Good grief, I don’t believe it…the number one slot…At last!
I’d like to thank my agent…my mother…the wardrobe ladies…my hairdresser…and last and definitely least, the appalling BBC, for making all this possible.
9pm on Tuesday night for the start of the midweek thread ?.
What chance do those of us who sit at the PC at midnight hoping to be first (like waiting for the end of an ebay auction to bid) have ?.
I strongly suspect insider trading here. As the BBC hate us with a passion, I’m certain it will get a front-page ‘live update’ for a week if I blow the whistle.
JohnC, I tipped you off that I was going to retire early so Fed thought he would set it up so I could get four in a row in order to tempt me to go for five in a row. As it happens, I did look in here, while closing things down for the night but there were already two posts here, Jeff’s and Dickie’s. I was rooting for you to get two in a row. 😉
Over the last couple of days GBNews has had a string of ex-BBC people commenting on their little bit of trouble. Every one of them seemed to question the veracity of the parent’s story whilst maybe criticising process of the BBC. I just wonder if they are all hoping to be re-employed by the BBC sometime, otherwise it is just loyalty to an ex-employer.
Yesterday I watched about 2 minutes of Fiona Bruce at 6pm on BBC1news cock-a-hoop that the young person concerned had said what his parents were saying was ‘rubbish’. The young person is we understand a crack cocaine addict presumably desperate for his next fix. His moeny supply seems about to dry up. Even through a solicitor, I wouldn’t trust his word too much although history may prove otherwise.
I couldn’t face the 6pm BBC1 news tonight. Was Bruce as excited in her newsreading as she was last night?
BBC 10pm news says it has seen the messages The BBC Presenter sent to a second ‘victim’ and it seems they were abusive and not nice … BBC News has tried to contact the BBC Presenter and its’ Lawyer but has not had a reply ….
.. that Super Injunction seems to be still in place with the whole MSM muzzled …..
… and then there is breach of covid lockdown rules the BBC was so eager to damn non approved politicians – such as a PM ….
The new at 10 has even dug out the vile casciani to talk about his own organisation ….
….. have you ever seen any thing so … gloriously ridiculous – obscene …?
I wonder how people ( taxpayers ) will react when the Presenter is Named – maybe VERIFY should do it …..
Keep digging that hole BBC and bury yourself in it …a slow death …
14 minutes on the State broadcaster national news ….. glorious
Hot news tonight is that the BBC presenter at the centre of the sec allegations may have broken the law by meeting someone he met on a dating app. during lockdown.
Shock. Horror.
No, not the presenter. Or his actions. Or his morals. Or lack of them.
No. It’s the elevation of ‘breaking lockdown rules’ from those girls drinking coffee on a walk round a lake to fixed penalty notices to the then Prime Minister being forced out of office for having a drink ( arguably in his own home) to now potentially the slam dunk gotcha moment in a potential sex abuse case.
When and how did this happen? How was it allowed to happen?
We have sleepwalked into a situation where a very minor rule break has become a crime at about the same level in public consciousness as treason or attempted murder. This is insane. It’s a situation akin to the witch trials in the middle ages. That’s how far we have descended.
The irony of course is that it was all the plan of the unholy alliance of Marxist Left and Remainiacs to sink Johnson. But guess what?
Now it’s being used to get at the BBC.
A result of a kind. But though we may celebrate the BBC’s discomfort let’s not feel too comfortable. Any one of us could be victims on the next arbitrary hate list.
When I have had to sign an employment contract there have been words to the effect that I should do nothing to bring the organisation into disrepute. Nuff said.
I have to congratulate all the talking heads, presenters, journalists, commentators and Uncle Tom Cobbly, who say their piece, whether from their notes, autocue, or off the cuff, without mentioning the name of the Presenter. I’m damned certain I couldn’t do it, as I would be trying so hard not to mention him that it would just slip out.
I wouldn’t have a clue myself as I don’t know much about the subject. I did find this interesting. Please take it down fed if it goes against your rules.
That’s a brilliant bit of comedy, Yasser. You ought to post it again on Fed’s Presentergate Thread to cheer everyone up. Gave me a laugh. Hope it is not the person that appears to be in the frame.
He announced that he was taking up the post of head of the International Rescue Committee in New York, for which his remuneration would be £300,000 ($450,000) a year. It was reported that his total IRC remuneration for 2019 was c. $1 million.
‘A review led by the NHS Race and Health Observatory has raised significant concerns about a focus on skin colour in routine health checks for newborns.
The Apgar score, determined by a series of quick assessments immediately after birth, traditionally includes checking whether the baby is “pink all over”.
The report questions its relevance and accuracy for some babies belonging to ethnic minorities.’
In case you didn’t know (as I didn’t) the ‘NHS Race and Health Observatory’ is:
‘We are an independent expert body, established by the NHS to examine the health inequalities experienced by Black and minority ethnic communities in England.’
A lengthy article written by a BAME BBC clone. And front-page, world news no less.
So they want to change the wording which is accurate for the health of 90% of babies because they think it’s racist. I’m certain it has nothing whatsoever to do with the health of babies : are we to believe that midwives picked up a black baby and it suffered in some way because it wasn’t ‘pink all over’ ?. Whereas I am quite certain that NOT checking white babies are ‘pink all over’ because they removed the wording has FAR more chance of leading to a problem.
Who chairs this NHS group we all fund ?.
Daghni Rajasingam and Dunkley-Bent.
A clear case of ‘when your only tool is a hammer, everything looks like a nail’. Or as in this case ‘When you let BAME decide what’s racist, everything is racist’.
It’s all a consequence of what happens when you over-represent minorities in positions of responsibilities. They start disproportionately changing the rules in their favour. Whitey doesn’t count.
I seem to recall that babies born to African fathers and African mothers who are black do indeed emerge from the womb ‘pink’. The skin colouration only starts to appear later. Perhaps docarooned or someone with nursing experience on here will correct my emeory if deficient.
Disability TRUMPS Ability. Now all Amir Ali Majid’s 20 years of cases and immigration cases need to be reviewed … Blind immigration judge ‘had no idea of the law or his own powers’ says panel after 12 out of 13 appeals against his rulings succeed
“Immigration Law Practitioners’ Association chairman Adrien Berry said: ‘It is hard to see how he first passed the judicial exams and then why it has taken so long for his lack of knowledge to be exposed.”
When you give people special privilege above the law, you get no law and 1400 raped and tortured children over 16 years … ‘In August 2014 the Jay report concluded that at least 1,400 children, most of them white girls aged 11–15, had been sexually abused in Rotherham between 1997 and 2013 by predominantly British-Pakistani men.’
Yes, John, what a non-story that was. Surely it is an internal NHS matter of no concern to the general public. A quick update of the guidance on what to check newborns for is all that is needed. No need to make a song and dance about it. I wasn’t convinced anyway that the problems suffered by the interviewee’s baby were down to the nurses not realising the baby was black and looked yellow rather than it being white and looked pink.
Guidelines telling nurses to check babies to make sure they are “pink all over” is not the crime of the century. And the way the BBC talk of the 1950s as if it was some weird and unrepresentative time period in British history is just laughable.
Z, yellow instead of pink would indicate possible jaundice to me. The other ridiculous thing about that BBC report is that my African friends tell me that their skin colouration varies and it is indeed possible for black African skin colouration to deepen and even suffer sunburn.
On the the same basis that an art project on a plastic dolly of a blonde somehow promotes diversity, the BBC needs to remake ‘The Battle of Britain’ to show racist Spitfires attacking migrant Heinkel 111’s en route to London via Kent.
“It’s just not true and it’s just not good enough. I’ve suffered for two years now: mast cell activation syndrome, neuropathy, crippling head pressure, huge fluctuations in blood pressure, fatigue, brain fog and many more symptoms. I have been gaslit, dismissed and even sniggered at when I state that my symptoms all started after my one and only vaccination with one neurologist stating: ‘You have two choices here – small side effects from the vaccine or possible death from Covid.’ I felt utterly abandoned and discarded. “
Doctor Naomi will see you now and Professor Jennifer will provide the scientific advice edition
The formerly left-leaning ultra-coronaphobic ‘i’ newspaper casually flouts the best scientific and medical advice this morning: Parenting I’m glad I waited until my forties to have a baby… Like Naomi Campbell, more women are choosing to have children later in life – because, ladies, you’re all just like Naomi Campbell: Naomi Campbell has welcomed a second child at the age of 53. The British supermodel, who welcomed her first baby two years ago, told her Instagram followers: “It’s never too late to become a mother“.
Health Risks Associated With Having a Baby at 40 and Older… ( – and just as the corporates used to speak to women – via the persona of Jennifer Aniston in those old shampo adds: “Here comes the science bit – Concentrate!”
Getting pregnant and staying pregnant after 40 can be difficult. Here are some of the challenges:
People [they mean women] born with ovaries have a limited supply of eggs at birth, and that supply dwindles considerably after 35
As you age, your eggs are also more prone to genetic abnormalities.
Older people [they mean women] are more likely to deal with disorders affecting fertility, like endometriosis or uterine fibroids.
Studies show your risk of miscarriage is about 10% in your 20s, and your risk goes up to 53% in your 40s.
After 45, fertility has also declined to a point where it’s unlikely you’ll get pregnant naturally.
[American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Having a baby after age 35: How aging affects fertility and pregnancy]
Did Mr AsI just remind us how coronaphobic the ‘i’ newspaper used to be? Well, seems the title just turned on Corporate Big Pharma: Health Big Pharma ‘ripping off’ NHS with extreme medicine mark-ups
The BBC likes the ‘i’. One often finds the rather busy frontpage of that youth-orientated metropolitan left-leaning organ pushing its way high up the running order of the BBC’s online press review – today it comes second behind The Sun – which for rather obvious and no doubt temporary reasons has inevitably topped the BBC’s list.
I’m enjoying the ‘i’ lately as it keeps doggedly plugging away at this story about the cartoon characters painted on the walls of the illegal migrant centre in Kent: Society Ex-archbishop decries ‘Dickensian’ move to erase migrant mural – which headline conveniently gifts Mr AsI yet another opportunity to employ his favourite formulation of late – Britain’s Mickey Mouse immigration policy
Add to his joy the sighting of that rare media beast: an Ex-archbishop; the magnificent term ‘decries‘ as a fine alternative to the regulation tabloidese ‘blasts‘ or ‘slams‘ – that’s presumably His Excellency’s archaic nomenclature and lands right up there with the naming of the new Johnson sprog: Odysseus! Classic name for his new born son (Daily Express); A boy for Boris: Meet Frank Alfred Odysseus Johnson! (Daily Mail) – That’s Carrie Johnson’s third child. She is now 35, Boris 59, by the way. Ladies… my considered advice is to do as the elite does, not as they tell you to do
And to top it all the ‘i’ gifts us a nice reference to Dickens as equivalent to Walt Disney: From the original pairing of Charles Dickens with George Cruikshank on Sketches by Boz to his final collaboration with Luke Fildes on The Mystery of Edwin Drood, illustration was an important part of the Dickens experience. In fact only two of Dickens’ major works, Hard Times and Great Expectations, were issued originally without illustration. (The Charles Dickens Page)
How the other half holiday
More hol Hell on the way – frets the aimed at the bloke-in-the street tabloid Daily Star
Meanwhile: Own the skies… Lunajets… Leader in private jet hire – promises the prime bottom right hand corner advert in the posh people’s FT
Talking of elite air miles
Like that football team annual squad photo that apparently has to be snapped just for the record – but you have love and support the club to have any real interest in yet another team pic – so it is with these all-too-regular lately summit meetings of western leaders – the globalist FT publishes a real doozy of the genre this morning: Nato’s family photo session… Canada’s Justin Trudeau walks towards Estonia’s Kaja Kallas and Denmark’s Mette Frederikssen – the suave, not to say saucy dashing chap that he is. He may be the biggest fan of black face since Al Jolson but he’s caught honing in on the blondes there.
