A disturbing podcast on You Tube from Jordan Peterson when he talks with Heather McDonald about the impact of Wokism on the academic competence which underpins our society. It looks as though if the liberal left keep forcing their equity agenda on us within a couple of decades we will be begging China or India to run our Nuclear power stations , our scientific research institutes , our factories, infact anything that is complex because we simply won’t have the people who are sufficiently bright and educated to be able to do it themselves!
There is an excellent and much shorter interview ( 30 minutes) with Heather McDonald by Peter Robinson about her book the Diversity Delusion 2019 in the Uncommon Knowledge series, again available on You Tube. It covers some of the ground as the Jordan Peterson pod cast .
Did you see JRM and that awful wimmin on GBN last night.
Talk about bullying, she was full on outraged and plain nasty hurling insults at JRM who remained calm throughout.
Shouting over anything he tried to say it just wouldn’t shut up.
Marina Purkiss I think it was called.
A bit like that narinder gobby girl.
I’ve noticed that the lefties on GBN always get more time than the ones on the right.
On Dewbs last night the one called Atul must have had three quarters of the airtime while the Conservative one had less than a quarter as the lefty kept interrupting him. Dewbs just let him talk and talk and I think she started to realise he was taking over her show when she said that after the break she would let the other (conservative) one speak.
Today on Talk TV (Ian Collins) a caller asked why the lefty wimmin (Louise Colvey) was allowed so much more time than the one from the right (Stephen Woolfe) whilst talking about immigration and he said he just let them get on with it.
Collins also seemed happy when he found out the breaking news that Andrew Bridgen was thrown out of the blue Labour Party (for telling the truth about Covid)
I hope he joins Reform.
This type of BBC-style behaviour has become very noticeable recently, both on GBN and Talk TV. I’ve been listening to Collins this afternoon and you are being very generous when you describe him as merely happy about Andrew Bridgen – he subsequently went into a full rave and character assassination, along with a sly dig at Lawrence Fox and his Reclaim Party. In conjunction with the purges of Mark Steyn and Tucker Carlson, the assumption must be that the message has gone out from high (WEF Central) that no dissenting voices are to be permitted in the controlled media.
TWatO Watch #1 – do not under-estimate the stupidity of ‘some people’
The BBC are anxious to tell harrowing stories of ‘immigrants’ but this one takes the proverbial biscuit: ‘Stacy’ I think her name is, ‘a fashion designer’, wanted to take her children to show them where she is from. So she takes them, I assume out of school on an unauthorised absence, to Sudan. Now one of the things that is quite plain about Sudan, is that there has been a war between the ‘Christian’ South and the northern province who, largely, wanted to get their hands on the oil in the south of Sudan.
This war between the newly independent south and the northern territory has sort of erupted into the present conflict in that there is something of a power vacuum and two warlords are trying to establish control over the north. Hopefully, ‘Stacy’ will be charged with ‘child endangerment’ for her dimness in taking her children to a war zone but I don’t hold out much hope for that. It was a totally brainless thing to do, bearing in mind the recent history of Sudan.
The Biden Broadcasting Corporation studiously covers for The Imbecile by editing out his innumerable stumbles, mumbles, jumbles and bumbles.
Not to mention his and his son’s criminal activities going back years.
bBC reports on a foreign sounding women who is depressed
I guess the name Nesrin El-Haj could be Welsh
the ex british broadcaster does seem to worry alot about foreign people, and not about the “Racist white man” anymore, who probably the majority pay its tele tax!
Will he be at the event? – he’s a shoo-in for VIP comp tickets. He could egg them on from a special Royal Box?
A chance to commune with his subjects in Liverpool too… – what’s not to like?
I just recall (with a slight shudder) the catastrophically awful Royal “It’s a Knockout” with Stuart Hall (yeah, that one) gabbling away… This time around a drag queen would be fun ?
TWatO Watch #1 – I assume the BBC covered this again at lunchtime
“Pill by Name, Pill by Nature”, at least Liz Truss has an excuse for being a complete pill. Huw Pill, Chief Economist at the Bank of England, has opened his mouth and planted both feet at the same time firmly within. That is quite an achievement. If only he was better at doing his job, perhaps we would all be better off.
I was so annoyed with the BBC’s Out of Africa stories that I hit the off switch a couple of times. I have no idea whether the Compleat Pill was covered by the Montacutie.
His age is immaterial. His mental state is absolutely relevant.
The fact he has not been pressured to take an independent cognitive test and the results made public tell me all I need to know about the rotten, corrupt politicised nature of the mainstream media.
Apparently they were demanding it every day for Trump.
Did I hear that the FCO ( working from home branch ) had put a caution on not ‘travelling to Sudan ‘a while ago …. Doesn’t seem to get mentioned much …..
Fed, probably. The war between North & South certainly got a lot of media publicity and anyone with half a brain must have known it was a risky country to travel to.
Questions to ‘British citizens ‘ dumb enough to go to Sudan
1 the evacuation was too slow wasnt it ?
2 all other countries were all better right ?
3 the government was slow because they’re racists right ?
4 the blue labour lot are crap at everything arnt they ?
5 whites would have got treated better right ?
The BBC must be desperate for either dead service personnel or even better dead ‘British ‘ civilians – preferably NHS employees … then they can roll out the full race industry …..
As predicted – not much sign of gratitude ….
BTW – surely there should be a ‘public inquiry ‘ chaired by another friend of Starmer ?
ITV localnewsPR
PRasNews for a campaign to get more MEN in primary school teaching
25% of “state funded schools* in our ITV region do NOT have ANY male teachers”
*That filters out Muslim, Jewish and private schools etc.
“75.5% of UK primary school teachers are female”
.. So it’s strange to me that other careers try to have 50% women
the woman aren’t available cos the are teaching (or nursing)
Apparently the Met plod has recruited another 20 000 ‘officers ‘…I was trying to do the ‘math ‘ – how many were vetted ? How many have criminal records ? I don’t know and I bet the met plod doesn’t know either …..
I am sure the Met Office will find 40 degrees in Spain in the coming week. The forecasts are littered with maybes and coulds to cover themselves in case. We have had cold spring with frosts even predicted for this evening. This doesn’t fit the narrative of a world literally on fire. Of course that 40 will be found in Spain, but even if it isn’t, the message will have entered our psyches and the frosty mornings forgotten.
I wrote the previous post before I saw the news. I watched as evacuated ‘Brits” arrived in Cyprus, People who apparently hold British Passports. They mostly, however, appeared to be native Sudanese. I looked in vain for anyone that was white.
I’m perplexed . Apparently Andrew Bridgen has been expelled from the Conservative Party ( for telling the truth about vaccines killing people ) . What perplexes me is ‘what Conservative Party ?’ . The current government threw £300 at 8 million households yesterday with another £600 through 2023 – on top of any more welfare people get …..
… clearly times of austerity ….and a labour government
.also . DT carries a story about how the issue of inflation proof bonds by the Bank of England has been many times oversubscribed – signalling that inflation is now where near being controlled – as anyone in the real world will know ….
Phillip Schofield’s paedophile brother is sacked from police force after being convicted of 11 sex offences against a child..
Its put the end to Philip Scofield career on TV, Scofield not long ago appalled his wife and family by ‘coming out’ as gay. He was then applauded the Left for his ‘bravery’. After all he was on TV Adverts!, had a nice spot as a TV presenter making inane and harmless comments and seemed to be the future of smug aimless daytime ITV.
