the BS corp in its element – even if nothing comes of this the bbc will milk it for all its propaganda
Interesting that the bbc has put this court case under the heading US Election 2024 – or “Trying to overturn the election 2024” would be a better category!
Surely the majority must see through biden and how he is just a muppet
I may have missed something but was not the above middle ‘wimmin’ recently videoed in public with her hands around the throat of another wimmin? In which case, where is all the feminazi outrage about ‘violence against wimmin’. If a man had done this he would be hounded out of every job by a hysterical rabid mob for ever.
There’s a certain symmetery to the Telegraph main headline mourning the demise of: Nigel Lawson, Thatcher’s tax slasher, dies at 91… Tributes paid to ‘fearless, transformational chancellor’ from Tory party grandees…
…and the liberal Times continuing, rather modern, love affair with the present Labour PM in waiting: Sir Keir Starmer has vowed to be ‘completely ruthless’… In an interview with the Times, Starmer said that he had successfully changed the Labour party by ignoring those urging him to “go further, go faster”
The socialism-curious Times there itching to come out and proud for Labour
As for Nigel Lawson – and indeed the very concept of a limited conservative state and fiscal constraint – I’m reminded of Shakespeare’s Marc Antony who famously declared: “I come to bury Caesar, not to praise him”
We may not like him but this chap read the room – a very rare thing these days: Thomas Cashman, 34, remained in his cell, with his lawyer telling the court he believed the case “turning into a circus” (Telegraph)
Child-murdering gun thug unlikely to ever get out of prison alive – no, not Putin, that was the ‘United with the people of Ukraine’ Daily Express speaking for future parole boards
Mum’s bravery and the cowardice of a killer… He refuses to face sentencing in court (our big-hearted Daily Mirror)
Gutless… Olivia’s murderer avoids facing her family as he gets 42 years (giveaway Metro) – and deprives the tabloids of a rare thing – a proper full-blown legal haranguing of an evil white murderer
Don’t worry, this super busy government, snowed under with a veritable host of problems such as ‘large jet airliner’ hyper-immigration, ‘small boat’ illegal immigration, inflation, crashing economy, losing a proxy war, net zero stone age cave man energy policy, an evaporating workforce – that can’t wait to retire since the fun and games of Lockdown… rest assured, they do have this one covered for us: Dominic Raab is under pressure to fast track new laws to punish criminals for refusing to appear in court for sentencing (Telegraph) Eh? 42 years and the suggestion he may never be released. Punish him more… how’s that?
Funny isn’t it ? I’ve often wondered why people sit / stand in the box in court whilst the whole ‘circus ‘ goes on around them with every one except the defendant having ‘lines ‘.
And when found guilty – why bother listening to stuff being read out ? If you’re gonna do time – you do time – if you’re a ‘bad un ‘ why give the punters the satisfaction …. ?
Fed, I think this goes back a long way… think knitting needles around the Guillotine, crowds around the wicker men as they burn, ducking stools, hangings at Tyburn etc. etc.
For some reason humanity assumes a god-given right to watch any perp dangle on the rope metaphorically, which says quite a lot about humanity I guess!
2023.04.03 Nigeria Kwesati 10 0 Militant Muslims fire into a village and set fire to homes.
2023.04.03 Somalia Mogadishu 2 3 Two others are reportedly killed by a suicide bomber.
2023.04.03 Canada Vancouver, BC 0 1 A bus passenger’s throat is slashed in the name of the Islamic State.
2023.04.02 Bangladesh Balukhali 1 0 ARSA slit the throat of a camp resident.
2023.04.02 Nigeria Danna 3 12 Boko Haram kill three villagers and abduct at least a dozen others.
2023.04.01 Afghanistan Bayani 1 0 A teenager is shot to death by terrorists.
2023.04.01 Bangladesh Ukhiya 1 0 A 60-year-old refugee is brought down by ARSA gunmen.
The barefaced cheek of Labour here. I was warned off mentioning the ethnicity or religion of those in the Rochdale grooming gangs, by senior Labour MPs.
And Labour councils surpressed intelligence on the grooming gangs to the detriment of the victims.
How many folk does this apply to? We no longer have left or right, MPs are dumbed down careerists and neutered to the point of futility, party’s compasses have shifted tectonically, leadership is without morals or scruples, there is no conviction, none of them care for Britain.
With the calibre of media now installed, he can say anything he likes.
Starmer is announcing new policies every day ! We will do this,we will do that ! Policies on the Hoof ! Surely no one believes him ? He’s now blaming the Tories for the Grooming Gangs ! For which he is famous for ! Does he believe his own lies ?
Jon Snow’s ‘anti-Tory rant’ and the myth of the pinko inside the TV
Channel 4’s news anchor says he can’t remember leading a pro-Corbyn chant at Glastonbury. But he is serious about impartiality – and sometimes what looks like bias is simply independent thought
This the arse who prattles on about Scottish independence but does not live here like many other overpaid entitled prats. Fail to see why their views are given endless MSM exposure for no reason that they are f****** actors for christs sake.
If you are amazed and upset about how popular loud neo-Marxists like Sarkar are then the good news is that almost all of this 🤯 traffic is fake and manufactured by 🤖 like 👇with 1/4 MILLION tweets at 100% RT. They resort to these tricks because their shtick is unpopular. 😡🤮
There is always that undercurrent of the socialist control the Far Left BBC want to inflict on us . Today meesh went on about a lady who died in a London flat and wasn’t found for over 2 years .
