Yesterday’s forecast for today where I am was going to be 81 degrees Fahrenheit (I always go degrees F when it is hot). This afternoon checking with the met office the best this area can manage is 78 degrees (I am very grateful it is a bit cooler than predicted). The BBC tell me it has reached 80 degrees but it feels like 90 degrees which is more than 10 degrees higher than the Met Office. This ‘feels like…’ is a wonderful way of upping temperatures in a way that us mere mortals cannot measure and gives us false indicators of how hot it actually is. And the usual story if neither the BBC nor the Met Office could predict accurately yesterday what is happening today, they have to be admired (possibly wrong choice of word) that they have the gall to predict climate temperatures in years to come to the nearest 1.5 degrees.
The most read story on the BBC website is thaT
So there is nothing to worry about. Carry on you 1000 BBC
staff at Glastonbury staying at the best hotels on my pension.
It’s good to see the BBC getting it’s priorities right .
Apr 20, 2022
A man has been given a suspended jail sentence for sending a “grossly offensive” video of a model of Grenfell Tower being burned on a bonfire.
(10 weeks, suspended for 2 years.
Pleaded guilty so reduced.}
I reckon when the red labour lot get in we will see plod become even more politicised than it already is – they’ll use the DoJ model to ensure political non / prosecutions … more than now .. this site will be a target ….
Friday BBC local NewsPRshow
“scary scary North Sea 5C warmer than normal”
“warmest June in decades”
… Misinformation cos it failed to give context
#1 It’s sea surface temp the depth where most life is , hasn’t had the same warming
#2 Normally each year there’s a huge difference between spring and Autumn AFAIK it’s much more than just 5C
Speaking of nepotism & privilege, John Kerry’s daughter, Dr Vanessa Kerry, is now the World Health Organization Special Envoy for Climate Change and Health, a new position. Read the gobbledegook description of the mission. What will she actually do?
The warmest water for bathing, Stew, according to my old Dad was in September and October around the UK. Especially if there had been a hard winter with snow oop nawth, the spring/early summer melt of snow water found its way via rivers into the sea. Until some warm sunshine had warmed the sand and transfered its warmth into the sea surface via tides, the sea would tend to be cold at surface and as you correctly state at depth, too.
Twenty to thirty minutes survival for the average person, wearing a life jacket and normal clothes, in the English Channel in mid-summer or so I was taught.
The condescending crap that these over privileged so called presenters at Glastonbury spout is a joy to behold. Utter garbage and unbearable smugness that they are there at our expense. Not exactly value for money.
Immigrants needed to clear the rubbish left behind. Plenty of tents and sleeping bags normally discarded ‘cos the young buggers are to lazy to take them home.
Up2snuff – believe it was last year but there are plenty of past videos and articles re the rubbish having to be cleared. Will have to wait and see what it will be like this year. Perhaps I’m just turning into a grumpy old fart and not be so accusatory about youngsters just having a good time.
If the Russia situation gets worse ( better ) I think there is need to reconsider the size of the UK military – as in soldiers …. It keeps on being cut – and weakness from the past seems ignored .
But there again the blue Labour Party is that dumb eh?
I think the false information will give that fact check kidult a nose bleed ….and the ‘Moscow correspondent’ watching RT…
The BBC IS a leftie-fest.
No need for the staffers to go to Glasto. for that reason,
But a nice holiday spending time with their fellow-travellers, all paid for by licence-fee payers …….that will do nicely.
For those who have torn themselves away from ‘Glasto ‘ it seems the Russian Civil War has been abandoned because someone stole the match ball .
The Ukrainians , apparently , are complaining that they are running out of popcorn and a humanitarian popcorn crisis is in the offing . Operation ‘sunkist ‘? Has been launched with calls for supplies .
I’m not giving up mine because I’m gonna be on the popcorn watch the UK economy tank …..seem ‘traders ‘ are betting on 6.5% base rates in the Spring … …
I was thinking of putting up a ‘Glasto thread ‘ pop pickers with the prospect of reg Dwight’s final final outing ( oo matron ) on Sunday night with surprise guests – John Lennon – George Michael – mickey Jackson – and mickey jagger ( undead ) …
Under the banner ‘funeral for a friend ‘…
Question : Was Wagner’s march on Moscow just a bluff to catch the Ukrainians and the West off guard ?
To draw the Ukrainians into a trap or an ambush ?
Your 2023 reminder that organised Pakistan based gangs bilked the UK’s taxpayers for £8 billion+ and HMRC refused to chase them ‘coz “taxpayer confidentiality”
Don’t know if anyone has mentioned it here but for the past week or so That’s (Freeview 65) has been showing repeats of It Ain’t Half Hot Mum. I never thought I’d see that on television again!
Tonight’s episode had the whole Royal Artillery Concert Party being posted up the jungle. It ended with the great Michael Bates doing a monologue to camera which, like all good comedy, is still true today.
“There is old Hindu proverb which say, when you have caught cholera and beri-beri and found out that your wife is having congress with next door neighbour, it does not stop your house from catching fire.”
One almost feels sorry for the likes of these young, ambitious, thick sacrificial ingenues, served up like Gaza Kindergarden Live Sandbags by even more venal old men, in hope that their clear vulnerability will deflect from them, and those who have hired them to do so.
But then one recalls these wide eyed diversity hires are adults, and no matter their gender or diversity, have taken on a role that will utterly discredit them in hope of climbing a greasy pole in the shallow ponds they inhabit.
BBC Verify could fact check how many get served up… Greta, KJP… maybe even some of their own?
Full equality has been achieved now, but finding the previously onside guys out front are fed up must come as a shock.
Then the attempt at trying to decry legitimate majority concerns whilst preserving the mob pile on that they like to lead….
Have not been well for quite a while,but now slowly recovering.I would like to thank all who post on this web-site for the many amusing and intelligent comments on the BBC,which cheered me up in some bad times this last year.Being a species hated by the BBC namely white,working class,heterosexual,and right wing I sometimes wonder if I am a dying breed.Thanks to all those out there that show me that I am not alone!As for the BBC and their criminal waste of money with Glastonbury why are none of the media or MP’s highlighting this waste of licence fees?
