This, apparently, is a bad thing. Forgive me if I’m not seeing the point here, but if the “mentally ill” chappie who went on a killing spree in Nottingham had been sent back, wouldn’t three innocent folks still be with us?
In July 2019, Abbott called 999 after being “chased around her home” by her son, James Abbott-Thompson. In relation to this incident, as well as subsequent incidents away from Abbott’s home, Abbott-Thompson later pleaded guilty to 12 assaults and racially aggravated criminal damage.
Re: COVID lockdowns. Did the BBC silence lockdown sceptics?
(By Toby Young)
“Did the BBC breach its own impartiality rules by keeping critics of the government’s pandemic response off the air during the first lockdown? I first made that accusation in 2020 in a witness statement I submitted to the High Court in an effort to challenge Ofcom’s ‘coronavirus guidance’, which I argued was a factor in the BBC’s one-sided coverage. The attempt failed, with Ofcom able to convince the court that its guidance only cautioned against broadcasting ‘harmful’ content.
But a recent investigation by the Telegraph into the Counter Disinformation Unit (CDU), a secret ‘cell’ in Whitehall that worked with the government during the pandemic to monitor ‘misinformation’ and ‘disinformation’, suggests that the BBC’s editorial independence may have been compromised. The head of the CDU, Sarah Connolly, says that one of its functions was ‘passing information’ to social media companies to ‘encourage… the swift takedown’ of posts it regarded as suspect. That’s worrying because we know that the CDU ignored an instruction from the Cabinet Office not to include ‘opinions’ in its definition of mis- and disinformation. Among the content flagged by the censors were criticisms of the government’s decision to close schools by Molly Kingsley, the co-founder of a children’s campaign group.
Did the CDU’s attempts to suppress dissent extend to the BBC? Connolly also chaired the Counter Disinformation Policy Forum, a group that included academics, lobbyists, tech companies and – crucially – a representative from the BBC. This was Jessica Cecil, founder of the Trusted News Initiative, a consortium that includes Facebook, Google, Microsoft and Twitter, and which was recently accused in a Texas court of getting those companies to remove dissident views about lockdowns and vaccines..
The BBC has played down the significance of Cecil’s attendance, claiming she was there in an ‘observer-only capacity’. But in the context of other things we know about the Beeb’s lockdown coverage, it looks a bit suspicious. ‘People were suggesting eminently qualified experts as alternative voices, but in my experience not one of them was put on air,’ an ex-BBC employee told the Telegraph. Other BBC journalists describe a ‘climate of fear’ in which anyone questioning the wisdom of the lockdown policy was ‘openly mocked’.
In October 2020, Sunetra Gupta, one of the signatories of the anti-lockdown Great Barrington Declaration, was invited on to BBC News to talk about new lockdown measures. Yet just before she was due to go on air a producer told her not to mention the declaration. Where did that instruction come from?
In September 2020, Susan Michie, then a member of Sage and a zealous supporter of Covid restrictions, complained on Twitter that she’d been booked on to the Today programme to discuss the Great Barrington Declaration with Professor Gupta on the understanding that the scientists behind it would be portrayed as cranks. But to her irritation, Gupta was, for once, allowed to set out her stall. ‘I was assured that this would not be held as an even-handed debate,’ wrote Michie. Who gave her that assurance? And why were the normal impartiality rules being waived?”
COMMENT (mine) Indeed the BBC is the world’s least trusted broadcaster – for a very good reason!
So its a FACT that the BBC were encouraging Facebook (et al) specifically to ‘shadow ban’ or ‘take down’ all posting that did not align to the ‘official’ governments COVID plans (now completely discredited lock-down schemes under Matt Hancock). Face masks (no evidence that they worked), COVID was flu (some evidence), that the VACCINATION for children was false (evidence that it harmed children), Doctors ignored in NZ, AUS and UK (clear evidence against vaccinations without health verifications), That Vaccinations actually ‘passed on’ COVID (Evidence ignored), That elderly were left to die often with more serious claims were marked down as COVID (even though many were seriously ill, – they did not die of COVID. Doctors were ‘encouraged’ to do so. (Evidence of neglect by NHS who were pushed into mass vaccination program). That children were immune and not affected (even admitted by the BBC) quickly changed to mass VACCINATION when the CDU unit within the BBC banned and such claims (There is clear evidence of this occurring within the BBC). The ‘impartial’ BBC abandoned all such claims and became what we all knew, but hoped it would not become. To make matters worse, the BBC would have done the same for the Labour Party who were insisting on mass lock-down and enforced vaccinations (by force) with permanent Face Masks that would only be lifted if you could prove you were vaccinated.
On Vaccinations, this was specified by the WHO (World Health Organ of the UN) and mandatory but open for each and every country to choose hoe to combat ‘the pandemic’ which was also linked to the release of information that it ‘escaped’ from CHINA, despite it being ‘engineered’ by FAUCI and Gill GATES as ‘gain of function’ technology banned in the US. The WEF promptly endorsed the lock-down as ‘A new world order’ and ‘you will be happy and own nothing’ following net zero, eating less (dying more), having less children and having no money. Money being ‘given’ to citizens as Carbon Credits and taken away if you were critical of the pandemic. Auhern in New Zealand volunteered to make anything the WHO stated NZ legal and ban all sceptics (particularly NZ Doctors). The Great Barrington declaration (international) was ignored both here (UK), EU, US, AUS and NZ, even though it has since been proved correct.
Sweden that had minimal lock-down ignored the WHO advice and has not suffered from the (so called) pandemic as much as we have and will continue from now on.
If you thought it could not get any worse. The UN WEF (of which the UK is a financial enabler) has recently proposed ‘mandatory’ Vaccinations on any future pandemic they choose with no ‘opt out clauses’, that some countries i.e. Sweden chose to ignore. That means in the next ‘Emergency’ pandemic our own government would not have any power to question the UN at all.
The BBC would just be a loud-speaker on the wall. Nobody could escape and all critics would be arrested, banned from travel, public spaces without being arrested and forcefully ‘jabbed’ until you were ill and possibly died of complications (as many already have).
This is the real and present danger of the BBC. There is no impartiality. It was a tool, and they were part of it even before the CDU unit was discoved and ‘admitted’ they tool part.
Toby Young was called by the BBC ‘a dangerous sceptic’ and that he (and others) should be igbored and not allowed on BBC premises for any ‘balance’ on radio or TV. They effectively banned all dissent from the air, and even went further by allertin Facebook and Google to ban the names they supplied. They actually crippled any dissent.
Nick Robinson now complains, they were the victims of the government. That they help run the CDU as it was an ’emergency’. So they could be less impartial then they normally were. He was challenged by Jonathen Aitkin on all points in last weeks Telagraph and a public debate may be held. Don’t hold your breath on that. We know the BBC has other issues with promoting Labour party poilicy, si it can enkoy another four years of party privelage under another ’emergency’ lockdown in ‘saving the planet’, net zero, gender queer studies and country file veganism.
In the next pandemic. We know where the BBC will stand. Not with us clearly, but against us in the UK.
Blah…Blah… Blah longish article full of supposition and clouding the waters until finally towards the bottom…
“…..academics at Oxford Economics believe food is 7% cheaper in the UK than on average in the EU.
And official statistics show a smaller part of spending in the UK goes on food – less than £1 in every £8 – than in France or Germany.”
So the headline could have been…..
“Food in the UK 7% cheaper than in the EU despite (or even because of ) Brexit”.
They think we don’t read the small print don’t they?
The truth is that all UK farming is under threat, and it is has nothing to do with price controls. If anything EU food is generally more expensive and will get a lot more expensive IF and WHEN they ban (no joking) Fertilzer and Methane emissions…
Joanna Blythman: Forcing green targets on farmers could devastate our food system
“Any policy that spells ruin for farmers and destabilises our food production infrastructure to meet an ideological objective, based on debatable scientific data, imperils our food security and raises the spectre of starvation.”
On 14 November 2021, a taxi carrying a passenger arrived at the main entrance of Liverpool Women’s Hospital in Liverpool, England. An improvised explosive device carried by the passenger ignited, killing him and injuring the driver. The police later declared it to be a terrorist incident; the perpetrator had been refused asylum in 2014, lost appeal in 2015, and lived in England until his attack.[1]
At the official inquest, on 30 December 2021, it was found that the device, manufactured and carried by the passenger, had been “designed to project shrapnel, with murderous intent”.
TWatO Watch #2 – that does not inspire hope & confidence that the UK economy is in good hands
Sorry cannot remember his name but Sarah interviewed at one point a so-called economist gentleman, who had at one time been a member of the MPC of the Bank of England. I recognise it can be difficult being interviewed, and on air with the declining BBC R4 audience across the nation also listening, but it helps to say “I don’t know” or play for time to get your head around the question.
Sarah had previously asked how many mortgagees could find themselves in trouble if the MPC of the BoE raises interest rates tomorrow. I think this gentleman said 14 million in reply. Sarah then asked I think how much of a proportion does this amount to of the population of the UK. The gentleman said in reply 50%. Er, I think we would not have a homeless problem in the UK if we only had a population of 28,000,000.
Maybe I misheard? Diction and enunciation on the BBC is not what it used to be.
I think the number was something to do with all the fix rate mortgages ending within 5 years – hence a lot of the housing stock being affected sooner or later .
Being of the Right – I say ‘tough ‘ no help should be offered by the taxpayer . Mortgages should be extended to 30 35 years or interest only – if people did the old thing of borrowing at 1% beyond their means 2 or 3 years ago – they can divert all their cash to pay the new rate . I did when it hit 15% …..
If I recall – the fixed mortgages run at about 1.5 million per year ….
I was also interested in the actual number of repossessions – I think it’s not many -( yet) although starmer says it is in 50% yoy ….
Fed, yes could be I misheard. Ex-MPC Gent was speaking on a ‘phone. I sort of tend to agree that no help should be offered by the taxpayer but …. but … we could at Treasury go back to the old system of Mortgage Rate Interest Relief modified by Nigel Lawson but abandoned completely by Gordon Brown.
There’s a simple way to reduce inflation: cut transport taxation and other transport costs.
I can feel MIRAS coming back . But it shouldn’t do – as I type Rachel reeve is saying that taxing oil companies will solve all …
The msm has discovered that interest rates are now hitting ending fixed rate mortgages … I’ve been saying it here for ages .
Does Rachel ever do an interview where she doesn’t say she made the Tea at a failed organisation – the Bank of England ….
Today at noon the bank will announce a 0.25% rate hike – some members will have called for a 0.5% – which it should be – but to do so is an admission that the bank got it wrong in the last 18 months . And they haven’t got the honourable people on the committee to do that .
Funny that neither Rachel on the red side and the idiot cleverly can come up with a cure for inflation – because there is only one – increasing interest rates – 7% or 8% next year ….. and the BBC getting fixated in 2024 with rates hitting 10% .
This all hinges on external factors not changing of course ….. and energy costs floating about where they are now ….
I’d still like to know the repossession level …..
I just wish politicians were a bit more honest with telling us how it is – but they are all liars …
If a person can identify as a cat then surely it means a cat can identify as a person.
The person identifying as a cat will, if it wants to, be able to change again and identify as a human.
Could a person identify as a fly (for example) and if you then kill them you cannot be charged as it would be the same as swatting a fly.
Can I identify as a ten year old and get into the pictures or travel on busses at half price.
If anybody does not believe me when I do all this identifying are they despicable?
Everything’s all barmy now.
Those the Gods wish to destroy etc.
Yes the Nigerian Police mishandled me. I declared myself to be a goat on arrest and wondered why they didn’t accept the fact. Are all people outside the Western World that stupid and backward?
If the BBC considered neutralising its Right Wing opponents by labelling them as Conspiracy Theorists it might work
Oh hang on they do it a lot.
4:35pm a guest on the Media Show did that.
(In addition at 4:36pm they compared Boris Johnson to Ebola … via the Mirror journalist journo)
4pm R4 Entire prog “Historian Phil Tinline explores the role of conspiracy, and conspiracy theory, in British politics. In this episode, Enoch Powell’s personal crusade against the ‘enemy within’.”
9:45am Marianne 10 part war against the Light Newspaper by calling it a Conspiracy Theory publication.
Today her premise was I quote “Will the conspiracy movement become violent ?”
‘The Met Police said it was satisfied no-one else was being sought and that the stabbings were not being treated as terror-related.’ – the mere mention of which usually means a Muslim did it but his facebook doesn’t contain any links to ISIS.
The Evening Standard describes it as a ‘pickaxe rampage’ which again points to the BBC covering it up and hence again points towards a BAME.
I also notice how the Nottingham murders disappeared quickly and completely. No follow on articles about what went wrong and what needs to change.
These racist double standards of the BBC are sickening. Peoples lives mean absolutely nothing to the BBC unless they can be used to aid the agenda.
A crazy guy shouted at the BBC team who were doing a meet the public event in Leicester during lockdown, so not in the legal spirit of keeping lockdown.
BBC first made a complaint to police, then hours later they escalated it to racism not really making it clear that he’s said “why do you BBC lot go back to where you came from”
The BBC and media did quite a lot of reports
biut in the end the claim was never tested in court cos Sima Kotecha never turned up.
About 2 years later the guy was sectioned for something else
Gary Neville has called on the Premier League to stop the transfer of players to Saudi Arabia until it is certain the integrity of its competition is not being put at risk.
So in this video, HITC Sevens takes a look at Neville’s most recent documentary about the upcoming FIFA World Cup in Qatar, the Qatari government’s propaganda machine, and whether Neville has inadvertently become a useful tool for the Western Asian kingdom.
