George Alagiah has had an increase of £10,000 putting him in the £335,000 minimum bracket.
This is the same as Naga and Amol.
Hang on. He hasn’t worked since about last October and not that much for about the last 5 years, as he has had cancer.
Now I feel immensely sorry for him keeping going with his condition. But many have to get by on statutory sick pay – £110 per week for 28 weeks. Not £300,000 a year for 5 odd years.
Yet another case of the BBC looking after its own and sticking two large fingers up to licence fee payers.
Never forget the Tric awards tried to rig the vote so Nigel didn’t win, tried to kick him out from the ceremony, all the interviews made him feel like a war-criminal and then they deleted tweets saying he won when they went viral.
Corrupt Leftist activist group = their awards are as worthless as the BBC’s own incestuous awards.
I haven’t seen GBNews since they fired Mark Steyn . But after the ‘revelations ‘ about Huw – I thought I’d watch the response of Farage .
I don’t think he wanted to say anything . He admitted his and huw’s kids went to Dulwich £ College … the swamp is full of pals .
No more Farage for me – unless he does something real as opposed to doing his ‘chummy ‘ act …..
🗣️ ‘It’s referred to now as the Men’s Ashes and Women’s Ashes – rather than the Ashes and Women’s Ashes. That sounds like a small thing, but language is so important.’
“If you use the language rules that your ideological opponent demands that you use, you cede (give up) the territory to them.” – {Jordan Peterson talking to Mark Steyn}
. . .
O’Brien silenced him by a movement of his hand. ‘We control matter because we control the mind. Reality is inside the skull. You will learn by degrees, Winston. There is nothing that we could not do. Invisibility, levitation — anything. I could float off this floor like a soap bubble if I wish to. I do not wish to, because the Party does not wish it. You must get rid of those nineteenth-century ideas about the laws of Nature. We make the laws of Nature.‘
4:30pm R4 Media Show seems to be set to attack the Sun
“The Sun still holds on public discourse.”
“As the BBC pauses its investigation into the alleged inappropriate behaviour of an unnamed presenter, we consider why this is still a story with more questions than answers.
And what does it tell us about the influence The Sun still holds on public discourse?
In a quirk of timing, it’s also the week the corporation publishes its annual report showing what it describes as “another year of extraordinary delivery for audiences”
but also outlines its failure to meet all its targets for engaging audiences.
Guests: James Ball, Journalist;
Jane Martinson, Professor of Journalism, City University London;
Jake Kanter, International Investigations Editor, Deadline;
Camilla Wright, Founder, Popbitch, Persephone
Bridgman Baker, Partner, Carter-Ruck
First guest claiming The Sun won’t be making money
FFS She doesn’t understand international syndication then
One tweeter goes into conspiracy theories about the presenter’s father
” Katie Razzall from the BBC is the daughter of Tim, Barron Razzall who has Q’s to answer regarding the Elm Guest House child brothel.”
(gay brothel apparently)
That struck a chord. the ONCE famous ‘Elm Guest House’ was in Barnes (SW London) and raided by the Police who disposed of any evidence. Apparently the Guest ‘sign-in’ was by ‘famous names’, (probably false) which were regarded as fraudulent (as they were linked to high ranking persons and those within the BBC itself). All evidence was destroyed on site by a special unit of the Police (who over ruled the local Police). It was in the local and newspapers at the time, but what made it more interesting (for me) was to read that the person who reported the Elm Guest House was none other than a named Solicitor who was working for Richmond Council who suddenly ‘discovered’ an illegal activity (i.e. Child Brothel- does not fit the description here), as all the children were bussed in from neighboring boroughs’ by the local Councils (Liberal and Labour run). All were of ‘children in care’ of Hounslow who were ‘guests’ on a ‘day-trip’ then forced to endure a kind of game-of-hide-and-seek. The facts emerged several years later. It was reported that the same Solicitor was found arrested for a series of Cocaine with gay prostitutes which he later admitted and was fined by the Courts (Manchester).. This did not dent his credibility as a would be Labour MP and when I last heard he was Chair of a cross party committee in government deciding on important matters of conduct within the Conservative party. All links to the Elm Guest House have since disappeared, at least I so thought so. The MP is still sitting in the Commons.
Unfortunately a well known MP. Although as we now learn, that abusing such children (if your gay) is now legal and tolerated – if the child is made to state they are 16 and plied with alcohol on the promise of a good time. Some have since committed suicide and nobody was bought to Courts, due to those high profile names going missing.
Its an interesting case. As nobody was arrested although it was reported and ‘raided’.
In November 2020, GCHQ was ordered “to wage cyber war on anti-vaccine propaganda” and “to take out anti-vaxxers online and on social media.” Using dirty trick tactics, these agencies are attempting to control, infiltrate, manipulate, and warp online discourse, and in doing so, are compromising the integrity of the internet itself. The Five Eyes alliance nations have actively conspired to aggressively deploy fifth-generation warfare PsyOps technologies on their respective civilian/citizen populations to enforce the gaslighting of a third of a million people with serious mRNA jab injuries. Enforced on the mainstream media for the benefit of the Politicians and Big Pharma. GCHQ leads the “Five Eyes” alliance spying on Americans, and the NSA leads the “Five Eyes” alliance spying on Brits from RAF Menwith Hill near Harrogate:
There is legal action from Bobby Kennedy Junior and others in America, which is supported by the Nuremberg Code Society, the White Rose and Holocaust survivors. Most are at the first stage of action, but already an injunction has banned the President of the United States from contacting social-media companies and taking specific actions for the purpose Censorship:
If Kennedy wins for the Democrats, or Trump wins for the Republicans. Then Britain would become a pariah state.
“Nudge Unit”
The Behavioural Insights team, popularly known as the ‘Nudge Unit’, is playing a big role in helping the government formulate its response to coronavi
What is the Nudge Unit?
The Nudge Unit was established in the Cabinet Office in 2010 by David Cameron’s government to apply behavioural science to public policy. Now owned partly by the Cabinet Office, by Nesta and by employees, it has operations across the world.
Its chief executive is Dr David Halpern, former director of research at the Institute for Government, who is also the government’s What Works national adviser.
Why ‘nudge’?
