Some people (including the US Navy?) knew the Titan had imploded days ago, yet the charade of a search and rescue was maintained for days.
Coincidentally, at the same time, dodgy Hunter Biden was doing dodgy deals with the dodgy Department of Justice.
Some believe the ‘search’ was a useful distraction from the embarrassing Hunter case.
Others believe the Trump indictment was itself a useful distraction from the Hunter case.
Surely Biden wouldn’t stoop so low – would he?
No doubt the BBC will be investigating all these coincidences.
I see yet another expert has been asked about the possibilities of recovering any bodies from amongst the debris.
He might, sensibly and sensitively, have used the opportunity to explain the difference between an explosion and an implosion – something which seems significantly absent from all the media chatter on the subject.
Foolishly turned on Radio 4. Marianna Spring doing a program on cranks and conspiracy. She’s interviewing crank and conspiracist George Monbiot. You almost couldn’t make it up.
Marianna Spring (born 21 February 1996) is a British broadcast journalist. She is the BBC’s first specialist disinformation and social media correspondent.
She spent her year abroad in Yaroslavl (Russia), and Paris, contributing news articles to The Moscow Times, The Local, and Le Tarn Libre.[7][8] Spring undertook work experience at The Guardian and Private Eye.[5][9] After graduation, she applied for various journalism programmes including at the BBC but was not successful.[10] Senior news reporter for The Guardian Alexandra Topping suggested that Spring contact various BBC journalists that she admired. Emily Maitlis replied to Spring and gave her an opportunity to work on Newsnight.[11][12] By the end of 2018, Marianna had co-produced a video for Newsnight, about protesters from across the French political spectrum joining the gilets jaunes.[13]
I notice that the medical mafia is to strike for 5? Days in July – nice holiday … anyway no mention whether they will cover the A and E or intensive care or cancer side …..
January 10 2018 @ 14:46
Thousands of doctors are missing from hospitals and GPs’ surgeries during the ‘Winter Crisis’ because they are on jollies to medical conferences at 5 star ski resorts. A Guido probe found doctors are encouraged to book luxury foreign trips deliberately scheduled during the most pressured time of year for the health service. The conferences fulfil mandatory NHS ‘continuing professional development’ (‘CPD’) requirements in the form of lectures and training measured by the hour. But free time is spent skiing and enjoying the apres ski scene in some of the world’s most desirable destinations. Many doctors are allowed to charge their NHS trust for part costs of the trips, effectively subsidising their skiing holidays…
Can we pull ourselves away from paying his BBC wages under threat of prosecution?
Boris Johnson ‘looking at’ abolishing TV licence fee for BBC
This article is more than 3 years old
Remarks came amid row over PM’s refusal to look at a picture of a sick boy in hospital
TalkTV “Clive Myrie has denied the BBC pulled him from News at Ten because of concerns he breached impartiality rules on Have I Got News For You (HIGNFY).”
I wonder if there’s a possibility that the bias seen by those who feel BBC News is biased towards the left, or biased towards the right, is in fact their bias. 🤔
I wonder if there’s a possibility that the bias seen by those who feel BBC News is biased towards the left, or biased towards the right, is in fact their bias. 🤔
A rapid reduction in fossil fuels, essential to avoid devastating climate breakdown, would have minimal financial impact on the vast majority of people, new research has shown.
Urgently cutting back on fossil fuel production is essential to avoid the worst impacts of climate breakdown and the economic and social turmoil that would ensue. However, some opponents of climate action claim it is too expensive. They argue that rapidly scaling back fossil fuel production would leave billions of pounds of “stranded assets”, leading to an economic slump that would impoverish the public through a fall in the value of savings and pension funds.
“A rapid reduction in fossil fuels, essential to avoid devastating climate breakdown, would have minimal financial impact on the vast majority of people, new research has shown.”
What utterly scientifically illiterate nonsense!
No fossil fuels
No transport – other than horse and cart, sailing boat, bicycle, walking… resulting in vast reduction in mobility and ability to transport goods, resulting in mass starvation etc…
No plastics – no electronics (no energy generation, no electric vehicles, solar panels, heat pumps etc…), no refrigeration, massive waste and contamination of food, medicine, medical equipment, agricultural seeds etc… resulting in mass starvation, outbreaks of disease, increased deaths from medical treatment/childbirth, shortened life expectancy
Limited metal working – no high tech metals (no electronics), even basic metallic goods become extremely expensive to manufacture, resulting in virtually all labour and production becoming harder, resulting in mass starvation etc…
Limited fertilisers – agricultural land becomes 50% less productive, resulting in mass starvation, return of vast majority of population to back breaking agricultural labour etc…
I’m sure there’s far more too.
