Two years ago, Australian spy drama Pine Gap was removed from the Vietnamese market by Netflix, following a complaint from authorities.
China, Vietnam, the Philippines, Taiwan, Malaysia and Brunei all have competing claims in the South China Sea.
The bigger China’s movie industry becomes, though, the greater the urge to control the message. In 2018, the Communist party’s propaganda department took direct control of the entertainment industry. That year, the government also carried out a huge clampdown on tax evasion in the film industry, making an example of the actor Fan Bingbing, who mysteriously “disappeared” for three months. She reemerged after making a grovelling public apology and paying a fine of nearly $130m.
She may have led BBC news bulletins when she was bringing down top Tories, but the ‘Sue Gray broke civil service code’ story was reported on tonight’s BBC1 News at 6 for a few seconds as the last news item, covered ‘in brief’, just before the latest from Wimbledon. Blink and you’d have missed it. The BBC look after those they like.
So the BBC and the Met Office have advised us today that the UK had the hottest June on record – though they neglect to say that we’ve only got records going back to 1884. So what were the previous four and a half billion years like?
They never state the methodology they use to determine what constitutes a hottest period.
Whatever it is, it allows them to announce the results even before the month or year has ended.
Doc, apparently, the hottest June evvah was only enjoyed by the western half of the UK: see temperature map here: As I pointed out in posts last month, the prevailing winds were easterly or nor’easterly for most of the month of June which means they were really quite cold.
Doc, in Fife, or further north on the East Coast? The disingenuous Met Office and the equally disingenuous BBC do not mention in the ‘hottest June evvah’ claim that there is a distinct East:West split in the high temperature. They leave you to scroll down the article to see the temperature map. It is an obvious propaganda and brainwashing attempt!
Look hard for the result of the Williams v Svitolina match but you will not find it in a picture box that you can click on. The BBC really adore the Williams sisters and only Venus is playing this year so the BBC get their excuses in early: “Venus Williams loses to Elina Svitolina after nasty slip on Centre Court” is all that records Venus Williams losing in straight sets and it is relegated to the left hand side-bar.
Yes, I saw most of that match, and the first thing I noticed (besides the grovelling comments about Gauff) was, “Is that Sofia Kenin?” I thought it was 2018 when she had a great year (won Australia and the Final at the French?), but it was actually on 2020 where she was also WTA Player of the Year!
Not a WORD from the Martinas & Co about this. And when Kenin won the first set, it was as if a non-invited birthday guest had sh*t on the birthday cake!
The bias was simply extraordinary, for obvious reasons.
…. I thought funny how the Met Office and the BBC use the CET (Fed, that’s Central England Temperatures) temperatures when it suits them but use part UK national temperatures when it means they make claims about June being the hottest ever for the western half of the UK.
Fed, actually gardening and farming records are really quite valuable as records of weather and climate. GQT [Gardeners Question Time, 😉 Fed] was a bit of a hoot as it was from Wallingford and some of the questions came from people living near RAF Benson and mentioned the extreme cold in winter. Of course that couldn’t be possible on the BBC, after all, the science is settled and the world is going to fry!
Adams was on Radio 4 earlier, Pug. On one side you had hard-done-by “young”, “militant” Palestinians, on the other “hardline” and “far-right” Israelis, and the Israelis were – in his words – engaged in “colonisation”. By using the word “colonisation” is this him trying to smear Israel by making people associate it with ‘colonialism’ – one of the biggest sins according to woke history? He ended by sounding off about Israel’s actions against the terrorists, saying such raids “do little to address the underlying problems and generally serve as a trigger for further violence”. So that’s Israel told off and blamed by the BBC again.
I think it’s time to start the Ukraine propaganda notes
Today it is ‘Russian tank blows up going over own mines ‘…
There’s been a whole stream of Ukraine propaganda department gladly pumped out by the ‘free press’ showing how Ukraine is winning …. Show them what they want to see …
The best one was ‘Russian soldiers suffering from anthrax after digging trench in graveyard ‘…
Yes the new…. Russian mines slowing Ukraine advance is yet another Zelensky excuse statement. The Russians have the advantage now, they occupy what they wanted so just need sit back and to wait for the Ukrainians to come forward to be obliterated. Meanwhile sending the odd missiles into a Ukraine city or two.
NYTimes’ new feature profiles Richard N. Haass, the longest serving president of the Council on Foreign Relations, focusing on his decision to step down from the institution itself regarded as the oldest of America’s policy thinktanks. The article delves into Haass’s slow disillusionment with the direction the country’s taking amid the changing world.
The lgbt+++++++++++++++…….. community demand to raise their flag wherever they can force support from all sorts of deluded officials. And corporations at pain of being tarbrushed as villains and cunts.
Well I say if they are encouraged to do it then why not other groups with the same amount or even much more legitimacy?
So lets berate the libraries, town halls, police stations, coffee shops etc . Who all fall over themselves to display the rainbow thingy to fly the union flag alongside it to represent all the other people in this country who don’t happen to be gay, bisexual, pan sexual, flip sexual, no sexual , cat sexual, dog sexual. etc. who probably actually consist of of 99% of the population?
How could they deny this, it’s just diversity and acceptance innit?