The Chinese Super League, for a brief period, attracted much interest and paid huge sums to attract high-profile players, such as former Manchester United and City forward Carlos Tevez. Such levels of spending didn’t last.
@Dickie I had a look at the Iain Davis article
It does seem like Team Marianna use the smear label “Conspiracy Theorists” to neutralise political opponents of libmob
So Davis says
“There is no reason for us to accept Marianna Spring’s lexicon” OK
But then says “Conspiracy theorist” is *just* a state propagandist’s label for someone who holds an anti-Establishment opinion”
Then says he will use his own lexicon
“it is not “conspiracy theory,” it is anti-Establishment opinion (AEO).”
Nope, two wrongs don’t make a right, he says “is just”
That is not true : There are genuine conspiracy theories eg “that climate sceptics are mainly funded by big oil”
He himself has at the bottom of his article links to his most read articles
“Central Bank Digital Currency Is the Endgame ”
..em that seems like a big Conspiracy Theory
and what counts is that is a Conspiracy Theory without evidence.
2021 …. Dear Marianna Spring (BBC wages paid under threat of prosecution),
As I’ve had to look at your BBC news and use other sources to determine that your news is not news but selective editorial opinion I’d like to request that I have a refund for the last 4 years plus get the BBC free from now on.
Please let me know how I can go about this as I am willing to create a full list of articles that I’ve had to investigate plus time taken for me to check your fact checker whilst realising that the BBC intentionally removes news rather than incorrectly report on it, uses images to sway opinion or misleads with the main titles hoping no one reads the full article.
‘Omission is the greatest form of lie.’
CAS-4987700-SY1FTF : BBC NewsWatch says boredom with pro-Brexit march.
CAS-4844672-N8FDYY: Update on the MP Expenses 2009 scandal in 2018.
CAS-4939547-J71Z1V: Here’s hoping Ireland do the right thing G.Lineker.
CAS-4937378-YKMWBJ: BBC not reporting ‘Day of Freedom’ March 06may2018.
CAS-4906141-BFJQL0: I take offence that presenters promote their books.
CAS-4892811-C820SC: I am offended that I have to pay the BBC TV Tax.
CAS-4824332-633N1P: What happened in Italy was not covered …
CAS-4933135-ZV3V7F: The omission is the most powerful form of lie …
CAS-6005141-S1V9D1: Not seen a report on the UK Governments Covid19
Let me know how to go about resolving the issue of paying for something that wastes my time as I have to check each story rather than rely on its accuracy.
I live in North West London and we are lucky enough
to have a local programme on BBC1 four times a day
mostly presented by ethnic folk with features mostly about
ethnic folk . The topics covered are all very interesting.
We hear nearly every day about the Windrush generation
and it’s legacy and of course the Grenfell Tower tragedy.
We don’t hear too much about crime . Unless of course
whitie has committed it. Or the police .
To be honest the main programme is on at 18.30 after
the 6PM National News. I suppose I shouldn’t tell you this
but we turn over and watch Michael Portillo on his train
I was wondering are you in the other regions of the UK
lucky enough to have such local programmes . Such as
our Londonistan in the capitol?
I live in the deep south of England. In fact if I was to take a walk any further south I would probably drown because “my function in the water is to sink” A line courtesy of the late,great, old style Socialist Jake Thackray. Check him out.
As to your question Foscari I can only say that I very rarely find anything on TV that tickles my fancy so Mrs Wright has 99% control of the remote. 1984 is upon us.
The male player who beat the Williams sisters was a chain smoker who actually took a few puffs during the match. And let's not forget that the US women's soccer team lost to a boy's high school varsity team.
— Eric Ciaramella (Biden RAPED Tara Reade) (@EricCiaramella6) June 21, 2023
Another event dubbed a “Battle of the Sexes” took place during the 1998 Australian Open[60] between Karsten Braasch and the Williams sisters. Venus and Serena Williams had claimed that they could beat any male player ranked outside the world’s top 200, so Braasch, then ranked 203rd, challenged them both. Braasch was described by one journalist as “a man whose training regime centered around a pack of cigarettes and more than a couple of bottles of ice cold lager”.[61][60] The matches took place on court number 12 in Melbourne Park,[62] after Braasch had finished a round of golf and two shandies. He first took on Serena and after leading 5–0, beat her 6–1. Venus then walked on court and again Braasch was victorious, this time winning 6–2.[60] Braasch said afterwards, “500 and above, no chance.” He added that he had played like someone ranked 600th in order to keep the game “fun”[63] and that the big difference was that men can chase down shots much more easily and put spin on the ball that female players could not handle. The Williams sisters adjusted their claim to beating men outside the top 350.[60]
Now that red diesel is limited to strictly direct agricultural use – events are now supposed to be paying full road diesel prices. The biodiesel game is pretty murky with rubbish fuel quality as I understand it.
I’d wager there’s hooky fuel on site.
If it was totally eco-kosher as claimed – there’d be an audit published.
I think the whole thing should be run on solar panels, windmills and batteries – lead by example.
I wonder if she would be good enough to publish her tax records …. Basic tax rate perhaps ? Or maybe ‘a little bit more ‘ – the weasel words Labour uses to rip more money from us ..
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #2 – ajs posted about this before I did …
….. but a curious lack of questions from a supposed journalistic organisation like the BBC: We know the woman is working but had Covid twice. Her wages were cut by the firm she worked for but what about Statutory Sick Pay? That should make up the difference. She has a partner, is he working? Could he not contribute to their rental payments? If he is not working is he getting Unemployment Benefits/Jobseekers Allowance?
M/s Osborn has two children. If they are under a certain age she will be getting Child Allowance. One of them has ‘Special Needs’ and as an SEES pupil, the mother I think gets a special ‘Carers Allowance’. What about the Local Authorities’ LEA? Should not the two adults receive a visit in their woodland tent setting? Are the children still attending school? M/s Osborn is now nine weeks pregnant so, iirc, no Child Allowance for that one. What does she say about her situation, the BBC do manage to get a quote from her about that but ask none of the questions above:
“I believe I am entitled to support and housing 100%”, Ms Osborn said.
I think there is a bit of a funny whiff about this sad story.
BBCFour now “As water flows down this Thai mountain it absorbs CO2 from the air and soil making it more acidic”
The amount of CO2 in air is very very tiny,
I think it has minimal effect on streamwater acidity
in Taiwan.
LGBT rights in the People’s Republic of China
CHN orthographic.svg
Territory controlled by the People’s Republic of China shown in dark green; territory claimed but not controlled shown in light green
Status Legal since 1997[1]
Gender identity Transgender people allowed to change legal gender after sex reassignment surgery.
Military Yes (no prohibition by law)
Family rights
Recognition of relationships No
Adoption No
Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people in the People’s Republic of China (PRC) may face some legal and social challenges that are not experienced by non-LGBT residents. While both male and female same-sex sexual activity are legal, same-sex couples are currently unable to marry or adopt, and households headed by such couples are ineligible for the same legal protections available to heterosexual couples. No explicit anti-discrimination protections for LGBT people are present in its legal system, nor do hate crime laws cover sexual orientation or gender identity.
Is there a message here?
The BBC has been accused of misleading the public about Martin Bashir’s health in order to withhold information regarding its notorious Panorama interview with Diana, Princess of Wales.
A tranche of emails seen by The Telegraph has revealed that senior managers were in regular discussion with the disgraced reporter in autumn 2020, as accusations were gathering about his use of forged bank statements in gaining the Princess’s trust.
At the time, however, the corporation repeatedly said it could not answer questions because Mr Bashir was “seriously unwell”.
His medical condition also provided bosses with a legal loophole not to disclose more than 3,200 emails relevant to the case under freedom of information (FoI) laws.
Some of the most senior executives in BBC News are now under pressure to explain the apparent disparity between the corporation’s public stance and their private communications.
The revelations threaten to add a further layer of controversy to one of the worst scandals in the corporation’s history.
The 1995 interview was hailed at the time as one of the great all-time Royal scoops, in which the late Princess famously said: “There were three of us in this marriage.”
However, in 2021 an inquiry by Lord Dyson found that Mr Bashir, a relatively junior BBC reporter at the time, had acted in a “deceitful” way in order to secure the interview, faking documents to make the Princess think those close to her were receiving money from tabloid newspapers and the security services to spy on her.
At the time, the then Duke of Cambridge responded by excoriating the BBC’s failures, describing the interview as a “major contribution in making my parents’ relationship worse”.
In autumn 2020, with the 25th anniversary of the interview approaching, the BBC was coming under renewed scrutiny to explain its handling of the affair.
According to official statements, however, Mr Bashir’s state of health made it impossible to provide meaningful answers.
But emails from the time, obtained under FoI, now suggest Mr Bashir was capable of lucid discussion, with some directly concerning the allegations being made against him.
In a series of messages in late October 2020, Richard Burgess, the director of news content, put to Mr Bashir an allegation that, despite his health, he had been “seen in a club”.
He also asked if Mr Bashir, the BBC’s religion editor at the time, had a copy of a note written by the Princess in the aftermath of the 1995 interview.
Mr Burgess said: “I’m very mindful of your health, and not putting any additional stress on to you but equally I don’t want us to allow a particular narrative to develop if you have evidence to the contrary as you mention below.”
Mr Bashir responded in detail regarding the Princess’s handwritten note, although the paragraph about his alleged club attendance is redacted.
A separate email shows that Fran Unsworth, the director of news and current affairs, was informed about the exchange.
This was 10 days after the BBC had put out a statement saying Mr Bashir was “seriously unwell with Covid-19-related complications”.
By November 3, the corporation had developed its formal response, saying to anyone asking about the Panorama interview: “Unfortunately we are hampered at the moment by the simple fact that we are unable to discuss any of this with Martin Bashir.”
However, two days later, on November 5, Mr Burgess forwarded to Mr Bashir a set of questions from a newspaper regarding an alleged burglary at the flat of Matt Wiessler, a graphic designer who unwittingly provided the mocked-up bank statements. Mr Bashir responded, denying all knowledge.
Meanwhile, an email exchange on November 4 with Jonathan Munro, the deputy director of BBC News, shows him appearing to respond positively to an “outline proposal” pitched by Mr Bashir.
In the same message, Mr Munro said: “I’m reading your point about not going back over ancient history (with which I entirely agree) as meaning that you are not taking part in any programme or coverage of the anniversary,” referring to the Panorama interview.
On Nov 6 2020, Mr Bashir was photographed arriving home after visiting an Indian takeaway and a wine shop.
‘Deception was the main plank in cover-up’
Andy Webb, a documentary filmmaker who is campaigning for the BBC to release thousands more emails from the period, said: “The BBC said Bashir couldn’t be consulted. In fact, the emails show they were in almost daily discussion.
“And this deception was the main plank in their cover-up of the Panorama scandal.”
In December 2022, the BBC told Mr Webb it had discovered nearly 3,300 emails involving discussions on the Bashir case in the run-up to October 2020.
However, it argued that it could only release a fraction of them because it would be unlawful to disclose documents relating to Mr Bashir without consulting him, saying that his illness made that impossible.
On Friday, Mr Webb will appear before a tribunal to argue that the new evidence of discussions with Mr Bashir means the BBC should have released all the documents and that their failure to do so was unlawful.
He points to an email on November 7 by Phil Harrold, the BBC company secretary and chief of staff to the chairman and director-general, which informed the board of the corporation’s press strategy regarding Mr Bashir as “sinister”.
Lord Hall of Birkenhead, the previous director-general who was subsequently heavily criticised by the Dyson report, stepped down in August 2020.
BBC accused of Panorama scandal cover-up over Martin Bashir’s health
Claims that new emails show reporter’s illness was used to withhold information about notorious interview with Diana, Princess of Wales
Henry Bodkin,
Robert Mendick,
21 June 2023 • 9:29pm
Martin Bashir Diana Princess of Wales BBC Panorama scandal
Martin Bashir with the late Diana, Princess of Wales, during the Panorama interview in 1995
The BBC has been accused of misleading the public about Martin Bashir’s health in order to withhold information regarding its notorious Panorama interview with Diana, Princess of Wales.
A tranche of emails seen by The Telegraph has revealed that senior managers were in regular discussion with the disgraced reporter in autumn 2020, as accusations were gathering about his use of forged bank statements in gaining the Princess’s trust.
At the time, however, the corporation repeatedly said it could not answer questions because Mr Bashir was “seriously unwell”.
His medical condition also provided bosses with a legal loophole not to disclose more than 3,200 emails relevant to the case under freedom of information (FoI) laws.
Some of the most senior executives in BBC News are now under pressure to explain the apparent disparity between the corporation’s public stance and their private communications.
The revelations threaten to add a further layer of controversy to one of the worst scandals in the corporation’s history.
The 1995 interview was hailed at the time as one of the great all-time Royal scoops, in which the late Princess famously said: “There were three of us in this marriage.”
However, in 2021 an inquiry by Lord Dyson found that Mr Bashir, a relatively junior BBC reporter at the time, had acted in a “deceitful” way in order to secure the interview, faking documents to make the Princess think those close to her were receiving money from tabloid newspapers and the security services to spy on her. NAVYDFy_aF8
At the time, the then Duke of Cambridge responded by excoriating the BBC’s failures, describing the interview as a “major contribution in making my parents’ relationship worse”.
In autumn 2020, with the 25th anniversary of the interview approaching, the BBC was coming under renewed scrutiny to explain its handling of the affair.
According to official statements, however, Mr Bashir’s state of health made it impossible to provide meaningful answers.
But emails from the time, obtained under FoI, now suggest Mr Bashir was capable of lucid discussion, with some directly concerning the allegations being made against him.
