Now surprisingly -as i wondered across BBc4 extra looking for anything not woke crap – i found his series from – lord – 20 years ago … if you get a chance …. One show was on last night and is on that repeat internet thing …
.. it really shows up the current state ..