From exploring the outer reaches of space to the depths of the ocean, China has big ambitions to become a world player in science. The country now spends more money on research and development than Europe and is expected to overtake the US in science spending by 2020. The investment is paying off – the brain drain has been reversed, its publication rate is prolific, and it is starting to lead the world in many fields. The BBC’s Global Science Correspondent, Rebecca Morelle, looks at some of the key projects that are transforming China into a science powerhouse.
Science – to question the results – china? HA HA HA HA HA!
The World Bank considers countries with a per capita income of less than $12,275 as developing countries. According to the World Bank, China’s per capita nominal GDP was $7,594 in 2014, which ranked 79th among 183 countries. Yet in other ways, China might be considered a developed country.
Only if you have money and the balls (male) to go to court can you state your opinion ….
SNP MP Joanna Cherry is threatening to take legal action against an Edinburgh venue which cancelled a Fringe show in which she was due to appear.
She says she will take “whatever legal action is necessary” unless The Stand admits that it acted unlawfully, issues an apology and reinstates the event.
The venue had cancelled the show after staff said they were not comfortable with her views on transgender issues.
The Stand has not yet responded to Ms Cherry’s comments.
Renell Charles 16 , is named as the ‘school boy ‘ ambushed in broad 4pm daylight outside his school in east londonistan on Friday .
A coloured kid coming to an end like this barely registers – yet use unapproved words and the outrage is outrageous – apparently another 16 year old has ‘surrendered ‘ to custody …..
Back to school Tuesday ….. can only imagine the fear of decent parents with their kids at that school ….
Aforementioned scientist Elisabeth Bik calling out a badly photoshopped BBC image last November
The page was corrected, yet the page bears no correction note
Just another everyday #BBCstealthEdit
We in Birmingham have been trained from birth to defend the honour of our Prophet, there will be repercussions for anyone who disrespects him, we will put our lives on the
“You are involved in this fight, don’t pretend you are not.”
Christopher Hitchens – AAI [2007
‘Islamic Relief‘ – promoted by BBC £3.5bn News Service, used charity money to promote Islam on London buses, HSBC bank dropped dealings with them, the UK government (taxpayer) funded them and they publicised a hate preacher. {old post – buying the rope to hang you…}
I was wondering if any other contributor can help me.
Does anybody know of a night school I can go
to learn pigeon English , with a smack of Caribbean patois.
You see I am 77 and I was taught to read and write in a
different language I now hear on the TV by the likes of
continuity presenters. Especially on the BBC.
I am sorry I don’t understand half of what they are saying . It’s
even worse than Jamie Carragher’s football scouser mumbling.
I expect in years not too distance in the future it will be
considered to be racist when speaking in the King’s English .
And folk will be cancelled for it.
I wonder in time if the Royal Family will be cancelled for being too white. Mind you if they really wanted to be on the balcony
at Buckingham Palace. We could of had some “inclusivity”
All the ethnic royal family was to have turned up ,and I am sure they would of be accommodated. The worse that could of happened
and I don’t think it would of .Was that they could of been booed . As the plethora of IRA sympathizers from Liverpool , booed the National Anthem at Anfield.
Funny you should ask – I get £100 000 a year from the overseas development agency to teach public sector workers pidgeon engleesh …. So if you’d like to be ( the first ) to join I’d be delighted …
…. I aim to train the first pidgeon presenter on Radio4 – although ‘Neil nooness?’ Is making a valiant effort – but is wearing out my off switch …
We are being berated by black people from every black nation on earth regarding reparations for slavery,
So how many got even close to the price paid by the 1.3 million British servicemen butchered by the Germans in WW2 Let alone WW1…..
So Lets get serious about this, if GB has reparations issues then Germany has much, much more responsibility and that’s only with the Britain, (forget Poland and etc….)….
The total cost across all European nations would run to millions more lives so why are the British the only targets for the grudge brigade here?
Don’t tell me, I know why.. we are the suckers and an easy target and we have an inbuilt brigade of middle-class handwringers who think it’s what they need to do,
So inform me…How many black people died in WW1 and 2 on active service and who should pay reparations to all the British soldiers and their families who perished?
Middle class tumbleweed…. I hate them with a vengeance!
off the top of my head I don’t think 1.3 million British servicemen were killed in action in WW2
WW1 is different deaths were huge.
National Archives website “More than one million British military personnel died during the First and Second World Wars,
with the First World War alone accounting for 886,000 fatalities.
Nearly 70,000 British civilians also lost their lives, the great majority during the Second World War.”
There’s some gruesome footage going round showing the carnage from the Texas migrant attack. It does make for pretty harrowing viewing. Sabrina (who normally tweets about puppies and anxiety) feels traumatized, and here’s Wendling — the bearded American Marianna — sniffing around for scraps.
Trawling social media for source material on ‘Why Musk has turned social media into an unregulated far-right hellhole’ is what the BBC think constitutes good journalism nowadays. Wendling popping up like a digital ambulance chaser. How low they’ve sunk.
Guest Who posted this at the weekend, is there a better illustration of how screwed up the drive for equity has become?
The last 15secs: a black subway passenger doesn’t want to be caught up in a protest at the death of a black man — gets scolded by another black man, who in turn is harangued by another black man, irate that he’s attempting to blacksplain to a fellow black.
“Ni**a… you don’t have to explain to ni**as, my ni**ga…”
This should be shown at every diversity and inclusivity training course from now on, as an example of the stellar progress we’ve made with community relations in the west.
While the BBC go into overdrive because the latest mass-shooting in the USA had a right-wing patch on his jacket (and mental health issues but we don’t talk about that) in the first Mexican white-supremacist in history, I notice two stories from our own capital Londonistan where the murderers had no such qualifications – but 2 more young black people are dead.
This boy is dead. His killer has been arrested but for some reason, no information given. But we all know why by now. We are supposed to be distracted with empathy for the victim and not even think about who did it. A very short article with ‘facts only’. No repeated descriptions of what happened to him like the shoppers in Texas.
And then the other day (I didn’t see any report on the BBC front page), we get this:
Again the BBC give us a picture of the victim but protect the one found guilty of the cold-blooded murder in yet another short, facts-only article. But a picture of the murderer is freely available on the Met website:
Isn’t it amazing how black lives are basically considered worthless by the BBC when it’s other blacks who murder them. It’s utterly and absolutely agenda-based racist double-standards.
Which sums the Left and the BBC up nicely for me. They are unpleasant, worthless hypocrites hiding behind masks of fake compassion.
The Latino shooter had a patch on his jacket
.. saying that 4 letters is proof of being right-wing is a stretch
there are other possible innocent explanations
A senior BBC employee was allegedly banned from the King’s Coronation after the monarch spotted him ‘trying to record one of the secret parts of the ceremony’ during rehearsals.
King Charles III is said to have seen the cameraman out of the corner of his eye on Friday secretly filming the walkthrough for the sacred anointing.
Security then intervened and removed the cameraman, who was suspended from duty throughout the weekend, The Sun reports.
The BBC’s on-site manager is then said to have torn up the man’s accreditation on the spot.
Calling it a ‘humiliating’ gaffe for the broadcaster, a source said: ‘Charles spotted the cameraman trying to film him during the run-through for the most sensitive part of the ceremony.
‘The BBC guy was looking shifty as he lurked in view of the screens holding his mobile phone. He had no business being there whatsoever. He had an accredited spot in the Abbey.