In a series of messages in late October 2020, Richard Burgess, the director of news content, put to Mr Bashir an allegation that, despite his health, he had been “seen in a club”.
He also asked if Mr Bashir, the BBC’s religion editor at the time, had a copy of a note written by the Princess in the aftermath of the 1995 interview.
Mr Burgess said: “I’m very mindful of your health, and not putting any additional stress on to you but equally I don’t want us to allow a particular narrative to develop if you have evidence to the contrary as you mention below.”
Mr Bashir responded in detail regarding the Princess’s handwritten note, although the paragraph about his alleged club attendance is redacted.
A separate email shows that Fran Unsworth, the director of news and current affairs, was informed about the exchange.
Fran Unsworth BBC Martin Bashir Panorama scandal
Fran Unsworth was informed about the messages between Martin Bashir and Richard Burgess CREDIT: Victoria Jones/PA Wire
This was 10 days after the BBC had put out a statement saying Mr Bashir was “seriously unwell with Covid-19-related complications”.
By November 3, the corporation had developed its formal response, saying to anyone asking about the Panorama interview: “Unfortunately we are hampered at the moment by the simple fact that we are unable to discuss any of this with Martin Bashir.”
However, two days later, on November 5, Mr Burgess forwarded to Mr Bashir a set of questions from a newspaper regarding an alleged burglary at the flat of Matt Wiessler, a graphic designer who unwittingly provided the mocked-up bank statements. Mr Bashir responded, denying all knowledge.
Meanwhile, an email exchange on November 4 with Jonathan Munro, the deputy director of BBC News, shows him appearing to respond positively to an “outline proposal” pitched by Mr Bashir.
In the same message, Mr Munro said: “I’m reading your point about not going back over ancient history (with which I entirely agree) as meaning that you are not taking part in any programme or coverage of the anniversary,” referring to the Panorama interview.
On Nov 6 2020, Mr Bashir was photographed arriving home after visiting an Indian takeaway and a wine shop.
‘Deception was the main plank in cover-up’
Andy Webb, a documentary filmmaker who is campaigning for the BBC to release thousands more emails from the period, said: “The BBC said Bashir couldn’t be consulted. In fact, the emails show they were in almost daily discussion.
“And this deception was the main plank in their cover-up of the Panorama scandal.”
In December 2022, the BBC told Mr Webb it had discovered nearly 3,300 emails involving discussions on the Bashir case in the run-up to October 2020.
However, it argued that it could only release a fraction of them because it would be unlawful to disclose documents relating to Mr Bashir without consulting him, saying that his illness made that impossible.
On Friday, Mr Webb will appear before a tribunal to argue that the new evidence of discussions with Mr Bashir means the BBC should have released all the documents and that their failure to do so was unlawful.
He points to an email on November 7 by Phil Harrold, the BBC company secretary and chief of staff to the chairman and director-general, which informed the board of the corporation’s press strategy regarding Mr Bashir as “sinister”.
Lord Hall of Birkenhead, the previous director-general who was subsequently heavily criticised by the Dyson report, stepped down in August 2020. KAtEuSL72hQ
The publicised emails also gave an insight into how Mr Bashir handled the ongoing allegations against him with his BBC colleagues.
In one September email to a manager, he anticipates “gruesome headlines”.
But he put that down to professional jealousy, saying: “I’m quite sure that some papers would be keen to splash something gruesome, particularly since they’ve never recovered from being beaten to the punch.”
In an email forwarded to Ms Unsworth, Mr Bashir also said he would not take part in any programmes regarding the late Princess because it would be “unfair” on the then Prince of Wales.
He said: “I also happen to believe that all of us are capable of redeeming our pasts and that defining the character of one man through the single perspective of his estranged spouse (who is no longer with us) is unfair, inaccurate and takes no account of his decades of dedicated service that continues to assist the nation.”
A spokesman for the BBC said: “The BBC rejects any suggestion it has acted illegally. The BBC has a duty of care to all of its employees.
“As you would expect, given this duty of care owed to Martin Bashir (as a then BBC employee) it was necessary to contact him in 2020, but contact was focused mainly on his health and welfare.
“The fact there was contact between the BBC and Martin Bashir does not mean that he was, at that time, fit to participate in any detailed discussion of the events of 1995 – he wasn’t.
“This was ultimately undertaken independently by Lord Dyson in his investigation, once Martin’s health had improved.”
A spokesman for Mr Bashir said: “Mr Bashir was in contact with colleagues at the BBC as a then employee who was off work due to serious ill-health.
“When able to do so, he made himself fully available, answering all questions put to him by Lord Dyson and submitted responses in writing.”
Timeline: Martin Bashir email trail
Sept 7 2020: Bashir sends detailed email to Fran Unsworth
Mr Bashir forwards a detailed email to Ms Unsworth, explaining that he will not participate in programmes concerning the late Princess of Wales because it would be “unfair” to the then Prince of Wales:
With the interview’s 25-year anniversary approaching, Mr Bashir appeared to predict heightened scrutiny of his conduct in securing the Diana interview, emailing a manager: “I’m quite sure that some papers would be keen to splash something gruesome, particularly since they’ve never recovered from being beaten to the punch.”ENDS
The above emails are cut and paste jobs … I couldn’t cut and paste anymore ….
… but the whole thing is something for BBC VERIFY to verify …. Or maybe not ….
Very loaded framing in the MSBC tweet & article there
Harrison Ford’s enthusiasm for thumping the newly emboldened far right is welcome.”
“Opinion | A new “Indiana Jones” reveals limits of Hollywood’s Nazi obsession
It’s too bad that decades of anti-Nazi films have seemingly done so little to inoculate the U.S. polity against fascism, beyond maybe a meme or two.
There is no news in the article ..seems it’s just PR spin off the back of promoting a new movie
@MSNBC bio “The place for in-depth analysis, political commentary and diverse perspectives. Home of @MSNBCDaily
HA HA Hundreds of tweets call that a lie
Woman gets £6K compensation from BBC due to their sexist licence prosecution against her
Judge apparently agreed they were wrong cos she was in debt an trying to negotiate with her
but they just pushed on with hard prosecution
there is a 250K petition that some politicians are taking notice of
However it’s not a proper verified government petition but rather a petition which you can sign thousands of times if you run a bot farm
Most sigs are from 8 months ago
john Carne has a video
Al Beeb and the rest of the Meeja are all pushing for rejoining the EU . Brexit is failure they all say . IMHO the Tory remainers were deliberately wrecking our economy along with the EU itself who is punishing us to teach others a lesson not to do the same. We have not left yet !
There is no doubt whatsoever that they are drugging him up for his bigger public appearances.
You can be sure everyone in the MSM knows it and they will not report it.
I’ve long been of the opinion that it is inevitable that an advanced society goes through a cycle where they eventually destroy themselves. I fear that is what we are witnessing in the West.
Maybe the Windrush generation, BLM, George Floyds relatives or that Mizzie twat are helping with the search and rescue ?
“Titanic tour CEO Stockton Rush said he didn’t hire ’50-year-old white guys’ because they were NOT ‘inspirational’ – as footage emerges of him boasting of previous ‘invulnerable’ sub designed to explore ‘unsinkable’ Titanic”
The reason is in the UK we recorded deaths by covid for someone in a care home upto I believe 6 weeks after the person had actually had covid, but died weeks later of something unrelated to covid. Covid was still shown on the death certificate
Maybe do some fact check to check your rubbish output, bbc verify to verify? Although Verify doesn’t seem to get mentioned much now, perhaps the bbc realises most people dont fall for it
⏰Watch the full interview on Beth Rigby Interviews… tonight at 9pm on Sky News 📺Sky 501, Virgin 602, Freeview 233 and YouTube
They all wore red, half in SFLA branded clothing – “The Pro-Life Generation VOTES” emblazoned on their chests like a cheery warning. One wore a pair of dangly earrings, tiny gold feet meant to match the size of a foetus’s foot at 12 weeks. “It’s a picture into their humanity,” she said.
How luvly, they all wore red and one wore a pair of dangly earring
honestly, will someone put this ex British organisation down, its had its day!
A pro-life mentor had offered Hawkins some unsolicited advice: stop saying “when” Roe v Wade is overturned. By assuming Roe’s demise, he cautioned, she sounded “too immature, too naive”.
Hawkins ignored him. She told her staff to double down, boost their messaging that promised to send Roe to the “ash heap of history”.
“I always tell our team: winners envision the win.”
82 years ago Hitler invaded the USSR. In Putin’s Russia the Great Patriotic War is key to the national idea of Russia as victor & victim of external aggression. Its used to back the Kremlin narrative that Russia's under attack again (even though it's Russia that invaded Ukraine.)
Then, in the early summer of 1941, Hitler betrayed Stalin by invading Russia, forcing the Soviet Union to change sides and ally itself with Britain and, later, America. Why did Hitler do it? Because conquering Slavic Europe had been central to his racist program all along.
forcing the Soviet Union to change sides and ally itself with Britain and, later, America.
Our media have an ace in the hole plus baubles, bangles and beads edition
In Britain we’re now completely ruled by American globalist culture – so although we don’t have their Juneteenth – that’s something to do with their emancipation of slaves, in case you were wondering – which can’t really be applied to us here in the UK – as far as one recalls – and historians among us can no doubt confirm – there were no cotton plantations in good ol’ downhome deep south Surrey… it is however, Windrush week – as evidently has been mutually agreed from on high right across our media
Windrush 75: ‘We have put the Great in Britain’ (BBC) – that’s as maybe.
All that jazz
That put the Great in Britain – is perhaps one interpretation of the event that opened the door to hyper-immigration. The arrival of West Indians has certainly kick-started the ‘colourisation’ of Britain: Colourised pictures of arrivals from the Carribean on board HMT Windrush… published for the first time today (picture reproduced frontpage of the – formerly paper of record, formerly patriotic –Times) we note a pic of black RAF servicemen enjoying time out on deck listening to a gal playing saxophone – maybe a rendition of “In The Mood” or “That Old Black Magic”- So where are all those black flyboys nowadays when we need them and all that our modern Airforce top brass can recruit are ‘useless white male pilots‘?)
We don’t need another hero – so said Tina Turner
The Labour-supporting Daily Mirror awards the hero accolade like the US army dishes out medals – by the bucket load and with Royal endorsement: William and the Windrush hero… Pride of Britain special… Pioneer Alfred Gardner, 97, who arrived in Britain in 1948… 75 years in Blighty and still not passing the cricket test (TM Norman Tebbit) as he is photographed proudly wearing his West Indian cricket shirt – and possibly supprting the Aussies and passing the Andy Murray test (Who do I support? Anyone but England)
The Guardian too is keen to present baubles, bangles and beads – down through the generations: ‘A badge of honour’ How Windrush shaped the lives of passengers’ grandchildren
Other openly left-leaning titles take a less positive and more aggressively activist stance: Windrush victims need compensation (‘i’)
‘The headwind they faced was Britain, but still they prevailed’ Hugh Muir (Guardian – hardly content with one report but going with a second article on Windrush)
The final hours (Sun) – no, that’s not in referrence to our incumbent Tory government: Rishi Sunak’s disasterous managerialism threatens Tory extinction (Allister Heath in the Telegraph) – the Sun is of course instead referring to: Their last hope (Daily Star); Rescue robot is last chance of survival… five men on board the Titanic tourist sub (Express) – but that Titanic submarine story is a rather good metaphor for our Rishi fast running out of political oxygen with little hope of rescue
Our media loves this miniature submarine story. Let’s hope some miraculous rescue happens – Meanwhile Mr AsI is very much reminded of the movie Ace in the Hole also known as The Big Carnival [1951]: …stars Kirk Douglas as a cynical, disgraced reporter who stops at nothing… The story is a biting examination of the seedy relationship between the press, the news it reports and the manner in which it reports it. The film also shows how a gullible public can be manipulated by the press… a local man [is] trapped in a collapsed cliff dwelling… [Douglas] convince[s] construction contractor Smollett to drill from above rather than shoring up the walls, extending the rescue from 12 hours to a week to keep the story going (thank you Wiki)
The man from Del Monte, him say… “No!”
Guards at Del Monte pineapple farm accused of killings in Kenya… people suspected of trespassing on the farm’s land (Mary Kambo Human rights campaigner, Guardian)
So that’s pineapple off the menu: Del Monte pineapple farm supplies most British supermarkets (Guardian)
Do you recall that episode of the classic tv prison sitcom Porridge in which the plot revolved around the theft of a tin of pineapple chunks?
Now that pop music is a tiresomely comfy, middle-aged, middle-classed and corporate virtue-signalling bore-fest: It’s getting in tents Festival goers gear up for Glastonbury (Guardian); Watch: Glastonbury fan gets the giggles live on TV (BBC)
You can forget the all those youth cult Teddy Boys, Mods, Rockers, Punks, New Romantic gender-benders etc: Michael Deacon Self-ID is just a new form of youth rebellion (Telegraph) – he’s thinking of those school kids scamming their right-on teachers by indentifying as cats and horses – so perhaps there is an opening for a Teddy Boy revival?
Elvis is this his MeToo moment (Times) – perhaps not.
I reckon red labour will regrade council taxes in order to take even more – particularly at the upper level – the election has to be by January 2025 and the state of the UK is only going to get worse by then
I looked at the odds for Labour winning the nut nut bi election – it’s more or less a certainty – and I think the blue labour rabble will rightly lose their deposit …..
The biggest danger for labour now is people not bothering to vote in the GE because of the certainty of starmer being PM – but electoral fraud will remedy that ….
Now that the government has set the precedent of paying 80% of our wages (and 100% in the State sector) for us doing basically nothing for an extended period – all financed out of thin air – then why not stump up and pay our mortgages for us?