Miss Francesca Unsworth (buys sandwich using BBC money for other people)
Internal hospitality
Hospitality For Meetings Potential QT presenter
I’m interested in the way that many media people are storytelling actors providing us with THEATRE not truth
Take BBC/LBC’s Sangita Myska
6:30pm on Friday she tweeted that EVIL Musk was putting a daily limit on tweets people can read
And that she knew that was DELIBERATE to hinder journalists like her.
She did get a couple of thousand likes as her fans clapped like seals, but many people called her out and explained the story is it’s a temporary measure to deal with bots scraping data
Then today i open my tablet where I’d left the discussions and pooof, her tweet is no longer there
She’s just deleted her tweet without an apology and moved on
Thread with a screenshot of her deleted tweet ..
I like the way the surname database tells me the country where it is most common is
…. Sweden
The Afghanistan Interior Ministry spokesman was called Yousef Stanezai
Stanikzai (Pashto: ستانکزئی) or Stanizai (Pashto: ستانیزئ) is a subtribe of the Pashtun Ghilji tribe. It is found in Afghanistan mainly in the Kabul, Jalalabad and Logar provinces. Most tribe members speak Pashto and are Sunni Muslims.
Banks failing to pass on savings interests rates ….. gonna do something at last ? ( no )
Supermarket cartel overcharging for fuel … gonna do something ?( no).
Meanwhile – France mostly peaceful riots are no longer on the news agenda ….. and Definately that the ‘killer cop ‘ has 5x the crowd fund cash that the dead third world kid …..
Big day for people who use cars . The emir of londonistan is in the High Court on the new ULEZ crap challenge . I’ve already sold my car because of that nasty little c word – who I wish would politically die – and the BBC thinks he will win .
£12.50 a day to use my own car in my own city …..on top of the car tax and fraudulent petrol cost …
I am in exile from London but I will not be able to return with my car, Fed, although I think I can for a couple of years, until the Mayor increases the restrictions. What will happen is that London becomes a ghost town and IKEA have already left north London. The public transport system will collapse under the strain. It was already rocky in pre-pandemic times, I would often find Oxford Street underground station closed on my visits back to central London. When the rail network is not running, due to strikes or ‘leaves on the line’, what then for London?
And there is a certain element of the London population who love their cars and like to race them around the North Circular Road. While I am sure many of them are law abiding, what about those who do not pay the ULEZ charge and are taken to court? I foresee massive trouble ahead …..
What with the Congestion Charge, the horrendous roadworks and the bloody traffic, I couldn’t contemplate driving into London these days.
If you’re a working man, dependent on your vehicle for your livelihood, then this is just another egregious tax, cunningly camouflaged as “saving lives” and helping the environment. Utter poppycock, of course…
Khan is a nasty, money grabbing little man and shouldn’t be mayor of London.
Jeff, there’s roadworks in London? Oi, we should be so lucky!
Last time I drove through East London the road surfaces were worse than in Kent! Boris promised to fix them, so we could cycle safely, but did not. Maybe he was influenced by Carrie Antoinette way back in 2010? The only place, I felt safe riding a bike in London was, ironically, along the new section of the North Circular Road, east of the Green Lanes.
Let’s have cycle tolls ….cyclists breath too much carbon dioxide out so they are warming up and destroying the planet quicker – and all that tyre and brake pollution is killing asthmatics
No, Boris was banging Jennie Acuri back in 2010. Now she was fun, and American gal who I’m sure liked a V8 or two. No, it was much later that he was banging Carrie, and his wife finally had enough and threw him out. The rest is history.
“The teenager was also a member of the Pirates of Nanterre rugby club and had been part of an integration programme for teenagers struggling in school” – interesting way of putting it “teenagers struggling in school”
Meesh does her dominatrix act on some unsuspecting blue labour council leader who dares to challenge her friend – the emir of londonistan –
Apparently although the underground produces a lot of air pollution it’s ok because millions use it . But cars ? Millions of people don’t use them ( claims meesh ) …
As a born bred londoner I like to be able to see and taste the air – it’s part of city life –
As I write some ethnic is citing the londonistan borough of Waltham Forest as a ‘wonder ‘ for cyclists because they’ve closed all the roads . Well I live there – it is hell – thr traffic jams last most of the day . Few cyclists use the effing cycle lanes and it’s pretty miserable …
They never ask who the cyclists are.
The answer predominantly is youngish middle class males.
Cycle lanes thus become a free taxpayer-funded alternative to gym membership. As wealth redistribution beloved of socialists goes, it’s about the most useless scheme imaginable.
You never see families with young children cycling back from the supermarket, loaded, with shopping, on a rainy, windy, dark evening in November, do you?
Sluff, the acronym is MAMILs (sorry, Fed) middle-aged men in Lycra, although as they pass me on their £3000 bikes, I tend to think of them as No Bell Prize Winners. 😉
What do the BBC do when there is nothing in the news to let them push their agenda items ?.
They just make one up. Here’s a front-page headline which has absolutely no story behind it at all. It’s just a ‘panorama’ style totally one-sided ‘report’ by someone who has spent months trying to find whatever he can.
‘The BBC has learned’ appears 4 times and ‘The BBC has been told’ twice. They seem to think that ‘being told’ means they can report anything they like as fact – without telling us ‘who told them’.
This is not news in any way, shape or form. It’s pure agenda based propaganda. Yet they have it as the main headline for ‘world news’. The author says on twitter he has spent months investigating this – so I wonder just how much the BBC have spent on this.