The FT prize statistical feature Datawatch today follows where the jokey tabloid Daily Star led the way: Booze-loving Asian hornets set to invade UK pubs as terrifying beer garden warning issued (Daily Star, 1st July) Here comes the science bit – concentrate! Confirmed UK sightings of Asian hornet… There have been 24 confirmed sightings of the Asian hornet since 2016 (FT)
And fashion advice for us chaps from the Times: Men, you can wear (Barbie) pink now
WEF: You’ll own nothing and be happy – what, not even our own clothes?
Guardian: How fashion’s rental revolution is taking off
Over a 14-year period, Government-owned Post Office Limited prosecuted more than 700 postmasters for theft and false accounting. Its evidence came principally from data produced by the flawed Horizon computerised point of sale system.
These failures tragically resulted in at least four suicides, dozens of cases of wrongful imprisonment and marital breakdowns. In 2019 a group of 555 sub-postmasters successfully challenged the Post Office over the Horizon system in the High Court.12 May 2023
Vile is upset because when people hear there is some hypocrite nasty BBC presenter who turns into a secret pervert who likes young boys, they keep thinking it’s him.
Complaint Summary: ‘Shocking’ levels of denial remain-from 2000 folk
Full Complaint:
Dear Winston Smith at the BBC Complaints Department who is paid a salary whilst others are prosecuted for not paying your salary even though they don’t want to hear what you say,
I listened to Jeremy Vine on Radio 2 and he kept saying there were high levels of Holocaust denial (5%)… but not once (whilst I listened) did he say that the poll was from 2000 people and not once did he say (whilst I listened) what the raw data showed. I really am shocked Winston that you let this NewsSpeak through, could the BBC not have done another POLL to verify the results? You have £3.5 billion at your disposal and all Jeremy Vine can do is scare people. The link on the website does not link to the original data .. “Holocaust Memorial Day: ‘Shocking’ levels of denial remain” {27jan2019} “WE RELEASE RESEARCH TO MARK HOLOCAUST MEMORIAL DAY 2019” Using an online methodology, we surveyed 2,006 nationally representative UK adults aged 16+. The respondents were randomly selected from an online market research access panel. Quotas were set to ensure the overall responses are representative of ONS UK population data based on age, gender and region. Given the sample size and the percentage of respondents who expressed this view, the Confidence Interval is +/-0.95% for a Confidence Level of 95%. Here are some words from Orwell’s resignation letter . “I am tendering my resignation because for some time past I have been conscious that I was wasting my own time and the public money on doing work that produces no result.
I believe that in the present political situation the broadcasting of British propaganda to India is an almost hopeless task. Whether these broadcasts should be continued at all is for others to judge, but I myself prefer not to spend my time on them when I could be occupying myself with journalism which does produce some measureable effect.”
Another victim was Noel Thomas, 74, who was jailed for nine months in November 2006. He pleaded guilty to one count of false accounting, on the basis that he accepted there was a shortfall of £48,450 which he was contractually obliged to make good, but did not know how it had come about.
He told the inquiry of his ‘hell’ behind bars, including the ‘indignity’ of showering in front of a prison warden and only being allowed out of his cell for food.
Mr Thomas was in tears as he said: ‘I felt awful because I didn’t expect it, I’d never been a criminal in my life.’
“The latest stage of a statutory public inquiry into the Post Office IT scandal heard evidence that exposed the methods used by the Post Office and supplier Fujitsu to cover up software errors and push the blame and costs for the accounting discrepancies they caused onto the desperate users in Post Office branches, destroying their lives.”
The statutory public inquiry was set up to ascertain how and why subpostmasters were wrongly blamed and punished for accounting discrepancies in their branches. After the introduction of software from Fujitsu in 2000 to automate mainly manual practices in Post Office branches, subpostmasters began to see unexplained shortfalls in their accounts. They were subsequently blamed for the shortfalls, which didn’t actually exist, and were made to repay them. More than 700 were prosecuted for financial crimes, with many serving prison sentences. Thousands more suffered life-changing hardship as a result of failed businesses and repaying unexplained shortfalls.
Dear Darren Henry,
Parliament’s £13 billion restoration.
HS2 £150 billion, original budget £36 billion.
Track and Trace £37 billion – no tracking or tracing where this money went.
£1.1bn of COVID small business loans identified as fraud
£4 billion of unusable PPE bought in first year of pandemic will be burnt “to generate power”
No claims for originality, but as others have mentioned, There is a lot of racism in the north african refugee camps. After considerable study, I’ve concluded that i don’t give a toss. The bbc are also running a propaganda piece entitled “Europe or death’ – the teenage migrants risking it all to cross the Med”.
At first glance I though it was the choices in an upcoming referendum.
I do have a solution, though. Apparently the Faroes are discussing autonomous control under Norway. While we have the islands, move all the invaders there and then let Norway have them.
If there’s no hairdresser or wi-fi, there’s not a cat in hells chance of the northern islands being used — too far and too cold for them to “survive”. (Which are excellent reasons for them to be sent there)
“Europe or death’ – the teenage migrants risking it all to cross the Med”.
Gaddafi wants EU cash (£4bn) to stop African migrants { aug2010}
“Libyan leader Col Muammar Gaddafi says the EU should pay Libya at least 5bn euros (£4bn; $6.3bn) a year to stop illegal African immigration and avoid a ‘black Europe’.
‘We don’t know what will happen, what will be the reaction of the white and Christian Europeans faced with this influx of starving and ignorant Africans,’ Col Gaddafi said…
He told them that Islam should become the religion of Europe and gave them free copies of the Koran, after he had lectured them for an hour on the freedoms enjoyed by women in Libya.”
Aug 2010 … fast forward … Nov 2016
Migrant crisis: Turkey (Erdogan) threatens EU with new surge (EU Tax Payers are paying Erdogan £2.6 billion) { nov2016}
“Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has warned that he will let hundreds of thousands of migrants travel on to Europe if pushed by the EU.
‘Listen to me: these border gates will be opened if you go any further,’ he warned the EU on Friday.”
Sluff – why did they (NGOs?) burn the rubber boats (environmentally a bad idea) when they could just rip a hole in the middle to sink it?
– European Union is using UK’s money to keep African’s from leaving their own country!
Sorry MnM, but we don’t own the Faroes (but, I agree with Bris – all the more reason to send them there.)
I suspect you meant the Orkneys?
Personally, I’d be happy to see them all coached straight up to Scotland (the SNP said they like and welcome immigrants there). Then we should have a UK wide referendum on Scottish Independence, and hastily rebuild Hadrian’s Wall, only 60 foot tall and topped with electrified razor wire this time around.
Apologies to those decent Scots (I have heard there are a few 😉 ), am sure we could offer them refuge as part of a population ‘swap’.
The double standards of the BBC are once again in full view. There have been numerous examples over the past few years when the corporation gleefully gets on the accusatory bandwagon in scandals and on more than one occasion has had to make apologies or pay out compensation, using our money of course, for wrongdoing when the target proved innocent.
In contrast there has also been a growing list of well known occasions where the BBC has covered up severe wrongdoing in its own ranks which knew about for years but did nothing about them or worse even hushed them up. This seems to be yet another of them.
If the presenter is the man everyone is hinting at then it will certainly tarnish the increasingly battered image of the BBC and I hope persuade some more folks to join the band of LF Refuseniks .
A friend of my wife is distraught that her favourite presenter is in the frame. I did point out that the image you see on screen is just the same as the performance of an actor on stage , it can be nothing like the way the presenter is in private. The on screen persona is an act nothing , more nothing less. Don’t fall into the trap of thinking they are your next door neighbour. She was still upset.
Double – luckily for us the prominence of The Presenter will add that little bit more tarnish to the declining reputation of the BBC .
And for it to happen in the 100th anniversary year is priceless . Maybe we will hear a bit less crowing from the almighty BBC and its’ ‘presenters ‘.
The way they now target the ‘unapproved’ -whether it be Trump or Johnson or Farage must be paid for at some stage.
It’s a pity there has been a lame duck PM and party in power to deal with the likes of the BBC – which must be praying even more for Red Labour to get the gig ….
Dear Winston Smith at the BBC Complaints Department,
When interviewing Labour supporters and MPs can you ask them who is in the Few and Many camp when they say “For the Many, Not the Few”?
I ask this because if the red line For the Few is wages then Jeremy Corbyn could be one of the Few and not the Many when he’s on £77K if the Few red line is £20K for example.
If it is based on homes then Keith Vaz with his multiple homes (some on expenses) might be one of the Many who own multiple homes. . . .
“For the Many, Not the Few” – Labour spokes person or even Jeremy Corbyn.
“Can you tell me how you define who is in the Many and who is in the Few please?” – BBC Presenter.
I increasingly think that we live in a world which has become a cross between 1984 and Alice through the Looking Glass.
Today history is rewritten to suit the present narrative , the job that Winston Smith had, and , just as Humpty Dumpty said to Alice, ‘ words mean precisely what I want them to mean ‘.
Nothing seems real any longer , we live in a fantasy, one which I fear will have a very nasty ending.
I was horrified and disappointed at the revelations of Kevin Spacey who I rate as an actor. Same with Eddie Izzard – great on screen performances but the red lippy and pink beret killed it for me.
I used to like Spacey too, maybe he can come back. What are the offences that will permanently put the kibosh on a Hollywood career? Screwing around with kids? Misgendering someone? Supporting Trump?
Look at Tom Cruise, currently riding high on a wave of financial success and media support. Spielberg told him he “saved Hollywood” and even cynical YouTubers laud him as the last true superstar and a bastion against woke Disney. Seems like only five minutes ago he was regarded as a sinister and controlling Scientologist.
If Spacey had been around during the Golden Age of Hollywood there would have been a battalion of “fixers” to cover up his sexual misdeeds so his career could continue. Now it’s everyman for himself.
It’s depressing how many of my favourite movies feature actors who have been exposed as perverts or paedos. I used to like Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, great turn from Jeffrey Jones as the embittered high school principal (guilty of soliciting nude photos from a teenage boy). Can anyone still properly laugh at the ‘Biggus Dickus’ scene in Life of Brian knowing that Chris Langham downloaded ‘level 5’ (sadism or bestiality) child pornography?