What’s the BBC connection I wondered…?
Schofield gained national attention working for the BBC, first as a continuity presenter for Children’s BBC on weekdays from 1985 to 1987! Schofield presented the National Lottery Winning Lines programme for BBC One between June 2001 and October 2004. And between 2002 and 2006, he co-hosted the BBC quiz show Test the Nation with Anne Robinson. In July 2006, he signed an exclusive two-year contract with ITV, reported to have been worth £5 million.
For the BBC again While working as presenter of Going Live!, Schofield was also broadcasting on BBC Radio 1 with a Sunday show (also called Going Live). When Radio 1 started to broadcast in FM stereo in 1988, Schofield was one of the presenters chosen to help with the launch.
It says a lot about the BBC training programe and the activities of the Police who employed them both in different roles for ‘performing’ acts on children. You have to ask, how could this happen.????
The BBC link is worryiing, but the link to the Police is even more worrying.
I really did not know there was any links to the BBC but now its more than obvious that they both influenced each other is without doubt. And then the BBC has had ‘form’ before, quite a few BBC presenters have been since arrested, except perhaps – Jimmy Saville who was never arrested.
‘Untouchables’, – the Police used say and alongside the late Cyril Smith (often on the BBC as ‘balance’) you may remember who was a Liberal MP who was also we found out was a long term a serial abuser of young boys, never arrested either.
Raine has been incompetent for years and a classic example of appointing useless droids to important positions. Absolutely hopeless as many are at the MHRA. Ask Professor David Healy about the MHRA response to GSK’s seroxat side effects. MHRA response was to employ the medic at GSK responsible for that drug to a senior position in their organisation. Thick as thieves like politicians.
Actually terminal David Healy has very informative regular blog. It does make you despair at the attitudes of senior people in power in Government and the Medical profession in general.
Yes that’s the one I’ve looked at. At least there’s some pushback happening e.g.
To All MPs. You will have received a copy of the Perseus Report. Please read it, we are certain that if you take the time, you will call for an immediate investigation into @MHRAgovuk Please come and meet us at @10DowningStreet at 5pm today.https://t.co/sUBiCIDpIs
It never ceases to amaze me just how slippery and deceitful the BBC are. You absolutely cannot trust a single thing they say to be the truth unless you check it elsewhere. And then you nearly alsways discover something they deliberately omitted.
I read the above article and like most people, played the video. It is just Tucker telling us he doesn’t deliberately lie.
As the entire article (apart from the predictable re-running of the original story in the second half) is referring to his twitter video, I – like most people – assumed that was what I had just seen. Particularly as they tell us the new video is about ‘liars’ and the one they show is him talking about lying.
But as usual something didn’t seem right. The video had the BBC logo on it for a start and it was only 1 minute long whereas the twitter video is 2 minutes. And even more suspicious, the BBC do not provide any link to twitter.
So I found him on twitter and watched it. Guess what – it was an entirely different video to the BBC one and talked about a LOT more than just people lying.
Well done BBC. Another gross and deliberate misrepresentation to hide a truth you don’t want us to know. I suspect you only ran this story so you could re-run the original story inside it, including dragging Trump into it – which is one of your latest tricks to keep them current.
But of course there are no actual lies on the page. They do not state the video is from twitter – they just load everything to make you assume it. It’s actually no different from blatant lies except it can’t be caught by a fact-checker.
The video had the BBC logo on it for a start and it was only 1 minute long whereas the twitter video is 2 minutes.
I wonder at the minutiae of rights to Tucker’s video 🙂
The BBC piece you linked no longer has a “BBC edited highlights” – just a link to the Twitter post… I hope somebody has saved a copy of the watermarked BBC piece!
While Bryan Freedman likely has a few bigger issues to deal with, it’d be amusing if there was a way to put the BBC’s feet over some red hot charcoal?
You know tomo, I sometimes wonder if the BBC monitor places like this and when they get caught out for one of their deliberate lies which clearly shows their bias, they change it quick.
I run a small blog targeting the Environment Agency’s nasty antics and have visitor recording in place.
Their PR / Press office are regular visitors as are HQ + regional offices as well as individuals who think they’re swerving tracking by WFH.
Hello BBC Monitoring!
There’s a site that records +”diffs” the versions of articles on the BBC web site – the url of which I seem to always forget – it’d be interesting to see how this one morphed. Maybe a shortcut placed at the start of every thread here might be fun? – for a while anyway…
Not the BBC, but I can see where the NHS money goes and adds to plastic waste.
To get a urine sample. Instead of a simple tube, a kit contained a plastic tube with a plastic syringe attached, that the end has to be broken off to hold the sample. To collect the sample there was a plastic cup. The sample had to be placed inside a plastic bag with an exterior flap to place a piece of paper in. NHS, the art of making something simple complex, expensive, and benefitting everyone apart from the patient.
Declaration – I’m a gambler – I put my 20p EW on ggs regularly .
But Today gives airtime to the parents of a teenager who committed suicide – seems he was addicted to gambling . Obviously dreadful – as any such death is .
But now they are campaigning to restrict gambling and tax it even more . The bbc likes this – and the gambling industry knows this by not putting up a representative to be beaten up by a bbc type .
This country is fixated on more more regulation – restriction – control . Typically socialist .
Mind you – in the today sports bit each day they put up 2 gg ‘tips ‘…. Good to see the bbc wanting to promote gambling . I bet they stop it soon ….like they stopped showing horse racing …
Some have predicted the distinctive cockney accent could soon be brown bread (dead, for those unfamiliar with cockney rhyming slang) but the team behind The Modern Cockney Festival will say it’s still very much alive. From a pearly burka to jellied eels, what does it mean to be a cockney in 2023 – and are some of the most authentic ones not even from London?
The modern patois in London is called “Multicultural London English” or “MLE”. It is the strange dialect which changes words such as “like” to “layke” or “I Player” to “Aah Playahh”.
Rob in Cheshire,
I was standing behind one of these characters at the Morrisons Local the other day. I only knew he was white because he was wearing shorts. He talked v-e-r-y s-l-o-w-l-y as if speaking was an intellectual challenge and had on a purple hoodie spattered with yellow LA Lakers logos (at first I thought he might be a rep for Cadbury’s Creme Eggs). It’s his culture, if you akks me.
To think I used to get annoyed by Arfur Daley imitators all those years ago.
A lol splutter tea moment . Some idiot talking about setting up a committee to make Blighty healthier – to be the healthiest country in Europe in 30 years time . How I laughed ( this post was sponsored by macee Dee , KFC and Deliveroo )
Yes, this morning, when I was sat down (no further information provided…..) when I heard that. Did I laugh. These people increasingly display the incomprehensible World in which they live. Certainly not mine.
I meant to post this yesterday but did anyone hear the BBC into failures in the mental health accommodation situation and how the contractors are failing the ‘patients’? One such interviewee was on 24 Hr watch because she was “suicidal”. She complained that the attendant in her room on one of the part 24Hr shifts, fell asleep. Is it me, my sick sense of humour or anything else? But if you had suicidal tendencies, would you not welcome the opportunity to, unobserved, carry out the deed…………….
But a complaint on top of it indicates some other mental health problem surely.