For the benchmark in execrable interviews, look no further than Useless Mischal Hussein ‘interview’ a female Marxist eco-fanatic this morning. This was importantly in the context of an immediately previous interview with a Tory councillor daring to challenge Sad Dick Khan’s ULEZ zone
Mischal reasonably asked a question about the ULEZ zone and its effect on low paid workers.
Said Marxist totally ignored the question and launched into a long pre-determined auto rant.
What did our Mischal do ? Absolutely nothing. Gave her free rein. No interruptions. No challenge. No real attempt to have the question answered.
We were thus treated in effect to a Party Political Broadcast on behalf of the Fanatic Marxist Party.
Supported clearly by Toady and hence the BBC.
30mins long. ex police-officer Mark Sexton, and lawyers Philip Hyland and Hannah Rose speak about the criminal complaint to the met police about the pandemic:
Note how these right-wing ‘terrorists’ are always charged with downloading something from the internet. They are always caught long before they actually do anything. Unlike the Islamic kind who don’t make the news until they hit the streets with a knife or a bomb.
Even in such a short article, they get the word ‘terror’ in there 6 times.
I’ve monitored the dozens of Islamic terrorism reports for years and they NEVER use the word ‘terror’ unless they have to as a quote.
It seems to me our government spends a vastly disproportionate amount of resources tracking right wing terrorists than the other kind. I assume the reasoning is that we must stop Muslims being upset at all costs. Paris has just shown us what they do when they are given an excuse to show their hate for the Infidels.
I visited Malmo in Sweden, back in 1999 – remembered thinking how much of a beautiful destination.
Then last night watched a video on YouTube, and the crime statistics – terrible how the 3rd world bring society down and its “standards” with it. I presume like in the UK once they are here, we are stuck with them – imagine coming back to the UK cess pit in a few years
The BBC really do not like Elon Musk at all, despite his green credentials, since he bought Twitter and is a free speech advocate, allowing former President Donald Trump a platform. Mark Zuckerberg is launching a rival to Twitter where people can post short messages via his ‘tech platforms’. The BBC are excited and overjoyed. Will the BBC migrate to the Zuckerberg equivalent of Twitter? Will the BBC close their Twitter accounts?
Just a reminder to all the Twitter users on here, you really need to post a screen grab or explain what is happening in your post that references the Tweet other wise us non-Twitterati on here will simply ignore your posts and move speedily past and on. 🙂
This is a post about a bloke in France who is advocating more ‘refugees’ not enjoying the degree of gratitude from his charges that he might.
The man who was savagely attacked by refugee thugs in France was the president of the Angels for Peace association, which campaigns to keep refugees in France.
How’s this for a different type of bias?
On the BBC weather website.
The forecast for the UK is 11 hours old.
The forecast for the South East ( where it was forecast to rain and as a result we changed our plans……it isn’t) is 14 hours old.
The forecast for Scotland is ……2 hours old!
Sluff, it depends what time you access each area. there is no historical archive to the Meteo provision so, if I’m going to, say, Margate and I’ve already viewed the Canterbury data at 8 a.m., I open a new link to the weather page at 11 a.m. and type in Margate, it will appear to be bang up to date. You get hourly slices of ‘weather forecast’ on the BBC web-site.
‘Thousands of adverts for rental homes posted by private landlords and lettings agents say children or pets are not welcome, BBC analysis shows.
There are no laws explicitly stopping this’
So it’s not news at all then is it BBC. So we look for the agenda.
‘Under existing equality laws, blanket bans on children have been shown to indirectly discriminate against women.’
Shown by who to who BBC ?.
So there are two side to this story : all the single women needing somewhere to live and the Landlords who obviously have specific reasons why they don’t want single mothers living there. As so many of the enrichment who deal drugs and stab each other don’t have the father living with them, I think I can guess a few of them.
So how does the unbiased and balanced represent these two sides ?.
Simple : it focuses totally on the poor single-parent women and children who can’t find rooms. It doesn’t mention why at all.
Then I see (for the second time today), the BBC have been focussing research on it :
‘BBC News created software that collected private rental listings from property websites OpenRent and Zoopla over a four-day period in May, then removed adverts for rooms in shared accommodation.’
Like the earlier one about police, that’s not news : that’s activism.
It seems the BBC are shifting more and more to Left-Wing activism. Since when was that part of their charter ?.
Here are the two typical examples of the modern BBC staff who are being used for it all:
I see the latter also writes regularly in the other arse-cheek,. The Guardian.
Yes come on remove the freedom of nasty landlords to choose who they sell a roof to – in fact – let’s nationalise private landlords and call it … er … ‘social housing ‘…. Er … another nail in thr rental sector ?
I am not and have never been a landlord – nor do I know any – I’m just a nasty capitalist …..
( is the top picture from one of those ‘mills and boon ‘ books?)
Like that evil weasel Corbyn, the BBc uses landlords as a focus of their agendas, to their core audiences. And no matter the cost.
For sure there are some awful landlords, but often they turn out to BBC/Corbyn core community members themselves.
There are vast, prohibitive protections already making it nigh on impossible to rent out a property in a fair arrangement.