She got some bishop to yap yap without meaning but danced around ‘agencies ‘ who’ failed ‘.
What gets me is this lady’s bills were paid for so long and nothing done to get her to account for non payment – benefits benefits .
And then there is the sin of being alone . Apparently she had relatives who didn’t give a damn . But that’s a private thing .
Meesh wanted to have State control so that people couldn’t die alone and not be found for 2 years . Well meesh – control benefits and be tougher on non payment of bills and this won’t happen …. But neighbours ? Ha ….
Hey – another reason not to vote blue labour – instead of increasing care for the elderly they are cutting it by a big number – presumably to pay for the new dinghy types .
So – old ? White? British -? The tories want you gone – if Hancock can’t kill you – the green card PM will ….
Good news GBnews under investigation for having 2 blue labour MPs interview a blue labour MP – chancellor …. Easy one for BBCOFCOM … inept comes to mind …
1. That the job of scientists, academics and experts is to monitor and report on mass death and delay is no longer in dispute. 2/..
I really hope there is an image of president trump wearing handcuffs – in a democracy it would be worth millions of votes for him ….in the coming fixed election – it’s a pantomime
Just reading a little about the corruption of the Democrat party and the charges against Donald Trump which appear totally contrived.
There are several of course, but the majority amount to a state misdemeanor a minor offence in a different state to New York which is outside the statute of limitations, (time limit) being somehow grafted onto federal legislation which is the only way a New York court could hear it, and is a more serious offence, but is also outside of the statute of limitations as well.
When someone becomes this desperate they are prepared to twist and falsify the law in order to bring charges it does make you wonder if they have stuffed the jury as well.
Thoughful – I think you ll find the whole court will be stuffed – also the appeal – which will be put off as long as possible – probably with more federal charges . Obama has been in charge of the DOJ and whole system for – 12? Years –
Another US show trial – difficult to ‘game out ‘ how the USA is going to go – presumably as more people realise it’s not a democracy anymore they’ll go to terrorism – but the Feds are very good at monitoring and infiltrating and inciting to catch unhappy citizens …..
I think you’ll find that the Dems are looking at the Alex Jones trial as a model going forwards.
I’m biased – but I feel that Trump should look at getting Robert Barnes on board as the whole matter needs dismantling on a robust/firm legal basis. Going along without challenging the Dem’s interpretation of judicial rules shouldn’t be an option here.
Bragg is a Soros soy boy and him and his supporting cast will be looking to subvert inventing novel court rules from a bent judge and evade explaining themselves – trying to trap / entangle DJT in process.
If Dershowitz piled in – that’d be fun.
There are plenty of Emmet G. Sullivan style bent + deranged judges to chose from.
If you find something to listen to on radio4 x it will often be prefaced by the kidult announcer warning you that it contains ‘attitudes of the time ‘- which I always assume is a good thing .
I wonder if the crap made now is repeated in – say 30 years – they’ll be putting the same words ….
Fedup2 ,
Same for Talking Pictures …..1950s Norman Wisdom film a while back ….simple humour will soon be banned completely ! . Avoiding BBC because its all anti Trump….so nothing new there then… it because of Brexit ?
Charlie – thanks for the observation – and I put my glasses on so spotted my spelling which is now fixed ( brigade 77 intel note – Fedup wears glasses – for the file )
– on other web sites though I have tracked visitors and was entertained to see my foes monitoring me tell their mates in regional offices – who told their other mates at head office who thought they’d be sneaky and read the site from home.
The long march through the institutions (German: der lange Marsch durch die Institutionen) is a slogan coined by socialist student activist Rudi Dutschke around 1967 to describe his strategy for establishing the conditions for revolution: subverting capitalist domination of society by entering institutions such as the professions.[1] The phrase “long march” is a reference to the prolonged struggle of the Chinese communists, which included a physical Long March of their army across China.[2]
I posted yesterday about the BBC’s silence on the arson attack at Nantes cathedral. I decided to further fact-check myself (all the kids are doing it) and need to issue an update — seems they did report it here:
It’s part of BBC Gahuza, so if anyone speaks Kinyarwanda, a Bantu language of Rwanda, grab it here. A priest murdered and $43m damage to a cathedral… the BBC decide Europeans shouldn’t see this, but they still expect us to pay for this ‘national treasure’.
Never heard of her, but media muslim Bushra Shaikh reveals her hand. Douglas Murray comments on Manchester Cathedral opening it’s doors for Ramadan worshippers, gets a reply “It’s only a meal, mate. Calm down.’ Murray responds in kind, with a reference to cartoons that so anger the religion of extraordinary peace.
Not quite the win that Shaikh thinks it is… not just tacitly admitting Bradford’s become a centre for religious intolerance and violence against the unbeliever, but seems rather proud of it.
From her Twitter bio it looks like she’s a regular on ITV morning telly, the Independent, Vine etc… and the founder of Run Racism Out. I’m sure Ofcom will be all over that.
“try and solve some of the intrinsic problems” the region has suffered with for years.