📺 "The problem is the vastly widening inequality in this country."@carla_denyer lays out our plan for a wealth tax on the richest 1% following the Bank of England's insulting instruction to accept that we're poorer, while the pay of FTSE100 CEOs has increased by 23% 👇 pic.twitter.com/waxKnlc096
An Alarming video this morning on the state of Rishi Washee’s Britain, and thanks to the media failing to understand anything other than Socialism, and absolutely nothing about economics we have not been informed and educated just how bad the British economy truly is.
Well here is an insight for you, but I warn you that you will be shocked by the dire state of the UK economy.
Nicki and team understand socialism very well, as they look from Corbyn to Starmer, Starmer to Sunak, and realise that they get a very nice cut of public funds whatever happens.
Very greatful – as always – for your putting up of videos like this -and I think I will subscribe …. I recall last year we were criticising the Bank of England for being too late and too slow to put up rates to counter rapidly increasing inflation .
I got it wrong by forecasting a recession / depression this year .
But the Wolf suggests that in order to even control out inflation rate thd interest rates will have to hit 10%….
On the 10th May – as I understand it – the forecast is that the rate will increase to 4.5% another 0.25% up . Then it will be left alone for at least a quarter …..
….. I have no doubt that the cost of living will be the battle ground for the coming election – even more than open borders ….so the blues will be exposed to worstening economic conditions in the run up to that election . The blue tories are throwing money at those on benefits – but the main bulk of voters will be left high and dry with increasing costs across the board ….
So what do you think ? If the bank continues to operate on a policy of Pray ‘ – will inflations rates stay higher – will foreign investors lose any remaining confidence in the UK – will we be in the decline I predict ….?
What he did also say was that bad though inflation figures were they are lower than they might be because of oil and gas prices. When those start to rise again inflation will rocket.
As for the US it is rumoured that Biden sold all the US Gold reserves to China along with the fuel at bargain prices from the SPR in order to prop up his squandering to the extent there is now a slogan Fort knox empty box, although what the implications of this for the Western economy is I have no idea.
I know what I would be doing if I were in power but Rishi Washee is an insignificant pimple, unfit to be a world leader and dwarf compared to the political giant that is Macron (sarcasm intended here).
Macron has at least seen the writing on the wall, distanced his country from another war this time in the far East, and moved closer to the BRICS nations. Soon I think we will see an EU country joining and it will spell the end of the EU. This is posited as the reason Biden destroyed the Nordstream pipelines, because Germany appeared to be first.
Hey – my favourite lefty minister – Andy plebgate Mitchell is giving a speech today telling the world we ll be giving away more borrowed taxpayers’ money to bongo bongo land .
I reckon billions of our money will be sent to Sudan for no particular reason … meanwhile the Chinese buy countries …
Martha trying to give some minister a kicking over extracting those lucky Muslims with British passports – apparently the FCO is too slow … maybe the civil servants need a bit of bullying
Or maybe the blue labour government should hand over the job of ‘extracting’ these people to the BBC ….
TOADY Watch #1 – “A marvellous news day so everyone no doubt overjoyed at the BBC.” (digg)
And just to make it that little bit better, up pops ‘disgraced’ former Director of Public Health (England). I say disgraced because she should be, that silly Sally Davies woman. We very nearly had an Ebola outbreak in the UK on her watch because she was more concerned about smoking in the open air of Trafalgar Square*. I note that she is making a statement today on behalf of, iirc, the Institute for Public Policy Research described by Amol Rajan as “centre Left” which means BBC speak for Far Left or Hard Left.
* Don’t get me wrong. I dislike smoking intently. Since Labour 1997-2010 banned it in indoor settings and the ‘workplace’, I dislike it even more when I catch a whiff of a cigarette or even a vape in the open air.
Me too up2 – l look at those smoking and wonder how many they are going to infect with cancer …. I have another darker thought which cannot be written here…
There’s further evidence this morning that Sir Keir has been taking lessons at the knee of his master and mentor as he preceeds to Blairify the “New” New Labour by putting some of the scary monsters under wraps: Starmer ‘sidelines’ Raynor. Allies fear deputy leader’s role is under threat (‘i’)
There’s an echo of the first big step we saw in Labour’s latest iteration of a PR overhaul in Suzanne Moore’s feature piece in the Telegraph: First Corbyn now Biden: Left-wingers refusing to quit
Because mainstream left-wingers like our stuffed-shirt Starmer know in their heart of hearts that UK and US populations remain conservative at heart and their leftist parties have to jump the hurdle of an election every now and then so as to consolidate their power.
The Daily Mail is an odd beast. This morning it rails against the reality of the world as it is – wishing it were something different. Now that’s not very conservative, is it?
Invitations to put you off your Coronation quiche (Mail) – a Windrush-inspired hearing-impaired trans-female choir at the Abbey wearing rainbow robes and groaning out the national anthem, we wonder? From rastafarian to trustafarian – Orange paint splashed Just Stop Oil activists Tarquin and Evangeline superglued to the lecturn to recite a homily on sustainability and veganism, perhaps?
Meanwhile: Wicca’s World. Is paganism about to go mainstream? (Guardian)
One’s a Eurovision fan I’ll be egging on UK entrant Mae (Metro)
Of course, we know we’ll have to endure all that, plus: Invited Architect of China’s brutal crackdown in Hong Kong. Invited Sinn Fien leader from prominent IRA family. (Mail)
Folks, the latter travesties are simply realpolitik. The Daily Mail frontpage is Don Quixote, tilting at windmills here. What a conservative newspaper ought to be complaining about is the afore-mentioned looming cultural wokism and diversity aspects of the coronation.
It hardly needs saying but just like a Londoner strolling along his local high street these days one scans the press photos of: Escape from Sudan Hell. First Brits fleeing warring militias in Khartoum arrive back in UK (Metro) – and there’s not a native white English, Welsh, Irish or Scots-looking “Brit” to be seen. Same if you cross reference with the FT’s photograph or the snap in the Guardian (same pic used on BBC online news – natch – and it’s official: photo credit MOD)
It worked well once before, so let’s give it another go: ‘Concerns raised’ over Barclay’s conduct towards civil servants (Guardian)
One believes it was a former Russian Vladimir… Lenin, who advise his allies that if you feel no resistance, then push your bayonet in further.
One begins to realise just what a genius political opperator Tony Blair was. Despite the inate conservatism of the mass of the population he bent every aspect of government administration institutionally leftward in favour of Blair and his allies. No wonder no ministerial department’s staff can now work happily under an actual conservative minister.
The Times teases its Times2 magazine and leaves us in little doubt as to the demographic targeted: What married men will never admit; and Why I can’t afford my Pret habit
And the crony big corporate globalist technocrat one-world-government inspired FT appears to admit our former Goldman Sachs office boy manlet of a PM has just admitted to that highly contraversial white population replacement conspiracy theory: Sunak’s big idea is a nation more like him
Wow, talk about putting it out there in plain sight. Remember folks, it’s not a conspiracy theory if it’s true.
Asiseeit – it would be very sad if angree raynor was put in the box currently occupied by the racial coloured fatbot of hackney ..
Angee must be worth a dozen constituencies – with people saying ‘ you would really vote for #that#?
( not that it matters of course because there is no difference between those ‘parties’ ) …
So let’s contaminate Ukraine and when the wind blows towards the West and the monitors which are being installed in various cities in the UK (DSTL involved in these trials) pick up signs of contamination, the government can send everyone an Emergency Alert on their smart phones. Stay indoors, lockdown, be afraid. It’s all the fault of Russia.