Between notice periods, agent fees, damage waivers, certifications etc, the tenant enjoys free rein, beyond also suddenly having a bunch of ways to refuse to leave. Pets or smoking or unattended gardens can render a property unlettable without redecoration.
It is hard not to see these BBc Verify kids as specifically tasked with suppression, but are so inept are merely undermining the BBC more quickly than it it has been going for years.
“Yesterday’s BBC TV evening news (Monday 3rd July 2023) was a cracker. No mention of the disastrous rioting in France, a quick mention of the Ukrainian war but with little commentary of what people were watching were Ukrainian soldiers, many injured, trapped in a minefield due to the incompetence of their commanders and the cunning of the Russians. The main story of the evening was the demolition of past temperature records for the month of June by a whole 0.9 degrees and of dying fish in our rivers. No mention of zero reservoirs being built for 31 years while our population grew massively, no mention of people wearing pullovers for the first few days of July, no mention of the coldest weather since 1957 in areas of Australia, the recovery of the Great Barrier Reef or the increase in Polar Sea Ice. What a farcical situation!”
Does forbidding supermarkets from offering two for one bargains and bulk buying ,a government decree making a minimum price for alcoholic drinks and extra charges for soft drinks with sugar help fight inflation ?
The government could help with not taxing the fuel the supermarkets sell .
“The Federation of Entertainment Unions, which comprises over 130,000 union members working in TV, film, cinema and other areas of the entertainment industry, is calling for a new independent body to oversee the BBC.”
I’m not really interested in tennis – but I notice it when the BBC champions ethnics – so when someone called ‘co co ‘ exits in the first round – there is no mention … and the Williams one doing a sickie also is ‘bad ‘…
.. the bbc also has a kind on nationalist spasm over anyone British actually winning a match … whatever ,,, has the orange dye been thrown around yet ?
vladMar 12, 11:27 Midweek 12th March 2025 If any of you deplorables enjoy seeing leftist terrorists accidentally setting themselves on fire while trying to arsonise Tesla, then…
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MarkyMarkMar 12, 11:14 Midweek 12th March 2025 “Bangladesh Court Seizes Tulip Siddiq’s Properties and Imposes Travel Ban” – Minister of …………………….. She served as Economic Secretary…
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MarkyMarkMar 12, 10:51 Midweek 12th March 2025 The Smith-Mundt Modernization Act: From Propaganda to Censorship to Tyranny by Laurie Calhoun | May 18, 2022 (seen on…
StewGreenMar 12, 10:41 Midweek 12th March 2025 elsewhere “They’re filming a propaganda piece about last summer’s civil unrest, directed by Rizwan Wadan. The “heroic” Imam Adam Kelwick—who…
MarkyMarkMar 12, 10:37 Midweek 12th March 2025 UK riots: Police officer filmed telling men ‘stash weapons in mosque’ The officer was filmed in a video, which was…
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Fedup2Mar 12, 10:33 Midweek 12th March 2025 Atlas – I agree – the work address is public domain on the BBC website … she is on linked…
Vietnam has banned the upcoming Barbie film over a scene featuring a map depicting contested Chinese territorial claims in the South China Sea.
Vietnam is among a number of countries that contest China’s claim to almost all of the South China Sea.
The film about the famous doll, which has already taken over social media, is due to release in cinemas on 21 July.
Two years ago, Australian spy drama Pine Gap was removed from the Vietnamese market by Netflix, following a complaint from authorities.
China, Vietnam, the Philippines, Taiwan, Malaysia and Brunei all have competing claims in the South China Sea.
The bigger China’s movie industry becomes, though, the greater the urge to control the message. In 2018, the Communist party’s propaganda department took direct control of the entertainment industry. That year, the government also carried out a huge clampdown on tax evasion in the film industry, making an example of the actor Fan Bingbing, who mysteriously “disappeared” for three months. She reemerged after making a grovelling public apology and paying a fine of nearly $130m.
She may have led BBC news bulletins when she was bringing down top Tories, but the ‘Sue Gray broke civil service code’ story was reported on tonight’s BBC1 News at 6 for a few seconds as the last news item, covered ‘in brief’, just before the latest from Wimbledon. Blink and you’d have missed it. The BBC look after those they like.
So the BBC and the Met Office have advised us today that the UK had the hottest June on record – though they neglect to say that we’ve only got records going back to 1884. So what were the previous four and a half billion years like?
They never state the methodology they use to determine what constitutes a hottest period.
Whatever it is, it allows them to announce the results even before the month or year has ended.
Hottest June on record! Absolute bBBC bollocks!
Doc, apparently, the hottest June evvah was only enjoyed by the western half of the UK: see temperature map here: As I pointed out in posts last month, the prevailing winds were easterly or nor’easterly for most of the month of June which means they were really quite cold.
Where are you in the UK?
It was pretty hot for the people who live next door to runways.
RiC, indeed. 🙂
Yep urban heat island effect for most people
and Jet heat island effect for people living at weather stations at Conisby and Heathrow airports
Scotland Up2. Ha Ha! Would have been nice today but a bloody gale has been blowing the last 3 days.
Doc, in Fife, or further north on the East Coast? The disingenuous Met Office and the equally disingenuous BBC do not mention in the ‘hottest June evvah’ claim that there is a distinct East:West split in the high temperature. They leave you to scroll down the article to see the temperature map. It is an obvious propaganda and brainwashing attempt!
Up2 -20 miles west of Edinburgh.
Col Douglas Macgregor:
BBC at Wimbledon
Look hard for the result of the Williams v Svitolina match but you will not find it in a picture box that you can click on. The BBC really adore the Williams sisters and only Venus is playing this year so the BBC get their excuses in early: “Venus Williams loses to Elina Svitolina after nasty slip on Centre Court” is all that records Venus Williams losing in straight sets and it is relegated to the left hand side-bar.
Postscript: “Wimbledon 2023: Venus Williams receives standing ovation despite loss to Elina Svitolina”
More bad news for the BBC: Coco Gauff lost in the First Round too!
Pity about the transit of Venus (towards retirement?) but I wish something would occult the BBC.
All I want now is for Rapinoe to be ruled out of the US Women’s football team.
Yes, I saw most of that match, and the first thing I noticed (besides the grovelling comments about Gauff) was, “Is that Sofia Kenin?” I thought it was 2018 when she had a great year (won Australia and the Final at the French?), but it was actually on 2020 where she was also WTA Player of the Year!
Not a WORD from the Martinas & Co about this. And when Kenin won the first set, it was as if a non-invited birthday guest had sh*t on the birthday cake!
The bias was simply extraordinary, for obvious reasons.
‘TEMPERATUREGATE’ Watch #3 – funny, I thought ….
…. I thought funny how the Met Office and the BBC use the CET (Fed, that’s Central England Temperatures) temperatures when it suits them but use part UK national temperatures when it means they make claims about June being the hottest ever for the western half of the UK.
Are they 6 hours behind us ?
‘Since records began ‘ – some member of the Victorian gentry ( ex slaver ?) pottering down his garden to get a temp reading in 1850 …. Science eh?
Fed, actually gardening and farming records are really quite valuable as records of weather and climate. GQT [Gardeners Question Time, 😉 Fed] was a bit of a hoot as it was from Wallingford and some of the questions came from people living near RAF Benson and mentioned the extreme cold in winter. Of course that couldn’t be possible on the BBC, after all, the science is settled and the world is going to fry!
Adams was on Radio 4 earlier, Pug. On one side you had hard-done-by “young”, “militant” Palestinians, on the other “hardline” and “far-right” Israelis, and the Israelis were – in his words – engaged in “colonisation”. By using the word “colonisation” is this him trying to smear Israel by making people associate it with ‘colonialism’ – one of the biggest sins according to woke history? He ended by sounding off about Israel’s actions against the terrorists, saying such raids “do little to address the underlying problems and generally serve as a trigger for further violence”. So that’s Israel told off and blamed by the BBC again.
Let’s ban Israel from Eurovision! That’ll show’em!
I think it’s time to start the Ukraine propaganda notes
Today it is ‘Russian tank blows up going over own mines ‘…
There’s been a whole stream of Ukraine propaganda department gladly pumped out by the ‘free press’ showing how Ukraine is winning …. Show them what they want to see …
The best one was ‘Russian soldiers suffering from anthrax after digging trench in graveyard ‘…
Yes the new…. Russian mines slowing Ukraine advance is yet another Zelensky excuse statement. The Russians have the advantage now, they occupy what they wanted so just need sit back and to wait for the Ukrainians to come forward to be obliterated. Meanwhile sending the odd missiles into a Ukraine city or two.
Brigade 77 – any comment – any monitors wanna chuck a comment in ?
Nigel Farage must read this forum, he thinks MI5 are behind his banking issues. I posted something along these lines on here a few days ago.
NYTimes’ new feature profiles Richard N. Haass, the longest serving president of the Council on Foreign Relations, focusing on his decision to step down from the institution itself regarded as the oldest of America’s policy thinktanks. The article delves into Haass’s slow disillusionment with the direction the country’s taking amid the changing world.
The lgbt+++++++++++++++…….. community demand to raise their flag wherever they can force support from all sorts of deluded officials. And corporations at pain of being tarbrushed as villains and cunts.
Well I say if they are encouraged to do it then why not other groups with the same amount or even much more legitimacy?
So lets berate the libraries, town halls, police stations, coffee shops etc . Who all fall over themselves to display the rainbow thingy to fly the union flag alongside it to represent all the other people in this country who don’t happen to be gay, bisexual, pan sexual, flip sexual, no sexual , cat sexual, dog sexual. etc. who probably actually consist of of 99% of the population?
How could they deny this, it’s just diversity and acceptance innit?
In which the bbc is tasked to actually report on news of relevance vs. JezBo’s glee club obsessions.
2019 … when yellow vests were ignored….
BBC Tony Hall £450,000
Francesca Unsworth, Director, News and Current Affairs £340,000
Director, News and Current Affairs – decides that YELLOW VESTS shall not be shown!
Miss Francesca Unsworth (buys sandwich using BBC money for other people)
Internal hospitality
Hospitality For Meetings Potential QT presenter
Can anyone on here explain the advantage of an electric car powered by petrol? Called I believe “hybrid”.
It sounds like the biggest cop out ever!
Ride two horses etc,
You can get over 90 miles per gallon with a hybrid, but that saving is offset by the extra cost in purchasing the car.
If hybrids were the same price as petrol, it is the best option/ Otherwise, it takes 10-15 years for it to payback.
I’m interested in the way that many media people are storytelling actors providing us with THEATRE not truth
Take BBC/LBC’s Sangita Myska
6:30pm on Friday she tweeted that EVIL Musk was putting a daily limit on tweets people can read
And that she knew that was DELIBERATE to hinder journalists like her.
She did get a couple of thousand likes as her fans clapped like seals, but many people called her out and explained the story is it’s a temporary measure to deal with bots scraping data
Then today i open my tablet where I’d left the discussions and pooof, her tweet is no longer there
She’s just deleted her tweet without an apology and moved on
Thread with a screenshot of her deleted tweet ..
I like the way the surname database tells me the country where it is most common is
…. Sweden
The Afghanistan Interior Ministry spokesman was called Yousef Stanezai
Stanikzai (Pashto: ستانکزئی) or Stanizai (Pashto: ستانیزئ) is a subtribe of the Pashtun Ghilji tribe. It is found in Afghanistan mainly in the Kabul, Jalalabad and Logar provinces. Most tribe members speak Pashto and are Sunni Muslims.
The Colosseum Graffiti Artist a BRITISH TOURIST
Born in Bulgaria
Turncoat Watch.
He always was a bit suspect.
Let’s be honest, if you were in any sort of trouble, you wouldn’t want Steve Baker watching your back…would you?
He was supposed to be a “hard-line” Brexiteer…then apologised, live on air, for being too anti EU.
He’s also been really odd on the, so called, “trans issue”.
He’s always been like this, the bloke’s completely unreliable. A real wishy-washy Conservative.
Like most of them…
Blue Labour trying to be ‘popular ‘
Banks failing to pass on savings interests rates ….. gonna do something at last ? ( no )
Supermarket cartel overcharging for fuel … gonna do something ?( no).
Meanwhile – France mostly peaceful riots are no longer on the news agenda ….. and Definately that the ‘killer cop ‘ has 5x the crowd fund cash that the dead third world kid …..
Big day for people who use cars . The emir of londonistan is in the High Court on the new ULEZ crap challenge . I’ve already sold my car because of that nasty little c word – who I wish would politically die – and the BBC thinks he will win .
£12.50 a day to use my own car in my own city …..on top of the car tax and fraudulent petrol cost …
I am in exile from London but I will not be able to return with my car, Fed, although I think I can for a couple of years, until the Mayor increases the restrictions. What will happen is that London becomes a ghost town and IKEA have already left north London. The public transport system will collapse under the strain. It was already rocky in pre-pandemic times, I would often find Oxford Street underground station closed on my visits back to central London. When the rail network is not running, due to strikes or ‘leaves on the line’, what then for London?
And there is a certain element of the London population who love their cars and like to race them around the North Circular Road. While I am sure many of them are law abiding, what about those who do not pay the ULEZ charge and are taken to court? I foresee massive trouble ahead …..
My car is, apparently, ULEZ compliant, but…
What with the Congestion Charge, the horrendous roadworks and the bloody traffic, I couldn’t contemplate driving into London these days.
If you’re a working man, dependent on your vehicle for your livelihood, then this is just another egregious tax, cunningly camouflaged as “saving lives” and helping the environment. Utter poppycock, of course…
Khan is a nasty, money grabbing little man and shouldn’t be mayor of London.
Sherrif of Nottingham, maybe…
Jeff, there’s roadworks in London? Oi, we should be so lucky!
Last time I drove through East London the road surfaces were worse than in Kent! Boris promised to fix them, so we could cycle safely, but did not. Maybe he was influenced by Carrie Antoinette way back in 2010? The only place, I felt safe riding a bike in London was, ironically, along the new section of the North Circular Road, east of the Green Lanes.
Let’s have cycle tolls ….cyclists breath too much carbon dioxide out so they are warming up and destroying the planet quicker – and all that tyre and brake pollution is killing asthmatics
No, Boris was banging Jennie Acuri back in 2010. Now she was fun, and American gal who I’m sure liked a V8 or two. No, it was much later that he was banging Carrie, and his wife finally had enough and threw him out. The rest is history.
RiC, I’ll take your word for it. I find photos of both females that have appeared in the print press ‘hard to look at’.
France riots: What we know about Nahel Merzouk – the teenager who was shot dead by police
They are always angels in reporting
“The teenager was also a member of the Pirates of Nanterre rugby club and had been part of an integration programme for teenagers struggling in school” – interesting way of putting it “teenagers struggling in school”
“Nahel Merzouk was a member of the Pirates of Nanterre rugby club and also appeared in a music video alongside French rapper Jul.”
Another dead rapper, via a mostly peaceful bullet, that makes a change
God Bless America and free it from corrupt politics and politicians.
Laugh out loud moment –
Landlords being choosy about renters …
Single mothers ( benefits )
People with pets
People with children
Apparently the above is ‘bad ‘….
There is no way any sensible landlord would want to rent his property to a respectable person in gainful employment. That’s just madness.
Meesh does her dominatrix act on some unsuspecting blue labour council leader who dares to challenge her friend – the emir of londonistan –
Apparently although the underground produces a lot of air pollution it’s ok because millions use it . But cars ? Millions of people don’t use them ( claims meesh ) …
As a born bred londoner I like to be able to see and taste the air – it’s part of city life –
As I write some ethnic is citing the londonistan borough of Waltham Forest as a ‘wonder ‘ for cyclists because they’ve closed all the roads . Well I live there – it is hell – thr traffic jams last most of the day . Few cyclists use the effing cycle lanes and it’s pretty miserable …
They never ask who the cyclists are.
The answer predominantly is youngish middle class males.
Cycle lanes thus become a free taxpayer-funded alternative to gym membership. As wealth redistribution beloved of socialists goes, it’s about the most useless scheme imaginable.
You never see families with young children cycling back from the supermarket, loaded, with shopping, on a rainy, windy, dark evening in November, do you?
Sluff, the acronym is MAMILs (sorry, Fed) middle-aged men in Lycra, although as they pass me on their £3000 bikes, I tend to think of them as No Bell Prize Winners. 😉
Women preyed upon by serving officers failed by police, BBC told
What do the BBC do when there is nothing in the news to let them push their agenda items ?.
They just make one up. Here’s a front-page headline which has absolutely no story behind it at all. It’s just a ‘panorama’ style totally one-sided ‘report’ by someone who has spent months trying to find whatever he can.
‘The BBC has learned’ appears 4 times and ‘The BBC has been told’ twice. They seem to think that ‘being told’ means they can report anything they like as fact – without telling us ‘who told them’.
This is not news in any way, shape or form. It’s pure agenda based propaganda. Yet they have it as the main headline for ‘world news’. The author says on twitter he has spent months investigating this – so I wonder just how much the BBC have spent on this.
F2 mentioned a laugh out loud instance a while ago.
I just had one:
“‘The BBC has learned’
schools may have something to say about that, in the empty physics, chemistry, biology and maths deparments.
For the benchmark in execrable interviews, look no further than Useless Mischal Hussein ‘interview’ a female Marxist eco-fanatic this morning. This was importantly in the context of an immediately previous interview with a Tory councillor daring to challenge Sad Dick Khan’s ULEZ zone
Mischal reasonably asked a question about the ULEZ zone and its effect on low paid workers.
Said Marxist totally ignored the question and launched into a long pre-determined auto rant.
What did our Mischal do ? Absolutely nothing. Gave her free rein. No interruptions. No challenge. No real attempt to have the question answered.
We were thus treated in effect to a Party Political Broadcast on behalf of the Fanatic Marxist Party.
Supported clearly by Toady and hence the BBC.
30mins long. ex police-officer Mark Sexton, and lawyers Philip Hyland and Hannah Rose speak about the criminal complaint to the met police about the pandemic:
Although drily presented the information is brilliantly summarised. These individuals are unsung heroes.
3 minutes in and not a clue what the hell he drones on about . Off switch
Bring on ULEZ. The poor people of London deserve it for voting Labour.
Whilst France burns:
“Police officer filmed on doorbell camera ‘harassed’ woman”
Top Stories
Officer filmed on doorbell camera ‘harassed’ woman
2 hours ago
Thousands flee Jenin camp as Israeli operation continues
FAR RIGHT front page news
Far left to follow, never
Note how these right-wing ‘terrorists’ are always charged with downloading something from the internet. They are always caught long before they actually do anything. Unlike the Islamic kind who don’t make the news until they hit the streets with a knife or a bomb.
Even in such a short article, they get the word ‘terror’ in there 6 times.
I’ve monitored the dozens of Islamic terrorism reports for years and they NEVER use the word ‘terror’ unless they have to as a quote.
It seems to me our government spends a vastly disproportionate amount of resources tracking right wing terrorists than the other kind. I assume the reasoning is that we must stop Muslims being upset at all costs. Paris has just shown us what they do when they are given an excuse to show their hate for the Infidels.
Hello JohnC
I visited Malmo in Sweden, back in 1999 – remembered thinking how much of a beautiful destination.
Then last night watched a video on YouTube, and the crime statistics – terrible how the 3rd world bring society down and its “standards” with it. I presume like in the UK once they are here, we are stuck with them – imagine coming back to the UK cess pit in a few years
TOADY Watch #1 – fight, fight, fight
The BBC really do not like Elon Musk at all, despite his green credentials, since he bought Twitter and is a free speech advocate, allowing former President Donald Trump a platform. Mark Zuckerberg is launching a rival to Twitter where people can post short messages via his ‘tech platforms’. The BBC are excited and overjoyed. Will the BBC migrate to the Zuckerberg equivalent of Twitter? Will the BBC close their Twitter accounts?
Just a reminder to all the Twitter users on here, you really need to post a screen grab or explain what is happening in your post that references the Tweet other wise us non-Twitterati on here will simply ignore your posts and move speedily past and on. 🙂
Tell me about it ….
“Rishi Sunak’s five promises: How is he getting on?”
‘Stop the Boats Sunak’ . Yes, how is he getting on ?
This is a post about a bloke in France who is advocating more ‘refugees’ not enjoying the degree of gratitude from his charges that he might.
How’s this for a different type of bias?
On the BBC weather website.
The forecast for the UK is 11 hours old.
The forecast for the South East ( where it was forecast to rain and as a result we changed our plans……it isn’t) is 14 hours old.
The forecast for Scotland is ……2 hours old!
Who is getting the best service? Not England.
Sluff, it depends what time you access each area. there is no historical archive to the Meteo provision so, if I’m going to, say, Margate and I’ve already viewed the Canterbury data at 8 a.m., I open a new link to the weather page at 11 a.m. and type in Margate, it will appear to be bang up to date. You get hourly slices of ‘weather forecast’ on the BBC web-site.
Thousands of rental adverts say no to children or pets
‘Thousands of adverts for rental homes posted by private landlords and lettings agents say children or pets are not welcome, BBC analysis shows.
There are no laws explicitly stopping this’
So it’s not news at all then is it BBC. So we look for the agenda.
‘Under existing equality laws, blanket bans on children have been shown to indirectly discriminate against women.’
Shown by who to who BBC ?.
So there are two side to this story : all the single women needing somewhere to live and the Landlords who obviously have specific reasons why they don’t want single mothers living there. As so many of the enrichment who deal drugs and stab each other don’t have the father living with them, I think I can guess a few of them.
So how does the unbiased and balanced represent these two sides ?.
Simple : it focuses totally on the poor single-parent women and children who can’t find rooms. It doesn’t mention why at all.
Then I see (for the second time today), the BBC have been focussing research on it :
‘BBC News created software that collected private rental listings from property websites OpenRent and Zoopla over a four-day period in May, then removed adverts for rooms in shared accommodation.’
Like the earlier one about police, that’s not news : that’s activism.
It seems the BBC are shifting more and more to Left-Wing activism. Since when was that part of their charter ?.
Here are the two typical examples of the modern BBC staff who are being used for it all:
I see the latter also writes regularly in the other arse-cheek,. The Guardian.
Yes come on remove the freedom of nasty landlords to choose who they sell a roof to – in fact – let’s nationalise private landlords and call it … er … ‘social housing ‘…. Er … another nail in thr rental sector ?
I am not and have never been a landlord – nor do I know any – I’m just a nasty capitalist …..
( is the top picture from one of those ‘mills and boon ‘ books?)
Like that evil weasel Corbyn, the BBc uses landlords as a focus of their agendas, to their core audiences. And no matter the cost.
For sure there are some awful landlords, but often they turn out to BBC/Corbyn core community members themselves.
There are vast, prohibitive protections already making it nigh on impossible to rent out a property in a fair arrangement.
Between notice periods, agent fees, damage waivers, certifications etc, the tenant enjoys free rein, beyond also suddenly having a bunch of ways to refuse to leave. Pets or smoking or unattended gardens can render a property unlettable without redecoration.
Why doesn`t the BBC go to a country where renting properties is a success for both tenants and landlords and do a programme about it ?
It is hard not to see these BBc Verify kids as specifically tasked with suppression, but are so inept are merely undermining the BBC more quickly than it it has been going for years.
Justin in his Jummie and these BBC bimbos in their 200 Euro (plus tax) coats coming after these guys next?
Looks like the chickens are coming home to roost:
Saw a twitter post of a bunch of new Western kit that did not make it in a recent exchange. Tragic.
From the CW post above:
“Yesterday’s BBC TV evening news (Monday 3rd July 2023) was a cracker. No mention of the disastrous rioting in France, a quick mention of the Ukrainian war but with little commentary of what people were watching were Ukrainian soldiers, many injured, trapped in a minefield due to the incompetence of their commanders and the cunning of the Russians. The main story of the evening was the demolition of past temperature records for the month of June by a whole 0.9 degrees and of dying fish in our rivers. No mention of zero reservoirs being built for 31 years while our population grew massively, no mention of people wearing pullovers for the first few days of July, no mention of the coldest weather since 1957 in areas of Australia, the recovery of the Great Barrier Reef or the increase in Polar Sea Ice. What a farcical situation!”
Tim Davie ‘earning’ his massive salary then.
BBC fave Owen Jones back with Vile, home of Dr. Shola, Femi, Champion and other true representatives of the nation.
Does forbidding supermarkets from offering two for one bargains and bulk buying ,a government decree making a minimum price for alcoholic drinks and extra charges for soft drinks with sugar help fight inflation ?
The government could help with not taxing the fuel the supermarkets sell .
Nibor, HMG could help by removing tax from diesel fuel because every good in every shop reaches the shelf via a diesel-fuelled van, lorry or truck.
BBC Breakfast getting selective on the Middle East again.
And getting 100 engagements in 4hrs.
BBC Radio 4 copying and pasting and getting around a dozen engagements in the same period.
Plus trying to flog Meta for Zux. Failing.
Any dead jews for Mishal yet?
A transgender vicar making a point with his bank about having his account closed arbitrarily?
Nigel walks in with a milkshake….
“The Federation of Entertainment Unions, which comprises over 130,000 union members working in TV, film, cinema and other areas of the entertainment industry, is calling for a new independent body to oversee the BBC.”
Shami ‘independent’? Sue Gray ‘independent’?
I’m not really interested in tennis – but I notice it when the BBC champions ethnics – so when someone called ‘co co ‘ exits in the first round – there is no mention … and the Williams one doing a sickie also is ‘bad ‘…
.. the bbc also has a kind on nationalist spasm over anyone British actually winning a match … whatever ,,, has the orange dye been thrown around yet ?
US sanctions
Sounds like something BBC Politics might get interested in? No?
Maybe the ICO?
“There’s a lot that the ICO could, and should, do about it, but nothing was done then, and – I fear – nothing will be done now.”
Given the ICO meekly backs down when BBC DPA tells them to sod off…