Comedy gold. I dare say her last remaining brain cell would explode if she ever came to the realisation that the script is entirely written in a grubby backroom in Vauxhall.
Reading the annual report of the state mouthpiece, I double glazed over.
But the figures of the top ten earners made me question the accuracy of them, because Al Beeb pay high earning ‘stars’ in different ways, such as from BBc Studios, or any of their commercial arms (which tbh, seem to be rake in fair sums!).
It would be unfair to pick on St. Gary of Lineker just because he is the top earner, but he does have other interests outside of Al Beeb – BT Sport as a freelancer, as well as a few directorships and product endorsements along the way.
I’ve no problem at all with anyone getting on in this World through hard graft, but like person X at the centre of the current scandal, these rich people – so adored by the masses merely due to their ‘stardom’ – think that they can do what the hell they want and get away with it.
Stardom is thrust upon some, but to others it’s an addiction they seek to feed by being seen or heard by the masses.
The ex footballer comments on Government policy and Tim the DimDG says “Oooh Gary, you shouldn’t really have said that – but carry on anyway”.
And in the latest debacle, the overpaid BBc (as yet publicly unidentified) ‘star’, thinks it’s okay to (allegedly) procure relationships with young people.
Joe Public will just accept the BBc salary figures at face value and say “Cor blimey, Gary’s on a good screw – but we love him because he knows about football” and light another Woodbine.
And IMHO, the same adulation – albeit not at St. Gary level – of person X will cloud the public’s view on the eventual outcome. “He’s not as bad as Jimmy Savile”.
The ridiculous amounts paid by the media (commercial or state funded) to presenters, anyone with their face on the tellybox and those behind a microphone, will always make some of these media types think they are above the rest of us.
Maybe (some of them) are better educated than I, but what right does that give them to go beyond “Here is the news” to “This is what we think and you will believe it”?
IMHO, any future government will not change The Beeb and it’s a shame that the Telly Tax charter isn’t due sooner than December 2027 – as time will diminish the memories we currently have.
Whichever political party gets into power at the next election to negotiate new charter terms, I suspect nothing will change – not even de-criminalising the Telly Tax.
The only party that I’ve read who may do anything is the Reform Party, who say the licence fee needs abolishing and people should be free to choose. (Not an endorsement of them, just a fact).
To those who contribute to this forum, defunding, maybe abolishing or reforming the BBc is very important. But to others, the BBc may well be way down – or not even on – their list of day to day priorities.
The BBc management are currently doing a fine job in doing ours – by highlighting what a bunch of corrupt, inept, self-centred, incapable, useless, overpaid persons of whichever colour / sex / gender / political persuasion / hair style or shoe size they choose to be today.
I think the most powerful thing in our favour is time . It seems ‘youngsters ‘ have broken the habit of the BBC – those who grew up in the pre internet age – I submit – see the BBC differently to web users .
The bbc is much diminished and is only a National Broadcaster for the ‘big stuff’ – the rest of the time it is just Far Left dross which more and more people will just not pay for….
As for the income of presenters – if you add the ‘out of school ‘like presentations and the after dinner circuit a lot make a lot – in fact maybe more than the few hundred thousand they get from licence payers …..
And ladies and gents – take a look at the ‘fees ‘ on ‘speakers corner ‘ for an illustration … wanna pay Ian hislop £15000 for an after dinner speech ?….
I genuinely want to know “who the hell is interested in someone called Mark Wright – ex reality star, taking his family on a freebie holiday around the UK courtesy of us taxpayers, and given prime time airing?”
I can wait. But hopefully not too long.
You are correct in that younger people (may I suggest 38 years of age or less, based on my own two offspring) do not even consider the BBc for entertainment, either visually or audibly.
They and their partners watch / listen to what they want, when they want – and are willing to pay for content that interests them. Film, music or gaming – and I never realised just how prominent – and profitable – gaming is, following it’s astronomic growth during the pandemic.
Ailing Aunty is desperate to attract / reclaim younger people, but never will as they just aren’t interested. There is a whole raft of other suppliers with better products in the marketplace.
An example of carrot dangling to the yoof is Radio 1, where there are four varieties, all broadcasting simultaneously. How can this even be financially viable? Oh, silly me, it’s the BBc.
Their annual Big Weekend tries hard to demonstrate just how ‘with it’ Auntie is, but she’s soon prostrate in the medical tent mumbling “oxygen! “.
Again, your wisdom eclipses mine, for I hadn’t even considered the after dinner speaking aspect. A quick search offers ordinary ( below £3000), mid range ( between £3K and £10K) and high end (above £10K) speakers.
Is anyone worth those figures?
I’ve only ever seen two after dinner speakers. One was Barry Cryer, who was very entertaining for an hour and a half. The other was Michael Heseltine who was organised by the company I worked for, to give a speech to invited business people (at £250 a ticket). The event was greatly undersubscribed and an order went around the offices for everyone to finish early and turn up at the venue smartly dressed. The reward was free scran and alcohol for all. The bounders closed the bar twenty minutes after Heseltine disappeared. Happier times……….
I only found out about the ‘after dinner industry ‘ because I sinned and had to organise a ‘do’ as penance with a ‘speaker ‘ – for my shame the one I hired was a minor BBC type at £5k –
Fortunately everyone was drunk by the time he did his thing so no one cared that he was crap ….
I was shocked and disgusted to find this image floating in the sewers of social media. It is undoubtedly photoshopped and furthermore has absolutely nothing to do with current scandals, whipped up by the far-right media.
What is the world coming to, when august TV presenters are subjected to such vile, utterly unfounded besmirching?
Anyway, who among us has not accidentally left his phone on in video mode while attending to nature’s call? As a society, we have reached rock bottom.
Ponzi schemes … ate’s website offers training courses on accumulating wealth and “male–female interactions”.[29] According to the website, he also operated a webcam studio using his girlfriends as employees.[29] Tate and his brother Tristan started the webcam business, employing as many as 75 webcam models[33] to sell “fake sob stories” to male callers,[34] claiming to have made millions of dollars doing so. He later said that the business model was a “total scam”.[35]
Tate operated Hustler’s University, a platform where members paid a $49.99 monthly membership fee to receive instruction on ways to make money outside traditional employment, such as cryptocurrency, copywriting, and e-commerce, which was facilitated by pre-recorded videos and a Discord server.[36] The website employed an affiliate marketing program, where members received a commission for recruiting others to the platform
I’m amazed I haven’t seen this before, and I don’t believe I’ve missed it being posted here.
I concerns everyones favourite broadcaster CNN ( mates of the BBC) and their technical director caught on a hidden camera outlining the companies strategy, first to get Trump out of office, then to maginfy the Covid pandemic (which he says will taper off anyway, how did he know?) and then the media will “beat to death” the climate change agenda until the next interesting distraction comes along.
I don’t believe this guy is unique, he is a very senior person, and CNN is just one of many far Left biased media outlets who all appear to be acting in unison to one common message.
The film reminds me very much of Panodrama, and we all know what happened to “whose real name is” enemies of the state are dealt with harshly in all Socialist countries.
@Thoughtful of course I have seen that film when it first came out in April 21 and it was mentioned here
I think some old tweets from James O’Keefe were purged by Twitter
video “Climate thing is gonna take years. So they’ll be able to milk that for quite a bit…Be prepared, it’s coming. Climate change is going to be the next COVID thing for CNN.”
In a secret Project Veritas recording from April 2021, CNN technical director Charlie Chester, states that once the public are no longer scared of "Covid", the focus will shift to climate alarmism as the new boogeyman that everyone needs to be afraid of.
The Whistle blower behind the corruption allegations against the Biden Mafia and the mafia Democrat party has perhaps tiringly inevitably been arrested on some pretty specious charges by the corrupt Department of ‘Justice’.
This party is now so rotten to the core that the only realistic way of eliminating the rot is to completely break it up, and to disbar anyone associated with it from ever standing for public office again.
Anything short of this will just be seen as rival political parties going after their opponents in an unfair manner. It’s an unprecidented thing to have to do but only a total dismantling of a party which resembles the mafia more than a political party is going to work for the sake of world stability and peace.
There really is an oppressive gene in the DoJ ( FBI ) where they revert to their 1950s anti communist methods …I take it said ‘whistleblower’ was arrested , cuffed in a public place with cameras present ….
Merrick Garland is yet another wealthy corrupt Jew who appear where ever there is an issue within the Democrat party, in fact he is one of the wealthiest in the inner circle, along with fellow Jew (although not necessarily corrupt) Janet Yellen.
“The complainant, who believed the ad perpetuated harmful gender stereotypes by suggesting that fathers were fun and playful, in contrast to mothers being more responsible, serious and concerned about tidiness”
The real issue missed, of course, is the gorilla, no matter what casting choices made for dad or kids (unknown at this time). You little monkeys.
“Today, the Commission is proposing rules to make producers responsible for the full lifecycle of textile products and to support the sustainable management of textile waste across the EU. ”
This might cause a ripple with such as SamCam, Ms. McCartney and cause a ripple chez M&S, but as my stores of choice are Dad’s old stuff, Charity stores and the Army surplus I am hoping my fall collection is safe.
Apple, Google, Dell, Microsoft and Tesla have been named as defendants in a lawsuit filed in Washington DC by human rights firm International Rights Advocates on behalf of 14 parents and children from the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). The lawsuit, which is the result of field research conducted by anti-slavery economist Siddharth Kara, accuses the companies of aiding and abetting in the death and serious injury of children who they claim were working in cobalt mines in their supply chain.
The families and injured children are seeking damages for forced labour and further compensation for unjust enrichment, negligent supervision and intentional infliction of emotional distress.
Funny that Sopel demands The Sun give up the evidence and name the name – when he will know full well of the likelihood of a super injunction – which he knows are words he cannot use – but to which The Sun is fully bound .
But why the super injunction has not been lifted is beyond me …. But then I’m assuming the existence of the injunction …. And The Presenters’ ‘legsl £ team ‘( carter ruck ?) would be calling the strategy and shots now ….
Vile being pushed forward as the BBC ‘unofficial’ spokeman it seems. No doubt prompted from within but as ‘opinion’ so it’s unaccountable in any real sense.
The first duty of the government is to keep citizens safe and the country secure. The Home Office has been at the front line of this endeavour since 1782. As such, the Home Office plays a fundamental role in the security and economic prosperity of the United Kingdom.
Easy rule of thumb – if Teresa May objects then it must be something worth doing …. She is the senior blue Labour Lefty outside the cabinet now …so many of them … Things went from bad to worse for Moz’s mayoral maths, as Iain Dale asked about his plans for housebuilding:
MH: Yes. You can build up to 700,000 homes on that land…
ID: Did you say 700,000?
MH: 700,000 yes.
ID: Over what period of time?
MH: No- look, I mean- you know…
ID: Four years? eight years? twelve years? twenty years?
MH: I think- I think- look- what I want- y’know of course I’m running for mayor for a full term. I don’t think you can build that many houses in in four in four years. Of course you can’t. B-but what I’m saying that you, if you keep building… I think th-there’s no poing having an artificial target…
ID: That’s another figure you can’t come up with, like you didn’t give us a figure for how much it would to cost to deploy police officers.
