My usual message to our so called ‘impartial’ broadcasting corporation and our ‘OXO’ government…
“You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time.”
And here we have another 100% agenda piece. All-women is something to celebrate for the BBC. The hypocrisy and double standards of these people never ceases to amaze me. My favourite line is:
Canon Pastor Rev Canon Alison Adams:
“The church has had centuries of being all-male; why shouldn’t we be all-female?”
For the same reason you think it shouldn’t be all-male you stupid woman.
Then it drones on and every single woman gets interviewed to tell us how much better life is without men.
Mind you, it’s entirely what I expect from the BBC’s new wave of ‘journalists’. Meet clone #3762
She ends the article with:
“It shows people that it doesn’t matter who you are, you can achieve what you want to achieve and you can be in a leadership role.”
I have said before, and say it again, in 40 years of working have seen workplace bullying many times. with only one exception, it has been females, ganging up, sucking up and brazenly flirting with the male boss and then with him in their pocket, they target and gang up on individuals.
They bring the nasty playground tactics into the workplace, as an example they will form a club where they go out of an evening, and next day whispering and giggling about it.
Seen that over and over, too many times to be a coincidence.
There is little more offensive in the workplace than wimmin whispering in a group, it happens a lot.
I met an old friend recently, female and in a good position in higher education, she told me the same story at her place where she just felt she had to go.
One will sit in a meeting, and they will come up with an outrageous accusation or criticism, and before you have a chance to respond, will interrupt you and say “let’s move on”
If you challenge that, you will then be accused of being argumentative, or, in that favourite word in local authorities “inappropriate”.
I always remember an elderly man at a bar who was alongside us and overhearing our conversation about women. He piped up with, “how can you trust anyone who paints their face to appear very different to what they actually look like”.
Subtle. Over 50 years ago and never forgotten.
A black and white problem? Police officers visit pub to confiscate ‘Golly’ dolls despite force having previously decided no laws were broken. Council confirms display does not breach its rules
SIX Essex police officers descended on a borough pub this week and confiscated a number of dolls that have been hanging behind its bar for many years.
They were responding, in a repetition of a similar incident in 2018, to a complaint that the dolls – replicas of the historic Robertson jam jar golliwogs – are racially offensive.
It’s a little more than five years since police last turned up at the pub, the White Hart on Argent Street in Grays, following a previous complaint and concern raised by Thurrock Council’s licensing team.
In 2018 pub landlords Chris and Benice Ryley, backed by their regulars, insisted the dolls were a part of British history and that they were on display in a privately-owned venue and had been for many years.
They refused to remove the dolls and – and after investigations by both the council and police – nothing further happened.
That is until Tuesday (4 April) this week when, 15 minutes before the pub was due to open at lunctime, six officers arrived at the pub and told Benice they were taking the dolls away because there had been a complaint and a visitor to the pub had been ‘quite upset about them’.
The collectable Coronation Golly badge
This time, it is entirely a police action. A statement issued by Thurrock Council confirms: “This is not a matter which the council has any powers to act on under the Licensing Act 2003 or Public Order Legislation.”
Benice explains what happened, saying: “Chris is away abroad and will be until the middle of May. Police said as he is the licensee they need to interview him and they have taken the dolls away in the interim.
“I don’t understand why we have to go through all this again. They have even taken away the badges that used to be given out by Robertsons and a book that explains the history of the marketing.
“We have the police taking away information that is literally the history of this country. And why? We are quite happy to call them dolls, not golliwogs, but even the officer who wrote down the inventory as he was taking them away described the larger one as a golliwog and the others as golly dolls. So even the police don’t know what to call them.
“I understand that some people may not like them and they are entitled to that view, but they don’t have to come into the pub.
“As far as we are aware we are not breaking any laws by displaying them, and that was proved last time when we were investigated. If we were not breaking the law then, why are we breaking the law now?”
It transpires the police action on Tuesday follows a complaint made 39 days ago.
In the interim since its receipt the force made the call that it believes there was sufficient reason to believe a ‘hate crime’ has taken place. So six officers were dispatched.
A statement from the police says: “”We are investigating an allegation of hate crime in Grays reported to us on 24 February.
“On Tuesday, 4 April, we attended a location off Argent Street, Grays, and seized several items in connection with our investigation.”
The force has declined to explain why it took a contrary position in 2018.
The debate over the dolls has raged long and hard.
A golliwog is a black doll that started appearing in children’s books in the late 1800s.
It is historically linked to the term ‘blackface’ – white people blacking up to imitate black people to entertain – and “wog” is a derogatory form for people with dark skin.
Most notably in the UK, the term golliwog became associated with a jam company.
The Robertson’s golliwog symbol (not seen as racially charged at the time) appeared in 1910 after a trip to the US to set up a plant in Boston by company owner James Robertson.
His son John noticed local children playing with little black rag dolls with white eyes. Mr Robertson senior bought one of the dolls and brought it back to Britain.
Intrigued by the popularity of the ‘Golly’, he thought it would make an ideal mascot and trade mark for the Robertson’s range of products and it was first used in 1911.
In particular the company created small metal badges featuring the dolls and a large number of styles were created, including ones that celebrated the coronation in 1937.
The Robertson ‘Golly’ was not only limited to badges. There were Robertson golly dolls, ceramic, golly games for children, the 1979 illustrated storybook ‘Here Comes Golly’ by Gyles Brandreth and even golly clothing. At the start of the 1980s the hard enamelled badges were replaced with cheaper-to-produce acrylic badges, but this did not affect their popularity.
When production stopped in 2001, more than 20 million golly badges had been sent out. Samples of the badges were among the items confiscated by police at the White Hart.
And there have been many instances – perhaps most notably children’s author Enid Blyton – of golliwog character being featured in books
Robertson’s officially retired ‘Golly’ in 2002. The company had found that their trademark was, on the whole, no longer popular with children, although the scheme was still successful and popular with adult collectors.
Enid Blyton’s book.
Robertson’s always insisted that they did not retire the image because of the pressure of political correctness, but simply for commercial reasons.
The brand director at Robertson’s at the time commented: “We are retiring ‘Golly’ because we found families with kids no longer necessarily knew about him. We are not bowing to political correctness, but like with any great brand we have to move with the times.”
The issue over the public’s view on golliwogs in the modern day is encapsulated in an article published by noted academic Professor Tim Bale of Queen Mary University in London, where he speaks of his own dislike and taste of the doll, the image and the term – but he says the wider public have vastly differing opinions.
