Just been on GBNews about the Vicar who was kicked out of his Bank account because the Bank didn’t agree with his views. He asked something about the Bank being involved with the lgbtetc lot.
If I was him I would excommunicate the Bank and ALL who work there from the Church.
Go outside the Bank and perform an exorcism.
Fight back.
The BBC reports – probably biting their collective tongue – that a woman who lost her job because she believes knows that biological sex is immutable, is to receive a £100,000 payout from an employment tribunal. This brave woman has struggled for justice for several years, having inexplicably lost her original case in 2019. Well, not so inexplicable if you consider that the judge was James Tayler (“He is a Diversity and Community Relations Judge and is an active member of the Equality, Diversity and Social Mobility Committee, which covers his particular areas of interest in working for the Inn.”).
It’s about time these opponents of reality are called out for what they are: biology deniers. It should not be a crime to deny biology, in the way that denying the Holocaust in France is, but they certainly shouldn’t be listened to or receive any publicity, or allowed outside without adult supervision.
The BBC are now so far up their own backsides and engulfed in groupthink, they can’t see how vastly disproportionate they have become for their personal agenda issues.
DT reports that the self server – Nadine Dorries will go red labour despite a 24000 majority . The blue labour candidate is one Festus Akinbusoye. I’m not making it up …
I am sure the Conservative members of Mid Beds will work night and day to get a Nigerian diversity hire into the House of Commons.
The Conservatives are a joke party. We need a conservative party, but they are not it. I rather hope that our teeny tiny Indian prime minister will be the last one from these fake conservatives.
Those twats in the UN and the EU commission and the rest of the “European Project” who have forced this on France with probably the rest of the rotten EU faux organisations will never admit they have made the biggest shit show mistake in the history of Europe. They have sold out Europe to posture their bloody stupid diversity blabbering to try to get lefty votes.
Now it wil be up to the general public in France to sort out the total shit show they have landed the country with.
I say, Bring back the Guillotine and make the duplicitous and false French President the first to test it!
Macron is the French version of these national traitors, Canada has Trudeau and we have any number of Labour lefty wingers in this Country waiting in the wings.
They think if they flood the country with other nationalities they will get their votes upped but in fact they will eventually get their throats slit by their fab new voters.
Soros and the other shady bastards behind this must be sniggering into their wine glasses as they see their global Marxist plan bear fruit.
Our problem now is that thanks to the BBC and their relentless political persecutions of Tories – aided and abetted by OFCOM – it is very likely we will have to let a Labour government show us just how well they can run the country into the dirt while getting full support from said BBC. Meanwhile we can expect far more of the undesireable type of immigrant population to infest our cities living 30 to a flat.
Then – as the normal cycle repeats and the Left bring the country to it’s knees so the Tories get back in – the tinderbox will be fully armed and ready to explode.
A unnamed BBC director states:
“It is not true that we have been under-reporting what is really happening in France. Rather, we are simply doing responsible reporting, as none of the claimed events have been independently verified by the BBC, and thus fall into the category of disinformation. We have chosen to ignore the numerous videos on social media of drive-by shootings of police officers, the firing of automatic weapons, lions and other animals running through the streets of Paris, or of boxes of weapons supplied to Ukraine by the United States and NATO which are now turning up in France. I am told that such videos are ‘deep fakes created by AI’, and although I personally have no idea what that means, I urge you to trust the experts and follow the science (or was that for Covid?). Plus that Twitter thing is run by Elon Musk and he’s definitely not one of us.
I believe the RNLI now consists of semi-cute women clearly trained in acting and who sit on harbour walls in full protective clothing waiting for calls. Then they orchestrate the whole rescue. According to the advert anyway.
Only thing I don’t quite understand is that in all the footage in the advert of real rescues in rough seas, everyone is male.
I can only assume that whoever took those videos is a hideous sexist.
RNLI under fire….The total poison of every organisation treating some unvalidated grudge spew as real to avoid being seen as misogynistic is despoiling and damaging to those same organisations, grow some balls and get these lying whingers to name names, places, incidents before bowing down to these posturing vile idiots. Get them in a court of law to face the people they accuse instead of this drip drip drip of innuendo and lies.. it’s just lefty propaganda otherwise.
As for the media especially the BBC, they run this shite without a second thought and with absolutely no fact checking as long as it fits the mantra of bashing men, whitey, etc etc,
I hate their lazy indulgence without questioning as long as the usual story of nasty white males is the takeaway story line.
How about getting little Marianna and her team of dozens of fact checkers on it before running it on your website you utter twats?
I am sure there are many hundreds of brave men serving in the RNLI who you have now tarnished with this unsubstantiated drivel just to be seen as woke!
The Marxists at the BBC decide to ‘explain’ the mostly peaceful riots in France.
So they interview a posh woman with typical middle class white guilt who explains that it’s all the government’s fault for not giving jobs to the the unemployable savages.
“I meet Laurence (…) She’s disappointed, though not surprised, that the protests have turned violent.
“… there are too many people in the same place without jobs.”
Ah, the joys of diversity. Coming to our shores soon; already on their way in dinghies.
Then, of course, there’s racism; always, everywhere, racism.
“Are the French police racist?”, asks the BBC in its ‘Analysis’ piece. Now they’re in their happy place again.
I don’t usually post this much but the absence of coverage on MSM is amazing. Even GB News is skirting around it claiming that the riot is showing signs of dying down.
This is completely opposite to what is going on on Twitter and similar sites.
No mention of the apartment block raised to the ground, the use of AK15s and gun fight battles with the police, the death of at least 5 police officers with one being beaten to death in the street, the use of rocket grenade launchers in Paris, the swarms of thousands of immigrants raiding shops and car dealers, wild zoo animals on the streets in Paris & elsewhere, the riots in Belgium and in ex-French colonies, the hand-to-hand battles between white locals and immigrants in Marseille.
Do you have any link for the 5 police who have been killed ?.
As much as I completely distrust the BBC and the MSM generally – if they have covered up the deaths of police, the situation is far, far worse than I ever thought possible.
Even after the MSM scandalous affair of the North-Korean style political persection of the Jan 06 protestors.
BBC news talks about “police over-reaction” in the shooting of the petty criminal that sparked the riots in France and beyond. No mention of the “victim’s” many run-ins with the police for minor infractions and refusal to stop.
Clearly the BBC are setting him up to become the next George Floyd.
I foresee more knee-taking. Maybe it’ll be compulsory this time.
Radio 4’s Sunday programme banging on about a “worrying” rise in “hate incidents” in Ireland and “anti-immigration protests” and “a rise in far-right activism online, particularly focused on Muslims“. Talking to an immigrant Islamic studies academic who “works on gender and sexuality” who also calls it “worrying”. William Crawley now relating it to France and “the necessity” to work on community relations. On it goes…Racial slurs, the European Islamophobia report, the rise of the far-right, “stigmatising” media reporting, a sneer at Elon Musk for criticising the Irish government’s new anti-hate laws and for going on about free speech , blah, blah….
