Some time ago, you mentioned a couple of films which were similar to ‘Washington behind closed doors’, which I’d mentioned as one of the most chilling narratives on Watergate I’d ever seen!
Ahem, I wonder if you could remind me of them please, because I’ve lost the message and/or post…
It was a TV series, with Robert Vaughan as the eternal Yank spin-doctor, doing some absolutely disgraceful stuff, but way ahead in skills and judgement over minnow nutters like nasty Mad Ali, or even Cummings!
Brissles, my dear old thing, not so, I’m the 9.30 worker shutting down my renegade PC. If you had looked into the new Thread at 9.33 p.m. you could have been first any time up until 9.37 p.m. as I would have deleted my post. Only had Stew to keep me company. 🙂
Have a happy birthday Scroblene – what I meant is that I will try to be ‘regular ‘ on Fridays Sundays and Tuesdays … the traffic on the site has picked up as the BBC has gone from one mess to the next – Huw Wimbledon Coutts to name a few – plus the delightful Annual report describing the decline ..
Hi Sctobs, a happy birthday, hope you’ve had a good day.
I think the 2 films are The Post, and Margin Call – which stars Kevin Spacey, but whatever his sexual preference doesn’t detract from him being a good actor.
I haven’t seen those, Brissles, but I have shaken hands with Charles Colson. Once upon a time, Watergate and its aftermath would have been my specialist subject on Mastermind.
9pm Dan Wootton comes out fighting, but almost holding back tears
“the Twitter trolls and FakeNews media
I will now address these
I was the target of a SMEAR campaign
by nefarious people with an axe to grind
notably by an ex-partner ..who I was previously ABUSED by
who has been on a campaign to destroy my life”
(He then lists a whole series of threats that he has reported to police)
He has created an untrue story about me, seems to be working with an org intent on closing down this channel (ByLine times the Remainiac Conspiracy theory website)
Now the Guardian is reporting this story tonight, what a surprise
..slurs made by a convicted extortionist I have never even met
I have seen hundreds of tweets amplifying these wild smears
I suspect some are now being deleted
(We are all sinners) but the criminal accusations made against me are simply untrue
On the advice of my lawyers I cannot comment further
but … any allegation can be made to get someone cancelled..and it’s impossible to defend yourself against 1000s of trolls, … a witchhunt
should I be cancelled for my old old regrets ?
.. my wonderful boyfriend
.. our rush to judge is destroying democracy
So I never commented on Huw Edwards not one one word
Despite Carol Voordermann tweeting a LIE , saying I had deleted such a tweet .. I hadn’t
.. dark forces trying to take down this channel
CANCELLING Farage’s bank account
CANCELLING Patrick’s Twitter account
CANCELLING Calvin’s right to have religious views
GBnews is the biggest threat to the establishment in decades
That BBC story about Wootton is tiny
it doesn’t mention 80% of the points he made
It’s not be tweeted by the BBC, only the BBC reporter
but multiple Byline Times cultists have tweeted it
Lots of hatey trolls on this, clearly cordinated by those tattooed chavs, who congregate in the smoking canopy before they get to their desks in the local councils and civil service palaces around mid morning, to start ‘work’…
When Dr Shola tweeted a sneer meme at Dan Woottonc
Then Carol Vorderman retweeted that adding
“Dan Wootton has deleted all reference to Huw Edwards from his profile”
When others pointed out that Wooton hadn’t tweeted cos he was in NZ on holiday
and that his year old tweets about Huw Edwards were visible he gang sneered back
People asked for screenshots of the supposedly deleted tweets
none came
Then tonight Wootton straight called Vorderman a liar
What about Mark Steyn. Why did he not mention OFCOM censoring Mark Steyn and Naomi Wolf from talking about the Pfizer documents revealing Mass Murder by a spike protein bioweapon disguised as a vaccine. GB News have decided to prostrate themselves before Ofcom’s commissars. Steyn, however, is not taking this kangaroo-court decision lying down, and is suing Ofcom to get them before a real court. Naomi Wolf will be standing alongside him. Get an HDMI to SCART video converter for your Laptop, to watch it on the telly for free:
It’s now clear who Jeremy Hunt has banned from his ‘media freedom’ event. Irony is dead. (Canary)
Irony, it seems, is dead. Because foreign secretary Jeremy Hunt has barred journalists from attending the UK government’s ‘media freedom’ conference going ahead on 10 and 11 July. Read the full article.
By Index on Censorship
10 Jul 19
Index in the Press
Then the news came on
Then Woottoon opened
“Sunak is failing but there is one thing he could do
.. scrap the most despicable poll tax ever .. The BBC Licence ! ..
they lost half a million subscribers
who can blame folk for switching off ?
It’s become institutionally biased over the past few years
.. doing everything they can to undemine Brexit
Then saying Boris wouldn’t be PM, Corbyn would be”
You sort of hope the Couttes cancellation of Farage bank account lands up in court – individuals in that bank can be names , their addresses published – and be shamed .
There needs to be personal accountability . If you work in an institution which has the power to destroy someone because of their politics – you really need to pay a personal price …. Economically, physically and mentally . ….
Play the ‘cancel ‘ game and pay a price ….
I’ve got a nat west account – which is dormant – I must top it up with a £1 …
A warning about dormant accounts. Banks don’t like them, particularly if they have anything less than £100, zero is a red flag they are liable to close them.
The Halifax stole about £80 from our joint account in the run up to de-mutualising. We had the sub £100 balance in our savings account for some time. Apparently they wrote to us saying they were going to charge us £10 a month for keeping the account open. I didn’t see the letter and they emptied the account over eight months. The de-mutualisation happened a few months later. All account holders with a greater than £100 balance were to receive free shares! We were well and truly ripped off. Needless to say the new board received lots of shares, probably options as well plus their fat salaries. In the end of course the Halifax went bust and had to be bailed out by the Government.
On the subject of Farage/Coutts my earlier contribution missed the changeover to ‘Mid-week’ so,
“Another day, another set of, “iffy” statistics and/or facts from our, ‘iffy’ “Worlds Most Trusted Broadcaster”. My early morning choice of statistics/facts to question from the BBC (0600 so-called “News”). Lets call them ‘iffy’? Well, I have three to start the day:
1/ The ‘iffy’ and therefore, quote: “alleged” information provided by Coutts via Nigel Farage regarding the closure of the formers bank account. A past whiff of Trump’s “alleged” and therefore, ‘iffy’ there over the last US election. Nigel should be honoured to be treated by the the BBC the same as is his ‘iffy’ friend Donald. A sleight of hand reporting if I’m not mistaken. Our, “Worlds Most Trusted Broadcaster” is expecting the public not to be persuaded by the ‘iffy’ information the, ‘iffy’ Nigel Farage has now disclosed to the World. Well, BBC, the only ‘iffy’ part about your reporting on this topic is itself, the totally ‘iffy’ nature of the BBC’s reporting of the subject matter. There could, of course be another innocent reason why the BBC reporting is scathing over anything “Farage” (as it is, “Trump”). Put simply, if you are a broadcaster who daily has to endure lying, duplicitous UK politicians as the norm, you would automatically believe that of any in that intrinsically dishonest cadre. Wouldn’t you?
Next, the old chestnut: Increasing scrutiny from across the country?
2/ Weather. A momentous change took place here, on this blog, yesterday. Reports offered up from regular contributors giving the temperatures from around the country. Shame it has come to this Met Office but, I think a formalising of that voluntary information reporting from contributors at set times all over the country here is required on a daily basis just to, ‘shadow’ the Met Office’s daily temperatures delivered by the vehicle of the BBC. After all, it could be argued, The Met Office temperature figures will be damned by the vicarious liability of its host, the lying BBC. Not only that, how difficult is it to read and report a thermometer reading from locations across the country 2/3 times a day? The Met Office, that bastion of all weather information would have you believe that the difficulties in reading a thermometer is extensive to the average idiot in the street, so why bother? ‘Just take our word for it, rely on us’. Well, no, Met Office, the people of the UK have been instinctively questioning the veracity of your daily temperature offerings. Maybe by association with the evil dishonest BBC. So why would they not question other information given via that same lying medium, the BBC?
Can you organise that Fed? How difficult will it be to organise 3/4 people around the country to provide their temperatures at set times. Chances are those reported will be more fundamentally accurate than anything delivered by the BBC.
3/ Child dentistry: My own battered and abused teeth are evidence of abuse by NHS dentists over my critical formative years as a child in the late forties / early fifties. Its been the dentists, ‘Cash Cow’. Once they get you on the treadmill of more and more and more fillings and extractions of questionable need, the dentists have you in to a system of regularly replacing fillings. They are assured of future business for, “dentistry” as a whole. The NHS dentistry, “overkill” focus with children needs further investigation. That’s since 1948, the advent of the NHS. Personally, it seems to me on recollection, as a child, I was in the dentist’s every other week for some treatment or other.
Btw, the now prolific term, “A BBC INVESTIGATION has revealed….”. Seems to me to be appearing too often for my liking. Who formally appointed the BBC to carry out, their pseudo, “investigation”? Bit like using a muslim terrorist to carry out the BBC’s “unique” form of (funding) biased, “investigation” into terrorism.
Suggestion? BBC “Investigation” into dental practices with children. Surely the BBC would not have a bias one way or another, would they?”
I’m not sure what I can do on the weather front – maybe others here have a view .
I will tell you – that in my secret base in the med the temp is currently 37 degrees ….
And strangely I saw – by chance – a headline from the same time in 2018 – when it warned of hot weather – 37 degrees …. And no doubt one hundred years ago it was also hot in the Summer …
G, chilly here in the south-east but I’m wearing shorts and only two layers on top incl. a short sleeved shirt. The sensor by my shoulder is making the thermo display 24.4°C (almost 76°F in real money) but it feels like 20°C or 68°F.
Mogg had Jerry Hayes on defending the BBC
“They get criticism from both sides so they must be about right”
.. that’s a fallacy
It was like a BBC PR was waiting offstage for him with a big brown envelope full of cash
but at 70 years old I suspect Hayes is bribed in another way
Maybe they have some dirt on him.
Let’s face it – if you run the numbers – politicians have no soul or morality – if you add ‘lawyer ‘ to that – I understand Hayes was some sort of barrister – the amount of human DNA you might find in such a creature might be the same as a sponge –
– no offence to sponges in the making of this comment
The ‘must be doing something okay ‘ lie is a traditional roll out by the left . The left thinks the bbc can never be left enough – hence making it ‘right wing ‘ .
I can think of not a single individual broadcaster – across all media of the BBC who I would consider ‘of the right ‘ and the blue labour government had allowed that to happen – thus demonstrating they are not even remotely ‘of the right ‘. Damn them .
Yes – really it is a very easy case to prove . I’d love some body ‘of the left ‘ to quote chapter and verse – here – of when and where the BBC has been ‘anti left ‘ or ‘ anti remain ‘ or even ‘pro Britain ‘ .
The evidence just is not there . And the saddest thing is the blue Labour Party had allowed the rampant far left propaganda to run for over an effing decade …
The Right and Libertarians criticise the BBC for its constant attacks on them .
The Left / Globalists criticise the BBC for not supporting them enough .
Foggy Moggy thick and wet! A typical Tory – utterly useless and ineffective, knows there’s a problem, does nothing to rectify it.
We know Owen Jones has a campaign for the left to make any number of superious ‘complaints’ in order to drive up the number from the Left just so this claim can be made.
It’s specious and it’s false and if Mogg had anything about him he would have called it out.
Cerberus weather report . Having arrived in. ‘The med ‘ tonight I can report that it is Summer and it is nice and warm . Ok I ran over a few heat exhausted bodies in the road on the way from the airport but that’s normal for the end of July . ….
I will give you regular green generated weather reports from The End Of the World .. when I can be bothered to get round to it ….
Thanks Fedup, enjoy the heat. Here I would just like some dry weather.
I tried today to find out where these silly temperatures were by googling ‘weather’ and cities of my choice including Athens and Rome. I might have even tried Palermo, I forget, but nowhere did I find a figure over 101 degrees Fahrenheit. I know that is hot but not unusual. Nor did I find anything higher in the coming week, possibly slightly lower. I suggested my green friend did the same and just got a lot of spluttering about Europe burning.
Further to Debs comment about supporting GBNews advertisers my finger slipped onto the Talk tv channel, only to be met by the same “loop” of adverts. Clearly they must have similar issues at garnering revenue from mainstream advertisers.
Budweiser provides the best example of how mainstream advertisers make adverts that repel established customers from ever buying the product ever again. This helps companies that cannot afford big expensive adverts. GB News owner ‘All Perspectives Ltd’ should apply to the Bank of England’s ‘New Bank Start-up Unit’ to set up ‘All Perspectives Bank Ltd’. All the other Banks could then repel their customers towards ‘All Perspectives Bank Ltd’ with politically correct adverts and account closures. This would make ‘All Perspectives Ltd’ rich enough to no longer need adverts on GB News.
