414 Responses to Midweek 19 April 2023

  1. digg says:

    So prime brexiteer Raab resigns and hey ho up pops ..Gina Miller.

    Pretty much proving in fact that Rabb has simply been bushwhacked and railroaded by a coven of remainer civil serpents.

    I just hope Sunak understands this and takes steps to get these lefty moles out of the civil service before they wrest more control from the elected government.


    • taffman says:

      Rubbing salt into the wounds ?


      • Guest Who says:

        I actually read that.

        “The UK government defines it as “behaviour that makes someone feel intimidated or offended”.”

        So a catch all open to abuse.

        “What does the law say?

        There is no legal definition of bullying, and human resources professional body the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) says there is no single piece of legislation that covers it.”

        Someone just got host by their own petard.

        “Vishala Sri-Pathma contributed to this article.”

        Not immediately clear as to who this is. There is a cubicle gardener of that name whose tweeting history suggests a certain… ‘slant’. Maybe has a bunch of Civil Service contacts?


        • MarkyMark says:

          “The UK government defines it as “behaviour that makes someone feel intimidated or offended”.”


          Anna Soubry says that Islamophobia has no legal definition so cannot be applied to anyone … read this ….

          “We have worked together on this, and I am sure he will agree when I (Anna Soubry) say that the time has now come for a proper legal definition of Islamophobia. Does the Minister agree?” – Anna Soubry

          “There are many definitions of Islamophobia, but most people tend to adhere to the one used by the Runnymede Trust. We do not accept the need for a definitive definition, but we know that Islamophobia is clearly recognised and that we have very effective monitoring of race-hate crimes.” – Victoria Atkins



    • MarkyMark says:

      “Sunak understands this ” – 3 teachers hide in Batley ….. Sunak head down … march onwards.


    • Dickie says:

      Doubt if Sunak will do anything. He belongs to a party which is in thrall to the globalists as are the other political parties. They all depend on the BBC and Civil Service to further the “cause” and line their own pockets. Apart from a handful of politicians, they couldn’t give a stuff about the people of this country.


      • Scroblene says:

        Spot on Dickie!

        We plebs are way down the line for attention while that lot are careering the eye-watering money, the expenses, the gongs after just a couple of failed years, the disgraceful pensions and all the trappings of ‘high office’, while they actually do very little except get in the way of private business which pays their huge wage bill.

        (Sorry to say ‘we plebs’, I guess that may be a bit insulting to you and yours, but I hope you understand my general term)!


    • MarkyMark says:

      ‘By the year 2018, technology will make available to the leaders of the major nations a variety of techniques for conducting secret warfare, of which only a bare minimum of the security forces need be apprised. One nation may attack a competitor covertly by bacteriological means, thoroughly weakening the population (though with a minimum of fatalities) before taking over with its own armed forces.’



    • MarkyMark says:

      “The NWO is fostering ‘a dystopian society, without past and without future, without faith and without ideals, without culture and without art, without fathers and mothers, without family and spirituality, without teachers and spiritual guides, without either respect for the elderly or hopes for our children . . .”



  2. Guest Who says:


    Hasan was a BBC go to hit merchant and, I believe, now works for a BBC TNI US hit broadcaster in thrall of the Dems, if not on occasion sought after still here.

    Just like Sopes, Lurch, Bryant, Katty, etc…


  3. MarkyMark says:

    “Raab’s resignation….” order-order.com

    Raab’s resignation from job#10 – 9 more jobs left.


    Payment of £236.84 on 30 April 2013 from Macmillan, Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire RG21 6XS, in royalties for a book I co-authored in 2012. Hours: 12 hrs. (Registered 30 April 2013)


    Name of donor: IPGL Ltd
    Address of donor: 3rd Floor, 39 Sloane Street, London SW1X 9LP

    Amount of donation, or nature and value if donation in kind: Charter of a helicopter for two people for a flight from Gloucestershire to Duns Castle, Berwickshire for a campaigning event; value £9,830.28


  4. Fedup2 says:

    Welcome to a whole weekend of excited lefty BBC pundits getting even more boring over a swamp story .

    Blue labour failed to control the lefty civil service and seem surprised it will bite them and help bury them next year .

    All makes no difference to the decline


  5. Fedup2 says:

    I’ve got a new radio which will auto switch off if a list of pre loaded words are ‘heard’ – so silence reins in the Fedup household as ‘diversity ‘ ‘race ‘ wimmin ‘ trans Muslim ‘Mohammed ‘ switch the radio off … more words are available ..