Very short facts-only article – check
Very young murderers (14,15,17) – check
Appeal for dashcam footage but no description of what to look for on the video – check
Sounds like a bit of enrichment again to me.
But I suppose we should feel lucky the BBC even reported it. They didn’t bother when these 3 men got sentenced the other day for cornering a man in Paddington and stabbing him to death in cold blood:
So much enrichment in the news these days. And always causing trouble.
As some are asking, is this Skidmark laying groundwork for the next gig?
I disagree with your amendments Chris 🌍Continue with gas boilers 🌍No ban on oil & gas licences 🌍 Explore Fracking 🌍 Stop raising taxes to supplement green energies. This hits the poorest 🌍 Yes to energy independence & security.
Guest, we non-Twitterati cannot view the Tweets now. You need to describe them in your post or do a screen grab and post that. From this morning’s news, I gather that even the Twitterati are limited now in what they can view, even with a blue tick.
Looking as charitably as one can on these various ‘events ‘ perhaps it really is ‘the road to hell being paved with good intentions ‘.
But stepping back a bit …. The speed at which sex campaigning is taking place – green crap campaigning – lefty social engineering through money – taxes banks ….
One wonders where it will all end ? And when ? And where will be ?
Someone did a bit of research into ‘campaigners ‘ – particularly those at the extremes – for instance green crap oil types or those demanding sex rights for children . They found a good few mental cases – unchallenged out of fear – and getting their way . ..
I’m a believer in comes around – goes around – but all of this crap has been presided over by a Conservative Regime – the blue labour rubbish ….
Maybe it’s always been ‘bad ‘ but now the internet tells us about it more …
‘It’s been a quieter night across France after four nights of rioting that followed the killing by police of a 17 year-old at a road-check in a Paris suburb.’
Yes BBC. Nice and quiet. Only 719 arrests instead of 1,000, an attempt to murder a Mayors wife and children, 45 police officers injured and more than 800 fires lit by rioters.
Telegraph reports that the useless Nadine Dorries parliamentary seat – with a 24 000 majority – will be ‘lost ‘ to red labour ….
The implications for blue labour MPs is dire .
I can foresee a small turn out at the 2025 general election. – mainly because Conservative voters will have no one to vote for ….
The remaining ‘blue labour MPs’ will then chunder on about the legitimacy of the wish list red labour vote through .
Yes your constant advocacy for that Party is noted Taffman . If they are in my manor might vote for them just to save their deposit – but Londonistan will be 100% red labour ….even chingford cannot be saved .
The sunak green card honours list for unseated MPs is gonna be a long one …
Remember, that the Brexit Party were a threat to the ‘Tory Buffoons’ just before the last general election. They achieved Brexit and are now promising to stand a candidate in every seat in the next general election under their new brand name .
Who else is there to save Great Britain ?
It’s time that local Associations told “Conservative” head office that they would no longer support Blue Labour MPs and if they weren’t deselected they would nominate true Conservatives to stand against them as “thistown Conservative”. With enough publicity Conservative voters would surely support this.
Finally our failed-PM Rishi Sunak – or as Mr AsI regards him – the seat-warmer for Starmer: Tories on course for record defeat in Dorries by-election (Sunday Telegraph) – so finally, our green-card-in-his-back-pocket, short-arsed manlet and former Goldman Sachs office boy, plays his last desperate final card: I experienced racism as a kid …it does hurt – he’s quoted in the Tory loyalist Sunday Express.
Oh well, that excuses everything then Rishi… if only you’d mentioned it before.
Given you’re yet another self-declared victim of the Big R, perhaps you shouldn’t be attending such nasty racist events: ...the Prince of Wales spoke to Rishi Sunak, the Prime Minister, at Lords… on a thrilling fourth day of the second Test (Sunday Telegraph)
Rishi Sunak speaks of sting of racism after damning cricket report (Guardian)
Howszat! Expressed not in the usual celebratory way, but rather in the quizzical sense – How’s That?
Speaking to the BBC’s Test Match Special during the Ashes Test at Lord’s, the prime minister said he felt the “sting” of racism (Guardian) – as we’ve now come to expect since David Cameron’s failed liberal premiership our top Tories are most anxious to placate the left-leaning BBC.
We recall David Cameron defended the BBC: Cameron’s intervention ends wrangling over BBC’s future… issues including licence fee and stars’ pay among ‘exhausting’ negotiations between culture secretary and broadcaster… David Cameron instructed his department to triple the level of pay subject to new disclosure rules from £150,000 to £450,000. In doing so, he eased BBC concerns over the impact on most of its best-known news presenters, who might otherwise have been forced to defend their salaries on air… the director general, Tony Hall, was a frequent visitor to Downing Street to lobby for support whenever talks with Whittingdale became difficult. “Cameron and the chancellor have been very supportive,” said one BBC source. “We would have been carrying on arguing for another year with this secretary of state. [Whittingdale] doesn’t get essence of the BBC.” (Guardian, May 2016)
At the time Mr AsI wished for David Cameron to be subjected to being locked in a sealed windowless room with nothing but Radio 4 piped in constantly for a period of 24 hours – aside from the punishment aspect that just might possibly have changed his opinion of the BBC
Older and wiser – and further disillusioned, indeed nowadays completely disabused of his former false notion that the Tory party was in any way conservative – Mr AsI would have to admit that rather than his novel idea of a punishment for Call Me Dave being cruel and unusual (as they used to say) Dave would likely have enjoyed and endorsed the left-leaning tosh he was subjected to spouted by Radio 4.
Tory conservatism is a pantomime, it’s fake news, a charade
Rwanda scheme foiled by £1.5bn of your money… Fury over taxpayer cash funding activists fighting flagship migrant laws (Sunday Express)
Mr AsI searching for that killer quote popped the phrase ‘David Cameron praises BBC‘ into the google and was rather amused at the plethora of results – no smoking gun but all the following headlines are quoted from the BBC except where they are attributable to the Guardian:
Diamond Jubilee: Cameron praises ‘magnificent’ Queen
David Cameron praises Scottish defence industry
David Cameron praises National Citizen Service on Wales visit
David Cameron praises Aung San Suu Kyi
Cameron praises ‘duty and decency’ of Conservative activists – mind you: David Cameron ally: Tory activists are mad, swivel-eyed loons (Guardian); David Cameron today refused to apologise for describing the UK Independence party as ‘fruitcakes’, ‘loonies’ and ‘closet racists’ (Guardian)
Cameron praises Nigeria and Afghanistan’s corruption action
Iran nuclear deal: David Cameron praises ‘important first step’
Riots: David Cameron praises ‘speedy justice’ for looters
You get the idea, moving on…
Speaking of rioting and looting – France… let’s go there [our Foreign Office don’t exactly say we shouldn’t: Foreign Office warns Britons over travel to France during riots (BBC)]
Frontpage feature photograph in the Sunday Times: A waiter in the Place de la Concorde in central Paris attempts to put out a fire – giving a whole new meaning to the culinary term flambé
Given Foreign Office advice (by the way, they didn’t warn us off travel to Sudan as that one kicked off) I’m oddly reminded of that kid’s road safety superhero guy, the Green Cross Code Man – “I won’t be there when you cross the Channel, so always use the Green Cross Code” – there was also Clunk-click Every Trip – but the less said about that the better.