Of course this misses the point that our present inflationary woes are largely caused by deliberate inflationary debasement of the currency – as a direct consequence of having to pay for the above.
As for the general election – the Tories need to be made to fear a complete wipe out – otherwise they will be fairly content to hunker down and wait their turn again after Labour have had their go at mismanaging our decline.
‘Big injection’
The government has also rejected a Liberal Democrat plan for grants of £300 a month for struggling homeowners, to be funded by a windfall tax on the banks.
“windfall tax on the banks”
Jeremy Hunt: everyone will be paying more tax after autumn statement 2022
Everyone. Everyone. Everyone.
Theresa May, Former UK PM earned £1.86 million in her 2 years since leaving Downing Street, figures show
Barry Gardiner defends donations worth £500,000 from Chinese agent
Matt Hancock, who lost the Tory whip after it was announced he would be appearing on the ITV programme, is still being paid as an independent MP and is rumoured to have been paid £400,000 to appear on the I’m a celebrity.
Boris Johnson earns £315,000 for 30 minute speech and ‘fireside chat’ in United States
Chuka Umunna Advisory Board of The Progressive Centre UK think tank (also known as Global Progress)
Jeremy Corbyn Labour party leader accepted up to £20,000 (about $27,000) for appearances on the Iranian state broadcast network Press TV
Keir Starmer £18,450 from Harper Collins as an advance payment for a book.
Boris Johnson Accommodation for a private holiday for my partner and me, value £15,000 Destination of visit: St Vincent and the Grenadines
Jeremy Hunt £10,000 from Citigroup Centre for speaking at an event on 9 March 2021. Hours: 4 hrs. Fee paid direct to charity. (Charity not mentioned)
Nadhim Zahawi MP promises to repay the part of £5,822.27 expenses claim for second home energy bills that relates to electricity for stables
MPs to get £2,200 pay rise from April for ‘dramatically increased’ duties last year
Philip Hammond accepts £2,000 watch from Saudi sheikh, despite ban on donating expensive gifts
Why no give everyone £8200 to possibly write a book?
Employment and earnings
Payments from Hodder & Stoughton Limited, Carmelite House, 50 Victoria Embankment, London EC4Y 0DZ, via Peters Fraser & Dunlop Limited, 55 New Oxford Street, London WC1A 1BS:
25 February 2023, received £8,200 as an advance payment for writing a book.
There’s only one answer: Interest rates at least 10%. Otherwise look at clown Erdogan in Turkey. He decided to go the other way and reduce rates for the past years.
“Erdogan had said in comments released on Wednesday that new Finance Minister Mehmet Simsek will take steps swiftly with the central bank, despite the president maintaining his own unorthodox view that high interest rates cause inflation.
Analysts at leading investment banks now expect Turkey’s central bank to start ramping up rates at its monetary policy committee meeting on June 22.”
Let’ celebrate, folks…it’s 75 years since the Windrush brought the first Caribbean immigrants to Blighty…Three cheers…Or maybe not…
There’s so much guff spoken about “The Windrush Generation”, how they upped sticks to help the mother country, how they filled all the jobs the natives didn’t want to do and how badly they were treated. Most of this is just an urban myth, but if you repeat the lie often enough…
On cue, of course, our idiot king has made some ghastly, ill-informed speech (nice and safe in his ivory palace) about the massive contribution these people have made to my country. Now, let’s see, just what could Charlie be waffling about? Hmm…
Untold levels of street crime, knife gangs, urban thuggery, seething discontent, the constant rebukes of “racism”…Oh, and on the plus side, a couple of half decent footballers.
You know, we’re brilliant at rewriting history in this country these days. We see blacks turn up in historical TV dramas, wearing stove pipe hats and being waited on by servants. With astonishing historical illiteracy, a black woman played Anne Boleyn. How she was supposed to have given birth to a very pale, red-haired daughter is anyone’s guess. And even more incongruously, according to Dan Snow’s TV depiction of The Battle of Hastings, a black geezer masterminded the overthrow of the Saxons in 1066. All utter tosh, obviously.
Wait another 75 years and I’d bet that our much maligned dinghy dodgers will be depicted as brave soldiers, risking their lives in coming to our assistance to save us from the dreaded far right.
1978 … “Every country can take some small minorities and in many ways they add to the richness and variety of this country. The moment the minority threatens to become a big one, people get frightened.” – Margaret Thatcher 1978
2012 … “Two and a half years ago, the coalition government was formed, and we made a clear promise to the British public. After thirteen years of uncontrolled mass immigration, this government would reduce and control immigration.” – Theresa May 2012
2015 … “Because when immigration is too high (no figure given), when the pace of change is too fast, it’s impossible to build a cohesive society.” – Theresa May 2015
Born in Fayetteville, North Carolina, Floyd grew up in Houston, Texas, playing American football and basketball throughout high school and college. Between 1997 and 2005, he was convicted of eight crimes. He served four years in prison after accepting a plea bargain for a 2007 aggravated robbery in a home invasion.
The latest issue of stamps from the achingly woke Post Office celebrates ‘the Windrush generation’. It’s a good job that nobody buys real stamps anymore.
CBBC sketch ‘inaccurately’ painted Florence Nightingale as racist, BBC Trust finds
Horrible Histories criticised for inaccuracy after showing fictional Florence Nightingale racially discriminate against black nurse Mary Seacole, BBC Trust finds
The BBC has been accused of “insulting” the achievements of Florence Nightingale, after inaccurately showing her racially discriminate against fellow nurse Mary Seacole in a Horrible Histories children’s programme.
With the proviso that Mary Seacole wasn’t actually a nurse, did not formally apply to be a nurse, would not have qualified on account of her age and lack of experience, and had no more medical qualifications than Bill Gates i.e. none. Here, in her own words, is her report of meeting Florence Nightingale:
‘She has read Dr. F——’s letter, which lies on the table by her side, and asks, in her gentle but eminently practical and business-like way, “What do you want, Mrs. Seacole—anything that we can do for you? If it lies in my power, I shall be very happy.”
Seacole was an adventurer and entrepreneur, and by any standards of the 19th Century an interesting character. Fortunately she wrote an autobiography – clearly something that no BBC employee or other race fantasist/fetishist has ever bothered to read.
“Meanwhile, the BBC has uncovered evidence that hundreds of long-term sick and mentally ill people were sent back to the Caribbean after arriving in Britain.”
A n estimated 117,000 patients died last year waiting for care on the NHS, figures have revealed. This included thousands on waiting lists at London NHS trusts, with 2,512 at Barts Health, 1,078 at King’s College hospitals and 894 at University College London hospitals.5 Jul 2022
The latest figures for April 2023 show:
around 7.42 million people waiting for treatment, a slight increase on the previous month;
nearly 3.09 million of these patients waiting over 18 weeks;
around 371,000 of these patients waiting over a year for treatment – which is around 292 times as many as in March 2019, before the pandemic began.
The BMA is balloting senior hospital doctors in England on strike action until 27 June 2023. The BMA has announced potential strike dates for consultants as 20 and 21 July if the ballot is successful and the Government does not make a “credible pay offer”.12 Jun 2023
Some of you. If not you, your children or grandchildren may
of seen my granddaughter who was 9 on ” Britains Got Talent.”
She got standing ovations for her animal impressions. And
as it happens millions of hits on the social networks.
I am writing to the BBC to see if they would like to use her
on an “education” TV programme. On how to utter sounds
like an array of animals that children believe their identity
or gender to be . After being indoctrinated by their marxist
Anarchist teachers , who have been brainwashed in turn by
their lecturers at teacher training colleges.
I MUST admit that I had something to do with my granddaughters amazing mimicry. I used to tell her , as I did
with my own children and other grandchildren accompanied
mimicry when reading them stories about” the cat with the hat”.” Dolly the Dolphin” etc
Yes I do believe that the BBC would be interested to advance
their “education” of kids in getting them to understand gender
fluidity. Or whatever what was once called gender dysphoria .
Before the lunatics took charge of the asylums.
Am sorry I missed that, Foscari, thanks to being a TellyTax ‘Refusenik’.
Any chance of putting up a video clip on here?
David Bowie, Heroes.
“I, I wish you could swim
Like the dolphins, like dolphins can swim
Though nothing, nothing will keep us together
We can beat them, forever and ever
Oh, we can be heroes, just for one day.”
Snuff!!- I wont put it on . BUT if you look at YOUTUBE
Britains Got Talent Jessica Brodin you will find It,
In particular her DOLHIN mimicry is amazing. I
just hope that it did not encourage other kids to
identify as dolphins !
TOADY Watch #1 – hmmnn, don’t think much of the plan Rachel
Rachel Reeves MP, Shadow Chancellor was the Big Interview guest for Nick Robinson to talk over. What is Labour’s big plan for cutting inflation? Another Windfall Tax but this time on the Banks and Mortgage providers. Nick did not think to ask the many questions that I have surrounding that plan. Taxation to grow the economy? Hmmmn, don’t think that worked for Blair and Brown, did it?
Can we have a list of all those who will be taxed and by how much?
“Tax them! Jeremy Corbyn demands 55% income tax rate in huge overhaul ‘Beggars belief!’
JEREMY CORBYN has dumfounded MPs and policy wonks after demanding a new “super-rich” tax that would make Britain one of the highest-taxed countries in the world.
08:11, Fri, Jul 23, 2021 | UPDATED: 14:22, Fri, Jul 23, 2021″
Up2 – both Reeve and Cleverly ( dumberly ?) floundered – nut nut is accused of lies – both those 2 ? Dumb and liars ….
Alistair Heath today suggests a 50 seat Tory opposition next time with a new Right Wing Party …. Just can’t see it – and no sign of ‘reform ‘ doing much …
Very excited about this. Our brand new weekly primetime show – Beth Rigby Interviews – is kicking off on Thursday March 10 at 9pm on @skynews. Give us a try.
ScrobleneMar 12, 20:08 Midweek 12th March 2025 I find this report utterly distasteful, and a disgraceful attempt to accuse President Trump for ‘causing the cartels some difficulties’…
DeborahMar 12, 20:06 Midweek 12th March 2025 Christopher Hope on GB News to a woman Labour MP, ‘Starmer has had a good couple of weeks on the…
LoobylooMar 12, 19:42 Midweek 12th March 2025 BA also shaking the collection tin down the aisle in support of it too
tomoMar 12, 18:35 Midweek 12th March 2025 20+++ years of all uses for the entire country presently sat under Lancashire and Lincolnshire – to Westminster’s eternal shame
tomoMar 12, 18:32 Midweek 12th March 2025 yes indeedy – I read “chip off the old block” Roderick James Nugent Stewart’s book Prince of the Marshes and…
AlthepalerpMar 12, 18:21 Midweek 12th March 2025 Gas at 56% currently A gift from God.. . . . . .
vladMar 12, 17:56 Midweek 12th March 2025 And is that Florence of Arabia, as he’s affectionately known?
tomoMar 12, 17:50 Midweek 12th March 2025 hmmm… X is blocking this happy group photo for embedding [img][/img] Bloke in the middle, in a suit -be like…
Eddy BoothMar 12, 17:17 Midweek 12th March 2025 “BBC Verify What footage from Kursk shows” “BBC Verify and BBC Monitoring have been looking at… the Russian military…
taffmanMar 12, 16:46 Midweek 12th March 2025 Kikuchiyo Hello, I aint seen you trolling on this site for a long time ? Where have you been?
Todays “Who’d a’thunk it?” on the bbc :-
“UK sent mentally ill people back to caribbean”
This, apparently, is a bad thing. Forgive me if I’m not seeing the point here, but if the “mentally ill” chappie who went on a killing spree in Nottingham had been sent back, wouldn’t three innocent folks still be with us?
Looks like some one in the Home Office all those years ago had their head on …..
In July 2019, Abbott called 999 after being “chased around her home” by her son, James Abbott-Thompson. In relation to this incident, as well as subsequent incidents away from Abbott’s home, Abbott-Thompson later pleaded guilty to 12 assaults and racially aggravated criminal damage.
Re: COVID lockdowns. Did the BBC silence lockdown sceptics?
(By Toby Young)
“Did the BBC breach its own impartiality rules by keeping critics of the government’s pandemic response off the air during the first lockdown? I first made that accusation in 2020 in a witness statement I submitted to the High Court in an effort to challenge Ofcom’s ‘coronavirus guidance’, which I argued was a factor in the BBC’s one-sided coverage. The attempt failed, with Ofcom able to convince the court that its guidance only cautioned against broadcasting ‘harmful’ content.
But a recent investigation by the Telegraph into the Counter Disinformation Unit (CDU), a secret ‘cell’ in Whitehall that worked with the government during the pandemic to monitor ‘misinformation’ and ‘disinformation’, suggests that the BBC’s editorial independence may have been compromised. The head of the CDU, Sarah Connolly, says that one of its functions was ‘passing information’ to social media companies to ‘encourage… the swift takedown’ of posts it regarded as suspect. That’s worrying because we know that the CDU ignored an instruction from the Cabinet Office not to include ‘opinions’ in its definition of mis- and disinformation. Among the content flagged by the censors were criticisms of the government’s decision to close schools by Molly Kingsley, the co-founder of a children’s campaign group.
Did the CDU’s attempts to suppress dissent extend to the BBC? Connolly also chaired the Counter Disinformation Policy Forum, a group that included academics, lobbyists, tech companies and – crucially – a representative from the BBC. This was Jessica Cecil, founder of the Trusted News Initiative, a consortium that includes Facebook, Google, Microsoft and Twitter, and which was recently accused in a Texas court of getting those companies to remove dissident views about lockdowns and vaccines..
The BBC has played down the significance of Cecil’s attendance, claiming she was there in an ‘observer-only capacity’. But in the context of other things we know about the Beeb’s lockdown coverage, it looks a bit suspicious. ‘People were suggesting eminently qualified experts as alternative voices, but in my experience not one of them was put on air,’ an ex-BBC employee told the Telegraph. Other BBC journalists describe a ‘climate of fear’ in which anyone questioning the wisdom of the lockdown policy was ‘openly mocked’.
In October 2020, Sunetra Gupta, one of the signatories of the anti-lockdown Great Barrington Declaration, was invited on to BBC News to talk about new lockdown measures. Yet just before she was due to go on air a producer told her not to mention the declaration. Where did that instruction come from?
In September 2020, Susan Michie, then a member of Sage and a zealous supporter of Covid restrictions, complained on Twitter that she’d been booked on to the Today programme to discuss the Great Barrington Declaration with Professor Gupta on the understanding that the scientists behind it would be portrayed as cranks. But to her irritation, Gupta was, for once, allowed to set out her stall. ‘I was assured that this would not be held as an even-handed debate,’ wrote Michie. Who gave her that assurance? And why were the normal impartiality rules being waived?”
COMMENT (mine)
Indeed the BBC is the world’s least trusted broadcaster – for a very good reason!
So its a FACT that the BBC were encouraging Facebook (et al) specifically to ‘shadow ban’ or ‘take down’ all posting that did not align to the ‘official’ governments COVID plans (now completely discredited lock-down schemes under Matt Hancock). Face masks (no evidence that they worked), COVID was flu (some evidence), that the VACCINATION for children was false (evidence that it harmed children), Doctors ignored in NZ, AUS and UK (clear evidence against vaccinations without health verifications), That Vaccinations actually ‘passed on’ COVID (Evidence ignored), That elderly were left to die often with more serious claims were marked down as COVID (even though many were seriously ill, – they did not die of COVID. Doctors were ‘encouraged’ to do so. (Evidence of neglect by NHS who were pushed into mass vaccination program). That children were immune and not affected (even admitted by the BBC) quickly changed to mass VACCINATION when the CDU unit within the BBC banned and such claims (There is clear evidence of this occurring within the BBC). The ‘impartial’ BBC abandoned all such claims and became what we all knew, but hoped it would not become. To make matters worse, the BBC would have done the same for the Labour Party who were insisting on mass lock-down and enforced vaccinations (by force) with permanent Face Masks that would only be lifted if you could prove you were vaccinated.
On Vaccinations, this was specified by the WHO (World Health Organ of the UN) and mandatory but open for each and every country to choose hoe to combat ‘the pandemic’ which was also linked to the release of information that it ‘escaped’ from CHINA, despite it being ‘engineered’ by FAUCI and Gill GATES as ‘gain of function’ technology banned in the US. The WEF promptly endorsed the lock-down as ‘A new world order’ and ‘you will be happy and own nothing’ following net zero, eating less (dying more), having less children and having no money. Money being ‘given’ to citizens as Carbon Credits and taken away if you were critical of the pandemic. Auhern in New Zealand volunteered to make anything the WHO stated NZ legal and ban all sceptics (particularly NZ Doctors). The Great Barrington declaration (international) was ignored both here (UK), EU, US, AUS and NZ, even though it has since been proved correct.
Sweden that had minimal lock-down ignored the WHO advice and has not suffered from the (so called) pandemic as much as we have and will continue from now on.
If you thought it could not get any worse. The UN WEF (of which the UK is a financial enabler) has recently proposed ‘mandatory’ Vaccinations on any future pandemic they choose with no ‘opt out clauses’, that some countries i.e. Sweden chose to ignore. That means in the next ‘Emergency’ pandemic our own government would not have any power to question the UN at all.
The BBC would just be a loud-speaker on the wall. Nobody could escape and all critics would be arrested, banned from travel, public spaces without being arrested and forcefully ‘jabbed’ until you were ill and possibly died of complications (as many already have).
This is the real and present danger of the BBC. There is no impartiality. It was a tool, and they were part of it even before the CDU unit was discoved and ‘admitted’ they tool part.
Toby Young was called by the BBC ‘a dangerous sceptic’ and that he (and others) should be igbored and not allowed on BBC premises for any ‘balance’ on radio or TV. They effectively banned all dissent from the air, and even went further by allertin Facebook and Google to ban the names they supplied. They actually crippled any dissent.
Nick Robinson now complains, they were the victims of the government. That they help run the CDU as it was an ’emergency’. So they could be less impartial then they normally were. He was challenged by Jonathen Aitkin on all points in last weeks Telagraph and a public debate may be held. Don’t hold your breath on that. We know the BBC has other issues with promoting Labour party poilicy, si it can enkoy another four years of party privelage under another ’emergency’ lockdown in ‘saving the planet’, net zero, gender queer studies and country file veganism.
In the next pandemic. We know where the BBC will stand. Not with us clearly, but against us in the UK.
The Spectator magazine
A mastercalss in BBC headline baiting jiggery-pokery today.
Is Brexit behind the UK’s inflation shock?
They accuse thunderingly but qualified by the BBC’s beloved question mark at the end….
Blah…Blah… Blah longish article full of supposition and clouding the waters until finally towards the bottom…
“…..academics at Oxford Economics believe food is 7% cheaper in the UK than on average in the EU.
And official statistics show a smaller part of spending in the UK goes on food – less than £1 in every £8 – than in France or Germany.”
So the headline could have been…..
“Food in the UK 7% cheaper than in the EU despite (or even because of ) Brexit”.
They think we don’t read the small print don’t they?
No one reads the content – just the title – no time – got to watch NetFlix.
The truth is that all UK farming is under threat, and it is has nothing to do with price controls. If anything EU food is generally more expensive and will get a lot more expensive IF and WHEN they ban (no joking) Fertilzer and Methane emissions…
Joanna Blythman: Forcing green targets on farmers could devastate our food system
“Any policy that spells ruin for farmers and destabilises our food production infrastructure to meet an ideological objective, based on debatable scientific data, imperils our food security and raises the spectre of starvation.”
You only have to see BBC ‘COUNTRYFILE’ for those same Green ‘toxic’ emissions. Enough said.
A trip to London today. I was sick of seeing bloody pride posters long before I got to where I was going.
Insidious, like us and tell everyone, or else.
We’re proud of buggery.
London stabbing. “Ongoing” ?
Anything on Al Beeb’s front page yet ?
Amazing, its there now !
They must have read my post ?
On 14 November 2021, a taxi carrying a passenger arrived at the main entrance of Liverpool Women’s Hospital in Liverpool, England. An improvised explosive device carried by the passenger ignited, killing him and injuring the driver. The police later declared it to be a terrorist incident; the perpetrator had been refused asylum in 2014, lost appeal in 2015, and lived in England until his attack.[1]
At the official inquest, on 30 December 2021, it was found that the device, manufactured and carried by the passenger, had been “designed to project shrapnel, with murderous intent”.
TWatO Watch #2 – that does not inspire hope & confidence that the UK economy is in good hands
Sorry cannot remember his name but Sarah interviewed at one point a so-called economist gentleman, who had at one time been a member of the MPC of the Bank of England. I recognise it can be difficult being interviewed, and on air with the declining BBC R4 audience across the nation also listening, but it helps to say “I don’t know” or play for time to get your head around the question.
Sarah had previously asked how many mortgagees could find themselves in trouble if the MPC of the BoE raises interest rates tomorrow. I think this gentleman said 14 million in reply. Sarah then asked I think how much of a proportion does this amount to of the population of the UK. The gentleman said in reply 50%. Er, I think we would not have a homeless problem in the UK if we only had a population of 28,000,000.
Maybe I misheard? Diction and enunciation on the BBC is not what it used to be.
I think the number was something to do with all the fix rate mortgages ending within 5 years – hence a lot of the housing stock being affected sooner or later .
Being of the Right – I say ‘tough ‘ no help should be offered by the taxpayer . Mortgages should be extended to 30 35 years or interest only – if people did the old thing of borrowing at 1% beyond their means 2 or 3 years ago – they can divert all their cash to pay the new rate . I did when it hit 15% …..
If I recall – the fixed mortgages run at about 1.5 million per year ….
I was also interested in the actual number of repossessions – I think it’s not many -( yet) although starmer says it is in 50% yoy ….
Fed, yes could be I misheard. Ex-MPC Gent was speaking on a ‘phone. I sort of tend to agree that no help should be offered by the taxpayer but …. but … we could at Treasury go back to the old system of Mortgage Rate Interest Relief modified by Nigel Lawson but abandoned completely by Gordon Brown.
There’s a simple way to reduce inflation: cut transport taxation and other transport costs.
I can feel MIRAS coming back . But it shouldn’t do – as I type Rachel reeve is saying that taxing oil companies will solve all …
The msm has discovered that interest rates are now hitting ending fixed rate mortgages … I’ve been saying it here for ages .
Does Rachel ever do an interview where she doesn’t say she made the Tea at a failed organisation – the Bank of England ….
Today at noon the bank will announce a 0.25% rate hike – some members will have called for a 0.5% – which it should be – but to do so is an admission that the bank got it wrong in the last 18 months . And they haven’t got the honourable people on the committee to do that .
Funny that neither Rachel on the red side and the idiot cleverly can come up with a cure for inflation – because there is only one – increasing interest rates – 7% or 8% next year ….. and the BBC getting fixated in 2024 with rates hitting 10% .
This all hinges on external factors not changing of course ….. and energy costs floating about where they are now ….
I’d still like to know the repossession level …..
I just wish politicians were a bit more honest with telling us how it is – but they are all liars …
If a person can identify as a cat then surely it means a cat can identify as a person.
The person identifying as a cat will, if it wants to, be able to change again and identify as a human.
Could a person identify as a fly (for example) and if you then kill them you cannot be charged as it would be the same as swatting a fly.
Can I identify as a ten year old and get into the pictures or travel on busses at half price.
If anybody does not believe me when I do all this identifying are they despicable?
Everything’s all barmy now.
Those the Gods wish to destroy etc.
And all because of Brexit (as usual)
Yes the Nigerian Police mishandled me. I declared myself to be a goat on arrest and wondered why they didn’t accept the fact. Are all people outside the Western World that stupid and backward?
EG, Jeff Goldblum? Cats can be very partial to nice juicy bluebottle flies.
Maybe it identifies as a kid ….
If the BBC considered neutralising its Right Wing opponents by labelling them as Conspiracy Theorists it might work
Oh hang on they do it a lot.
4:35pm a guest on the Media Show did that.
(In addition at 4:36pm they compared Boris Johnson to Ebola … via the Mirror journalist journo)
4pm R4 Entire prog “Historian Phil Tinline explores the role of conspiracy, and conspiracy theory, in British politics. In this episode, Enoch Powell’s personal crusade against the ‘enemy within’.”
9:45am Marianne 10 part war against the Light Newspaper by calling it a Conspiracy Theory publication.
Today her premise was I quote “Will the conspiracy movement become violent ?”
2 libmob who speaialise in sneering at GBnews and calling them FakeNews
both tweeted the same thing about the Trans-cat story
Then deleted it without explanation
Dom’s tweet was deleted, Otto’s is stlll up
“What we know – and don’t know”
“A stabbing attack at Central Middlesex Hospital in London was reported at 13:18 BST”
Headline soon to be changed to:
What we know, but pretend we don’t know..
‘The Met Police said it was satisfied no-one else was being sought and that the stabbings were not being treated as terror-related.’ – the mere mention of which usually means a Muslim did it but his facebook doesn’t contain any links to ISIS.
The Evening Standard describes it as a ‘pickaxe rampage’ which again points to the BBC covering it up and hence again points towards a BAME.
I also notice how the Nottingham murders disappeared quickly and completely. No follow on articles about what went wrong and what needs to change.
These racist double standards of the BBC are sickening. Peoples lives mean absolutely nothing to the BBC unless they can be used to aid the agenda.
JohnC, I thought the media, especially the prints, milked Nottingham for all it was worth!
They did at the time Up2 – but someone got arrested and it didn’t even make the UK front page.
Odd considering the attention it got at first. Or maybe not when we find out who he is …
A crazy guy shouted at the BBC team who were doing a meet the public event in Leicester during lockdown, so not in the legal spirit of keeping lockdown.
BBC first made a complaint to police, then hours later they escalated it to racism not really making it clear that he’s said “why do you BBC lot go back to where you came from”
The BBC and media did quite a lot of reports
biut in the end the claim was never tested in court cos Sima Kotecha never turned up.
About 2 years later the guy was sectioned for something else
A sad day
Gary Neville has called on the Premier League to stop the transfer of players to Saudi Arabia until it is certain the integrity of its competition is not being put at risk.
So in this video, HITC Sevens takes a look at Neville’s most recent documentary about the upcoming FIFA World Cup in Qatar, the Qatari government’s propaganda machine, and whether Neville has inadvertently become a useful tool for the Western Asian kingdom.
The Chinese Super League, for a brief period, attracted much interest and paid huge sums to attract high-profile players, such as former Manchester United and City forward Carlos Tevez. Such levels of spending didn’t last.
Marijuana Spring, the face that launched so many conspiracy theories:
@Dickie I had a look at the Iain Davis article
It does seem like Team Marianna use the smear label “Conspiracy Theorists” to neutralise political opponents of libmob
So Davis says
“There is no reason for us to accept Marianna Spring’s lexicon” OK
But then says “Conspiracy theorist” is *just* a state propagandist’s label for someone who holds an anti-Establishment opinion”
Then says he will use his own lexicon
“it is not “conspiracy theory,” it is anti-Establishment opinion (AEO).”