“It is growing (gang r*pe culture), there’s no doubt about that. A large amount of the growth in my view is about raised awareness.” – Cressida Dick @1:40 {youtube}
“I don’t think this was a phenomena (gang r*pe culture) that was invented in the last few years. It really wasn’t. It’s been part of our society probably for centuries and centuries and centuries. It’s hard to really know exactly what is really going up and what is changing. ” – Cressida Dick @2:38
Intrinsic problems = importing the third world – no education – no attempt to integrate – free everything – rights without responsibilities – breed free – shout ‘race – bingo …..
I listened – by accident – to a radio 4 programme called ‘you and yours ‘ – it was a phone in – I’d describe it as ‘poor porn ‘ where caller after called moan about the rising cost of this and that and having to ‘adapt ‘ …. The beeboid was desperate for a bad energy company or similar harassing some old dear to pay their bill . …
…. I was waiting for someone not able to afford to eat because of the tv licence . … but it didn’t come ….
…. As usual there was the expectation for ‘the government ‘ to ‘do more ‘ which I interpreted as taking more money from me to pay for the feckless …. Plenty of ‘single parent households ‘ – get the ‘old man ‘ to pay ….
Really is ‘poor porn ‘ ….. and no question as to why this situation exists …
Meanwhile – as Finland joins NATO on its’ 74th anniversary – I wonder how the average Russian feels about it – either in reality or in the approved version .
I’m sure they are being bombarded with the sort of propaganda the BBC uses on taxpayers – the difference being that so far being cancelled in the UK means having social media privileges removed whilst in Russia life privileges might be removed ….
TCW article by Norman Fenton calls out bBC Radio 4’s one-hour show ‘AntiSocial‘ dedicated to attacking Andrew Bridgen’s speech.
I particularly like his description of the panel which included:
Marianna Spring (the BBC’s ‘Disinformation & Social Media Correspondent’) who has spent the last three years self-promoting her adopted role as a ‘debunker’ of information from Covid sceptics, much of which has subsequently proved to be true, while simultaneously proclaiming her victimhood at the hands of what she calls ‘conspiracy theorists’
We must take heart that It is not only posters here who recognise the malice of the bBC by employing such absurd individuals.
As fonland joins NATO which russia will see as another threat to wider war – the workd at one spent the first 10 minutes on the legality of ‘wet wipes ‘
Wet wipes may be banned or you may need a licence and training to use them .
I don’t know what to do with wet wipes but if they are gonna be banned I’m gonna panic buy them then sell them on eBay ( if I knew or bothered to find out how )
Medieval barbarity in the heart of Britain: Hardline Muslims spill blood in their London mosque by flaying their skin with chains in a practice so extreme it is banned in Iran
‘Barbaric’ practice of the ritual of self-flagellation is known as zanjeer zani
An order has banned a group from carrying out the practice in London
Video obtained by Mail on Sunday shows the event carried out in 2013
Practice has been the subject of heated debate throughout Muslim world
See the latest news from London at
BBC getting excited about Scotland introducing ‘driverless buses’ – except they will have a member of staff in the driver’s seat, and a conductor (to be called a ‘captain’!).
Not much to get excited about there – that’s the way things were when I was a lad!
TWatO Watch #1 – Big mourn for Nigel Lawson reveals BBC Bias in Sarah Montague
Busy day, much to do so I come in to listen to TWatO after the first half hour. Someone is talking about Nigel Lawson deceased and I do not recognise the voice. After the Montacutie asks a question, I twig following the reply that it is ‘Call me Dave’ Cameron. The Montacutie then reveals her own view of the present Government (Views of my own and Gary Lineker): it is far far righter than Margaret Thatcher’s Government ever was.
I don’t know whether David Vance or FedUp2 got an application in for a team from this community to edit a post-Christmas edition of the TOADY Programme but there’s a clear example of bias from another BBC employee.
This may be a silly idea but canTrump run with DeSantis as his VP and then after his one term let DeSantis run for President for his two terms.
I’m sure that would guarantee 3 terms of Republican Presidents and both men would get what they want.
There’s plenty of talk about that – the sticking issue presently is (I believe) Carl Rove’s participation in DeSantis’s camp and his (Rove’s) links to the Bush family and Bush donors who absolutely want their cake… supplied by a beholden candidate.
It might well be that DeSantis is his own man – but the linkage has many notional Republicans and independents wary…
To what’s left of my mind – Robert Kennedy Junior running for the the Democrat nomination would trigger a few folk too – and have the deep state peeps beside themselves.
Jeremy Hunt: everyone will be paying more tax after autumn statement 2022
Everyone. Everyone. Everyone.
Theresa May, Former UK PM earned £1.86 million in her 2 years since leaving Downing Street, figures show
Barry Gardiner defends donations worth £500,000 from Chinese agent
Matt Hancock, who lost the Tory whip after it was announced he would be appearing on the ITV programme, is still being paid as an independent MP and is rumoured to have been paid £400,000 to appear on the I’m a celebrity.
Boris Johnson earns £315,000 for 30 minute speech and ‘fireside chat’ in United States
Chuka Umunna Advisory Board of The Progressive Centre UK think tank (also known as Global Progress)
Jeremy Corbyn Labour party leader accepted up to £20,000 (about $27,000) for appearances on the Iranian state broadcast network Press TV
Keir Starmer £18,450 from Harper Collins as an advance payment for a book.
