To add to the comments about the phone alert yesterday, my cat was enjoying her treat biscuits, it’s one of very few highlights of her day.
(That and waiting for me to start an online meeting at my desk and jump onto the sofa behind me and start licking her arse in front of everyone, I know now when everyone avoids eye contact and start nudging each other)
Anyway when the alert started she spat out a biscuit, backed away and stared fixedly at the phone for the next half hour.
She should consider a cat class action for feline post traumatic stress, maybe in legal parlance a “Clowder Action” ?
It was not a good day for her, I had sanded down the coffee table last week, varnished it and then waxed it, she jumped up on it and slowly slid off the end, she still doesn’t understand what happened.
Anything on the BBC news about the boatload of invaders landing on our shores this weekend? So much for the PM’s buzz words “Stop the boats”! Does he realise that in these uncertain times he is allowing the build up of a fifth column in our country putting us all at risk?
We need a new competent and capable government that will defend the people of this nation.
We should all get used to and accept the fact that this current Labour/WEF Government has no intention of ‘stopping the boats’. It is all to do with maintaining the illusion that they are doing something.
All the action taken is conducive to trying to appease the voters, nothing more. The boats will continue until a law is urgently passed where the rights of home owners is overridden where the property is deemed underutilised.
That’s why I will be voting for The Reform Party ………….
“Reform BORDER
That’s why I will be voting for The Reform Party .
A responsible government has a duty to
protect our borders. We must know who
is coming in and who is going out of the
country, at our airports and ports. Again,
this is basic common sense.
Let’s welcome those who have high
level skills and talents that we need —
such as doctors, engineers, software
developers, scientists and surgeons — in
tightly controlled numbers that meet our
requirements. We want these valuable
people to come and work in the UK
legally, and play by the rules, respecting
our values.
This must not be an excuse, however, for
cheaper labour that reduces wages in
the UK, nor must it be an excuse for not
training our own wonderful young people.
Illegal immigration is unacceptable and
those entering illegally must not be
granted asylum in the UK. Reform UK is
the only party committed to stopping the
boats. We must adopt the tactics used by
Australia when they stopped the boats.
We must declare a national security
threat, leave the European Convention
on Human Rights (ECHR), and use
existing legislation robustly to stop this
illegal trade. We must also use offshore
processing centres as Australia did.
We must also create a new Department
of Immigration staffed with people who
believe in the task at hand, to protect our
borders. The Home Office is simply not fit
for purpose
Everyone must know that no-one coming
via these illegal routes will be allowed to
stay in the UK. Cases must be determined
in just a few weeks and people returned
to where they came from. The vast
majority of the claimants are economic
migrants or from Albania under the
oversight of their criminal gangs. The cost
to the taxpayer is already billions every
year and the impact on local communities
around the country is very significant.
However most people who are concerned
are afraid to speak out on this issue for
fear of being labelled or smeared”
Oops – the Diana Abbott anti semitism story hasn’t died – as the BBC editorial yesterday tried kill . Newspapers have headlined it – so the BBC is being forced to mention it in the press reviews . It appears to be avoiding a separate ‘piece’ on it …..
Elsewhere – excellent news – the BBC is taking on The Monachy . This is good news because it is a huge mistake . To become an enemy of the monachy – which has been around a bit longer than the BBC will help the the destruction of the BBC …so great news .
I expect that the BBC’S Londonistan programme’s anarchist
Marxist editors, sub editors researchers and their sycophants
who ape their autocues will actually support Abbot. And
turn her into some Joan of Arc. As they turned Mark Duggan
the Tottenham gangster into a Robin Hood with the
eulogizing on him. All that was missing was a statue of Duggan
in the studio.
Maybe she wont even be mentioned. There is always
Grenfell Tower and Stephen Lawrence to be “discussed ”
every day . And of course the Met and the Toreeeees and
the “bosses. ” Yes if you like your four times daily ration of
what a Socialist Workers paradise is like . Watch the London
Programme on the BBC . And be “educated ” into being a
Apparently children / feral animals are not receiving the usual vaccinations for hooping cough and rabies and the like which they normally get free at school – it’s down from about 85% to 60% –
The bbc propaganda truth expert mentioned in passing that this might be due to ‘misinformation ‘ – I immediately thought that the evil mouth Matthew sweet might pop up and blame Mark Steyn again
Or maybe he can find another journo / campaigner for the truth to try to destroy –
Maybe the state should withdraw the taxpayer funded food from anyone resfusing the jabba jabba . ?
Oh the humanity . Plucky British types are moaning about the lack of helicopters to rescue them out of bongo bongo land . Apparently Saint Andy Mitchell – the red Tory who favours giving away all our money to the third world is ‘in charge ‘ … he is the 810 am gig so get the popcorn ready .
At least the good chaps from the FCo have been evacuated but they’ve now launched a complaint of bullying against the Raab on the instructions of their union ….
“An aerial image of smoke over the city of Khartoum
British nationals stuck in Sudan as fighting continues
A “rapid and complex” operation took place over the weekend to evacuate British diplomats and their families from Sudan. But Foreign Secretary James Cleverly has warned the government’s ability to evacuate other British nationals is “severely limited” until fighting between warring parties stops. Electricity is scarce and food and water supplies are running out for many after fierce violence broke out over a week ago. Now some UK nationals in Khartoum have told the BBC they feel abandoned by the UK government in recent days. Sam, a British businessman living in Sudan, described the situation as a “nightmare for those of us left behind”. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak says work is continuing to ensure the safety of British nationals who remain in Sudan.”
Sam stayed so long why?
Like Doris Winterbottom?
Family of British woman stranded in Sudan call on government to bring her home
… they’re not British, they’re British passport holders acquired through sometimes questionable means. They’ve had plenty of time to get out; so why would they stay? … 1. because it’s their home, or 2. they’re greedy and can’t stand the thought of locals pillaging their home/business. The junior doctors can select a posting abroad for career development. Some are genuine do-gooders; others like the better quality of life in Oz/NZ …
“…British types…” I have serious doubts about that. An opportunity for all-in-sundry to think they can come to the UK. Best part about it is that they do not have to make the pilgrimage to the UK by any means including, finally, small boats – they simply have to hang on and await being collected. What’s not to like?
Our Black Broadcasting Corp. (The Worlds Most Trusted Broadcaster no less) has alighted on this story big time. It interviews people claimed to be “British”. The Home Office travel advice it appears, was not to visit Sudan. Why, in their thousands did these, “British” people ignore that advice? It has all the BBC’s favourite ingredients – a story made in Heaven for them: Finding fault with the UK Government; Black people; Botched comms. I’m surprised the BBC could not have drafted a letter to the thousands of “British”, on behalf of the Home Office starting……
‘Dear Uncle Tom Cobley and All…….by the way, your benefits have been stopped….’.
G – yes my description was ‘carefully drafted ‘ – how many of them are not dual passports ? And if there are 75 NHS medics maybe they’d be better looking after their own people rather than the medical imperialism that is the NHS ….
But somehow I think the cash will be much better here than there – particularly since their version of striking is going to Sudan ……
“The Sudanese Junior Doctors Association UK said it knew of 71 NHS doctors currently trapped in Sudan, who are UK citizens or residents and a mixture of consultants and junior doctors.”
Probably explains why my hospital appointment was cancelled after waiting 6 months! and now i’m on a waiting list of upto 54 weeks 🙁
I wonder how many other foreign NHS doctors are being paid but “abroad”
You’d have to laugh or you would cry reading BBC reports last evening about those poor souls who were complaining they didn’t get their government emergency alarm on their cell phones at 3pm Sunday.
The youngsters call it FOMO ie Fear Of Missing Out
I’m reminded of an old TV skit some comedy show did back in the day sending up the BBC’s Points of View format where Barry Took read out audience letters – there’s one for the teenagers (letters = postal communications, implying hand-written pen and paper missives)
The BBC – being the BBC – whenever anything they did upset the viewers in significant numbers they’d have our Barry read out in his on air slot some extracts from the plethora of complaints – but would always find those one or two in a hundred correspondents who absolutely loved whatever the BBC did.
The joke in the skit sending up Points of View went something like this: “Dear Points of View, I’m writing to say I thought that BBC show was absolutely brilliant, I love everything the BBC does, I think the BBC Licence Fee should be £100 a year, no make it £150 a year!” – this was a good gag back in 1981 when a colour licence was £46 and black and white was a modest £15
The show was ripe for satire. The mood of Points of View tended toward condescension (if not outright sarcasm) toward the audience done in that relaxed but markedly patrician manner they had back then.
Speaking of black and white…
Abbott loses Labour whip over ‘offensive’ race comments (‘i’) – in yet another foot-in-mouth incident our Diane has got herself accused of anti-semitism. Mr AsI wouldn’t accuse her of that.
