Midweek 26 July 2023

Integrity is meant to be big in the State Funded BBC . But in 2 weeks it has seen a leading Newsreader confined to a mental hospital after paying for sexual pictures of a ‘young person ‘ Now its ’ ‘business editor ‘ has been found to have received private bank details of a politician and misreported the circumstances of his cancellation by partly State owned bank .
The BBC path to self destruction is getting shorter …

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555 Responses to Midweek 26 July 2023

  1. Fedup2 says:

    Happy days for the Emir of Londonistan – he will be lauded by the BBC and other wokes . I’d have been truly cheesed off if he’d lost after I sold my car. ULEZ – coming your way soon ….

    … I guess the extra legal campaign to destroy cameras will increase – perhaps targeting the engineers installing maintaining the cameras …. Londonistan is lost ….


  2. StewGreen says:

    Situation ‘Fremantle Highway’: ship is held in position 17km north of Terschelling. Fire still raging, situation stable.
    Shipping company K Line has announced that there are 498 electric cars on board (instead of the previously reported 25

    2 tugs Faiplay and Hunter seem to have lines attached

    Greenpeace Holland are tweeting about possible pollution catastrophe ..#irony


  3. MarkyMark says:

    Tory Mayoral candidate Susan Hall has already vowed to stop the expansion:

    “While it is a shame the High Court did not find the ULEZ expansion to be unlawful, there is no denying that Sadiq Khan’s plans will have a devastating impact on families and businesses across the city. If I am elected Mayor, I will stop the ULEZ expansion on day one and set up a £50m pollution hotspots fund to tackle the issue where it is, instead of taxing people where it isn’t.”



    2012 … “Two and a half years ago, the coalition government was formed, and we made a clear promise to the British public. After thirteen years of uncontrolled mass immigration, this government would reduce and control immigration.” – Theresa May 2012

    2015 … “Because when immigration is too high (no figure given), when the pace of change is too fast, it’s impossible to build a cohesive society.” – Theresa May 2015

    2018 … “Over the years, overall, immigration has been good for the UK. It has brought people with different backgrounds, different outlooks here to the UK,” – Theresa May 2018


  4. Fedup2 says:

    Love it – lithium pollution – much better than diesel -498 less electric cars in the world

    Burn that oil


    • Doublethinker says:

      Given the propensity of lithium batteries to spontaneously burst into flames and incinerate the car and anything else around them I think that a study should be made of the lifetime pollution of EVs and of ICE cars assuming the same total mileage and assuming a reasonable % of EVs combust. Of course this wouldn’t include the pollution caused by EVs which are the source of ignition for major fires.


      • Scroblene says:

        DT, was it you who mentioned somewhere earlier, that underground car parks would be particularly vulnerable if these EVs decide to combust?

        I think this really is an issue which hasn’t been thought through by Mare Khan, who advocates all sorts of things to try and avoid ‘smoke’, but let us wait until another Grenfell falls under his watch because of his ridiculous Ulezzy crap!

        (If it wasn’t you, my apologies and also to whom this comment should be addressed)!


  5. StewGreen says:

    Mediterranean fires : I don’t see a lot on the satellite
    Rhodes is not 100% out and Tuesdays Sicily fires seem very low
    maybe just embers in remote valleys
    seems satellites only detect heat so at a fire’s height smoke shows up as fire
    but later the ground burnt area turns out to be less that first appeared.
    Sure occasional buildings burnt, but vast majority survived

    BBC had a story with pics 36 hours ago


    • MarkyMark says:

      23. Trusted News Initiative. Type: Trusted News Initiative is a partnership “founded by the BBC” that includes media and technology organisations from around the world, including Google and YouTube, Microsoft, Facebook, Twitter, The CBC, The Washington Post, AP, Thomson Reuters, the Information Futures Lab/First Draft, and several more. In sum: A mammoth anti-disinformation initiative bringing together the biggest media and tech companies on the planet.


  6. MarkyMark says:

    ATTACK DOGS …. “False claims of bogus heatwave spread online
    Published 11 hours ago”


    GB News presenter Neil Oliver accused broadcasters of “driving fear”

    False claims suggesting that the BBC has been misreporting temperatures in southern Europe have been spreading on social media.

