Integrity is meant to be big in the State Funded BBC . But in 2 weeks it has seen a leading Newsreader confined to a mental hospital after paying for sexual pictures of a ‘young person ‘ Now its ’ ‘business editor ‘ has been found to have received private bank details of a politician and misreported the circumstances of his cancellation by partly State owned bank .
The BBC path to self destruction is getting shorter …
Midweek 26 July 2023
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Lots of outpouring on other channels too. I vaguely know of her, and certainly haven’t heard her one hit that makes her a legend / icon, as I suspect as most of the country.
Yes – I wasn’t gonna bother but she’s dead and the BBC is still in dumb mourning when far more important stuff going on ….it’s not even as though she didn’t top herself …
“At a news conference last week in Brussels, Christiana Figueres, executive secretary of U.N.’s Framework Convention on Climate Change, admitted that the goal of environmental activists is not to save the world from ecological calamity but to destroy capitalism.
“This is the first time in the history of mankind that we are setting ourselves the task of intentionally, within a defined period of time, to change the economic development model that has been reigning for at least 150 years, since the Industrial Revolution,” she said. Referring to a new international treaty environmentalists hope will be adopted at the Paris climate change conference later this year, she added: “This is probably the most difficult task we have ever given ourselves, which is to intentionally transform the economic development model for the first time in human history.”
Your local contact for the end of the earth EU remainers is the EU. Eurozone interest rates have climbed to the highest level for 22 years as the European Central Bank indicated it is preparing to take borrowing rates to a record high in the coming months. To follow Germany de-industrialsation, French foods, Italian cars. Uk Engineering will be sold to China. History being re-born with a deformity.
The US will runs its own digital currency, the EU will try to create a similar one along Chinese lines. This is the plan.
Meanwhile: The Guardian reader (aka BBC et al) are growing tired of the constant claim that the Climate Crisis is a threat or even ‘real’.
“Concern about climate change shrinks globally as threat grows, survey shows
Fewer than half of those questioned in global poll believe climate change poses a ‘very serious threat’
Concerns about climate change shrank across the world last year, with fewer than half of those questioned in a new survey believing it posed a “very serious threat” to their countries over the next 20 years.
Only 20% of people in China, the world’s biggest polluter, said they believed that climate change was a very serious threat, down 3 percentage points from the last survey by Gallup World Risk Poll in 2019.
Globally, the figure fell by 1.5 percentage points to 48.7% in 2021. The survey was based on more than 125,000 interviews in 121 countries.”
As notable by the fact that Chinese Car exports are blamed for ‘following our own UK net zero targets ahead of the EU and UN ‘projection plans. We already know that EV’s are made cheaply and with a huge increase in Toxic metals, electricity and Coal in China.
You have to ask, who does this benefit?
The BBC knows. Its them. They are the enemy of facts.
They will benefit from an ‘odd’ clause called the TV license. Paid for by ‘new money’ carbon credits if it all goes to plan (UN Framework Convention) WEF, WHO and IPCC in unison. Our Labour could be instructed to deduct from your digital pay credits, even if you do not own a TV set or ‘device’, along with other frequent ‘deductions’ for social (ESG violation) mis-behavior or leading a Brexit rebellion against the EU or UN information as a ‘denier’. You have been warned, comrade. Hate crime. No Bank for you this week, Farage. BBC gleeful at the prospect of climate change. Political climate.
Who’s next?
And you Dr john Clauser. ‘A denier of the UN cause’.
“I don’t believe there is a climate crisis,” Clauser said during at Quantum Korea. “The world we live in today is filled with misinformation. It is up to each of you to serve as judges, distinguishing truth from falsehood based on accurate observations of phenomena.”
Only the guardian would run a headline asking whether dame stazi of nat west was treated differently because she was a girly …. I obviously didn’t read it – but would assume it was writed before the male CEO got his cards too – nat west share price down £1 billion -take over target now ?
It would be a good way out for sir Howard stazi – chairmanperson .. and twat .
Pretty clear the NatWest witch jumped before an embarrassing push – there’s something a bit Miss Piggy about all the photos of her that aren’t posed and Photoshop’d.
Could the board have stripped her remuneration package on sacking?
Given her poisonous approach to Farage it seems likely she’d made a few enemies at the top table via politics and sanctimony.
Questions are now sexist … see how we can’t even talk about problems … “When it comes to sexism, some Sky news presenters need to look at themselves to. (I’m a victim) ” {youtube – @2:23 – Emily Thornberry}
What really upsets (emotion) me, about your attitude to me (asking a question), you do this with me (victim). I don’t remember you doing it with anybody else you know (I’m a victim)” {youtube – @0:19 – Emily Thornberry}
What is so depressing is that these matrons-of-hate will be in power soon.
I need to go and stick some needles in my eyes now.
Hate is a one way street.
What has become very apparent from the Rose, Farage, NatWest debacle is the prejudice, blindness to the truth and hatred from the woke left towards anything they don’t agree with.
We are proceeding very quickly into a potential Woke Socialist dictatorship along the lines of China or North Korea.
Brexit, as far as it’s been implemented, is under threat from Bliar and Starmer. Starmer is remarkably quiet about Brexit, quieter than he’s being about all the other policy issues that he keeps quiet about. I think he will go full tilt at rejoining the EU should get be PM. Starmer was the Remoaner lead, the Remoaners Remoaner.
Don’t you just love the fact that Farage was de-banked by Coutts……..due to their policy of inclusivity.
Doublespeak is language that deliberately obscures, disguises, distorts, or reverses the meaning of words. Doublespeak may take the form of euphemisms (e.g., “downsizing” for layoffs and “servicing the target” for bombing),[1] in which case it is primarily meant to make the truth sound more palatable. It may also refer to intentional ambiguity in language or to actual inversions of meaning. In such cases, doublespeak disguises the nature of the truth.
Doublespeak is most closely associated with political language.[2][3]
Why is the MSM banging on about Sinead O’Connor?
She had a number 1 hit 33 years ago.
After that……. Nothing in the top 10, only 2 top 20 hits.
Check out her discography on Wikipedia.
Maybe she just had the ‘correct’ opinions on things.
So much outpouring about Mother-Sinead. How about a bit of attention to that true legend of football Trevor Francis. Even more important why did he die of a heart attack at the age of 69. Was it something he took?
Disclaimer: The bBC and anychess say that covid experimental gene therapies are safe and effective.
Jordan Henderson, ex Liverpool, has apparently accepted the Saudi Arabia blood money of £700,000 ……..per week !!!!!
Please refer to this when the BBC has a go at various executives and dare I mention it, even politicians, for making more money than the BBC thinks they should earn.
Buying the UK brick by brick …..
Boris Johnson fails to secure promise of more Saudi oil in visit overshadowed by executions
‘Understanding’ in desert kingdom that economic instability not in their interests, says PM
Andrew Woodcock
Political Editor
Wednesday 16 March 2022 19:58
Jordan Henderson’s new Saudi Arabian football club has turned part of a colour photograph black and white – ensuring his rainbow armband cannot be seen.
PJW does a good job on the lying, smug PoS that is Emily Maitliss
I wondered if Maitliss, Sopel et al took some kind of pay cut to join Global Media – but I suspect that they move in the same social circles as Charles Allen
Rachel Reeves claims Nigel is being nasty to the Dame and he shouldn’t be. Ms Reeves went on to say the Dame is the first female CEO of one of the large banking groups. Apart from the fact that Rachel only a few months ago couldn’t say what a woman was, it shouldn’t matter if the head of a bank is a man or a woman or something in between. The head of a bank should be discreet (I had always thought that was a sine qua non but the Dame didn’t seem to know), and be aware of the importance of lending money for a reasonable return to the shareholders. The Dame seemed too busy being woke, worrying about diversity and buying an endless supply of expensive clothes. My evidence for the last bit is that she seems to have posed for an enormous number of photos and wore a different outfit in every one.
Guardian talking out their arses again.
Click bait – that is all these news organisations have become.
I want the met office to be recorded as claiming this over the next few years and those responsible for this alarmist nonsense dealt with when it doesn’t happen.
It’s nothing more than juvenile activism by an organisation who’s remit is to supply public information.
We are being routinely lied to with this absolute crap by formally respected organisations.
I say get rid of the strident kids in your organisation or suffer the consequences.
Return to the truth or get cancelled!
The Liar that is Blair has always been the voice in Flip Flop Starmer’s ear, luring him away from the Jew hater and Momentum, hoping to turn him into an electable Mr. Popular.
It seems now that Liar’s voice is in stereo in both of Starmer’s ears.
“Stick with me Kier, I’ll steer you in the right direction…..but later there will be payback”.
Now we are in the run up to the election, uncle Tony has told Flip flip to straighten things out for the electorate to like him.
First to be corrected is ‘an adult female’, or a woman as she’s been called since the world began.
But I wonder if Flip Flop will take notice of the Liar’s comments from November 2021;
“We should openly embrace liberal, tolerant, but common sensical positions on ‘culture’ issues and emphatically reject the ‘wokeism’ of a small, though vocal, minority.”
I think that ship has sailed and is currently on fire in the North Sea.
The mystery of Tony Blair’s finances
This article is more than 13 years old
Since Tony Blair stepped down, he has received millions of pounds from an unusual mixture of income streams. His financial affairs have been described as ‘Byzantine’ and ‘opaque’. Can you shed any light on them?
Tony Blair’s expenses were shredded ‘by mistake’ when they were the subject of a legal bid to have them published. Conservative Derek Conway was alleged in May 2007 to have paid his son, a student at the time, using public funds despite little evidence of his having done the work he was supposed to.
‘Byzantine’ and ‘opaque’
shredded ‘by mistake’
‘Byzantine’ and ‘opaque’
shredded ‘by mistake’
‘Byzantine’ and ‘opaque’
shredded ‘by mistake’
‘Byzantine’ and ‘opaque’
shredded ‘by mistake’
The real mystery about Bliar’s expenses is although his own expenses records were shredded why aren’t there copies in the Parliamentary Office office responsible for paying them? Did they just receive a note saying pay Bliar £22K this month? Remember, expenses are tax free.
I assume the MP’s expenses scandal was investigated using Parliament’s own records of MP’s claims. So why were there no copies of Bliar’s claims?
I thought the Civil Servants responsible for paying the obviously false claims turned a blind eye to the abuses. It was a corruption that allowed the Civil Service to subject Parliament to subtle pressure.
Or ask who got paid by Blair – imagine lots of dictators would step forward.
You could ask Coutts, flunkies; they’d tell you!
You’d have to sit next to them at a posh dindins, wearing a tux and carrying a BBC secret microphone plugged into the squirty rose bud on your lapel…
July 20 ITV ..super fat woman with 5 kids needs foodbank
Tweet doesn’t embed for me ..not seeing her photo is a blessing tho.
Andrew Neil
ITV has more to worry about than This Morning:
Pre-tax profits fell 71% to £66m in 6 months to end of June,
down from £228m over same period last year
as ad revenues fell 11%.
ITV studio production the bright spot: revenue grew by 8%, reaching £1 billion in H1
(Their big customer is BBC)
Oh, the sweet irony!!
A few weeks ago, I remember reading that the Co-Op are one of the more ‘wokey’ advertisers, with their ads showing plenty of happy, smiling BAMEs enjoying Co-Op products…..
I bet the Co-Op now regret appealing to that particular market sector, or maybe they forgot to add that the products had to be paid for…..
Go woke, go broke has never been more apt!
It’s common knowledge that ‘security’ blokes at supermarkets don’t bother with theft under a couple of hudred quid, as it isn’t worth their while and energy to get the thieves arrested.
Meanwhile, you and I pay extra for these criminal chavs stealing everything they can grab hold of, and scampering away, or pushing the mini-chav in a pram.
Like you say though, the CoOp, (very expensive down South), can now ask themselves a few home truths! I avoid them at all costs!
“Pip Tomson has worked on early morning news shows for ITV since 2009
but is trading in her morning news role for an afternoon news programme on rival channel GB News”
libmob accuse you
of what they are already doing
Guardian sumpremo accuses GBnews of simplifying and creating polarisation and division
“It’s Fox News blah blah blah”
July 27 2023
“📺The Black & White Minstrel Show was watched by over 20 million.
Harewood goes on a mission to understand the roots of this problematic cultural form.
#BBC #Racism #Blackface #ITV #BLM #DavidHarewood #Slavery #AndiVincent “
Did they include any clips from the 1991 movie “True Identity”, where a certain Lenny Henry went Whiteface?
I guess that the race grifting Harewood is struggling to find TV work these days then. The Black &White Minstrel Show stopped being broadcast 45 years ago and I suspect that most of it’s regular viewers are now dead!
I recently saw a YouTube video regarding slavery reparations and apologies, in which Douglas Murray told a BLM advocate that he is now bored of the constant whining by blacks for things that had happened in the dim and distant past. Mr Murray reminded her that she is now living in the first country to make the slave trade illegal, back in the 1800s, and that Britain is now one of the most racially tolerant countries in the world.
I fear that Mr Harewood and his like minded media friends will soon be responsible for provoking a somewhat different attitude to race, if they continue to make these ridiculous anti-white programs, regardless of their pitifully low viewing figures.
Mr Harewood, born in 1965 would have been exposed to the Black and White Minstrel Show as a teenager, indeed fellow actor, also from the Birmingham area Lenny Henry was in the series. So he now is reduced to tears revisiting the programme forty years later. I can see that times have changed, but it isn’t like anyone has died, it was people with make up on.
He was an above average struggling actor, like many others, playing bit parts up to his mid forties.
His first “starring role” was narrating a Labour Party Political Broadcast.
Now it is “en vogue” to blindly cast ethnic actors into any role, he is getting a lot more work and attention.
I have seen him in a few parts and he is quite impressive, but no Oscar/BAFTA winner.
Being the same age as David, maybe I don’t get my white privilege and need re-education.
3rd day in a row green crap doom leads the news – I don’t read this stuff and strongly advise against paying attention . 2 days ago one green crap outfit was saying that the Atlantic current wouid stop and the world would end in 2025 – the day after tomorrow in world terms .
Meanwhile Blighty is launching a satellite for more accurate weather forecasts . Why ? If the green crapsters know all about the weather why need another satellite . ? I hope it blows up on launch
Burn that oil .
Is it a solar powered rocket?
Our Justin / bbc back on its ‘ favourite hate figure – president trump . Biden and son ? Ignored . Real corruption ? Ignored . But the democrat DoJ ? Gets the full treatment and unquestioning support . Nothing New.
Disabled flyers angry at airline ‘double charging’
Nope, just another campaign from the bbc
“Stop the boats” .
If and When?
BBC reports that the Traitor – Gina miller had her political party bank account closed without reason – by a bank called ‘monza’ ( who?) …..
Now I see miller as a ‘traitor ‘- but I think it is wrong for banks to refuse to open such accounts or even close them .
What is it about banks ?
Their business model is to rip people off but pretend to be warm and nice .
And when something goes wrong they expect a bail out from the taxpayer – yet when it comes to access by those taxpayers they’ve closed all their branches .
I went to a HSBC branch to pay in cheques . The one cheque machine was broken . They didn’t know how to handle the cheques – that is a bank now ….
‘After the BBC contacted the bank about the case, it said it did not allow political party accounts and had made a mistake in allowing it to be opened.’
Sounds like they have been hastily reviewing anything political and realised they gave her ‘special rules’ so are trying to avoid fallout for doing it as the scandal develops.
Monzo aren’t exactly performing well as a bank…
Seems likely that Gina would’ve had to find another bank sooner rather than later?
The judge hearing the londonistan ULEZ case is to rule Friday at 10am apparently – if The Emir wins we ll never hear the end of it . If he loses -apart from announcing an ‘appeal ‘ he will shut up – which isn’t a bad thing ….
Having been forced to sell my car because of this hated scheme I hope the Emir has a short life ,
If the little Khant wins it’ll trigger every tin-pot grasping council across the land to start charging for access to towns across the UK.
Sheffield hasn’t waited.
Van drivers get caught on the ring road roundabouts. You can’t even turn around to avoid the zone.
The socialist republic of South Yorkshire ( est. 1974) has never changed……..
I don’t get it – surely the primary purpose of a bank is to make money from the punters who have to use it . Being choosey about who it accepts seems a bit rich – as long as it’s legal of course ….
Banks really have lost their way – too much money being extracted from their victims perhaps ..
A Liverpool footy player ( ugh ) called Henderson Jordan – or is it jordon Henderson has been big on diversity crap – kneeling down – rainbow lace crap ….
But for the miserly sum of £700 000 A Week – a week – he has sold out to the Saudis by going to play for them . Very Gary Neville .
Will we hear from this character again . ? Will we have to suffer his moral high ground crap ? Probably .
I wonder if the Saudis will execute people for being queer while he is gethg £700 000 a week ….?
I wonder what the threshold for selling principles is ? I’d certainly sell mine for £700 000 a week – I’d say the BBC is a fantastic unbiased organisation changing the wonderful UK for the better – all day …
Morning Fed,
If he starts spouting that LGBTHDTV horseshit over there, he may find the ability to kneel down a lot more useful than he thought.
Ha ha ha ha ha!
Joke of the day, MnotM! Excellent!
Do you think he’ll be allowed to do a backward pass?
Mick maybe they’ll close his bank account – he’s gonna need a Coutts sized one for that wage ….. I bet he’ll be spouting misery in a few weeks – maybe 10 – ie £7 000 000 time …
Kiss and make-up, getting the sack and making sacks, Brexit divisions in the sack, plus the world’s coolest dictator – oh, and Tony Blair gets a mention in this packed news review edition
There’s something of a ladies day today, despite our media patriarchy
Left-leaning BAFTA luvvie Juliet Stevenson pops up in the ‘i’ newspaper: On why women negotiate
Do they?
The bust-up that turned Vorderman against Tories… after a spectacular falling out with her former best friend, Baroness Mone… [Carol] Vorderman has criticised Lady Mone on televison and social media and earlier this month was accused of inciting hate towards Tories (Telegraph)
World Fencing Championships: Ukraine’s Olga Kharlan disqualified for refusing Russian Anna Smirnov’s handshake… “My message today is that we Ukrainian athletes are ready to face Russians on the sports field but we will never shake hands with them,” Kharlan said afterwards. (BBC)
You’ll find it hard to reference the citations – because Google only wants to tell you about male-on-female violence – but psychologists tend to agree that whereas males revert to physical actions, the female of the human species prefers a reputational attack against her perceived opponent.
Norman Cook, aka Fatboy Slim, gifted us Dub Be Good To Me featuring singer Lindy Layton in 1990 – a reinterpretation of the SOS Band’s 1983 hit Just Be Good to Me
Beside the unforgettable absolute classic intro rapped by DJ David John-Baptiste:
Tank fly boss walk jam nitty-gritty
You’re listening to the boy from the big bad city
This is jam hot
This is jam hot
We ought to bear in mind Lindy’s great hook line:
People always talk about
I don’t care about your other girls
Just be good to me
Council tells Dorries to resign as MP now… Ex-culture secretary said she was standing down on 9 June but has yet to do so, prompting town officials’ letter (Guardian)
The chaps too can be passive-aggressive and unreasonable: I left my wife because she voted Brexit… Ian has always been a passionate Remainer. His wife seemed to agree with him in 2016, but then, once the dust had settled, she came clean about how she voted (‘i’)
Sometimes the boot may be on the other foot, so to speak: I voted Leave, she voted Remain: Brexit is tearing me and my wife apart… I know we’re doomed on this. For the past three years she repeatedly detailed the ways in which the UK is doomed, how we’ll all be poorer and generally more miserable. (Telegraph) – maaaate (as Mayor Khan would say) just say one word to her – Lockdown
And one must reiterate – it is the guys who tend toward physical violence
El Salvador plans mass trials for those imprisoned in gang crackdown… The changes to the country’s criminal code are just the latest in President Nayib Bukele’s war on the Barrio 18 and Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13) gangs, which began last year when the leader declared a “state of emergency” in response to a wave of violence. (AP News); El Salvador’s president Nayib Bukele, who calls himself the ‘world’s coolest dictator’, retweets posts showing he now has a 90% approval rating after cutting murders by 92% and putting away 65K criminals (Daily Mail)
Not everyone approves – including of course the usual suspects
The Guardian view on El Salvador’s crime crackdown: a short-term, high cost fix Editorial (Guardian)
El Salvador crackdown breaks the gangs – at huge cost to human rights (Guardian)
El Salvador: The people caught up in the gang crackdown… President Bukele dismissed the concerns of international human rights organisations and foreign governments over the “state of exception” he introduced nine months ago, following a weekend of extreme gang violence in which more than 70 people were killed… Mr Bukele told the officers it was supported by more than 95% of Salvadoreans. It is undeniably popular. Murder rates are falling to new lows… When police officers came crashing through Zoyla Torres’s front door in April, she thought they must have made a mistake. “We don’t make trouble for anyone,” she insists. “My husband has nothing to do with the gangs. He works in a factory making sacks for transporting crops.” (BBC)
Apparently we shouldn’t send women to prison: Campaigners demanded an end to the ‘high risk’ practice of sending pregnant women to jail as figures showed nearly 200 expectant mothers were behind bars last year (Times)
I guess sometimes the ladies will negotiate: Brangelina call off War of the Rosé… Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt have agreed to mediation in a dispute over a E150 million vineyard in Provence (Times)
Sometimes it’s kiss and make up. It’s all in the game, I guess: Onome Ebi and Osinachi Ohale celebrate beating the Women’s World Cup hosts Australia 3-2 in Brisbane yesterday (Guardian)
Strike two, Farage bags a brace of bankers
The latest score in the Farage versus the woke bankers play-off is 2-0: Flavel resigns as Coutts chief after accepting blame for Farage furore (FT) – you can sense the FT reporting that score through palpably gritted teeth – the real nitty-gritty?
Nostalgia corner
Do you remember the good ol’ days when the United Nations used to concern itself with world peace, ending armed conflict and facilitating negotiated cease-fires?
Those were the days, eh?
Era of global boiling has arrived and it is terrifying, says UN chief (Guardian) – what’s that you say, the planet is boiling? Mine’s a cuppa, milk and two sugars. By the way, is the jam hot?
Fear not, we may have just passed the peak of alarmism. How do I know? Local managers Rishi and Starmer have just received a fresh memo from the boss at head office: Public must be spared huge burden of net zero, warns Blair (Telegraph)
hmmm … could Vooderman vs. Mone turn into a tabloid slanging match to surpass the Rooney-Vardy shitshow?
I hope so
Just heard:
‘And now on ITV with outdated humour which may offend it’s ‘Never The Twain’. One of the most gentle family comedies you can imagine.
‘May offend’ activist women or BAME that means. Because white males cannot be offended (according to the Left). See the BBC-acclaimed ‘Barbie’ for proof.
What a bizarre, warped world the Left have created. How do we rid ourselves of their racist, sexist nonsense ?.
‘NatWest profits soar to £3.6bn after week of resignations’
The headline is very clearly implying the two are linked – but these are first-half profits totally unaffected by events in July.
‘Ms Scholar told the BBC’s Today programme: “It is a real shame that Alison Rose had to go.’
It’s very, very clear who the BBC back in all of this.
I wonder how the support for NatWest plays across the BBC – emergency changes for EastEnders scripts, how NatWest are disinvesting from fossil fuels etcetera?
Here’s hoping that telly tax renewals accelerate.
Banks says bank is doing well after BBC verified verify that Bank has sent BBC money to verify that bank is still banking.
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – mind your language BBC!
NatWest’s profit soar after a week of resignations. No, they did not. The resignations were nothing to do with NatWest’s profitability. The reason that NatWest’s profits have been soaring is because they, the bank, are grifters and until recently* only paying 1% interest on deposit accounts despite, as the BBC would claim, record high interest rates and a-cost-of-living-crisis.
It is something of an irony that not only are the BBC and NatWest ‘grifters’ but that is what NatWest accused Nigel Farage of being when the former CEO of NatWest closed Farage’s Coutts accounts.
* The rates on a NatWest despoit account – unless it is opened on-line with a monthly Direct Debit paid into it – is now 1.6% with BoE’s Base Rate at 5%!
Uppers, regarding wine bars from the Start of the week post, my apologies for not responding as I’ve now got this awful feeling of forgetment as I stare at an old A-Z…
Davy’s, Crown Passage off Pall Mall was one, as ‘The Crown’ nearby was a ‘spill-over’, (quite an apt description actually…). A fortune went into the bar next to the Red Lion in Wilson Street, (now closed) as I managed a big property networking club there! We’d moved from Davy’s bar off Brook Street W!, off Bond Street!
Finos, (both of them), around there were Jurassic Parks and some customers never saw the light of day during the winter!
The City ones were the domain of one of my oldest friends in Montagu Evans, so it has to be understood that after all those sessions, I really wasn’t in much of a state to know ‘how many/which ones/yeah-whatever’, and they all seem to have different names now! ‘The City Flogger’ is a distant memory, as are several around Poultry in those funny little lanes…
There were certainly more, so when I see him next, he’ll remind me, as his photographic memory goes back to the days of early 35mm film or even silver oxide plates and a bloke with a hood over his head…
Where were your stamping grounds, anyway?
(Oh, to stay on topic, I never, ever visited any BBC bars, but I did let them into my local, ‘The Castle’, in North Acton, as it was a great pub close to the BBC rehearsal rooms, and there were always some well-known faces there at lunchtime…).
Scrobie, I have walked past the Red Lion in Wilson Street and the City Flogger but to my defective knowledge have never entered either establishment. I cannot even remember the name of the place I hosted my ‘leaving do’ from my last ‘proper’ job but it was somewhere on the south bank of the Thames. I’ll have to search a map to refresh my memory: it had an outdoor decking that many a leaving do was attended thereon. The Dickens Inn was another that saw some custom from my ‘leaver’ colleagues. Most peculiar but last night I had a (waking) dream about one colleague.
“I cannot even remember the name of the place I hosted my ‘leaving do’ from my last ‘proper’ job but it was somewhere on the south bank of the Thames.”
Could that have been somewhere NorthWest of Southwark Street/Stamford Street?
There was a fabulous Davy’s there but it seems to have been pulled down now! A quick stagger North East took you to the decked area on the river, with loads of bars and tables and a fine, friendly atmosphere! There was some sort of harbour/wharf close by…
You mention ‘dreams’, I had to be ‘walked’ up to that very decked area by two gorgeous ladies, after the networking session and it was the only “pint” of Coca Cola I’ve ever had…, (Well, I was thirsty…)!
Blue Posts Berwick Street
Thatch, Berwick Street is not on the South Bank of the Thames. It’s on t’other side of river!
Was that near ‘Champers’, Thatch?
Sorry to say it closed during the covids!
We will take your money, invest it and charge 20% interest whilst giving you 1. And I do mean giving you one.
Mohammed Shah Subhani: Amraj Poonia convicted of murder
Not a single person here will be surprised that this story from the Londonistan violence page has been sent straight to ‘regions’.
Here’s the enrichment who did it : picture freely available but withheld by the BBC. Because the BBC are only interested in showing the victims for these stories. It evokes empathy. People might start getting angry and asking questions if they show all the murderers.
The immigrants make their way north, having no desire to assimilate to French culture, but continuing to demand a First World standard of living, even as they flout laws, do not produce, and murder French citizens, such as factory bosses and shopkeepers, as well as the ordinary people who do not welcome them. They are also joined by the immigrants who already reside in Europe, as well as various left-wing and anarchist groups. Across the West, more and more migrants arrive and have children, rapidly growing to outnumber whites. In a matter of months, the white West has been overrun and pro-immigrant governments have been established, while the white people are ordered to share their houses and flats with the immigrants. The village containing the troops is bombed flat by airplanes of the new French government, referred to only as the “Paris Multiracial Commune”. Within a few years, most Western governments have surrendered. The mayor of New York City is made to share Gracie Mansion with three African-American families from Harlem; migrants gather at coastal ports in West Africa and South Asia and swarm into Europe, Australia, and New Zealand; London is taken over by an organization of non-white residents known as the “Non-European Commonwealth Committee”, who force the British queen to have her son marry a Pakistani woman
The BBC would demand wheelchair access to the cockpit and a raft of quotas for cabin crew if they thought they could get away with it.
Blind pilots! Equality!
Don’t give them ideas!
Cannot resize – sorry –
Being – as I am -a big oil burning frequent flyer – I do muse from time to time of the ability of those very old / disabled passengers who troll to the front of the queue at boarding – whether if the instruction to ‘evacuate’ was given – whether they could do it ?
Or would a 100 plus passengers wait and die whilst arrangements were made to get the disabled off ?
Have learnt the art of pushing wheelchairs in my time – I realise limitations – but others seem unable or unwilling .
The local council recommended installing a ramp to my front door . Having never been on welfare they wanted to charge me £30 000 … nearly 4 hours of footys’ jorden Henderson’s Saudi wages …
like almost everything related to aviation there will be a procedure for allocating wheelchair user seating – usually I see those passengers up front near the forward door.
– not always the case though….
– but the BBC are not interested in the practicalities – it’s just another angle on mining victimhood.
Fed, £30,000 ?? bloody hell. I regularly had my wheelchair bound lovely dad to dinner, with 2 porch steps to navigate. So I bought a couple of portable ramps for around £160 and they did the job admirably.
Fed, you are in the wrong local authority area! We were given wheelchair ramps when needed by a family member and they were returned, in good condition, when that family member died.
More like being in the wrong country . My londonistan borough has no time for anyone who is not a welfare junkie / non third worlder – so they quoted me £30k to build a ramp . I bought a couple of portable ramps . The social inspected them and said they were ‘dangerous ‘ I told them to f ‘ck off …
Uppers, Briss and Fed,
We have a local small hospital, and when they’ve lent out crutches, they’re not allowed to take them back in whne they’re not needed any more! They get scrapped!
Apparently it costs too much to clean and sterilise them!
Ludicrous waste of NHS resouces!
Hello Scroblene – yes – I too had a little collection of crutches which I tried to return – mind you – if the NHS had a ‘crutch Bank ‘ I think I’d get the Dame Stazi treatment –
…where’s that Simon jack ….
( I’d have thought that being the ‘deep throat ‘ of the coouttsgate©️he’d have stuck around to give his account …. But … thinking again … the BBC would want him dead … so off on holiday he goes by mistake …
… probably the biggest story of his career and he goes silent …
TOADY Watch #1 – a distinct failure to join up the dots by the BBC according to the BBC’s avowed policy on Global Warming; the science is settled, there can be no debate.
TOADY today, airlines are ‘grifters’ and making disabled people or others who need an accompanying carer pay full price for their carer’s seats. Cue: appropriate contributor outrage. I will not be able to go home for Christmas as an airline seat to South Africa costs £1500 at that time of year. Antonio Gutterres of the UN has said the world has reached boiling point and would no doubt say that people should not be flying anywhere. Strangely, the BBC do not have his thoughts on this on their web-site … anywhere.
Airline to weigh passengers before they board flights
Travellers will be asked to step on to the scales – though the airline stresses that it’s voluntary
Lizzo’s outfit on a private jet sparks debate about what is appropriate to wear on a flight
Was that the one who was filmed having a dump in a telephone box in Londonistan?
I laughed out loud at the ‘home for Christmas ‘ one on 28 July …
Britain needs a new plan. The future of Britain demands a new era of invention and innovation. Yet the state is no longer fit for purpose, with people paying higher taxes for less effective public services. Incremental improvements won’t deliver the fundamental change we need. The status quo is unsustainable.
“The future of Britain demands a new era of invention and innovation.”
Tony and Cherie Blair bought property via offshore firm and saved £300,000 in tax
This article is more than 1 year old
Former PM and his wife became owners of £6.5m office building by acquiring offshore company partially owned by Bahraini minister
Blair back on ‘summer manoeuvres ‘ again – positioning for a place in the Starmer Government – he can’t be a peer because of his dodgy disclosable connections (£ ) so he ll have to play ‘advisor ‘ type –
Maybe he and mandelson will be the EU rejoin conspiracy ..
inclusive organisation HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA
“compatible with Coutts given his publicly-stated views that were at odds with our position as an inclusive organisation”.
City of culture … culture ….
Shia procession Manchester Muharram
‘Era of global boiling has arrived,’ says UN chief as July set to be hottest month on record
Head of World Meteorological Organization also warns ‘climate action is not a luxury but a must’ as temperatures soar
It turns out the King has relatively simple tastes, with Russell Myers saying his favourite food is a “boiled egg”. Myers said: “However, his ideal meal is wild mushroom risotto with organic lamb.14 Sept 2022
Jamie Oliver has defended his controversial £5 million tie-up deal with Shell, saying that all clients ‘have their own baggage’. The 43-year-old has launched his Jamie Oliver Deli by Shell, which has seen him create 80 new products which will be available in service stations across the UK.16 Jan 2019
What next – Global Roasting ?
During the tour around Hell, cauldrons with molten lead are explained to tourists. “Here we have a cauldron for Germans: it must be sealed at all times, because if one German gets out, all others realize they could all do it all along. And here we have a cauldron for Chinese: it requires extra supervision, for if one Chinese gets out, he helps all others out as well. And here we have a cauldron for Russians: it requires no extra supervision at all! / How so? / Even if one manages to get out, others will immediately drag him back in!”
A retired circus clown at my local, told me that there is a big demand for circus tents .
Anyone got any knocked-off Nightingale hospital tents for sale ?
New NHS nightingale hospital to fight coronavirus
24 March 2020
Emergency Preparedness, Resilience and ResponsePatient care
A new hospital will open to provide support for thousands more patients with coronavirus, NHS England announced today.
The NHS Nightingale Hospital, London, will be ready for use from next week.
The hospital, based at the ExCeL conference centre in East London, will initially provide up to 500 beds equipped with ventilators and oxygen.
The capacity will then continue to increase, potentially up to several thousand beds, should it be required.
9 November 2022, received £277,723.89 from Centerview Partners LLP, 31 West 52nd Street, 22nd Floor New York, New York 10019, for a speaking engagement. Transport and accommodation provided for me and two members of staff. Hours: 9 hrs. (Registered 06 December 2022)
17 November 2022, received £261,652.34 from Hindustan Times, HT Media Ltd, Hindustan Times House (2nd Floor), 18-20 Kastuba Gandhi Marg, New Delhi – 110 001, India, for a speaking engagement and VIP reception. Transport, food and accommodation provided for me and two members of staff. Hours: 8 hrs 45 mins. (Registered 07 December 2022)
13 December 2022, received £253,880.90 from ParallelChain Lab, 100 Tras Street #16-01, 100AM Singapore 079027, for a speaking engagement. Transport, food and accommodation provided for me and two staff members. Hours: 9 hrs. (Registered 09 January 2023)
23 November 2022, received £215,275.98 from Televisao Independente, S.A. Rue Mario Castelhano, no40, Queluz de Baixo, 2734-502 Barcarena, Portugal, for a speaking engagement at CNN Global Summit Lisbon. Transport, food and accommodation provided for me and two members of staff. Hours: 8 hrs. (Registered 07 December 2022)
6 December 2022, received £50,000 plus VAT from Ballymore Group, Ballymore Properties Ltd, Marsh Wall, London E14 9SJ, for a speaking engagement. Hours: 7 hrs. (Registered 21 December 2022)
I love a parody.
Alarming Projection:
By 2035, more than half of the global population will be obese.
Did somebody say:
Biden crime family:
ULEZ going ahead in London (they need the money). Where next ?
Great Britain is crumbling, we need a new political party before it finally goes down the pan .
Best I could do with a grand-rugrat on my lap !
Wokey mc wokry woke face.
ID parade ?
I think Farage will help Gina Millar out in some way, maybe supporting her against the Bank.
It will show the hatey lefties how decent people behave.
It’s a great opportunity for Nigel and the woke will hate it.
War in Ukraine, in Garton Ash’s view, ‘has brought the EU and Nato into a more clearly articulated partnership as, so to speak, the two strong arms of the West’. As Nato expands eastwards, Garton Ash suggests that the EU should cross the Atlantic, opining that ‘Canada would be a perfect member of the EU’. I’m sure Justin Trudeau would agree. The European Union reaching the Pacific shore of Vancouver, and the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation courting Tokyo, show that names should not be taken as definitions of scope.
Garton Ash looks forward to Russia facing a crescent of Nato front line from the Baltic to the Caspian, pressure to which a post-Putin Kremlin might relent. Although he admits that France and Germany opposed the American plan for Nato expansion to Ukraine and Georgia in 2008, he omits mention of the Ukrainian people’s reluctance for such Western encroachment (as shown by opinion polling at the time).
Climate hysteria: