Nitpick corner.
Currently on BBC4, The Real T Rex with Chris Packham.
BBC programme description reads, “Chris Packham discovers the animal behind centuries of Hollywood misrepresentation.”
Film production has been going on in Hollywood for about 120 years, that doesn’t amount to centuries.
Carry on BBC, you bunch of clowns.
Edit: Unfortunately I’m not witty enough to make a joke involving dinosaurs, the licence fee and “here’s to your extinction, BBC!”
The nickpick here is, it’s old news
I can see that BBCfour page has used the phrase
“centuries of Hollywood misrepresentation”
for 5 years now since the Packham prog tonight is a fourth repeat of the prog that aired in 2018
Because of the ‘content ‘ today I’ve been completely free on the BBC – the world is a nicer place – the sky is bluer – interest rates are lower as is me blood pressure … must try it again – despite the Duty I feel to bear ( bare) witness to the evil it pumps out …
And Brissles where art though ? Thinking of you … is it the girl cricket thing …? Hope you r ok …
I notice they don’t have a ‘night watchman ‘ which I always thought was quite a romantic term for a sport … now it’s something like ‘night watcher ‘ which sounds like a sex register thing …
Been musing a bit following the dire Elton John thing at Glasto ….when Big Names are ‘gone ‘ what are they going to put up ?
Where are the song writers of this time ? Will people who can’t sing ( rappers ) be the big Stars ? I m obviously stuck in the glory days of pop / rock … and I remember the time and place I was told that the yanks had killed John Lennon …. But who will be the ‘draw’ after so man big names are gone ? Or will it be AI empty holograms ?
Just asking really … no more …
I watched (in some awe) some few seconds of Lizzo – before a few seconds of Reg…
If she traveled by helicopter they’d have to go underslung load and bring in a Chinook – can’t say I cared for her music either – but then variety of life etcetera. There was no BSL signed channel for Lizzo either which was a crushing disappointment.
The Bank the Dirt game
You gather dirt on your political opponent and bank it
Then when that person is about to do something like stand for election you release it to spoil their campaign.
Here we go “Daisy Goodwin accuses Tory mayoral hopeful (Daniel Korski )of groping”
She says a guy 10 years ago touched her breast as a meeting ended
and that she spoke about 6 years ago it but is only now releasing the name .
em Nope, if you think a guy is a sex abuser you say right away
why ? cos you have a duty to protect future victims.
Smearing him 10 years later is bad and is not judicial.
The new reporting is lazy the new BBC story is almost word for word as their 2017 story except they have added the guy’s name.
The cost is a strawman
The UK without Rwanda takes 20K illegals a year
With Rwanda … 20 end up in Rwanda
and the rest of the 20K decide to not get in a dinghies in the first place
Thus none of them drown
.. is that not a win ?
Taffman ,
Those bogus asylum seekers haven’t paid £63 000 to get to the U.K. ( or have they ? ) .
As the U.K. government is in a one sided partnership with the people smugglers, where the Border Farce taxis the invaders to our shores , why don’t they pay the people smugglers to take bogus people to another destination other than the U.K. ?
Let’s think about it for a second. The bogus asylum seekers are paying are paying the criminals something like £2000 to get to the U.K. .
The U.K. government could pay the criminals £4000 to take the bogus asylum seekers from Calais to Zeebrugge .
From whence if the bogus asylum seekers still have any money they can pay the people smugglers £2000 again to get to the U.K. but the government pays the people smugglers £4000 to take them to Calais.
Then repeat .
Eventually probably after the first attempt, but maybe a few more , the bogus asylum seekers run out of money .
The above scenario I outlined means the bogus asylum seekers pay £4000 but dont get to the U.K. , the criminals get £8000 . Still well cheaper than £63000 .
And it’s a deterrent.
I realise the above seems immoral but seeing that the whole situation is immoral and The Powers That Be are facilitating the criminals by providing a sea taxi service , giving board and lodging in hotels , money , cars , legal advice and ultimately the bogus asylum seekers goals by allowing them to stay in Britain I can’t think of anyone, apart from the usual BBC type , who wouldn’t resignedly accept that that is the best we could hope for .
Unless some other politicians or political party can deal with this .
I don’t suppose for a minute these asylum seekers have £7000 in their back pocket when they are at the coast. I rather presume it is dark forces with deep pockets who provide the cash.
Foreign aid budget for this year is £11 billion. Another £4 billion handed out to the Zelensky regime. Those funds would meet the additional costs of returning around 250,000 migrants to the countries of origin.
Ian Rushlow ,
Instead of £$Billions going to Ukraine pay the smugglers to take the illegal Invaders to Ukraine as most of them are fighting age it should keep Zelensky happy ……or is his main game stuffing his pockets with Cash ?
In 1918, the German polymath Oswald Spengler published ‘The Decline of the West’, in which he argued that the downfall of Western civilisation had already begun.
A hugely influential work encompassing philosophy, art and culture, The Decline of the West warns that civilisations are like living creatures – they are born, they grow, they live, they grow old and eventually they die. Spengler believed the west was entering the evening of its existence – a period of decline which would ultimately end in a civilisational collapse.
One of the core ideas in The Decline of the West is that once a civilisation has exhausted all possibilities, it will fall into nihilism and eventually collapse. Spengler predicted that around the year 2000, western civilisation would enter an emergency period characterised by increasingly desperate government interventions in society, before the final downfall (Untergang, in the original German). He also warned that there would be a backlash against the rational principles of the Enlightenment era, driven by the masses’ distrust for academia and science.
Spengler believed that ‘democracy’ would merely represent the triumph of money, and warned that this would destroy culture, in turn leading to the rise of a new Caesar, a dictatorial figure who would lead civilisation into its final destruction.
Zephir – is this ‘you ‘ or a cut and paste . ? I’d never heard of this ( ok vaguely I had ) but I do wonder about where ‘we ‘ are .
It’s a bit of a metropolitan question to ask in the first place but it is prefaced ( for me ) by the term ‘we (Uk) cannot go on like this “ – a term equally applicable – it seems to Europe and the US ….
The question focuses better when states are under the extreme stress which showed up during the Chinese virus.
I take the view that things will continue as they are whilst people have access to the basics such as electricity and clean water and tescos and bread and circuses . Once any of the above are removed the real trouble starts . Panic buying – mass street crime – all fed and speeded up by rumour and social media .
Covid gave us a brief ‘taste ‘ of it – but I believe it was just a glimpse of what is to come . When that will be ? Unknown .
The circumstances ? Tricky to predict but a health threat seems most likely – or a nuclear type event …
The above is – I admit – dismal stuff – but the mental illness which collectively afflicts too many now is deeply worrying – the illness being ‘green crap ‘ ‘gender crap ‘ ‘race crap ‘ ‘blame crap ‘ ‘dumbing down crap ‘ and others which I won’t list .
You’ll notice – dear reader – that all 5 of the ‘craps ‘ I mention abovd are BBC stalwarts ….. now the weather – is it gonna be hot today Matthew ?
Consider the song ‘The Heavenly Life’, which takes its lyrics from a collection of German folk poems Des Knaben Wunderhorn published between 1805 and 1808. The song featured in the final movement of Austro-Bohemian composer Gustav Mahler’s fourth symphony, completed in 1900.
The first verse depicts an image of heaven, as imagined by a young child. English translation:
We revel in heavenly pleasures,
Leaving all that is earthly behind us.
No worldly turmoil
Is heard in heaven;
We all live in sweetest peace.
We lead an angelic existence,
And so we are perfectly happy.
We dance and leap,
And skip and sing;
Saint Peter in Heaven looks on.
Now consider At Midnight, created by Mahler in 1901 using lyrics written by the poet Friedrich Rückert, who lived from 1788 to 1866.
At midnight
I kept watch
And looked up to heaven;
Not a star in the galaxy
Smiled on me
At midnight.
At midnight
My thoughts went out
To the dark reaches of space;
No shining thought
Brought me comfort
At midnight.
At midnight
I paid heed
To the beating of my heart;
A single pulse of pain
Was set alight
At midnight.
At midnight
I fought the battle,
O Mankind, of your afflictions;
I could not gain victory
By my own strength
At midnight.
At midnight
I gave my strength
Into Thy hands!
Lord over life and death,
Thou keepest watch
At midnight.
These are works that express the joys of existence, as well as the sorrows and struggles we all go through. They are timeless, because the feelings they evoke are universal. This is music that expresses in artistic form some of our deepest feelings.
Now let’s compare that with a modern piece of pop music, the song ‘Anaconda’ by Nicki Minaj.
Yeah, he love this fat ass, hahaha!
Yeah, this one is for my bitches with a fat ass in the f-king club
I said, where my fat ass big bitches in the club?
F-ck the skinny bitches, fu-ck the skinny bitches in the club
I wanna see all the big fat ass bitches in the motherf-cking club
I believe these lyrics represent the decline of the artistic merit of Western civilisation. Our civilisation has degenerated into utter hedonistic nihilism, just as Spengler predicted. Lacking the means to express any meaningful ideas or concepts, ‘post-modern’ art (if it can be called that) resorts increasingly to shock value. Primitive instinct has replaced wisdom.
