Look people – can’t we get away from this inflation thing ? Can’t we get back to the important stuff like that submarine thing ? Or Phil / Holly ? Or Meghan / Hewitts kid ? Or that prince kid who acts like a 6 year old ? ….
And here’s another one from the house oversight comittee regarding Hunter Bidens tax affairs and the corruption of the Mafia party within the IRS as whistle blowers come forward to testify that their bosses instantly retaliated against them simply for doing their job in uncovering the bribery undertaken by the Biden crime syndicate.
The scale of this is pretty huge and I expect there is more to come.
Yes, but will anything be done about it. I think the Republicans and Democrats are rather similar to the Conservatives and Labour in this country. Opposite cheeks of the same arse.
Subversion of state organisations – the Feds in the US and civil servants in the UK – is pretty obvious. But the frightening thing is that the MSM looks away from it …..
Pakistan grounds 262 airline pilots with ‘dubious’ credentials
By Asif Shahzad
ISLAMABAD (Reuters) – Pakistan is grounding 262 airline pilots suspected of dodging their exams following inquiries into their qualifications, the aviation minister said on Friday in a move that has caused global concern.
After a year of pain from gallstones Sommer Tebenham from Hove in East Sussex ended up taking out a £5,000 bank loan to have surgery done privately in April.
Last month she told the BBC she paid because she feared she might have to wait 12 months with the NHS. The relief was instant, she says. “I was up walking around and eating again straight away.”
Remember – this kidult is competing in a crowded industry to keep her position and msm income growing – so she needs to come out with evil like that – others are similar – alistair Campbell – any number of coloured lefties playing the victim / race card demanding handouts ….
… but she does exhibit that inherent oppression of the Left in wanting to control the activities / freedoms of others which is crushing us ….
Unfortunately, when labour get in next year, sarker, cambel, price and the rest of the sorry lot will be standard offerings by the newly appointed bbc for misinformation, extreme left-wing escapades and hate towards private capital.
Sunakians won’t be able to avert the catastrophe they’ve brought on themselves and the majority of normal indigenous British citizens, so it’s Goodnight Vienna all over again!
The only way normal people can win here, is to defund the BBC as soon as possible, and the student politics of hate and envy will fade away, but can anyone see that happening?
Short BBC feature on the effect of the rise in bank rate on UK mortgage payers.
So who did they roll on to pontificate on the bad news and wag fingers at the government?
Huw Edwards £500,000 plus per year, Faisal Islam £250,000 plus per year, Chris Mason £250,000 plus per year, that’s a cool million a year right there all paid for by the poor folk trying to find the extra mortgage money…
You couldn’t make it up they have no bloody shame!
And for the millions of savers who may benefit from the interest rate increases after a decade of near zero levels.
What do we hear?
Not a mention.
Because it just doesn’t fit the relentless doom-and- gloom agenda.
Not BBC.
On ITV news at 10 there was a short advert break.
There was one advert.
It was a long one entirely given over to celebrating immigrants. It ran like a leftist propaganda piece.
The ‘advert’ was for a company called WorldRemit. I’ve never heard of them. But it turns out they are an international money transfer company.
Mmmm. I just wonder what nett movement of cash they enjoy. Is there a nett inflow into the or nett outflow?
I think we should be told. Imagine if a mass of immigrants get to the country and do not spend their earnings and benefits here but send them abroad. Anyone remember all that guff about 10 years ago about the nett benefits of immigration? You don’t hear much about that now.
To me immigration can be good
the BAD is usually by white officials/politicians who fail to control immigration and allow open borders without proper checks
and therefore cause deaths and sexual abuse etc. that wouldn’t have happened.
And allow poor quality immigration that COSTS the country millions and depletes its resources like housing and NHS beds etc.
The only good immigration is between nations with the same culture, language and religion, for example between the anglo-celtic races. Any other sort – as we have discovered – is a disaster.
Below is a piece from the DT about sexism or similar which I haven’t read because I care less – some may be interested but I am prejudiced and filed it under woke crap
I saw a term ‘gender ideology ‘and that was enough for me …
STARTS The BBC is facing a backlash for commissioning an “outdated, sexist” drama by a trans activist.
The new eight-part series, titled What It Feels Like For A Girl, is written and executively produced by Paris Lees, a prominent trans woman activist who was born as a male.
Based on her memoir of the same name, and due to air on BBC Three and BBC iPlayer, it is described as a coming of age drama of a transgender teenager called Byron who leaves a working class town to find solitude with a drag queen, called Lady Die, in Nottingham in the noughties.
While some have praised it as a step forward for diversity, others online have criticised it for making a “mockery” of women and vowed to cancel or boycott their licence fee.
The drama charts much of Lees own upbringing, living as a teenage boy before transitioning to a trans woman.
But Joan Smith, who was the co-chair of the Mayor of London’s violence against women and girls board, criticised how Lees has an “attachment to a very outdated, sexist view of what it means to be a woman” by having described being catcalled as “awesome” in her memoir and boasting about being “a bit of a slut”.
Ms Smith wrote in UnHerd: “Paris Lees has no idea what it feels like to be a girl… If the corporation is really interested in what it means to be a girl, maybe it could ask one?”
Keith Jordan, the co-founder of Our Duty, a group of families opposed to gender ideology, said the commissioning of the series showed that “the BBC continues its quest to be the leading purveyor of gender identity ideology”.
The BBC’s press release on the drama said the trans protagonist, Byron, is “sick of mam, sick of dad” and “needs to get away” from home so becomes enchanted by “the mesmerising Lady Die” drag queen and “is adopted into Lady Die’s hilarious and chaotic family of troublemakers”.
“Between them, they beg, steal and skank their way on a rollercoaster ride of hedonism at the heart of the UK’s early 2000s club scene,” the BBC said.
While the press release described Lees as an “award-winning writer and journalist”, it failed to mention that she was sentenced to two years in a young offenders institution aged 18 for robbery.
Lees has been contacted for comment. Addressing critics on Twitter, she said: “To the haters, I’ve dealt with hostility from people like you all my life and you’re not going to silence me and you don’t intimidate me. I’ve seen it all before. I’m living my life on my terms whether you like it or not.”
Lindsay Salt, director of BBC Drama, said: “Anyone who’s read What It Feels Like For A Girl will know what a hugely distinctive, surprising and moving work it is, and its journey to the BBC – adapted by Paris herself – sees the arrival of an exciting new voice in UK television.”ENDS
” *she* was sentenced to two years in a young offenders institution aged 18 for robbery”
Huge context missing there
I was going to say that it’s a principle that you don’t mention people’s long spent convictions. cos they should be allowed to reform and move on
Lees was a boy , a kind of victim , a 16 yo gay prostitute with a pimp.
They beat an elderly customer with a golf club
he died one week later. His name is not in public domain.
“Yes I do have a problem with Paris Lees using the women’s, mainly because he’s a violent man! He bludgeoned an elderly man during a robbery & left him for dead. He later died from his injuries but a jury didn’t convict Lees of murder. Still went to jail though”
In jail Lees transitioned and said “I’m really a woman”
Other MALES have done similar to distance themselves from their crime.
Yet their testosterone seems to still make them behave aggressively
eg Lees now a woman tweeted “I did a little robbery”
then deleted the tweet https://archive.ph/4Fb2b
“NAIROBI, June 22 (Reuters) – Mohamed Ali doesn’t believe gay Africans exist. He says homosexuality is a Western invention imposed on the continent. Openly gay Africans are liars seeking visas to the West or money from rights groups, he adds.
Ali is a member of Kenya’s parliament. He is desperate to follow neighbour Uganda by unleashing a sweeping legislative crackdown on LGBTQ people. Even if he happened to be sick in intensive care, he would ask to be dragged to parliament to approve it.
“I will ask them to take me to vote for that, to kick them out, kick LGBT people out of Kenya completely,” he said.
Weeks after Uganda enacted one of the most draconian anti-LGBT laws on Earth, Kenya could be poised to follow suit with a similarly formulated bill that punishes gay sex with prison or even death in some cases, according to a draft of the law and two lawmakers backing it in parliament.
Similar moves are also afoot in Tanzania and South Sudan, parliamentarians in those nations told Reuters, revealing for the first time a broad anti-LGBT legislative drive across East Africa. Some regional lawmakers frame the issue as an almost existential battle to save African values and sovereignty, which they say have been battered by Western pressure to capitulate on gay rights.”
“The draft of Kenya’s Family Protection Bill, seen by Reuters, mirrors many aspects of the Ugandan law, which was signed by President Yoweri Museveni at the end of May to the dismay of the LGBT community, human rights campaigners and Western capitals.
Gay sex is punishable by at least 10 years in jail under the proposed Kenyan law, while “aggravated homosexuality”, which includes gay sex with a minor or disabled person or when a terminal disease is passed on, brings the death penalty.”
If these “pride” tossers really cared they’d be displaying themselves down Bury Park Road in Luton and other ghettoes around the country surely ?
An existential crisis for the far left libtard morons who conveniently forget it is the very black and muslim element forever portraying themselves as victims, who are in reality the most intolerant within our society for “other” minorities and wimmin.
Lord Frost of Brexit fame writes in the DT about the future for conservatives – enjoy –
Sometimes countries get into a rut. The Spanish Empire in the 18th century, Austria-Hungary in the 19th, even France in the 1950s before De Gaulle – everyone could see what their problems were, but their politics seemed unable to generate the momentum needed to find solutions.
Seven years ago we seemed to have got out of our own rut by voting to leave the EU and take back control. But now we are sinking back into it.
Conservatives have been in power for 13 years. When that’s so, and when many of the problems are worse than when you started, you have to say something compelling if voters are not to think “enough”. We carry the can for the state of the country. If we can’t credibly show things are going to be different next time, we aren’t going to win the next election, whenever it is.
That means some real conservative policies. But in my experience party members and voters, current and former, are frustrated at the Government’s inability to articulate them (and I say this in a week when one mentor to the Prime Minister, William Hague, argues in The Times that a crackdown on ultra-processed food is the priority).
A Labour government would be just the wrong thing for this country at a critical moment after Brexit. I want to prevent it. I am not interested in the mentality of “let’s lose decently and then decide what to do”. “Steady as she goes”, in the hope that people turn against Keir Starmer, is not good enough. If we are to prove that more tax, more net zero, more migration under Labour is bad for the country, we have to stop offering a version of that ourselves.
So we need clear blue water. As I have argued here before, we need a five to 10-year action plan to rebuild Britain, put it on a different path, and allow us more freedom to run our lives as we wish. Here are 10 policies I believe should be part of it.
1. Get tax and spending back down to Blair-era levels over the next 10 years. Tax, spend, and government regulation are at their highest since the Second World War, and are choking economic activity. The Blair era is hardly ancient history: we can get back there.
2. Open Britain to trade. The Pacific trade deal, the CPTPP, is great, but go further. Abolish most tariffs, including on food imports, over three years, and deregulate the vast apparatus that constrains British food production.
3. Delay the net zero 2050 target. Abolish the deadlines on boilers and EVs. Get fracking and build low-carbon modern gas power stations and zero-carbon nuclear. Stop wasting money on green levies and if we must use renewables make them stand on their own two feet.
4. We need a pause for breath to absorb high levels of immigration and rebuild social cohesion. So reduce legal migration to 100,000 over three years, and keep it there for a decade, through a binding cap on visas.
