An earlier post mentioned lots of birds being killed by these windmills.
How long before some canny (sly) fox sees this source of food and starts to sit under these windmills waiting for the next food drop.
Maybe the foxes will each claim a windmill as their territory and under each one we see a fox.
Now that Southern Europe is just ash, the Mediterranean has dried up and Northern Africa has vaporised (I’ve seen the weather maps on tv, surely nobody can survive what’s being reported) the southern birds can escape the inferno and fly here to the freezing UK providing a varied diet for our waiting foxes.
Offshore wind energy is a fast growing sector of renewable energies worldwide. This will change the marine environment and thus, a wide range of environmental impacts of offshore wind farms are subject of current research. Here we present an overview about chemical emissions from corrosion protection systems, discuss their relevance and potential impact to the marine environment, and suggest strategies to reduce their emissions. Corrosion is a general problem for offshore infrastructures and corrosion protection systems are necessary to maintain the structural integrity.
Weirdly The Guardian and The Daily Telegraph have almost identical articles on the epic busybodying that has been escalating since the end of “Covid”
Manifesto Club press release then …
Wiltshire has apparently banned stones and ball-bearings in public places after some teenagers made a nuisance of themselves with catapults…
Me not convinced this approach is going to have any impact beyond putting busybodies, likely in uniform into towns and villages who are going to rub a lot of innocent people up the wrong way and do nothing about those who actually behave badly.
Seems likely councils are looking at enforcement as a money grab…
A five-year-old girl was fined £150 by a council for selling 50p cups of lemonade to festival goers. The girl’s father Andre Spicer said his daughter had set up the stall in Mile End, east London, while thousands of music fans were on their way to the Lovebox Festival at the weekend.21 Jul 2017
🚨 | BREAKING: Just Stop Oil protestors have been surrounded by “Just Stop Pissing Everyone Off” protestors – preventing them from marching in the road
This might bring a slight smile to your face, before we all burn to death, so I’ll share it with you…
I gave my young dog, Huey, his constitutional through the rec’ earlier this morning. He’s a loveable little cur of very mixed heritage (to use the fashionable PC language) and very friendly.
On our jaunt we came across a massive and very unfriendly Alsatian type mutt, who immediately set about my little mate.
It was nasty and the owner was next to useless in trying to drag his ferocious dog off. I jumped in and got a nasty bite to my arm, another to my leg and got knocked flat in the process.
Anyway, inspecting my wounds…my dog’s fine by the way…I thought I’d better pop in the doctors. I’ve not set foot inside the surgery for yonks and not had a tetanus jab since about 1977, when I fell off my motorbike. I explained to the receptionist what had occurred.
I must say I was really impressed with the speed with which I was seen…immediately. However, what knocked me sideways was the nurse who administered the needle, who told me, “I understand you’ve been bitten by a duck”.
I mean, is it bleedin’ likely? I’m standing there dripping blood, two big puncture wounds on my wrist and my right leg hanging by a thread (oh, okay, I’m exaggerating, but…).
Jeff I think there was an Imperial College study showing duck bites are 170% more common than dog bites these days. Your nurse is just following the science.
Ditto to hoping you recover soon Jeff, and glad your little pup was ok.
My dog was savaged by a homeless guy’s dog a couple of years ago, his wounds got infected, and the vet bills were eye watering, To make matters worse, my dog started it, I have no idea why, he’s not normally aggressive at all (quite the opposite), but he just took one look at that ‘gypsy’ and his dog and saw red. I wonder if it might have anything to do with the fact he’s a rescue, and used to belong to Irish Travellers?
My sister had an old dog (Skye Terrier) killed by an Ayrdale, which jumped over their back garden fence to get to my sister’s dog, in her own back garden. Bit of a horror story that one, she was literally torn to shreds (the dog I mean, not my sister!)
Easy to underestimate the damage a dog can do if it really wants to, which should go to prove just how non-aggressive they are 99.999% of the time, I guess.
I can identify with all that’s been said. Walking my Border Terrier up the road, an escaped husky was eyeing up the territory as we walked along. Behind me was another dog walker with his 2 small dogs.
Then the inevitable happened, husky boy decided he fancied my little girl and started to get fresh, she didn’t like it one bit, having this towering dog above her. I was pulling her away then she slipped her harness while the other dog walker was trying to help. Neighbours started to appear as they heard the commotion but none lay claim to the husky. In the end I scooped up my dog and put her on top of dustbin and threw myself on top of her while this bloody dog was jumping up.
In the end one of the neighbours got a lead and went off to retrieve the dog and called the police. An exhausting experience.
Jeff, “My dog has got no teeth” “How does he smell?” “Terrible.” I think I may have messed up that old gag. Hope you get better soon and your wounds heal quickly and that your hound isn’t traumatised by the whole thing and needs many expensive hours on a dog psychiatrist’s couch.
Maybe your doctor’s Receptionist has diction worse than the old-style Kahee Rahhall or perhaps the Receptionist has been traumatised by being bitten by duck in the recent past.
🇳🇱 BREAKING | Frans Timmermans @TimmermansEU, also known as the EU’s ‘Climate Pope’, has announced his candidacy as Party Leader for the now merged Labour & Green party for the Dutch General elections this November.
BREAKING | Frans Timmermans
, also known as the EU’s ‘Climate Pope’, has announced his candidacy as Party Leader for the now merged Labour & Green party for the Dutch General elections this November.
If Timmermans becomes our new prime minister, I sincerely believe it will be the final blow for The Netherlands. Here’s why:
Timmermans is currently the Vice President of the European Commission, he’s the man responsible for the EU’s insane #NetZero and #GreenDeal policies, targeting i.a. the #DutchFarmers. He is also known for saying “Europe will be diverse and diversity is humanity’s destiny” and that there is not going to be “even in the remotes places of this planet a place that won’t see diversity in its future”.
The man is the literal personification of globalism and champagne socialism, and he is now clearly aiming to becoming prime minister of The Netherlands; which – ironically – is a country he fundamentally aims to destroy.
Timmermans, because he’s eloquent and speaks many languages fluently, was a loved establishment politician back in 2007-2014, when he served as both the secretary and later the minister of foreign affairs.
My hunch is that Mark Rutte and Frans Timmermans coordinated their moves before the cabinet fell. They’re probably swapping places in a way, with Mark Rutte now surely taking up a position somewhere in one of the supranational organisations and Timmermans stepping down from EU politics to “save The Netherlands”.
It also explains why our elections are put off till November, instead of them being held in September, right after the summer. Why? Because the Media apparatus needs time to indoctrinate the masses and skew the public opinion. Because mark my words, in the next couple of months, the media will do everything in its power to unanimously push Timmermans as THE designated candidate for prime ministership whilst demonising the opposition.
If they are successful and the Dutch vote for their own destruction once again, I don’t think we’ll be able to recover from it anytime soon.
The last bloke from that continent who displayed that maniac look of hunger for power and used that clenched fist in exactly the same way ended up as a burning corpse in a bunker in Berlin…. just saying!
“Why is Gwyneth Paltrow selling a candle that smells like her vagina?
Gwyneth has made a candle called This Smells Like My Vagina for her website, Goop. And, of course, it has sold out”
We are not all dead yet. But there is a co-ordinated war going on built around UN edicts and treaties all linked to ‘cooperative’ climate change policies which the US is pushing ‘post COVID’ which Obhama and his cronies have pushed through, ending up with Biden and his links to the Ukraine to create a war with Russia, whilst the real war is actually in the US which we are forced to comply with without any democratic vote, anywhere.
It a nod – by the global elite to redefine us all as a model citizen (along the lines of China). The attack on the traditional FAMILY unit (naturally conservative) is horrendous and goes right back to the UN Agenda 21 policy to ‘save the planet’ at all costs, which is as daft as you can get.
Nobody took it seriously (including our UK politicians who saw a political advantage). Its all linked to Climate control via population control, so destruction of the family, its values, its identity, its religious values, its morality, its protection of children, its right to educate, to beware ‘adults’ who wish to sexualise children, the abuse of charity for politics (bought in under Gorden Brown to the UK Charity Commission, the state to rule our lives, dictate our ‘sexual health (a misnomer), the censorship of anyone who disagrees,
create an open library of mis-information for children (see our UK libraries for massively increased ‘diversive’ content) promoting ‘queer’ ‘trans’ whatever as ‘healthy’ , non platforming all critics (as agreed by the BBC in the UK (they admit the unit exist) for FaceBook, Twitter and Google to prohibit free speech by ‘lowering search results’, the obvious international manipulation of COVID via the UN (WHO were involved in stopping all questions about the source). Theendorsement of strategy by the (globalist sect) WEF to provide the ESG ‘diversity and inclusion’ clauses to ban the family values of the populations in each country. This is a world wide attack.
The Banks follow the ESG ‘guidelines’. Which is linked back to ‘diversity’ which is linked to ‘climate change’ and then back to the UN agenda (now UN Agenda 2030).
What is going in really is chilling. Its is a TOP DOWN SOCIALIST MOVEMENT. You can read up on it below, its not just the UK, the UN socialist have the US administration to provide the ‘fear’ and ‘uncertainty’ and (most important) the public funding (diverted) which cost is hidden from us (such as Net Zero). It cannot be achieved without force.
Already installed by socialist governments wanting ‘payback’ when the global corporates who provide the HIV or zombie drugs, GM foods, Carbon credits (restricting you to inner cities and your locality, travel will be restricted to your personal ‘carbon credits’. Effectively your bank account is frozen to a harmless gas such as CO2. Money will become worthless.
But first the destruction of the family by the left continues. Stonewall is embedded in our own government, the complete destruction of all families is the ultimate plan. The aim is we are all sheep to share the communist global utopia. No Money, No hope and (WEF) – “you will own nothing and be happy” (quote).
This is happening across the all western nations, powered by the US administrations since Clinton.
MM, why are more people dying than ever before in the UK, Europe, Japan and China? Simples. The populations are ageing, getting older. Life expectancy has limits.
Can we convert & connect “likes” as in Mathematical Powers?……… I don’t expect many ‘Likes’ to this post. But you will understand, I’m sure…………… Therefore, ‘Three to the power of…….x
Q Whatever happened to From our own correspondent ?
A It went Woke
Subjects to day
1 chile green crap
2 Indian tribes fighting
3 NZ Effnics – nasty British empire
4 elephants
5 girl footy players in Haiti – go girl
6 some green crap again
I mean – it’s just inferior crap by the producers’ mates … I’ve listened for decades . Used to learn stuff – now ,.just dumb .rant done …
Anything about Europe ? No . USA? No . Russia ? No
Saudi Arabia’s religious police stopped schoolgirls from leaving a blazing building because they were not wearing correct Islamic dress, according to Saudi newspapers.
In a rare criticism of the kingdom’s powerful “mutaween” police, the Saudi media has accused them of hindering attempts to save 15 girls who died in the fire on Monday.
I feel the same about BBC Radio 5 Live which is now a woke, pro BLM, pro LGBTQ, Remoaner, pro illegal immigration anti Government State sponsored Radio channel.
Fed, I turned off TWatO because the Climate Science Expert, Lord Stern, the economist(!)* was going to allowed to be wittering on the programme by the Montacutie. There are lots of BBC R4 programmes that I no longer listen to, FooC among them. Good news: Ed Reardon is back on R4 with a new series, episode 2 tonight 18.30hrs. PS: the pre 1 p.m. weather forecast was a hoot (only caught the last bit) “Temperatures below what could be expected for this time of year.”
STARTS A former BBC correspondent who mocked Nigel Farage over Coutts closing his account has apologised to the former Ukip leader, adding to pressure on the corporation to address the veracity of its story.
Jon Sopel, who covered North America for the corporation, said earlier this month Mr Farage “must feel like a bit of a Charlie” after the BBC reported his account was closed for financial, rather than political, reasons.
But after The Telegraph revealed Coutts gave differing “values” as a reason for the account closures, Mr Sopel wrote: “Dear Nigel, [I] always believed when I get things wrong, I own up to it.
“I got it wrong. Sorry. That will teach me to trust reporting of my old employer. If your political views were even part of the reason why account was suspended from Coutts that is totally reprehensible.”
Mr Farage replied: “Jon, Thank you so very much for those words. I fully accept the apology and wish you well. As broadcasters we now have a duty to fight for free speech for our viewers and listeners.”
It will add to pressure on the BBC, which published an exclusive story on July 4 headlined “Nigel Farage bank account shut for falling below wealth limit”, quoting “people familiar with Coutts’ move” and claiming that it had been a “commercial” decision.ENDS
This Coutts thing has legs – has Dame wotsit resigned yet ?…maybe Simon jacksh-t msy be off to new pastures too ….
Not sure I would have given that bastard Sopel as reasonable a response as Farage did. If it had been the other way round response from Sopel would have been nothing or a sneer!
Me too. Sopel should be investigating then reporting, not broadcasting his shoddy personal/corporate bias. One could wonder what the situation would be if Nigel hadn’t been able to show why he was banned.
BBC Radio 5 Live Breakfast
BBC Radio 5 Live, Wednesday 3 January 2018
During a phone-in on the programme a contributor, Danielle Tiplady was introduced as a staff nurse. We should have established and made clear on air that she was a political activist.
Re: weather graphics… it appears there’s an arms race in the graphics departments of the major news agencies to see who can best approximate the apocalypse. Currently WaPo is smashing it out of the park.
I’ve learnt that the BBC no longer use Met Office data… their contract is now with Meteo. Meteo are owned by DTN. It is proving quite difficult to find out anything about how measurements are taken (ground level or raised??), and indeed how much temp data is modelled or subject to tweaking by algorithm. None of which helps trust in the data.
Globally the temperature is actually below average and as its Summer its ‘hotter’ than Winter. As you can see from this non biased or coloured in world graph (via live data satellite).
Bog standard normal. Until it gets to the UK Met office or BBC with the coloured in pencils brigade.
Well, well. Nothing for the UK left but to excavate mass graves in the countryside then exterminate all people over 65 years of age. That’ll do it for the Climate change lobby to reduce the population. What do you think Professor Sir Bob Watson? Please comment Sir Bob…………Please Sir Bob…………
I hate to be a pedant but looked at globally it’s summer in the Northern hemisphere and winter in the Southern hemisphere. The nett amount of the Sun’s energy input to earth is the same 365 days a year. It would be true to point out that there’s far greater land mass in the Northern hemisphere so I would assume the the seasons would not be equivalent between North and South.
I’ve been experimenting with solar in a small way. Enough to conclude that the strength of solar radiation is mainly dependent upon sh*t in the upper atmosphere and wind direction. When in the prevailing SW, the air is clear but unlikely to be cloud free so mainly no full benefit; when in the E/SE (largely for a month or so consistently June/July it if full of sh*t from across the country further east and indeed, from Europe as well). Those damn French…………. So, ‘swings and roundabouts’ = some but minimal benefit.
£300 per day to sit in a room with free coffee and wifi!
“Never say that Guido’s graduate training programme doesn’t lead to places. Five years ago Ross Kempsell was a reporter. He was a pretty good reporter and his copy was as grammatically precise as you would expect from someone with a double-first from Cambridge. He went from Guido to become TalkRadio’s political editor, then to Downing Street as a Special Adviser, with a sojourn at The Times, before going to CCHQ to run the Conservative Research Department – honing it into a war-room with a focus on attacking the opposition and driving the news agenda. When he was Prime Minister, Boris Johnson valued his loyalty and advice highly. Hence he rewarded Ross with a peerage.”
The Right Honourable the Lords Spiritual and Temporal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland in Parliament Assembled
That’s quite cheap Marky, regardless of what you think. Go check out what it costs other countries to run their second chamber. The HoL only pays members who turn up, so your figure of 784 is the maximum number.
It really is a disgracefully small amount of money for anyone outside of central London. Travel expenses are claimable, overnight accomodation and food is not, so imagine you are a peer of the realm and you require Dinner bed and breakfast, and lets assume an evening meal is £50, that leaves you just £250 for your hotel in the city centre. What kind of a hotel are you going to get for that?
Premier Inn County Hall is £111 today but I’ve seen less – a splurge multi course meal in The Members Dining Room is £56 – but imho ott for an overnight.
So you are expecting a Baron or Lady or a Lord to stay in the cheapest accomodation available miles away, but even then they still aren’t getting much remuneration for their trouble are they?
Also no one is going to eat all their meals in the members dining room.
According to the lunatic judges only a four star hotel is appropriate for an illegal immigrant so surely someone serving the country basically for free should be entitled to at least that wouldn’t you say?
County Hall isn’t the cheapest, it’s a 10 minute stroll from HoP and it’s favorably comparable to much pricier accommodation nearby including some “4 star” dumps.
My main gripe with the present HoL is the surfeit of LibDems and Oxygen thieves in there – that reflects the miserable quality of the political class… Is the HoL a legislative body or is it a holiday camp?
As I’ve said here before I feel there should be some testing of legislators about the content of legislation they’re voting on coupled with the possibility of sanctions on those that repeatedly fail – be those sanctions financial or removal from the corps of lawmakers.
Yes, these are the people who the public magically thinks can control a Government department of which they have no prior experience and/or knowledge. Hunt as Chancellor? Studied philosophy, politics and economics at uni. Now running the disaster that is the UK Economy. Was it conveyed in the form of an injection? Was it installed as a Windows ‘Update’. Whatever, between becoming a politician and becoming Chancellor, his ability to satisfy that role mysteriously appeared to ‘convert’ him into a capable occupier of No. 11. Don’t think so. But that’s where the principle, “God given right” clashes with necessity.
Would be interesting to see – what value do we get out of it – as they can choose how interested they are at the time – and can possibly take extra money to push bills through.
Climate Emergency …. Symonds worked as a Conservative Party media official and an environmental activist, and remains a senior advisor to the ocean conservation charity Oceana, and is a patron of the Conservative Animal Welfare Foundation.[5][6] She began an affair with Johnson, then Foreign Secretary, in 2018 while he was still married to his second wife, Marina Wheeler.[2][7]
Now here is an odd story. We have multiple headlines for something which doesn’t even merit one. So what if one bloke ran to North Korea ?. Doesn’t even move the needle on the ‘important’ scale.
So why is it being given so much attention ?.
Is it to divert it from something else ? (like Trump or Ukraine) ?
Does it have some racist, agenda-based element in it which we aren’t being told ?.
Here’s the guy:
It all smells fishy. Which in the world of the BBC means an ulterior motive.
But the 23-year-old did not board the plane when he parted ways with his military escorts at Incheon Airport near Seoul on Tuesday and instead embarked on an apparently pre-booked tour to the border – the details of how he managed to do that are still unclear.
Wetin be di simple ways to pass exam, how you fit come out wit flying colours for your exam?
Lagos State University Overall Best Graduating Student, wey score di highest CGPA for di 2021/2022 academic session don drop tips.
Di 23-year-old Aminat Yusuf wey graduate wit a perfect 5:00 CGPA say di first tip wey pesin wey wan ace im exam gatz know na to get interest for di course of study. She say if pesin get passion for di course e dey study, to read no go hard. She say interest in study course dey important.
“Anytin wey you wan do especially if na book, you gatz love am, get passion and enjoy am. E go get time wen things dey difficult but because na something you choose yourself you go fit ey manage am.”
She also tok say make students no wait till wen exam reach before dem begin study. “You wan get first class, no be for mouth.” She tok
Odd. In the midst of Worldwide true recklessness, lies and deceit from all quarters, I find myself ‘happy’. But why? I am connected with ‘Three’ Technical to complain about constant / numerous dropped lines. During the exchange with Three Technical I find myself having to explain the humour behind: ” look over there, there’s a squirrel”. Silence from the other party. Had to explain. Now going forth in his career in India is a sympathetic techie who will no doubt when called in the future to discuss mobile phone connection problems in the UK, will voluntarily assert to the caller, “look over there, a squirrel….’
I wrote too quickly yesterday about Getty’s images showing
a WHITE male looking at his bank or mortgage statement.
I expect whoever allowed this from the diversity dept
was sacked . Even though the white model’s partner
was black.
Today we are back to the status quo and the BBC’S number
one agenda of “educating” us the unwashed. The main
feature on main news internet page of the BBC has a feature
by Shawaz Musafer on ” Supermarkets told to make
pricing clearer.” And the Getty’s image is of? Have a guess.
Back to normality.
On another topic Simon Jack the Business Editor for the BBC
has been an absolute disgrace . The way he has handled the
closure of Nigel Farage’s Coutts bank account. But what do
you expect from the BBC?
They still seem to think ‘new’ instead of actual democratic ballots are how to seize power, and most of this is 2018 XR manifesto juvenile tripe.
Plus ‘demands’ only work if you are not a bunch of wailing weenies seeking handouts on top of crippling economies and pension investments.
Hi Rube,
Historical heat waves and droughts. Oil corporations like Shell and BP making enormous profits and not paying their fair share. Skyrocketing energy bills and millions in fuel poverty.
This is the climate crisis in action. And those responsible are getting richer while the rest of us suffer. But we’ve got a plan.
The Green New Deal is a game changing plan to stop the climate crisis and build a world in which we can all thrive. And we win by using every tool and tactic in our arsenal to force the Government to act.
For the last three years, we’ve been working together with partners such as Green New Deal Rising on this campaign, by helping train young people across the country and organising online actions. And now we’re ready to kick things up a notch.
You might be wondering what the Green New Deal is. It’s a long-term, ambitious plan for Government spending, investment and law-making in line with the following five demands:
Decarbonise the economy, end our dependence on dirty fossil fuels and ensure everyone has guaranteed access to clean energy.
Jobs and a just transition: Create millions of new well-paid, unionised, secure, and future-proof jobs for anyone who needs one, and guarantee a decent livelihood for anyone currently working in the oil and gas industry.
Transform the financial system – it should serve the needs of people and the planet, and our government should be accountable to people, not corporations.
Protect and restore vital habitats and carbon sinks, including forests and wild areas, ensure nature friendly food production, and ensure the provision of clean water, air, green spaces and a healthy environment for all.
Promote global justice: Do our part to help the rest of the world build fair, clean and healthy economies, accounting for the UK’s historic and ongoing role in exploiting communities and resources across the world.
The Green New Deal is a big and ambitious plan. We know winning won’t be easy. But together we can apply mass pressure on our Government and force them to sit up and listen – and take action.
Onwards and downwards into the green pit of oblivion.
Matilda and the 350 UK team
This will of course be copy pasted by the BBC, but if Simon Jack and Justin Rowlatt are on the byline they might now attract blowback.
The Twitter embeds failing seems to be a sign that the halcyon days of laying off the censors and assorted manipulative goons at Twitter San Fransisco HQ are over?
That said – I wonder how much control Twitter UK have over regional content. I cannot imagine the corporals and Ruperts at Hermitage Barracks giving up any control they had?