Boris Johnson Accommodation for a private holiday for my partner and me, value £15,000 Destination of visit: St Vincent and the Grenadines
Jeremy Hunt £10,000 from Citigroup Centre for speaking at an event on 9 March 2021. Hours: 4 hrs. Fee paid direct to charity. (Charity not mentioned)
Nadhim Zahawi MP promises to repay the part of £5,822.27 expenses claim for second home energy bills that relates to electricity for stables
MPs to get £2,200 pay rise from April for ‘dramatically increased’ duties last year
Philip Hammond accepts £2,000 watch from Saudi sheikh, despite ban on donating expensive gifts
Trump arrested and in court ?
Something tells me that the Beeboids are rejoicing. But IMHO he, Trump, will be the next POTUS .
They are worried, very worried .
Guest, Poor old Emmy looks demented and Soapy doesn’t look as though he wants be right there in the studio with her in case he gets impaled on her pen or her finger nail.
I cannot remember whether it was Farming Today or TOADY that mentioned this morning that the ‘rain in Spain is not falling on the plain’. They have to keep the Global Warming and Climate Change thing going at the BBC, yet another example of BBC bias. Strange then that they should mention Nigel Lawson so much today. He was of course a Global Warming and Climate Change sceptic or as I would refer to him ‘a realist’!
Lord god – trying to listen to the Leeds footy but all they talk about is Muslim players having to break a fast or something – off switch … Christians playing footy on Sunday ….
President Trump arrested and charged x34 allegations – couldn’t they find more ? The democrat scheme to bog him down in the run up to the election might work but I doubt it .
I guess they have their own timeline to cause maximum disruption –
The polarisation in the US must surely be getting greater and greater – but maybe I misjudge them because they allowed the election to be stolen – with a Whimper
Barry Gardiner defends donations worth £500,000 from Chinese agent
The Labour MP said Christine Lee appeared to be ‘operating as a legitimate person in the UK’.
Amy Gibbons
Thursday 13 January 2022 20:23
MarkyMarkMar 11, 17:25 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “As a candidate for prime minister, however, he said he intended to renounce his British and Irish citizenships. Carney told…
tomoMar 11, 17:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I posted earlier but it deserves some repetition
tomoMar 11, 17:09 Start the Week 10th March 2025 The fall of the Daily Telegraph…. [img][/img]
MarkyMarkMar 11, 17:07 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Mark Carney’s Leadership Win Smells 60% of Party members didn’t vote, but media pretends that doesn’t matter. Mark Carney will…
MarkyMarkMar 11, 17:06 Start the Week 10th March 2025 0 March 2025 261 5 0 …………………………………………… The first duty of the government is to keep citizens safe and the…
MarkyMarkMar 11, 16:55 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Why protest in China when you can wait for China to come to you …. HA HA HAH AH “Last…
AlthepalerpMar 11, 16:53 Start the Week 10th March 2025 The Great Replacement continues.. . . .
Guest WhoMar 11, 16:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Odour test aside, I noted this too: 60% of Party members didn’t vote, but media pretends that doesn’t matter.…
MarkyMarkMar 11, 16:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “The scholarly literature on emotions and politics tells us that anxiety holds people back from political involvement, while enthusiasm pushes…
Guest WhoMar 11, 16:40 Start the Week 10th March 2025 As I have little faith in all media, I read around. On occasion I get a laugh. ‘Throng’.
Donald Trump hunkers down in New York ahead of arraignment
“hunkers down” apparently
the BS corp in its element – even if nothing comes of this the bbc will milk it for all its propaganda
Interesting that the bbc has put this court case under the heading US Election 2024 – or “Trying to overturn the election 2024” would be a better category!
Surely the majority must see through biden and how he is just a muppet
More male staff could help with violent offenders – probation boss
This is outrageous, more men! ?? Surely not white men
What the BBC are trying to insinuate:
‘hunkers’ – sounds like ‘bunkers’.
Hitler had a bunker.
Ergo, Trump = Hitler.
I’m being terrorised by the squirrels in my kitchen
Would you really want to get the bbc to do a “report”
Look at the face on her in the 1st pic lol
BBC Moaning goes big on…. er…
Lauren Turner
4 April 2023
All eyes are on New York, and former US President Donald Trump’s first court hearing.
Lazza… maybe all eyes in W1A, Katty’s bunker and Lurch’s lair… but in the real world….
I may have missed something but was not the above middle ‘wimmin’ recently videoed in public with her hands around the throat of another wimmin? In which case, where is all the feminazi outrage about ‘violence against wimmin’. If a man had done this he would be hounded out of every job by a hysterical rabid mob for ever.