Used to be the place to easily trace deleted tweets
cos it scraped almost all popular tweets
Mass scraping is a kind of theft
so Twitter has banned it
Trendsmap doesn’t work any more.
I can’t do 70 minutes but what would NATO gain from having Ukraine inside the organisation- apart from a short cut the the end of the world .
The UK had thrown a shedload of money ( kit) at Ukraine since the invasion . Obviously if they lose – we lose . But if they win – secure their territory – what will we get ? Can we send the invaders to camps where they can be concentrated ? Cheap wheat ? – repayment of the money spent helping them ?
Or are we just meant to have a warm feeling about ‘defending democracy ‘ and then get another bill for ‘ £ reconstruction £’?
“Boris Johnson as he brands Afghanistan mission a success”
MPs line up to blast Boris Johnson as he brands Afghanistan mission a success
Anger boiled over in a packed House of Commons as Theresa May warned the PM must face ‘consequences’ – and Keir Starmer declared: “He was in a position to lead – but he didn’t”
Boris Johnson says it’s ‘unfair’ to say government was ‘unprepared’
ByDan BloomOnline Political Editor
10:26, 18 Aug 2021UPDATED12:07, 18 Aug 2021
“Boris Johnson as he brands Afghanistan mission a success”
I’ve written here before about what ‘success would look like in Afgee ‘ . I sat in on some think tanks before the boys went in . Most of the real specialists just said Don’t Do it . But Blair had promised George so off we went . All the books on the previous time we had played The Great Game were re read .
One measure of success was to get farmers away from growing poppy and instead planting food . Generally this was thought a joke – only the talib have the ability to use deadly force to stop this is they choose ( now ?) .
Invoking a nonsense ‘special relationship ‘ and being americas poodle never ends well for us . Only Harold Wilson had the strength to stop British lives being wasted in Vietnam – a proud legacy .
Anyone saying afgee was a success is … er . At best a liar worst … scum
Err not so sure about that Harold Wilson bit as Harold Macmillan had previously refused to go to Laos with the Americans, and was also enormously opposed to Britain entering the war in Vietnam.
I think an amount of revisionism minimising Macmillans stand before Wilson is going on, but yet Wilson did make the correct decision on that occasion. Had any of todays ‘leaders’ been around then their first question would have been whats in it for me, followed by how many troops would you like if they were satisfied.
Difficult to believe, but the EU loons have gone and made the same howler not once but twice.
We can all remember the German loons being schooled by Donald Trump over their reliance on a single country for energy. Christine Lagard when asked replied the EU had no plans for next Winter, and just had to hope for another mild one.
It gets worse. The Green loons in Germany have now closed the last nuclear reactor, and is relying on wind solar, and batteries.
Guess where all those ‘Green’ dreams are made. Yep that’s right the nutters have moved from being almost totally reliant on one country – Russia, to being totally reliant on another – China!
Lessons learned zero, what could possibly go wrong – again.
Thoughtful – I think you are being a bit harsh – if Germany gets its hydrocarbons from China – what’s the problem ? China gets hits hydrocarbons ( cheap ) from Russia so it is what it is ( whatever the hell that means ) .
I’m sure India is also a major oil exporter after getting discounted oil from Russia and maybe South Africa too …
Em Germany relies on COAL .. the dirty brown lignit kind
And woodburning .. killing real tress and emitting real CO2 .. yet it gets counted as zero immediarely … #FraudulantAccounting
It is definitely true about Germany burning lignite. You can see one example of these huge open-cast mines on the border of Germany and the Netherlands. The Germans destroyed whole villages just to build it.
Then I also remember cycling past one of their nuclear power stations for a week near to Gemersheim. I would prefer to live next to that if I had to choose.
16 May 2023 EU to curb Indian fuel imports made with Russian oil: Report
The EU’s foreign policy chief has called for a crackdown of Russian oil into Europe as refined fuel, including diesel.
GBNews Presenter Beverley Turner tweets claim Ashkenazi Jews and east Asians experienced ‘less harm’ from Covid virus, which looks ‘increasingly like a bio weapon to destroy the west’
Sars cov 2 virus causes less harm to certain ethnicities – east Asians, and Ashkenazi Jews (Fauci anyone?)
than to European, S Asian & African… Just let that sink in.
Gain of Function Research at Wuhan clearly v effective.
This is looking increasingly like a bio weapon to…
She deleted the tweet
but HateyNot Hopey have weaponised by distorting it
GB News are once again promoting Covid conspiracy theories.
Beverley Turner, GB News presenter, pushing an antisemitic conspiracy theory that Jews engineered Covid.
This is clearly antisemitic – will @GBNEWS be taking action?
Mentioning “some Jews” is not the same as being antisemitic
Yes, her tweet is a Conspiracy Theory
And postulating Conspiracy Theories is absolutely normal as long as you back big claims with big evidence
However she might have known there’d be a pile on
Some people postulated that Covid hurts black people more than white and no one screamed
Sadly there is a cemetery at Bushey that disagrees with the tweet. I met a man recently who was the sole survivor of a party of 8 who met for a Purim celebration in 2020 and a friend’s favourite rabbi is no longer in this world.
This is a classic case of how controlled opposition works. You make a claim that is supposedly a ‘conspiracy theory’ but which reinforces the mainstream agenda. There is a virus, it is dangerous and Gain of Function is a thing. Then they delete the tweet which has of course caused uproar in the usual circles but it has reinforced in the minds of the majority the mainstream idea.
Let me make a prediction for you. There will be another ‘pandemic’ shortly. Probably before the end of 2025 at the very latest. It will be due to a lab leak. It will be far more deadly than the Covaids and it will probably be blamed on the Russians or the Chinese.
You see this is how the game is played. Smoke and mirrors. They never give you other options. There are no viruses and there is no GoF. Why? Because genetics itself is a cargo cult science. They can’t even tell what a gene is so how on earth have they discovered the genome of SARS-CoV2? Here is how they define a ‘gene’.
Here is an article from the US National Institutes of Health
From the NIH article
“The observations summarized above, together with many others, have created the interesting situation that the central term of genetics— “the gene”—can no longer be defined in simple terms. The neoclassical molecular definition of the gene does not capture the bewildering variety of hereditary elements, all based in DNA, that collectively specify the organism, and which therefore deserve the appellation of “genes.” Even the classical notion of the gene simply as a fundamental “unit of heredity” is itself problematic. After all, if it is difficult or impossible to generalize about the nature of such “units,” it is probably not very helpful to speak about them. Unsurprisingly, this realization has called forth various attempts to redefine the gene, in terms of both DNA sequence properties, and those of the products specified by those sequences.
Yet the term “gene” persists as a vaguely understood generic description. It is, to say the least, an anomalous situation that the central term of genetics should now be shrouded in confusion and ambiguity. That is not only intellectually unsatisfactory for the discipline, but has detrimental effects on the popular understanding of genetics. Such misunderstanding is seen most starkly in the situation noted earlier, the commonly held view that there are individual genes responsible “for” certain complex conditions, e.g., schizophrenia, alcoholism, etc. A clearer definition of the term would thus help both the field of genetics and, ultimately, public understanding. Here, therefore, we will propose a definition that we believe comes closer to doing justice to the idea of the “gene,” in light of current knowledge. It makes no reference to “the unit of heredity”—the long-standing sense of the term—because we feel that it is now clear that no such generic universal unit exists.”
So genes as commonly understood do not exist. The ‘genes’ of a ‘virus’ will be changing constantly. They are basically telling you they haven’t got a clue about how your body works.
This is the NIH not the website of some conspiracy loon.
1984 a great book of course. People think that it’s a prediction of the future, it isn’t. George Orwell wrote it in 1948, he had lived through WW2 and seen how populations had been controlled by their Governments. There was of course Germany and the Nazi Party and more significantly Russsia and its Communist Government. Britain however had been very clever during WW2 at controlling its population. The British Government had operated an incredibly efficient bureaucracy, large scale censorship and population control. WW2 British Government was the model for the 1984 regime. What Orwell couldn’t have foreseen is the advent of large scale computing, data storage and the internet. These tools make Governments massively powerful, far beyond Orwell’s nightmare. I fear for the future.
If we are talking about the future imagined try Ray Bradbury. He wrote a story in his “Illustrated Man”. Children are able to go into a room walled with virtual reality screens that show an African savannah with wild animals. The children’s parents are introduced into the scene and are eaten by the lions. From Wkipedia:
‘The Veldt
Main article: The Veldt (short story)
Parents in a futuristic society worry about their children’s mental health when their new virtual reality nursery, which can produce any environment the children imagine, continually projects an African veldt, populated by lions feasting on carcasses. A child psychologist suggests that the automated house is not good for the children’s development, nor the parents’, and insists they disable the automation and take a vacation to become more self-sufficient.
The children are not pleased with this decision but later coolly agree to it. The children trap their parents in the nursery, where they become prey to the lions. They later have lunch on the veldt with the child psychologist. They then see the lions feasting but do not recognize what has happened.’
Bradbury wrote this in 1951!
I always thought Orwell was talking about Stalinist Russia with people being excised from reports after falling out of favour – in the way it happens here in the UK – carol thatcher – mark steyn – Tommy R – maybe -Farage – fox …. I just think his book is now ‘real ‘ and if his prediction follows his books will be cancelled ….
Yep “What was happening when 1984 was written?
George Orwell composed the majority of “1984” between 1946 and 1949.
The war was over, Hitler was out of the picture, yet Europe remained the edge of a dangerous precipice as Josef Stalin and his totalitarian regime worked its way across Eastern Europe, intent on spreading Communism westward.”
“George Orwell worked on the India section of the BBC’s Eastern Service during World War 2, which is where many of the ideas and concepts for ‘1984’ were supposedly drawn-up.
BBC is supposed to be like Room 101
” Protagonist Winston Smith, who was discovered to have broken the rules of the constrictive regime, was tortured and then taken to Room 101 to face “the worst thing in the world”.
This was the final stage of his ‘reeducation’, where rats were placed in a cage over his head – his greatest fear.
The punishment was meant to brainwash dissidents back into adoring ‘Big Brother’”
“Hannah Arendt, one of the greatest philosophers of the last 100 years, said that: ‘Once something can’t be said, you’re already in a tyranny.’ So, it is indisputable that we are all now living, in 2023, in a tyranny”
"Hannah Arendt, one of the greatest philosophers of the last 100 years, said that: 'Once something can’t be said, you’re already in a tyranny.' So, it is indisputable that we are all now living, in 2023, in a tyranny"
I think 1984 is an excellent future prediction model, however I think Huxley’s ‘Brave New World’ is far more accurate in the respect of the lazy, drugged, sheep of a population, following the diktats of the state blindly.
Bradbury, Orwell, Huxley – all fantastic mid 20th C. sci-fi writers, and hauntingly preminiscent of the world we live in today.
What about Wyndham – “Consider Her Ways” – the ultimate feminist ‘utopia’, where men have been ‘vanished’ from society and from history.
Philip K. Dick – “The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch” – people living largely hallucinatory lives induced by drug use, rather than face the real world ruined by ‘catastrophic climate change’, with a hypocritical ‘elite’ who claim wholesome lives on the surface, whilst involved in a murky world of crime and sleaze ‘off camera’.
Or Ray Bradbury – “Fahrenheit 451” – book burnings, dumbing down of education, brainwashing of the masses, ‘vanishing’ of anyone who questions the agenda.
So many dystopias, so many relevant to where we’re at and where we’re headed.
During their summer break, a girl in his class wrote to him about “optimistic young people filled through and through with the healthy spirit” of Marxism; he replied caustically, “Optimism is the opium of mankind! A healthy spirit stinks of stupidity! Long live Trotsky!”
The girl, under pressure, shared the contents of the letter with others in the Party at school, who did not find it funny. Commissions were convened to investigate Ludvik, who remained defiant, culminating in a plenary session — led by his peer, Pavel Zemanek — in which he was unanimously expelled from the Party and from the college.
Jon Sopel and Simon Jack old tweets misleading people about Farage and Coutts
show Projection is a libmob characteristic
libmob always ACCUSE you,
of what they ARE
@BurnsideNotTosh tweets to Simon Jack
“Row Row Rowing back, your story was a dream.”
Another tweets
“The credibility of @BBCNews
is dying, one shoddy bit of journalism at a time.”
“The information Simon Jacks received was perfect for the BBC “Bad man Farage” narrative,
so he went ahead & tweeted the disinformation even though the source was dubious.”
Comrade Robinson on the Farage case . Clearly someone Robinson / BBC clearly hate – the same attitude as to Boris .
The deeply serious Coutts disgrace gets the light touch from the BBC / Robinson / lightweight Simon Jacksh-t . As they were kicking the story about I was wondering what difference in attitude would their have been if a lefty had been ‘cancelled ‘ by any bank because their beliefs were not ‘approved ‘.
If this case is the beginning of something – which might land up with you and me having to fill in a ‘views ‘ Questionaire which if not answered correctly means getting banned from Tescos – then it needs to be fought right now .
As for Robinson and Jacksh-t – should we be surprised by their attitude .. ?
@jonsopel is a journalist, he should verify his facts before going public. He looks a bit silly now, he’s not alone, there’s a whole herd of Leftist journos who fell for it.
— PROUD BRIT TOBY MACALLISTER (@TobyMacallister) July 19, 2023
BBC Radio 5 Live Breakfast
BBC Radio 5 Live, Wednesday 3 January 2018
During a phone-in on the programme a contributor, Danielle Tiplady was introduced as a staff nurse. We should have established and made clear on air that she was a political activist.
I noticed that Jon Sopel is talking about impartial and unbiased reporting but his twitter account has three references to his book whilst using the BBC brand. Could the BBC please explain what is happening?
1) Is BBC Jon Sopel supposed to tell us about the news or his new book?
2) BBC Jon Sopel’s twitter feed has the BBC name in it and says “Jon Sopel, BBC North America Editor. My book If Only They Didn’t Speak English is out now.” which references his book and not the fact he is an unbiased and impartial reporter.
3) BBC Jon Sopel’s twitter’s pinned tweet is from 23May2018 and is about .. himself and his book.
4) Is BBC Jon Sopel’s book 100% BBC approved thought and unbiased and partial?
5) Shouldn’t BBC Jon Sopel’s twitter be about the latest news and not himself?
6) When Jon Sopel sells a book does it go to help pay for the BBC TV Tax – to reduce it? As the BBC are promoting it – thus it is promoted by the BBC TV Tax Payer.
“Impartiality lies at the heart of public service and is the core of the BBC’s commitment to its audiences. It applies to all our output and services – television, radio, online, and in our international services and commercial magazines. We must be inclusive, considering the broad perspective and ensuring the existence of a range of views is appropriately reflected”
Good luck answering this one without laughing yourself silly.
Or…. ‘Reporting’ facts in that special way they have.
The media establishment did everything it could to hide the identity of gang rapists in Spain and pushed hard on “German tourists gang rape Spanish woman”. They were muslim migrants.
In any other country we would say this is state sponsored child cruelty….absolutely appalling!
— Russell Blackburn (@RussellBlackbu1) July 19, 2023
I think something is seriously wrong with the NHS, so there is a story here. However, which countries offer free dental to kids with parents needing to prioritise Stella, fags and Sky?
NHS to benefit from £13.4 billion debt write-off
Health Secretary announces over £13 billion of debt will be written off as part of a major financial reset for NHS providers.
Department of Health and Social Care
2 April 2020
Last updated
9 April 2020 — See all updates
Recognition and equality can mean more than achievement (Tiffanie Turnbull & Hannah Ritchie reporting for the BBC)
Mr AsI here back again with his review of the morning’s press headlines, plus some spicy off-message commentary that very likely won’t align with the values of his bank… or his supermarket… corporations in general… academia… the arts… the public sector… this Tory government… and certainly not the BBC
So what are they going to do about such views?
Intelligence firm checks bank clients’ online posts… A third-party intelligence firm used by high-street banks in the UK gathers data on “adverse media” coverage of customers (Times)
Top bank ‘lied’ over Farage ban (Daily Mail)
Nigel Farage: Coutts document ‘shows bank account shut over my views’ (BBC)
Snobby old coots’ bank Coutts banned Farage for his being seen as: xenophobic and racist… comments on Brexit, Trump and trans debate… his views do not align with our values (Telegraph)
So at risk of getting a black mark from a bank that prefers its customers’ views to remain in the red, so to speak, let’s pick up those papers and tick some of those naughty boxes…
In sport the Commonwealth Games may very soon be going the way of Stuart Hall’s It’s A Knockout: Commonwealth Games: Australia drop out could be ‘death knell’…Australian sports historian Matthew Klugman agrees.”It’s called Stolenwealth for a good reason,”… “These were the places where value was extracted and taken back to the heart of the empire.” Critics of Victoria’s decision point out the state blows a lot of money on similar global sporting events – for example, it’s spending millions to jointly host the FIFA Women’s World Cup, which begins on Thursday. (BBC) – speaking of which…
Free inside Women’s World Cup pullout (Mirror); World cup 2023 wallchart – promises the gender non-specific left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper taking up the BBC’s house style official line used for the cricket Ashes, where presenters were ordered not to specify between men’s and women’s versions of the game; Women’s Wold Cup Your 12-page guide pullout inside (Times); Free Women’s World Cup & wallchart pullout (Express)
That’ll be more wallcharts published than the number of people actually watching the thing.
The ‘i’ sounds a tad patronising as it suggests a degree of man-splaining the rules of the game will be necessary for the ladies: Refs to expain VAR calls
To be fair, Mr AsI as a bloke is often left bemused by this dreadful modern twist on the old game – he would also ban half-and-half scarves, five substitutes and taking the knee
In the week we’re informed: It’ll scorch your eyeballs but Barbie is a sneaky slippery satire (Telegraph) and we’re told; So what did Sarah Vine and her daughter make of the year’s most hyped movie? (Mail) – The freebie ad sheet Metro’s Women’s World Cup wallchart may be the most popular of the crop with the girls – I’m sure it tracks all the complex group stages and match venues, the round of sixteen, quarter finals, semis, third place play-off etc…not only that but it’s rendered in tasteful shades of tangerine, a verdant grass green, Barbie pink and powder blue… nice one ladies.
UK terrorism risk is rising – Suella Braverman (BBC); UK’s terror threat ‘rising’after 39 plots foiled (Express) – really, how so?
Suella Braverman’s counter-terrorism strategy identifies Islamic terrorism as the primary UK domestic threat, which accounted for two thirds of attacks in 2018… also confirmed that overall, terrorism from Islamic groups is the most prolific form of terrorism in the UK… the Home Office states: “In the UK, the primary domestic threat comes from Islamic terrorism, which accounts for approximately 67% of attacks in 2018, about three quarters of M15 caseload and 64% of those in custody for terrorism-connected offences.” (BBC) – so what are you going to do about it, Sue?
The government said it was also monitoring the risk posed by the so-called incel movement. (BBC) – note this abrupt non sequitur in the BBC report – no doubt put there for balance.
The incel movement is an online subculture to which multiple mass murders and hate crimes against women have been attributed. (BBC) – if you have to go to the trouble to explain what it is, then it’s not really a clear and present danger, is it? Note also the lack of evidence provided for that bold claim in contrast with the solid real world statistical basis for the threat from islamic terrorism
Returning to our opening line: recognition and equality can mean more than achievement – as quoted by the BBC’s finest from what they noticed some Aussie had said on Twitter…
PM toughest ever laws send clear message to migrants (the achingly Rishi-loyalist Express)
Meanwhile: Migrants detected crossing the Channel per month… June 3,823…. July so far 1,767 (Migration Watch) – not much achievement there, Rishi
What makes a frontpage top the BBC list in their online news review line-up? Now you’re asking.
Perhaps there’s a common thread running through the BBC’s top three picks this morning: FT, Times and Daily Mirror
Well, all three go with big colour photos from the self-same photo-shot scene: Greek police forcibly evacuated a family… with wildfires continuing to spread (Times); Fire havoc Europe hit by extreme heat (FT); Heatwave from hell… Fleeing… Officer helps toddler… Burning up (Mirror)
There’s a key line from the excellent trash media critical movie Nightcrawler [2002] starring Jake Gyllenhaal as a gonzo cameraman who records violent events late at night in Los Angeles and sells his graphic footage to a local television news station. Early on in his new career an unscrupulous station news director tells the novice Gyllenhaal something to the effect: “Imagine the news as a woman screaming down the street with her throat cut”
The tone of our BBC’s header for their press review is rather indicative of their opinions and their take on the releative importance and relevance of the day’s two top media stories: Newspaper review: ‘Heatwave from hell’ and Farage’s finances (BBC)
Global warming alarmism is of course treated as an existantial threat, a quasi-religious imperative reported with biblical language: – the other issue is no more than just some casual report on some trite work-a-day money matter
Farage and the Banks.
Forget investigatory spy companies, data collection, private investigators, they are for the small people and businesses. Farage is a public person, a celebrity whose views and influence are very well known. It’s clear that the Banks and Government don’t like him and his ideas, it’s as simple as that.
It’s being put about by commentators that it’s shocking a Bank part owned by the Government should be blacklisting Farage. There is another way of looking at it. The Government, as shareholders, will have significant control and influence over the Bank, a direct line into the boardroom. The entire political establishment including the present Government hate Farage. I would say, stand by for an significant HMRC investigation. With financial affairs as complex as Farage’s they’ll always be able to find something. Most people think tax is black and white, it isn’t
And as seen in the US, minor infringements of tax law will be weaponised and amplified for Trump, and major infringements and tax evasion by Biden & his son are covered up.
Actress Dame Emma Thompson has been defending her decision to fly from the US to attend a climate change protest in central London. Speaking to reporters from the Extinction Rebellion campaign group’s pink boat, she said did not fly as much as she used to – and planted a lot of trees.
Sir Elton John has defended the Duke and Duchess of Sussex’s use of private jets – and said he paid to carbon offset their trip to his French home. The singer said he provided Prince Harry, Meghan and their son Archie with his private plane to “maintain a high level of much-needed protection”.19 Aug 2019
9am R4 “In this episode they talk to Duewaine who spent the best part of 20 years in and out of prison for a series of hundreds, possibly thousands of robberies.
This is the story of a man for whom crime became a habit. On the face of it, his offending was blindly antisocial and repeatedly harmful.”
9:30am “Natasha Carthew is a working-class writer and poet from Cornwall where she lives with her girlfriend.
She is the author of eight books and is the Founder and Artistic Director of The Working Class Writers Festival.
Natasha is well known for writing on socioeconomic issues and has written extensively on the subject of how authentic rural working-class voices are represented in fiction for several publications and programmes; including ITV, the Writers’ & Artists’ Yearbook, The Royal Society of Authors Journal, BBC Radio 3, BBC Radio 4, the Guardian, the Dark Mountain Project, The Bookseller, Book Brunch, the Big Issue, Mslexia, The Booker Foundation and The Economist”
Coutts – Farage thing. Bit of kickback started but the free press (not of course the BBC or the Guardian) are getting it slightly wrong and going after the wrong target in my opinion.
I don’t believe this was carried out or ordered by senior/CEO level people in Coutts, it’s being driven by younger activist lefty employees who know they can get away with it protected by that evil smelling tool called diversity and inclusiveness. The bigwigs are basically scared of these twats as they themselves may become a target if the don’t fall into line.
Lefties are the least inclusive bunch of vile creatures on the planet, they are simply entitled children who must get their own way or else.
There is no doubt that what happened was effectively soviet level gulag viciousness by Coutts activists.
They should be identified, their actions confirmed and sacked. Otherwise the future of the bank is called into question.
The fact that other banks fell into line with them shows how scared the banks are of their own employees.
I think it is more likely the result of a campaign by the Lefties to try and destroy Nigel like they are doing to everyone who is right-wing now.
I bet the same few people have contacted/threatened hundreds of companies linked to people like Farage, Rees-Mogg, GB-News etc etc.
They are nasty, intolerant, naive activists who are too young and too ignorant of the real world to realise just what they are. When they pass 40, they will look back and remember what complete idiots they used to be. Meanwhile they are doing the damage now.
The trouble that they are so sure their ideology is right and nothing you can say can change it. The ones which don’t learn and stay fanatical are those who go on the be the Hitlers of this world.
Every thing you cite/explain is now, from my own experience, literally ‘on the door step’ right now. My acute ESP is ringing the 10/10 bell now. If your thoughts and position on the range of subjects discussed here, is common knowledge to those more locally around you be prepared for the worst – very shortly !
My senses have never been more finely tuned.
” Unlimited tolerance must lead to the disappearance of tolerance.”
“But we should claim the right to suppress them if necessary even by force; for it may easily turn out that they are not prepared to meet us on the level of rational argument, but begin by denouncing all argument; they may forbid their followers to listen to rational argument, because it is deceptive, and teach them to answer arguments by the use of their fists or pistols.”
“National paid-for newspaper circulation has dipped below three million, raising thorny questions for publishers—and for distributors and retailers”
Making BBC daily headlines selectivity truly representative of not many of not many.
“News publishers can sustain print revenues to a degree by cover price increases, and also support profitability through greater efficiency in printing operations”
Or seek ‘unique funding’ no matter what tripe they print.
Interesting how many people (of the wrong political persuasion) made a few risque facebook posts when they were 15 which suddenly reappear (as if by magic), when they need to be discredited, isn’t it?
Dan Wootten seems to wear the current scalp the BBC would like to mount on their trophy wall. With the added bonus of distraction… if you catch my Hue.