Somehow the houses aren’t there at all! Nope, the A4060 is there, with an industrial estate the other side, but – er – houses don’t figure close by at all!
Looking back on previous Beeboid articles, they’ve used the same picture with the houses in every instance!
Now I must confess to liking to live in our village in west Kent, nowhere near the defunct coal mines, and not overpowered by a slag heap, that is our choice, and clearly the local Merthyr (indigenous white) population are pleased that the operation will stop at some stage, but wouldn’t it be nice if the BBC told the truth, and showed actual photgraphs of the relationship of the mine with the residents’ homes instead of a bog-standard stock image of just about any building site in the world, (except North Korea, maybe Sudan)…!
Rain Newton Smith, a woman who could rain on any parade judging by the photos on the BBC web-site, was given a pre-8 o’clock slot to explain the changes she is making to the misogynistic, sexist, CBI. She spoke with lots of ‘NewLabour’/old Labour expressions so I am not optimistic that the CBI will reflect any time soon the views of its member firms but will be a firmly pro-EU lobby group under Rain Newton-Smith’s direction.
I’m sure that Microsoft will still want the money it takes from UK businesses daily, in turn of millions
As if Microsoft throwing it dummy out the pram will make a difference, just words but as the bBC is “sponsored” by the likes of the Microsoft the bBC needs to take this serious
BBC have a HYS on Ukraine and I replied to a student who said ‘Who next ?’ as a justification for us sending more ammunition.
My comment was:
‘Nobody because that would be taking on NATO.
Which is precisely why it all started. Russia cannot fight NATO and hence considers them to be in Ukraine right at Russia’s belly to be unacceptable. Like Cuba was unacceptable.
There are some very, very ignorant people making extremely bold comments here. Why do I think they will be last in the line to join up ?.’
And to my astonishment (but not surprise) they have indeed deleted the comment because:
‘Are considered likely to disrupt, provoke, attack or offend others Are racist, sexist, homophobic, sexually explicit, abusive or otherwise objectionable Contain swear words or other language likely to offend”‘
It seems that my comment that people saying we should immediately go to war with Russia are ignorant is not allowed because they might be offended by it.
Free speech – BBC style. Anyone who agrees with the BBC agenda must not be offended by those who don’t. This marks the very end of the old BBC for me. They are now 100% activist.
But JohnC – surely – if you read comments on this site – one of the many reasons for ending the bbc – is that it is now beyond a public service – government funded news operation and is a propaganda tool for approved views ….
I’d cite the number of times people from opposing views are given time on – say – Toady – to explain and prove their view .
It just doesn’t happen . What happens is the bbc ‘interviewer ‘ just goes for a ‘gotcha ‘ or ‘some say ‘ in order to rubbish a non approved view .
I cannot see the point of engaging on their website because if your comment is ‘unapproved ‘ some eager 21 year old media studies gradual ( daddy got her the job ) is going to delete you .
Don’t pay for the bbc .
For a while I tried (>10 years ago) Guardian comments.
They weren’t interested in evidence or rational inferences from evidence or actual observation and hadn’t at that time got any explanation beyond some community standards blather. I was careful to offer comparisons rather than use direct confrontation – and got repeatedly banned.
Those “graduals” are instructed what to do.
That said – reach is waning because people get their information elsewhere and can see they’re being misled.
Jerking their chains to get this sort of reaction does serve a purpose in terms of confirming suspicions about their agenda.
Given what they do one has to be mindful that that could translate into something altogether nastier at some point in the future.
Another day, another injustice ‘we’ need to change. R5 are pushing this now: the pain some kids experience when they don’t make it as a professional footballer needs addressing.
BBC’s selective campaigning continues to be ridiculously out of touch with the actual struggles of the people forced to pay their wages.
'It's time for change'
Liverpool footballer Trent Alexander-Arnold has told #BBCBreakfast he is launching the 'The After Academy', to support former academy players who don't make it as a professional after making an appeal on Instagramhttps://t.co/qmaQ3SxjkApic.twitter.com/MkAT7LZxSS
There is a new whine-a-thon on the bbc about the Ukranians needing more of this and more of that to beat Russia. If you want to get a comment posted you need to state the following :-
1) Russia wants to take over all of Europe
2) Appeasement never works e.g. Hitler around 1933
You can trust nato, they wouldn’t do that sort of thing. They wouldn’t dream of expansion eastwards, apart from Czechia :-
– and Hungary
– and Poland
– and Bulgaria
– and Estonia
– and Latvia
– and Slovakia
– and Slovenia
– and Albania
– and Croatia
– and Montenegro
– and North Macedonia
– and Finland
– and Lithuania
So it’s entirely reasonable to think the near-annexation of Ukraine shouldn’t annoy Russia at all. Point this out to any bbc contributor and they will have no idea what your point is.
The second thing to do is ask why anyone would want to take over what Europe and Britain have now become. Fifty years ago maybe, and we all know the difference.
After their success in getting Raab out for ‘bullying’ the Civil Snowflakes have now decided that Steve Barclay is their next target to get rid of by accusing him of ‘bullying’
Here’s your question:
Is Steve Barclay a leaver or remainer?
Anybody on here who doesn’t know the answer without googling it will get the answer correct.
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MarkyMarkMar 12, 10:34 Midweek 12th March 2025 Pipa Doubtfire Former Head of Revenue Management Roles and responsibilities Pipa Doubtfire is Head of Revenue Management. She leads a…
“Brits” in danger in Sudan….
Police recruitment problems….
Biggest care home provider failing patients…
Food banks busier than ever…
A marvellous news day so everyone no doubt overjoyed at the BBC.
A disturbing podcast on You Tube from Jordan Peterson when he talks with Heather McDonald about the impact of Wokism on the academic competence which underpins our society. It looks as though if the liberal left keep forcing their equity agenda on us within a couple of decades we will be begging China or India to run our Nuclear power stations , our scientific research institutes , our factories, infact anything that is complex because we simply won’t have the people who are sufficiently bright and educated to be able to do it themselves!
There is an excellent and much shorter interview ( 30 minutes) with Heather McDonald by Peter Robinson about her book the Diversity Delusion 2019 in the Uncommon Knowledge series, again available on You Tube. It covers some of the ground as the Jordan Peterson pod cast .
Did you see JRM and that awful wimmin on GBN last night.
Talk about bullying, she was full on outraged and plain nasty hurling insults at JRM who remained calm throughout.
Shouting over anything he tried to say it just wouldn’t shut up.
Marina Purkiss I think it was called.
A bit like that narinder gobby girl.
I’ve noticed that the lefties on GBN always get more time than the ones on the right.
On Dewbs last night the one called Atul must have had three quarters of the airtime while the Conservative one had less than a quarter as the lefty kept interrupting him. Dewbs just let him talk and talk and I think she started to realise he was taking over her show when she said that after the break she would let the other (conservative) one speak.
Today on Talk TV (Ian Collins) a caller asked why the lefty wimmin (Louise Colvey) was allowed so much more time than the one from the right (Stephen Woolfe) whilst talking about immigration and he said he just let them get on with it.
Collins also seemed happy when he found out the breaking news that Andrew Bridgen was thrown out of the blue Labour Party (for telling the truth about Covid)
I hope he joins Reform.
This type of BBC-style behaviour has become very noticeable recently, both on GBN and Talk TV. I’ve been listening to Collins this afternoon and you are being very generous when you describe him as merely happy about Andrew Bridgen – he subsequently went into a full rave and character assassination, along with a sly dig at Lawrence Fox and his Reclaim Party. In conjunction with the purges of Mark Steyn and Tucker Carlson, the assumption must be that the message has gone out from high (WEF Central) that no dissenting voices are to be permitted in the controlled media.