    Mr Oliver’s claim that the BBC was using ground temperatures is false, as several BBC weather presenters have pointed out.


  7. MarkyMark says:

    Cream of educational system … 2017 … “Home Sec Amber Rudd: Yeah, I don’t understand encryption. So what?”


  8. taffman says:

    ULEZ coming your way.
    Before long only the rich will own a car.
    The UK needs a “new broom”……………….


    • G says:

      ULEZ? The High Court in Londonistan, has spoken and the go-ahead to resume plans restored. Khan jubilant for Islamabad Mk.2 Earlier strange mumblings about the case. Objectors thought the court could stop the madness. If it was a Judicial Review which I thought it was, the principle that the High Court can only review the process NOT the merits of the foundation decision i.e. has there been any shenanigans. This seems as usual to have escaped most.


      • tomo says:



        Collective noun for bankers – a wunch of

        h/t Tallbloke


        • MarkyMark says:


          Sadiq Khan
          Mayor of London
          Expenses for the financial year 2022-23
          Last review date: 31-Jan-23
          Travel Hotels
          Expenses TOTAL Date Details
          254.76 254.76 08/05/2022
          Flight – London to New York, Silicon Valley & Los Angeles – Mayoral trade and investment mission to USA – 8/5/2022-
          236.66 236.66 07/05/2022 Hotel – New York – Mayoral trade and investment mission to USA
          374.82 374.82 09/05/2022 Hotel – San Francisco – Mayoral trade and investment mission to USA
          182.71 182.71 11/05/2022 Hotel – Los Angeles – Mayoral trade and investment mission to USA
          110.32 110.32 03/11/2022 Train – London to St Austell, Cornwall – Speaking engagement at the Anthropy conference
          0.00 0.00 110.32 254.76 794.19 0.00 1,159.27

          110.32 03/11/2022 Train – London to St Austell, Cornwall – Speaking engagement at the Anthropy conference


    • MarkyMark says:

      Why carbon offsetting is not the panacea Harry and Meghan might think it is
      Elton John claimed the Duke and Duchess of Sussex’s private jet use was ‘carbon neutral’. The reality is more complicated



      Indulgences were introduced to allow for the remission of the severe penances of the early church and granted at the intercession of Christians awaiting martyrdom or at least imprisoned for the faith.[4] The church teaches that indulgences draw on the treasury of merit accumulated by Jesus’ superabundantly meritorious sacrifice on the cross and the virtues and penances of the saints.[5] They are granted for specific good works and prayers[5] in proportion to the devotion with which those good works are performed or prayers recited.[6]


  9. Fedup2 says:

    I think ULEZ is excellent for alienating voters against socialists – charge more for it I say £25 a day – particularly of special groups like emergency shift workers …. I wonder if the emir will up his security …


  10. G says:

    Just in the post from my local authority to remind me that < 14 years of age in my household, "can now register to vote". I spose that's only fair in view of the fact that at that age, or indeed younger, the children are now called upon to make very important life threatening decisions like 'what is my sex' or 'sexual perversions'. Politics? What's that?


  11. MarkyMark says:

    “It was a hard decision for me to make to expand the ULEZ. I welcome the decision from the High Court today, because it means we can go head on the 29th August and expand it so those in outer London, who breathe the worst air, five million Londoners… for me clean air isn’t a privilege, it’s a human right. Nobody would accept dirty water, why dirty air?”


    Ian Rowley has a stark warning for anyone visiting central London, where he lives and also serves as a local politician.

    “Don’t wear a luxury watch. It will get snatched,” he told The National.

    “I don’t know anyone who wears a luxury watch, because it will get snatched.”



  12. MarkyMark says:

    Niger coup: Abdourahmane Tchiani declares himself leader


    Boris > Truss > Rishi (selected leader)


  13. Up2snuff says:

    pug, after you’ve had an earful of Maitlis (hopefully not an eyeful) you may be interested in this: https://www.conservativewoman.co.uk/the-eu-a-gdp-graveyard-still-want-to-rejoin-read-this/


  14. MarkyMark says:

    Dani Robertson’s childhood home can count just two other sets of neighbours in a street of 37 houses as most, she says, are rented out on Airbnb.


    What is the Airstrip One in 1984?
    Airstrip One – Formally called England. This term demonstrates Orwell’s distain for American influence Europe. It seems that Oceania (America, England, South America, Australia) looks upon Britain as little more than an ‘airstrip’ … a launching ground into the European theater of war.

    Ms Robertson, who has now moved to nearby Aberffraw, said her home village will never recover as too many people have left.


  15. TrickCyclist says:

    If you’ve found yourself unexpectedly putting on extra layers this month, you might be interested in the weather from Tomasz Schafernaker on the BBC News at One.
    Dressed himself as the Man in the White Suit – not sure if he was channeling Alec Guinness, Martin Bell or Marty Hopkirk (deceased) – Schafernaker said that the temperatures have only been a degree or so below average for this time of year.
    Will this get revised upward to just ‘average’ in due course?
    BTW, when does the BBC ever describe the temperature as ‘only’ a degree above average?


    • moggie63 says:

      You know very well that a degree above average signifies a climate catastrophe. That’s me passing on my expertise, now give me lots of money.


    • Fedup2 says:

      Trick – you could have put up a spoiler alert about ‘Marty Hopkirk ‘ 😎

      My bit of the med seems to have a ‘weather warning ‘ every day … Alexa seems not to have realised it’s something called Summer …


  16. Up2snuff says:

    TOADY Watch #2 – Randy Meisner has checked out of the Hotel California never to return

    Too good an opportunity to miss: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8O9LrcpEQ6k Apologies if adverts interrupt play. Video is from 2004 in the Rod Laver Memorial Stadium, Melbourne. Don Felder was fired from Eagles in 2001, so who is it on the double neck electric 6/12 string Fender?


    • Emmanuel Goldstein says:

      Was it Steuart Smith.


      • Fedup2 says:

        Ah …. 1976 ….. I think mr Meisner had a little bit more influence on ‘rock’ than a suicidal Muslim Irish lady … who might be a saint … or maybe not – if the Holy Father has anything to do with it … RIP Randy …


      • Up2snuff says:

        Thanks, Emmanuel.


        • Up2snuff says:

          PS: I should have looked at the supporting cast! Why did they not make Steuart Smith an honorary Eagle for the Farewell 1 tour? Great trumpet opening from Bill Armstrong. The video keeps getting taken down for copyright reasons. I don’t know why Eagles don’t advertise a low cost DVD of the performance and sell even more stuff from the YouChooby thing, after all they must have big lawyer fees to pay.


          • Fedup2 says:

            Yes the Eagles are famed ‘ notorious for their commercial copyright exercise …. Can never be too rich …


    • Non Snowflake says:

      Pretty sure its Steuart Smith.

      Edit – just seen EG got there before me :>)


  17. Emmanuel Goldstein says:

    Thinking about khan’s ulez charge which allows older polluting cars in if they pay the £12.50

    Here’s an idea for Kahn to make more money.

    Allow smokers to smoke in places like pubs, cinemas, restaurants and anywhere it’s currently not allowed if they pay the same type of charge.
    £12.50 and you can smoke anywhere inside Kahn’s ulez zone.

    What’s the difference?


    • Fedup2 says:

      Funny isn’t it – the stop oil bods could be sidelined by a far larger number of car owners up in arms when they get fined for non payment to the ULEZ tax … London’ roads being stopped by mass car protests …. But if I can offer protesters some advice – dump the cars in Whitehall …


  18. MarkyMark says:

    Sadiq Khan ignores public and escapes in £400k Range Rover

    Sadiq Khan announces new book on Facebook – Gets hilariously TROLLED


  19. MarkyMark says:

    Priorities for London


    Mayor Sadiq Khan is driven by one main ambition – to make it possible for all Londoners to have the opportunity to get on in life, to fulfil their potential and to not just survive, but to thrive.

    To achieve this vision, the Mayor is focusing his time and effort on the most important issues facing our city. This includes:

    building thousands of more genuinely affordable homes to buy and rent
    making transport more affordable, better and greener
    tackling air pollution to make the air we breathe safe for everyone
    making sure Londoners from all walks of life can enjoy arts and culture
    fighting for London’s economy – supporting business, protecting jobs, boasting skills provision and increasing the standard of living for all Londoners
    ensuring the safety and security of London
    encouraging London’s diverse communities to come together


    • Up2snuff says:

      MM, how will “fighting for London’s economy – supporting business, protecting jobs, boasting skills provision and increasing the standard of living for all Londoners” that noble aim be supported by the ULEZ scheme? Or will it be completely sabotaged by the ULEZ scheme?

      I have always thought that in pictures, the Mayor always looks ‘a bit hard of thinking’.


  20. Fedup2 says:

    BBC News seems surprised that Nigel Farage has ‘come out ‘ in support of Gina miller and her bank cancellation . The BBC shows it’s ‘scum ‘ values – and cannot conceive that Mr Farage favours fairness rather than the vindictive attitude of the Far Left
    People who still pay for BBC should be ashamed …. It has to be destroyed – that would be Fair …..


    • JohnC says:

      I’m sure Nigel did that as an act of unification against the banks.

      But in reality, the reasons are diametrically opposite:

      He was cancelled because they didn’t like his politics.

      She has been cancelled because she was given an account when she shouldn’t have been and it’s it’s been quickly removed before banks are likely to come under scrutiny for all political rule-breakers.

      Nigel is no angel : he’s playing the game. And the BBC kidults have fallen for it.


  21. Zelazek says:

    The BBC 6 o’clock News doesn’t lead with a news story but with Poppy’s story – a story about sexual abuse. Interesting as it is, I don’t want this kind of thing. I want proper news on a news programme.

    Then, as is their wont, they interview themselves about it. Alison Holt, their Social Affairs Editor, tells Clive Myrie that as a society we have to be able to talk about sexual abuse.

    That’s right. THEY, the BBC, are trying to tell US that we need to talk about sexual abuse.

    Maybe I have tuned into a new satirical show by mistake.


  22. JohnC says:

    What is the number 1, most important headline news in the world today (according to the BBC) ?.

    It’s this:

    ‘A teenager who helped jail her paternal grandfather after he sexually abused her as a small child, is speaking out to “take away the shame” for survivors like her. Poppy hopes her story will change attitudes and help others.’

    All white of course.

    Fortunately for our Islamic friends, the BBC don’t go near their incentuous activities and arranged marriages. They don’t care one bit about those girls being bartared to a man 3 times their age and subsequently raped because there are no white males involved.

    From another absolutely typical BBC reporter who I am 100% certain votes LibDem.



  23. BRISSLES says:

    Watching Bargain Hunt today (I know…), I’ve realised there are now a plethora of ‘experts” who to me haven’t a clue, and are as helpful as a chocolate teapot to the hapless participants. Perhaps all the older and wiser experts who have honed their craft during a lifetime are all retiring.

    Today I checked out the credentials of Gary Pe, who seems to lose his team money on a regular basis. It was enlightening. From the Philippines he had a variety of jobs with only a scant interest in antiques and had ambitions of being a jazz singer. Then, according to him the BBC CALLED HIM OUT OF THE BLUE one day and asked him to audition for BH, because “THEY WANTED MORE FACES FROM DIFFERENT BACKGROUNDS AND CULTURES. Clearly a knowledge of antiques is not a priority. Hence the Ochichuka guy who’s interest is modern art, and Danny who is more modern junk.


    • Fedup2 says:

      Brissles – starting a comment with ‘watching bargain hunt today …” would place some people on the naughty step . But this cannot be done because I’ve never seen bargain hunt – is it the one where they wear matching tee shirts and the BBC blokes does a real slime job ?
      I used to watch ‘homes under the hammer ‘ just for the avarice so lacking elsewhere on the BBC now – buy a hovel – paint everything mushroom then get benefits people with money straight from the DWP – … fancied doing it me self once …


      • Up2snuff says:

        Fed, it is a sort of panel game but on foot and in a car! Have I got that right, Brissles?


        • BRISSLES says:

          No Snuffy, that’s antiques road trip – do keep up. Fed is right, in BH they wear matchy sweatshirts and wander around a field for an hour 🙂


  24. Dickie says:


  25. Fedup2 says:

    For those with picture skills – please see the picture of some third world ‘leader ‘ from bongo bongo land with a fantastic shirt adorned with the face of Vladimir ‘Adolf ‘ putin – def worth putting up here . The shirt is the ideal Christmas gift … it comes with a choice of shoulder chips …


    • Dickie says:

      Shucks Fedup2. What’s Putin ever done to you?😀😀


      • Fedup2 says:

        Dickie – hey go look at the picture – it is the most ‘tasteful ‘ shirt you ever could see… …

        During those arm chair strategist moments I go through – I do try to put myself into the place of putin – defending mother Russia from the forever hostile Americans and the European lackeys like Britain …. Doesn’t get me anywhere though .

        Yesterday – thoughtful put up a discussion about the non U.S. countries setting up their own currency system to counter the crap pieces of paper the Fed reserve is now printing ….. maybe that’s the next Big thing – causing a crisis in western economies because of the money printing addiction …


    • JohnC says:


      For a large part of the world, Putin represents a stand against the interference of the USA for their own national interests.

      Which of course involves forcing ‘democracy’ on these countries – but is always to help the party into power who are sympathetic (= bribed) to the USA agenda.

      Is that right or wrong when the alternatives are Russia and/or China gaining the upper hand ?. I can’t say for sure – but it’s hypocrisy and lies at the highest level and they don’t care how many innocent civilians die in the transition.

      Watching what is going on in Ukraine tells me that specific part of the global plan is completely wrong. There was never any threat to the rest of the world.


      • Up2snuff says:

        JohnC, I blame the EU and Cathy Ashton for the Ukraine v. Russia thing.


      • Fedup2 says:

        I try to understand the mindset. There is no special relationship – with regard to the US. It’s unfortunate that at the moment it is English speaking because it appears to be ‘our friend’ when in fact we are just another seat on the UN Security Council it can depend on to get its’ way .
        But looking at the ‘non aligned ‘ states – are they any better ? China playing a disciplined long game whilst the west falls apart being woke and fuzzy minded ?
        And what enemies does the UK really have ? Answer – the EU and Uk government playing the WEF tune .


  26. Fedup2 says:

    Ben Quinn- a kidult political correspondent of the Guardian – writes a piece on how Nigel Farage has found a new campaign -after brexit .

    It’s funny when you know more than the kidult writer – about what Farage has been doing in recent years – and like much of the quality presenters of GBNews – way ahead of the tamed MSM .
    The piece paints Farage as a backwater politician desperate for a cause. This might affirm the comfort blanket image the Far Left has of him – but is a long way from the truth .
    Although the fact that Farage got a TV gong – despite attempts to suppress him – he does mention that a Labour MP went on GBNews recently to explain his difficulty getting a bank account as an MP ….
    The whole behaviour of banks needs a good look – from failing to raise savings rates – to closing branches – to paying senior staff obscene amounts of money despite their banks failing their shareholders ( I am a shareholder of a particularly crap bank) …


  27. StewGreen says:

    “Sunday…the most popular programme of the day was a repeat, #AntiquesRoadshow with 4.3m viewers at 8pm on BBC1,

    while on BBC2 their biggest audience was for another ‘veteran’, #BeechgroveGarden which went out over breakfast, 700k at 9am.”

    55 million adults in the country

    “After more than 40 years on the box, #AntiquesRoadshow is still regularly the most watched show on a Sunday night”


    • StewGreen says:

      Liam tweeted the other week
      “6.30 regional news just starting on BBC1 is v. often its biggest show 3.5m for regional news Tuesday”

      3.5m for the biggest show of the day
      means 85% of the public are not watching


  28. StewGreen says:

    Doh yes chilies, tomatoes, potatoes are all from the New World (American continent)


  29. Kinell says:

    The BBC are going to invest £100 million pounds of taxpayers money on diversity. Which I interpret as pissing off the public.
    They want to change this and they want to change that.
    Why has everything got to change?
    I work on the Railway and we still measure in chains,(22yards) 80 to a mile ,and nobody has noticed.
    If you look out of the train window you may see a mile marker with a number, that number is the mile distance from where the journey started. if it has a dot on it, the dot means a quarter of a mile, 2 dots is half a mile and so on. If you see a small yellow disc with a number on it, that is a chain marker. So if you see a disc with a 15 on it that means 15 chains from the last mile marker. This enables any rail worker to tell a signalman exactly where they are, when needed. It works perfectly well, not everything has to change.
    It seems to me everyday another part of our history and culture is being thrown away.