It is called ‘nudge’ after the book by Richard Thaler (who went on to win the Nobel prize in economics) and Cass Sunstein which set out how people are not the rational economic actors beloved of conventional economic theory – but can be influenced by “choice architecture” into making better choices in their own interests.
influenced by “choice architecture” into making better choices in their own interests
influenced by “choice architecture” into making better choices (for whom?) in their own interests (nudged into doing it, so not their own choice)
The initiative of the governments behavioural scientists is to brainwash you with a psy-ops nudge, into making you trust the BBC, support Net Zero policies and get a jab. Nudge is a psy-ops by the governments behavioural scientists to brainwash your “choice architecture” into making choices for the benefit of the elite and for the interests of big monopolistic corporations and the benefit of politicians in a public private partnership with corrupt globalists. The civil servants like it because it means that a Tory Government is in effect, brainwashing people to vote Labour.
Am I wrong ? I get the feeling the countries sending their military wealth to Ukraine are getting a bit fed up with being treated as a money pit ?
It plays with my read that Russia will win because it will just wear Ukraine down on both the staff and kit … there doesn’t seem to be so much triumphalism these days …
BTW – I want Russia to lose . It’s never been a friend and never will be
6pm BBC news – a presenter called Huw Edwards has resigned from the BBC – according to his wife who has named him .
Poor Sophie presenting the news is a shaking jelly – the resignation news was withdrawn live after 3 minutes in .
This is pure popcorn ….
.. they are all quite ‘emotional ‘ – which is priceless …
Yes, some of these highly-paid presenters aren’t very professional when they get breaking news and haven’t had all day to rehearse. I thought Sophie Raworth was going to collapse.
I believe that if one had to be logical . It should
be no surprise it was Huw Edwards. The BBC does not
like pale, stale old males major news and major events
presenters. If they had to use one. He had to tick one of the
BBC boxes. I wonder whom they will replace him with?
Maybe a transexual male?
The BBC have been ruining other white-males careers for things like a bum-touch 25 years ago for a long time now – so I am pleased they are finally getting a taste of their own medicine. And I’m absolutely certain there are many more ‘abusers’ within their ranks they protect – bully boy, willy waver Chris Evans springs immediately to mind.
In light of the recent reporting regarding the ‘BBC Presenter’, I am making this statement on behalf of my husband Huw Edwards, after what have been five extremely difficult days for our family.
I am doing this primarily out of concern for his mental well-being and to protect our children.
Huw is suffering from serious mental health issues. As is well documented, he has been treated for severe depression in recent years.
The events of the last few days have greatly worsened matters, he has suffered another serious episode and is now receiving in-patient hospital care where he’ll stay for the foreseeable future.
Once well enough to do so, he intends to respond to the stories that have been published.
To be clear Huw was first told that there were allegations being made against him last Thursday.
In the circumstances and given Huw’s condition I would like to ask that the privacy of my family and everyone else caught up in these upsetting events is respected.
I know that Huw is deeply sorry that so many colleagues have been impacted by the recent media speculation. We hope this statement will bring that to an end.”ENDS
We don’t know why the payments were made, when they were made, or what the nature of the relationship here even was. All we had to go on is what The Sun put into print, which was wholly based on what this young person’s parents told them. And that’s been torn to pieces!
What a co-incidence that every time someone in the public eye gets caught doing something illegal or immoral, they suddenly develop mental health issues, have to withdraw from public & ask for privacy…
Makes a mockery of other people with chronic mental health issues.
FedUp’s hotspot is on an Airports tarmac in a place where jet engines blast their exhausts
ie right next to a UN approved weather station temperature recorder
“She arrived by private jet with a four car cavalcade and did the last few metres to the climate summit on a bike. She is the Spanish environment minister.
Net zero, It will be enforced environmental measures reducing your freedom, standard of living and ability to travel but not for them. 😡 ”
6.30 BBC1 weather a weather map in deep pinks, reds and yellows. Southern Europe has temperatures of 40 degrees Celsius. I am not sure what the temperatures were when as a child I visited Greece in July but it was jolly hot but we just assumed it was what happened in the summer.
Huw Edwads has a long history of mental health issues. Even I had heard about them. I’m always sympathetic to those suffering from this malady, having a number of my close family with similar problems. Wealth, position, talent or good looks don’t make you immune to this horrible condition.
I think it must be clear that he must have had some mental health problems. The lunacy of putting himself on a gay dating site, when he’s so well known, is something no sensible person would ever do.
Jeff – you softy – the mental health line is always an escape mechanism – day after day – people like Edwards throw stones – eg at a PM – thinking they are bigger and hold a higher moral ground –
So when the truth comes out they deserve all they get . I’m sure his bbc pension will ease the pain … and his book of course …
More circumstantially – it shows the power of the internet to punch through secrecy in such cases ….
I too have had family members suffer with mental health, but this story is a bit double edged. Is it being suggested that his actions were as a result of his mental state, or is it that he’s had a melt down because he’s been found out. If he ‘allegedly’ did give substantial sums to a virtual stranger then he surely should have been hospitalised a long time ago as his mental capacity appeared to be wanting. So mental health issues or not, he’s done a good job at covering it up.
I doubt he would be getting the level of “sympathy” by some if it was revealed he had MS or some other health problem.
Brissles, my dear old thing, there is something strange about this whole affair. The 17 year old, now 23, has issued a statement via his lawyers saying the whole story is untrue. The parents obviously stand by the story they told to the Sun newspaper and have apparently further embellished it today.
As for the other ‘dating site App’ person, it appears their story may possibly be untrue, especially as the Metropolitan Police have decided that no laws were broken. The MetPolice were very quick to hand out Lockdown fines when Kuenssberg and Crerar ‘talked up’ Partygate.
They key point for me here is how he turned nasty and abusive when the rent boys threatened to expose him.
That’s got typical BBC ‘Lefty’ written all over it and why I feel he deserves all he has got. I suspect ALL the BBC’s top talent these days have a very unpleasant side reserved for anyone they think threatens them – and the pathetic, weak management are scared of them. Hence why they thrive.
I agree Deborah, it makes him ‘untouchable’. No doubt he is in a bad place after his stupidity, arrogance and hypocrisy.
I have zero sympathy.
And as usual the wife and kids will probably have to pick up the pieces.
