The astute observer will notice that despite all this talk and rhetoric about what the Russians are planning to do, nobody uses the Nord stream pipeline as an example. The silence on their reasons for doing that one is deafening.
And just like Nord stream, nobody is giving me a reason why. Yet I can immediately think of several reasons Ukraine would do it. The counter-offensive has failed and Russia are building up for their own. It’s becoming obvious Russia are not going to give up, Putin is not going to be overthrown and Ukraine are eventually going to run out of men and lose. So it’s defeat or escalation.
Racial tensions in the Tunisian coastal city of Sfax flared into violence targeting migrants from sub-Saharan Africa, dozens of whom were forcibly evicted from the city, witnesses said Wednesday.
Amid the disturbances late Tuesday, police detained some and deported them as far away as the Libyan border more than 300 kilometres (over 200 miles), according to a local rights group.
The latest unrest started after the funeral of a 41-year-old Tunisian man who was stabbed to death Monday in an altercation with migrants, which led to the arrests of three suspects from Cameroon.
“We are going to avenge his death!” young people chanted at the victim’s funeral, according to video footage published online.
Sfax, the North African country’s second-largest city, is a departure point for many migrants hoping to reach EU member Italy by sea, usually the island of Lampedusa about 130 kilometres (80 miles) away.
Hundreds of residents massed in the streets late Tuesday demanding the eviction of all illegal migrants, said an AFP correspondent. Some blockaded streets and set tyres ablaze.
Videos shared on social media showed police chasing dozens of migrants from their homes to the cheers of city residents, before loading them into police cars.
On the Facebook page of non-government group Sayeb Trottoir, the medic Lazhar Neji, working in the emergency room of a hospital, deplored “an inhumane… bloody night that makes you tremble”.
He said the hospital had received between 30 and 40 injured migrants, including women and children, and said “some were thrown from terraces, others attacked with swords”.
Other footage showed migrants lying on the ground, their hands on their heads, surrounded by residents armed with sticks who waited for police to arrive to hand them over.
Police took some migrants to the site of the Sfax International Fair, from where they were to be transferred elsewhere, said Romdane Ben Amor, head of the non-government group Forum for Economic and Social Rights.
He told AFP that some migrants were taken to an area near the Libyan border, without being able to give precise numbers.
Tunisia has seen a rise in racially motivated attacks following President Kais Saied’s comments in February accusing “hordes” of illegal migrants of bringing violence and alleging a “criminal plot” to change the country’s demographic make-up.
With a population of 12 million, Tunisia hosts an estimated 21,000 migrants from other parts of Africa, representing 0.2 percent of the population.
ITV local newsPR show
items :
#1 LGBTQ+ *campaigner* in Hedon
#2 GreenSpaces *campaigners* in Sheffield
#3 Disability Rights *campaigner* for railway ticket officers
#4 DogGrave *campaigners* in Scampton
#5 HeatPump *campaigners* , PR for the ITV 7:30pm show
#6 Global Warming campaigner weather woman
#7 NHS worship : the mother and father who joined their children as NHS workers
So school doesn’t allow bright coloured hair and she had bright red hair pieces. Story is a non starter she’s been spoken to about this before her mother should know better and do better! crying victim oh please! I appreciate there are stories of racism but this ain’t it
lol – the nasty and vindictive BBC have clearly gone straight to her and put the words for this quote in her mouth. They are like spiteful children.
Unless of course she IS a qualified lawyer who has had access to all the evidence and not just the panorama-style activist material the BBC will have shown her.
Hi all
I’ve missed all the banter, humour and emphatic views on this site in the past few months. Scrobs told me you were all kindly asking after my welfare, and this really touched me, so a heartfelt thank you.
Its been a bit of a journey these past months, what with endless attempts at accessing the GP, a dip into the Private care system, and being under the care of NHS Consultants in various fields – whom I never saw ! but they are very good at writing letters to other departments asking them to take over my care ! I only wish that one would at least have joined up the dots to ascertain the cause of my initial symptoms, but hey ho. Currently I’m waiting for surgery at Papworth Hospital to remove fluid from behind my lung. I’m heaps better than the dark days of Easter, but not completely 100% so I’m pacing myself and mindful of it being a slow recovery.
Due to my incapacity I’ve become (sadly) somewhat of an expert of daytime TV from Homes Under the Hammer, to a dire programme called Clean It Fix It !
Homes Under The Hammer — most buyers have the name Abdul, Mo, Pawel and Rasheed, have property ‘portfolios’ of 100s and generally live in London but will buy doer uppers in Darlington. Designs and colour schemes – 50 shades of grey, remain identical.
Bargain Hunt – generally its numbnuts and show offs who take part, and generally have no knowledge of anything, – one student pair said “oh they’re nice hanging baskets” the expert said “they are 1930s hanging light shades” . How they manage to leave their homes without help is beyond me. In the main it’s the stall holders who make the money.
Money for Nothing – good concept but some of the restorers are having a laugh for the crap they expect to be paid £400 for. Far and away the best presenter and upcycler is Sara Moore.
Garden Rescue – another good concept, but the price needed for a decent back garden is getting astronomical. I’ve thought seven grand for THAT ? but of course the owners cant complain, not on camera anyway.
Then we come to the real pearler.
Clean It Fix It – is a programme for the bone idle (aside from a couple of disabled people), who can’t get off their ar…es to clean and tidy their homes. So the BBC thought it would be a good idea to get two people of colour – Maxine Dwyer a cleaner who, has a propensity to scream “look at that” and makes a big production when she cleans a sink tap, Asher Edwards who owns a large amount of carpentry tools and explains the bleedin obvious to what he’s doing, and Tommy Walsh who is just about able to move and function with his builders belt on, to enter the property and fix and clean the rooms with the most piled high rubbish in them. These home owners are generally young and single with kids, yet they can’t seem to hold down a job, look after the kids AND keep a home tidy or clean. So the threesome go in and make the property habitable again. This is certainly rubbish tv.
Hence I am looking forward to rejoining the fray on here for more intelligent conversation before my brain turns to mush !!!
Brissles – we ve been …. Worried ….. so it is good to hear from you . Good luck with the medical mafia – who l find increasingly defensive ….. as for daytime TV – I recall some senior TV type talking about increasing the quality …..
Good to hear you’re on the mend BRISSLES. Bloody Hell, daytime telly…
I was ill last year with (I think) the dreaded Covid and I just didn’t feel up to reading, so turned on the box. Ye gods!
I tuned into that dross with Phillip Schonfield (I wonder what happened to him…) and Holly Willybooby…or whatever her name is. Bejesus, it was dire. They’re so gushingly fake and insipid.
After 10 minutes I decided I preferred having the Covid…
It really is good to see Brissles back in lights – what an awful time she’s had!
I’d think that a couple of requiems on Spotify would be better than daytime TV, I recommend Durufle’s, at least when it’s finished, you’re still alive and kicking!
I heard a great crack on LBC the other night, where a chap asks his father whether he wants to be buried or cremated when he pops off.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is a leading vaccine skeptic and purveyor of conspiracy theories who has leaned heavily on misinformation as he mounts his long-shot 2024 campaign for the Democratic nomination. Here are five noteworthy falsehoods he's promoted.
In the mid 1980s I was the very left wing Socialist father of 4 sons, one of whom went to university and,not surprisingly, considered himself to be a left wing Socialist.
During a conversation with my son on the subject of Socialism I assured him that the only way that our dream will be realized is for Leftists to actually become the Capitalists.
and —Voila!!
I will always regret that fatherly advice.
Good: Individualistic small business capitalism that serves the customer, and allowed to go bust if it does not. Invented by Adam Smith.
Bad: Progressive monopolistic public-private corporate capitalism, that serves the collectivist global elite, protected from going bust by politicians using taxpayer or borrowed money. Invented by Mussolini.
I sense panic at GBNews. MarkDolan show keeps begging me to go on again. Why?Could be Ofcom investigation means they need non-Rightists urgently to prove 'balance'? I suggest no progressives do GBNews til they have parity of left/right presenters.
Interesting an HRH journo thinks that giving we’re deluded ‘message ‘ to the viewer is trumped by the view of presenter politics .
If her case was that compelling surely she’d rip any right wing presenter a new hole …..and she’d be the toast of the twitter …
I only scan her columns now but emotion out ways reality with her as she declines further ….
Gets a nice time on the BBC and maybe they pay more …
G B News does have leftists on. Trouble is, they are mostly pathetic. There is one called Amy Nickell who is very easy on the eye, but as thick as mince.
No endless repeats of starmer being stung on the stage doing is pee poor ‘education ‘ act …. No surprise… they ve gone for a fatal crash in Wimbledon – guess the top tv types live there ..