Not sure what happened with BRISSLES but hope this dear lady is back with us soon.
Regarding the above post from Rob…little people and non democrats or labour supporters it appears:
“MEGHAN MCCAIN: Mr. President – when will you realize that your nepo-baby scumbag son doesn’t deserve to be an honored guest at the People’s White House? You’re spitting in the faces of Americans who pay taxes and earn an honest living.
If he pleads guilty to two misdemeanors for ‘failure to pay taxes,’ as well as, lying on a firearm transaction record, he’ll likely avoid jail time.
This is a man who appears to have concealed millions in income through tax dodging.
Who proudly brandished a gun on camera, as he snorted and smoked all manner of drugs alongside a coterie of prostitutes.
Whose lover – his dead brother Beau’s widow – dumped his weapon in a grocery store trash can across from a school in 2018, only for the Secret Service to swoop in and seemingly launch a cover-up.
Top legal experts have since slammed the sweetheart deal as an aberration of justice.
What makes me truly sick to my stomach is that his father – our President and the leader of the free world – doesn’t express one ounce of shame for his son’s behavior.
This 53-year-old man won’t even apparently allow his own daughter, Navy Roberts, the right to take his last name, for God’s sake.
President Biden and the First Lady refuse to even acknowledge the four-year-old child, the offspring of a relationship – that Hunter claims he can’t remember – with a former Washington DC exotic dancer.
We have also now learned that Hunter was allegedly tossed out of a LA-based sex club, where members pay as much as $75,000 to join.
‘Hunter was a member of SNCTM and I cancelled his membership after 1 party because he’s a scumbag,’ wrote the orgy club’s founder in a since deleted post.
Now, Shapley’s newly-released testimony alleges government investigators were blocked from pursuing a search warrant of Joe Biden’s guest house, where Hunter once lived, and they were obstructed from pursuing leads that led to Hunter’s adult children.
The allegations go on and on, but maybe the most shocking evidence, if true, is a WhatsApp message that Shapley says the government obtained showing Hunter seeming telling a powerful Chinese businessman and Communist Party official to pay up, or else he’ll tell daddy.
‘I am sitting here with my father and we would like to understand why the commitment made has not been fulfilled,’ Hunter Biden reportedly wrote to Henry Zhao.
oe has long claimed that he wasn’t aware of Hunter’s overseas dealings. He has said that he was oblivious to the fact that Hunter was raking in millions from a shady Ukrainian energy firm, called Burisma.
But now, the Biden administration appears to be hedging on that. ‘As we have said many times before, the President was not in business with his son,’ the White House said Friday.
Notice the subtle switch here?
No longer are they claiming that President Biden was unaware of Hunter’s behavior. Now they’re saying that father and son weren’t ‘in business’ together.
At what point should any of this give the American media pause? At what point will they refuse to accept President Biden’s claim that he’s simply ‘proud’ of his son?”
If borne out, how the bbc decides what is news about itself, or not, will be interesting. Given most are at Glasto, narrowing down who needs to fall out a window at W1A will be easier.
Yesterday @MayorofLondon Khan made an allegation that was untrue. The Free School meals plan was never not supported by @CityHallTories At the budget meeting @NeilGarratt reinforced this point THREE TIMES Yet Sadiq Khan claims the opposite
So – no re run of ‘Valkari ‘ or ‘Downfall’ and the leader of the Robert Wagner Group has taken out more life insurance and avoiding 5th floor Belorussian windows – all is well in the Kremlin –
Ryanair made a killing on its Moscow service …..
Big Lens and nothing much else in the headlines edition
One seems to recall that it was light-hearted performance poet John Hegley who had the line that went something like: My doggy wears glasses
He wasn’t exactly a TS Eliot, even at that celebrated poet’s less serious and crafted for youngsters mood cf Old Possum’s Book of Practical Cats – what is it with kids wishing to identify with their feline pets – and earnest adults who should know better enabling that trend?
Nor was Hegley quite the iconoclastic drug-fuelled punk rocker to match his stand up poetry contemporaries such as John Cooper Clarke. Compare his style: My girlfriend Pat, she lives in a flat… (or somesuch) with JC Clarke’s: The Day My Pad Went Mad
Reality refocused through the lens of fond memory is often a much happier thing than the strictures of actual reality. My doggy wears glasses… infact – so google tells me – is my corruption of my doggie don’t wear glasses, so they’re lying when they say a dog looks like its owner aren’t they – cute but I prefer my mistaken version. I also wrongly recalled the one about his girlfriend Pat, by the way.
From somewhere or other Mr AsI has a faint recollection of a jokey twist on one of those trite utopian pleas: I dream of a world where everyone is wearing everyone elses’ glasses
Do people that wear glasses wear them in their dreams? (Reddit)
Just like in the real world, wearing glasses in a dream could be a sign that we are not seeing correctly (Eye See Mag) – better get yourself along to the opticians for an eye test
The Guardian apppears to confirm how I’m onto something – speaking truth to big corporate opthalmic power: The spectacular power of Big Lens… How one giant company will dominate the way the whole world sees (Guardian Long Read)
Just imagine that. Total domination of the the way the whole world sees
One already observes a unity of outlook available right across the entire lens of our supposedly free media eye – and unquestioning support for the proxy war from both left and right has been the enabling backdrop for our cash-strapped Sunak to pump further resources into the grinder – resources which one notices domestically we simply don’t really have to spare: Sunak to pledge £2.35 billion in loan guarantees at Ukraine Recovery Conference (Independent – ironically enough): Ukraine defence minister thanks UK for sending ‘fantastic’ tanks (Reuters) – tanks a lot
Alinsky to Zelensky
This isn’t simply a State sponsored effort – as the black tenant Philip played by Don Warrington in the Yorkshire TV comedy Rising Damp memorably pointed out to his landlord played by Leonard Rossiter: “Everything’s commercialised these days, Rigsby” : PM calls on investors and business leaders to join the fight for Ukraine (Gov.UK) – That’s our former Goldman Sachs office boy Rishi Sunak teaching his grandmother-in-law to suck eggs – I’m sure the big corporates can spot an opportunity to turn a profit when they see one.