Hispanics and blacks — together about 1/3 of the US population — contribute next to nothing to innovation.
They are rewarded for this underperformance with preferential treatment in STEM hiring, university admissions, and placement in fellowships and various specialty programs.
Happy Easter.
I mention this because on this most sacred day to Christians you would not have known this from listening to Toady on Sunday.
No. The Islamic Broadcasting Corporation featured instead.
1. A nice happy story about a Muslim woman who enjoys walking in the countryside and how she survives such an energetic pursuit during Ramadan.
2. Another nice happy story about a Muslim who is an enthusiastic Manchester United football supporter.
And by contrast.
3. A story about child abuse in the Catholic Church
Don’t forget ramadan, no bbc viewer will be able to
Its been cleaned from the internet, a muslim police officer unable to chase a suspect because it was ramadan and he couldn’t eat
I was working for major civil contact a couple of years ago and we were all told, via posters and leaflets, to consider whether we should eat lunch at our desk and avoid offending muslims
That f****d up the breakfast bacon sarnie then, Z…
When we had a huge contract in Southampton, the chuck wagon on the industrial estate served the best-ever bacon rolls, which were very welcome at 8.00am, especially after a three-hour drive! I suppose any ramadians were still noshing their grits before it got light or something.
The only non-Brits we ever saw was a surly bunch of pikeys, who broke into the site with their vans and set up ‘camp’.
The Contracts Director just went round there, gave them a ‘veiled’ warning with a few quid, and after that they scampered within minutes!
That Contracts Director could be very, VERY persuasive when he wanted to be…
Recall a hate sketch back in the day, when the ballerina used a special part of the laddo for a boost to do the twirly.
Sophie Rebecca, former rally driver and IT technician, was the first transwoman to pass exams at The Royal Ballet Academy (which changed its rules in 2013 to allow transwomen in). Sophie is 6ft 3in. “I knew from a young age that I was trapped in the wrong body”.
Sophie is 6ft 3in. “I knew from a young age that I was trapped in the wrong body”.
I’m 6’1″ and I can’t recall the last time that I saw a real woman who was as tall or taller than me.Good luck to the male ballet dancer who has to lift ‘Sophie’ up whilst dancing!
This garbage never ceases to amaze me. This is one of the stupidest vacuous idiotic nonsense statements possible. No mate you CANNOT be born in the wrong body. Get a F****** life! Genes determine your sex and if you still insist on this you are mentally deranged!
— MPS – Association of Muslim Police (@AMP_MPS) April 7, 2023
Note “OUR” communities
One reason I came to this site was working in Luton for a couple of years, and noting the division of society, with muslims immigrating to the UK and creating their own society and the aggression they bring with them.
I have worked in London and did some stuff with a muslim charity and they were fine, running a foodbank etc
But, Luton was like another world to me, Bury Park Road, the looks I would get, and the charity boxes in the shops that were taken away when they saw me, and the men distributing leaflets that would suddenly stop when they saw me.
The worst thing was the children, 12 to 14 year olds, I would take some time in a coffee shop during my work and they arrived, from one of the “special schools” in arab clothes and all sit and stare at me.
Maybe they’ll set up their in-house paki Muslim Paedo Rape gangs and cut out the middle animal ….
… too much talk about Muslims and footy . I have a simple remedy . Suspend all footy until the primitives stop their fasting thing ….
And a good story today about the prem thinking about having its own TV output and cutting out the likes of Sky and BT – maybe they can dump the crisp advertiser and bring in some one of a suitable darker tint ….
Easter travel: Train and ferry queues as millions head on getaway
Rehan Ahmed on Ramadan, his faith and playing for England
Aston Villa have hosted an Open Iftar event for the first time
The occasion invites people from all faiths to come together during the holy month of Ramadan
More than 500 people attended the event on Wednesday
Bristol to come together to celebrate Islamic holy month of Ramadan
Premier League matches to pause for fasting Muslim players during Ramadan
Premier League: Could we see more breaks in games for Muslim players during Ramadan?
Ramadan: how to fuel exercise while fasting
Ramadan: Coastal communities help Muslims celebrate
There exists a conspiracy theory concerning the removal of our latterday Lady Jane Grey, ‘The Nine Days Queen’ of Prime Ministers – in other words our John Paul I, pontiff for 33 days, or call her our Karl Dönitz, German Führer for 23 days, if like Gary Lineker or Ken Livingstone you’re one of those people over-keen to slip into the internet meme about those Teutonic National Socialists – Godwin’s Law – but I refer of course to the short-lived Liz Truss premiership.
Ah, Liz Truss. With the looks of a startled budgerigar, she was raised on 100 varieties of cheese, Neo-Thatcherism and David Cameron’s diversity hiring policies. Not for our Dave was the Norfolk ‘Turnip Taliban’s’ choice of competancy in their constituency candidate – he had to have MPs with lady parts to emulate Blair’s babes.
Well, she wasn’t the great-granddaughter of Henry VII, isn’t fondly remembered with a museum built in her honour in the little Italian town of Canale d’Agordo, and didn’t command the Kriegsmarine’s U-boat arm, but she had some right-wing fiscal instincts to recommend her and she found herself in the right place at the right time to appeal to party members. And was a fly in the ointment from the point of view of the globalist liberal hegemony.
And credit where credit is due she – more or less – says so: Truss condemns ‘global cartel of complacency’ for fixing tax rates (Sunday Telegraph) – remember folks, it’s not a conspiracy theory, if it’s true.
“Not content with high taxes in their own countries, we now see governments seeking to agree high taxes around the free world”
During the Conservative leadership contest last August, Ms Truss’s allies suggested she would consider withdrawing Britain’s support for the minimum tax pledge and risking a diplomatic row with Joe Biden, who proposed the idea.