The fact is she’s simply pro-black. She’s what you might call a black supremacist – in the way that she asserts her black supremacy in the modern woke leftist terms of posing blacks as being tip top victims – top of the grievance pile: Veteran Labour MP suggested that Jewish, Irish and Traveller people suffered prejudice similar to that aimed at people with red hair, rather than the racism suffered by black people (‘i’) – an odd construction there from our Diane given that many Irish and Travellers have the red hair – as do many Jews – look at the young Woody Allen.
Also an odd construction from the left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper – tagging our Diane as a Veteran MP – given that juxtaposed on the very same frontpage there’s reference to the present US President and he’s given an apparent respectful pass due to his obvious geriatric nature: Opinion Ian Birrell Biden has been a transformative president… but he shouldn’t run again
Further juxtapositional amusement is supplied care of the Television feature teaser on the cover of the ‘i’: Paving the way to Succession – because of course what the youthful left-leaning ‘i’ would dearly like to see is a somewhat younger generation of leftist politician – and a bit less anti-Jewish perhaps.
There are running a programme on a ‘ gay RUC man ‘… during the ‘troubles’….
That’s BBC top level . But … I take offence at ‘the troubles’ . To me ‘the troubles ‘ was an organised insurrection with murders and bombings and in some areas genocide .
The bbc is whitewashing what the IRA did and which unionist killing gangs did in response . But then again – the bbc was always a wing of Sinn Fein IRA …
… indeed – the last Tory who did something about this was Mrs thatcher taking their voices away . I’d have taken their lives .
HR would have thrown them all out. Way too late, coordinated by people who had not even met Raab, original complaints rejected as did not meet threshold, & lack of decent evidence just heresay
IR, think she is a Scot but maybe born in Italy to businessman Father. She was educated in Glasgow (privately) and I have tried to find out whether she was educated/at school with Pippa Crerar without success.
Just did check and sure enough the story has disappeared from the front page just before breakfast time.
What is significant about this story to me is how this idiot and so many other idiots in the same ‘group think’ bubble have concocted the story that all white people are racist and only black people are the victims of it. And even worse than that, they have extrapolated that to mean that black people cannot be racist no matter what they say or do.
It’s absolutely bizarre. I really do wonder what other warped ideas are floating around in their heads. They seem to have no clue how racist THEY are to think such things.
A situation brought to us in small steps over many years because of Leftists like the BBC supporting them.
HMS Andy plebgate Mitchell – now minister £ for bongo bongo land getting a spanking from meesh over the usual blue labour eff up – this time over the Sudan .
( incidentally the DT goes over the top of our world beating military rescuing the civil service union members in the embassy – it was good giggles stuff worthy of a 17 year old )
Anyway Andy Mitchell pointed out that the UK sends bongo bongo land billions of borrowed taxpayers money every year …. ( this might be a lie )
Mitchell applied the talk a lot and avoid the personal responsibility he bears for being asleep at the wheel – like Raab was when afgee fell apart.
The bbc is in a good place and must be praying for dead British passport holders ( called Mohammed ) in order to demand more cabinet resignations ….
In the end meesh gave Andy an easy time as he used that weird Edwardian language to thank everybody – Andy has gone back to the office to give more borrowed taxpayers money away to underserving corruption …
PS – they can’t send an aircraft carrier because one is being stripped for parts in Scotland and the other can’t be used because of civil service union rules …
Abbott makes a black mark for Labour and blackens her reputation.
I made a comment on my post a couple of regarding the invented shortfall of black MP’s. I suggested Abbott didn’t encourage anyone to think black MP’s were a good idea.
It’s being suggested by her supporters that she didn’t write it. Let’s say she has history.
What really annoys me about this story is that 2-Left-Feet Abbot has been spouting similar rhetoric aimed at white people for a long time – but is given a completely free pass.
It only explodes when she traverses her turrent and has a pop at Jews. This woman is a disgusting racist. Same as Lammy. But by the bizarre rules the Left have created, anyone who dare say it is the racist now.
It will be interesting to see whether her fees for using her mouth ( no brain ) on those pundit shows the BBC vomit out reduce …. I somehow expect no change and the next time some coloured criminal gets shot by plod she ll be there ….
I believe the Ukranians are short of manpower on the Donbas front lines. Send all the beggars there where Zelensky would no doubt welcome them with open arms.
They could use Saddam’s Iran-Iraq war gag of offering farms to signer-uppers (I remember big adverts in Cairo newspapers)…
After all it’s got to be top notch virtue signalling esp if the male 20 and 30 something boaties can’t evidence where the rest of the family/tribe are ?
I guess the pay likely is quite high – not like the Ukranian gubmint is short of cash? (ca. a week after the Russians invaded I got an email asking me to volunteer!)
– although it’s all too easy to imagine gender rearing its head – given the present state of the anglosphere!
I was watching an interview with Piers Morgan and Richard Dawkins. For some reason I had the captions on. When Piers Morgan mentioned just stop oil the caption came out as “just a Boyle”. Apart from the spelling, it seems to me that is a very apt representation of what they are.
While the BBC runs articles from activists about how racist it is that BAME people are stopped-and-searched more often than white people, they also ignore stories like this one:
The article has the pics (I don;t want to flood the forum) – so I’ll just list their names:
Ron Domi – Albanian
Ahmed Karshe – Black
Noor Alam – Imam at a mosque in Northampton
Mohammed Ahmadi – Picture as expected
Zulfkar Sheblan – Arab I think
Marc Stinton – WHITE !!!
Steven Fidler – Irish (Gypsy I think)
Fasli Gjajxha – God knows where this BAME is from
Eric Asante – Black
Oboh Imasogie – Jet black
Mahrez Benbetka – No idea what shithole he came from. Looks Albanian.
Fateh Elfiad – Works with the last one as people-smugglers
Blesled Tjonakoy – Black
Madelo Payi – Black
So there we have it. It all serves to simply reinforce what I already knew about the racist BBC hypocrites. They lie and lie (by omission) to keep the truth from us.
What a wonderful world they are creating. As ideologically driven fascists always do.
I live in a small village in the Yorkshire Dales ,population 350, and tonight there is a Parish Council meeting on what the village can do with its £10,000 grant from the County Council to counter the Climate Emergency .
I already know of two proposed schemes both of which invest community charge payers’ , or tax payers’ money in projects which I estimate have paybacks of well over ten years plus of course the lost opportunity cost.
They may however give short term mental relief to those members of our community who seem to be genuinely suffering from ACA (Acute Climate Anxiety ) . This particularly affects young mothers who worry constantly that their children will fried alive before their 21 st birthdays. ( for clarity that is the children’s birthdays not the mothers)
I will keep you posted.
“BBC Hereford & Worcester
On Thursday May 4th voters in Redditch go to the polls.
But what’s at stake? What are the main political parties promising?
Check out our thread below to see their video interviews.
5 comments (All bar one from themselves) 2 shares ”
Double – thanks – I sort of envy you for your location . Do you have dark skies – which is a luxury these days ?
As a small government type is saddens me how readily they can find taxpayers money to throw at the favoured causes … maybe you need a ULEZ Thing – or close all the roads – that’s very fashionable in my part of what used to be England ..
To the north and east the skies are dark for good quality star gazing . To the west and south they aren’t as good. If the road is closed or we don’t have a car we will find life tough, it’s seven miles to the nearest shop. The village Post Office/ store closed ten years ago.
Shocked at the lack of coverage of this weekend's climate protest in the Sunday papers. Here's XR & allies trying to focus the seat of power & avoid public disruption: huge numbers of ordinary people packed into central London crying out for real action – and media ignore us.
The inclusive BBC loves equity, it’s just that they love some things more equally than others. (Left is from the last day of Ramadan, right is on St George’s day). Their article is five paragraphs:
– St George wasn’t English
– He never visited England
– He might not have even existed
– He’s not just the patron saint of England
– The dragon probably wasn’t real
I can feel the nervousness of W1A picture editors in publishing the St George’s flag even as a thumbnail. Ideological subversion 101.
“It has been dubbed one of the greatest victories of all time – it was also one of the most dramatic. Sifan Hassan, a two-time Olympic champion on the track but someone who had never raced a marathon, winning in London against a fearsome field of champions…”
Not reported is that she’s been busy setting European and World Records since being coached by Nike Oregon Project’s Alberto Salazar — currently banned for four years for doping offences.
These are small details which get lost in the gushing praise from the BBC pundits, and of course the key info that “… Hassan, a former refugee who left Ethiopia for the Netherlands as a 15-year-old, did not stop.”
TWatO Watch #1 – well, here’s a surprise: a bunch of Civil Servants at the F&CO demonstrating their incompetence for all to see
It is time for a UK Government Secretary of State to start insisting on resignations from Permanent Secretaries and Under Secretaries. Maybe the PM would like to take some action ….. ?