5. Build more houses. We have a four million backlog. Lowering migration will help but change to the 1947 Town and Country Planning Act is necessary. We need a major national effort to identify housebuilding areas, mainly in south-east England, including on the green belt, and if necessary driving it through by a national referendum on the whole plan.
6. Freeze social spending in cash terms. Cut back the scope of universal credit; increase the state pension age, gradually and fairly, to reflect increased life expectancy; and reform the tax system so it no longer discriminates against the family.
7. The NHS will never work as well as European systems. So establish a Royal Commission to explore how to change it to a European-style social insurance system over a generation. Meanwhile, stop adding new burdens to it – especially not a National Social Care service.
8. Abolish the Equality Act and replace it with a simple non-discrimination duty. Make positive discrimination illegal. Scrap government spending and law-making on diversity. Ensure the full range of political, social, and historical opinion is taught in schools, and that parents have access to it. Forbid medical transitioning to the opposite sex below the age of 18. Finally, scrap concepts such as “hate” or “harmful” speech and pass a Free Speech Act protecting free speech online and off.
9. Pass a Government Modernisation Act, to give ministers and Parliament real control over appointments and budgets. Review the scope of devolution and make it harder to hold a Scottish independence referendum.
10. Finally, so voters can if they wish complete the work of taking back control that began in 2016, offer all-UK referendums within five years on the European Convention on Human Rights and on continuing the Windsor Framework arrangements for Northern Ireland.
There’s room to argue about almost all of this. But something like it is surely the starting point for an optimistic vision of how the country would be different with another five years of Conservative government.
If we can’t communicate that, then we won’t persuade anyone – and then the election, when it comes, can have only one result.ENDS
“Teen, 15, died after jumping off pier in beach party tradition celebrating the end of GCSEs – as his devastated family demand change”
“We want his name to serve as an end of this unfortunate trail. ‘It is for this reason that we seek change and reform by improving safeguarding measures at Aberavon Beach.’
They have called for the installation of physical barriers along the pier, better lighting, secured lifebuoys, a ladder from the water onto the pier, more signage warning of the dangers of jumping in.
They also want improved public education and awareness, increased presence of local authorities, and video surveillance cameras as well as improved lifeguard presence.
The petition added: ‘If a lifeguard was present at the time, those several minutes of David’s life wasted to try and find one could have been saved. ”
God help us, I forgot about that particular grammatical outrage.
It is on a par with our new black announcers and voice overs who cannot speak English competently, one would have thought a key requirement for the job ?
“Ffforpe Park Carnivow” (I believe, Thorpe Park Carnival ? )
“Broadband, 26 paaand a munf”
And the shockingly illiterate black woman used by Ch 4 to “announce” programmes with too many examples of complete incompetence with the English language to quote.
Complete racism in action, given a job they cannot do properly JUST because they are, and sound black, like so many local authority employees I have witnessed.
em when 2 Liverpool people talk I can’t understand a word.
Hull accent is much clearer, but I still have difficulty with understanding bits of the conversation.
These videos say all you need to know about all these wankers. Just stop oil, just not my Ranger River Vogue’s oil. Care for Calais. Just not in my house. Etc
I consider myself middle class, but I’m really starting to despise the middle class 😂 https://t.co/EPTV0Uk6AQ
Enjoy these JSO wankers getting stuff chucked at them. Then also note who & what they are obstructing: working people in working vehicles. That is who they hate. https://t.co/KTJG5fJVYZ
I'm very sorry for the families of the people lost on this expedition. (Looks like the OceanGate CEO was a walking example of the Dunning-Kruger effect.)
Just imagine if we trusted public policy to rich dudes who want to tell us how to live 👀https://t.co/QqO0aZVe3f
A BBC reporter allowing a Muslim Palestinian to go on and on about Israeli settlers ‘ army being nasty to the peace loving lovely Palestinians . Apparently quite a few in a particular area have US passports . The Muslim making all the allegations had an American voice .
There was no ‘balance ‘ by interviewing an Israeli settler . Surely worth a formal complete just to highlight the anti Israel stance of the evil BBC .
OFCOM directors:
Melanie Dawes – ex civil servant
David Willis – Canadian civil servant
Gill Whitehead – ex BBC/Channel 4
Kate Davies – ‘Kerri leads Ofcom’s agenda for diversity and inclusion’
Lindsey Fussell – ex civil servant
Luisa Affuso – academic
Martin Ballantyne – lawyer
Melissa Tatton – ex civil servant
Simon Redfern – ex google
Yih-Choung Teh – academic
Not a single one from the real world.
7 women, 3 white males, 1 BAME male.
When even the official watchdog is predjudiced, what chance have we got ?.
Diversity definition: ‘racist and sexist discrimination against white males.’
The BBC doesn’t like the idea of voters having to produce evidence of identity at polling stations – namely photo ID .
So it says ‘thousands were unable to vote “ in the local council elections recently … but then it switches to percentages – not numbers – which turn out to be 0.25% of voters – according to the woke ‘election commission ‘ …… but what is 0.25% ?
Unknown .
Apparently elections after October 2023 will require picture ID .
The fraud of postal voting remains unexamined . There should be no postal voting . If people care that much they should arrange their affairs to vote in person …
While I agree there is some fraud in ‘communities’ some others like myself have to drive round the country Thursday to Monday sometimes Tuesday and can’t get near a polling station.
I would imagine that with the ever increasing ulez, parking cost and congestion charge scams it could cost people to vote if they have to travel to their voting station instead of a postal vote.
After having several off-agenda comments quickly deleted because they are ‘offensive to others’ (the latest being ‘I suppose all the intelligent people get their news elsewhere these days.’), I saw this comment about the interest rate rise:
‘Thats what you get when you put a Brexiteer in charge’.
So I reported it with ‘Why do you constantly allow these divisive and deliberately offensive comments BBC ?.
They replied as I hoped they would reply : they refused to delete it. It’s added to my archive of evidence.
Vine going soft – doesn’t want nationalisation ? Let’s have every one on the same income . All wear approved boiler suits . Let’s have rationing of everything …. On private vehicles …
Long live’ one State ‘ – oh yeah and better pay and conditions for the kidults monitoring sites like this one – right girls ?
Tax them! Jeremy Corbyn demands 55% income tax rate in huge overhaul ‘Beggars belief!’
JEREMY CORBYN has dumfounded MPs and policy wonks after demanding a new “super-rich” tax that would make Britain one of the highest-taxed countries in the world.
08:11, Fri, Jul 23, 2021 | UPDATED: 14:22, Fri, Jul 23, 2021
I recall during the fear mongering of the msm during the Chinese virus that there was no discussion in the msm about the consequences of what was being done …
Huge money printing – huge spending –
The only discussion was – there needs to be more of everything and it’s too little too late .
Ok – no one saw putin coming to make matters worth – but now the like of the BBC are fixated on interest rates and private individuals ‘ ability to honour their mortgage debt .
Debts which were encouraged when rates very low . I’m interested to know how much non checking of income occurred when mortgages were granted .
And if I recall there was discussion about people living on benefits being able to get mortgages – which seems – an obscene concept .
All at the same time as we are paying tax for thousands of invaders to be put up in four star hotels, all after 13 years of Tory rule . Tories , what Tories ?
Talking about hedging your bets! – says the Daily Star’s Thought for the Day – on a day when several tabloid national titles would draw our attention to Royal Ascot as would the broadsheet Telegraph. Well, racing is the sport of kings: The King is moved after his horse, Desert Hero, won the King George V Stakes…
Mr AsI tends to identify with the sharp satirical wit of Telegraph house cartoonist Matt – he’s off to the races today with a jockey clinging onto his Ascot mount as it runs a race on its two hind legs: “My horse identifies as a teenage schoolboy”
The Telegraph frets about another sport – cricket: Anderson in Ashes warning over pitches
In contrast the Times is optimistic: Australia ‘too meek’ – S’truth mate, howdya go in the first Test then, yer Pommie bludgers?
Furore over ‘Pommie bludgers’… screamed the Journal’s front page headline on 21 March 1974. The furore that followed still bemuses then editor John Woods. “British migrants,” read the first paragraph “were described yesterday as ‘bludgers’ by a top Dandenong clothing manufacturer”. “The manufacturer said: ‘From sad and long experience British migrants are the worst offenders of the job-dodgers we have in Dandenong’. The manufacturer added: ‘I hope to God the Immigration Department doesn’t bring in too many of them’. (A welcome press review debut there for the Dandenong [suburb of Melbourne] Star Journal)
These Colonials, eh? They’ve little gratitude or respect toward the Mother country: US accused of turning against UK over Nato… Refusal to Ben Wallace for top job has ‘done UK a bad turn’, say sources (Telegraph)
Mind you, despite reports – or the lack of reports – from the frontlines, that Nato-backed Ukraine war is going perfectly to plan (for someone somewhere): Defence technology sector enjoys fundraising boom (FT)
In a similar migratory vein the Guardian has yet another celebration of Windrush on the frontpage again today – immigration, eh? Apparently, contary to what those Dandenong bogans think about us Brits, we can’t ever have too much of a good thing.
With an alternative take on the cricket the left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper would draw our attention to: Women’s Ashes…
Meanwhile the left-leaning Guardian is excused games, so to speak: Glastonbury’s greatest ever sets!
But getting back to hedging one’s bets in the Daily Star: £1.6m-a-year Thames Water boss blames her leaking pipes on a hot summer AND a wet winter… Yes, it’s defo the weather’s fault, not hers
Calm down dear: Thames Water accused of ‘flimsy PR stunt’ over bonus as boss’s pay swells… Sarah Bentley lands £1.5m package despite saying she would shun bonus amid criticism of water companies (Guardian)
But how can this be a thing? We know the drive to appoint female bosses is official policy and we are told it’s a good thing
What might an insurer, a housebuilder and two water companies have in common in early 21st-century Britain? Here’s one answer: if you checked the UK’s biggest listed companies at the end of January, these four businesses would have been among the only ones with a female chief executive and chair. This finding comes from the authors of a report published last week by the FTSE Women Leaders Review, a government-backed campaign group (FT)
She who must be obeyed – as Rumpole of the Bailey used to quip
And it’s not just UK government-backed policy – but orders right from the very top…
More than DEI: Why it pays to get women in the boardroom (World Economic Forum)
FTSE 350 hits boardroom gender balance target three years early… FTSE 350 companies have met target of 40% Women on Boards three years ahead of 2025 deadline. (Gov.UK)
The logical downside of promoting women is of course the demotion of men – but that’s ok, right?
Women and children first
Titanic tour CEO Stockton Rush said he didn’t hire ’50-year-old white guys’ because they were NOT ‘inspirational’ (Daily Mail)
Less ‘inspiration’ and a tad more technical expertise might have been a boon
Well, at least this diversity-minded captain was prepared to go down with his ship: Lost to the deep (Daily Mirror)
There seems a negative spin on the titanic thing . I disagree and see the positives – it became a multi national exercise to test out the capability to deep rescue . .. even though the victims have been dead for a number of days ….
The Biden regime knew the submarine imploded Sunday – but used their media propagandists to push the "they're running out of oxygen" story all week to deflect from Hunter’s crimes?