Our diplomats may have been blindsided by Sudan – it was probably one of those rare coup attempts about which we didn’t have foreknowledge – but I think our lifeboat outfit the RNLI and our Borderforce have been doing a sterling job lately of emulating the famous 1940 Dunkirk evacuation – pre-empting the present troubles in France and lifting as many refugees as possible off the beaches and bringing them back here to safety. I jest of course.
Macron deploys special forces to fight rioters (Telegraph)
And if you haven’t had quite your fill of racism shoved down your throat of late: Stephen Lawrence Exclusive – really, Sunday Mirror? Surely new Stephen Lawrence angles are as common as cat shit, or more politely and given our utter subjection to American BLM-inspired culture – a dime a dozen
Suspect No.6 was there… Survivor Stephen’s pal Duwayne Brooks… He believes he would have picked Matthew White out of an ID parade (Mirror)
Hows that…?
Joint enterprise law wrongly interpreted for 30 years, court rules… Decision by supreme court likely to trigger rush of applications to court of appeal… Large numbers of those found guilty of murder under ‘joint enterprise’ rules may appeal to have their convictions overturned… The judgment was described by Deborah Madden, from the Jengba (Joint Enterprise Not Guilty by Association) campaign, as a major turning point in British justice. “The joint enterprise rule has been used to get mass convictions without evidence. It has caused devastation for families. We know of 650 people who we think will be affected by the ruling – and we don’t know everyone,” she said. (Guardian, February 2016)
And finally: Jagger to wed again …at 79 (Sunday People) Start Me Up…?
If the Banks are now allowed to chose which customers they want depending on how they are politically then is this a precedent for others.
Could the Fire Brigade refuse to put out a house fire if the owner voted leave?
Would a surgeon refuse to operate on a dying man because sometime in his past somebody said they heard him say that a wimmin can’t have a knob.
You can see the direction of travel here.
I’ve heard that a Hairdresser refused a customer (or stopped half way through) because they had appeared on GB News.
Advertisers are frightened to go on GB News because of the lefty mob. Nobody hates like a lefty, they are brilliant at it.
You highlight one issue, now of thousands. Is there any reverse gear for yours and all the others?
What astounds me is the speed at which the Marxist/Communist conspiracy has spread and consolidated throughout the West. The commies had their rude awakening in the 50’s. I remember the shunning with press headlines at that time. They saw, “Reds Under the Bed” everywhere. In the US there was McCarthyism. Since then, the Marxist/Commies withdrew and planned a more subtle takeover. Temporally halting their obvious overt attempts to ‘take over’ and settled down to a long plan and wait. Now, critical mass of those ‘Fifth-Columnists’ is complete and, coupled with World developments such as China’s growth, a perfect model has been created. For them.
All the critical positions in Government, Media, military, NHS (and not forgetting the likes of Rail Unions who were active destroyers of society in the 60’s, 70’s (“Sick Britain” / “The Poor Man of Europe”) are infiltrated. The list could go on. Clyde side shipbuilders and miners and so on. We are undoubtedly on our way, quickly, to emulating Chinese ways of Communist control over the populations, but in the West.
The strange thing is, it is obvious that the false nonsense we are all surrounded by right now, daily, cannot continue. It will be very obvious that, at some stage, those yanking the strings will recognise that for total success of their plan, they will have to halt all the bizarre nonsense we currently experience. Control will be exercised. Then what? All the clowns cultivated by the Marsists will voluntarily desist? No fear. They’ve been brought on to think, ‘Anything Goes’. The homosexuals, for one classic example, will be expected to sink back to hidden obscurity or be arrested and interned. Don’t think so. All the cultivated clowns will be have to be shut down for the Chinese form of Communism to prevail. Because, even in China, if the people rose up, collectively even the Chinese Government would be overwhelmed and eliminated.
Thousand of camps to house, all the deviants Marxism has created? Past their usefulness.
People on the right tend to be down to earth Intelligent, questioning people and see things as they really are and do not easily swallow lies.
People on the left only see things as they want them to be and are happy to support any information that they already agree with and therefore do not need intelligence.
There are far more unintelligent people than intelligent ones. Hence the left wing, woke shit show we are living through.
There are echoes of totalitarian states where ‘party members ‘ get preferential treatment – see communists / national socialists ….
How far can ‘polarisation ‘ go ?
Bit troubled by what ‘discriminatory ‘ actually means . …
I’d have thought the ECHR would come in somewhere with something like the ‘right to family life’ in that cancelling a bank account interferes with ‘family life ‘….
.. be something if Mr Farage used Europeans Law ….
Perhaps the prick is aiming to take the NHS up on their offer and medically become qualified. That would be a laugh assuming he’s got the staying power to last the duration.
The BBC, Le Monde uk edition, Guardian etc in lockstep over the playing down of the scale of the riots by immigrants in France using virtually identical wording to convey a sense of calm and control even though it’s plain that things are out of control……It would appear that Brussels has had “words” with their editorial teams….
Digg – I wonder how many agencies are helping to ‘vet ‘ the facts .
It seems as though anything unapproved will be denied and claimed to be AI ….. Russia must be laughing – especially if it spreads and keeps going and being properly reported eh ?
Pug – if this true – surely all that manufactured ‘anger’ by the like of the dead kids ‘ mother / father – press should be the subject of some comment …?
Will the next GE be the one where Reform gets a decent vote?
I originally thought that the one after would have a better result for Reform but I’m having doubts now.
Labour look like getting in with Starmer as PM.
They will make an unholy mess of everything and it will cost us billions/trillions when they have spent and borrowed everything.
The population will then go back to the conservatives to make sure labour is kicked out and we will end up back here with a left wing Tory government who think the population want their policies.
In the last GE, they stuck net zero crap on to their manifesto and although just about everybody who voted Tory did so because it seemed the only way to get brexit done the Tories are telling us WE voted for this net zero stuff, which we didn’t, but we had no choice.
The people in the UK are so dumb.
Reform/UKIP will do the things they want such as immigration, cancel net zero, 20mph everywhere/ulez/etc and all the other things we want doing yet I fear few will vote for them.
That’s the problem with our voting system, we vote to keep a Party out and not for the Party we want. The lesser of the two evils gets the vote.
Also, about that Vicar who was booted out of his Bank for commenting on all the gay stuff on display in his local Bank.
I bet they wouldn’t dare do that if he was an Imam.