Now let’s take another example, the song Tomorrow 2 by Cardi B and GloRilla:
I know that I’m rich, but I can’t help it, bitch, I’m hood as f-ck (woo)
I’ve been on these bitches neck so long, sometimes my foot get stuck (ah)
I can’t put you in my business (no), you might wish me dead tomorrow (yeah)
Bitches be on dick today, sing every word of “Up” tomorrow (Up)
Bitch, I still got cases opened, keep your mouth shut tomorrow (shh)
Play with me today then get some sleep, you know it’s up tomorrow (woo)
Fake bitch, that’s why my friend f-cked on your nigga (ah-ha)
Both you bitches pussy, I think y’all should scissor (ah, ha, ha)
She bought a chain, I bought the same one, even bigger (bitch, it’s bigger)
She throwin’ shots, that’s how I know I got her triggered (ah)
I don’t speak dog, ho (woof), I don’t care what no bitch say (no)
I stay on her mind, I got condos in that bitch head (ah)
She say she don’t f-ck with me (who?), Who said that you can, ho? (No)
That nigga a munch and he gon’ eat me like a mango
Essentially, what has happened is that objective standards have been rejected entirely. In our ‘post-modern’ culture, we no longer believe in anything. We no longer have the confidence to exercise judgement. Everything is equally valid. There is no right and wrong. The problem is that nowadays, we believe ‘My ignorance is just as good as your knowledge’, to quote the American writer and professor Isaac Asimov.
Apparently Blacks are woefully underrepresented in Rock music. Obviously the article was written by some woke schoolkid who had never heard of the world’s finest ever guitarist, James Marshall Hendrix.
Today watch
Day 2 of ‘bbc free ‘ – heard the news headlines – off switch – who does the BBC appeal to ? Surely if run on commercial principles it would be toast …..
To keep you clued up, Fed, today’s top story concerns racism in cricket. Am I the only person who read the headline and said out loud “Just give it a feckin’ rest for once”?
Putting a black woman in charge of a review to look for racism is like putting a Muslim in charge of a review to decide if Islam is homophobic.
There will only ever be one answer.
The thing which bugs me the most of all is how BAME can NEVER be accused of racism or anything else – when in my experience, they are the most racist of anybody.
As far as I can fathom it, it’s OK to the self-flagellating Left because we were racist first.
Mick – thanks – that subject was the ‘off switch trigger ‘ . I’ve just had enough ….
.. so I went to see what’s on R4extra. They have a documentary about ‘play for today ‘ which has a 50th anniversary and apparently the 300 plays are on the BFI website for the first time .
This led me to a ‘poll ‘ on the BFI website – done in 2000 – of the 100 best TV output . As I scanned it I wondered what a 2023 version wouid look like ?
But then again the BFI always strikes me as a ‘closed place ‘
There’s tons of old TV series on BFI. It’s only open to media studies students or DVDs at a mind blowingly expensive price, some are £25-30 each.
There was a great company, Network, that released many obscure 60s and 70s series for a fraction of the price, sadly just gone broke.
Stuff like The Protectors, The Power Game, Scotland Yard, Special Branch, Gideons Way, The Vise, Spindoe, Big Breadwinner Hog, The Strange World of Gurney Slade, The Plane Makers, Adam Adamant, Zodiac and loads more.
Documentaries and children’s programmes aplenty also.
Cheers Harry – I like to send a ‘thank you ‘ email every once in a while to the old tv free service which runs on a shoe string but runs some gems ….I recently watched ‘the main chance ‘ which is still so well written that it stands the test of 50? Years ..
The permits will be backed by revenue collecting fines…
As councils start to require permits to drive down certain roads or into certain areas, the parallels with the feudal system are obvious. Serfs couldn't leave their village without their master’s permission. Their lives were restricted to a small area.
The list of words I won’t use is getting longer by the day – eg – I use ‘coloured ‘ instead of the more contemporary version – and queer instead of the alphabet crap …. Dead coloured teenagers also hit the list as well as a boat full of coloureds ….
Guilty pleasures and social media-driven anxiety edition
Freebie adsheet the Metro runs a showbiz feature entitled Guilty Pleasures – it tends to be occupied with industry-generated PR blurb: Sam Ryder somehow still doesn’t think his voice is flawless despite massive success: ‘I’ve got work to do’… While the world is in awe of Sam Ryder’s incredible voice… Speaking exclusively to at American Express Presents BST Hyde Park on Saturday…
Our BBC meanwhile seeks to make us feel guilty about our pleasures: Equity in Cricket report: Discrimination ‘widespread’ in English cricket… Racism, sexism, classism and elitism are “widespread” in English and Welsh cricket, according to a long-awaited independent report – Racism, sexism, classism and elitism – how naughty, that’s the veritable royal flush. Mind you, elitism… surely that’s the raison d’etre… at least of professional sport?
You’ll recall the Starship Enterprise was on a five-year mission: to explore strange new worlds and seek out new life and new civilizations…
The Independent Commission for Equity in Cricket (ICEC) has delivered its findings from a two-year investigation. The ICEC was announced by the ECB in March 2021 in the wake of global movements such as Black Lives Matter and Me Too. (BBC)
For global movements read media-driven hashtag moral panics
Richard Beck revisits America’s forgotten moral panics: could it happen again? (Guardian 2015)
Today’s Guardian features: ‘People are like, Wow!’: The man who wants to make condoms sexy – it’s a Long read – which strikes one as somewhat boastful: It is important to Ben Wilson, the man in charge of the condom brand Durex, that he chews the condoms he sells. He likes to consider their flavour, to know the sensory experience of a customer engaged in oral sex, and to think about how it could be bettered
Apologies if that’s put readers off their cornflakes
Heaven knows who it is actually having all this sex – like that Planet of the Apes legend of the chimp who said No – most sexy media tales these days are about women saying No to blokes’ and their cack-handed advances
Katie’s mum: Kieran tried it on with me (The Sun) – let me explain: Katie Price’s sex addict ex Kieran Hayler KISSED her MUM – then sent her a sleazy text that left her shocked
Moving up market a notch or two
TV producer Daisy Goodwin accuses Tory mayoral hopeful of groping… A novelist and TV producer has accused a Conservative mayoral hopeful of groping her 10 years ago… sexually assaulted her by putting his hand on her breast… she chose to name him now as Mr Korski was running to be the Tory candidate for mayor of London. (BBC)
Mr AsI’s contention is that Lockdown policy demoralised the workforce. The FT frontpage feature Datawatch tends to agree with the notion there is a present state of low morale although naturally the pink paper would be loath to blame globalist policy making: Most employees are ‘quietly quitting’ – putting in minimum effort and feeling disconnected from their work…
WFH desks’ strain on joints blamed for adding to benefits bill… Social media-driven anxiety and the physical strain of working from home at uncomfortable desks have contributed to the sharp rise in people suffering long-term sickness… (Times)
HSBC seeks smaller site… The bank has told staff it will shift its global headquarters from Canary Wharf once its lease expires (FT); HSBC set to exit Canary Wharf HQ in a move to downsize… The move marks a pullback on space to 556,000 square foot, which is about half the size of HSBC’s current 45-floor tower at 8 Canada Square (Financial News) – today they’ll term it WFH or officially: post-pandemic embrace of a hybrid working culture – tomorrow those WFH staff will find themselves replaced by AI
In response to your question ‘who is having all this sex ?’ I think one of my neighbours is – and she is making a good living doing it …. Sometimes – when it’s quiet – I can hear industrial levels of ‘activity ‘…. I’m thinking of recording it – maybe I can make money too … ( this May all be a lie – or there may be some truth in it ) fir the record the lady is not Eastern European and I have not asked her what her ‘fees ‘ are .. yet …
( 77 brigade to note – other ‘monitors ‘ are available )
I have a cunning plan. Get the home Office to pay every pensioner £169000 to take one of the rubber boats back to France.
Then claim asylum in France and get the French to put every UK pensioner up in a free hotel together with a weekly allowance and free health provision which with a UK pension should add up to a comfortable lifestyle in France.
It looks like the trial of a nurse accused of murdering babies is coming to the end – the lawyers must have made a fortune – how long will the ‘story ‘ last … ?
I’m guessing there will some sort of ‘lessons will be learnt ‘ inquiry at the end of it . I believe the culture of killing unapproved ‘nuisance ‘ patients is an area people don’t want to go to …
………they’d prefer to clap ….
It needs a safe legal route. I suggest the government employ the RAC to escort tired travelers to the front. Maybe a Care4TicketTouts should be established.
It is possible there is a graphics version of Getty the BBc use from their limited, approved pool of anything too.
Outside of their posts on finance, or the model in Barclays, dfs sofas and Aldi ads I seldom see the hairstyle.
If seeking to represent the cubicle gardens at W1A, or BBC alumni in media or politics, a snarling wimmin of hue less than thrilled with her partner opportunities seems a representative good bet.
TOADY Watch #1 – Britain is evil, thouroughly racist and evil and misogynistic and evil
A report on cricket in the UK has decided that the game is racist and sexist so the BBC trumpet it loud and louder and even louder than that in the 6 a.m. News. In my experience of cricket, the report is wrong to say that cricket is racist 1. because it is played all over the world and is not restricted to white men, and, 2. lasting friendships are often formed between many different nationalities and skin colours.
In my experience of females, cricket is also not sexist. I could not count the old ladies who used to love to watch Test cricket back when it was shown by the BBC on terrestial TV. Many of those ladies were such connoisseurs of the sport and were wise enough to watch with the sound on the TV turned down while having TMS playing on a radio. Then thinking back to schooldays and contemporary friends, whenever a casual game of cricket was played and females wanted to join in, they were welcomed.
Formal sports at school: the girls played hockey exclusively. That sport is misandrist, except that it isn’t. Men play hockey, too. Boys at school played football and cricket. Now what did I hear from the BBC when the newsreader announced the news of this new report? The women want to be paid more. Aaah! So that is it; the love of money is the root of all evil as the Bible wisely says.