I sometimes wonder if any of the contributions we make
on this website . Or letters we send to the BBC make
any difference. Because I have NEVER had a reply from the
BBC about my “problem” with their Getty’s imaging on
social features.
BUT I have to report that something may of changed !!
Because on todays feature on interest rates on the BBC
website . There is an image of a WHITE male looking at
his bank statements or something similar . I have neve seen
a white male in these images before !!
OK his ethnic partner or wife is with him. But at least this is
a start.
They don’t give a toss Foscari. The BBC will consider anyone who questions their agenda to be right-wing scum who deserve to be shipped off to some camp and removed from society.
They get their money from a public tax under threat of prison if you don’t pay. They don’t have to care about anything the public don’t like.
We are of course free from any political influence or agenda.
We do value your feedback about this. All complaints are sent to senior management and we’ve included your points in our overnight report.
These reports are among the most widely read sources of feedback in the company and ensures that your concerns have been seen by the right people quickly. This helps inform their decisions about current and future content.
The rate of increase has slowed more than expected last Month – which is a small bit of good news and it seems an expected 0.5% interest rate rise will now be tempered to 0.25%…
But of course the issue is whether the fall is the start of a trend or a ‘one off ‘ – caused by the fuel sellers realising something might be done about their concerted ripping off of punters – which – like banks – they’ve been allowed to do for years ….
“… There are NO FISH in Carbon Neutral World. There is no humour in Climate Change. There is no fun in Islam. …”
– Greta/Ayatollah Khomeini
Just a dry run to see how we react to the message “Warning: This is a Sharia Controlled Zone – No Alcohol. No Gambling. No Porn. {twitter Cardiff Billboard Hacked}”
A better display would have contained …
If a man writes a piece of fiction, should he have a death contract put on his life?
If a man is homosexual should he be killed?
If a man draws a cartoon should he be killed?
Do you think you should be given a job based solely on your religion?
Do you think you should discriminate against animals?
Do you think we should support and pay for Sharia to operate in the UK?
Here today in the UK …
Islamic Fatwa / Islamic Sharia / Islamic Koran / Islamic Halal / Islamic Halal / Islamic Halal & Islamic Suku
“No Alcohol. No Gambling. No Porn.”
“… There are no jokes in Islam. There is no humour in Islam. There is no fun in Islam. …”
– Ayatollah Khomeini, jan1980, 80 million people follow this man’s beliefs and ideas
BBC … your former employee Mr Orwell has spoken .. now see what 2018 looks like …
Love and marriage are extremely important to the Party, in a negative sense. In other words, they see love and the sort of marriage based on love as inherently subversive forces and attempt to regulate them and suppress them. They want the full force of people’s emotions directed in ways that directly benefit the Party, first as love for Big Brother and second as rage and hatred directed against opponents of the Party. As O’Brien says:
There is no loyalty but loyalty to the Party. There is no love except love of Big Brother. All competing pleasures we will destroy.
Thus the Party destroys the family, trying to ensure that parents and children have no affection for each other and forbids sex for any purpose but procreation. O’Brien even lets slip that they are working on a way to prevent people from experiencing orgasms, as that sort of intense physical pleasure might be something people would strive for in a way that would interfere with single-minded loyalty to the Party. Winston’s affair with Julia is thus viewed as treasonous and subversive.
The Government has waged war on the family for decades. Using the benefits system, education system and cultural legislation the Government has sought to take over the functions of men and women in the family, particularly men of course.
They just won’t let this climate hysteria go, will they…It’s every bleedin’ where…
I nipped into my local Co-Op this morning, mainly to escape the rain and picked up some bits and bobs while the shower passed. It was quite chilly for mid-July and I noticed a few people were wearing jackets and windcheaters.
There was a bit of a queue as we waited and the Tannoy system constantly informed us of what was on sale.
I had to chuckle…it was tipping it down and the concerned voice reminded us that it was summer and to protect our delicate skins with sun cream. “Factor 50 is available…”
“There’s another heatwave” she trilled, as I looked through the dripping window at the puddles getting ever larger. “Protect yourself…and if you feel faint water is available.”
Jeff, the pre 1 p.m. weather forecast by Chris Fawkes on R4 was a complete hoot. Chris Fawkes spent the first two minutes giving us the weather forecast for Greece, Italy and Spain. Included in that was a nod to the first anniversary of the UK’s highest ever temperature set at RAF Coningsby probably alongside a runway or the engine test shed.
Ongoing problems in German open air swimming pools, leading to some now closing.
ZDF reports an open letter from staff at one Berlin pool says “‘verbal attacks, spitting or bullying’ are common. Staff are ‘consciously psychologically terrorized'”. Head of the police union suggests they start to hire professional security services.
Another report fills in what ZDF doesn’t mention i.e. ‘mainly Arab migrants and Chechens’ who are engaging in sexual harassment of women and mass brawls on the premises, while also leaving the complexes in disgusting conditions.”
BBC did an article in June but were scratching their heads as to what’s gone wrong… dismissing media discussion of “so-called “clans” as appearing “tinged with racism: both are code words for immigrant groups.”
Simon Jack and Sarah Montague failing to join the dots on the lies of Coutts Bank concerning Nigel Farage. Interesting what came at the end of the Montacutie’s interview with Nigel Farage. It sounds like Nigel Farage might be about to start his own Bank like the ‘Bank of Dave’.
Coutts hadn’t responded to the ‘interview ‘ by the time lady brook tried to lay into her enemy – Nigel Farage .
But it seems as though Coutts has out woke itself – dug a hole and is continuing to dig . As Farage said – perhaps it should be reminded by the Treasury just how much taxpayers funds were pumped into it to keep it alive – and wind its’ neck in .
Other institutions should take note . If I had a Coutts account I’d be taking my business elsewhere …
Jenny Chapman MP (Lab) claimed that we have had 13 years of a Conservative Government which is untrue but Sarah Montague did not correct her. Neither did Bob Seeley MP (Con). Jenny Chapman then claimed that ULEZ were required under a law passed by David Cameron in 2014. The Government from 2010 to 2015 was a Conservative-led Coalition Government with the Liberal Democrats. David Cameron might say “It woz Nick Clegg wot made me do it!”
There is a ‘stream of thought ‘ now which is showing that there is little difference between red and blue labour – a thought I’ve been running through the tedious red / blue labour badge for many months .
What will voters do ? Will they believe the BBC version – that the red Labour Party represent the ‘change’ that is needed ( when there won’t be much change ) or will they just consign both sets of self servers to the trash …. ?
Blue : Islington, Globalist Socialist GreenSupremacists
Red : Islington, Globalist Socialist GreenSupremacists spouting lots of HATE, and likely to usurp Brexit
LONDON, May 10 (Reuters) – The British government no longer intends to remove all European Union laws by the end of this year, a flagship policy for hardline Brexiteers that sparked warnings from business and the opposition about legal uncertainty and bureaucratic chaos.
Just Stop Oil activist is punched to the floor and kicked on the ground after they ’caused pregnant woman to crash her car’
XR want to be martyred it’s great PR
People do lose their temper when obstructed
Are we wrong to have sympathy with them ?
The Mirror has tweeted the same headline
Same activist who was carried off Lord’s following Ashes invasion punched and kicked during latest slow protest (foreign accent)
BTW the kicker seems not to be a pasty Brit either
sorry the kicker does appear to be Brit by the accent
but protester seems American “Daniel Moore from Oxford
In the TalkTV video does seem OK and said he has sympathy doesn’t want to prosecute “I get his frustration his car had been involved in an accident earlier”
Well good on him for forgiving and de-escalating it
My guess that if kicker is prosecuted, he will become a martyr
Corrected name
Mail : Just Stop Oil activist who was carried off the pitch at Lord’s by Jonny Bairstow is punched and kicked to the floor by boyfriend of pregnant woman as eco-mob are accused of causing their car to crash
I wonder if he is breaking bail conditions ?
Accented guy named as Daniel Knorr, of “Oxford”, wearing a French kite festival T-shirt with EU flag logo
Mail says “grew up in £5.2m house in upmarket north London suburb (and his banker father invests in climate change ‘opportunities’)
His father is the boss of a private equity company with a $5.3billion investment fund. It invests in climate change ‘opportunities’ and ‘supporting portfolio companies to reduce their carbon emissions’.
Knorr’s parents arrived at their villa-style property in a new hybrid BMW today. They then threatened to call the police on reporters who asked them about the arrest of their son 24 hours earlier.
Daniel Knorr was charged with aggravated trespass this afternoon along with co-conspirators Judit Murray, 69, and Jacob Bourne, 26, after the Lord’s pitch invasion. They have been bailed and will appear at Westminster Magistrates’ Court on July 31.”
So I wonder if he is breaking bail conditions ?
This is a good example where Greenpeace have used a figure ’40K deaths’, but the interviewee says it’s ’40K premature deaths’. But they don’t say that it’s lives cut short – i.e. pollution takes say 30 days off live expectancy.
Andrew Neil vs Greenpeace – Air Pollution (car crash interview)
Take a figure which shows shortened life expectancy (which is hard to determine because obesity etc), total these bits up (days) and convert it into a single person’s life (this is the bad maths bit) then use it in a term ’40K premature deaths’ and then remove the ‘premature’.
So you end up with driving your car to work is killing 40K people a year – think of the children’s lungs @2:18 . Won’t anyone think of the children!
TWatO Watch #3 – constantly running out of time when you have an extra 15 minutes
A lot of the content of TWatO might be considered ‘lightweight’ or ‘not news’ or ‘repetitive’. Back in the old days of BBC R4, TWatO was only 30 minutes out of the schedule and it was followed by a 30 minute comedy programme or panel game. In the really good old days the comedy and the panel game were entertaining after the informative nature of TWatO.
Sarah Montague, especially, is constantly harrying and hurrying guests, contributors and interviewees. This must indicate something; possibly that TWatO is not competently edited?
I think they make the assumption that the listening audience can’t do more than about 4 minutes per item – and packing them in generates a sort of ‘tension ‘ which they think the audience prefers .
And – if you notice – the number of times there are two people present on opposite side of a subject -is very very rare . The norm is for the victim to be bullied by c words like Robinson pretending to play devils ‘ advocate ( some say ) but just bigging himself up through interruption and contrived ‘time pressure ‘ – now the weather ….
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Oh no, not accidentally first again. I’m just keeping the place for Brissles. Come on Brissles, post something.
I don’t belieeeeeve it ! You’re the 9.30 lurker 😉
Morning Brissles!
Some time ago, you mentioned a couple of films which were similar to ‘Washington behind closed doors’, which I’d mentioned as one of the most chilling narratives on Watergate I’d ever seen!
Ahem, I wonder if you could remind me of them please, because I’ve lost the message and/or post…
Scrobie, apologies for barging in but ‘All the Presidents Men’ is the classic Washington Post movie about Bernstein & Woodward.
Do I recall correctly that WBCD was a TV series? Fairly compelling, as I remember it.
Yup, Uppers…(sheer poetry)…
It was a TV series, with Robert Vaughan as the eternal Yank spin-doctor, doing some absolutely disgraceful stuff, but way ahead in skills and judgement over minnow nutters like nasty Mad Ali, or even Cummings!
Brissles mentioned two other flicks, one of which had the titlee, ‘The Post’, or similar, and the other’s gone now too…
Brissles, my dear old thing, not so, I’m the 9.30 worker shutting down my renegade PC. If you had looked into the new Thread at 9.33 p.m. you could have been first any time up until 9.37 p.m. as I would have deleted my post. Only had Stew to keep me company. 🙂
🙂 I’m generally engrossed in something on the tele during the 9 something, so generally dip in just after 10 ish. xx
Ah, that explains it. You need a cup of cocoa to have the strength to tackle a new Thread. 😉
Ok – I shall endeavour to thread up at or about 10pm UK time and sit back and wait ….( sad life ) …
But, but but, it’s only Wenesday, and my birthday too!
Oh well, I’ll try and stay awake…
Have a happy birthday Scroblene – what I meant is that I will try to be ‘regular ‘ on Fridays Sundays and Tuesdays … the traffic on the site has picked up as the BBC has gone from one mess to the next – Huw Wimbledon Coutts to name a few – plus the delightful Annual report describing the decline ..
Hi Sctobs, a happy birthday, hope you’ve had a good day.
I think the 2 films are The Post, and Margin Call – which stars Kevin Spacey, but whatever his sexual preference doesn’t detract from him being a good actor.
Thanks Brissles and Fed!
Yup, I had a great day thank you, and even did a bit of gardening before tincture-time…
Happy time just now, watching ‘Green Wing’ on DVD, as the humour is just out of this world, and don’t we all need it!
I’ve now watched ‘Margin call’ twice, and it’s just an amazing story, which could easily be happening as we speak…
‘The Post’ will be checked out tomoz – thank you again!
I haven’t seen those, Brissles, but I have shaken hands with Charles Colson. Once upon a time, Watergate and its aftermath would have been my specialist subject on Mastermind.