Hang ’em and flog ’em edition
There’s a certain symmetery to the Telegraph main headline mourning the demise of: Nigel Lawson, Thatcher’s tax slasher, dies at 91… Tributes paid to ‘fearless, transformational chancellor’ from Tory party grandees…
…and the liberal Times continuing, rather modern, love affair with the present Labour PM in waiting: Sir Keir Starmer has vowed to be ‘completely ruthless’… In an interview with the Times, Starmer said that he had successfully changed the Labour party by ignoring those urging him to “go further, go faster”
The socialism-curious Times there itching to come out and proud for Labour
As for Nigel Lawson – and indeed the very concept of a limited conservative state and fiscal constraint – I’m reminded of Shakespeare’s Marc Antony who famously declared: “I come to bury Caesar, not to praise him”
We may not like him but this chap read the room – a very rare thing these days: Thomas Cashman, 34, remained in his cell, with his lawyer telling the court he believed the case “turning into a circus” (Telegraph)
Child-murdering gun thug unlikely to ever get out of prison alive – no, not Putin, that was the ‘United with the people of Ukraine’ Daily Express speaking for future parole boards
Mum’s bravery and the cowardice of a killer… He refuses to face sentencing in court (our big-hearted Daily Mirror)
Gutless… Olivia’s murderer avoids facing her family as he gets 42 years (giveaway Metro) – and deprives the tabloids of a rare thing – a proper full-blown legal haranguing of an evil white murderer
Don’t worry, this super busy government, snowed under with a veritable host of problems such as ‘large jet airliner’ hyper-immigration, ‘small boat’ illegal immigration, inflation, crashing economy, losing a proxy war, net zero stone age cave man energy policy, an evaporating workforce – that can’t wait to retire since the fun and games of Lockdown… rest assured, they do have this one covered for us: Dominic Raab is under pressure to fast track new laws to punish criminals for refusing to appear in court for sentencing (Telegraph) Eh? 42 years and the suggestion he may never be released. Punish him more… how’s that?
Funny isn’t it ? I’ve often wondered why people sit / stand in the box in court whilst the whole ‘circus ‘ goes on around them with every one except the defendant having ‘lines ‘.
And when found guilty – why bother listening to stuff being read out ? If you’re gonna do time – you do time – if you’re a ‘bad un ‘ why give the punters the satisfaction …. ?
Fed, I think this goes back a long way… think knitting needles around the Guillotine, crowds around the wicker men as they burn, ducking stools, hangings at Tyburn etc. etc.
For some reason humanity assumes a god-given right to watch any perp dangle on the rope metaphorically, which says quite a lot about humanity I guess!
MLF a reliable warning source?
MLF a tech guru?
urine extraction from the BBC again
Meanwhile, the World’s Most Respected Broadcaster ™ knows what’s really important:
Islamic fools day is on a different day then?
Ramadan is a month of physical sacrifice and spiritual repentance, where devout Muslims refrain from eating and drinking between sunrise to sunset.
2023.04.03 Nigeria Kwesati 10 0 Militant Muslims fire into a village and set fire to homes.
2023.04.03 Somalia Mogadishu 2 3 Two others are reportedly killed by a suicide bomber.
2023.04.03 Canada Vancouver, BC 0 1 A bus passenger’s throat is slashed in the name of the Islamic State.
2023.04.02 Bangladesh Balukhali 1 0 ARSA slit the throat of a camp resident.
2023.04.02 Nigeria Danna 3 12 Boko Haram kill three villagers and abduct at least a dozen others.
2023.04.01 Afghanistan Bayani 1 0 A teenager is shot to death by terrorists.
2023.04.01 Bangladesh Ukhiya 1 0 A 60-year-old refugee is brought down by ARSA gunmen.
Basically what is known in our house as Ramadamakillathon.
An interesting day to review those who would rule, and those who would claim to speak for the nation in holding them to account.
Was in West London yesterday. A total cess pit.
With the calibre of media now installed, he can say anything he likes.
Labour will put 13,000 neighbourhood police and PCSOs back on our street.
More cops ? Lock up your daughters ….
Definite upskirting and uptrousering offence there.
Yvette Cooper Hasn’t Taken In Refugees Yet – Why?
10 June 2016, 09:05 | Updated: 3 August 2016, 12:33
She so wants the top job it hurtys
The calibre of politician held to account by a national broadcaster more concerned with a show trial in America.
The calibre of media…
A discredited media joke gets in an activist ideologue actor whose views he shares.
Jon Snow’s ‘anti-Tory rant’ and the myth of the pinko inside the TV
Channel 4’s news anchor says he can’t remember leading a pro-Corbyn chant at Glastonbury. But he is serious about impartiality – and sometimes what looks like bias is simply independent thought
Maybe comrade cox should have stood for the crankie gig . I think he never got over not being cast as lead in ‘silence of the lambs…’.
This the arse who prattles on about Scottish independence but does not live here like many other overpaid entitled prats. Fail to see why their views are given endless MSM exposure for no reason that they are f****** actors for christs sake.
Is Corbyn about to get a vaccine in that picture ? Careful Jeremy … might have a reaction …
There is always that undercurrent of the socialist control the Far Left BBC want to inflict on us . Today meesh went on about a lady who died in a London flat and wasn’t found for over 2 years .
She got some bishop to yap yap without meaning but danced around ‘agencies ‘ who’ failed ‘.
What gets me is this lady’s bills were paid for so long and nothing done to get her to account for non payment – benefits benefits .
And then there is the sin of being alone . Apparently she had relatives who didn’t give a damn . But that’s a private thing .
Meesh wanted to have State control so that people couldn’t die alone and not be found for 2 years . Well meesh – control benefits and be tougher on non payment of bills and this won’t happen …. But neighbours ? Ha ….
Hey – another reason not to vote blue labour – instead of increasing care for the elderly they are cutting it by a big number – presumably to pay for the new dinghy types .