Inside the campaign branded the ‘largest attack against free speech in US history’
“As the Delta variant spread across the US in July 2021, Clarke Humphrey, an official at the White House’s COVID-19 response team, emailed two Facebook executives asking them to take down an Instagram account impersonating Anthony Fauci.
“Hi there – any way we can get this pulled down? It is not actually one of ours,” Humphrey wrote. Less than a minute later, Facebook responded: “Yep, on it!”
The account imitating the then chief medical adviser was duly deleted – far quicker than if it had been reported through Instagram’s standard channels.
The emails are among those in a cache of more than 15,000 gathered by state prosecutors in a lawsuit against the US officials including Joe Biden, seeking to shut down contact between the White House and social media giants.
In a 155-page ruling, the judge, Terry Doughty, said the case “arguably involves the most massive attack against free speech in United States’ history” and compared the administration’s actions to the “Ministry of Truth”, the repressive censorship authority in George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four.
The trove of emails, obtained through legal requests, contain no single smoking gun. Instead they illustrate ongoing pressure from officials at various US government agencies to pressure YouTube, Twitter, and – in particular – Facebook parent Meta to act faster and more aggressively on anti-vaccine posts, conspiracy theories and the lab-leak theory.
Sir Nick Clegg, the former deputy prime minister and Meta’s president of global affairs, was intimately involved in the White House discussions, sending regular reports on how the company was tackling misinformation and pushing back on public pronouncements from officials criticising Meta.
In one phone call between Murthy and Sir Nick, the surgeon general asked Meta to do more to tackle misinformation. In another email in 2021, Andy Slavitt, the White House’s senior Covid-19 adviser, emailed Sir Nick complaining about a post from the Fox News host Tucker Carlson expressing scepticism about vaccines.
Note: (picture caption): Sir Nick Clegg, the former deputy prime minister and Meta’s president of global affairs, was intimately involved in the White House discussions
Officials were also active in encouraging Twitter and YouTube to remove content, according to the order. In the early weeks of the administration, Flaherty emailed Twitter asking them to remove a parody account linked to Biden’s granddaughter, writing: “Please remove this account immediately.” It was gone 45 minutes later.
Humphrey asked the company to remove an anti-vaccine tweet by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Later that year, Christian Tom, a deputy director of digital strategy, asked Twitter to remove a digitally altered video of Jill Biden that made it appear as if the First Lady was swearing at children. Twitter initially said it did not violate its policies, but later removed the clip.
YouTube, meanwhile, was asked why it was “funnelling people into hesitancy” over the vaccine. The companies did not comment.
The White House denied that it had forced social media companies to take material offline.
“Our consistent view remains that social media platforms have a critical responsibility to take account of the effects their platforms are having on the American people, but make independent choices about the information they present,” it said.
But as the lawsuit argues, the conversations were not taking place in a vacuum. They came as debates raged across Congress about whether to remove “Section 230” protections enjoyed by social media companies that limit responsibility for what their users post, and as the US government pursued lawsuits against Facebook and Google seeking to break the companies up.
Whatever the case’s ultimate outcome, its plaintiffs may believe they have already been successful. A “Disinformation Governance Board” set up last April, which prompted the lawsuit, was disbanded in August.
After reporting by The Telegraph, the UK Government is under pressure to shut down its own Counter Disinformation Unit, which passed information to social media companies to encourage them to take down posts. And Elon Musk, a champion of conservative voices, now owns Twitter.
In his conclusion, the judge quoted the late Democrat president Harry Truman: “Once a government is committed to the principle of silencing the voice of opposition, it has only one place to go, and that is down the path of increasingly repressive measures, until it becomes a source of terror to all its citizens and creates a country where everyone lives in fear.”
Comment: So we learn that Nick Clegg was involved in false information and action as liason officer to delete all critics of ‘FAUCI’ pushing the COVID scare across the US. The US had set up its own Washington ‘Disinformation Unit’ which the UK copied it seems involving the BBC (which still exists) and now we know who the BBC were talking to was the Head of disinformation: at FaceBook: was Nick Clegg himself.
Not just Facebook but all of the big Corporations were involved in a massive public cover up to promote a ‘Health scare’ well beyond its capability of any Vaccine to cure anyone. Last month in another article (according to Telegraph) the US ‘antidote’ was supposedly developed in 2019 (years before the pandemic was struck). Fauci then denied any culpability at the time and directed Nick Clegg to ‘blame China’, when it later turned out that Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci both FINANCED and paid the Chinese lab for a ‘gain of function’ virus to make the ‘bat flu’ virus more effective as a ‘bio-weapon’, which would have been BANNED in the US, as it would in the UK.
We have since learned that the (US) Vaccinations killed more children than the they cured. Killed by Blood clots. The elderly were weakened and died of ‘complications’ of this new flu pandemic (that could not be accurately diagnosed by Doctors), in fact FORBIDDEN. Everyone who died at the time was marked as ‘death by COVID’ although they would have died of ‘other’ complications from any illness at that advanced age. Many other normally healthy people who volunteered to take early vaccinations in the NHS have since died of blood blockage complication. One of them a BBC presenter.
Behind all of this is the BBC ‘Disinformation’ Service that never reported any of ills and complications that were clear at the time. All banned from the AIR.
We now know that Nick Clegg was part of the problem. The BBC denies any involvement. Well they would, as in the US they would be sued. Here in UK – they are ‘SAFE’.
In fact they still might be IF the BBC were NOT a branch of the civil-service. Which it is, unique a quasi NGO (not really) quasi Corporate body (which it claims to be) but not really – just the name ‘Corporate’. In which case why are we paying £150 for mis-information, under threat of imprisonment for not watching it or believing in the New World Order, Climate Change (Weather, Yes) expect they don’t believe in ‘Weather’. Woke don (trashing all history), racial intolerance (white man bad), The EU hold all the answers (even though its a post war plane to create a United States of Europe), Corporate socialism is the best of all worlds (Echoes of George Orwell). This is the BBC, our arbiter of ‘Truth’.
I do hate the BBC. That is a thought crime to Marxists.
Real journalists in Britain are now dead, in prison, or sacked for disagreeing with Greta. So we now have idiots who are more interested in fake virtue, perversions and celebrities. New factual information revealed in scientific papers is either not read, or ignored, or censored by not very bright newspaper editors, or is seen as disinformation, malinformation or misinformation by those with ‘Net Zero’ intelligence. Hatred of the mass murdering elite is banned.
Stories not selected for Operation Banging-on
#1 The hospital pick axe attacker
Matteo Bottarelli
all news stories from June 23 say “Bottarelli was remanded in custody and will next appear at the Old Bailey on Tuesday (27 June)
There were no news reports after June 23
#2 The Nottingham stabber
like what happened to the people he drove over
#3 The French park stabber ?
#4 Sasha Johnson The BLM protester shot by a black gang
charges were dropped due to lack of witnesses at the crowded party
So! According to the so called “experts” we have just lived through the “hottest June since records began”
When did records begin and what happened climate wise thousands of years previous?
The “experts” tell us that England and mainland Europe were once an integrated land mass. Did “climate change” lend a hand or was it just a case of Mother Nature carrying out her natural functions.?
That one was being billed as Sarah Everad part 2 – ramping up with the night-time vigils and everything.
Right up until they discovered it was an Albanian immigrant called Koci Selamaj. Then the entire story was suddenly dropped.
And who can blame you for missing out the double murder of Bibaa Henry and Nicole Smallman. If you search that with the BBC, you are swamped with articles about the two police who took pictures of the bodies.
But if you search for ‘Danyal Hussein’ – the man who stabbed them both to death – you just get a couple of results at the top.
In the eyes of the BBC, it’s far worse for 2 white police to take pictures of murdered women than it is for a Muslim to murder them both in the first place.
‘Ms Henry was stabbed eight times while Ms Smallman was stabbed 28 times.’
It’s a great tactic for male pervs…dress as women and you must be treated as women even if the victim says you were men dressed as women. Get around the corner and ditch the outfit…pretty difficult to identify then. And an added bonus that the crime is recorded as a sexual assault by females (rare)
Per the @nytimes & @washingtonpost, w/o the ability to censor Americans, Biden will be powerless to protect us against "misinformation," such as:
— Masks are ineffective against Covid — Social distancing is arbitrary & ineffective — Evidence indicates Covid originated in a…
Stew, This is the most troubling thing I’ve seen this week. I knew there had been an attempt to stop GBNews by boycotting it but I thought it was all over now.
The video of those howling apes shutting down that poor woman is nauseating. It makes my hands itch for knuckle dusters and get in amongst them.
Surely there must legal way to highlight what is going on. How can GBNews carry on if they can’t advertise?
What about name and shaming the creatures behind these cancel campaigns and compiling videos on them?
And print their addresses too!!! It’s a tactic the fascist Left like so much. It is time it was turned on them.