‘It is highly irregular for any journalist to leave their set position in such circumstances. And it’s deeply concerning to think he would be trying to film precious moments deliberately hidden from public view.’
The anointing of the sovereign is the most sacred part of the coronation ceremony. Indeed, it is so sacred that it is hidden from public view.
As was the case with his mother’s Coronation in 1953, the King’s anointment by the Archbishop of Canterbury was also concealed from onlookers.
The man had wandered from his officially assigned spot and was seen loitering near the four-panelled screen – behind which the sacred anointment takes place – with his mobile phone out.
Courtiers looked on in bemusement as the man was frogmarched from the premises
No question whasoever about whose side the BBC are on here.
Not only does this XR member get a soapbox on national radio to criticise the police without any interruptions or cross questioning, his narrative is also faithfully repeated in the text along with the usual BBC slanting such as:
‘The Met said the group of six were detained after items were found in a vehicle which officers “had reasonable grounds to believe could be used as lock on devices”.
But the force said it was “unable to prove intent to use them to lock on and disrupt the event”.’
So is it OK to carry a knife if the police can’t prove you intend to stab someone ?. How could they possibly ‘prove intent’ in such a situation ?.
The BBC are running multiple articles about this which is what they do now when they really want to push their agenda. Their relentless pressure is intended to force people to do what they want and push the ‘Not my King’ topic to the front page as often as possible. They’ve had an article on it mixed in with the coronation coverage every day.
And all funded by the license fee payer. The BBC disgust me. They are ALL either left wing activists or gullible idiots. They would not work there if they weren’t.
Our BBC presents: What the NHS is learning from Brazil
No, it’s not some new samba dance or beach soccer skills for our NHS heroes’ TikTok routines
Knocking on doors to check on people’s health and catch problems before they escalate is common practice across Brazil. But could that approach work in the UK? (BBC)
Don’t call us, we’ll call you
Despite the apparent severe NHS staffing shortages: …one in seven patients did not get a GP appointment the last time they tried to book (Telegraph)
Of course this is a BBC puff piece for our failed NHS free-at-the-point-of-access / rationed-by-queuing featuring: Comfort and Nahima are on their regular beat around Churchill Gardens, a council estate in the Pimlico neighbourhood of London.
We have to do something to cut the wait lists…
Meanwhile: PM: skip the GP for common illnesses… Patients will be able to receive prescriptions from pharmacies without seeing a doctor first under new plan (Telegraph)
Seems there’ll be no future shortage of Comforts and Nahimas… or Karens(?)
The pharmacy initiative is allied to a £240million package to train GP receptionists to refer patients to chemists… (Telegraph)
Drugs on demand. That’ll keep Big Pharma happy. So what are Comfort and Nahima up to…?
They can help with anything from housing issues which impact health, such as overcrowding, or pick up the early signs of diabetes by chatting informally to residents about their lifestyle. (BBC) – that first notion will simply increase our public spending burden while the second sounds very nagging Nanny Statist
It is an approach to healthcare which has been successful in the poorer parts of Brazil (BBC) – a surprisingly frank admission that major parts of Britain have descended to third world standards, don’t you think?
Actress Adjoa Andoh has broken her silence following a backlash over her comments describing the Buckingham Palace balcony as 'terribly white'. @IanpayneLBC asks: can you experience racism if you are white?
The very fact people are having to ask that question shows just how ridiculous the Left have become.
To be racist is to single someone out in a negative way based purely on the colour of their skin.
It does not matter what colour that skin is. Anyone who says otherwise is by definition a racist.
But it has dawned on me recently that the groupthink woke Left actually do not think you can be racist against white people. Abacus Abbot was an excellent example of how warped they have become. The BBC are the worst offenders : everything they do is now tainted with anti-white racist discrimination and they think it is perfectly OK.
The broadcaster is advertising a one-year, £17,810 trainee production management assistant role with the position “only open to black, Asian and ethnically diverse candidates”.
Tone deaf, unpatriotic, divisive and even racist – the Coronation was what we’ve come to expect from the British Bashing Organisation and Woke ITV. Has there ever been a moment where the media elite has been more out of touch with the British public?
It’s creepy af how you keep trying to build sympathy for someone that three New Yorkers felt the need to restrain as he threatened to kill people. It's also pretty obvious that you only focus on the one white guy who restrained him and not the other two darker-skinned gentlemen.
We referred to George Floyd’s death as occurring during an encounter with white police officers. The officer who knelt on his neck is white, but two of the other three involved are not.
I hope all on here also add t the many complaining to OFCOM about aloowing a racist black to make racist comments on ITV and NOTHING done about it.
She gets a job in a period drama from a period with few if any blacks just because she is black, she watches the coronation with black after black shoehorning in because they are black and this is not good enough for her, the Royal Family MUST start breeding with blacks.
Proof, if it were ever needed that NOTHING will be good enough for many racist blacks until the country is run by them.
To add insult to injury witrh these highly offensive comments, the racist bbc tell her she has NOTHING to apologise about:
“BBC faces backlash over interview with Adjoa Andoh after Radio 4 host Paddy O’Connell said the Bridgerton star ‘had nothing to apologise for’ after branding the royal family ‘terribly white
Defending her statement on BBC Radio 4 yesterday, the actress said she ‘didn’t mean to upset anybody’.
The Netflix star told the show: ‘I think I upset a few people yesterday I was talking about the day and how marvellous it was and then looking at the balcony at the end. And I suddenly went “oo it’s so white” – because the day had been so so mixed. I didn’t mean to upset anybody, I just was..’
Paddy then interjected, suggesting she had ‘nothing to apologise for’ by adding: ‘You haven’t upset anyone.
One person tweeted that her comments were ‘outrageous’ and create ‘division’ while another said: ‘Paddy O’Connell is an enabler. Where is the impartiality @BBCRadio4?’
This backlash also comes as Ofcom has allegedly been bombarded with complaints following the Bridgerton star’s comments on ITV.’
Lord god they are still on about the coronation protest….. agenda . The campaign by the BBC to undermine the monarchy . A good move for us because it will find upsetting the monarchy is a ‘loser’ … less gongs for BBC types …..
Did anyone really expect resistance to such a key national ceremony not to be suppressed ? And the ‘Republican movement ‘ will be living off it for years ….
But for the BBC to run this as number 1 for the 3rd day shows ‘agenda’…
I believe a mob, berating elderly grannies who have travelled many miles to support and watch the procession in London by screaming and shouting violent and extreme objections to something they hold dear, in their midst, with megaphones and placards is enough to warrant a public nuisance, causing alarm and distress.
Please, this is a difficult time for the BBC. As the state broadcaster, their role is to push the propaganda of the British establishment: globalism, regime change warfare, immigration, falsification of history, sexual fetishism & perversion, big pharma, EU-philia, fantasy global warming, the monarchy. The problem is that although most of the employees are fully onboard with and support these ideas, on a personal level some of them have a visceral dislike to monarchy, which they are incapable of suppressing. And in the absence of adult supervision within the BBC, they feel unrestrained and empowered to express their views.
Here is the link, I urge all who want to fight back at this racist offensive woman and the bbc racist supporting her, to make OUR voices heard for a change:
Of course, regarding the BBC Radio 4 racist, the bbc get a chance to ignore your complaint before it gets to OFCOM as you have to complain there first, then escalate to OFCOM in the hope that many will be discouraged, and not be bothered to do so.
Unlike the ITV racist issue, where you are allowed to complain dircect to OFCOM.
The term #bbcBias is trending in a minor our way
..not our lot, some Indians against it for being anti Modi, some Remainiacs saying Countryfile isn’t anti-Brexit enough etc.
That chatGPT highlights just why the direction AI is going is so dangerous.
Point 2 in nonsense of course which it has picked up from someone like OFCOM or the BBC themselves. But point 3 says:
‘The BBC has a public service remit to represent and reflect the diversity of the UK population’. If it truly had any intelligence, it would realise what a complete contradiction that is. ‘reflect the UK population’ by grossly over-representing one group of it ?. It doesn’t make sense on any level.
And therein lies the danger to us all. As AI becomes more integrated with real life, the more it will push forward the ideology programmed into it. These things are not aware at all. It doesn’t understand what it says is nonsense : it’s been programmed to think it’s right.
It is programmed Stew : all a computer can do is run a program. And AI doesn’t re-write it’s own software.
That program is a framework by which masses of data is stored and analysed – and what it comes out with depends on what the software has extracted from the data. But the computer is always running a program. It is perfectly possibly to guide it in a certain direction – hence how chatGPT can actually lie to you.
I notice that black people – at 3% of the population – get far more main-character parts on the BBC than Asians – at 10% of the population.
Which is another way the BBC are racist. I suspect it is because black people are very quick to complain about things such as not winning awards, not being on TV enough, not being picked for teams, not getting the promotion etc. Usually the original complainer is wanting something extra for themselves. It’s rarely for the ‘group’.
There are several reasons why the percentage of staff who identify as BAME at the BBC (22.8% according to the BBC’s Annual Report and Accounts 2020/21) is vastly higher than the percentage of the UK population who identify as BAME (an exaggerated 14% according to the latest UK government statistics). The primary reason is:
The British establishment is committed to a globalist narrative, with even the head of state a member of the sinister World Economic Forum. Globalism, by definition, requires the dismantling of individual nation states. As nation states are largely defined by the people living in them, sharing common history, traditions, culture and language, it follows that an effective method of destroying a country is by diluting and replacing the indigenous population. This is done through a combination of mass immigration, and through the falsification of a nation’s history. The purpose of the latter is to gaslight the population into believing that they are just one group living in the country, alongside many others, that they therefore have no special rights to their land and that it has always been that way, rather than as a result of mass immigration since WW2. This false view is promoted by the media through the over-representation of minorities in television, cinema and advertising, including increasingly bizarre and fantastical portrayal of, for example, black aristocrats in historical dramas, the Cheddar Gorge hoax and so on. As the BBC is the official state broadcaster of the UK, it has a special role in this campaign.
From the G
‘Methane leaks alone from Turkmenistan’s two main fossil fuel fields caused more global heating in 2022 than the entire carbon emissions of the UK, satellite data has revealed.”ENDS
I find that news strangely comforting …. Burn that hydrocarbon ….
Imagine the reaction to any white person in almost any African country complaining about the overwhelmingly black representation of leaders in their government!
While the BBC are very happy to label a Mexican as ‘a far right neo-nazi white supremacist’ just on the basis of a patch on his jacket, they simply cannot bring themselves to call an internationally recognised terrorist organisation ‘terrorists’ in any article they write about them.
They call them ‘militants’ which give these scum an air of respectability hinting that their cause is just.
It’s because their rules say ‘One mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter’ – so they will not say it to avoid upsetting other Muslims who sympathise with the terrorists. Many of who actually live here. The rule was brought in at the request of their Head of the Saudi Arabia branch.
Nobody mentions he is disabled because he got caught in an Israeli air strike in 2008. I wonder what he was doing then. Clearly a terrorist they are trying make out is a hero.
Perhaps if they stop launching rockets at civilians and sending children to checkpoints in suicide vests, they won’t get bombed so much.
“Fadi, I’m really sorry but we can’t see the projectile against the smoke in the background in this shot. I know it’s been a long day but… Okay guys, cameras ready, take 43…”
Arctic ice is pretty much OK
and has been for the last 15 years
when the BBC published this article Arctic ice ‘is at tipping point’
By Richard Black
Environment correspondent, BBC News website
The page is still there on the BBC website, although Google makes me jump through a security gate to see it (maybe current webpage security protochols are stronger)
BBC is not about Science, it’s about PR for Guardlanlalaland causes.
Russia with Simon Reeve
BBC Two, Sunday 1 October 2017
This programme suggested that many reindeer populations are in steep decline because of climate change. It would have been more accurate to say that many reindeer populations are threatened by it.
Usually the BBC, and the Wendy/Lurch/Saz team, are all over the utter outrage of media freedoms and rights being curtailed… except when they agree with them.
I read how people were thinking they were deliberately not allowing votes for Nigel – so I went to the website, filled in the votes (most were ‘skip vote’ because every option was rubbish) and selected Nigel as my choice for the news presenter.
And sure enough it came back with an error submitting the form. So out of curiosity I changed my nomination from Nigel to ‘Skip vote’ and it then took my entry without a problem.
I just tried it and it accepted a vote for Nigel Farage.
I suspect it’s a problem of “too many users” rather than a deliberate ploy. There are far easier ways of manipulating the outcome than rejecting submissions.
Yes, but let’s be honest, Rwanda isn’t really much of a remedy, is it?
It makes the government look as though they’re trying desperately to do something, but the numbers going, if you’ll pardon the excruciating pun, will be a drop in the ocean…
We need to stop the blighters enroute, not after we’ve ferried them across. We’re not just encouraging them to come by putting them up in 4 star hotels, we’re supplying them with a bloody taxi service.
This morning on Today, Radio 4 Mishal was interviewing a Conservative (didn’t catch who) about people being able to self refer to physiotherapists. Labour would allow it apparently, as Mishal kept piping up, speaking over the spokesman. Mishal kept saying that the Conservatives wouldn’t allow the self referrals because 5000 cancer cases could be missed. I am not sure whether Mishal or one of her family has back pain (although I assume she has the money to go private) or whether this was leading to a BBC gotcha moment.
I had been listening in the car on my way for a swim. Whilst changing after my swim I was chatting to a lady I see there regularly. Her husband has just been diagnosed with prostate cancer. He had gone to his gp with back ache and the cancer has progressed further than watch and wait.
Had it been Starmer and the BBC……
My wife went privately to a physio after months of back pain and being unable to see our GP. Eventually pain so bad we called an ambulance. Too late, stage 4 cancer. Died 6 weeks later. Thanks NHS
1765 …. **In a republic worthy of name, freedom to publish one ’s thoughts is a citizen’s natural right.** They may use a pen or their voice, and should not be prevented from writing any more than speaking …That is the law in England, a monarchical country, where people are freer than elsewhere because they are more enlightened. – Voltaire, Republican Ideas, 1765
2019 …Australia’s highest court has made a landmark ruling that a public servant was lawfully sacked for writing tweets which criticised government policies. The court rejected her claim that she had been denied a right to free speech. – Australia, 2019
1765 … **In a republic worthy of name, freedom to publish one’s thoughts is a citizen’s natural right.**
2019 … ** a public servant was lawfully sacked for writing tweets which criticised government policies.**
The Unscientific King: Charles III’s History Promoting Homeopathy
King Charles III has a long history of promoting homeopathic or alternative medical treatments not supported by scientific evidence.
“But we have learnt somethings in the last 10 years. We have learnt that most of the press in free western countries are cowards. We’ve learnt that most of our artistic establishment are cowards. Most of our politicians are cowards. We’ve learnt that industries that spend much of their year in award ceremonies patting themselves on the back for their bravery, stop when bravery is required.” – Douglas Murray @5:00
‘”If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear”. I’m proud those words now adorn BBC HQ’
It’s tragically ironic that these ‘comedians’ who infest the mainstream comedy circuit think that by making anti-Brexit, anti-Trump and anti-British jokes they are being daring and subversive, rebellious even. In reality, far from being anti-establishment, they embody the establishment, guffawing at the ignorant commoners like some kind of 18th century French aristocrat.
Could this mean that Lucas could be looking at the garbage chute?
Many following last Thursday's local election results are aware of how disastrously the Tories performed
Strangely, the BBC & Grauniad failed to point out that @TheGreenParty dropped from 20 councillors to just 7 by folk who've experienced its lunacy in its stronghold.
“We found that the comments made by Naomi Wolf had the potential to impact viewers’ decisions about their health and were therefore potentially harmful. Given that GB News did not take adequate steps to protect viewers from this potentially harmful content, we have found the channel in breach of Rule 2.1 of the Broadcasting Code.
This is the second significant breach of the Code recorded against GB News. In light of this, we are requesting that GB News attends a meeting with Ofcom to discuss its approach to compliance.”
We found that the comments made by Naomi Wolf had the potential to impact viewers’ decisions about their health and were therefore potentially harmful.
Vaccine video: Stars get behind myth-busting campaign
A celebrity-filled video encouraging people from ethnic minority communities to get the Covid-19 vaccine is to be shown across the UK’s main commercial TV channels.
Romesh Ranganathan is among the list of famous faces who will try to tackle misinformation among certain communities.
Wishful thinking I’m afraid. There’s almost a week of the screeching gayfest to come. Don’t fancy it? Rylan’s on BBC2 mincing about ‘toxic masculinity’. FFS.
Even R4’s The Archers is bowing down to the gods of degeneracy with a story-line about Rylan visiting Ambridge, to judge the village’s own Eurovision-themed competition.
They really are scraping the bottom of the barrel on this one. A business developer called Adil Shah (who took over the site of the now-closed Grey Gables) has been asked to move out of the Snells’ guest house, where he has been staying – highly improbably for a rich man – for some time … all to make way for the great Rylan to have a room there.
The reverence with which the mediocre Rylan is treated by all characters in this soap opera is nauseating to listen to. Are we to believe the whole village is so lacking in taste and discernment that nobody can appreciate that this particular emperor has no clothes? Or is it just yet more BBC dumbing down and self-publicity?
For those with an independent platform and reputations already well established, there is no excuse. Take the fallout from the Charlie Hebdo massacre. For all his supposed bravado and bravery, what did Private Eye editor Ian Hislop do? Did he publish the images that got his fellow satirists slaughtered? Did he take up the torch of liberty and free speech? Did he hell. He slunk away like all the others and meekly submitted to the Islamic supremacists, when bravery was needed most. Notice now how he delights in ridiculing Trump and Boris and the other low-hanging fruit but never once dares to denounce the true evil in our midst.
“A group of the Benin bronzes that Germany handed back to Nigeria have vanished into a private collection instead of being exhibited in a museum as promised, prompting some observers to describe the restitution as a “fiasco”.”
Oh. Oh my.
"A group of the Benin bronzes that Germany handed back to Nigeria have vanished into a private collection instead of being exhibited in a museum as promised, prompting some observers to describe the restitution as a “fiasco”."
JohnCMar 12, 01:36 Midweek 12th March 2025 What really bothers me about the MSM these days Deborah is how their reckless partisan left-wing bias affects the whole…
DeborahMar 11, 23:54 Midweek 12th March 2025 I have never been totally sure that Reform was the answer. However I watch as the MSM take Trump’s words…
JohnCMar 11, 23:18 Midweek 12th March 2025 Not just the UK : they now have the power to rig every election of EU member states. Final ruling…
JonathanRMar 11, 22:36 Midweek 12th March 2025 It’s funny when you think someone is a genuine commentator and then you find out how wrong you were. For…
JonathanRMar 11, 22:08 Midweek 12th March 2025 I wonder if this is the reason Farage and his moslom paymaster want to get rid of Lowe. If it…
Fedup2Mar 11, 21:59 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Yes Taffman – really with you there – their intro question is ‘are you mr / Mrs x – ?…
JonathanRMar 11, 21:58 Midweek 12th March 2025 It is now becoming obvious to me that there can never be a Trump like government in Britain Even if…
“Hmm what can we do when jurors have the wrong opinions? Ahh yes, ignore them!”
comment from
From exploring the outer reaches of space to the depths of the ocean, China has big ambitions to become a world player in science. The country now spends more money on research and development than Europe and is expected to overtake the US in science spending by 2020. The investment is paying off – the brain drain has been reversed, its publication rate is prolific, and it is starting to lead the world in many fields. The BBC’s Global Science Correspondent, Rebecca Morelle, looks at some of the key projects that are transforming China into a science powerhouse.
Science – to question the results – china? HA HA HA HA HA!
A doctor was arrested for warning China about the coronavirus. Then he died of it
The World Bank considers countries with a per capita income of less than $12,275 as developing countries. According to the World Bank, China’s per capita nominal GDP was $7,594 in 2014, which ranked 79th among 183 countries. Yet in other ways, China might be considered a developed country.
Only if you have money and the balls (male) to go to court can you state your opinion ….
SNP MP Joanna Cherry is threatening to take legal action against an Edinburgh venue which cancelled a Fringe show in which she was due to appear.
She says she will take “whatever legal action is necessary” unless The Stand admits that it acted unlawfully, issues an apology and reinstates the event.
The venue had cancelled the show after staff said they were not comfortable with her views on transgender issues.
The Stand has not yet responded to Ms Cherry’s comments.
The EU has cancelled its diplomatic event for Europe Day in Israel because of the planned participation of the far-right minister, Itamar Ben-Gvir.
Organisers said they did not want “to offer a platform” to someone whose views contradicted its values.
Renell Charles 16 , is named as the ‘school boy ‘ ambushed in broad 4pm daylight outside his school in east londonistan on Friday .
A coloured kid coming to an end like this barely registers – yet use unapproved words and the outrage is outrageous – apparently another 16 year old has ‘surrendered ‘ to custody …..
Back to school Tuesday ….. can only imagine the fear of decent parents with their kids at that school ….
Aforementioned scientist Elisabeth Bik calling out a badly photoshopped BBC image last November
The page was corrected, yet the page bears no correction note
Just another everyday #BBCstealthEdit
what could possibly go wrong?
“You are involved in this fight, don’t pretend you are not.”
Christopher Hitchens – AAI [2007
‘Islamic Relief‘ – promoted by BBC £3.5bn News Service, used charity money to promote Islam on London buses, HSBC bank dropped dealings with them, the UK government (taxpayer) funded them and they publicised a hate preacher. {old post – buying the rope to hang you…}
Red labour MP ?
Wonder how old that clip is
Press TV the Iranian Government Channel was banned some years ago
I was wondering if any other contributor can help me.
Does anybody know of a night school I can go
to learn pigeon English , with a smack of Caribbean patois.
You see I am 77 and I was taught to read and write in a
different language I now hear on the TV by the likes of
continuity presenters. Especially on the BBC.
I am sorry I don’t understand half of what they are saying . It’s
even worse than Jamie Carragher’s football scouser mumbling.
I expect in years not too distance in the future it will be
considered to be racist when speaking in the King’s English .
And folk will be cancelled for it.
I wonder in time if the Royal Family will be cancelled for being too white. Mind you if they really wanted to be on the balcony
at Buckingham Palace. We could of had some “inclusivity”
All the ethnic royal family was to have turned up ,and I am sure they would of be accommodated. The worse that could of happened
and I don’t think it would of .Was that they could of been booed . As the plethora of IRA sympathizers from Liverpool , booed the National Anthem at Anfield.
Funny you should ask – I get £100 000 a year from the overseas development agency to teach public sector workers pidgeon engleesh …. So if you’d like to be ( the first ) to join I’d be delighted …
…. I aim to train the first pidgeon presenter on Radio4 – although ‘Neil nooness?’ Is making a valiant effort – but is wearing out my off switch …
Fed, dem grate Bibbycee? ‘im orl buggerup!
We are being berated by black people from every black nation on earth regarding reparations for slavery,
So how many got even close to the price paid by the 1.3 million British servicemen butchered by the Germans in WW2 Let alone WW1…..
So Lets get serious about this, if GB has reparations issues then Germany has much, much more responsibility and that’s only with the Britain, (forget Poland and etc….)….
The total cost across all European nations would run to millions more lives so why are the British the only targets for the grudge brigade here?
Don’t tell me, I know why.. we are the suckers and an easy target and we have an inbuilt brigade of middle-class handwringers who think it’s what they need to do,
So inform me…How many black people died in WW1 and 2 on active service and who should pay reparations to all the British soldiers and their families who perished?
Middle class tumbleweed…. I hate them with a vengeance!
off the top of my head I don’t think 1.3 million British servicemen were killed in action in WW2
WW1 is different deaths were huge.
National Archives website “More than one million British military personnel died during the First and Second World Wars,
with the First World War alone accounting for 886,000 fatalities.
Nearly 70,000 British civilians also lost their lives, the great majority during the Second World War.”
There’s some gruesome footage going round showing the carnage from the Texas migrant attack. It does make for pretty harrowing viewing. Sabrina (who normally tweets about puppies and anxiety) feels traumatized, and here’s Wendling — the bearded American Marianna — sniffing around for scraps.
Trawling social media for source material on ‘Why Musk has turned social media into an unregulated far-right hellhole’ is what the BBC think constitutes good journalism nowadays. Wendling popping up like a digital ambulance chaser. How low they’ve sunk.
Just wondering who Mike is proposing to put Sabrina in touch with?
Looking at the thread the BBC US dynamic is interesting.
350M people yet Mike finds her. And they have a convo.
And 349,999,998 other people are not involved.
Yet the U.K. will be subjected to an ‘investigation’ story.
Maybe Springster needs to fly out?
Guest Who posted this at the weekend, is there a better illustration of how screwed up the drive for equity has become?
The last 15secs: a black subway passenger doesn’t want to be caught up in a protest at the death of a black man — gets scolded by another black man, who in turn is harangued by another black man, irate that he’s attempting to blacksplain to a fellow black.
“Ni**a… you don’t have to explain to ni**as, my ni**ga…”
This should be shown at every diversity and inclusivity training course from now on, as an example of the stellar progress we’ve made with community relations in the west.
While the BBC go into overdrive because the latest mass-shooting in the USA had a right-wing patch on his jacket (and mental health issues but we don’t talk about that) in the first Mexican white-supremacist in history, I notice two stories from our own capital Londonistan where the murderers had no such qualifications – but 2 more young black people are dead.
Walthamstow pupil stabbed near school named as teen arrested
This boy is dead. His killer has been arrested but for some reason, no information given. But we all know why by now. We are supposed to be distracted with empathy for the victim and not even think about who did it. A very short article with ‘facts only’. No repeated descriptions of what happened to him like the shoppers in Texas.

And then the other day (I didn’t see any report on the BBC front page), we get this:
Skull-mask knifeman guilty of murdering teen
Again the BBC give us a picture of the victim but protect the one found guilty of the cold-blooded murder in yet another short, facts-only article. But a picture of the murderer is freely available on the Met website:
Isn’t it amazing how black lives are basically considered worthless by the BBC when it’s other blacks who murder them. It’s utterly and absolutely agenda-based racist double-standards.
Which sums the Left and the BBC up nicely for me. They are unpleasant, worthless hypocrites hiding behind masks of fake compassion.
The Latino shooter had a patch on his jacket
.. saying that 4 letters is proof of being right-wing is a stretch
there are other possible innocent explanations
Wonder what Mao or Che wore on their T shirts when supervising the firing squads?
Che liked to execute prisoners personally. But hey, he makes a great T shirt.
tomo, did Tucker really mention Peter Tork of the Monkees?
King Charles ‘has BBC cameraman thrown out of Westminster Abbey rehearsals after he spotted him trying to film’ the ceremony’s most intimate moment.
BBC cameraman ‘thrown out’ of Coronation rehearsals
A senior BBC employee was allegedly banned from the King’s Coronation after the monarch spotted him ‘trying to record one of the secret parts of the ceremony’ during rehearsals.
King Charles III is said to have seen the cameraman out of the corner of his eye on Friday secretly filming the walkthrough for the sacred anointing.
Security then intervened and removed the cameraman, who was suspended from duty throughout the weekend, The Sun reports.
The BBC’s on-site manager is then said to have torn up the man’s accreditation on the spot.
Calling it a ‘humiliating’ gaffe for the broadcaster, a source said: ‘Charles spotted the cameraman trying to film him during the run-through for the most sensitive part of the ceremony.
‘The BBC guy was looking shifty as he lurked in view of the screens holding his mobile phone. He had no business being there whatsoever. He had an accredited spot in the Abbey.
‘It is highly irregular for any journalist to leave their set position in such circumstances. And it’s deeply concerning to think he would be trying to film precious moments deliberately hidden from public view.’
The anointing of the sovereign is the most sacred part of the coronation ceremony. Indeed, it is so sacred that it is hidden from public view.
As was the case with his mother’s Coronation in 1953, the King’s anointment by the Archbishop of Canterbury was also concealed from onlookers.
The man had wandered from his officially assigned spot and was seen loitering near the four-panelled screen – behind which the sacred anointment takes place – with his mobile phone out.
Courtiers looked on in bemusement as the man was frogmarched from the premises
Coronation: Met Police express ‘regret’ over arresting six anti-monarchy protesters
No question whasoever about whose side the BBC are on here.
Not only does this XR member get a soapbox on national radio to criticise the police without any interruptions or cross questioning, his narrative is also faithfully repeated in the text along with the usual BBC slanting such as:
‘The Met said the group of six were detained after items were found in a vehicle which officers “had reasonable grounds to believe could be used as lock on devices”.
But the force said it was “unable to prove intent to use them to lock on and disrupt the event”.’
So is it OK to carry a knife if the police can’t prove you intend to stab someone ?. How could they possibly ‘prove intent’ in such a situation ?.
The BBC are running multiple articles about this which is what they do now when they really want to push their agenda. Their relentless pressure is intended to force people to do what they want and push the ‘Not my King’ topic to the front page as often as possible. They’ve had an article on it mixed in with the coronation coverage every day.