What do these people think we’re going to replace the fossil fuels (crude oil mainly) we’re entirely dependent on for modern civilisation and the sustaining of billions of us on this planet with?! In theory, we could use unfossilised plant material (wood, cellulose) in place of fossil fuels for some things, but it provides much less energy per kg, and will also produce CO2 when we burn it, so there’s no net gain (probably a net loss).
Ultimately we will run out of crude oil, and really ought to be researching alternatives, but there’s a reason we use it, and so far, without the decades of research needed, I’m not sure what people think the alternative(s) are?!
👋 @BBCNews can we *not* remove people from our TV screens for being hilarious, thanks.
Boris Johnson's #partygate lies had huge consequences. Clive Myrie's jokes about Boris Johnson on #HIGNFY were exactly that: jokes. Perspective, please.
The novel opens with Ludvik back in his hometown in Moravia for the first time in years, startled to recognize the woman cutting his hair, though neither acknowledges the other. He reflects on the joke that changed his life in the early 1950s over the next several chapters of flashback. Ludvik was a dashing, witty, and popular student who, like most of his friends, supported the still-young Communist regime. During their summer break, a girl in his class wrote to him about “optimistic young people filled through and through with the healthy spirit” of Marxism; he replied caustically, “Optimism is the opium of mankind! A healthy spirit stinks of stupidity! Long live Trotsky!”
The girl, under pressure, shared the contents of the letter with others in the Party at school, who did not find it funny.
Tennis: Queen’s on BBC2.
I noticed earlier that the umpire’s chair is painted in the colours of the ‘progressive pride flag.’
Then just before the Cameron Norrie match began Claire Balding made the claim that both players and spectators were wearing their brightest colours in support of pride day or month or whatever.
You know, sometimes I actually envy the parallel universe that these people live in.
Police horses in London are undergoing special training to cross LGBT rainbow junctions as the colourful road markings spook the animals. In a tweet posted by the Metropolitan Police today, officers were pictured training some of their horses to get them “used to” to the signs “before riding them out in public”.31 Mar 2022
“Oh, that was easy”, says Man, and for an encore he goes on to prove that black is white and gets killed on the next zebra crossing.
– The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.
From Jason D Hill in Front Page magazine 22/6/2023 (so some spellings are US-style):
“A video of the San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus titled “A Message from The Gay Community” offers a lucid and unmistakable insight into the growing radicality of the LGBTQ movement and the political and existential reach of its agenda. As you watch the video you will see that without any reasonable doubt the LGB movement—minus the conceptually inane full acronym of the full movement—has devolved into moral putrefaction and irredeemable degradation. Its crudely, openly stated goal is predatory capture of the children of the United States of America. Its method is psychological pedophilia. We may call it rule by a new form of bio-fascists whose goal is to re-engineer the bodies and minds of America’s children.
The all-male gay chorus can be heard stating the following lines: “We’ll convert your children. Yes we will,” “You won’t approve of where they go at night,” “We’re coming for them; we’re coming for your children,” “The gay agenda is coming here. It’s here.” And ominously: “Then we’ll turn to you.”
A word of edification before commenting on the video and its apocalyptic vision for the subversive takeover of the United States along with its intention to psychologically capture and kidnap American children from their parents. This agenda operates against the backdrop of a new movement called Minor Attracted Persons (MAP). The acronym is a successor term to pedophilia which the advocates and spokespersons for MAP claim is pejorative in that it eviscerates persons attracted to minors of their dignity.
As the chorus states, parents have done a terrible job of socializing their children. The sentinels of a “new morality” will make kinder and more tolerant human beings out of children because their sexually bigoted parents have failed in this endeavor. They will teach them transgressive mores, new norms, and ways of self-identifying.
It is not a normal state of affairs for children to be out at night; therefore, the stanza in the song, “You won’t approve of where they go at night,” can be reasonably read that children (their word choice) will be indoctrinated to engage in unlawful behavior not only by illegally leaving their homes at night without their parent’s permission, but by attending “places and events” that parents would not approve of were they cognizant of these nocturnal outings. And let us be clear: where would children be secretly escaping to at night that would leave their parents aghast? Your guess is correct.
A twofold phenomenon is taking place. First, a declaration of war against parents for raising their children according to their own values. Second, a premeditated intention to engage in psychological capture of said children’s minds. This is psychological molestation because it occurs against the backdrop of a plethora of socializing mechanisms at work in the pre-K and K-12 school system. These include but are not limited to: subjection of children to pornographic materials in order to make them more accepting of gays, lesbians and trans persons; the non-gendering of children without parental consent; and the induction of thousands of young children into a cult that eschews belief in biological sex accompanied by a forced non-binary mode of self-identification. We also witness the literal transitioning of healthy children who may suffer from depression, anxiety and some semblance of sexual confusion into a full-scale ideology of transgenderism, gay, lesbian and trans identification. The concomitant carnage here is the irrevocable despoilation of innocence. Once you rape a child of his or her innocence, the memories associated with that state of innocence are forever lost.