“When the BBC passes on a climate change agitprop story doing the rounds of mainstream media, you might rightly suspect that the credibility bar is extremely low. ”
What is Rasheed’s objective here? To reduce his carbon footprint to save the world? To encourage fitness among his over weight plod? Or to humiliate them?
I hope we get running cops for the coronation do. I might watch it.
🚨 | NEW: Rishi Sunak’s police escort now consists of actual officers running beside his car… as well as pedal bikes
I would like to see all protection removed from our politicians so that they experience the same level of safety when they travel around as the rest of us i.e. zero
No fear or favour etc etc. Remember they swore an oath to this.
That would mean the titch mare of Londonistan would have to forego his armoured Hummer!
Can’t have little chaps like that being bullied can we!
(I’ve saved another few quid not going to London today, it always makes me feel pretty damn good that all our pensions are spent well away from the shithole he has nurtured)!
(Sorry for chums here who may live there, you’re far more welcome to come to East Kent for a pint, glass of wine and an ordinary life)!
And, wear anything from Cotton Traders please! Their latest brochure has the correct proportion of ethnic models for an indigenous British company!
I’ve just spent over a hundred quid with them because I like that sort if advertising! The other sort doesn’t work here…
It disturbs me because it indicates just how much police protection our leaders actually need – despite the Leftist media narrative that Britain has been enriched by multiculturalism.
We have become a police-state – but policed for politics and control of society, not for law and order.
Call your local plod and tell them your house got burgled by druggies who threatened you. They won’t even turn up. Tell them you are black and are being racially abused and I bet they are there within 10 minutes.
Poor Diane Flabbott has just discovered what a minefield Woke politics are. She thought Black victimhood trumped all other victimhoods, but has just learnt the hard way about the shifting sands of political correctness.
And yet the Abbopotamus should have known, had she but paid attention to that other race-grifter across the pond, where Whoopee-Cushion-Goldberg recently got herself into trouble making similar moronic comments about Jews and Blacks.
and claiming she just quickly drafted a letter and then presumably mistakenly sent it is even dumber
but the dumbest part is where she tries to critique “RACISM IN BRITAIN IS NOT A BLACK AND WHITE ISSUE ,IT’s FAR MORE COMPLICATED” with examples from america and south africa
maybe she should convert to islam , then she might get her free pass back
Sammy Davies Jnr would have posed a real problem. I’m sure that he claimed he was of Jewish decent . But perhaps he was exaggerating a little like that US Congress woman , Elizabeth Warren , the one President Trump nicknamed Pocahontas, who made a career of claiming that she was a Native American but turned out to have less Native American ancestry than the President himself. Despite making a laughing stock of her self she is still in Congress. Parallels with Abbot there.
A couple of things have crossed my mind over the last few days. Firstly, the bbc are now pushing the “Nobody cares about sudan because you’re all racists”. This may be true. I wonder if its nature or nurture though. I’ve noticed the events unfolding in sudan, and all I can think is that I don’t really care if one bunch of blacks start chucking spears at another bunch of blacks, as long as they don’t come here. The Russia – Nato war (Currently being played on the neutral venue of ukraine) frightens me to death.
I am undoubtedly a bigoted racist. Was I born to favour people that look like me, or is this an evil path I’ve chosen to tread?
One other point, and once you’ve seen it you can’t stop seeing it, concerns the islamic wisdom forever being promoted by the bbc. The moon, as far as I’m aware, is a sphere (ish). We sometimes only see part of it because that bit is illuminated by the sun; the rest is in darkness, but it’s still there.
Since the moon is much closer to us than any star, you are never going to see a star inside the circle, whether it’s in the dark or the light bit. Why do so many islamic symbols show a star shining inside this circle, when it couldn’t possibly happen? Have a peep, and you’ll never un-see it. Eastern scholars, however, didn’t even have the wisdom to place the star outside the circle.
I am sure this is blowback over Fox’s capitulation in the Dominion case. As far as the BBC/MSM is concerned, this “proves” that Sleepy Joe won 81 million votes.
Fed, I think Tucker should run in the 2024 Pres. Election. I gather that some commentators think deSantis has crashed and burned. Trump is far too old in my view to run as is JoeBiden for the DNC. AO-C may well seek the Democrats approval, Tucker would be just the ticket in response for the Republicans.
Thing is… that settlement with the Dominion voting machine peeps really doesn’t add up… according to Robert Barnes – who I trust a bit more than yer average internet lawyer.
– not saying the two are related tho.
Rupert Murdosh has been a bit erratic of late… there’s murkier goings but Ruprt’s PR gang (and suspiciously the herd…) are going with Abby Grossberg
Mick – I’m with you – maybe they want a new version of ‘Blackhawk down ‘. Would I ever go to the Sudan ? Never . Anyone going there does so at their own risk – and if they take their family there – that’s their judgement failure .
They should not expects the army to risk themselves to be got out …. The sooner Blighty stops looking outward the better … our days of being involved elsewhere must end – including funding them …
Micknotmike, I agree re. the Islamic crescent and star. The crescent is stylish, but stylized rather than realistic. My theory, for what it’s worth, is as follows.
The symbol is said to be a crescent moon and star. In Turkish, for instance, ‘ay yildiz’ breaks down into ‘ay’ (moon or month) plus ‘yildiz’ (star). But, as you say, the moon remains a solid sphere (or a disc, as seen in two dimensions) and how much of the illuminated half of it we see from earth doesn’t change that. Any star or planet would be occulted if they were directly behind it but could appear at any point round the lunar edge, if the moon had narrowly “missed” them or they were emerging from an occultation.
So, why is the “star” shown between the horns of the crescent? I think the crescent is a partially eclipsed sun! Imagine the moon passes over the sun, as happened on 20/4/2023. Now imagine that the moon, being at times further from earth than the average because of its elliptical orbit, is too small to cover the sun completely. Instead of a total eclipse, we’d see an annular eclipse, i.e. a ring of sun like an ‘O’ remains around the dark lunar disc – even at maximum eclipse.
Now, what happens as the annular phase ends? The moon moves on, breaks the annulus (ring) and the ‘O’ shape is replaced with a ‘C’. But the leading edge of the moon has valleys and depressions as on earth; so it may allow rays of sun to shine through.
These are Bailey’s Beads (named after the man who noted them in 1836 during an eclipse seen in Scotland) and are a feature of both total and annular solar eclipses. This theory would explain why the “star” is always shown between the “horns” of a crescent that doesn’t look at all like a crescent moon but more like a largely covered sun.
I know sighting the waxing crescent moon is important in Islam, e.g. Ramadan was due to end on 21st or 22nd April, not the 20th, as the moon has to be sufficiently separated from the sun to be seen, i.e. a day or two after astronomical new moon. Perhaps Islamic scholars could research the paths of eclipses in the 500s and 600s (by our calendar) and see if one might have been seen at a key moment in their history, e.g. before some battle, and taken as a sign from Allah.
There’s a crest on city signs around Portsmouth which looks like a crescent on its back with a star once again between the “horns” of the crescent.
The swamp will always claim good guys like Tucker and Farage, it’s the way lefties ‘work’, so is not a surprise!
I still believe however, that such names just don’t go away, and the small influence they continue to have, enables some other journos to pop up above the left-wing’s fluffy parapets and give them a good hiding.
Quite so : the Left don’t ‘disagree’ with people who don’t agree with them, they actively hate them.
As we’ve seen with maxi so many times, they will quickly go for the man, not the ball and take his legs out if they can. They are nasty pieces of work once you scratch through their veneer of hypocrisy.
I thought I’d entertain myself by watching channel 4 news . So much hand wringing – complete with their good friend and ‘plebgate ‘ Mitchell of minster for £ Africa £ fame .
Chrishna the guru Murphy wants ‘boots on the ground ‘ but not his boots of course – ….. TV news channels are like spoilt children these days – demanding action like demanding chocolate . They’ll be happy with dead soldiers – killed because the blue Labour Party were on holiday – as was the ambo to Sudan apparently …
What I find particularly pathetic about all these kidult reporters (especially the clueless BBC clones) is how they are like 6 year olds playing football : they just chase the ball following everybody else.
If the narrative changed to ‘stop the war’, they would all do an instantaneous 180 degree about-face. They are sheep who do whatever they are instructed to do so they can remain part of the group. Which is exactly what the senior Lefties want to push the agenda.
After watching (almost involuntarily) Irish politicians in their native habitat for a few months last year – I’m actually grateful that the BBC’s bias by omission seems to filter out most of the daft gobshites over there…
The BBC could I suppose commission “Taoiseach Ted” – a sort of Yes Minister thing ?
I agree with ‘why should we believe these liars this time ?’ – particularly with regard to how the BBC are reporting Ukraine.