Surely then cricket should be banned ? All such human activity should be banned . Certainly – feeling a ladies ‘ breast in number 10 10 years ago – should receive the criminal sanction it deserves … and maybe the ‘victim ‘ should be persecuted for failing to seek £ justice £ 10 years earlier …. Cricket and crime eh?
Fed, well if you look at it from a Global Warming and Climate Change point of view, human CO2 emissions increase as activity increases, and a good tea in the tea interval may well increase methane emissions as well, especially from the wicket-keeper. 😉
As for the other matter, I could not possibly comment.
It sort of reminds me of the medieval mind where anything adverse was because of the devil or punishment by god .
Deniers are unholy witches who must be punished …..
Any ‘unusual ‘ weather is because of man made climate change –
A couple of days ago they were whining about abnormal sea temperature – the warmest since ‘records began ‘ which apparently was 1850 . Must have been really accurate .
The ignorance of knowledge about weather / solar cycles is obvious but the green crap is holy writ .
On 4x at the moment is a long thing by Stephen Hawkin – who arrogantly claimed that `god does not exist – because his physics have proved there was nothing before the Big Bang – -and that human caused climate change is a threat . His character defects are obvious and as I said – arrogance is monsterous – no doubt God moved him higher up the Grim Reapers ‘ list …..
Covid. Now, there’s a thought. By chance, I stumbled on a video on YT which shows a Dr Baxter giving a talk to the EU Parliament. Pretty powerful stuff as regards the genesis and conspiracy of Covid & before. A must watch for those who believe the World was set up for catching Covid. A biological weapon.
“Covid-19 as a Biological Weapon of Genocide – Dr. David Martin To EU Parliament”
His statements lead to the big question: the MNRA vaccine for flu? Big Pharma say they can provide this. Add this to the WHO being given the power to insist everyone take a vaccine and, in my view this would be Round 2 of the efforts to kill the population. But likely to be more successful…………….
The #steel industry is a major emitter. A new group @steelwatch is launched today to help clean it up. See also my film – harrabin art of cutting carbon
They are forever selling tours often dressed up as expeditions to fly the gin palace crowd to some far flung place to look at stuff from a diesel ship.
OK what is going on with that Clive Lewis video ?
#1 The narrative is that Green Left activists from Labour and the BBC went to Glastonbury and wowed the masses on the Just Stop Oil stage just like the schedule posters promised
#2 Actually despite Justin Rowlatt appearing on the stage last year in 2022, neither he , nor his sister, nor Labour MPs like Lewis and Ed Mililiband appeared on the JSO stage this year
#3 JSO tweeted that was cos they’d been banned by their bosses .. We don’t know if they were actually ever officially booked in the first place. It could be just tricky JSO PR
#4 Dale Vince took Miliband’s place on the JSO stage
Miliband did speak on the Labour controlled Left Field stage
#5 Did Clive Lewis speak on stage ? Looks like all he did was speak to field of tents on camera
#6 Did he wow the crowds ?
The replies under the tweet and QTs are almost all against him
except for Peter Tatchell who got 25 Likes
The disgrace of Australia’s pandemic betrayal
Paul Collits
June 27, 2023
WHAT exactly do you do when your country betrays you and disgraces itself before the world? When you find out that it is run by thugs and goons? When just about no one in the political class has the moral compass and the spine to stand up for you? When your fellow citizens turn on you if you dared to question things?
If you are John Stapleton, a retired Aussie journalist, you write a 450-page book about it. You call it Australia Breaks Apart. You write uncomprehendingly, elegantly, passionately, even elegiacally, ashamed, still shaking your head in disbelief, three years after a ho-hum virus called by the powers-that-be ‘Covid’ reached our shores.
Surely these words could be written about just about every country in the world, you might think. Two quick responses – we were the worst, and surely we, of all places, should have been above all this.
Whether the book explains to international readers how this all happened, I’m not sure. I am far from certain that anyone could explain it. But let us explore what the book does do.
The title suggests one of the main themes, that of division and enmity. There were members of the dobber class, the Covid winners (largely in the employ of government or corporates), the lap-top class, the blatherers. People on ‘the other side’ were routinely demonised. Granny killers, conspiracy theorists, neo-Nazis and so on. Many of these folks were morally upright, seasoned professionals, not rent-a-crowd ideologues. Australia did indeed break apart, literally as well as socially. State and territory borders were closed by spooked politicians on a whim and for very few Covid cases. Fear and derangement were everywhere. Subjugation.
There are things in the book that even those who lived through the nightmare will not have known. These mattersshould have been known, and most likely would have been, if not for the cover-ups and the wilful non-reportage of stories in the interest of defending ‘the narrative’.
The book tells not only the story of Covid policy excesses, but also of a resistance movement that grew into something astonishing. This underground, though in plain sight, movement of angry men and women became hundreds of thousands, if not millions. It has remained invisible only because the quisling Covid class and their corrupt media puppets refused to acknowledge that it even existed, other than being a ‘tiny’ bunch of anti-vaxxer conspiracy theorists to be ignored.
John Stapleton doesn’t ignore them. He tells their story. This makes his book unique. The expected villains are all there, in graphic detail – Victoria premier Daniel Andrews, a truly appalling political figure, the thug police, the slippery bob-each-way villain-prime minister Scott Morrison, the other premiers and chief ministers, the unaccountable bureaucrats, the public health gauleiters, the Pharma-funded academics, the media shills. But what emerges in the book is an account of how resistance to tyranny can form and grow. This will be an invaluable resource when the medical totalitarians come for us next time, as surely they will.
The story is told through the eyes of Old Alex (the author), an old-time ‘pressman’ with a nose for a story and an unquenchable desire to unearth the truth. And, importantly, an open mind and no corporate constraints. Like many Covid dissidents, Stapleton made new friends during the Covid years, just about all of them independent truth-tellers. Citizen journalists. And he lost all sense of mainstream journalism having a soul and a purpose. Silent journalists were high up on Stapleton’s list of Covid criminals to be despised. But the stories of new voices and new connections among the refuseniks show the book to be about heroes as well as villains.
Journalism had very few dissidents who spoke out. Nor did the public servants or politicians or the police, but there were a few brave souls among the latter (for example) who broke ranks and saw Covid police brutality as a hill on which (professionally) to die. There was Andrew Cooney in New South Wales and Krystle Mitchell in Victoria.
These brave hearts were not willing to go along to get along, as rubber bullets penetrated backs, grandmothers were shoved to the pavement then pepper-sprayed, and the heads of mentally challenged innocents were smashed against concrete floors in downtown Melbourne. These stories of fascist policing were systematically smothered by the legacy media and the protesters pilloried and defamed.
The book details so much more. The scandal of the quarantine camps, for example. Those gazillion-dollar, Orwellian white elephants. The bullshit Covid-speak pronouncements from on high. The thousands upon thousands of (often massive) fines for Covid misdemeanours. The National Cabinet mutual protection narratives. All based on lies. Deadly lies. Some of the Covid class still promote the shots. Amid the ever-rising, murky waters of excess deaths. Including, perhaps, that of the Australian legend Shane Warne. Deaths still unexamined by the Covid class.
We need this book, and those like it. More straight history than exposé, but no less significant for this. True crime reporting, if you will. And if you didn’t hate the Covid class before you open the book, I guarantee you will by the end, if not sooner.
There are those who might say, why dredge it all up again since we have ‘moved on’? Well, among those that Covid refuseniks detest the most, the ‘let’s just move on’ types rank pretty high. This book should be for them to read and to reflect upon. To contemplate the massive pain caused, and to ponder the fact that it is all likely to happen again, what with the great reset people and the pandemic planning industry already on high alert for the first opportunity to crank up the machine again. Moving on, not holding ‘them’, the Covid class, to account, will only make the next instalment all the more likely.
Oh yes, for those who lived through the nightmare, John Stapleton’s gripping book, while reviving painful memories in great detail, is a must-read account of the evil that men (and women) do. It is a thundering reminder, too, of the need for Covid accountability, and a spur to further action among a new Coalition of the Willing minded to pursue it, and who simply must not give up the fight in the face of performative Covid class insouciance. It is ironic, too, that Australia Breaks Apart has been published just as the stampede for the exit door by Covid’s decision-makers has reached a crescendo.
In the dying days of the narrative, there was a national election, with one party of despised Covideers replaced by another, and around a third of now largely unrepresented voters, many of them the deplorables featured in Stapleton’s book, refusing to support either major party. The great political escape raises the question, was all the protesting worth it? I recently put a similar question to Ian Plimer, the doyen of Australian climate sceptics – why does he keep writing books when the climate writing seems to be on the wall? He replied that it was critical that when the history of all this comes to be written one day, there will be a record of the madness.
Buy this book, this chronicle of the new totalitarianism, the definitive account of Covid Australia, then circulate it widely among those might think it didn’t really matter what they did to us. A short review cannot do justice to this deeply authentic, often transcendent and, indeed, magisterial work. An astonishing achievement. An Australian story.
“Apparently the chap the BBC have picked to do the rewrite is known for ultra-violent sex thrillers”
10:34am the BBC Radio Lincolnshire host recapping her item
about the BBC revamping Enid Blyton’s Famous Five books for a TV series
I think that sex bit is a PR angle, cos in reality that guy did direct two episodes of Miss Marple and that was pretty straight.
Opening paragraph to an article takes an unexpected turn
"Nicolas Winding Refn, the maverick Danish director known for his dramatically stylish and visceral way with sex and violence, is to adapt Enid Blyton’s Famous Five books for the BBC."
2 months to the londonistan ULEZ expansion – no news on court cases – yesterday a liberal did an early day thing to get the scrapage scheme extended to all affected londonistaners…..the scrapage scheme pays a whopping £2000 per car – … an excellent use of taxpayers ‘ cash – don’t you think ?