    • StewGreen says:

      You can pay for GBnews Super Premium
      it’s the same as normal GBnews but as soon as one of their in house mad lefty remainers starts speaking the audio is muted

      Benjamin Butterworth, Nina MeanCow, Amy Nickell, CarolMalone, racebaity Narinder Kaur, Rebecca Reid


  6. Scroblene says:

    Raab resigning will indeed create a dangerous precedent!

    Trial by beeboids and the MSM is just cowardly and very wrong!

    Surely anyone worth their high position in any organisation has to man up if they’re paid to look after their company’s or the national interest?

    Think of all the whingers queuing up now…


    • StewGreen says:

      When Alastair Campbell was in government he was a super bully
      He was the basis for Malcolm Tucker in The Thick Of It


      • Scroblene says:

        Absolutely, Stew!

        And still beeboids welcome him into the studios as they want to listen to his sort of toxic bile for some odd reason!


    • tomo says:

      If Raab had real issues with competency (lack thereof) and obstinacy in not implementing his requests for action (which seems to be the case?) then he should burn the civil service.

      It’s entirely possible that Sir Humphreys decided to fill Raab’s office with woke versions of Frank Spencer?

      I’d rather like to hear Raab’s version of events – he might be an execrable bully – but by not fighting his corner in the court of public opinion he seems to be handing the tossers in the civil service a win by default.


      • tomo says:


      • Scroblene says:

        I’d rather have someone like Raab looking out for me than a limp-wristed tosser-snivel-serpent any day!


        • Fedup2 says:

          Scroblene – I’m a bit surprised that Raab allowed himself to be screwed by the comrades in the Civil Service – I understand that out of 16? Allegations 2 were substantiated .

          He should have positioned himself to have loyal SPADs do the direct contact with the comrades – and at least always have a ‘witness’ to counter the false claims .

          But that’s spilt milk under the bridge . I’m avoiding the media for a bit but the red labour lot were stupid enough to roll out the imbecile Angee Rayner to remind us what the alternative looks like .

          I would have thought red labour would stick comrade rayner in a box wearing a gag for the next 18 months ..but there they go .

          Rishi is stuffed for a new deputy as all the big jobs are fully booked out – but who cares – it’s only swamp nonsense ..


    • MarkyMark says:

      Experts? Same ones who said it would be fantastic?


      • Guest Who says:

        Expertise is a flexible term.


        We invite you to attend the Sustainable Plastics Live / Global Research & Innovation in Plastics (GRIPS) 2023 event taking place on 10 & 11 May 2023.

        We are happy to announce our speakers joining us at GRIPS 2023!

        Our speakers include leading experts such as; David Shukman, Science correspondent at the BBC


        I was thinking of going.


        The Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment is pleased to announce the appointment of David Shukman as Visiting Professor in Practice

        Er, no.


        • MarkyMark says:

          For nearly 20 years, Mr Shukman played a leading role in the BBC’s coverage of the climate crisis with reports regularly featured on News at Ten, the Today programme and the BBC website. A pioneer of live broadcasting from remote locations from the Amazon to Antarctica, he won awards for highlighting the scale of planetary change. Glasgow was his tenth COP – and his last for the BBC. He is now an independent writer, speaker and consultant.


  7. Emmanuel Goldstein says:

    All this green net zero crap with the ulez zones, eating insects or replacing boilers with air pumps and everything to go with it is supposed to be for our own good and to keep us healthy to live longer.

    I doubt if any of this will make us live longer but maybe they mean we will feel like we’re living longer.
    Time flies when you’re having fun so the opposite should be also true.


  8. markh says:

    BBC webshite going full-on with Eid worship today, including one article on CBBC aimed at our kids. I don’t recall their doing anything similar for Easter. They disgust me.


  9. Emmanuel Goldstein says:

    Who do you think will be the next leaver they will be going after.
    Jacob Rees Mogg possibly?


  10. Johnda says:

    Just watched bbc west news and item about a bicycle repair charity in Swindon. They receive bikes and repair them and give the refurbished bikes to Ukrainian refugees. I wonder how many bikes appear on E bay and vinted etc.☹️


  11. Guest Who says:

    So, a daft idea punted and…


    • StewGreen says:

      NorthEast Lincolnshire introduced this rule years ado
      and then North Lincolnshire council copied it , making the whole of the region a special zone, where wardens can stop you and fine you £100 for no carrying spare poo bags.
      It’s cos waiting until owners walk away from poo is unenforceable.