I feel that GB News days might be numbered if they can’t sell advertising. The cost of running a 24/7 news service is massive, anyone know how much it costs to broadcast on digital TV and DAB radio?
I’ve noticed a softening of GB News output. There seems to be more global warming fanatics in particular (Jim Dale?), promoting the climate agenda. The left right thing is perhaps a matter of opinion, debatable. Man made climate change however is ‘indisputable’, the science is ‘settled’. For GB News to be too openly anti climate and Green agenda would be dangerous. I could imagine it giving OFCOM reason to punish.
I hope a lot of people dumped it when they took down mark steyn . I won’t listen to it now …… the broadcasters should have supported him – but didn’t – so lost any value they had ….
It would have been the end of GB News if they’d kept him. A rock and a hard place, if the State decides their output defies their narrative then they have to stop or be closed down. There would have been zero support from the BBC and other MSM so GB News were on their own.
Seems like policy is to minimise any disunity in Red Labour – hence the non coverage of Starmers ‘ big policy thing Thursday – and the disruption by his supporters …..
… instead it’s a human interest story – the school ‘accident ‘ . Very sad but not national news . Maybe the identity of those involved will reveal why this story ‘sticks ‘ ….
Horror at end of term tea party (Daily Mail) Girl, 8, dies and 10 are injured as car hits school (Guardian)
Quick, call in the The Thin Blub Line
At a news conference Det Ch Sup Clair Kelland, local police commander for south-west London, became emotional, her voice breaking at times. (BBC)
Police Chief Clair Kelland fought back tears as she said “Sadly one of the children died” (Daily Mirror)
Buck up, luv, and do your job. What is this we’re watching – an episode of the TV show Mid-Blubber Murders – or for fans of US cop shows, how about that one starring Tom Selleck – Blue Blubs?
Can you imagine for a moment Peter Falk as Lt Columbo, the shabby raincoated ace investigative cop, turning to a witness at the scene of a crime and saying: “Just one more question, Sir, can I borrow your handkerchief, I’m about to burst into tears”
Meanwhile at the Old Bailey. “Kindly relate to the Court your evidence concerning this crime, Constable Softy. You may consult you notebook”
“Well, Your Honour, I was proceeding in a southerly direction along Letsby Avenue, when suddenly the police radio control room urgently signalled me the distressing news of a suspicious incident taking place. I self-administered my regulation supply of smelling salts and sat down for a bit, so as to attempt to control my emotions, Your Honour. An elderly lady, trying to cross a busy road, came to my aid and conforted me as I endeavoured to compose myself there on the pavement… “There, there, Officer, she said, try to think of cute cuddly kittens and puppies””
If ever there were an advert for A.I. to be brought in to replace the current crop of humans in a job this is it.
Here’s another chap seemingly in the wrong line of work – apparently having missed his true vocation. We thought he was lavishly paid to be the Beeb’s top sports commentator: Gary Lineker has said Just Stop Oil’s cause is more important than watching uninterrupted sporting events (Telegraph) – our Gary perhaps making what football terms a ‘come-and-get-me’ to the BBC’s evironmental campaigning department?
As the ecomony goes to hell in a handcart: Bank of England to install heat pumps as staff urged to be in office two days a week (Telegraph) – two days a week…? Oh the humanity! Mr AsI thought slavery had been abolished!
More news on Britain’s Micky Mouse immigration policy
Home Office paints over Micky Mouse mural for children at asylum centre… Critics accuse minister of being ‘heartless’ (‘i’)
Hart to Hart is an American mystery television series that premiered on August 25, 1979, on ABC. The show stars Robert Wagner and Stefanie Powers (Thank you Wiki)
Say what you want about slimeball love rat Matt Hancock – he certainly knew what sort of performance our left-leaning media establishment expected of a minister of state these days: Matt Hancock ‘cries’ as he talks about Coronavirus vaccine (Nursing Notes, December 2020)
Matt Hancock brought to tears on TV as first Covid vaccinations begin (Guardian, December 2020)
In financial news
Rapper Sean Combs, known as Diddy, has sued Diageo for allegedly failing to promote his Ciroc brand, claiming racial discrimination (FT)
And finally, we know the Daily Star is Proud to love animals – seagulls, not so much – however, being ever mindful of global warming and green house gas emisions – welcome: Dolly the fart-free sheep
AISI, I got one of the missing newspapers wrong yesterday, it was Sun, Telegraph, and not the FT but the Mirror missing from the BBC Blog. I couldn’t see a copy of the Sun but I did grab a look at the Daily Telegraph and yes, there was at least one front page item that the BBC would view as unfavourable. Beijing Biden is apparently pushing for von der Leyen to be the next NATO chief. Bearing in mind that Ukraine’s woes started with an ‘EU diplomatic initiative’ from Cathy Ashton, putting Uuossellahr in the top job at NATO looks a bit like locking a hungry cat inside an aviary full of small birds.
If any claim in this war warranted an accompanying photograph as evidence, it was Zelensky’s claim they have seen explosives planted around the roof of the reactor. I fully expected one when I read the story – and when there wasn’t I immediately did not believe it.
If the Russians said it, that quote on the BBC would have had ‘Without supplying any evidence, …’ at the start.
It’s these kind of extreme double standards which make me trust Zelensky, my own government and the BBC less than I trust Putin as far as this war is concerned.
What a situation to be in : we are being led by the nose to WW3 and I do not believe anything I read about the war from my own country. I am truly shocked.
Based has been appropriated by the alt-right online as a general term of praise, as if “un-woke.” (
And then there’s our BBC’s take on the term ‘based’
A tourist filmed carving names on to an inner wall at Rome’s ancient Colosseum says he did not realise how old the monument was when he acted. UK-based Ivan Dimitrov made the comment in a letter of apology… Mr Dimitrov, a 27-year-old believed to be living in Bristol… (BBC)
Zuckerberg’s Twitter clone is heading into rough weather
Turns out Meta was hiring dozens of former Twitter employees who had work phones & docs from the company so that they could create a Twitter clone this past few months
Now @elonmusk is getting ready to sue them for violating intellectual property & trade secrets laws
They’ve previously challenged each other to a cage fight, but could their battle spill over into a courtroom? Elon Musk’s Twitter says it is considering legal action against Mark Zuckerberg’s Meta, the owner of Facebook, over its latest app. Threads is a new rival to Twitter that launched on Wednesday and more than 30 million people have signed up already, according to its owner. Mr Musk says “competition is fine, cheating is not” – but Meta has denied claims that any ex-Twitter staff helped create Threads, which is linked to Instagram but works as a standalone app. Take a look at our story for a useful graphic that compares the two apps, including the character count they allow for users.
What do users think of Threads?
Can Threads out-earn Twitter?
Get all the details we feel you should have.
Am I allowed to point out the Mick Lynch is a millionaire Champagne Socialist? I got a week long ban for hate speech for saying it before Musk took over
Disney feeling the effects of woke crap, has lost over $900 million, and companies are now firing the ‘diversity’ officers who produce nothing but losses.
Many things come over from the USA to the UK, we can only hope that this is one of them, but our hard left government is very unlikely to allow that to happen
A Lancet review of 325 autopsies after Covid vaccination found that 74% of the deaths were caused by the vaccine – but the journal removed the study within 24 hours. Read it here.
On the day Starmer said he’d tax private schools at 20% ….- which will only affect those good people making the sacrifice to get their kids an education rather than lefty indoctrination …
Another nice day off for the overworked teachers …
You must have a very rosey idea of what a public school education is these days. You might want to take a look at what’s going on at the rotten school at Windsor, with the head known as “trendy Hendy” and his far Left wife who worked at the Labour Party central office under Tony BLiar !
On the the day…. What was it about reliably partisan rabble rouser ex colleague Paul that saw the BBC get him in to opine?
I was on #BBCPoliticsLive talking about the class ceiling in education and this struck me: We're massively short of new physics teachers but over-endowed with new Latin teachers. That's the kind of supply/demand bullshit a class-ridden education system creates (et linguam Latinam…
Readers will recall that BBc North America hung on every word of wisdom uttered by our Jen, now replaced by an equally credible diversity hire of curly black locks vs. flaming dyed red.
She is, of course, a main presenter at a BBC TNI broadcaster.
Next up, I once subscribed to Mother Jones for eco news, but like the BBC Environment team it is now a full on politicised rabble rouser targeting any who threaten the narrative.
Twitter has always been an alluring place for people who think they’re hilarious and can’t let a thought pass without making sure everyone in their company hears it. In other words, people like me.