I’ve already had to sell my car .. I hope emir chokes …
Always enjoyed the images of Megharry’s big day out, especially when the camera snagged past the Duchy to Pippster and the Sloane set just back from the latest sunny adventure.
“No more plastic” says man wearing plastic hat and plastic top, and what was the device he typed that book on made of? The wiring inside coated with? What does his food get delivered packaged in? What is the greater part of his car made of? How much of his home and its contents are plastic, or contain plastic components? And when his decades of surfing take their inevitable toll and his hip needs replacing, what will that be made of? … and how much worse off would he, and all of us, be if, quite literally there was ‘No. More. Plastic.’?!
Scientific illiteracy of the highest order, and it’s celebrated? The world has become a nut house.
Not media bias but a comment on Twitter that sums things up —
“Britain isn’t a failed state yet but will be been soon enough. Probably in my lifetime. It’s not avoidable. We’re heading for rationing of basic utilities. We’re going to keep adding millions of people to the population, we’re not going to fix water leaks or build any new reservoirs. We’re going to keep pushing electric cars and heat pumps that we have no spare capacity to power. We’re going to keep building useless windmills and eco-boondoggles and we’re going to keep borrowing to keep the house of cards from collapsing.
We’re not going to build enough houses, and supply will not keep pace with demand because demand will keep increasing, and the houses we do build won’t be big enough to raise a family in – even if anyone could afford to buy one. More of our cities will become dormitories for foreign students while the big cities become demilitarised zones – where barely housetrained third world primates battle over drugs turf or over tribal politics that have nothing whatsoever to do with us.
Our politicians will continue to gaslight us, telling us that immigration is good for the economy as more and more migrants turn to organised crime because nobody has the disposable income to sustain the zero-skill services jobs immigrants perform.
The police will remain hamstrung by political correctness and its leaders will still genuflect to race grifters who say they are racist for stop-searching machete weilding Somalians on Brixton high street. Young black “aspiring rappers” will continue to bleed to death in the gutter (next to rainbow zebra crossings). Councils and public institutions will continue to normalise sexual deviancy and public lewdness under a Pride banner. The Church of England and the monarchy will continue to vanish up their own woke arseholes.
Meanwhile, every hotel, disused RAF base and barracks is stuffed to the rafters with illegal immigrants until there’s a general amnesty and then we will see shanty towns in the centre of every major city. We’ll gradually get used to seeing armoured police vehicles (still rainbow adorned). Women and gay people won’t be able to walk down the street unescorted. But we’ll still “celebrate diversity”.
Meanwhile, Brits will become the most monitored and surveilled people in the world with more cameras and sensors per head than East Germany. We’ll have two tier policing where any minor infraction is met with the maximum punishment (so long as enforcement meets little resistance), while immigrant ghettos become no-go zones even for armed police in MRAP trucks. You’ll live under a climate curfew. Your landlord will take most of your universal basic income.
Your country will be an open prison. You will have no rights. Everything you hold dear will be demolished to accommodate more migrants. The countryside will be paved over with solar panels. Every hillside maimed by derelict windmills, and no street will be safe. Villages will be gated communities for the liberal upper middle class.
This is all going to happen. You’ll still vote tory/lab/lib even though they hate you. These are the last years of Britain as a civilised country. Enjoy them while they last.”
Sharia Law, churches converted to mosques. (St Paul’s Cathedral)
The daily call to prayer in every town. Frequent beatings or beheadings for non-compliance.
Jizya-tax for non-Muslims.
If you don’t like this hell on earth- you are racist.
Andy – interesting point really – as a State Funded Organisation some foreign states might see the BBC as a sort of ‘intelligence agency ‘ which tries to undermine regimes which are not ‘approved ‘ ranging from the USA to Hungary ….
In such circumstances I’m surprised its’ personnel don’t pay a price ……
Unfortunately I think the international brand of the BBC still relies on ‘past glories ‘ of decades ago as opposed to what it is now …
Apparently it’s going very, very badly with huge losses.
Whenever they try to advance their brand new armour around minefields, attack helicopters pick them off and they get saturated by artillery.
I read that the Ukranians fire 50 shells and run out. Meanwhile Russia fire 500 back at them. Funny that because I recall the BBC telling me they were running out.
It’s a truly horrific place to be Ukranian soldier at the moment.
You won’t read any of that on the BBC – but it’s common knowledge for people who don’t rely on the Western MSM.
It just goes back to the basic ‘maths ‘ – Russia has more than Ukraine – and therefore Ukraine will lose – after huge amounts of money and kit have been thrown at it . … will it be this year – next year – or later ? And putin will be stinger after throwing off dissent – as he takes his revenge . ( BTW- I’d like to see putin dead and Russia put in a box ) ….
MarkyMarkMar 12, 11:42 Midweek 12th March 2025 Stop foreign aid .. oh wait … that’s 8 billion leaving the UK! HA HA HAH AHAH AH A “Migrant…
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MarkyMarkMar 12, 11:14 Midweek 12th March 2025 “Bangladesh Court Seizes Tulip Siddiq’s Properties and Imposes Travel Ban” – Minister of …………………….. She served as Economic Secretary…
markhMar 12, 11:12 Midweek 12th March 2025 It’s bad enough that the dire Comic Relief is heading our way again. What makes it infinitely worse is that…
MarkyMarkMar 12, 10:51 Midweek 12th March 2025 The Smith-Mundt Modernization Act: From Propaganda to Censorship to Tyranny by Laurie Calhoun | May 18, 2022 (seen on…
StewGreenMar 12, 10:41 Midweek 12th March 2025 elsewhere “They’re filming a propaganda piece about last summer’s civil unrest, directed by Rizwan Wadan. The “heroic” Imam Adam Kelwick—who…
MarkyMarkMar 12, 10:37 Midweek 12th March 2025 UK riots: Police officer filmed telling men ‘stash weapons in mosque’ The officer was filmed in a video, which was…
MarkyMarkMar 12, 10:34 Midweek 12th March 2025 Pipa Doubtfire Former Head of Revenue Management Roles and responsibilities Pipa Doubtfire is Head of Revenue Management. She leads a…
Mold is about right – but not the good sort, like penicillin.
Nitpick corner.
Currently on BBC4, The Real T Rex with Chris Packham.
BBC programme description reads, “Chris Packham discovers the animal behind centuries of Hollywood misrepresentation.”
Film production has been going on in Hollywood for about 120 years, that doesn’t amount to centuries.
Carry on BBC, you bunch of clowns.
Edit: Unfortunately I’m not witty enough to make a joke involving dinosaurs, the licence fee and “here’s to your extinction, BBC!”
Trick – please don’t nickpick – that’s stews job …..😜
The nickpick here is, it’s old news
I can see that BBCfour page has used the phrase
“centuries of Hollywood misrepresentation”
for 5 years now since the Packham prog tonight is a fourth repeat of the prog that aired in 2018
Because of the ‘content ‘ today I’ve been completely free on the BBC – the world is a nicer place – the sky is bluer – interest rates are lower as is me blood pressure … must try it again – despite the Duty I feel to bear ( bare) witness to the evil it pumps out …
And Brissles where art though ? Thinking of you … is it the girl cricket thing …? Hope you r ok …
I notice they don’t have a ‘night watchman ‘ which I always thought was quite a romantic term for a sport … now it’s something like ‘night watcher ‘ which sounds like a sex register thing …
Been musing a bit following the dire Elton John thing at Glasto ….when Big Names are ‘gone ‘ what are they going to put up ?
Where are the song writers of this time ? Will people who can’t sing ( rappers ) be the big Stars ? I m obviously stuck in the glory days of pop / rock … and I remember the time and place I was told that the yanks had killed John Lennon …. But who will be the ‘draw’ after so man big names are gone ? Or will it be AI empty holograms ?
Just asking really … no more …
I watched (in some awe) some few seconds of Lizzo – before a few seconds of Reg…
If she traveled by helicopter they’d have to go underslung load and bring in a Chinook – can’t say I cared for her music either – but then variety of life etcetera. There was no BSL signed channel for Lizzo either which was a crushing disappointment.
we desperately needed a load of Jamaicans, whilst allowing people to leave on the £10 pom schemes.
The Bank the Dirt game
You gather dirt on your political opponent and bank it
Then when that person is about to do something like stand for election you release it to spoil their campaign.
Here we go “Daisy Goodwin accuses Tory mayoral hopeful (Daniel Korski )of groping”
She says a guy 10 years ago touched her breast as a meeting ended
and that she spoke about 6 years ago it but is only now releasing the name .
em Nope, if you think a guy is a sex abuser you say right away
why ? cos you have a duty to protect future victims.
Smearing him 10 years later is bad and is not judicial.
The new reporting is lazy the new BBC story is almost word for word as their 2017 story except they have added the guy’s name.
Worse still the BBC reporter doesn’t seem to know that NAMING him is NOT news cos the Telegraph already named him in 2017
(doesn’t explain why someone triggered Wayback to archive the story again last month)
This guy
Well it certainly changed London forever and not for the better.
What can he say? They are the electorate. Not that they would be voting Conservative anyway. The Conservatives really are the Stupid Party.
9:10am on TalkTV Julia HB show Peter Cardwell repeated the FALSE line in the new BBC article, that Daniel Korski had not been named until now
Medialand is not Truthland
You don’t need to write black with a capital B. This is a recent thing that has been pushed by the AP styleguidelines.
White isn’t capped.
“Cost to remove a migrant £63,000 more than keeping in UK”
Rubbish !