Jonnie Jonnie Jonnie – so so trying to link France riots ( racism ) to Blighty – not mentioned – but there is the air . The big worry there seems to be civil symbols being attacked – such as – er – Lidl …
According to the US Census Bureau figures for 2020, 62.4% of the population were black or African American. In 2015, there were 344 homicides recorded, in a city with a population of about 580,000. For comparison, the population of England and Wales is 100x that, and for the year ended March 2021 there were 594 murders. So, in a colourful city like Baltimore you’re 50 times more likely to be murdered than here. Mind you, London is taking a stab at competing.
For those thinking of visiting, British Airways have a direct flight. Here’s the local newspaper – also silent on the ‘mass casualty event’ – with imagery akin to the BBC News (sic) website.
Ian, that US demographic breakdown doesn’t accord with Wikipedia but I would add that Wikipedia can be wrong as I found errors in a Wiki page about something or someone I knew well and corrected them. I cannot remember my sign-in & password now. What I do know about the USA is that sometime in the last decade, English was no longer a majority language in the US but it has been replaced by Spanish.
Wikipedia is updated by anyone who feels inclined to do it.
Which for anything political, usually means ‘activists’.
As there are far, far more Left Wing activitists, Wikipedia is basically a view of the world from them. That’s why definitions of words like ‘fascism’ and ‘racism’ keep evolving to be limited to right-wing white males.
#1 Th new norm is to try to put cables underground
#2 The more steel you use in the pylons, the more CO2 is emitted in the production
Yet their game is supposed to be about reducing CO2
irony is wind infrastructure is made before winfarms start working
So when you build one and their special transmission lines you INCREASE world CO2
they argue that after a few years of production they have displaced enough hours of gas power station use to cover this startup CO2 , and then that they are reducing the increase in world CO2.
Now Countryfile is trailing their item about Green energy
shots show a huge drilling rig .. for drilling heatpumps or geothermal (that’s done by fracking process.. but they won’t mention that)
Here we go: the BBC desperately trying to switch the narrative from the hatred and violence of the Muslim immigrants into one of empathy and ‘feelings’ using his family.
Here’s the news BBC: it has nothing to do with the death of ‘Nahel M’. It’s the release of the hatred they feel towards infidels. He was just a catalyst. They do it all the time – but this one is different because it is in a European capital city. But you will never admit it because it proves what complete lies your agenda for the last 20 years has been.
In one report, I saw something very interesting which I don’t recall seeing at all on the BBC:
‘The officer then appears to fire point blank as the car abruptly drives off. The car moved a few dozen metres before crashing. Nael died shortly after.’
Not quite as ‘cold blood’ as I have been led to believe then.
And why is he being referred to as Nael ‘M’. Why is there no proper name ?. Is it ‘Mohammed’ or something ?.
BREAKING: New Evidence Reveals the Biden DOJ Edited Video Footage in Order to Convict Innocent Jan. 6 Trump Supporters and Oath Keepers – And Now They Got Caught https://t.co/W8Zed9irPE#gatewaypundit via @gatewaypundit
A Sunday service Prayer against ‘The Sin of Pride’ and the Greedy Bankers
The Sin of Pride is the foremost of the Seven Deadly Sins. The seven deadly sins are the seven behaviours or feelings that inspire further sin. They are typically ordered as: pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath, and sloth.
Pride is excessive belief in one’s own abilities, that interferes with the individual’s recognition of the grace of God. It has been called the sin from which all others arise. Celebrating ‘The Sin of Pride Month’ is an evil excessive preoccupation with celebrating oneself and one’s own importance, achievements, status, possessions and sexual perversions in contempt of God. This sin is considered a rebellion against God by perverts, because it attributes to one’s self, the honour and glory that only the reverent are due. The proud are estranged from God. Pride is the opposite of humility, a character quality that greatly pleases God, and one He rewards.
Greed is an insatiable desire for money and power. Greedy Bankers celebrating ‘The Sin of Pride Month’ are now robbing the accounts of those customers inspired by humility, and who refuse to celebrate the ‘Sin of Pride’: Amen
MarkyMarkMar 12, 11:42 Midweek 12th March 2025 Stop foreign aid .. oh wait … that’s 8 billion leaving the UK! HA HA HAH AHAH AH A “Migrant…
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Just been on GBNews about the Vicar who was kicked out of his Bank account because the Bank didn’t agree with his views. He asked something about the Bank being involved with the lgbtetc lot.
If I was him I would excommunicate the Bank and ALL who work there from the Church.
Go outside the Bank and perform an exorcism.
Fight back.
The BBC reports – probably biting their collective tongue – that a woman who lost her job because she
believesknows that biological sex is immutable, is to receive a £100,000 payout from an employment tribunal. This brave woman has struggled for justice for several years, having inexplicably lost her original case in 2019. Well, not so inexplicable if you consider that the judge was James Tayler (“He is a Diversity and Community Relations Judge and is an active member of the Equality, Diversity and Social Mobility Committee, which covers his particular areas of interest in working for the Inn.”).It’s about time these opponents of reality are called out for what they are: biology deniers. It should not be a crime to deny biology, in the way that denying the Holocaust in France is, but they certainly shouldn’t be listened to or receive any publicity, or allowed outside without adult supervision.
Lets make a good start by deporting the leftist judges.
This is easily done by refusing them re-entry into the UK after their 3-month holiday in the Seychelles.
Just dig up ‘enemy-of-the-realm’ laws to justify. Job done.
Twitter temporarily restricts tweets users can see, Elon Musk announces
Is this really front-page world news ?.
The BBC are now so far up their own backsides and engulfed in groupthink, they can’t see how vastly disproportionate they have become for their personal agenda issues.
Col Douglas Macgregor (one of the more saner commentators):
DT reports that the self server – Nadine Dorries will go red labour despite a 24000 majority . The blue labour candidate is one Festus Akinbusoye. I’m not making it up …
I am sure the Conservative members of Mid Beds will work night and day to get a Nigerian diversity hire into the House of Commons.
The Conservatives are a joke party. We need a conservative party, but they are not it. I rather hope that our teeny tiny Indian prime minister will be the last one from these fake conservatives.
‘The world is watching in disbelief as France tears itself apart’
I think that headline should be:
‘The world is watching in disbelief as immigrants in France tear it apart’
And there is no ‘disbelief’ whatsoever on my part. It was inevitable. And this is just the start. As it will be here.
Those twats in the UN and the EU commission and the rest of the “European Project” who have forced this on France with probably the rest of the rotten EU faux organisations will never admit they have made the biggest shit show mistake in the history of Europe. They have sold out Europe to posture their bloody stupid diversity blabbering to try to get lefty votes.
Now it wil be up to the general public in France to sort out the total shit show they have landed the country with.
I say, Bring back the Guillotine and make the duplicitous and false French President the first to test it!
Macron is the French version of these national traitors, Canada has Trudeau and we have any number of Labour lefty wingers in this Country waiting in the wings.
They think if they flood the country with other nationalities they will get their votes upped but in fact they will eventually get their throats slit by their fab new voters.
Soros and the other shady bastards behind this must be sniggering into their wine glasses as they see their global Marxist plan bear fruit.
The only way this can end is revolution and war!
Our problem now is that thanks to the BBC and their relentless political persecutions of Tories – aided and abetted by OFCOM – it is very likely we will have to let a Labour government show us just how well they can run the country into the dirt while getting full support from said BBC. Meanwhile we can expect far more of the undesireable type of immigrant population to infest our cities living 30 to a flat.
Then – as the normal cycle repeats and the Left bring the country to it’s knees so the Tories get back in – the tinderbox will be fully armed and ready to explode.
And of course the BBC will blame the Tories.
BBC are really under-reporting what is happening in France. From all the videos I’ve seen, the rioters are immigrants.
The zoo in St.Dennis has been destroyed and the animals are running wild with videos of lions and tigers on the road.
EDIT: Also lions in central Paris, too
It is much worse than the BBC are reporting. Much worse.
Absolutely RS. And it has nothing to do with one criminal 17 year old. It is deep seated hatred, racism and resentment.
THIS is what the Left and the BBC mean to me. This is 100% their fault. Their ‘ideological superiority’ is destroying Western civilisation.
Yes. The BBC1 news last night was like a BLM address. Rubbish reporting from their Paris correspondent Lucy Williamson.
A unnamed BBC director states:
“It is not true that we have been under-reporting what is really happening in France. Rather, we are simply doing responsible reporting, as none of the claimed events have been independently verified by the BBC, and thus fall into the category of disinformation. We have chosen to ignore the numerous videos on social media of drive-by shootings of police officers, the firing of automatic weapons, lions and other animals running through the streets of Paris, or of boxes of weapons supplied to Ukraine by the United States and NATO which are now turning up in France. I am told that such videos are ‘deep fakes created by AI’, and although I personally have no idea what that means, I urge you to trust the experts and follow the science (or was that for Covid?). Plus that Twitter thing is run by Elon Musk and he’s definitely not one of us.
New rule, if you going to do anything in the sea, you need to ring the lifeboat station first to check if the lifeboat woman is on her period
cos apparently it’s not fair to expect them to have required level of fitness on those days.
I believe the RNLI now consists of semi-cute women clearly trained in acting and who sit on harbour walls in full protective clothing waiting for calls. Then they orchestrate the whole rescue. According to the advert anyway.
Only thing I don’t quite understand is that in all the footage in the advert of real rescues in rough seas, everyone is male.
I can only assume that whoever took those videos is a hideous sexist.
Affirmative action kills. Those two patients of that ‘German’ doctor now know that – because they are dead.
RNLI under fire….The total poison of every organisation treating some unvalidated grudge spew as real to avoid being seen as misogynistic is despoiling and damaging to those same organisations, grow some balls and get these lying whingers to name names, places, incidents before bowing down to these posturing vile idiots. Get them in a court of law to face the people they accuse instead of this drip drip drip of innuendo and lies.. it’s just lefty propaganda otherwise.
As for the media especially the BBC, they run this shite without a second thought and with absolutely no fact checking as long as it fits the mantra of bashing men, whitey, etc etc,
I hate their lazy indulgence without questioning as long as the usual story of nasty white males is the takeaway story line.
How about getting little Marianna and her team of dozens of fact checkers on it before running it on your website you utter twats?
I am sure there are many hundreds of brave men serving in the RNLI who you have now tarnished with this unsubstantiated drivel just to be seen as woke!
Marxist street thugs attack TPUK stall @MarxismFestival in London today.
The Marxists at the BBC decide to ‘explain’ the mostly peaceful riots in France.
So they interview a posh woman with typical middle class white guilt who explains that it’s all the government’s fault for not giving jobs to the the unemployable savages.
“I meet Laurence (…) She’s disappointed, though not surprised, that the protests have turned violent.
“… there are too many people in the same place without jobs.”
Ah, the joys of diversity. Coming to our shores soon; already on their way in dinghies.
Then, of course, there’s racism; always, everywhere, racism.
“Are the French police racist?”, asks the BBC in its ‘Analysis’ piece. Now they’re in their happy place again.
France preparing for partial shutdown of the Internet blaming social media.
Twitter for loose animals
Also riots in Belgium and some French ex-colonies
If you have Twitter, you can get the insights of Gary.
I don’t usually post this much but the absence of coverage on MSM is amazing. Even GB News is skirting around it claiming that the riot is showing signs of dying down.
This is completely opposite to what is going on on Twitter and similar sites.
No mention of the apartment block raised to the ground, the use of AK15s and gun fight battles with the police, the death of at least 5 police officers with one being beaten to death in the street, the use of rocket grenade launchers in Paris, the swarms of thousands of immigrants raiding shops and car dealers, wild zoo animals on the streets in Paris & elsewhere, the riots in Belgium and in ex-French colonies, the hand-to-hand battles between white locals and immigrants in Marseille.
It is absolute chaos over there.
Maybe Gary Lineker and Sangita Myska have been put in charge of Twitter filtering?
That can’t possibly be true can it ?.
Do you have any link for the 5 police who have been killed ?.
As much as I completely distrust the BBC and the MSM generally – if they have covered up the deaths of police, the situation is far, far worse than I ever thought possible.
Even after the MSM scandalous affair of the North-Korean style political persection of the Jan 06 protestors.
BBC news talks about “police over-reaction” in the shooting of the petty criminal that sparked the riots in France and beyond. No mention of the “victim’s” many run-ins with the police for minor infractions and refusal to stop.
Clearly the BBC are setting him up to become the next George Floyd.
I foresee more knee-taking. Maybe it’ll be compulsory this time.
Radio 4’s Sunday programme banging on about a “worrying” rise in “hate incidents” in Ireland and “anti-immigration protests” and “a rise in far-right activism online, particularly focused on Muslims“. Talking to an immigrant Islamic studies academic who “works on gender and sexuality” who also calls it “worrying”. William Crawley now relating it to France and “the necessity” to work on community relations. On it goes…Racial slurs, the European Islamophobia report, the rise of the far-right, “stigmatising” media reporting, a sneer at Elon Musk for criticising the Irish government’s new anti-hate laws and for going on about free speech , blah, blah….
What a bubble the BBC lives in.
Police fire live rounds
What gets me about all of these ‘discussions’ is that no blame is EVER placed on the enrichment. They are always ‘victims’ of something.
Three teens charged with murder of boy found stabbed in London canal
Very short facts-only article – check
Very young murderers (14,15,17) – check
Appeal for dashcam footage but no description of what to look for on the video – check
Sounds like a bit of enrichment again to me.
But I suppose we should feel lucky the BBC even reported it. They didn’t bother when these 3 men got sentenced the other day for cornering a man in Paddington and stabbing him to death in cold blood:
So much enrichment in the news these days. And always causing trouble.
The original will be duplicated, so apologies, but… the media…
… depend on this.
As some are asking, is this Skidmark laying groundwork for the next gig?
Guest, we non-Twitterati cannot view the Tweets now. You need to describe them in your post or do a screen grab and post that. From this morning’s news, I gather that even the Twitterati are limited now in what they can view, even with a blue tick.
Then, of course… ‘academics.
Presumably dr Anna Goodwin has been arrested for criminal damage by now ….
Looking as charitably as one can on these various ‘events ‘ perhaps it really is ‘the road to hell being paved with good intentions ‘.
But stepping back a bit …. The speed at which sex campaigning is taking place – green crap campaigning – lefty social engineering through money – taxes banks ….
One wonders where it will all end ? And when ? And where will be ?
Someone did a bit of research into ‘campaigners ‘ – particularly those at the extremes – for instance green crap oil types or those demanding sex rights for children . They found a good few mental cases – unchallenged out of fear – and getting their way . ..
I’m a believer in comes around – goes around – but all of this crap has been presided over by a Conservative Regime – the blue labour rubbish ….
Maybe it’s always been ‘bad ‘ but now the internet tells us about it more …
And what you get to learn about more.
So the France narrative is ‘ it’s all ending – it’s mostly peaceful rioting ‘….
When Surkeer gets in, who is he sending over to France with Lily Allen and and BBC crew to ‘advise’ on race relations?
Bound to be ignored by BBC MSM ….I wonder if the gobby ms Phillips will use parliamentary privilege to attack …
‘It’s been a quieter night across France after four nights of rioting that followed the killing by police of a 17 year-old at a road-check in a Paris suburb.’
Yes BBC. Nice and quiet. Only 719 arrests instead of 1,000, an attempt to murder a Mayors wife and children, 45 police officers injured and more than 800 fires lit by rioters.
Telegraph reports that the useless Nadine Dorries parliamentary seat – with a 24 000 majority – will be ‘lost ‘ to red labour ….
The implications for blue labour MPs is dire .
I can foresee a small turn out at the 2025 general election. – mainly because Conservative voters will have no one to vote for ….
The remaining ‘blue labour MPs’ will then chunder on about the legitimacy of the wish list red labour vote through .
“I can foresee a small turn out at the 2025 general election. – mainly because Conservative voters will have no one to vote for ….”
There’s always – https://www.reformparty.uk
Yes your constant advocacy for that Party is noted Taffman . If they are in my manor might vote for them just to save their deposit – but Londonistan will be 100% red labour ….even chingford cannot be saved .
The sunak green card honours list for unseated MPs is gonna be a long one …
Remember, that the Brexit Party were a threat to the ‘Tory Buffoons’ just before the last general election. They achieved Brexit and are now promising to stand a candidate in every seat in the next general election under their new brand name .
Who else is there to save Great Britain ?
No one Taffman – no one
It’s time that local Associations told “Conservative” head office that they would no longer support Blue Labour MPs and if they weren’t deselected they would nominate true Conservatives to stand against them as “thistown Conservative”. With enough publicity Conservative voters would surely support this.
Pop eye – I don’t think blue labour types will realise what they are until the returning officer announces the numbers ..
How’s that edition
Finally our failed-PM Rishi Sunak – or as Mr AsI regards him – the seat-warmer for Starmer: Tories on course for record defeat in Dorries by-election (Sunday Telegraph) – so finally, our green-card-in-his-back-pocket, short-arsed manlet and former Goldman Sachs office boy, plays his last desperate final card: I experienced racism as a kid …it does hurt – he’s quoted in the Tory loyalist Sunday Express.
Oh well, that excuses everything then Rishi… if only you’d mentioned it before.
Given you’re yet another self-declared victim of the Big R, perhaps you shouldn’t be attending such nasty racist events: ...the Prince of Wales spoke to Rishi Sunak, the Prime Minister, at Lords… on a thrilling fourth day of the second Test (Sunday Telegraph)
Rishi Sunak speaks of sting of racism after damning cricket report (Guardian)
Howszat! Expressed not in the usual celebratory way, but rather in the quizzical sense – How’s That?
Speaking to the BBC’s Test Match Special during the Ashes Test at Lord’s, the prime minister said he felt the “sting” of racism (Guardian) – as we’ve now come to expect since David Cameron’s failed liberal premiership our top Tories are most anxious to placate the left-leaning BBC.
We recall David Cameron defended the BBC: Cameron’s intervention ends wrangling over BBC’s future… issues including licence fee and stars’ pay among ‘exhausting’ negotiations between culture secretary and broadcaster… David Cameron instructed his department to triple the level of pay subject to new disclosure rules from £150,000 to £450,000. In doing so, he eased BBC concerns over the impact on most of its best-known news presenters, who might otherwise have been forced to defend their salaries on air… the director general, Tony Hall, was a frequent visitor to Downing Street to lobby for support whenever talks with Whittingdale became difficult. “Cameron and the chancellor have been very supportive,” said one BBC source. “We would have been carrying on arguing for another year with this secretary of state. [Whittingdale] doesn’t get essence of the BBC.” (Guardian, May 2016)
At the time Mr AsI wished for David Cameron to be subjected to being locked in a sealed windowless room with nothing but Radio 4 piped in constantly for a period of 24 hours – aside from the punishment aspect that just might possibly have changed his opinion of the BBC
Older and wiser – and further disillusioned, indeed nowadays completely disabused of his former false notion that the Tory party was in any way conservative – Mr AsI would have to admit that rather than his novel idea of a punishment for Call Me Dave being cruel and unusual (as they used to say) Dave would likely have enjoyed and endorsed the left-leaning tosh he was subjected to spouted by Radio 4.
Tory conservatism is a pantomime, it’s fake news, a charade
Rwanda scheme foiled by £1.5bn of your money… Fury over taxpayer cash funding activists fighting flagship migrant laws (Sunday Express)
Mr AsI searching for that killer quote popped the phrase ‘David Cameron praises BBC‘ into the google and was rather amused at the plethora of results – no smoking gun but all the following headlines are quoted from the BBC except where they are attributable to the Guardian:
Diamond Jubilee: Cameron praises ‘magnificent’ Queen
David Cameron praises Scottish defence industry
David Cameron praises National Citizen Service on Wales visit
David Cameron praises Aung San Suu Kyi
Cameron praises ‘duty and decency’ of Conservative activists – mind you: David Cameron ally: Tory activists are mad, swivel-eyed loons (Guardian); David Cameron today refused to apologise for describing the UK Independence party as ‘fruitcakes’, ‘loonies’ and ‘closet racists’ (Guardian)
Cameron praises Nigeria and Afghanistan’s corruption action
Iran nuclear deal: David Cameron praises ‘important first step’
Riots: David Cameron praises ‘speedy justice’ for looters
You get the idea, moving on…
Speaking of rioting and looting – France… let’s go there [our Foreign Office don’t exactly say we shouldn’t: Foreign Office warns Britons over travel to France during riots (BBC)]
Frontpage feature photograph in the Sunday Times: A waiter in the Place de la Concorde in central Paris attempts to put out a fire – giving a whole new meaning to the culinary term flambé
Given Foreign Office advice (by the way, they didn’t warn us off travel to Sudan as that one kicked off) I’m oddly reminded of that kid’s road safety superhero guy, the Green Cross Code Man – “I won’t be there when you cross the Channel, so always use the Green Cross Code” – there was also Clunk-click Every Trip – but the less said about that the better.