In other news today we have a thin gruel of features and stories in lieu of an Easter feast: LGBTQ+ lost classics – in the Observer (natch)
Fabulous Dame Debs by those who knew her best (the big-hearted – except when it comes to the Tories – Sunday Mirror)
Beeb’s mega deal to stop Shirley waltzing off (Sunday People)
Elsewhere there’s always the last resort of our scoundrel journos – the tangentially Royalty-related (as per Lady Jane Grey) story…
Royal Range Rover safety alert (Sunday People)
Charles at odds with Church over his ‘Diverse’ Coronation (Mail on Sunday)
The Mail goes with a frontpage crown twofor: Poignant secrets of Queen’s last salute
The Express likewise plays a princely double whammy: On me ‘ead son… fan George is just like dad – that’s the Wales boys at the football yesterday. By the way, this fixture is also covered in the Telegraph: Princes enjoy a Villa thriller
King to rescue Rishi… and he’ll boost the economy too (the toe-curlingly pro-Sunak Sunday Express)
Bugger me! Sorry, that’s my expletive, not an Observer recommended read ….The Express has even put Sarah Ferguson on the frontpage of their S Magazine
I should watch my step: Wolves say three arrests have been made after homophobic chanting during win over Chelsea (BBC)
Obviously there’s no details from our Beeb but I think opposition fans used to refer rudely to the ‘Chelsea Rent Boys’ (don’t quote me)
Popular in the playground way back when was the rather affectionate: Georgie Best, superstar, Walks like a woman and he wears a bra – all the rage these days. We used to say they can’t touch you for it. Now it’s more like there’s nothing wrong with that. Or the youngsters have their simple expression: cool.
As for Queen’s Park Rangers…
I digress. All those Royal stories – it’s almost enought to turn one republican
Which is a sort of segueway to: Joe Biden has done little for cause of peace in Northern Ireland – the Telegraph there with Con Coughlin putting it mildly.
And finally…
Love-split ghost hubby’s stalking me (Daily Star Sunday) – in a feature they claim to be an: Other-world Exclusive – in other words, a sort of spirit realm Me Too? The Star delivers the sensible advice for women: Never marry a ghost
The Archbishop of Canterbury is using his Easter sermons to say “we must not lose heart” over the war in Ukraine or the situation in Israel and Palestine.
And he warns that those who “oppress and subjugate others” will “face divine justice”.
Did you see what they did there ? muzzies get their shoe in again at the bbc
” a fly in the ointment from the point of view of the globalist liberal hegemony”
They all come to harm in the end, by one way or another.
Putin tells US envoy
Washington’s support to Ukraine in 2014, reason for current conflict, Putin tells US envoy
Russian President Vladimir Putin told new US ambassador Lynne Tracy in a Kremlin ceremony on Tuesday that US support for a revolution in Ukraine in 2014 had led to the current situation where Russia and Ukraine were in conflict.
US support to 2014 Ukraine revolution led to war: Putin
Moscow, April 5
Russian President Vladimir Putin on Wednesday told the new US and EU ambassadors in blunt language that their countries were responsible for a dramatic deterioration in relations since Russia sent its armed forces into Ukraine last year.
Putin told new US ambassador Lynne Tracy that US support for a revolution in Ukraine in 2014 had led to the current situation where Russia and Ukraine were in conflict.
“Dear Madam Ambassador, I know you may not agree, but I cannot but say that the United States’ use… of such tools as support for the so-called colour revolutions, support in this regard for the coup in Kyiv in 2014, ultimately led to today’s Ukrainian crisis,” Putin said.
He said relations were in “a deep crisis” that was “based on fundamentally different approaches to the formation of the modern world order”.
Russia responded to an uprising in Kyiv that drove out a pro-Russian President in 2014 by seizing the Crimean peninsula from Ukraine and backing an armed separatist movement that took control of territory in eastern Ukraine. Putin took a similar line with the new EU ambassador, Roland Galharague, who took up his position in September, telling him that “the European Union initiated a geopolitical confrontation with Russia”.
Trump claims Obama-era State Department backed 2014 Ukraine uprisings
‘We’re teetering on the brink of World War Three,’ says former president
Speaking in a video, in which he said “World War III has never been closer than it is right now,” Trump vowed to “clean house of all of the warmongers and America’s last globalists.”
The February 2014 “Maidan revolution” in Ukraine led to then President Viktor Yanukovych fleeing the country and a pro-Western government coming to power.
In November of the previous year, Yanukovych announced the suspension of preparations for a historic pact between Kyiv and Brussels aimed at shifting Ukraine out of Moscow’s orbit and refused to sign a trade pact and political association agreement with the European Union. After the decision, mass street protests erupted in Ukraine.
Trump reiterated that he was the only president in generations who did not start a war and the only president “who rejected the catastrophic advice of many of Washington’s generals, bureaucrats and the so-called diplomats who only know how to get us into conflict, but they don’t know how to get us out.”
“In October 2012 the Party of Regions won the largest share of seats in parliamentary elections, and most observers characterized the polling as relatively free and fair. It appeared that Yanukovych was attempting to pivot toward the West in April 2013, when he ordered the release of Lutsenko in advance of the signing of an association agreement with the European Union.
Just days before that treaty was to be signed in November 2013, Yanukovych pulled out of the deal, triggering a scramble among EU leaders and sparking a wave of popular protests in Kiev. Putin pledged billions in financial assistance as the demonstrations in Kiev’s Maidan (Independence Square) continued into 2014. Yanukovych responded by enacting a series of anti-protest measures that were hastily repealed by the parliament after two demonstrators were killed in clashes with police in January 2014. Protests spread to eastern Ukraine, traditionally Yanukovych’s stronghold, and violence in the Maidan escalated dramatically. More than 70 people were killed in clashes with police and security forces in February 2014, as the remaining support for Yanukovych and his administration crumbled. The parliament voted to impeach Yanukovych on February 22; he responded by denouncing the action as a coup and fleeing the capital. His whereabouts unknown, protesters descended upon Yanukovych’s opulent residence outside Kiev, and Ukraine’s interim government issued a warrant for his arrest on charges of mass murder.”
People were tweeting a video from an account FIGHT | MEMES | FUNNY of a machete fight around a car
No context was ever given
So I assume it’s a spoof staged video
It looks like Bakhamut has fallen and Zelinsky is now considering calling a surrender to Russia.
This is an outrage! Biden and Johnson both started a war in which the cities of Ukraine lie in ruins and half a million Ukrainians lie dead.
It needn’t have happened as Russia did not wish for a military conflict and tried to avoid it by neogtiation which Zelensky appeared to at least be considering, but it was scotched by Johnson and Biden, and now as a result of these twos lethal idiocy.
There needs to be calls for Johnson to be put on trial for this, there is no excuse, he personally interevened and that intervention led to all these deaths not to mention Bidens attack on Europe and the price of energy going through the roof destroying the European economy.
What is worse I expect now the US which has become an empire of evil under Biden will almost certainly turn its malevolent gaze towards China, manufacturing a conflict there as well which it will lose, and cause great loss of life in the process.
Maybe Ayatollah Komenei was right when he named America the Great Satan because it sure seems to be trying to live up to the name at the moment.
Seeing claims of 85.000 Ukranian casualties at Bakhmut- assuming hyperbole.