I have been addicted to Twitter for more than a decade, and I’ve also been watching anxiously as it changes at the hands of Elon Musk. I haven’t been able to stop scrolling and refreshing, even as the site required people to start paying for blue checks and limited unverified users’ tweet consumption to 600 posts per day. Despite the frequent glitches and deterioration of functionality, the site has charged on. But even if the servers power down one day, there is an alternative.
Enter Threads, a text-based cousin of Instagram created by Mark Zuckerberg’s Meta and marketed as a “Twitter killer.” The vibe on Threads is decidedly chaotic, and my colleague Sam Van Pykeren has been having a field day establishing Mother Jones’ presence on the nascent app—as well as reminding people to log off and get some fresh air. Seriously, he’s hilarious. If you decide to enter the Threadiverse, I hope you’ll give us a follow.
—Abigail Weinberg
Abs and sistas, even some wimmin, really do not like Elon for what he has done to their playground. Can’t wait to get to the safety of Zux based state censorship, eh, Abs?
Guest if in doubt, liberal media pull the “outside forces” card rather than report the truth about Muslim/LGBT. The Guardian has been pushing this one too. (See also Leicester’s vibrant conflicts).
“Several district teachers and parents charged that the controversy was manufactured by outside political forces seeking to sow divisions. ‘Political groups from outside the community are whipping up hate … groups that have a history of embracing anti-Muslim ideology'”
Sowing divisions being entirely the province of whitey.
The tick box who is the White Press type must surely have the nickname of ‘im just not going there ‘ when someone in the audience actually asks a real journo type question …
.. but it shows how , even in what is meant to be the most free country on earth , the press can be tamed by the Obama left …
Maybe it’s a bit like the McCarthy hysteria of the 1950s which came to an abrupt end when some one had the courage to say ‘screw this it’s just wrong ‘…
Under ‘Africa News’ online: “France riots: Fuelled by everyday discrimination”
It’s the turn of a France-based Algerian Muslim who grew up in Canada to give his insight; do they have a Rolodex full of international angry Muslims on the BBC news desk? “My observation of day-to-day life in France over the past few months is that the water reeks of latent, banalised racism and Islamophobia.”
I’m watching social media and it’s good to see the BBC getting a kicking in the comments. Although perhaps this will change when Musk’s in jail and the government is remotely controlling our phones to post likes on Threads.
Behind Kamala's word salad, there is an important inspirational message – Literally anyone can be Vice President of the United States… 👇
BBC bosses vow to save EastEnders ‘at all costs’ as fans switch off in their droves thanks to its ‘unbearably woke’ storylines – from ‘Walford’s own Greta Thunberg’ to Sharon Watts likening Brexit to Covid
When Enders started in the 80s the scriptwriters were old school and lived through the classic humour of the sitcoms of the 60s and 70s. Today’s lot probably weren’t even born when Den gave Angie divorce papers, but did, no doubt get a degree in meeja studies, which is why most tv entertainment is dire – run by kids who haven’t a clue.
Brissles darling – I’ve never seen Eastenders – living there is bad enough ….. I can’t see the BBC dumping it – didn’t they spend a shed load on a ‘set ‘ recently ….
and you Carol Vorderman June 26 quoting the Guardian
“Damning report based on 2019 figures show lack of investment by consecutive Tory govts while private healthcare and the Tory donors cream off the budget
Compared to 18 other countries, NHS has 2nd lowest beds per 1000 people, fewest MRI scanners”
Go back to the King’s Fund PDF, and it does have caveats
– on it’s own graph “Equipment outside hospital is EXCLUDED for Portugal, Sweden, United Kingdom” ..
– Kings Fund original text had a caveat too
“However, data for the UK on these measures
does not fully capture MRI and CT scanners
outside hospital and in the private sector”
screenshots of PDF
Basically the King’s Fund report did the fallacy of comparing Apples with Oranges and used old 2019 data for MRIs
That’s countries with their private MRI contractors included
… vs UK with their private MRI contractors EXCLUDED
Bottomline when someone makes a claim that is “too wow to be true”
it’s likely not to be true
Rather it could be lying by omission
ie they OMITTED to collect much of the data
Not only was that done with UK MRI stats
but late on Wednesday night when I was listening to Moral Maze
I saw a crazy lefty tweet That #twat from Adam Smith Institute on the #moralmaze
said European Water was worse than UK.
Why are these morons allowed to spout unadulterated bullsh*t!???
along with a graphic which said that only 30% of UK river bathing spots achieved good quality compared to 83% in Europe
I went to the article
“although Covid-19 restrictions hampered sampling in the UK last year and Meant MOST of the country’s bathing sites could not be classified”
The UK has 640 monitored bathing sites,
That survey didn’t have results for 457 of them
That didn’t stop the Daily Mail running the clickbait headline
“UK is ranked LAST in Europe for bathing water quality
The UK’s bathing water quality is rated among the worst on the continent, with just 110 coastal and inland sites judged as excellent in the latest data from Europe’s environmental watchdog”
Threads by Zuckerberg. ‘Threads’, there’s a novel name. I wonder how Zuckerberg thought that one up, he’ll no doubt claim it’s his copyright and no one ever used that word before. Must have taken lessons from Gates.
Zuckerberg works with the US Government and big business to ensure our data is readily available to them. I reckon Musk and twitter have had it.
Flotsam, yes my American friends talk about catching ‘some zees’ meaning .. zzzzz …… but Zuckerberg is called Zuckerberg with a capital Z and our illiterate yoofs might take to something called ‘ThredZ’. Having said that, on the one hand it is doing OK with millions of users but on the other hand it is dull. (i newspaper)
Thursday evening
Hull BBC Look North opened with long item
saying East Yorkshire council has pledged that you will always be able to pay for parking with cash
If it’s ok to subpoena months of security footage from Mar-a-Lago to see if someone moved some papers, it’s ok to subpoena security video to see who brought illegal blow into the White House.
Emmanuel GoldsteinMar 12, 22:00 Midweek 12th March 2025 GB News lefty Christopher Hope looks like an old Harry Potter.
StewGreenMar 12, 21:55 Midweek 12th March 2025 The story the Daily Mail stole off me Them 23 Aug 2023 ” after *it emerged* staff might have doctored…
tomoMar 12, 21:48 Midweek 12th March 2025 [img][/img]
StewGreenMar 12, 21:44 Midweek 12th March 2025 Twitter has this in my “Tweets for you” from : @charliersmith1 Radio producer @BBCNorfolk • bipolar, OCD & anxiety a…
StewGreenMar 12, 21:39 Midweek 12th March 2025 Neighbour has an old camper van rarely used in winter of course The new road tax letter says it’s £355…
tomoMar 12, 21:27 Midweek 12th March 2025 There’s something about the way some BBC peeps absolutely fawn over gangstas – I saw a Brazilian crew of workers…
ScrobleneMar 12, 20:08 Midweek 12th March 2025 I find this report utterly distasteful, and a disgraceful attempt to accuse President Trump for ‘causing the cartels some difficulties’…
DeborahMar 12, 20:06 Midweek 12th March 2025 Christopher Hope on GB News to a woman Labour MP, ‘Starmer has had a good couple of weeks on the…
LoobylooMar 12, 19:42 Midweek 12th March 2025 BA also shaking the collection tin down the aisle in support of it too
tomoMar 12, 18:35 Midweek 12th March 2025 20+++ years of all uses for the entire country presently sat under Lancashire and Lincolnshire – to Westminster’s eternal shame
The astute observer will notice that despite all this talk and rhetoric about what the Russians are planning to do, nobody uses the Nord stream pipeline as an example. The silence on their reasons for doing that one is deafening.
And just like Nord stream, nobody is giving me a reason why. Yet I can immediately think of several reasons Ukraine would do it. The counter-offensive has failed and Russia are building up for their own. It’s becoming obvious Russia are not going to give up, Putin is not going to be overthrown and Ukraine are eventually going to run out of men and lose. So it’s defeat or escalation.
Migrants, migrants everywhere.
And we are still waiting to see anything positive to come from mass-migration.
Tunisians target African migrants, dozens expelled
Racial tensions in the Tunisian coastal city of Sfax flared into violence targeting migrants from sub-Saharan Africa, dozens of whom were forcibly evicted from the city, witnesses said Wednesday.
Amid the disturbances late Tuesday, police detained some and deported them as far away as the Libyan border more than 300 kilometres (over 200 miles), according to a local rights group.
The latest unrest started after the funeral of a 41-year-old Tunisian man who was stabbed to death Monday in an altercation with migrants, which led to the arrests of three suspects from Cameroon.
“We are going to avenge his death!” young people chanted at the victim’s funeral, according to video footage published online.
Sfax, the North African country’s second-largest city, is a departure point for many migrants hoping to reach EU member Italy by sea, usually the island of Lampedusa about 130 kilometres (80 miles) away.
Hundreds of residents massed in the streets late Tuesday demanding the eviction of all illegal migrants, said an AFP correspondent. Some blockaded streets and set tyres ablaze.
Videos shared on social media showed police chasing dozens of migrants from their homes to the cheers of city residents, before loading them into police cars.
On the Facebook page of non-government group Sayeb Trottoir, the medic Lazhar Neji, working in the emergency room of a hospital, deplored “an inhumane… bloody night that makes you tremble”.
He said the hospital had received between 30 and 40 injured migrants, including women and children, and said “some were thrown from terraces, others attacked with swords”.
Other footage showed migrants lying on the ground, their hands on their heads, surrounded by residents armed with sticks who waited for police to arrive to hand them over.
Police took some migrants to the site of the Sfax International Fair, from where they were to be transferred elsewhere, said Romdane Ben Amor, head of the non-government group Forum for Economic and Social Rights.
He told AFP that some migrants were taken to an area near the Libyan border, without being able to give precise numbers.
Tunisia has seen a rise in racially motivated attacks following President Kais Saied’s comments in February accusing “hordes” of illegal migrants of bringing violence and alleging a “criminal plot” to change the country’s demographic make-up.
With a population of 12 million, Tunisia hosts an estimated 21,000 migrants from other parts of Africa, representing 0.2 percent of the population.
ITV local newsPR show
items :
#1 LGBTQ+ *campaigner* in Hedon
#2 GreenSpaces *campaigners* in Sheffield
#3 Disability Rights *campaigner* for railway ticket officers
#4 DogGrave *campaigners* in Scampton
#5 HeatPump *campaigners* , PR for the ITV 7:30pm show
#6 Global Warming campaigner weather woman
#7 NHS worship : the mother and father who joined their children as NHS workers
No actual news yet
Wednesday BBC local news PR
Mostly NHS worship
.. lots of shots of block babies etc.
after 12 minutes there was 5 seconds of news
.. there was a murderer in Skegness
bbc promotion for the labour party?
Could the Conservatives lose five by-elections?
Could, might, might not, honestly!
Could labour be popular, I doubt it
People who go looking for ways to accuse whites of racist discrimination ARE the racists and it’s about time we started calling them such.
Which includes the entire staff of the BBC.
Stephen Lawrence case: ‘Disgrace’ retired detectives will not be charged, says mother
lol – the nasty and vindictive BBC have clearly gone straight to her and put the words for this quote in her mouth. They are like spiteful children.
Unless of course she IS a qualified lawyer who has had access to all the evidence and not just the panorama-style activist material the BBC will have shown her.
Hi all
I’ve missed all the banter, humour and emphatic views on this site in the past few months. Scrobs told me you were all kindly asking after my welfare, and this really touched me, so a heartfelt thank you.
Its been a bit of a journey these past months, what with endless attempts at accessing the GP, a dip into the Private care system, and being under the care of NHS Consultants in various fields – whom I never saw ! but they are very good at writing letters to other departments asking them to take over my care ! I only wish that one would at least have joined up the dots to ascertain the cause of my initial symptoms, but hey ho. Currently I’m waiting for surgery at Papworth Hospital to remove fluid from behind my lung. I’m heaps better than the dark days of Easter, but not completely 100% so I’m pacing myself and mindful of it being a slow recovery.
Due to my incapacity I’ve become (sadly) somewhat of an expert of daytime TV from Homes Under the Hammer, to a dire programme called Clean It Fix It !
Homes Under The Hammer — most buyers have the name Abdul, Mo, Pawel and Rasheed, have property ‘portfolios’ of 100s and generally live in London but will buy doer uppers in Darlington. Designs and colour schemes – 50 shades of grey, remain identical.
Bargain Hunt – generally its numbnuts and show offs who take part, and generally have no knowledge of anything, – one student pair said “oh they’re nice hanging baskets” the expert said “they are 1930s hanging light shades” . How they manage to leave their homes without help is beyond me. In the main it’s the stall holders who make the money.
Money for Nothing – good concept but some of the restorers are having a laugh for the crap they expect to be paid £400 for. Far and away the best presenter and upcycler is Sara Moore.
Garden Rescue – another good concept, but the price needed for a decent back garden is getting astronomical. I’ve thought seven grand for THAT ? but of course the owners cant complain, not on camera anyway.
Then we come to the real pearler.
Clean It Fix It – is a programme for the bone idle (aside from a couple of disabled people), who can’t get off their ar…es to clean and tidy their homes. So the BBC thought it would be a good idea to get two people of colour – Maxine Dwyer a cleaner who, has a propensity to scream “look at that” and makes a big production when she cleans a sink tap, Asher Edwards who owns a large amount of carpentry tools and explains the bleedin obvious to what he’s doing, and Tommy Walsh who is just about able to move and function with his builders belt on, to enter the property and fix and clean the rooms with the most piled high rubbish in them. These home owners are generally young and single with kids, yet they can’t seem to hold down a job, look after the kids AND keep a home tidy or clean. So the threesome go in and make the property habitable again. This is certainly rubbish tv.
Hence I am looking forward to rejoining the fray on here for more intelligent conversation before my brain turns to mush !!!
Brissles – we ve been …. Worried ….. so it is good to hear from you . Good luck with the medical mafia – who l find increasingly defensive ….. as for daytime TV – I recall some senior TV type talking about increasing the quality …..
But more importantly – good luck …
Good to hear you’re on the mend BRISSLES. Bloody Hell, daytime telly…
I was ill last year with (I think) the dreaded Covid and I just didn’t feel up to reading, so turned on the box. Ye gods!
I tuned into that dross with Phillip Schonfield (I wonder what happened to him…) and Holly Willybooby…or whatever her name is. Bejesus, it was dire. They’re so gushingly fake and insipid.
After 10 minutes I decided I preferred having the Covid…
It really is good to see Brissles back in lights – what an awful time she’s had!
I’d think that a couple of requiems on Spotify would be better than daytime TV, I recommend Durufle’s, at least when it’s finished, you’re still alive and kicking!
I heard a great crack on LBC the other night, where a chap asks his father whether he wants to be buried or cremated when he pops off.
The father just says, “Surprise me”!
BBC TNI partner?
In the mid 1980s I was the very left wing Socialist father of 4 sons, one of whom went to university and,not surprisingly, considered himself to be a left wing Socialist.
During a conversation with my son on the subject of Socialism I assured him that the only way that our dream will be realized is for Leftists to actually become the Capitalists.
and —Voila!!
I will always regret that fatherly advice.
Good: Individualistic small business capitalism that serves the customer, and allowed to go bust if it does not. Invented by Adam Smith.
Bad: Progressive monopolistic public-private corporate capitalism, that serves the collectivist global elite, protected from going bust by politicians using taxpayer or borrowed money. Invented by Mussolini.
Bet she is on Threads.
Bet she’s on Prozac.
Bet she’s on a plane to Tuscany very soon…
FFS, is Polly on drugs?
“…I suggest no progressives do GB News til they have parity of left/right presenters”.
Oh yeh, like the BBC, ITV, Channel 4 and the dreadful Sky News.
They’re so biased it’s like watching a one legged army recruit learning to march.
Left, left, left, left, left, left…
Interesting an HRH journo thinks that giving we’re deluded ‘message ‘ to the viewer is trumped by the view of presenter politics .
If her case was that compelling surely she’d rip any right wing presenter a new hole …..and she’d be the toast of the twitter …
I only scan her columns now but emotion out ways reality with her as she declines further ….
Gets a nice time on the BBC and maybe they pay more …
G B News does have leftists on. Trouble is, they are mostly pathetic. There is one called Amy Nickell who is very easy on the eye, but as thick as mince.
No endless repeats of starmer being stung on the stage doing is pee poor ‘education ‘ act …. No surprise… they ve gone for a fatal crash in Wimbledon – guess the top tv types live there ..
Inside the campaign branded the ‘largest attack against free speech in US history’
“As the Delta variant spread across the US in July 2021, Clarke Humphrey, an official at the White House’s COVID-19 response team, emailed two Facebook executives asking them to take down an Instagram account impersonating Anthony Fauci.
“Hi there – any way we can get this pulled down? It is not actually one of ours,” Humphrey wrote. Less than a minute later, Facebook responded: “Yep, on it!”
The account imitating the then chief medical adviser was duly deleted – far quicker than if it had been reported through Instagram’s standard channels.
The emails are among those in a cache of more than 15,000 gathered by state prosecutors in a lawsuit against the US officials including Joe Biden, seeking to shut down contact between the White House and social media giants.
In a 155-page ruling, the judge, Terry Doughty, said the case “arguably involves the most massive attack against free speech in United States’ history” and compared the administration’s actions to the “Ministry of Truth”, the repressive censorship authority in George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four.
The trove of emails, obtained through legal requests, contain no single smoking gun. Instead they illustrate ongoing pressure from officials at various US government agencies to pressure YouTube, Twitter, and – in particular – Facebook parent Meta to act faster and more aggressively on anti-vaccine posts, conspiracy theories and the lab-leak theory.
Sir Nick Clegg, the former deputy prime minister and Meta’s president of global affairs, was intimately involved in the White House discussions, sending regular reports on how the company was tackling misinformation and pushing back on public pronouncements from officials criticising Meta.
In one phone call between Murthy and Sir Nick, the surgeon general asked Meta to do more to tackle misinformation. In another email in 2021, Andy Slavitt, the White House’s senior Covid-19 adviser, emailed Sir Nick complaining about a post from the Fox News host Tucker Carlson expressing scepticism about vaccines.
Note: (picture caption): Sir Nick Clegg, the former deputy prime minister and Meta’s president of global affairs, was intimately involved in the White House discussions
Officials were also active in encouraging Twitter and YouTube to remove content, according to the order. In the early weeks of the administration, Flaherty emailed Twitter asking them to remove a parody account linked to Biden’s granddaughter, writing: “Please remove this account immediately.” It was gone 45 minutes later.
Humphrey asked the company to remove an anti-vaccine tweet by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Later that year, Christian Tom, a deputy director of digital strategy, asked Twitter to remove a digitally altered video of Jill Biden that made it appear as if the First Lady was swearing at children. Twitter initially said it did not violate its policies, but later removed the clip.
YouTube, meanwhile, was asked why it was “funnelling people into hesitancy” over the vaccine. The companies did not comment.
The White House denied that it had forced social media companies to take material offline.
“Our consistent view remains that social media platforms have a critical responsibility to take account of the effects their platforms are having on the American people, but make independent choices about the information they present,” it said.
But as the lawsuit argues, the conversations were not taking place in a vacuum. They came as debates raged across Congress about whether to remove “Section 230” protections enjoyed by social media companies that limit responsibility for what their users post, and as the US government pursued lawsuits against Facebook and Google seeking to break the companies up.
Whatever the case’s ultimate outcome, its plaintiffs may believe they have already been successful. A “Disinformation Governance Board” set up last April, which prompted the lawsuit, was disbanded in August.
After reporting by The Telegraph, the UK Government is under pressure to shut down its own Counter Disinformation Unit, which passed information to social media companies to encourage them to take down posts. And Elon Musk, a champion of conservative voices, now owns Twitter.
In his conclusion, the judge quoted the late Democrat president Harry Truman: “Once a government is committed to the principle of silencing the voice of opposition, it has only one place to go, and that is down the path of increasingly repressive measures, until it becomes a source of terror to all its citizens and creates a country where everyone lives in fear.”
Comment: So we learn that Nick Clegg was involved in false information and action as liason officer to delete all critics of ‘FAUCI’ pushing the COVID scare across the US. The US had set up its own Washington ‘Disinformation Unit’ which the UK copied it seems involving the BBC (which still exists) and now we know who the BBC were talking to was the Head of disinformation: at FaceBook: was Nick Clegg himself.
Not just Facebook but all of the big Corporations were involved in a massive public cover up to promote a ‘Health scare’ well beyond its capability of any Vaccine to cure anyone. Last month in another article (according to Telegraph) the US ‘antidote’ was supposedly developed in 2019 (years before the pandemic was struck). Fauci then denied any culpability at the time and directed Nick Clegg to ‘blame China’, when it later turned out that Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci both FINANCED and paid the Chinese lab for a ‘gain of function’ virus to make the ‘bat flu’ virus more effective as a ‘bio-weapon’, which would have been BANNED in the US, as it would in the UK.
We have since learned that the (US) Vaccinations killed more children than the they cured. Killed by Blood clots. The elderly were weakened and died of ‘complications’ of this new flu pandemic (that could not be accurately diagnosed by Doctors), in fact FORBIDDEN. Everyone who died at the time was marked as ‘death by COVID’ although they would have died of ‘other’ complications from any illness at that advanced age. Many other normally healthy people who volunteered to take early vaccinations in the NHS have since died of blood blockage complication. One of them a BBC presenter.
Behind all of this is the BBC ‘Disinformation’ Service that never reported any of ills and complications that were clear at the time. All banned from the AIR.
We now know that Nick Clegg was part of the problem. The BBC denies any involvement. Well they would, as in the US they would be sued. Here in UK – they are ‘SAFE’.
In fact they still might be IF the BBC were NOT a branch of the civil-service. Which it is, unique a quasi NGO (not really) quasi Corporate body (which it claims to be) but not really – just the name ‘Corporate’. In which case why are we paying £150 for mis-information, under threat of imprisonment for not watching it or believing in the New World Order, Climate Change (Weather, Yes) expect they don’t believe in ‘Weather’. Woke don (trashing all history), racial intolerance (white man bad), The EU hold all the answers (even though its a post war plane to create a United States of Europe), Corporate socialism is the best of all worlds (Echoes of George Orwell). This is the BBC, our arbiter of ‘Truth’.
I do hate the BBC. That is a thought crime to Marxists.
Facebook and Zukerberg censorship:
Real journalists in Britain are now dead, in prison, or sacked for disagreeing with Greta. So we now have idiots who are more interested in fake virtue, perversions and celebrities. New factual information revealed in scientific papers is either not read, or ignored, or censored by not very bright newspaper editors, or is seen as disinformation, malinformation or misinformation by those with ‘Net Zero’ intelligence. Hatred of the mass murdering elite is banned.
The man handcuffed to Buckingham Palace gate.
In B&Q they sell bolt cutters for £11.42
Problem solved (instead of the comic opera going on)
You can get a junior hacksaw there for £4.99. Not very long to get through the wrist.
Stories not selected for Operation Banging-on
#1 The hospital pick axe attacker
Matteo Bottarelli
all news stories from June 23 say “Bottarelli was remanded in custody and will next appear at the Old Bailey on Tuesday (27 June)
There were no news reports after June 23
#2 The Nottingham stabber
like what happened to the people he drove over
#3 The French park stabber ?
#4 Sasha Johnson The BLM protester shot by a black gang
charges were dropped due to lack of witnesses at the crowded party
So! According to the so called “experts” we have just lived through the “hottest June since records began”
When did records begin and what happened climate wise thousands of years previous?
The “experts” tell us that England and mainland Europe were once an integrated land mass. Did “climate change” lend a hand or was it just a case of Mother Nature carrying out her natural functions.?
Don’t forget Sabina Nessa.
That one was being billed as Sarah Everad part 2 – ramping up with the night-time vigils and everything.
Right up until they discovered it was an Albanian immigrant called Koci Selamaj. Then the entire story was suddenly dropped.
And who can blame you for missing out the double murder of Bibaa Henry and Nicole Smallman. If you search that with the BBC, you are swamped with articles about the two police who took pictures of the bodies.
But if you search for ‘Danyal Hussein’ – the man who stabbed them both to death – you just get a couple of results at the top.
In the eyes of the BBC, it’s far worse for 2 white police to take pictures of murdered women than it is for a Muslim to murder them both in the first place.
‘Ms Henry was stabbed eight times while Ms Smallman was stabbed 28 times.’
The Duran – Alex Christoforou and Alexander Mercouris:
“A boy was sexually assaulted by two biological men”
What’s the BBC headline ?
“Boy left unclothed after Burgess Hill sexual assault by two women”
“one being 6ft 3in (1.9m) tall and with bright dyed red hair.”
yeh right
Why say unclothed instead of naked ?
It’s a great tactic for male pervs…dress as women and you must be treated as women even if the victim says you were men dressed as women. Get around the corner and ditch the outfit…pretty difficult to identify then. And an added bonus that the crime is recorded as a sexual assault by females (rare)
BBC TNI partners are da best.
GBnews video about the advertiser boycott run by Labour front group Stop Funding Hate
Examples of SFH intimidation from Twitter
In February 2023 Paperchase collapsed and the remains were bought by Tesco
They’d proudy caved in to SFH in 2017
Stew, This is the most troubling thing I’ve seen this week. I knew there had been an attempt to stop GBNews by boycotting it but I thought it was all over now.
The video of those howling apes shutting down that poor woman is nauseating. It makes my hands itch for knuckle dusters and get in amongst them.
Surely there must legal way to highlight what is going on. How can GBNews carry on if they can’t advertise?
What about name and shaming the creatures behind these cancel campaigns and compiling videos on them?
And print their addresses too!!! It’s a tactic the fascist Left like so much. It is time it was turned on them.
I feel that GB News days might be numbered if they can’t sell advertising. The cost of running a 24/7 news service is massive, anyone know how much it costs to broadcast on digital TV and DAB radio?