But she sums up the Irish to me : hot-headed and can turn very angry in the blink of an eye. After delivering that speech, I could imagine her walking up to someone she considers to be an enemy and shooting them in the head without a second thought.
One does wonder why she bothered when only half a dozen MEP’s bothered to turn up that day.
Panorama doing a hatchet job on the Royal Family as we speak. Institutional racism, slavery, diversity and inclusion bla bla bla. ‘Polls’ and interviews so obviously skewed it’s laughable. Impartial programming my ar@e.
Yes, the newsreader on the short Radio 4 on-the-hour bulletins earlier was almost rejoicing at a poll showing that only about a third of 18-24 year olds wanted the Royal Family to continue.
The latest Met police plod to go on trial is one Muhammed Mustafa Darr. Darr is accused , amongst other things , of stealing debit cards from recently dead people and getting cash …. I’m sure when Darr was recruited the diversity department collected a ‘tick ‘….. self destruction in action …
Adnan Ali, who ran a large cadet unit for the force, used the training scheme as a ‘grooming playground’ and ‘exploited the freedom he was given’, a court was told previously. The 36-year-old father-of-one went on trial at Liverpool Crown Court, where he denied twenty charges including sexually assaulting two teenage girls and a 17-year-old boy, and misconduct in public office involving sexualised conversations.
After years of the BBC refusing to report anything from the right-wing Tucker Carlson – despite his show being the most popular cable-news show of all – I thought I’d check if they reported his leaving Fox.
Of course they did. They have suddenly decided to acknowledge he exists and have cobbled together an article with as much sneering as possible.
The Christchurch Call is a community of over 120 governments, online service providers, and civil society organisations acting together to eliminate terrorist and violent extremist content online.
Excellent news for bongo bongo terrorists – the plucky ‘British ‘ are to be evacuated from an airfield outside karhtoum later today – just enough time to set up the RPGs and machine guns . I’m sure the woke world service will tell them …..
We can look forward to the effusive gratitude they’ll show on their return to safety – or will it be the usual moaning about ‘not enough done ‘…?
It looks like Sudanese doctors working for the NHS have used the 4 day strikes to ‘go home’… I’m sure the BBC will eagerly big up their ‘ordeal’ and the nasty British government which didn’t give them any ‘support ‘
I’m sure the travel insurance will cover expenses though ……
"We need a non-proliferation agreement, basically, on fossil fuels."
Extinction Rebellion co-founder Claire Farrell tells Sky News that North Sea oil and gas projects don't "support British energy security".
Convenient with the truth, I see. It had nothing whatsoever to do with the Conservatives, quite the opposite, i.e. everything to do with greedy left-wing dental practices who want to limit their clients to those prepared to pay for checkups and treatments they don't need.
Yesterday I posted that I was going to attend a village meeting on Action Against Climate Change. Just under forty people attended out 300 ish adults in the village. A raising of hands showed that about 80% of those present believed we faced a climate emergency and urgent action was required. Those of us who were sceptical we told that every scientist spoken to agreed that there was an emergency!
Well things had moved further than I imagined. The £10 k local government has been spent on commissioning a survey from some company or other ( no doubt linked in some way to the grant providers) on what the village can do to combat the climate emergency.
A scheme had already been selected by the Parish Council for further consideration ( who knew they had the authority to do this?) . This involves erecting a 500 kw wind turbine , or preferably a 1 megawatt one, on common land about a mile from the village and the purpose of the meeting was just to update us on the project.
Discussion about such trivial matters such as : how much this would cost , what the pay back would be , who would pay for it , who would see and hear it , it’s impact on wildlife , how exactly it would benefit the village , were all held over to a further meeting planned for the summer. Basically this was just an initial softening up of village opinion.
I have the feeling that we , or rather the gullible but well meaning councillors , are being conned into having a mini wind farm erected near our village by some energy provider sharks , who will be able to say they have full local support. Of course there is the possibility of back handlers and I will looking out for new cars and expensive holidays.
Doublethinker ,
Many years ago I owned some land outside my Village and wanted to build a home there , went through all the Planning hurdles and it was turned down because it was outside the Village boundary…..Sold up and moved away and not surprisingly my land was built on because the Parish Council had extended the Village Boundary ! …..never trust Local Councillors or any Politician….honest ones are very rare !
Painful Charlie – why not join me on the “no government party ‘ ? ….. sounds like some on your parish £ council £ made a few shillings from your idea- I wonder if they’ll have done a compulsory purchase if you kept it ?
Fedup2 ,
Found out later it was bought by a Builder who had all the right connections and a supply of brown envelopes……4 houses at £1.25Million each ….never mind Hey !
BBC News….Jay Blades invite to Coronation…..will it never end ! !
Charlie – don’t forget Blighty is one of the least corrupt countries in the world – apart from housing and planning departments of course – and er accountancy firms , banks , NGOs , charities , plod , NHS. Big pharma betting companies , government regulators , journos. Politicians, car companies , mayors – newspapers , the BBC …..
Speaking of corruption – the blue labour MP for Kazakhstan is in trouble for going to his constituency for a fee of £5100 to monitor ‘elections ‘… a rewarding career is promised when he loses his English seat next year ….
Were there any farmers there at your local meeting, Doublethinker?
I sometimes get the impression that the big scam to limit their supply of food to the British people is another way for opening up such good cropping land for even more wind turbines, sun panels and a lot of political interference from little borough councils and small-minded parish councils…
tomoMar 11, 17:54 Start the Week 10th March 2025 [img][/img] well, Mike Wendling – a two jobber deep state mouthpiece writes up JD Vance. Most of us peons…
MarkyMarkMar 11, 17:25 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “As a candidate for prime minister, however, he said he intended to renounce his British and Irish citizenships. Carney told…
tomoMar 11, 17:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I posted earlier but it deserves some repetition
tomoMar 11, 17:09 Start the Week 10th March 2025 The fall of the Daily Telegraph…. [img][/img]
MarkyMarkMar 11, 17:07 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Mark Carney’s Leadership Win Smells 60% of Party members didn’t vote, but media pretends that doesn’t matter. Mark Carney will…
MarkyMarkMar 11, 17:06 Start the Week 10th March 2025 0 March 2025 261 5 0 …………………………………………… The first duty of the government is to keep citizens safe and the…
MarkyMarkMar 11, 16:55 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Why protest in China when you can wait for China to come to you …. HA HA HAH AH “Last…
AlthepalerpMar 11, 16:53 Start the Week 10th March 2025 The Great Replacement continues.. . . .
Guest WhoMar 11, 16:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Odour test aside, I noted this too: 60% of Party members didn’t vote, but media pretends that doesn’t matter.…
MarkyMarkMar 11, 16:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “The scholarly literature on emotions and politics tells us that anxiety holds people back from political involvement, while enthusiasm pushes…
To add to the comments about the phone alert yesterday, my cat was enjoying her treat biscuits, it’s one of very few highlights of her day.
(That and waiting for me to start an online meeting at my desk and jump onto the sofa behind me and start licking her arse in front of everyone, I know now when everyone avoids eye contact and start nudging each other)
Anyway when the alert started she spat out a biscuit, backed away and stared fixedly at the phone for the next half hour.
She should consider a cat class action for feline post traumatic stress, maybe in legal parlance a “Clowder Action” ?
It was not a good day for her, I had sanded down the coffee table last week, varnished it and then waxed it, she jumped up on it and slowly slid off the end, she still doesn’t understand what happened.
Zephir, as far as cats are concerned, a class action would be more like a ‘chowder’ action.
Turkeys voting for a Christmas comes to mind!
Anything on the BBC news about the boatload of invaders landing on our shores this weekend? So much for the PM’s buzz words “Stop the boats”! Does he realise that in these uncertain times he is allowing the build up of a fifth column in our country putting us all at risk?
We need a new competent and capable government that will defend the people of this nation.
Taffman – maybe move to Hungary .?
At least Hungry defends its people and borders?
Er – that was why I suggested Hungary – which neither has effing diversity or effing inclusiveness – the mantra of the BBC …..
We should all get used to and accept the fact that this current Labour/WEF Government has no intention of ‘stopping the boats’. It is all to do with maintaining the illusion that they are doing something.
All the action taken is conducive to trying to appease the voters, nothing more. The boats will continue until a law is urgently passed where the rights of home owners is overridden where the property is deemed underutilised.
That’s why I will be voting for The Reform Party ………….
“Reform BORDER
That’s why I will be voting for The Reform Party .
A responsible government has a duty to
protect our borders. We must know who
is coming in and who is going out of the
country, at our airports and ports. Again,
this is basic common sense.
Let’s welcome those who have high
level skills and talents that we need —
such as doctors, engineers, software
developers, scientists and surgeons — in
tightly controlled numbers that meet our
requirements. We want these valuable
people to come and work in the UK
legally, and play by the rules, respecting
our values.