I echo Fed’s ‘Happy Birthday’ Scrobie. Not too much imbibing or you will wake up sore from Mrs Scrobie bashing you for snoring or somesuch.
Winning is losing – back of the queue said Obama!
9pm Dan Wootton comes out fighting, but almost holding back tears
I have seen hundreds of tweets amplifying these wild smears
I suspect some are now being deleted
Very hatey reply from Dr Shola
Diane abbott tweeted too
BBC story has the incredible spin title
“Dan Wootton: GB News host admits ‘errors of judgement‘”
That is NOT the story
That BBC story about Wootton is tiny
it doesn’t mention 80% of the points he made
It’s not be tweeted by the BBC, only the BBC reporter
but multiple Byline Times cultists have tweeted it
Lots of hatey trolls on this, clearly cordinated by those tattooed chavs, who congregate in the smoking canopy before they get to their desks in the local councils and civil service palaces around mid morning, to start ‘work’…
When Dr Shola tweeted a sneer meme at Dan Woottonc
Then Carol Vorderman retweeted that adding
“Dan Wootton has deleted all reference to Huw Edwards from his profile”
When others pointed out that Wooton hadn’t tweeted cos he was in NZ on holiday
and that his year old tweets about Huw Edwards were visible he gang sneered back
People asked for screenshots of the supposedly deleted tweets
none came
Then tonight Wootton straight called Vorderman a liar
What about Mark Steyn. Why did he not mention OFCOM censoring Mark Steyn and Naomi Wolf from talking about the Pfizer documents revealing Mass Murder by a spike protein bioweapon disguised as a vaccine. GB News have decided to prostrate themselves before Ofcom’s commissars. Steyn, however, is not taking this kangaroo-court decision lying down, and is suing Ofcom to get them before a real court. Naomi Wolf will be standing alongside him. Get an HDMI to SCART video converter for your Laptop, to watch it on the telly for free:
It’s now clear who Jeremy Hunt has banned from his ‘media freedom’ event. Irony is dead. (Canary)
Irony, it seems, is dead. Because foreign secretary Jeremy Hunt has barred journalists from attending the UK government’s ‘media freedom’ conference going ahead on 10 and 11 July. Read the full article.
By Index on Censorship
10 Jul 19
Index in the Press
Then the news came on
Then Woottoon opened
“Sunak is failing but there is one thing he could do
.. scrap the most despicable poll tax ever .. The BBC Licence ! ..
they lost half a million subscribers
who can blame folk for switching off ?
It’s become institutionally biased over the past few years
.. doing everything they can to undemine Brexit
Then saying Boris wouldn’t be PM, Corbyn would be”
Wootton is using rhetoric partially
cos he does actually often judge an attack
eg Harry and Meghan
However he doesn’t try to cancel people.
You sort of hope the Couttes cancellation of Farage bank account lands up in court – individuals in that bank can be names , their addresses published – and be shamed .
There needs to be personal accountability . If you work in an institution which has the power to destroy someone because of their politics – you really need to pay a personal price …. Economically, physically and mentally . ….
Play the ‘cancel ‘ game and pay a price ….
I’ve got a nat west account – which is dormant – I must top it up with a £1 …
A warning about dormant accounts. Banks don’t like them, particularly if they have anything less than £100, zero is a red flag they are liable to close them.
The Halifax stole about £80 from our joint account in the run up to de-mutualising. We had the sub £100 balance in our savings account for some time. Apparently they wrote to us saying they were going to charge us £10 a month for keeping the account open. I didn’t see the letter and they emptied the account over eight months. The de-mutualisation happened a few months later. All account holders with a greater than £100 balance were to receive free shares! We were well and truly ripped off. Needless to say the new board received lots of shares, probably options as well plus their fat salaries. In the end of course the Halifax went bust and had to be bailed out by the Government.
They weren’t bailed out by the government. They were bailed out by the taxpayers of this country.
Fed, why not instead buy some shares in NatWest? Then you can attend the AGM and ask a question of the Chief Executive. 😉
On the subject of Farage/Coutts my earlier contribution missed the changeover to ‘Mid-week’ so,
“Another day, another set of, “iffy” statistics and/or facts from our, ‘iffy’ “Worlds Most Trusted Broadcaster”. My early morning choice of statistics/facts to question from the BBC (0600 so-called “News”). Lets call them ‘iffy’? Well, I have three to start the day:
1/ The ‘iffy’ and therefore, quote: “alleged” information provided by Coutts via Nigel Farage regarding the closure of the formers bank account. A past whiff of Trump’s “alleged” and therefore, ‘iffy’ there over the last US election. Nigel should be honoured to be treated by the the BBC the same as is his ‘iffy’ friend Donald. A sleight of hand reporting if I’m not mistaken. Our, “Worlds Most Trusted Broadcaster” is expecting the public not to be persuaded by the ‘iffy’ information the, ‘iffy’ Nigel Farage has now disclosed to the World. Well, BBC, the only ‘iffy’ part about your reporting on this topic is itself, the totally ‘iffy’ nature of the BBC’s reporting of the subject matter. There could, of course be another innocent reason why the BBC reporting is scathing over anything “Farage” (as it is, “Trump”). Put simply, if you are a broadcaster who daily has to endure lying, duplicitous UK politicians as the norm, you would automatically believe that of any in that intrinsically dishonest cadre. Wouldn’t you?
Next, the old chestnut: Increasing scrutiny from across the country?
2/ Weather. A momentous change took place here, on this blog, yesterday. Reports offered up from regular contributors giving the temperatures from around the country. Shame it has come to this Met Office but, I think a formalising of that voluntary information reporting from contributors at set times all over the country here is required on a daily basis just to, ‘shadow’ the Met Office’s daily temperatures delivered by the vehicle of the BBC. After all, it could be argued, The Met Office temperature figures will be damned by the vicarious liability of its host, the lying BBC. Not only that, how difficult is it to read and report a thermometer reading from locations across the country 2/3 times a day? The Met Office, that bastion of all weather information would have you believe that the difficulties in reading a thermometer is extensive to the average idiot in the street, so why bother? ‘Just take our word for it, rely on us’. Well, no, Met Office, the people of the UK have been instinctively questioning the veracity of your daily temperature offerings. Maybe by association with the evil dishonest BBC. So why would they not question other information given via that same lying medium, the BBC?
Can you organise that Fed? How difficult will it be to organise 3/4 people around the country to provide their temperatures at set times. Chances are those reported will be more fundamentally accurate than anything delivered by the BBC.
3/ Child dentistry: My own battered and abused teeth are evidence of abuse by NHS dentists over my critical formative years as a child in the late forties / early fifties. Its been the dentists, ‘Cash Cow’. Once they get you on the treadmill of more and more and more fillings and extractions of questionable need, the dentists have you in to a system of regularly replacing fillings. They are assured of future business for, “dentistry” as a whole. The NHS dentistry, “overkill” focus with children needs further investigation. That’s since 1948, the advent of the NHS. Personally, it seems to me on recollection, as a child, I was in the dentist’s every other week for some treatment or other.
Btw, the now prolific term, “A BBC INVESTIGATION has revealed….”. Seems to me to be appearing too often for my liking. Who formally appointed the BBC to carry out, their pseudo, “investigation”? Bit like using a muslim terrorist to carry out the BBC’s “unique” form of (funding) biased, “investigation” into terrorism.
Suggestion? BBC “Investigation” into dental practices with children. Surely the BBC would not have a bias one way or another, would they?”
I’m not sure what I can do on the weather front – maybe others here have a view .
I will tell you – that in my secret base in the med the temp is currently 37 degrees ….
And strangely I saw – by chance – a headline from the same time in 2018 – when it warned of hot weather – 37 degrees …. And no doubt one hundred years ago it was also hot in the Summer …
Well, I can start: Location – West Wales;
Temperature at 0845 – 67 degrees F
Temperature at 1300 – 75 degrees F
Really need someone in the South East, Cornwall, & somewhere in the north
G, chilly here in the south-east but I’m wearing shorts and only two layers on top incl. a short sleeved shirt. The sensor by my shoulder is making the thermo display 24.4°C (almost 76°F in real money) but it feels like 20°C or 68°F.
You are right about NHS dentistry. Every time I went to the dentist as a child I came back with a filling. What a racket it was.
Yes – I’m now on dental implants £2500 a go ….
These days, we’d call that ‘child abuse’.
There seems no shortage of gobby leftwing doctors but I can’t remember a dentist on a picket line or XR – JSO jamboree.
Mogg had Jerry Hayes on defending the BBC
“They get criticism from both sides so they must be about right”
.. that’s a fallacy
It was like a BBC PR was waiting offstage for him with a big brown envelope full of cash
but at 70 years old I suspect Hayes is bribed in another way
Maybe they have some dirt on him.
Let’s face it – if you run the numbers – politicians have no soul or morality – if you add ‘lawyer ‘ to that – I understand Hayes was some sort of barrister – the amount of human DNA you might find in such a creature might be the same as a sponge –
– no offence to sponges in the making of this comment
The ‘must be doing something okay ‘ lie is a traditional roll out by the left . The left thinks the bbc can never be left enough – hence making it ‘right wing ‘ .
I can think of not a single individual broadcaster – across all media of the BBC who I would consider ‘of the right ‘ and the blue labour government had allowed that to happen – thus demonstrating they are not even remotely ‘of the right ‘. Damn them .
Mogg repeated asked
“It’s easy to name BBC staff who moved to lefty podcasts
..but name one that’s moved to a righty podcast can’t”
Yes – really it is a very easy case to prove . I’d love some body ‘of the left ‘ to quote chapter and verse – here – of when and where the BBC has been ‘anti left ‘ or ‘ anti remain ‘ or even ‘pro Britain ‘ .
The evidence just is not there . And the saddest thing is the blue Labour Party had allowed the rampant far left propaganda to run for over an effing decade …
The Right and Libertarians criticise the BBC for its constant attacks on them .
The Left / Globalists criticise the BBC for not supporting them enough .
That`s the criticism from both sides .
Foggy Moggy thick and wet! A typical Tory – utterly useless and ineffective, knows there’s a problem, does nothing to rectify it.
We know Owen Jones has a campaign for the left to make any number of superious ‘complaints’ in order to drive up the number from the Left just so this claim can be made.
It’s specious and it’s false and if Mogg had anything about him he would have called it out.
“Laura Woods to spearhead all-female presenting team at new Premier League channel
The 36-year-old is set for a big role next season.”
Cerberus weather report . Having arrived in. ‘The med ‘ tonight I can report that it is Summer and it is nice and warm . Ok I ran over a few heat exhausted bodies in the road on the way from the airport but that’s normal for the end of July . ….
I will give you regular green generated weather reports from The End Of the World .. when I can be bothered to get round to it ….
Thanks Fedup, enjoy the heat. Here I would just like some dry weather.
I tried today to find out where these silly temperatures were by googling ‘weather’ and cities of my choice including Athens and Rome. I might have even tried Palermo, I forget, but nowhere did I find a figure over 101 degrees Fahrenheit. I know that is hot but not unusual. Nor did I find anything higher in the coming week, possibly slightly lower. I suggested my green friend did the same and just got a lot of spluttering about Europe burning.
The bar taking precedence………………….
Further to Debs comment about supporting GBNews advertisers my finger slipped onto the Talk tv channel, only to be met by the same “loop” of adverts. Clearly they must have similar issues at garnering revenue from mainstream advertisers.
Budweiser provides the best example of how mainstream advertisers make adverts that repel established customers from ever buying the product ever again. This helps companies that cannot afford big expensive adverts. GB News owner ‘All Perspectives Ltd’ should apply to the Bank of England’s ‘New Bank Start-up Unit’ to set up ‘All Perspectives Bank Ltd’. All the other Banks could then repel their customers towards ‘All Perspectives Bank Ltd’ with politically correct adverts and account closures. This would make ‘All Perspectives Ltd’ rich enough to no longer need adverts on GB News.
Used to be the place to easily trace deleted tweets
cos it scraped almost all popular tweets
Mass scraping is a kind of theft
so Twitter has banned it
Trendsmap doesn’t work any more.
The Duran (Alex Christoforou, Alexander Mercouris and Jeffrey Sachs):
I can’t do 70 minutes but what would NATO gain from having Ukraine inside the organisation- apart from a short cut the the end of the world .
The UK had thrown a shedload of money ( kit) at Ukraine since the invasion . Obviously if they lose – we lose . But if they win – secure their territory – what will we get ? Can we send the invaders to camps where they can be concentrated ? Cheap wheat ? – repayment of the money spent helping them ?
Or are we just meant to have a warm feeling about ‘defending democracy ‘ and then get another bill for ‘ £ reconstruction £’?
If we win then Brigadier Owen Lyttle could lead the Light Brigade into Sebastopol.