This hit my email in box, oh dear how sad, never mind:
“My partner Marcus was sentenced to over 2 years in prison for taking part in a peaceful protest against the Government’s inaction in the face of the climate emergency. As though this wasn’t enough, they’re now threatening him with deportation.
If Marcus is deported, he will be separated from his family, his friends, his home, and his adopted country. I can’t believe the punishment he is facing for peacefully protesting is deportation and imprisonment – please will you urgently help us stop Marcus’s deportation by signing my petition?
Marcus and I fell in love just over 3 years ago, brought together by our shared love of music and the natural world. We both desperately wanted to do something to protect the planet for the generations to come. We tried many different non-violent actions before Marcus bravely climbed the QE2 Bridge. Marcus is a wonderful stepfather to my children and he has been separated from us now for 8 months.
If he is deported, he might never come home again. The past few months have been incredibly difficult for me, and even harder for him, but over 50,000 have signed my petition and knowing we’re not alone has really given us the strength to keep fighting.
But this isn’t only about Marcus; I believe that the Government are threatening to deport him to send a chilling warning to anyone who wants to peacefully oppose their failure to tackle the climate emergency. If, like me, you refuse to be cowed by their bully boy tactics, then please sign the petition.”
“The crossing linking the M25 over the River Thames between Essex and Kent was closed from 04:00 BST on 17 October until 21:00 the following day.
During the trial jurors heard that after scaling the bridge cables they unfurled a Just Stop Oil banned and rigged up hammocks.
Prosecutor Adam King told the trial the pair had deliberately tried to cause disruption.
He said their actions “caused gridlock for miles around throughout that period, which we say was the point.”
Essex Police said that those impacted by the traffic disruption included a “heavily pregnant woman who needed urgent medical help”.
Another person missed the funeral of their best friend of 35 years, the force said, and a business lost more than £160,000 in earnings.
Ch Supt Simon Anslow, who led the force’s response to the incident, said: “The actions of Trowland and Decker were incredibly dangerous; for themselves, for the officers who were tasked with dealing with them and for the many, many people whose lives were disrupted as a result.”
“The judge said that Trowland, who has six previous convictions relating to protests, had a ‘leading role’, while Decker had one previous conviction relating to a protest.
The judge said that the pair ‘plainly believed you knew better than everyone else’, adding: ‘In short, to hell with everyone else.’
‘By your actions you caused this very important road to be closed for 40 hours,’ the judge said, noting that the disruption affected ‘many tens of thousands, some very significantly’.”
I read of a barrage of disgusting primeaval comments being posted on social media regarding the 5 people lost in the sub disaster.
My theory is that if you have a nation largely comprising indigenous people there develops a level of social shared behaviour approved by the population. Once you begin to shake that up with multiple races and peoples vying for space and possessions in what the Americas call their town halls, this sense of shared empathy is missing and a brutal dog eat dog society is the result. Any distinctive feature. Is picked on as a target for envy and abuse including wealth, skin colour etc.
It is in fact the epitome of the book Lord of the flies….in that tale the victim was chosen because he was a bit tubby and wore specs, enough to make him a target for this disgusting group hate and violence.
This is what is now very sickeningly evident in the US and is inevitably coming to the UK in a few years.
I see Wethersfield has to take 1,700 young men ‘asylum seekers’
The town has fewer than 24,000 living there so, back of fag packet calculations mean 12,000 males. Divide by 6 (for age groups, 0-15 then 16-30 then 31-45 and so on) gives us roughly 2,000 local males aged between 16-30, the same age group as the ‘asylum seekers’
This just about doubles the young male population.
It’s asking for trouble.
If it was 1,700 men, wimmin and children, families and babies then that may get grudgingly accepted but 1,700 bored adolescents in competition with the locals for the local girls …. well, what do they expect.
Maybe a tip for the schoolchildren there.
When you do your ‘identifying’ I would recommend identifying as a pig. I would definitely avoid identifying as a goat.
Living near a small town with a ‘super garrison’ – you’re not wrong EG:
Young lads >>> young ladies + alcohol = trouble after 10 PM
On the other hand, if the new residents prefer the young ladies even younger (and some prefer the younger lads instead), maybe it will all be ‘fine’ after all?
Thursday night’s BBC local newsPR show
had a contrived item
“It’s Windrush anniversary, but did you know some Windrush generation came earlier to serve in the war
here’s a 99 yo Lancaster crewman
Good on him but the amount of servicemen from the Caribbean was much smaller than from many other countries.