I’ve noticed a softening of GB News output. There seems to be more global warming fanatics in particular (Jim Dale?), promoting the climate agenda. The left right thing is perhaps a matter of opinion, debatable. Man made climate change however is ‘indisputable’, the science is ‘settled’. For GB News to be too openly anti climate and Green agenda would be dangerous. I could imagine it giving OFCOM reason to punish.
I hope a lot of people dumped it when they took down mark steyn . I won’t listen to it now …… the broadcasters should have supported him – but didn’t – so lost any value they had ….
BBC lite ….
It would have been the end of GB News if they’d kept him. A rock and a hard place, if the State decides their output defies their narrative then they have to stop or be closed down. There would have been zero support from the BBC and other MSM so GB News were on their own.
The WH cocaine trail
Today BBC news
Seems like policy is to minimise any disunity in Red Labour – hence the non coverage of Starmers ‘ big policy thing Thursday – and the disruption by his supporters …..
… instead it’s a human interest story – the school ‘accident ‘ . Very sad but not national news . Maybe the identity of those involved will reveal why this story ‘sticks ‘ ….
Investigate, don’t empathise edition
Horror at end of term tea party (Daily Mail)
Girl, 8, dies and 10 are injured as car hits school (Guardian)
Quick, call in the The Thin Blub Line
At a news conference Det Ch Sup Clair Kelland, local police commander for south-west London, became emotional, her voice breaking at times. (BBC)
Police Chief Clair Kelland fought back tears as she said “Sadly one of the children died” (Daily Mirror)
Buck up, luv, and do your job. What is this we’re watching – an episode of the TV show Mid-Blubber Murders – or for fans of US cop shows, how about that one starring Tom Selleck – Blue Blubs?
Can you imagine for a moment Peter Falk as Lt Columbo, the shabby raincoated ace investigative cop, turning to a witness at the scene of a crime and saying: “Just one more question, Sir, can I borrow your handkerchief, I’m about to burst into tears”
Meanwhile at the Old Bailey. “Kindly relate to the Court your evidence concerning this crime, Constable Softy. You may consult you notebook”
“Well, Your Honour, I was proceeding in a southerly direction along Letsby Avenue, when suddenly the police radio control room urgently signalled me the distressing news of a suspicious incident taking place. I self-administered my regulation supply of smelling salts and sat down for a bit, so as to attempt to control my emotions, Your Honour. An elderly lady, trying to cross a busy road, came to my aid and conforted me as I endeavoured to compose myself there on the pavement… “There, there, Officer, she said, try to think of cute cuddly kittens and puppies””
If ever there were an advert for A.I. to be brought in to replace the current crop of humans in a job this is it.
Here’s another chap seemingly in the wrong line of work – apparently having missed his true vocation. We thought he was lavishly paid to be the Beeb’s top sports commentator: Gary Lineker has said Just Stop Oil’s cause is more important than watching uninterrupted sporting events (Telegraph) – our Gary perhaps making what football terms a ‘come-and-get-me’ to the BBC’s evironmental campaigning department?
As the ecomony goes to hell in a handcart: Bank of England to install heat pumps as staff urged to be in office two days a week (Telegraph) – two days a week…? Oh the humanity! Mr AsI thought slavery had been abolished!
More news on Britain’s Micky Mouse immigration policy
Home Office paints over Micky Mouse mural for children at asylum centre… Critics accuse minister of being ‘heartless’ (‘i’)
Hart to Hart is an American mystery television series that premiered on August 25, 1979, on ABC. The show stars Robert Wagner and Stefanie Powers (Thank you Wiki)
Say what you want about slimeball love rat Matt Hancock – he certainly knew what sort of performance our left-leaning media establishment expected of a minister of state these days: Matt Hancock ‘cries’ as he talks about Coronavirus vaccine (Nursing Notes, December 2020)
Matt Hancock brought to tears on TV as first Covid vaccinations begin (Guardian, December 2020)
In financial news
Rapper Sean Combs, known as Diddy, has sued Diageo for allegedly failing to promote his Ciroc brand, claiming racial discrimination (FT)
And finally, we know the Daily Star is Proud to love animals – seagulls, not so much – however, being ever mindful of global warming and green house gas emisions – welcome: Dolly the fart-free sheep
AISI, I got one of the missing newspapers wrong yesterday, it was Sun, Telegraph, and not the FT but the Mirror missing from the BBC Blog. I couldn’t see a copy of the Sun but I did grab a look at the Daily Telegraph and yes, there was at least one front page item that the BBC would view as unfavourable. Beijing Biden is apparently pushing for von der Leyen to be the next NATO chief. Bearing in mind that Ukraine’s woes started with an ‘EU diplomatic initiative’ from Cathy Ashton, putting Uuossellahr in the top job at NATO looks a bit like locking a hungry cat inside an aviary full of small birds.
If any claim in this war warranted an accompanying photograph as evidence, it was Zelensky’s claim they have seen explosives planted around the roof of the reactor. I fully expected one when I read the story – and when there wasn’t I immediately did not believe it.
If the Russians said it, that quote on the BBC would have had ‘Without supplying any evidence, …’ at the start.
It’s these kind of extreme double standards which make me trust Zelensky, my own government and the BBC less than I trust Putin as far as this war is concerned.
What a situation to be in : we are being led by the nose to WW3 and I do not believe anything I read about the war from my own country. I am truly shocked.
Based has been appropriated by the alt-right online as a general term of praise, as if “un-woke.” (
And then there’s our BBC’s take on the term ‘based’
A tourist filmed carving names on to an inner wall at Rome’s ancient Colosseum says he did not realise how old the monument was when he acted. UK-based Ivan Dimitrov made the comment in a letter of apology… Mr Dimitrov, a 27-year-old believed to be living in Bristol… (BBC)
Reuters fact checking jokes:
They could do worse than fact checking Gaz.
Zuckerberg’s Twitter clone is heading into rough weather
Best of luck with that Elon. You won’t have the support of the Government or MSM
The BBC is already fully behind their boy Zux.
Moaning Emole:
Twitter threatens legal action over new rival
They’ve previously challenged each other to a cage fight, but could their battle spill over into a courtroom? Elon Musk’s Twitter says it is considering legal action against Mark Zuckerberg’s Meta, the owner of Facebook, over its latest app. Threads is a new rival to Twitter that launched on Wednesday and more than 30 million people have signed up already, according to its owner. Mr Musk says “competition is fine, cheating is not” – but Meta has denied claims that any ex-Twitter staff helped create Threads, which is linked to Instagram but works as a standalone app. Take a look at our story for a useful graphic that compares the two apps, including the character count they allow for users.
What do users think of Threads?
Can Threads out-earn Twitter?
Get all the details we feel you should have.
You gotta larf.
Ian over at Master Bates with Emma Kennedy and Poll… oh, she’s still on Twitter.
Lefty federal judge and jury – sort it out in a dual …
“You won’t have the support of the Government or MSM”
Ya think?
‘Ofcom has opened an investigation into GB News following a complaint relating to its recently launched “Don’t Kill Cash” campaign.’
A. Complaint.
Meanwhile, BBC staff run blood libels, target political opponents, campaign for activists….
Disney feeling the effects of woke crap, has lost over $900 million, and companies are now firing the ‘diversity’ officers who produce nothing but losses.
Many things come over from the USA to the UK, we can only hope that this is one of them, but our hard left government is very unlikely to allow that to happen
Hey come on – buy a bud and sit through a musical slavery film ….you ll get a pick of the seats and a discount ‘suds ‘…
Funny how the private media sector has to learn from the downward share price ….
Capitalism has met its match… but seems to be waking up…
According to the Midland Today presenter who’s just been on it’s going to be extremely hot today….it could reach 27 degrees!
BBC and ‘news’.
Iirc, the Farage’s were trapped in a pub by a mob.
It’s them ‘critics’, who say. Again.
Awwwwwww, he could tell it was frightened at distance?
Stopping a Defender, however…
Maybe the Rozzers are getting more details on the school fees for the bbc dolly awaiting their press release?
On the day Starmer said he’d tax private schools at 20% ….- which will only affect those good people making the sacrifice to get their kids an education rather than lefty indoctrination …
Another nice day off for the overworked teachers …
You must have a very rosey idea of what a public school education is these days. You might want to take a look at what’s going on at the rotten school at Windsor, with the head known as “trendy Hendy” and his far Left wife who worked at the Labour Party central office under Tony BLiar !
On the the day…. What was it about reliably partisan rabble rouser ex colleague Paul that saw the BBC get him in to opine?
A hard fake of a deep fake of a fake…
It is possible Springster’s brain cell melted.
I see (hear) that Jordan Petersen clones are voice – overing dumbshit scam ads on YouTube
Elevenses surf summary.