“Stop the boats” Rishi “Stop the boats” , its far cheaper and safer .
The cost is a strawman
The UK without Rwanda takes 20K illegals a year
With Rwanda … 20 end up in Rwanda
and the rest of the 20K decide to not get in a dinghies in the first place
Thus none of them drown
.. is that not a win ?
Taffman ,
Those bogus asylum seekers haven’t paid £63 000 to get to the U.K. ( or have they ? ) .
As the U.K. government is in a one sided partnership with the people smugglers, where the Border Farce taxis the invaders to our shores , why don’t they pay the people smugglers to take bogus people to another destination other than the U.K. ?
Let’s think about it for a second. The bogus asylum seekers are paying are paying the criminals something like £2000 to get to the U.K. .
The U.K. government could pay the criminals £4000 to take the bogus asylum seekers from Calais to Zeebrugge .
From whence if the bogus asylum seekers still have any money they can pay the people smugglers £2000 again to get to the U.K. but the government pays the people smugglers £4000 to take them to Calais.
Then repeat .
Eventually probably after the first attempt, but maybe a few more , the bogus asylum seekers run out of money .
The above scenario I outlined means the bogus asylum seekers pay £4000 but dont get to the U.K. , the criminals get £8000 . Still well cheaper than £63000 .
And it’s a deterrent.
I realise the above seems immoral but seeing that the whole situation is immoral and The Powers That Be are facilitating the criminals by providing a sea taxi service , giving board and lodging in hotels , money , cars , legal advice and ultimately the bogus asylum seekers goals by allowing them to stay in Britain I can’t think of anyone, apart from the usual BBC type , who wouldn’t resignedly accept that that is the best we could hope for .
Unless some other politicians or political party can deal with this .
I don’t suppose for a minute these asylum seekers have £7000 in their back pocket when they are at the coast. I rather presume it is dark forces with deep pockets who provide the cash.
Foreign aid budget for this year is £11 billion. Another £4 billion handed out to the Zelensky regime. Those funds would meet the additional costs of returning around 250,000 migrants to the countries of origin.
Do it.
Ian Rushlow ,
Instead of £$Billions going to Ukraine pay the smugglers to take the illegal Invaders to Ukraine as most of them are fighting age it should keep Zelensky happy ……or is his main game stuffing his pockets with Cash ?
I took the Glasto : GreenFutures website poster
& scrubbed off other events
except those with Harra, Rowlatt & his sister “Bee”
XR then tweeted that BBC bosses had banned the BBC staff from the stage
and Labour cancelled Miliband (yes one L)
Ed Miliband was replaced by Dale Vince
top Labour donor & top JSO donor
Actually Rowlatt was on the schedule last year in 2022
And there is video he presented a discusssion with one green nutter and one even nuttier one
Then Ed Miliband ended up speaking on the Labour controlled Left Field
instead of the JSO controlled Green Fields
In 1918, the German polymath Oswald Spengler published ‘The Decline of the West’, in which he argued that the downfall of Western civilisation had already begun.
A hugely influential work encompassing philosophy, art and culture, The Decline of the West warns that civilisations are like living creatures – they are born, they grow, they live, they grow old and eventually they die. Spengler believed the west was entering the evening of its existence – a period of decline which would ultimately end in a civilisational collapse.
One of the core ideas in The Decline of the West is that once a civilisation has exhausted all possibilities, it will fall into nihilism and eventually collapse. Spengler predicted that around the year 2000, western civilisation would enter an emergency period characterised by increasingly desperate government interventions in society, before the final downfall (Untergang, in the original German). He also warned that there would be a backlash against the rational principles of the Enlightenment era, driven by the masses’ distrust for academia and science.
Spengler believed that ‘democracy’ would merely represent the triumph of money, and warned that this would destroy culture, in turn leading to the rise of a new Caesar, a dictatorial figure who would lead civilisation into its final destruction.
Zephir – is this ‘you ‘ or a cut and paste . ? I’d never heard of this ( ok vaguely I had ) but I do wonder about where ‘we ‘ are .
It’s a bit of a metropolitan question to ask in the first place but it is prefaced ( for me ) by the term ‘we (Uk) cannot go on like this “ – a term equally applicable – it seems to Europe and the US ….
The question focuses better when states are under the extreme stress which showed up during the Chinese virus.
I take the view that things will continue as they are whilst people have access to the basics such as electricity and clean water and tescos and bread and circuses . Once any of the above are removed the real trouble starts . Panic buying – mass street crime – all fed and speeded up by rumour and social media .
Covid gave us a brief ‘taste ‘ of it – but I believe it was just a glimpse of what is to come . When that will be ? Unknown .
The circumstances ? Tricky to predict but a health threat seems most likely – or a nuclear type event …
The above is – I admit – dismal stuff – but the mental illness which collectively afflicts too many now is deeply worrying – the illness being ‘green crap ‘ ‘gender crap ‘ ‘race crap ‘ ‘blame crap ‘ ‘dumbing down crap ‘ and others which I won’t list .
You’ll notice – dear reader – that all 5 of the ‘craps ‘ I mention abovd are BBC stalwarts ….. now the weather – is it gonna be hot today Matthew ?
Consider the song ‘The Heavenly Life’, which takes its lyrics from a collection of German folk poems Des Knaben Wunderhorn published between 1805 and 1808. The song featured in the final movement of Austro-Bohemian composer Gustav Mahler’s fourth symphony, completed in 1900.
The first verse depicts an image of heaven, as imagined by a young child. English translation:
We revel in heavenly pleasures,
Leaving all that is earthly behind us.
No worldly turmoil
Is heard in heaven;
We all live in sweetest peace.
We lead an angelic existence,
And so we are perfectly happy.
We dance and leap,
And skip and sing;
Saint Peter in Heaven looks on.
Now consider At Midnight, created by Mahler in 1901 using lyrics written by the poet Friedrich Rückert, who lived from 1788 to 1866.
At midnight
I kept watch
And looked up to heaven;
Not a star in the galaxy
Smiled on me
At midnight.
At midnight
My thoughts went out
To the dark reaches of space;
No shining thought
Brought me comfort
At midnight.
At midnight
I paid heed
To the beating of my heart;
A single pulse of pain
Was set alight
At midnight.
At midnight
I fought the battle,
O Mankind, of your afflictions;
I could not gain victory
By my own strength
At midnight.
At midnight
I gave my strength
Into Thy hands!
Lord over life and death,
Thou keepest watch
At midnight.
These are works that express the joys of existence, as well as the sorrows and struggles we all go through. They are timeless, because the feelings they evoke are universal. This is music that expresses in artistic form some of our deepest feelings.
Now let’s compare that with a modern piece of pop music, the song ‘Anaconda’ by Nicki Minaj.
Yeah, he love this fat ass, hahaha!
Yeah, this one is for my bitches with a fat ass in the f-king club
I said, where my fat ass big bitches in the club?
F-ck the skinny bitches, fu-ck the skinny bitches in the club
I wanna see all the big fat ass bitches in the motherf-cking club
I believe these lyrics represent the decline of the artistic merit of Western civilisation. Our civilisation has degenerated into utter hedonistic nihilism, just as Spengler predicted. Lacking the means to express any meaningful ideas or concepts, ‘post-modern’ art (if it can be called that) resorts increasingly to shock value. Primitive instinct has replaced wisdom.
Now let’s take another example, the song Tomorrow 2 by Cardi B and GloRilla:
I know that I’m rich, but I can’t help it, bitch, I’m hood as f-ck (woo)
I’ve been on these bitches neck so long, sometimes my foot get stuck (ah)
I can’t put you in my business (no), you might wish me dead tomorrow (yeah)
Bitches be on dick today, sing every word of “Up” tomorrow (Up)
Bitch, I still got cases opened, keep your mouth shut tomorrow (shh)
Play with me today then get some sleep, you know it’s up tomorrow (woo)
Fake bitch, that’s why my friend f-cked on your nigga (ah-ha)
Both you bitches pussy, I think y’all should scissor (ah, ha, ha)
She bought a chain, I bought the same one, even bigger (bitch, it’s bigger)
She throwin’ shots, that’s how I know I got her triggered (ah)
I don’t speak dog, ho (woof), I don’t care what no bitch say (no)
I stay on her mind, I got condos in that bitch head (ah)
She say she don’t f-ck with me (who?), Who said that you can, ho? (No)
That nigga a munch and he gon’ eat me like a mango
Long ass weave, it be ticklin’ my ass crack (ah)
Essentially, what has happened is that objective standards have been rejected entirely. In our ‘post-modern’ culture, we no longer believe in anything. We no longer have the confidence to exercise judgement. Everything is equally valid. There is no right and wrong. The problem is that nowadays, we believe ‘My ignorance is just as good as your knowledge’, to quote the American writer and professor Isaac Asimov.
Apparently Blacks are woefully underrepresented in Rock music. Obviously the article was written by some woke schoolkid who had never heard of the world’s finest ever guitarist, James Marshall Hendrix.
Hello Micknotmike
Whites underrepresented in Reggae music
the racist bbc to do a panorama on it or a verify to verify
So Tamla Motown ‘music’ never existed then?
I think you’ll find any statistics which show under-representation of white people is called ‘A triumph of multiculturalism’
Which can also be written as ‘Extreme racist double standards’
Today watch
Day 2 of ‘bbc free ‘ – heard the news headlines – off switch – who does the BBC appeal to ? Surely if run on commercial principles it would be toast …..
To keep you clued up, Fed, today’s top story concerns racism in cricket. Am I the only person who read the headline and said out loud “Just give it a feckin’ rest for once”?