As their website says they are for disrupters and innovaters , plus they bank for folks regardless of their beliefs , we can safely say they are lying . Therefore they should be done under the Trades Description Act .
– that Act has been superseded and Trading Standards is now a digital rubbish dump connected to an automated telephone system that’s set up to dispirit callers to save on recording hard disk space.
As the day of the 20th July developed, for me, it was registering the terminology used during the R4 ‘Today’ news at 0600. Great pains to refer to the Farage 40 page evidence from Coutts as, “alleged evidence”. Must have been a bit of a shock to the Marxist controlling the Today news output to see that position quickly slipping away from his/her/its grasp as the World recognised the same 40 pages as true & valid evidence. As you would expect from a reptile, the BBC writhed away and the, “alleged” quietly slipped away as they realised to continue to use the description “alleged” increasingly put them on the wrong side of the news.
As I look at Sopel’s apology Twitter throws some of his top tweets at me
Jul 16
The trouble with people like you Pippa is you’re interested in facts and details
That smug tweet basically says “My gang is superior we get facts and details right !”
Jul 10 story
“BBC branded ‘a safe haven for perverts’ as Tory MPs demand licence fee scrapped”
Sopel replied
No longer bound by BBC rules on impartiality, let me just say what a moronic and offensive comment.
If I’m not mistaken didn’t you have a deputy chief whip appointed even tho his past form as a sex pest was well known and documented?
That Statement is
#1 Whataboutery, to distract attention from the BBC
Sure orgs like the church or Parliament have their perv problems
but that doesn’t excuse the BBC
#2 False equivalence : A gay Tory who gets a bit handsy when drunk
is not the same as actual child rapidts like Savile and Rolf Harris etc.
News coming in now that a german company are going to be building a tank production facility in Ukraine. Putin has said that it will be considered a legitimate target. I may be able to help him regarding its location. It will be in the middle of a residential area, probably between an orphanage and a hospital. Then when it gets attacked it will all be Russia’s fault. The longer this war goes on, the more I think that the clown presidents’ favourite book is “How to maximise the cynical use of human shields” by S. Hussein.
BBC management is putting in a plan that local local radio will be the first 8 hours of the day from 6-2pm After that 2 or 3 stations get amalgamated into super regional progs from 2-10pm
Something that used to happen before for some progs anyway.
So today loval BBC news staff are on strike
as a result the local news prog is not local lical it’s super-regional for the whole if the mid-north
item : Striking NHS consultants
interviewed consultant “Because of NHS pay and conditions my colleague is moving Ryad”
Really I thought it was cis the Saudis have loads of oil money so can afford cto poach UK staff
just like we poach from poorer countries.
Now LGBT football news
LGBT PR guy “How dare Liverpool football club agree to transfer Jordan Henderson to a Saudi club which has Stephen Gerrard as manager
Henderson has done a lot of LGBT campaigning in the past
so he shouldn’t move to a country unfriendly to LGBT”
Will they wear those ridiculous rainbow flaglets? Will they take the knee? Will they chirp on about other peoples’ beliefs ? Particularly the need to throw queers off rooftops ..?
But for £700k a week even a horrible mouth like Henderson will stay quiet ….
Saudi crown prince asked Boris Johnson to intervene in Newcastle United bid
This article is more than 2 years old
Mohammed bin Salman warned of damage to Saudi-UK relations if Premier League refusal not ‘corrected’
MEGA BECKS David Beckham lands MASSIVE seven-figure pay cheque to front controversial Qatar World Cup ad campaign
Simon Boyle
Published: 21:01, 21 Sep 2022Updated: 8:18, 22 Sep 2022
Let’s face it – there’s loads of dirty money in the prem ( see chelski ) so why not have the toons funded by dirty Arabs and their huge oil profits – bought to you by Vladimir putin …?
sort of TWatO Watch #1 – but more like 1 p.m. News
Is there something important that the BBC omitted from their News Broadcast: for example, an essential fact? We heard on the News about two Indian women who were paraded naked around a village in Manipur state. It was presented by the BBC as being an ethnic rivalry thing with misandrist overtone or undertones and hinted at some offence being committed by the two women.
What the BBC did not tell us were that they were Christian women. You know that you cannot trust the BBC. They will never provide all the facts. A farrago just like Nigel Farage’s struggle with Coutts Bank.
I’m sure the full detail will have been carried on the BBC Asian network . Is it time for another war in India / Pakistan ? The echo on the streets of the UK will be priceless …
Methinks mr jack is in a tricky position … the strategy seems to be for him to be ‘disappeared ‘ until Coutts dies down because a bigger newer fresher story comes along …
… but he deserves a bit more attention – is he sleeping with the head of Coutts – exchanging secrets about Farage ? Her boasting about destroying him ? The vengeance of a remainer traitor ? Maybe mr jack is on the same ward as Huw …
“In general, West Minister and Whitehall are dominated by arts graduates with very poor quantitive skills, little to no understanding of technological issues, little or no experience of successful organisations or responsibility for big organisations. To think of the scale mismatch most MPs haven’t been involved managing a 100 people then are put in charge of managing 10K people. ” – Dominic Cummings 2014
It’s really funny that, because anyone in the private sector or public sector managing more than 100 people would never take a job with the poverty levels of pay the civil service are offering.
People believe public service should be a charity, which it most certainly is, but are then surprised the people working as semi volunteers want to use the position as a means of enacting left wing political change.
Maybe the parliamentary system has always been rigged by the civil service to ensure that no body capable gets in any position where they can achieve something .
Terrible things happen when the Civil Service fail . For instance a Margaret Thatcher comes along and horrifies the civil service hierarchy – which connives to ensure nothing like it can happen again . Blair doesn’t fit into the ‘change ‘ mould at the Thatcher level .
So PMs and civil servants ensure ministers never get a full hold of their brief before being moved on . Or the job is just too difficult ( health / home office ) ….
And so we get disfunctional government – unable to set a strategy – eg energy security ( basic ) border security ( basic )
Money control ( basic ) and in a few hours from this comment will be demonstrated as blue Labour gets its arse well and truly kicked .
The duty minister in the morning spouting lies about ‘it could have been worse’ or ‘ we will listen ‘ or even the lie ‘we will change ‘ – will need a stiff drink after their deserved kicking .I’m guessing it will be Gove because he is good at keeping a straight face when telling lies …
Margaret Thatcher? The Civil Service, that period was a ‘trial run’ for what we have now. Typical of the left to go away quietly and ponder over that period and change tack accordingly next time round.
While he’s taking a break from Good Morning Britain this week, Piers drew plenty of attention to himself on Tuesday morning when he posted: “NHS and Care Home workers who refuse to have the vaccine should not be allowed to go into work until the pandemic is over.
Piers Morgan defends himself after flying to Antigua for Christmas holiday
Piers Morgan has been criticised for spending the festive period in Antigua after saying Coronavirus wouldn’t stop because of Christmas.
Never heard of this woman
then I see her crazy tweets get 12,000 Likes yet replies and quote tweets vastly go against her.
That’s as if she buys Likes
“Siobhan Benita is a British former civil servant.
an independent candidate in the 2012 London mayoral election.
then the Liberal Democrat candidate in the London mayoral election originally planned for 2020,[1] but after the election was delayed to 2021, she withdrew as the candidate”
Altough today and yesterday most of the MSM press and BBC are pushing it could not get any hotter (pushed out annually by the Met office as part of an WHO agenda its worth looking at more independent unbiased reports. This for July, right now…
Rather typical isn’t it?
So you can imagine how the BBC has reworked this into an inferno. And we know why.
A more honest interactive Europe map of LIVE temperature read out (you can choose your own location ‘hot-spot’ (pun intended). You can find here…via satellite.
1980 – stevie wonder releases ‘hotter than July ‘ … the kidults seem unable to accept that Summer can be Hot … mental issues …
… I was cheered up by some green loons – lord something or other saying the UK isn’t doing enough to combat climate change . Such encouraging news . Yes the 70 million ish in the UK really are gonna have an impact on the climate of the planet right ?
The fabled 2.5 degree climate catastrophe ? How dare we try to deprive billions of people who don’t have electricity or clean water or Amazon prime from aspiring … fridge freezers all round ….
At 1 pm the BBC edited it’s old Farage Coutts article
#1 Unusually It was not the normal stealth edit
where changes are not admitted
#2 It was not the normal correction
which is hidden right at the bottom of articles
#3 Instead an “Update” was added right under the title
#4 The update is still mealy mouth and disingenuous
Update 20th July 2023:
Since this article was published, Nigel Farage submitted a subject access request to Coutts bank and obtained a report from the bank’s reputational risk committee.
While it mentioned commercial considerations, the document also said the committee did not think continuing to have Mr Farage as a client was “compatible with Coutts given his publicly-stated views that were at odds with our position as an inclusive organisation”.
We have amended this article’s headline to make clear that the details about the closure of Nigel Farage’s bank account came from a source.
Then it continues with the old false article, with no mark saying the article has been retracted or something
Nigel Farage fell below the financial threshold required to hold an account at Coutts, the prestigious private bank for the wealthy, the BBC has been told.
It is understood he was subsequently offered a standard account at NatWest which owns Coutts.
(thats fakenews cos they didn’t do that until verbally right at the last moment before Farage was about to speak on TV
BTW the new title is
“Nigel Farage bank account shut for falling below wealth limit, source tells BBC”
The current article doesn’t make it clear the old title
was “Nigel Farage bank account shut for falling below wealth limit”
Newsniffer didn’t catch this latest edit
cos it only catches LIVE articles
so it caught the first 8 edit stages while it was live.
There’s a new nasty title from the Guardian
Pity Nigel Farage as he is deemed too horrible to bank with the elite at Coutts 19 Jul 2023, 13:32
BBC articles about it
Nigel Farage launches fresh attack over Coutts bank closure 20 Jul
Nigel Farage: Coutts document ‘shows bank account shut over my views’ 18 Jul
Nigel Farage bank account shut for falling below wealth limit 04 Jul
Banks face threat to licences over Farage bank account row 20 Jul
Nigel Farage: Banks warned against closing accounts 03 Jul
Nigel Farage gets apology from banking boss in Coutts row 20 Jul
Bank account closures probe must be fast tracked, says minister 05 Jul
newsniffer provides really valuable insight into how the monitored outlets think … I’ve often found the adjustments made very telling about the prejudices of the authors…
The broadcasters sense that they are slowly but surely losing the pubic who now, openly question the agenda. Prevailing philosophy? ‘A picture says a thousand words’………..
The letter published in the Mail from the outgoing CEO of nat west group Dame Nobody – does not offer to take Farage into the welcoming embrace of Coutts – the Russian mafia go to laundering bank .
Instead he can have a Nat West junior members account and get a signed picture of Marcus Rashford or lennard Henry … in fact they are doing picture cards of approved heroes – starting with Diane abbot …
All for you to collect if you put £10 into the approved account ….
Dame dismal gone by Monday ?
Not particular impressed with those of my gender who have broken the glass ceiling, and are proving to be rubbish at the job. Alison Rose, Carolyn McCall, Pat Cullen to name but three. This lot prove that just sometimes, blokes are best at top business and negotiating.
Matt Ridley relays virology antics – cutting each others ties and shin kicking and name calling that virologists were indulging in behind the scenes while the power crazed bureaucrats were amping up all sorts…
Good grief, these virologists are unpleasant:
"Can't go wrong with the Grand Wizard of EgoHeath [Peter Daszak] and Butt Lesion [Ian Lipkin?] in the same room."
If this is what they say about their friends, imagine what they say about their critics.
STARTS After Alison Rose was appointed the first female chief executive of RBS (later NatWest) in 2019, she announced that “tackling climate change would be a central pillar” of her leadership. Had Rose misread the job spec? Did she think, perhaps, that she had assumed control of Extinction Rebellion rather than a leading capitalist institution?
No, it was apparent that Rose saw her role as primarily ideological rather than tediously financial. “Put simply,” she said, “tackling the climate emergency is one of, if not the biggest issue of our time – and banks have a massive role to play in mobilising the power of finance to meet the net zero ambition”. On that very same day, the bank ended new loans for oil and gas extraction, a ruinous piece of virtue signalling which hampered the British people’s access to their own bountiful natural resources.
Not that paying the gas bill is much of a concern for Dame Alison. Last year, her pay packet was £5.25 million, a big chunk of that courtesy of the taxpayer, who owns 39 per cent of NatWest (and thus Coutts) since its bailout during the 2008 financial crisis. Now, in a desperate attempt to stem the furore over Nigel Farage and his closed accounts at Coutts, she has emailed him to apologise. But fine words butter no parsnips. Dame Alison must resign.
A friend who used to be extremely senior at Coutts, and still keeps in touch with former colleagues, says that the scandal over the private bank terminating Nigel Farage’s account was “depressingly inevitable. The forces of woke have wrought havoc there,” he says, “The trouble is members of staff are bullied into compliance with these ‘progressive’ edicts.”
My friend is appalled at the naivety and delusions of the present executives. “These people think they are invulnerable and have little awareness of the outside world. They talk to themselves and listen only to sycophants who will never gainsay them. If what they are said to have done to Farage is accurate it’s disgustingly disgraceful. I’m ashamed of what the bank has become.”
440 Strand (Coutts HQ where men in smart frock-coats still greet you at the door) had a previous flirtation with diversity back in the Seventies and Eighties when it banned the recruitment of public schoolboys. “Absurd. They were the very people who made up a large part of their client base!,” snorts my source. That daft idea was overturned because privately-educated males were rather good at smooth-talking wealthy clients, who valued good manners and discretion above all.
More recently, such discrimination has made a comeback. Human Resources departments have been totally captured by EDI, a virulent virus from the US, and City firms have taken to rejecting a whole raft of talented British people in pursuit of “inclusion”.
“Basically, if you’re a brilliant white boy who went to a good school, forget it,” claims one hugely successful banker, a white man who went to a great school, natch. “They’d genuinely rather have a less qualified ethnic minority who can’t even compose an email to the clients because it helps with their ESG Rating.”
ESG stands for Environmental, Social and Governance, typically referring to policies that prioritise long-term environmental and social sustainability when making investments and other banking decisions. ESG can include social issues regarding diversity, equity, and inclusion plus the inevitable climate change.
So alarming is the tentacular stranglehold this philosophy has over financial institutions that, back in the spring, Governor Ron DeSantis took steps to ban ESG in Florida. He called it “woke banking”. “What it’s evolved into is a mechanism to inject political ideology into investment decisions, corporate governance, and really just the everyday economy,” said DeSantis. ESG policies were enforced by “elites” in financial institutions to push “woke” political agendas which did not not prioritise financial interests.
Which brings us back to Nigel Farage and Coutts. The 40-page dossier which Coutts compiled on Farage reads like the infantile scribbling of a politically-aggrieved students’ union rather than the thoughtful conclusion of mature bankers who know that their job is giving their clients good service and treating them fairly while making money for shareholders.
The bank’s Wealth Reputational Risk Committee admitted that the ex-Ukip leader was a commercially viable customer, but there is something a bit whiffy about him, don’t you know, something that might offend the delicate and inclusive nostrils of Dame Alison. Farage is considered “racist” and “xenophobic”, apparently because he retweeted a Ricky Gervais joke. Disgracefully, the report states he is a “disingenuous grifter”. A subjective character judgment which belongs in fiction not business.
Do we suspect that Coutts is likely to have more than a few unsavoury clients “not aligned with our values”? A Chinese tycoon who puts Uyghurs in a concentration camp, perhaps? An Iranian potentate who authorises the mass hanging of gay people and disappears ex-wives in the concrete foundations of his new palace? For them it could well be, “Tea or coffee, Mr Mass Murderer, do you take sugar?” But a Brexit leader who commanded the votes of millions and now hosts a hugely popular show on GB News – Ugh, let’s show him the door!
Home Secretary Suella Braverman is right to say the Coutts scandal exposes the “sinister nature” of the “diversity, equity and inclusion industry”. The Farage farrago will undoubtedly lose the bank clients. Serious wealth does not like publicity.
“It may score Brownie points with the Islington dinner-party circuit who are not Coutts’ customers anyway,” observes my source, “but it will lose a whole raft of landowners who are naturally conservative, and families who have banked with Coutts for generations. They will be horrified. ‘Why on earth should my political views influence the holding of my account?’, that will be their attitude.”
So why are our banks and other financial institutions in the grip of EDI, a self-righteous, quasi-Communist ideology which despises so many of their clients?
One of the UK’s most senior bankers tells me he prefers to call it DIE. “As in so many parts of our society, the religion of DIE (EDI) is pervasive. In the corporate world, CEOs have Stockholm Syndrome or they are just weak and are told by their DIE officers that they need to sign up to this stuff or their customers (particularly the young ones) will go elsewhere. It’s the same with ESG. It is all b——- (if that is not now considered a misogynist term!). Hopefully, we have reached peak b——-.”
Have we? Perhaps Farage’s clash with Coutts will mark a watershed. An emergency law is set to be introduced to prevent banks “cancelling” account holders. The Government needs to do that quickly. Banks which do not protect the free speech of customers could lose their licences, and rightly so. How dare bankers in their fifties behave like teenage Maoists with other people’s money.
On a wider level, those of us who thought that the “culture wars” were just something waged by Leftie teachers or right-on theatre groups will have realised that the woodworm of woke is gnawing away at the foundations of all our institutions. People need to wake up to woke. The dangers that EDI and ESG pose – to our international competitiveness, to our economic success, to freedom itself – are profound.
“Sometimes,” says the senior banker, “I want to give up and see how long this millennial generation can manage without destroying everything our civilisation has achieved over the last 400 years.”
I know how he feels. The sheer idiocy is debilitating. Posh middle-aged bankers fancying themselves as climate change activists and trans-champions is embarrassing. (Focus on the day job, love!) But we have to keep fighting the good fight for the sake of our children and grandchildren. We just have to.
Thomas Coutts must be spinning in his grave. He was always prepared to bank anyone, especially those who were being persecuted and even went to Paris at the height of the French Revolution to help beleaguered aristocrats. Would Coutts have considered Nigel Farage’s money to be as good as the next man’s? You can bank on it.ENDS
This tweet 5 hours after Farage won 2 big apologies
is from a hatey BBC comedian @daraobriain
I remember when I moved to London I couldn’t open an account at Lloyd’s in Crouch End because they didn’t accept the Irish passport as valid ID.
I didn’t go on Newsnight to complain;
I just went next door to Barclays.
Nigel is such a drama Queen
I used to think “0-Brain” was quite witty and funny. I guess spend long enough with the BBC and you will get that kicked out of you to be replaced by juvenile political spiteful blind posturing. If he keeps developing his BBC style he will be recommending battery acid next….They can keep him.
BBC news weather stats are 10C higher than their own weather stats
cos the news is using satellite estimates of Land Surface temperature
whereas weather which is what we are all used to is air temp 2m above ground
tomoFeb 5, 09:37 Midweek 5th February 2025 Reform policy initiative? – give the BBC the USAID treatment – eh? (Cutting funding to BBC shouldn’t be confined to…
GFeb 5, 09:23 Midweek 5th February 2025 Maybe, next time round, everybody else should play the same game with Reform bundles of votes. Just to make a…
GFeb 5, 09:19 Midweek 5th February 2025 Z I can’t help but think DJT knows all that. Any basic search of YT will return numerous vids on…
ZephirFeb 5, 09:15 Midweek 5th February 2025 2014 “Scrap ‘on demand’ postal voting to curb fraud, says judge. In January, the Electoral Commission said it was particularly…
ZephirFeb 5, 09:12 Midweek 5th February 2025 2015: Oldham, yes them again… “UKIP to review by-election ‘evidence’ amid fraud claims. UKIP is “reviewing the evidence” before deciding…
Fedup2Feb 5, 09:02 Midweek 5th February 2025 Today That alon had some trougher who runs the ‘electoral commission ‘- a laugh out load moment – he wants…
StewGreenFeb 5, 08:59 Midweek 5th February 2025 #NewsSuppression re the January 23rd Croydon stabbing spree Man only just named Babah Sesay, 30, has been charged with grievous…
US/UK/EU/NATO fantasy land:
An earlier post mentioned lots of birds being killed by these windmills.
How long before some canny (sly) fox sees this source of food and starts to sit under these windmills waiting for the next food drop.
Maybe the foxes will each claim a windmill as their territory and under each one we see a fox.
Now that Southern Europe is just ash, the Mediterranean has dried up and Northern Africa has vaporised (I’ve seen the weather maps on tv, surely nobody can survive what’s being reported) the southern birds can escape the inferno and fly here to the freezing UK providing a varied diet for our waiting foxes.
Offshore wind energy is a fast growing sector of renewable energies worldwide. This will change the marine environment and thus, a wide range of environmental impacts of offshore wind farms are subject of current research. Here we present an overview about chemical emissions from corrosion protection systems, discuss their relevance and potential impact to the marine environment, and suggest strategies to reduce their emissions. Corrosion is a general problem for offshore infrastructures and corrosion protection systems are necessary to maintain the structural integrity.
Accept or no money.
Cash was King – now data is God!
21st Century progress….
Southend-on-Sea has banned people from “using bikes in a way that has a negative effect for others”.
Weirdly The Guardian and The Daily Telegraph have almost identical articles on the epic busybodying that has been escalating since the end of “Covid”
Manifesto Club press release then …
Wiltshire has apparently banned stones and ball-bearings in public places after some teenagers made a nuisance of themselves with catapults…
Me not convinced this approach is going to have any impact beyond putting busybodies, likely in uniform into towns and villages who are going to rub a lot of innocent people up the wrong way and do nothing about those who actually behave badly.
Seems likely councils are looking at enforcement as a money grab…
A five-year-old girl was fined £150 by a council for selling 50p cups of lemonade to festival goers. The girl’s father Andre Spicer said his daughter had set up the stall in Mile End, east London, while thousands of music fans were on their way to the Lovebox Festival at the weekend.21 Jul 2017
that’d deliver the required result…
Seems to cover most JSO – XR types
Is that his dildo next to him? Could be a bit painful, but I do hope so.
I smiled
This might bring a slight smile to your face, before we all burn to death, so I’ll share it with you…
I gave my young dog, Huey, his constitutional through the rec’ earlier this morning. He’s a loveable little cur of very mixed heritage (to use the fashionable PC language) and very friendly.
On our jaunt we came across a massive and very unfriendly Alsatian type mutt, who immediately set about my little mate.
It was nasty and the owner was next to useless in trying to drag his ferocious dog off. I jumped in and got a nasty bite to my arm, another to my leg and got knocked flat in the process.
Anyway, inspecting my wounds…my dog’s fine by the way…I thought I’d better pop in the doctors. I’ve not set foot inside the surgery for yonks and not had a tetanus jab since about 1977, when I fell off my motorbike. I explained to the receptionist what had occurred.
I must say I was really impressed with the speed with which I was seen…immediately. However, what knocked me sideways was the nurse who administered the needle, who told me, “I understand you’ve been bitten by a duck”.
I mean, is it bleedin’ likely? I’m standing there dripping blood, two big puncture wounds on my wrist and my right leg hanging by a thread (oh, okay, I’m exaggerating, but…).
I’d like to know what sort of duck could do that?
Jeff I think there was an Imperial College study showing duck bites are 170% more common than dog bites these days. Your nurse is just following the science.
Hope you’re on the mend soon.
Yes – concur – be better – glad your dog survived … maybe the Alsatian identified as a duck that day …
One like this?
Ditto to hoping you recover soon Jeff, and glad your little pup was ok.
My dog was savaged by a homeless guy’s dog a couple of years ago, his wounds got infected, and the vet bills were eye watering, To make matters worse, my dog started it, I have no idea why, he’s not normally aggressive at all (quite the opposite), but he just took one look at that ‘gypsy’ and his dog and saw red. I wonder if it might have anything to do with the fact he’s a rescue, and used to belong to Irish Travellers?
My sister had an old dog (Skye Terrier) killed by an Ayrdale, which jumped over their back garden fence to get to my sister’s dog, in her own back garden. Bit of a horror story that one, she was literally torn to shreds (the dog I mean, not my sister!)
Easy to underestimate the damage a dog can do if it really wants to, which should go to prove just how non-aggressive they are 99.999% of the time, I guess.
I can identify with all that’s been said. Walking my Border Terrier up the road, an escaped husky was eyeing up the territory as we walked along. Behind me was another dog walker with his 2 small dogs.
Then the inevitable happened, husky boy decided he fancied my little girl and started to get fresh, she didn’t like it one bit, having this towering dog above her. I was pulling her away then she slipped her harness while the other dog walker was trying to help. Neighbours started to appear as they heard the commotion but none lay claim to the husky. In the end I scooped up my dog and put her on top of dustbin and threw myself on top of her while this bloody dog was jumping up.
In the end one of the neighbours got a lead and went off to retrieve the dog and called the police. An exhausting experience.
Jeff, “My dog has got no teeth” “How does he smell?” “Terrible.” I think I may have messed up that old gag. Hope you get better soon and your wounds heal quickly and that your hound isn’t traumatised by the whole thing and needs many expensive hours on a dog psychiatrist’s couch.
Maybe your doctor’s Receptionist has diction worse than the old-style Kahee Rahhall or perhaps the Receptionist has been traumatised by being bitten by duck in the recent past.
Meanwhile in Holland…
I feel her analysis is spot on.
BREAKING | Frans Timmermans
, also known as the EU’s ‘Climate Pope’, has announced his candidacy as Party Leader for the now merged Labour & Green party for the Dutch General elections this November.
If Timmermans becomes our new prime minister, I sincerely believe it will be the final blow for The Netherlands. Here’s why:
Timmermans is currently the Vice President of the European Commission, he’s the man responsible for the EU’s insane #NetZero and #GreenDeal policies, targeting i.a. the #DutchFarmers. He is also known for saying “Europe will be diverse and diversity is humanity’s destiny” and that there is not going to be “even in the remotes places of this planet a place that won’t see diversity in its future”.
The man is the literal personification of globalism and champagne socialism, and he is now clearly aiming to becoming prime minister of The Netherlands; which – ironically – is a country he fundamentally aims to destroy.
Timmermans, because he’s eloquent and speaks many languages fluently, was a loved establishment politician back in 2007-2014, when he served as both the secretary and later the minister of foreign affairs.
My hunch is that Mark Rutte and Frans Timmermans coordinated their moves before the cabinet fell. They’re probably swapping places in a way, with Mark Rutte now surely taking up a position somewhere in one of the supranational organisations and Timmermans stepping down from EU politics to “save The Netherlands”.
It also explains why our elections are put off till November, instead of them being held in September, right after the summer. Why? Because the Media apparatus needs time to indoctrinate the masses and skew the public opinion. Because mark my words, in the next couple of months, the media will do everything in its power to unanimously push Timmermans as THE designated candidate for prime ministership whilst demonising the opposition.
If they are successful and the Dutch vote for their own destruction once again, I don’t think we’ll be able to recover from it anytime soon.
The last bloke from that continent who displayed that maniac look of hunger for power and used that clenched fist in exactly the same way ended up as a burning corpse in a bunker in Berlin…. just saying!
“Why is Gwyneth Paltrow selling a candle that smells like her vagina?
Gwyneth has made a candle called This Smells Like My Vagina for her website, Goop. And, of course, it has sold out”
It is priced at a comparatively bargain £58
We are not all dead yet. But there is a co-ordinated war going on built around UN edicts and treaties all linked to ‘cooperative’ climate change policies which the US is pushing ‘post COVID’ which Obhama and his cronies have pushed through, ending up with Biden and his links to the Ukraine to create a war with Russia, whilst the real war is actually in the US which we are forced to comply with without any democratic vote, anywhere.
It a nod – by the global elite to redefine us all as a model citizen (along the lines of China). The attack on the traditional FAMILY unit (naturally conservative) is horrendous and goes right back to the UN Agenda 21 policy to ‘save the planet’ at all costs, which is as daft as you can get.
Nobody took it seriously (including our UK politicians who saw a political advantage). Its all linked to Climate control via population control, so destruction of the family, its values, its identity, its religious values, its morality, its protection of children, its right to educate, to beware ‘adults’ who wish to sexualise children, the abuse of charity for politics (bought in under Gorden Brown to the UK Charity Commission, the state to rule our lives, dictate our ‘sexual health (a misnomer), the censorship of anyone who disagrees,
create an open library of mis-information for children (see our UK libraries for massively increased ‘diversive’ content) promoting ‘queer’ ‘trans’ whatever as ‘healthy’ , non platforming all critics (as agreed by the BBC in the UK (they admit the unit exist) for FaceBook, Twitter and Google to prohibit free speech by ‘lowering search results’, the obvious international manipulation of COVID via the UN (WHO were involved in stopping all questions about the source). Theendorsement of strategy by the (globalist sect) WEF to provide the ESG ‘diversity and inclusion’ clauses to ban the family values of the populations in each country. This is a world wide attack.
The Banks follow the ESG ‘guidelines’. Which is linked back to ‘diversity’ which is linked to ‘climate change’ and then back to the UN agenda (now UN Agenda 2030).
What is going in really is chilling. Its is a TOP DOWN SOCIALIST MOVEMENT. You can read up on it below, its not just the UK, the UN socialist have the US administration to provide the ‘fear’ and ‘uncertainty’ and (most important) the public funding (diverted) which cost is hidden from us (such as Net Zero). It cannot be achieved without force.
Already installed by socialist governments wanting ‘payback’ when the global corporates who provide the HIV or zombie drugs, GM foods, Carbon credits (restricting you to inner cities and your locality, travel will be restricted to your personal ‘carbon credits’. Effectively your bank account is frozen to a harmless gas such as CO2. Money will become worthless.
But first the destruction of the family by the left continues. Stonewall is embedded in our own government, the complete destruction of all families is the ultimate plan. The aim is we are all sheep to share the communist global utopia. No Money, No hope and (WEF) – “you will own nothing and be happy” (quote).
This is happening across the all western nations, powered by the US administrations since Clinton.
Neil Oliver: ‘…lies, lies, lies!’
where is the appropriate outrage….
MM, why are more people dying than ever before in the UK, Europe, Japan and China? Simples. The populations are ageing, getting older. Life expectancy has limits.
Indeed – plus NHS has all but stopped keeping them alive!
Can we convert & connect “likes” as in Mathematical Powers?……… I don’t expect many ‘Likes’ to this post. But you will understand, I’m sure…………… Therefore, ‘Three to the power of…….x
You can use an alternative method to light it!
Q Whatever happened to From our own correspondent ?
A It went Woke
Subjects to day
1 chile green crap
2 Indian tribes fighting
3 NZ Effnics – nasty British empire
4 elephants
5 girl footy players in Haiti – go girl
6 some green crap again
I mean – it’s just inferior crap by the producers’ mates … I’ve listened for decades . Used to learn stuff – now ,.just dumb .rant done …
Anything about Europe ? No . USA? No . Russia ? No
Hijab is a powerful tool …. oh wait ….
Saudi Arabia’s religious police stopped schoolgirls from leaving a blazing building because they were not wearing correct Islamic dress, according to Saudi newspapers.
In a rare criticism of the kingdom’s powerful “mutaween” police, the Saudi media has accused them of hindering attempts to save 15 girls who died in the fire on Monday.
About 800 pupils were inside the school in the holy city of Mecca when the tragedy occurred.
Radio 4 is dead. I haven’t listened to it for years, and feel so much better for it.
Once I would have gone to the barricades for Radio 4, now I just see it as left wing tosh. It represents everything I oppose, so why listen to it?
Defund the BBC.
I feel the same about BBC Radio 5 Live which is now a woke, pro BLM, pro LGBTQ, Remoaner, pro illegal immigration anti Government State sponsored Radio channel.
Fed, I turned off TWatO because the Climate Science Expert, Lord Stern, the economist(!)* was going to allowed to be wittering on the programme by the Montacutie. There are lots of BBC R4 programmes that I no longer listen to, FooC among them. Good news: Ed Reardon is back on R4 with a new series, episode 2 tonight 18.30hrs. PS: the pre 1 p.m. weather forecast was a hoot (only caught the last bit) “Temperatures below what could be expected for this time of year.”
[*which is what I is acksherly]
Sopel Fesses? Up
From the DT – enjoy
STARTS A former BBC correspondent who mocked Nigel Farage over Coutts closing his account has apologised to the former Ukip leader, adding to pressure on the corporation to address the veracity of its story.
Jon Sopel, who covered North America for the corporation, said earlier this month Mr Farage “must feel like a bit of a Charlie” after the BBC reported his account was closed for financial, rather than political, reasons.
But after The Telegraph revealed Coutts gave differing “values” as a reason for the account closures, Mr Sopel wrote: “Dear Nigel, [I] always believed when I get things wrong, I own up to it.
“I got it wrong. Sorry. That will teach me to trust reporting of my old employer. If your political views were even part of the reason why account was suspended from Coutts that is totally reprehensible.”
Mr Farage replied: “Jon, Thank you so very much for those words. I fully accept the apology and wish you well. As broadcasters we now have a duty to fight for free speech for our viewers and listeners.”
It will add to pressure on the BBC, which published an exclusive story on July 4 headlined “Nigel Farage bank account shut for falling below wealth limit”, quoting “people familiar with Coutts’ move” and claiming that it had been a “commercial” decision.ENDS
This Coutts thing has legs – has Dame wotsit resigned yet ?…maybe Simon jacksh-t msy be off to new pastures too ….
Not sure I would have given that bastard Sopel as reasonable a response as Farage did. If it had been the other way round response from Sopel would have been nothing or a sneer!
Me too. Sopel should be investigating then reporting, not broadcasting his shoddy personal/corporate bias. One could wonder what the situation would be if Nigel hadn’t been able to show why he was banned.
That will teach me to trust reporting of my old employer
That one might crop up a few places. OFCOM, Graun… dcms…QT green room…
And perhaps rather darken the mood at the next Americast alumni meeting, especially if Springster brings Simon Jack as her plus one.
She is quite special.
Pro-Boris Johnson journalist leaves Sangita Myska in fits of laughter in Partygate debate | LBC
Guido has a post on Sopes too; currently the same URL.
BBC Radio 5 Live Breakfast
BBC Radio 5 Live, Wednesday 3 January 2018
During a phone-in on the programme a contributor, Danielle Tiplady was introduced as a staff nurse. We should have established and made clear on air that she was a political activist.
Raining over Craggy Island again I see.
Re: weather graphics… it appears there’s an arms race in the graphics departments of the major news agencies to see who can best approximate the apocalypse. Currently WaPo is smashing it out of the park.
I’ve learnt that the BBC no longer use Met Office data… their contract is now with Meteo. Meteo are owned by DTN. It is proving quite difficult to find out anything about how measurements are taken (ground level or raised??), and indeed how much temp data is modelled or subject to tweaking by algorithm. None of which helps trust in the data.
Use Data Appropriately
The Coutts board ?
DTN use the data provided by G on this site …. Sad really that even the weather forecast is now political …..
TM – re Wx graphics
I can’t accept these algorithmic weather adjustments unless the algorithm is exposed and explained.
Any explanation might be tortured but at least it’s there – I have yet to see one weather bureaucracy expose its adjustments – not one…
The mendacious meddling with data just has to be stopped – you think the data is unrepresentative? – OK, explain yourselves …
The arrogance and conceit of many state weather forecasters / archivists is just staggering.
tomo I agree, and that conceit is in part given because a lot of the public don’t want to look under the hood and the media don’t know how to.
Why is the C19 inquiry not looking at the accuracy of pandemic modelling? We let them get away with so much…
Globally the temperature is actually below average and as its Summer its ‘hotter’ than Winter. As you can see from this non biased or coloured in world graph (via live data satellite).
Bog standard normal. Until it gets to the UK Met office or BBC with the coloured in pencils brigade.
“World will miss 1.5C warming limit – top UK expert”
Well, well. Nothing for the UK left but to excavate mass graves in the countryside then exterminate all people over 65 years of age. That’ll do it for the Climate change lobby to reduce the population. What do you think Professor Sir Bob Watson? Please comment Sir Bob…………Please Sir Bob…………
I hate to be a pedant but looked at globally it’s summer in the Northern hemisphere and winter in the Southern hemisphere. The nett amount of the Sun’s energy input to earth is the same 365 days a year. It would be true to point out that there’s far greater land mass in the Northern hemisphere so I would assume the the seasons would not be equivalent between North and South.
But the output of the sun is not constant …
I’ve been experimenting with solar in a small way. Enough to conclude that the strength of solar radiation is mainly dependent upon sh*t in the upper atmosphere and wind direction. When in the prevailing SW, the air is clear but unlikely to be cloud free so mainly no full benefit; when in the E/SE (largely for a month or so consistently June/July it if full of sh*t from across the country further east and indeed, from Europe as well). Those damn French…………. So, ‘swings and roundabouts’ = some but minimal benefit.
£300 per day to sit in a room with free coffee and wifi!
“Never say that Guido’s graduate training programme doesn’t lead to places. Five years ago Ross Kempsell was a reporter. He was a pretty good reporter and his copy was as grammatically precise as you would expect from someone with a double-first from Cambridge. He went from Guido to become TalkRadio’s political editor, then to Downing Street as a Special Adviser, with a sojourn at The Times, before going to CCHQ to run the Conservative Research Department – honing it into a war-room with a focus on attacking the opposition and driving the news agenda. When he was Prime Minister, Boris Johnson valued his loyalty and advice highly. Hence he rewarded Ross with a peerage.”
The Right Honourable the Lords Spiritual and Temporal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland in Parliament Assembled
784 * £300 = £235,200 per day!
Click to access members-finance-publication-january-2023.pdf
Baroness Chakrabarti 15 0 £4,980
The Labour Party is not overrun by antisemitism {THE SHAMI CHAKRABARTI INQUIRY 30jun2016}, Islamophobia or other forms of racism.
Further, it is the party that initiated every single United Kingdom race equality law.
Click to access Chakrabarti-Inquiry-Report-30June16.pdf
That’s quite cheap Marky, regardless of what you think. Go check out what it costs other countries to run their second chamber. The HoL only pays members who turn up, so your figure of 784 is the maximum number.
It really is a disgracefully small amount of money for anyone outside of central London. Travel expenses are claimable, overnight accomodation and food is not, so imagine you are a peer of the realm and you require Dinner bed and breakfast, and lets assume an evening meal is £50, that leaves you just £250 for your hotel in the city centre. What kind of a hotel are you going to get for that?
Don’t worry – the Chinese will pay ….close the House of Lords – sell it off ….no more peers – there’s got to be better corruption than that
Premier Inn County Hall is £111 today but I’ve seen less – a splurge multi course meal in The Members Dining Room is £56 – but imho ott for an overnight.
HoP food prices have risen since I last looked – they were doing a pretty good meal with generous portions for sub £20 a while back see:
– I think the booze in the Press Bar is still subsidised
So you are expecting a Baron or Lady or a Lord to stay in the cheapest accomodation available miles away, but even then they still aren’t getting much remuneration for their trouble are they?
Also no one is going to eat all their meals in the members dining room.
According to the lunatic judges only a four star hotel is appropriate for an illegal immigrant so surely someone serving the country basically for free should be entitled to at least that wouldn’t you say?
Get rid of them all ….
‘Serving the country ‘ ha ha
See attempts to block brexit – immigration bill – more and more …. Or stick a barge on the Thames and put them in that …
County Hall isn’t the cheapest, it’s a 10 minute stroll from HoP and it’s favorably comparable to much pricier accommodation nearby including some “4 star” dumps.
My main gripe with the present HoL is the surfeit of LibDems and Oxygen thieves in there – that reflects the miserable quality of the political class… Is the HoL a legislative body or is it a holiday camp?
As I’ve said here before I feel there should be some testing of legislators about the content of legislation they’re voting on coupled with the possibility of sanctions on those that repeatedly fail – be those sanctions financial or removal from the corps of lawmakers.
Yes, these are the people who the public magically thinks can control a Government department of which they have no prior experience and/or knowledge. Hunt as Chancellor? Studied philosophy, politics and economics at uni. Now running the disaster that is the UK Economy. Was it conveyed in the form of an injection? Was it installed as a Windows ‘Update’. Whatever, between becoming a politician and becoming Chancellor, his ability to satisfy that role mysteriously appeared to ‘convert’ him into a capable occupier of No. 11. Don’t think so. But that’s where the principle, “God given right” clashes with necessity.
Lenny has some ideas …
Would be interesting to see – what value do we get out of it – as they can choose how interested they are at the time – and can possibly take extra money to push bills through.
Baroness Hayman of Ullock Cumbria 15 0
£4,980 Daily Allowance
£1,456 Attendance Travel Cost
Nil Nil
£45 Car
£1,411 Rail/Ferry/Coach
Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
Click to access members-finance-publication-january-2023.pdf
House of Lords expenses
She was the idiot who – as red labour health minister – signed off on a NHS doctor contract which meant they all did 9-5 and no weekends right ?
Or was that Hewitt ? Hattie Harmon s mate ?
An older article but still relevant:
You’ll never watch your life slide out of view
And then dance and drink and screw
Because there’s nothing else to do
Boris still banging them out £
Climate Emergency …. Symonds worked as a Conservative Party media official and an environmental activist, and remains a senior advisor to the ocean conservation charity Oceana, and is a patron of the Conservative Animal Welfare Foundation.[5][6] She began an affair with Johnson, then Foreign Secretary, in 2018 while he was still married to his second wife, Marina Wheeler.[2][7]
As a policy advisor for Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Levison was deeply involved in the development of major energy and environmental legislation.
Travis King: North Korea ‘not responding to calls’ on missing soldier, says US
Now here is an odd story. We have multiple headlines for something which doesn’t even merit one. So what if one bloke ran to North Korea ?. Doesn’t even move the needle on the ‘important’ scale.
So why is it being given so much attention ?.
Is it to divert it from something else ? (like Trump or Ukraine) ?
Does it have some racist, agenda-based element in it which we aren’t being told ?.
Here’s the guy:
It all smells fishy. Which in the world of the BBC means an ulterior motive.
He’s welcome to stay there.
But the 23-year-old did not board the plane when he parted ways with his military escorts at Incheon Airport near Seoul on Tuesday and instead embarked on an apparently pre-booked tour to the border – the details of how he managed to do that are still unclear.
Little is ever as it seems, or clear, and often now not clarified…
He might find this was ill conceived. Unless he has ‘intel’.
“Supermarkets told to make pricing clearer to help shoppers”
All displayed prices to now be in Afganistani, Bengali, Arabic, SerboCroat, Pakistani, Indian……………….etc etc..
there’s one of those shops in Highbridge, Somerset … quite weird – had me puzzling for ages after an idle visit as to how and why it was still open!
BBC impartial as ever, NOT..
With all the crap thats going on at the BBC you would have thought they would make an effort, parasites
Benefits of citizenship by investment as kontris dey restrict Nigeria passport holders
Wetin be di simple ways to pass exam, how you fit come out wit flying colours for your exam?
Lagos State University Overall Best Graduating Student, wey score di highest CGPA for di 2021/2022 academic session don drop tips.
Di 23-year-old Aminat Yusuf wey graduate wit a perfect 5:00 CGPA say di first tip wey pesin wey wan ace im exam gatz know na to get interest for di course of study. She say if pesin get passion for di course e dey study, to read no go hard. She say interest in study course dey important.
“Anytin wey you wan do especially if na book, you gatz love am, get passion and enjoy am. E go get time wen things dey difficult but because na something you choose yourself you go fit ey manage am.”
She also tok say make students no wait till wen exam reach before dem begin study. “You wan get first class, no be for mouth.” She tok
Odd. In the midst of Worldwide true recklessness, lies and deceit from all quarters, I find myself ‘happy’. But why? I am connected with ‘Three’ Technical to complain about constant / numerous dropped lines. During the exchange with Three Technical I find myself having to explain the humour behind: ” look over there, there’s a squirrel”. Silence from the other party. Had to explain. Now going forth in his career in India is a sympathetic techie who will no doubt when called in the future to discuss mobile phone connection problems in the UK, will voluntarily assert to the caller, “look over there, a squirrel….’
Be warned about that likelihood.
Open for a while yet ….
How much is omitted?
& who funds ‘Politics Polls’…………
Look over there, theres a squirrel……
Love a poll.
CNBC by chance a BBC TNI partner?
“Four of these states were recently listed as some of the most economically productive states to which Americans are migrating in a Bloomberg report
This is just the left posting their Ls”
Sopes has probably RT’d already.
I wrote too quickly yesterday about Getty’s images showing
a WHITE male looking at his bank or mortgage statement.
I expect whoever allowed this from the diversity dept
was sacked . Even though the white model’s partner
was black.
Today we are back to the status quo and the BBC’S number
one agenda of “educating” us the unwashed. The main
feature on main news internet page of the BBC has a feature
by Shawaz Musafer on ” Supermarkets told to make
pricing clearer.” And the Getty’s image is of? Have a guess.
Back to normality.
On another topic Simon Jack the Business Editor for the BBC
has been an absolute disgrace . The way he has handled the
closure of Nigel Farage’s Coutts bank account. But what do
you expect from the BBC?
Maybe they handle the BLM property portfolio.
Guest Who-Yes and probably Getty’s Imaging as well.
A gypsy dressed black man hosting Bargain Hunt.
2 likes seems as overfunded as it is ridiculous.
They still seem to think ‘new’ instead of actual democratic ballots are how to seize power, and most of this is 2018 XR manifesto juvenile tripe.
Plus ‘demands’ only work if you are not a bunch of wailing weenies seeking handouts on top of crippling economies and pension investments.
Hi Rube,
Historical heat waves and droughts. Oil corporations like Shell and BP making enormous profits and not paying their fair share. Skyrocketing energy bills and millions in fuel poverty.
This is the climate crisis in action. And those responsible are getting richer while the rest of us suffer. But we’ve got a plan.
The Green New Deal is a game changing plan to stop the climate crisis and build a world in which we can all thrive. And we win by using every tool and tactic in our arsenal to force the Government to act.
For the last three years, we’ve been working together with partners such as Green New Deal Rising on this campaign, by helping train young people across the country and organising online actions. And now we’re ready to kick things up a notch.
You might be wondering what the Green New Deal is. It’s a long-term, ambitious plan for Government spending, investment and law-making in line with the following five demands:
Decarbonise the economy, end our dependence on dirty fossil fuels and ensure everyone has guaranteed access to clean energy.
Jobs and a just transition: Create millions of new well-paid, unionised, secure, and future-proof jobs for anyone who needs one, and guarantee a decent livelihood for anyone currently working in the oil and gas industry.
Transform the financial system – it should serve the needs of people and the planet, and our government should be accountable to people, not corporations.
Protect and restore vital habitats and carbon sinks, including forests and wild areas, ensure nature friendly food production, and ensure the provision of clean water, air, green spaces and a healthy environment for all.
Promote global justice: Do our part to help the rest of the world build fair, clean and healthy economies, accounting for the UK’s historic and ongoing role in exploiting communities and resources across the world.
The Green New Deal is a big and ambitious plan. We know winning won’t be easy. But together we can apply mass pressure on our Government and force them to sit up and listen – and take action.
Onwards and downwards into the green pit of oblivion.
Matilda and the 350 UK team
This will of course be copy pasted by the BBC, but if Simon Jack and Justin Rowlatt are on the byline they might now attract blowback.
Are we surprised?
That tweet is not embedding for me
I opened it and it says : Newsnight’s “Banking Commentator” Is Farage-Hating Remoaner Crank
The Twitter embeds failing seems to be a sign that the halcyon days of laying off the censors and assorted manipulative goons at Twitter San Fransisco HQ are over?
That said – I wonder how much control Twitter UK have over regional content. I cannot imagine the corporals and Ruperts at Hermitage Barracks giving up any control they had?
In re ; Coutts and Nigel Farage
As their website says they are for disrupters and innovaters , plus they bank for folks regardless of their beliefs , we can safely say they are lying . Therefore they should be done under the Trades Description Act .
Trades Description Act ?
– that Act has been superseded and Trading Standards is now a digital rubbish dump connected to an automated telephone system that’s set up to dispirit callers to save on recording hard disk space.
As the day of the 20th July developed, for me, it was registering the terminology used during the R4 ‘Today’ news at 0600. Great pains to refer to the Farage 40 page evidence from Coutts as, “alleged evidence”. Must have been a bit of a shock to the Marxist controlling the Today news output to see that position quickly slipping away from his/her/its grasp as the World recognised the same 40 pages as true & valid evidence. As you would expect from a reptile, the BBC writhed away and the, “alleged” quietly slipped away as they realised to continue to use the description “alleged” increasingly put them on the wrong side of the news.
As I look at Sopel’s apology Twitter throws some of his top tweets at me
That smug tweet basically says “My gang is superior we get facts and details right !”
Jul 10 story
“BBC branded ‘a safe haven for perverts’ as Tory MPs demand licence fee scrapped”
Sopel replied
That Statement is
#1 Whataboutery, to distract attention from the BBC
Sure orgs like the church or Parliament have their perv problems
but that doesn’t excuse the BBC
#2 False equivalence : A gay Tory who gets a bit handsy when drunk
is not the same as actual child rapidts like Savile and Rolf Harris etc.
News coming in now that a german company are going to be building a tank production facility in Ukraine. Putin has said that it will be considered a legitimate target. I may be able to help him regarding its location. It will be in the middle of a residential area, probably between an orphanage and a hospital. Then when it gets attacked it will all be Russia’s fault. The longer this war goes on, the more I think that the clown presidents’ favourite book is “How to maximise the cynical use of human shields” by S. Hussein.
BBC management is putting in a plan that local local radio will be the first 8 hours of the day from 6-2pm After that 2 or 3 stations get amalgamated into super regional progs from 2-10pm
Something that used to happen before for some progs anyway.
So today loval BBC news staff are on strike
as a result the local news prog is not local lical it’s super-regional for the whole if the mid-north
item : Striking NHS consultants
interviewed consultant “Because of NHS pay and conditions my colleague is moving Ryad”
Really I thought it was cis the Saudis have loads of oil money so can afford cto poach UK staff
just like we poach from poorer countries.
Now LGBT football news
LGBT PR guy “How dare Liverpool football club agree to transfer Jordan Henderson to a Saudi club which has Stephen Gerrard as manager
Henderson has done a lot of LGBT campaigning in the past
so he shouldn’t move to a country unfriendly to LGBT”
The salary will be £700K/week
Will they wear those ridiculous rainbow flaglets? Will they take the knee? Will they chirp on about other peoples’ beliefs ? Particularly the need to throw queers off rooftops ..?
But for £700k a week even a horrible mouth like Henderson will stay quiet ….
Saudi crown prince asked Boris Johnson to intervene in Newcastle United bid
This article is more than 2 years old
Mohammed bin Salman warned of damage to Saudi-UK relations if Premier League refusal not ‘corrected’
MEGA BECKS David Beckham lands MASSIVE seven-figure pay cheque to front controversial Qatar World Cup ad campaign
Simon Boyle
Published: 21:01, 21 Sep 2022Updated: 8:18, 22 Sep 2022
Homosexuality is illegal and punishable with up to seven years in prison.
Beckham’s spokesperson recently said: “David has been visiting Qatar regularly for over a decade.
Let’s face it – there’s loads of dirty money in the prem ( see chelski ) so why not have the toons funded by dirty Arabs and their huge oil profits – bought to you by Vladimir putin …?
I understand that Nigel Farage has received an apology ?
“A rose by any other name would smell just as …………”
sort of TWatO Watch #1 – but more like 1 p.m. News
Is there something important that the BBC omitted from their News Broadcast: for example, an essential fact? We heard on the News about two Indian women who were paraded naked around a village in Manipur state. It was presented by the BBC as being an ethnic rivalry thing with misandrist overtone or undertones and hinted at some offence being committed by the two women.
What the BBC did not tell us were that they were Christian women. You know that you cannot trust the BBC. They will never provide all the facts. A farrago just like Nigel Farage’s struggle with Coutts Bank.
I’m sure the full detail will have been carried on the BBC Asian network . Is it time for another war in India / Pakistan ? The echo on the streets of the UK will be priceless …
AIUI the Pakistani upper classes have pillaged state assets and run up a mega debt and internal pressure is building …
Be good to have an expose of where the money has gone….
Let’s not forget that Islamabad has nukes…
Farage “Simon Jack has been tweeting, but that is just quoting Coutts apology. he hasn’t apologised to me himself”
Strangely BBC breakfast just now tweeted the news that Coutts have apologieed.
Methinks mr jack is in a tricky position … the strategy seems to be for him to be ‘disappeared ‘ until Coutts dies down because a bigger newer fresher story comes along …
… but he deserves a bit more attention – is he sleeping with the head of Coutts – exchanging secrets about Farage ? Her boasting about destroying him ? The vengeance of a remainer traitor ? Maybe mr jack is on the same ward as Huw …
“In general, West Minister and Whitehall are dominated by arts graduates with very poor quantitive skills, little to no understanding of technological issues, little or no experience of successful organisations or responsibility for big organisations. To think of the scale mismatch most MPs haven’t been involved managing a 100 people then are put in charge of managing 10K people. ” – Dominic Cummings 2014
It’s really funny that, because anyone in the private sector or public sector managing more than 100 people would never take a job with the poverty levels of pay the civil service are offering.
People believe public service should be a charity, which it most certainly is, but are then surprised the people working as semi volunteers want to use the position as a means of enacting left wing political change.
Full of high achievers – Mao did more good than harm!
Maybe the parliamentary system has always been rigged by the civil service to ensure that no body capable gets in any position where they can achieve something .
Terrible things happen when the Civil Service fail . For instance a Margaret Thatcher comes along and horrifies the civil service hierarchy – which connives to ensure nothing like it can happen again . Blair doesn’t fit into the ‘change ‘ mould at the Thatcher level .
So PMs and civil servants ensure ministers never get a full hold of their brief before being moved on . Or the job is just too difficult ( health / home office ) ….
And so we get disfunctional government – unable to set a strategy – eg energy security ( basic ) border security ( basic )
Money control ( basic ) and in a few hours from this comment will be demonstrated as blue Labour gets its arse well and truly kicked .
The duty minister in the morning spouting lies about ‘it could have been worse’ or ‘ we will listen ‘ or even the lie ‘we will change ‘ – will need a stiff drink after their deserved kicking .I’m guessing it will be Gove because he is good at keeping a straight face when telling lies …
Margaret Thatcher? The Civil Service, that period was a ‘trial run’ for what we have now. Typical of the left to go away quietly and ponder over that period and change tack accordingly next time round.
The civil service knows that not much will change now whoever is ‘elected ‘ …
7pm Piers Morgan’s news headlines and lead item are about unfairness to Nigel Farage and craziness of woke corporations.
While he’s taking a break from Good Morning Britain this week, Piers drew plenty of attention to himself on Tuesday morning when he posted: “NHS and Care Home workers who refuse to have the vaccine should not be allowed to go into work until the pandemic is over.
Piers Morgan defends himself after flying to Antigua for Christmas holiday
Piers Morgan has been criticised for spending the festive period in Antigua after saying Coronavirus wouldn’t stop because of Christmas.
If you notice that one of your relatives believes things that aren’t true
.. that could be a sign of Alzheimer’s
.. or it could be a sign that they watch the BBC.
Never heard of this woman
then I see her crazy tweets get 12,000 Likes yet replies and quote tweets vastly go against her.
That’s as if she buys Likes
“Siobhan Benita is a British former civil servant.
an independent candidate in the 2012 London mayoral election.
then the Liberal Democrat candidate in the London mayoral election originally planned for 2020,[1] but after the election was delayed to 2021, she withdrew as the candidate”
If she’s buying popularity / visibility services one wonders who offers that and what it costs?
Altough today and yesterday most of the MSM press and BBC are pushing it could not get any hotter (pushed out annually by the Met office as part of an WHO agenda its worth looking at more independent unbiased reports. This for July, right now…
Rather typical isn’t it?
So you can imagine how the BBC has reworked this into an inferno. And we know why.
A more honest interactive Europe map of LIVE temperature read out (you can choose your own location ‘hot-spot’ (pun intended). You can find here…via satellite.
(See click point bottom left for cloud symbol and click on that for temp and wind speed). Its in Fahrenheit not Centigrade. You need to convert that yourself.,7.075195,5
That last one defaults to Centigrade on my tablet
probably picking up on the system settings.
“Temperature Observations” is the best term
Try the Met Office WOW website of independent Weather Observations
it covers the whole world
As it loads it shows the days max at each site
Light Orange 25C
Orange 30C
Red 35C
Only Tunis is red
Zoom out and Kuwait is maroon for 49C*uad653*_ga*ODgyMTE2Mzc1LjE2ODY0MzI4Njk.*_ga_2MWC7FCEB2*MTY4OTg4NTc5My4xLjEuMTY4OTg4NjE1OC4wLjAuMA..