This must not be an excuse, however, for
cheaper labour that reduces wages in
the UK, nor must it be an excuse for not
training our own wonderful young people.
Illegal immigration is unacceptable and
those entering illegally must not be
granted asylum in the UK. Reform UK is
the only party committed to stopping the
boats. We must adopt the tactics used by
Australia when they stopped the boats.
We must declare a national security
threat, leave the European Convention
on Human Rights (ECHR), and use
existing legislation robustly to stop this
illegal trade. We must also use offshore
processing centres as Australia did.
We must also create a new Department
of Immigration staffed with people who
believe in the task at hand, to protect our
borders. The Home Office is simply not fit
for purpose
Everyone must know that no-one coming
via these illegal routes will be allowed to
stay in the UK. Cases must be determined
in just a few weeks and people returned
to where they came from. The vast
majority of the claimants are economic
migrants or from Albania under the
oversight of their criminal gangs. The cost
to the taxpayer is already billions every
year and the impact on local communities
around the country is very significant.
However most people who are concerned
are afraid to speak out on this issue for
fear of being labelled or smeared”
Today watch
Oops – the Diana Abbott anti semitism story hasn’t died – as the BBC editorial yesterday tried kill . Newspapers have headlined it – so the BBC is being forced to mention it in the press reviews . It appears to be avoiding a separate ‘piece’ on it …..
Elsewhere – excellent news – the BBC is taking on The Monachy . This is good news because it is a huge mistake . To become an enemy of the monachy – which has been around a bit longer than the BBC will help the the destruction of the BBC …so great news .
I expect that the BBC’S Londonistan programme’s anarchist
Marxist editors, sub editors researchers and their sycophants
who ape their autocues will actually support Abbot. And
turn her into some Joan of Arc. As they turned Mark Duggan
the Tottenham gangster into a Robin Hood with the
eulogizing on him. All that was missing was a statue of Duggan
in the studio.
Maybe she wont even be mentioned. There is always
Grenfell Tower and Stephen Lawrence to be “discussed ”
every day . And of course the Met and the Toreeeees and
the “bosses. ” Yes if you like your four times daily ration of
what a Socialist Workers paradise is like . Watch the London
Programme on the BBC . And be “educated ” into being a
Her funeral will be a State occasion …as will comrade Corbyn …
Ah, but which State? Cuba? Red China? Biden’s Amerika?
Like a good BBC/Chas spat. We all win.
About as popular as the BBC in a poll they don’t commission.
Today watch 2
Apparently children / feral animals are not receiving the usual vaccinations for hooping cough and rabies and the like which they normally get free at school – it’s down from about 85% to 60% –
The bbc propaganda truth expert mentioned in passing that this might be due to ‘misinformation ‘ – I immediately thought that the evil mouth Matthew sweet might pop up and blame Mark Steyn again
Or maybe he can find another journo / campaigner for the truth to try to destroy –
Maybe the state should withdraw the taxpayer funded food from anyone resfusing the jabba jabba . ?
Today 3
Oh the humanity . Plucky British types are moaning about the lack of helicopters to rescue them out of bongo bongo land . Apparently Saint Andy Mitchell – the red Tory who favours giving away all our money to the third world is ‘in charge ‘ … he is the 810 am gig so get the popcorn ready .
At least the good chaps from the FCo have been evacuated but they’ve now launched a complaint of bullying against the Raab on the instructions of their union ….
Now watch the channel hoppers become Sudanese in 3-2-1.
The BBC Moaning Emole by a Ms. Nimoni.
“An aerial image of smoke over the city of Khartoum
British nationals stuck in Sudan as fighting continues
A “rapid and complex” operation took place over the weekend to evacuate British diplomats and their families from Sudan. But Foreign Secretary James Cleverly has warned the government’s ability to evacuate other British nationals is “severely limited” until fighting between warring parties stops. Electricity is scarce and food and water supplies are running out for many after fierce violence broke out over a week ago. Now some UK nationals in Khartoum have told the BBC they feel abandoned by the UK government in recent days. Sam, a British businessman living in Sudan, described the situation as a “nightmare for those of us left behind”. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak says work is continuing to ensure the safety of British nationals who remain in Sudan.”
Sam stayed so long why?
Like Doris Winterbottom?
… they’re not British, they’re British passport holders acquired through sometimes questionable means. They’ve had plenty of time to get out; so why would they stay? … 1. because it’s their home, or 2. they’re greedy and can’t stand the thought of locals pillaging their home/business. The junior doctors can select a posting abroad for career development. Some are genuine do-gooders; others like the better quality of life in Oz/NZ …
“…British types…” I have serious doubts about that. An opportunity for all-in-sundry to think they can come to the UK. Best part about it is that they do not have to make the pilgrimage to the UK by any means including, finally, small boats – they simply have to hang on and await being collected. What’s not to like?
Our Black Broadcasting Corp. (The Worlds Most Trusted Broadcaster no less) has alighted on this story big time. It interviews people claimed to be “British”. The Home Office travel advice it appears, was not to visit Sudan. Why, in their thousands did these, “British” people ignore that advice? It has all the BBC’s favourite ingredients – a story made in Heaven for them: Finding fault with the UK Government; Black people; Botched comms. I’m surprised the BBC could not have drafted a letter to the thousands of “British”, on behalf of the Home Office starting……
‘Dear Uncle Tom Cobley and All…….by the way, your benefits have been stopped….’.
G – yes my description was ‘carefully drafted ‘ – how many of them are not dual passports ? And if there are 75 NHS medics maybe they’d be better looking after their own people rather than the medical imperialism that is the NHS ….
But somehow I think the cash will be much better here than there – particularly since their version of striking is going to Sudan ……
Sudan violence: UK diplomats evacuated from Khartoum
“The Sudanese Junior Doctors Association UK said it knew of 71 NHS doctors currently trapped in Sudan, who are UK citizens or residents and a mixture of consultants and junior doctors.”
Probably explains why my hospital appointment was cancelled after waiting 6 months! and now i’m on a waiting list of upto 54 weeks 🙁
I wonder how many other foreign NHS doctors are being paid but “abroad”
All “working from home” ?
You’d have to laugh or you would cry reading BBC reports last evening about those poor souls who were complaining they didn’t get their government emergency alarm on their cell phones at 3pm Sunday.
The youngsters call it FOMO ie Fear Of Missing Out
I’m reminded of an old TV skit some comedy show did back in the day sending up the BBC’s Points of View format where Barry Took read out audience letters – there’s one for the teenagers (letters = postal communications, implying hand-written pen and paper missives)
The BBC – being the BBC – whenever anything they did upset the viewers in significant numbers they’d have our Barry read out in his on air slot some extracts from the plethora of complaints – but would always find those one or two in a hundred correspondents who absolutely loved whatever the BBC did.
The joke in the skit sending up Points of View went something like this: “Dear Points of View, I’m writing to say I thought that BBC show was absolutely brilliant, I love everything the BBC does, I think the BBC Licence Fee should be £100 a year, no make it £150 a year!” – this was a good gag back in 1981 when a colour licence was £46 and black and white was a modest £15
The show was ripe for satire. The mood of Points of View tended toward condescension (if not outright sarcasm) toward the audience done in that relaxed but markedly patrician manner they had back then.
Speaking of black and white…
Abbott loses Labour whip over ‘offensive’ race comments (‘i’) – in yet another foot-in-mouth incident our Diane has got herself accused of anti-semitism. Mr AsI wouldn’t accuse her of that.
The fact is she’s simply pro-black. She’s what you might call a black supremacist – in the way that she asserts her black supremacy in the modern woke leftist terms of posing blacks as being tip top victims – top of the grievance pile: Veteran Labour MP suggested that Jewish, Irish and Traveller people suffered prejudice similar to that aimed at people with red hair, rather than the racism suffered by black people (‘i’) – an odd construction there from our Diane given that many Irish and Travellers have the red hair – as do many Jews – look at the young Woody Allen.
Also an odd construction from the left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper – tagging our Diane as a Veteran MP – given that juxtaposed on the very same frontpage there’s reference to the present US President and he’s given an apparent respectful pass due to his obvious geriatric nature: Opinion Ian Birrell Biden has been a transformative president… but he shouldn’t run again
Further juxtapositional amusement is supplied care of the Television feature teaser on the cover of the ‘i’: Paving the way to Succession – because of course what the youthful left-leaning ‘i’ would dearly like to see is a somewhat younger generation of leftist politician – and a bit less anti-Jewish perhaps.
Today again
Splutter tea edition and lol
There are running a programme on a ‘ gay RUC man ‘… during the ‘troubles’….
That’s BBC top level . But … I take offence at ‘the troubles’ . To me ‘the troubles ‘ was an organised insurrection with murders and bombings and in some areas genocide .