Nope, two wrongs don’t make a right, he says “is just”
That is not true : There are genuine conspiracy theories eg “that climate sceptics are mainly funded by big oil”
He himself has at the bottom of his article links to his most read articles
“Central Bank Digital Currency Is the Endgame ”
..em that seems like a big Conspiracy Theory
and what counts is that is a Conspiracy Theory without evidence.
Iain Davis does push big theories which lack evidence
so is often called a Conspiracy Theorist</a?
2021 …. Dear Marianna Spring (BBC wages paid under threat of prosecution),
As I’ve had to look at your BBC news and use other sources to determine that your news is not news but selective editorial opinion I’d like to request that I have a refund for the last 4 years plus get the BBC free from now on.
Please let me know how I can go about this as I am willing to create a full list of articles that I’ve had to investigate plus time taken for me to check your fact checker whilst realising that the BBC intentionally removes news rather than incorrectly report on it, uses images to sway opinion or misleads with the main titles hoping no one reads the full article.
‘Omission is the greatest form of lie.’
CAS-4987700-SY1FTF : BBC NewsWatch says boredom with pro-Brexit march.
CAS-4844672-N8FDYY: Update on the MP Expenses 2009 scandal in 2018.
CAS-4939547-J71Z1V: Here’s hoping Ireland do the right thing G.Lineker.
CAS-4937378-YKMWBJ: BBC not reporting ‘Day of Freedom’ March 06may2018.
CAS-4906141-BFJQL0: I take offence that presenters promote their books.
CAS-4892811-C820SC: I am offended that I have to pay the BBC TV Tax.
CAS-4824332-633N1P: What happened in Italy was not covered …
CAS-4933135-ZV3V7F: The omission is the most powerful form of lie …
CAS-6005141-S1V9D1: Not seen a report on the UK Governments Covid19
Let me know how to go about resolving the issue of paying for something that wastes my time as I have to check each story rather than rely on its accuracy.
I live in North West London and we are lucky enough
to have a local programme on BBC1 four times a day
mostly presented by ethnic folk with features mostly about
ethnic folk . The topics covered are all very interesting.
We hear nearly every day about the Windrush generation
and it’s legacy and of course the Grenfell Tower tragedy.
We don’t hear too much about crime . Unless of course
whitie has committed it. Or the police .
To be honest the main programme is on at 18.30 after
the 6PM National News. I suppose I shouldn’t tell you this
but we turn over and watch Michael Portillo on his train
I was wondering are you in the other regions of the UK
lucky enough to have such local programmes . Such as
our Londonistan in the capitol?
I live in the deep south of England. In fact if I was to take a walk any further south I would probably drown because “my function in the water is to sink” A line courtesy of the late,great, old style Socialist Jake Thackray. Check him out.
As to your question Foscari I can only say that I very rarely find anything on TV that tickles my fancy so Mrs Wright has 99% control of the remote. 1984 is upon us.
Hello Foscari
I dont fund the bbc, aka tele tax
Sorry wouldn’t know about its output and if I did have a licence wouldn’t want to watch it
Worth £159 right there.
It’s the little things.
Another event dubbed a “Battle of the Sexes” took place during the 1998 Australian Open[60] between Karsten Braasch and the Williams sisters. Venus and Serena Williams had claimed that they could beat any male player ranked outside the world’s top 200, so Braasch, then ranked 203rd, challenged them both. Braasch was described by one journalist as “a man whose training regime centered around a pack of cigarettes and more than a couple of bottles of ice cold lager”.[61][60] The matches took place on court number 12 in Melbourne Park,[62] after Braasch had finished a round of golf and two shandies. He first took on Serena and after leading 5–0, beat her 6–1. Venus then walked on court and again Braasch was victorious, this time winning 6–2.[60] Braasch said afterwards, “500 and above, no chance.” He added that he had played like someone ranked 600th in order to keep the game “fun”[63] and that the big difference was that men can chase down shots much more easily and put spin on the ball that female players could not handle. The Williams sisters adjusted their claim to beating men outside the top 350.[60]
Yep, and the moon is made of Green cheese
That would be renewable diesel for the generators I presume. Anything less would be a disaster.
220+ generators?
hundreds of propane fueled cooking rigs?
parking for how many cars?
Now that red diesel is limited to strictly direct agricultural use – events are now supposed to be paying full road diesel prices. The biodiesel game is pretty murky with rubbish fuel quality as I understand it.
I’d wager there’s hooky fuel on site.
If it was totally eco-kosher as claimed – there’d be an audit published.
I think the whole thing should be run on solar panels, windmills and batteries – lead by example.
“Look at the wall over there that surrounds this marvellous festival. There’s a message there for Donald Trump. Build bridges not walls.”
Corbyn – Look at that wall protecting us, tell Trump to build bridges not walls. HA HA HA HA HA!
So only when wind or sun? We are not praying to the Gods.

‘Hiddeously brown’ I might say…………….
Please rain …please …
Champion manoeuvring to get Mad Al’s slot at the bbc?
Send the tax man after them! Saved in 2 hours!
I wonder if she would be good enough to publish her tax records …. Basic tax rate perhaps ? Or maybe ‘a little bit more ‘ – the weasel words Labour uses to rip more money from us ..
11132576 – Dissolved on 11 June 2019
10315449 – Dissolved on 9 January 2018
Live in London? There’s no good reason to own an SUV.
This was the first hill I was prepared to die on when I started on LBC almost 20 years ago. It’s fair to say I didn’t stem the tide.
I so hope everybody got out of the way in time
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #2 – ajs posted about this before I did …
….. but a curious lack of questions from a supposed journalistic organisation like the BBC: We know the woman is working but had Covid twice. Her wages were cut by the firm she worked for but what about Statutory Sick Pay? That should make up the difference. She has a partner, is he working? Could he not contribute to their rental payments? If he is not working is he getting Unemployment Benefits/Jobseekers Allowance?
M/s Osborn has two children. If they are under a certain age she will be getting Child Allowance. One of them has ‘Special Needs’ and as an SEES pupil, the mother I think gets a special ‘Carers Allowance’. What about the Local Authorities’ LEA? Should not the two adults receive a visit in their woodland tent setting? Are the children still attending school? M/s Osborn is now nine weeks pregnant so, iirc, no Child Allowance for that one. What does she say about her situation, the BBC do manage to get a quote from her about that but ask none of the questions above:
“I believe I am entitled to support and housing 100%”, Ms Osborn said.
I think there is a bit of a funny whiff about this sad story.
Perhaps Marianna could investigate it for us?
BBCFour now “As water flows down this Thai mountain it absorbs CO2 from the air and soil making it more acidic”
The amount of CO2 in air is very very tiny,
I think it has minimal effect on streamwater acidity
in Taiwan.
LGBT rights in the People’s Republic of China
CHN orthographic.svg
Territory controlled by the People’s Republic of China shown in dark green; territory claimed but not controlled shown in light green
Status Legal since 1997[1]
Gender identity Transgender people allowed to change legal gender after sex reassignment surgery.
Military Yes (no prohibition by law)
Family rights
Recognition of relationships No
Adoption No
Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people in the People’s Republic of China (PRC) may face some legal and social challenges that are not experienced by non-LGBT residents. While both male and female same-sex sexual activity are legal, same-sex couples are currently unable to marry or adopt, and households headed by such couples are ineligible for the same legal protections available to heterosexual couples. No explicit anti-discrimination protections for LGBT people are present in its legal system, nor do hate crime laws cover sexual orientation or gender identity.
Is there a message here?
Hundreds of black-on-black shootings and injuries on “Juneteenth” (a sort of Black Independence Day).
But remember, the REAL danger to blacks are those fictitious White Supremacists that Biden keeps warning about.
The BBC doesn’t care, as long as whites aren’t the perpetrators.
Trust the BBC – from the DT
The BBC has been accused of misleading the public about Martin Bashir’s health in order to withhold information regarding its notorious Panorama interview with Diana, Princess of Wales.
A tranche of emails seen by The Telegraph has revealed that senior managers were in regular discussion with the disgraced reporter in autumn 2020, as accusations were gathering about his use of forged bank statements in gaining the Princess’s trust.
At the time, however, the corporation repeatedly said it could not answer questions because Mr Bashir was “seriously unwell”.
His medical condition also provided bosses with a legal loophole not to disclose more than 3,200 emails relevant to the case under freedom of information (FoI) laws.
Some of the most senior executives in BBC News are now under pressure to explain the apparent disparity between the corporation’s public stance and their private communications.
The revelations threaten to add a further layer of controversy to one of the worst scandals in the corporation’s history.
The 1995 interview was hailed at the time as one of the great all-time Royal scoops, in which the late Princess famously said: “There were three of us in this marriage.”
However, in 2021 an inquiry by Lord Dyson found that Mr Bashir, a relatively junior BBC reporter at the time, had acted in a “deceitful” way in order to secure the interview, faking documents to make the Princess think those close to her were receiving money from tabloid newspapers and the security services to spy on her.
At the time, the then Duke of Cambridge responded by excoriating the BBC’s failures, describing the interview as a “major contribution in making my parents’ relationship worse”.
In autumn 2020, with the 25th anniversary of the interview approaching, the BBC was coming under renewed scrutiny to explain its handling of the affair.
According to official statements, however, Mr Bashir’s state of health made it impossible to provide meaningful answers.
But emails from the time, obtained under FoI, now suggest Mr Bashir was capable of lucid discussion, with some directly concerning the allegations being made against him.
In a series of messages in late October 2020, Richard Burgess, the director of news content, put to Mr Bashir an allegation that, despite his health, he had been “seen in a club”.
He also asked if Mr Bashir, the BBC’s religion editor at the time, had a copy of a note written by the Princess in the aftermath of the 1995 interview.
Mr Burgess said: “I’m very mindful of your health, and not putting any additional stress on to you but equally I don’t want us to allow a particular narrative to develop if you have evidence to the contrary as you mention below.”
Mr Bashir responded in detail regarding the Princess’s handwritten note, although the paragraph about his alleged club attendance is redacted.
A separate email shows that Fran Unsworth, the director of news and current affairs, was informed about the exchange.
This was 10 days after the BBC had put out a statement saying Mr Bashir was “seriously unwell with Covid-19-related complications”.
By November 3, the corporation had developed its formal response, saying to anyone asking about the Panorama interview: “Unfortunately we are hampered at the moment by the simple fact that we are unable to discuss any of this with Martin Bashir.”
However, two days later, on November 5, Mr Burgess forwarded to Mr Bashir a set of questions from a newspaper regarding an alleged burglary at the flat of Matt Wiessler, a graphic designer who unwittingly provided the mocked-up bank statements. Mr Bashir responded, denying all knowledge.
Meanwhile, an email exchange on November 4 with Jonathan Munro, the deputy director of BBC News, shows him appearing to respond positively to an “outline proposal” pitched by Mr Bashir.
In the same message, Mr Munro said: “I’m reading your point about not going back over ancient history (with which I entirely agree) as meaning that you are not taking part in any programme or coverage of the anniversary,” referring to the Panorama interview.
On Nov 6 2020, Mr Bashir was photographed arriving home after visiting an Indian takeaway and a wine shop.
‘Deception was the main plank in cover-up’
Andy Webb, a documentary filmmaker who is campaigning for the BBC to release thousands more emails from the period, said: “The BBC said Bashir couldn’t be consulted. In fact, the emails show they were in almost daily discussion.
“And this deception was the main plank in their cover-up of the Panorama scandal.”
In December 2022, the BBC told Mr Webb it had discovered nearly 3,300 emails involving discussions on the Bashir case in the run-up to October 2020.
However, it argued that it could only release a fraction of them because it would be unlawful to disclose documents relating to Mr Bashir without consulting him, saying that his illness made that impossible.
On Friday, Mr Webb will appear before a tribunal to argue that the new evidence of discussions with Mr Bashir means the BBC should have released all the documents and that their failure to do so was unlawful.
He points to an email on November 7 by Phil Harrold, the BBC company secretary and chief of staff to the chairman and director-general, which informed the board of the corporation’s press strategy regarding Mr Bashir as “sinister”.
Lord Hall of Birkenhead, the previous director-general who was subsequently heavily criticised by the Dyson report, stepped down in August 2020.
BBC accused of Panorama scandal cover-up over Martin Bashir’s health
Claims that new emails show reporter’s illness was used to withhold information about notorious interview with Diana, Princess of Wales
Henry Bodkin,
Robert Mendick,
21 June 2023 • 9:29pm
Martin Bashir Diana Princess of Wales BBC Panorama scandal
Martin Bashir with the late Diana, Princess of Wales, during the Panorama interview in 1995
The BBC has been accused of misleading the public about Martin Bashir’s health in order to withhold information regarding its notorious Panorama interview with Diana, Princess of Wales.
A tranche of emails seen by The Telegraph has revealed that senior managers were in regular discussion with the disgraced reporter in autumn 2020, as accusations were gathering about his use of forged bank statements in gaining the Princess’s trust.
At the time, however, the corporation repeatedly said it could not answer questions because Mr Bashir was “seriously unwell”.
His medical condition also provided bosses with a legal loophole not to disclose more than 3,200 emails relevant to the case under freedom of information (FoI) laws.
Some of the most senior executives in BBC News are now under pressure to explain the apparent disparity between the corporation’s public stance and their private communications.
The revelations threaten to add a further layer of controversy to one of the worst scandals in the corporation’s history.
The 1995 interview was hailed at the time as one of the great all-time Royal scoops, in which the late Princess famously said: “There were three of us in this marriage.”
However, in 2021 an inquiry by Lord Dyson found that Mr Bashir, a relatively junior BBC reporter at the time, had acted in a “deceitful” way in order to secure the interview, faking documents to make the Princess think those close to her were receiving money from tabloid newspapers and the security services to spy on her. NAVYDFy_aF8
At the time, the then Duke of Cambridge responded by excoriating the BBC’s failures, describing the interview as a “major contribution in making my parents’ relationship worse”.
In autumn 2020, with the 25th anniversary of the interview approaching, the BBC was coming under renewed scrutiny to explain its handling of the affair.
According to official statements, however, Mr Bashir’s state of health made it impossible to provide meaningful answers.
But emails from the time, obtained under FoI, now suggest Mr Bashir was capable of lucid discussion, with some directly concerning the allegations being made against him.
In a series of messages in late October 2020, Richard Burgess, the director of news content, put to Mr Bashir an allegation that, despite his health, he had been “seen in a club”.
He also asked if Mr Bashir, the BBC’s religion editor at the time, had a copy of a note written by the Princess in the aftermath of the 1995 interview.
Mr Burgess said: “I’m very mindful of your health, and not putting any additional stress on to you but equally I don’t want us to allow a particular narrative to develop if you have evidence to the contrary as you mention below.”
Mr Bashir responded in detail regarding the Princess’s handwritten note, although the paragraph about his alleged club attendance is redacted.
A separate email shows that Fran Unsworth, the director of news and current affairs, was informed about the exchange.
Fran Unsworth BBC Martin Bashir Panorama scandal
Fran Unsworth was informed about the messages between Martin Bashir and Richard Burgess CREDIT: Victoria Jones/PA Wire
This was 10 days after the BBC had put out a statement saying Mr Bashir was “seriously unwell with Covid-19-related complications”.
By November 3, the corporation had developed its formal response, saying to anyone asking about the Panorama interview: “Unfortunately we are hampered at the moment by the simple fact that we are unable to discuss any of this with Martin Bashir.”
However, two days later, on November 5, Mr Burgess forwarded to Mr Bashir a set of questions from a newspaper regarding an alleged burglary at the flat of Matt Wiessler, a graphic designer who unwittingly provided the mocked-up bank statements. Mr Bashir responded, denying all knowledge.
Meanwhile, an email exchange on November 4 with Jonathan Munro, the deputy director of BBC News, shows him appearing to respond positively to an “outline proposal” pitched by Mr Bashir.
In the same message, Mr Munro said: “I’m reading your point about not going back over ancient history (with which I entirely agree) as meaning that you are not taking part in any programme or coverage of the anniversary,” referring to the Panorama interview.
On Nov 6 2020, Mr Bashir was photographed arriving home after visiting an Indian takeaway and a wine shop.
‘Deception was the main plank in cover-up’
Andy Webb, a documentary filmmaker who is campaigning for the BBC to release thousands more emails from the period, said: “The BBC said Bashir couldn’t be consulted. In fact, the emails show they were in almost daily discussion.
“And this deception was the main plank in their cover-up of the Panorama scandal.”
In December 2022, the BBC told Mr Webb it had discovered nearly 3,300 emails involving discussions on the Bashir case in the run-up to October 2020.
However, it argued that it could only release a fraction of them because it would be unlawful to disclose documents relating to Mr Bashir without consulting him, saying that his illness made that impossible.
On Friday, Mr Webb will appear before a tribunal to argue that the new evidence of discussions with Mr Bashir means the BBC should have released all the documents and that their failure to do so was unlawful.
He points to an email on November 7 by Phil Harrold, the BBC company secretary and chief of staff to the chairman and director-general, which informed the board of the corporation’s press strategy regarding Mr Bashir as “sinister”.
Lord Hall of Birkenhead, the previous director-general who was subsequently heavily criticised by the Dyson report, stepped down in August 2020. KAtEuSL72hQ
The publicised emails also gave an insight into how Mr Bashir handled the ongoing allegations against him with his BBC colleagues.
In one September email to a manager, he anticipates “gruesome headlines”.
But he put that down to professional jealousy, saying: “I’m quite sure that some papers would be keen to splash something gruesome, particularly since they’ve never recovered from being beaten to the punch.”
In an email forwarded to Ms Unsworth, Mr Bashir also said he would not take part in any programmes regarding the late Princess because it would be “unfair” on the then Prince of Wales.
He said: “I also happen to believe that all of us are capable of redeeming our pasts and that defining the character of one man through the single perspective of his estranged spouse (who is no longer with us) is unfair, inaccurate and takes no account of his decades of dedicated service that continues to assist the nation.”
A spokesman for the BBC said: “The BBC rejects any suggestion it has acted illegally. The BBC has a duty of care to all of its employees.
“As you would expect, given this duty of care owed to Martin Bashir (as a then BBC employee) it was necessary to contact him in 2020, but contact was focused mainly on his health and welfare.
“The fact there was contact between the BBC and Martin Bashir does not mean that he was, at that time, fit to participate in any detailed discussion of the events of 1995 – he wasn’t.
“This was ultimately undertaken independently by Lord Dyson in his investigation, once Martin’s health had improved.”
A spokesman for Mr Bashir said: “Mr Bashir was in contact with colleagues at the BBC as a then employee who was off work due to serious ill-health.
“When able to do so, he made himself fully available, answering all questions put to him by Lord Dyson and submitted responses in writing.”
Timeline: Martin Bashir email trail
Sept 7 2020: Bashir sends detailed email to Fran Unsworth
Mr Bashir forwards a detailed email to Ms Unsworth, explaining that he will not participate in programmes concerning the late Princess of Wales because it would be “unfair” to the then Prince of Wales:
Martin Bashir BBC Email
Sept 9 2020: Mr Bashir predicts ‘something gruesome’
With the interview’s 25-year anniversary approaching, Mr Bashir appeared to predict heightened scrutiny of his conduct in securing the Diana interview, emailing a manager: “I’m quite sure that some papers would be keen to splash something gruesome, particularly since they’ve never recovered from being beaten to the punch.”ENDS
The above emails are cut and paste jobs … I couldn’t cut and paste anymore ….
… but the whole thing is something for BBC VERIFY to verify …. Or maybe not ….
BBC TNI partners are adept at subtlety.
Very loaded framing in the MSBC tweet & article there
There is no news in the article ..seems it’s just PR spin off the back of promoting a new movie
@MSNBC bio “The place for in-depth analysis, political commentary and diverse perspectives. Home of @MSNBCDaily
HA HA Hundreds of tweets call that a lie
Not much bbc enthusiasm for the nazis that attacked jews in Oxford street was there ?
In fact they defended them as I recall.
Loaded framing is a TNI EdGud specialty.
Then one can cite the other as ‘news’, hands free.
Woman gets £6K compensation from BBC due to their sexist licence prosecution against her
Judge apparently agreed they were wrong cos she was in debt an trying to negotiate with her
but they just pushed on with hard prosecution
there is a 250K petition that some politicians are taking notice of
However it’s not a proper verified government petition but rather a petition which you can sign thousands of times if you run a bot farm
Most sigs are from 8 months ago
john Carne has a video
Al Beeb and the rest of the Meeja are all pushing for rejoining the EU . Brexit is failure they all say . IMHO the Tory remainers were deliberately wrecking our economy along with the EU itself who is punishing us to teach others a lesson not to do the same. We have not left yet !
Some grim stuff…. exceedingly unlikely to feature in any BBC report
Biden hey, the bbc is his biggest supporter with the joined at the hips and special partner of the bbc, cnn
bbc output:-
Trump – we hate him
Biden – can do no wrong
There is no doubt whatsoever that they are drugging him up for his bigger public appearances.
You can be sure everyone in the MSM knows it and they will not report it.
I’ve long been of the opinion that it is inevitable that an advanced society goes through a cycle where they eventually destroy themselves. I fear that is what we are witnessing in the West.
President Trump’s 100 Days President Biden’s 0 Day
Dear Winston Smith in the Records Department of the Ministry of Truth,
You covered President Trump’s 100 Days and then produced a Beyond 100 Days to hold power to account.
Why have you not done the same for President Biden to hold power to account?
‘Omission is the greatest form of lie.’
Thank you again for contacting us,
BBC Complaints Team
Make of this what you will.
Maybe the Windrush generation, BLM, George Floyds relatives or that Mizzie twat are helping with the search and rescue ?
“Titanic tour CEO Stockton Rush said he didn’t hire ’50-year-old white guys’ because they were NOT ‘inspirational’ – as footage emerges of him boasting of previous ‘invulnerable’ sub designed to explore ‘unsinkable’ Titanic”
Covid: How do UK pandemic death rates compare?
They dont compare bbc
The reason is in the UK we recorded deaths by covid for someone in a care home upto I believe 6 weeks after the person had actually had covid, but died weeks later of something unrelated to covid. Covid was still shown on the death certificate
Maybe do some fact check to check your rubbish output, bbc verify to verify? Although Verify doesn’t seem to get mentioned much now, perhaps the bbc realises most people dont fall for it
Man arrested at London hospital after two people stabbed
This story has already been dropped from the front page : I had to dig into regions to find it.
Man arrested : no details whatsoever except ‘it’s not terrorist related’.
It beginning to stink of Leftist racism.
Beff scores an award winner.
Comments appear to be off.
Why would anyone care what that non-entity thinks?
The fellow awardees? And, oddly, judges?
She helped kill Roe v Wade – what does she want now?
They all wore red, half in SFLA branded clothing – “The Pro-Life Generation VOTES” emblazoned on their chests like a cheery warning. One wore a pair of dangly earrings, tiny gold feet meant to match the size of a foetus’s foot at 12 weeks. “It’s a picture into their humanity,” she said.
How luvly, they all wore red and one wore a pair of dangly earring
honestly, will someone put this ex British organisation down, its had its day!
… end of article ….
A pro-life mentor had offered Hawkins some unsolicited advice: stop saying “when” Roe v Wade is overturned. By assuming Roe’s demise, he cautioned, she sounded “too immature, too naive”.
Hawkins ignored him. She told her staff to double down, boost their messaging that promised to send Roe to the “ash heap of history”.
“I always tell our team: winners envision the win.”
No Getty in Singapore.
King hails Windrush generation on 75th anniversary
No comment
King Charles III has hailed the Windrush generation’s “immeasurable” impact, 75 years after the first crossing from the Caribbean.
Seven people were stabbed at Notting Hill Carnival on Monday evening, police say
It comes as police launched a murder probe after Takayo Nembhard was stabbed to death under the Westway flyover
Perhaps that’s why the Government will not stop the boats: Replacement for those murdered…………
Stevo does history, Nish styly.
“victim of external aggression.”
that sounds like every single bbc muslim article does it not ?
“82 years ago Hitler invaded the USSR”
Then, in the early summer of 1941, Hitler betrayed Stalin by invading Russia, forcing the Soviet Union to change sides and ally itself with Britain and, later, America. Why did Hitler do it? Because conquering Slavic Europe had been central to his racist program all along.
forcing the Soviet Union to change sides and ally itself with Britain and, later, America.
Our media have an ace in the hole plus baubles, bangles and beads edition
In Britain we’re now completely ruled by American globalist culture – so although we don’t have their Juneteenth – that’s something to do with their emancipation of slaves, in case you were wondering – which can’t really be applied to us here in the UK – as far as one recalls – and historians among us can no doubt confirm – there were no cotton plantations in good ol’ downhome deep south Surrey… it is however, Windrush week – as evidently has been mutually agreed from on high right across our media
Windrush 75: ‘We have put the Great in Britain’ (BBC) – that’s as maybe.
All that jazz
That put the Great in Britain – is perhaps one interpretation of the event that opened the door to hyper-immigration. The arrival of West Indians has certainly kick-started the ‘colourisation’ of Britain: Colourised pictures of arrivals from the Carribean on board HMT Windrush… published for the first time today (picture reproduced frontpage of the – formerly paper of record, formerly patriotic –Times) we note a pic of black RAF servicemen enjoying time out on deck listening to a gal playing saxophone – maybe a rendition of “In The Mood” or “That Old Black Magic”- So where are all those black flyboys nowadays when we need them and all that our modern Airforce top brass can recruit are ‘useless white male pilots‘?)
We don’t need another hero – so said Tina Turner
The Labour-supporting Daily Mirror awards the hero accolade like the US army dishes out medals – by the bucket load and with Royal endorsement: William and the Windrush hero… Pride of Britain special… Pioneer Alfred Gardner, 97, who arrived in Britain in 1948… 75 years in Blighty and still not passing the cricket test (TM Norman Tebbit) as he is photographed proudly wearing his West Indian cricket shirt – and possibly supprting the Aussies and passing the Andy Murray test (Who do I support? Anyone but England)
The Guardian too is keen to present baubles, bangles and beads – down through the generations: ‘A badge of honour’ How Windrush shaped the lives of passengers’ grandchildren
Other openly left-leaning titles take a less positive and more aggressively activist stance: Windrush victims need compensation (‘i’)
‘The headwind they faced was Britain, but still they prevailed’ Hugh Muir (Guardian – hardly content with one report but going with a second article on Windrush)
The final hours (Sun) – no, that’s not in referrence to our incumbent Tory government: Rishi Sunak’s disasterous managerialism threatens Tory extinction (Allister Heath in the Telegraph) – the Sun is of course instead referring to: Their last hope (Daily Star); Rescue robot is last chance of survival… five men on board the Titanic tourist sub (Express) – but that Titanic submarine story is a rather good metaphor for our Rishi fast running out of political oxygen with little hope of rescue
Our media loves this miniature submarine story. Let’s hope some miraculous rescue happens – Meanwhile Mr AsI is very much reminded of the movie Ace in the Hole also known as The Big Carnival [1951]: …stars Kirk Douglas as a cynical, disgraced reporter who stops at nothing… The story is a biting examination of the seedy relationship between the press, the news it reports and the manner in which it reports it. The film also shows how a gullible public can be manipulated by the press… a local man [is] trapped in a collapsed cliff dwelling… [Douglas] convince[s] construction contractor Smollett to drill from above rather than shoring up the walls, extending the rescue from 12 hours to a week to keep the story going (thank you Wiki)
The man from Del Monte, him say… “No!”
Guards at Del Monte pineapple farm accused of killings in Kenya… people suspected of trespassing on the farm’s land (Mary Kambo Human rights campaigner, Guardian)
So that’s pineapple off the menu: Del Monte pineapple farm supplies most British supermarkets (Guardian)
Do you recall that episode of the classic tv prison sitcom Porridge in which the plot revolved around the theft of a tin of pineapple chunks?
Now that pop music is a tiresomely comfy, middle-aged, middle-classed and corporate virtue-signalling bore-fest: It’s getting in tents Festival goers gear up for Glastonbury (Guardian); Watch: Glastonbury fan gets the giggles live on TV (BBC)
You can forget the all those youth cult Teddy Boys, Mods, Rockers, Punks, New Romantic gender-benders etc: Michael Deacon Self-ID is just a new form of youth rebellion (Telegraph) – he’s thinking of those school kids scamming their right-on teachers by indentifying as cats and horses – so perhaps there is an opening for a Teddy Boy revival?
Elvis is this his MeToo moment (Times) – perhaps not.
Rachel knows that whatever she comes out with, BBC Verify will stay well clear and BBC Politics will copy and paste.
So she can then tweet what she said, only on the BBC.
I reckon red labour will regrade council taxes in order to take even more – particularly at the upper level – the election has to be by January 2025 and the state of the UK is only going to get worse by then
I looked at the odds for Labour winning the nut nut bi election – it’s more or less a certainty – and I think the blue labour rabble will rightly lose their deposit …..
The biggest danger for labour now is people not bothering to vote in the GE because of the certainty of starmer being PM – but electoral fraud will remedy that ….
… any advances on 0.25% today …?
Now that the government has set the precedent of paying 80% of our wages (and 100% in the State sector) for us doing basically nothing for an extended period – all financed out of thin air – then why not stump up and pay our mortgages for us?
Of course this misses the point that our present inflationary woes are largely caused by deliberate inflationary debasement of the currency – as a direct consequence of having to pay for the above.
As for the general election – the Tories need to be made to fear a complete wipe out – otherwise they will be fairly content to hunker down and wait their turn again after Labour have had their go at mismanaging our decline.
‘Big injection’
The government has also rejected a Liberal Democrat plan for grants of £300 a month for struggling homeowners, to be funded by a windfall tax on the banks.
“windfall tax on the banks”
Jeremy Hunt: everyone will be paying more tax after autumn statement 2022
Everyone. Everyone. Everyone.
Theresa May, Former UK PM earned £1.86 million in her 2 years since leaving Downing Street, figures show
Barry Gardiner defends donations worth £500,000 from Chinese agent
Matt Hancock, who lost the Tory whip after it was announced he would be appearing on the ITV programme, is still being paid as an independent MP and is rumoured to have been paid £400,000 to appear on the I’m a celebrity.
Boris Johnson earns £315,000 for 30 minute speech and ‘fireside chat’ in United States
Chuka Umunna Advisory Board of The Progressive Centre UK think tank (also known as Global Progress)
Jeremy Corbyn Labour party leader accepted up to £20,000 (about $27,000) for appearances on the Iranian state broadcast network Press TV
Keir Starmer £18,450 from Harper Collins as an advance payment for a book.
Boris Johnson Accommodation for a private holiday for my partner and me, value £15,000 Destination of visit: St Vincent and the Grenadines
Jeremy Hunt £10,000 from Citigroup Centre for speaking at an event on 9 March 2021. Hours: 4 hrs. Fee paid direct to charity. (Charity not mentioned)
Nadhim Zahawi MP promises to repay the part of £5,822.27 expenses claim for second home energy bills that relates to electricity for stables
MPs to get £2,200 pay rise from April for ‘dramatically increased’ duties last year
Philip Hammond accepts £2,000 watch from Saudi sheikh, despite ban on donating expensive gifts
Why no give everyone £8200 to possibly write a book?
Employment and earnings
Payments from Hodder & Stoughton Limited, Carmelite House, 50 Victoria Embankment, London EC4Y 0DZ, via Peters Fraser & Dunlop Limited, 55 New Oxford Street, London WC1A 1BS:
25 February 2023, received £8,200 as an advance payment for writing a book.
Economic forecasters assume everything, except responsibility.
Did you know economists have predicted nine out of the last five recessions?
There’s only one answer: Interest rates at least 10%. Otherwise look at clown Erdogan in Turkey. He decided to go the other way and reduce rates for the past years.
“Erdogan had said in comments released on Wednesday that new Finance Minister Mehmet Simsek will take steps swiftly with the central bank, despite the president maintaining his own unorthodox view that high interest rates cause inflation.
Analysts at leading investment banks now expect Turkey’s central bank to start ramping up rates at its monetary policy committee meeting on June 22.”
Let’ celebrate, folks…it’s 75 years since the Windrush brought the first Caribbean immigrants to Blighty…Three cheers…Or maybe not…
There’s so much guff spoken about “The Windrush Generation”, how they upped sticks to help the mother country, how they filled all the jobs the natives didn’t want to do and how badly they were treated. Most of this is just an urban myth, but if you repeat the lie often enough…
On cue, of course, our idiot king has made some ghastly, ill-informed speech (nice and safe in his ivory palace) about the massive contribution these people have made to my country. Now, let’s see, just what could Charlie be waffling about? Hmm…
Untold levels of street crime, knife gangs, urban thuggery, seething discontent, the constant rebukes of “racism”…Oh, and on the plus side, a couple of half decent footballers.
You know, we’re brilliant at rewriting history in this country these days. We see blacks turn up in historical TV dramas, wearing stove pipe hats and being waited on by servants. With astonishing historical illiteracy, a black woman played Anne Boleyn. How she was supposed to have given birth to a very pale, red-haired daughter is anyone’s guess. And even more incongruously, according to Dan Snow’s TV depiction of The Battle of Hastings, a black geezer masterminded the overthrow of the Saxons in 1066. All utter tosh, obviously.
Wait another 75 years and I’d bet that our much maligned dinghy dodgers will be depicted as brave soldiers, risking their lives in coming to our assistance to save us from the dreaded far right.
And some gormless monarch will be thanking them…
1978 … “Every country can take some small minorities and in many ways they add to the richness and variety of this country. The moment the minority threatens to become a big one, people get frightened.” – Margaret Thatcher 1978
2012 … “Two and a half years ago, the coalition government was formed, and we made a clear promise to the British public. After thirteen years of uncontrolled mass immigration, this government would reduce and control immigration.” – Theresa May 2012
2015 … “Because when immigration is too high (no figure given), when the pace of change is too fast, it’s impossible to build a cohesive society.” – Theresa May 2015
Hello Marky
There is some racist comments there
Sorry I meant Realist comments
Racism tops realism – always comrade!
Born in Fayetteville, North Carolina, Floyd grew up in Houston, Texas, playing American football and basketball throughout high school and college. Between 1997 and 2005, he was convicted of eight crimes. He served four years in prison after accepting a plea bargain for a 2007 aggravated robbery in a home invasion.
The latest issue of stamps from the achingly woke Post Office celebrates ‘the Windrush generation’. It’s a good job that nobody buys real stamps anymore.
CBBC sketch ‘inaccurately’ painted Florence Nightingale as racist, BBC Trust finds
Horrible Histories criticised for inaccuracy after showing fictional Florence Nightingale racially discriminate against black nurse Mary Seacole, BBC Trust finds
By Hannah Furness
30 September 2014 • 3:15pm
The BBC has been accused of “insulting” the achievements of Florence Nightingale, after inaccurately showing her racially discriminate against fellow nurse Mary Seacole in a Horrible Histories children’s programme.
With the proviso that Mary Seacole wasn’t actually a nurse, did not formally apply to be a nurse, would not have qualified on account of her age and lack of experience, and had no more medical qualifications than Bill Gates i.e. none. Here, in her own words, is her report of meeting Florence Nightingale:
‘She has read Dr. F——’s letter, which lies on the table by her side, and asks, in her gentle but eminently practical and business-like way, “What do you want, Mrs. Seacole—anything that we can do for you? If it lies in my power, I shall be very happy.”
Seacole was an adventurer and entrepreneur, and by any standards of the 19th Century an interesting character. Fortunately she wrote an autobiography – clearly something that no BBC employee or other race fantasist/fetishist has ever bothered to read.
CBBC painting… a mix of Nish, Rolf, JSO, and Springster.
Think Jackson Pollock on tv, only with less talent and a bigger budget.
“Meanwhile, the BBC has uncovered evidence that hundreds of long-term sick and mentally ill people were sent back to the Caribbean after arriving in Britain.”
………… hundreds … thousands ……..
A n estimated 117,000 patients died last year waiting for care on the NHS, figures have revealed. This included thousands on waiting lists at London NHS trusts, with 2,512 at Barts Health, 1,078 at King’s College hospitals and 894 at University College London hospitals.5 Jul 2022
The latest figures for April 2023 show:
around 7.42 million people waiting for treatment, a slight increase on the previous month;
nearly 3.09 million of these patients waiting over 18 weeks;
around 371,000 of these patients waiting over a year for treatment – which is around 292 times as many as in March 2019, before the pandemic began.
a median waiting time for treatment of 13.8 weeks – almost double the pre-COVID median wait of 7.2 weeks in April 2019.
The BMA is balloting senior hospital doctors in England on strike action until 27 June 2023. The BMA has announced potential strike dates for consultants as 20 and 21 July if the ballot is successful and the Government does not make a “credible pay offer”.12 Jun 2023
Some of you. If not you, your children or grandchildren may
of seen my granddaughter who was 9 on ” Britains Got Talent.”
She got standing ovations for her animal impressions. And
as it happens millions of hits on the social networks.
I am writing to the BBC to see if they would like to use her
on an “education” TV programme. On how to utter sounds
like an array of animals that children believe their identity
or gender to be . After being indoctrinated by their marxist
Anarchist teachers , who have been brainwashed in turn by
their lecturers at teacher training colleges.
I MUST admit that I had something to do with my granddaughters amazing mimicry. I used to tell her , as I did
with my own children and other grandchildren accompanied
mimicry when reading them stories about” the cat with the hat”.” Dolly the Dolphin” etc
Yes I do believe that the BBC would be interested to advance
their “education” of kids in getting them to understand gender
fluidity. Or whatever what was once called gender dysphoria .
Before the lunatics took charge of the asylums.
Am sorry I missed that, Foscari, thanks to being a TellyTax ‘Refusenik’.
Any chance of putting up a video clip on here?
David Bowie, Heroes.
“I, I wish you could swim
Like the dolphins, like dolphins can swim
Though nothing, nothing will keep us together
We can beat them, forever and ever
Oh, we can be heroes, just for one day.”
Snuff!!- I wont put it on . BUT if you look at YOUTUBE
Britains Got Talent Jessica Brodin you will find It,
In particular her DOLHIN mimicry is amazing. I
just hope that it did not encourage other kids to
identify as dolphins !
Another BAME on BAME knifing in London last night.
Stop looking for dinghies?
The search for a “highly respected and much loved” firefighter, missing while on a charity swim across the English Channel has been called off.
Iain Hughes, from Dudley, started the solo challenge with a support boat on Tuesday from Dover before disappearing.
I tend not to reward the BBC for their subbing by refusing to click on.
You have kindly offered some context to what is indeed another tragedy.
Was there by chance any journalistic inquiry into the function and role of the ‘support boat’, or was it not staffed by old white men?
“We are giving Iain’s family all the support we can at this distressing time,” he said.
^^ note, the support boat lacked support – no mention of what happened.
Is that the coin specially minted by the Royal Mint to celebrate all the ‘benefits’ of the Windrush Generation…………
Afterthought: I’d love to see those eyes caught in headlights. This one, I may get my wish.
TOADY Watch #1 – hmmnn, don’t think much of the plan Rachel
Rachel Reeves MP, Shadow Chancellor was the Big Interview guest for Nick Robinson to talk over. What is Labour’s big plan for cutting inflation? Another Windfall Tax but this time on the Banks and Mortgage providers. Nick did not think to ask the many questions that I have surrounding that plan. Taxation to grow the economy? Hmmmn, don’t think that worked for Blair and Brown, did it?
Can we have a list of all those who will be taxed and by how much?
“Tax them! Jeremy Corbyn demands 55% income tax rate in huge overhaul ‘Beggars belief!’
JEREMY CORBYN has dumfounded MPs and policy wonks after demanding a new “super-rich” tax that would make Britain one of the highest-taxed countries in the world.
08:11, Fri, Jul 23, 2021 | UPDATED: 14:22, Fri, Jul 23, 2021″
Up2 – both Reeve and Cleverly ( dumberly ?) floundered – nut nut is accused of lies – both those 2 ? Dumb and liars ….
Alistair Heath today suggests a 50 seat Tory opposition next time with a new Right Wing Party …. Just can’t see it – and no sign of ‘reform ‘ doing much …
She is beyond doubt the thickest whale hurler on the front bench who somehow scrubs up almost to look like Beff Rigsby after a rough night wiv Burley.
And Toenails is the perfect waste of public money to sit opposite her.
‘I hated being the story’: Sky News’s Beth Rigby on her own Covid Partygate scandal