I don’t think there is the gotcha that Guido claims
he said that lots of homes can be built that aren’t being built.
He’ not suggesting he will build 700K himself
Europe is beginning to wake up to the invasion going on and in time, its government’s will move to the real Far Right. Will we get “lessons to be learned” from the BBC then ?
Is the BBC giving us the ‘full picture’ of the invasion that’s going on here now?
Time for the BBC to learn the lessons NOW!
I think it is clear that the voters of Europe are at last moving to oppose the invasion and supporting those politicians who will front up such opposition. But it is a movement which the hyperglobalist liberals will do everything in their power to neuter the movement and discredit its leaders. They will ruthlessly use the MSM and law to smear and undermine the movement and cancel or imprison its leaders.
The battle for democracy is about to begin and the first casualty of war is the truth.
ack Straw: Labour made mistake letting Poles in early
Former home secretary says number and impact of migrants from eastern Europe far exceeded predictions
“Thorough research by the Home Office suggested that the impact of this benevolence would in any event be ‘relatively small, at between 5,000 and 13,000 immigrants per year up to 2010’. “Events proved these forecasts worthless. Net migration reached close to a quarter of a million at its peak in 2010.
Pro Russian internet painting a picture of Zelenski isolated at NATO summit. Naturally depends on which photos you pick, if I remember correctly these are like the BBC’s choice for Teresa May – all alone at an EU summit.
Zelensky in NATO summit hotel room this morning. Long night.
‘Lonely Theresa May’ video at EU summit is Brexit in a nutshell
Jennifer Rankin
in Brussels
Footage of PM looking forlorn as other leaders chat is a telling image of bloc’s unity – but in reality there are plenty of divisions
The BBC and what’s the mission for them? Why is the UN is so influential in perversion of the facts. What is the Green agenda? Why the end of the world, the GOAL?l. If so what happens when the (predicted) The End of the World is nigh? Famine is already being planned (banning of fertilizers is a fact, ask Netherlands Farmers), the most efficient food production country in the World. Here in the UK, Wales is already banning ’emissions’ from Cows. In Scotland they (SNP) believe that they can lead the world in English (not UK) wind-farm subsidies (escalation inevitable). Our own government is led by someone linked to the WEF. The EU is willing to sacrifice its own EU member states to create a new (the next) state-of-emergency (even before, well before Ukraine kicked off). The high energy costs are the fault of UN targets (IPCC) which are based on false fact (supplied by the unique IPCC and even when proved wrong, produce another reinforcing report for the media companies to announce even ‘hotter’!). Even the UK Met Office is asked to ‘prove’ its hotter than it really is. They admit to ‘balancing’ to fit the IPCC. The goal of net zero is impossible (unless you pay a global carbon tax). Its juts not possible to live without breathing or eating. Even plants produce CO2. They rely on it. And that’s the point, zero carbon is costed per ton which will be linked to your carbon credits (personal carbon credits linked to your digital UN targets). So your mobile phone will track you and count your emissions, travel, food, energy usage). If you do not subscribe you will be cancelled.
The global elite are the real polluters. They will run and be in charge of your life, (all of it), but mostly your planned death (by poverty) and your final life bank ‘cancellation’. If you don’t comply they will take away your global ‘Bank’ account of ‘Carbon credits’.
On the defence of the BBC. They have a choice, they have decided that they would rather take the money than report a ‘negative’.
After all they could loose that lucrative, TV license money, and that would by the end of the sexual perversions they provide as a distraction. Anything they don’t make up is true. Sexual perversion is a BBC specialty along with child abuse of young boys.
@Philip not sure about David Icke predictions
I’m sure he’s had lots of failed ones
1970s you say
I doubt it ..He only became a guru in the 89/1990s
“27th March 1991 David Icke, former footballer, BBC sports presenter and member of the Green Party, announced that he had been “chosen” to save the world.”
In August 1990, his contract with the BBC was terminated when he initially refused to pay the Community Charge
Icke was a well-known BBC television sports presenter and spokesman for the Green Party, when he had an encounter in 1990 with a psychic who told him that he was a healer placed on Earth for a purpose.
In 1991 he published a book The Truth Vibrations
It has failed predictions
Sure he is. Only most of what he predicted is happening right now or do you think the invasion of your country by the entire African continent is just an ‘accident’? It’s the Kalergi plan. The idea is to destroy the West and the US first. You may have noticed the countries that are suffering economically the most are in Western Europe. The rest of the world, whose population has not been as heavily poisoned as that of the West, is not suffering from black privilege or the destruction of their culture via wokeism, where in most countries in Africa being gay can easily get you killed. The globalists are using the US military and economic dominance to dismantle the West with the connivance of the Russians. But of course, this is just ‘conspiracy’. Bury your head in the sand but don’t complain when you lose your house and your freedom. After all, Icke is just a loony after all.
You can tell the dishonest players by the way they make such a huge deal in an obvious slip of the tongue
MP Anna Firth wrote a speech quoting a minister saying the UK had accepted 550,000 refugees
but instead of saying a thousand she said million
It was indeed a slip of the tongue – she meant to say that we will take a total of 550 million refugees. That would be consistent with the British Nationality Act 1948, when our esteemed parliamentarians voted to give citizenship and the right to live in the UK to one quarter of the World’s population.
* J.Saville
* The great hairy cornflake aka paddy o.brien/DLT
* Jake the Peg
* Hall
* Sir Cliff Richard helicopter invasion
* Bashir and still on- going due to depth of bBC cover up
* The “presenter” or who hee – 7 weeks hiding behind Scofield only to come gloriously unstuck.
The bBC will have a price to pay this time and that is the £159 robbery from UK households under the threat of criminal prosecution. What judge or magistrate would now dare to prosecute a UK citizen after this twisting road of scandal.
And once the BBC has shrugged off its little local difficulties with nonces, multihundred thou staff and BBC Verify being a laughing stock, they can get back to state propaganda and censorship, likely with LF loaded in somewhere and unavoidable, to assist crushing dissent again.
Hey BBC , why don`t you let the presenter rename himself , like you do with Vicky Price , and fete him for his opinions ?
After all , he`s part of the tribe , unlike Tommy Robinson ( Steven Yaxley Lennon )
That’s the same Vicky Price I assume who lied about who was driving a car when speeding and did ‘time’ as a result. I cringe every time she is on GB News giving her economic views.
Yes – the speed camera at the bottom of the M11 near me has a blue plaque dedicated to the high moral of Chris Huhn- who was for ever lecturing us on his higher values ….
… but not perversion of the course of justice ….not an episode the BBC ever mentions ….
No Jon Sopel, Tractor porn man is not the same as actual child rapists
You are doing #WhatAboutery
BTW I do agree that this BBC scandal man is not yet proven guilty , it could be a conspiracy of liars etc.
Toyota who know a thing or two about cars opine on the EV politics…
This is superb. Superb. Toyota teaches the Whitehouse and the massive Green lobby a harsh lesson. 'Compliance cannot be based on factors' beyond the carmaker's control. Argue with this….
On the home page: “A mother who developed stretch marks while pregnant has painted some on her daughter’s Barbie ‘so she can grow up knowing they are normal’.
The 35-year-old had already bought her daughter a diverse range of the dolls, including one with a prosthetic leg, one with vitiligo and another with a fuller figure, but could not find any with stretch marks.”
Combine all 4 in one doll and you’re approaching BBC levels of normality.
JohnCMar 12, 01:36 Midweek 12th March 2025 What really bothers me about the MSM these days Deborah is how their reckless partisan left-wing bias affects the whole…
DeborahMar 11, 23:54 Midweek 12th March 2025 I have never been totally sure that Reform was the answer. However I watch as the MSM take Trump’s words…
JohnCMar 11, 23:18 Midweek 12th March 2025 Not just the UK : they now have the power to rig every election of EU member states. Final ruling…
JonathanRMar 11, 22:36 Midweek 12th March 2025 It’s funny when you think someone is a genuine commentator and then you find out how wrong you were. For…
JonathanRMar 11, 22:08 Midweek 12th March 2025 I wonder if this is the reason Farage and his moslom paymaster want to get rid of Lowe. If it…
Fedup2Mar 11, 21:59 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Yes Taffman – really with you there – their intro question is ‘are you mr / Mrs x – ?…
JonathanRMar 11, 21:58 Midweek 12th March 2025 It is now becoming obvious to me that there can never be a Trump like government in Britain Even if…
Good grief, I don’t believe it…the number one slot…At last!
I’d like to thank my agent…my mother…the wardrobe ladies…my hairdresser…and last and definitely least, the appalling BBC, for making all this possible.
Luv ya Jeff !
Luv ya Jeff ! Always spot on !
9pm on Tuesday night for the start of the midweek thread ?.
What chance do those of us who sit at the PC at midnight hoping to be first (like waiting for the end of an ebay auction to bid) have ?.
I strongly suspect insider trading here. As the BBC hate us with a passion, I’m certain it will get a front-page ‘live update’ for a week if I blow the whistle.
JohnC, I tipped you off that I was going to retire early so Fed thought he would set it up so I could get four in a row in order to tempt me to go for five in a row. As it happens, I did look in here, while closing things down for the night but there were already two posts here, Jeff’s and Dickie’s. I was rooting for you to get two in a row. 😉
US ammunition shortage:
Send rainbow flags and LGBTQ parades?
Its so idiotic to let the world and enemy know that America/ NATO have run out of ammo that one is suspicious that it might be a con.
If they are, they’ll make mincemeat out of them.
Over the last couple of days GBNews has had a string of ex-BBC people commenting on their little bit of trouble. Every one of them seemed to question the veracity of the parent’s story whilst maybe criticising process of the BBC. I just wonder if they are all hoping to be re-employed by the BBC sometime, otherwise it is just loyalty to an ex-employer.
Yesterday I watched about 2 minutes of Fiona Bruce at 6pm on BBC1news cock-a-hoop that the young person concerned had said what his parents were saying was ‘rubbish’. The young person is we understand a crack cocaine addict presumably desperate for his next fix. His moeny supply seems about to dry up. Even through a solicitor, I wouldn’t trust his word too much although history may prove otherwise.
I couldn’t face the 6pm BBC1 news tonight. Was Bruce as excited in her newsreading as she was last night?
BBC 10pm news says it has seen the messages The BBC Presenter sent to a second ‘victim’ and it seems they were abusive and not nice … BBC News has tried to contact the BBC Presenter and its’ Lawyer but has not had a reply ….
.. that Super Injunction seems to be still in place with the whole MSM muzzled …..
… and then there is breach of covid lockdown rules the BBC was so eager to damn non approved politicians – such as a PM ….
The new at 10 has even dug out the vile casciani to talk about his own organisation ….
….. have you ever seen any thing so … gloriously ridiculous – obscene …?
I wonder how people ( taxpayers ) will react when the Presenter is Named – maybe VERIFY should do it …..
Keep digging that hole BBC and bury yourself in it …a slow death …
14 minutes on the State broadcaster national news ….. glorious
Hot news tonight is that the BBC presenter at the centre of the sec allegations may have broken the law by meeting someone he met on a dating app. during lockdown.