Sorry Jeff, I can’t agree with you re: sympathy for Edwards.
Yes, he may well have ‘mental health issues’, a lot of people do, but the vast majority of them don’t go about wrecking other peoples’ lives because of it.
Edwards has (allegedly) not thought twice about what his perverse interest in this young boy might do to the kid (and at 17 he was just a child still), and we hear that the kid (allegedly) has become a crack addict as a result… maybe, maybe not, but what about theis young man’s mental health and wellbeing?
What about those of this boy’s parents and stepfather? What about any siblings?
What about the mental health and wellbeing of Edwards wife and children (and grandchildren?) too?!
No, Edwards is a spoilt, arrogant, self-centred bastard who deserves to be mocked and ridiculed for his selfish and downright sordid behaviour – not a jot of sympathy from me!
I do almost… almost… feel a litle sympathy for that arsehole Jeremy Vine over this though.
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – the so-called ‘the-cost-of-living-crisis’
It has been taken down by the BBC now, but there was a web-site item on the same Home Page that announced that Huw Edwards was in hospital with the title something like ‘Disabled fans find it hard to get Taylor Swift tickets’. Well if you are living on Disability Benefits, then you will find the cost of £60 to £200 (rounded up by me to the nearest £10 above) somewhat prohibitive during a supposed ‘the-cost-of-living-crisis’.
The BBC and other MSM are constantly reminding us how all things perverted are normal. Rainbow flags and all. Aren’t we full of “hate” for not wanting young people and children to be seen as sex-objects?
Right-wing extremists or words to that effect.
Now look at all the media-hypocrites feigning shock that the weird sex-antics of one of them have been found out.
Note that NATO is apparantly distancing itself from Ukraine in the recent meetings.
I believe we will soon see a peace treaty in which Russia gets to keep the territory it has captured, possibly up to the Dneipr river, and Ukraine will exist West of that and will become a neutral state.
The mafia behind Biden have realised that Ukraine is not going to win, they also realise that if they push it, Russia might well move to occupy the whole of Ukraine, and their criminal cronies in companies like Blackrock will lose the land they have acquired at rock bottom prices.
But one thing we must all be ready to resist is the certainty that spineless Sunak AKA Rishi Washee will come to the financial aid of what is left of Ukraine giving away our money to rebuild what Bidens mafia destroyed, and is exploiting for their own profit.
Under no circumstances should tax payer money be used for Ukraine, especially given the corruption in that country and America, and the fact we simply cannot afford it.
Zelensky is a dangerous twat who has captured the stupid mass of the easily influenced western media because he is a stage performer with the correct media right-on plucky fucker credentials and the numbskull idiots chasing popularity in the West chanting support.
Forget that he is trying to bring about the most dangerous situation the west has ever faced including nuclear armegeddon.
Yes folks this is your family he is offering up as bait!
Say goodnight to your children every night because this man might just have turned them to ash in the morning rather than lose his position as chief “Ukrainian hero”.
The mirror of this was instigated by The Archduke Ferdinand who managed to start WW1 with millions dead by much the same devices.
He could just as easily meet with the Russians and negotiate an accepted outcome but he believes the West will save his skin.
So our “personality” is both exposed and amazingly vanished into mental care.
How so very BBC….
They not only play the system but set the system.
We do not need this devious organisation to represent the national news outlet, too much favouritism, too much old boy network, too much looking the other way.
Begone you turds at broadcasting house who hide your behaviour behind a mantle of “beloved national broadcaster” you are unmasked and revealed as complete charlatans.
If Edwards has been suffering a while with mental health problems then surely the Beebs “duty of care,” would have seen them reduce his workload or taken off air completely.
I’m sorry but I have little sympathy for Huw Edwards, partly for the following reason.
He was earning around £425,000 a year, money which most of us could only dream of. His career went back a couple of decades, with good earnings even then. If it was too much for him, which I quite understand, he should have pulled back and taken on less demanding duties.
Once he had established his name as a reliable face on TV, he could have asked to do less of the “front line” stuff and moved into something like Antiques Roadshow or documentaries. As Clint Eastwood’s Harry Callaghan said, you’ve got to know your own limitations. How many years of £400k+ do you need to feel secure enough to either retire or at least go part-time?
As Brissles noted, the BBC should have read the signs, especially if he had been suffering for some time: it had a duty of care to him.
Spot on.
I worked in an international company with a huge focus on management and , in particular, man management.
the basis was respect for the individual.
This did not extend to prevarication, delay or inconvenient inaction.,
In other words , cover ups at the operational level were not tolerated ( although many happened)
The bBc in the Edwards case have made a corporate decision to self preserve. This is different from inaction or incompetence.
This comes about through arrogance, incompetence , criminality
or a sense of entitlement beyond normal business expectation.
Good riddance to this rotten apple now seeming to hide behind
a dysfunctional operatives wife ( if proven)
Time to take it down and the clown in charge should be removed with no further delay.
A professional management team can appointed to complete a total clear out, thereafter.
On the BBC website at the time of writing, junior BBC people are coming forward to say that Edwards had made inappropriate approaches to them.
As a junior, you would be very brave or stupid to claim bad behaviour by one of the BBC senior icons.
But now the cat is out of the bag maybe others will come forward. Who knows? There may be scores to settle.
To ( mis) quote again from an old film.
The Sun may have screwed up but they may not be wrong.
Surely the way that the Met Police and BBC are treating the Huw Edwards scandal proves beyond any doubt that there are treble standards in this country .
One set of rules applies to the liberal hyperglobalist establishment , basically they can get away with just about anything .
Another set of rules applies to ordinary folks which depending on the misconduct is pretty much the law as we expect it to be applied. Unless that is if it involves certain crimes , particularly those which threaten the liberal establishment’s world view , in which case the authorities come down like a ton of bricks.
The third standard is at present reserved for those that the liberal establishment regard as leaders or potential leaders of resistance to their plans. When this standard is applied an innocent person can be found guilty without evidence or found guilty of crimes that aren’t on the statute book or have their career wrecked without any formal legal charges.
It is truly frightening . We need to recognise that we live in a country which is run by a hyperglobalist clique and if you do their bidding all is well, if you cross them you are persecuted. There is no right of appeal and no defence.