1980 – stevie wonder releases ‘hotter than July ‘ … the kidults seem unable to accept that Summer can be Hot … mental issues …
… I was cheered up by some green loons – lord something or other saying the UK isn’t doing enough to combat climate change . Such encouraging news . Yes the 70 million ish in the UK really are gonna have an impact on the climate of the planet right ?
The fabled 2.5 degree climate catastrophe ? How dare we try to deprive billions of people who don’t have electricity or clean water or Amazon prime from aspiring … fridge freezers all round ….
At 1 pm the BBC edited it’s old Farage Coutts article
#1 Unusually It was not the normal stealth edit
where changes are not admitted
#2 It was not the normal correction
which is hidden right at the bottom of articles
#3 Instead an “Update” was added right under the title
#4 The update is still mealy mouth and disingenuous
Then it continues with the old false article, with no mark saying the article has been retracted or something
BTW the new title is
“Nigel Farage bank account shut for falling below wealth limit, source tells BBC”
The current article doesn’t make it clear the old title
was “Nigel Farage bank account shut for falling below wealth limit”
2 hours ago they put up a video
Ros Atkins Factcheck
Newsniffer didn’t catch this latest edit
cos it only catches LIVE articles
so it caught the first 8 edit stages while it was live.
There’s a new nasty title from the Guardian
Pity Nigel Farage as he is deemed too horrible to bank with the elite at Coutts 19 Jul 2023, 13:32
BBC articles about it
Nigel Farage launches fresh attack over Coutts bank closure 20 Jul
Nigel Farage: Coutts document ‘shows bank account shut over my views’ 18 Jul
Nigel Farage bank account shut for falling below wealth limit 04 Jul
Banks face threat to licences over Farage bank account row 20 Jul
Nigel Farage: Banks warned against closing accounts 03 Jul
Nigel Farage gets apology from banking boss in Coutts row 20 Jul
Bank account closures probe must be fast tracked, says minister 05 Jul
I have no idea whatever. Is that his daughter or what?
Here’s hoping Farage notices and calls them out?
newsniffer provides really valuable insight into how the monitored outlets think … I’ve often found the adjustments made very telling about the prejudices of the authors…
The broadcasters sense that they are slowly but surely losing the pubic who now, openly question the agenda. Prevailing philosophy? ‘A picture says a thousand words’………..
Brillo can still bite
Nothing will happen – a sacking – a gold watch – move on …. 1400+ raped kids 0 action … repeat ….
The letter published in the Mail from the outgoing CEO of nat west group Dame Nobody – does not offer to take Farage into the welcoming embrace of Coutts – the Russian mafia go to laundering bank .
Instead he can have a Nat West junior members account and get a signed picture of Marcus Rashford or lennard Henry … in fact they are doing picture cards of approved heroes – starting with Diane abbot …
All for you to collect if you put £10 into the approved account ….
Dame dismal gone by Monday ?
Not particular impressed with those of my gender who have broken the glass ceiling, and are proving to be rubbish at the job. Alison Rose, Carolyn McCall, Pat Cullen to name but three. This lot prove that just sometimes, blokes are best at top business and negotiating.
Matt Ridley relays virology antics – cutting each others ties and shin kicking and name calling that virologists were indulging in behind the scenes while the power crazed bureaucrats were amping up all sorts…
How much longer can the silence go on.
Dr John Campbell anticipates this video will be removed by YT.
Alison Pearson on the outgoing CEO of Nat West
STARTS After Alison Rose was appointed the first female chief executive of RBS (later NatWest) in 2019, she announced that “tackling climate change would be a central pillar” of her leadership. Had Rose misread the job spec? Did she think, perhaps, that she had assumed control of Extinction Rebellion rather than a leading capitalist institution?
No, it was apparent that Rose saw her role as primarily ideological rather than tediously financial. “Put simply,” she said, “tackling the climate emergency is one of, if not the biggest issue of our time – and banks have a massive role to play in mobilising the power of finance to meet the net zero ambition”. On that very same day, the bank ended new loans for oil and gas extraction, a ruinous piece of virtue signalling which hampered the British people’s access to their own bountiful natural resources.
Not that paying the gas bill is much of a concern for Dame Alison. Last year, her pay packet was £5.25 million, a big chunk of that courtesy of the taxpayer, who owns 39 per cent of NatWest (and thus Coutts) since its bailout during the 2008 financial crisis. Now, in a desperate attempt to stem the furore over Nigel Farage and his closed accounts at Coutts, she has emailed him to apologise. But fine words butter no parsnips. Dame Alison must resign.
A friend who used to be extremely senior at Coutts, and still keeps in touch with former colleagues, says that the scandal over the private bank terminating Nigel Farage’s account was “depressingly inevitable. The forces of woke have wrought havoc there,” he says, “The trouble is members of staff are bullied into compliance with these ‘progressive’ edicts.”
My friend is appalled at the naivety and delusions of the present executives. “These people think they are invulnerable and have little awareness of the outside world. They talk to themselves and listen only to sycophants who will never gainsay them. If what they are said to have done to Farage is accurate it’s disgustingly disgraceful. I’m ashamed of what the bank has become.”
440 Strand (Coutts HQ where men in smart frock-coats still greet you at the door) had a previous flirtation with diversity back in the Seventies and Eighties when it banned the recruitment of public schoolboys. “Absurd. They were the very people who made up a large part of their client base!,” snorts my source. That daft idea was overturned because privately-educated males were rather good at smooth-talking wealthy clients, who valued good manners and discretion above all.
More recently, such discrimination has made a comeback. Human Resources departments have been totally captured by EDI, a virulent virus from the US, and City firms have taken to rejecting a whole raft of talented British people in pursuit of “inclusion”.
“Basically, if you’re a brilliant white boy who went to a good school, forget it,” claims one hugely successful banker, a white man who went to a great school, natch. “They’d genuinely rather have a less qualified ethnic minority who can’t even compose an email to the clients because it helps with their ESG Rating.”
ESG stands for Environmental, Social and Governance, typically referring to policies that prioritise long-term environmental and social sustainability when making investments and other banking decisions. ESG can include social issues regarding diversity, equity, and inclusion plus the inevitable climate change.
So alarming is the tentacular stranglehold this philosophy has over financial institutions that, back in the spring, Governor Ron DeSantis took steps to ban ESG in Florida. He called it “woke banking”. “What it’s evolved into is a mechanism to inject political ideology into investment decisions, corporate governance, and really just the everyday economy,” said DeSantis. ESG policies were enforced by “elites” in financial institutions to push “woke” political agendas which did not not prioritise financial interests.
Which brings us back to Nigel Farage and Coutts. The 40-page dossier which Coutts compiled on Farage reads like the infantile scribbling of a politically-aggrieved students’ union rather than the thoughtful conclusion of mature bankers who know that their job is giving their clients good service and treating them fairly while making money for shareholders.
The bank’s Wealth Reputational Risk Committee admitted that the ex-Ukip leader was a commercially viable customer, but there is something a bit whiffy about him, don’t you know, something that might offend the delicate and inclusive nostrils of Dame Alison. Farage is considered “racist” and “xenophobic”, apparently because he retweeted a Ricky Gervais joke. Disgracefully, the report states he is a “disingenuous grifter”. A subjective character judgment which belongs in fiction not business.
Do we suspect that Coutts is likely to have more than a few unsavoury clients “not aligned with our values”? A Chinese tycoon who puts Uyghurs in a concentration camp, perhaps? An Iranian potentate who authorises the mass hanging of gay people and disappears ex-wives in the concrete foundations of his new palace? For them it could well be, “Tea or coffee, Mr Mass Murderer, do you take sugar?” But a Brexit leader who commanded the votes of millions and now hosts a hugely popular show on GB News – Ugh, let’s show him the door!
Home Secretary Suella Braverman is right to say the Coutts scandal exposes the “sinister nature” of the “diversity, equity and inclusion industry”. The Farage farrago will undoubtedly lose the bank clients. Serious wealth does not like publicity.
“It may score Brownie points with the Islington dinner-party circuit who are not Coutts’ customers anyway,” observes my source, “but it will lose a whole raft of landowners who are naturally conservative, and families who have banked with Coutts for generations. They will be horrified. ‘Why on earth should my political views influence the holding of my account?’, that will be their attitude.”
So why are our banks and other financial institutions in the grip of EDI, a self-righteous, quasi-Communist ideology which despises so many of their clients?
One of the UK’s most senior bankers tells me he prefers to call it DIE. “As in so many parts of our society, the religion of DIE (EDI) is pervasive. In the corporate world, CEOs have Stockholm Syndrome or they are just weak and are told by their DIE officers that they need to sign up to this stuff or their customers (particularly the young ones) will go elsewhere. It’s the same with ESG. It is all b——- (if that is not now considered a misogynist term!). Hopefully, we have reached peak b——-.”
Have we? Perhaps Farage’s clash with Coutts will mark a watershed. An emergency law is set to be introduced to prevent banks “cancelling” account holders. The Government needs to do that quickly. Banks which do not protect the free speech of customers could lose their licences, and rightly so. How dare bankers in their fifties behave like teenage Maoists with other people’s money.
On a wider level, those of us who thought that the “culture wars” were just something waged by Leftie teachers or right-on theatre groups will have realised that the woodworm of woke is gnawing away at the foundations of all our institutions. People need to wake up to woke. The dangers that EDI and ESG pose – to our international competitiveness, to our economic success, to freedom itself – are profound.
“Sometimes,” says the senior banker, “I want to give up and see how long this millennial generation can manage without destroying everything our civilisation has achieved over the last 400 years.”
I know how he feels. The sheer idiocy is debilitating. Posh middle-aged bankers fancying themselves as climate change activists and trans-champions is embarrassing. (Focus on the day job, love!) But we have to keep fighting the good fight for the sake of our children and grandchildren. We just have to.
Thomas Coutts must be spinning in his grave. He was always prepared to bank anyone, especially those who were being persecuted and even went to Paris at the height of the French Revolution to help beleaguered aristocrats. Would Coutts have considered Nigel Farage’s money to be as good as the next man’s? You can bank on it.ENDS
£5.25 million a year wages ….
Boats on the doorstep
Now that’s a very good idea …
Send a letter to your MP
The thing about dismissing political opponents by using the smear label Conspiracy Theorists
is that sometimes conspiracies do happen
Ask Farage
Previously the Guardian used this headline
“There’s nothing a Brexiter loves more than a good conspiracy”
There’s nothing a Brexiter loves more than a good democracy.
No, ‘gammon’ is not a racial slur. Now let’s change the conversation
This article is more than 5 years oldOwen Jones
This tweet 5 hours after Farage won 2 big apologies
is from a hatey BBC comedian @daraobriain
31K Likes ..does Dara buy his Likes ?
Why didn’t he go on Newsnight to complain? Didn’t he want to stand up for Irish people ?
Pity, he used to be funny.
Next, Nish to write his new material.
Who is he? Never heard of him.
I used to think “0-Brain” was quite witty and funny. I guess spend long enough with the BBC and you will get that kicked out of you to be replaced by juvenile political spiteful blind posturing. If he keeps developing his BBC style he will be recommending battery acid next….They can keep him.
Done with him now!
Hs BBC pay means he does not have to bother with Jimmy Saville stories.
BBC news weather stats are 10C higher than their own weather stats
cos the news is using satellite estimates of Land Surface temperature
whereas weather which is what we are all used to is air temp 2m above ground
BBC news fail to make this clear
It’s fallacy of comparing oranges vs apples.
This evening round and the temp. is now 11C Dec.