Shock. Horror.
No, not the presenter. Or his actions. Or his morals. Or lack of them.
No. It’s the elevation of ‘breaking lockdown rules’ from those girls drinking coffee on a walk round a lake to fixed penalty notices to the then Prime Minister being forced out of office for having a drink ( arguably in his own home) to now potentially the slam dunk gotcha moment in a potential sex abuse case.
When and how did this happen? How was it allowed to happen?
We have sleepwalked into a situation where a very minor rule break has become a crime at about the same level in public consciousness as treason or attempted murder. This is insane. It’s a situation akin to the witch trials in the middle ages. That’s how far we have descended.
The irony of course is that it was all the plan of the unholy alliance of Marxist Left and Remainiacs to sink Johnson. But guess what?
Now it’s being used to get at the BBC.
A result of a kind. But though we may celebrate the BBC’s discomfort let’s not feel too comfortable. Any one of us could be victims on the next arbitrary hate list.
When I have had to sign an employment contract there have been words to the effect that I should do nothing to bring the organisation into disrepute. Nuff said.
I have to congratulate all the talking heads, presenters, journalists, commentators and Uncle Tom Cobbly, who say their piece, whether from their notes, autocue, or off the cuff, without mentioning the name of the Presenter. I’m damned certain I couldn’t do it, as I would be trying so hard not to mention him that it would just slip out.
I wouldn’t have a clue myself as I don’t know much about the subject. I did find this interesting. Please take it down fed if it goes against your rules.
That’s a brilliant bit of comedy, Yasser. You ought to post it again on Fed’s Presentergate Thread to cheer everyone up. Gave me a laugh. Hope it is not the person that appears to be in the frame.
If the identity of the alleged presenter has not been revealed then how come that the second victim can identify him?
Guido not being coy
Surkeer better watch his back?
He announced that he was taking up the post of head of the International Rescue Committee in New York, for which his remuneration would be £300,000 ($450,000) a year. It was reported that his total IRC remuneration for 2019 was c. $1 million.
Concerns over focus on skin colour in newborn checks
‘A review led by the NHS Race and Health Observatory has raised significant concerns about a focus on skin colour in routine health checks for newborns.
The Apgar score, determined by a series of quick assessments immediately after birth, traditionally includes checking whether the baby is “pink all over”.
The report questions its relevance and accuracy for some babies belonging to ethnic minorities.’
In case you didn’t know (as I didn’t) the ‘NHS Race and Health Observatory’ is:
‘We are an independent expert body, established by the NHS to examine the health inequalities experienced by Black and minority ethnic communities in England.’
A lengthy article written by a BAME BBC clone. And front-page, world news no less.
So they want to change the wording which is accurate for the health of 90% of babies because they think it’s racist. I’m certain it has nothing whatsoever to do with the health of babies : are we to believe that midwives picked up a black baby and it suffered in some way because it wasn’t ‘pink all over’ ?. Whereas I am quite certain that NOT checking white babies are ‘pink all over’ because they removed the wording has FAR more chance of leading to a problem.
Who chairs this NHS group we all fund ?.
Daghni Rajasingam and Dunkley-Bent.
A clear case of ‘when your only tool is a hammer, everything looks like a nail’. Or as in this case ‘When you let BAME decide what’s racist, everything is racist’.
It’s all a consequence of what happens when you over-represent minorities in positions of responsibilities. They start disproportionately changing the rules in their favour. Whitey doesn’t count.
NHS Race and Health Observatory contact for media enquiries
Rose Obianwu,
Assistant Director, Communications and Media
Sounds a bit Nigerian, anyway another way to make money
The ‘results’ probably go on the NHS computer system, (cock-up), where the names can eventually be used to identify the next ‘victims’ of the future.
Haven’t the NHS got enough problems, without having to sort out the next housing crisis even when the tot has just been born?
I seem to recall that babies born to African fathers and African mothers who are black do indeed emerge from the womb ‘pink’. The skin colouration only starts to appear later. Perhaps docarooned or someone with nursing experience on here will correct my emeory if deficient.
Disability TRUMPS Ability. Now all Amir Ali Majid’s 20 years of cases and immigration cases need to be reviewed … Blind immigration judge ‘had no idea of the law or his own powers’ says panel after 12 out of 13 appeals against his rulings succeed
“Immigration Law Practitioners’ Association chairman Adrien Berry said: ‘It is hard to see how he first passed the judicial exams and then why it has taken so long for his lack of knowledge to be exposed.”
When you give people special privilege above the law, you get no law and 1400 raped and tortured children over 16 years … ‘In August 2014 the Jay report concluded that at least 1,400 children, most of them white girls aged 11–15, had been sexually abused in Rotherham between 1997 and 2013 by predominantly British-Pakistani men.’
He would be much happier in the Seychelles.
Yes, John, what a non-story that was. Surely it is an internal NHS matter of no concern to the general public. A quick update of the guidance on what to check newborns for is all that is needed. No need to make a song and dance about it. I wasn’t convinced anyway that the problems suffered by the interviewee’s baby were down to the nurses not realising the baby was black and looked yellow rather than it being white and looked pink.
Guidelines telling nurses to check babies to make sure they are “pink all over” is not the crime of the century. And the way the BBC talk of the 1950s as if it was some weird and unrepresentative time period in British history is just laughable.
Z, yellow instead of pink would indicate possible jaundice to me. The other ridiculous thing about that BBC report is that my African friends tell me that their skin colouration varies and it is indeed possible for black African skin colouration to deepen and even suffer sunburn.
I thought it was only whites that were racist, but the bbc has found some others
How African migrants survived racial attacks in Tunisia
‘Dozens were carrying visible injuries which they told us were from the attacks of 4 July. One woman, suffering heat stroke, lay nearly unconscious.’
My God, one woman was so badly hurt, she was nearly unconscious.
Oh hang on – it was heat stroke and absolutely nothing to do with racist attacks. What gutter-level reporting.
Which sums up the whole tone of the article.
I’m quite sure the anger against all of them will stem from the actions of some of the males. But of course the racist BBC will never go near that.
On the the same basis that an art project on a plastic dolly of a blonde somehow promotes diversity, the BBC needs to remake ‘The Battle of Britain’ to show racist Spitfires attacking migrant Heinkel 111’s en route to London via Kent.
Is there anyone running this country?
We are being invaded!
That image doesn’t show up on my PC (windows)
The address comes as
The pic address is×864.jpg
That second one works
I wonder if the “x” there written on an Apple device got converted to “%C3%97” on a Windows device
The BBC have been central to removing all duly-elected politicians who had the will to do something about it.
Left-wing fascism has evolved for the modern age. The pen is mightier than the Panzer.
Covid Vaccine damage:
“It’s just not true and it’s just not good enough. I’ve suffered for two years now: mast cell activation syndrome, neuropathy, crippling head pressure, huge fluctuations in blood pressure, fatigue, brain fog and many more symptoms. I have been gaslit, dismissed and even sniggered at when I state that my symptoms all started after my one and only vaccination with one neurologist stating: ‘You have two choices here – small side effects from the vaccine or possible death from Covid.’ I felt utterly abandoned and discarded. “
Doctor Naomi will see you now and Professor Jennifer will provide the scientific advice edition
The formerly left-leaning ultra-coronaphobic ‘i’ newspaper casually flouts the best scientific and medical advice this morning: Parenting I’m glad I waited until my forties to have a baby… Like Naomi Campbell, more women are choosing to have children later in life – because, ladies, you’re all just like Naomi Campbell: Naomi Campbell has welcomed a second child at the age of 53. The British supermodel, who welcomed her first baby two years ago, told her Instagram followers: “It’s never too late to become a mother“.
Health Risks Associated With Having a Baby at 40 and Older… ( – and just as the corporates used to speak to women – via the persona of Jennifer Aniston in those old shampo adds: “Here comes the science bit – Concentrate!”
Getting pregnant and staying pregnant after 40 can be difficult. Here are some of the challenges:
People [they mean women] born with ovaries have a limited supply of eggs at birth, and that supply dwindles considerably after 35
As you age, your eggs are also more prone to genetic abnormalities.
Older people [they mean women] are more likely to deal with disorders affecting fertility, like endometriosis or uterine fibroids.
Studies show your risk of miscarriage is about 10% in your 20s, and your risk goes up to 53% in your 40s.
After 45, fertility has also declined to a point where it’s unlikely you’ll get pregnant naturally.
[American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Having a baby after age 35: How aging affects fertility and pregnancy]
Did Mr AsI just remind us how coronaphobic the ‘i’ newspaper used to be? Well, seems the title just turned on Corporate Big Pharma: Health Big Pharma ‘ripping off’ NHS with extreme medicine mark-ups
The BBC likes the ‘i’. One often finds the rather busy frontpage of that youth-orientated metropolitan left-leaning organ pushing its way high up the running order of the BBC’s online press review – today it comes second behind The Sun – which for rather obvious and no doubt temporary reasons has inevitably topped the BBC’s list.
I’m enjoying the ‘i’ lately as it keeps doggedly plugging away at this story about the cartoon characters painted on the walls of the illegal migrant centre in Kent: Society Ex-archbishop decries ‘Dickensian’ move to erase migrant mural – which headline conveniently gifts Mr AsI yet another opportunity to employ his favourite formulation of late – Britain’s Mickey Mouse immigration policy
Add to his joy the sighting of that rare media beast: an Ex-archbishop; the magnificent term ‘decries‘ as a fine alternative to the regulation tabloidese ‘blasts‘ or ‘slams‘ – that’s presumably His Excellency’s archaic nomenclature and lands right up there with the naming of the new Johnson sprog: Odysseus! Classic name for his new born son (Daily Express); A boy for Boris: Meet Frank Alfred Odysseus Johnson! (Daily Mail) – That’s Carrie Johnson’s third child. She is now 35, Boris 59, by the way. Ladies… my considered advice is to do as the elite does, not as they tell you to do
And to top it all the ‘i’ gifts us a nice reference to Dickens as equivalent to Walt Disney: From the original pairing of Charles Dickens with George Cruikshank on Sketches by Boz to his final collaboration with Luke Fildes on The Mystery of Edwin Drood, illustration was an important part of the Dickens experience. In fact only two of Dickens’ major works, Hard Times and Great Expectations, were issued originally without illustration. (The Charles Dickens Page)
How the other half holiday
More hol Hell on the way – frets the aimed at the bloke-in-the street tabloid Daily Star
Meanwhile: Own the skies… Lunajets… Leader in private jet hire – promises the prime bottom right hand corner advert in the posh people’s FT
Talking of elite air miles
Like that football team annual squad photo that apparently has to be snapped just for the record – but you have love and support the club to have any real interest in yet another team pic – so it is with these all-too-regular lately summit meetings of western leaders – the globalist FT publishes a real doozy of the genre this morning: Nato’s family photo session… Canada’s Justin Trudeau walks towards Estonia’s Kaja Kallas and Denmark’s Mette Frederikssen – the suave, not to say saucy dashing chap that he is. He may be the biggest fan of black face since Al Jolson but he’s caught honing in on the blondes there.
The FT prize statistical feature Datawatch today follows where the jokey tabloid Daily Star led the way: Booze-loving Asian hornets set to invade UK pubs as terrifying beer garden warning issued (Daily Star, 1st July) Here comes the science bit – concentrate! Confirmed UK sightings of Asian hornet… There have been 24 confirmed sightings of the Asian hornet since 2016 (FT)
And fashion advice for us chaps from the Times: Men, you can wear (Barbie) pink now
WEF: You’ll own nothing and be happy – what, not even our own clothes?
Guardian: How fashion’s rental revolution is taking off
The I newspaper has suddenly discovered that feminism is bad for you.
Who knew?
umm… didn’t Campbell swerve the personal effects of pregnancy by employing somebody to have the child for her?
Over a 14-year period, Government-owned Post Office Limited prosecuted more than 700 postmasters for theft and false accounting. Its evidence came principally from data produced by the flawed Horizon computerised point of sale system.,computerised%20point%20of%20sale%20system.
These failures tragically resulted in at least four suicides, dozens of cases of wrongful imprisonment and marital breakdowns. In 2019 a group of 555 sub-postmasters successfully challenged the Post Office over the Horizon system in the High Court.12 May 2023
… and not one manager indicted
Jeremy Vine calls on BBC presenter to name himself
Vile is upset because when people hear there is some hypocrite nasty BBC presenter who turns into a secret pervert who likes young boys, they keep thinking it’s him.
Complaint Summary: ‘Shocking’ levels of denial remain-from 2000 folk
Full Complaint:
Dear Winston Smith at the BBC Complaints Department who is paid a salary whilst others are prosecuted for not paying your salary even though they don’t want to hear what you say,
I listened to Jeremy Vine on Radio 2 and he kept saying there were high levels of Holocaust denial (5%)… but not once (whilst I listened) did he say that the poll was from 2000 people and not once did he say (whilst I listened) what the raw data showed. I really am shocked Winston that you let this NewsSpeak through, could the BBC not have done another POLL to verify the results? You have £3.5 billion at your disposal and all Jeremy Vine can do is scare people. The link on the website does not link to the original data .. “Holocaust Memorial Day: ‘Shocking’ levels of denial remain” {27jan2019} “WE RELEASE RESEARCH TO MARK HOLOCAUST MEMORIAL DAY 2019” Using an online methodology, we surveyed 2,006 nationally representative UK adults aged 16+. The respondents were randomly selected from an online market research access panel. Quotas were set to ensure the overall responses are representative of ONS UK population data based on age, gender and region. Given the sample size and the percentage of respondents who expressed this view, the Confidence Interval is +/-0.95% for a Confidence Level of 95%. Here are some words from Orwell’s resignation letter . “I am tendering my resignation because for some time past I have been conscious that I was wasting my own time and the public money on doing work that produces no result.
I believe that in the present political situation the broadcasting of British propaganda to India is an almost hopeless task. Whether these broadcasts should be continued at all is for others to judge, but I myself prefer not to spend my time on them when I could be occupying myself with journalism which does produce some measureable effect.”
Thank you again for contacting us,
BBC Complaints Team
Another victim was Noel Thomas, 74, who was jailed for nine months in November 2006. He pleaded guilty to one count of false accounting, on the basis that he accepted there was a shortfall of £48,450 which he was contractually obliged to make good, but did not know how it had come about.
He told the inquiry of his ‘hell’ behind bars, including the ‘indignity’ of showering in front of a prison warden and only being allowed out of his cell for food.
Mr Thomas was in tears as he said: ‘I felt awful because I didn’t expect it, I’d never been a criminal in my life.’
“The latest stage of a statutory public inquiry into the Post Office IT scandal heard evidence that exposed the methods used by the Post Office and supplier Fujitsu to cover up software errors and push the blame and costs for the accounting discrepancies they caused onto the desperate users in Post Office branches, destroying their lives.”
The statutory public inquiry was set up to ascertain how and why subpostmasters were wrongly blamed and punished for accounting discrepancies in their branches. After the introduction of software from Fujitsu in 2000 to automate mainly manual practices in Post Office branches, subpostmasters began to see unexplained shortfalls in their accounts. They were subsequently blamed for the shortfalls, which didn’t actually exist, and were made to repay them. More than 700 were prosecuted for financial crimes, with many serving prison sentences. Thousands more suffered life-changing hardship as a result of failed businesses and repaying unexplained shortfalls.
Dear Darren Henry,
Parliament’s £13 billion restoration.
HS2 £150 billion, original budget £36 billion.
Track and Trace £37 billion – no tracking or tracing where this money went.
£1.1bn of COVID small business loans identified as fraud
£4 billion of unusable PPE bought in first year of pandemic will be burnt “to generate power”
13 + 150 + 37 + 1.1+ 4 = £205 billion
Nuclear reactor = £6 billion
climate scam:
No claims for originality, but as others have mentioned, There is a lot of racism in the north african refugee camps. After considerable study, I’ve concluded that i don’t give a toss. The bbc are also running a propaganda piece entitled “Europe or death’ – the teenage migrants risking it all to cross the Med”.
At first glance I though it was the choices in an upcoming referendum.
I do have a solution, though. Apparently the Faroes are discussing autonomous control under Norway. While we have the islands, move all the invaders there and then let Norway have them.
If there’s no hairdresser or wi-fi, there’s not a cat in hells chance of the northern islands being used — too far and too cold for them to “survive”. (Which are excellent reasons for them to be sent there)
“Europe or death’ – the teenage migrants risking it all to cross the Med”.
Gaddafi wants EU cash (£4bn) to stop African migrants { aug2010}
“Libyan leader Col Muammar Gaddafi says the EU should pay Libya at least 5bn euros (£4bn; $6.3bn) a year to stop illegal African immigration and avoid a ‘black Europe’.
‘We don’t know what will happen, what will be the reaction of the white and Christian Europeans faced with this influx of starving and ignorant Africans,’ Col Gaddafi said…
He told them that Islam should become the religion of Europe and gave them free copies of the Koran, after he had lectured them for an hour on the freedoms enjoyed by women in Libya.”
Aug 2010 … fast forward … Nov 2016
Migrant crisis: Turkey (Erdogan) threatens EU with new surge (EU Tax Payers are paying Erdogan £2.6 billion) { nov2016}
“Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has warned that he will let hundreds of thousands of migrants travel on to Europe if pushed by the EU.
‘Listen to me: these border gates will be opened if you go any further,’ he warned the EU on Friday.”
Sluff – why did they (NGOs?) burn the rubber boats (environmentally a bad idea) when they could just rip a hole in the middle to sink it?
– European Union is using UK’s money to keep African’s from leaving their own country!
Sorry MnM, but we don’t own the Faroes (but, I agree with Bris – all the more reason to send them there.)
I suspect you meant the Orkneys?
Personally, I’d be happy to see them all coached straight up to Scotland (the SNP said they like and welcome immigrants there). Then we should have a UK wide referendum on Scottish Independence, and hastily rebuild Hadrian’s Wall, only 60 foot tall and topped with electrified razor wire this time around.
Apologies to those decent Scots (I have heard there are a few 😉 ), am sure we could offer them refuge as part of a population ‘swap’.
Afternoon big,
Darn, I thought I had the solution there. Orkneys are far too close, they have form for crossing short distances.
Oi! There are more decent Scots than the MSM would have you believe.
The double standards of the BBC are once again in full view. There have been numerous examples over the past few years when the corporation gleefully gets on the accusatory bandwagon in scandals and on more than one occasion has had to make apologies or pay out compensation, using our money of course, for wrongdoing when the target proved innocent.
In contrast there has also been a growing list of well known occasions where the BBC has covered up severe wrongdoing in its own ranks which knew about for years but did nothing about them or worse even hushed them up. This seems to be yet another of them.
If the presenter is the man everyone is hinting at then it will certainly tarnish the increasingly battered image of the BBC and I hope persuade some more folks to join the band of LF Refuseniks .
A friend of my wife is distraught that her favourite presenter is in the frame. I did point out that the image you see on screen is just the same as the performance of an actor on stage , it can be nothing like the way the presenter is in private. The on screen persona is an act nothing , more nothing less. Don’t fall into the trap of thinking they are your next door neighbour. She was still upset.
Double – luckily for us the prominence of The Presenter will add that little bit more tarnish to the declining reputation of the BBC .
And for it to happen in the 100th anniversary year is priceless . Maybe we will hear a bit less crowing from the almighty BBC and its’ ‘presenters ‘.
The way they now target the ‘unapproved’ -whether it be Trump or Johnson or Farage must be paid for at some stage.
It’s a pity there has been a lame duck PM and party in power to deal with the likes of the BBC – which must be praying even more for Red Labour to get the gig ….
Dear Winston Smith at the BBC Complaints Department,
When interviewing Labour supporters and MPs can you ask them who is in the Few and Many camp when they say “For the Many, Not the Few”?
I ask this because if the red line For the Few is wages then Jeremy Corbyn could be one of the Few and not the Many when he’s on £77K if the Few red line is £20K for example.
If it is based on homes then Keith Vaz with his multiple homes (some on expenses) might be one of the Many who own multiple homes. . . .
“For the Many, Not the Few” – Labour spokes person or even Jeremy Corbyn.
“Can you tell me how you define who is in the Many and who is in the Few please?” – BBC Presenter.
I increasingly think that we live in a world which has become a cross between 1984 and Alice through the Looking Glass.
Today history is rewritten to suit the present narrative , the job that Winston Smith had, and , just as Humpty Dumpty said to Alice, ‘ words mean precisely what I want them to mean ‘.
Nothing seems real any longer , we live in a fantasy, one which I fear will have a very nasty ending.
I was horrified and disappointed at the revelations of Kevin Spacey who I rate as an actor. Same with Eddie Izzard – great on screen performances but the red lippy and pink beret killed it for me.
I used to like Spacey too, maybe he can come back. What are the offences that will permanently put the kibosh on a Hollywood career? Screwing around with kids? Misgendering someone? Supporting Trump?
Look at Tom Cruise, currently riding high on a wave of financial success and media support. Spielberg told him he “saved Hollywood” and even cynical YouTubers laud him as the last true superstar and a bastion against woke Disney. Seems like only five minutes ago he was regarded as a sinister and controlling Scientologist.
If Spacey had been around during the Golden Age of Hollywood there would have been a battalion of “fixers” to cover up his sexual misdeeds so his career could continue. Now it’s everyman for himself.
It’s depressing how many of my favourite movies feature actors who have been exposed as perverts or paedos. I used to like Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, great turn from Jeffrey Jones as the embittered high school principal (guilty of soliciting nude photos from a teenage boy). Can anyone still properly laugh at the ‘Biggus Dickus’ scene in Life of Brian knowing that Chris Langham downloaded ‘level 5’ (sadism or bestiality) child pornography?
Comedy gold. I dare say her last remaining brain cell would explode if she ever came to the realisation that the script is entirely written in a grubby backroom in Vauxhall.
The clown Zelensky not too happy then:
Reading the annual report of the state mouthpiece, I double glazed over.