Yes, and the ego, arrogance, and hypocrisy of this (self-appointed, note) ‘elite’ is absolutely breathtaking!
I have a son around the same age as the lad that was used like some kind of perverted puppet by this aging pervert, and I know how I would feel if I was his parent. No forgiveness, I don’t care how mentally ill he is claimed to be – I’d lock him up in a common prison and let the inmates ‘deal’ with his mental health crises.
If the police claim there is nothing ‘wrong’ with what he has done, clearly the law (and the police) need reforming!
BBC 10 pm news – razzal and casciani on the offensive against The Sun now – after the 6pm ‘shaking ‘ news they now have a touch of the ‘cocky ‘ – which no doubt huw Edwards knows all about .
Plod has done the BBC a big favour – and itself deserves to be looked at ..
With a bit of luck this nonsense story still has legs
But it says something doesn’t it ? That the national news is 30 minutes long and the first 15 minutes was about the 4th highest paid staff member of the BBC ….
But now it’s time for all those mouths to gang up on The Sun ….
Mrs E’s statement couldn’t have been better had it been written by a damage limitation specialist; mental health made worse over witch-hunt over the weekend. He is in hospital for the foreseeable future. Nobody would dare say much more now.
As I said earlier, if the allegations were true, he has brought the organisation into disrepute. Think of the upset he has caused his wife, children and the parents of the crack cocaine addict. If he is unwell he has been unwell for years and the BBC had a duty of care. IF…..
There is little doubt that Ukraine have nowhere near the resources to deal with Russia so there is only one conclusion. The west under Biden and the UN are the ones now at war with Russia by proxy. However it is portrayed, this is now where we are.
So the only question now is whether the the populations in the West agree to go to total war with Russia and probably China as well whatever the consequences.
The US have lost yet another war under the corrupt Biden and they cannot fight a war against Russia which is a modern well equipped motivated army.
The US military is out of equipment, de motivated and under numbered. No one wants to join it because of the horrors of constant ‘diversity’ training, and lesser military training. Senior officers are little more than politicians and have little clue of military needs.
The USA having lost this war will not be able to mount a war against China which can only be a good thing.
“Cerberus heatwave: Hot weather sweeps across southern Europe”
Operative words ………………..
“potential record-breaking”
“temperatures could reach”
“and possibly higher”
Fear, fear, and fear!
I will, no doubt, have my monthly chuckle when the Met Office inevitably announce that, “July was the warmest on record”. With a woolly-pully daily and a duvet on the bed, I don’t think so.
As the Met Office snuggle closer up to the BBC, they adopt the latter’s policies. Already, I sense people are rejecting the Met Offices’ regular claims of “…..the warmest on record”.
Farage showing he’s part of the swamp, where they all know each other etc
Goes on to say he thinks Edwards did nothing wrong using the polices non action as proof🤡
Basically the outcome for this was known before the meeting even started.
1 No way Ukraine could join NATO now as it would mean WW3.
2 No way they could say ‘Ukraine can join when the war ends’ because then Russia will never let it end.
So they said ‘At some point in the future’. Which of course means immediately after the war ends because these people change the rules on whim – just like the EU. Anything and everything else is just noise.
So I checked the BBC article to see how much of that truth they reported. The answer is none. It was pure distraction and obfuscation.
On other BIG news from the event – puddle-head Biden calling Zelensky ‘Vladimir’ in an amazing gaff was not even reported by the BBC.
Pure propaganda. Nobody who gets their news from the BBC has any clue what is really going on out there.
Brissles comment is orphaned from the comment at the bottom of the previous page, about a woman that says with £50k savings she can’t get a mortgage to buy a house
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Russian Lancet drones and German (oops, Ukrainian) Leopard tanks:
I don’t watch much BBC news, but I’m told Huw Edwards (salary £435,000) hasn’t been seen on screen for over a week. I do hope he’s not unwell.
If I’m not mistaken, £435,000 = £400,000 + 35,000.
Why Huw Edwards may be the last of a dying breed:
Re BBC salaries.
George Alagiah has had an increase of £10,000 putting him in the £335,000 minimum bracket.
This is the same as Naga and Amol.
Hang on. He hasn’t worked since about last October and not that much for about the last 5 years, as he has had cancer.
Now I feel immensely sorry for him keeping going with his condition. But many have to get by on statutory sick pay – £110 per week for 28 weeks. Not £300,000 a year for 5 odd years.
Yet another case of the BBC looking after its own and sticking two large fingers up to licence fee payers.
Never forget the Tric awards tried to rig the vote so Nigel didn’t win, tried to kick him out from the ceremony, all the interviews made him feel like a war-criminal and then they deleted tweets saying he won when they went viral.
Corrupt Leftist activist group = their awards are as worthless as the BBC’s own incestuous awards.
Rather apt for it to be Huws last stand.
I haven’t seen GBNews since they fired Mark Steyn . But after the ‘revelations ‘ about Huw – I thought I’d watch the response of Farage .
I don’t think he wanted to say anything . He admitted his and huw’s kids went to Dulwich £ College … the swamp is full of pals .
No more Farage for me – unless he does something real as opposed to doing his ‘chummy ‘ act …..
One million households face a £500 per month increase in mortgage payment by 2026. Trumpets the BBC.
Sounds terrible. Such a big number. It must be very serious.
Well it may be to those affected, but let’s number crunch.
There are 25 million homes in the UK.
So 1 million is….errrr…..4%.
And this is spread over 3 years plus.
So those affected are about 1% of households per year.
The headline could have therefore been ‘99% of households not materially affected by mortgage increases’.
But, this being the BBC, it wasn’t. Gotta keep the anti-Tory narrative on max at all times.
Save £159 and cancel the BBC licences to pay for the mortgage.
“Gotta keep the anti-Tory narrative on max at all times.”
Don’t need to as they are doing a very good job of it themselves.
Worth checking back tomorrow.
“If you use the language rules that your ideological opponent demands that you use, you cede (give up) the territory to them.” – {Jordan Peterson talking to Mark Steyn}
. . .