The bbc is whitewashing what the IRA did and which unionist killing gangs did in response . But then again – the bbc was always a wing of Sinn Fein IRA …
… indeed – the last Tory who did something about this was Mrs thatcher taking their voices away . I’d have taken their lives .
Oh, not BBC Breakfast…
Jim seems more their type.
Interesting bio.
Worth a fact check, Wendy?
US 2020 election corruption:
“Diane Abbott suspended as Labour MP after racism letter”
BBC needs a positive counter.
Music heals, innit?
Really, Laura? Really?
Has Panorama ‘investigated’?
Er, I thought Kuenssberg was Italian? That appears to be a photo of a South African school…
IR, think she is a Scot but maybe born in Italy to businessman Father. She was educated in Glasgow (privately) and I have tried to find out whether she was educated/at school with Pippa Crerar without success.
Just did check and sure enough the story has disappeared from the front page just before breakfast time.
What is significant about this story to me is how this idiot and so many other idiots in the same ‘group think’ bubble have concocted the story that all white people are racist and only black people are the victims of it. And even worse than that, they have extrapolated that to mean that black people cannot be racist no matter what they say or do.
It’s absolutely bizarre. I really do wonder what other warped ideas are floating around in their heads. They seem to have no clue how racist THEY are to think such things.
A situation brought to us in small steps over many years because of Leftists like the BBC supporting them.
The UN poster graphics are becoming remarkably similar in style to the ones the Nazi’s pushed out in the 1930’s…..
Just saying!
Today again again
HMS Andy plebgate Mitchell – now minister £ for bongo bongo land getting a spanking from meesh over the usual blue labour eff up – this time over the Sudan .
( incidentally the DT goes over the top of our world beating military rescuing the civil service union members in the embassy – it was good giggles stuff worthy of a 17 year old )
Anyway Andy Mitchell pointed out that the UK sends bongo bongo land billions of borrowed taxpayers money every year …. ( this might be a lie )
Mitchell applied the talk a lot and avoid the personal responsibility he bears for being asleep at the wheel – like Raab was when afgee fell apart.
The bbc is in a good place and must be praying for dead British passport holders ( called Mohammed ) in order to demand more cabinet resignations ….
In the end meesh gave Andy an easy time as he used that weird Edwardian language to thank everybody – Andy has gone back to the office to give more borrowed taxpayers money away to underserving corruption …
PS – they can’t send an aircraft carrier because one is being stripped for parts in Scotland and the other can’t be used because of civil service union rules …
Abbott makes a black mark for Labour and blackens her reputation.
I made a comment on my post a couple of regarding the invented shortfall of black MP’s. I suggested Abbott didn’t encourage anyone to think black MP’s were a good idea.
It’s being suggested by her supporters that she didn’t write it. Let’s say she has history.
What really annoys me about this story is that 2-Left-Feet Abbot has been spouting similar rhetoric aimed at white people for a long time – but is given a completely free pass.
It only explodes when she traverses her turrent and has a pop at Jews. This woman is a disgusting racist. Same as Lammy. But by the bizarre rules the Left have created, anyone who dare say it is the racist now.
It will be interesting to see whether her fees for using her mouth ( no brain ) on those pundit shows the BBC vomit out reduce …. I somehow expect no change and the next time some coloured criminal gets shot by plod she ll be there ….
Can’t the unused carrier be used as an asylum hotel?
I believe the Ukranians are short of manpower on the Donbas front lines. Send all the beggars there where Zelensky would no doubt welcome them with open arms.
They could use Saddam’s Iran-Iraq war gag of offering farms to signer-uppers (I remember big adverts in Cairo newspapers)…
After all it’s got to be top notch virtue signalling esp if the male 20 and 30 something boaties can’t evidence where the rest of the family/tribe are ?
I guess the pay likely is quite high – not like the Ukranian gubmint is short of cash? (ca. a week after the Russians invaded I got an email asking me to volunteer!)
– although it’s all too easy to imagine gender rearing its head – given the present state of the anglosphere!
Apparently the outgoing leader of Scotlznd is visiting rishi at number 10 today . I hope they lock up anything valuable ….
.. hamza /hamas will try and whip up the usual braveheart stuff to deflect from the institutional criminality of the SNP.
A good day to arrest crankie though …
Fedup I hope that’s only a typo, but these days I wouldn’t be surprised to discover a plan to rebrand the country as Scotlznd.
Land not being inclusive, and too white… white… white.
“Imago Humza”
Saving the planet:
Bit concerned that neither Soros not his canadian disciple – troodo are mentioned …. As trustees
Oh I’m sure Soros and the Canadian twit are in the background somewhere
I was watching an interview with Piers Morgan and Richard Dawkins. For some reason I had the captions on. When Piers Morgan mentioned just stop oil the caption came out as “just a Boyle”. Apart from the spelling, it seems to me that is a very apt representation of what they are.
While the BBC runs articles from activists about how racist it is that BAME people are stopped-and-searched more often than white people, they also ignore stories like this one:
‘London’s most wanted ‘criminals’ who could be lurking in your neighbourhood including suspected rapists and killers’
The article has the pics (I don;t want to flood the forum) – so I’ll just list their names:
Ron Domi – Albanian
Ahmed Karshe – Black
Noor Alam – Imam at a mosque in Northampton
Mohammed Ahmadi – Picture as expected
Zulfkar Sheblan – Arab I think
Marc Stinton – WHITE !!!
Steven Fidler – Irish (Gypsy I think)
Fasli Gjajxha – God knows where this BAME is from
Eric Asante – Black
Oboh Imasogie – Jet black
Mahrez Benbetka – No idea what shithole he came from. Looks Albanian.
Fateh Elfiad – Works with the last one as people-smugglers
Blesled Tjonakoy – Black
Madelo Payi – Black
So there we have it. It all serves to simply reinforce what I already knew about the racist BBC hypocrites. They lie and lie (by omission) to keep the truth from us.
What a wonderful world they are creating. As ideologically driven fascists always do.
I live in a small village in the Yorkshire Dales ,population 350, and tonight there is a Parish Council meeting on what the village can do with its £10,000 grant from the County Council to counter the Climate Emergency .
I already know of two proposed schemes both of which invest community charge payers’ , or tax payers’ money in projects which I estimate have paybacks of well over ten years plus of course the lost opportunity cost.
They may however give short term mental relief to those members of our community who seem to be genuinely suffering from ACA (Acute Climate Anxiety ) . This particularly affects young mothers who worry constantly that their children will fried alive before their 21 st birthdays. ( for clarity that is the children’s birthdays not the mothers)
I will keep you posted.
I live in the shires, and the forthcoming council elections are proving good value. if predictable and depressing.
A BBC Local Democracy rag is running selected ‘letters’ (election agent plants) BBC style to keep things feisty.
The current admin is currently Green dominated and has made a massive mess of everything.
The activists are this desperately trying to offset attacks from the mainstream parties.
That all the parties are NetZero obsessed idiots is neither here nor there.
Or that anything media here struggles to get double figures.
“BBC Hereford & Worcester
On Thursday May 4th voters in Redditch go to the polls.
But what’s at stake? What are the main political parties promising?
Check out our thread below to see their video interviews.
5 comments (All bar one from themselves) 2 shares ”
Political and media engagement at fever pitch.
Double – thanks – I sort of envy you for your location . Do you have dark skies – which is a luxury these days ?
As a small government type is saddens me how readily they can find taxpayers money to throw at the favoured causes … maybe you need a ULEZ Thing – or close all the roads – that’s very fashionable in my part of what used to be England ..
To the north and east the skies are dark for good quality star gazing . To the west and south they aren’t as good. If the road is closed or we don’t have a car we will find life tough, it’s seven miles to the nearest shop. The village Post Office/ store closed ten years ago.
I have noticed in the past few weeks what appear to be large white trucks parked up and are what appear to be mobile private dental practices.
I live in Gosport on the South coast and understand that my nearest dental practice who still accept NHS patients is in Winchester, 25 miles away.
I suggest all people in this situation batter the Government to demand a reduction in our National Insurance contributions.
Maybe we could form a new activist outfit “Extinction Fillings” or something?
Why Si?
It is the same thing over and over. Hence not ‘news’
Pissing folk off.
And the media know it.
He’s finding out that normal people know the best way to handle a spoilt rowdy child is to just ignore it until it gets bored!
The inclusive BBC loves equity, it’s just that they love some things more equally than others. (Left is from the last day of Ramadan, right is on St George’s day). Their article is five paragraphs:
– St George wasn’t English
– He never visited England
– He might not have even existed
– He’s not just the patron saint of England
– The dragon probably wasn’t real
I can feel the nervousness of W1A picture editors in publishing the St George’s flag even as a thumbnail. Ideological subversion 101.
Global Disinformation Index. Right up the BBCs street:
“The greatest marathon win? Hassan stuns London.”
