357 Responses to Start the Week 19 June 2023

  1. AsISeeIt says:

    Softly, softly, catchee monkey edition

    On a morning when our BBC highlights: Global network of sadistic monkey torture exposed… The torture ring began life on YouTube, before moving to private groups on the encrypted messaging app Telegram… The sadists’ goal was to create bespoke films in which baby long-tailed macaque monkeys were abused, tortured and sometimes then killed on film… now being investigated by the US Department of Homeland Security

    Mr AsI tends to say leave people free to do whatever floats their boat (or submerges their miniature submarines) – so long as either dumb youngsters or innocent animals aren’t harmed in any way.

    And, more particularly, their kink isn’t encouraged by public policy and subsidised on the rates, so to speak. Pride Month, anyone?

    Let’s thank our lucky stars these monkey boxers (?) don’t get their own colour shade of stripe on the Pride Flag just yet.

    Monkey see, monkey do

    Of course US authorities and UK broadcasters like this rather shocking story that will upset normal animal lovers because: “We’ve seen an escalation in this extreme, graphic content, which used to be hidden but is now circulating openly on platforms like Facebook,” said Sarah Kite, co-founder of animal charity Action for Primates… there should be stronger laws to hold them to account,” she said. (BBC) – she meant the monkey torturers – but don’t worry here comes the: Online Safety Bill… to make provision for and in connection with the regulation by OFCOM of certain internet services; for and in connection with communications offences; and for connected purposes (UK Parliament)

    No moronic MPs were harmed in the making of this newspaper – insists Thought For The Day on the masthead of the blokey jokey Daily Star.

    It’s a big day for all-in wrestling fans with present-, recent- and former- as well as recently-former-PM’s all taking the ring together in a proper battle royale. With another rubbish PM-in-waiting Sir Keir playing the part of the spectator old dear at ringside heckling the baddies and taking the odd swipe at the participants with his handbag whenever they come within his arm’s reach.

    In the pale blue corner we have straight out of the Chipping Norton Cotswold set, weighing in at lightweight limp and liberal, dripping wet, baby-faced heel, trained in the Blairite stable: Cameron is heckled at inquiry as he admits pandemic plans failure (Daily Mirror)

    Cameron admits flu bias… David Cameron had admitted… pandemic planning focused too much on influenza (FT) – because flu is a completely different thing and obviously left the NHS dangerously unprepared. Think about it… it’s as though our hospitals geared up for a plague of broken arms and suddenly thousands turn up in A&E with fractured legs.

    Ex-Prime Minister who brought country to its knees says everyone else just didn’t understand economics (Daily Star) – which of them do they meant?

    Next up – recruited via Dave Cameron’s diversity hiring – would-be true blue (ex-liberal orange, now a green lettuce going brown as it was on the turn – a veritable little pride flag of her own): Wet lettuce Liz reveals she didn’t find the Daily Star lettuce as funny as rest of world – the Star there perhaps hinting Ms Truss got her comeuppance from some dark forces of a rather globalist nature – rest of world?

    Warning Women at work. Should men be afraid? (Times)

    Now the Labour-supporting Daily Mirror – in order to diss two Tory PMs at one swipe (BOGOF?) happily channels Margaret Thatcher of all people: Johnson’s career ends with final humiliation but frit Sunak dodges debate

    What is FRIT? How Margaret Thatcher used the word FRIT and how it was used to blast May… In the early 1980s, Margaret Thatcher accused the Labour politician Denis Healey of being “frit”… Theresa May has today spoken in the House of Commons, announcing she has called off Tuesday’s vote on her Brexit deal. She has done so as she believes her deal “would be rejected by a significant margin”. In reaction to this, Labour MP Dennis Skinner said today: “Mrs Thatcher had a word for it F.R.I.T – she’s frit.” (thank you Daily Express, December 2018)

    Today’s left-leaning press are loving this: Ex-PM tells MPs to ‘do what is right’… May warns Johnson is ‘eroding public trust’ as she issues defence of democracy (‘i’)

    Perhaps all former-PMs ought to be humanely put down after they leave office rather than be subjected to the tortured monkey treatment?

    Are readers hereabouts beginning to get the impression that these politicians play a game-like version of petty politics strickly among themselves with very little regard for what us dumb voters want?

    Ah, we plebs… the great unwashed: ‘Most clothes only need a freshen up’ The rise of the no-wash movement (Guardian)

    In further nonsense…

    Schools let children identify as horses, dinosaurs… and a moon (Telegraph)

    Gosh, we’ve come a very long way since the brilliantly talented and entertaining comedienne Joyce Grenfell playing teacher (who pretended we never had women in comedy?) said: “George – Don’t do that!”

    The school day used to end with a prayer in days of yore

    Let’s conclude with some good old-fashioned Bible verse

    May says Johnson has been ‘found wanting’ (Telegraph) – Daniel 5:26-27 Thou art weighed in the balances, and art found wanting.

    May’s father was of course the Rev Hubert Brasier, vicar of St Mary’s Church, Wheatley.

    Then finally in the Star of all places: And I will strike down upon thee with great vengence & furious anger those who try to diddle vicars out of a 9.5% pay rise – the Star is in fact channelling Quentin Tarantino’s Pulp Fiction rather than any Biblical text.


  2. Fedup2 says:

    Judge and you will be judged ( book for Fed ) – with apologies to Our Lord God in Jesus Christ ( I’ll mention it in Confession ( or ‘reconciliation ‘ as the very slightly woke RC Church calls it now ) …


  3. Guest Who says:


    A fair amount of the shenanigans in the world of politics, green, media selectivity, hypocrisy, etc all wrapped up and explained in a neat rare metal bundle.

    Rich Bidens, Rishi off to CA, Surkeer in his Hindenburg Hummer, Taiwan toast, Solar powered Reg at Glasto, Soaf and Antonio announce their first breakfast of crickets in bed..

    No excuse.


  4. andyjsnape says:

    Cost of living: Women ‘bearing the brunt’ of rising prices

    Its women, I knew it they would be worse off


    • Guest Who says:

      Interesting Getty hand job.

      But I weigh twice as much as the missus… I need more food!

      Actually no. She matches me calorie for calorie.

      Does do 10k a day though. Cow.


    • MarkyMark says:

      In a BBC Women’s Hour survey, Islington has been named as the absolute worst place for women to live in the whole of the UK. A somewhat bizarre turn of events has seen Islington placed as the downright lowliest place for women to live in Britain.13 Sept 2017



      • Fedup2 says:

        Marky – are you really putting up a survey result from 2017 ?



        • MarkyMark says:

          Was a great survey that was forgotten by the left …

          Women ‘bearing the brunt’ of rising prices
          Women ‘bearing the brunt’ of Labour policies
          Women ‘bearing the brunt’ of Labour MPS


          Why did Islington do so badly?
          Islington came out on the bottom of the list after gaining low scores across numerous categories, including 379th out of 380 on personal wellbeing overall and 369th for crime, with 122 reported offences for every 1,000 people, while housing is among the least affordable in Britain, with the average house priced at more than 16 times the local median income.

          while housing is among the least affordable in Britain,

          Interesting to know how they fair during a cost of living climate emergency crisis.


  5. Dickie says:

    Ukrainian military recruitment. The poor sods being sent to their deaths. The US, NATO, EU and UK will fight to the last Ukranian. I wonder if it gives the virtue signalling plebs a warm feeling while shouting “stand with Ukraine” and flying their Ukranian flags.



    • taffman says:

      I do hope that the Ukrainians win . For our sake, and Europe.
      How about you ?


      • Thatcherrevolutionary says:

        As Biden, Sunak, and all the left wing filth destroying my way of life are rooting for Ukraine, I’m leaning towards Russia.


      • tomo says:

        Catalonia isn’t getting much airtime these days…

        Now, if they decided to leave EU and become sovereign state?

        Not a fair comparison?


      • Fedup2 says:

        I think they might win on penalties …. Although the Russians will have more players in extra time …


      • Dickie says:

        taffman – I couldn’t give two hoots about Europe. They are run by a bunch of warmongering globalists as is this country. Suggest you widen your knowledge about the war in Ukraine. The MSM and BBC are not the only means of information about what’s happening in the big wide world.


        • Thoughtful says:

          Before I write this I expect some brick bats, maybe even an accusation of anti Semitism, so I want to make it clear that this is merely a factual recognition of the main players on the Western side of the Ukraine war – at least those we can see.

          One of the main players is a Ukrainian Oligarch Ihor Kolomoisky who brought Zelensky to power amongst others.
          Ihor Kolomoisky Is Jewish banned from entering the USA on suspicion of corruption.


          Volodymyr Zelenskyy is also Jewish and believed to also be corrupt


          CEO of Blackrock is Larry Fink also Jewish, the man behind the ESG system widely now regarded as corrupt, he is a comitted lifelong member of the Democrat party.


          Of course Fink has travelled to Ukraine to explore money making opportunities ‘rebuilding’ Ukraine.


          Anthony Blinken US Defence Secretary also Jewish and also corrupt with accusations of him being a party to the money laundering scheme Joe Biden was associated with. A prominent war monger for the Ukraine.

          Wikipedia has an entire section about Ukraine where Blinken openly lied about Russia not being open to diplomatic peace settlement to the war (in spite of him and Boris Johnson refusing the peace option at Istanbul.


          Behind the scenes we cannot know what is going on but there are far too many birds of a feather here for this to be mere co-incidence however it would appear to be backfiring very badly on all these people who will get their reward perhaps in the hereafter if not in their time in the present.


    • MarkyMark says:

      Ukraine urged to take ‘humane’ approach as men try to flee war
      This article is more than 1 year old
      UN calls for ‘compassionate’ approach to martial law, as aid workers report many men trying to leave were not born in Ukraine



  6. Althepalerp says:

    Rent: ‘We’ve got £1,750 a month and can’t find anywhere.
    Try moving somewhere cheaper. Merthyr Tydfil?


  7. MarkyMark says:

    “The next Labour government will set our world-class network of diplomats a priority task: launching a new economic diplomacy, for the modern era. Helping to create the conditions for growth. Navigating this new geopolitical and geoeconomic context… Last week the Conservative Party Press Office attacked me for saying that improving our relationship with the EU will be a priority of the next Labour government. I have no qualms about repeating this. Reconnecting Britain must start by reconnecting with our European neighbours… If you do not think Britain’s relationship with Europe is of fundamental importance to our future, you are living in a fantasy.”



  8. Foscari says:

    By now you know that I an old ,stale, pale mail I am not
    computer literate. AND this has nothing to do with the BBC.
    BUT does anybody else use Virgin E Mail ? I have been
    unable to use it for 36 hours now. Are Virgin in meltdown ?
    After going through all the security you finish up having
    to listen to some 19 year old executives selection of
    screaming “music” whilst waiting to talk to somebody to
    find out what’s going on. Before the line goes dead. Just one
    other contributor please tell me that I am not dreaming
    this up. OR do the RUSSIANS have something to do with it?


    • tomo says:

      Virgin email was (is?) an appendage of Google Mail – my experience is that Virgin do not rush to fix it if it breaks….


      • Eddy Booth says:

        I actually started using a Russian email client Yandex Mail to avoid these pathetic Western companies.
        Great for a few years.
        But has recently started security alert “warning” me when I’m using a different device or internet provider, locks my account and forces on tiresome 2 step verification.
        You can’t win ..


        • Fedup2 says:

          Eddy – did you get a Russian wife ? Seems a lot of eastern ladies are dying to meet me … ( 77 brigade to note )


    • StewGreen says:

      tFoscari latest Virgin email news

      We apologise again to those individuals who have been experiencing issues with their email services since Monday. Our teams are continuing to work on restoring all users’ access as a priority and we will do this as soon as possible. ^AR


  9. Guest Who says:

    BBC Radio Wales’ Claire Summers served her last day as host at the Breakfast show on 15 June. Dot Davies and James Williams will replace Claire as co-hosts of BBC Radio Wales’ Breakfast, starting from 26 June, live from 7 am.

    Always send a women to do another woman’s job.

    Plus, a man.


  10. tomo says:

    Wonder if they’ll do a before and after on the Monday morning ?


  11. Fedup2 says:

    Yippee – food inflation has dropped – it’s only 17% now – meanwhile the bbc is pushing for another money tree . Apparently because there was a ‘stamp duty holiday ‘ people bought homes at 1% fixed for 2 years – 2 years ago so now the government must bail them out if they prefer their Sky subscription rather than the new mortgage at 6% ……

    Go on rishi do it … they ll vote for you …. Or maybe not …


  12. Emmanuel Goldstein says:

    Regarding this child who reckons they are a cat. (Not a sentence I ever thought I’d write)

    I fully agree and I hope the parents are feeding it a tin of Whiskas a day because many human foods can be harmful to cats.
    Next, a trip to the vets to get neutered and microchipped.

    * I know they are taking the piss out of the woke teacher who must have been brainwashed at school/Uni and who shouldn’t be let near any children to contaminate them with this woke rubbish.


    • Ian Rushlow says:

      Some years back, a friend and his wife were called to the local school for a meeting with the Head to ‘discuss a serious matter’. The Head explained that their child was unhappy and possibly abused, because they had been feeding him ‘cat food’ at home. Turns out their child didn’t like the tuna sandwiches they sometimes made. These days, parents would be called in (or reported to Plod) because they were not feeding cat food to their feline-identifying offspring, or refusing to sanction an operation to graft whiskers onto their faces…


    • moggie63 says:

      Identifying as a cat is not to be taken lightly.


    • digg says:

      I think the fiesty young lass who took on this absolute twat of a so called teacher and made her look like a deluded, deranged and childish freak deserves a medal for stating pure facts and holding her ground.

      Hopefully there are more plucky, brave normal kids like this in the system to stand their ground and kick back at the litany of lies and puke some so called teachers are trying to force onto them.


  13. G says:

    I confess to being a hoarder. I file all guarantees and instruction manuals for major items purchased over the years, naturally, until their disposal.

    Searching for the capacities of my freezers, I came across the handbook for my Hotpoint washing machine. Imagine my delight in flicking through the pages and observing that every picture contained a white couple. Circa 2015. Nostalgic. No forced propaganda (for that is what it is) showing blacks doing everything. Produced by imbecilic marketing companies who don’t believe even the most illiterate of the public can differentiate between the 4% off the black population and the collective 81% of whites. I pondered on the fact that, if ever a physical conflict arose between the two groups, the blacks would be ……….a BBC Dalek expression……………..pretty damn quickly.

    Could that be the reason they unknowingly cling to the evolutionary reasons to continue breeding at high rates?


  14. andyjsnape says:

    Andrew Tate charged with rape and human trafficking

    combative BBC interview, apparently (heading under 1 of the images)

    Combative hey, honestly who takes the bbc seriously these day


  15. andyjsnape says:

    Chantelle Crowl: England and St Helens forward ‘racially abused and assaulted’

    Strange that someone would just be racially abused and assaulted, wonder what happen before to provoke this

    “They also added that one of their staff members had to attend hospital following the incident”

    Maybe this news will get buried when the full facts are known


  16. Fedup2 says:

    The Shaun Bailey Peerage from nut nut seems to be going forward despite his jingle and mingle partygate .

    To me – for someone to be in the Lords – in such circumstances – really demeans that place even further …. If he had any real honour – he’d ask for the award to be withdrawn … but the ‘honours system ‘? Ha ha ….


  17. andyjsnape says:

    Just a thought what happened to the constant reporting of

    Civil war in Iraq &
    Civil war in Syria

    I guess its all perfect now as the bbc doesn’t even give it a mention


    • MarkyMark says:


      ‘Dem blow my papa head open’ – Worshiper remember horror of Owo church attack ten months afta

      ‘Dem shoot my husband as e rush outside to save pipo’ – Benue attacks survivor

      How Boko Haram kill 29 fishermen for Borno state

      ‘We no fit vote unless gunmen give us permission’

      Boko Haram: How Six women and nine children escape from di militants hand afta months in captivity


    • Dickie says:

      You tube playing silly buggers. I’d open in the app when asked.


      • MarkyMark says:

        This video is age-restricted and only available on YouTube. Learn more
        Watch on YouTube


  18. Lucy Pevensey says:



  19. Guest Who says:

    National Schizzle Stirrer at it yet again.



    • MarkyMark says:

      Racism – BBC –

      ‘How is this legal?’ BBC bans white people from applying for Springwatch & One Show job
      THE BBC has found itself at the centre of a discrimination storm after banning white people from applying for a production management role, as one furious critic musing “imagine the riots if it had been the other way round.”
      12:03, Sun, Jun 20, 2021 | UPDATED: 13:42, Sun, Jun 20, 2021


    • MarkyMark says:


    • MarkyMark says:

      Did he avoid NHS taxes?


    • MarkyMark says:

      UK moves to exempt Windrush compensation scheme from tax
      Legislation will be introduced in the Finance Bill 2019-20 to exempt payments made under the Windrush compensation scheme from income tax, inheritance tax and capital gains tax.

      Staff Reporter

      July 18, 2019



    • MarkyMark says:

      Losses you can claim for
      You might be able to get compensation for losses relating to:

      immigration fees
      driving licences
      daily life – for example, you missed major family events or could not travel
      detention and removal
      living costs – for example, rent, utilities, contributions towards food and household essentials, travel and prescription fees


      Detention: tariff table
      Detention Amount of award Detention
      After the first 30 minutes
      of detention, hourly award
      for the next 3 hours of
      (No award for detention
      lasting 30 minutes or
      £500 per hour Part hours to be rounded up to
      the nearest hour
      Hourly award for the
      subsequent 6 hours of
      £300 per hour Part hours to be rounded up to
      the nearest hour
      Hourly award for the
      balance of the first 24
      hours of detention
      £100 per hour Part hours to be rounded up to
      the nearest hour
      For each full day of
      continuous detention
      following the first full 24
      • £500 per 24-
      hour period for
      the first 30 days
      • £300 per 24-
      hour period for
      the subsequent
      60 days
      • £100 per 24-
      hour period for
      any period of
      Part days to be rounded up to
      the nearest day

      Click to access Windrush_Compensation_Scheme.pdf


    • MarkyMark says:

      Deportation and removal: tariff table
      Type of deportation or removal Amount of award
      Deportation £10,000
      Administrative removal with reporting
      Administrative removal with detention £6,000
      Administrative removal without detention
      or reporting requirements
      Any other removal or return where the
      reason for the removal or return related to
      difficulties associated with an inability to
      establish lawful status

      Click to access Windrush_Compensation_Scheme.pdf


  20. Dickie says:

    Lucky the Windrush didn’t take a wrong turn and end up in Mississippi, Alabama or in any of the American deep southern states


  21. MarkyMark says:

    People turn to microwave meals as prices soar


    Parliament’s bars will not serve alcohol after 10pm, Commons confirms
    This article is more than 2 years old
    Announcement follows reports bars in parliament would not have to abide by new Covid rule


    • StewGreen says:

      Tesco frozen ready meals are 75p and 85p
      Only middle class tossers would refuse to eat them


  22. andyjsnape says:

    Paris 2024 Olympics: French police raid organisers’ headquarters

    Are most of these type of organisations on the fiddle, it seems so

    But dont forget folks, we must work within the rules


  23. MarkyMark says:

    Qatargate is an ongoing political scandal, involving allegations that European Parliament officials, lobbyists and their families have been influenced by the governments of Qatar, Morocco and Mauritania, engaging in corruption, money laundering, and organized crime.[1] Law enforcement authorities in Belgium, Italy and Greece seized €1.5 million in cash, confiscated computers and mobile phones, and charged four individuals with the alleged offences.[2][3][4][5]



  24. StewGreen says:

    Hatey Hatey Hatey libmob
    2:30pm R4 drama “They painted ‘Tory Scum’ on her wall
    .. calling people ‘scum’ is OK, but…”

    … oh very funny ….. if you are a hateyLefty


  25. StewGreen says:

    3pm documentary show statrts
    ..”On board a Climate Change research boat” (tick box)

    now talking about possibility of Greenland icecap melting
    They never explained it would take tens of thousands of years.
    The diary actually said the ship encounted more ice than expected, but they said it in a very subtle way.

    Blurb “An Arctic voyage that veers off track and echoes for years in the minds of its passengers,

    a baking hot summer evening in Suffolk,
    and an audio essay exploring the effect of environmental racism on memories of the West London town of Southall”*
    tickbox, tickbox, tickbox

    Presenter that cos she was in London and it was sweaty
    “it’s hard not to feel frightened on a daily basis”
    So that proves Climate Change !

    * that bit referenced 1976, 1979 demos
    when the police illegally shot Blair Peach
    She then says she took her kids there in 2019 and references a campaign called “Clean Air Southall”
    “We are victims of environmental racism”
    .. they argue that it comes from housing construction on a site of a former gasholder.
    “If the people had been white, it would be different”

    “Climate Change is the ominous bell , always ringing in the background ”
    “a symbol of climate hope”

    Bottomline .. Climate and Air Pollution are two separate issues.


    • StewGreen says:

      Next prog “Nazi eugenic policies”
      BBC are a bit obsessed with comparing things to Nazis


      • LynetteO says:

        They blamed the Nazi eugenic policies on the Americans on this Radio 4 programme !
        Quite a bizarre re-telling of history.


        • RightSide says:

          That is a common misunderstanding becuase it became so popular over there. Eugenics was a late 19th century movement originating in Britain.

          It was adopted by many countries and included forced sterlisation of mental and low IQ people.

          Churchill was a supporter and it far outreached anything the Nazis did in terms of scale.


          “The scientific reputation of eugenics started to decline in the 1930s, a time when Ernst Rüdin used eugenics as a justification for the racial policies of Nazi Germany. Adolf Hitler had praised and incorporated eugenic ideas in Mein Kampf in 1925 and emulated eugenic legislation for the sterilization of “defectives” that had been pioneered in the United States once he took power.”


    • Rob in Cheshire says:

      Blair Peach got clumped on the head and died, he was never shot. There is a suggestion he was bashed about the bonce by a member of the SPG. That was in the days when the Met did not take the knee.


  26. Dickie says:

    An article that Marijuana Spring should read:



    • StewGreen says:

      #bbcVilify … a campaign by the BBC to smear its POLITICAL opponents


    • MarkyMark says:

      “It is true that the government of a rule-of-law republic, checked by an honest media, might be quite limited in its programmatic lying. But that’s not how it is today, where dissent is being tarred as “mis-” and “disinformation,” and where the legacy media is morally base in the extreme. Today, regimes are increasingly despotic, and despotic regimes are much less checked and limited. ”


      “Nudge Unit”
      The Behavioural Insights team, popularly known as the ‘Nudge Unit’, is playing a big role in helping the government formulate its response to coronavi

      11 MAR 2020


    • Terminal Moraine says:

      Dickie there are more serious attempts to govern the ‘knowledge’ space e.g. Turing Institute’s sinister idea of epistemic security experts: https://www.turing.ac.uk/blog/infodemics-and-crisis-response

      It’s above Marianna’s paygrade, I suspect she’s been put out as a stooge by the powers that be while the more troubling censorship is taking place behind the scenes.


  27. MarkyMark says:

    “Intriguingly, a piece in just this week’s Jewish Chronicle suggests, and I quote for those of you that didn’t see it, “Rishi Sunak is a nice Jewish boy.” Well I can tell you I was pretty flattered.”


    Rishi Sunak In Trouble Over His Rs 3.8 Cr Swimming Pool Even As UK Reels Under A Drought


  28. Terminal Moraine says:

    Festival running since 1176 is ripe for a BBC attack because it’s been about 8 minutes since they last tried to undermine British tradition:

    “A singer-songwriter duo will not perform at the National Eisteddfod in protest at the festival’s strict Welsh language policy. Izzy Rabey tweeted that she and Eädyth Crawford would pull out of the festival unless the language policy was changed for invited acts. She said they would be meeting the board to discuss how the Eisteddfod could be more inclusive.”

    So, the language policy of a festival whose entire remit is a celebration of Welsh language and culture needs to change? It’s a miracle how the BBC found her. She doesn’t look the complaining type.




    • MarkyMark says:

      “She said they would be meeting the board to discuss how the Eisteddfod could be more inclusive.”




  29. tomo says:

    Dipshitler Biden speaks


  30. StewGreen says:

    £6bn of annual resources
    70 million potential UK audience

    3 yes three Likes for their tweet

    The did the same tweet before and got 5 Likes


  31. Thoughtful says:

    Here’s a story written in a very positive way but by implication means that those legitimate ordinary folk who by no fault of their own were convinced by lying media to vote for lying Socialist elites are about to deprive their kids their grandkids and those of their kinfolk of the jobs which should rightly have been theirs, and by extension to condemn them to a life of unemployment and poverty.


    Major US companies after prioritising ‘diversity’, are now planning on recruiting solely migrants, presumably as the Tories said the indigenous population don’t want to work.


    • MarkyMark says:

      2012 … “Two and a half years ago, the coalition government was formed, and we made a clear promise to the British public. After thirteen years of uncontrolled mass immigration, this government would reduce and control immigration.” – Theresa May 2012

      2015 … “Because when immigration is too high (no figure given), when the pace of change is too fast, it’s impossible to build a cohesive society.” – Theresa May 2015

      p.s. I would comment on order-order.com but I was banned for having an opinion, no examples of why given.




  32. tomo says:

    not another flag, please, not another flag….


    • MarkyMark says:

      National FGM Support Clinics
      -Female genital mutilation (FGM)
      National FGM Support Clinics
      National FGM Support Clinics (NFGMSCs) are community-based clinics that offer a range of support services for women with female genital mutilation (FGM).

      The service is free to access for anyone who’s eligible for NHS care.


      The service is free to access for anyone who’s eligible for NHS care.

      The service is free to access for anyone who’s eligible for NHS care.


    • Northern Voter says:

      At first sight, I thought Bod had turned gay!


  33. tomo says:

    He’ll be offering free motorhomes next week?


  34. tomo says:

    It’s complicated


  35. MarkyMark says:

    Hunter Biden to plead guilty to tax crimes and admit gun offence


    White House defends role in Hunter Biden art sale

    Paintings by Hunter Biden are expected to fetch up to $500,000 (£360,000) apiece at auction this autumn.



  36. tomo says:


  37. atlas_shrugged says:

    Exclusive: Shane Warne’s Death Precipitated by Covid mRNA Vaccine Say Leading Doctors


    This is news that will never ever ever ever ever ever be reported by the bBC

    P.S. Did I mention that the bBC may not report on this?


  38. tomo says:

    Here’s a fruity Twitter follow for y’all


    • BigBrotherCorporation says:

      I’ve never understood why we are supposed to believe those with great wealth are especially worth listening to, those born into it even less so!

      How old was George when he spawned Alexander? I was under the impression George was something over 100, and young Sasha looks (and sounds) like he’s around 16.


  39. Guest Who says:

    He regresses to juvenility each day.

    Soon the BBc will be able to rehire him.


  40. Guest Who says:

    Only an idiot, or someone assured the BBC will carry in what it is doing and no one will notice, could write this.

    AFAIAC the Conservatives are a lost cause. The trouble is this Tunbridge Wells Karen is emblematic of the alternative in them wings.


  41. Eddy Booth says:

    “Colonel Terry Virts – a retired Nasa astronaut – circumnavigated the Earth with his friend Hamish Harding, and earlier he told Newshour on the BBC World Service about him.”


    Who cares. I only feel empathy for the submarine – Little Titan.
    He could be happily swimming around in the English Channel, silently ripping the hulls off rubber dinghies, and pulverising lifeboats, sending the woke do-gooder crew to meet Poseidon.


  42. Dickie says:

    US interference in South East Asia:


    • JohnC says:

      They are interfering everywhere.

      My wife tells me they back the outrageously corrupt politicians in Thailand because they are the easiest to bribe and will let the USA take their oil + also hopefully let them establish a permanent military base ready for the big one with China.

      They don’t care one bit what damage they do to these countries and their future in the process.


  43. LynetteO says:

    The BBC’s past reporting of events about Israel are similar to that in the past . The most dramatic example of this was the BBC’s reporting was the 6 Day War in 1967 war. It bore bore little resemblance to the events themselves which had serious consequences for the Arabs as well. For example ,. the Arab media distorted the identities of the combatants.The Egyptians and other Arab states proclaimed the completely imaginary participation of American and British pilots and planes in the attacks on their airfields. The Egyptian Air force which in fact never left the ground was said to be wreaking havock in Tel Aviv , Haifa and Netanya and the Israeli airforce was said to have lost 160 planes in the first day alone. (Only 19 Israeli planes were downed in the whole war.)

    The world believed it due to the major part the BBC played as being the the main instrument of the Arab information services, even the most improbable of their reports and severely censoring the only version of events from its reporter in Jerusalem that corresponded to the truth.

    Many hours after the officer commanding the Israeli airforce had announced the destruction of the Egyptian Air force , British newspapers were still debating whether Britain could stand aside and see Israel destroyed. ( Randolph and Winston Churchill The 6 day war ( London 1967)

    President Nasser had misled the Arabs eg when he claimed Egyptian planes had bombed Israel cities etc and he certainly misled King Hussain of Jordan . The BBC reporting also played its part in his decision to attack Israel and to persist in the attack even after the Israeli Prime Minister urged him to avoid this clash was probably based on his belief in these reports.


  44. digg says:

    What is the common denominator in these two articles on the BBC?

    Scottish Greens Bottle return scheme goes into administration….


    No Drug Testing at festivals this year could cost lives…


    You guessed it… both are the UK Government’s fault apparently…

    With the bottle story it is apparent to anyone with half a brain that this was the most hair-brained and pointless project one could imagine. Bottles represent a tiny fraction of all packaging and in any case are usually recycled in local council waste facilities via normal waste collection anyway making the the thing pretty pointless virtue-signalling bollox. But no, it was the government in Westminster who sabotaged the whole thing.

    With the drug testing story, the government are accused of insisting on licenses for on-site drug testing facilities which must be applied for a few months ahead of the event. To me a very sensible and practical requirement, but no, none of the festivals for some unexplained reason applied in time so can’t have the drug testing stuff setup. This is put across as again the fault of Westminster in a totally irrational claim, putting lives at risk.

    Almost every story the BBC get it’s grimy hands on carries this undercurrent of anti-government innuendo. But of course we all know that this will all stop once they have managed too get their boy Kier into the top seats.

    I am sure that other readers on here could come up with many more examples of this BBC drip-drip-drip vendetta!


  45. JohnC says:

    Windrush: ‘I didn’t know what racism was until I came here’

    Funny that because I didn’t know what racism was until after the black drug-addict career criminal George Floyd was killed resisting arrest by an over-enthusiastic cop and was buried in a gold coffin.

    WIndrush was decades ago. The extraordinary levels of racism I have observed since Floyd are even more extreme now than they were at the time. And the BBC are one of those most guilty of this racist discrimination.

    Which one is most relevant for today’s news BBC ?.


    • Kaiser says:

      and yet he’s still here , me I dont stay anywhere im not welcome


    • MarkyMark says:

      When Jamaica gained independence in 1962, the murder rate was 3.9 per 100,000 inhabitants, one of the lowest in the world.[4] In 2005, Jamaica had 1,674 murders, for a murder rate of 58 per 100,000 people,[5] the highest murder rate in the world.[2] In November 2008, the Jamaican Parliament voted to retain the death penalty, which is performed by hanging.[6]

      Jamaica recorded 1,680 murders in 2009.[7] In 2010, there were 1,428, in 2011, 1,125. 2012 saw 1,097, 2013, 1,200. 2014 totaled 1,192, 2015, 1,450, 2016, 1,350 and 2017, 1,616.[8] 1,287 murders were reported in 2018.[9]



    • MarkyMark says:

      “Since the fall of Margaret Thatcher, the calibre of our elected politicians has declined with every successive government. We have now reached a nadir from which it is surely impossible for the integrity of Parliament to sink lower.”

      Boris says hold his £350k from a speech whilst he visits China with Barry Gardiner for £500K