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #2 – what sort of property do they live in and how much did they borrow?
Questions the BBC did not ask. I wonder why?
I suspect this middle-aged couple have over borrowed for a massive amount of land. Norfolk is not known as a county for high property prices unless you buy a large house with multiple bedrooms, multiple bathrooms and acres of land.
And Cheshunt in south-east Hertforshire is not known for having very expensive properties, either. A 300% increase in a mortgage rate would be from a very low fixed rate , say, 2.75% to 8.25%. The BBC have really been exception hunting to keep this so-called ‘mortgage crisis’ going. As there seems to be no ‘cost-of-living-crisis’ are the BBC inventing another ‘crisis’? And why would they do that?
Maybe it will show that giving ‘independence ‘ to the Bank of engerland still bites you in the bottom it it is as inept at the current losers …..
Remember ‘inflation ‘ is ‘transient ‘ and the bbc helpfully broadcast the lies of the governor telling us it would be on its way down now – when we have another year at least under current conditions – with a good few talking about 2 years of increased interest rates —— and to repeat – the bbc will be going for the magic ‘double digit ‘ interest rate on mortgages ‘ savings …..
The dream BBC mortgage struggle human story is a hetero pairing of a teacher and a doctor with a 2 year old and another on the way ….
They can’t afford to take a shower any more or heat or eat or brush their teeth – and there s no dentist – the maternity unit is closing …and on and on …
Fed, Gordon Brown set the wrong parameters for the MPC for inflation anyway. Between 1997-2010 we had 40% inflation under Blair & Brown and the Labour Government. Inflation is, like the poor, always with you unless you have some negative inflation a.k.a. deflation. The MPC target should be set at Zero to minus 1% in my view. A normal Base Rate should be 4 to 5%. Blair and Brown kept rates too low for too long which helped crash the UK economy 2007-2009.
More Titanic submarine jokes, US coastguards have explained why it took so long to announce they heard the implosion on sonar, because they thought it was impossible to shout “allah hu Akbar” immediately beforehand
Ladies and gentlemen – as write from the square stage of Glastonbury – surrounded by poor people who can find £300 for a ticket – I bid fairwell from the current thread –
– and welcome the brexit result anniversary thread – the whole of the UK has enthusiastically disengaged from the EU – our laws are all British – or human rights are no longer European – parliament and the courts and the law is now totally British ……
… Northern Ireland is free of the EU south and foreigners no longer take our fish . Our borders are solid and controlled . All is well ….
All of the above is a LIE – but should nt be ( though I don’t fancy ‘glasto ‘ )
Diversity is really starting to effect the middle classes in the work place now. So many white man complaining about how they are being turned down for jobs because they don’t fit the diversity quota, and how the diversity hires are far less qualified than them.
I can’t stop laughing. I tell those friends that they turned a blind eye when the working class was destroyed by cheap immigrant labour, lack of housing etc, and that it’s too late for them to do anything about it now that it is so entrenched. I tell them they should have listened to the alt-right and the likes of Tommy Robinson and not been so submissive in the destruction of their own nation and well being.
Diversity built Britain, I say to them with a smile.
MarkyMarkMar 14, 15:53 Midweek 12th March 2025 “Take that shit out now” Black woman sees white woman with braids in her hair. Lefties Losing It: Whoopi…
MarkyMarkMar 14, 15:27 Midweek 12th March 2025 Flying in 1979 It Was a New Experience Bernie Sanders Interviews Mall Punks (1988) [FULL]
MarkyMarkMar 14, 15:23 Midweek 12th March 2025 Islamic terrorist motive for stabbing being investigated An 18-year-old man was arrested on suspicion of wounding with intent to do…
moggiemooMar 14, 15:23 Midweek 12th March 2025 Why did she need to make anything up? We all know that taxes go up when Labour get into power…
Square-EyedMar 14, 15:09 Midweek 12th March 2025 Correct me if I’m wrong, but when India achieved independence, and by virtue of partition Pakistan, wasn’t the assumption that…
MarkyMarkMar 14, 15:06 Midweek 12th March 2025 ““I believe, this Government believes, in free and open trade, and will continue to make that point. We are in…
Some people (including the US Navy?) knew the Titan had imploded days ago, yet the charade of a search and rescue was maintained for days.
Coincidentally, at the same time, dodgy Hunter Biden was doing dodgy deals with the dodgy Department of Justice.
Some believe the ‘search’ was a useful distraction from the embarrassing Hunter case.
Others believe the Trump indictment was itself a useful distraction from the Hunter case.
Surely Biden wouldn’t stoop so low – would he?
No doubt the BBC will be investigating all these coincidences.
Don’t fret, Springler’s crack disinfo team will be on it in a flash.
I see yet another expert has been asked about the possibilities of recovering any bodies from amongst the debris.
He might, sensibly and sensitively, have used the opportunity to explain the difference between an explosion and an implosion – something which seems significantly absent from all the media chatter on the subject.
The old cathode ray tub TVs used to implode if they were smashed , and boy did the implode .
I know how he feels
Marianna Spring (born 21 February 1996) is a British broadcast journalist. She is the BBC’s first specialist disinformation and social media correspondent.
She spent her year abroad in Yaroslavl (Russia), and Paris, contributing news articles to The Moscow Times, The Local, and Le Tarn Libre.[7][8] Spring undertook work experience at The Guardian and Private Eye.[5][9] After graduation, she applied for various journalism programmes including at the BBC but was not successful.[10] Senior news reporter for The Guardian Alexandra Topping suggested that Spring contact various BBC journalists that she admired. Emily Maitlis replied to Spring and gave her an opportunity to work on Newsnight.[11][12] By the end of 2018, Marianna had co-produced a video for Newsnight, about protesters from across the French political spectrum joining the gilets jaunes.[13]
2020 How to Cure Viral Misinformation Presenter [24]
2021 The Anti-Vax Files Presenter [25]
2021 The Denial Files Presenter Podcast [26]
2022 Death by Conspiracy? Presenter Podcast [27]
2022 War on Truth Presenter Podcast [28]
2022 Americast Co-host Podcast [29]
2022 Disaster Trolls Presenter Podcast [30]
2023 Marianna in Conspiracyland Host Podcast [31]
Good old days!
UK health system is top on ‘efficiency’, says report { jun2010 OLD NEWS}
1. The Netherlands
2. United Kingdom
3. Australia
4. Germany
5. New Zealand
6. Canada
7. United States
I notice that the medical mafia is to strike for 5? Days in July – nice holiday … anyway no mention whether they will cover the A and E or intensive care or cancer side …..
January 10 2018 @ 14:46
Thousands of doctors are missing from hospitals and GPs’ surgeries during the ‘Winter Crisis’ because they are on jollies to medical conferences at 5 star ski resorts. A Guido probe found doctors are encouraged to book luxury foreign trips deliberately scheduled during the most pressured time of year for the health service. The conferences fulfil mandatory NHS ‘continuing professional development’ (‘CPD’) requirements in the form of lectures and training measured by the hour. But free time is spent skiing and enjoying the apres ski scene in some of the world’s most desirable destinations. Many doctors are allowed to charge their NHS trust for part costs of the trips, effectively subsidising their skiing holidays…
Leftie Clive Myrie pulled from the news.
One down, only 21,280 to go.
Can we pull ourselves away from paying his BBC wages under threat of prosecution?
Boris Johnson ‘looking at’ abolishing TV licence fee for BBC
This article is more than 3 years old
Remarks came amid row over PM’s refusal to look at a picture of a sick boy in hospital
Mahyar Tousi vid about the Myrie case :
TalkTV “Clive Myrie has denied the BBC pulled him from News at Ten because of concerns he breached impartiality rules on Have I Got News For You (HIGNFY).”
I wonder if there’s a possibility that the bias seen by those who feel BBC News is biased towards the left, or biased towards the right, is in fact their bias. 🤔
Date there is Mar 11, 2021
It’s a two year old Twitter discussion
Twitter polls can be rigged with bots
Golly gosh, this sounds really interesting.
‘Loss of fossil fuel assets would not impoverish general public, a study finds….’
Ah well. Should have realised. It’s in the Guardian.
A rapid reduction in fossil fuels, essential to avoid devastating climate breakdown, would have minimal financial impact on the vast majority of people, new research has shown.
Urgently cutting back on fossil fuel production is essential to avoid the worst impacts of climate breakdown and the economic and social turmoil that would ensue. However, some opponents of climate action claim it is too expensive. They argue that rapidly scaling back fossil fuel production would leave billions of pounds of “stranded assets”, leading to an economic slump that would impoverish the public through a fall in the value of savings and pension funds.
“A rapid reduction in fossil fuels, essential to avoid devastating climate breakdown, would have minimal financial impact on the vast majority of people, new research has shown.”
What utterly scientifically illiterate nonsense!