Obviously not Brexit – must be the virus….?
TWatO Watch #1 – do not under-estimate the stupidity of ‘some people’
The BBC are anxious to tell harrowing stories of ‘immigrants’ but this one takes the proverbial biscuit: ‘Stacy’ I think her name is, ‘a fashion designer’, wanted to take her children to show them where she is from. So she takes them, I assume out of school on an unauthorised absence, to Sudan. Now one of the things that is quite plain about Sudan, is that there has been a war between the ‘Christian’ South and the northern province who, largely, wanted to get their hands on the oil in the south of Sudan.
This war between the newly independent south and the northern territory has sort of erupted into the present conflict in that there is something of a power vacuum and two warlords are trying to establish control over the north. Hopefully, ‘Stacy’ will be charged with ‘child endangerment’ for her dimness in taking her children to a war zone but I don’t hold out much hope for that. It was a totally brainless thing to do, bearing in mind the recent history of Sudan.
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – scroll down to ‘Elder Statesman’ if you dare ….
Augghhhhh! ‘Ugly kid, Joe’!
That will give children nightmares!
The Biden Broadcasting Corporation studiously covers for The Imbecile by editing out his innumerable stumbles, mumbles, jumbles and bumbles.
Not to mention his and his son’s criminal activities going back years.
Sudan evacuation: Woman depressed as family flee war-torn Sudan
bBC reports on a foreign sounding women who is depressed
I guess the name Nesrin El-Haj could be Welsh
the ex british broadcaster does seem to worry alot about foreign people, and not about the “Racist white man” anymore, who probably the majority pay its tele tax!
“Eating fish same as eating cats, Cleethorpes animal rights poster suggests”
Since when did a fish become an animal, perhaps its a ‘catfish’ ?
Deeply racist and intolerant. Cat meat is eaten in China, Korea, Vietnam, and also by Australian aborigines. And it tastes nothing like fish.
Next these people will be telling us that eating insects is the same as eating beef…
“Since when did a fish become an animal,”
Oh dear. Has no-one got the heart to tell him?
I did hear that there’s a Crustacean Liberation Front
– somebody’s got to stand up for the insects.
At this point, Russian invasion would technically be a liberation.
I’d love to know what Charles really thinks….
Will he be at the event? – he’s a shoo-in for VIP comp tickets. He could egg them on from a special Royal Box?
A chance to commune with his subjects in Liverpool too… – what’s not to like?
I just recall (with a slight shudder) the catastrophically awful Royal “It’s a Knockout” with Stuart Hall (yeah, that one) gabbling away… This time around a drag queen would be fun ?
TWatO Watch #1 – I assume the BBC covered this again at lunchtime
“Pill by Name, Pill by Nature”, at least Liz Truss has an excuse for being a complete pill. Huw Pill, Chief Economist at the Bank of England, has opened his mouth and planted both feet at the same time firmly within. That is quite an achievement. If only he was better at doing his job, perhaps we would all be better off.
I was so annoyed with the BBC’s Out of Africa stories that I hit the off switch a couple of times. I have no idea whether the Compleat Pill was covered by the Montacutie.
He’s never been fit for office
And he was never elected …
His age is immaterial. His mental state is absolutely relevant.
The fact he has not been pressured to take an independent cognitive test and the results made public tell me all I need to know about the rotten, corrupt politicised nature of the mainstream media.
Apparently they were demanding it every day for Trump.
Did I hear that the FCO ( working from home branch ) had put a caution on not ‘travelling to Sudan ‘a while ago …. Doesn’t seem to get mentioned much …..
Fed, probably. The war between North & South certainly got a lot of media publicity and anyone with half a brain must have known it was a risky country to travel to.
What the BBC, MSM and our warmongering politicians are ommiting to tell the public in this country:
Bbc news
Questions to ‘British citizens ‘ dumb enough to go to Sudan
1 the evacuation was too slow wasnt it ?
2 all other countries were all better right ?
3 the government was slow because they’re racists right ?
4 the blue labour lot are crap at everything arnt they ?
5 whites would have got treated better right ?
The BBC must be desperate for either dead service personnel or even better dead ‘British ‘ civilians – preferably NHS employees … then they can roll out the full race industry …..
As predicted – not much sign of gratitude ….
BTW – surely there should be a ‘public inquiry ‘ chaired by another friend of Starmer ?
ITV localnewsPR
PRasNews for a campaign to get more MEN in primary school teaching
25% of “state funded schools* in our ITV region do NOT have ANY male teachers”
*That filters out Muslim, Jewish and private schools etc.
“75.5% of UK primary school teachers are female”
.. So it’s strange to me that other careers try to have 50% women
the woman aren’t available cos the are teaching (or nursing)
Apparently the Met plod has recruited another 20 000 ‘officers ‘…I was trying to do the ‘math ‘ – how many were vetted ? How many have criminal records ? I don’t know and I bet the met plod doesn’t know either …..
I would LOVE to know the percentage of BAME applicants who applied and who got taken on compared to white people.
It would show the ‘quota’ rule very clearly and would explain why standards are so low. Because of plain old racist discrimination.
I am sure the Met Office will find 40 degrees in Spain in the coming week. The forecasts are littered with maybes and coulds to cover themselves in case. We have had cold spring with frosts even predicted for this evening. This doesn’t fit the narrative of a world literally on fire. Of course that 40 will be found in Spain, but even if it isn’t, the message will have entered our psyches and the frosty mornings forgotten.
It will be interesting to see if any of the native Sudanese evacuated from Sudan will turn out to have been granted asylum and residency in the West.
I wrote the previous post before I saw the news. I watched as evacuated ‘Brits” arrived in Cyprus, People who apparently hold British Passports. They mostly, however, appeared to be native Sudanese. I looked in vain for anyone that was white.
I’m perplexed . Apparently Andrew Bridgen has been expelled from the Conservative Party ( for telling the truth about vaccines killing people ) . What perplexes me is ‘what Conservative Party ?’ . The current government threw £300 at 8 million households yesterday with another £600 through 2023 – on top of any more welfare people get …..
… clearly times of austerity ….and a labour government
.also . DT carries a story about how the issue of inflation proof bonds by the Bank of England has been many times oversubscribed – signalling that inflation is now where near being controlled – as anyone in the real world will know ….
Andrew Bridgen was a leaver
Phillip Schofield’s paedophile brother is sacked from police force after being convicted of 11 sex offences against a child..
Its put the end to Philip Scofield career on TV, Scofield not long ago appalled his wife and family by ‘coming out’ as gay. He was then applauded the Left for his ‘bravery’. After all he was on TV Adverts!, had a nice spot as a TV presenter making inane and harmless comments and seemed to be the future of smug aimless daytime ITV.
What’s the BBC connection I wondered…?
Schofield gained national attention working for the BBC, first as a continuity presenter for Children’s BBC on weekdays from 1985 to 1987! Schofield presented the National Lottery Winning Lines programme for BBC One between June 2001 and October 2004. And between 2002 and 2006, he co-hosted the BBC quiz show Test the Nation with Anne Robinson. In July 2006, he signed an exclusive two-year contract with ITV, reported to have been worth £5 million.
For the BBC again While working as presenter of Going Live!, Schofield was also broadcasting on BBC Radio 1 with a Sunday show (also called Going Live). When Radio 1 started to broadcast in FM stereo in 1988, Schofield was one of the presenters chosen to help with the launch.
It says a lot about the BBC training programe and the activities of the Police who employed them both in different roles for ‘performing’ acts on children. You have to ask, how could this happen.????
The BBC link is worryiing, but the link to the Police is even more worrying.
I really did not know there was any links to the BBC but now its more than obvious that they both influenced each other is without doubt. And then the BBC has had ‘form’ before, quite a few BBC presenters have been since arrested, except perhaps – Jimmy Saville who was never arrested.
‘Untouchables’, – the Police used say and alongside the late Cyril Smith (often on the BBC as ‘balance’) you may remember who was a Liberal MP who was also we found out was a long term a serial abuser of young boys, never arrested either.
They are a class apart.
MHRA not for for purpose – Professor Norman Fenton:
Raine has been incompetent for years and a classic example of appointing useless droids to important positions. Absolutely hopeless as many are at the MHRA. Ask Professor David Healy about the MHRA response to GSK’s seroxat side effects. MHRA response was to employ the medic at GSK responsible for that drug to a senior position in their organisation. Thick as thieves like politicians.
Doc I think it was you who mentioned David Healy in a post a while ago, it’s been a good discovery.
Actually terminal David Healy has very informative regular blog. It does make you despair at the attitudes of senior people in power in Government and the Medical profession in general.
Yes that’s the one I’ve looked at. At least there’s some pushback happening e.g.
Is there a national incompetency award?- the public sector just *love* awards + prizes.
21 people have pursued personal injury compensation claims against the council.
Here’s a gift for Guest starring his personal favourite : Sopes.
I found it by accident and it shows what a complete dickhead the man is.
Trump to BBC News: Here’s another beauty – BBC News
The comments beneath are almost all anti-BBC.
Tucker Carlson breaks silence after Fox News exit
It never ceases to amaze me just how slippery and deceitful the BBC are. You absolutely cannot trust a single thing they say to be the truth unless you check it elsewhere. And then you nearly alsways discover something they deliberately omitted.
I read the above article and like most people, played the video. It is just Tucker telling us he doesn’t deliberately lie.
As the entire article (apart from the predictable re-running of the original story in the second half) is referring to his twitter video, I – like most people – assumed that was what I had just seen. Particularly as they tell us the new video is about ‘liars’ and the one they show is him talking about lying.
But as usual something didn’t seem right. The video had the BBC logo on it for a start and it was only 1 minute long whereas the twitter video is 2 minutes. And even more suspicious, the BBC do not provide any link to twitter.
So I found him on twitter and watched it. Guess what – it was an entirely different video to the BBC one and talked about a LOT more than just people lying.
Well done BBC. Another gross and deliberate misrepresentation to hide a truth you don’t want us to know. I suspect you only ran this story so you could re-run the original story inside it, including dragging Trump into it – which is one of your latest tricks to keep them current.
But of course there are no actual lies on the page. They do not state the video is from twitter – they just load everything to make you assume it. It’s actually no different from blatant lies except it can’t be caught by a fact-checker.
That’s the norm these days, John!
Twitter and the BBC are now like oil and water, they’ll never mix to make something useful!
Luckily Twitter has it’s place in society far higher than the awful BBC, which is now really struggling to keep going!
BBC=Radio Spaffordshire – the voice of mediocrity…
I’ve noticed they only provide links to Twitter when the account is guaranteed to have comments by left wing activists.
They even use a snapshot of the twitter comment sometimes if the comments aren’t ‘approved’ instead of a link so you can’t go look for yourself.
I wonder at the minutiae of rights to Tucker’s video 🙂
The BBC piece you linked no longer has a “BBC edited highlights” – just a link to the Twitter post… I hope somebody has saved a copy of the watermarked BBC piece!
While Bryan Freedman likely has a few bigger issues to deal with, it’d be amusing if there was a way to put the BBC’s feet over some red hot charcoal?
You know tomo, I sometimes wonder if the BBC monitor places like this and when they get caught out for one of their deliberate lies which clearly shows their bias, they change it quick.
It’s not the first time this has happened.
JohnC – they are lurking – it’s a certainty.
I run a small blog targeting the Environment Agency’s nasty antics and have visitor recording in place.
Their PR / Press office are regular visitors as are HQ + regional offices as well as individuals who think they’re swerving tracking by WFH.
Hello BBC Monitoring!
There’s a site that records +”diffs” the versions of articles on the BBC web site – the url of which I seem to always forget – it’d be interesting to see how this one morphed. Maybe a shortcut placed at the start of every thread here might be fun? – for a while anyway…
Ukraine war: Sniper kills fixer and wounds Italian reporter in Ukraine
“…by suspected Russian snipers”
So might be the Ukrainians, I suspect
I don’t think Russian snipers will hold the Western media in high regard. They are active enemy.
Todays bBC promotion for price increases:-
Cost of homemade cheese sandwich rises by more than a third
The “british” retail consortium must sponsor the bbc for the constant price increase promotions
Not the BBC, but I can see where the NHS money goes and adds to plastic waste.
To get a urine sample. Instead of a simple tube, a kit contained a plastic tube with a plastic syringe attached, that the end has to be broken off to hold the sample. To collect the sample there was a plastic cup. The sample had to be placed inside a plastic bag with an exterior flap to place a piece of paper in. NHS, the art of making something simple complex, expensive, and benefitting everyone apart from the patient.
Declaration – I’m a gambler – I put my 20p EW on ggs regularly .
But Today gives airtime to the parents of a teenager who committed suicide – seems he was addicted to gambling . Obviously dreadful – as any such death is .
But now they are campaigning to restrict gambling and tax it even more . The bbc likes this – and the gambling industry knows this by not putting up a representative to be beaten up by a bbc type .
This country is fixated on more more regulation – restriction – control . Typically socialist .
Mind you – in the today sports bit each day they put up 2 gg ‘tips ‘…. Good to see the bbc wanting to promote gambling . I bet they stop it soon ….like they stopped showing horse racing …
Moaning Emole…
What does it mean to be a cockney?
Some have predicted the distinctive cockney accent could soon be brown bread (dead, for those unfamiliar with cockney rhyming slang) but the team behind The Modern Cockney Festival will say it’s still very much alive. From a pearly burka to jellied eels, what does it mean to be a cockney in 2023 – and are some of the most authentic ones not even from London?
Oh, and ‘ten men arrested for murder’.
No word on burkas. Or any more on the men.
‘Garden Tarp Blue’… Ramadan Barbeque.
Pygmalion.. hate crime.
My Fair Cubicle Garden to be reshot entirely at W1A with Professor Shola and a gaggle of blokes hiding stuff under their black kit.
The modern patois in London is called “Multicultural London English” or “MLE”. It is the strange dialect which changes words such as “like” to “layke” or “I Player” to “Aah Playahh”.
You will be hearing more of it, innit?
Rob in Cheshire,
I was standing behind one of these characters at the Morrisons Local the other day. I only knew he was white because he was wearing shorts. He talked v-e-r-y s-l-o-w-l-y as if speaking was an intellectual challenge and had on a purple hoodie spattered with yellow LA Lakers logos (at first I thought he might be a rep for Cadbury’s Creme Eggs). It’s his culture, if you akks me.
To think I used to get annoyed by Arfur Daley imitators all those years ago.
A lol splutter tea moment . Some idiot talking about setting up a committee to make Blighty healthier – to be the healthiest country in Europe in 30 years time . How I laughed ( this post was sponsored by macee Dee , KFC and Deliveroo )
Luckily, as with the bbc, there are exemptions… mostly NHS staff.
And all the Doctors currently on leave in a Somalia still.
Yes, this morning, when I was sat down (no further information provided…..) when I heard that. Did I laugh. These people increasingly display the incomprehensible World in which they live. Certainly not mine.
I meant to post this yesterday but did anyone hear the BBC into failures in the mental health accommodation situation and how the contractors are failing the ‘patients’? One such interviewee was on 24 Hr watch because she was “suicidal”. She complained that the attendant in her room on one of the part 24Hr shifts, fell asleep. Is it me, my sick sense of humour or anything else? But if you had suicidal tendencies, would you not welcome the opportunity to, unobserved, carry out the deed…………….
But a complaint on top of it indicates some other mental health problem surely.
BBC and a new fave hefty minx elected for…?
Standing up when a period of silence would be most sensible.
Well said and gets to the point
Next up on the national stirrer…
Nice backdrop and logo.
I wonder what he is paid?
Then, of course, Gary.
An Alarming video this morning on the state of Rishi Washee’s Britain, and thanks to the media failing to understand anything other than Socialism, and absolutely nothing about economics we have not been informed and educated just how bad the British economy truly is.
Well here is an insight for you, but I warn you that you will be shocked by the dire state of the UK economy.
Nicki and team understand socialism very well, as they look from Corbyn to Starmer, Starmer to Sunak, and realise that they get a very nice cut of public funds whatever happens.
Very greatful – as always – for your putting up of videos like this -and I think I will subscribe …. I recall last year we were criticising the Bank of England for being too late and too slow to put up rates to counter rapidly increasing inflation .
I got it wrong by forecasting a recession / depression this year .
But the Wolf suggests that in order to even control out inflation rate thd interest rates will have to hit 10%….
On the 10th May – as I understand it – the forecast is that the rate will increase to 4.5% another 0.25% up . Then it will be left alone for at least a quarter …..
….. I have no doubt that the cost of living will be the battle ground for the coming election – even more than open borders ….so the blues will be exposed to worstening economic conditions in the run up to that election . The blue tories are throwing money at those on benefits – but the main bulk of voters will be left high and dry with increasing costs across the board ….
So what do you think ? If the bank continues to operate on a policy of Pray ‘ – will inflations rates stay higher – will foreign investors lose any remaining confidence in the UK – will we be in the decline I predict ….?
What he did also say was that bad though inflation figures were they are lower than they might be because of oil and gas prices. When those start to rise again inflation will rocket.
As for the US it is rumoured that Biden sold all the US Gold reserves to China along with the fuel at bargain prices from the SPR in order to prop up his squandering to the extent there is now a slogan Fort knox empty box, although what the implications of this for the Western economy is I have no idea.
I know what I would be doing if I were in power but Rishi Washee is an insignificant pimple, unfit to be a world leader and dwarf compared to the political giant that is Macron (sarcasm intended here).
Macron has at least seen the writing on the wall, distanced his country from another war this time in the far East, and moved closer to the BRICS nations. Soon I think we will see an EU country joining and it will spell the end of the EU. This is posited as the reason Biden destroyed the Nordstream pipelines, because Germany appeared to be first.
Hey – my favourite lefty minister – Andy plebgate Mitchell is giving a speech today telling the world we ll be giving away more borrowed taxpayers’ money to bongo bongo land .
I reckon billions of our money will be sent to Sudan for no particular reason … meanwhile the Chinese buy countries …
Today again
Martha trying to give some minister a kicking over extracting those lucky Muslims with British passports – apparently the FCO is too slow … maybe the civil servants need a bit of bullying
Or maybe the blue labour government should hand over the job of ‘extracting’ these people to the BBC ….
TOADY Watch #1 – “A marvellous news day so everyone no doubt overjoyed at the BBC.” (digg)
And just to make it that little bit better, up pops ‘disgraced’ former Director of Public Health (England). I say disgraced because she should be, that silly Sally Davies woman. We very nearly had an Ebola outbreak in the UK on her watch because she was more concerned about smoking in the open air of Trafalgar Square*. I note that she is making a statement today on behalf of, iirc, the Institute for Public Policy Research described by Amol Rajan as “centre Left” which means BBC speak for Far Left or Hard Left.
* Don’t get me wrong. I dislike smoking intently. Since Labour 1997-2010 banned it in indoor settings and the ‘workplace’, I dislike it even more when I catch a whiff of a cigarette or even a vape in the open air.
Me too up2 – l look at those smoking and wonder how many they are going to infect with cancer …. I have another darker thought which cannot be written here…
A nation more like him edition
There’s further evidence this morning that Sir Keir has been taking lessons at the knee of his master and mentor as he preceeds to Blairify the “New” New Labour by putting some of the scary monsters under wraps: Starmer ‘sidelines’ Raynor. Allies fear deputy leader’s role is under threat (‘i’)
There’s an echo of the first big step we saw in Labour’s latest iteration of a PR overhaul in Suzanne Moore’s feature piece in the Telegraph: First Corbyn now Biden: Left-wingers refusing to quit
Because mainstream left-wingers like our stuffed-shirt Starmer know in their heart of hearts that UK and US populations remain conservative at heart and their leftist parties have to jump the hurdle of an election every now and then so as to consolidate their power.
The Daily Mail is an odd beast. This morning it rails against the reality of the world as it is – wishing it were something different. Now that’s not very conservative, is it?
Invitations to put you off your Coronation quiche (Mail) – a Windrush-inspired hearing-impaired trans-female choir at the Abbey wearing rainbow robes and groaning out the national anthem, we wonder? From rastafarian to trustafarian – Orange paint splashed Just Stop Oil activists Tarquin and Evangeline superglued to the lecturn to recite a homily on sustainability and veganism, perhaps?
Meanwhile: Wicca’s World. Is paganism about to go mainstream? (Guardian)
One’s a Eurovision fan I’ll be egging on UK entrant Mae (Metro)
Of course, we know we’ll have to endure all that, plus: Invited Architect of China’s brutal crackdown in Hong Kong. Invited Sinn Fien leader from prominent IRA family. (Mail)
Folks, the latter travesties are simply realpolitik. The Daily Mail frontpage is Don Quixote, tilting at windmills here. What a conservative newspaper ought to be complaining about is the afore-mentioned looming cultural wokism and diversity aspects of the coronation.
It hardly needs saying but just like a Londoner strolling along his local high street these days one scans the press photos of: Escape from Sudan Hell. First Brits fleeing warring militias in Khartoum arrive back in UK (Metro) – and there’s not a native white English, Welsh, Irish or Scots-looking “Brit” to be seen. Same if you cross reference with the FT’s photograph or the snap in the Guardian (same pic used on BBC online news – natch – and it’s official: photo credit MOD)
It worked well once before, so let’s give it another go: ‘Concerns raised’ over Barclay’s conduct towards civil servants (Guardian)
One believes it was a former Russian Vladimir… Lenin, who advise his allies that if you feel no resistance, then push your bayonet in further.
One begins to realise just what a genius political opperator Tony Blair was. Despite the inate conservatism of the mass of the population he bent every aspect of government administration institutionally leftward in favour of Blair and his allies. No wonder no ministerial department’s staff can now work happily under an actual conservative minister.