But the figures of the top ten earners made me question the accuracy of them, because Al Beeb pay high earning ‘stars’ in different ways, such as from BBc Studios, or any of their commercial arms (which tbh, seem to be rake in fair sums!).
It would be unfair to pick on St. Gary of Lineker just because he is the top earner, but he does have other interests outside of Al Beeb – BT Sport as a freelancer, as well as a few directorships and product endorsements along the way.
I’ve no problem at all with anyone getting on in this World through hard graft, but like person X at the centre of the current scandal, these rich people – so adored by the masses merely due to their ‘stardom’ – think that they can do what the hell they want and get away with it.
Stardom is thrust upon some, but to others it’s an addiction they seek to feed by being seen or heard by the masses.
The ex footballer comments on Government policy and Tim the DimDG says “Oooh Gary, you shouldn’t really have said that – but carry on anyway”.
And in the latest debacle, the overpaid BBc (as yet publicly unidentified) ‘star’, thinks it’s okay to (allegedly) procure relationships with young people.
Joe Public will just accept the BBc salary figures at face value and say “Cor blimey, Gary’s on a good screw – but we love him because he knows about football” and light another Woodbine.
And IMHO, the same adulation – albeit not at St. Gary level – of person X will cloud the public’s view on the eventual outcome. “He’s not as bad as Jimmy Savile”.
The ridiculous amounts paid by the media (commercial or state funded) to presenters, anyone with their face on the tellybox and those behind a microphone, will always make some of these media types think they are above the rest of us.
Maybe (some of them) are better educated than I, but what right does that give them to go beyond “Here is the news” to “This is what we think and you will believe it”?
IMHO, any future government will not change The Beeb and it’s a shame that the Telly Tax charter isn’t due sooner than December 2027 – as time will diminish the memories we currently have.
Whichever political party gets into power at the next election to negotiate new charter terms, I suspect nothing will change – not even de-criminalising the Telly Tax.
The only party that I’ve read who may do anything is the Reform Party, who say the licence fee needs abolishing and people should be free to choose. (Not an endorsement of them, just a fact).
To those who contribute to this forum, defunding, maybe abolishing or reforming the BBc is very important. But to others, the BBc may well be way down – or not even on – their list of day to day priorities.
The BBc management are currently doing a fine job in doing ours – by highlighting what a bunch of corrupt, inept, self-centred, incapable, useless, overpaid persons of whichever colour / sex / gender / political persuasion / hair style or shoe size they choose to be today.
I think the most powerful thing in our favour is time . It seems ‘youngsters ‘ have broken the habit of the BBC – those who grew up in the pre internet age – I submit – see the BBC differently to web users .
The bbc is much diminished and is only a National Broadcaster for the ‘big stuff’ – the rest of the time it is just Far Left dross which more and more people will just not pay for….
As for the income of presenters – if you add the ‘out of school ‘like presentations and the after dinner circuit a lot make a lot – in fact maybe more than the few hundred thousand they get from licence payers …..
And ladies and gents – take a look at the ‘fees ‘ on ‘speakers corner ‘ for an illustration … wanna pay Ian hislop £15000 for an after dinner speech ?….
I genuinely want to know “who the hell is interested in someone called Mark Wright – ex reality star, taking his family on a freebie holiday around the UK courtesy of us taxpayers, and given prime time airing?”
It’s bloody shameful
I can wait. But hopefully not too long.
You are correct in that younger people (may I suggest 38 years of age or less, based on my own two offspring) do not even consider the BBc for entertainment, either visually or audibly.
They and their partners watch / listen to what they want, when they want – and are willing to pay for content that interests them. Film, music or gaming – and I never realised just how prominent – and profitable – gaming is, following it’s astronomic growth during the pandemic.
Ailing Aunty is desperate to attract / reclaim younger people, but never will as they just aren’t interested. There is a whole raft of other suppliers with better products in the marketplace.
An example of carrot dangling to the yoof is Radio 1, where there are four varieties, all broadcasting simultaneously. How can this even be financially viable? Oh, silly me, it’s the BBc.
Their annual Big Weekend tries hard to demonstrate just how ‘with it’ Auntie is, but she’s soon prostrate in the medical tent mumbling “oxygen! “.
Again, your wisdom eclipses mine, for I hadn’t even considered the after dinner speaking aspect. A quick search offers ordinary ( below £3000), mid range ( between £3K and £10K) and high end (above £10K) speakers.
Is anyone worth those figures?
I’ve only ever seen two after dinner speakers. One was Barry Cryer, who was very entertaining for an hour and a half. The other was Michael Heseltine who was organised by the company I worked for, to give a speech to invited business people (at £250 a ticket). The event was greatly undersubscribed and an order went around the offices for everyone to finish early and turn up at the venue smartly dressed. The reward was free scran and alcohol for all. The bounders closed the bar twenty minutes after Heseltine disappeared. Happier times……….
I only found out about the ‘after dinner industry ‘ because I sinned and had to organise a ‘do’ as penance with a ‘speaker ‘ – for my shame the one I hired was a minor BBC type at £5k –
Fortunately everyone was drunk by the time he did his thing so no one cared that he was crap ….
I was shocked and disgusted to find this image floating in the sewers of social media. It is undoubtedly photoshopped and furthermore has absolutely nothing to do with current scandals, whipped up by the far-right media.
What is the world coming to, when august TV presenters are subjected to such vile, utterly unfounded besmirching?
Anyway, who among us has not accidentally left his phone on in video mode while attending to nature’s call? As a society, we have reached rock bottom.
If he’s having a mid life crisis he should have bought a motor bike.
Personally, not exactly a fan of Tate.
Ponzi schemes … ate’s website offers training courses on accumulating wealth and “male–female interactions”.[29] According to the website, he also operated a webcam studio using his girlfriends as employees.[29] Tate and his brother Tristan started the webcam business, employing as many as 75 webcam models[33] to sell “fake sob stories” to male callers,[34] claiming to have made millions of dollars doing so. He later said that the business model was a “total scam”.[35]
Tate operated Hustler’s University, a platform where members paid a $49.99 monthly membership fee to receive instruction on ways to make money outside traditional employment, such as cryptocurrency, copywriting, and e-commerce, which was facilitated by pre-recorded videos and a Discord server.[36] The website employed an affiliate marketing program, where members received a commission for recruiting others to the platform
phew, sat through the entire thing eventually. Opinion of Mr Tate improved.
I’m amazed I haven’t seen this before, and I don’t believe I’ve missed it being posted here.
I concerns everyones favourite broadcaster CNN ( mates of the BBC) and their technical director caught on a hidden camera outlining the companies strategy, first to get Trump out of office, then to maginfy the Covid pandemic (which he says will taper off anyway, how did he know?) and then the media will “beat to death” the climate change agenda until the next interesting distraction comes along.
I don’t believe this guy is unique, he is a very senior person, and CNN is just one of many far Left biased media outlets who all appear to be acting in unison to one common message.
It’s a shame there are no ‘Conservative activists ‘ in the UK going after BBC types in the same way . The omertà of the BBC seems very very strong …
The film reminds me very much of Panodrama, and we all know what happened to “whose real name is” enemies of the state are dealt with harshly in all Socialist countries.
@Thoughtful of course I have seen that film when it first came out in April 21 and it was mentioned here
I think some old tweets from James O’Keefe were purged by Twitter
video “Climate thing is gonna take years. So they’ll be able to milk that for quite a bit…Be prepared, it’s coming. Climate change is going to be the next COVID thing for CNN.”
-Charlie Chester, CNN Technical Director, Apr 2021
The bbc must be praying – praying – for a Big Story to take the unknown Presenter away …
The Whistle blower behind the corruption allegations against the Biden Mafia and the mafia Democrat party has perhaps tiringly inevitably been arrested on some pretty specious charges by the corrupt Department of ‘Justice’.
This party is now so rotten to the core that the only realistic way of eliminating the rot is to completely break it up, and to disbar anyone associated with it from ever standing for public office again.
Anything short of this will just be seen as rival political parties going after their opponents in an unfair manner. It’s an unprecidented thing to have to do but only a total dismantling of a party which resembles the mafia more than a political party is going to work for the sake of world stability and peace.
There really is an oppressive gene in the DoJ ( FBI ) where they revert to their 1950s anti communist methods …I take it said ‘whistleblower’ was arrested , cuffed in a public place with cameras present ….
Merrick Garland is yet another wealthy corrupt Jew who appear where ever there is an issue within the Democrat party, in fact he is one of the wealthiest in the inner circle, along with fellow Jew (although not necessarily corrupt) Janet Yellen.
In unsurprising news…
The unsurprising bit is that it got that far.
“The complainant, who believed the ad perpetuated harmful gender stereotypes by suggesting that fathers were fun and playful, in contrast to mothers being more responsible, serious and concerned about tidiness”
The real issue missed, of course, is the gorilla, no matter what casting choices made for dad or kids (unknown at this time). You little monkeys.
you can still see him on BBC Iplayer.
They took Jimmy off.
Next, £200+£80 tax overcoat Beebettes on the catwalk with Justin, JO’bsworth and Femi?
“Today, the Commission is proposing rules to make producers responsible for the full lifecycle of textile products and to support the sustainable management of textile waste across the EU. ”
This might cause a ripple with such as SamCam, Ms. McCartney and cause a ripple chez M&S, but as my stores of choice are Dad’s old stuff, Charity stores and the Army surplus I am hoping my fall collection is safe.
Apple and Google named in US lawsuit over Congolese child cobalt mining deaths
Apple, Google, Dell, Microsoft and Tesla have been named as defendants in a lawsuit filed in Washington DC by human rights firm International Rights Advocates on behalf of 14 parents and children from the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). The lawsuit, which is the result of field research conducted by anti-slavery economist Siddharth Kara, accuses the companies of aiding and abetting in the death and serious injury of children who they claim were working in cobalt mines in their supply chain.
The families and injured children are seeking damages for forced labour and further compensation for unjust enrichment, negligent supervision and intentional infliction of emotional distress.
Funny that Sopel demands The Sun give up the evidence and name the name – when he will know full well of the likelihood of a super injunction – which he knows are words he cannot use – but to which The Sun is fully bound .
But why the super injunction has not been lifted is beyond me …. But then I’m assuming the existence of the injunction …. And The Presenters’ ‘legsl £ team ‘( carter ruck ?) would be calling the strategy and shots now ….
Makes you wonder just how bad it would need to be, for Soapy to consider it ‘unacceptable’ behaviour?
On the part of someone on the same team, of course, it would be utterly unconscionable for the likes of Trump to even suggest he liked (grown) women.
Vile being pushed forward as the BBC ‘unofficial’ spokeman it seems. No doubt prompted from within but as ‘opinion’ so it’s unaccountable in any real sense.
Meanwhile down on a subpane of the UK page is:
Lilia Valutyte stabbing: Man killed nine-year-old girl, jury finds
‘Lilia Valutyte’ was murdered with a paring knife stab through the heart by Lithuanian ‘Deividas Skebas’ who – of course – has mental health issues.
And straight to ‘regions’ so nobody see it:
Forest Gate stabbing death: Four teenagers arrested
16 year old stabbed by 3 16 year olds and a 14 year old.
Taking bets on the ethnicity of all of them. White : 2:1 against, Non-white: 300:1 on.
Meanwhile the BBC consider this to be top news in the world today and so put it on the front page:
Taylor Swift: Disabled fans struggle to get Eras Tour Wembley tickets
Welcome to England and the BBC.
Lilia was playing with a hula hoop in Fountain Lane in the Lincolnshire town, outside the shop where her mother worked, when Skebas stabbed her.
About us (UK Home Office)
The first duty of the government is to keep citizens safe and the country secure. The Home Office has been at the front line of this endeavour since 1782. As such, the Home Office plays a fundamental role in the security and economic prosperity of the United Kingdom.
He should have been hanged immediately.
We don`t know huw the person is , but the BBC management and editorial staff are getting prepared . One ed wards off speculation by blaming Brexit .
pwy ys yr golygyddion
Typical BBC headline,”Senior Tories Criticise Migration Bill”
Infact i watched the debate and only 3 criticised the bill.
Shouldnt the headline actually read, ” Tories Overwhelmingley Reject Lords Amendments”…
Indeed. As with ‘MPs call for..’ when it is two, from the other side.
But then, the BBC does also claim to speak for the nation.
Easy rule of thumb – if Teresa May objects then it must be something worth doing …. She is the senior blue Labour Lefty outside the cabinet now …so many of them …
The Guardian
Senior Tories attack illegal migration bill as Lords amendments overturned
Senior Tories have attacked the illegal migration bill as the Lords amendments were overturned.
BBC Politics
MPs reject Lords changes to Illegal Migration Bill as senior Conservatives criticise reforms
Things went from bad to worse for Moz’s mayoral maths, as Iain Dale asked about his plans for housebuilding:
MH: Yes. You can build up to 700,000 homes on that land…
ID: Did you say 700,000?
MH: 700,000 yes.
ID: Over what period of time?
MH: No- look, I mean- you know…
ID: Four years? eight years? twelve years? twenty years?
MH: I think- I think- look- what I want- y’know of course I’m running for mayor for a full term. I don’t think you can build that many houses in in four in four years. Of course you can’t. B-but what I’m saying that you, if you keep building… I think th-there’s no poing having an artificial target…
ID: That’s another figure you can’t come up with, like you didn’t give us a figure for how much it would to cost to deploy police officers.
MH: I know people are obsessed with figures-
ID: Well because we’re all taxpayers…
I don’t think there is the gotcha that Guido claims
he said that lots of homes can be built that aren’t being built.
He’ not suggesting he will build 700K himself
HA HA! Gudio needs your clicks! Click faster comrade!
Europe is beginning to wake up to the invasion going on and in time, its government’s will move to the real Far Right. Will we get “lessons to be learned” from the BBC then ?
Is the BBC giving us the ‘full picture’ of the invasion that’s going on here now?
Time for the BBC to learn the lessons NOW!
I think it is clear that the voters of Europe are at last moving to oppose the invasion and supporting those politicians who will front up such opposition. But it is a movement which the hyperglobalist liberals will do everything in their power to neuter the movement and discredit its leaders. They will ruthlessly use the MSM and law to smear and undermine the movement and cancel or imprison its leaders.
The battle for democracy is about to begin and the first casualty of war is the truth.
ack Straw: Labour made mistake letting Poles in early
Former home secretary says number and impact of migrants from eastern Europe far exceeded predictions
“Thorough research by the Home Office suggested that the impact of this benevolence would in any event be ‘relatively small, at between 5,000 and 13,000 immigrants per year up to 2010’. “Events proved these forecasts worthless. Net migration reached close to a quarter of a million at its peak in 2010.
5,000 and 13,000
250,000 quarter of a million !!!
Pro Russian internet painting a picture of Zelenski isolated at NATO summit. Naturally depends on which photos you pick, if I remember correctly these are like the BBC’s choice for Teresa May – all alone at an EU summit.
Zelensky in NATO summit hotel room this morning. Long night.
WTF is he wearing for Christs sake.
‘Lonely Theresa May’ video at EU summit is Brexit in a nutshell
Jennifer Rankin
in Brussels
Footage of PM looking forlorn as other leaders chat is a telling image of bloc’s unity – but in reality there are plenty of divisions
The BBC and what’s the mission for them? Why is the UN is so influential in perversion of the facts. What is the Green agenda? Why the end of the world, the GOAL?l. If so what happens when the (predicted) The End of the World is nigh? Famine is already being planned (banning of fertilizers is a fact, ask Netherlands Farmers), the most efficient food production country in the World. Here in the UK, Wales is already banning ’emissions’ from Cows. In Scotland they (SNP) believe that they can lead the world in English (not UK) wind-farm subsidies (escalation inevitable). Our own government is led by someone linked to the WEF. The EU is willing to sacrifice its own EU member states to create a new (the next) state-of-emergency (even before, well before Ukraine kicked off). The high energy costs are the fault of UN targets (IPCC) which are based on false fact (supplied by the unique IPCC and even when proved wrong, produce another reinforcing report for the media companies to announce even ‘hotter’!). Even the UK Met Office is asked to ‘prove’ its hotter than it really is. They admit to ‘balancing’ to fit the IPCC. The goal of net zero is impossible (unless you pay a global carbon tax). Its juts not possible to live without breathing or eating. Even plants produce CO2. They rely on it. And that’s the point, zero carbon is costed per ton which will be linked to your carbon credits (personal carbon credits linked to your digital UN targets). So your mobile phone will track you and count your emissions, travel, food, energy usage). If you do not subscribe you will be cancelled.
This is the BBC. Don’t forget to pay your TV license!! – to reinforce the message to us ‘plebs’. It the End of the World (for you). Its a brand New World (for them). Them being the US led strategists of the UN. WEF and WHO are involved but it can only be achieved by a total collapse of the Western nations. Hence Recession, Poverty, Industrial collapse and famine to follow ‘COVID’.
The global elite are the real polluters. They will run and be in charge of your life, (all of it), but mostly your planned death (by poverty) and your final life bank ‘cancellation’. If you don’t comply they will take away your global ‘Bank’ account of ‘Carbon credits’.
Two videos stand out: A prediction by David Icke (1970’s)
Proof! – as if we don’t have enough!!
….by Prof. Iam Plimer (Aus) identified what ‘global’ tempretures and false projections mean and why. This is a MUST watch!
On the defence of the BBC. They have a choice, they have decided that they would rather take the money than report a ‘negative’.
After all they could loose that lucrative, TV license money, and that would by the end of the sexual perversions they provide as a distraction. Anything they don’t make up is true. Sexual perversion is a BBC specialty along with child abuse of young boys.
@Philip not sure about David Icke predictions
I’m sure he’s had lots of failed ones
1970s you say
I doubt it ..He only became a guru in the 89/1990s
“27th March 1991 David Icke, former footballer, BBC sports presenter and member of the Green Party, announced that he had been “chosen” to save the world.”
In August 1990, his contract with the BBC was terminated when he initially refused to pay the Community Charge
Icke was a well-known BBC television sports presenter and spokesman for the Green Party, when he had an encounter in 1990 with a psychic who told him that he was a healer placed on Earth for a purpose.
In 1991 he published a book The Truth Vibrations
It has failed predictions
Is that the same David Icke of the ‘lizard alien invaders’ notoriety?
He used to work for the BBC, you know… and is as mad as a box of frogs.
Sure he is. Only most of what he predicted is happening right now or do you think the invasion of your country by the entire African continent is just an ‘accident’? It’s the Kalergi plan. The idea is to destroy the West and the US first. You may have noticed the countries that are suffering economically the most are in Western Europe. The rest of the world, whose population has not been as heavily poisoned as that of the West, is not suffering from black privilege or the destruction of their culture via wokeism, where in most countries in Africa being gay can easily get you killed. The globalists are using the US military and economic dominance to dismantle the West with the connivance of the Russians. But of course, this is just ‘conspiracy’. Bury your head in the sand but don’t complain when you lose your house and your freedom. After all, Icke is just a loony after all.
You can tell the dishonest players by the way they make such a huge deal in an obvious slip of the tongue
MP Anna Firth wrote a speech quoting a minister saying the UK had accepted 550,000 refugees
but instead of saying a thousand she said million
Nazir Afzal sneered to his 166K followers
However Handsard goes by the written speech submitted, so was always correct anyway
It was indeed a slip of the tongue – she meant to say that we will take a total of 550 million refugees. That would be consistent with the British Nationality Act 1948, when our esteemed parliamentarians voted to give citizenship and the right to live in the UK to one quarter of the World’s population.
Ian “You can tell the dishonest players by the way they make such a huge deal in an obvious slip of the tongue”
That’s what you just did, the same as the dishonest lefties
* J.Saville
* The great hairy cornflake aka paddy o.brien/DLT
* Jake the Peg
* Hall
* Sir Cliff Richard helicopter invasion
* Bashir and still on- going due to depth of bBC cover up
* The “presenter” or who hee – 7 weeks hiding behind Scofield only to come gloriously unstuck.
The bBC will have a price to pay this time and that is the £159 robbery from UK households under the threat of criminal prosecution. What judge or magistrate would now dare to prosecute a UK citizen after this twisting road of scandal.
End cost of living – save £159 – end the BBC to save the NHS families.
And once the BBC has shrugged off its little local difficulties with nonces, multihundred thou staff and BBC Verify being a laughing stock, they can get back to state propaganda and censorship, likely with LF loaded in somewhere and unavoidable, to assist crushing dissent again.
Hey BBC , why don`t you let the presenter rename himself , like you do with Vicky Price , and fete him for his opinions ?
After all , he`s part of the tribe , unlike Tommy Robinson ( Steven Yaxley Lennon )
He’s still up on Iplayer.
No respect for his victims.
That’s the same Vicky Price I assume who lied about who was driving a car when speeding and did ‘time’ as a result. I cringe every time she is on GB News giving her economic views.
Yes – the speed camera at the bottom of the M11 near me has a blue plaque dedicated to the high moral of Chris Huhn- who was for ever lecturing us on his higher values ….
… but not perversion of the course of justice ….not an episode the BBC ever mentions ….
No Jon Sopel, Tractor porn man is not the same as actual child rapists
You are doing #WhatAboutery
BTW I do agree that this BBC scandal man is not yet proven guilty , it could be a conspiracy of liars etc.
Jimmy Saville – LOVE IS LOVE?
Toyota who know a thing or two about cars opine on the EV politics…
On the home page: “A mother who developed stretch marks while pregnant has painted some on her daughter’s Barbie ‘so she can grow up knowing they are normal’.
The 35-year-old had already bought her daughter a diverse range of the dolls, including one with a prosthetic leg, one with vitiligo and another with a fuller figure, but could not find any with stretch marks.”
Combine all 4 in one doll and you’re approaching BBC levels of normality.
Europe News: “How Sweden and Finland went from neutral to Nato”
Lead image showing the ‘Swedish Armed Forces’. At least they should be well stocked for grenades.