“It has been dubbed one of the greatest victories of all time – it was also one of the most dramatic. Sifan Hassan, a two-time Olympic champion on the track but someone who had never raced a marathon, winning in London against a fearsome field of champions…”
Not reported is that she’s been busy setting European and World Records since being coached by Nike Oregon Project’s Alberto Salazar — currently banned for four years for doping offences.
These are small details which get lost in the gushing praise from the BBC pundits, and of course the key info that “… Hassan, a former refugee who left Ethiopia for the Netherlands as a 15-year-old, did not stop.”
TWatO Watch #1 – well, here’s a surprise: a bunch of Civil Servants at the F&CO demonstrating their incompetence for all to see
It is time for a UK Government Secretary of State to start insisting on resignations from Permanent Secretaries and Under Secretaries. Maybe the PM would like to take some action ….. ?
The Netherlands… in the EU?
Maybe that bimbo on the bike could swing by?
For this line alone:
“When the BBC passes on a climate change agitprop story doing the rounds of mainstream media, you might rightly suspect that the credibility bar is extremely low. ”
What is Rasheed’s objective here? To reduce his carbon footprint to save the world? To encourage fitness among his over weight plod? Or to humiliate them?
I hope we get running cops for the coronation do. I might watch it.
I would like to see all protection removed from our politicians so that they experience the same level of safety when they travel around as the rest of us i.e. zero
No fear or favour etc etc. Remember they swore an oath to this.
That would mean the titch mare of Londonistan would have to forego his armoured Hummer!
Can’t have little chaps like that being bullied can we!
(I’ve saved another few quid not going to London today, it always makes me feel pretty damn good that all our pensions are spent well away from the shithole he has nurtured)!
(Sorry for chums here who may live there, you’re far more welcome to come to East Kent for a pint, glass of wine and an ordinary life)!
And, wear anything from Cotton Traders please! Their latest brochure has the correct proportion of ethnic models for an indigenous British company!
I’ve just spent over a hundred quid with them because I like that sort if advertising! The other sort doesn’t work here…
And now Rasheed’s cop guards do it to the Benny Hill Tune. The Tory socialists are being laughed out of office
I’m surprised they could find enough rainbow painters who were capable of running for that long.
That is a very disturbing video – I can’t put my finger on’ why’? Maybe it’s more Indian politics than British …
It disturbs me because it indicates just how much police protection our leaders actually need – despite the Leftist media narrative that Britain has been enriched by multiculturalism.
We have become a police-state – but policed for politics and control of society, not for law and order.
Call your local plod and tell them your house got burgled by druggies who threatened you. They won’t even turn up. Tell them you are black and are being racially abused and I bet they are there within 10 minutes.
“William” #bbcquotes
Usually listing to port, DM can still be funny.
Di of course another the BBC cannot get enough of.
Might av missed a trick on the Smoke, tho, me old Chinas.
Stabby-Stabby – ‘Nothing to see here, says Saddo’
Poor Diane Flabbott has just discovered what a minefield Woke politics are. She thought Black victimhood trumped all other victimhoods, but has just learnt the hard way about the shifting sands of political correctness.
And yet the Abbopotamus should have known, had she but paid attention to that other race-grifter across the pond, where Whoopee-Cushion-Goldberg recently got herself into trouble making similar moronic comments about Jews and Blacks.
I know flabbot is a bit dumb
and claiming she just quickly drafted a letter and then presumably mistakenly sent it is even dumber
but the dumbest part is where she tries to critique “RACISM IN BRITAIN IS NOT A BLACK AND WHITE ISSUE ,IT’s FAR MORE COMPLICATED” with examples from america and south africa
maybe she should convert to islam , then she might get her free pass back
it constantly surprises me that these guys don’t get assigned better handlers.
Then you look at what is heading the thing up.
Just proves that there’s no such thing as ‘racism’. Abbot was simply trying to eliminate all competetion to her tribes victim status.
Sammy Davies Jnr would have posed a real problem. I’m sure that he claimed he was of Jewish decent . But perhaps he was exaggerating a little like that US Congress woman , Elizabeth Warren , the one President Trump nicknamed Pocahontas, who made a career of claiming that she was a Native American but turned out to have less Native American ancestry than the President himself. Despite making a laughing stock of her self she is still in Congress. Parallels with Abbot there.
According to BBC Black History, Sammy Davis Jnr was the first man to fly the Atlantic. Apparently he’s Alcock and Brown.
Where did I put my coat?
A couple of things have crossed my mind over the last few days. Firstly, the bbc are now pushing the “Nobody cares about sudan because you’re all racists”. This may be true. I wonder if its nature or nurture though. I’ve noticed the events unfolding in sudan, and all I can think is that I don’t really care if one bunch of blacks start chucking spears at another bunch of blacks, as long as they don’t come here. The Russia – Nato war (Currently being played on the neutral venue of ukraine) frightens me to death.
I am undoubtedly a bigoted racist. Was I born to favour people that look like me, or is this an evil path I’ve chosen to tread?
One other point, and once you’ve seen it you can’t stop seeing it, concerns the islamic wisdom forever being promoted by the bbc. The moon, as far as I’m aware, is a sphere (ish). We sometimes only see part of it because that bit is illuminated by the sun; the rest is in darkness, but it’s still there.
Since the moon is much closer to us than any star, you are never going to see a star inside the circle, whether it’s in the dark or the light bit. Why do so many islamic symbols show a star shining inside this circle, when it couldn’t possibly happen? Have a peep, and you’ll never un-see it. Eastern scholars, however, didn’t even have the wisdom to place the star outside the circle.
Tucker Carlson leaves Fox News – an equivalent to mark steyn leaving the former GBNews . Sad .
I am sure this is blowback over Fox’s capitulation in the Dominion case. As far as the BBC/MSM is concerned, this “proves” that Sleepy Joe won 81 million votes.
Nothing to see here people.
In Media Bubble chess does CNN’s Lemon count as a draw?
Fed, I think Tucker should run in the 2024 Pres. Election. I gather that some commentators think deSantis has crashed and burned. Trump is far too old in my view to run as is JoeBiden for the DNC. AO-C may well seek the Democrats approval, Tucker would be just the ticket in response for the Republicans.
It doesn’t matter who runs in 2024 – the result is already in …
Fed, 😉 🙂 don’t be too sure about that, there’s many a slip possible before voting day.
With respect – voting day has already happened 😎
Fed, how do you explain 2020 then?
I’ve been wondering how long he’d hang in there…
Thing is… that settlement with the Dominion voting machine peeps really doesn’t add up… according to Robert Barnes – who I trust a bit more than yer average internet lawyer.
– not saying the two are related tho.
Rupert Murdosh has been a bit erratic of late… there’s murkier goings but Ruprt’s PR gang (and suspiciously the herd…) are going with Abby Grossberg
Mick – I’m with you – maybe they want a new version of ‘Blackhawk down ‘. Would I ever go to the Sudan ? Never . Anyone going there does so at their own risk – and if they take their family there – that’s their judgement failure .
They should not expects the army to risk themselves to be got out …. The sooner Blighty stops looking outward the better … our days of being involved elsewhere must end – including funding them …
Don’t forget ‘our’ soft power projection, via the BBC.
Though it seems mainly designed to crush the domestic population and invite everyone here.
Soft power = weakness = never ending invaders = civil war one day …
Micknotmike, I agree re. the Islamic crescent and star. The crescent is stylish, but stylized rather than realistic. My theory, for what it’s worth, is as follows.
The symbol is said to be a crescent moon and star. In Turkish, for instance, ‘ay yildiz’ breaks down into ‘ay’ (moon or month) plus ‘yildiz’ (star). But, as you say, the moon remains a solid sphere (or a disc, as seen in two dimensions) and how much of the illuminated half of it we see from earth doesn’t change that. Any star or planet would be occulted if they were directly behind it but could appear at any point round the lunar edge, if the moon had narrowly “missed” them or they were emerging from an occultation.
So, why is the “star” shown between the horns of the crescent? I think the crescent is a partially eclipsed sun! Imagine the moon passes over the sun, as happened on 20/4/2023. Now imagine that the moon, being at times further from earth than the average because of its elliptical orbit, is too small to cover the sun completely. Instead of a total eclipse, we’d see an annular eclipse, i.e. a ring of sun like an ‘O’ remains around the dark lunar disc – even at maximum eclipse.
Now, what happens as the annular phase ends? The moon moves on, breaks the annulus (ring) and the ‘O’ shape is replaced with a ‘C’. But the leading edge of the moon has valleys and depressions as on earth; so it may allow rays of sun to shine through.
These are Bailey’s Beads (named after the man who noted them in 1836 during an eclipse seen in Scotland) and are a feature of both total and annular solar eclipses. This theory would explain why the “star” is always shown between the “horns” of a crescent that doesn’t look at all like a crescent moon but more like a largely covered sun.