The Times teases its Times2 magazine and leaves us in little doubt as to the demographic targeted: What married men will never admit; and Why I can’t afford my Pret habit
And the crony big corporate globalist technocrat one-world-government inspired FT appears to admit our former Goldman Sachs office boy manlet of a PM has just admitted to that highly contraversial white population replacement conspiracy theory: Sunak’s big idea is a nation more like him
Wow, talk about putting it out there in plain sight. Remember folks, it’s not a conspiracy theory if it’s true.
Asiseeit – it would be very sad if angree raynor was put in the box currently occupied by the racial coloured fatbot of hackney ..
Angee must be worth a dozen constituencies – with people saying ‘ you would really vote for #that#?
( not that it matters of course because there is no difference between those ‘parties’ ) …
I noticed during PMQ’s yesterday that Rayner looked very down and inexpressive throughout. I wonder if time’s up.
Fick Ange is another Labour god sh*** who refuses to live in her own consitituency preferring the posher Tory one up the road.
So let’s contaminate Ukraine and when the wind blows towards the West and the monitors which are being installed in various cities in the UK (DSTL involved in these trials) pick up signs of contamination, the government can send everyone an Emergency Alert on their smart phones. Stay indoors, lockdown, be afraid. It’s all the fault of Russia.
Must stop wearing my tin foil hat
Those Getty images get everywhere, don’t they!
Ffos-y-Fran open cast coal mine is now going to be scaled down, despite it supplying Port Talbot steelworks.
The first Beeboid pic shows an open coal mine with works being carried out right next to a road with lots of houses within a few yards of the pit.
Google Maps shows the actual mine, here: –
Somehow the houses aren’t there at all! Nope, the A4060 is there, with an industrial estate the other side, but – er – houses don’t figure close by at all!
Looking back on previous Beeboid articles, they’ve used the same picture with the houses in every instance!
Now I must confess to liking to live in our village in west Kent, nowhere near the defunct coal mines, and not overpowered by a slag heap, that is our choice, and clearly the local Merthyr (indigenous white) population are pleased that the operation will stop at some stage, but wouldn’t it be nice if the BBC told the truth, and showed actual photgraphs of the relationship of the mine with the residents’ homes instead of a bog-standard stock image of just about any building site in the world, (except North Korea, maybe Sudan)…!
TOADY Watch #2 – mind your language
Rain Newton Smith, a woman who could rain on any parade judging by the photos on the BBC web-site, was given a pre-8 o’clock slot to explain the changes she is making to the misogynistic, sexist, CBI. She spoke with lots of ‘NewLabour’/old Labour expressions so I am not optimistic that the CBI will reflect any time soon the views of its member firms but will be a firmly pro-EU lobby group under Rain Newton-Smith’s direction.
Plus ca change ….
I want
Newest addition to the neo Nazi Azov front line regiments in Donbas. Should frighten the life out of those nasty Russians and send them packing😂😂😂😂
Furious Microsoft boss says confidence in UK ‘severely shaken’
Funny reporting, can you really take this serious
I’m sure that Microsoft will still want the money it takes from UK businesses daily, in turn of millions
As if Microsoft throwing it dummy out the pram will make a difference, just words but as the bBC is “sponsored” by the likes of the Microsoft the bBC needs to take this serious
ajs, I thought the BBC was firmly Apple biased?
BBC have a HYS on Ukraine and I replied to a student who said ‘Who next ?’ as a justification for us sending more ammunition.
My comment was:
‘Nobody because that would be taking on NATO.
Which is precisely why it all started. Russia cannot fight NATO and hence considers them to be in Ukraine right at Russia’s belly to be unacceptable. Like Cuba was unacceptable.
There are some very, very ignorant people making extremely bold comments here. Why do I think they will be last in the line to join up ?.’
And to my astonishment (but not surprise) they have indeed deleted the comment because:
‘Are considered likely to disrupt, provoke, attack or offend others Are racist, sexist, homophobic, sexually explicit, abusive or otherwise objectionable Contain swear words or other language likely to offend”‘
It seems that my comment that people saying we should immediately go to war with Russia are ignorant is not allowed because they might be offended by it.
Free speech – BBC style. Anyone who agrees with the BBC agenda must not be offended by those who don’t. This marks the very end of the old BBC for me. They are now 100% activist.
But JohnC – surely – if you read comments on this site – one of the many reasons for ending the bbc – is that it is now beyond a public service – government funded news operation and is a propaganda tool for approved views ….
I’d cite the number of times people from opposing views are given time on – say – Toady – to explain and prove their view .
It just doesn’t happen . What happens is the bbc ‘interviewer ‘ just goes for a ‘gotcha ‘ or ‘some say ‘ in order to rubbish a non approved view .
I cannot see the point of engaging on their website because if your comment is ‘unapproved ‘ some eager 21 year old media studies gradual ( daddy got her the job ) is going to delete you .
Don’t pay for the bbc .
For a while I tried (>10 years ago) Guardian comments.
They weren’t interested in evidence or rational inferences from evidence or actual observation and hadn’t at that time got any explanation beyond some community standards blather. I was careful to offer comparisons rather than use direct confrontation – and got repeatedly banned.
Those “graduals” are instructed what to do.
That said – reach is waning because people get their information elsewhere and can see they’re being misled.
Jerking their chains to get this sort of reaction does serve a purpose in terms of confirming suspicions about their agenda.
Given what they do one has to be mindful that that could translate into something altogether nastier at some point in the future.
They are the enemy.
Neocon Victoria Nuland:
Another day, another injustice ‘we’ need to change. R5 are pushing this now: the pain some kids experience when they don’t make it as a professional footballer needs addressing.
BBC’s selective campaigning continues to be ridiculously out of touch with the actual struggles of the people forced to pay their wages.
Frenzies and rabbit holes on multiple channels now.
2024: The launch of BBC Marianna — the channel dedicated to irritating the UK population even further.
She wants us to see COVID-19 information on Twitter?
For the Springster conspiracy theory means anything not adhering to the bBBC party line. Not worth wasting time listening to her unqualified opinion.
unrelated but related
I might try feeding this to ChatGPT and see if it’s any good at satire
There is a new whine-a-thon on the bbc about the Ukranians needing more of this and more of that to beat Russia. If you want to get a comment posted you need to state the following :-
1) Russia wants to take over all of Europe
2) Appeasement never works e.g. Hitler around 1933
You can trust nato, they wouldn’t do that sort of thing. They wouldn’t dream of expansion eastwards, apart from Czechia :-
– and Hungary
– and Poland
– and Bulgaria
– and Estonia
– and Latvia
– and Slovakia
– and Slovenia
– and Albania
– and Croatia
– and Montenegro
– and North Macedonia
– and Finland
– and Lithuania
So it’s entirely reasonable to think the near-annexation of Ukraine shouldn’t annoy Russia at all. Point this out to any bbc contributor and they will have no idea what your point is.
The second thing to do is ask why anyone would want to take over what Europe and Britain have now become. Fifty years ago maybe, and we all know the difference.
After their success in getting Raab out for ‘bullying’ the Civil Snowflakes have now decided that Steve Barclay is their next target to get rid of by accusing him of ‘bullying’
Here’s your question:
Is Steve Barclay a leaver or remainer?
Anybody on here who doesn’t know the answer without googling it will get the answer correct.
Bank of England: