In my great efforts to support the BBC’s environment and climate change coverage, can anyone explain why their chief eco-warrior correspondent, Justin Rowlatt, was sent by aeroplane to Spain a few days ago to tell us how hot it was over there?
by their own logic just a couple of hundred people leading the way would make it 99,999
and then the rest of the world would follow their example
hence britain with 0.1% of world CO2 output at vast expense and the destruction of the working and middle classes will go net zero and the rest of the world will obviously follow
And then try and explain why Sad Dick Khan wants to impose the ULEZ zone on the good people of Uxbridge?
It has nothing to do with pollution. It’s just the latest ruse to penalise car users and collectivise transport, the true socialist nirvana of denying the freedom of private individuals.
What I fail to understand is that if PM10 and PM2.5 levels really do get the little khants panties in such a bunch then why the eck does he not bang on and on and on and on and on about the Londonistan Underground.
Measurements of PM10 and PM2.5 are off the Richter scale acording to polution measuring scientists that I have spoken to who have measured these things in the underground.
Last time I saw the Labour party so cock-a-hoop it was the pre election rally under Neil Kinnock in 1992 It was a parade of hype and counting chickens before they hatched .They were so sure they would win it was utter hubris.
I found this article while trying to find the year:
So all the goody two shoes BBC types that the Conservative Party have been chasing for votes haven’t voted for them . Meanwhile traditional Conservative voters stayed at home .
Oh well, perhaps the Question Time and Any Questions audiences will feel a little sorry for them and won’t hiss and boo them so much when the saps appear and try to mollify the “representative “ audience .
One week last Thursday, a relative turned his ankle playing in a football 5 a side.
The next day, last Friday, it had swollen hugely and was painful to stand on, so he took the day off work and took some painkillers.
Over last weekend, the swelling went down and the pain abated but there was a lot of bruising and he still could not stand on it, so he rang the GP surgery when it opened at 8am. last Monday.
After waiting for half an hour, he finally got through to reception but by then all the GP appointments had gone. He was offered a telephone appointment with a nurse. The nurse arranged for him to see a physio on the Friday (today). When he saw the physio, the first thing she said was ‘have you had an X Ray?’
She was surprised when he said no. He remonstrated- how was he to know that an XRay was required when no-one had suggested it?
Still with me?
She set him up to go to the local hospital for an X ray this afternoon. He was seen after an hour’s wait. He was told he would have to see his GP next Tuesday. He asked if there were any indications from the X rays but nothing was offered. He asked if he could get a copy of the paperwork and was told to go to another department.
Once there he was told that paperwork copies take one month to be sent out. Next Tuesday he hopes to be able to get through on the phone to get an appointment to see a GP. If he is lucky, 12 days after the event, he might be given a diagnosis from which he may finally be assigned appropriate treatment.
And that, dear reader, is the service the NHS actually provides. Any businesses working at that level of unconnected incompetence would not last 5 minutes. This one costs us £150 bn a year and it’s hero employees have spent this year on strike,
What a totally useless s***-show.
PS when Mrs S needed dental treatment in Australia, the local clinic had a dentist as well as GPs, pharmacy, and……a minor injuries centre ……and an X ray machine !!!!! But hey, we have the finest health system in the world.
Sadly, your relative’s experience is common in today’s NHS.
I had a similar event coming out of lockdown, with shingles engulfing half my head. Ten days from initial call to see my GP, despite being some 200 yards from my front door.
Hospitalised for 24 hours, then booted out of a mostly empty ward.
Another – this time surreal – GP event was earlier this year with a respiratory problem ( nobody likes the phrase excess phlegm) which was also ten days lead in time to see a doctor, albeit a locum.
Now everyone I’ve told about what happened has said they find it incredible and that I should complain.
But this is the truth, on my boys’ lives.
Automated system calls me to room 1.
I knock and wait politely. I knock again. Nothing.
I knock a little harder and enter the consulting room, to be ignored by the doctor, who was on their mobile phone.
I remain standing (my upbringing) and wait to be invited to sit.
The locum is still on the call and beckons me (Marcel Marceau style) to sit-down.
They put the still connected phone onto the desk and ask me my symptoms.
I’m part way through explaining when they (and I) hear a click, at which point they pick up the phone, stand up and go over the window (facing it) and conduct a private call.
It was at this point I thought that I should leave the room – and still to this day I don’t know why I didn’t.
This is the best bit.
They have the phone up to their ear, turning around to face me.
Then I’m instructed to stand up by them using a hand gesture! So like a lemon, I stood up.
Then they walked the three yards to me, using their hand like a duck’s beak opening and closing, for me to open my mouth.
Again the lemon won, so I duly opened my mouth.
A torch appeared from nowhere and they had a quick look at my throat.
“I’ve seen lots of this with people your age” they say – and whoever they were talking to on the phone must have questioned them, as they then said “No, not you”!
They then proceeded to organise a prescription for three items, for which I politely thanked them and left.
The kicker to this story is that three days later, I’m in hospital with a severe allergic reaction to one of the drugs !!
The complaint is ongoing, but on a positive note, I have dined out several times on this story.
Re the above – some people here might question my disregard of the ‘medical mafia ‘ – but the examples above – as well as my own experience – confirm what I think of them .
The problem is they are treated as ‘special ‘ people clap for them . Governments throw money at them – if it were possible I’d privatise the NHS – but it’s rotten …
Having seen the specially equipped doctors room on board “the migrant barge”, the above stories (and my own lengthy one), make it even more disgusting. Perhaps we would have better luck queuing up on that damn thing.
Ditto here in West Wales. Coughing up blood…………….Got over the initial GP hurdles you describe then 24month on a list to see, a consultant. I do think its all part of the Grand Plan. ‘Naturally’ killing off members of the population by delay. I’ve asked my local MP / Member of the so-called, Welsh Government to answer one simple question on the subject to the GP conspiracy to deprive / limit patients access of primary care:
Are there excessive number of patients now suffering the after ‘glow’ of Covid “vaccines” taking up all the GP’s time that we’re not being told about (possible)
The population of the local area to any given GP surgery has doubled or trebled within the last three years. (not at all possible without being seen with the coloured nature of the imports).
Which is it?
Btw its started. You know all (to a man or woman) of YT’s online (and well respected) financial pundits say the next phase of bank collapses has re-started. They can’t all be wrong. The last earlier in the year, is just the ‘froth of top of a pint’ – easily blown off.
Without receiving serious ‘third-degree’ from Santander, including halting one online transaction for just over £250 to a previous established payee, I was forced to call them only to be told that the restriction was as a result of a ‘random’ security check……………More and more hurdles to you sourcing your money. Sorry, not yours but theirs.
Remember the banks now have government blessing for, “Bail-ins”. Time to consider your regular income sources and whether they should be re-directed to other than your main account?
There was a time when you could collect pension and other state benefits, in cash, from the Post Office. No longer. Since December 2022. Speaks volumes:
For the second Friday in a row the local ITV newsPR has had an item doing PRasNews for Windfarms
Last week Amelia Beckett had an item where she gleefully said “windpower is the cheapest form of electricity”
No it isn’t by a mile., even when the market is rigged to pit its intermittent generation vs stable gas.
Today there was a carefully scripted item
with continuous advertising type dialogue.
Sofa dolly “For over a year now rising energy bills have been putting an increasingly large strain on family finances”
Lie and lie
the bills stopped rising some time ago,
so they aren’t putting an increasing strain.
“But there could be a glimmer of hope for some people in our region who have been struggling to make ends meet”
Sofa bloke “Yes, households on the East coast close to offshore wind farms could benefit from cheaper electricity when the wind is blowing particularly strong. I’ve being offshore to find how it might work
“Here I am with two bill payers (East European forenames and surname)
at the Lincs offshore wind farm generating electricity for a quarter of a million homes (not when it’s not windy it doesn’t and homes is a Mickey Mouse PR unit)
The technical director Pullen has an Australian accent.
continuous advertising type dialogue with buzzwords
There was one bit where Noisa North-Bond from Octopus Energy was asked about coal power needed to be brought online
“.. we need more new renewable projects like this one, so we can create a market that actually ultimately delivers at scale cheaper energy to households”
Bloke “just last week developers were granted planning permission to build Hornsea 4
operators here say it’s a further step to generating cheaper greener power to drive down bills, when households needed the most”
(..The bloke failed to mention the cancellation of the big wind farm off the coast of Norfolk)
Studio dolly “very interesting”
Bloke smiles smugly “all in the days work”
dolly “absolutely”
International News you won’t see / hear on the BBC
RELEASED: Bombshell FBI document detailing alleged $10M Biden bribery scheme: Burisma CEO said Hunter was 'stupid' but necessary to keep on board because 'his dad' could 'protect' them from 'problems' via
I think that by now, everyone knows what is driving the majority of murders in London. It’s black gang culture and their drug dealing.
So I read this article to see if the study was a total waste of time. And of course it was because nobody anywhere is allowed to point the finger where it belongs because the likes of Lammy will brand them racists and they won’t get the contract to do the next one.
And of course the study doesn’t go anywhere near stating it. All we get is a bullet point – right at the bottom of a list – which says:
‘Gang violence presented a particular homicide risk to young people’
Here’s who is behind it : ‘Lib Peck’
20 years as a London Labour councillor.
What a complete waste of taxpayers money. The problem will never be solved until the Left admit what it is.
There’s also a video doing the rounds of a thoroughly venomous little Kim Jong Un style Democrat Committee weasel trying to pull a bbc context free edit stunt on Candace Owens and regretting it.
Ah, those happy little unintential headline juxtapositions…
England ‘raring to go’ for Women’s World Cup opener (BBC)
‘lioness’ probably a ‘boar’, authorities say (BBC)
Just in case you were wondering: German officials have called off their search for a suspected lioness after finding no evidence of a big cat on the loose in Berlin’s suburbs. (BBC)
Meanwhile in the left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper – clearly the BBC’s new best favourite title, topping their online press review yet again: Keira Walsh: How I protect my mental health during a World Cup – just turn down the sound on your TV – cut out the over-exuberant gushing commentary and instead watch the slow dull pictues, that should soon sooth you off to sleep, luv
Having put my psephology head on (as Catweazle might have said – there’s one for the teenagers – Catweazle was probaly the first man of millions to suddenly arrive out of nowhere into modern Britain with a full set of medieval attitudes, but I digress, albeit within parentheses)
To my mind the psephology or quantitative analysis of elections and balloting, lesson of the three by-elections would seen to be that we will indeed kick out the Tories to be replaced with New New Labour leaning a bit right-ward promising to get tough on crime and even immigration – but once in power their softy LibDem allies will put a stop to all that – then three or four years down the line the whole country will be a state of severe buyer’s regret finding itself under ULEZ
But on a lighter note, the Telegraph stumbles into innuendo
How is that girly footy going ? Is anyone bothered with it ?I see the bbc has created a ‘false ‘ nickname for ‘the lasses ‘. Prem starts on 12 august ..
I know you don’t follow cricket but this is beating the Australians , it’s beyond sport, it’s winning a long running family feud that will be remembered for at least three generations!
I have been quite amazed at the hype the BBC is giving the film ‘Barbie’. It’s getting the full-on PR promotion.
I first heard of it when the French advertisement said ‘Barbie is everything. Ken just knows how to f*ck.’ and was amused at the enormity of the woke double-standards and hypocrisy. Just imagine their reaction if it was the other way round.
So I checked the IMDB reviews. Most are 10/10 which is always a sign they are fake or review-bombed by the woke. Scrolling to the less extreme comments I found these;
‘This movie is a feminist fever dream that teaches young girls that they will never be successful in the world as long as men exist, and that men are horrible.’
‘The movie gets upset at the real world because women don’t choose to take on more physical or stressful jobs, and then says that the reason they don’t take these jobs is because of men, Men are this men are that, men publicly grope women, every single one, and every woman is perfect no matter how obese or weird they are.’
‘It’s a surprisingly unrelenting work of misandry, toxic relationships, and alternative lifestyles coated in the pink plastic shell of a beloved toy.’
ULEZ are not popular! Who knew? The same is true , and will become increasingly obvious , of heat pumps, banning ICE vehicles, covering the fragments of countryside that we have left in wind farms and solar farms , banning log burners and gas boilers , etc etc etc.
All this even though the truth about the climate catastrophe being a hoax is a carefully guarded secret and the MSM dutifully pumps out the net zero narrative.
Once the truth seeps out , a few cracks appear in the wall of lies , the public will revolt and damn those who have inflicted such damage on society. The same will be true of Covid vaccines and lockdowns.
How I wish that the same were true of mass immigration of the third world into our midst. The damage caused by the false climate catastrophe hoax and Covid hoax although great can overcome by a generational struggle but the consequences of importing the people of the third world and their incompatible belief systems will be around for many generations to come.
9am Humberside local news “yesterday’s Selby by-election result shows there is likely to be a Labour government a York Professor says”
York is not within their broadcast area, but they tend to have guests on the prog, and if they say something pro-Labour or woke it gets edited and put in as a news item..
The prof actually ended by saying you can’t extrapolate by-election results into full election results.
The green crap will stay – ULEZ will be expanding – road use per mile will be here within 5 years – polluter pays – they will say it’s to pay for the NHS – and sooner of later the council tax band will be moved ….
I think they do the NHS for the pension – a personal parking space – the hierarchy and deference – whilst the real money is made from the private stuff and taking bungs from punters who want to jump up the NHS waiting list . I’ve bunged at least 2 consultants before going fully private .
I wonder is there is a ‘trustpilot ‘ thing for medics with a table of survival rates for those who do the heavy stuff …. Next time I buy a quack I will do as much research as I can – never trust them- particulary the ones who do not speak .
I’d be inclined to tape the conversations too …. But never upset them because they are great at reprisals …
Don’t forget that they have to work their way up in the NHS in order to become consultants and although they do private work it’s a small percentage and not every consultant is able to have sufficient wealthy patients to support full time work.
In addition not every specialism lends itself to private work such as mental health which might be very lucrative in places like the priory, but unless you work full time for them there’s little freelance work outside that.
Not responsible for any damage to keyboards or screens there.
Some 15 years back there was a suggestion that surgeons in particular could be subjected to outcome ratings – that triggered some rather full-on reaction. We still see (mostly provincial) episodes where dangerous incompetents have been active, unchallenged for years.
I do wish, whatever is left of, ‘independent journalism’ could regularly repeat the fact that, “inflation” is not the increased cost of goods and services, it is ONLY the money in your pocket losing value as a result totally, of government action. They cause inflation.
G, between 1997 and 2010 in the UK we had according to the Government of the day: “Record growth and record low inflation.” In that time the £ in your pocket (thank you, Harold Wilson) lost over half its value. To eliminate inflation from an economy, you need negative inflation a.k.a. deflation but that latter word frightens old ladies and horses.
tomo, ah but, yes but, no but …. potholes create unnecessary tyre wear which causes pollution, potholes create extra unnecessary emissions through ‘pedal bounce’ and local authorities end up with extra bills for compensation from injured pedestrians, cyclists and drivers whose cars are damaged.
Around Wiltshire they’re re-modelling to cater for bicycles and ripping up undamaged miles of urban roads to make them purportedly bike friendly (cyclists seem to ignore their “safe space”) – in several places the end of the cycle area transforms into an auto-cross course.
tomo, I can take you to a metre long stretch of cycle lane – if still exists – in Haringey in north London that ends in a fairly substantial tree. Perhaps the good councillors of Haringey thought it would be good to encourage cyclists to wear helmets, or in the case of those refusing to do so, be eliminated by the tree.
An electric car 1.3 times heavier would be roughly 2.8 times more damaging as destruction goes up with the forth power of axle weight.
Add this to cars being made bigger and heavier anyway and the end result is likely cars that are 16 times more destructive to the roads than our old cars.
Maybe there is no interest in making cars consume less fuel but actually to consume more since 80% of that goes in taxes. Just saying.
The base was Vine was the BBC rep at a memorial to a radio presenter he and Belfield knew well.
BBC accounts had authorised £1000 to be brought along to pay for the costs
but when they got there they found that there was nothing to pay
Instead of returning the licence payers money, the BBC group donated the money to a charity.
Belfield had never said that Vine pocketed the money but he certainly encouraged a pile on, when Vine refused to explain the detail of what had happened
El Nino and its associate La Nina are significant as well, G, something that our Met Office forecasters completely overlook in their pushing of Global Warming and Climate Change.
11:30am FooC
– Sudan’s newest civil war has been raging for more than three months
Reporters can’t enter Sudan. Barbara Plett Usher has been working to cover the violence from Nairobi, in Kenya where she receives texts from locals in Sudan
Sunday’s snap general election vote in Spain, current Socialist PM Pedro Sanchez tests his mandate against growing pressure from the right – not just the traditional conservatives of the Partido Popular, but also a range of more firmly nationalist parties.
Each major bloc has questioned the other’s alliances – whether with smaller parties from the far right, or others from the Basque-nationalist movement. Guy Hedgecoe reports from Madrid.
Tunisia may have been the birthplace of the so-called Arab Spring, but these days its democratic credentials seem corroded. President Kais Saied is on an increasingly authoritarian tear, the economy is sputtering and the country’s treatment of sub-Saharan African migrants has been growing ever harsher.
And as Mike Thomson experienced on a recent trip, the media are still under VERY close supervision.
Much of Southern Europe is baking – if not burning – in a searing heatwave. Sofia Bettiza saw how people are adapting to the soaring temperatures on the streets of Palermo, in Sicily – and heard about concerns for Italians’ health in this heat.
“SURFACE temps” Adie said ..failing to explain these are different to normal measure “air temperature”
line “many people can’t afford fans” .. total BS .. I’ve travelled all over Sicily
– Mexico City, an unexpected casualty of gentrification.
The BBC’s Central America correspondent Will Grant has been trying to keep ahead of a wave of affluent foreigners – especially US citizens – moving in, but recently his young daughters’ nursery has been priced out of the neighbourhood.
(What BBC realises immigration has consequences ?)
The Tunisia guy shoehorned in a mention of a fisherman he spoke to who’d found a dead black baby in his fishing nets ..and over the months 15 migrant bodies
He gave no context
The first thing is Sfax is not in the north of Tunisia
I see other news “5 Jul 2023 — Racial tensions in the Tunisian coastal city of Sfax flared into violence targeting migrants from sub-Saharan Africa”
It does embed when I put www in front, though with most tweets that’s not necessary
opening the “more” link just gives you a tiny bit more info. Heres the full text anyway
“BREAKING: Journalist Emma-Jo Morris (@EmmaJoNYC), who broke the Hunter Biden laptop story for @NYPost but was immediately censored by the state on social media in an attempt to influence the 2020 election, just delivered a mind-boggling testimony on the extent of censorship in America.
She is now a politics editor @BreitbartNews. WATCH”
BREAKING: Journalist Emma-Jo Morris (@EmmaJoNYC), who broke the Hunter Biden laptop story for @NYPost but was immediately censored by the state on social media in an attempt to influence the 2020 election, just delivered a mind-boggling testimony on the extent of censorship in…
Stew – thank you for putting this valuable 5 minutes up . Once upon a time there might have been indignation about what happened – but now – nothing – no Katty – no Christian – no Sopel – to tell the story here …
Smarmer in a post by-election speech that a Labour Government will provide people with cheap and clean energy…….Surely a contradiction? Perhaps he doesn’t understand how the real world works?
Smarmer is annoyed that they didn’t win Uxbridge, blaming ULEZ expansion. He has suggested Kahn “reflects” on the ULEZ expansion.
Smarmer is a serious environmentalist until it comes losing votes. Smarmer is surely the most manipulative hypocrite.
I doubt I’m the only person who’s irritated by the skewed reporting of who said what and the one-sided western MSM rewording and “summaries” of what the Russians are saying and slavish repetition of every Ukranian press release or self serving rumour dressed up as fact.
We aren’t getting reportage – we’re getting undiluted propaganda.
“£28 million funding will help keep places of worship safe”
Simon Webb asks … Is that really about keeping all the churches safe , that are having their roof led stolen or even being destroyed, mostly by foreigners”
He looks at the numbers
£1 million to synagogues
£24.5 million will go to mosques
£2.5m to the rest inc churches
I suspect the churches are afraid to apply for the money
Ah the gov page says
“To apply for funding, applicants should submit evidence of their vulnerability and experience of hate crime.”
Home Office and The Rt Hon Tom Tugendhat MBE VR MP Published 21 June 2023
“The funding will help protect faith communities from the threat of hate crime and terror attacks.
The money is for physical protective security, such as CCTV, intruder alarms and secure fencing to help protect mosques, churches, temples, gurdwaras and other places of worship. Mosques will also be able to access a new security guarding scheme later in the year.
This protection will be through a new scheme called the ‘Protective Security for Mosques Scheme’ and a scheme for Muslim Faith schools launched directly to teachers of eligible schools earlier in the year. An additional £3.5 million funding will also be available for all other (non-Muslim and non-Jewish) faiths through the ‘Places of Worship Protective Security Funding Scheme’ ”
The names cited by Simon nearly all sound Romanian to me, rather than Islamic. I suppose it’s about the lead and other metals that can be sold on.
The money for the protection of mosques does seem to indicate massive bias towards Muslims. If the mosques are well used – several times a day unlike some country churches – they should logically be LESS vulnerable to stealth attacks.
I see our “Lionesses” murdered Haiti in the Women’s World Cup.
It ended 1-0, with the goal from a retaken penalty. I thought their goalkeeper made a fair save from the first penalty but she was deemed to have moved off her goal-line slightly too soon. England probably deserved the win but were far from impressive.
Mustapha- spoiler alert – I was going to spend quality time watching it later as I soooooo love girly footy …. Or actually I have never seen it and never will —- was it an OG – actually – don’t care 😎
Sorry to disappoint you all but this 8-year old schoolboy level of football has been the main R2 news item every bloody hour since 1.00. Nothing else going on in the world of course. God I despise the BBC.
The FBI is corrupt. Who knew? Only the declining audience that tuned in to an over-lengthy BBC R4 filler after TWatO. Cannot remember presenter but may have been Chloe Hadjimatheou.
Thank you for contacting us about Beyond 100 Days on the BBC News Channel. We note and appreciate your concerns.
We can assure you that the scheduling of Beyond 100 Days has no relevance to the recent US Presidential elections. We would also highlight that you can continue to watch BBC News with Katty and Christian on the BBC New Channel.
BBC News never takes a position on any story that we cover.
We do value your feedback about this. All complaints are sent to senior management and we’ve included your points in our overnight report.
These reports are among the most widely read sources of feedback in the company and ensures that your concerns have been seen by the right people quickly. This helps inform their decisions about current and future content.
What got my goat about this Packam fiesta was that it was sold as an interesting natural history program but in fact turned out to be another BBC climate hysteria propaganda broadcast.
Hope no-one on here is heading to Rhodes for their hols. The island is alight with wildfires, and holiday makers fleeing their hotels.
Can’t beat a bracing walk in the drizzle here. At least we can sleep at night.
Brissles – darling -DM reports that’s Brits are complaining to their travel companies about the wrong sort of fire in Rhodes . Stand by for plane loads of smoky British arriving on EZ jet with tearful tales of terror …
Is their something in Thames Water being drunk by BBC staff? Have the Russians, Chinese or Big Pharma put hormones into our water supply. Or is it just the type of weedkiller used outside of BBC properties. Now it looks like one in five BBC staff under 30 years of age are LGBTQuerty, caused by oestradiol (EE2) which also causes the feminisation of male fish in rivers near BBC properties. This article analyses how putting something into the water supply near BBC properties, strengthens LGBTQuerty politics:
I have long maintained that the pill oestrogen is responsible being peed by numerous women into our water courses. Turning young males into eunuchs.
Maybe one of those deep seeking research projects needs to be launched or maybe they just want all males to become nancies and playthings for the chaps that can’t or dont want to get women onboard?
By which I include a large proportion of the BBC senior staff.
The young lady from the Met Office on GB News just said the disappointing temperatures are about average for the time of year. I don’t know what the average temperatures for the end of July are, but I reckon it is ruddy cold but they couldn’t admit temperatures are well below, could they?
If you take the temperature every hour in July from a hundred equally spaced locations in the UK you get 74,000 measurements. If you add up all the measurements and divide by 74,000 you get a massive 61 degrees. However this is 61 degrees Fahrenheit. But if you swap the digits round, you get a low result of 16 degrees Centigrade. However the BBC points out that the temperature is much higher when a ‘terrifying big bright fiery nuclear powered ball’ rises up into the sky in the morning, causing all the weather maps to turn bright red.
Extremes of average ….. every bit of weather is now ‘witchcraft ‘ – we re all doomed … and then the wonder abou ‘mental health ‘ – just be afraid all the time ….
Where I am it’s dropped from 39 degrees to 25 degrees – something must be done ….
The Powers That Be and BBC don’t want you to know the real figure , but guess that you’ll have an inkling it’s more than what they say as your eyes and waiting lists for everything give an alarming assumption of say 87 million .
So the PTB will slowly leak out bigger figures ( still lies but slowly moving up to the truth ) in minor ways .
For example the figure that the population of Britain has reached 70 million won’t be the main news on the Today programme, WATO , or PM .
But a radio 4 programme about tea today at 6.30 pm leaked that figure . The presenter said that the population of Britain was 70 million .
So the BBC have announced it , but not in anything mainstream.
Around year 2000 the universities stared coughing out their new version of graduates suitably politically primed….we are now seeing the results in the professions especially the medical profession where any suggestion that they have an obligation to the health of their patients is sneered at.
From henceforth you have to regard the NHS as a hurdle to be negotiated much like a traffic warden rather than a help in time of need.
These new professionals are narcissistic, greedy and self important.
Time for a dual system where people can opt out of the NHS, stop paying in their tax and go into a private parallel system.
video : BBC Portland Place today, large anti-ULEZ protest
It’s no crammed crammed but a lot of people spread out
Richard Tice and Howard Cox seem to be the leaders ,, Reform Party I guess
The Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, will visit India and Pakistan later this year to promote the capital. He will meet senior politicians, business leaders and city chiefs in six major cities on a six-day mission to strengthen their economic and cultural ties with London.10 Oct 2017
Facebook was where Pakistan could debate religion. Now it’s a tool to punish ‘blasphemers’
This article is more than 6 years old
Laws that criminalize insulting Islam have led to a death sentence for posts, as activists worry Facebook’s commitment to Pakistanis’ ‘voice’ is mostly lip service
Q.1) Are all cultures equal? YES|NO
Q.2) Should Charles James Napier have let India’s Suttee to continue – widows jump onto fires when their husbands die to kill themselves? YES|NO
Q.3) Do you still believe all cultures equal? YES|NO
Q.4) If Charles James Napier had NOT stopped India’s Suttee and it cotinued in 2018, would you allow Indians moving to Britain to still practice Suttee as part of their culture in 2018?
Q.3) Do you still believe all cultures equal? YES|NO
“Be it so. This burning of widows (India/suttee) is your custom; prepare the funeral pile. But my nation has also a custom. When men burn women alive we hang them, and confiscate all their property. My carpenters shall therefore erect gibbets on which to hang all concerned when the widow is consumed. Let us all act according to national customs.”
– Charles James Napier
(c) CANE Project 2018 – Cultures Are Not Equal Project
When the UK was in the EU we could blame the EU for our problems and the EU could blame the UK. Now that luxury has been removed our politicians will blame its citizens.
Jeremy Hunt: everyone will be paying more tax after autumn statement 2022
Everyone. Everyone. Everyone.
Everyone. Everyone. Everyone.
Theresa May, Former UK PM earned £1.86 million in her 2 years since leaving Downing Street, figures show
Barry Gardiner defends donations worth £500,000 from Chinese agent
Matt Hancock, who lost the Tory whip after it was announced he would be appearing on the ITV programme, is still being paid as an independent MP and is rumoured to have been paid £400,000 to appear on the I’m a celebrity.
Boris Johnson earns £315,000 for 30 minute speech and ‘fireside chat’ in United States
Chuka Umunna Advisory Board of The Progressive Centre UK think tank (also known as Global Progress)
Jeremy Corbyn Labour party leader accepted up to £20,000 (about $27,000) for appearances on the Iranian state broadcast network Press TV
Keir Starmer £18,450 from Harper Collins as an advance payment for a book.
Boris Johnson Accommodation for a private holiday for my partner and me, value £15,000 Destination of visit: St Vincent and the Grenadines
Jeremy Hunt £10,000 from Citigroup Centre for speaking at an event on 9 March 2021. Hours: 4 hrs. Fee paid direct to charity. (Charity not mentioned)
Nadhim Zahawi MP promises to repay the part of £5,822.27 expenses claim for second home energy bills that relates to electricity for stables
MPs to get £2,200 pay rise from April for ‘dramatically increased’ duties last year
Philip Hammond accepts £2,000 watch from Saudi sheikh, despite ban on donating expensive gifts
StewGreenMar 7, 01:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Mental Health” probably Unless he is is white British , which means he’s a far far far right bigoted TERRORIST
StewGreenMar 7, 01:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 The #BiasedBBC news dept is really a PR org to promote the London Lib-Supremacist causes See how their England “news”…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Poppy Atkinson – 10 – was the little girl killed by a car yesterday . The killer – 40 -…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:37 Midweek 5th March 2025 BTW James Goddard tweeted about this case at 10pm last night That is well before anyone else picked up on…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Not BBC On YouTube there is a 10 part series called ‘first among equals ‘ which is a 1986 TV…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:24 Midweek 5th March 2025 @Marky isn’t your second graphic deceptive ? Your post is about NATO but that graphic appears to be the growth…
KaiserMar 6, 22:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 oddly I came across exactly the same suggestion in the daily sceptics chats this morning
StewGreenMar 6, 22:19 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan CHILD rapist in Falkirk I just saw the British Stand video from the morning I see someone mentioned the…
FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I don’t know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
It’s paid off ha! ha!
Sorry Snuffy x
And let me be the second, Brissles. I was distracted by looking at a DT article. 🙂
Good on ya Brissles. Let me be the first to congratulate you!
In my great efforts to support the BBC’s environment and climate change coverage, can anyone explain why their chief eco-warrior correspondent, Justin Rowlatt, was sent by aeroplane to Spain a few days ago to tell us how hot it was over there?
There are an estimated 100,000 commercial flights per day. Just saying…
Excellent input.
It has the advantage of at least being comprehensible 🙂
by their own logic just a couple of hundred people leading the way would make it 99,999
and then the rest of the world would follow their example
hence britain with 0.1% of world CO2 output at vast expense and the destruction of the working and middle classes will go net zero and the rest of the world will obviously follow
Just for fun, have a look at the data on the DEFRA air quality statistics website, for example
(Rates have halved since 2010)
And then try and explain why Sad Dick Khan wants to impose the ULEZ zone on the good people of Uxbridge?
It has nothing to do with pollution. It’s just the latest ruse to penalise car users and collectivise transport, the true socialist nirvana of denying the freedom of private individuals.
What I fail to understand is that if PM10 and PM2.5 levels really do get the little khants panties in such a bunch then why the eck does he not bang on and on and on and on and on about the Londonistan Underground.
Measurements of PM10 and PM2.5 are off the Richter scale acording to polution measuring scientists that I have spoken to who have measured these things in the underground.
Last time I saw the Labour party so cock-a-hoop it was the pre election rally under Neil Kinnock in 1992 It was a parade of hype and counting chickens before they hatched .They were so sure they would win it was utter hubris.
I found this article while trying to find the year:
So all the goody two shoes BBC types that the Conservative Party have been chasing for votes haven’t voted for them . Meanwhile traditional Conservative voters stayed at home .
Oh well, perhaps the Question Time and Any Questions audiences will feel a little sorry for them and won’t hiss and boo them so much when the saps appear and try to mollify the “representative “ audience .
A true NHS story. Bear with me.
One week last Thursday, a relative turned his ankle playing in a football 5 a side.
The next day, last Friday, it had swollen hugely and was painful to stand on, so he took the day off work and took some painkillers.
Over last weekend, the swelling went down and the pain abated but there was a lot of bruising and he still could not stand on it, so he rang the GP surgery when it opened at 8am. last Monday.
After waiting for half an hour, he finally got through to reception but by then all the GP appointments had gone. He was offered a telephone appointment with a nurse. The nurse arranged for him to see a physio on the Friday (today). When he saw the physio, the first thing she said was ‘have you had an X Ray?’
She was surprised when he said no. He remonstrated- how was he to know that an XRay was required when no-one had suggested it?
Still with me?
She set him up to go to the local hospital for an X ray this afternoon. He was seen after an hour’s wait. He was told he would have to see his GP next Tuesday. He asked if there were any indications from the X rays but nothing was offered. He asked if he could get a copy of the paperwork and was told to go to another department.
Once there he was told that paperwork copies take one month to be sent out. Next Tuesday he hopes to be able to get through on the phone to get an appointment to see a GP. If he is lucky, 12 days after the event, he might be given a diagnosis from which he may finally be assigned appropriate treatment.
And that, dear reader, is the service the NHS actually provides. Any businesses working at that level of unconnected incompetence would not last 5 minutes. This one costs us £150 bn a year and it’s hero employees have spent this year on strike,
What a totally useless s***-show.
PS when Mrs S needed dental treatment in Australia, the local clinic had a dentist as well as GPs, pharmacy, and……a minor injuries centre ……and an X ray machine !!!!! But hey, we have the finest health system in the world.
Sadly, your relative’s experience is common in today’s NHS.
I had a similar event coming out of lockdown, with shingles engulfing half my head. Ten days from initial call to see my GP, despite being some 200 yards from my front door.
Hospitalised for 24 hours, then booted out of a mostly empty ward.
Another – this time surreal – GP event was earlier this year with a respiratory problem ( nobody likes the phrase excess phlegm) which was also ten days lead in time to see a doctor, albeit a locum.
Now everyone I’ve told about what happened has said they find it incredible and that I should complain.
But this is the truth, on my boys’ lives.
Automated system calls me to room 1.
I knock and wait politely. I knock again. Nothing.
I knock a little harder and enter the consulting room, to be ignored by the doctor, who was on their mobile phone.
I remain standing (my upbringing) and wait to be invited to sit.
The locum is still on the call and beckons me (Marcel Marceau style) to sit-down.
They put the still connected phone onto the desk and ask me my symptoms.
I’m part way through explaining when they (and I) hear a click, at which point they pick up the phone, stand up and go over the window (facing it) and conduct a private call.
It was at this point I thought that I should leave the room – and still to this day I don’t know why I didn’t.
This is the best bit.
They have the phone up to their ear, turning around to face me.
Then I’m instructed to stand up by them using a hand gesture! So like a lemon, I stood up.
Then they walked the three yards to me, using their hand like a duck’s beak opening and closing, for me to open my mouth.
Again the lemon won, so I duly opened my mouth.
A torch appeared from nowhere and they had a quick look at my throat.
“I’ve seen lots of this with people your age” they say – and whoever they were talking to on the phone must have questioned them, as they then said “No, not you”!
They then proceeded to organise a prescription for three items, for which I politely thanked them and left.
The kicker to this story is that three days later, I’m in hospital with a severe allergic reaction to one of the drugs !!
The complaint is ongoing, but on a positive note, I have dined out several times on this story.
Re the above – some people here might question my disregard of the ‘medical mafia ‘ – but the examples above – as well as my own experience – confirm what I think of them .
The problem is they are treated as ‘special ‘ people clap for them . Governments throw money at them – if it were possible I’d privatise the NHS – but it’s rotten …
Having seen the specially equipped doctors room on board “the migrant barge”, the above stories (and my own lengthy one), make it even more disgusting. Perhaps we would have better luck queuing up on that damn thing.
Ditto here in West Wales. Coughing up blood…………….Got over the initial GP hurdles you describe then 24month on a list to see, a consultant. I do think its all part of the Grand Plan. ‘Naturally’ killing off members of the population by delay. I’ve asked my local MP / Member of the so-called, Welsh Government to answer one simple question on the subject to the GP conspiracy to deprive / limit patients access of primary care:
Are there excessive number of patients now suffering the after ‘glow’ of Covid “vaccines” taking up all the GP’s time that we’re not being told about (possible)
The population of the local area to any given GP surgery has doubled or trebled within the last three years. (not at all possible without being seen with the coloured nature of the imports).
Which is it?
Btw its started. You know all (to a man or woman) of YT’s online (and well respected) financial pundits say the next phase of bank collapses has re-started. They can’t all be wrong. The last earlier in the year, is just the ‘froth of top of a pint’ – easily blown off.
Without receiving serious ‘third-degree’ from Santander, including halting one online transaction for just over £250 to a previous established payee, I was forced to call them only to be told that the restriction was as a result of a ‘random’ security check……………More and more hurdles to you sourcing your money. Sorry, not yours but theirs.
Remember the banks now have government blessing for, “Bail-ins”. Time to consider your regular income sources and whether they should be re-directed to other than your main account?
There was a time when you could collect pension and other state benefits, in cash, from the Post Office. No longer. Since December 2022. Speaks volumes:
For the second Friday in a row the local ITV newsPR has had an item doing PRasNews for Windfarms
Last week Amelia Beckett had an item where she gleefully said “windpower is the cheapest form of electricity”
No it isn’t by a mile., even when the market is rigged to pit its intermittent generation vs stable gas.
Today there was a carefully scripted item
with continuous advertising type dialogue.
Sofa dolly “For over a year now rising energy bills have been putting an increasingly large strain on family finances”
Lie and lie
the bills stopped rising some time ago,
so they aren’t putting an increasing strain.
“But there could be a glimmer of hope for some people in our region who have been struggling to make ends meet”
Sofa bloke “Yes, households on the East coast close to offshore wind farms could benefit from cheaper electricity when the wind is blowing particularly strong. I’ve being offshore to find how it might work
“Here I am with two bill payers (East European forenames and surname)
at the Lincs offshore wind farm generating electricity for a quarter of a million homes (not when it’s not windy it doesn’t and homes is a Mickey Mouse PR unit)
The technical director Pullen has an Australian accent.
continuous advertising type dialogue with buzzwords
There was one bit where Noisa North-Bond from Octopus Energy was asked about coal power needed to be brought online
“.. we need more new renewable projects like this one, so we can create a market that actually ultimately delivers at scale cheaper energy to households”
Bloke “just last week developers were granted planning permission to build Hornsea 4
operators here say it’s a further step to generating cheaper greener power to drive down bills, when households needed the most”
(..The bloke failed to mention the cancellation of the big wind farm off the coast of Norfolk)
Studio dolly “very interesting”
Bloke smiles smugly “all in the days work”
dolly “absolutely”
Item starts 10 mins in
video expires 6pm Saturday
International News you won’t see / hear on the BBC
Hunter still in slippers…………..
London homicides driven by drugs and social media, study finds
I think that by now, everyone knows what is driving the majority of murders in London. It’s black gang culture and their drug dealing.
So I read this article to see if the study was a total waste of time. And of course it was because nobody anywhere is allowed to point the finger where it belongs because the likes of Lammy will brand them racists and they won’t get the contract to do the next one.
And of course the study doesn’t go anywhere near stating it. All we get is a bullet point – right at the bottom of a list – which says:
‘Gang violence presented a particular homicide risk to young people’
Here’s who is behind it : ‘Lib Peck’

20 years as a London Labour councillor.
What a complete waste of taxpayers money. The problem will never be solved until the Left admit what it is.
Lovely hair though, as is often the case.
There’s also a video doing the rounds of a thoroughly venomous little Kim Jong Un style Democrat Committee weasel trying to pull a bbc context free edit stunt on Candace Owens and regretting it.
Luckily, we have Lammy, Bryant, etc.
She definitely has the anger gene. Absolutely chock full of hate. She nearly lost it at one point.
Mind you – I’m convinced after the expert witness she had to back her up.
I’m always amused at the Left who accuse the Right of doing things THEY are 10 times more guilty of.
Claudyo Jauad Lafayette, 17, named as birthday party stabbing victim
After keeping the details secret for the usual week for the story to disappear, we finally find out who got stabbed at the party:
I don’t think we need much imagination to work out what the three 18 year olds who murdered him look like.
More enrichment under the carpet.
Ah, those happy little unintential headline juxtapositions…
England ‘raring to go’ for Women’s World Cup opener (BBC)
‘lioness’ probably a ‘boar’, authorities say (BBC)
Just in case you were wondering: German officials have called off their search for a suspected lioness after finding no evidence of a big cat on the loose in Berlin’s suburbs. (BBC)
Meanwhile in the left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper – clearly the BBC’s new best favourite title, topping their online press review yet again: Keira Walsh: How I protect my mental health during a World Cup – just turn down the sound on your TV – cut out the over-exuberant gushing commentary and instead watch the slow dull pictues, that should soon sooth you off to sleep, luv
Having put my psephology head on (as Catweazle might have said – there’s one for the teenagers – Catweazle was probaly the first man of millions to suddenly arrive out of nowhere into modern Britain with a full set of medieval attitudes, but I digress, albeit within parentheses)
To my mind the psephology or quantitative analysis of elections and balloting, lesson of the three by-elections would seen to be that we will indeed kick out the Tories to be replaced with New New Labour leaning a bit right-ward promising to get tough on crime and even immigration – but once in power their softy LibDem allies will put a stop to all that – then three or four years down the line the whole country will be a state of severe buyer’s regret finding itself under ULEZ
But on a lighter note, the Telegraph stumbles into innuendo
NHS to help women find IVF slots faster
How is that girly footy going ? Is anyone bothered with it ?I see the bbc has created a ‘false ‘ nickname for ‘the lasses ‘. Prem starts on 12 august ..
What footy? With England about to crush Australia , weather permitting , and Fleetwood doing well at the golf , is there any other sport on!
Does that make the cricket thing a draw ? I put 50( p) on that …
I know you don’t follow cricket but this is beating the Australians , it’s beyond sport, it’s winning a long running family feud that will be remembered for at least three generations!
Double – each to their own – have I won my bet or should I have put it on the Australians …?
I’m already fed up of seeing swishy ponytails and headbands from the promos.
It’s a BBC detox day – the sky looks bluer …
I have been quite amazed at the hype the BBC is giving the film ‘Barbie’. It’s getting the full-on PR promotion.
I first heard of it when the French advertisement said ‘Barbie is everything. Ken just knows how to f*ck.’ and was amused at the enormity of the woke double-standards and hypocrisy. Just imagine their reaction if it was the other way round.
So I checked the IMDB reviews. Most are 10/10 which is always a sign they are fake or review-bombed by the woke. Scrolling to the less extreme comments I found these;
‘This movie is a feminist fever dream that teaches young girls that they will never be successful in the world as long as men exist, and that men are horrible.’
‘The movie gets upset at the real world because women don’t choose to take on more physical or stressful jobs, and then says that the reason they don’t take these jobs is because of men, Men are this men are that, men publicly grope women, every single one, and every woman is perfect no matter how obese or weird they are.’
‘It’s a surprisingly unrelenting work of misandry, toxic relationships, and alternative lifestyles coated in the pink plastic shell of a beloved toy.’
Question answered. No wonder the BBC love it.
Ros Atkins examines Nigel Farage and Coutts bank account closure dispute
I suspect this is as far as the BBC will go as an apology. And it’s nowhere near.
Go to the video and advance it to 1:16 and see what they show in full-screen !!. Absolutely typical gutter-level BBC activism.
That ‘Ros Atkins’ bugs me nearly as much as Sopes.
ULEZ are not popular! Who knew? The same is true , and will become increasingly obvious , of heat pumps, banning ICE vehicles, covering the fragments of countryside that we have left in wind farms and solar farms , banning log burners and gas boilers , etc etc etc.
All this even though the truth about the climate catastrophe being a hoax is a carefully guarded secret and the MSM dutifully pumps out the net zero narrative.
Once the truth seeps out , a few cracks appear in the wall of lies , the public will revolt and damn those who have inflicted such damage on society. The same will be true of Covid vaccines and lockdowns.
How I wish that the same were true of mass immigration of the third world into our midst. The damage caused by the false climate catastrophe hoax and Covid hoax although great can overcome by a generational struggle but the consequences of importing the people of the third world and their incompatible belief systems will be around for many generations to come.
Agree wholeheartedly DT. However, need to question, “…..the public will revolt….”. Certainly not the sort of miscreants I come across.
9am Humberside local news “yesterday’s Selby by-election result shows there is likely to be a Labour government a York Professor says”
York is not within their broadcast area, but they tend to have guests on the prog, and if they say something pro-Labour or woke it gets edited and put in as a news item..
The prof actually ended by saying you can’t extrapolate by-election results into full election results.
We already have a Labour government ! Might be Blue Labour but it certainly isn’t conservative.
The green crap will stay – ULEZ will be expanding – road use per mile will be here within 5 years – polluter pays – they will say it’s to pay for the NHS – and sooner of later the council tax band will be moved ….
I think they do the NHS for the pension – a personal parking space – the hierarchy and deference – whilst the real money is made from the private stuff and taking bungs from punters who want to jump up the NHS waiting list . I’ve bunged at least 2 consultants before going fully private .
I wonder is there is a ‘trustpilot ‘ thing for medics with a table of survival rates for those who do the heavy stuff …. Next time I buy a quack I will do as much research as I can – never trust them- particulary the ones who do not speak .
I’d be inclined to tape the conversations too …. But never upset them because they are great at reprisals …
And don’t forget to clap ….
Don’t forget that they have to work their way up in the NHS in order to become consultants and although they do private work it’s a small percentage and not every consultant is able to have sufficient wealthy patients to support full time work.
In addition not every specialism lends itself to private work such as mental health which might be very lucrative in places like the priory, but unless you work full time for them there’s little freelance work outside that.
Thoughtful – yeah but it’s like the law – you soon learn where the money is …
The consultant’s goal is to get on the approved list of BUPA or Saga Healthcare and then the money , several hundred £k pa , roles in . Lovely jubbly.
Fed: “never trust them – particulary the ones who do not speak.”
“The AI will see you now, Sir.”
It seems likely that any self promotion by the consultants would follow the barrister model…
Not responsible for any damage to keyboards or screens there.
Some 15 years back there was a suggestion that surgeons in particular could be subjected to outcome ratings – that triggered some rather full-on reaction. We still see (mostly provincial) episodes where dangerous incompetents have been active, unchallenged for years.
I do wish, whatever is left of, ‘independent journalism’ could regularly repeat the fact that, “inflation” is not the increased cost of goods and services, it is ONLY the money in your pocket losing value as a result totally, of government action. They cause inflation.
G, between 1997 and 2010 in the UK we had according to the Government of the day: “Record growth and record low inflation.” In that time the £ in your pocket (thank you, Harold Wilson) lost over half its value. To eliminate inflation from an economy, you need negative inflation a.k.a. deflation but that latter word frightens old ladies and horses.
The BBC will be onto this eventually…
More potholes reduce road accidents
tomo, ah but, yes but, no but …. potholes create unnecessary tyre wear which causes pollution, potholes create extra unnecessary emissions through ‘pedal bounce’ and local authorities end up with extra bills for compensation from injured pedestrians, cyclists and drivers whose cars are damaged.
Around Wiltshire they’re re-modelling to cater for bicycles and ripping up undamaged miles of urban roads to make them purportedly bike friendly (cyclists seem to ignore their “safe space”) – in several places the end of the cycle area transforms into an auto-cross course.
I’m down one tyre and wheel this year already.
tomo, I can take you to a metre long stretch of cycle lane – if still exists – in Haringey in north London that ends in a fairly substantial tree. Perhaps the good councillors of Haringey thought it would be good to encourage cyclists to wear helmets, or in the case of those refusing to do so, be eliminated by the tree.
An interesting point about electric cars is that the pothole situation is going to be much worse as they are about a third heavier.
An electric car 1.3 times heavier would be roughly 2.8 times more damaging as destruction goes up with the forth power of axle weight.
Add this to cars being made bigger and heavier anyway and the end result is likely cars that are 16 times more destructive to the roads than our old cars.
Maybe there is no interest in making cars consume less fuel but actually to consume more since 80% of that goes in taxes. Just saying.
Mein Gott this newspapers logic is as bad as the bBCs.
More pot-hole reduces accidents!!!!
This is like saying more vicars increase crime. A true statement possibly but it does not mean that one causes the other.
tomo, didn’t the Beatles write a song about potholes in Blackburn, Lancashire?
Just like HIGNIFY
It’s the SW1way my friends. Lefty Dogma, prejudice and blind faith trumps simple open truth every time!
Ex-Radio Leeds DJ Alex Belfield has agreed to pay damages to Jeremy Vine after targeting him with a ‘hurtful and distressing’ campaign of harassment.
The base was Vine was the BBC rep at a memorial to a radio presenter he and Belfield knew well.
BBC accounts had authorised £1000 to be brought along to pay for the costs
but when they got there they found that there was nothing to pay
Instead of returning the licence payers money, the BBC group donated the money to a charity.
Belfield had never said that Vine pocketed the money but he certainly encouraged a pile on, when Vine refused to explain the detail of what had happened
Jeremy Vine is a special person and his feelings must never be hurt. I expect he banks at Coutts.
I guess every beeboid banks at Coutts, they all take home enough…
Coutts therefore loves taxpayers’ dosh.
My weather ‘guiding light’ – at source
El Nino and its associate La Nina are significant as well, G, something that our Met Office forecasters completely overlook in their pushing of Global Warming and Climate Change.
Yeah and they really understand how the oceans work don’t they ?
11:30am FooC
– Sudan’s newest civil war has been raging for more than three months
Reporters can’t enter Sudan. Barbara Plett Usher has been working to cover the violence from Nairobi, in Kenya where she receives texts from locals in Sudan
Sunday’s snap general election vote in Spain, current Socialist PM Pedro Sanchez tests his mandate against growing pressure from the right – not just the traditional conservatives of the Partido Popular, but also a range of more firmly nationalist parties.
Each major bloc has questioned the other’s alliances – whether with smaller parties from the far right, or others from the Basque-nationalist movement. Guy Hedgecoe reports from Madrid.
Tunisia may have been the birthplace of the so-called Arab Spring, but these days its democratic credentials seem corroded. President Kais Saied is on an increasingly authoritarian tear, the economy is sputtering and the country’s treatment of sub-Saharan African migrants has been growing ever harsher.
And as Mike Thomson experienced on a recent trip, the media are still under VERY close supervision.
Much of Southern Europe is baking – if not burning – in a searing heatwave. Sofia Bettiza saw how people are adapting to the soaring temperatures on the streets of Palermo, in Sicily – and heard about concerns for Italians’ health in this heat.
“SURFACE temps” Adie said ..failing to explain these are different to normal measure “air temperature”
line “many people can’t afford fans” .. total BS .. I’ve travelled all over Sicily
– Mexico City, an unexpected casualty of gentrification.
The BBC’s Central America correspondent Will Grant has been trying to keep ahead of a wave of affluent foreigners – especially US citizens – moving in, but recently his young daughters’ nursery has been priced out of the neighbourhood.
(What BBC realises immigration has consequences ?)
The Tunisia guy shoehorned in a mention of a fisherman he spoke to who’d found a dead black baby in his fishing nets ..and over the months 15 migrant bodies
He gave no context
The first thing is Sfax is not in the north of Tunisia
I see other news “5 Jul 2023 — Racial tensions in the Tunisian coastal city of Sfax flared into violence targeting migrants from sub-Saharan Africa”
Let’s see if this embeds?
10 mins …
On Twitter UK’s block list then…
It does embed when I put www in front, though with most tweets that’s not necessary
opening the “more” link just gives you a tiny bit more info. Heres the full text anyway
“BREAKING: Journalist Emma-Jo Morris (@EmmaJoNYC), who broke the Hunter Biden laptop story for @NYPost but was immediately censored by the state on social media in an attempt to influence the 2020 election, just delivered a mind-boggling testimony on the extent of censorship in America.
She is now a politics editor @BreitbartNews. WATCH”
thanks Stew
I did think that might be the case – site code vs, Twitter coding
Stew – thank you for putting this valuable 5 minutes up . Once upon a time there might have been indignation about what happened – but now – nothing – no Katty – no Christian – no Sopel – to tell the story here …
Mark Zuckerberg says Facebook restricting a story about Joe Biden’s son during the 2020 election was based on FBI misinformation warnings.
The New York Post alleged leaked emails from Hunter Biden’s laptop showed the then vice-president was helping his son’s business dealings in Ukraine.
Facebook and Twitter restricted sharing of the article, before reversing course amid allegations of censorship.
Zuckerberg said that getting the decision wrong “sucks”.
Smarmer in a post by-election speech that a Labour Government will provide people with cheap and clean energy…….Surely a contradiction? Perhaps he doesn’t understand how the real world works?
Smarmer is annoyed that they didn’t win Uxbridge, blaming ULEZ expansion. He has suggested Kahn “reflects” on the ULEZ expansion.
Smarmer is a serious environmentalist until it comes losing votes. Smarmer is surely the most manipulative hypocrite.
Flotsam, FT today features a pict of Ange and the Sucker with the successful Selby & Ainsty candidate all applauding themselves. The boy done good.
GB News Petition:
Stopping Cash
Ah… this is worth a screenshot imho – not least to wave in the face of the “remove Putin” crowd…
Medvedev isn’t going to be quoted by any BBC goon anytime soon.
Too much vodka ?
I doubt I’m the only person who’s irritated by the skewed reporting of who said what and the one-sided western MSM rewording and “summaries” of what the Russians are saying and slavish repetition of every Ukranian press release or self serving rumour dressed up as fact.
We aren’t getting reportage – we’re getting undiluted propaganda.
“£28 million funding will help keep places of worship safe”
Simon Webb asks … Is that really about keeping all the churches safe , that are having their roof led stolen or even being destroyed, mostly by foreigners”
He looks at the numbers
£1 million to synagogues
£24.5 million will go to mosques
£2.5m to the rest inc churches
I suspect the churches are afraid to apply for the money
Ah the gov page says
“To apply for funding, applicants should submit evidence of their vulnerability and experience of hate crime.”
Home Office and The Rt Hon Tom Tugendhat MBE VR MP Published 21 June 2023
“The funding will help protect faith communities from the threat of hate crime and terror attacks.
The money is for physical protective security, such as CCTV, intruder alarms and secure fencing to help protect mosques, churches, temples, gurdwaras and other places of worship. Mosques will also be able to access a new security guarding scheme later in the year.
This protection will be through a new scheme called the ‘Protective Security for Mosques Scheme’ and a scheme for Muslim Faith schools launched directly to teachers of eligible schools earlier in the year. An additional £3.5 million funding will also be available for all other (non-Muslim and non-Jewish) faiths through the ‘Places of Worship Protective Security Funding Scheme’ ”
The names cited by Simon nearly all sound Romanian to me, rather than Islamic. I suppose it’s about the lead and other metals that can be sold on.
The money for the protection of mosques does seem to indicate massive bias towards Muslims. If the mosques are well used – several times a day unlike some country churches – they should logically be LESS vulnerable to stealth attacks.
This makes me want to spit on our politicians for their utter bullshit woke and dangerous priorities.
Some reality and a history lesson:
I see our “Lionesses” murdered Haiti in the Women’s World Cup.
It ended 1-0, with the goal from a retaken penalty. I thought their goalkeeper made a fair save from the first penalty but she was deemed to have moved off her goal-line slightly too soon. England probably deserved the win but were far from impressive.
Mustapha- spoiler alert – I was going to spend quality time watching it later as I soooooo love girly footy …. Or actually I have never seen it and never will —- was it an OG – actually – don’t care 😎
Fed, I have seen the UK FA Womens Cup Final, after lunching with friends years ago. Very different from the men’s game; much less energy, less speed.
Girly’s football and rugby. Boring.
Sorry to disappoint you all but this 8-year old schoolboy level of football has been the main R2 news item every bloody hour since 1.00. Nothing else going on in the world of course. God I despise the BBC.
Sounds like Spurs prem team
Google are promoting wimmin ball-kickers on the main search page.
I’m surprised that the games don’t keep having to be stopped, to replace the punctured football.
You know, what with those “shattered glass ceilings” all over the pitch.
lol mustapha I thought you were going to say pointy toed stilletto boots
I’m just waiting the the viewing figures as hundreds of millions of bbc viewers tuned in …
I’m sure the hundreds part is correct.
It would have an impact if anyone on the Marxist left cared.
The FBI is corrupt. Who knew? Only the declining audience that tuned in to an over-lengthy BBC R4 filler after TWatO. Cannot remember presenter but may have been Chloe Hadjimatheou.
Joe’s not upping his game then?
The ever popular election thief ..
He’s not very popular with the Ukranians then😂😂
Reference CAS-6617681-T3R8R9
Dear Mr H
Thank you for contacting us about Beyond 100 Days on the BBC News Channel. We note and appreciate your concerns.
We can assure you that the scheduling of Beyond 100 Days has no relevance to the recent US Presidential elections. We would also highlight that you can continue to watch BBC News with Katty and Christian on the BBC New Channel.
BBC News never takes a position on any story that we cover.
We do value your feedback about this. All complaints are sent to senior management and we’ve included your points in our overnight report.
These reports are among the most widely read sources of feedback in the company and ensures that your concerns have been seen by the right people quickly. This helps inform their decisions about current and future content.
Kind regards,
Darren Loughlin
BBC Complaints Team
Thu, 25 Mar 2021, 10:08
President Trump’s 100 Days President Biden’s 0 Day
Dear Winston Smith in the Records Department of the Ministry of Truth,
You covered President Trump’s 100 Days and then produced a Beyond 100 Days to hold power to account.
Why have you not done the same for President Biden to hold power to account?
‘Omission is the greatest form of lie.’
Thank you again for contacting us,
BBC Complaints Team
More BBC ‘scientific fraud’ propaganda rubbish coming on Monday, from Chris Packham. Earth 2/5. Snowball: Chris Packham insists that a drop in carbon dioxide caused the Sturtian Snowball Earth extinction event 717 million years ago. But Ice core data shows that there is a 800 year lag for natural CO2 level increase or decrease due to a temperature change.
What got my goat about this Packam fiesta was that it was sold as an interesting natural history program but in fact turned out to be another BBC climate hysteria propaganda broadcast.
Get a life BBC!
Hope no-one on here is heading to Rhodes for their hols. The island is alight with wildfires, and holiday makers fleeing their hotels.
Can’t beat a bracing walk in the drizzle here. At least we can sleep at night.
Brissles – darling -DM reports that’s Brits are complaining to their travel companies about the wrong sort of fire in Rhodes . Stand by for plane loads of smoky British arriving on EZ jet with tearful tales of terror …
Is their something in Thames Water being drunk by BBC staff? Have the Russians, Chinese or Big Pharma put hormones into our water supply. Or is it just the type of weedkiller used outside of BBC properties. Now it looks like one in five BBC staff under 30 years of age are LGBTQuerty, caused by oestradiol (EE2) which also causes the feminisation of male fish in rivers near BBC properties. This article analyses how putting something into the water supply near BBC properties, strengthens LGBTQuerty politics:
I have long maintained that the pill oestrogen is responsible being peed by numerous women into our water courses. Turning young males into eunuchs.
Maybe one of those deep seeking research projects needs to be launched or maybe they just want all males to become nancies and playthings for the chaps that can’t or dont want to get women onboard?
By which I include a large proportion of the BBC senior staff.
The young lady from the Met Office on GB News just said the disappointing temperatures are about average for the time of year. I don’t know what the average temperatures for the end of July are, but I reckon it is ruddy cold but they couldn’t admit temperatures are well below, could they?
Weather is a weapon…..
If you take the temperature every hour in July from a hundred equally spaced locations in the UK you get 74,000 measurements. If you add up all the measurements and divide by 74,000 you get a massive 61 degrees. However this is 61 degrees Fahrenheit. But if you swap the digits round, you get a low result of 16 degrees Centigrade. However the BBC points out that the temperature is much higher when a ‘terrifying big bright fiery nuclear powered ball’ rises up into the sky in the morning, causing all the weather maps to turn bright red.
Extremes of average ….. every bit of weather is now ‘witchcraft ‘ – we re all doomed … and then the wonder abou ‘mental health ‘ – just be afraid all the time ….
Where I am it’s dropped from 39 degrees to 25 degrees – something must be done ….
Neil Oliver: Weather maps are among the most blatant forms of fearmongering deployed so far.
We were told Batman would save us … we ended up with Mark Suckerberg ….
Global warming or what we used to call weather has hit Canada…
What absolute lying, deluded twats they are.
well I suppose it’ll put all those forest fires out !
What is the population of Britain ?
The Powers That Be and BBC don’t want you to know the real figure , but guess that you’ll have an inkling it’s more than what they say as your eyes and waiting lists for everything give an alarming assumption of say 87 million .
So the PTB will slowly leak out bigger figures ( still lies but slowly moving up to the truth ) in minor ways .
For example the figure that the population of Britain has reached 70 million won’t be the main news on the Today programme, WATO , or PM .
But a radio 4 programme about tea today at 6.30 pm leaked that figure . The presenter said that the population of Britain was 70 million .
So the BBC have announced it , but not in anything mainstream.
Home Office loses track of more than 600,000 people who should have left country, finds immigration watchdog
UK border checks branded ‘shambolic’
May Bulman
Social Affairs Correspondent
Thursday 29 March 2018 16:39
Population: 331,297 (2019) Eurostat
Around year 2000 the universities stared coughing out their new version of graduates suitably politically primed….we are now seeing the results in the professions especially the medical profession where any suggestion that they have an obligation to the health of their patients is sneered at.
From henceforth you have to regard the NHS as a hurdle to be negotiated much like a traffic warden rather than a help in time of need.
These new professionals are narcissistic, greedy and self important.
Time for a dual system where people can opt out of the NHS, stop paying in their tax and go into a private parallel system.
video : BBC Portland Place today, large anti-ULEZ protest
It’s no crammed crammed but a lot of people spread out
Richard Tice and Howard Cox seem to be the leaders ,, Reform Party I guess
The Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, will visit India and Pakistan later this year to promote the capital. He will meet senior politicians, business leaders and city chiefs in six major cities on a six-day mission to strengthen their economic and cultural ties with London.10 Oct 2017
Pakistan Signs $4.8 Billion Nuclear Power Plant Deal With China
Facebook was where Pakistan could debate religion. Now it’s a tool to punish ‘blasphemers’
This article is more than 6 years old
Laws that criminalize insulting Islam have led to a death sentence for posts, as activists worry Facebook’s commitment to Pakistanis’ ‘voice’ is mostly lip service
Q.1) Are all cultures equal? YES|NO
Q.2) Should Charles James Napier have let India’s Suttee to continue – widows jump onto fires when their husbands die to kill themselves? YES|NO
Q.3) Do you still believe all cultures equal? YES|NO
Q.4) If Charles James Napier had NOT stopped India’s Suttee and it cotinued in 2018, would you allow Indians moving to Britain to still practice Suttee as part of their culture in 2018?
Q.3) Do you still believe all cultures equal? YES|NO
“Be it so. This burning of widows (India/suttee) is your custom; prepare the funeral pile. But my nation has also a custom. When men burn women alive we hang them, and confiscate all their property. My carpenters shall therefore erect gibbets on which to hang all concerned when the widow is consumed. Let us all act according to national customs.”
– Charles James Napier
(c) CANE Project 2018 – Cultures Are Not Equal Project
When the UK was in the EU we could blame the EU for our problems and the EU could blame the UK. Now that luxury has been removed our politicians will blame its citizens.
Jeremy Hunt: everyone will be paying more tax after autumn statement 2022
Everyone. Everyone. Everyone.
Everyone. Everyone. Everyone.
Theresa May, Former UK PM earned £1.86 million in her 2 years since leaving Downing Street, figures show
Barry Gardiner defends donations worth £500,000 from Chinese agent
Matt Hancock, who lost the Tory whip after it was announced he would be appearing on the ITV programme, is still being paid as an independent MP and is rumoured to have been paid £400,000 to appear on the I’m a celebrity.
Boris Johnson earns £315,000 for 30 minute speech and ‘fireside chat’ in United States
Chuka Umunna Advisory Board of The Progressive Centre UK think tank (also known as Global Progress)
Jeremy Corbyn Labour party leader accepted up to £20,000 (about $27,000) for appearances on the Iranian state broadcast network Press TV
Keir Starmer £18,450 from Harper Collins as an advance payment for a book.
Boris Johnson Accommodation for a private holiday for my partner and me, value £15,000 Destination of visit: St Vincent and the Grenadines
Jeremy Hunt £10,000 from Citigroup Centre for speaking at an event on 9 March 2021. Hours: 4 hrs. Fee paid direct to charity. (Charity not mentioned)
Nadhim Zahawi MP promises to repay the part of £5,822.27 expenses claim for second home energy bills that relates to electricity for stables
MPs to get £2,200 pay rise from April for ‘dramatically increased’ duties last year
Philip Hammond accepts £2,000 watch from Saudi sheikh, despite ban on donating expensive gifts
Everyone. Everyone. Everyone.
Everyone. Everyone. Everyone.