How the Albanian mafia conquered the cocaine market in UK
Albanian mafia manages to carve out a prominent place in the UK criminal landscape in the supply of cocaine to other crime syndicates in the country
“Top economist calls for ‘lenient’ migration rules”
” the former chief economist of the Bank of England says.”
How much more “lenient” can we get ?
Note “former” .
Jack Straw: Labour made mistake letting Poles in early
Former home secretary says number and impact of migrants from eastern Europe far exceeded predictions
Press Association
Wed 13 Nov 2013 06.14
Kings of cocaine: how the Albanian mafia seized control of the UK drugs trade
‘They’re sophisticated, clever – and they always deliver’: from the ports of Europe to the streets of London, one criminal network is now at the top of the UK’s £5bn trade
Mark Townsend Home Affairs Editor
Sun 13 Jan 2019 07.00 GMT
‘Culture ‘ ‘identity ‘ ‘religion ‘ cannot be quantified by idiot economists – yet alone the competition for basic life – housing – health – security . Immigrants are more trouble than they are worth .
And we live with the consequences of our rulers ‘decisions since the 1950s …
2012 … “Two and a half years ago, the coalition government was formed, and we made a clear promise to the British public. After thirteen years of uncontrolled mass immigration, this government would reduce and control immigration.” – Theresa May 2012
2015 … “Because when immigration is too high (no figure given), when the pace of change is too fast, it’s impossible to build a cohesive society.” – Theresa May 2015
2018 … “Over the years, overall, immigration has been good for the UK. It has brought people with different backgrounds, different outlooks here to the UK,” – Theresa May 2018
we are undergoing the biggest invasion of Great Britain since the French invaded taffland in 1797 and we get the meeja focussing on an MP getting a speeding fine and if boys can be girls or vice versa or even somewhere in between?
Great Britain is being run by an OXO government with a weak leadership?
The initialism LGBTTQQIAAP (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, transsexual, queer, questioning, intersex, asexual, ally, pansexual) has also resulted, although such initialisms are sometimes criticized for being confusing and leaving some people out, as well as issues of placement of the letters within the new title. However, adding the term “allies” to the initialism has sparked controversy, with some seeing the inclusion of “ally” in place of “asexual” as a form of asexual erasure. There is also the acronym QUILTBAG (queer and questioning, intersex, lesbian, transgender and two-spirit, bisexual, asexual and ally, and gay and genderqueer).
“To cite the other person you just said that would *trigger you Sam Harris*, Mark Steyn said this the other day, *this is the conversation we will be having when the Mullahs nuke us*. Everyone will be discussing if someone is transgender despite the fact they’ve had no operation (ref Jack Monroe in UK)” – Douglas Murray
From the DT – comrade Marr and his views – I wish comrade Robinson would disappear too …
STARTS Andrew Marr quit the BBC in frustration at having to “self-censor” on subjects, including his objection to the government’s Rwanda policy.
Mr Marr left the corporation in 2021 after 21 years to host a show on commercial station LBC.
For 17 of his years at the BBC he hosted the Sunday morning political programme, and became tired of having to abide by the broadcaster’s editorial guidelines on impartiality.
Unable to express opinions to friends
The rules were so strict that Mr Marr felt unable to express political opinions to friends in the pub, he said.
Speaking to Radio Times, the presenter explained: “I never wanted to be a ranter or shouter, particularly. But I did want to speak more clearly and go to the kernel of the issues.
“Take something like the Rwanda policy [on the deportation of asylum seekers], to which I am very opposed. At the BBC I would have to say, ‘From the point of view of Suella Braverman or the Rwanda government…’ etc. And, in the end, it just becomes wearisome.
“Over time, I was self-censoring on air, and then self-censoring in front of family and friends, and even not saying what I really thought in the pub with friends.
“I just thought: ‘This is absolutely insane, this isn’t why I came into journalism at all.’”
He added: “When you have absolutely clear, obviously evident falsehoods – I’m thinking of [Boris Johnson’s] claim during the European referendum that Turkey was about to join the EU – I wish I’d had the chance to call those out more clearly. And I can now.”
Views on Gary Lineker
Mr Marr said he did not agree that Gary Lineker, who fell foul of the impartiality rules recently when he criticised Suella Braverman’s rhetoric on refugees, should be held to the same standards as BBC news journalists.
“There are a small number of people who are genuinely speaking for the BBC – Huw Edwards, Nick Robinson, Laura Kuenssberg – who are at the heart of the BBC’s political offer. They have to be really, really careful about what they say and do. I get that.
“But to extend that level of scrutiny to sports presenters or actors – it’s ridiculous,” he said, while conceding that Lineker is a difficult case due to his salary and high profile.
Mr Marr suffered a severe stroke a decade ago and said his family had worried that he was doubling his workload by leaving the BBC, appearing live on LBC four times a week and hosting a Classic FM show, in addition to his role as political editor of The New Statesman.
He told them: “I’m working twice as hard but having three times as much fun. So, by and by, the maths works.”ENDS
Mr Marr suffered a severe stroke a decade ago and said his family had worried that he was doubling his workload by leaving the BBC, appearing live on LBC four times a week and hosting a Classic FM show, in addition to his role as political editor of The New Statesman
Gagging orders are out of control, says Andrew Marr as he abandons High Court injunction over HIS extra-marital affair
UPDATED: 11:14, 26 April 2011
The sinecurists at the BBC are terrified that independent reportage of events and evidenced analysis from non establishment folk will make them redundant.
It’ll happen – not soon enough for most people who are heartily fed up with the ideologically skewed rubbish retailed by the incurious, lazy and entitled gits that presently populate the MSM.
The drivel spewed by Radio 4 between 8am – 9am this morning was just epic – satire couldn’t touch it…
I’d ask her to check if this is true but, like so many, she has been pre blocking like Di Abbott on Araldite omelettes.
So Marianne. According to Wikipedia, you lived in Russia for a year, were initially turned down by the BBC and various other MSM outlets. Then Emily Maitlis got you in? Yet she's now gone. Under a cloud. And we're supposed to trust you?🤣
afaics “Trading Standards” is entirely now an interlinked system of computerized telephone exchanges tarpits – designed to exasperate en route to terminal exasperation at “Citizens Advice”
There was me thinking “Red Andy” was a conservative Brexit supporter. This has come as a complete surprise to me, so effectively did he hide his true political views.
Is Dominic Raab MP aiming for The Reform Party because we are being run by an OXO government and a feral Civil Service that want to re-join the EU?
Nigel Farage your country and party needs you!
I think he has money to make so will withdraw from the public arena and not take a corrupt peerage . I have no evidence for this view . I believe all peerages are corrupt .
“In conclusion, doctors aren’t gods and nurses aren’t angels. They are ordinary people who were drawn to their profession to care for others and signed up to their professional codes of ethics in good faith. Many have been caught out by their trust in institutions and socialised obedience, even as their core values and commitment to ethical codes is corrupted by corporate interests and the immoral authority that now pervades our political class.”
Come on Marky what is the point is posting years old graphic, potentially misleading people when you don’t say in the post how old it is, or the relevance in posting it ?
Labour is prepared to force pension funds to invest in a proposed £50bn “future growth fund”, as the party aims to boost the amount of capital available for fast-growing UK companies.
Reeves, who visited the New York Stock Exchange on Monday, said she wanted to change the culture of Britain’s savings industry, unleashing homegrown funds that could persuade UK companies to list in London.
Reeves backed the proposal by Nicholas Lyons, lord mayor of the City of London, to create a £50bn growth fund, with 5 per cent of every defined contribution scheme’s assets invested in it.
Imagine that, a Red Labour Shadow Chancellor who is more pro business and free enterprise than the currenct Blue Labour Chancellor and proof the Tories are now so far to the Left they are in the place Momentum and Corbyn occupied not very long ago.
Thoughful – with the announcement of how much was borrowed in April – ( see above ) it really doesn’t matter who is in number 10 / 11… although I suspect the red brand will be more vindictive – such as removing incentives to save …..
.. and sooner or later home valuations / bands will be hit ….as well as CGT on primary residence sales …
The former prince – Harry Windsor has – as predicted – lost his case over using his money to buy police armed protection whilst in the UK visiting his former domicile .
No doubt he will sell more royal secrets to pay the costs …. Which I hope are a lot …..
“Moment furious motorist attacks Just Stop Oil eco-zealots as he pushes them to the ground before police officers swoop in and handcuff HIM during another slow-march protest through capital”
Top comment:
“Perhaps it is time to counter-blockade met office police stations in protest against their participation in these blockades.”
That’s if anyone can find a police station to lay siege to.
Round my way the police park their vehicles at the local government offices and eat at the nearby Tesco.
My favourite: a BBC sob story.
Basically a new-build block of flats is falling to bits.
And the residents didn’t follow the old adage that prices can fall as well as rise..
Introducing “Daniel Bruce moved into the first home he’d owned”
Naturally the BBC doesn’t bother saying how he could afford the gaff – maybe he saved £100K deposit and earns £250,000 a year?
Endless blubbering
“altered the complete trajectory of my life.”
Mr Bruce, who claims to have spent £100,000 in legal fees, said: “My future has been stolen from me, my money’s been stolen from me, my mental health has been stolen from me.”
“It was going to be my sanctuary and it’s turned out to be the complete opposite of that”
“There aren’t enough adjectives to describe what I’ve been put through.”
You’d have to have a heart of stone not to laugh – 38 year old kidult who feels his life is over.
Seems like the Beebolids don’t understand that Camden has a huge majority of Labour councillors, and also that it’d be their building inspectors’ jobs to ensure all was well with the development going ahead.
Perhaps personal liability of these councillors, and their ‘team’ of diversity in crap construction ‘workers’ might like to take personal accountabilty, accept that they may be surcharged and let this wet little bloke get his day in court!
Interesting that if you read the article about Rolf Harris on the bbc, you would never guess that he ever did any work for them. If you expected a mention about any of his abuses being covered up by the bbc in a saville manner, you won’t find one.
One thing I will say though, he did a mighty fine version of Stairway to Heaven.
The BBC is putting out a one hour celebration tonight – just like they did for jimmy saville – perhaps BBC VERIFY can say whether i m telling fibs or not .
.. all those programmes the BBC paid Rolf for —— but the knives well and truly go in now ….
Today's Twitter Poll: Immigration v Energy Price Cap?If you were the Editor of the National TV public service news this Thursday when both figures come out. Which'd you lead with?
– Immigration figures (likely to be record highs) – Energy price cap (bills likely to drop)
If so it is a toss up between a bloke whose job it is to dress as a bird of prey and run around the seaside, the diversity of WW3 or something a Tory councillor might have said in the hearing of a source.
Can you imagine the panic in number 10? The immigration figures come out on Thursday – huge – so rishi has to Do Something …. So it’s cancel the families coming to the UK with foreign ‘students ‘ – than scam …..
Will make no difference to the hoards arriving legally or illegally – ……conservatives ? Joke …
“So it’s cancel the families coming to the UK with foreign ‘students ‘ – than scam …..”. Then give the, ‘nod’ to his handlers in the Home Office to let them through……..On the quiet.
Is it possible that the tiresome Beebolid website could assign its ‘mental health’ issues programming and trashy stuff to normal indigenous British people?
I don’t want to read about sponging whingers coming over here, then moaning about what they’ve been given via the lawful British taxpayer. If they have mental problems, then they can stay away, can’t they?
Justin Rowlatt was on the BBC News at One and of course he mentioned climate change. Unfortunately I wasn’t really paying attention but the story he was doing was actually about the government extending the ivory ban. Thinking these are two different subjects I had a look on the BBC site and apparently “The species set to be included in the ban are already at risk from climate change and habitat loss.”
I think this is what is called ‘reaching.’
Halle Bailey gets praise from the ‘professional’ critics for her race-swapped role in the live-action remake of The Little Mermaid.
She’s also in the cast of the musical remake of The Color Purple.
That one hasn’t been race-swapped, naturally.
Can we have a counter on this site for things posters say “won’t be on the BBC”?
Wow, this should be mandatory watching!
Col. Lawrence Wilkerson, former Chief of Staff to Colin Powell, dropping some major truth bombs.
3 video 🧵
1st one: "The rest of the world think we're insane […] If there's a war criminal in the world of imperial posture, it's the US"
Caution: This account is temporarily restricted
You’re seeing this warning because there has been some unusual activity from this account. Do you still want to view it?
Sadiq will be pensioned off – answerable to no-one.
The salary for the Czar has since risen more than threefold – from £35,000 to £117,000 – while the night-time economy she is supposed to be helping to boost has shrunk.12 Jan 2023
Sadiq Khan set to visit India and Pakistan to encourage trade with London
Sadiq Khan will be the first London’s mayor to visit both India and Pakistan as he looks to promote closer ties with the subcontinent
I also love the french method, handcuff behind back two officers arm through arms and drag face down over street furniture. Works on the ones glued as well.
Shayan is another rising star on team Verify — here he’s trawled Twitter for one flippant comment on Gates’ Russian mistress, which is enough for him to claim that “conspiracy Twitter now thinks Greta Thunberg is Bill Gates’ daughter”.
Drilling down you find that ‘conspiracy Twitter’ and social media ‘frenzies’ (Marianna’s favourite) often have at their source a couple of oddball remarks amongst many, many well-reasoned observations. Signal/noise ratio seemingly missing from the fact checkers’ toolkit.
They really are ridiculous.
Following the Wall Street Journal's story about Bill Gates' affair with Russian bridge player Mila Antonova in the late 2000s, conspiracy Twitter now thinks Greta Thunberg is Bill Gates' daughter, because Greta looks a bit like Antonova, or something.
It’s an old ‘origin of the species’ thing that dates back to the presumption that modern dating techniques are ever so reliable and that fossilised corpses found in Africa were the earliest humans. It’s just another anti-Judao-Christian/anti-Creationist/anti-Bible theory.
The BBC have the Ukranian raid into Russia story open for HYS. I wrote:
‘Very obviously a diversion for the likes of the BBC to use as a headline instead of reporting that Bakhmut has actually fallen and Zelensky is a liar.
I despair at the lies and disinformation we are being fed by our media as they lead us by the nose to WW3.
I despair even more at the ignorance I see in the comments here from people who swallow it.’
As expected, deleted within minutes for ‘Are considered likely to disrupt, provoke, attack or offend others’.
More women artists
Tate Britain has been investing in art by women to redress the balance for modern times. The earliest works on display, by Joan Carlile, Mary Beale and Anne Killigrew, date back to the 17th Century.
Two vastly different works depict the sea – Wolfgang Tillmans’ detailed photograph of the waves and Lubaina Himid’s reworking of a James Tissot painting in which she has two black women gazing from the deck of a boat off the Portsmouth coast.
Are these at least a nod to Britain, an island nation, and the choppy waters of our times?
The Montacutie referenced the speech made by the Home Secretary to the House today and the Government’s proposed legislation to limit the opportunity to bring in dependents to overseas PHD students alone, thereby making it impossible for undergraduates and Masters students to bring in their families. Sarah was worried that this measure would restrict the fee income from overseas students queueing up to attend British universities.
She sounded reassured by a contributor who thought that would not be the case.
Even so, it probably is going to be immigration week on the BBC and I’m sure there will be further attacks on the Home Secretary.
I wonder if the fact that someone as popular as Elon Musk mentioning BBC VERIFY does harm or good to the self appointed deciders of truth . Someone in the BBC – thankfully – didn’t think such a juvenile idea through – And there will be tears …
If autocue-readers and hacks at the Beebolid HQ did their jobs properly, they’d not need yet another level of so-called scrutiny.
The tedious levels of accountability paid for by a long-suffering tax-payer is largely in line with the civil service, so that pay-grades are largely significant for employees who aren’t that much good at their work, but have a job for life anyway!
I guess we’ll soon see yet another non-job, farting about with ‘diversity’ in ‘verifying’ ‘news’ and facts, which are already a poor example of how not to run a business – except of course a bloated TV tax-paid lump of wasters and hangers-on.
They could start on their awful website, which is the only contact I have with them. It’s not much better than a local freebie offering roofing, drain-clearing ads and crackpot ideas like fengshui!
But that means even more of the TV tax being widdled up against the wall, so perhaps it’s not such a good idea…
BBCveryLie doing false equivalence
saying “following” and “chasing” are the same thing
They are often not
BBC Verify has analysed and confirmed CCTV footage appearing to show a police van following two people on an electric bike minutes before a fatal crash that sparked a riot in Cardiff after South Wales Police said that a chase did not take place.
I see then that Verify is now seeing itself as a voice of authority over the police now. Police should shut them down for obstructing their own efforts. No great fan of them but I would not believe anything that comes from the bBBC.
The race card can’t be played on this one . The yoofs who offed themselves were whitee 15 16 but presumably promising footballers ….
It’s something when one story tells of plod playing riot control with the other story of some poor builder trying to clear a bridge to get to work when stopped by green crap loons – and plod takes the side of ….. guess ….. they’ve really really lost the plot and public support withers away ….
BBCnews just shouting Gotcha at Boris
.. something about his friends going to Chequers when it was against Covid rules
“: Boris Johnson’s diary shows friends visiting him at Chequers during lockdown”
His side says it was legal, and the police haven’t contacted them.
Did I just hear that?
On BBC London, a theatre, marked Stratford East on the shown front wall, is stated as wanting a Black Only audience. There is no mention or insinuation of racism.
It is then stated that white peoples who turn up will be allowed in. How nice.
Sluff – Stratford east has always been a Far Left outfit – part of the socialist republic of newhamistan …..the first borough to be officially a white minority …
Mon bbc local newsPR
#1 new science makes tomatoes to help with global warming
they’ll be able to grow outside instead of inside heated greenhouses
They don’t understand irony
like if there is big warming why would you need heating ?
The death of Rolf Harris has been announced. Condolences to all those at the BBC who worked with and supported him throughout his career.
He found fame in 1953 on BBC children’s TV, a year after he had arrived in the UK at the age of 21 from his native Australia.
He became a regular on both the BBC and commercial TV
Rolf Harris’s Cartoon Time was a fixture in the BBC One schedules for a decade
The following year, the BBC launched Rolf on Saturday, OK?, a teatime variety show billed by the Radio Times as “half-an-hour of acting, painting and, above all, singing”.
His Cartoon Time children’s show was a fixture in the BBC One schedules for a decade until 1989
he was again approached by BBC One in 1994, this time not to present a children’s show but to host a programme about animal welfare.
Rolf on Art culminated with him painting a portrait of The Queen in 2005 to celebrate her 80th birthday. The critics hated it and Lord Bragg accused the BBC of failing to take the arts seriously.
With the ” stop oil” protesters being able to get away
with stopping folk getting on with their daily lives and being abetted by the police. I think the police should use
a new approach in their advertising recruitment strategy.
How about ” Join the Met. the only requitements is for
you to be able to dance the Macarena and to be a coward.
Even if they played it equally – arresting all involved – it would be better than taking the side of the green crapsters – sooner or later they are gonna get killed by some irate driver who has had enough …..and plod will be complicit in that .
It’s time for the midweek thread . Today we had record borrowing announced for April – the US is on the edge of financial meltdown – inflation is embedded and out of control due to a crap Bank of England – yet the preoccupation is either ‘Phil of good morning ‘ or suella and her driving course…..
Serious times . Thanks for reading and contributing . Tell a friend / enemy ….
MarkyMarkMar 12, 12:21 Midweek 12th March 2025 “The world does not need any more white saviours. As I’ve said before, this just perpetuates tired and unhelpful stereotypes.…
MarkyMarkMar 12, 12:21 Midweek 12th March 2025 Free food and accommodation for 14 years – Keir to set him free next week!
StewGreenMar 12, 12:19 Midweek 12th March 2025 Hull : fairly prompt action by police and establishment against 2 pervy fairground workers Two seedy Hull Fair workers have…
StewGreenMar 12, 12:07 Midweek 12th March 2025 Hull : Atlas Caravan factory has gone bust 180 job losses and then the suppliers
MarkyMarkMar 12, 11:42 Midweek 12th March 2025 Stop foreign aid .. oh wait … that’s 8 billion leaving the UK! HA HA HAH AHAH AH A “Migrant…
MarkyMarkMar 12, 11:38 Midweek 12th March 2025 Canada’s Justin Trudeau cannot say how often he wore blackface [img][/img]
vladMar 12, 11:27 Midweek 12th March 2025 If any of you deplorables enjoy seeing leftist terrorists accidentally setting themselves on fire while trying to arsonise Tesla, then…
JohnCMar 12, 11:19 Midweek 12th March 2025 ‘City of culture’ rapidly became ‘biggest shithole we want to try and rejuvinate’. The only culture Bradford has is the…
1 Migrant in. 2 MPS out.
How the Albanian mafia conquered the cocaine market in UK
Albanian mafia manages to carve out a prominent place in the UK criminal landscape in the supply of cocaine to other crime syndicates in the country
“Top economist calls for ‘lenient’ migration rules”
” the former chief economist of the Bank of England says.”
How much more “lenient” can we get ?
Note “former” .
Jack Straw: Labour made mistake letting Poles in early
Former home secretary says number and impact of migrants from eastern Europe far exceeded predictions
Press Association
Wed 13 Nov 2013 06.14
Kings of cocaine: how the Albanian mafia seized control of the UK drugs trade
‘They’re sophisticated, clever – and they always deliver’: from the ports of Europe to the streets of London, one criminal network is now at the top of the UK’s £5bn trade
Mark Townsend Home Affairs Editor
Sun 13 Jan 2019 07.00 GMT
‘Culture ‘ ‘identity ‘ ‘religion ‘ cannot be quantified by idiot economists – yet alone the competition for basic life – housing – health – security . Immigrants are more trouble than they are worth .
And we live with the consequences of our rulers ‘decisions since the 1950s …
2012 … “Two and a half years ago, the coalition government was formed, and we made a clear promise to the British public. After thirteen years of uncontrolled mass immigration, this government would reduce and control immigration.” – Theresa May 2012
2015 … “Because when immigration is too high (no figure given), when the pace of change is too fast, it’s impossible to build a cohesive society.” – Theresa May 2015
2018 … “Over the years, overall, immigration has been good for the UK. It has brought people with different backgrounds, different outlooks here to the UK,” – Theresa May 2018
we are undergoing the biggest invasion of Great Britain since the French invaded taffland in 1797 and we get the meeja focussing on an MP getting a speeding fine and if boys can be girls or vice versa or even somewhere in between?
Great Britain is being run by an OXO government with a weak leadership?
2017 ….
The initialism LGBTTQQIAAP (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, transsexual, queer, questioning, intersex, asexual, ally, pansexual) has also resulted, although such initialisms are sometimes criticized for being confusing and leaving some people out, as well as issues of placement of the letters within the new title. However, adding the term “allies” to the initialism has sparked controversy, with some seeing the inclusion of “ally” in place of “asexual” as a form of asexual erasure. There is also the acronym QUILTBAG (queer and questioning, intersex, lesbian, transgender and two-spirit, bisexual, asexual and ally, and gay and genderqueer).
“To cite the other person you just said that would *trigger you Sam Harris*, Mark Steyn said this the other day, *this is the conversation we will be having when the Mullahs nuke us*. Everyone will be discussing if someone is transgender despite the fact they’ve had no operation (ref Jack Monroe in UK)” – Douglas Murray
And children sexualised early -loss of precious innocence mental health trouble –
From the DT – comrade Marr and his views – I wish comrade Robinson would disappear too …
STARTS Andrew Marr quit the BBC in frustration at having to “self-censor” on subjects, including his objection to the government’s Rwanda policy.
Mr Marr left the corporation in 2021 after 21 years to host a show on commercial station LBC.
For 17 of his years at the BBC he hosted the Sunday morning political programme, and became tired of having to abide by the broadcaster’s editorial guidelines on impartiality.
Unable to express opinions to friends
The rules were so strict that Mr Marr felt unable to express political opinions to friends in the pub, he said.
Speaking to Radio Times, the presenter explained: “I never wanted to be a ranter or shouter, particularly. But I did want to speak more clearly and go to the kernel of the issues.
“Take something like the Rwanda policy [on the deportation of asylum seekers], to which I am very opposed. At the BBC I would have to say, ‘From the point of view of Suella Braverman or the Rwanda government…’ etc. And, in the end, it just becomes wearisome.
“Over time, I was self-censoring on air, and then self-censoring in front of family and friends, and even not saying what I really thought in the pub with friends.
“I just thought: ‘This is absolutely insane, this isn’t why I came into journalism at all.’”
He added: “When you have absolutely clear, obviously evident falsehoods – I’m thinking of [Boris Johnson’s] claim during the European referendum that Turkey was about to join the EU – I wish I’d had the chance to call those out more clearly. And I can now.”
Views on Gary Lineker
Mr Marr said he did not agree that Gary Lineker, who fell foul of the impartiality rules recently when he criticised Suella Braverman’s rhetoric on refugees, should be held to the same standards as BBC news journalists.
“There are a small number of people who are genuinely speaking for the BBC – Huw Edwards, Nick Robinson, Laura Kuenssberg – who are at the heart of the BBC’s political offer. They have to be really, really careful about what they say and do. I get that.
“But to extend that level of scrutiny to sports presenters or actors – it’s ridiculous,” he said, while conceding that Lineker is a difficult case due to his salary and high profile.
Mr Marr suffered a severe stroke a decade ago and said his family had worried that he was doubling his workload by leaving the BBC, appearing live on LBC four times a week and hosting a Classic FM show, in addition to his role as political editor of The New Statesman.
He told them: “I’m working twice as hard but having three times as much fun. So, by and by, the maths works.”ENDS
Mr Marr suffered a severe stroke a decade ago and said his family had worried that he was doubling his workload by leaving the BBC, appearing live on LBC four times a week and hosting a Classic FM show, in addition to his role as political editor of The New Statesman
Gagging orders are out of control, says Andrew Marr as he abandons High Court injunction over HIS extra-marital affair
UPDATED: 11:14, 26 April 2011
The sinecurists at the BBC are terrified that independent reportage of events and evidenced analysis from non establishment folk will make them redundant.
It’ll happen – not soon enough for most people who are heartily fed up with the ideologically skewed rubbish retailed by the incurious, lazy and entitled gits that presently populate the MSM.
The drivel spewed by Radio 4 between 8am – 9am this morning was just epic – satire couldn’t touch it…
Springster’s little vanity project doing well.
I’d ask her to check if this is true but, like so many, she has been pre blocking like Di Abbott on Araldite omelettes.
Few comments seem encourage for the mission future.
The only complimentary ones appear to be from loons, academics, activists and/or blokes seeking her favours.
Sat on the loo and found myself spontaneously laughing when mention was made of, “Trading Standards”. It helped start the day.
No doubt Today will provide many more such starts to my day.
afaics “Trading Standards” is entirely now an interlinked system of computerized telephone
exchangestarpits – designed to exasperate en route to terminal exasperation at “Citizens Advice”There was me thinking “Red Andy” was a conservative Brexit supporter. This has come as a complete surprise to me, so effectively did he hide his true political views.
Is Dominic Raab MP aiming for The Reform Party because we are being run by an OXO government and a feral Civil Service that want to re-join the EU?
Nigel Farage your country and party needs you!
I think he has money to make so will withdraw from the public arena and not take a corrupt peerage . I have no evidence for this view . I believe all peerages are corrupt .
Camden leaseholders: ‘My £850,000 newbuild flat is now worthless’
Thought i’d google the directors
Mr John Akinbowale Palmer
Dr Abdul Wahaab Adebayo Ibraheem
Typical, not surprised
The medical establishment:
“In conclusion, doctors aren’t gods and nurses aren’t angels. They are ordinary people who were drawn to their profession to care for others and signed up to their professional codes of ethics in good faith. Many have been caught out by their trust in institutions and socialised obedience, even as their core values and commitment to ethical codes is corrupted by corporate interests and the immoral authority that now pervades our political class.”
Comment from :
“Two phrases were implanted into the mass brain by the ‘nudge unit’ –
Follow the Science, and.
Protect the NHS!
Firstly, Science (with a capital letter) should be like an open door – offering opportunities for further exploration……
Secondly, I believed that the NHS, as it was established, was supposed to protect US!”
The G7:
Riots in Cardiff !
One for “tough-man” Drakeford to deal with?
CNN panned for on-air graphic reading ‘fiery but mostly peaceful protest’ in front of Kenosha fire
Come on Marky what is the point is posting years old graphic, potentially misleading people when you don’t say in the post how old it is, or the relevance in posting it ?
I’m Fedup asking for it to stop – …why not concentrate on ‘now’? There’s enough going on …
Let us forget the history – be damned forever.
I thought these are relevant to show it’s all been going on for a while – a reflection = how other media handle it.
Or, you could change your Moniker to “Deja Vu”
Will do! Do I need to change it historically?
Have we not met before, M’sieu?
Suppose my point is that the BBC news will report this as a fault of someone else and not those doing it.
As every week passes, the population move a little close to the edge of the boiling cauldron. Not quite at the point of hair trigger yet, but soon.
“Ed claimed that a woman could “quite clearly” have a penis. ”
Labour is prepared to force pension funds to invest in a proposed £50bn “future growth fund”, as the party aims to boost the amount of capital available for fast-growing UK companies.
Reeves, who visited the New York Stock Exchange on Monday, said she wanted to change the culture of Britain’s savings industry, unleashing homegrown funds that could persuade UK companies to list in London.
Reeves backed the proposal by Nicholas Lyons, lord mayor of the City of London, to create a £50bn growth fund, with 5 per cent of every defined contribution scheme’s assets invested in it.
Imagine that, a Red Labour Shadow Chancellor who is more pro business and free enterprise than the currenct Blue Labour Chancellor and proof the Tories are now so far to the Left they are in the place Momentum and Corbyn occupied not very long ago.
Thoughful – with the announcement of how much was borrowed in April – ( see above ) it really doesn’t matter who is in number 10 / 11… although I suspect the red brand will be more vindictive – such as removing incentives to save …..
.. and sooner or later home valuations / bands will be hit ….as well as CGT on primary residence sales …
that pretty much sounds like a 5% tax to me
“force pension”
“could persuade”
The former prince – Harry Windsor has – as predicted – lost his case over using his money to buy police armed protection whilst in the UK visiting his former domicile .
No doubt he will sell more royal secrets to pay the costs …. Which I hope are a lot …..
Amounts of £300,000 being spoken of on various sites, then add in breakages in Monteshitshow crockery and the money is leaking away.
“Moment furious motorist attacks Just Stop Oil eco-zealots as he pushes them to the ground before police officers swoop in and handcuff HIM during another slow-march protest through capital”
Top comment:
“Perhaps it is time to counter-blockade met office police stations in protest against their participation in these blockades.”
Park cars outside protestors house to STOP stop oill from leaving the homes.
I can see something along the lines of Assault on Precinct 13 happening here.
That’s if anyone can find a police station to lay siege to.
Round my way the police park their vehicles at the local government offices and eat at the nearby Tesco.
Round my nephews way they close at 5pm.
“Camden leaseholders: ‘My £850,000 newbuild flat is now worthless’ ”
My favourite: a BBC sob story.
Basically a new-build block of flats is falling to bits.
And the residents didn’t follow the old adage that prices can fall as well as rise..
Introducing “Daniel Bruce moved into the first home he’d owned”
Naturally the BBC doesn’t bother saying how he could afford the gaff – maybe he saved £100K deposit and earns £250,000 a year?
Endless blubbering
“altered the complete trajectory of my life.”
Mr Bruce, who claims to have spent £100,000 in legal fees, said: “My future has been stolen from me, my money’s been stolen from me, my mental health has been stolen from me.”
“It was going to be my sanctuary and it’s turned out to be the complete opposite of that”
“There aren’t enough adjectives to describe what I’ve been put through.”
You’d have to have a heart of stone not to laugh – 38 year old kidult who feels his life is over.
Seems like the Beebolids don’t understand that Camden has a huge majority of Labour councillors, and also that it’d be their building inspectors’ jobs to ensure all was well with the development going ahead.
Perhaps personal liability of these councillors, and their ‘team’ of diversity in crap construction ‘workers’ might like to take personal accountabilty, accept that they may be surcharged and let this wet little bloke get his day in court!
Can’t see it happening myself…
Hilarious Eddy. Have the bBBC never heard of caveat emptor.
It seems to have kicked off in Cardiff.
Surely this is an understandable reaction to years of evil uncaring Tory rule.
What was that? Wales has had a devolved Labour administration for two decades?
Urgent question in the ‘house ‘ again – but it’s about suella – not riots …. Speaker is a real Berkow 2
Rolf Harris has just hopped off to Kangaroo Valley on high…
Can you guess what it is yet little girl ?
Interesting that if you read the article about Rolf Harris on the bbc, you would never guess that he ever did any work for them. If you expected a mention about any of his abuses being covered up by the bbc in a saville manner, you won’t find one.
One thing I will say though, he did a mighty fine version of Stairway to Heaven.
The BBC is putting out a one hour celebration tonight – just like they did for jimmy saville – perhaps BBC VERIFY can say whether i m telling fibs or not .
.. all those programmes the BBC paid Rolf for —— but the knives well and truly go in now ….
Didn’t the Beebolids start off the accusations against Rolf Harris to cover up their woeful disregard for the disgrace of Savile?
Sort of thing they do, just divert the gullible public, hide the real narrative and shove their own failings where the sun don’t shine!
Does he mean the BBC?
If so it is a toss up between a bloke whose job it is to dress as a bird of prey and run around the seaside, the diversity of WW3 or something a Tory councillor might have said in the hearing of a source.
Can you imagine the panic in number 10? The immigration figures come out on Thursday – huge – so rishi has to Do Something …. So it’s cancel the families coming to the UK with foreign ‘students ‘ – than scam …..
Will make no difference to the hoards arriving legally or illegally – ……conservatives ? Joke …
“So it’s cancel the families coming to the UK with foreign ‘students ‘ – than scam …..”. Then give the, ‘nod’ to his handlers in the Home Office to let them through……..On the quiet.
I expect ‘lessons will be learned’
I hear the Welsh are revolting ?
I couldn’t possibly comment, of course.
Don’t we have our very own onsite man who can give us a bit of insight into why the ‘natives’ are getting a bit upset.
Then we don’t have to listen to the BBC, or the Sun – not that I do anyway.
Was it climate change forcing these loveable rogues to ride an electric scooter?
Or was it the jabba-jabba causing psycotic episodes?
Is it possible that the tiresome Beebolid website could assign its ‘mental health’ issues programming and trashy stuff to normal indigenous British people?
I don’t want to read about sponging whingers coming over here, then moaning about what they’ve been given via the lawful British taxpayer. If they have mental problems, then they can stay away, can’t they?
How much of the tv tax is paid by foreigners…
Justin Rowlatt was on the BBC News at One and of course he mentioned climate change. Unfortunately I wasn’t really paying attention but the story he was doing was actually about the government extending the ivory ban. Thinking these are two different subjects I had a look on the BBC site and apparently “The species set to be included in the ban are already at risk from climate change and habitat loss.”
I think this is what is called ‘reaching.’
So, elephants and rhinos are at risk from climate change and NOT the indigenous population killing them for a fast buck ?
Do they think we were born yesterday ?
The Little Mermaid: Film critics fall for Halle Bailey’s ‘charismatic’ Ariel
18 hours ago
Halle Bailey gets praise from the ‘professional’ critics for her race-swapped role in the live-action remake of The Little Mermaid.
She’s also in the cast of the musical remake of The Color Purple.
That one hasn’t been race-swapped, naturally.
Can we have a counter on this site for things posters say “won’t be on the BBC”?
Who ever will be on top will be the criminal – fact.
China will be a benevolent overlord.
The worlds most trusted is starting to use its bBC Verify on reports
For example just come across
“BBC Verify has confirmed the location of a number of posts on social media from last night’s riot in Cardiff”
What a load of rubbish, bbc verify has confirmed lol
More than a few congratulatory messages for the new project are being spotted for not looking kosher.
Something for Verify to verify, just as soon as they’re back from their frappucinos
Caution: This account is temporarily restricted
You’re seeing this warning because there has been some unusual activity from this account. Do you still want to view it?
Sadiq Khan has a minor heart attack?
Please do not mention the jabba-jabba because we all know this works and is safe and effective.
Not sure why this is neeewwwws for something that happened in 2021!
Sadiq will be pensioned off – answerable to no-one.
The salary for the Czar has since risen more than threefold – from £35,000 to £117,000 – while the night-time economy she is supposed to be helping to boost has shrunk.12 Jan 2023
Sadiq Khan set to visit India and Pakistan to encourage trade with London
Sadiq Khan will be the first London’s mayor to visit both India and Pakistan as he looks to promote closer ties with the subcontinent
Shafi Musaddique
Tuesday 10 October 2017 15:19
Thoughts …. Prayers …..
I also love the french method, handcuff behind back two officers arm through arms and drag face down over street furniture. Works on the ones glued as well.
Shayan is another rising star on team Verify — here he’s trawled Twitter for one flippant comment on Gates’ Russian mistress, which is enough for him to claim that “conspiracy Twitter now thinks Greta Thunberg is Bill Gates’ daughter”.
Drilling down you find that ‘conspiracy Twitter’ and social media ‘frenzies’ (Marianna’s favourite) often have at their source a couple of oddball remarks amongst many, many well-reasoned observations. Signal/noise ratio seemingly missing from the fact checkers’ toolkit.
They really are ridiculous.
It’s an old ‘origin of the species’ thing that dates back to the presumption that modern dating techniques are ever so reliable and that fossilised corpses found in Africa were the earliest humans. It’s just another anti-Judao-Christian/anti-Creationist/anti-Bible theory.
As evidence of the paganising of the world, I cite the front page of The Times newspaper which can be seen here for another couple of hours:
Western Media. Must be one for Marianna Spring and BBC Verify:
The BBC have the Ukranian raid into Russia story open for HYS. I wrote:
‘Very obviously a diversion for the likes of the BBC to use as a headline instead of reporting that Bakhmut has actually fallen and Zelensky is a liar.
I despair at the lies and disinformation we are being fed by our media as they lead us by the nose to WW3.
I despair even more at the ignorance I see in the comments here from people who swallow it.’
As expected, deleted within minutes for ‘Are considered likely to disrupt, provoke, attack or offend others’.
Tate Britain has rehung its art collection: What can we learn?
Answer : That the Take and Al Beeb have gone woke and are a joke.
More women artists
Tate Britain has been investing in art by women to redress the balance for modern times. The earliest works on display, by Joan Carlile, Mary Beale and Anne Killigrew, date back to the 17th Century.
LGBT artists also are reflected including Simeon Solomon’s The Moon and Sleep 1894
A ‘more truthful’ account of history?
Two vastly different works depict the sea – Wolfgang Tillmans’ detailed photograph of the waves and Lubaina Himid’s reworking of a James Tissot painting in which she has two black women gazing from the deck of a boat off the Portsmouth coast.
Are these at least a nod to Britain, an island nation, and the choppy waters of our times?
TWatO Watch #1 – it’s immigration week on the BBC
The Montacutie referenced the speech made by the Home Secretary to the House today and the Government’s proposed legislation to limit the opportunity to bring in dependents to overseas PHD students alone, thereby making it impossible for undergraduates and Masters students to bring in their families. Sarah was worried that this measure would restrict the fee income from overseas students queueing up to attend British universities.
She sounded reassured by a contributor who thought that would not be the case.
Even so, it probably is going to be immigration week on the BBC and I’m sure there will be further attacks on the Home Secretary.
Cardiff riots and death of two young lads. Community leaders interviewed…community this community that community members community will come together.
Germany tried to use Holocaust laws against a Covid skeptic Sucharit Bhakdi
the prosecution has just failed in court.
Media diversity
Just now talkTV had a long piece with a JSO spokeswoman
At the same time GBnews had a long piece with a JSO spokesman
Musk has endorsed the anti BBC Verify tweet I mentioned earlier
I wonder if the fact that someone as popular as Elon Musk mentioning BBC VERIFY does harm or good to the self appointed deciders of truth . Someone in the BBC – thankfully – didn’t think such a juvenile idea through – And there will be tears …
so she admits creating multiple fake accounts for the purpose of stalking people and what the americans would term entrapment.
how very ethical of the bbc
she will be looking of course at the oooooooohhhh far-right
how very balanced of the bbc
If autocue-readers and hacks at the Beebolid HQ did their jobs properly, they’d not need yet another level of so-called scrutiny.
The tedious levels of accountability paid for by a long-suffering tax-payer is largely in line with the civil service, so that pay-grades are largely significant for employees who aren’t that much good at their work, but have a job for life anyway!
I guess we’ll soon see yet another non-job, farting about with ‘diversity’ in ‘verifying’ ‘news’ and facts, which are already a poor example of how not to run a business – except of course a bloated TV tax-paid lump of wasters and hangers-on.
They could start on their awful website, which is the only contact I have with them. It’s not much better than a local freebie offering roofing, drain-clearing ads and crackpot ideas like fengshui!
But that means even more of the TV tax being widdled up against the wall, so perhaps it’s not such a good idea…
ITV local newsPR
PR for hospice who say they are not getting enough donations
If everyone votes Labour such things will be magically fixed.
BBCveryLie doing false equivalence
saying “following” and “chasing” are the same thing
They are often not
I see then that Verify is now seeing itself as a voice of authority over the police now. Police should shut them down for obstructing their own efforts. No great fan of them but I would not believe anything that comes from the bBBC.
Inciting more disorder in Cardiff ? State broadcaster …
Fed, The Humph will be wanting to come out of retirement and explain how Splott in Cardiff is a much poorer district than Ely.
The race card can’t be played on this one . The yoofs who offed themselves were whitee 15 16 but presumably promising footballers ….
It’s something when one story tells of plod playing riot control with the other story of some poor builder trying to clear a bridge to get to work when stopped by green crap loons – and plod takes the side of ….. guess ….. they’ve really really lost the plot and public support withers away ….
BBCnews just shouting Gotcha at Boris
.. something about his friends going to Chequers when it was against Covid rules
“: Boris Johnson’s diary shows friends visiting him at Chequers during lockdown”
His side says it was legal, and the police haven’t contacted them.
Did I just hear that?
On BBC London, a theatre, marked Stratford East on the shown front wall, is stated as wanting a Black Only audience. There is no mention or insinuation of racism.
It is then stated that white peoples who turn up will be allowed in. How nice.
Sluff – Stratford east has always been a Far Left outfit – part of the socialist republic of newhamistan …..the first borough to be officially a white minority …
Mon bbc local newsPR
#1 new science makes tomatoes to help with global warming
they’ll be able to grow outside instead of inside heated greenhouses
They don’t understand irony
like if there is big warming why would you need heating ?
Then Down Syndrome Barbie dolls
The death of Rolf Harris has been announced. Condolences to all those at the BBC who worked with and supported him throughout his career.
He found fame in 1953 on BBC children’s TV, a year after he had arrived in the UK at the age of 21 from his native Australia.
He became a regular on both the BBC and commercial TV
Rolf Harris’s Cartoon Time was a fixture in the BBC One schedules for a decade
The following year, the BBC launched Rolf on Saturday, OK?, a teatime variety show billed by the Radio Times as “half-an-hour of acting, painting and, above all, singing”.
His Cartoon Time children’s show was a fixture in the BBC One schedules for a decade until 1989
he was again approached by BBC One in 1994, this time not to present a children’s show but to host a programme about animal welfare.
Rolf on Art culminated with him painting a portrait of The Queen in 2005 to celebrate her 80th birthday. The critics hated it and Lord Bragg accused the BBC of failing to take the arts seriously.
2017 article?
No mention of BBC work on current one
“He arrived in London in 1952, aged 21, and went on to host a string of children’s TV and variety shows as well as series about animals and art.”
Just took part in a poll in a daily paper, should Suella resign over speeding ticket. Over 80% said no.
Suck that bBC
Who would have thought
With the ” stop oil” protesters being able to get away
with stopping folk getting on with their daily lives and being abetted by the police. I think the police should use
a new approach in their advertising recruitment strategy.
How about ” Join the Met. the only requitements is for
you to be able to dance the Macarena and to be a coward.
Even if they played it equally – arresting all involved – it would be better than taking the side of the green crapsters – sooner or later they are gonna get killed by some irate driver who has had enough …..and plod will be complicit in that .
Then what will the say ?
“Lessons to be learned”
It’s time for the midweek thread . Today we had record borrowing announced for April – the US is on the edge of financial meltdown – inflation is embedded and out of control due to a crap Bank of England – yet the preoccupation is either ‘Phil of good morning ‘ or suella and her driving course…..
Serious times . Thanks for reading and contributing . Tell a friend / enemy ….