That would be a tragedy
The relentless ridiculous boosterish BBC are now worse than Baghdad Bob – they certainly swerve Ukraine military setbacks on the front page of the web shite.
Thoughtful, you forget that the war has been going on in Ukraine since 2014. Yes, it is the West’s proxy war but it was started by the EU long before Johnson became PM and Biden became President.
Good start Elon. All the BBC feeds should carry a warning. Not going to split hairs that it is funded by the TV Licence tax – ie the Taxpayer- government funded means taxpayer funded.
Not a BBC Question: Did Google put up any of the wondrous decorations of the search bar to celebrate Easter? I haven’t see one. But I will expect to see one for Earth half second and fruit bat month.
Protip, RHOM. As a boy who grew up on a cattle ranch. I can assure you that when you cut a bull's nuts off, you get a steer 100% of the time. You NEVER get a cow.
I can’t believe this actually needs to be explained to you.
CIA Director Bill Burns made an unannounced visit to Saudi Arabia, expressing Washington's frustration over the country's recent rapprochement with Iran, mediated by China
I wonder if there’ll be some disgruntled intermediate like John Bellingham who offed UK PM Perceval apparently over some Russian disagreements? – history rhymes etcetera.
In the West, it is noted that Zelensky is coming out of a bunker with white walls for the second day in a row, he has shortness of breath and difficulty speaking, as well as a haggard face.
This is a remarkable speech by Robert Kennedy Jr. for its eye-opening content on vaccines, the healthcare system, CIA, and corrupt Government institutions, and how they operate:
— Ned Nikolov, Ph.D. (@NikolovScience) April 9, 2023
The BBC wants to pretend, unreasonably, that the British people fund it willingly, whilst they petition the government to maintain the compulsory TV Licence tax funding mechanism in place. BBC is a stupid state anachronism that has continued to exist long after an initial subsidy…
A roller coaster of a story describing the journey of a Somalian male who got bounced around other countries until he manged to get to the land of gravy. Us. And of course he wants to be a teacher.
Basically he is an illegal, economic immigrant with no actual reason to be allowed to stay here. Everywhere else basically kicked him out until he got here.
Stand out parts of this story:
He is safely in Wales being educated at our expense. Yet for some reason the BBC will not give his real name or show any picture of him. There is absolutely no excuse for that – except to make us think he is in danger. Which he is not.
He was arrested in Ukraine and says the police beat him for days.
‘Rayan said he was racially abused and had a tooth knocked out. The officers wanted to know the name of the smuggler, but he didn’t know.’.
So after his horrific experience, the worst part was being ‘racially abused’ ? (whatever that means these days).
The whole story makes no sense and is not logical. For example, on eminute they are hiding ‘in the bush’ in Ukraine with absolutely nothing, then we get: ‘They were moved to Hungary and then Slovakia before a stranger offered them a free lift to Vienna.’. By who ???.
And then we get to the root of this huge problem we now have:
Comparing his experiences in Europe, Rayan said he was “shocked” by how he was treated by police and immigration officials once in the UK.
“I never felt like that. They treated me nicely and polite. I felt like someone who lives here,” he said.
There we go. I can imagine all the hundreds of thousands of other illegal Africans all across the world sharing this blatant advertisement from the BBC and heading this way for a slice of that pie for themselves.
An absolutely typical BBC empathy-laden work of fiction mixed in with fact. The best way to lie. I guarantee the author put words in this mans mouth to get the article she wanted to write.
And here she is. Yet another license-fee payers liability from the clone factory:
Oh dear : it seems that facebook has just sarted sending notifications to get you to click on sponsored links !!. They must not be making enough money from the dozens of ‘suggested for you’ posts they cram in front of me.
A new low. I daren’t click on anything there these days for fear of getting bombarded with advertisements.
MarkyMarkMar 11, 17:25 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “As a candidate for prime minister, however, he said he intended to renounce his British and Irish citizenships. Carney told…
tomoMar 11, 17:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I posted earlier but it deserves some repetition
tomoMar 11, 17:09 Start the Week 10th March 2025 The fall of the Daily Telegraph…. [img][/img]
MarkyMarkMar 11, 17:07 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Mark Carney’s Leadership Win Smells 60% of Party members didn’t vote, but media pretends that doesn’t matter. Mark Carney will…
MarkyMarkMar 11, 17:06 Start the Week 10th March 2025 0 March 2025 261 5 0 …………………………………………… The first duty of the government is to keep citizens safe and the…
MarkyMarkMar 11, 16:55 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Why protest in China when you can wait for China to come to you …. HA HA HAH AH “Last…
AlthepalerpMar 11, 16:53 Start the Week 10th March 2025 The Great Replacement continues.. . . .
Guest WhoMar 11, 16:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Odour test aside, I noted this too: 60% of Party members didn’t vote, but media pretends that doesn’t matter.…
MarkyMarkMar 11, 16:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “The scholarly literature on emotions and politics tells us that anxiety holds people back from political involvement, while enthusiasm pushes…
Guest WhoMar 11, 16:40 Start the Week 10th March 2025 As I have little faith in all media, I read around. On occasion I get a laugh. ‘Throng’.
A Dylan Mulvaney endorsed Raytheon Patriot missile
Anybody seen supportive content from BBC journos for Dimon’s “asset seizure” plan?
Start with his realty.
My usual message to our so called ‘impartial’ broadcasting corporation and our ‘OXO’ government…
“You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time.”
Time for us Brits to go for The Reform Party.
‘We won’t apologise for being an all-female clergy’
And here we have another 100% agenda piece. All-women is something to celebrate for the BBC. The hypocrisy and double standards of these people never ceases to amaze me. My favourite line is:
Canon Pastor Rev Canon Alison Adams:
“The church has had centuries of being all-male; why shouldn’t we be all-female?”
For the same reason you think it shouldn’t be all-male you stupid woman.
Then it drones on and every single woman gets interviewed to tell us how much better life is without men.
Mind you, it’s entirely what I expect from the BBC’s new wave of ‘journalists’. Meet clone #3762

She ends the article with:
“It shows people that it doesn’t matter who you are, you can achieve what you want to achieve and you can be in a leadership role.”
Meaning women of course.
I have said before, and say it again, in 40 years of working have seen workplace bullying many times. with only one exception, it has been females, ganging up, sucking up and brazenly flirting with the male boss and then with him in their pocket, they target and gang up on individuals.
They bring the nasty playground tactics into the workplace, as an example they will form a club where they go out of an evening, and next day whispering and giggling about it.
Seen that over and over, too many times to be a coincidence.
There is little more offensive in the workplace than wimmin whispering in a group, it happens a lot.
I met an old friend recently, female and in a good position in higher education, she told me the same story at her place where she just felt she had to go.
One will sit in a meeting, and they will come up with an outrageous accusation or criticism, and before you have a chance to respond, will interrupt you and say “let’s move on”
If you challenge that, you will then be accused of being argumentative, or, in that favourite word in local authorities “inappropriate”.
The favourite tactic, is let’s have a “catch up meeting”
Anyone that says that to you beware.
You will be confronted, last one I had, I mentioned something and they jumped on it
“why wasn’t I informed ?? ”
Thank goodness for electronic communication, if you refuse to read emails it’s your problem not mine
And to top it all , you don’t discuss things with (certain government agency) you talk to me first.
Erm I was in a meeting with them I was required to attend, that you did not turn up to (again) and they asked me to give them an update.
Not a good enough response, apparently.
I feel for those that have massive debts like mortgages etc that are trapped in positions where they are treated like that.
I have no hesitation now in walking away from toxic situations.
I always remember an elderly man at a bar who was alongside us and overhearing our conversation about women. He piped up with, “how can you trust anyone who paints their face to appear very different to what they actually look like”.
Subtle. Over 50 years ago and never forgotten.
Seems to have inspired TwoFace.
If that is the kind of convo and congregation… glad I stopped.
So who built the effing church in the first place?
Sheffield: Boy, 12, in court charged with murder of woman hit by car
Goodness me : a 12 year boy carries a knife, steals a car then runs down a woman with it.
And the BBC just write a short, basic facts only report and don’t bat an eyelid. They don’t care.
WTF has happened to this country ?.
Here’s who got mown-down. I’ll leave you to speculate what the boy who did it looks like and why the BBC want it brushed under the carpet.

Sheffield is about to implement a ULEZ zone.
Maybe the boy objected to this policy that directly hits the poorest in society.
Where is the father ?
The family, if it exists, have questions to answer
A black and white problem? Police officers visit pub to confiscate ‘Golly’ dolls despite force having previously decided no laws were broken. Council confirms display does not breach its rules
SIX Essex police officers descended on a borough pub this week and confiscated a number of dolls that have been hanging behind its bar for many years.
They were responding, in a repetition of a similar incident in 2018, to a complaint that the dolls – replicas of the historic Robertson jam jar golliwogs – are racially offensive.
It’s a little more than five years since police last turned up at the pub, the White Hart on Argent Street in Grays, following a previous complaint and concern raised by Thurrock Council’s licensing team.
In 2018 pub landlords Chris and Benice Ryley, backed by their regulars, insisted the dolls were a part of British history and that they were on display in a privately-owned venue and had been for many years.
They refused to remove the dolls and – and after investigations by both the council and police – nothing further happened.
That is until Tuesday (4 April) this week when, 15 minutes before the pub was due to open at lunctime, six officers arrived at the pub and told Benice they were taking the dolls away because there had been a complaint and a visitor to the pub had been ‘quite upset about them’.
The collectable Coronation Golly badge
This time, it is entirely a police action. A statement issued by Thurrock Council confirms: “This is not a matter which the council has any powers to act on under the Licensing Act 2003 or Public Order Legislation.”
Benice explains what happened, saying: “Chris is away abroad and will be until the middle of May. Police said as he is the licensee they need to interview him and they have taken the dolls away in the interim.
“I don’t understand why we have to go through all this again. They have even taken away the badges that used to be given out by Robertsons and a book that explains the history of the marketing.
“We have the police taking away information that is literally the history of this country. And why? We are quite happy to call them dolls, not golliwogs, but even the officer who wrote down the inventory as he was taking them away described the larger one as a golliwog and the others as golly dolls. So even the police don’t know what to call them.
“I understand that some people may not like them and they are entitled to that view, but they don’t have to come into the pub.
“As far as we are aware we are not breaking any laws by displaying them, and that was proved last time when we were investigated. If we were not breaking the law then, why are we breaking the law now?”
It transpires the police action on Tuesday follows a complaint made 39 days ago.
In the interim since its receipt the force made the call that it believes there was sufficient reason to believe a ‘hate crime’ has taken place. So six officers were dispatched.
A statement from the police says: “”We are investigating an allegation of hate crime in Grays reported to us on 24 February.
“On Tuesday, 4 April, we attended a location off Argent Street, Grays, and seized several items in connection with our investigation.”
The force has declined to explain why it took a contrary position in 2018.
The debate over the dolls has raged long and hard.
A golliwog is a black doll that started appearing in children’s books in the late 1800s.
It is historically linked to the term ‘blackface’ – white people blacking up to imitate black people to entertain – and “wog” is a derogatory form for people with dark skin.
Most notably in the UK, the term golliwog became associated with a jam company.
The Robertson’s golliwog symbol (not seen as racially charged at the time) appeared in 1910 after a trip to the US to set up a plant in Boston by company owner James Robertson.
His son John noticed local children playing with little black rag dolls with white eyes. Mr Robertson senior bought one of the dolls and brought it back to Britain.
Intrigued by the popularity of the ‘Golly’, he thought it would make an ideal mascot and trade mark for the Robertson’s range of products and it was first used in 1911.
In particular the company created small metal badges featuring the dolls and a large number of styles were created, including ones that celebrated the coronation in 1937.
The Robertson ‘Golly’ was not only limited to badges. There were Robertson golly dolls, ceramic, golly games for children, the 1979 illustrated storybook ‘Here Comes Golly’ by Gyles Brandreth and even golly clothing. At the start of the 1980s the hard enamelled badges were replaced with cheaper-to-produce acrylic badges, but this did not affect their popularity.
When production stopped in 2001, more than 20 million golly badges had been sent out. Samples of the badges were among the items confiscated by police at the White Hart.
And there have been many instances – perhaps most notably children’s author Enid Blyton – of golliwog character being featured in books
Robertson’s officially retired ‘Golly’ in 2002. The company had found that their trademark was, on the whole, no longer popular with children, although the scheme was still successful and popular with adult collectors.
Enid Blyton’s book.
Robertson’s always insisted that they did not retire the image because of the pressure of political correctness, but simply for commercial reasons.
The brand director at Robertson’s at the time commented: “We are retiring ‘Golly’ because we found families with kids no longer necessarily knew about him. We are not bowing to political correctness, but like with any great brand we have to move with the times.”
The issue over the public’s view on golliwogs in the modern day is encapsulated in an article published by noted academic Professor Tim Bale of Queen Mary University in London, where he speaks of his own dislike and taste of the doll, the image and the term – but he says the wider public have vastly differing opinions.
Strange, that in the UK we have many Chinese. Thai, Indian etc immigrants
Why are they not rioting on the streets with various demands ?
Why are they not shot by police in stolen cars in posession of firearms refusing to stop, and involved in stabbings in London every week ?
Why are they not in 50% of adverts on the TV married to white women and in every historical drama and current programmes ?
Why are they not demanding money with menaces for historical injustices ?
Eventually, being only good at drawing attention to yourself can prove less effective.
Sums up why I cancelled a subscription to this woke rag years back.
Happy Easter.
I mention this because on this most sacred day to Christians you would not have known this from listening to Toady on Sunday.
No. The Islamic Broadcasting Corporation featured instead.
1. A nice happy story about a Muslim woman who enjoys walking in the countryside and how she survives such an energetic pursuit during Ramadan.
2. Another nice happy story about a Muslim who is an enthusiastic Manchester United football supporter.
And by contrast.
3. A story about child abuse in the Catholic Church
The anti-B BC in full view.
In other news. Happy Easter.
Don’t forget ramadan, no bbc viewer will be able to
Its been cleaned from the internet, a muslim police officer unable to chase a suspect because it was ramadan and he couldn’t eat
I was working for major civil contact a couple of years ago and we were all told, via posters and leaflets, to consider whether we should eat lunch at our desk and avoid offending muslims
That f****d up the breakfast bacon sarnie then, Z…
When we had a huge contract in Southampton, the chuck wagon on the industrial estate served the best-ever bacon rolls, which were very welcome at 8.00am, especially after a three-hour drive! I suppose any ramadians were still noshing their grits before it got light or something.
The only non-Brits we ever saw was a surly bunch of pikeys, who broke into the site with their vans and set up ‘camp’.
The Contracts Director just went round there, gave them a ‘veiled’ warning with a few quid, and after that they scampered within minutes!
That Contracts Director could be very, VERY persuasive when he wanted to be…
The most incompetent, stupid, unable to address any question without becoming aggressive, two people governing millions and, most importantly..
NEVER held to account by the media
Boris and Trump meanwhile…
Recall a hate sketch back in the day, when the ballerina used a special part of the laddo for a boost to do the twirly.
Sophie is 6ft 3in. “I knew from a young age that I was trapped in the wrong body”.
I’m 6’1″ and I can’t recall the last time that I saw a real woman who was as tall or taller than me.Good luck to the male ballet dancer who has to lift ‘Sophie’ up whilst dancing!
This garbage never ceases to amaze me. This is one of the stupidest vacuous idiotic nonsense statements possible. No mate you CANNOT be born in the wrong body. Get a F****** life! Genes determine your sex and if you still insist on this you are mentally deranged!
Why am I thinking Dick Emery / Benny Hill.
Arthur Mullard as a panto dame or something.
The activism associated with this wave of kerrapp is showing that the NHS has given up on mental health.
Note “OUR” communities
One reason I came to this site was working in Luton for a couple of years, and noting the division of society, with muslims immigrating to the UK and creating their own society and the aggression they bring with them.
I have worked in London and did some stuff with a muslim charity and they were fine, running a foodbank etc
But, Luton was like another world to me, Bury Park Road, the looks I would get, and the charity boxes in the shops that were taken away when they saw me, and the men distributing leaflets that would suddenly stop when they saw me.
The worst thing was the children, 12 to 14 year olds, I would take some time in a coffee shop during my work and they arrived, from one of the “special schools” in arab clothes and all sit and stare at me.
God only knows the racist hate they are taught
Best comment:
“And what do you have lined up for Easter?”
A very successful Ramadan Iftar Event at New Scotland Yard last night.
Fantastic show of support from SMTs, Mayor of London,SSAs Partners, and of course our Cadets!
It’s crucial that we continue to work together to represents our communities across London.#RamadanMubarak
— MPS – Association of Muslim Police (@AMP_MPS) April 7, 2023
A very successful Ramadan Iftar Event at New Scotland Yard last night.
Fantastic show of support from SMTs, Mayor of London,SSAs Partners, and of course our Cadets!
It’s crucial that we continue to work together to represents our communities across London.#RamadanMubarak
— MPS – Association of Muslim Police (@AMP_MPS) April 7, 2023
Maybe they’ll set up their in-house paki Muslim Paedo Rape gangs and cut out the middle animal ….
… too much talk about Muslims and footy . I have a simple remedy . Suspend all footy until the primitives stop their fasting thing ….
And a good story today about the prem thinking about having its own TV output and cutting out the likes of Sky and BT – maybe they can dump the crisp advertiser and bring in some one of a suitable darker tint ….
Easter travel: Train and ferry queues as millions head on getaway
Rehan Ahmed on Ramadan, his faith and playing for England
Aston Villa have hosted an Open Iftar event for the first time
The occasion invites people from all faiths to come together during the holy month of Ramadan
More than 500 people attended the event on Wednesday
Bristol to come together to celebrate Islamic holy month of Ramadan
Premier League matches to pause for fasting Muslim players during Ramadan
Premier League: Could we see more breaks in games for Muslim players during Ramadan?
Ramadan: how to fuel exercise while fasting
Ramadan: Coastal communities help Muslims celebrate
Right royal conspiracy edition
There exists a conspiracy theory concerning the removal of our latterday Lady Jane Grey, ‘The Nine Days Queen’ of Prime Ministers – in other words our John Paul I, pontiff for 33 days, or call her our Karl Dönitz, German Führer for 23 days, if like Gary Lineker or Ken Livingstone you’re one of those people over-keen to slip into the internet meme about those Teutonic National Socialists – Godwin’s Law – but I refer of course to the short-lived Liz Truss premiership.
Ah, Liz Truss. With the looks of a startled budgerigar, she was raised on 100 varieties of cheese, Neo-Thatcherism and David Cameron’s diversity hiring policies. Not for our Dave was the Norfolk ‘Turnip Taliban’s’ choice of competancy in their constituency candidate – he had to have MPs with lady parts to emulate Blair’s babes.
Well, she wasn’t the great-granddaughter of Henry VII, isn’t fondly remembered with a museum built in her honour in the little Italian town of Canale d’Agordo, and didn’t command the Kriegsmarine’s U-boat arm, but she had some right-wing fiscal instincts to recommend her and she found herself in the right place at the right time to appeal to party members. And was a fly in the ointment from the point of view of the globalist liberal hegemony.
And credit where credit is due she – more or less – says so: Truss condemns ‘global cartel of complacency’ for fixing tax rates (Sunday Telegraph) – remember folks, it’s not a conspiracy theory, if it’s true.
“Not content with high taxes in their own countries, we now see governments seeking to agree high taxes around the free world”
During the Conservative leadership contest last August, Ms Truss’s allies suggested she would consider withdrawing Britain’s support for the minimum tax pledge and risking a diplomatic row with Joe Biden, who proposed the idea.
In other news today we have a thin gruel of features and stories in lieu of an Easter feast: LGBTQ+ lost classics – in the Observer (natch)
Fabulous Dame Debs by those who knew her best (the big-hearted – except when it comes to the Tories – Sunday Mirror)
Beeb’s mega deal to stop Shirley waltzing off (Sunday People)
Elsewhere there’s always the last resort of our scoundrel journos – the tangentially Royalty-related (as per Lady Jane Grey) story…
Royal Range Rover safety alert (Sunday People)
Charles at odds with Church over his ‘Diverse’ Coronation (Mail on Sunday)
The Mail goes with a frontpage crown twofor: Poignant secrets of Queen’s last salute
The Express likewise plays a princely double whammy: On me ‘ead son… fan George is just like dad – that’s the Wales boys at the football yesterday. By the way, this fixture is also covered in the Telegraph: Princes enjoy a Villa thriller
King to rescue Rishi… and he’ll boost the economy too (the toe-curlingly pro-Sunak Sunday Express)
Bugger me! Sorry, that’s my expletive, not an Observer recommended read ….The Express has even put Sarah Ferguson on the frontpage of their S Magazine
I should watch my step: Wolves say three arrests have been made after homophobic chanting during win over Chelsea (BBC)
Obviously there’s no details from our Beeb but I think opposition fans used to refer rudely to the ‘Chelsea Rent Boys’ (don’t quote me)
Popular in the playground way back when was the rather affectionate: Georgie Best, superstar, Walks like a woman and he wears a bra – all the rage these days. We used to say they can’t touch you for it. Now it’s more like there’s nothing wrong with that. Or the youngsters have their simple expression: cool.
As for Queen’s Park Rangers…
I digress. All those Royal stories – it’s almost enought to turn one republican
Which is a sort of segueway to: Joe Biden has done little for cause of peace in Northern Ireland – the Telegraph there with Con Coughlin putting it mildly.
And finally…
Love-split ghost hubby’s stalking me (Daily Star Sunday) – in a feature they claim to be an: Other-world Exclusive – in other words, a sort of spirit realm Me Too? The Star delivers the sensible advice for women: Never marry a ghost
Meanwhile, our BBC Easter message:
The Archbishop of Canterbury is using his Easter sermons to say “we must not lose heart” over the war in Ukraine or the situation in Israel and Palestine.
And he warns that those who “oppress and subjugate others” will “face divine justice”.
Did you see what they did there ? muzzies get their shoe in again at the bbc
@ Asieeit
” a fly in the ointment from the point of view of the globalist liberal hegemony”
They all come to harm in the end, by one way or another.
Putin tells US envoy
Washington’s support to Ukraine in 2014, reason for current conflict, Putin tells US envoy
Russian President Vladimir Putin told new US ambassador Lynne Tracy in a Kremlin ceremony on Tuesday that US support for a revolution in Ukraine in 2014 had led to the current situation where Russia and Ukraine were in conflict.
Not to be found on the bbc:
US support to 2014 Ukraine revolution led to war: Putin
Moscow, April 5
Russian President Vladimir Putin on Wednesday told the new US and EU ambassadors in blunt language that their countries were responsible for a dramatic deterioration in relations since Russia sent its armed forces into Ukraine last year.
Putin told new US ambassador Lynne Tracy that US support for a revolution in Ukraine in 2014 had led to the current situation where Russia and Ukraine were in conflict.
“Dear Madam Ambassador, I know you may not agree, but I cannot but say that the United States’ use… of such tools as support for the so-called colour revolutions, support in this regard for the coup in Kyiv in 2014, ultimately led to today’s Ukrainian crisis,” Putin said.
He said relations were in “a deep crisis” that was “based on fundamentally different approaches to the formation of the modern world order”.
Russia responded to an uprising in Kyiv that drove out a pro-Russian President in 2014 by seizing the Crimean peninsula from Ukraine and backing an armed separatist movement that took control of territory in eastern Ukraine. Putin took a similar line with the new EU ambassador, Roland Galharague, who took up his position in September, telling him that “the European Union initiated a geopolitical confrontation with Russia”.
Trump claims Obama-era State Department backed 2014 Ukraine uprisings
‘We’re teetering on the brink of World War Three,’ says former president
Speaking in a video, in which he said “World War III has never been closer than it is right now,” Trump vowed to “clean house of all of the warmongers and America’s last globalists.”
The February 2014 “Maidan revolution” in Ukraine led to then President Viktor Yanukovych fleeing the country and a pro-Western government coming to power.
In November of the previous year, Yanukovych announced the suspension of preparations for a historic pact between Kyiv and Brussels aimed at shifting Ukraine out of Moscow’s orbit and refused to sign a trade pact and political association agreement with the European Union. After the decision, mass street protests erupted in Ukraine.
Trump reiterated that he was the only president in generations who did not start a war and the only president “who rejected the catastrophic advice of many of Washington’s generals, bureaucrats and the so-called diplomats who only know how to get us into conflict, but they don’t know how to get us out.”
“refused to sign a trade pact and political association agreement with the European Union.”
And, suddenly “mass street protests”
” led to then President Viktor Yanukovych fleeing the country and a pro-Western government coming to power.”
“In October 2012 the Party of Regions won the largest share of seats in parliamentary elections, and most observers characterized the polling as relatively free and fair. It appeared that Yanukovych was attempting to pivot toward the West in April 2013, when he ordered the release of Lutsenko in advance of the signing of an association agreement with the European Union.
Just days before that treaty was to be signed in November 2013, Yanukovych pulled out of the deal, triggering a scramble among EU leaders and sparking a wave of popular protests in Kiev. Putin pledged billions in financial assistance as the demonstrations in Kiev’s Maidan (Independence Square) continued into 2014. Yanukovych responded by enacting a series of anti-protest measures that were hastily repealed by the parliament after two demonstrators were killed in clashes with police in January 2014. Protests spread to eastern Ukraine, traditionally Yanukovych’s stronghold, and violence in the Maidan escalated dramatically. More than 70 people were killed in clashes with police and security forces in February 2014, as the remaining support for Yanukovych and his administration crumbled. The parliament voted to impeach Yanukovych on February 22; he responded by denouncing the action as a coup and fleeing the capital. His whereabouts unknown, protesters descended upon Yanukovych’s opulent residence outside Kiev, and Ukraine’s interim government issued a warrant for his arrest on charges of mass murder.”
Long read and conclusions depend on one’s own views, bias or prejudices I suppose:
People were tweeting a video from an account FIGHT | MEMES | FUNNY of a machete fight around a car
No context was ever given
So I assume it’s a spoof staged video
It looks like Bakhamut has fallen and Zelinsky is now considering calling a surrender to Russia.
This is an outrage! Biden and Johnson both started a war in which the cities of Ukraine lie in ruins and half a million Ukrainians lie dead.
It needn’t have happened as Russia did not wish for a military conflict and tried to avoid it by neogtiation which Zelensky appeared to at least be considering, but it was scotched by Johnson and Biden, and now as a result of these twos lethal idiocy.
There needs to be calls for Johnson to be put on trial for this, there is no excuse, he personally interevened and that intervention led to all these deaths not to mention Bidens attack on Europe and the price of energy going through the roof destroying the European economy.
What is worse I expect now the US which has become an empire of evil under Biden will almost certainly turn its malevolent gaze towards China, manufacturing a conflict there as well which it will lose, and cause great loss of life in the process.
Maybe Ayatollah Komenei was right when he named America the Great Satan because it sure seems to be trying to live up to the name at the moment.
Seeing claims of 85.000 Ukranian casualties at Bakhmut- assuming hyperbole.
That would be a tragedy
The relentless ridiculous boosterish BBC are now worse than Baghdad Bob – they certainly swerve Ukraine military setbacks on the front page of the web shite.
Thoughtful, you forget that the war has been going on in Ukraine since 2014. Yes, it is the West’s proxy war but it was started by the EU long before Johnson became PM and Biden became President.
Hold on to something or sit down or get ready for front-page, headline news from the BBC:
Cardiff: Wheelchair user’s shock after shop loses wheel
‘When Holly Greader’s electric powered wheelchair needed work, she sent it to a mobility aid repair shop.’
‘But when her partner went to collect it, he found the store permanently shut – and to her “shock and disbelief” she was told the wheel was lost.’
‘The 25-year-old from Llanrumney, Cardiff, said she feels “like a part of me has been just been taken away”.’
Oh the sorrow. The tragedy. The poor, poor victim of … of … someone losing something. Empathy empathy empathy.
I give this story a ‘pathetic’ rating of 10.
And here’s a picture of the unfortunate Holly who may never recover:

Those wheels look heavy duty to me. But we are now supposed to pretend it’s beautiful to be fat now I think. I’m not sure : I can’t keep up.
What I want to know is how this ridiculous non-story found it’s way to the BBC. And who decided to run it as a front-page item ?.
Brought to you by:

What a complet f*cking joke the BBC have become.
Weapons of mass distraction
Seems to happen almost as much as BBC editorial and fact checkers not noticing an actual story.
cheers and whistling from the cheap seats
Not a BBC Question: Did Google put up any of the wondrous decorations of the search bar to celebrate Easter? I haven’t see one. But I will expect to see one for Earth half second and fruit bat month.
In general I find myself agreeing with the BBC about Women being equal with Men.
Apart from when Women can’t get the lid of a jar of pickles.
Sorry Ladies.
Happy easter all
Somebody give this swine (Blinken) a rifle and put him on a bus to Bakhmut?
Of course Blinken rules out talks, he will send more money to Ukraine he hopes will be laundered back to him and his party.
I wonder if there’ll be some disgruntled intermediate like John Bellingham who offed UK PM Perceval apparently over some Russian disagreements? – history rhymes etcetera.
The whole thing stinks
Jacinda Ardern:
Olivia Pratt-Korbel: I want violence to stop, murdered girl’s mum says
“I want the guns to come off the streets and the violence to lessen, if not stop all together,” she said.
“We need to get rid of the gangs.”
Olivia clearly means deport all the black youths in Londonistan to where we found them. Because that is the only way the gangs can be stopped.
Such naiive rubbish reminds me of a viz comic story:
‘Man invents pill which cures all know diseases’
‘Hugo Gutherie today announced a pill which can cure all disease. He said someone should invent it and it should be about the size of an aspirin’.
Small boats: An asylum seeker’s five-nation trek to sanctuary
A roller coaster of a story describing the journey of a Somalian male who got bounced around other countries until he manged to get to the land of gravy. Us. And of course he wants to be a teacher.
Basically he is an illegal, economic immigrant with no actual reason to be allowed to stay here. Everywhere else basically kicked him out until he got here.
Stand out parts of this story:
He is safely in Wales being educated at our expense. Yet for some reason the BBC will not give his real name or show any picture of him. There is absolutely no excuse for that – except to make us think he is in danger. Which he is not.
He was arrested in Ukraine and says the police beat him for days.
‘Rayan said he was racially abused and had a tooth knocked out. The officers wanted to know the name of the smuggler, but he didn’t know.’.
So after his horrific experience, the worst part was being ‘racially abused’ ? (whatever that means these days).
The whole story makes no sense and is not logical. For example, on eminute they are hiding ‘in the bush’ in Ukraine with absolutely nothing, then we get: ‘They were moved to Hungary and then Slovakia before a stranger offered them a free lift to Vienna.’. By who ???.
And then we get to the root of this huge problem we now have:
Comparing his experiences in Europe, Rayan said he was “shocked” by how he was treated by police and immigration officials once in the UK.
“I never felt like that. They treated me nicely and polite. I felt like someone who lives here,” he said.
There we go. I can imagine all the hundreds of thousands of other illegal Africans all across the world sharing this blatant advertisement from the BBC and heading this way for a slice of that pie for themselves.
An absolutely typical BBC empathy-laden work of fiction mixed in with fact. The best way to lie. I guarantee the author put words in this mans mouth to get the article she wanted to write.
And here she is. Yet another license-fee payers liability from the clone factory:

Oh dear : it seems that facebook has just sarted sending notifications to get you to click on sponsored links !!. They must not be making enough money from the dozens of ‘suggested for you’ posts they cram in front of me.
A new low. I daren’t click on anything there these days for fear of getting bombarded with advertisements.