And all funded by the license fee payer. The BBC disgust me. They are ALL either left wing activists or gullible idiots. They would not work there if they weren’t.
The doctor (won’t) see you now edition
Despite, good tidings of Comfort and Nahima
Our BBC presents: What the NHS is learning from Brazil
No, it’s not some new samba dance or beach soccer skills for our NHS heroes’ TikTok routines
Knocking on doors to check on people’s health and catch problems before they escalate is common practice across Brazil. But could that approach work in the UK? (BBC)
Don’t call us, we’ll call you
Despite the apparent severe NHS staffing shortages: …one in seven patients did not get a GP appointment the last time they tried to book (Telegraph)
Of course this is a BBC puff piece for our failed NHS free-at-the-point-of-access / rationed-by-queuing featuring: Comfort and Nahima are on their regular beat around Churchill Gardens, a council estate in the Pimlico neighbourhood of London.
We have to do something to cut the wait lists…
Meanwhile: PM: skip the GP for common illnesses… Patients will be able to receive prescriptions from pharmacies without seeing a doctor first under new plan (Telegraph)
Seems there’ll be no future shortage of Comforts and Nahimas… or Karens(?)
The pharmacy initiative is allied to a £240million package to train GP receptionists to refer patients to chemists… (Telegraph)
Drugs on demand. That’ll keep Big Pharma happy. So what are Comfort and Nahima up to…?
They can help with anything from housing issues which impact health, such as overcrowding, or pick up the early signs of diabetes by chatting informally to residents about their lifestyle. (BBC) – that first notion will simply increase our public spending burden while the second sounds very nagging Nanny Statist
It is an approach to healthcare which has been successful in the poorer parts of Brazil (BBC) – a surprisingly frank admission that major parts of Britain have descended to third world standards, don’t you think?
Old white media.
And the breaking of silence.
Kingdoms, thrones and crowns: inside the lives of Nigeria’s monarchs – in pictures
Isn’t that the latest sofa advert? Or Ikea, can’t remember which.
‘can you experience racism if you are white?’
The very fact people are having to ask that question shows just how ridiculous the Left have become.
To be racist is to single someone out in a negative way based purely on the colour of their skin.
It does not matter what colour that skin is. Anyone who says otherwise is by definition a racist.
But it has dawned on me recently that the groupthink woke Left actually do not think you can be racist against white people. Abacus Abbot was an excellent example of how warped they have become. The BBC are the worst offenders : everything they do is now tainted with anti-white racist discrimination and they think it is perfectly OK.
BBC in discrimination row after opening trainee role only to ethnic minorities
The broadcaster is advertising a one-year, £17,810 trainee production management assistant role with the position “only open to black, Asian and ethnically diverse candidates”.
Hello GuestWho
Maybe would be terribly “black” in a different country, and not the British Royal family
It’s all they know.
TNI division rules.
BBC News Channel, Friday 23 July 2020
We referred to George Floyd’s death as occurring during an encounter with white police officers. The officer who knelt on his neck is white, but two of the other three involved are not.
GB News to ask Mark Steyn about news being out of touch?
I hope all on here also add t the many complaining to OFCOM about aloowing a racist black to make racist comments on ITV and NOTHING done about it.
She gets a job in a period drama from a period with few if any blacks just because she is black, she watches the coronation with black after black shoehorning in because they are black and this is not good enough for her, the Royal Family MUST start breeding with blacks.
Proof, if it were ever needed that NOTHING will be good enough for many racist blacks until the country is run by them.
To add insult to injury witrh these highly offensive comments, the racist bbc tell her she has NOTHING to apologise about:
“BBC faces backlash over interview with Adjoa Andoh after Radio 4 host Paddy O’Connell said the Bridgerton star ‘had nothing to apologise for’ after branding the royal family ‘terribly white
Defending her statement on BBC Radio 4 yesterday, the actress said she ‘didn’t mean to upset anybody’.
The Netflix star told the show: ‘I think I upset a few people yesterday I was talking about the day and how marvellous it was and then looking at the balcony at the end. And I suddenly went “oo it’s so white” – because the day had been so so mixed. I didn’t mean to upset anybody, I just was..’
Paddy then interjected, suggesting she had ‘nothing to apologise for’ by adding: ‘You haven’t upset anyone.
One person tweeted that her comments were ‘outrageous’ and create ‘division’ while another said: ‘Paddy O’Connell is an enabler. Where is the impartiality @BBCRadio4?’
This backlash also comes as Ofcom has allegedly been bombarded with complaints following the Bridgerton star’s comments on ITV.’
BBC News
Lord god they are still on about the coronation protest….. agenda . The campaign by the BBC to undermine the monarchy . A good move for us because it will find upsetting the monarchy is a ‘loser’ … less gongs for BBC types …..
Did anyone really expect resistance to such a key national ceremony not to be suppressed ? And the ‘Republican movement ‘ will be living off it for years ….
But for the BBC to run this as number 1 for the 3rd day shows ‘agenda’…
I believe a mob, berating elderly grannies who have travelled many miles to support and watch the procession in London by screaming and shouting violent and extreme objections to something they hold dear, in their midst, with megaphones and placards is enough to warrant a public nuisance, causing alarm and distress.
Please, this is a difficult time for the BBC. As the state broadcaster, their role is to push the propaganda of the British establishment: globalism, regime change warfare, immigration, falsification of history, sexual fetishism & perversion, big pharma, EU-philia, fantasy global warming, the monarchy. The problem is that although most of the employees are fully onboard with and support these ideas, on a personal level some of them have a visceral dislike to monarchy, which they are incapable of suppressing. And in the absence of adult supervision within the BBC, they feel unrestrained and empowered to express their views.
Here is the link, I urge all who want to fight back at this racist offensive woman and the bbc racist supporting her, to make OUR voices heard for a change:
OFCOM complaints
Of course, regarding the BBC Radio 4 racist, the bbc get a chance to ignore your complaint before it gets to OFCOM as you have to complain there first, then escalate to OFCOM in the hope that many will be discouraged, and not be bothered to do so.
Unlike the ITV racist issue, where you are allowed to complain dircect to OFCOM.
Z says..”complain to ofcom” ..”There’s no point in complaining to Ofcom”
BBC managers picked a racebaiter. she racebaited.
But that works out good for the anti-bbc cause.
Channel 4 have twice done the “so many white people” line I think, one was by Jon Snow
She was on ITV originally which is where the complaints are building up
Vile has ‘Doc’ Shola and Femi on 5, 4 has KGM and had Snow, BBC usually deploys pols like Abbo, Lammy, Dr. Khan or Dawn of the Dead. Or Septic Bonnie.
Come on housing industry – bringing back 100% mortgages – why not make it 110% or 120% ? Nice new TV ? A car ? A repossession ?
Asking for a good credit history is racist.
Remember Freddie and Fanny’s Excellent Ventures?
The term #bbcBias is trending in a minor our way
..not our lot, some Indians against it for being anti Modi, some Remainiacs saying Countryfile isn’t anti-Brexit enough etc.
Perhaps we can pick up some Indian friends for support – the BBC deserves global condemnation for its’ often imperialist attitude to other countries …
I did find this
That chatGPT highlights just why the direction AI is going is so dangerous.
Point 2 in nonsense of course which it has picked up from someone like OFCOM or the BBC themselves. But point 3 says:
‘The BBC has a public service remit to represent and reflect the diversity of the UK population’. If it truly had any intelligence, it would realise what a complete contradiction that is. ‘reflect the UK population’ by grossly over-representing one group of it ?. It doesn’t make sense on any level.
And therein lies the danger to us all. As AI becomes more integrated with real life, the more it will push forward the ideology programmed into it. These things are not aware at all. It doesn’t understand what it says is nonsense : it’s been programmed to think it’s right.
It’s wide open for abuse by those who control it.
AI is not programmed. It’s merely rooted in copying like a child
GIGO Garbage In, Garbage Out often happens.
It is programmed Stew : all a computer can do is run a program. And AI doesn’t re-write it’s own software.
That program is a framework by which masses of data is stored and analysed – and what it comes out with depends on what the software has extracted from the data. But the computer is always running a program. It is perfectly possibly to guide it in a certain direction – hence how chatGPT can actually lie to you.
Like BBC Editorial Guidelines running BBC staff in the cubicle gardens.
Wait until BBC HR get this…
The BBC should represent all regions, that 14 percent is confined to only a few areas like London.
Diversity should mean representing the demography of an area not shoe horning blacks into every single job.
Where is the China town representatives at the bbc ???
I notice that black people – at 3% of the population – get far more main-character parts on the BBC than Asians – at 10% of the population.
Which is another way the BBC are racist. I suspect it is because black people are very quick to complain about things such as not winning awards, not being on TV enough, not being picked for teams, not getting the promotion etc. Usually the original complainer is wanting something extra for themselves. It’s rarely for the ‘group’.
Hey chatGPT, let me fix that for you:
There are several reasons why the percentage of staff who identify as BAME at the BBC (22.8% according to the BBC’s Annual Report and Accounts 2020/21) is vastly higher than the percentage of the UK population who identify as BAME (an exaggerated 14% according to the latest UK government statistics). The primary reason is:
The British establishment is committed to a globalist narrative, with even the head of state a member of the sinister World Economic Forum. Globalism, by definition, requires the dismantling of individual nation states. As nation states are largely defined by the people living in them, sharing common history, traditions, culture and language, it follows that an effective method of destroying a country is by diluting and replacing the indigenous population. This is done through a combination of mass immigration, and through the falsification of a nation’s history. The purpose of the latter is to gaslight the population into believing that they are just one group living in the country, alongside many others, that they therefore have no special rights to their land and that it has always been that way, rather than as a result of mass immigration since WW2. This false view is promoted by the media through the over-representation of minorities in television, cinema and advertising, including increasingly bizarre and fantastical portrayal of, for example, black aristocrats in historical dramas, the Cheddar Gorge hoax and so on. As the BBC is the official state broadcaster of the UK, it has a special role in this campaign.
Mixed editorial dilemma at W1A?
There is, luckily, an ‘expert’ in there.
From the G
‘Methane leaks alone from Turkmenistan’s two main fossil fuel fields caused more global heating in 2022 than the entire carbon emissions of the UK, satellite data has revealed.”ENDS
I find that news strangely comforting …. Burn that hydrocarbon ….
In case you missed it, the racist BBC condoned a racist black actress who complained about the “terribly white balcony”.
Than God for GB News.
Imagine the reaction to any white person in almost any African country complaining about the overwhelmingly black representation of leaders in their government!
Israeli strikes kill Islamic Jihad commanders in Gaza
While the BBC are very happy to label a Mexican as ‘a far right neo-nazi white supremacist’ just on the basis of a patch on his jacket, they simply cannot bring themselves to call an internationally recognised terrorist organisation ‘terrorists’ in any article they write about them.
They call them ‘militants’ which give these scum an air of respectability hinting that their cause is just.
It’s because their rules say ‘One mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter’ – so they will not say it to avoid upsetting other Muslims who sympathise with the terrorists. Many of who actually live here. The rule was brought in at the request of their Head of the Saudi Arabia branch.
Nobody mentions he is disabled because he got caught in an Israeli air strike in 2008. I wonder what he was doing then. Clearly a terrorist they are trying make out is a hero.
Perhaps if they stop launching rockets at civilians and sending children to checkpoints in suicide vests, they won’t get bombed so much.
“Fadi, I’m really sorry but we can’t see the projectile against the smoke in the background in this shot. I know it’s been a long day but… Okay guys, cameras ready, take 43…”
Why does this need to be the first article in front page news!
Coronation: Met expresses ‘regret’ over arresting six anti-monarchy protesters
bbc had its day and better things to worry about than 6 loosers #dfeund
Bridgen and Myers:
Arctic ice is pretty much OK
and has been for the last 15 years
when the BBC published this article
Arctic ice ‘is at tipping point’
By Richard Black
Environment correspondent, BBC News website
The page is still there on the BBC website, although Google makes me jump through a security gate to see it (maybe current webpage security protochols are stronger)
BBC is not about Science, it’s about PR for Guardlanlalaland causes.
Russia with Simon Reeve
BBC Two, Sunday 1 October 2017
This programme suggested that many reindeer populations are in steep decline because of climate change. It would have been more accurate to say that many reindeer populations are threatened by it.
It would have been more accurate to say that many reindeer populations are threatened by it.
Still had reindeer sausages in the IKEA food shop last time I looked…
For the blue and yellow flag wavers:
Note Bellingcats involvement in the “research” for this article.
Usually the BBC, and the Wendy/Lurch/Saz team, are all over the utter outrage of media freedoms and rights being curtailed… except when they agree with them.
So how the BBC treats* this will be interesting.
GIGO is mentioned above.
*The BBC has DIDO.
Disinformation IN; Disinformation Observed
I think a more fitting term for BBC employees is DILDO:
Disinformation In, Lots of Disinformation Out.
I cede… that is perfection.
Now this is interesting.
Awards website CRASHES as Nigel Farage nominated for TV News Presenter of the Year
I read how people were thinking they were deliberately not allowing votes for Nigel – so I went to the website, filled in the votes (most were ‘skip vote’ because every option was rubbish) and selected Nigel as my choice for the news presenter.
And sure enough it came back with an error submitting the form. So out of curiosity I changed my nomination from Nigel to ‘Skip vote’ and it then took my entry without a problem.
Seems like an enormous coincidence to me.
Perhaps others would like to try it at
Tried it and you’re right. Blatant bias fit for the likes of the BBC
I just tried it and it accepted a vote for Nigel Farage.
I suspect it’s a problem of “too many users” rather than a deliberate ploy. There are far easier ways of manipulating the outcome than rejecting submissions.
You may be right Solomon, but surely this is the most foolproof of ways ? – the votes simply never exist.
And of course they can’t stop EVERY vote for Nigel as that would be extremely obvious. Here we have one successful and three failures.
And the clincher for me is how it accepted the vote immediately if you deselect Nigel. Quite an amazing, convenient coincicence.
your suspicions appear entirely correct
same result for me
It appears that King Charles, then Prince of Wales, clashed with Prime Minister Johnson over the Rwandan deportation plans.
It doesn’t bode well for the future with the BBC, left wing Civil Service, MSM presumably backing Charles.
Yes, but let’s be honest, Rwanda isn’t really much of a remedy, is it?
It makes the government look as though they’re trying desperately to do something, but the numbers going, if you’ll pardon the excruciating pun, will be a drop in the ocean…
We need to stop the blighters enroute, not after we’ve ferried them across. We’re not just encouraging them to come by putting them up in 4 star hotels, we’re supplying them with a bloody taxi service.
It’s madness…
There’s loads of immigrants at Highgrove and in Tetbury?
any ? – thought not
bBC “reporting” on too much drink in the office
Firms told to cut down on alcohol at work parties
Do people really pay the tele tax for this rubbish for nanny to worry about
Noor Nanji necking a bottle of Bolly before corridor bowls at W1A after the elections?
This morning on Today, Radio 4 Mishal was interviewing a Conservative (didn’t catch who) about people being able to self refer to physiotherapists. Labour would allow it apparently, as Mishal kept piping up, speaking over the spokesman. Mishal kept saying that the Conservatives wouldn’t allow the self referrals because 5000 cancer cases could be missed. I am not sure whether Mishal or one of her family has back pain (although I assume she has the money to go private) or whether this was leading to a BBC gotcha moment.
I had been listening in the car on my way for a swim. Whilst changing after my swim I was chatting to a lady I see there regularly. Her husband has just been diagnosed with prostate cancer. He had gone to his gp with back ache and the cancer has progressed further than watch and wait.
Had it been Starmer and the BBC……
My wife went privately to a physio after months of back pain and being unable to see our GP. Eventually pain so bad we called an ambulance. Too late, stage 4 cancer. Died 6 weeks later. Thanks NHS
oh god thats so awful
sincere condolences popeye, although I doubt my words are any help
I see the poisonous twits in gubbermint in Ireland are enacting laws that basically go “GUILTY until proven innocent” – what slippery slope?
see exact wording :
In cases like this, when liberals support these measures, ask them how they would feel if a “far-right” government were to use this law against them!
Shrieks of ” but, but ….free speech!”, their definition of which is “you can say anything we allow you to say” (BBC qv.)
I wonder if it’s possible to track the exact provenance of the law’s drafting – who, when + where etcetera …
I rather doubt it’s a Dublin thing…?
“lawfully sacked for writing tweets which criticised government policies.” { aug2019} – the death of freedom of speech.
1765 …. **In a republic worthy of name, freedom to publish one ’s thoughts is a citizen’s natural right.** They may use a pen or their voice, and should not be prevented from writing any more than speaking …That is the law in England, a monarchical country, where people are freer than elsewhere because they are more enlightened. – Voltaire, Republican Ideas, 1765
2019 …Australia’s highest court has made a landmark ruling that a public servant was lawfully sacked for writing tweets which criticised government policies. The court rejected her claim that she had been denied a right to free speech. – Australia, 2019
1765 … **In a republic worthy of name, freedom to publish one’s thoughts is a citizen’s natural right.**
2019 … ** a public servant was lawfully sacked for writing tweets which criticised government policies.**
hmmm… I’ll think about that headline in the DT
The Unscientific King: Charles III’s History Promoting Homeopathy
King Charles III has a long history of promoting homeopathic or alternative medical treatments not supported by scientific evidence.
Sophie Fessl, PhD
Sep 29, 2022 | 6 min read
he’s an fwit
couldn’t agree more:
“But we have learnt somethings in the last 10 years. We have learnt that most of the press in free western countries are cowards. We’ve learnt that most of our artistic establishment are cowards. Most of our politicians are cowards. We’ve learnt that industries that spend much of their year in award ceremonies patting themselves on the back for their bravery, stop when bravery is required.” – Douglas Murray @5:00
‘”If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear”. I’m proud those words now adorn BBC HQ’
For cowardly comedians, the only way is Left
It’s tragically ironic that these ‘comedians’ who infest the mainstream comedy circuit think that by making anti-Brexit, anti-Trump and anti-British jokes they are being daring and subversive, rebellious even. In reality, far from being anti-establishment, they embody the establishment, guffawing at the ignorant commoners like some kind of 18th century French aristocrat.
Could this mean that Lucas could be looking at the garbage chute?
Really it would get votes to end road closures – destroy all cycle lanes – tax pedal cycles ….
Given that uninspired Broadcasting House cubicle twits are lurkers – here you go:
I wonder if anyone keeps a log of hyperbole weather events or those from 20 years ago which predicted we’d all be fried and / or frozen by now ….
… or even – someone who has predicted something and it came true ( not that West Ham will stay up this year )
Bring back the real NHS:
Very English comedy. Very non PC
“We found that the comments made by Naomi Wolf had the potential to impact viewers’ decisions about their health and were therefore potentially harmful. Given that GB News did not take adequate steps to protect viewers from this potentially harmful content, we have found the channel in breach of Rule 2.1 of the Broadcasting Code.
This is the second significant breach of the Code recorded against GB News. In light of this, we are requesting that GB News attends a meeting with Ofcom to discuss its approach to compliance.”
We found that the comments made by Naomi Wolf had the potential to impact viewers’ decisions about their health and were therefore potentially harmful.
Vaccine video: Stars get behind myth-busting campaign
A celebrity-filled video encouraging people from ethnic minority communities to get the Covid-19 vaccine is to be shown across the UK’s main commercial TV channels.
Romesh Ranganathan is among the list of famous faces who will try to tackle misinformation among certain communities.
18 February 2021
Lisa Shaw: Presenter’s death due to complications of Covid vaccine
26 August 2021
Get them young ….
Why You’re Wrong About Eurovision
Bella Ramsey’s big on Eurovision and they’ve got a message for the naysayers…
Release date:09 May 2023
3 minutes
Just can’t wait for Eurovision – this site is gonna have a party party party weeee
Christ, you mean that’s yet to come? I thought the bloody thing had come and gone.
Could it get any WURST …
so choose your own variation of mr sausage
Wishful thinking I’m afraid. There’s almost a week of the screeching gayfest to come. Don’t fancy it? Rylan’s on BBC2 mincing about ‘toxic masculinity’. FFS.
Even R4’s The Archers is bowing down to the gods of degeneracy with a story-line about Rylan visiting Ambridge, to judge the village’s own Eurovision-themed competition.
They really are scraping the bottom of the barrel on this one. A business developer called Adil Shah (who took over the site of the now-closed Grey Gables) has been asked to move out of the Snells’ guest house, where he has been staying – highly improbably for a rich man – for some time … all to make way for the great Rylan to have a room there.
The reverence with which the mediocre Rylan is treated by all characters in this soap opera is nauseating to listen to. Are we to believe the whole village is so lacking in taste and discernment that nobody can appreciate that this particular emperor has no clothes? Or is it just yet more BBC dumbing down and self-publicity?
For those with an independent platform and reputations already well established, there is no excuse. Take the fallout from the Charlie Hebdo massacre. For all his supposed bravado and bravery, what did Private Eye editor Ian Hislop do? Did he publish the images that got his fellow satirists slaughtered? Did he take up the torch of liberty and free speech? Did he hell. He slunk away like all the others and meekly submitted to the Islamic supremacists, when bravery was needed most. Notice now how he delights in ridiculing Trump and Boris and the other low-hanging fruit but never once dares to denounce the true evil in our midst.
“A group of the Benin bronzes that Germany handed back to Nigeria have vanished into a private collection instead of being exhibited in a museum as promised, prompting some observers to describe the restitution as a “fiasco”.”
Oh. Oh my.
RFK Jnr interview with Col Douglas Macgregor re Ukraine. For those that consider Col Macgregor an “armchair general” his CV is given by TFL Jnr: