The putative one world government must be very confident that it has the power to complete its epoch defining project without the need to have the support of the majority of the people.
Just look at the number of heavily disputed policies it intends to inflict on us .
Net Zero and its multitude of sub projects to numerous to mention
Forcing the likes of Poland and Hungary to take invaders or pay 17 k for each one they don’t take
Having essentially open borders in the USA , EU and UK
Digital currency and de banking people who have the ‘wrong views’ , ie the beginnings of a state social credit system just like China
Draconian censorship of the internet and other measures against free speech such as the on line harms bill
Imposing ridiculous rules about gender on everyone
Lock downs, masks vaccinations
I’m sure that there are plenty more examples.
Few of these will get widespread public support but the politicians don’t seem to care. It’s as though they don’t need our votes!
“Vaughan Gething admits Welsh government wasn’t ready for Covid”
It just goes to show that the Welsh Assembly is a waste of money and time . Just a talking shop that wants to employ more members !
Scrap it along with the BBC.
When Israel kills civilians, they are collateral damage while they go after terrorists. The Palestinians kill civilians deliberately on the streets and try to murder as many as possible before they are martyred with a bullet. Yet the BBC refuse to call the terrorists because they think they can be considered to be ‘freedom fighters’.
THESE are the people the BBC is supporting. How I wish we could send them to live with the terrorists and watch the results of their work. That might wake these complete idiots up.
Anjana Gadgil is a British Journalist She worked for BBC South Today. Gadgil is a writer also editor for Skysports. She took birth on 22 April 1978. She is 45 years old. Her Zodiac sign is Taurus. She was the Owner of Anjana G Ltd. Her Company was operating from 2003 to 2006. Her Parent’s names are Mr.Gadgil ( Father ) and Mrs.Gadgril ( Mother ). Her Net Worth is $1 Million.ENDS
Bearing in mind that the appalling Martine Socialist Croxall got the naughty step for ‘sniggering ‘ over nut nut – I would hope ms Gadgil gets a bit more …
Her interview has been commented on in many countries . She shouldn’t be fit for the BBC … but she ll probably get a promotion …
I was incensed by the obvious anti Israel venom this BBC creature spewed out so childishly throughout the interview with the ex Israeli president. He on the other hand gave a considered and believable account on what was happening. She came across as a childish ignorant BBC agitator and had obviously been primed by the factions within the foul BBC who there is no doubt hate Israel and support the terrorists trying to obliterate Israel.
Why are there so many in the BBC with this anti Zionist fever?
Maybe the legions of Muslims they are recruiting hand over fist !
What the BBC ignore is the fact that a Muslim can lie to a non Muslim as this is accepted as legitimate and is even strongly encouraged within their faith if it advances and protects their situation.
Just happened to catch BBC2 programme called “A grand tour of Scotland’s rivers”. Presenter comes across a wee Ukrainian church and the archivist of the church explains his and others connection to Ukraine. Turns out his and their forefathers were POWs who had fought for the Germans against the Soviets but had surrendered to the British rather than the Soviets and had been allowed to settle in Scotland – got on well with the locals working on farms etc. Of course the only info the BBC omitted to say was the type of regiment these Ukrainian ex POWs belonged to. Er, umm
(PS – Apologies. I have posted this video before but it is relevant to my comments)
Mrs Irene Graham of Thorpe Avenue, Boscombe, delighted the audience with her reminiscence of the German prisoner of war who was sent each week to do her garden. He was repatriated at the end of 1945, she recalled. “He’d always seemed a nice friendly chap, but when the crocuses came up in the middle of our lawn in February 1946, they spelt out Heil Hitler”. (Bournemouth Evening Echo)
BBC Four is having a worship the NHS night
so now they are repeating Black Nurses: The Women Who Saved the NHS
How Caribbean and African women came to the UK to save the then ailing health service. (R)
Of course the truth is that these nurses – and all of those on Windrush – came here for far more money and a far, far better standard of living than they could ever have had if they didn’t.
They had zero interest in saving our health service or rebuilding our country. That was just what they had to do to get it.
And of course the BBC + everybody else know it. But we now live in a strange world where truth is very low on the priority list. Ideology and group-think have taken over.
Tunisians are as pissed off as most other countries with the surge of African migrants into their country causing mayhem.
Unlike other countries they have come up with their own solution which is to deal with the migrants directly rather than wait for their government to do anything.
A good lesson for the rest of Europe in my opinion.
In the final minutes of the Moral Maze philosopher and theologian
and XR (Just Slag Oil) supporter Carmody Grey said
“I am talking of obviously about the Climate Emergency (PR word)
where a *small number have companies* have stitched up the entire private sector
so that green choices are in reality not available to most consumers to their own benefit.”
Professor Emily Shuckburgh – probably doesn’t need to worry about paying expensive green energy bills, as she has a fortune in the bank!
Mark my words, the decrease we are experiencing in our energy bills from this month is only a temporary reduction, in the winter when we all spend more the bills will go through the roof again! Energy companies will make more profits and the Exchequer will be pleased with the extra VAT payments. Totally being ripped off again like last winter – lets blame the Russians, right!
The ‘two women’ are described as 6ft 3in and 5ft 9in tall.
Here are some of the tweets about it:
– ‘Both women were between 18 and 20 years old, one being 6ft 3in (1.9m) tall’. A rare 6ft3 “woman”. Thankfully the BBC is here to protect us from misinformation.
– Marianna Spring, you may wanna look into this…
– The only time the BBC knows what a woman is, is when it’s highly likely or definitely likely to be male.
The BBC may just be regurgitating a Sussex Police press release, but that doesn’t make it any better.
New @RestIsPolitics Q and A – with apologies to the thousands who ask those we don’t answer. But spot the trend – that those who keep asking the same question tend to get answered eventually #persevilience
— ALASTAIR CAMPBELL (@campbellclaret) July 6, 2023
Time to scrap the House of Lords as it is , before we get swamped by the rest of the world . A new, strong, prime minister is desperately needed that will defend our nation and borders.
The future is an experiment that began yesterday edition
One of those oft-repeated conspiracy theories dear to the hearts of the tinfoil hat brigade is represented by a slogan picked up from the World Economic Forum and warns of the masses impending surfdom: You’ll own nothing and be happy is a phrase originated by Danish Politician Ida Auken in a 2016 essay for the World Economic Forum. (thank you Wiki)
Pure stuff and nonsense of course…
Meanwhile, over there at the globalist Financial Times: Japan Airlines gives tourists chance to travel light by renting holiday clothes… pack underwear and toothbrush but rent all your clothes on arrival and ditch the environmentally unfriendly suitcase… Under a year-long experient that began yesterday… the scheme is designed for travellers hoping to make a “sustainable choice”
Remember folks, it’s not a conspiracy theory, if it’s true
Welcome To 2030: I Own Nothing, Have No Privacy And Life Has Never Been Better… Welcome to my city – or should I say, “our city.” I don’t own anything. I don’t own a car. I don’t own a house. I don’t own any appliances or any clothes… (Ida Auken, ‘Young Global Leader’, Forbes) – We won’t own any clothes, luv…? Even the Japanese will allow tourists to keep their own tighty-whities.
Note the bit about her city being not ‘mine’ but instead it is termed ‘ours’.
One takes that as code for hyper-immigration removing all notion of native identity and culture formerly belonging to places.
Born and bred Londoners don’t claim to have ‘owned’ their former city – but they can certainly now recognise it’s not theirs anymore – it is a open to the globe ‘economic zone’ – as our Rishi would put it. Supposedly ‘built by migrants’ as that other sub-continent manlet – Little Man Khan would pretend. I thought it was the Romans who first built London – but what did they ever do for us?
Our Mickey Mouse Immigration policy
Lords must not defy will of the people – pleads the Rishi loyalist Daily Express – playing distraction for the former Goldman Sachs office boy so he can blame the likes of the Archbishop of Wokery for his own failure to act decisively
Micky Mouse vs immigration minister – that’ll be Micky Mouse vs Goofy in the left-leaning comic book which is the ‘i’ newspaper
The U.K.’s Immigration Minister Ordered the Removal of Cartoon Murals at an Asylum Center to Avoid ‘an Impression of Welcoming’… When U.K. immigration minister Robert Jenrick visited an asylum centre in Kent, he allegedly took issue with the cheerful murals of cartoons characters in the reception area and ordered their removal. Jenrick wanted it to be clear that this was a “law enforcement environment” and “not a welcome centre”… Thus far, the centre’s staff has refused to acquiesce to Jenrick’s “cruel” demand. (Art Net News – edited for American spelling of the word centre – presumably tired of the stale pale old masters their artsy journos now apparently serving new masters)
Just think about the symbolism here. Micky Mouse – the very image of the American global cultural empire – forever and without question – welcoming with a goofy smile and open arms – the third world – to Britain
And why should public employees do as the British public would want them to do – or as limp-wristed elected ministers pretend they would want them to do?
As those automated warnings now order us at the railway station escalators “Hold the hand rail and face the direction of travel”
How about the cops hire Banksy to decorate all our police stations to make them more welcoming? Mind you, he can be a bit too edgy, a tad spicy, not really suitable for kids. I know – the police can paint their own murals of Peppa Pig.
AISI, three newspapers missing from the BBC Blog this morning, the Sun (no surprise, regularly absent, no doubt the BBC consider it a ‘Far Right’ rag) the Telegraph and the FT. No FT, no comment. Am off to the shops soon, so I will try to see if the latter two, at least, have front pages unfavourable to the Lefty BBC or the Labour Party.
Just look at this : the next evolution of the BBC ‘Live update’ reporting. Why on Earth does such a topic warrant ‘live updates’ ??. They should simply write a summary after he finished. This latest trick allows them to write a new headline for everything he says.
Starmer couldn’t get better PR than this even if he paid for it. It’s out and out activism.
They even mention the Tory ‘groping’ report in the headline when it has absolutely nothing to do with the article. It’s a blatant trick to associate ‘Labour Good, Tory Bad’ in the mind of the reader.
Look at this latest update : it’s got nothing whatsoever to do with ‘Starmer talking to the BBC’. It’s 100% propaganda:
‘What are Labour’s five ‘missions’ for the country?
Labour’s five “missions” are a set of promises that the party will centre their campaign around at the next general election.
Here’s a recap of what they are:
Securing the “highest sustained growth” in the G7 group of rich nations, by the end of Labour’s first term
Making Britain a “clean energy superpower”, removing fossil fuels from all of Britain’s electricity generation by 2030
Improving the NHS
Reforming the justice system
Raising education standards’
Not that long ago, the BBC would not dare run such a biased promotional piece as this. But after everything they have got away with since Brexit, they are confident nobody will question it now.
Sacking OFCOM is not enough. They should be jailed for the damage they are allowing the BBC to do to this country.
Our Justin ‘interviews ‘ Starmer . The current bbc policy is taxpayer funded food for kiddies – ‘don’t worry parent – other people will pick up the tab ‘ – sez the BBC . Justin wasn’t happy that starmer failed to commit to this far left policy …..
…. But listening to Our Justin – I think it is time to set up a full political party for the next election with BBC staff standing as MP – for instance – that vile bbc type who attacked Israel yesterday can stand in a londonistan seat with a big Jewish voting residence ….
The BBC party might attract a few like minds such as Harmon – for her support of Paedophiles – Corbyn for his support of terrorists – Chinese barry for his support of the PRC …. The list is – of course – is endless .
At the end of the starmer interview – there was no bbc droid to ‘decode ‘ ‘reinterpret ‘ what was just said – usually the opportunity the bbc uses to plunge the knife into some blue labour imbicile stupid enough to go on the BBC
The Times newspaper is about the most Keir Starmer-curious of our national titles – gifting the New New Labour leader more spotlight frontpage coverage than even the Guardian
Speaking lessons for all pupils… says Starmer… Labour promises language skills at heart of national curriculum
You can bet Labour has focus grouped middle class parents fretting about the plethora of non-English spoken in their children’s classrooms.
So this is a Labour dog whistle telling voters not to worry over-much about it.
Maybe call it ‘the apology show ‘ – this time it’s women who bred bastards now wanting an apology for ‘giving them up ‘ . Make yer bed and lie in it – vacuous apology from the state ? Make any difference ? Go look in the mirror . Have a little cry .
If you need more social media in your life, then read this. Threads – branded as the “friendly” alternative to Twitter – has been launched by Meta, which owns Facebook and Instagram. Meta chief Mark Zuckerberg said the app passed five million sign-ups in its first four hours. See how Threads works and read what Twitter boss Elon Musk had to say about it.
Branded by whom, for context? Still Zux says so like Surkeer, in it goes. Beyond the irony of every msm pram toy ejecter who hates Musk ‘explaining’ how to swap…. on Twitter… SNAFU.
I wonder if that crazy Brexit blonde biddie the bbc used/s who flounced to Master Bates never to be heard from again will be joining the media flock?
French leader says – let them wear non-branded trainers
Moment flagship Nike store in central Paris is ransacked by looters as wave of rioting sweeps France (LBC)
Macron orders parents to keep ‘very young’ rioters at home after third night of carnage across France… but fails to mention video of him partying at Elton John concert during violence (Daily Mail)
Some stupid half wit green crap zealot given airtime by the BBC – her type just want oil ended now . Even the BBC type – always a fan of other countries = particularly the third world – pointed out the effect of huge oil price rises on those billions
The zealot could care less – she didn’t say ‘let them -us – you die to save the planet ‘ but it was there. The are becoming as much an enemy as Islam ….
At the end of Today Pride crap was mentioned as the off switch was hit . I asked Alexa what is ‘pride ‘ she said – for RCs ( like me ) it is a sin . A sinful of BBC . They are damned .
TOADY Watch #1 – The BBC are really pushing for a Labour win at the next GE today
What is different from any day of the week? you might ask. JustRemainIn Webb raises a token objection – some self interest there, your children in Private Schools Justin? – to Labour’s plan if elected to govern, to abolish the VAT concession that exists on private school fees. The country is bust and Starmer and his crew, imho, will bust it further if the electorate are foolish enough to give Labour a chance at Government.
The BBC ‘breaking news’ has become ridiculous. It now has nothing to do with ‘breaking news’ and everything to do with whatever they want you to read.
That’s what happens when an organisation is riddled with staff who are unfit for their positions and got them for agenda + quota reasons. The quality of output plummets.
TOADY Watch #2 – an opportunity to mention that Brexit has failed and the EU is wonderful
I am told that the UK is about to join the EU’s Horizon project which the EU have gracefully allowed after the UK did not go all scientific and ‘nuclear’ invoking article 16 of the Withdrawal Agreement and effectively welshed on the people of Northern Ireland. Apparently, if Rishi Sunak our PM doesn’t sign the access agreement to Horizon there will be a lot of UK scientists who are upset with HMG. Apparently we will get lots of money from the EU for scientific research in the UK.
I am left wondering what the quid pro quo will be? We have to contribute £billions to the EU that we do not have – or – the EU get ‘copyright’ and ‘royalties’ on any discoveries that UK scientists come up with? I am guessing that it is the latter. Of course, the BBC did not mention the downsides of this piece of news; they never do where the EU is concerned.
Tactic one is to turn up and enter the restaurant and make life uncomfortable with the other tiers by shouting about how disgusting meat is.
Tactic two id to leave a mass of negative reviews online.
Laws need to be put in place to crush this activity.
Restaurant owners should be allowed to sue protestors who enter their premises trying to upset the other diner. The other diners should be able to sue for the disruption to their evening.
Review companies should be forced to collect personal data from anyone leaving a review, names, verifies email addresses and home address etc. and any false review subject to legal action by the restaurant.
Last night on BBC News their Anjana Gadgil said “Israeli forces are happy to kill children” while interviewing former Israeli PN Naftali Bennett.
When he asked her how she would define an armed 17 year old shooting at her family, she said that the UN had defined militants as children.
Since the segment aired, Gadgil appears to have deleted her social media profiles, while the BBC itself has apologised – describing her language as ‘inappropriate’ and ‘not phrased well’.
Deleting stuff and muttering insincere wibble like that is very BBC, and something the BBC would not allow a child accused of racism by another’s parent.
That ECU, OFCOM and dcms wave it along unchecked after such templates shows how much use they are.
“We’ve stuffed ourselves with the good things we’ve created, yet still yearn for meaning. The recent riots are a sign of our despair.”
No doubt Abe means well, and is American, and seems likely Jewish, but the use of ‘we’ in the wrong hands, such as those of the BBC, is a great distraction tool.
Most French have done nothing to warrant this. Their political clowns (admittedly elected in, if via rapidly skewed democratic processes) have created it all. Same here.
And these riots are not primarily to do with capitalist democratic yearning, but autocratic Islamic takeover. Though globalist shovelling of young useless males from other alien cultures into festering ghettos does not help.
Though this comment is noted:
Writes Unskool’s Newsletter
“The French love violent revolutions like Americans love cheeseburgers.”
The slide to Woke authoritarian shit by banks etc is simply Marxism in disguise, brewed in our communist schooling and university system they are now gaining places of power in all industries.
Read “Brave New World” by Aldous Huxley written years ago and you will see he prophesied this right down to the hordes of placard waving dyed hair commie harridans in the streets trying to push the commie line.
Like alot of people now, we wonder if it terror related
But the bbc reassures us ” not treating the incident as terror-related”
Remember only a few years back, when a car crash was just a car crash, or an accident – now with most incidents we have to be told whether its terror related, what a sh*t whole the world has become, mostly because of the 3rd world and importing it
Just reading that myself Andy and ‘not terror-related’ is the main headline.
Without realising it, the very fact the BBC feel the need to put that speaks volumes.
They think the are defending Muslims by quickly ruling Islamic Terrorism out. What it actually says is that they do this kind of thing so often, we have point out it wasn’t them this time.
The amusing thing is that the only time they use the word ‘terror’ is when it wasn’t a terrorist. They refuse to use that word if it was.
And of course when it IS terrorism but they want to keep it quiet until the story dies down a bit, we get:
‘Not thought to be terror-related’. Which means the guy who did it is probably a Muslim – but he wasn’t carrying written instructions from ISIS HQ when he did.
An ‘out-of-control-vehicle’? Is it ‘out-of-control’ because the driver is from the religion of peace like in Tel Aviv, or is it because of a ‘sudden-medical-emergency’ as caused by the vaxxxxxx?
I guess one thing we know is that we will be told neither the religion of the driver nor if the driver had been vaxxxxxed.
This is promoting hatred at the highest level. They are calling the Muslim minority sect ‘apostates’ which in Muslim-speak basically means they deserve to die.
And of course BBC have not covered it at all.
The BBC do quote one of the men in an article : when a court found that an article shared by a mayor was not racist, Labour leader Aftab Nawaz told the Local Democracy Reporting Service he was stunned by the decision. “We are shocked,” he said. “The decision is a huge slap in the face.
This is exactly why the BBC disgust me so much. They are liars and hypocrites of the worst possible kind. They do it behind a mask of moral superiority. They are evil and dangerous.
Knowing the power of celebrity, Mr Zuckerberg has also utilised celebs on Instagram and managed to get some of them on Threads
Likely the same who flounced to Master Bates because… ‘Obama’.
But the really issue is Every. Single. Media. Clown. doing free PR for Zux, because… ‘Obama’, meany all employed by the BBC and its TNI partners, Jim, in America.
An whether you can convince those who by now know what you are up to and how you operate.
Some may recall how easily Zux can be instructed and swayed by the Blob on such gems as Covid jabbery, and how he was propped up by the MSM, Jim.
And how you guys and the MSM targeted Musk on anything as a pack.
Think a few posters on BBBC are grumpy about stuff they don’t see on Twitter?
I sure as heck ain’t adding Zux censorship centre to Parler, etc in my S&M bin so you he can get back to ruling the narrative.
The obsessed BBC Stephen Lawrence campaign to get the original detectives prosecuted:
‘The Crown Prosecution Service made its decision after considering a file of evidence for nearly three years.’
Oh dear – it seems like there are a few things about the case the BBC did not tell us. Will they have a top-level meeting to ask why they spent so many resources on it when it was clearly all-agenda ?.
Of course not. They don’t have to pay for it. The public do. They can do whatever they like and still get the money.
Heels Up might be able to swing 50% of the voting population not identifying as other than heterosexual or choosy, but she will need to hit the trail early.
But one suspects the full on campaign behind getting Threads to crush Twitter might be significant and maybe not a coincidence.
Zux seems to be the kind of billionaire social media guy the state can work with.
‘Mermaids was set up in 1995 to support children and young people questioning their gender identity. It said the LGB Alliance sought to “destroy” its reputation and sources of funding.’
Oh dear. Gay and Trans charities squabbling. One might be led to think these people are a bit nasty when they aren’t in the spotlight.
I notice the author – LGBT correspondent Lauren Moss – was once ‘attacked with cup of hot chocolate’ according to the BBC – but they said Farage was only ‘hit by milkshake’, almost like he got in it’s way.
The choice of words is entirely deliberate in both cases.
Charging points for electric cars, as you will see not many are taking advantage, not surprising given the £80 fee for using it, however, in the background under the Blue High Lift, you can see the diesel generator being used to provide power for these recharging points
Electric charging is going to be one of the biggest scams in the future because car drivers who are almost out of range will pay whatever it costs to be recharged.
People with petrol cars will usually have more than 100 miles of range left when they refuel so can pass by if the price is very expensive.
my point is any *person* deciding to divert foot traffic from an area on safety grounds will receive a backlash from the locals…. 10x that if the decision can be politicised (e.g. immigrant area)
so the way you interpreted my point says more about you than about me.
Here’s an article full of horror and abuse beyond anything even the most extreme lefty activist can imagine.
Hidden behind a tame and bland headline.
Actually I’m amazed they even reported it at all. They don’t report about ISIS because they are actually ultra-strict Muslim’s and only different from many of those here by a question of degree. If there was no clash of agendas (ie if it were whites doing it to Muslims) it would be the outrage of the century. Instead all of these activist hypocrites are silent.
In fact, they only use the word Muslim once – and that’s because it is in a quote from someone else.
I can’t believe the likes of the BBC going on about ‘forgiving’ Shahmima Begum and other ex-ISIS members, and ‘repatriating’ them, when it’s pretty obvious to any sane person that what they were part of was sheer evil. There must be tens of thousands of people who actually deserve our sympathy and support, because of what ISIS did, whom you rarely hear anything about.
What has happened to the Yazidis and other minority groups (Syrian Christians, Assyrians, Druze, Copts, Armenians etc…) in the Middle East, not just because of ISIS, but over the last century, or more, because of Islam (and to a lesser extent, Jewish ‘extremists’ in Israel – who came about as a reaction to Islamic extremism, when you look into it) is appalling, and often overlooked,(like the grooming and rape of young girls in this country) apparently, just so as not to upset Muslims.
Why do their ‘feelings’ come before basic humanity?!
I’m an atheist, so it’s not about religion for me, it’s about being ‘fair’ and protecting the weak and the vulnerable (and the peaceful) from being victimised and persecuted.
Instagram’s answer to Twitter, the Threads app, attracted 10 million sign-ups in its first seven hours online, Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg said early Thursday, positioning the new platform as a clear rival to Elon Musk’s embattled company.
— The Washington Post (@washingtonpost) July 6, 2023
Speed bump
WARNING: Conservatives who are banned on Threads also lose their Instagram accounts. Be careful what subjects you share on Threads – don’t mention Hunter, vaccines, election, or Trump.
How it is going, but the BBC seems OK so long as it’s not Musk.
WINNING: Biden's State Department cancels its first meeting with Facebook after a judge prohibited government-directed censorship efforts. In doing so the administration basically admits they're engaged in a massive censorship effort.
CENSORSHIP: Democrats are now pushing the narrative that censorship has been wrongly maligned. As long as the censors have good intentions censorship is inherently good.
taffmanMar 12, 16:46 Midweek 12th March 2025 Kikuchiyo Hello, I aint seen you trolling on this site for a long time ? Where have you been?
MarkyMarkMar 12, 16:45 Midweek 12th March 2025 Omission is the greatest lie … Transphobic scenes cut from new release of Crocodile Dundee Among the moments removed…
MarkyMarkMar 12, 16:23 Midweek 12th March 2025 Repeated from above … “Tony Blair holds the Keir Starmer penis , after a visit to Lord Alli’s flat.”
MarkyMarkMar 12, 16:22 Midweek 12th March 2025 Relax – UK will not allow infiltration … Labour MP received £500,000 in funding from Chinese Communist agent Barry Gardiner…
StewGreenMar 12, 14:59 Midweek 12th March 2025 It’s not exactly “major” Kenan Malik’s online article was correct but the problem is when he first prepared it he…
tomoMar 12, 14:28 Midweek 12th March 2025 As per detail in the Rebel News / Viva Frei YT piece I linked earlier – the CanadaChina thing is…
The putative one world government must be very confident that it has the power to complete its epoch defining project without the need to have the support of the majority of the people.
Just look at the number of heavily disputed policies it intends to inflict on us .
Net Zero and its multitude of sub projects to numerous to mention
Forcing the likes of Poland and Hungary to take invaders or pay 17 k for each one they don’t take
Having essentially open borders in the USA , EU and UK
Digital currency and de banking people who have the ‘wrong views’ , ie the beginnings of a state social credit system just like China
Draconian censorship of the internet and other measures against free speech such as the on line harms bill
Imposing ridiculous rules about gender on everyone
Lock downs, masks vaccinations
I’m sure that there are plenty more examples.
Few of these will get widespread public support but the politicians don’t seem to care. It’s as though they don’t need our votes!
Superhighway mega renewable tartan SNP electrons magic.
The BBC puff piece can’t be far away.
“Vaughan Gething admits Welsh government wasn’t ready for Covid”
It just goes to show that the Welsh Assembly is a waste of money and time . Just a talking shop that wants to employ more members !
Scrap it along with the BBC.
US article but not much different to media news in this country, EU or NATO involved countries:
Blood libel
BBC presenter shows bias saying that Israelis are happy to kill children
What makes me truly sick about reports like that is this:
Use of child suicide bombers by Palestinian militant groups
When Israel kills civilians, they are collateral damage while they go after terrorists. The Palestinians kill civilians deliberately on the streets and try to murder as many as possible before they are martyred with a bullet. Yet the BBC refuse to call the terrorists because they think they can be considered to be ‘freedom fighters’.
THESE are the people the BBC is supporting. How I wish we could send them to live with the terrorists and watch the results of their work. That might wake these complete idiots up.
Googling said lady raises – this – not verified –
Anjana Gadgil is a British Journalist She worked for BBC South Today. Gadgil is a writer also editor for Skysports. She took birth on 22 April 1978. She is 45 years old. Her Zodiac sign is Taurus. She was the Owner of Anjana G Ltd. Her Company was operating from 2003 to 2006. Her Parent’s names are Mr.Gadgil ( Father ) and Mrs.Gadgril ( Mother ). Her Net Worth is $1 Million.ENDS
Bearing in mind that the appalling Martine Socialist Croxall got the naughty step for ‘sniggering ‘ over nut nut – I would hope ms Gadgil gets a bit more …
Her interview has been commented on in many countries . She shouldn’t be fit for the BBC … but she ll probably get a promotion …
I was incensed by the obvious anti Israel venom this BBC creature spewed out so childishly throughout the interview with the ex Israeli president. He on the other hand gave a considered and believable account on what was happening. She came across as a childish ignorant BBC agitator and had obviously been primed by the factions within the foul BBC who there is no doubt hate Israel and support the terrorists trying to obliterate Israel.
Why are there so many in the BBC with this anti Zionist fever?
Maybe the legions of Muslims they are recruiting hand over fist !
What the BBC ignore is the fact that a Muslim can lie to a non Muslim as this is accepted as legitimate and is even strongly encouraged within their faith if it advances and protects their situation.
Diversity is strength
Just happened to catch BBC2 programme called “A grand tour of Scotland’s rivers”. Presenter comes across a wee Ukrainian church and the archivist of the church explains his and others connection to Ukraine. Turns out his and their forefathers were POWs who had fought for the Germans against the Soviets but had surrendered to the British rather than the Soviets and had been allowed to settle in Scotland – got on well with the locals working on farms etc. Of course the only info the BBC omitted to say was the type of regiment these Ukrainian ex POWs belonged to. Er, umm
(PS – Apologies. I have posted this video before but it is relevant to my comments)
Mrs Irene Graham of Thorpe Avenue, Boscombe, delighted the audience with her reminiscence of the German prisoner of war who was sent each week to do her garden. He was repatriated at the end of 1945, she recalled. “He’d always seemed a nice friendly chap, but when the crocuses came up in the middle of our lawn in February 1946, they spelt out Heil Hitler”. (Bournemouth Evening Echo)
BBC Four is having a worship the NHS night
so now they are repeating
Black Nurses: The Women Who Saved the NHS
How Caribbean and African women came to the UK to save the then ailing health service. (R)
Isn’t that sexist ?
Of course the truth is that these nurses – and all of those on Windrush – came here for far more money and a far, far better standard of living than they could ever have had if they didn’t.
They had zero interest in saving our health service or rebuilding our country. That was just what they had to do to get it.
And of course the BBC + everybody else know it. But we now live in a strange world where truth is very low on the priority list. Ideology and group-think have taken over.
Tunisians are as pissed off as most other countries with the surge of African migrants into their country causing mayhem.
Unlike other countries they have come up with their own solution which is to deal with the migrants directly rather than wait for their government to do anything.
A good lesson for the rest of Europe in my opinion.
Just stop oil and XR protestors next
In the final minutes of the Moral Maze philosopher and theologian
and XR (Just Slag Oil) supporter Carmody Grey said
“I am talking of obviously about the Climate Emergency (PR word)
where a *small number have companies* have stitched up the entire private sector
so that green choices are in reality not available to most consumers to their own benefit.”
That’s a huge conspiracy theory, with no evidence
Lefties can get away with saying bunk on the BBC
Oil giant Shell warns cutting production ‘dangerous’
Professor Emily Shuckburgh – probably doesn’t need to worry about paying expensive green energy bills, as she has a fortune in the bank!
Mark my words, the decrease we are experiencing in our energy bills from this month is only a temporary reduction, in the winter when we all spend more the bills will go through the roof again! Energy companies will make more profits and the Exchequer will be pleased with the extra VAT payments. Totally being ripped off again like last winter – lets blame the Russians, right!
There’s a BBC report today about a higher caste Indian urinating on a lower caste Indian.
It links to another BBC article – a woke rewrite of history that blames the British for the failings of the Hindu caste system.
BBC stirring the pot against us again.
That’s just taking the piss
Not many people on Twitter seem to be buying the BBC’s report ‘Boy left unclothed after Burgess Hill sexual assault by two women’.
The ‘two women’ are described as 6ft 3in and 5ft 9in tall.
Here are some of the tweets about it:
– ‘Both women were between 18 and 20 years old, one being 6ft 3in (1.9m) tall’. A rare 6ft3 “woman”. Thankfully the BBC is here to protect us from misinformation.
– Marianna Spring, you may wanna look into this…
– The only time the BBC knows what a woman is, is when it’s highly likely or definitely likely to be male.
The BBC may just be regurgitating a Sussex Police press release, but that doesn’t make it any better.
These thousands… all still use snail mail?
wtf is persevilience ??
Time to scrap the House of Lords as it is , before we get swamped by the rest of the world . A new, strong, prime minister is desperately needed that will defend our nation and borders.
The future is an experiment that began yesterday edition
One of those oft-repeated conspiracy theories dear to the hearts of the tinfoil hat brigade is represented by a slogan picked up from the World Economic Forum and warns of the masses impending surfdom: You’ll own nothing and be happy is a phrase originated by Danish Politician Ida Auken in a 2016 essay for the World Economic Forum. (thank you Wiki)
Pure stuff and nonsense of course…
Meanwhile, over there at the globalist Financial Times: Japan Airlines gives tourists chance to travel light by renting holiday clothes… pack underwear and toothbrush but rent all your clothes on arrival and ditch the environmentally unfriendly suitcase… Under a year-long experient that began yesterday… the scheme is designed for travellers hoping to make a “sustainable choice”
Remember folks, it’s not a conspiracy theory, if it’s true
Welcome To 2030: I Own Nothing, Have No Privacy And Life Has Never Been Better… Welcome to my city – or should I say, “our city.” I don’t own anything. I don’t own a car. I don’t own a house. I don’t own any appliances or any clothes… (Ida Auken, ‘Young Global Leader’, Forbes) – We won’t own any clothes, luv…? Even the Japanese will allow tourists to keep their own tighty-whities.
Note the bit about her city being not ‘mine’ but instead it is termed ‘ours’.
One takes that as code for hyper-immigration removing all notion of native identity and culture formerly belonging to places.
Born and bred Londoners don’t claim to have ‘owned’ their former city – but they can certainly now recognise it’s not theirs anymore – it is a open to the globe ‘economic zone’ – as our Rishi would put it. Supposedly ‘built by migrants’ as that other sub-continent manlet – Little Man Khan would pretend. I thought it was the Romans who first built London – but what did they ever do for us?
Our Mickey Mouse Immigration policy
Lords must not defy will of the people – pleads the Rishi loyalist Daily Express – playing distraction for the former Goldman Sachs office boy so he can blame the likes of the Archbishop of Wokery for his own failure to act decisively
Micky Mouse vs immigration minister – that’ll be Micky Mouse vs Goofy in the left-leaning comic book which is the ‘i’ newspaper
The U.K.’s Immigration Minister Ordered the Removal of Cartoon Murals at an Asylum Center to Avoid ‘an Impression of Welcoming’… When U.K. immigration minister Robert Jenrick visited an asylum centre in Kent, he allegedly took issue with the cheerful murals of cartoons characters in the reception area and ordered their removal. Jenrick wanted it to be clear that this was a “law enforcement environment” and “not a welcome centre”… Thus far, the centre’s staff has refused to acquiesce to Jenrick’s “cruel” demand. (Art Net News – edited for American spelling of the word centre – presumably tired of the stale pale old masters their artsy journos now apparently serving new masters)
Just think about the symbolism here. Micky Mouse – the very image of the American global cultural empire – forever and without question – welcoming with a goofy smile and open arms – the third world – to Britain
And why should public employees do as the British public would want them to do – or as limp-wristed elected ministers pretend they would want them to do?
As those automated warnings now order us at the railway station escalators “Hold the hand rail and face the direction of travel”
How about the cops hire Banksy to decorate all our police stations to make them more welcoming? Mind you, he can be a bit too edgy, a tad spicy, not really suitable for kids. I know – the police can paint their own murals of Peppa Pig.
Asiseeit – that Jenrick thing is telling – particularly the refusal to take the crap down ….
AISI, three newspapers missing from the BBC Blog this morning, the Sun (no surprise, regularly absent, no doubt the BBC consider it a ‘Far Right’ rag) the Telegraph and the FT. No FT, no comment. Am off to the shops soon, so I will try to see if the latter two, at least, have front pages unfavourable to the Lefty BBC or the Labour Party.
Starmer speaking to BBC as Pincher ‘groping’ report due
Just look at this : the next evolution of the BBC ‘Live update’ reporting. Why on Earth does such a topic warrant ‘live updates’ ??. They should simply write a summary after he finished. This latest trick allows them to write a new headline for everything he says.
Starmer couldn’t get better PR than this even if he paid for it. It’s out and out activism.
They even mention the Tory ‘groping’ report in the headline when it has absolutely nothing to do with the article. It’s a blatant trick to associate ‘Labour Good, Tory Bad’ in the mind of the reader.
Look at this latest update : it’s got nothing whatsoever to do with ‘Starmer talking to the BBC’. It’s 100% propaganda:
‘What are Labour’s five ‘missions’ for the country?
Labour’s five “missions” are a set of promises that the party will centre their campaign around at the next general election.
Here’s a recap of what they are:
Securing the “highest sustained growth” in the G7 group of rich nations, by the end of Labour’s first term
Making Britain a “clean energy superpower”, removing fossil fuels from all of Britain’s electricity generation by 2030
Improving the NHS
Reforming the justice system
Raising education standards’
Not that long ago, the BBC would not dare run such a biased promotional piece as this. But after everything they have got away with since Brexit, they are confident nobody will question it now.
Sacking OFCOM is not enough. They should be jailed for the damage they are allowing the BBC to do to this country.
BBC ‘report’
A million monkeys in a million cubicles getting one press release, and…
They even admit it.
Our Justin ‘interviews ‘ Starmer . The current bbc policy is taxpayer funded food for kiddies – ‘don’t worry parent – other people will pick up the tab ‘ – sez the BBC . Justin wasn’t happy that starmer failed to commit to this far left policy …..
…. But listening to Our Justin – I think it is time to set up a full political party for the next election with BBC staff standing as MP – for instance – that vile bbc type who attacked Israel yesterday can stand in a londonistan seat with a big Jewish voting residence ….
The BBC party might attract a few like minds such as Harmon – for her support of Paedophiles – Corbyn for his support of terrorists – Chinese barry for his support of the PRC …. The list is – of course – is endless .
At the end of the starmer interview – there was no bbc droid to ‘decode ‘ ‘reinterpret ‘ what was just said – usually the opportunity the bbc uses to plunge the knife into some blue labour imbicile stupid enough to go on the BBC
The Times newspaper is about the most Keir Starmer-curious of our national titles – gifting the New New Labour leader more spotlight frontpage coverage than even the Guardian
Speaking lessons for all pupils… says Starmer… Labour promises language skills at heart of national curriculum
You can bet Labour has focus grouped middle class parents fretting about the plethora of non-English spoken in their children’s classrooms.
So this is a Labour dog whistle telling voters not to worry over-much about it.
bbc sticks its nose into how RTE spends its money
RTÉ spent €5,000 on flip-flops
Can only imagine if the bbc was honest, how it wastes the tele tax
£98million on the Digital Media Initiative, and absolutely nothing to show for it, other than by those who were on a nice little earner.
Maybe call it ‘the apology show ‘ – this time it’s women who bred bastards now wanting an apology for ‘giving them up ‘ . Make yer bed and lie in it – vacuous apology from the state ? Make any difference ? Go look in the mirror . Have a little cry .
BBC Desperate Moaning Emole
Desperate fossil fuels
Enough about their journalism, next…
Meta’s Twitter rival has landed
If you need more social media in your life, then read this. Threads – branded as the “friendly” alternative to Twitter – has been launched by Meta, which owns Facebook and Instagram. Meta chief Mark Zuckerberg said the app passed five million sign-ups in its first four hours. See how Threads works and read what Twitter boss Elon Musk had to say about it.
Branded by whom, for context? Still Zux says so like Surkeer, in it goes. Beyond the irony of every msm pram toy ejecter who hates Musk ‘explaining’ how to swap…. on Twitter… SNAFU.
I wonder if that crazy Brexit blonde biddie the bbc used/s who flounced to Master Bates never to be heard from again will be joining the media flock?
Now it could be argued that no one is using Twitter any more, except the msm losers using Twitter to point each other away from it.
Like audience magnet and BBC Amol trading ground, the Indy.
Guest, I’m surprised tha Zuckerberg hasn’t called his Twitter rival ‘ThredZ’ in order to ‘get on down wiv da yoof and da bruvvas’
French leader says – let them wear non-branded trainers
Moment flagship Nike store in central Paris is ransacked by looters as wave of rioting sweeps France (LBC)
Macron orders parents to keep ‘very young’ rioters at home after third night of carnage across France… but fails to mention video of him partying at Elton John concert during violence (Daily Mail)
I’d be soooo disappointed – they never have 13s .. ( 77 brigade note shoe size on Fedup file ) …
Some stupid half wit green crap zealot given airtime by the BBC – her type just want oil ended now . Even the BBC type – always a fan of other countries = particularly the third world – pointed out the effect of huge oil price rises on those billions
The zealot could care less – she didn’t say ‘let them -us – you die to save the planet ‘ but it was there. The are becoming as much an enemy as Islam ….
At the end of Today Pride crap was mentioned as the off switch was hit . I asked Alexa what is ‘pride ‘ she said – for RCs ( like me ) it is a sin . A sinful of BBC . They are damned .
I wonder what she is researching?
BBC credibility?
Guest, ?????
TOADY Watch #1 – The BBC are really pushing for a Labour win at the next GE today
What is different from any day of the week? you might ask. JustRemainIn Webb raises a token objection – some self interest there, your children in Private Schools Justin? – to Labour’s plan if elected to govern, to abolish the VAT concession that exists on private school fees. The country is bust and Starmer and his crew, imho, will bust it further if the electorate are foolish enough to give Labour a chance at Government.
BREAKING NEWS. Again today.
Wagner boss Prigozhin is in Russia, Belarus ruler Lukashenko says
So what ?. Not even worth a front-page sub-pane.
The BBC ‘breaking news’ has become ridiculous. It now has nothing to do with ‘breaking news’ and everything to do with whatever they want you to read.
That’s what happens when an organisation is riddled with staff who are unfit for their positions and got them for agenda + quota reasons. The quality of output plummets.
What a complete joke the BBC has become.
Yes it would be a joke if it wasn’t so sad.
It just ain’t funny.
Our National Broadcaster is very seriously ill.
So ill Lefty, the kindest thing for all would be to put it out of our misery.
It has been completely riddled with the cancer called ‘left-wing activism’ which is now so advanced, it is incurable.
TOADY Watch #2 – an opportunity to mention that Brexit has failed and the EU is wonderful
I am told that the UK is about to join the EU’s Horizon project which the EU have gracefully allowed after the UK did not go all scientific and ‘nuclear’ invoking article 16 of the Withdrawal Agreement and effectively welshed on the people of Northern Ireland. Apparently, if Rishi Sunak our PM doesn’t sign the access agreement to Horizon there will be a lot of UK scientists who are upset with HMG. Apparently we will get lots of money from the EU for scientific research in the UK.
I am left wondering what the quid pro quo will be? We have to contribute £billions to the EU that we do not have – or – the EU get ‘copyright’ and ‘royalties’ on any discoveries that UK scientists come up with? I am guessing that it is the latter. Of course, the BBC did not mention the downsides of this piece of news; they never do where the EU is concerned.
It appears that the Vegan movement in Australia are having a go at shutting down restaurants that server either meat or don’t serve Vegan food.
Tactic one is to turn up and enter the restaurant and make life uncomfortable with the other tiers by shouting about how disgusting meat is.
Tactic two id to leave a mass of negative reviews online.
Laws need to be put in place to crush this activity.
Restaurant owners should be allowed to sue protestors who enter their premises trying to upset the other diner. The other diners should be able to sue for the disruption to their evening.
Review companies should be forced to collect personal data from anyone leaving a review, names, verifies email addresses and home address etc. and any false review subject to legal action by the restaurant.
Check out ‘Tortious interference with a subsisting contract’. I assume similar approaches exist in Aussie.
The BBC and not just ‘what’ is news, or not, but how ‘news’ is portrayed.
Mister Claret
Last night on BBC News their Anjana Gadgil said “Israeli forces are happy to kill children” while interviewing former Israeli PN Naftali Bennett.
When he asked her how she would define an armed 17 year old shooting at her family, she said that the UN had defined militants as children.
Since the segment aired, Gadgil appears to have deleted her social media profiles, while the BBC itself has apologised – describing her language as ‘inappropriate’ and ‘not phrased well’.
Deleting stuff and muttering insincere wibble like that is very BBC, and something the BBC would not allow a child accused of racism by another’s parent.
That ECU, OFCOM and dcms wave it along unchecked after such templates shows how much use they are.
In the comments one gets a feel for their ideal audience.
Zevenski, Parasite, United Kingdom,
She’s a brave and honest lady. A credit to the BBC.
Their hiring pool policies seem to be working.
On matters of numbers, the UN represents around 7B.
Of those few (200+) seem very interested in what they are trying to push and/or are actively cynical as to why.
Yet states and state media and even TNI media accord them deference and platforms.
The misuse and dangers of #wefiles :
“We’ve stuffed ourselves with the good things we’ve created, yet still yearn for meaning. The recent riots are a sign of our despair.”
No doubt Abe means well, and is American, and seems likely Jewish, but the use of ‘we’ in the wrong hands, such as those of the BBC, is a great distraction tool.
Most French have done nothing to warrant this. Their political clowns (admittedly elected in, if via rapidly skewed democratic processes) have created it all. Same here.
And these riots are not primarily to do with capitalist democratic yearning, but autocratic Islamic takeover. Though globalist shovelling of young useless males from other alien cultures into festering ghettos does not help.
Though this comment is noted:
Writes Unskool’s Newsletter
“The French love violent revolutions like Americans love cheeseburgers.”
The slide to Woke authoritarian shit by banks etc is simply Marxism in disguise, brewed in our communist schooling and university system they are now gaining places of power in all industries.
Read “Brave New World” by Aldous Huxley written years ago and you will see he prophesied this right down to the hordes of placard waving dyed hair commie harridans in the streets trying to push the commie line.
Just reading about this..
Several injured after car crashes into primary school in Wimbledon
Like alot of people now, we wonder if it terror related
But the bbc reassures us ” not treating the incident as terror-related”
Remember only a few years back, when a car crash was just a car crash, or an accident – now with most incidents we have to be told whether its terror related, what a sh*t whole the world has become, mostly because of the 3rd world and importing it
Just reading that myself Andy and ‘not terror-related’ is the main headline.
Without realising it, the very fact the BBC feel the need to put that speaks volumes.
They think the are defending Muslims by quickly ruling Islamic Terrorism out. What it actually says is that they do this kind of thing so often, we have point out it wasn’t them this time.
The amusing thing is that the only time they use the word ‘terror’ is when it wasn’t a terrorist. They refuse to use that word if it was.
Surely BBC Verify can scramble its satellite cubicle troops and assess what needs yo be assessed using their NTSHBird low orbit BS system?
*NothingToSeeHere Bird
Hello JohnC
And as for the “Far Left” – never mentioned
Quite Andy.
And of course when it IS terrorism but they want to keep it quiet until the story dies down a bit, we get:
‘Not thought to be terror-related’. Which means the guy who did it is probably a Muslim – but he wasn’t carrying written instructions from ISIS HQ when he did.
An ‘out-of-control-vehicle’? Is it ‘out-of-control’ because the driver is from the religion of peace like in Tel Aviv, or is it because of a ‘sudden-medical-emergency’ as caused by the vaxxxxxx?
I guess one thing we know is that we will be told neither the religion of the driver nor if the driver had been vaxxxxxed.
How a media expert handles Beeboids and their loony guest
Listen from 29 minutes and 22 seconds.
Blimey, who is the harpie BBC snot supposedly chairing that?
Baroness Helena was allowed start, middle and end gabble.
Meanwhile said harpy was interjecting all the time over Melanie, and when crushed on verifiable (©️BBC Verify) facts, said harpie suddenly wibbles off on what can or cannot be talked about because.. time, stuff, it doesn’t suit…
Stumbled across the BBC’s ‘Racism’ page.
And – entirely as expected – not a single instance of anyone being racist at white people.
Why is that ?. Is it that non-white people are not racist ? – or that the BBC most definitely are ?.
I found my last point while looking at this story from GB news:
Labour councillors in sectarian chanting and leafleting scandal in Walsall
This is promoting hatred at the highest level. They are calling the Muslim minority sect ‘apostates’ which in Muslim-speak basically means they deserve to die.
And of course BBC have not covered it at all.
The BBC do quote one of the men in an article : when a court found that an article shared by a mayor was not racist, Labour leader Aftab Nawaz told the Local Democracy Reporting Service he was stunned by the decision. “We are shocked,” he said. “The decision is a huge slap in the face.
This is exactly why the BBC disgust me so much. They are liars and hypocrites of the worst possible kind. They do it behind a mask of moral superiority. They are evil and dangerous.
There is also ‘could’.
Threads could cause real problems for Twitter
Well, yes, Jim, it is worse than that.
Knowing the power of celebrity, Mr Zuckerberg has also utilised celebs on Instagram and managed to get some of them on Threads
Likely the same who flounced to Master Bates because… ‘Obama’.
But the really issue is Every. Single. Media. Clown. doing free PR for Zux, because… ‘Obama’, meany all employed by the BBC and its TNI partners, Jim, in America.
An whether you can convince those who by now know what you are up to and how you operate.
Some may recall how easily Zux can be instructed and swayed by the Blob on such gems as Covid jabbery, and how he was propped up by the MSM, Jim.
And how you guys and the MSM targeted Musk on anything as a pack.
Think a few posters on BBBC are grumpy about stuff they don’t see on Twitter?
I sure as heck ain’t adding Zux censorship centre to Parler, etc in my S&M bin so you he can get back to ruling the narrative.
No FT. No audience either.
This online excitable audience is proving hard to rouse.
Absolutely vintage news headline
4 plod not to be prosecuted for a killing in 1993
A trannie charity fails to get a queer charity struck off
Kier Starmer – he’s great isn’t he ?
Landy drives into school playground – def not terrorism – just the normal crap school driving ….
Surprising that the comrades at the BBC are still attacking their police social change organisation …
The obsessed BBC Stephen Lawrence campaign to get the original detectives prosecuted:
‘The Crown Prosecution Service made its decision after considering a file of evidence for nearly three years.’
Oh dear – it seems like there are a few things about the case the BBC did not tell us. Will they have a top-level meeting to ask why they spent so many resources on it when it was clearly all-agenda ?.
Of course not. They don’t have to pay for it. The public do. They can do whatever they like and still get the money.
Some Lite Relief.
Heels Up might be able to swing 50% of the voting population not identifying as other than heterosexual or choosy, but she will need to hit the trail early.
But one suspects the full on campaign behind getting Threads to crush Twitter might be significant and maybe not a coincidence.
Zux seems to be the kind of billionaire social media guy the state can work with.
Skype has been bugging me to add Bing AI chat so I decided to test it out.
I asked
‘Whats a good thing to eat with pork scratchings’
First it insisted on telling me what pork scratching are – which I didn’t ask.
Then it suggested sardines and spinach.
Finally it patronised me with ‘Just be mindful of their high salt content and moderate your intake.’ which I didn’t ask either.
So my brief foray to AI chat taught me it is exactly what I thought it was. Nothing like what the BBC tell me it is.
Trans charity Mermaids loses challenge against LGB Alliance
‘Mermaids was set up in 1995 to support children and young people questioning their gender identity. It said the LGB Alliance sought to “destroy” its reputation and sources of funding.’
Oh dear. Gay and Trans charities squabbling. One might be led to think these people are a bit nasty when they aren’t in the spotlight.
I notice the author – LGBT correspondent Lauren Moss – was once ‘attacked with cup of hot chocolate’ according to the BBC – but they said Farage was only ‘hit by milkshake’, almost like he got in it’s way.
The choice of words is entirely deliberate in both cases.
More Glastonbury hypocrisy which I don’t think has been mentioned.
Charging points for electric cars, as you will see not many are taking advantage, not surprising given the £80 fee for using it, however, in the background under the Blue High Lift, you can see the diesel generator being used to provide power for these recharging points
Electric charging is going to be one of the biggest scams in the future because car drivers who are almost out of range will pay whatever it costs to be recharged.
People with petrol cars will usually have more than 100 miles of range left when they refuel so can pass by if the price is very expensive.
Friendly Fire
These overpaid media ism hires always post stuff that might make normal folk wonder what planet they are on.
Even those normally on the team.
Google maps needs a woman-safe mode. Sending women down risk ridden paths is not helpful.
Fighting to free the women and children enslaved by IS
Here’s an article full of horror and abuse beyond anything even the most extreme lefty activist can imagine.
Hidden behind a tame and bland headline.
Actually I’m amazed they even reported it at all. They don’t report about ISIS because they are actually ultra-strict Muslim’s and only different from many of those here by a question of degree. If there was no clash of agendas (ie if it were whites doing it to Muslims) it would be the outrage of the century. Instead all of these activist hypocrites are silent.
In fact, they only use the word Muslim once – and that’s because it is in a quote from someone else.
Yes John, exactly.
I can’t believe the likes of the BBC going on about ‘forgiving’ Shahmima Begum and other ex-ISIS members, and ‘repatriating’ them, when it’s pretty obvious to any sane person that what they were part of was sheer evil. There must be tens of thousands of people who actually deserve our sympathy and support, because of what ISIS did, whom you rarely hear anything about.
What has happened to the Yazidis and other minority groups (Syrian Christians, Assyrians, Druze, Copts, Armenians etc…) in the Middle East, not just because of ISIS, but over the last century, or more, because of Islam (and to a lesser extent, Jewish ‘extremists’ in Israel – who came about as a reaction to Islamic extremism, when you look into it) is appalling, and often overlooked,(like the grooming and rape of young girls in this country) apparently, just so as not to upset Muslims.
Why do their ‘feelings’ come before basic humanity?!
Over a century of widespread persecution and massacre, and it’s very rare you hear anything about any of them.
I’m an atheist, so it’s not about religion for me, it’s about being ‘fair’ and protecting the weak and the vulnerable (and the peaceful) from being victimised and persecuted.
We hear a lot about “moderate” muslims
Show me one country governed by muslims that is “moderate”
scotland? nah sack that one erm …
Who was meant to go.
Speed bump
How it is going, but the BBC seems OK so long as it’s not Musk.
Plus another TNI partner.
NewsThump used to be funny.
And have a grasp of timing. Or irony.
BBC Verify is a rich seam. As is the Graun. And, now, Reuters.