Guest – straight to non story – there won’t even be a hint of this on the BBC …. But if it had been President Trump ….. ? Well played by Obama though ….department of defence fully democrat controlled …
A tourist submersible, with five people on board, has been missing since Sunday after it dived down to the wreck of the Titanic and never returned. A major search has been launched for the tiny vessel in a vast area of the North Atlantic, and the US Coast Guard has confirmed that “underwater noises” have now been picked up by a Canadian plane equipped with underwater detection capabilities. US media, citing internal government memos, described them as “banging sounds”.”
Possibly. But the more likely explanation is that the US military doesn’t want to reveal the capabilities of its Integrated Undersea Surveillance System (IUSS), which is used to track submarines across the oceans of the world, with a little help from Britain, Canada and Australia. They’ve been doing this since SOSUS was setup in the 1950s, and the system was fairly sophisticated even half a century ago.
Craft from other organisations would inevitably arrive and find the wreckage, plus the links between the military and the media mean that information eventually leaks (both intentionally and unintentionally). As Guest Who points out above, it’s mainly about timing and not fully revealing what and when you know things.
But who cares about the wreckage ?. It’s not like it’s a military vehicle. And it was a statement from the military themselves, not a leak.
And they say they knew about it at the point it happened so there is nothing unknown about what and when they detected it. Apparently even Cameron knew about it on Monday. And I’ll bet you 50p that if the likes of Cameron knew it, the BBC knew it.
Sorry – but the oh-so-convenient cover-up to distract attention still looks by far and away the most likely to me.
Words, punctuation and pauses (Obama pauses a lot) have a price … Barack Obama’s $400,000 speaking fees reveal what few want to admit {theguardian may2017}
“The reason many of us have been critical of Barack Obama’s outrageous $400,000 speaking fee is that it robs us of a fantasy: that sooner or later, the first black president was going to use his considerable powers, in or out of office, to help the economic ravages of the poor, who are disproportionately black.
That Obama’s project was or ever would be racial and economic justice was always a dream – and the sooner we let go of this and recognize Obama for who he is and what he does, the better we’ll all be.
Some people who disagree with me believe I am racist … I fantasized that he’d join us on the front lines of marches, battle for the salvation of Obamacare in ingenious ways, and maybe turn up at a Black Lives Matter event. But this was all a fantasy. …”
. . . . . .
Barack Obama delivers veiled but withering rebuke of Donald Trump {guardian 19oct2017}
“Back in the public fray at a rally in Virginia, the former president delivered his views on the current political climate in his strongest terms yet”
– How much was Obama paid to appear? Did the Guardian ask? $400,000?
Nature notes with the Bee Lady: good news, the Giant Tortoiseshell butterfly is back in the UK, 50 years after it was thought to be extinct. The Giant Tortoiseshell butterfly is larger than the Small Tortoiseshell but looks just like it. How do these ‘experts’ who said the Giant Tortoiseshell was extinct, do not consider or know that the UK’s obesity crisis might apply to butterflies as well as humans? The ‘experts’ might be looking at a Small Tortoiseshell that has been over-eating and is obese.
A smaller, less obese butterfly would be known as a Benecol-fly, or a Flora-fly, as it would exist on that sort of veggie slop instead of proper butter!
Scrobie, I’m astonished that the Bee Lady didn’t ask the expert about obesity and also sizing. These days the BBC can very unscientific pretty much all of the time. I learned something about the Bee Lady this morning thanks to her good self on TOADY. She used to be known in her early days in radio as the Bat Lady because she could get in a terrible flap in case something went wrong.
We used to have a lovely local visiting chiropodist and she was known as The Foot Lady!
Senora O’Blene remembers going on holiday, where the venue was run by a lady-man’, (she was very young at the time, and that was the explanation offered by her parents, when she asked why the lady wore a man’s suit and tie…)
A healthy democracy is at risk over inequality, says former President @BarackObama. "Our democracy is not going to be healthy with the levels of inequality that we've seen, generated from globalization, automation, the decline in unions, obscene inequality." pic.twitter.com/DAK2koJOI3
Words, punctuation and pauses (Obama pauses a lot) have a price … Barack Obama’s $400,000 speaking fees reveal what few want to admit {theguardian may2017}
“The reason many of us have been critical of Barack Obama’s outrageous $400,000 speaking fee is that it robs us of a fantasy: that sooner or later, the first black president was going to use his considerable powers, in or out of office, to help the economic ravages of the poor, who are disproportionately black.
That Obama’s project was or ever would be racial and economic justice was always a dream – and the sooner we let go of this and recognize Obama for who he is and what he does, the better we’ll all be.
Some people who disagree with me believe I am racist … I fantasized that he’d join us on the front lines of marches, battle for the salvation of Obamacare in ingenious ways, and maybe turn up at a Black Lives Matter event. But this was all a fantasy. …”
. . . . . .
Barack Obama delivers veiled but withering rebuke of Donald Trump {guardian 19oct2017}
“Back in the public fray at a rally in Virginia, the former president delivered his views on the current political climate in his strongest terms yet”
– How much was Obama paid to appear? Did the Guardian ask? $400,000?
O’Brien’s manner grew stern again. He laid his hand on the dial.
‘On the contrary,’ he said, ‘you have not controlled it. That is what has brought you here. You are here because you have failed in humility, in self-discipline. You would not make the act of submission which is the price of sanity. You preferred to be a lunatic, a minority of one. Only the disciplined mind can see reality, Winston. You believe that reality is something objective, external, existing in its own right. You also believe that the nature of reality is self-evident. When you delude yourself into thinking that you see something, you assume that everyone else sees the same thing as you. But I tell you, Winston, that reality is not external. Reality exists in the human mind, and nowhere else. Not in the individual mind, which can make mistakes, and in any case soon perishes: only in the mind of the Party, which is collective and immortal. Whatever the Party holds to be the truth, is truth. It is impossible to see reality except by looking through the eyes of the Party. That is the fact that you have got to relearn, Winston. It needs an act of self-destruction, an effort of the will. You must humble yourself before you can become sane.’
He paused for a few moments, as though to allow what he had been saying to sink in.
‘Do you remember,’ he went on, ‘writing in your diary, “Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two make four”?’
‘Yes,’ said Winston.
O’Brien held up his left hand, its back towards Winston, with the thumb hidden and the four fingers extended.
‘How many fingers am I holding up, Winston?’
‘And if the party says that it is not four but five — then how many?’
The word ended in a gasp of pain. The needle of the dial had shot up to fifty-five. The sweat had sprung out all over Winston’s body. The air tore into his lungs and issued again in deep groans which even by clenching his teeth he could not stop. O’Brien watched him, the four fingers still extended. He drew back the lever. This time the pain was only slightly eased.
‘How many fingers, Winston?’
The needle went up to sixty.
‘How many fingers, Winston?’
‘Four! Four! What else can I say? Four!’
The needle must have risen again, but he did not look at it. The heavy, stern face and the four fingers filled his vision. The fingers stood up before his eyes like pillars, enormous, blurry, and seeming to vibrate, but unmistakably four.
‘How many fingers, Winston?’
‘Four! Stop it, stop it! How can you go on? Four! Four!’
“Oh dear. Might there be evil in Waugh that virtue-signalling O’Brien never thought to consider”
Seems more the stern type.
This made me laugh:
“The idea of getting pursued by a posse of Corbynites in dandruff-powdered, woolly jumpers – after 2 years of getting harassed and hounded by soap-dodging crusties/sabs/black witches – sounds like a marked improvement)”
Afew years ago, my colleague Nicholas Pearce wrote about how a Torbay-based dime store huckster known as Ellie Waugh managed to get the bleeding-heart LBC shock jock James O’Brien to promote her latest deception on air. Up to £70,000.00 was raised in donations by Waugh’s con, mostly using a crowdfunder that O’Brien innocently promoted live on air during his morning radio show for the unemployed and taxi drivers
In recent years Mrs Waugh has been busy reinventing herself as a Jeremy Corbyn diehard – as one does if in pursuit of new gullibles – and is up to her old tricks on a Facebook page called Poverty Watch (without charity status) promoting the occasional Go Fraud Me and playing the hate/victim dialectical as head of a community of 50,000 useful idiots.
One of the worst things about being atuned to BBC propaganda is spotting the omissions . Take – for example – the ‘man’ charged with attempted murder at the midflesex hospital ( not a doctor or nurse ? . He is one Matteo Bottarelli…..
Now the bbc news did nt mention the name of ‘the man ‘ charged – so instantly I assumed it was a ‘Mohammed’ or ‘Leroy ‘ but it’s Matteo Bottarelli… UK citizen / EU citizen ? ….
That he and the BBc feel either gains from the association is… special.
Imagine the blood of a whole audience boiling!!! Was actually one of the calmest and friendliest @bbcquestiontime audiences I can remember. Poor lil Express!! For the record – applause counter told me I got the most during the evening!! https://t.co/zXW6skHILH
Political language — and with variations this is true of all political parties, from Conservatives to Anarchists — is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind. One cannot change this all in a moment, but one can at least change one’s own habits, and from time to time one can even, if one jeers loudly enough, send some worn-out and useless phrase — some jackboot, Achilles’ heel, hotbed, melting pot, acid test, veritable inferno, or other lump of verbal refuse — into the dustbin where it belongs.
75 years ago today Empire Windrush docked at Tilbury. 23 years ago today I became an Member of Parliament.Thank you to my ancestors, my parents and their generation and of course the good people of Tottenham. pic.twitter.com/dOuXg138Yc
They have got so bad that they’ve forced part closures of some pools. BBC says: “The media debate is full of theories about what’s behind brawls in outdoor pools […] pool operators point to a broader change in Germany’s traditional open-air pool culture in some cities, reporting increasing aggression and a lack of respect for pool lifeguards.”
Neukölln in Berlin is one of the sites. Here’s some activity in Neukölln from just the other day (migrant population 48% average, with some areas up to 65%):
Als ich das letzte Mal vor ein paar Jahren ohne Begleitung auf der Sonnenallee in #Neukölln war, hat ein Imbissmitarbeiter verweigert, mich zu bedienen. Er sagte auf arabisch: "Verräter dürfen hier nicht einkaufen!" pic.twitter.com/6UtfnU1uOT
Syrian And Albanian Families Cause Havoc On The Streets Of Berlin Around 30 people attacked each other with machetes, axes, broken bottles on Siegfriedstrasse in Neukölln. One police officer was injured, one attacker received critical treatment for a head trauma, and one stabbed pic.twitter.com/YyL7NbtdzH
One of the theories media are supposedly talking about is “blaming ‘social hotspots’ or so-called ‘clans’, appear tinged with racism: both are code words for immigrant groups.”
BBC mention another incident at Mannheim. They won’t show any evidence that contradicts the agenda — but here it is. Hiding the truth as always.
Germany: 40 participants, a stabbing: injured in the next mass brawl in the outdoor pool The next madness in a German outdoor pool. In Mannheim, two strangers initially pushed a twelve-year-old boy into the pool and pushed him under the water. This led to a dispute with 40… pic.twitter.com/qbnFgGmKJ8
As Martin Wolf, the chief economics commentator of the financial times, says: ‘The desirability of sizeable immigration is a matter more of values than of economics. It is not a choice between wealth and poverty, but of the sort of country one desires to inhabit.’
TOADY Watch #2 – the Electoral Commission gent is realistic about this ……
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – the Electoral Commission gent is realistic about this ……
… whereas the BBC thinks it is horrific and ‘gerrymandering’. Now that’s a word, used by Nick Robinson, that I haven’t heard since secondary schooldays! Der Starmer was in a flap about it before the Local Elections, too. If Sir Keir was a bird, what bird would he be? Defintely a bit Birds and Bees in my critiques this morning. Thanks to the Bat/Bee Lady, Martha Kearney.
The Electoral Commission say only 14,000 people – 0.25% of the voting population – across England were prevented from voting because of the requirement to have some sort of extra identification to prevent voter fraud. However, the BBC appear to have written in to this article: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-65988959, somethings that Craig Westwood did not say in his interview with Nick.
Lutfur Rahman: Ex-mayor banned for ‘corrupt and illegal practices’ re-elected in London’s Tower Hamlets
Lutfur Rahman was removed as mayor of Tower Hamlets in 2015 after an election court found him guilty of corrupt and illegal practices.
Even at the time Rahman got the kid gloves treatment and little of his goons antics was actually reported – I recall (iirc) reading BBC pieces where the people complaining about intimidation and more were made out to be unreasonable / the real troublemakers…
Through the Elections Act 2022, Parliament legislated to improve the accountability of the Electoral Commission. Following the electoral fraud exposed in Tower Hamlets, (then) Sir Eric Pickles’ 2016 report ‘Securing the Ballot: Review into Electoral Fraud’ recommended that a greater emphasis needed to be placed on tackling electoral fraud in Great Britain and that the existing system of oversight of the Electoral Commission by the Speaker’s Committee on the Electoral Commission did not provide an effective third-party check on the Commission’s performance.
They also said something about the instructions being posted outside the polling stations – and maybe on voting cards ?
If people cannot read English – they do not deserve a vote ….
There was also a view – at the time – that ‘old ‘ Tory voters would be more adversely affected because they might be less likely to have acceptable photo `iD – reds – of course having the docs need to claim welfare ….
The current “conversation” the Government is having regarding interest rates and mortgages echoes much other misguided policies.
Apparently the Government has made sure that those homeowners wishing to defer or rearrange their mortgages won’t have their credit ratings affected. So the stupid interest rate rises and the dificulties they will cause have the cracks papered over. These mortgages will have to be repaid eventually at extra cost. The issue has been created by having low interest rates when Government spending careers out of control and house prices go through the roof.
I also strongly disagreed with the Government’s approach to energy costs. Energy subsidies and price caps are a big mistake IMO. If people were exposed to the true cost of the Green crap they wouldn’t vote for it.
Something tells me that the present government takes orders from “other” powers ? Because it is not carrying out the will of the people of Great Britain . 7 years ago we voted for Brexit and as predicted by many, we had a “Brexit in name only” . Now they are trying to pin the mess we are in on Brexit!
What next ? A nudge campaign to get us back in .
My message to the readers of this site is that we have not Left yet.
Rishi Sunak looks set to fail to complete a promised “bonfire” of 4,000 EU-era laws this year after Tory Brexiteers were told only one in five is likely to be taken off the statute book.28 Apr 2023
The term cobra effect was coined by economist Horst Siebert based on an anecdote of an occurrence in India during British rule.[2][3] The British government, concerned about the number of venomous cobras in Delhi, offered a bounty for every dead cobra. Initially, this was a successful strategy; large numbers of snakes were killed for the reward. Eventually, however, enterprising people began to breed cobras for the income. When the government became aware of this, the reward program was scrapped. When cobra breeders set their now-worthless snakes free, the wild cobra population further increased.[4] This story is often cited as an example of Goodhart’s Law or Campbell’s Law.[5]
“The US Navy detected a sound consistent with an implosion just hours after Titan began its dive on Sunday, but the US Coast Guard says it’s still not known when or where the implosion happened”
In military secret terms, if not being an icy depths expert, I would have thought an implosion of a previously large volume air filled void at depth might be on par ‘phones-wise or maybe greater than with some poor sod tapping away…. post implosion… in a hi-tech sense.
“The saga of the missing submarine ended in tragedy after a days-long search that gripped the nation. Officials have confirmed that the five passengers on the voyage to see the Titanic perished and parts of the submersible were discovered on the ocean floor.
The incident has raised questions about safety and the balance between human innovation and risk-taking. At least one physicist called for an end to tourist voyages to the Titanic wreckage and for restrictions on undersea tourism.
More on the sub…. [edit] and maybe some other stuff… who knows?”
1,200 people required medical aid with 32 hospitalised, most of which were accidents caused by the mud. There was one fatality: a West Midlands man found unconscious early on the Saturday morning died in Yeovil District Hospital of a suspected drugs overdose.
I’d add contexts
He’s not cheating, but one can cherrypick by picking a day where the page shows 100% of the crime is committed by migrants.
Webb says he’s not heard of a white British trying to murder someone by pick axe.
In Hull 4 years ago a white nutter was wondering around with an axe. he walked past people and didn’t harm them, the police pursued him and shot him dead
The court found that was an illegal killing, as the guy wasn’t presenting an imminent danger.
However I can imagine a similar circumstance where a white nutter would tip over and start swinging the axe.
BTW there is an interesting anomaly on YouTube there. the video has dozens of comments, yet the counter registers zero.
As Martin Wolf, the chief economics commentator of the financial times, says: ‘The desirability of sizeable immigration is a matter more of values than of economics. It is not a choice between wealth and poverty, but of the sort of country one desires to inhabit.’
Webb : in the 2004 Irish referendum 80% of voters voted to tighten up immigration rules
Yet today third world immigration into Ireland is massive
“some towns will double in size, due to immigration”
.. https://youtu.be/Kjs0O-9Ioa8
In Calcutta, India, Catholic priests promote the adoption of Indian children by those back in Belgium as a form of charity. When the Belgian government realizes that the number of Indian children raised in Belgium has reached 40,000 in just five years, an emergency policy attempts to halt the migration. Desperate for the chance to send their children to what they call a “land of plenty”, a mob of desperate Indians swarms the consulate. As a Belgian aid worker works through the crowd, an Indian gong farmer known only as “the turd eater”, carrying aloft his monstrously deformed child, begs him to take them back to Europe, to which the worker agrees.
The worker and farmer bring the crowd to the docks, where there are hundreds of ships once owned by European powers, now suited only for river traffic. Nevertheless, the crowd boards, and a hundred ships soon leave for Europe; conditions on board are cramped, unsanitary and miserable, with many passengers including children publicly fornicating. As the ships pass “the straits of Ceylon”, helicopters swarm overhead, capturing images of the migrants on board to be published in Europe. Meanwhile, on the Russian Far East, the Soviet troops see masses of Chinese ready to enter Siberia but are reluctant to fight them.
The epilogue reveals that the story was written in the last holdout of the Western world, Switzerland, but international pressure from the new governments, isolating it as a rogue state for not opening its borders, along with internal pro-migrant elements, force it to capitulate as well. Mere hours from the border opening, the author dedicates the book to his grandchildren, in the hopes they will grow up in a world where they will not be ashamed of him for writing such a book.
You will also notice this (immigration) is a one way street. Not once in my adult life have I heard anybody say that the thing that Eritrea (Africa) needs most is an injection of Welshmen. They could do with some Welsh cooking or singing. ” Douglas Murray {@7:24 youtube}
Tony Blair’s former communications director decided to challenge Laurie’s evidence, published by the Iraq inquiry last week, after it sparked renewed claims that Andrew Gilligan’s controversial BBC Today programme broadcast was correct. Gilligan famously reported that the government had inserted a claim that Iraq could launch a WMD attack within 45 minutes “probably” knowing that it was untrue.
vladMar 14, 12:41 Midweek 12th March 2025 Douglas Murray clash with Nigel Farage & Matt Goodwin “No point in Reform without mass deportations” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KB_j17IDQgo
tomoMar 14, 12:39 Midweek 12th March 2025 [img]https://i.ibb.co/99ts71KL/berk-starmer.jpg[/img]
tomoMar 14, 12:36 Midweek 12th March 2025 UN judge claims immunity… https://twitter.com/GBNEWS/status/1900512166865772677
JohnCMar 14, 12:00 Midweek 12th March 2025 More Right vs Left Lucy. And the majority of English people have right-wing views now. The extreme response of Starmers…
taffmanMar 14, 11:54 Midweek 12th March 2025 We are being invaded ! Our jails are being filled up with foreign criminals. Time to get rid of the…
MarkyMarkMar 14, 11:35 Midweek 12th March 2025 “What was most mind-blowing, she said, was the revelation from 1993 when the FBI wiretapped Hamas members in a Philadelphia…
Fedup2Mar 14, 11:33 Midweek 12th March 2025 Good to see the UN judge convicted of slavery in Oxford has found attention in the US …. The left…
Lunchtime LoatherMar 14, 11:29 Midweek 12th March 2025 The “mountain” scenes were filmed here in Snowdonia.
vladMar 14, 11:27 Midweek 12th March 2025 “The West is facing an Islamic holy war” – Melanie Phillips. https://www.jns.org/the-west-is-facing-an-islamic-holy-war/ WAKE UP!!!
Look people – can’t we get away from this inflation thing ? Can’t we get back to the important stuff like that submarine thing ? Or Phil / Holly ? Or Meghan / Hewitts kid ? Or that prince kid who acts like a 6 year old ? ….
OK. how about “Stop The Boats!” ?
In the interest of National Security .
I would sink them all …as close to France as possible ….. until they stop ….
And here’s another one from the house oversight comittee regarding Hunter Bidens tax affairs and the corruption of the Mafia party within the IRS as whistle blowers come forward to testify that their bosses instantly retaliated against them simply for doing their job in uncovering the bribery undertaken by the Biden crime syndicate.
The scale of this is pretty huge and I expect there is more to come.
Yes, but will anything be done about it. I think the Republicans and Democrats are rather similar to the Conservatives and Labour in this country. Opposite cheeks of the same arse.
Subversion of state organisations – the Feds in the US and civil servants in the UK – is pretty obvious. But the frightening thing is that the MSM looks away from it …..
The MSM has been leading the charge for many years now.
HA HA HA ! Tony Blair offers help on avoiding consequences.
Never on the BBC.
Worth watching:
“Get woke, go broke” seems to apply at the bottom of the ocean as well.
The CEO of the Titan company refused to employ “50-year-old white guys”, apparently.
I hope the 5 dead enjoyed the diversity as they took their last breath.
Me, next time I fly I’ll be praying some old white guys are piloting the plane and manning air traffic control.
Pakistan grounds 262 airline pilots with ‘dubious’ credentials
By Asif Shahzad
ISLAMABAD (Reuters) – Pakistan is grounding 262 airline pilots suspected of dodging their exams following inquiries into their qualifications, the aviation minister said on Friday in a move that has caused global concern.
Shocked …. not
Clap harder?
After a year of pain from gallstones Sommer Tebenham from Hove in East Sussex ended up taking out a £5,000 bank loan to have surgery done privately in April.
Last month she told the BBC she paid because she feared she might have to wait 12 months with the NHS. The relief was instant, she says. “I was up walking around and eating again straight away.”
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – BBC still desperately campaigning to get us back into the EU
Some 2 years (or is it three?) and one month after Jonny Dymond fired the starting gun, the BBC are still trying to edge us back into the EU. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/uk-politics-65991849
Wow it’s all hitting the fan in Washington
This surely ensures tenure at Newsnight?
The benchmark in deranged Marxism.
Remember – this kidult is competing in a crowded industry to keep her position and msm income growing – so she needs to come out with evil like that – others are similar – alistair Campbell – any number of coloured lefties playing the victim / race card demanding handouts ….
… but she does exhibit that inherent oppression of the Left in wanting to control the activities / freedoms of others which is crushing us ….
Unfortunately, when labour get in next year, sarker, cambel, price and the rest of the sorry lot will be standard offerings by the newly appointed bbc for misinformation, extreme left-wing escapades and hate towards private capital.
Sunakians won’t be able to avert the catastrophe they’ve brought on themselves and the majority of normal indigenous British citizens, so it’s Goodnight Vienna all over again!
The only way normal people can win here, is to defund the BBC as soon as possible, and the student politics of hate and envy will fade away, but can anyone see that happening?
Short BBC feature on the effect of the rise in bank rate on UK mortgage payers.
So who did they roll on to pontificate on the bad news and wag fingers at the government?
Huw Edwards £500,000 plus per year, Faisal Islam £250,000 plus per year, Chris Mason £250,000 plus per year, that’s a cool million a year right there all paid for by the poor folk trying to find the extra mortgage money…
You couldn’t make it up they have no bloody shame!
And for the millions of savers who may benefit from the interest rate increases after a decade of near zero levels.
What do we hear?
Not a mention.
Because it just doesn’t fit the relentless doom-and- gloom agenda.
Not BBC.
On ITV news at 10 there was a short advert break.
There was one advert.
It was a long one entirely given over to celebrating immigrants. It ran like a leftist propaganda piece.
The ‘advert’ was for a company called WorldRemit. I’ve never heard of them. But it turns out they are an international money transfer company.
Mmmm. I just wonder what nett movement of cash they enjoy. Is there a nett inflow into the or nett outflow?
I think we should be told. Imagine if a mass of immigrants get to the country and do not spend their earnings and benefits here but send them abroad. Anyone remember all that guff about 10 years ago about the nett benefits of immigration? You don’t hear much about that now.
The company tweet their ad
Typically the Quote Tweets are from WokeSupremacists saying this pro immigration advert is fantastic
The actual Replies are almost 100% from immigrant users of the service COMPLAINING about the service
To me immigration can be good
the BAD is usually by white officials/politicians who fail to control immigration and allow open borders without proper checks
and therefore cause deaths and sexual abuse etc. that wouldn’t have happened.
And allow poor quality immigration that COSTS the country millions and depletes its resources like housing and NHS beds etc.
‘To me immigration can be good’
The only good immigration is between nations with the same culture, language and religion, for example between the anglo-celtic races. Any other sort – as we have discovered – is a disaster.
Below is a piece from the DT about sexism or similar which I haven’t read because I care less – some may be interested but I am prejudiced and filed it under woke crap
I saw a term ‘gender ideology ‘and that was enough for me …
STARTS The BBC is facing a backlash for commissioning an “outdated, sexist” drama by a trans activist.
The new eight-part series, titled What It Feels Like For A Girl, is written and executively produced by Paris Lees, a prominent trans woman activist who was born as a male.
Based on her memoir of the same name, and due to air on BBC Three and BBC iPlayer, it is described as a coming of age drama of a transgender teenager called Byron who leaves a working class town to find solitude with a drag queen, called Lady Die, in Nottingham in the noughties.
While some have praised it as a step forward for diversity, others online have criticised it for making a “mockery” of women and vowed to cancel or boycott their licence fee.
The drama charts much of Lees own upbringing, living as a teenage boy before transitioning to a trans woman.
But Joan Smith, who was the co-chair of the Mayor of London’s violence against women and girls board, criticised how Lees has an “attachment to a very outdated, sexist view of what it means to be a woman” by having described being catcalled as “awesome” in her memoir and boasting about being “a bit of a slut”.
Ms Smith wrote in UnHerd: “Paris Lees has no idea what it feels like to be a girl… If the corporation is really interested in what it means to be a girl, maybe it could ask one?”
Keith Jordan, the co-founder of Our Duty, a group of families opposed to gender ideology, said the commissioning of the series showed that “the BBC continues its quest to be the leading purveyor of gender identity ideology”.
The BBC’s press release on the drama said the trans protagonist, Byron, is “sick of mam, sick of dad” and “needs to get away” from home so becomes enchanted by “the mesmerising Lady Die” drag queen and “is adopted into Lady Die’s hilarious and chaotic family of troublemakers”.
“Between them, they beg, steal and skank their way on a rollercoaster ride of hedonism at the heart of the UK’s early 2000s club scene,” the BBC said.
While the press release described Lees as an “award-winning writer and journalist”, it failed to mention that she was sentenced to two years in a young offenders institution aged 18 for robbery.
Lees has been contacted for comment. Addressing critics on Twitter, she said: “To the haters, I’ve dealt with hostility from people like you all my life and you’re not going to silence me and you don’t intimidate me. I’ve seen it all before. I’m living my life on my terms whether you like it or not.”
Lindsay Salt, director of BBC Drama, said: “Anyone who’s read What It Feels Like For A Girl will know what a hugely distinctive, surprising and moving work it is, and its journey to the BBC – adapted by Paris herself – sees the arrival of an exciting new voice in UK television.”ENDS
” *she* was sentenced to two years in a young offenders institution aged 18 for robbery”
Huge context missing there
I was going to say that it’s a principle that you don’t mention people’s long spent convictions. cos they should be allowed to reform and move on
Lees was a boy , a kind of victim , a 16 yo gay prostitute with a pimp.
They beat an elderly customer with a golf club
he died one week later. His name is not in public domain.
“Yes I do have a problem with Paris Lees using the women’s, mainly because he’s a violent man! He bludgeoned an elderly man during a robbery & left him for dead. He later died from his injuries but a jury didn’t convict Lees of murder. Still went to jail though”
In jail Lees transitioned and said “I’m really a woman”
Other MALES have done similar to distance themselves from their crime.
Yet their testosterone seems to still make them behave aggressively
eg Lees now a woman tweeted “I did a little robbery”
then deleted the tweet
Thread about violent men, reinventing themselves as women
to cleanse their past
The BBC drama boss mentioned there Lindsay Salt
has a thing about promoting trans
She promoted a black trans in Doctor Who
… https://twitter.com/top1percentile/status/1660534232194711552
She used to be the Commissioner for Netflix but BBC poached her.
Lucky Netflix – make less woke crap …
“NAIROBI, June 22 (Reuters) – Mohamed Ali doesn’t believe gay Africans exist. He says homosexuality is a Western invention imposed on the continent. Openly gay Africans are liars seeking visas to the West or money from rights groups, he adds.
Ali is a member of Kenya’s parliament. He is desperate to follow neighbour Uganda by unleashing a sweeping legislative crackdown on LGBTQ people. Even if he happened to be sick in intensive care, he would ask to be dragged to parliament to approve it.
“I will ask them to take me to vote for that, to kick them out, kick LGBT people out of Kenya completely,” he said.
Weeks after Uganda enacted one of the most draconian anti-LGBT laws on Earth, Kenya could be poised to follow suit with a similarly formulated bill that punishes gay sex with prison or even death in some cases, according to a draft of the law and two lawmakers backing it in parliament.
Similar moves are also afoot in Tanzania and South Sudan, parliamentarians in those nations told Reuters, revealing for the first time a broad anti-LGBT legislative drive across East Africa. Some regional lawmakers frame the issue as an almost existential battle to save African values and sovereignty, which they say have been battered by Western pressure to capitulate on gay rights.”
“The draft of Kenya’s Family Protection Bill, seen by Reuters, mirrors many aspects of the Ugandan law, which was signed by President Yoweri Museveni at the end of May to the dismay of the LGBT community, human rights campaigners and Western capitals.
Gay sex is punishable by at least 10 years in jail under the proposed Kenyan law, while “aggravated homosexuality”, which includes gay sex with a minor or disabled person or when a terminal disease is passed on, brings the death penalty.”
If these “pride” tossers really cared they’d be displaying themselves down Bury Park Road in Luton and other ghettoes around the country surely ?
An existential crisis for the far left libtard morons who conveniently forget it is the very black and muslim element forever portraying themselves as victims, who are in reality the most intolerant within our society for “other” minorities and wimmin.
Lord Frost of Brexit fame writes in the DT about the future for conservatives – enjoy –
Sometimes countries get into a rut. The Spanish Empire in the 18th century, Austria-Hungary in the 19th, even France in the 1950s before De Gaulle – everyone could see what their problems were, but their politics seemed unable to generate the momentum needed to find solutions.
Seven years ago we seemed to have got out of our own rut by voting to leave the EU and take back control. But now we are sinking back into it.
Conservatives have been in power for 13 years. When that’s so, and when many of the problems are worse than when you started, you have to say something compelling if voters are not to think “enough”. We carry the can for the state of the country. If we can’t credibly show things are going to be different next time, we aren’t going to win the next election, whenever it is.
That means some real conservative policies. But in my experience party members and voters, current and former, are frustrated at the Government’s inability to articulate them (and I say this in a week when one mentor to the Prime Minister, William Hague, argues in The Times that a crackdown on ultra-processed food is the priority).
A Labour government would be just the wrong thing for this country at a critical moment after Brexit. I want to prevent it. I am not interested in the mentality of “let’s lose decently and then decide what to do”. “Steady as she goes”, in the hope that people turn against Keir Starmer, is not good enough. If we are to prove that more tax, more net zero, more migration under Labour is bad for the country, we have to stop offering a version of that ourselves.
So we need clear blue water. As I have argued here before, we need a five to 10-year action plan to rebuild Britain, put it on a different path, and allow us more freedom to run our lives as we wish. Here are 10 policies I believe should be part of it.
1. Get tax and spending back down to Blair-era levels over the next 10 years. Tax, spend, and government regulation are at their highest since the Second World War, and are choking economic activity. The Blair era is hardly ancient history: we can get back there.
2. Open Britain to trade. The Pacific trade deal, the CPTPP, is great, but go further. Abolish most tariffs, including on food imports, over three years, and deregulate the vast apparatus that constrains British food production.
3. Delay the net zero 2050 target. Abolish the deadlines on boilers and EVs. Get fracking and build low-carbon modern gas power stations and zero-carbon nuclear. Stop wasting money on green levies and if we must use renewables make them stand on their own two feet.
4. We need a pause for breath to absorb high levels of immigration and rebuild social cohesion. So reduce legal migration to 100,000 over three years, and keep it there for a decade, through a binding cap on visas.
5. Build more houses. We have a four million backlog. Lowering migration will help but change to the 1947 Town and Country Planning Act is necessary. We need a major national effort to identify housebuilding areas, mainly in south-east England, including on the green belt, and if necessary driving it through by a national referendum on the whole plan.
6. Freeze social spending in cash terms. Cut back the scope of universal credit; increase the state pension age, gradually and fairly, to reflect increased life expectancy; and reform the tax system so it no longer discriminates against the family.
7. The NHS will never work as well as European systems. So establish a Royal Commission to explore how to change it to a European-style social insurance system over a generation. Meanwhile, stop adding new burdens to it – especially not a National Social Care service.
8. Abolish the Equality Act and replace it with a simple non-discrimination duty. Make positive discrimination illegal. Scrap government spending and law-making on diversity. Ensure the full range of political, social, and historical opinion is taught in schools, and that parents have access to it. Forbid medical transitioning to the opposite sex below the age of 18. Finally, scrap concepts such as “hate” or “harmful” speech and pass a Free Speech Act protecting free speech online and off.
9. Pass a Government Modernisation Act, to give ministers and Parliament real control over appointments and budgets. Review the scope of devolution and make it harder to hold a Scottish independence referendum.
10. Finally, so voters can if they wish complete the work of taking back control that began in 2016, offer all-UK referendums within five years on the European Convention on Human Rights and on continuing the Windsor Framework arrangements for Northern Ireland.
There’s room to argue about almost all of this. But something like it is surely the starting point for an optimistic vision of how the country would be different with another five years of Conservative government.
If we can’t communicate that, then we won’t persuade anyone – and then the election, when it comes, can have only one result.ENDS
“Teen, 15, died after jumping off pier in beach party tradition celebrating the end of GCSEs – as his devastated family demand change”
“We want his name to serve as an end of this unfortunate trail. ‘It is for this reason that we seek change and reform by improving safeguarding measures at Aberavon Beach.’
They have called for the installation of physical barriers along the pier, better lighting, secured lifebuoys, a ladder from the water onto the pier, more signage warning of the dangers of jumping in.
They also want improved public education and awareness, increased presence of local authorities, and video surveillance cameras as well as improved lifeguard presence.
The petition added: ‘If a lifeguard was present at the time, those several minutes of David’s life wasted to try and find one could have been saved. ”
Ban the sea . Ban piers . Ban gravity . Provide wings for idiots . Public inquiry .
Or perhaps he shouldn’t have jumped off the bloody pier in the first place
That submarine
Do the bloody Americans take special science classes in how to mispronounce everything at odds with the rest of the English speaking world ?
Tye tanium, com possit
and my special hates Kose Mose instead of cosmos and Ann artic instead of antarctic and of course nukerleah
Don’t get me started on aluminium, they even spell it wrong aluminum.
God help us, I forgot about that particular grammatical outrage.
It is on a par with our new black announcers and voice overs who cannot speak English competently, one would have thought a key requirement for the job ?
“Ffforpe Park Carnivow” (I believe, Thorpe Park Carnival ? )
“Broadband, 26 paaand a munf”
And the shockingly illiterate black woman used by Ch 4 to “announce” programmes with too many examples of complete incompetence with the English language to quote.
Complete racism in action, given a job they cannot do properly JUST because they are, and sound black, like so many local authority employees I have witnessed.
I don’t hear them very much but I wonder if those who put these people on the airways do it as a ‘joke ‘? Innit ?
It’s called Bidenspeak
“Born on a Horse,” a song by Biffy Clyro, features the line:
I pronounce it “Aluminium”
‘Cause there’s an “i” next to the “u” and “n”
And they’re Scottish, for goodness sake.
As for telly announcers, Film 4 seems to have a tradition of employing Irish ones, hence “Fillum 4.”
LOL how about Telly metry for telemetry, of Boodism instead of Buddhism, where on Earth they thought the correct pronunciation of Buddha was booda.
Maybe they believe it’s the darling boods of May as well?
em when 2 Liverpool people talk I can’t understand a word.
Hull accent is much clearer, but I still have difficulty with understanding bits of the conversation.
Did you ever watch Baywatch?
They used to pronounce “buoy” as “booey.”
more of this please
– be nice to see some BBC reporter pushback too?
One might hope the liquid was of a biological origin. I’m surprised those idiots don’t end up in A and E ….burn that coal …
Can the ignorant bastards who add ‘Gate’ to every minor occurence please stop? OceanGate FFS. Utterly lazy and mindless. Thank you.
Lucky no one thought of deepwatergate…
A cover up of Watergate could be called Watergategate.
(And a cover up of that etc)
Today anti Israel bias
A BBC reporter allowing a Muslim Palestinian to go on and on about Israeli settlers ‘ army being nasty to the peace loving lovely Palestinians . Apparently quite a few in a particular area have US passports . The Muslim making all the allegations had an American voice .
There was no ‘balance ‘ by interviewing an Israeli settler . Surely worth a formal complete just to highlight the anti Israel stance of the evil BBC .
Good luck with that.
OFCOM directors:
Melanie Dawes – ex civil servant
David Willis – Canadian civil servant
Gill Whitehead – ex BBC/Channel 4
Kate Davies – ‘Kerri leads Ofcom’s agenda for diversity and inclusion’
Lindsey Fussell – ex civil servant
Luisa Affuso – academic
Martin Ballantyne – lawyer
Melissa Tatton – ex civil servant
Simon Redfern – ex google
Yih-Choung Teh – academic
Not a single one from the real world.
7 women, 3 white males, 1 BAME male.
When even the official watchdog is predjudiced, what chance have we got ?.
Diversity definition: ‘racist and sexist discrimination against white males.’
Of course any personal criteria are irrelevant if they are suitable and adept at their jobs.
Justin best watch his back.
Out of these fine fellows, two at least appear to have some background in science, but from the bios all likely know what is expected.
How to distort the news .
The BBC doesn’t like the idea of voters having to produce evidence of identity at polling stations – namely photo ID .
So it says ‘thousands were unable to vote “ in the local council elections recently … but then it switches to percentages – not numbers – which turn out to be 0.25% of voters – according to the woke ‘election commission ‘ …… but what is 0.25% ?
Unknown .
Apparently elections after October 2023 will require picture ID .
The fraud of postal voting remains unexamined . There should be no postal voting . If people care that much they should arrange their affairs to vote in person …
While I agree there is some fraud in ‘communities’ some others like myself have to drive round the country Thursday to Monday sometimes Tuesday and can’t get near a polling station.
I would imagine that with the ever increasing ulez, parking cost and congestion charge scams it could cost people to vote if they have to travel to their voting station instead of a postal vote.
After having several off-agenda comments quickly deleted because they are ‘offensive to others’ (the latest being ‘I suppose all the intelligent people get their news elsewhere these days.’), I saw this comment about the interest rate rise:
‘Thats what you get when you put a Brexiteer in charge’.
So I reported it with ‘Why do you constantly allow these divisive and deliberately offensive comments BBC ?.
They replied as I hoped they would reply : they refused to delete it. It’s added to my archive of evidence.
Vile is a national idiot.
Vine going soft – doesn’t want nationalisation ? Let’s have every one on the same income . All wear approved boiler suits . Let’s have rationing of everything …. On private vehicles …
Long live’ one State ‘ – oh yeah and better pay and conditions for the kidults monitoring sites like this one – right girls ?
Going? Whatever is in that brain pan makes yoghurt seem like Granite.
Tax them! Jeremy Corbyn demands 55% income tax rate in huge overhaul ‘Beggars belief!’
JEREMY CORBYN has dumfounded MPs and policy wonks after demanding a new “super-rich” tax that would make Britain one of the highest-taxed countries in the world.
08:11, Fri, Jul 23, 2021 | UPDATED: 14:22, Fri, Jul 23, 2021
Of course, who one* associates with is no indication of anything. Unless the BBC wants to make it so.
*BBC exemptions apply.
At least next time there is anyone worth voting for … I shall not be bothering …. Except to save the deposit of a very rare Right candidate ….
yah-boo sucks – can’t touch me!
Still lying then
My well-proven ‘Character Assessor’ instinct starting ringing every alarm bell it has about 10 seconds into that speech.
This man is an unpleasant shallow hypocrite. I wouldn’t trust him as far as I could throw him.
How short his memory is : how much time did THEY spend trying to impeach Trump ?.
It’s almost funny to put his name into google and see the outrage from the usual MSM news sites which froth at the mouth going after Trump.
That’s the state of ‘democracy’ in the USA now.
I recall during the fear mongering of the msm during the Chinese virus that there was no discussion in the msm about the consequences of what was being done …
Huge money printing – huge spending –
The only discussion was – there needs to be more of everything and it’s too little too late .
Ok – no one saw putin coming to make matters worth – but now the like of the BBC are fixated on interest rates and private individuals ‘ ability to honour their mortgage debt .
Debts which were encouraged when rates very low . I’m interested to know how much non checking of income occurred when mortgages were granted .
And if I recall there was discussion about people living on benefits being able to get mortgages – which seems – an obscene concept .
All at the same time as we are paying tax for thousands of invaders to be put up in four star hotels, all after 13 years of Tory rule . Tories , what Tories ?
Women and children first edition
Talking about hedging your bets! – says the Daily Star’s Thought for the Day – on a day when several tabloid national titles would draw our attention to Royal Ascot as would the broadsheet Telegraph. Well, racing is the sport of kings: The King is moved after his horse, Desert Hero, won the King George V Stakes…
Mr AsI tends to identify with the sharp satirical wit of Telegraph house cartoonist Matt – he’s off to the races today with a jockey clinging onto his Ascot mount as it runs a race on its two hind legs: “My horse identifies as a teenage schoolboy”
The Telegraph frets about another sport – cricket: Anderson in Ashes warning over pitches
In contrast the Times is optimistic: Australia ‘too meek’ – S’truth mate, howdya go in the first Test then, yer Pommie bludgers?
Furore over ‘Pommie bludgers’… screamed the Journal’s front page headline on 21 March 1974. The furore that followed still bemuses then editor John Woods. “British migrants,” read the first paragraph “were described yesterday as ‘bludgers’ by a top Dandenong clothing manufacturer”. “The manufacturer said: ‘From sad and long experience British migrants are the worst offenders of the job-dodgers we have in Dandenong’. The manufacturer added: ‘I hope to God the Immigration Department doesn’t bring in too many of them’. (A welcome press review debut there for the Dandenong [suburb of Melbourne] Star Journal)
These Colonials, eh? They’ve little gratitude or respect toward the Mother country: US accused of turning against UK over Nato… Refusal to Ben Wallace for top job has ‘done UK a bad turn’, say sources (Telegraph)
Mind you, despite reports – or the lack of reports – from the frontlines, that Nato-backed Ukraine war is going perfectly to plan (for someone somewhere): Defence technology sector enjoys fundraising boom (FT)
In a similar migratory vein the Guardian has yet another celebration of Windrush on the frontpage again today – immigration, eh? Apparently, contary to what those Dandenong bogans think about us Brits, we can’t ever have too much of a good thing.
With an alternative take on the cricket the left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper would draw our attention to: Women’s Ashes…
Meanwhile the left-leaning Guardian is excused games, so to speak: Glastonbury’s greatest ever sets!
But getting back to hedging one’s bets in the Daily Star: £1.6m-a-year Thames Water boss blames her leaking pipes on a hot summer AND a wet winter… Yes, it’s defo the weather’s fault, not hers
Calm down dear: Thames Water accused of ‘flimsy PR stunt’ over bonus as boss’s pay swells… Sarah Bentley lands £1.5m package despite saying she would shun bonus amid criticism of water companies (Guardian)
But how can this be a thing? We know the drive to appoint female bosses is official policy and we are told it’s a good thing
What might an insurer, a housebuilder and two water companies have in common in early 21st-century Britain? Here’s one answer: if you checked the UK’s biggest listed companies at the end of January, these four businesses would have been among the only ones with a female chief executive and chair. This finding comes from the authors of a report published last week by the FTSE Women Leaders Review, a government-backed campaign group (FT)
She who must be obeyed – as Rumpole of the Bailey used to quip
And it’s not just UK government-backed policy – but orders right from the very top…
More than DEI: Why it pays to get women in the boardroom (World Economic Forum)
FTSE 350 hits boardroom gender balance target three years early… FTSE 350 companies have met target of 40% Women on Boards three years ahead of 2025 deadline. (Gov.UK)
The logical downside of promoting women is of course the demotion of men – but that’s ok, right?
Women and children first
Titanic tour CEO Stockton Rush said he didn’t hire ’50-year-old white guys’ because they were NOT ‘inspirational’ (Daily Mail)
Less ‘inspiration’ and a tad more technical expertise might have been a boon
Well, at least this diversity-minded captain was prepared to go down with his ship: Lost to the deep (Daily Mirror)
There seems a negative spin on the titanic thing . I disagree and see the positives – it became a multi national exercise to test out the capability to deep rescue . .. even though the victims have been dead for a number of days ….
.. I wonder if the insurance pays out ….?
My favourite – but I bet they’d take ‘the mole ‘ instead of Thunderbird 4 … or the pod with hunter biden in it …
One for BBC N. America Veer If I See A Problem?
Guest – straight to non story – there won’t even be a hint of this on the BBC …. But if it had been President Trump ….. ? Well played by Obama though ….department of defence fully democrat controlled …
Just came across a BBC ‘report’ on the 21st.
“Sounds of hope in search for missing sub?
A tourist submersible, with five people on board, has been missing since Sunday after it dived down to the wreck of the Titanic and never returned. A major search has been launched for the tiny vessel in a vast area of the North Atlantic, and the US Coast Guard has confirmed that “underwater noises” have now been picked up by a Canadian plane equipped with underwater detection capabilities. US media, citing internal government memos, described them as “banging sounds”.”
Internal gov memos > US media > BBC.
TNI in operation.
This was one of those stories where I was wondering why it went so huge so quickly on the BBC.
This explains a lot. It is invariably linked with some Leftist agenda (like partygate).
Possibly. But the more likely explanation is that the US military doesn’t want to reveal the capabilities of its Integrated Undersea Surveillance System (IUSS), which is used to track submarines across the oceans of the world, with a little help from Britain, Canada and Australia. They’ve been doing this since SOSUS was setup in the 1950s, and the system was fairly sophisticated even half a century ago.
The US and its military have an interesting history with revelations of intel.
The IUSS certainly seems pretty good, and if Tom Clancy is to be used as a source, most subs trawling around too.
So yes, best not let the other guys know what you can hear. Or when, even a week later.
Or let the BBC near ops guys during ongoing missions.
But then why tell us now Ian ?.
Craft from other organisations would inevitably arrive and find the wreckage, plus the links between the military and the media mean that information eventually leaks (both intentionally and unintentionally). As Guest Who points out above, it’s mainly about timing and not fully revealing what and when you know things.
But who cares about the wreckage ?. It’s not like it’s a military vehicle. And it was a statement from the military themselves, not a leak.
And they say they knew about it at the point it happened so there is nothing unknown about what and when they detected it. Apparently even Cameron knew about it on Monday. And I’ll bet you 50p that if the likes of Cameron knew it, the BBC knew it.
Sorry – but the oh-so-convenient cover-up to distract attention still looks by far and away the most likely to me.
Words, punctuation and pauses (Obama pauses a lot) have a price … Barack Obama’s $400,000 speaking fees reveal what few want to admit {theguardian may2017}
“The reason many of us have been critical of Barack Obama’s outrageous $400,000 speaking fee is that it robs us of a fantasy: that sooner or later, the first black president was going to use his considerable powers, in or out of office, to help the economic ravages of the poor, who are disproportionately black.
That Obama’s project was or ever would be racial and economic justice was always a dream – and the sooner we let go of this and recognize Obama for who he is and what he does, the better we’ll all be.
Some people who disagree with me believe I am racist … I fantasized that he’d join us on the front lines of marches, battle for the salvation of Obamacare in ingenious ways, and maybe turn up at a Black Lives Matter event. But this was all a fantasy. …”
. . . . . .
Barack Obama delivers veiled but withering rebuke of Donald Trump {guardian 19oct2017}
“Back in the public fray at a rally in Virginia, the former president delivered his views on the current political climate in his strongest terms yet”
– How much was Obama paid to appear? Did the Guardian ask? $400,000?
TOADY Watch #1 – obesity crisis, what obesity crisis? [© the late James Callaghan, former PM]
Nature notes with the Bee Lady: good news, the Giant Tortoiseshell butterfly is back in the UK, 50 years after it was thought to be extinct. The Giant Tortoiseshell butterfly is larger than the Small Tortoiseshell but looks just like it. How do these ‘experts’ who said the Giant Tortoiseshell was extinct, do not consider or know that the UK’s obesity crisis might apply to butterflies as well as humans? The ‘experts’ might be looking at a Small Tortoiseshell that has been over-eating and is obese.
I think the clue’s in the name, Uppers!
A smaller, less obese butterfly would be known as a Benecol-fly, or a Flora-fly, as it would exist on that sort of veggie slop instead of proper butter!
Scrobie, I’m astonished that the Bee Lady didn’t ask the expert about obesity and also sizing. These days the BBC can very unscientific pretty much all of the time. I learned something about the Bee Lady this morning thanks to her good self on TOADY. She used to be known in her early days in radio as the Bat Lady because she could get in a terrible flap in case something went wrong.
We used to have a lovely local visiting chiropodist and she was known as The Foot Lady!
Senora O’Blene remembers going on holiday, where the venue was run by a lady-man’, (she was very young at the time, and that was the explanation offered by her parents, when she asked why the lady wore a man’s suit and tie…)
Words, punctuation and pauses (Obama pauses a lot) have a price … Barack Obama’s $400,000 speaking fees reveal what few want to admit {theguardian may2017}
“The reason many of us have been critical of Barack Obama’s outrageous $400,000 speaking fee is that it robs us of a fantasy: that sooner or later, the first black president was going to use his considerable powers, in or out of office, to help the economic ravages of the poor, who are disproportionately black.
That Obama’s project was or ever would be racial and economic justice was always a dream – and the sooner we let go of this and recognize Obama for who he is and what he does, the better we’ll all be.
Some people who disagree with me believe I am racist … I fantasized that he’d join us on the front lines of marches, battle for the salvation of Obamacare in ingenious ways, and maybe turn up at a Black Lives Matter event. But this was all a fantasy. …”
. . . . . .
Barack Obama delivers veiled but withering rebuke of Donald Trump {guardian 19oct2017}
“Back in the public fray at a rally in Virginia, the former president delivered his views on the current political climate in his strongest terms yet”
– How much was Obama paid to appear? Did the Guardian ask? $400,000?
Barry preferring the relative calm of beachfront estates over the diverse excitement of the cities he created, is understandable.
One day they are going to find their way of thew gates to where he and Chrissie live though.
Wouldn’t it have been funny if he was shot in the face and robbed by one of his peers down the street.
tomo, to borrow a well-known phrase “What have the unions ever done for us?”
O’Brien’s manner grew stern again. He laid his hand on the dial.
‘On the contrary,’ he said, ‘you have not controlled it. That is what has brought you here. You are here because you have failed in humility, in self-discipline. You would not make the act of submission which is the price of sanity. You preferred to be a lunatic, a minority of one. Only the disciplined mind can see reality, Winston. You believe that reality is something objective, external, existing in its own right. You also believe that the nature of reality is self-evident. When you delude yourself into thinking that you see something, you assume that everyone else sees the same thing as you. But I tell you, Winston, that reality is not external. Reality exists in the human mind, and nowhere else. Not in the individual mind, which can make mistakes, and in any case soon perishes: only in the mind of the Party, which is collective and immortal. Whatever the Party holds to be the truth, is truth. It is impossible to see reality except by looking through the eyes of the Party. That is the fact that you have got to relearn, Winston. It needs an act of self-destruction, an effort of the will. You must humble yourself before you can become sane.’
He paused for a few moments, as though to allow what he had been saying to sink in.
‘Do you remember,’ he went on, ‘writing in your diary, “Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two make four”?’
‘Yes,’ said Winston.
O’Brien held up his left hand, its back towards Winston, with the thumb hidden and the four fingers extended.
‘How many fingers am I holding up, Winston?’
‘And if the party says that it is not four but five — then how many?’
The word ended in a gasp of pain. The needle of the dial had shot up to fifty-five. The sweat had sprung out all over Winston’s body. The air tore into his lungs and issued again in deep groans which even by clenching his teeth he could not stop. O’Brien watched him, the four fingers still extended. He drew back the lever. This time the pain was only slightly eased.
‘How many fingers, Winston?’
The needle went up to sixty.
‘How many fingers, Winston?’
‘Four! Four! What else can I say? Four!’
The needle must have risen again, but he did not look at it. The heavy, stern face and the four fingers filled his vision. The fingers stood up before his eyes like pillars, enormous, blurry, and seeming to vibrate, but unmistakably four.
‘How many fingers, Winston?’
‘Four! Stop it, stop it! How can you go on? Four! Four!’
‘How many fingers, Winston?’
‘Five! Five! Five!’
Is it coincidence that the ex Newsnight presenter now Brexit pushing BBC retirement home shock jock is…
“Oh dear. Might there be evil in Waugh that virtue-signalling O’Brien never thought to consider”
Seems more the stern type.
This made me laugh:
“The idea of getting pursued by a posse of Corbynites in dandruff-powdered, woolly jumpers – after 2 years of getting harassed and hounded by soap-dodging crusties/sabs/black witches – sounds like a marked improvement)”
Maybe James and Champion too?
Afew years ago, my colleague Nicholas Pearce wrote about how a Torbay-based dime store huckster known as Ellie Waugh managed to get the bleeding-heart LBC shock jock James O’Brien to promote her latest deception on air. Up to £70,000.00 was raised in donations by Waugh’s con, mostly using a crowdfunder that O’Brien innocently promoted live on air during his morning radio show for the unemployed and taxi drivers
In recent years Mrs Waugh has been busy reinventing herself as a Jeremy Corbyn diehard – as one does if in pursuit of new gullibles – and is up to her old tricks on a Facebook page called Poverty Watch (without charity status) promoting the occasional Go Fraud Me and playing the hate/victim dialectical as head of a community of 50,000 useful idiots.
One of the worst things about being atuned to BBC propaganda is spotting the omissions . Take – for example – the ‘man’ charged with attempted murder at the midflesex hospital ( not a doctor or nurse ? . He is one Matteo Bottarelli…..
Now the bbc news did nt mention the name of ‘the man ‘ charged – so instantly I assumed it was a ‘Mohammed’ or ‘Leroy ‘ but it’s Matteo Bottarelli… UK citizen / EU citizen ? ….
That he and the BBc feel either gains from the association is… special.
” applause counter told me I got the most during the evening”
The Chilcot Inquiry cost £13 million and the Leveson Inquiry cost £5 million.
Maybe Gina can join him and Champion next week with Clive?
Got it out there though, guys, eh?
Just put your flak jacket on and bugger off to Ukraine Clive. No-one will miss you, despite your high opinion of yourself.
Fantasy peddling larcenist celebrates being in the fantasy peddling larcenist club

Political language — and with variations this is true of all political parties, from Conservatives to Anarchists — is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind. One cannot change this all in a moment, but one can at least change one’s own habits, and from time to time one can even, if one jeers loudly enough, send some worn-out and useless phrase — some jackboot, Achilles’ heel, hotbed, melting pot, acid test, veritable inferno, or other lump of verbal refuse — into the dustbin where it belongs.
Twitter needs regulating.
So many achievements ….
Er, Guest Who, David Lammy is a double Fake Windrusher! He is UK born to Latin American (Guyanese) parents.
Bandwagons ‘R Us.
Always the best reason to switch off LBC when he’s on!
Vaccine censorship
The 51st State?
“Spate of mass brawls at German outdoor swimming pools” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-65985004
They have got so bad that they’ve forced part closures of some pools. BBC says: “The media debate is full of theories about what’s behind brawls in outdoor pools […] pool operators point to a broader change in Germany’s traditional open-air pool culture in some cities, reporting increasing aggression and a lack of respect for pool lifeguards.”
Neukölln in Berlin is one of the sites. Here’s some activity in Neukölln from just the other day (migrant population 48% average, with some areas up to 65%):
More from Neukölln:
One of the theories media are supposedly talking about is “blaming ‘social hotspots’ or so-called ‘clans’, appear tinged with racism: both are code words for immigrant groups.”
BBC mention another incident at Mannheim. They won’t show any evidence that contradicts the agenda — but here it is. Hiding the truth as always.
From a Theresa May speech …
As Martin Wolf, the chief economics commentator of the financial times, says: ‘The desirability of sizeable immigration is a matter more of values than of economics. It is not a choice between wealth and poverty, but of the sort of country one desires to inhabit.’
TOADY Watch #2 – the Electoral Commission gent is realistic about this ……
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – the Electoral Commission gent is realistic about this ……
… whereas the BBC thinks it is horrific and ‘gerrymandering’. Now that’s a word, used by Nick Robinson, that I haven’t heard since secondary schooldays! Der Starmer was in a flap about it before the Local Elections, too. If Sir Keir was a bird, what bird would he be? Defintely a bit Birds and Bees in my critiques this morning. Thanks to the Bat/Bee Lady, Martha Kearney.
The Electoral Commission say only 14,000 people – 0.25% of the voting population – across England were prevented from voting because of the requirement to have some sort of extra identification to prevent voter fraud. However, the BBC appear to have written in to this article: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-65988959, somethings that Craig Westwood did not say in his interview with Nick.
“14,000 people – 0.25% of the voting population – across England were prevented from voting”
I haven’t heard one media mention that some of the people turned away COULD have been genuinely frauds pretending to be someone else.
So it is a good thing those people WERE prevented from voting.
Lutfur Rahman: Ex-mayor banned for ‘corrupt and illegal practices’ re-elected in London’s Tower Hamlets
Lutfur Rahman was removed as mayor of Tower Hamlets in 2015 after an election court found him guilty of corrupt and illegal practices.
Friday 6 May 2022 22:06, UK
Even at the time Rahman got the kid gloves treatment and little of his goons antics was actually reported – I recall (iirc) reading BBC pieces where the people complaining about intimidation and more were made out to be unreasonable / the real troublemakers…
Through the Elections Act 2022, Parliament legislated to improve the accountability of the Electoral Commission. Following the electoral fraud exposed in Tower Hamlets, (then) Sir Eric Pickles’ 2016 report ‘Securing the Ballot: Review into Electoral Fraud’ recommended that a greater emphasis needed to be placed on tackling electoral fraud in Great Britain and that the existing system of oversight of the Electoral Commission by the Speaker’s Committee on the Electoral Commission did not provide an effective third-party check on the Commission’s performance.
They also said something about the instructions being posted outside the polling stations – and maybe on voting cards ?
If people cannot read English – they do not deserve a vote ….
There was also a view – at the time – that ‘old ‘ Tory voters would be more adversely affected because they might be less likely to have acceptable photo `iD – reds – of course having the docs need to claim welfare ….
The current “conversation” the Government is having regarding interest rates and mortgages echoes much other misguided policies.
Apparently the Government has made sure that those homeowners wishing to defer or rearrange their mortgages won’t have their credit ratings affected. So the stupid interest rate rises and the dificulties they will cause have the cracks papered over. These mortgages will have to be repaid eventually at extra cost. The issue has been created by having low interest rates when Government spending careers out of control and house prices go through the roof.
I also strongly disagreed with the Government’s approach to energy costs. Energy subsidies and price caps are a big mistake IMO. If people were exposed to the true cost of the Green crap they wouldn’t vote for it.
Less interference from the Government please.
Something tells me that the present government takes orders from “other” powers ? Because it is not carrying out the will of the people of Great Britain . 7 years ago we voted for Brexit and as predicted by many, we had a “Brexit in name only” . Now they are trying to pin the mess we are in on Brexit!
What next ? A nudge campaign to get us back in .
My message to the readers of this site is that we have not Left yet.
Rishi Sunak looks set to fail to complete a promised “bonfire” of 4,000 EU-era laws this year after Tory Brexiteers were told only one in five is likely to be taken off the statute book.28 Apr 2023
Nudging, you say?
Look who the BBC shoehorn into their ‘impartial’ broadcast shows who do most folks’ heads in.
The disinformation Sprinkler was on the radio (R4) this morning – I had to turn off
The sheer number of apposite variations and combinations of Her and her outfit’s names is a joy to savour.
The term cobra effect was coined by economist Horst Siebert based on an anecdote of an occurrence in India during British rule.[2][3] The British government, concerned about the number of venomous cobras in Delhi, offered a bounty for every dead cobra. Initially, this was a successful strategy; large numbers of snakes were killed for the reward. Eventually, however, enterprising people began to breed cobras for the income. When the government became aware of this, the reward program was scrapped. When cobra breeders set their now-worthless snakes free, the wild cobra population further increased.[4] This story is often cited as an example of Goodhart’s Law or Campbell’s Law.[5]
“The US Navy detected a sound consistent with an implosion just hours after Titan began its dive on Sunday, but the US Coast Guard says it’s still not known when or where the implosion happened”
Authorities love keeping us in the dark…
Tell us about background banging sounds but not the Implosion detected, untill days later.
In military secret terms, if not being an icy depths expert, I would have thought an implosion of a previously large volume air filled void at depth might be on par ‘phones-wise or maybe greater than with some poor sod tapping away…. post implosion… in a hi-tech sense.
5 die of covid?
As long as we don’t have to talk about the Biden family…
Forbes a TNI partner by chance?
“The saga of the missing submarine ended in tragedy after a days-long search that gripped the nation. Officials have confirmed that the five passengers on the voyage to see the Titanic perished and parts of the submersible were discovered on the ocean floor.
The incident has raised questions about safety and the balance between human innovation and risk-taking. At least one physicist called for an end to tourist voyages to the Titanic wreckage and for restrictions on undersea tourism.
More on the sub…. [edit] and maybe some other stuff… who knows?”
End Glastonbury?
1,200 people required medical aid with 32 hospitalised, most of which were accidents caused by the mud. There was one fatality: a West Midlands man found unconscious early on the Saturday morning died in Yeovil District Hospital of a suspected drugs overdose.
Loads of helicopters buzzing into and out of Worthy Farm
To end climate change?
Rape count ?
Simon Webb is powering out the videos
I’d add contexts
He’s not cheating, but one can cherrypick by picking a day where the page shows 100% of the crime is committed by migrants.
Webb says he’s not heard of a white British trying to murder someone by pick axe.
In Hull 4 years ago a white nutter was wondering around with an axe. he walked past people and didn’t harm them, the police pursued him and shot him dead
The court found that was an illegal killing, as the guy wasn’t presenting an imminent danger.
However I can imagine a similar circumstance where a white nutter would tip over and start swinging the axe.
BTW there is an interesting anomaly on YouTube there. the video has dozens of comments, yet the counter registers zero.
From a Theresa May speech …
As Martin Wolf, the chief economics commentator of the financial times, says: ‘The desirability of sizeable immigration is a matter more of values than of economics. It is not a choice between wealth and poverty, but of the sort of country one desires to inhabit.’
Webb : The BBC consistently and relentlessly lies about immigration; we look at an example from yesterday
“interesting anomaly on YouTube”
I’m seeing broken timestamps / posting times+dates on Viva Frei’s channel – nobody else.
– made the listing whackily out of sequence.
Just that one channel ….. >> getting special attention?
You are being watched! Hide under the bed with the Russians and Chinese.
Webb : in the 2004 Irish referendum 80% of voters voted to tighten up immigration rules
Yet today third world immigration into Ireland is massive
“some towns will double in size, due to immigration”
.. https://youtu.be/Kjs0O-9Ioa8
In Calcutta, India, Catholic priests promote the adoption of Indian children by those back in Belgium as a form of charity. When the Belgian government realizes that the number of Indian children raised in Belgium has reached 40,000 in just five years, an emergency policy attempts to halt the migration. Desperate for the chance to send their children to what they call a “land of plenty”, a mob of desperate Indians swarms the consulate. As a Belgian aid worker works through the crowd, an Indian gong farmer known only as “the turd eater”, carrying aloft his monstrously deformed child, begs him to take them back to Europe, to which the worker agrees.
The worker and farmer bring the crowd to the docks, where there are hundreds of ships once owned by European powers, now suited only for river traffic. Nevertheless, the crowd boards, and a hundred ships soon leave for Europe; conditions on board are cramped, unsanitary and miserable, with many passengers including children publicly fornicating. As the ships pass “the straits of Ceylon”, helicopters swarm overhead, capturing images of the migrants on board to be published in Europe. Meanwhile, on the Russian Far East, the Soviet troops see masses of Chinese ready to enter Siberia but are reluctant to fight them.
The epilogue reveals that the story was written in the last holdout of the Western world, Switzerland, but international pressure from the new governments, isolating it as a rogue state for not opening its borders, along with internal pro-migrant elements, force it to capitulate as well. Mere hours from the border opening, the author dedicates the book to his grandchildren, in the hopes they will grow up in a world where they will not be ashamed of him for writing such a book.
You will also notice this (immigration) is a one way street. Not once in my adult life have I heard anybody say that the thing that Eritrea (Africa) needs most is an injection of Welshmen. They could do with some Welsh cooking or singing. ” Douglas Murray {@7:24 youtube}
after watching Irish politicians for almost 3 months last year my suspicion is that somebody’s paying them to do this.
Brussels has then on a v.short leash these days.
Alastair Campbell rejects Iraq dossier claims
This article is more than 12 years old
Blair’s communications chief writes to Chilcot inquiry after intelligence official claimed dossier was designed ‘to make the case for war’
Tony Blair’s former communications director decided to challenge Laurie’s evidence, published by the Iraq inquiry last week, after it sparked renewed claims that Andrew Gilligan’s controversial BBC Today programme broadcast was correct. Gilligan famously reported that the government had inserted a claim that Iraq could launch a WMD attack within 45 minutes “probably” knowing that it was untrue.