  12. Guest Who says:

    Or the BBC?

    They are too busy here trying to change this government.


  13. StewGreen says:

    Rob Burley Ex-BBC Head of Political Programmes explaining the “It’s OK when we LEFTIES do it ” rule


  14. StewGreen says:

    BBC did do a web story
    “A man has been charged with second-degree murder in the US after he allegedly shot and killed a 20-year-old woman as the car she was in mistakenly drove up the man’s driveway.
    Kaylin Gillis was with three other people in New York state on Saturday.
    They accidentally drove into the driveway of Kevin Monahan in the town of Hebron, police say.
    As the driver was leaving, Mr Monahan, 65, allegedly opened fire on the vehicle, hitting Ms Gillis.”
    She was white and he was white
    did the story get equal prominence with the black guy who as shot by a householder ?


  15. StewGreen says:

    Starmer has been very vocal about Raab, but strangely quiet on why Nick Brown was suspended.
    on 7th of September


  16. tomo says:


  17. The Mouse says:

    This is from a publication CSW (Civil Service World) from 06 Jan 2020.


    “Dominic Cummings was warned off, told that he would not be able to reform the civil service without support from senior officials or without the authority of the prime minister”.

    Obviously Cummings was on a loser, the Tories squandered any chance of real reform (and hope for the British people that the country’s managed decline could be reversed) as they squandered the large majority and the rest is history.

    Migrant invasion, movement back into the EU, woke agenda, increase in real crime, lower standard of living and suicidal energy policy, etc and nothing the Tories, Lib, Lab, Green can/will do about it.


    • taffman says:

      Then consider voting for The Reform Party next time .


      • Lefty Wright says:

        As of today that is my intention. However the next General Election is apparently not due to take place until January 2025 and I am old enough to remember Harold Wilson claiming that a week in politics is a long time. Let’s see if the Tories manage to awaken from their Socialist slumber and of course at my age the grim reaper could well intervene in the meantime.
        Life has never been so interesting.


        • Fedup2 says:

          Certain the only party worth voting for at the moment is ‘the no government party ‘. For the foreseeable future I cannot see anything other than a big red labour majority ,
          However – Red labour has never been much good at campaigning – so it might be more likely for a hung parliament – which is the best we can hope for .

          If there is a global economic collapse – as many predict now -it’s an even tougher call – likewise with a war which directly affects us .

          I hear Oliver Dowden is now deputy PM – rishi really having to scrape the barrel ….


  18. StewGreen says:

    local BBC NewsPR show started with 8 mins of PRasNews for Citizens Advice in Hull
    apparently 97% of people are living in poverty so rely on the org


    • MarkyMark says:

      120% are living in poverty – do not forget those on their way from Kent dinghy shores.


      • Lefty Wright says:

        My feeling is that in the UK today “poverty” is a self inflicted wound.


  19. Up2snuff says:

    TWatO Watch #1 – what an incredible co-incidence!

    As the Montacutie was long-weekending again, Jonny ‘Dalek’ Dymond was in charge and just happened to mention that Dominic Raab was a ‘brexiteer’. Incredible that he should have a CS scandal helping to push him out of office then. Who should Jonny bring on to comment but Pippa Crerar(!) who along with LauraK and various CSs ‘worked so hard’ (according to the Montacutie) to push Boris Johnson out with Partygate.

    An incredible co-incidence.


  20. Dickie says:

    Back to the proxy war in Ukraine that the collective West are “winning”:


  21. Guest Who says:

    One day, BBC Complaints is going to discover this is not how it ends.


    • atlas_shrugged says:

      Exactly the same smear was made during the Oxford 15 min city protest and the Cranebridge Congestion charge protest.


    • StewGreen says:

      From Twitter I see the BBC sent carbon copy replies to everyone who complained.

      But there is a very serious point
      If you make a HUGE claim, you have to show HUGE evidence
      .. and the BBC haven’t

      I expect that Hatey not Hopey PR peope are embedded within the BBC and the bosses choose to take their wild claims as being true .

      “placards with explicit Nazi references”
      maybe that means people calling Sadiq a Nazi for his control freakery


  22. Fedup2 says:

    Seems like the site has gone silent or there is a technical issue …