So – old ? White? British -? The tories want you gone – if Hancock can’t kill you – the green card PM will ….
Good news GBnews under investigation for having 2 blue labour MPs interview a blue labour MP – chancellor …. Easy one for BBCOFCOM … inept comes to mind …
Twitter think I should see :
I really hope there is an image of president trump wearing handcuffs – in a democracy it would be worth millions of votes for him ….in the coming fixed election – it’s a pantomime
Just reading a little about the corruption of the Democrat party and the charges against Donald Trump which appear totally contrived.
There are several of course, but the majority amount to a state misdemeanor a minor offence in a different state to New York which is outside the statute of limitations, (time limit) being somehow grafted onto federal legislation which is the only way a New York court could hear it, and is a more serious offence, but is also outside of the statute of limitations as well.
When someone becomes this desperate they are prepared to twist and falsify the law in order to bring charges it does make you wonder if they have stuffed the jury as well.
Thoughful – I think you ll find the whole court will be stuffed – also the appeal – which will be put off as long as possible – probably with more federal charges . Obama has been in charge of the DOJ and whole system for – 12? Years –
Another US show trial – difficult to ‘game out ‘ how the USA is going to go – presumably as more people realise it’s not a democracy anymore they’ll go to terrorism – but the Feds are very good at monitoring and infiltrating and inciting to catch unhappy citizens …..
I think you’ll find that the Dems are looking at the Alex Jones trial as a model going forwards.
I’m biased – but I feel that Trump should look at getting Robert Barnes on board as the whole matter needs dismantling on a robust/firm legal basis. Going along without challenging the Dem’s interpretation of judicial rules shouldn’t be an option here.
Bragg is a Soros soy boy and him and his supporting cast will be looking to subvert inventing novel court rules from a bent judge and evade explaining themselves – trying to trap / entangle DJT in process.
If Dershowitz piled in – that’d be fun.
There are plenty of Emmet G. Sullivan style bent + deranged judges to chose from.
– Amy Berman Jackson etcetera , etcetera
There you go.
You’ve given more information in that central paragraph than the entire UK news media.
Have a gold star!
If you find something to listen to on radio4 x it will often be prefaced by the kidult announcer warning you that it contains ‘attitudes of the time ‘- which I always assume is a good thing .
I wonder if the crap made now is repeated in – say 30 years – they’ll be putting the same words ….
Fedup2 ,
Same for Talking Pictures …..1950s Norman Wisdom film a while back ….simple humour will soon be banned completely ! . Avoiding BBC because its all anti Trump….so nothing new there then… it because of Brexit ?
Charlie – thanks for the observation – and I put my glasses on so spotted my spelling which is now fixed ( brigade 77 intel note – Fedup wears glasses – for the file )
Anybody here comb the site access logs?
I’ve found it amusing in the past to see who’s visiting!
Tomo it sounds a bit technical, interested in what you’ve found?
Terminal Moraine
I’m not an administrator here…
– on other web sites though I have tracked visitors and was entertained to see my foes monitoring me tell their mates in regional offices – who told their other mates at head office who thought they’d be sneaky and read the site from home.
The BBC is an “institutional” anarchist Marxist organization.
It’s as simple as that!!
The long march through the institutions (German: der lange Marsch durch die Institutionen) is a slogan coined by socialist student activist Rudi Dutschke around 1967 to describe his strategy for establishing the conditions for revolution: subverting capitalist domination of society by entering institutions such as the professions.[1] The phrase “long march” is a reference to the prolonged struggle of the Chinese communists, which included a physical Long March of their army across China.[2]
Thomas Cashman: Call for criminals to be forced to attend sentencing
Please go, please do, please, oww okay then
Can you imagine the woke/left when the culprit is being dragged and screaming on their way to court
I posted yesterday about the BBC’s silence on the arson attack at Nantes cathedral. I decided to further fact-check myself (all the kids are doing it) and need to issue an update — seems they did report it here:
It’s part of BBC Gahuza, so if anyone speaks Kinyarwanda, a Bantu language of Rwanda, grab it here. A priest murdered and $43m damage to a cathedral… the BBC decide Europeans shouldn’t see this, but they still expect us to pay for this ‘national treasure’.
BBC say they did report on it! FACT!
“France: Abayisenga watwitse Katedrale ya Nantes yakatiwe gufungwa imyaka ine”
Ibindi byahiye ni ibikoresho by’agaciro kandi bya kera, amashusho y’ubugeni, n’ibirahure by’imitako byo mu kinyejana cya 16.
Ba nyiri iyi katedrale bavuga ko ibyangiritse bifite agaciro ka miliyoni $43.
Hello Terminal
Guess the bs corp can say they did report it, just the millions in the UK didn’t know
Andy, think we need to set up a quango looking at making Kinyarwanda part of the school curriculum? Money no object of course
Hello Temrinal, was life this difficult being British as a kid, I dont think so
What the “elite” has created, or trying to create isn’t great
Never heard of her, but media muslim Bushra Shaikh reveals her hand. Douglas Murray comments on Manchester Cathedral opening it’s doors for Ramadan worshippers, gets a reply “It’s only a meal, mate. Calm down.’ Murray responds in kind, with a reference to cartoons that so anger the religion of extraordinary peace.