Our diplomats may have been blindsided by Sudan – it was probably one of those rare coup attempts about which we didn’t have foreknowledge – but I think our lifeboat outfit the RNLI and our Borderforce have been doing a sterling job lately of emulating the famous 1940 Dunkirk evacuation – pre-empting the present troubles in France and lifting as many refugees as possible off the beaches and bringing them back here to safety. I jest of course.
Macron deploys special forces to fight rioters (Telegraph)
And if you haven’t had quite your fill of racism shoved down your throat of late: Stephen Lawrence Exclusive – really, Sunday Mirror? Surely new Stephen Lawrence angles are as common as cat shit, or more politely and given our utter subjection to American BLM-inspired culture – a dime a dozen
Suspect No.6 was there… Survivor Stephen’s pal Duwayne Brooks… He believes he would have picked Matthew White out of an ID parade (Mirror)
Hows that…?
Joint enterprise law wrongly interpreted for 30 years, court rules… Decision by supreme court likely to trigger rush of applications to court of appeal… Large numbers of those found guilty of murder under ‘joint enterprise’ rules may appeal to have their convictions overturned… The judgment was described by Deborah Madden, from the Jengba (Joint Enterprise Not Guilty by Association) campaign, as a major turning point in British justice. “The joint enterprise rule has been used to get mass convictions without evidence. It has caused devastation for families. We know of 650 people who we think will be affected by the ruling – and we don’t know everyone,” she said. (Guardian, February 2016)
And finally: Jagger to wed again …at 79 (Sunday People) Start Me Up…?
If the Banks are now allowed to chose which customers they want depending on how they are politically then is this a precedent for others.
Could the Fire Brigade refuse to put out a house fire if the owner voted leave?
Would a surgeon refuse to operate on a dying man because sometime in his past somebody said they heard him say that a wimmin can’t have a knob.
You can see the direction of travel here.
I’ve heard that a Hairdresser refused a customer (or stopped half way through) because they had appeared on GB News.
Advertisers are frightened to go on GB News because of the lefty mob. Nobody hates like a lefty, they are brilliant at it.
You highlight one issue, now of thousands. Is there any reverse gear for yours and all the others?
What astounds me is the speed at which the Marxist/Communist conspiracy has spread and consolidated throughout the West. The commies had their rude awakening in the 50’s. I remember the shunning with press headlines at that time. They saw, “Reds Under the Bed” everywhere. In the US there was McCarthyism. Since then, the Marxist/Commies withdrew and planned a more subtle takeover. Temporally halting their obvious overt attempts to ‘take over’ and settled down to a long plan and wait. Now, critical mass of those ‘Fifth-Columnists’ is complete and, coupled with World developments such as China’s growth, a perfect model has been created. For them.
All the critical positions in Government, Media, military, NHS (and not forgetting the likes of Rail Unions who were active destroyers of society in the 60’s, 70’s (“Sick Britain” / “The Poor Man of Europe”) are infiltrated. The list could go on. Clyde side shipbuilders and miners and so on. We are undoubtedly on our way, quickly, to emulating Chinese ways of Communist control over the populations, but in the West.
The strange thing is, it is obvious that the false nonsense we are all surrounded by right now, daily, cannot continue. It will be very obvious that, at some stage, those yanking the strings will recognise that for total success of their plan, they will have to halt all the bizarre nonsense we currently experience. Control will be exercised. Then what? All the clowns cultivated by the Marsists will voluntarily desist? No fear. They’ve been brought on to think, ‘Anything Goes’. The homosexuals, for one classic example, will be expected to sink back to hidden obscurity or be arrested and interned. Don’t think so. All the cultivated clowns will be have to be shut down for the Chinese form of Communism to prevail. Because, even in China, if the people rose up, collectively even the Chinese Government would be overwhelmed and eliminated.
Thousand of camps to house, all the deviants Marxism has created? Past their usefulness.
I can picture it all now. Vividly.
People on the right tend to be down to earth Intelligent, questioning people and see things as they really are and do not easily swallow lies.
People on the left only see things as they want them to be and are happy to support any information that they already agree with and therefore do not need intelligence.
There are far more unintelligent people than intelligent ones. Hence the left wing, woke shit show we are living through.
Neil Oliver
There are echoes of totalitarian states where ‘party members ‘ get preferential treatment – see communists / national socialists ….
How far can ‘polarisation ‘ go ?
Black Belt Barrister chips in. I’m not too sure about cross-fertilisation from Employment Law to Contract/Tort. But I’m sure he knows his stuff.
Bit troubled by what ‘discriminatory ‘ actually means . …
I’d have thought the ECHR would come in somewhere with something like the ‘right to family life’ in that cancelling a bank account interferes with ‘family life ‘….
.. be something if Mr Farage used Europeans Law ….
Even without a full EU army to quell any uprising.
If ever one of these tv studio twats has suffered a deficit of attention, it is him.
White powder merchant ..sniff
Perhaps the prick is aiming to take the NHS up on their offer and medically become qualified. That would be a laugh assuming he’s got the staying power to last the duration.
All you have to do is listen to him to know he is ‘not right ‘ and medicated …..
Yet another mental case with public attention …
Maybe he and Sangita could hook up and have extra screwed up kids?
Tice just pointed out that lefties who break the law, get to keep bank accounts
eg Just Stop Oil
yet righties who merely do “wrongthink” ie diasgree with WokeSupremacists get their accounts closed
Banks discriminate by POLITICS
The BBC, Le Monde uk edition, Guardian etc in lockstep over the playing down of the scale of the riots by immigrants in France using virtually identical wording to convey a sense of calm and control even though it’s plain that things are out of control……It would appear that Brussels has had “words” with their editorial teams….
Digg – I wonder how many agencies are helping to ‘vet ‘ the facts .
It seems as though anything unapproved will be denied and claimed to be AI ….. Russia must be laughing – especially if it spreads and keeps going and being properly reported eh ?
Pug – if this true – surely all that manufactured ‘anger’ by the like of the dead kids ‘ mother / father – press should be the subject of some comment …?
Will the next GE be the one where Reform gets a decent vote?
I originally thought that the one after would have a better result for Reform but I’m having doubts now.
Labour look like getting in with Starmer as PM.
They will make an unholy mess of everything and it will cost us billions/trillions when they have spent and borrowed everything.
The population will then go back to the conservatives to make sure labour is kicked out and we will end up back here with a left wing Tory government who think the population want their policies.
In the last GE, they stuck net zero crap on to their manifesto and although just about everybody who voted Tory did so because it seemed the only way to get brexit done the Tories are telling us WE voted for this net zero stuff, which we didn’t, but we had no choice.
The people in the UK are so dumb.
Reform/UKIP will do the things they want such as immigration, cancel net zero, 20mph everywhere/ulez/etc and all the other things we want doing yet I fear few will vote for them.
That’s the problem with our voting system, we vote to keep a Party out and not for the Party we want. The lesser of the two evils gets the vote.
Also, about that Vicar who was booted out of his Bank for commenting on all the gay stuff on display in his local Bank.
I bet they wouldn’t dare do that if he was an Imam.
If he was an imam the bank probably wouldn’t be there the next day. Nor would a couple of buildings either side.
World at one
Jonnie Jonnie Jonnie – so so trying to link France riots ( racism ) to Blighty – not mentioned – but there is the air . The big worry there seems to be civil symbols being attacked – such as – er – Lidl …
Baltimore shooting: Two dead and 28 injured in mass casualty event, police say
A mass shooting but a very short article by the BBC and not even on the front page.
That usually means they know the shooter wasn’t white. I wonder if it’s the case here.
According to the US Census Bureau figures for 2020, 62.4% of the population were black or African American. In 2015, there were 344 homicides recorded, in a city with a population of about 580,000. For comparison, the population of England and Wales is 100x that, and for the year ended March 2021 there were 594 murders. So, in a colourful city like Baltimore you’re 50 times more likely to be murdered than here. Mind you, London is taking a stab at competing.
For those thinking of visiting, British Airways have a direct flight. Here’s the local newspaper – also silent on the ‘mass casualty event’ – with imagery akin to the BBC News (sic) website.
Time to dig out my ‘Wire ‘ box set ….
Ian, that US demographic breakdown doesn’t accord with Wikipedia but I would add that Wikipedia can be wrong as I found errors in a Wiki page about something or someone I knew well and corrected them. I cannot remember my sign-in & password now. What I do know about the USA is that sometime in the last decade, English was no longer a majority language in the US but it has been replaced by Spanish.
Have a look and see what you think: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States#Demographics
Wikipedia is updated by anyone who feels inclined to do it.
Which for anything political, usually means ‘activists’.
As there are far, far more Left Wing activitists, Wikipedia is basically a view of the world from them. That’s why definitions of words like ‘fascism’ and ‘racism’ keep evolving to be limited to right-wing white males.
For the far left:
anyone black or black asian, are forgiven for their hate as this is a cultural thing
white british are not allowed their culture
Or French
Or Belgian
We are hearing reports of lions and tigers on the loose in France.
Once the arabs have settled down or got shot, the Chinese French will be out and about,
Lion bollocks and tiger cock, once dried and put in a jar, worth a bloody fortune in China town Soho.
Legal insight into the closing of bank accounts for political reasons, worth a watch:
I had a fascinating time with a chinese lady at Paradise Wildlife park.
A running commentary on the taste of each animal, including the snakes (vipers and cobras improve the skin, apparently)
I wanted to see the jaguars, they saw her and bloody bolted
But there is natural justice
I was in Hainan Island her friend had a tank of Pirihanas, which I was admiring, when he said Thats dinner.
I thought he was joking, but she dragged one out and started chopping it up,
It then bit the top of her finger off, he got a baseball bat and strted hiting it, there was bits of fish and blood all over the kitchen
I’m off fish
And don’t start on turtles, she thinks David Attenborough is a cookery show
I took her to Scotland once, and we spent one afternoon fishing for mackerel off the quay.
Big mistake, we throw them back, but some went missing, and so did she, into an empty warehouse with a knife.
Three days later travelling back and an awful smell from the car boot
If they are going to build loads more pylons then why not change the design so that they look like The Eiffel Tower (or Blackpool Tower)
#1 Th new norm is to try to put cables underground
#2 The more steel you use in the pylons, the more CO2 is emitted in the production
Yet their game is supposed to be about reducing CO2
irony is wind infrastructure is made before winfarms start working
So when you build one and their special transmission lines you INCREASE world CO2
they argue that after a few years of production they have displaced enough hours of gas power station use to cover this startup CO2 , and then that they are reducing the increase in world CO2.
Now Countryfile is trailing their item about Green energy
shots show a huge drilling rig .. for drilling heatpumps or geothermal (that’s done by fracking process.. but they won’t mention that)
Oh the heatpump company is busy tweeting about the free PR
… https://twitter.com/KensaContracts/status/1675580157338304517
Guess if Richard Bacon’s fathr in law is connected to big banks ?
Ex-Barclays chairman
Is Tommy body doubling for zelenski ?
‘We never called for hate’ French teen’s family tell BBC.
Here we go: the BBC desperately trying to switch the narrative from the hatred and violence of the Muslim immigrants into one of empathy and ‘feelings’ using his family.
Here’s the news BBC: it has nothing to do with the death of ‘Nahel M’. It’s the release of the hatred they feel towards infidels. He was just a catalyst. They do it all the time – but this one is different because it is in a European capital city. But you will never admit it because it proves what complete lies your agenda for the last 20 years has been.
In one report, I saw something very interesting which I don’t recall seeing at all on the BBC:
‘The officer then appears to fire point blank as the car abruptly drives off. The car moved a few dozen metres before crashing. Nael died shortly after.’
Not quite as ‘cold blood’ as I have been led to believe then.
And why is he being referred to as Nael ‘M’. Why is there no proper name ?. Is it ‘Mohammed’ or something ?.
France and Marine Le Pen:
A Sunday service Prayer against ‘The Sin of Pride’ and the Greedy Bankers
The Sin of Pride is the foremost of the Seven Deadly Sins. The seven deadly sins are the seven behaviours or feelings that inspire further sin. They are typically ordered as: pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath, and sloth.
Pride is excessive belief in one’s own abilities, that interferes with the individual’s recognition of the grace of God. It has been called the sin from which all others arise. Celebrating ‘The Sin of Pride Month’ is an evil excessive preoccupation with celebrating oneself and one’s own importance, achievements, status, possessions and sexual perversions in contempt of God. This sin is considered a rebellion against God by perverts, because it attributes to one’s self, the honour and glory that only the reverent are due. The proud are estranged from God. Pride is the opposite of humility, a character quality that greatly pleases God, and one He rewards.
Greed is an insatiable desire for money and power. Greedy Bankers celebrating ‘The Sin of Pride Month’ are now robbing the accounts of those customers inspired by humility, and who refuse to celebrate the ‘Sin of Pride’: Amen
The Devil has got busy – even has a ‘brand ‘ now