I know sighting the waxing crescent moon is important in Islam, e.g. Ramadan was due to end on 21st or 22nd April, not the 20th, as the moon has to be sufficiently separated from the sun to be seen, i.e. a day or two after astronomical new moon. Perhaps Islamic scholars could research the paths of eclipses in the 500s and 600s (by our calendar) and see if one might have been seen at a key moment in their history, e.g. before some battle, and taken as a sign from Allah.
There’s a crest on city signs around Portsmouth which looks like a crescent on its back with a star once again between the “horns” of the crescent.
The swamp will always claim good guys like Tucker and Farage, it’s the way lefties ‘work’, so is not a surprise!
I still believe however, that such names just don’t go away, and the small influence they continue to have, enables some other journos to pop up above the left-wing’s fluffy parapets and give them a good hiding.
Quite so : the Left don’t ‘disagree’ with people who don’t agree with them, they actively hate them.
As we’ve seen with maxi so many times, they will quickly go for the man, not the ball and take his legs out if they can. They are nasty pieces of work once you scratch through their veneer of hypocrisy.
I thought I’d entertain myself by watching channel 4 news . So much hand wringing – complete with their good friend and ‘plebgate ‘ Mitchell of minster for £ Africa £ fame .
Chrishna the guru Murphy wants ‘boots on the ground ‘ but not his boots of course – ….. TV news channels are like spoilt children these days – demanding action like demanding chocolate . They’ll be happy with dead soldiers – killed because the blue Labour Party were on holiday – as was the ambo to Sudan apparently …
What I find particularly pathetic about all these kidult reporters (especially the clueless BBC clones) is how they are like 6 year olds playing football : they just chase the ball following everybody else.
If the narrative changed to ‘stop the war’, they would all do an instantaneous 180 degree about-face. They are sheep who do whatever they are instructed to do so they can remain part of the group. Which is exactly what the senior Lefties want to push the agenda.
Marianna is a stand-out example.
Clare Daly at the EU(SSR) parliament:
Bet she’s glad she got that off her chest .
I have no regard for Irish politicians living off NATO without contribution to it . No morality but a lot of hot air …
After watching (almost involuntarily) Irish politicians in their native habitat for a few months last year – I’m actually grateful that the BBC’s bias by omission seems to filter out most of the daft gobshites over there…
The BBC could I suppose commission “Taoiseach Ted” – a sort of Yes Minister thing ?
I agree with ‘why should we believe these liars this time ?’ – particularly with regard to how the BBC are reporting Ukraine.
But she sums up the Irish to me : hot-headed and can turn very angry in the blink of an eye. After delivering that speech, I could imagine her walking up to someone she considers to be an enemy and shooting them in the head without a second thought.
One does wonder why she bothered when only half a dozen MEP’s bothered to turn up that day.
I think by now that most people would agree with this article:
Panorama doing a hatchet job on the Royal Family as we speak. Institutional racism, slavery, diversity and inclusion bla bla bla. ‘Polls’ and interviews so obviously skewed it’s laughable. Impartial programming my ar@e.
Yes, the newsreader on the short Radio 4 on-the-hour bulletins earlier was almost rejoicing at a poll showing that only about a third of 18-24 year olds wanted the Royal Family to continue.
Mastermind final is all men, that’s not going to go down well is it?
No blacks, Asians or other ethnics either
The latest Met police plod to go on trial is one Muhammed Mustafa Darr. Darr is accused , amongst other things , of stealing debit cards from recently dead people and getting cash …. I’m sure when Darr was recruited the diversity department collected a ‘tick ‘….. self destruction in action …
Here’s another
Adnan Ali, who ran a large cadet unit for the force, used the training scheme as a ‘grooming playground’ and ‘exploited the freedom he was given’, a court was told previously. The 36-year-old father-of-one went on trial at Liverpool Crown Court, where he denied twenty charges including sexually assaulting two teenage girls and a 17-year-old boy, and misconduct in public office involving sexualised conversations.
After years of the BBC refusing to report anything from the right-wing Tucker Carlson – despite his show being the most popular cable-news show of all – I thought I’d check if they reported his leaving Fox.
Of course they did. They have suddenly decided to acknowledge he exists and have cobbled together an article with as much sneering as possible.
Tucker Carlson leaves Fox News
You are pathetic BBC. Why should we have to fund your child-like far-Left activism ?.
damp patches at the BBC there then…
Ardern has established “The Christchurch Call”
The Christchurch Call is a community of over 120 governments, online service providers, and civil society organisations acting together to eliminate terrorist and violent extremist content online.
The Christchurch Call is partnered with the Global Community Engagement and Resilience Fund (GCERF).
The GCERF is headed by Khalid Koser. He is an “Agenda Contributor” at the WEF.
He is also chair of the World Economic Forum Global Agenda Council on Migration,
Sudan fighting: On a bus to Egypt with Mario the pug
Incredible “reporting”, about a women and a dog, so glad I didn’t miss this!
Think I get it, the women is black, and must be reported
Excellent news for bongo bongo terrorists – the plucky ‘British ‘ are to be evacuated from an airfield outside karhtoum later today – just enough time to set up the RPGs and machine guns . I’m sure the woke world service will tell them …..
We can look forward to the effusive gratitude they’ll show on their return to safety – or will it be the usual moaning about ‘not enough done ‘…?
Morning Fed!
They sure picked a funny place to go on holiday! Perhaps it was a delayed Easter break or something?
Hello Scroblene
It looks like Sudanese doctors working for the NHS have used the 4 day strikes to ‘go home’… I’m sure the BBC will eagerly big up their ‘ordeal’ and the nasty British government which didn’t give them any ‘support ‘
I’m sure the travel insurance will cover expenses though ……
Don’t forget the flood of refugees soo to be making a beeline for a hotel near you.
And bringing the same culture destroying their own country with them.
On benefits ? Have another £900 straight into your bank account – you need do nothing – £300 now – then 2 more lumps …. Nice innit ?
Khan’s ULEZ team issue the smoke canisters with the protest licence?
Plus a brain.
And a media not staffed with juvenile activists.
Panorama investi… swerve?
Yesterday I posted that I was going to attend a village meeting on Action Against Climate Change. Just under forty people attended out 300 ish adults in the village. A raising of hands showed that about 80% of those present believed we faced a climate emergency and urgent action was required. Those of us who were sceptical we told that every scientist spoken to agreed that there was an emergency!
Well things had moved further than I imagined. The £10 k local government has been spent on commissioning a survey from some company or other ( no doubt linked in some way to the grant providers) on what the village can do to combat the climate emergency.
A scheme had already been selected by the Parish Council for further consideration ( who knew they had the authority to do this?) . This involves erecting a 500 kw wind turbine , or preferably a 1 megawatt one, on common land about a mile from the village and the purpose of the meeting was just to update us on the project.
Discussion about such trivial matters such as : how much this would cost , what the pay back would be , who would pay for it , who would see and hear it , it’s impact on wildlife , how exactly it would benefit the village , were all held over to a further meeting planned for the summer. Basically this was just an initial softening up of village opinion.
I have the feeling that we , or rather the gullible but well meaning councillors , are being conned into having a mini wind farm erected near our village by some energy provider sharks , who will be able to say they have full local support. Of course there is the possibility of back handlers and I will looking out for new cars and expensive holidays.
Doublethinker ,
Many years ago I owned some land outside my Village and wanted to build a home there , went through all the Planning hurdles and it was turned down because it was outside the Village boundary…..Sold up and moved away and not surprisingly my land was built on because the Parish Council had extended the Village Boundary ! …..never trust Local Councillors or any Politician….honest ones are very rare !
Painful Charlie – why not join me on the “no government party ‘ ? ….. sounds like some on your parish £ council £ made a few shillings from your idea- I wonder if they’ll have done a compulsory purchase if you kept it ?
Fedup2 ,
Found out later it was bought by a Builder who had all the right connections and a supply of brown envelopes……4 houses at £1.25Million each ….never mind Hey !
BBC News….Jay Blades invite to Coronation…..will it never end ! !
Charlie – don’t forget Blighty is one of the least corrupt countries in the world – apart from housing and planning departments of course – and er accountancy firms , banks , NGOs , charities , plod , NHS. Big pharma betting companies , government regulators , journos. Politicians, car companies , mayors – newspapers , the BBC …..
Speaking of corruption – the blue labour MP for Kazakhstan is in trouble for going to his constituency for a fee of £5100 to monitor ‘elections ‘… a rewarding career is promised when he loses his English seat next year ….
Were there any farmers there at your local meeting, Doublethinker?
I sometimes get the impression that the big scam to limit their supply of food to the British people is another way for opening up such good cropping land for even more wind turbines, sun panels and a lot of political interference from little borough councils and small-minded parish councils…