No fossil fuels
No transport – other than horse and cart, sailing boat, bicycle, walking… resulting in vast reduction in mobility and ability to transport goods, resulting in mass starvation etc…
No plastics – no electronics (no energy generation, no electric vehicles, solar panels, heat pumps etc…), no refrigeration, massive waste and contamination of food, medicine, medical equipment, agricultural seeds etc… resulting in mass starvation, outbreaks of disease, increased deaths from medical treatment/childbirth, shortened life expectancy
Limited metal working – no high tech metals (no electronics), even basic metallic goods become extremely expensive to manufacture, resulting in virtually all labour and production becoming harder, resulting in mass starvation etc…
Limited fertilisers – agricultural land becomes 50% less productive, resulting in mass starvation, return of vast majority of population to back breaking agricultural labour etc…
I’m sure there’s far more too.
What do these people think we’re going to replace the fossil fuels (crude oil mainly) we’re entirely dependent on for modern civilisation and the sustaining of billions of us on this planet with?! In theory, we could use unfossilised plant material (wood, cellulose) in place of fossil fuels for some things, but it provides much less energy per kg, and will also produce CO2 when we burn it, so there’s no net gain (probably a net loss).
Ultimately we will run out of crude oil, and really ought to be researching alternatives, but there’s a reason we use it, and so far, without the decades of research needed, I’m not sure what people think the alternative(s) are?!
Digital currency:
Those totally impartial people at 38 Degrees
It’s a lefty lobbying group masquerading as a petitions website
The novel opens with Ludvik back in his hometown in Moravia for the first time in years, startled to recognize the woman cutting his hair, though neither acknowledges the other. He reflects on the joke that changed his life in the early 1950s over the next several chapters of flashback. Ludvik was a dashing, witty, and popular student who, like most of his friends, supported the still-young Communist regime. During their summer break, a girl in his class wrote to him about “optimistic young people filled through and through with the healthy spirit” of Marxism; he replied caustically, “Optimism is the opium of mankind! A healthy spirit stinks of stupidity! Long live Trotsky!”
The girl, under pressure, shared the contents of the letter with others in the Party at school, who did not find it funny.
Tennis: Queen’s on BBC2.
I noticed earlier that the umpire’s chair is painted in the colours of the ‘progressive pride flag.’
Then just before the Cameron Norrie match began Claire Balding made the claim that both players and spectators were wearing their brightest colours in support of pride day or month or whatever.
You know, sometimes I actually envy the parallel universe that these people live in.
Police horses in London are undergoing special training to cross LGBT rainbow junctions as the colourful road markings spook the animals. In a tweet posted by the Metropolitan Police today, officers were pictured training some of their horses to get them “used to” to the signs “before riding them out in public”.31 Mar 2022
“Oh, that was easy”, says Man, and for an encore he goes on to prove that black is white and gets killed on the next zebra crossing.
– The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.
From Jason D Hill in Front Page magazine 22/6/2023 (so some spellings are US-style):
“A video of the San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus titled “A Message from The Gay Community” offers a lucid and unmistakable insight into the growing radicality of the LGBTQ movement and the political and existential reach of its agenda. As you watch the video you will see that without any reasonable doubt the LGB movement—minus the conceptually inane full acronym of the full movement—has devolved into moral putrefaction and irredeemable degradation. Its crudely, openly stated goal is predatory capture of the children of the United States of America. Its method is psychological pedophilia. We may call it rule by a new form of bio-fascists whose goal is to re-engineer the bodies and minds of America’s children.
The all-male gay chorus can be heard stating the following lines: “We’ll convert your children. Yes we will,” “You won’t approve of where they go at night,” “We’re coming for them; we’re coming for your children,” “The gay agenda is coming here. It’s here.” And ominously: “Then we’ll turn to you.”
A word of edification before commenting on the video and its apocalyptic vision for the subversive takeover of the United States along with its intention to psychologically capture and kidnap American children from their parents. This agenda operates against the backdrop of a new movement called Minor Attracted Persons (MAP). The acronym is a successor term to pedophilia which the advocates and spokespersons for MAP claim is pejorative in that it eviscerates persons attracted to minors of their dignity.
As the chorus states, parents have done a terrible job of socializing their children. The sentinels of a “new morality” will make kinder and more tolerant human beings out of children because their sexually bigoted parents have failed in this endeavor. They will teach them transgressive mores, new norms, and ways of self-identifying.
It is not a normal state of affairs for children to be out at night; therefore, the stanza in the song, “You won’t approve of where they go at night,” can be reasonably read that children (their word choice) will be indoctrinated to engage in unlawful behavior not only by illegally leaving their homes at night without their parent’s permission, but by attending “places and events” that parents would not approve of were they cognizant of these nocturnal outings. And let us be clear: where would children be secretly escaping to at night that would leave their parents aghast? Your guess is correct.
A twofold phenomenon is taking place. First, a declaration of war against parents for raising their children according to their own values. Second, a premeditated intention to engage in psychological capture of said children’s minds. This is psychological molestation because it occurs against the backdrop of a plethora of socializing mechanisms at work in the pre-K and K-12 school system. These include but are not limited to: subjection of children to pornographic materials in order to make them more accepting of gays, lesbians and trans persons; the non-gendering of children without parental consent; and the induction of thousands of young children into a cult that eschews belief in biological sex accompanied by a forced non-binary mode of self-identification. We also witness the literal transitioning of healthy children who may suffer from depression, anxiety and some semblance of sexual confusion into a full-scale ideology of transgenderism, gay, lesbian and trans identification. The concomitant carnage here is the irrevocable despoilation of innocence. Once you rape a child of his or her innocence, the memories associated with that state of innocence are forever lost.
… … … …”
The views expressed are the author’s own.
This hit my email in box, oh dear how sad, never mind:
“My partner Marcus was sentenced to over 2 years in prison for taking part in a peaceful protest against the Government’s inaction in the face of the climate emergency. As though this wasn’t enough, they’re now threatening him with deportation.
If Marcus is deported, he will be separated from his family, his friends, his home, and his adopted country. I can’t believe the punishment he is facing for peacefully protesting is deportation and imprisonment – please will you urgently help us stop Marcus’s deportation by signing my petition?
Marcus and I fell in love just over 3 years ago, brought together by our shared love of music and the natural world. We both desperately wanted to do something to protect the planet for the generations to come. We tried many different non-violent actions before Marcus bravely climbed the QE2 Bridge. Marcus is a wonderful stepfather to my children and he has been separated from us now for 8 months.
If he is deported, he might never come home again. The past few months have been incredibly difficult for me, and even harder for him, but over 50,000 have signed my petition and knowing we’re not alone has really given us the strength to keep fighting.
But this isn’t only about Marcus; I believe that the Government are threatening to deport him to send a chilling warning to anyone who wants to peacefully oppose their failure to tackle the climate emergency. If, like me, you refuse to be cowed by their bully boy tactics, then please sign the petition.”
“taking part in a peaceful protest against”
..obstructing or intimidating people from going about their daily business is NOT peaceful
It’s not ‘peaceful’ to demand the complete collapse of civilisation as we know it.
See it. Say it. Deport it.
Say goodbye Marcus.
“The crossing linking the M25 over the River Thames between Essex and Kent was closed from 04:00 BST on 17 October until 21:00 the following day.
During the trial jurors heard that after scaling the bridge cables they unfurled a Just Stop Oil banned and rigged up hammocks.
Prosecutor Adam King told the trial the pair had deliberately tried to cause disruption.
He said their actions “caused gridlock for miles around throughout that period, which we say was the point.”
Essex Police said that those impacted by the traffic disruption included a “heavily pregnant woman who needed urgent medical help”.
Another person missed the funeral of their best friend of 35 years, the force said, and a business lost more than £160,000 in earnings.
Ch Supt Simon Anslow, who led the force’s response to the incident, said: “The actions of Trowland and Decker were incredibly dangerous; for themselves, for the officers who were tasked with dealing with them and for the many, many people whose lives were disrupted as a result.”
“Prosecutor Adam King told the trial the pair had deliberately tried to cause disruption.
He said their actions “caused gridlock for miles around throughout that period, which we say was the point.” ”
Which gridlock no doubt pushed a massive amount of CO2 into the atmosphere plus diesel pollution that affected Mayor Sadiq Kahane’s lungs and brain.
Doh! The very things JSO don’t want! Double doh!
“The judge said that Trowland, who has six previous convictions relating to protests, had a ‘leading role’, while Decker had one previous conviction relating to a protest.
The judge said that the pair ‘plainly believed you knew better than everyone else’, adding: ‘In short, to hell with everyone else.’
‘By your actions you caused this very important road to be closed for 40 hours,’ the judge said, noting that the disruption affected ‘many tens of thousands, some very significantly’.”
I read of a barrage of disgusting primeaval comments being posted on social media regarding the 5 people lost in the sub disaster.
My theory is that if you have a nation largely comprising indigenous people there develops a level of social shared behaviour approved by the population. Once you begin to shake that up with multiple races and peoples vying for space and possessions in what the Americas call their town halls, this sense of shared empathy is missing and a brutal dog eat dog society is the result. Any distinctive feature. Is picked on as a target for envy and abuse including wealth, skin colour etc.
It is in fact the epitome of the book Lord of the flies….in that tale the victim was chosen because he was a bit tubby and wore specs, enough to make him a target for this disgusting group hate and violence.
This is what is now very sickeningly evident in the US and is inevitably coming to the UK in a few years.
I see Wethersfield has to take 1,700 young men ‘asylum seekers’
The town has fewer than 24,000 living there so, back of fag packet calculations mean 12,000 males. Divide by 6 (for age groups, 0-15 then 16-30 then 31-45 and so on) gives us roughly 2,000 local males aged between 16-30, the same age group as the ‘asylum seekers’
This just about doubles the young male population.
It’s asking for trouble.
If it was 1,700 men, wimmin and children, families and babies then that may get grudgingly accepted but 1,700 bored adolescents in competition with the locals for the local girls …. well, what do they expect.
Maybe a tip for the schoolchildren there.
When you do your ‘identifying’ I would recommend identifying as a pig. I would definitely avoid identifying as a goat.
Living near a small town with a ‘super garrison’ – you’re not wrong EG:
Young lads >>> young ladies + alcohol = trouble after 10 PM
On the other hand, if the new residents prefer the young ladies even younger (and some prefer the younger lads instead), maybe it will all be ‘fine’ after all?
It will cause unrest . I find it hard to believe that a Tory government would do this .
Are they being ordered to by the UN ?
ITV local newsPR show
Nic Smith did a long item on being Green at festivals
… Green PR has a very close relationship with media
Thursday night’s BBC local newsPR show
had a contrived item
“It’s Windrush anniversary, but did you know some Windrush generation came earlier to serve in the war
here’s a 99 yo Lancaster crewman
Good on him but the amount of servicemen from the Caribbean was much smaller than from many other countries.
Expedia advert just came on, about 2 black guys flying to Jamaica.
Next long item about Disabled athletes in Germany.
The first item of the show was
“local man was an activist stopping whaling in Iceland”
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #2 – what sort of property do they live in and how much did they borrow?
Questions the BBC did not ask. I wonder why?
I suspect this middle-aged couple have over borrowed for a massive amount of land. Norfolk is not known as a county for high property prices unless you buy a large house with multiple bedrooms, multiple bathrooms and acres of land.
And Cheshunt in south-east Hertforshire is not known for having very expensive properties, either. A 300% increase in a mortgage rate would be from a very low fixed rate , say, 2.75% to 8.25%. The BBC have really been exception hunting to keep this so-called ‘mortgage crisis’ going. As there seems to be no ‘cost-of-living-crisis’ are the BBC inventing another ‘crisis’? And why would they do that?
Maybe it will show that giving ‘independence ‘ to the Bank of engerland still bites you in the bottom it it is as inept at the current losers …..
Remember ‘inflation ‘ is ‘transient ‘ and the bbc helpfully broadcast the lies of the governor telling us it would be on its way down now – when we have another year at least under current conditions – with a good few talking about 2 years of increased interest rates —— and to repeat – the bbc will be going for the magic ‘double digit ‘ interest rate on mortgages ‘ savings …..
The dream BBC mortgage struggle human story is a hetero pairing of a teacher and a doctor with a 2 year old and another on the way ….
They can’t afford to take a shower any more or heat or eat or brush their teeth – and there s no dentist – the maternity unit is closing …and on and on …
Fed, Gordon Brown set the wrong parameters for the MPC for inflation anyway. Between 1997-2010 we had 40% inflation under Blair & Brown and the Labour Government. Inflation is, like the poor, always with you unless you have some negative inflation a.k.a. deflation. The MPC target should be set at Zero to minus 1% in my view. A normal Base Rate should be 4 to 5%. Blair and Brown kept rates too low for too long which helped crash the UK economy 2007-2009.
More Titanic submarine jokes, US coastguards have explained why it took so long to announce they heard the implosion on sonar, because they thought it was impossible to shout “allah hu Akbar” immediately beforehand
Have they blamed putin yet ?
Ladies and gentlemen – as write from the square stage of Glastonbury – surrounded by poor people who can find £300 for a ticket – I bid fairwell from the current thread –
– and welcome the brexit result anniversary thread – the whole of the UK has enthusiastically disengaged from the EU – our laws are all British – or human rights are no longer European – parliament and the courts and the law is now totally British ……
… Northern Ireland is free of the EU south and foreigners no longer take our fish . Our borders are solid and controlled . All is well ….
All of the above is a LIE – but should nt be ( though I don’t fancy ‘glasto ‘ )
Diversity is really starting to effect the middle classes in the work place now. So many white man complaining about how they are being turned down for jobs because they don’t fit the diversity quota, and how the diversity hires are far less qualified than them.
I can’t stop laughing. I tell those friends that they turned a blind eye when the working class was destroyed by cheap immigrant labour, lack of housing etc, and that it’s too late for them to do anything about it now that it is so entrenched. I tell them they should have listened to the alt-right and the likes of Tommy Robinson and not been so submissive in the destruction of their own nation and well being.
Diversity built Britain, I say to them with a smile.
“Russia accuses Wagner chief of urging ‘armed mutiny”
Not the end but perhaps the beginning of the end ?