“Boris Johnson as he brands Afghanistan mission a success”
MPs line up to blast Boris Johnson as he brands Afghanistan mission a success
Anger boiled over in a packed House of Commons as Theresa May warned the PM must face ‘consequences’ – and Keir Starmer declared: “He was in a position to lead – but he didn’t”
Boris Johnson says it’s ‘unfair’ to say government was ‘unprepared’
ByDan BloomOnline Political Editor
10:26, 18 Aug 2021UPDATED12:07, 18 Aug 2021
“Boris Johnson as he brands Afghanistan mission a success”
I’ve written here before about what ‘success would look like in Afgee ‘ . I sat in on some think tanks before the boys went in . Most of the real specialists just said Don’t Do it . But Blair had promised George so off we went . All the books on the previous time we had played The Great Game were re read .
One measure of success was to get farmers away from growing poppy and instead planting food . Generally this was thought a joke – only the talib have the ability to use deadly force to stop this is they choose ( now ?) .
Invoking a nonsense ‘special relationship ‘ and being americas poodle never ends well for us . Only Harold Wilson had the strength to stop British lives being wasted in Vietnam – a proud legacy .
Anyone saying afgee was a success is … er . At best a liar worst … scum
Err not so sure about that Harold Wilson bit as Harold Macmillan had previously refused to go to Laos with the Americans, and was also enormously opposed to Britain entering the war in Vietnam.
I think an amount of revisionism minimising Macmillans stand before Wilson is going on, but yet Wilson did make the correct decision on that occasion. Had any of todays ‘leaders’ been around then their first question would have been whats in it for me, followed by how many troops would you like if they were satisfied.
Commie supporters to a man…………
Difficult to believe, but the EU loons have gone and made the same howler not once but twice.
We can all remember the German loons being schooled by Donald Trump over their reliance on a single country for energy. Christine Lagard when asked replied the EU had no plans for next Winter, and just had to hope for another mild one.
It gets worse. The Green loons in Germany have now closed the last nuclear reactor, and is relying on wind solar, and batteries.
Guess where all those ‘Green’ dreams are made. Yep that’s right the nutters have moved from being almost totally reliant on one country – Russia, to being totally reliant on another – China!
Lessons learned zero, what could possibly go wrong – again.
Thoughtful – I think you are being a bit harsh – if Germany gets its hydrocarbons from China – what’s the problem ? China gets hits hydrocarbons ( cheap ) from Russia so it is what it is ( whatever the hell that means ) .
I’m sure India is also a major oil exporter after getting discounted oil from Russia and maybe South Africa too …
Em Germany relies on COAL .. the dirty brown lignit kind
And woodburning .. killing real tress and emitting real CO2 .. yet it gets counted as zero immediarely … #FraudulantAccounting
It is definitely true about Germany burning lignite. You can see one example of these huge open-cast mines on the border of Germany and the Netherlands. The Germans destroyed whole villages just to build it.
Then I also remember cycling past one of their nuclear power stations for a week near to Gemersheim. I would prefer to live next to that if I had to choose.
16 May 2023 EU to curb Indian fuel imports made with Russian oil: Report
The EU’s foreign policy chief has called for a crackdown of Russian oil into Europe as refined fuel, including diesel.
GBNews Presenter Beverley Turner tweets claim Ashkenazi Jews and east Asians experienced ‘less harm’ from Covid virus, which looks ‘increasingly like a bio weapon to destroy the west’
She deleted the tweet
but HateyNot Hopey have weaponised by distorting it
Mentioning “some Jews” is not the same as being antisemitic
Yes, her tweet is a Conspiracy Theory
And postulating Conspiracy Theories is absolutely normal as long as you back big claims with big evidence
However she might have known there’d be a pile on
Some people postulated that Covid hurts black people more than white and no one screamed
Almost all folk and media
fail to mention the tweet was not her OPINION
Rather she was quoting a very popular US tweet
Which does gives sources
Labour front group HnH CREATE Hate against Labour’s political foes.
They run a side group StopFundingAnyoneWhoIsNotLefty
Sadly there is a cemetery at Bushey that disagrees with the tweet. I met a man recently who was the sole survivor of a party of 8 who met for a Purim celebration in 2020 and a friend’s favourite rabbi is no longer in this world.
The tweet quoted is not about ALL Jews
It’s about the sub-group Ashkenazi
His data is not UK , it’s US data
This is a classic case of how controlled opposition works. You make a claim that is supposedly a ‘conspiracy theory’ but which reinforces the mainstream agenda. There is a virus, it is dangerous and Gain of Function is a thing. Then they delete the tweet which has of course caused uproar in the usual circles but it has reinforced in the minds of the majority the mainstream idea.
Let me make a prediction for you. There will be another ‘pandemic’ shortly. Probably before the end of 2025 at the very latest. It will be due to a lab leak. It will be far more deadly than the Covaids and it will probably be blamed on the Russians or the Chinese.
You see this is how the game is played. Smoke and mirrors. They never give you other options. There are no viruses and there is no GoF. Why? Because genetics itself is a cargo cult science. They can’t even tell what a gene is so how on earth have they discovered the genome of SARS-CoV2? Here is how they define a ‘gene’.
Here is an article from the US National Institutes of Health
From the NIH article
“The observations summarized above, together with many others, have created the interesting situation that the central term of genetics— “the gene”—can no longer be defined in simple terms. The neoclassical molecular definition of the gene does not capture the bewildering variety of hereditary elements, all based in DNA, that collectively specify the organism, and which therefore deserve the appellation of “genes.” Even the classical notion of the gene simply as a fundamental “unit of heredity” is itself problematic. After all, if it is difficult or impossible to generalize about the nature of such “units,” it is probably not very helpful to speak about them. Unsurprisingly, this realization has called forth various attempts to redefine the gene, in terms of both DNA sequence properties, and those of the products specified by those sequences.
Yet the term “gene” persists as a vaguely understood generic description. It is, to say the least, an anomalous situation that the central term of genetics should now be shrouded in confusion and ambiguity. That is not only intellectually unsatisfactory for the discipline, but has detrimental effects on the popular understanding of genetics. Such misunderstanding is seen most starkly in the situation noted earlier, the commonly held view that there are individual genes responsible “for” certain complex conditions, e.g., schizophrenia, alcoholism, etc. A clearer definition of the term would thus help both the field of genetics and, ultimately, public understanding. Here, therefore, we will propose a definition that we believe comes closer to doing justice to the idea of the “gene,” in light of current knowledge. It makes no reference to “the unit of heredity”—the long-standing sense of the term—because we feel that it is now clear that no such generic universal unit exists.”
So genes as commonly understood do not exist. The ‘genes’ of a ‘virus’ will be changing constantly. They are basically telling you they haven’t got a clue about how your body works.
This is the NIH not the website of some conspiracy loon.
1984 a great book of course. People think that it’s a prediction of the future, it isn’t. George Orwell wrote it in 1948, he had lived through WW2 and seen how populations had been controlled by their Governments. There was of course Germany and the Nazi Party and more significantly Russsia and its Communist Government. Britain however had been very clever during WW2 at controlling its population. The British Government had operated an incredibly efficient bureaucracy, large scale censorship and population control. WW2 British Government was the model for the 1984 regime. What Orwell couldn’t have foreseen is the advent of large scale computing, data storage and the internet. These tools make Governments massively powerful, far beyond Orwell’s nightmare. I fear for the future.
If we are talking about the future imagined try Ray Bradbury. He wrote a story in his “Illustrated Man”. Children are able to go into a room walled with virtual reality screens that show an African savannah with wild animals. The children’s parents are introduced into the scene and are eaten by the lions. From Wkipedia:
‘The Veldt
Main article: The Veldt (short story)
Parents in a futuristic society worry about their children’s mental health when their new virtual reality nursery, which can produce any environment the children imagine, continually projects an African veldt, populated by lions feasting on carcasses. A child psychologist suggests that the automated house is not good for the children’s development, nor the parents’, and insists they disable the automation and take a vacation to become more self-sufficient.
The children are not pleased with this decision but later coolly agree to it. The children trap their parents in the nursery, where they become prey to the lions. They later have lunch on the veldt with the child psychologist. They then see the lions feasting but do not recognize what has happened.’
Bradbury wrote this in 1951!
I always thought Orwell was talking about Stalinist Russia with people being excised from reports after falling out of favour – in the way it happens here in the UK – carol thatcher – mark steyn – Tommy R – maybe -Farage – fox …. I just think his book is now ‘real ‘ and if his prediction follows his books will be cancelled ….
Yep “What was happening when 1984 was written?
George Orwell composed the majority of “1984” between 1946 and 1949.
The war was over, Hitler was out of the picture, yet Europe remained the edge of a dangerous precipice as Josef Stalin and his totalitarian regime worked its way across Eastern Europe, intent on spreading Communism westward.”
“George Orwell worked on the India section of the BBC’s Eastern Service during World War 2, which is where many of the ideas and concepts for ‘1984’ were supposedly drawn-up.
BBC is supposed to be like Room 101
” Protagonist Winston Smith, who was discovered to have broken the rules of the constrictive regime, was tortured and then taken to Room 101 to face “the worst thing in the world”.
This was the final stage of his ‘reeducation’, where rats were placed in a cage over his head – his greatest fear.
The punishment was meant to brainwash dissidents back into adoring ‘Big Brother’”
“Hannah Arendt, one of the greatest philosophers of the last 100 years, said that: ‘Once something can’t be said, you’re already in a tyranny.’ So, it is indisputable that we are all now living, in 2023, in a tyranny”
I think 1984 is an excellent future prediction model, however I think Huxley’s ‘Brave New World’ is far more accurate in the respect of the lazy, drugged, sheep of a population, following the diktats of the state blindly.
3:31 pm · 1 Apr 2020 “Coronavirus. Act like you have got it. Anyone can spread it.
Stay home. Protect the NHS. Save lives.”
Bradbury, Orwell, Huxley – all fantastic mid 20th C. sci-fi writers, and hauntingly preminiscent of the world we live in today.
What about Wyndham – “Consider Her Ways” – the ultimate feminist ‘utopia’, where men have been ‘vanished’ from society and from history.
Philip K. Dick – “The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch” – people living largely hallucinatory lives induced by drug use, rather than face the real world ruined by ‘catastrophic climate change’, with a hypocritical ‘elite’ who claim wholesome lives on the surface, whilst involved in a murky world of crime and sleaze ‘off camera’.
Or Ray Bradbury – “Fahrenheit 451” – book burnings, dumbing down of education, brainwashing of the masses, ‘vanishing’ of anyone who questions the agenda.
So many dystopias, so many relevant to where we’re at and where we’re headed.
…. who did not find it funny …
During their summer break, a girl in his class wrote to him about “optimistic young people filled through and through with the healthy spirit” of Marxism; he replied caustically, “Optimism is the opium of mankind! A healthy spirit stinks of stupidity! Long live Trotsky!”
The girl, under pressure, shared the contents of the letter with others in the Party at school, who did not find it funny. Commissions were convened to investigate Ludvik, who remained defiant, culminating in a plenary session — led by his peer, Pavel Zemanek — in which he was unanimously expelled from the Party and from the college.
Jon Sopel and Simon Jack old tweets misleading people about Farage and Coutts
show Projection is a libmob characteristic
libmob always ACCUSE you,
of what they ARE
Paging @BBCverify, @mariannaspring, @BBCRealityCheck
BBC are vastly losing in Tweet Likes
ooh the Quote Tweets are searing
@BurnsideNotTosh tweets to Simon Jack
“Row Row Rowing back, your story was a dream.”
Another tweets
“The credibility of @BBCNews
is dying, one shoddy bit of journalism at a time.”
“The information Simon Jacks received was perfect for the BBC “Bad man Farage” narrative,
so he went ahead & tweeted the disinformation even though the source was dubious.”
Comrade Robinson on the Farage case . Clearly someone Robinson / BBC clearly hate – the same attitude as to Boris .
The deeply serious Coutts disgrace gets the light touch from the BBC / Robinson / lightweight Simon Jacksh-t . As they were kicking the story about I was wondering what difference in attitude would their have been if a lefty had been ‘cancelled ‘ by any bank because their beliefs were not ‘approved ‘.
If this case is the beginning of something – which might land up with you and me having to fill in a ‘views ‘ Questionaire which if not answered correctly means getting banned from Tescos – then it needs to be fought right now .
As for Robinson and Jacksh-t – should we be surprised by their attitude .. ?
Coutts will be at the Game Fair , Ragley Hall BN49 5NJ .
On their website ;
Coutts clients are trailblazers and pioneers , the DISRUPTERS and CHALLENGERS who help shape the fabric of UK society .
Coutts helps people to thrive and values differences – regardless of background or BELIEFS .
etc etc .
They`re like the BBC .
Bet he’s invited back on HIGNFY soon.
Shame; BBC Verify will be all over this.
Sopes is not a journalist.
That “A third-party intelligence firm used by high-street banks in the UK gathers data on “adverse media” coverage of customers” Times article in full – … what they swerve volunteering is that the “reputational gatekeepers” is owned lock stock and two smoking barrels by… Blackstone
BBC Radio 5 Live Breakfast
BBC Radio 5 Live, Wednesday 3 January 2018
During a phone-in on the programme a contributor, Danielle Tiplady was introduced as a staff nurse. We should have established and made clear on air that she was a political activist.
Dear Winston Smith,
I noticed that Jon Sopel is talking about impartial and unbiased reporting but his twitter account has three references to his book whilst using the BBC brand. Could the BBC please explain what is happening?
1) Is BBC Jon Sopel supposed to tell us about the news or his new book?
2) BBC Jon Sopel’s twitter feed has the BBC name in it and says “Jon Sopel, BBC North America Editor. My book If Only They Didn’t Speak English is out now.” which references his book and not the fact he is an unbiased and impartial reporter.
3) BBC Jon Sopel’s twitter’s pinned tweet is from 23May2018 and is about .. himself and his book.
4) Is BBC Jon Sopel’s book 100% BBC approved thought and unbiased and partial?
5) Shouldn’t BBC Jon Sopel’s twitter be about the latest news and not himself?
6) When Jon Sopel sells a book does it go to help pay for the BBC TV Tax – to reduce it? As the BBC are promoting it – thus it is promoted by the BBC TV Tax Payer.
“Impartiality lies at the heart of public service and is the core of the BBC’s commitment to its audiences. It applies to all our output and services – television, radio, online, and in our international services and commercial magazines. We must be inclusive, considering the broad perspective and ensuring the existence of a range of views is appropriately reflected”
Good luck answering this one without laughing yourself silly.
The BBC loves experts like Femi for their independent impartiality.
Dear Darren Henry,
Parliament’s £13 billion restoration.
HS2 £150 billion, original budget £36 billion.
Track and Trace £37 billion – no tracking or tracing where this money went.
£1.1bn of COVID small business loans identified as fraud
£4 billion of unusable PPE bought in first year of pandemic will be burnt “to generate power”
13 + 150 + 37 + 1.1+ 4 = £205 billion
Nuclear reactor = £6 billion
The media, painting stark pictures in lieu of news.
Or…. ‘Reporting’ facts in that special way they have. – I wonder how many public sector outfits pay them?
I think something is seriously wrong with the NHS, so there is a story here. However, which countries offer free dental to kids with parents needing to prioritise Stella, fags and Sky?
NHS to benefit from £13.4 billion debt write-off
Health Secretary announces over £13 billion of debt will be written off as part of a major financial reset for NHS providers.
Department of Health and Social Care
2 April 2020
Last updated
9 April 2020 — See all updates
Recognition and equality can mean more than achievement (Tiffanie Turnbull & Hannah Ritchie reporting for the BBC)
Mr AsI here back again with his review of the morning’s press headlines, plus some spicy off-message commentary that very likely won’t align with the values of his bank… or his supermarket… corporations in general… academia… the arts… the public sector… this Tory government… and certainly not the BBC
So what are they going to do about such views?
Intelligence firm checks bank clients’ online posts… A third-party intelligence firm used by high-street banks in the UK gathers data on “adverse media” coverage of customers (Times)
Top bank ‘lied’ over Farage ban (Daily Mail)
Nigel Farage: Coutts document ‘shows bank account shut over my views’ (BBC)
Snobby old coots’ bank Coutts banned Farage for his being seen as: xenophobic and racist… comments on Brexit, Trump and trans debate… his views do not align with our values (Telegraph)
So at risk of getting a black mark from a bank that prefers its customers’ views to remain in the red, so to speak, let’s pick up those papers and tick some of those naughty boxes…
In sport the Commonwealth Games may very soon be going the way of Stuart Hall’s It’s A Knockout: Commonwealth Games: Australia drop out could be ‘death knell’…Australian sports historian Matthew Klugman agrees.”It’s called Stolenwealth for a good reason,”… “These were the places where value was extracted and taken back to the heart of the empire.” Critics of Victoria’s decision point out the state blows a lot of money on similar global sporting events – for example, it’s spending millions to jointly host the FIFA Women’s World Cup, which begins on Thursday. (BBC) – speaking of which…
Free inside Women’s World Cup pullout (Mirror); World cup 2023 wallchart – promises the gender non-specific left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper taking up the BBC’s house style official line used for the cricket Ashes, where presenters were ordered not to specify between men’s and women’s versions of the game; Women’s Wold Cup Your 12-page guide pullout inside (Times); Free Women’s World Cup & wallchart pullout (Express)
That’ll be more wallcharts published than the number of people actually watching the thing.
The ‘i’ sounds a tad patronising as it suggests a degree of man-splaining the rules of the game will be necessary for the ladies: Refs to expain VAR calls
To be fair, Mr AsI as a bloke is often left bemused by this dreadful modern twist on the old game – he would also ban half-and-half scarves, five substitutes and taking the knee
In the week we’re informed: It’ll scorch your eyeballs but Barbie is a sneaky slippery satire (Telegraph) and we’re told; So what did Sarah Vine and her daughter make of the year’s most hyped movie? (Mail) – The freebie ad sheet Metro’s Women’s World Cup wallchart may be the most popular of the crop with the girls – I’m sure it tracks all the complex group stages and match venues, the round of sixteen, quarter finals, semis, third place play-off etc…not only that but it’s rendered in tasteful shades of tangerine, a verdant grass green, Barbie pink and powder blue… nice one ladies.
UK terrorism risk is rising – Suella Braverman (BBC); UK’s terror threat ‘rising’after 39 plots foiled (Express) – really, how so?
Suella Braverman’s counter-terrorism strategy identifies Islamic terrorism as the primary UK domestic threat, which accounted for two thirds of attacks in 2018… also confirmed that overall, terrorism from Islamic groups is the most prolific form of terrorism in the UK… the Home Office states: “In the UK, the primary domestic threat comes from Islamic terrorism, which accounts for approximately 67% of attacks in 2018, about three quarters of M15 caseload and 64% of those in custody for terrorism-connected offences.” (BBC) – so what are you going to do about it, Sue?
The government said it was also monitoring the risk posed by the so-called incel movement. (BBC) – note this abrupt non sequitur in the BBC report – no doubt put there for balance.
The incel movement is an online subculture to which multiple mass murders and hate crimes against women have been attributed. (BBC) – if you have to go to the trouble to explain what it is, then it’s not really a clear and present danger, is it? Note also the lack of evidence provided for that bold claim in contrast with the solid real world statistical basis for the threat from islamic terrorism
Returning to our opening line: recognition and equality can mean more than achievement – as quoted by the BBC’s finest from what they noticed some Aussie had said on Twitter…
PM toughest ever laws send clear message to migrants (the achingly Rishi-loyalist Express)
Meanwhile: Migrants detected crossing the Channel per month… June 3,823…. July so far 1,767 (Migration Watch) – not much achievement there, Rishi
What makes a frontpage top the BBC list in their online news review line-up? Now you’re asking.
Perhaps there’s a common thread running through the BBC’s top three picks this morning: FT, Times and Daily Mirror
Well, all three go with big colour photos from the self-same photo-shot scene: Greek police forcibly evacuated a family… with wildfires continuing to spread (Times); Fire havoc Europe hit by extreme heat (FT); Heatwave from hell… Fleeing… Officer helps toddler… Burning up (Mirror)
There’s a key line from the excellent trash media critical movie Nightcrawler [2002] starring Jake Gyllenhaal as a gonzo cameraman who records violent events late at night in Los Angeles and sells his graphic footage to a local television news station. Early on in his new career an unscrupulous station news director tells the novice Gyllenhaal something to the effect: “Imagine the news as a woman screaming down the street with her throat cut”
The tone of our BBC’s header for their press review is rather indicative of their opinions and their take on the releative importance and relevance of the day’s two top media stories: Newspaper review: ‘Heatwave from hell’ and Farage’s finances (BBC)
Global warming alarmism is of course treated as an existantial threat, a quasi-religious imperative reported with biblical language: – the other issue is no more than just some casual report on some trite work-a-day money matter
Killing members of the group;
Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.
“Motel, money, murder, madness… let’s change the mood from glad to sadness…”
Farage and the Banks.
Forget investigatory spy companies, data collection, private investigators, they are for the small people and businesses. Farage is a public person, a celebrity whose views and influence are very well known. It’s clear that the Banks and Government don’t like him and his ideas, it’s as simple as that.
It’s being put about by commentators that it’s shocking a Bank part owned by the Government should be blacklisting Farage. There is another way of looking at it. The Government, as shareholders, will have significant control and influence over the Bank, a direct line into the boardroom. The entire political establishment including the present Government hate Farage. I would say, stand by for an significant HMRC investigation. With financial affairs as complex as Farage’s they’ll always be able to find something. Most people think tax is black and white, it isn’t
And as seen in the US, minor infringements of tax law will be weaponised and amplified for Trump, and major infringements and tax evasion by Biden & his son are covered up.
ULEZ and eventual road charging:
Actress Dame Emma Thompson has been defending her decision to fly from the US to attend a climate change protest in central London. Speaking to reporters from the Extinction Rebellion campaign group’s pink boat, she said did not fly as much as she used to – and planted a lot of trees.
Sir Elton John has defended the Duke and Duchess of Sussex’s use of private jets – and said he paid to carbon offset their trip to his French home. The singer said he provided Prince Harry, Meghan and their son Archie with his private plane to “maintain a high level of much-needed protection”.19 Aug 2019
Dan Wootton: GB News host admits ‘errors of judgement’
‘errors of judgement’ = Reports have included claims he offered media colleagues thousands of pounds for explicit material of themselves
Wootton said on his GB News show he was the victim of a “witch hunt” by “nefarious players”
thousands of pounds for explicit = “witch hunt”
Marky are you actually saying the BBC article has a grain of truth in it ?
Ha! When they want to – funny how everything is a witch hunt when found out.
9am R4 “In this episode they talk to Duewaine who spent the best part of 20 years in and out of prison for a series of hundreds, possibly thousands of robberies.
This is the story of a man for whom crime became a habit. On the face of it, his offending was blindly antisocial and repeatedly harmful.”
9:30am “Natasha Carthew is a working-class writer and poet from Cornwall where she lives with her girlfriend.
She is the author of eight books and is the Founder and Artistic Director of The Working Class Writers Festival.
Natasha is well known for writing on socioeconomic issues and has written extensively on the subject of how authentic rural working-class voices are represented in fiction for several publications and programmes; including ITV, the Writers’ & Artists’ Yearbook, The Royal Society of Authors Journal, BBC Radio 3, BBC Radio 4, the Guardian, the Dark Mountain Project, The Bookseller, Book Brunch, the Big Issue, Mslexia, The Booker Foundation and The Economist”
Coutts – Farage thing. Bit of kickback started but the free press (not of course the BBC or the Guardian) are getting it slightly wrong and going after the wrong target in my opinion.
I don’t believe this was carried out or ordered by senior/CEO level people in Coutts, it’s being driven by younger activist lefty employees who know they can get away with it protected by that evil smelling tool called diversity and inclusiveness. The bigwigs are basically scared of these twats as they themselves may become a target if the don’t fall into line.
Lefties are the least inclusive bunch of vile creatures on the planet, they are simply entitled children who must get their own way or else.
There is no doubt that what happened was effectively soviet level gulag viciousness by Coutts activists.
They should be identified, their actions confirmed and sacked. Otherwise the future of the bank is called into question.
The fact that other banks fell into line with them shows how scared the banks are of their own employees.
I think it is more likely the result of a campaign by the Lefties to try and destroy Nigel like they are doing to everyone who is right-wing now.
I bet the same few people have contacted/threatened hundreds of companies linked to people like Farage, Rees-Mogg, GB-News etc etc.
They are nasty, intolerant, naive activists who are too young and too ignorant of the real world to realise just what they are. When they pass 40, they will look back and remember what complete idiots they used to be. Meanwhile they are doing the damage now.
The trouble that they are so sure their ideology is right and nothing you can say can change it. The ones which don’t learn and stay fanatical are those who go on the be the Hitlers of this world.
Every thing you cite/explain is now, from my own experience, literally ‘on the door step’ right now. My acute ESP is ringing the 10/10 bell now. If your thoughts and position on the range of subjects discussed here, is common knowledge to those more locally around you be prepared for the worst – very shortly !
My senses have never been more finely tuned.
” Unlimited tolerance must lead to the disappearance of tolerance.”
“But we should claim the right to suppress them if necessary even by force; for it may easily turn out that they are not prepared to meet us on the level of rational argument, but begin by denouncing all argument; they may forbid their followers to listen to rational argument, because it is deceptive, and teach them to answer arguments by the use of their fists or pistols.”
Enders Times Analysis
“National paid-for newspaper circulation has dipped below three million, raising thorny questions for publishers—and for distributors and retailers”
Making BBC daily headlines selectivity truly representative of not many of not many.
“News publishers can sustain print revenues to a degree by cover price increases, and also support profitability through greater efficiency in printing operations”
Or seek ‘unique funding’ no matter what tripe they print.
Or… stop printing tripe.
With online material you can change the story quickly!
Re-write the past!
Interesting how many people (of the wrong political persuasion) made a few risque facebook posts when they were 15 which suddenly reappear (as if by magic), when they need to be discredited, isn’t it?
Dan Wootten seems to wear the current scalp the BBC would like to mount on their trophy wall. With the added bonus of distraction… if you catch my Hue.
I sometimes wonder if any of the contributions we make
on this website . Or letters we send to the BBC make
any difference. Because I have NEVER had a reply from the
BBC about my “problem” with their Getty’s imaging on
social features.
BUT I have to report that something may of changed !!
Because on todays feature on interest rates on the BBC
website . There is an image of a WHITE male looking at
his bank statements or something similar . I have neve seen
a white male in these images before !!
OK his ethnic partner or wife is with him. But at least this is
a start.
They don’t give a toss Foscari. The BBC will consider anyone who questions their agenda to be right-wing scum who deserve to be shipped off to some camp and removed from society.
They get their money from a public tax under threat of prison if you don’t pay. They don’t have to care about anything the public don’t like.
We are of course free from any political influence or agenda.
We do value your feedback about this. All complaints are sent to senior management and we’ve included your points in our overnight report.
These reports are among the most widely read sources of feedback in the company and ensures that your concerns have been seen by the right people quickly. This helps inform their decisions about current and future content.
Thanks again for taking the time to get in touch.
Kind regards,
BBC Complaints Team
The white man is looking at a letter from the Bank telling him his account is being closed.
The rate of increase has slowed more than expected last Month – which is a small bit of good news and it seems an expected 0.5% interest rate rise will now be tempered to 0.25%…
But of course the issue is whether the fall is the start of a trend or a ‘one off ‘ – caused by the fuel sellers realising something might be done about their concerted ripping off of punters – which – like banks – they’ve been allowed to do for years ….
“… There are NO FISH in Carbon Neutral World. There is no humour in Climate Change. There is no fun in Islam. …”
– Greta/Ayatollah Khomeini
Just a dry run to see how we react to the message “Warning: This is a Sharia Controlled Zone – No Alcohol. No Gambling. No Porn. {twitter Cardiff Billboard Hacked}”
A better display would have contained …
If a man writes a piece of fiction, should he have a death contract put on his life?
If a man is homosexual should he be killed?
If a man draws a cartoon should he be killed?
Do you think you should be given a job based solely on your religion?
Do you think you should discriminate against animals?
Do you think we should support and pay for Sharia to operate in the UK?
Here today in the UK …
Islamic Fatwa / Islamic Sharia / Islamic Koran / Islamic Halal / Islamic Halal / Islamic Halal & Islamic Suku
“No Alcohol. No Gambling. No Porn.”
“… There are no jokes in Islam. There is no humour in Islam. There is no fun in Islam. …”
– Ayatollah Khomeini, jan1980, 80 million people follow this man’s beliefs and ideas
BBC … your former employee Mr Orwell has spoken .. now see what 2018 looks like …
Love and marriage are extremely important to the Party, in a negative sense. In other words, they see love and the sort of marriage based on love as inherently subversive forces and attempt to regulate them and suppress them. They want the full force of people’s emotions directed in ways that directly benefit the Party, first as love for Big Brother and second as rage and hatred directed against opponents of the Party. As O’Brien says:
There is no loyalty but loyalty to the Party. There is no love except love of Big Brother. All competing pleasures we will destroy.
Thus the Party destroys the family, trying to ensure that parents and children have no affection for each other and forbids sex for any purpose but procreation. O’Brien even lets slip that they are working on a way to prevent people from experiencing orgasms, as that sort of intense physical pleasure might be something people would strive for in a way that would interfere with single-minded loyalty to the Party. Winston’s affair with Julia is thus viewed as treasonous and subversive.
The Government has waged war on the family for decades. Using the benefits system, education system and cultural legislation the Government has sought to take over the functions of men and women in the family, particularly men of course.
“Rishi Sunak’s five promises: What progress has he made?”
Answers please, on the back of a postage stamp.
Who has the money for a stamp?
The 1922 Committee, if they know what’s good for them and the nation ?
They just won’t let this climate hysteria go, will they…It’s every bleedin’ where…
I nipped into my local Co-Op this morning, mainly to escape the rain and picked up some bits and bobs while the shower passed. It was quite chilly for mid-July and I noticed a few people were wearing jackets and windcheaters.
There was a bit of a queue as we waited and the Tannoy system constantly informed us of what was on sale.
I had to chuckle…it was tipping it down and the concerned voice reminded us that it was summer and to protect our delicate skins with sun cream. “Factor 50 is available…”
“There’s another heatwave” she trilled, as I looked through the dripping window at the puddles getting ever larger. “Protect yourself…and if you feel faint water is available.”
FFS, beam me up Scotty…
In the dystopian world Black is White and White is Black.
Jeff, the pre 1 p.m. weather forecast by Chris Fawkes on R4 was a complete hoot. Chris Fawkes spent the first two minutes giving us the weather forecast for Greece, Italy and Spain. Included in that was a nod to the first anniversary of the UK’s highest ever temperature set at RAF Coningsby probably alongside a runway or the engine test shed.
Ongoing problems in German open air swimming pools, leading to some now closing.
ZDF reports an open letter from staff at one Berlin pool says “‘verbal attacks, spitting or bullying’ are common. Staff are ‘consciously psychologically terrorized'”. Head of the police union suggests they start to hire professional security services.
Another report fills in what ZDF doesn’t mention i.e. ‘mainly Arab migrants and Chechens’ who are engaging in sexual harassment of women and mass brawls on the premises, while also leaving the complexes in disgusting conditions.”
BBC did an article in June but were scratching their heads as to what’s gone wrong… dismissing media discussion of “so-called “clans” as appearing “tinged with racism: both are code words for immigrant groups.”
Skegness migrant charged with rape in a park on 9th June
trial is December
Just Stop Oil Protestors outside Parliament.
MP’s forced to use the back entrance.
Chris Bryant last?
> MP’s forced to use the back entrance.
There is a lot of it about.
TWatO Watch #1 – the BBC’s Gullibles Travels
Simon Jack and Sarah Montague failing to join the dots on the lies of Coutts Bank concerning Nigel Farage. Interesting what came at the end of the Montacutie’s interview with Nigel Farage. It sounds like Nigel Farage might be about to start his own Bank like the ‘Bank of Dave’.
Gullible’s Travels… that’s good that is >>> steal
Coutts hadn’t responded to the ‘interview ‘ by the time lady brook tried to lay into her enemy – Nigel Farage .
But it seems as though Coutts has out woke itself – dug a hole and is continuing to dig . As Farage said – perhaps it should be reminded by the Treasury just how much taxpayers funds were pumped into it to keep it alive – and wind its’ neck in .
Other institutions should take note . If I had a Coutts account I’d be taking my business elsewhere …
Das Boot in The Baltic or a boot on the ground etcetera…
I hope they go back and recover it to see if the last wearer personalised it or even left a foot inside it (they don’t come off easy!)
TWatO Watch #2 – clearing the air, not.
Jenny Chapman MP (Lab) claimed that we have had 13 years of a Conservative Government which is untrue but Sarah Montague did not correct her. Neither did Bob Seeley MP (Con). Jenny Chapman then claimed that ULEZ were required under a law passed by David Cameron in 2014. The Government from 2010 to 2015 was a Conservative-led Coalition Government with the Liberal Democrats. David Cameron might say “It woz Nick Clegg wot made me do it!”
There is a ‘stream of thought ‘ now which is showing that there is little difference between red and blue labour – a thought I’ve been running through the tedious red / blue labour badge for many months .
What will voters do ? Will they believe the BBC version – that the red Labour Party represent the ‘change’ that is needed ( when there won’t be much change ) or will they just consign both sets of self servers to the trash …. ?
Blue : Islington, Globalist Socialist GreenSupremacists
Red : Islington, Globalist Socialist GreenSupremacists spouting lots of HATE, and likely to usurp Brexit
Britain ditches commitment to remove all EU laws by the end of 2023
By Alistair Smout and Andrew Macaskill
LONDON, May 10 (Reuters) – The British government no longer intends to remove all European Union laws by the end of this year, a flagship policy for hardline Brexiteers that sparked warnings from business and the opposition about legal uncertainty and bureaucratic chaos.
Just Stop Oil activist is punched to the floor and kicked on the ground after they ’caused pregnant woman to crash her car’
XR want to be martyred it’s great PR
People do lose their temper when obstructed
Are we wrong to have sympathy with them ?
The Mirror has tweeted the same headline
Same activist who was carried off Lord’s following Ashes invasion punched and kicked during latest slow protest (foreign accent)
BTW the kicker seems not to be a pasty Brit either
Of course they do.
It’s all they ever wanted.
Look at Dr. Gail’s briefings from 2018… citing Alinksy techniques loud and clear.
A jail term is worth full national tv coverage.
They were damn near trying to go full ‘for the cause’ mullah with some impressionable acolytes.
However, as tempers fray and the establishment grip slides further, their PR gains will become albatrosses.
And no amount of empathic coverage will save them.
BBC Title – “Activist hit after little provocation.”
Pay the price …
sorry the kicker does appear to be Brit by the accent
but protester seems American “Daniel Moore from Oxford
In the TalkTV video does seem OK and said he has sympathy doesn’t want to prosecute “I get his frustration his car had been involved in an accident earlier”
Well good on him for forgiving and de-escalating it
My guess that if kicker is prosecuted, he will become a martyr
Corrected name
Mail : Just Stop Oil activist who was carried off the pitch at Lord’s by Jonny Bairstow is punched and kicked to the floor by boyfriend of pregnant woman as eco-mob are accused of causing their car to crash
I wonder if he is breaking bail conditions ?
Accented guy named as Daniel Knorr, of “Oxford”, wearing a French kite festival T-shirt with EU flag logo
Mail says “grew up in £5.2m house in upmarket north London suburb (and his banker father invests in climate change ‘opportunities’)
His father is the boss of a private equity company with a $5.3billion investment fund. It invests in climate change ‘opportunities’ and ‘supporting portfolio companies to reduce their carbon emissions’.
Knorr’s parents arrived at their villa-style property in a new hybrid BMW today. They then threatened to call the police on reporters who asked them about the arrest of their son 24 hours earlier.
Daniel Knorr was charged with aggravated trespass this afternoon along with co-conspirators Judit Murray, 69, and Jacob Bourne, 26, after the Lord’s pitch invasion. They have been bailed and will appear at Westminster Magistrates’ Court on July 31.”
So I wonder if he is breaking bail conditions ?
Canning Town moment coming
Waiting for Sopel to realise sitting in an EU fast lane sandpit with Greta eating their own nappies and blowing raspberries is a poor look.
“If only the dinosaurs had a Tesla!”
Meanwhile, in Saddo’s ULEZ zone at Heathrow, a 747 flies overhead full of holidaymakers. Scorch!
“The BBC has suggested Britain’s cool July might have something to do with global warming.”
Plus a comment referencing Justin.
But wait… all is not lost!
Dr Ciro Noronha, CTO, Cobalt Digital Inc
Sustainability is a big word with a lot of different implications.
Time Davie, DG, BBC
Is Toenails back from his jolly yet?
This is a good example where Greenpeace have used a figure ’40K deaths’, but the interviewee says it’s ’40K premature deaths’. But they don’t say that it’s lives cut short – i.e. pollution takes say 30 days off live expectancy.
Andrew Neil vs Greenpeace – Air Pollution (car crash interview)
Take a figure which shows shortened life expectancy (which is hard to determine because obesity etc), total these bits up (days) and convert it into a single person’s life (this is the bad maths bit) then use it in a term ’40K premature deaths’ and then remove the ‘premature’.
So you end up with driving your car to work is killing 40K people a year – think of the children’s lungs @2:18 . Won’t anyone think of the children!
TWatO Watch #3 – constantly running out of time when you have an extra 15 minutes
A lot of the content of TWatO might be considered ‘lightweight’ or ‘not news’ or ‘repetitive’. Back in the old days of BBC R4, TWatO was only 30 minutes out of the schedule and it was followed by a 30 minute comedy programme or panel game. In the really good old days the comedy and the panel game were entertaining after the informative nature of TWatO.
Sarah Montague, especially, is constantly harrying and hurrying guests, contributors and interviewees. This must indicate something; possibly that TWatO is not competently edited?
I think they make the assumption that the listening audience can’t do more than about 4 minutes per item – and packing them in generates a sort of ‘tension ‘ which they think the audience prefers .
And – if you notice – the number of times there are two people present on opposite side of a subject -is very very rare . The norm is for the victim to be bullied by c words like Robinson pretending to play devils ‘ advocate ( some say ) but just bigging himself up through interruption and contrived ‘time pressure ‘ – now the weather ….