Readers will recall that BBc North America hung on every word of wisdom uttered by our Jen, now replaced by an equally credible diversity hire of curly black locks vs. flaming dyed red.
She is, of course, a main presenter at a BBC TNI broadcaster.
Next up, I once subscribed to Mother Jones for eco news, but like the BBC Environment team it is now a full on politicised rabble rouser targeting any who threaten the narrative.
Twitter has always been an alluring place for people who think they’re hilarious and can’t let a thought pass without making sure everyone in their company hears it. In other words, people like me.
I have been addicted to Twitter for more than a decade, and I’ve also been watching anxiously as it changes at the hands of Elon Musk. I haven’t been able to stop scrolling and refreshing, even as the site required people to start paying for blue checks and limited unverified users’ tweet consumption to 600 posts per day. Despite the frequent glitches and deterioration of functionality, the site has charged on. But even if the servers power down one day, there is an alternative.
Enter Threads, a text-based cousin of Instagram created by Mark Zuckerberg’s Meta and marketed as a “Twitter killer.” The vibe on Threads is decidedly chaotic, and my colleague Sam Van Pykeren has been having a field day establishing Mother Jones’ presence on the nascent app—as well as reminding people to log off and get some fresh air. Seriously, he’s hilarious. If you decide to enter the Threadiverse, I hope you’ll give us a follow.
—Abigail Weinberg
Abs and sistas, even some wimmin, really do not like Elon for what he has done to their playground. Can’t wait to get to the safety of Zux based state censorship, eh, Abs?
Then, BBC trusted partner, The Economist…
Deep sea submersibles for billionaires and young Congolese kids?
Just Stop Rivian surely cannot be far off unless the BBC can get them on Tesla to show Elon what’s what, as ever, selectively.
And finally..
Time for the BBC to target Mel using its units of dusky cubicle gardeners and aged, interrupting Karen harpies?
Guest if in doubt, liberal media pull the “outside forces” card rather than report the truth about Muslim/LGBT. The Guardian has been pushing this one too. (See also Leicester’s vibrant conflicts).
“Several district teachers and parents charged that the controversy was manufactured by outside political forces seeking to sow divisions. ‘Political groups from outside the community are whipping up hate … groups that have a history of embracing anti-Muslim ideology'”
Sowing divisions being entirely the province of whitey.
The tick box who is the White Press type must surely have the nickname of ‘im just not going there ‘ when someone in the audience actually asks a real journo type question …
.. but it shows how , even in what is meant to be the most free country on earth , the press can be tamed by the Obama left …
Maybe it’s a bit like the McCarthy hysteria of the 1950s which came to an abrupt end when some one had the courage to say ‘screw this it’s just wrong ‘…
Under ‘Africa News’ online: “France riots: Fuelled by everyday discrimination”
It’s the turn of a France-based Algerian Muslim who grew up in Canada to give his insight; do they have a Rolodex full of international angry Muslims on the BBC news desk? “My observation of day-to-day life in France over the past few months is that the water reeks of latent, banalised racism and Islamophobia.”
I’m watching social media and it’s good to see the BBC getting a kicking in the comments. Although perhaps this will change when Musk’s in jail and the government is remotely controlling our phones to post likes on Threads.
Headline self explanatory:
True dat
She is going to a so worthy president – go girl …Jed Bartlett eat yer heart out …
And just think – in that moment between the flash and the nuclear blast wave – we ll just have time to think ‘thanks kamela’ …
There should be a Union Jack sticker on it?

This rocket is bought to you by the mug taxpayers of the UK – with borrowed money ….. crowdfund the UK on 999 – your call is important to us …
This victimhood malarkey wrt the weather is getting out of hand.
I expect BBC Newsround have already copy ‘n pasted for auto-publish over the wekend
When the wind blows from the South temperatures go up. Nothing to do with global warming.
Here it’s supposed to be “26C feels like 27”
Actually since the wind is 12mph straight at me feels cooler
sunlight is mostly intense though
BBC bosses vow to save EastEnders ‘at all costs’ as fans switch off in their droves thanks to its ‘unbearably woke’ storylines – from ‘Walford’s own Greta Thunberg’ to Sharon Watts likening Brexit to Covid
With the unique funding model it means the BBC is able to go woke and never have to worry about going broke
When Enders started in the 80s the scriptwriters were old school and lived through the classic humour of the sitcoms of the 60s and 70s. Today’s lot probably weren’t even born when Den gave Angie divorce papers, but did, no doubt get a degree in meeja studies, which is why most tv entertainment is dire – run by kids who haven’t a clue.
Brissles darling – I’ve never seen Eastenders – living there is bad enough ….. I can’t see the BBC dumping it – didn’t they spend a shed load on a ‘set ‘ recently ….
Remainiac Twitter campaigner Liz Webster (Save British Farming)
‘ Take this Daily Express poll result seriously’
.. “You can vote more than once”
“You lot could’ve voted more thank once too 🤡”
Another screenshot×900
Some good news
If a newspaper published an extraordinary claim that makes the UK look really bad
.. would you go back to the real source and check ?
Or would you run with it and amplify it ?
I’m looking at your Rory Stewart
@RoryStewartUK Jul 5
UK astonishingly far behind on CT and MRI scanners
He used a screenshot from the Times , which has no caveat
and you Carol Vorderman June 26 quoting the Guardian
“Damning report based on 2019 figures show lack of investment by consecutive Tory govts while private healthcare and the Tory donors cream off the budget
Compared to 18 other countries, NHS has 2nd lowest beds per 1000 people, fewest MRI scanners”
Go back to the King’s Fund PDF, and it does have caveats
– on it’s own graph “Equipment outside hospital is EXCLUDED for Portugal, Sweden, United Kingdom” ..
– Kings Fund original text had a caveat too
“However, data for the UK on these measures
does not fully capture MRI and CT scanners
outside hospital and in the private sector”
screenshots of PDF
Basically the King’s Fund report did the fallacy of comparing Apples with Oranges and used old 2019 data for MRIs
That’s countries with their private MRI contractors included
… vs UK with their private MRI contractors EXCLUDED
Bottomline when someone makes a claim that is “too wow to be true”
it’s likely not to be true
Rather it could be lying by omission
ie they OMITTED to collect much of the data
Not only was that done with UK MRI stats
but late on Wednesday night when I was listening to Moral Maze
I saw a crazy lefty tweet
That #twat from Adam Smith Institute on the #moralmaze
said European Water was worse than UK.
Why are these morons allowed to spout unadulterated bullsh*t!???
along with a graphic which said that only 30% of UK river bathing spots achieved good quality compared to 83% in Europe
I went to the article
“although Covid-19 restrictions hampered sampling in the UK last year and Meant MOST of the country’s bathing sites could not be classified”
The UK has 640 monitored bathing sites,
That survey didn’t have results for 457 of them
That didn’t stop the Daily Mail running the clickbait headline
“UK is ranked LAST in Europe for bathing water quality
The UK’s bathing water quality is rated among the worst on the continent, with just 110 coastal and inland sites judged as excellent in the latest data from Europe’s environmental watchdog”
Theymissed the vast majority of UK data
Back in Aprila guy did a debunk of the similar Guardian story
Threads by Zuckerberg. ‘Threads’, there’s a novel name. I wonder how Zuckerberg thought that one up, he’ll no doubt claim it’s his copyright and no one ever used that word before. Must have taken lessons from Gates.
Zuckerberg works with the US Government and big business to ensure our data is readily available to them. I reckon Musk and twitter have had it.
Flotsam, I still reckon Zuckerberg should have called it ‘Thredz’ or even ‘ThredZ’
‘Z’ has negative implications ie Zero, sleep
Flotsam, yes my American friends talk about catching ‘some zees’ meaning .. zzzzz …… but Zuckerberg is called Zuckerberg with a capital Z and our illiterate yoofs might take to something called ‘ThredZ’. Having said that, on the one hand it is doing OK with millions of users but on the other hand it is dull. (i newspaper)
BBC campaigns on many issues all the time
but @Ofcom tweeted 4 hours ago
“We have launched a new investigation into GB News, related to its Don’t Kill Cash campaign.”
big ratio : 500 Likes vs 2,000 replies calling them out
People reply with details of Ofcom’s hypocrisy rules are not applied to lefty libs
eg Sky’s daily Climate campaign show
I think the strategy is to view GBNews very carefully and put in a BBCOFCOM complaint at the drop of a TV licence tax
Thursday evening
Hull BBC Look North opened with long item
saying East Yorkshire council has pledged that you will always be able to pay for parking with cash
The #DontKillCash view was expressed by all the the many public interviewed
It’s not controversial
Meanwhile Matthew Sweet and gang are endorsing the investigation 141 Likes,
Matt Le Tissier got 5,266 Likes for calling them out , and MichelleDewbs got 2,372
eco loons etc:
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