Every frontpage as displayed on the BBC’s online press review – from boring broadsheet to comic tabloid – suddenly ditches the Titanic tourist submarine story (turns out that rescue hopes there had been a non-story for days) to instead lead with hopes of a Russian coup against Putin – watch this space for the inevitable anti-climax
Noticing falsehoods in terms of print media mistakes Mark Twain famously quipped: reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated
Media coup
But with that much vaunted Ukrainian offensive obviously stalled, and with Sunday papers that ought perhaps to be discussing Hunter Biden’s dodgy investments in a certain eastern european province – what jolly good timing for a media coup.
It speaks volumes about the BBC – our National broadcaster – when the only way we can know the extremely expensive Ukranian counter-offensive has failed is when they simply stop reporting it.
I’ve been amazed at the extent of the lies, propaganda and censorship by the BBC. I use it as a benchmark for how much I can trust anything else they report.
I do have to wonder if the rather odd ‘coup’ in Russia wasn’t completely staged to distract the stupid in the West and to get the PMC Wagner chiefs into Belarus without the West thinking that it might well be to organise some kind of attack from Belarus towards Kiev.
It all seems very off to me and Prigozhen has a history of being very close to Putin, he talks of the lives of his brother Russians which might be a giveaway things are not as they appear to be.
Thoughtful- I was thinking the same thing. Have we seen
one of the greatest examples of Machiavellian “diplomacy”
by Putin and Prgiozhen to fool thr Ukranians ?
Collective West media, governments, NATO etc having orgasms over the Prigozhin incident. Still, it takes the plebs minds off the corrupt Biden administration and the rest of the political idiots who run the West:
Thoughtful – yes – the Wagner character is meant to be a great leader but somehow his coup plan doesn’t make it to the second day …. So maybe not go great after all – unless – as you say – clever stuff is going on to which we are not privy .
I was wondering what the ‘markets ‘ are going to make of it Monday as there was panic on Friday evening …. Business as usual I guess – next MPC meeting 3 August …up up up ….
If you are quick, you can join the religious service on BBC R4 being broadcast right now. It will focus on the celebrations for the, “Windrush Generation”. Chancers never had such accolade.
The Church and BBC paired together to broadcast the only purpose of the BBC: Black propaganda. The ‘Dream Team’. “Every Little Helps”
“In Syria, A Mutilated Corpse, Video Evidence, And New Scrutiny For Russian Mercenaries.
The graphic video shows four men in camouflage gear exchanging jokes in unaccented Russian as they pour flammable liquid over a man’s mutilated corpse strung up on two wooden beams.
Before setting it alight and watching it burn as they pose for the camera, they scrawl a Russian phrase praising the country’s airborne forces on its chest.
The clip of the brutal murder in Syria, apparently filmed in the summer of 2017, resurfaced this week in the wake of an investigation by Russian newspaper Novaya Gazeta.
The newspaper ties the men to Vagner, a shadowy Russian mercenary group widely believed to be spearheading the expansion of Russian influence across Africa and the Middle East.”
Yes – attempts to ‘bring them in ‘ has always been seen as a sign of weakness – the exception – Gorbachev lasted 5 minutes – the rest have just been evil – with an inbred chip made worse by the end of their Stalinist empire …..
Bit like blacks, if you think about it. That ‘chip’.
My mother (well deceased) was standing alone on a bus stop. She was, about then, 86 yrs old and very independent. As they say, “Five foot nothing”. She spotted a lone black male approaching the bus stop displaying that arrogant gait. As he was alongside my mother, he lunged at her. She ran into the road to escape. She later told me that her thinking at that moment was that she preferred to to die on the road rather than at the hands of a black.
“South East Water blames working from home for hosepipe ban”
Shortage of water could be because of the arrival of 1.5 million, uninvited
people in to great Britain under the Con-socialist government ?
No new reservoirs constructed to meet the demands of the Invaders .
Reading this article, I don’t come away with the impression this woman is a very nice person or in any way grateful for the £400 million the UK taxpayer stumped up to get her released.
Very clearly the aggressive activist type. No wonder she got locked up over there.
Believe she worked for BBC Media Action. Not surprised the Iranians (whatever one thinks of them) weren’t too happy. BBC Media Action are supposed to be a “charity” but are connected to the UK Intel agencies.
Meanwhile, slowly ticking away like a time bomb in the background……………
“[T]here was absolutely no case. There was no proof against Noman, and none of the witnesses produced by police could corroborate the blasphemy allegation against him…. This is murder of justice.” — Lazar Allah Rakha, lawyer for Norman Masih, a 22-year-old Christian man, sentenced to death for “blasphemy”, Morning Star News, May 31, 2023, “Several people have been lynched over false accusations of blasphemy in Pakistan. At least 57 cases of alleged blasphemy were reported in Pakistan between Jan. 1 and May 10 [2023], while four blasphemy suspects were lynched or extrajudicially killed during the same period…” — Morning Star News, May 22, 2023
“Despite the implementation of these laws, no one has yet been executed by the order of the courts or government.
People have only been imprisoned to await a verdict or killed at the hands of felons who were convinced that the suspects were guilty.[”
One person was killed by the mob in February 2023
One person was killed by the mob in February 2022
I’m hearing noises about increasing the number of courses to train doctors.
I can’t understand why we don’t train enough doctors (and nurses)
For a start, there are a huge number of applicants for these courses with only a few getting on them.
Second, there is a huge shortage of doctors and nurses here.
So then, we have thousands wanting to do these courses with thousands of jobs waiting for them and we are desperate to have them.
The question is, why do they restrict he number of courses.
Is it the doctors keeping the numbers down to keep their pay high. I really don’t know.
It’s such an obvious gain for everybody. Why hasn’t this been done already.
I believe, historically a low cap on the number of places was enforced by the BMA – keen to ensure their members retained their high pay.
It’s a similar situation with dentists and vets, in other countries, without such restraints on recruitment, a lot more vets and dentists are trained, and their services are correspondingly cheaper.
The main excuse trotted out these days seems to be cost and lack of qualified (and available) staff to train them –
Surely, that’s a ‘chicken and egg’ situation though? Train more, and there are more trainers available to train even more (and the cost of their services comes down too).
Another excuse I’ve heard is it is about ‘maintaining standards’ and only ‘recruiting the very best’, but as the population increases (rapidly), then presumably the number of the ‘very best’ should also increase?
Given the state of some of the junior doctors seen recently in the news (‘Just Stop Oil’ !, ‘Animal Rising’!), and a couple I’ve had the misfortune to encounter in the ‘real world’, those standards clearly ain’t what they used to be anyway!
Yes – the medical mafia will be desperate to ‘insure standards ‘ keep numbers as low as possible in order to keep their pay up – those ‘royal colleges ‘ need sorting out in order to cut the funding of the bloated NHS – cutting ‘services’ to those affecting health directly – so not sex change –
The rest can go private if they care that much . Non UK residents / taxpayers need to pay –
The BBC and the Guardian got very excited that an ex hot dog salesman leading a bunch of ex convicts were about to take on the Worlds biggest and most heavily armed armed forces in the World.
After Trump and Boris they hoped Putin would be the next right wing scalp.
Just reading their ‘live update’ on the story now and the BBC are absolutely desperate to try and get some propaganda out of it.
Last night my wife watched the BBC and told me it was not only a coup but nuclear weapons were mentioned as well. I said Putin will intervene and the whole thing will suddenly end. And it did.
Now the BBC idiots are trying to drag it out as much as they can – even down to whether Prigozhin will take a plane, a train or a car to Belarus.
And of course we have lots of interviews of people telling us it means the end of Putin.
‘Right now, as well as risks of an escalation from Russia, Ukraine will be searching for opportunities from the instability across the border.’
Double talk for ‘The counter offensive has failed’.
These days I’ve noticed the BBC omit so many relevant facts, overplay unreliable or insignificant facts which suit their argument or provide quotations from the most biased of people that their entire news service is like one big episode of Panorama. In other words, it’s so misleading it’s worthless.
Putin managed to advert mass bloodshed and at the same time sort out the problem of integrating Wagner troops into the regular army.
The BBC aren’t happy he used diplomacy 😃
Prigozhin clearly isn’t right in the head, and went full
Colonel Kurtz.
BBC are worrying about their new heroes arduous journey to Belarus:
“A no-fly zone is currently in force in south-western Russia, meaning that the closest operating airports to Rostov are in Volgograd and Sochi – but each are about 400km (250 miles) away.
Prigozhin could theoretically travel by car or train – but it’s a long way to Belarus, as he has to bypass Ukraine”
“the BBC’s Eastern Europe correspondent Sarah Rainsford-
so many questions remain unanswered, not least Prigozhin’s freedom and security, which may depend on what he does in Belarus.
He’s unlikely to want to drive a tractor or dig potatoes, she says”
Let me break it to you gently Sarah, by the end of the summer he’ll be quietly living in big house in London along with the rest of the world.
StewGreenMar 12, 14:59 Midweek 12th March 2025 It’s not exactly “major” Kenan Malik’s online article was correct but the problem is when he first prepared it he…
tomoMar 12, 14:28 Midweek 12th March 2025 As per detail in the Rebel News / Viva Frei YT piece I linked earlier – the CanadaChina thing is…
AlthepalerpMar 12, 14:19 Midweek 12th March 2025 Meanwhile the Tariff war between CANADA and CHINA goes on… . But no reporting on the BBC.
MarkyMarkMar 12, 14:02 Midweek 12th March 2025 Trudeau vows to freeze anti-mandate protesters’ bank accounts Published 15 February 2022
Eddy BoothMar 12, 13:59 Midweek 12th March 2025 “Canada to announce retaliatory tariffs” “We’re about to hear from Canadian officials on how they will react to the…
MarkyMarkMar 12, 13:42 Midweek 12th March 2025 Tony Blair holds the Keir penis (after Lord Alli visit to flat)
tomoMar 12, 13:42 Midweek 12th March 2025
Yesterday’s forecast for today where I am was going to be 81 degrees Fahrenheit (I always go degrees F when it is hot). This afternoon checking with the met office the best this area can manage is 78 degrees (I am very grateful it is a bit cooler than predicted). The BBC tell me it has reached 80 degrees but it feels like 90 degrees which is more than 10 degrees higher than the Met Office. This ‘feels like…’ is a wonderful way of upping temperatures in a way that us mere mortals cannot measure and gives us false indicators of how hot it actually is. And the usual story if neither the BBC nor the Met Office could predict accurately yesterday what is happening today, they have to be admired (possibly wrong choice of word) that they have the gall to predict climate temperatures in years to come to the nearest 1.5 degrees.
The most read story on the BBC website is thaT
So there is nothing to worry about. Carry on you 1000 BBC
staff at Glastonbury staying at the best hotels on my pension.
It’s good to see the BBC getting it’s priorities right .
There are still hotel rooms available for genuine residents in this country?
“Laurence Fox Did Not Commit a Hate Crime When He Burned Pride Flags at Home, Met Police Rules”
Apr 20, 2022
A man has been given a suspended jail sentence for sending a “grossly offensive” video of a model of Grenfell Tower being burned on a bonfire.
(10 weeks, suspended for 2 years.
Pleaded guilty so reduced.}
I reckon when the red labour lot get in we will see plod become even more politicised than it already is – they’ll use the DoJ model to ensure political non / prosecutions … more than now .. this site will be a target ….
Friday BBC local NewsPRshow
“scary scary North Sea 5C warmer than normal”
“warmest June in decades”
… Misinformation cos it failed to give context
#1 It’s sea surface temp the depth where most life is , hasn’t had the same warming
#2 Normally each year there’s a huge difference between spring and Autumn AFAIK it’s much more than just 5C
Al Gore – “the oceans are boiling….”😂😂😂😂
Just like her dad.
Who doesn’t love a ‘special envoy’?
The warmest water for bathing, Stew, according to my old Dad was in September and October around the UK. Especially if there had been a hard winter with snow oop nawth, the spring/early summer melt of snow water found its way via rivers into the sea. Until some warm sunshine had warmed the sand and transfered its warmth into the sea surface via tides, the sea would tend to be cold at surface and as you correctly state at depth, too.
Twenty to thirty minutes survival for the average person, wearing a life jacket and normal clothes, in the English Channel in mid-summer or so I was taught.
Wagner’s merry men are driving up the M4 to Moscow much to the excitement of the youngsters on BBC News. But what about their carbon footprints?
The condescending crap that these over privileged so called presenters at Glastonbury spout is a joy to behold. Utter garbage and unbearable smugness that they are there at our expense. Not exactly value for money.
Immigrants needed to clear the rubbish left behind. Plenty of tents and sleeping bags normally discarded ‘cos the young buggers are to lazy to take them home.
Dickie, was that this year?
Up2snuff – believe it was last year but there are plenty of past videos and articles re the rubbish having to be cleared. Will have to wait and see what it will be like this year. Perhaps I’m just turning into a grumpy old fart and not be so accusatory about youngsters just having a good time.
Wendy’s toy boy, in Springster’s shadow, speaks for the nation.
Who fact checks the bbc when they block anyone asking questions?
Love to get JezBo’s teams’ views on walls in Israel.
If the Russia situation gets worse ( better ) I think there is need to reconsider the size of the UK military – as in soldiers …. It keeps on being cut – and weakness from the past seems ignored .
But there again the blue Labour Party is that dumb eh?
I think the false information will give that fact check kidult a nose bleed ….and the ‘Moscow correspondent’ watching RT…
I wonder if people are aware the BBC has sent 500 staff to cover the Glastonbury Leftie fest – 500 !
The BBC IS a leftie-fest.
No need for the staffers to go to Glasto. for that reason,
But a nice holiday spending time with their fellow-travellers, all paid for by licence-fee payers …….that will do nicely.
I don’t need convincing this lot haven’t thought their whole schtick through?
Petrol, rag, bottle, some assembly required.
OK-yahs at The Times….
Isn’t the bloke on the left a useless spurs defender ?
For those who have torn themselves away from ‘Glasto ‘ it seems the Russian Civil War has been abandoned because someone stole the match ball .
The Ukrainians , apparently , are complaining that they are running out of popcorn and a humanitarian popcorn crisis is in the offing . Operation ‘sunkist ‘? Has been launched with calls for supplies .
I’m not giving up mine because I’m gonna be on the popcorn watch the UK economy tank …..seem ‘traders ‘ are betting on 6.5% base rates in the Spring … …
Fed, probably Base @ 7% by next Spring.
Yes I reckon – making mortgages the BBC magic 10% – ideal for the run up to a General Election…
I was thinking of putting up a ‘Glasto thread ‘ pop pickers with the prospect of reg Dwight’s final final outing ( oo matron ) on Sunday night with surprise guests – John Lennon – George Michael – mickey Jackson – and mickey jagger ( undead ) …
Under the banner ‘funeral for a friend ‘…
Guess no one appears to hold Marijuana Spring in high esteem apart from the BBC of course.
Question : Was Wagner’s march on Moscow just a bluff to catch the Ukrainians and the West off guard ?
To draw the Ukrainians into a trap or an ambush ?
Taffman – better start calling you Napoleon ….. crafty … and it’s what the West would want to see ….
For those who have a VPN
JezBo tweeting under an alias?
Awesome response. The BBC headline will be amazeballs.
Well, well, well…
BBC Collusion With Sadiq Khan EXPOSED
Go UK, go Reform …..
Your 2023 reminder that organised Pakistan based gangs bilked the UK’s taxpayers for £8 billion+ and HMRC refused to chase them ‘coz “taxpayer confidentiality”
water under the bridge
Don’t know if anyone has mentioned it here but for the past week or so That’s (Freeview 65) has been showing repeats of It Ain’t Half Hot Mum. I never thought I’d see that on television again!
Tonight’s episode had the whole Royal Artillery Concert Party being posted up the jungle. It ended with the great Michael Bates doing a monologue to camera which, like all good comedy, is still true today.
“There is old Hindu proverb which say, when you have caught cholera and beri-beri and found out that your wife is having congress with next door neighbour, it does not stop your house from catching fire.”
‘cor blimey guv… that was quick….
So Grant Shapps is a reliable contra-indicator then? – who’d have thought? – resignation Monday?
and I’d add that Rishi + eco-chums can Foxtrot.Oscar
The Tories are finished and they know it .
And this lot aren’t?
I know…
Some political realignment required
What a bunch of unelectables, the 2 party system has had its day
One almost feels sorry for the likes of these young, ambitious, thick sacrificial ingenues, served up like Gaza Kindergarden Live Sandbags by even more venal old men, in hope that their clear vulnerability will deflect from them, and those who have hired them to do so.
But then one recalls these wide eyed diversity hires are adults, and no matter their gender or diversity, have taken on a role that will utterly discredit them in hope of climbing a greasy pole in the shallow ponds they inhabit.
BBC Verify could fact check how many get served up… Greta, KJP… maybe even some of their own?
Full equality has been achieved now, but finding the previously onside guys out front are fed up must come as a shock.
Then the attempt at trying to decry legitimate majority concerns whilst preserving the mob pile on that they like to lead….
Girl power. And maybe some wimmin.
Have not been well for quite a while,but now slowly recovering.I would like to thank all who post on this web-site for the many amusing and intelligent comments on the BBC,which cheered me up in some bad times this last year.Being a species hated by the BBC namely white,working class,heterosexual,and right wing I sometimes wonder if I am a dying breed.Thanks to all those out there that show me that I am not alone!As for the BBC and their criminal waste of money with Glastonbury why are none of the media or MP’s highlighting this waste of licence fees?
Not sure what happened with BRISSLES but hope this dear lady is back with us soon.
Vernon. Coleman challenges BBC
He can be 2+2=5
but he does that far less often than BBC types
hardly covers it
The law? That’s for little people.
Regarding the above post from Rob…little people and non democrats or labour supporters it appears:
“MEGHAN MCCAIN: Mr. President – when will you realize that your nepo-baby scumbag son doesn’t deserve to be an honored guest at the People’s White House? You’re spitting in the faces of Americans who pay taxes and earn an honest living.
If he pleads guilty to two misdemeanors for ‘failure to pay taxes,’ as well as, lying on a firearm transaction record, he’ll likely avoid jail time.
This is a man who appears to have concealed millions in income through tax dodging.
Who proudly brandished a gun on camera, as he snorted and smoked all manner of drugs alongside a coterie of prostitutes.
Whose lover – his dead brother Beau’s widow – dumped his weapon in a grocery store trash can across from a school in 2018, only for the Secret Service to swoop in and seemingly launch a cover-up.
Top legal experts have since slammed the sweetheart deal as an aberration of justice.
What makes me truly sick to my stomach is that his father – our President and the leader of the free world – doesn’t express one ounce of shame for his son’s behavior.
This 53-year-old man won’t even apparently allow his own daughter, Navy Roberts, the right to take his last name, for God’s sake.
President Biden and the First Lady refuse to even acknowledge the four-year-old child, the offspring of a relationship – that Hunter claims he can’t remember – with a former Washington DC exotic dancer.
We have also now learned that Hunter was allegedly tossed out of a LA-based sex club, where members pay as much as $75,000 to join.
‘Hunter was a member of SNCTM and I cancelled his membership after 1 party because he’s a scumbag,’ wrote the orgy club’s founder in a since deleted post.
Now, Shapley’s newly-released testimony alleges government investigators were blocked from pursuing a search warrant of Joe Biden’s guest house, where Hunter once lived, and they were obstructed from pursuing leads that led to Hunter’s adult children.
The allegations go on and on, but maybe the most shocking evidence, if true, is a WhatsApp message that Shapley says the government obtained showing Hunter seeming telling a powerful Chinese businessman and Communist Party official to pay up, or else he’ll tell daddy.
‘I am sitting here with my father and we would like to understand why the commitment made has not been fulfilled,’ Hunter Biden reportedly wrote to Henry Zhao.
oe has long claimed that he wasn’t aware of Hunter’s overseas dealings. He has said that he was oblivious to the fact that Hunter was raking in millions from a shady Ukrainian energy firm, called Burisma.
But now, the Biden administration appears to be hedging on that. ‘As we have said many times before, the President was not in business with his son,’ the White House said Friday.
Notice the subtle switch here?
No longer are they claiming that President Biden was unaware of Hunter’s behavior. Now they’re saying that father and son weren’t ‘in business’ together.
At what point should any of this give the American media pause? At what point will they refuse to accept President Biden’s claim that he’s simply ‘proud’ of his son?”
‘If verified’… might subtly switch to ‘not news’.
Appreciating some dislike appending ‘gate’ to stuff, maybe this could be dubbed Trust Khanage?
Midget Muzziegate
If borne out, how the bbc decides what is news about itself, or not, will be interesting. Given most are at Glasto, narrowing down who needs to fall out a window at W1A will be easier.
Saddo Nomates is in good company.
Daily Express…
“The BBC removed the footage after online abuse.”
Seems only a couple of decades ago venues had chicken wire in front of the stage.
Seems BBC Glasto is less about music and more about ‘struggles’.
“Glastonbury, I’m really sorry,” he said. “I’m a bit annoyed with myself.”
Now, when Taylor and Meghan do a surprise duet after pedalling there on a tandem…
Let us see the Minutes of the meetings then……………..
So – no re run of ‘Valkari ‘ or ‘Downfall’ and the leader of the Robert Wagner Group has taken out more life insurance and avoiding 5th floor Belorussian windows – all is well in the Kremlin –
Ryanair made a killing on its Moscow service …..
Big Lens and nothing much else in the headlines edition
One seems to recall that it was light-hearted performance poet John Hegley who had the line that went something like: My doggy wears glasses
He wasn’t exactly a TS Eliot, even at that celebrated poet’s less serious and crafted for youngsters mood cf Old Possum’s Book of Practical Cats – what is it with kids wishing to identify with their feline pets – and earnest adults who should know better enabling that trend?
Nor was Hegley quite the iconoclastic drug-fuelled punk rocker to match his stand up poetry contemporaries such as John Cooper Clarke. Compare his style: My girlfriend Pat, she lives in a flat… (or somesuch) with JC Clarke’s: The Day My Pad Went Mad
Reality refocused through the lens of fond memory is often a much happier thing than the strictures of actual reality. My doggy wears glasses… infact – so google tells me – is my corruption of my doggie don’t wear glasses, so they’re lying when they say a dog looks like its owner aren’t they – cute but I prefer my mistaken version. I also wrongly recalled the one about his girlfriend Pat, by the way.
From somewhere or other Mr AsI has a faint recollection of a jokey twist on one of those trite utopian pleas: I dream of a world where everyone is wearing everyone elses’ glasses
Do people that wear glasses wear them in their dreams? (Reddit)
Just like in the real world, wearing glasses in a dream could be a sign that we are not seeing correctly (Eye See Mag) – better get yourself along to the opticians for an eye test
The Guardian apppears to confirm how I’m onto something – speaking truth to big corporate opthalmic power: The spectacular power of Big Lens… How one giant company will dominate the way the whole world sees (Guardian Long Read)
Just imagine that. Total domination of the the way the whole world sees
One already observes a unity of outlook available right across the entire lens of our supposedly free media eye – and unquestioning support for the proxy war from both left and right has been the enabling backdrop for our cash-strapped Sunak to pump further resources into the grinder – resources which one notices domestically we simply don’t really have to spare: Sunak to pledge £2.35 billion in loan guarantees at Ukraine Recovery Conference (Independent – ironically enough): Ukraine defence minister thanks UK for sending ‘fantastic’ tanks (Reuters) – tanks a lot
Alinsky to Zelensky
This isn’t simply a State sponsored effort – as the black tenant Philip played by Don Warrington in the Yorkshire TV comedy Rising Damp memorably pointed out to his landlord played by Leonard Rossiter: “Everything’s commercialised these days, Rigsby” : PM calls on investors and business leaders to join the fight for Ukraine (Gov.UK) – That’s our former Goldman Sachs office boy Rishi Sunak teaching his grandmother-in-law to suck eggs – I’m sure the big corporates can spot an opportunity to turn a profit when they see one.
Every frontpage as displayed on the BBC’s online press review – from boring broadsheet to comic tabloid – suddenly ditches the Titanic tourist submarine story (turns out that rescue hopes there had been a non-story for days) to instead lead with hopes of a Russian coup against Putin – watch this space for the inevitable anti-climax
Noticing falsehoods in terms of print media mistakes Mark Twain famously quipped: reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated
Media coup
But with that much vaunted Ukrainian offensive obviously stalled, and with Sunday papers that ought perhaps to be discussing Hunter Biden’s dodgy investments in a certain eastern european province – what jolly good timing for a media coup.
Sponsored by Specsavers ?
It speaks volumes about the BBC – our National broadcaster – when the only way we can know the extremely expensive Ukranian counter-offensive has failed is when they simply stop reporting it.
I’ve been amazed at the extent of the lies, propaganda and censorship by the BBC. I use it as a benchmark for how much I can trust anything else they report.
Hello JohnC
I thought it was going really well when the Ukrainians re-captured a few small villages, well so the bbc made out
I do have to wonder if the rather odd ‘coup’ in Russia wasn’t completely staged to distract the stupid in the West and to get the PMC Wagner chiefs into Belarus without the West thinking that it might well be to organise some kind of attack from Belarus towards Kiev.
It all seems very off to me and Prigozhen has a history of being very close to Putin, he talks of the lives of his brother Russians which might be a giveaway things are not as they appear to be.
Thoughtful- I was thinking the same thing. Have we seen
one of the greatest examples of Machiavellian “diplomacy”
by Putin and Prgiozhen to fool thr Ukranians ?
Collective West media, governments, NATO etc having orgasms over the Prigozhin incident. Still, it takes the plebs minds off the corrupt Biden administration and the rest of the political idiots who run the West:
Thoughtful – yes – the Wagner character is meant to be a great leader but somehow his coup plan doesn’t make it to the second day …. So maybe not go great after all – unless – as you say – clever stuff is going on to which we are not privy .
I was wondering what the ‘markets ‘ are going to make of it Monday as there was panic on Friday evening …. Business as usual I guess – next MPC meeting 3 August …up up up ….
If you are quick, you can join the religious service on BBC R4 being broadcast right now. It will focus on the celebrations for the, “Windrush Generation”. Chancers never had such accolade.
The Church and BBC paired together to broadcast the only purpose of the BBC: Black propaganda. The ‘Dream Team’. “Every Little Helps”
Yep – went down the drain from then on …
“In Syria, A Mutilated Corpse, Video Evidence, And New Scrutiny For Russian Mercenaries.
The graphic video shows four men in camouflage gear exchanging jokes in unaccented Russian as they pour flammable liquid over a man’s mutilated corpse strung up on two wooden beams.
Before setting it alight and watching it burn as they pose for the camera, they scrawl a Russian phrase praising the country’s airborne forces on its chest.
The clip of the brutal murder in Syria, apparently filmed in the summer of 2017, resurfaced this week in the wake of an investigation by Russian newspaper Novaya Gazeta.
The newspaper ties the men to Vagner, a shadowy Russian mercenary group widely believed to be spearheading the expansion of Russian influence across Africa and the Middle East.”
I’ve always thought of the Russians as, ‘the Thugs of the World’.
Yes – attempts to ‘bring them in ‘ has always been seen as a sign of weakness – the exception – Gorbachev lasted 5 minutes – the rest have just been evil – with an inbred chip made worse by the end of their Stalinist empire …..
Bit like blacks, if you think about it. That ‘chip’.
My mother (well deceased) was standing alone on a bus stop. She was, about then, 86 yrs old and very independent. As they say, “Five foot nothing”. She spotted a lone black male approaching the bus stop displaying that arrogant gait. As he was alongside my mother, he lunged at her. She ran into the road to escape. She later told me that her thinking at that moment was that she preferred to to die on the road rather than at the hands of a black.
“Every little helps” to enamour them to us………..
Surely Yvette Cooper has the plans for the spare room from Gary by now?
Leo Kerse is spot on. Allsop another revolting sneering leftie.
Sharks in the channel …
“South East Water blames working from home for hosepipe ban”
Shortage of water could be because of the arrival of 1.5 million, uninvited
people in to great Britain under the Con-socialist government ?
No new reservoirs constructed to meet the demands of the Invaders .
Three cups of coffee and five flushes extra at home can add up.
Luckily no one has a tea break or visits the unisex loos at the office all day.
Thank heavens for meters.
Rishi Sunak urges people to hold their nerve on interest rates
Just documenting more BBC racist discrimination. Nothing new to see here.
Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe: ‘Readjusting to UK life was hard’
Reading this article, I don’t come away with the impression this woman is a very nice person or in any way grateful for the £400 million the UK taxpayer stumped up to get her released.
Very clearly the aggressive activist type. No wonder she got locked up over there.
\\Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe: ‘Readjusting to UK life was hard’//
Then try emigrating to an other country.
Believe she worked for BBC Media Action. Not surprised the Iranians (whatever one thinks of them) weren’t too happy. BBC Media Action are supposed to be a “charity” but are connected to the UK Intel agencies.
I pity her henpecked looking husband. He does look like the archetypical wimp, though.
Allowing people to switch to interest free mortgages will only put MORE money in peoples pockets. Thus fueling even higher rates.
This, from “stop the boats ” Rishi ………..
“NHS plans: Sunak says expansion means ‘more doctors, nurses, and GPs’ ”
Do you believe him this time ?
This is more entertaining than the crap that Holywood produces:
an accounting error
Joe Brib’em has to get his $$$$ from somewhere
Meanwhile, slowly ticking away like a time bomb in the background……………
“[T]here was absolutely no case. There was no proof against Noman, and none of the witnesses produced by police could corroborate the blasphemy allegation against him…. This is murder of justice.” — Lazar Allah Rakha, lawyer for Norman Masih, a 22-year-old Christian man, sentenced to death for “blasphemy”, Morning Star News, May 31, 2023, “Several people have been lynched over false accusations of blasphemy in Pakistan. At least 57 cases of alleged blasphemy were reported in Pakistan between Jan. 1 and May 10 [2023], while four blasphemy suspects were lynched or extrajudicially killed during the same period…” — Morning Star News, May 22, 2023
Expect to see this, coming to a Town, village or City near you when the muslim diaspora of the UK reaches 20%
By ‘extrajudicially killed’, do they mean anything other than murdered?
“Despite the implementation of these laws, no one has yet been executed by the order of the courts or government.
People have only been imprisoned to await a verdict or killed at the hands of felons who were convinced that the suspects were guilty.[”
One person was killed by the mob in February 2023
One person was killed by the mob in February 2022
I’m hearing noises about increasing the number of courses to train doctors.
I can’t understand why we don’t train enough doctors (and nurses)
For a start, there are a huge number of applicants for these courses with only a few getting on them.
Second, there is a huge shortage of doctors and nurses here.
So then, we have thousands wanting to do these courses with thousands of jobs waiting for them and we are desperate to have them.
The question is, why do they restrict he number of courses.
Is it the doctors keeping the numbers down to keep their pay high. I really don’t know.
It’s such an obvious gain for everybody. Why hasn’t this been done already.
I believe, historically a low cap on the number of places was enforced by the BMA – keen to ensure their members retained their high pay.
It’s a similar situation with dentists and vets, in other countries, without such restraints on recruitment, a lot more vets and dentists are trained, and their services are correspondingly cheaper.
The main excuse trotted out these days seems to be cost and lack of qualified (and available) staff to train them –,quality%20placements%20for%20each%20student.%E2%80%9D
Surely, that’s a ‘chicken and egg’ situation though? Train more, and there are more trainers available to train even more (and the cost of their services comes down too).
Another excuse I’ve heard is it is about ‘maintaining standards’ and only ‘recruiting the very best’, but as the population increases (rapidly), then presumably the number of the ‘very best’ should also increase?
Given the state of some of the junior doctors seen recently in the news (‘Just Stop Oil’ !, ‘Animal Rising’!), and a couple I’ve had the misfortune to encounter in the ‘real world’, those standards clearly ain’t what they used to be anyway!
Yes – the medical mafia will be desperate to ‘insure standards ‘ keep numbers as low as possible in order to keep their pay up – those ‘royal colleges ‘ need sorting out in order to cut the funding of the bloated NHS – cutting ‘services’ to those affecting health directly – so not sex change –
The rest can go private if they care that much . Non UK residents / taxpayers need to pay –
Regarding the girl who was told off for not recognising a fellow pupil who had decided to identify as a cat.
Why doesn’t she identify as the Headmistress and sack the teacher who was calling her (what was it….despicable?)
The BBC and the Guardian got very excited that an ex hot dog salesman leading a bunch of ex convicts were about to take on the Worlds biggest and most heavily armed armed forces in the World.
After Trump and Boris they hoped Putin would be the next right wing scalp.
Sorry lads! ….Better luck next time!
Just reading their ‘live update’ on the story now and the BBC are absolutely desperate to try and get some propaganda out of it.
Last night my wife watched the BBC and told me it was not only a coup but nuclear weapons were mentioned as well. I said Putin will intervene and the whole thing will suddenly end. And it did.
Now the BBC idiots are trying to drag it out as much as they can – even down to whether Prigozhin will take a plane, a train or a car to Belarus.
And of course we have lots of interviews of people telling us it means the end of Putin.
‘Right now, as well as risks of an escalation from Russia, Ukraine will be searching for opportunities from the instability across the border.’
Double talk for ‘The counter offensive has failed’.
These days I’ve noticed the BBC omit so many relevant facts, overplay unreliable or insignificant facts which suit their argument or provide quotations from the most biased of people that their entire news service is like one big episode of Panorama. In other words, it’s so misleading it’s worthless.
Putin managed to advert mass bloodshed and at the same time sort out the problem of integrating Wagner troops into the regular army.
The BBC aren’t happy he used diplomacy 😃
Prigozhin clearly isn’t right in the head, and went full
Colonel Kurtz.
BBC are worrying about their new heroes arduous journey to Belarus:
“A no-fly zone is currently in force in south-western Russia, meaning that the closest operating airports to Rostov are in Volgograd and Sochi – but each are about 400km (250 miles) away.
Prigozhin could theoretically travel by car or train – but it’s a long way to Belarus, as he has to bypass Ukraine”
“the BBC’s Eastern Europe correspondent Sarah Rainsford-
so many questions remain unanswered, not least Prigozhin’s freedom and security, which may depend on what he does in Belarus.
He’s unlikely to want to drive a tractor or dig potatoes, she says”
Let me break it to you gently Sarah, by the end of the summer he’ll be quietly living in big house in London along with the rest of the world.
Surkeer being feted by the MoD
He is an oily slimy bastard.