Not quite the win that Shaikh thinks it is… not just tacitly admitting Bradford’s become a centre for religious intolerance and violence against the unbeliever, but seems rather proud of it.
From her Twitter bio it looks like she’s a regular on ITV morning telly, the Independent, Vine etc… and the founder of Run Racism Out. I’m sure Ofcom will be all over that.
Bushra Shaikh
Queen🐝 🇬🇧🇵🇰•CEO• Social/Political Commentator
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London,…Joined September 2017
949 Following
Racist chief of police, doesn’t want so many white men in uniform – okay shame the standards will drop
Mutaween coming to Birmingham?
That’ll be fun eh?
“try and solve some of the intrinsic problems” the region has suffered with for years.
“It is growing (gang r*pe culture), there’s no doubt about that. A large amount of the growth in my view is about raised awareness.” – Cressida Dick @1:40 {youtube}
“I don’t think this was a phenomena (gang r*pe culture) that was invented in the last few years. It really wasn’t. It’s been part of our society probably for centuries and centuries and centuries. It’s hard to really know exactly what is really going up and what is changing. ” – Cressida Dick @2:38
Intrinsic problems = importing the third world – no education – no attempt to integrate – free everything – rights without responsibilities – breed free – shout ‘race – bingo …..
Emergency Alerts 23 Apr
I listened – by accident – to a radio 4 programme called ‘you and yours ‘ – it was a phone in – I’d describe it as ‘poor porn ‘ where caller after called moan about the rising cost of this and that and having to ‘adapt ‘ …. The beeboid was desperate for a bad energy company or similar harassing some old dear to pay their bill . …
…. I was waiting for someone not able to afford to eat because of the tv licence . … but it didn’t come ….
…. As usual there was the expectation for ‘the government ‘ to ‘do more ‘ which I interpreted as taking more money from me to pay for the feckless …. Plenty of ‘single parent households ‘ – get the ‘old man ‘ to pay ….
Really is ‘poor porn ‘ ….. and no question as to why this situation exists …
Fed, the Socialists at the BBC and elsewhere are very good at spending other peoples’ money.
Meanwhile – as Finland joins NATO on its’ 74th anniversary – I wonder how the average Russian feels about it – either in reality or in the approved version .
I’m sure they are being bombarded with the sort of propaganda the BBC uses on taxpayers – the difference being that so far being cancelled in the UK means having social media privileges removed whilst in Russia life privileges might be removed ….
Andrew Bridgen:
Falling birth rates:
TCW article by Norman Fenton calls out bBC Radio 4’s one-hour show ‘AntiSocial‘ dedicated to attacking Andrew Bridgen’s speech.
I particularly like his description of the panel which included:
Marianna Spring (the BBC’s ‘Disinformation & Social Media Correspondent’) who has spent the last three years self-promoting her adopted role as a ‘debunker’ of information from Covid sceptics, much of which has subsequently proved to be true, while simultaneously proclaiming her victimhood at the hands of what she calls ‘conspiracy theorists’
We must take heart that It is not only posters here who recognise the malice of the bBC by employing such absurd individuals.
As fonland joins NATO which russia will see as another threat to wider war – the workd at one spent the first 10 minutes on the legality of ‘wet wipes ‘
Wet wipes may be banned or you may need a licence and training to use them .
This was not an April 1 item..
Hello Fedup
I guess not putting them down the bog, helps.. I meant the wipes, not the bbc by the way
I don’t know what to do with wet wipes but if they are gonna be banned I’m gonna panic buy them then sell them on eBay ( if I knew or bothered to find out how )
SNP celebrate new leader and Scotland’s latest FM:
Lol. – plenty of wallflowers … should they all be beheaded ?
Medieval barbarity in the heart of Britain: Hardline Muslims spill blood in their London mosque by flaying their skin with chains in a practice so extreme it is banned in Iran
‘Barbaric’ practice of the ritual of self-flagellation is known as zanjeer zani
An order has banned a group from carrying out the practice in London
Video obtained by Mail on Sunday shows the event carried out in 2013
Practice has been the subject of heated debate throughout Muslim world
See the latest news from London at
Do they have a whip round for the cost of treatment?
Manchester flagellate for diversity
Perhaps it’s all for the local NHS blood donation
Do they get free NHS treatment following this practise ?
One of the three things the bBC like today
Dont forget to the read the book “world ravaged by climate change”
What a joke the bbc has become
So Councils are worried about lowered turnout for Council elections due to voter ID requirement. Funny that eh?
So what form of ID is required for postal voting?
The Electoral Roll is a farce, there are many false entries, there’s little or no monitoring of whether someone is entitled to vote.
BBC getting excited about Scotland introducing ‘driverless buses’ – except they will have a member of staff in the driver’s seat, and a conductor (to be called a ‘captain’!).
Not much to get excited about there – that’s the way things were when I was a lad!
They are driverless. The driv rs will be off their heads with Buckie.
Get useless Yousaf involved given his expertise with scooters.
TWatO Watch #1 – Big mourn for Nigel Lawson reveals BBC Bias in Sarah Montague
Busy day, much to do so I come in to listen to TWatO after the first half hour. Someone is talking about Nigel Lawson deceased and I do not recognise the voice. After the Montacutie asks a question, I twig following the reply that it is ‘Call me Dave’ Cameron. The Montacutie then reveals her own view of the present Government (Views of my own and Gary Lineker): it is far far righter than Margaret Thatcher’s Government ever was.
I don’t know whether David Vance or FedUp2 got an application in for a team from this community to edit a post-Christmas edition of the TOADY Programme but there’s a clear example of bias from another BBC employee.
Liars and the Iraq war:
This may be a silly idea but canTrump run with DeSantis as his VP and then after his one term let DeSantis run for President for his two terms.
I’m sure that would guarantee 3 terms of Republican Presidents and both men would get what they want.
There’s plenty of talk about that – the sticking issue presently is (I believe) Carl Rove’s participation in DeSantis’s camp and his (Rove’s) links to the Bush family and Bush donors who absolutely want their cake… supplied by a beholden candidate.
It might well be that DeSantis is his own man – but the linkage has many notional Republicans and independents wary…
To what’s left of my mind – Robert Kennedy Junior running for the the Democrat nomination would trigger a few folk too – and have the deep state peeps beside themselves.
Maybe back to Newsnight?
BBC representation of the nation cuts out the public.
This isn’t going to be popular, but it’s Douglas Murray who must have been reading some of my old posts on here!
Jeremy Hunt: everyone will be paying more tax after autumn statement 2022
Everyone. Everyone. Everyone.
Theresa May, Former UK PM earned £1.86 million in her 2 years since leaving Downing Street, figures show
Barry Gardiner defends donations worth £500,000 from Chinese agent
Matt Hancock, who lost the Tory whip after it was announced he would be appearing on the ITV programme, is still being paid as an independent MP and is rumoured to have been paid £400,000 to appear on the I’m a celebrity.
Boris Johnson earns £315,000 for 30 minute speech and ‘fireside chat’ in United States
Chuka Umunna Advisory Board of The Progressive Centre UK think tank (also known as Global Progress)
Jeremy Corbyn Labour party leader accepted up to £20,000 (about $27,000) for appearances on the Iranian state broadcast network Press TV
Keir Starmer £18,450 from Harper Collins as an advance payment for a book.
Boris Johnson Accommodation for a private holiday for my partner and me, value £15,000 Destination of visit: St Vincent and the Grenadines
Jeremy Hunt £10,000 from Citigroup Centre for speaking at an event on 9 March 2021. Hours: 4 hrs. Fee paid direct to charity. (Charity not mentioned)
Nadhim Zahawi MP promises to repay the part of £5,822.27 expenses claim for second home energy bills that relates to electricity for stables
MPs to get £2,200 pay rise from April for ‘dramatically increased’ duties last year
Philip Hammond accepts £2,000 watch from Saudi sheikh, despite ban on donating expensive gifts
Yours sincerely,
Putin may not be to everyones liking but there are plenty of leaders in the Western world who are pretty politically despicable themselves:
They are beyond satire.
Trump arrested and in court ?
Something tells me that the Beeboids are rejoicing. But IMHO he, Trump, will be the next POTUS .
They are worried, very worried .
It’ll be interesting to see how the BBC reacts if Robert Kennedy Jnr. goes after the Democrat nomination.
– I mean – he’s presently going after / looking to emasculate the BBC in the USA.
Watch out for road tankers of Green Ink being delivered to Portland Place?
These two sad sacks look like they were poured into their seats.
Guest, Poor old Emmy looks demented and Soapy doesn’t look as though he wants be right there in the studio with her in case he gets impaled on her pen or her finger nail.
I cannot remember whether it was Farming Today or TOADY that mentioned this morning that the ‘rain in Spain is not falling on the plain’. They have to keep the Global Warming and Climate Change thing going at the BBC, yet another example of BBC bias. Strange then that they should mention Nigel Lawson so much today. He was of course a Global Warming and Climate Change sceptic or as I would refer to him ‘a realist’!
“Wettest March in over 40 years for England and Wales”
Wasn’t it the other the other day the global warming “soothsayers” were telling us of an imminent “Drought” ?
Yes, taffman that’s right. PS: Really good Matt cartoon in Telegraph tomorrow.
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – oh dear, oh dear,
Is that Jacinda Ardern sitting at former President Trump’s right hand? This could end bigly badly. Or badly bigly.
Lord god – trying to listen to the Leeds footy but all they talk about is Muslim players having to break a fast or something – off switch … Christians playing footy on Sunday ….
Yes, Fed, we have to respect their religion don’t we? How many churches are there in Saudi Arabia again?
President Trump arrested and charged x34 allegations – couldn’t they find more ? The democrat scheme to bog him down in the run up to the election might work but I doubt it .
I guess they have their own timeline to cause maximum disruption –
The polarisation in the US must surely be getting greater and greater – but maybe I misjudge them because they allowed the election to be stolen – with a Whimper
its called dog piling the charges if you turn up with 34 the “jury” think there cant be smoke without fire
Barry Gardiner defends donations worth £500,000 from Chinese agent
The Labour MP said Christine Lee appeared to be ‘operating as a legitimate person in the UK’.
Amy Gibbons
Thursday 13 January 2022 20:23
Looks like the judge has history with DJT
Best for all concerned if the trial goes up state and out of Manhattan
Time for a new thread …