Putting a black woman in charge of a review to look for racism is like putting a Muslim in charge of a review to decide if Islam is homophobic.
There will only ever be one answer.
The thing which bugs me the most of all is how BAME can NEVER be accused of racism or anything else – when in my experience, they are the most racist of anybody.
As far as I can fathom it, it’s OK to the self-flagellating Left because we were racist first.
Mick – thanks – that subject was the ‘off switch trigger ‘ . I’ve just had enough ….
.. so I went to see what’s on R4extra. They have a documentary about ‘play for today ‘ which has a 50th anniversary and apparently the 300 plays are on the BFI website for the first time .
This led me to a ‘poll ‘ on the BFI website – done in 2000 – of the 100 best TV output . As I scanned it I wondered what a 2023 version wouid look like ?
But then again the BFI always strikes me as a ‘closed place ‘
There’s tons of old TV series on BFI. It’s only open to media studies students or DVDs at a mind blowingly expensive price, some are £25-30 each.
There was a great company, Network, that released many obscure 60s and 70s series for a fraction of the price, sadly just gone broke.
Stuff like The Protectors, The Power Game, Scotland Yard, Special Branch, Gideons Way, The Vise, Spindoe, Big Breadwinner Hog, The Strange World of Gurney Slade, The Plane Makers, Adam Adamant, Zodiac and loads more.
Documentaries and children’s programmes aplenty also.
Cheers Harry – I like to send a ‘thank you ‘ email every once in a while to the old tv free service which runs on a shoe string but runs some gems ….I recently watched ‘the main chance ‘ which is still so well written that it stands the test of 50? Years ..
#2 Putin and Lawrence in the same “sentence”
and that eviction legislation
“Councils can keep any revenue from civil penalties, with this ring-fenced for further enforcement activity.
I feel that we’re seeing an extension of the local council funding model – and not in a good way.
The future’s going to be fun?
The permits will be backed by revenue collecting fines…
Thread on Glasto
helicopterssolar powered bamboo rickshaws.
I look forward to a Panorama on the recycled cooking oil fuel used.
In the meantime money talks….
Equity in Cricket report: Discrimination ‘widespread’ in English cricket
Suppose this racism, has allowed Stephen Lawrence to disappear from the main page today
“news” brought to you by the likes of the bbc constantly creating divide on a daily basis!
The list of words I won’t use is getting longer by the day – eg – I use ‘coloured ‘ instead of the more contemporary version – and queer instead of the alphabet crap …. Dead coloured teenagers also hit the list as well as a boat full of coloureds ….
The Far Left have their list – I have mine ….
MSM clearly following the ‘breaking news’ lead by biased bBC who in a 24th June posting said:
> 2) Increased car weight because of Chelsea tractors and electric batteries. Damage to road goes up with 4th power of axle weight.
This now front page news on 27th June in DT headlined:
“EVs cause twice the damage of petrol cars on pothole-plagued roads”.
They mention the 4th power in the article. Do keep up girls!
I am hoping my Bugatti e-Coupe will actually be subsidised by Saddo, as it is a smidge lighter than the Hummer.
Guilty pleasures and social media-driven anxiety edition
Freebie adsheet the Metro runs a showbiz feature entitled Guilty Pleasures – it tends to be occupied with industry-generated PR blurb: Sam Ryder somehow still doesn’t think his voice is flawless despite massive success: ‘I’ve got work to do’… While the world is in awe of Sam Ryder’s incredible voice… Speaking exclusively to at American Express Presents BST Hyde Park on Saturday…
Our BBC meanwhile seeks to make us feel guilty about our pleasures: Equity in Cricket report: Discrimination ‘widespread’ in English cricket… Racism, sexism, classism and elitism are “widespread” in English and Welsh cricket, according to a long-awaited independent report – Racism, sexism, classism and elitism – how naughty, that’s the veritable royal flush. Mind you, elitism… surely that’s the raison d’etre… at least of professional sport?
You’ll recall the Starship Enterprise was on a five-year mission: to explore strange new worlds and seek out new life and new civilizations…
The Independent Commission for Equity in Cricket (ICEC) has delivered its findings from a two-year investigation. The ICEC was announced by the ECB in March 2021 in the wake of global movements such as Black Lives Matter and Me Too. (BBC)
For global movements read media-driven hashtag moral panics
Richard Beck revisits America’s forgotten moral panics: could it happen again? (Guardian 2015)
Today’s Guardian features: ‘People are like, Wow!’: The man who wants to make condoms sexy – it’s a Long read – which strikes one as somewhat boastful: It is important to Ben Wilson, the man in charge of the condom brand Durex, that he chews the condoms he sells. He likes to consider their flavour, to know the sensory experience of a customer engaged in oral sex, and to think about how it could be bettered
Apologies if that’s put readers off their cornflakes
Heaven knows who it is actually having all this sex – like that Planet of the Apes legend of the chimp who said No – most sexy media tales these days are about women saying No to blokes’ and their cack-handed advances
Katie’s mum: Kieran tried it on with me (The Sun) – let me explain: Katie Price’s sex addict ex Kieran Hayler KISSED her MUM – then sent her a sleazy text that left her shocked
Moving up market a notch or two
TV producer Daisy Goodwin accuses Tory mayoral hopeful of groping… A novelist and TV producer has accused a Conservative mayoral hopeful of groping her 10 years ago… sexually assaulted her by putting his hand on her breast… she chose to name him now as Mr Korski was running to be the Tory candidate for mayor of London. (BBC)
Mr AsI’s contention is that Lockdown policy demoralised the workforce. The FT frontpage feature Datawatch tends to agree with the notion there is a present state of low morale although naturally the pink paper would be loath to blame globalist policy making: Most employees are ‘quietly quitting’ – putting in minimum effort and feeling disconnected from their work…
WFH desks’ strain on joints blamed for adding to benefits bill… Social media-driven anxiety and the physical strain of working from home at uncomfortable desks have contributed to the sharp rise in people suffering long-term sickness… (Times)
HSBC seeks smaller site… The bank has told staff it will shift its global headquarters from Canary Wharf once its lease expires (FT); HSBC set to exit Canary Wharf HQ in a move to downsize… The move marks a pullback on space to 556,000 square foot, which is about half the size of HSBC’s current 45-floor tower at 8 Canada Square (Financial News) – today they’ll term it WFH or officially: post-pandemic embrace of a hybrid working culture – tomorrow those WFH staff will find themselves replaced by AI
In response to your question ‘who is having all this sex ?’ I think one of my neighbours is – and she is making a good living doing it …. Sometimes – when it’s quiet – I can hear industrial levels of ‘activity ‘…. I’m thinking of recording it – maybe I can make money too … ( this May all be a lie – or there may be some truth in it ) fir the record the lady is not Eastern European and I have not asked her what her ‘fees ‘ are .. yet …
( 77 brigade to note – other ‘monitors ‘ are available )
Which comes first, the novelist or the tv producer?
I use this in the temporal sense, not a Ben on Kieran one.
Though if Champion ever has a book written about her, the answer might be forth… um… coming.
Wonder how a BBC Verify check would go?
My bad. Springtime For Verify and squad clearly busy on this…
The least he could do is to offer some help with the grammar innit …
I have a cunning plan. Get the home Office to pay every pensioner £169000 to take one of the rubber boats back to France.
Then claim asylum in France and get the French to put every UK pensioner up in a free hotel together with a weekly allowance and free health provision which with a UK pension should add up to a comfortable lifestyle in France.
Well I’ve just checked with BA – an economy ticket from London to Kigali ( single ) is £1000 – you get a bottle of water and sandwich and nuts .
So a full flight of – say 200 – according to Alexa £200 000 ….
And I’m sure the Home Office could get a ‘competitive ‘ rate if they bunged a couple of ‘civil £ servants ‘ a 1st class return to NY ….
It looks like the trial of a nurse accused of murdering babies is coming to the end – the lawyers must have made a fortune – how long will the ‘story ‘ last … ?
I’ve been occasionally looking at that and thought the same – it’s an extraordinarily distended prosecution.
I’m guessing there will some sort of ‘lessons will be learnt ‘ inquiry at the end of it . I believe the culture of killing unapproved ‘nuisance ‘ patients is an area people don’t want to go to …
………they’d prefer to clap ….
More old dudes like Benny and Klaus.
More young bimbos like Soaf and Greta.
Well, not.
But the rich old guys go out with a bang.
Bet Surkeer can’t wait to stand on the big set of podiums.
I feel that drag queens are woefully underrepresented in the climate crisis space (and The Vatican).
Just noticed the look on the minder’s mug.
Less il Papa and more ‘Ooo Mama’.
I think the Pope should get his corridors cleared of cobwebs a bit more often.
If only Laura K could invite Sangita on rather than Eltons…
One for the border force ? Do we have to take turns going ?
Supermarkets to be grilled over high food prices
Reports as if the bbc cares
The grate haloumi rip off …
Looks like the BBC Wimmin Getty Copy Paste Editor audience are all still tucked up in bed.
Some are getting out of bed now.
There are different skin tones in Britain
but that graphic is blackwashing
Part of BBC’s black first campaigning graphics
It is possible there is a graphics version of Getty the BBc use from their limited, approved pool of anything too.
Outside of their posts on finance, or the model in Barclays, dfs sofas and Aldi ads I seldom see the hairstyle.
If seeking to represent the cubicle gardens at W1A, or BBC alumni in media or politics, a snarling wimmin of hue less than thrilled with her partner opportunities seems a representative good bet.
Does anyone really listen to this absolute shit any more? Listening figures must be minuscule.
Actual audience numbers are of interest, which is why they are jealously guarded ‘for commercial reasons’.