O’Brien silenced him by a movement of his hand. ‘We control matter because we control the mind. Reality is inside the skull. You will learn by degrees, Winston. There is nothing that we could not do. Invisibility, levitation — anything. I could float off this floor like a soap bubble if I wish to. I do not wish to, because the Party does not wish it. You must get rid of those nineteenth-century ideas about the laws of Nature. We make the laws of Nature.‘
Not the bonus hole ashes? Language is so important.
there is no such thing as the womans ashes , no bails have been burnt in disgrace
2 theatres have caved-in to activists
and cancelled their contracts with Andrew Lawrence
Exeter and Canterbury
Shame on them.
4:30pm R4 Media Show seems to be set to attack the Sun
“The Sun still holds on public discourse.”
“As the BBC pauses its investigation into the alleged inappropriate behaviour of an unnamed presenter, we consider why this is still a story with more questions than answers.
And what does it tell us about the influence The Sun still holds on public discourse?
In a quirk of timing, it’s also the week the corporation publishes its annual report showing what it describes as “another year of extraordinary delivery for audiences”
but also outlines its failure to meet all its targets for engaging audiences.
Guests: James Ball, Journalist;
Jane Martinson, Professor of Journalism, City University London;
Jake Kanter, International Investigations Editor, Deadline;
Camilla Wright, Founder, Popbitch, Persephone
Bridgman Baker, Partner, Carter-Ruck
First guest claiming The Sun won’t be making money
FFS She doesn’t understand international syndication then
One tweeter goes into conspiracy theories about the presenter’s father
” Katie Razzall from the BBC is the daughter of Tim, Barron Razzall who has Q’s to answer regarding the Elm Guest House child brothel.”
(gay brothel apparently)
Her father was a lib Dem councillor
The social services were responsible for Elm House where Cyril Smith (LibDem) allegedly raped a boy
And after a police raid Lord Tim Razzal moved a motion to dismiss the head of social services , but now says he can’t remember why
So were libDems doing a cover up ?
That struck a chord. the ONCE famous ‘Elm Guest House’ was in Barnes (SW London) and raided by the Police who disposed of any evidence. Apparently the Guest ‘sign-in’ was by ‘famous names’, (probably false) which were regarded as fraudulent (as they were linked to high ranking persons and those within the BBC itself). All evidence was destroyed on site by a special unit of the Police (who over ruled the local Police). It was in the local and newspapers at the time, but what made it more interesting (for me) was to read that the person who reported the Elm Guest House was none other than a named Solicitor who was working for Richmond Council who suddenly ‘discovered’ an illegal activity (i.e. Child Brothel- does not fit the description here), as all the children were bussed in from neighboring boroughs’ by the local Councils (Liberal and Labour run). All were of ‘children in care’ of Hounslow who were ‘guests’ on a ‘day-trip’ then forced to endure a kind of game-of-hide-and-seek. The facts emerged several years later. It was reported that the same Solicitor was found arrested for a series of Cocaine with gay prostitutes which he later admitted and was fined by the Courts (Manchester).. This did not dent his credibility as a would be Labour MP and when I last heard he was Chair of a cross party committee in government deciding on important matters of conduct within the Conservative party. All links to the Elm Guest House have since disappeared, at least I so thought so. The MP is still sitting in the Commons.
Unfortunately a well known MP. Although as we now learn, that abusing such children (if your gay) is now legal and tolerated – if the child is made to state they are 16 and plied with alcohol on the promise of a good time. Some have since committed suicide and nobody was bought to Courts, due to those high profile names going missing.
Its an interesting case. As nobody was arrested although it was reported and ‘raided’.
The BBC and influence.
Attempted vs. actual.
Intel Slavia z
Concordski 2 on the way😖
BBC Lap Dogs for GCHQ:
In November 2020, GCHQ was ordered “to wage cyber war on anti-vaccine propaganda” and “to take out anti-vaxxers online and on social media.” Using dirty trick tactics, these agencies are attempting to control, infiltrate, manipulate, and warp online discourse, and in doing so, are compromising the integrity of the internet itself. The Five Eyes alliance nations have actively conspired to aggressively deploy fifth-generation warfare PsyOps technologies on their respective civilian/citizen populations to enforce the gaslighting of a third of a million people with serious mRNA jab injuries. Enforced on the mainstream media for the benefit of the Politicians and Big Pharma. GCHQ leads the “Five Eyes” alliance spying on Americans, and the NSA leads the “Five Eyes” alliance spying on Brits from RAF Menwith Hill near Harrogate:
There is legal action from Bobby Kennedy Junior and others in America, which is supported by the Nuremberg Code Society, the White Rose and Holocaust survivors. Most are at the first stage of action, but already an injunction has banned the President of the United States from contacting social-media companies and taking specific actions for the purpose Censorship:
If Kennedy wins for the Democrats, or Trump wins for the Republicans. Then Britain would become a pariah state.
“Nudge Unit”
The Behavioural Insights team, popularly known as the ‘Nudge Unit’, is playing a big role in helping the government formulate its response to coronavi
11 MAR 2020
What is the Nudge Unit?
The Nudge Unit was established in the Cabinet Office in 2010 by David Cameron’s government to apply behavioural science to public policy. Now owned partly by the Cabinet Office, by Nesta and by employees, it has operations across the world.
Its chief executive is Dr David Halpern, former director of research at the Institute for Government, who is also the government’s What Works national adviser.
Why ‘nudge’?
It is called ‘nudge’ after the book by Richard Thaler (who went on to win the Nobel prize in economics) and Cass Sunstein which set out how people are not the rational economic actors beloved of conventional economic theory – but can be influenced by “choice architecture” into making better choices in their own interests.
influenced by “choice architecture” into making better choices in their own interests
influenced by “choice architecture” into making better choices (for whom?) in their own interests (nudged into doing it, so not their own choice)
The initiative of the governments behavioural scientists is to brainwash you with a psy-ops nudge, into making you trust the BBC, support Net Zero policies and get a jab. Nudge is a psy-ops by the governments behavioural scientists to brainwash your “choice architecture” into making choices for the benefit of the elite and for the interests of big monopolistic corporations and the benefit of politicians in a public private partnership with corrupt globalists. The civil servants like it because it means that a Tory Government is in effect, brainwashing people to vote Labour.
Am I wrong ? I get the feeling the countries sending their military wealth to Ukraine are getting a bit fed up with being treated as a money pit ?
It plays with my read that Russia will win because it will just wear Ukraine down on both the staff and kit … there doesn’t seem to be so much triumphalism these days …
BTW – I want Russia to lose . It’s never been a friend and never will be
The new joint boss of the poachers
is the old head gamekeeper.
“Cathryn Ross, the interim joint chief executive of Thames Water was a CEO head of watchdog Ofwat 2013 to 2017”
Worked at Thames since 2021
but in 2014 approved the huge loans that Thames took out
(loans lower per customer than other corps including the nationalised W, Scot, and NI)
6pm BBC news – a presenter called Huw Edwards has resigned from the BBC – according to his wife who has named him .
Poor Sophie presenting the news is a shaking jelly – the resignation news was withdrawn live after 3 minutes in .
This is pure popcorn ….
.. they are all quite ‘emotional ‘ – which is priceless …
Yes, some of these highly-paid presenters aren’t very professional when they get breaking news and haven’t had all day to rehearse. I thought Sophie Raworth was going to collapse.
Bring back Huw Edwards.
The 4th highest paid ‘star’ of the bbc now an in patient in a mental hospital as plod announces a criminal whitewash .
I thought plod was meant to take sex allegations involving children more seriously … but it seems not ….
The BBC will want to bury this now …. But it should run at least til the weekend and The Sun will have more ammunition – betcha
Sophie is a funny colour and looks like she’d rather be at home …
I believe that if one had to be logical . It should
be no surprise it was Huw Edwards. The BBC does not
like pale, stale old males major news and major events
presenters. If they had to use one. He had to tick one of the
BBC boxes. I wonder whom they will replace him with?
Maybe a transexual male?
Quite bonkers…. especially if it’s actually official – but it makes a point…
The responses are split – we know that some of those portrayed are actually stupid enough to fall for this sort of kerrapp (esp. head soy-boy Justin).
Graun goes full Vile.
The BBC have been ruining other white-males careers for things like a bum-touch 25 years ago for a long time now – so I am pleased they are finally getting a taste of their own medicine. And I’m absolutely certain there are many more ‘abusers’ within their ranks they protect – bully boy, willy waver Chris Evans springs immediately to mind.
As Jones would say : They don’t like it up em.
Oh, but they do.
Kev Maguire risking dark looks.
Statement by Mrs huw Edwards
In light of the recent reporting regarding the ‘BBC Presenter’, I am making this statement on behalf of my husband Huw Edwards, after what have been five extremely difficult days for our family.
I am doing this primarily out of concern for his mental well-being and to protect our children.
Huw is suffering from serious mental health issues. As is well documented, he has been treated for severe depression in recent years.
The events of the last few days have greatly worsened matters, he has suffered another serious episode and is now receiving in-patient hospital care where he’ll stay for the foreseeable future.
Once well enough to do so, he intends to respond to the stories that have been published.
To be clear Huw was first told that there were allegations being made against him last Thursday.
In the circumstances and given Huw’s condition I would like to ask that the privacy of my family and everyone else caught up in these upsetting events is respected.
I know that Huw is deeply sorry that so many colleagues have been impacted by the recent media speculation. We hope this statement will bring that to an end.”ENDS
I reckon The Sun will have a different view …
He has used the Martin Bashir defence.
Reactions vary.
Ok, Kirstie’s got pulled.
Tough sell.
I can tell Sopel is not running a tight ship up top either : he has potential go over the edge next.
Fingers crossed.
ITV local newsPR show
“Sitting down all day is bad for your health
.. moving around a bit will save the NHS £700m/year”
Long PRasNews item for NHS
Next weather “ooh could be 50C in Europe, please, please. we love climate doom”
Next item “The Climate Relay runners reach London”
Yay, lets eat more meat and buy less green gimmicks.
Stew – I’m going to a hotspot in a few days – I will let you know ..
You mean you’ve booked a holiday at an airport. Enjoy.
FedUp’s hotspot is on an Airports tarmac in a place where jet engines blast their exhausts
ie right next to a UN approved weather station temperature recorder
Weather has to point out Europe is warmer than normal
yet UK will be cooler than normal with strong storms in the southwest.
Last time when we were hot , Russia was cold
that’s the way it goes.
“She arrived by private jet with a four car cavalcade and did the last few metres to the climate summit on a bike. She is the Spanish environment minister.
Net zero, It will be enforced environmental measures reducing your freedom, standard of living and ability to travel but not for them. 😡 ”
It seems like the MSM is going after ‘The Sun ‘. ITV news says it has ‘questions to answer ‘… mainly it seems because of the plod whitewash ….
Drove all night just to be with you:
Dedicated to the ‘cycling’ Spanish environment minister attending the climate conference.
6.30 BBC1 weather a weather map in deep pinks, reds and yellows. Southern Europe has temperatures of 40 degrees Celsius. I am not sure what the temperatures were when as a child I visited Greece in July but it was jolly hot but we just assumed it was what happened in the summer.
Re the named man, mental health is a good way to close the story down.
I think that’s just a tad unfair, Deborah…
Huw Edwads has a long history of mental health issues. Even I had heard about them. I’m always sympathetic to those suffering from this malady, having a number of my close family with similar problems. Wealth, position, talent or good looks don’t make you immune to this horrible condition.
I think it must be clear that he must have had some mental health problems. The lunacy of putting himself on a gay dating site, when he’s so well known, is something no sensible person would ever do.
Actually, I feel sorry for him and his family…
Jeff – you softy – the mental health line is always an escape mechanism – day after day – people like Edwards throw stones – eg at a PM – thinking they are bigger and hold a higher moral ground –
So when the truth comes out they deserve all they get . I’m sure his bbc pension will ease the pain … and his book of course …
More circumstantially – it shows the power of the internet to punch through secrecy in such cases ….
Anybody recall Ernest Saunders of Guinness ?
Mr A Campbell might have something useful to add.
I’ve never heard Edwards get involved in anything like that. And his mental heath issues have been spoken about for some time.
Of course, due to my consumption of the BBC being so limited these days I could be wrong…
I too have had family members suffer with mental health, but this story is a bit double edged. Is it being suggested that his actions were as a result of his mental state, or is it that he’s had a melt down because he’s been found out. If he ‘allegedly’ did give substantial sums to a virtual stranger then he surely should have been hospitalised a long time ago as his mental capacity appeared to be wanting. So mental health issues or not, he’s done a good job at covering it up.
I doubt he would be getting the level of “sympathy” by some if it was revealed he had MS or some other health problem.
Brissles, my dear old thing, there is something strange about this whole affair. The 17 year old, now 23, has issued a statement via his lawyers saying the whole story is untrue. The parents obviously stand by the story they told to the Sun newspaper and have apparently further embellished it today.
As for the other ‘dating site App’ person, it appears their story may possibly be untrue, especially as the Metropolitan Police have decided that no laws were broken. The MetPolice were very quick to hand out Lockdown fines when Kuenssberg and Crerar ‘talked up’ Partygate.
They key point for me here is how he turned nasty and abusive when the rent boys threatened to expose him.
That’s got typical BBC ‘Lefty’ written all over it and why I feel he deserves all he has got. I suspect ALL the BBC’s top talent these days have a very unpleasant side reserved for anyone they think threatens them – and the pathetic, weak management are scared of them. Hence why they thrive.
His mental health didn’t stop him being paid £435,000 per annum.
I agree Deborah, it makes him ‘untouchable’. No doubt he is in a bad place after his stupidity, arrogance and hypocrisy.
I have zero sympathy.
And as usual the wife and kids will probably have to pick up the pieces.
Sorry Jeff, I can’t agree with you re: sympathy for Edwards.
Yes, he may well have ‘mental health issues’, a lot of people do, but the vast majority of them don’t go about wrecking other peoples’ lives because of it.
Edwards has (allegedly) not thought twice about what his perverse interest in this young boy might do to the kid (and at 17 he was just a child still), and we hear that the kid (allegedly) has become a crack addict as a result… maybe, maybe not, but what about theis young man’s mental health and wellbeing?
What about those of this boy’s parents and stepfather? What about any siblings?
What about the mental health and wellbeing of Edwards wife and children (and grandchildren?) too?!
No, Edwards is a spoilt, arrogant, self-centred bastard who deserves to be mocked and ridiculed for his selfish and downright sordid behaviour – not a jot of sympathy from me!
I do almost… almost… feel a litle sympathy for that arsehole Jeremy Vine over this though.
Where is Wrexham?
Ok… stateside…
How can Huw Y fronts Edwards be suffering from mental health problems?
1 He’s not a Muslim
2 He’s white
3 He didn’t arrive in the UK courtesy of the RNLI
However in mitigation he does work for the Bi-arsed BBC
He’s an in the closet gay
taffs are not happy !
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – the so-called ‘the-cost-of-living-crisis’
It has been taken down by the BBC now, but there was a web-site item on the same Home Page that announced that Huw Edwards was in hospital with the title something like ‘Disabled fans find it hard to get Taylor Swift tickets’. Well if you are living on Disability Benefits, then you will find the cost of £60 to £200 (rounded up by me to the nearest £10 above) somewhat prohibitive during a supposed ‘the-cost-of-living-crisis’.
I wonder why the BBC took it off the Home Page? A BBC search amazingly finds it plus an extra one: + Two for the price of one BBC w-s search. I’m sure they can afford that.
I take it that the BBC has spent the last five days devising a strategy to deal with this crisis, and what we’ve heard this evening is the result?
In other news – an ‘approved ‘ tennis player called ‘Eubanks ‘ is out of the tennis thing … doesn’t feature much on the bbc website ….
The BBC and other MSM are constantly reminding us how all things perverted are normal. Rainbow flags and all. Aren’t we full of “hate” for not wanting young people and children to be seen as sex-objects?
Right-wing extremists or words to that effect.
Now look at all the media-hypocrites feigning shock that the weird sex-antics of one of them have been found out.
Note that NATO is apparantly distancing itself from Ukraine in the recent meetings.
I believe we will soon see a peace treaty in which Russia gets to keep the territory it has captured, possibly up to the Dneipr river, and Ukraine will exist West of that and will become a neutral state.
The mafia behind Biden have realised that Ukraine is not going to win, they also realise that if they push it, Russia might well move to occupy the whole of Ukraine, and their criminal cronies in companies like Blackrock will lose the land they have acquired at rock bottom prices.
But one thing we must all be ready to resist is the certainty that spineless Sunak AKA Rishi Washee will come to the financial aid of what is left of Ukraine giving away our money to rebuild what Bidens mafia destroyed, and is exploiting for their own profit.
Under no circumstances should tax payer money be used for Ukraine, especially given the corruption in that country and America, and the fact we simply cannot afford it.
Zelensky is a dangerous twat who has captured the stupid mass of the easily influenced western media because he is a stage performer with the correct media right-on plucky fucker credentials and the numbskull idiots chasing popularity in the West chanting support.
Forget that he is trying to bring about the most dangerous situation the west has ever faced including nuclear armegeddon.
Yes folks this is your family he is offering up as bait!
Say goodnight to your children every night because this man might just have turned them to ash in the morning rather than lose his position as chief “Ukrainian hero”.
The mirror of this was instigated by The Archduke Ferdinand who managed to start WW1 with millions dead by much the same devices.
He could just as easily meet with the Russians and negotiate an accepted outcome but he believes the West will save his skin.
So our “personality” is both exposed and amazingly vanished into mental care.
How so very BBC….
They not only play the system but set the system.
We do not need this devious organisation to represent the national news outlet, too much favouritism, too much old boy network, too much looking the other way.
Begone you turds at broadcasting house who hide your behaviour behind a mantle of “beloved national broadcaster” you are unmasked and revealed as complete charlatans.
If Edwards has been suffering a while with mental health problems then surely the Beebs “duty of care,” would have seen them reduce his workload or taken off air completely.
He was a BBC god, they made it so and have to live with it!
I’m sorry but I have little sympathy for Huw Edwards, partly for the following reason.
He was earning around £425,000 a year, money which most of us could only dream of. His career went back a couple of decades, with good earnings even then. If it was too much for him, which I quite understand, he should have pulled back and taken on less demanding duties.
Once he had established his name as a reliable face on TV, he could have asked to do less of the “front line” stuff and moved into something like Antiques Roadshow or documentaries. As Clint Eastwood’s Harry Callaghan said, you’ve got to know your own limitations. How many years of £400k+ do you need to feel secure enough to either retire or at least go part-time?
As Brissles noted, the BBC should have read the signs, especially if he had been suffering for some time: it had a duty of care to him.
Yes, that’s a good point, but…
I’d replace the word “would” with “should”.
Spot on.
I worked in an international company with a huge focus on management and , in particular, man management.
the basis was respect for the individual.
This did not extend to prevarication, delay or inconvenient inaction.,
In other words , cover ups at the operational level were not tolerated ( although many happened)
The bBc in the Edwards case have made a corporate decision to self preserve. This is different from inaction or incompetence.
This comes about through arrogance, incompetence , criminality
or a sense of entitlement beyond normal business expectation.
Good riddance to this rotten apple now seeming to hide behind
a dysfunctional operatives wife ( if proven)
Time to take it down and the clown in charge should be removed with no further delay.
A professional management team can appointed to complete a total clear out, thereafter.
On the BBC website at the time of writing, junior BBC people are coming forward to say that Edwards had made inappropriate approaches to them.
As a junior, you would be very brave or stupid to claim bad behaviour by one of the BBC senior icons.
But now the cat is out of the bag maybe others will come forward. Who knows? There may be scores to settle.
To ( mis) quote again from an old film.
The Sun may have screwed up but they may not be wrong.
Surely the way that the Met Police and BBC are treating the Huw Edwards scandal proves beyond any doubt that there are treble standards in this country .
One set of rules applies to the liberal hyperglobalist establishment , basically they can get away with just about anything .
Another set of rules applies to ordinary folks which depending on the misconduct is pretty much the law as we expect it to be applied. Unless that is if it involves certain crimes , particularly those which threaten the liberal establishment’s world view , in which case the authorities come down like a ton of bricks.
The third standard is at present reserved for those that the liberal establishment regard as leaders or potential leaders of resistance to their plans. When this standard is applied an innocent person can be found guilty without evidence or found guilty of crimes that aren’t on the statute book or have their career wrecked without any formal legal charges.
It is truly frightening . We need to recognise that we live in a country which is run by a hyperglobalist clique and if you do their bidding all is well, if you cross them you are persecuted. There is no right of appeal and no defence.
Yes, and the ego, arrogance, and hypocrisy of this (self-appointed, note) ‘elite’ is absolutely breathtaking!
I have a son around the same age as the lad that was used like some kind of perverted puppet by this aging pervert, and I know how I would feel if I was his parent. No forgiveness, I don’t care how mentally ill he is claimed to be – I’d lock him up in a common prison and let the inmates ‘deal’ with his mental health crises.
If the police claim there is nothing ‘wrong’ with what he has done, clearly the law (and the police) need reforming!
BBC 10 pm news – razzal and casciani on the offensive against The Sun now – after the 6pm ‘shaking ‘ news they now have a touch of the ‘cocky ‘ – which no doubt huw Edwards knows all about .
Plod has done the BBC a big favour – and itself deserves to be looked at ..
With a bit of luck this nonsense story still has legs
But it says something doesn’t it ? That the national news is 30 minutes long and the first 15 minutes was about the 4th highest paid staff member of the BBC ….
But now it’s time for all those mouths to gang up on The Sun ….
Mrs E’s statement couldn’t have been better had it been written by a damage limitation specialist; mental health made worse over witch-hunt over the weekend. He is in hospital for the foreseeable future. Nobody would dare say much more now.
As I said earlier, if the allegations were true, he has brought the organisation into disrepute. Think of the upset he has caused his wife, children and the parents of the crack cocaine addict. If he is unwell he has been unwell for years and the BBC had a duty of care. IF…..
There is little doubt that Ukraine have nowhere near the resources to deal with Russia so there is only one conclusion. The west under Biden and the UN are the ones now at war with Russia by proxy. However it is portrayed, this is now where we are.
So the only question now is whether the the populations in the West agree to go to total war with Russia and probably China as well whatever the consequences.
The US have lost yet another war under the corrupt Biden and they cannot fight a war against Russia which is a modern well equipped motivated army.
The US military is out of equipment, de motivated and under numbered. No one wants to join it because of the horrors of constant ‘diversity’ training, and lesser military training. Senior officers are little more than politicians and have little clue of military needs.
The USA having lost this war will not be able to mount a war against China which can only be a good thing.
I’m reliably told by a friend who works there that having alcohol unauthorised on a Shell plc site is a dismissible offence.
Do BBC employees have a free pass to do anything they like? Or is that a perk only for the ‘top talent’?
heh, sell the BBC to Schlumberger – they make Shell look tame…
Disciplinary offence to nose-in park a car.
“Cerberus heatwave: Hot weather sweeps across southern Europe”
Operative words ………………..
“potential record-breaking”
“temperatures could reach”
“and possibly higher”
Fear, fear, and fear!
I will, no doubt, have my monthly chuckle when the Met Office inevitably announce that, “July was the warmest on record”. With a woolly-pully daily and a duvet on the bed, I don’t think so.
As the Met Office snuggle closer up to the BBC, they adopt the latter’s policies. Already, I sense people are rejecting the Met Offices’ regular claims of “…..the warmest on record”.
Farage outing Edwards?
Farage showing he’s part of the swamp, where they all know each other etc
Goes on to say he thinks Edwards did nothing wrong using the polices non action as proof🤡
Nato: Warm words but a diplomatic reality check for Ukraine
Basically the outcome for this was known before the meeting even started.
1 No way Ukraine could join NATO now as it would mean WW3.
2 No way they could say ‘Ukraine can join when the war ends’ because then Russia will never let it end.
So they said ‘At some point in the future’. Which of course means immediately after the war ends because these people change the rules on whim – just like the EU. Anything and everything else is just noise.
So I checked the BBC article to see how much of that truth they reported. The answer is none. It was pure distraction and obfuscation.
On other BIG news from the event – puddle-head Biden calling Zelensky ‘Vladimir’ in an amazing gaff was not even reported by the BBC.
Pure propaganda. Nobody who gets their news from the BBC has any clue what is really going on out there.
Seems oddly familiar.
And enough spare to get a €300 coat (plus tax)
She clearly hasn’t watched Homes under the Hammer.
Brissles comment is orphaned from the comment at the bottom of the previous page, about a woman that says with £50k savings she can’t get a mortgage to buy a house
Huw pays £35K!