But twitter can be an indicator, despite being a % of a % of the 80M.
Equally politics.
TOADY Watch #1 – Britain is evil, thouroughly racist and evil and misogynistic and evil
A report on cricket in the UK has decided that the game is racist and sexist so the BBC trumpet it loud and louder and even louder than that in the 6 a.m. News. In my experience of cricket, the report is wrong to say that cricket is racist 1. because it is played all over the world and is not restricted to white men, and, 2. lasting friendships are often formed between many different nationalities and skin colours.
In my experience of females, cricket is also not sexist. I could not count the old ladies who used to love to watch Test cricket back when it was shown by the BBC on terrestial TV. Many of those ladies were such connoisseurs of the sport and were wise enough to watch with the sound on the TV turned down while having TMS playing on a radio. Then thinking back to schooldays and contemporary friends, whenever a casual game of cricket was played and females wanted to join in, they were welcomed.
Formal sports at school: the girls played hockey exclusively. That sport is misandrist, except that it isn’t. Men play hockey, too. Boys at school played football and cricket. Now what did I hear from the BBC when the newsreader announced the news of this new report? The women want to be paid more. Aaah! So that is it; the love of money is the root of all evil as the Bible wisely says.
Surely then cricket should be banned ? All such human activity should be banned . Certainly – feeling a ladies ‘ breast in number 10 10 years ago – should receive the criminal sanction it deserves … and maybe the ‘victim ‘ should be persecuted for failing to seek £ justice £ 10 years earlier …. Cricket and crime eh?
Fed, well if you look at it from a Global Warming and Climate Change point of view, human CO2 emissions increase as activity increases, and a good tea in the tea interval may well increase methane emissions as well, especially from the wicket-keeper. 😉
As for the other matter, I could not possibly comment.
It sort of reminds me of the medieval mind where anything adverse was because of the devil or punishment by god .
Deniers are unholy witches who must be punished …..
Any ‘unusual ‘ weather is because of man made climate change –
A couple of days ago they were whining about abnormal sea temperature – the warmest since ‘records began ‘ which apparently was 1850 . Must have been really accurate .
The ignorance of knowledge about weather / solar cycles is obvious but the green crap is holy writ .
On 4x at the moment is a long thing by Stephen Hawkin – who arrogantly claimed that `god does not exist – because his physics have proved there was nothing before the Big Bang – -and that human caused climate change is a threat . His character defects are obvious and as I said – arrogance is monsterous – no doubt God moved him higher up the Grim Reapers ‘ list …..
Oxidise that carbon – keep the ice age at bay …
Trump heard on CNN tape discussing secret documents
“It has not been independently verified by the BBC”
Oww right, maybe true, maybe not
All helps the bbc keep the negative going when it reports on Trump
Is ‘independent verification’ by the BBC Verify unit asking another TNI partner to CNN to say ‘yeah, whatever’ on a Toenails basis?
Nowt to do with the covid jabs of course:
Covid. Now, there’s a thought. By chance, I stumbled on a video on YT which shows a Dr Baxter giving a talk to the EU Parliament. Pretty powerful stuff as regards the genesis and conspiracy of Covid & before. A must watch for those who believe the World was set up for catching Covid. A biological weapon.
“Covid-19 as a Biological Weapon of Genocide – Dr. David Martin To EU Parliament”
His statements lead to the big question: the MNRA vaccine for flu? Big Pharma say they can provide this. Add this to the WHO being given the power to insist everyone take a vaccine and, in my view this would be Round 2 of the efforts to kill the population. But likely to be more successful…………….
Hey G – Marijuanna Spring would call you a conspiracy theorist. Watch your back.
By the way, should anyone be interested or is willing to contribute in any way, please have a look at this website:
You can take the man out of the BBC…
Or take the wrong sort out.
The New Scientist is a joke.
They are forever selling tours often dressed up as expeditions to fly the gin palace crowd to some far flung place to look at stuff from a diesel ship.
lets see what you can build without iron/steel lol
They could use rubber to build cars. It’s eco friendly isn’t it?
Instead of crashing they would just bounce off things instead.
Maybe aeroplanes, trains, ships, submarines as well. And bombs (for Dams)
Also ex-BBC, iirc.
They do like to stay together though.
OK what is going on with that Clive Lewis video ?
#1 The narrative is that Green Left activists from Labour and the BBC went to Glastonbury and wowed the masses on the Just Stop Oil stage just like the schedule posters promised
#2 Actually despite Justin Rowlatt appearing on the stage last year in 2022, neither he , nor his sister, nor Labour MPs like Lewis and Ed Mililiband appeared on the JSO stage this year
#3 JSO tweeted that was cos they’d been banned by their bosses .. We don’t know if they were actually ever officially booked in the first place. It could be just tricky JSO PR
#4 Dale Vince took Miliband’s place on the JSO stage
Miliband did speak on the Labour controlled Left Field stage
#5 Did Clive Lewis speak on stage ? Looks like all he did was speak to field of tents on camera
#6 Did he wow the crowds ?
The replies under the tweet and QTs are almost all against him
except for Peter Tatchell who got 25 Likes
What’s it say ?
Click the link
Can’t be worth our time, otherwise you would have said what the article said
Edited by Marijuana Spring (just kidding)
What the article said………..
The disgrace of Australia’s pandemic betrayal
Paul Collits
June 27, 2023
WHAT exactly do you do when your country betrays you and disgraces itself before the world? When you find out that it is run by thugs and goons? When just about no one in the political class has the moral compass and the spine to stand up for you? When your fellow citizens turn on you if you dared to question things?
If you are John Stapleton, a retired Aussie journalist, you write a 450-page book about it. You call it Australia Breaks Apart. You write uncomprehendingly, elegantly, passionately, even elegiacally, ashamed, still shaking your head in disbelief, three years after a ho-hum virus called by the powers-that-be ‘Covid’ reached our shores.
Surely these words could be written about just about every country in the world, you might think. Two quick responses – we were the worst, and surely we, of all places, should have been above all this.
Whether the book explains to international readers how this all happened, I’m not sure. I am far from certain that anyone could explain it. But let us explore what the book does do.
The title suggests one of the main themes, that of division and enmity. There were members of the dobber class, the Covid winners (largely in the employ of government or corporates), the lap-top class, the blatherers. People on ‘the other side’ were routinely demonised. Granny killers, conspiracy theorists, neo-Nazis and so on. Many of these folks were morally upright, seasoned professionals, not rent-a-crowd ideologues. Australia did indeed break apart, literally as well as socially. State and territory borders were closed by spooked politicians on a whim and for very few Covid cases. Fear and derangement were everywhere. Subjugation.
There are things in the book that even those who lived through the nightmare will not have known. These mattersshould have been known, and most likely would have been, if not for the cover-ups and the wilful non-reportage of stories in the interest of defending ‘the narrative’.
The book tells not only the story of Covid policy excesses, but also of a resistance movement that grew into something astonishing. This underground, though in plain sight, movement of angry men and women became hundreds of thousands, if not millions. It has remained invisible only because the quisling Covid class and their corrupt media puppets refused to acknowledge that it even existed, other than being a ‘tiny’ bunch of anti-vaxxer conspiracy theorists to be ignored.
John Stapleton doesn’t ignore them. He tells their story. This makes his book unique. The expected villains are all there, in graphic detail – Victoria premier Daniel Andrews, a truly appalling political figure, the thug police, the slippery bob-each-way villain-prime minister Scott Morrison, the other premiers and chief ministers, the unaccountable bureaucrats, the public health gauleiters, the Pharma-funded academics, the media shills. But what emerges in the book is an account of how resistance to tyranny can form and grow. This will be an invaluable resource when the medical totalitarians come for us next time, as surely they will.
The story is told through the eyes of Old Alex (the author), an old-time ‘pressman’ with a nose for a story and an unquenchable desire to unearth the truth. And, importantly, an open mind and no corporate constraints. Like many Covid dissidents, Stapleton made new friends during the Covid years, just about all of them independent truth-tellers. Citizen journalists. And he lost all sense of mainstream journalism having a soul and a purpose. Silent journalists were high up on Stapleton’s list of Covid criminals to be despised. But the stories of new voices and new connections among the refuseniks show the book to be about heroes as well as villains.
Journalism had very few dissidents who spoke out. Nor did the public servants or politicians or the police, but there were a few brave souls among the latter (for example) who broke ranks and saw Covid police brutality as a hill on which (professionally) to die. There was Andrew Cooney in New South Wales and Krystle Mitchell in Victoria.
These brave hearts were not willing to go along to get along, as rubber bullets penetrated backs, grandmothers were shoved to the pavement then pepper-sprayed, and the heads of mentally challenged innocents were smashed against concrete floors in downtown Melbourne. These stories of fascist policing were systematically smothered by the legacy media and the protesters pilloried and defamed.
The book details so much more. The scandal of the quarantine camps, for example. Those gazillion-dollar, Orwellian white elephants. The bullshit Covid-speak pronouncements from on high. The thousands upon thousands of (often massive) fines for Covid misdemeanours. The National Cabinet mutual protection narratives. All based on lies. Deadly lies. Some of the Covid class still promote the shots. Amid the ever-rising, murky waters of excess deaths. Including, perhaps, that of the Australian legend Shane Warne. Deaths still unexamined by the Covid class.
We need this book, and those like it. More straight history than exposé, but no less significant for this. True crime reporting, if you will. And if you didn’t hate the Covid class before you open the book, I guarantee you will by the end, if not sooner.
There are those who might say, why dredge it all up again since we have ‘moved on’? Well, among those that Covid refuseniks detest the most, the ‘let’s just move on’ types rank pretty high. This book should be for them to read and to reflect upon. To contemplate the massive pain caused, and to ponder the fact that it is all likely to happen again, what with the great reset people and the pandemic planning industry already on high alert for the first opportunity to crank up the machine again. Moving on, not holding ‘them’, the Covid class, to account, will only make the next instalment all the more likely.
Oh yes, for those who lived through the nightmare, John Stapleton’s gripping book, while reviving painful memories in great detail, is a must-read account of the evil that men (and women) do. It is a thundering reminder, too, of the need for Covid accountability, and a spur to further action among a new Coalition of the Willing minded to pursue it, and who simply must not give up the fight in the face of performative Covid class insouciance. It is ironic, too, that Australia Breaks Apart has been published just as the stampede for the exit door by Covid’s decision-makers has reached a crescendo.
In the dying days of the narrative, there was a national election, with one party of despised Covideers replaced by another, and around a third of now largely unrepresented voters, many of them the deplorables featured in Stapleton’s book, refusing to support either major party. The great political escape raises the question, was all the protesting worth it? I recently put a similar question to Ian Plimer, the doyen of Australian climate sceptics – why does he keep writing books when the climate writing seems to be on the wall? He replied that it was critical that when the history of all this comes to be written one day, there will be a record of the madness.
Buy this book, this chronicle of the new totalitarianism, the definitive account of Covid Australia, then circulate it widely among those might think it didn’t really matter what they did to us. A short review cannot do justice to this deeply authentic, often transcendent and, indeed, magisterial work. An astonishing achievement. An Australian story.
Why, thank you Lucy
The Tory government are failing to protect the people of Great Britain. Labour want an ‘open door policy’ to all, while the Tories pretend to ‘close the door’ . Get shot of both of both useless parties .
Good news , It appears Reclaim and Reform UK are announcing a mutual co-operation and support agreement. ………..
President khan will be pleased with the publicity
Daniel Korski: Daisy Goodwin accuses mayoral hopeful of groping
Accused only, but the bbc has made this front page news, very sad organisation
As I mentioned yesterday MSM and Labour PR are misleading
It is not NEW news
cos the Telegraph already named him in 2017
“Apparently the chap the BBC have picked to do the rewrite is known for ultra-violent sex thrillers”
10:34am the BBC Radio Lincolnshire host recapping her item
about the BBC revamping Enid Blyton’s Famous Five books for a TV series
I think that sex bit is a PR angle, cos in reality that guy did direct two episodes of Miss Marple and that was pretty straight.
I wonder how many of the famous five will be Anne Boleyn’d in the bbbc rewrite.
I would guess, 1- Black, 1- Asian, 1- Lesbian, 1- Homosexual man and a lefty White person, or a combination of them.
Timmy will identify as a Cat.
2 months to the londonistan ULEZ expansion – no news on court cases – yesterday a liberal did an early day thing to get the scrapage scheme extended to all affected londonistaners…..the scrapage scheme pays a whopping £2000 per car – … an excellent use of taxpayers ‘ cash – don’t you think ?
I’ve already had to sell my car .. I hope emir chokes …
Darn, need to get ours out of the lake now.
Didn’t get the job via competence / excellence
Shagger Hancock apparently doing his covid inquiry gig – anybody monitoring – would be grateful for a summary …
… I understand we should have locked down quicker – all those aircraft that came in unchecked … the ministry of common sense ?
Fedup, not watching as I fear household items will be smashed.
Will he be asked about lying to parliament that vitamin D showed no benefit, based on clinical trials that never even took place?
The inquiry will find that we need to cede more power to the corrupt WHO for future biotech experiments on global populations.
Policy soon to be adopted in the UK I daresay:
I was also reading that the Ghosts of St Jaq are also seeking to dispose of all rodents that live at any time just 2m away from all of us.
Gewd lick with theet.
So these days if mixed race means black, how black is black?
South Africa used colour charts.
Always enjoyed the images of Megharry’s big day out, especially when the camera snagged past the Duchy to Pippster and the Sloane set just back from the latest sunny adventure.
As commentators gushed about differences in hue.
Good job Jordan didn’t blag an invite.
Plus chart.
“No more plastic” says man wearing plastic hat and plastic top, and what was the device he typed that book on made of? The wiring inside coated with? What does his food get delivered packaged in? What is the greater part of his car made of? How much of his home and its contents are plastic, or contain plastic components? And when his decades of surfing take their inevitable toll and his hip needs replacing, what will that be made of? … and how much worse off would he, and all of us, be if, quite literally there was ‘No. More. Plastic.’?!
Scientific illiteracy of the highest order, and it’s celebrated? The world has become a nut house.
Not media bias but a comment on Twitter that sums things up —
“Britain isn’t a failed state yet but will be been soon enough. Probably in my lifetime. It’s not avoidable. We’re heading for rationing of basic utilities. We’re going to keep adding millions of people to the population, we’re not going to fix water leaks or build any new reservoirs. We’re going to keep pushing electric cars and heat pumps that we have no spare capacity to power. We’re going to keep building useless windmills and eco-boondoggles and we’re going to keep borrowing to keep the house of cards from collapsing.
We’re not going to build enough houses, and supply will not keep pace with demand because demand will keep increasing, and the houses we do build won’t be big enough to raise a family in – even if anyone could afford to buy one. More of our cities will become dormitories for foreign students while the big cities become demilitarised zones – where barely housetrained third world primates battle over drugs turf or over tribal politics that have nothing whatsoever to do with us.
Our politicians will continue to gaslight us, telling us that immigration is good for the economy as more and more migrants turn to organised crime because nobody has the disposable income to sustain the zero-skill services jobs immigrants perform.
The police will remain hamstrung by political correctness and its leaders will still genuflect to race grifters who say they are racist for stop-searching machete weilding Somalians on Brixton high street. Young black “aspiring rappers” will continue to bleed to death in the gutter (next to rainbow zebra crossings). Councils and public institutions will continue to normalise sexual deviancy and public lewdness under a Pride banner. The Church of England and the monarchy will continue to vanish up their own woke arseholes.
Meanwhile, every hotel, disused RAF base and barracks is stuffed to the rafters with illegal immigrants until there’s a general amnesty and then we will see shanty towns in the centre of every major city. We’ll gradually get used to seeing armoured police vehicles (still rainbow adorned). Women and gay people won’t be able to walk down the street unescorted. But we’ll still “celebrate diversity”.
Meanwhile, Brits will become the most monitored and surveilled people in the world with more cameras and sensors per head than East Germany. We’ll have two tier policing where any minor infraction is met with the maximum punishment (so long as enforcement meets little resistance), while immigrant ghettos become no-go zones even for armed police in MRAP trucks. You’ll live under a climate curfew. Your landlord will take most of your universal basic income.
Your country will be an open prison. You will have no rights. Everything you hold dear will be demolished to accommodate more migrants. The countryside will be paved over with solar panels. Every hillside maimed by derelict windmills, and no street will be safe. Villages will be gated communities for the liberal upper middle class.
This is all going to happen. You’ll still vote tory/lab/lib even though they hate you. These are the last years of Britain as a civilised country. Enjoy them while they last.”
Further to Pete North’s assessment,
Sharia Law, churches converted to mosques. (St Paul’s Cathedral)
The daily call to prayer in every town. Frequent beatings or beheadings for non-compliance.
Jizya-tax for non-Muslims.
If you don’t like this hell on earth- you are racist.
We all know the bbc doesn’t interfere in other countries and try to overturn governments, we maybe I made that up
Remember Syria, and its constant civil war reporting
Also the constant reporting of the Arab uprising in various countries
It now reports
Putin’s Monday speech was billed as one that would ‘decide the fate of Russia’ – it won’t
It won’t? It won’t because the bbc is doing its usual interference
Personally I dont believe your propaganda bbc
Andy – interesting point really – as a State Funded Organisation some foreign states might see the BBC as a sort of ‘intelligence agency ‘ which tries to undermine regimes which are not ‘approved ‘ ranging from the USA to Hungary ….
In such circumstances I’m surprised its’ personnel don’t pay a price ……
Unfortunately I think the international brand of the BBC still relies on ‘past glories ‘ of decades ago as opposed to what it is now …
Sir Hugh Carlton Greene, who was the DG in the 1960s, had a foot in both camps, as it were, after his wartime propaganda work.
BBC verify team
“How is the Ukraine offensive going?
We’ve been looking for evidence of recent Ukrainian successes.”
Oh, not looking for set backs then ..
“One video claimed to show a captured Russian soldier.
We used facial recognition tools to establish he was a Russian soldier.”
BBC engaging in a bit of scientific racism… was it the ape-like slope of his forehead that gave him away?
Remember a few years back some Google facial recognition app thing identified a black couple as gorillas?
I think the app was sent to reeducation camp.
Apparently it’s going very, very badly with huge losses.
Whenever they try to advance their brand new armour around minefields, attack helicopters pick them off and they get saturated by artillery.
I read that the Ukranians fire 50 shells and run out. Meanwhile Russia fire 500 back at them. Funny that because I recall the BBC telling me they were running out.
It’s a truly horrific place to be Ukranian soldier at the moment.
You won’t read any of that on the BBC – but it’s common knowledge for people who don’t rely on the Western MSM.
It just goes back to the basic ‘maths ‘ – Russia has more than Ukraine – and therefore Ukraine will lose – after huge amounts of money and kit have been thrown at it . … will it be this year – next year – or later ? And putin will be stinger after throwing off dissent – as he takes his revenge . ( BTW- I’d like to see putin dead and Russia put in a box ) ….