It’s a wonderful thing then you’ve had a couple, but this has a deeper side to it as it isn’t an image that’s been messed with, it is the creation of AI gone wrong, it shows that perhaps AI isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.
I used to play crib with an old boy in our local, and he’d often remark that “He’d got a hand like a foot”!
So this lass must have been playing with just one more player, as she’d have six cards according to her foot, not five as in a foursome. The question has to be, who’s the other player, and has she just got two for his toes, or one for his knob?
She’d have had two in the box, and so would her opponent, and if she had a flush in her box, it’d have to be in the same suit as the cut card, which could be why she had two for his toes…
I haven’t received a threatogram from the BBC for a couple of months . Are they saving money on the postage ?
Cutbacks due to millions of cancellations of the telly tax ?
Oh dear BBC , despite all your business correspondents/ editors , your economic correspondents/ editors,your financial correspondents /editors , Vicky Price et al you’re beginning to see , albeit in a just left school way , how everyone else has to get by .
Next week , why it’s not important for the BBC to be involved with the so called ‘soft power ‘ that the Powers That Be insist at great expense to the ordinary Joe to be vital to their hubris .
Up2snuff ,
And me as well for many years now…… can still buy a Black and White one surprisingly for £53.50 and that’s what I did for a while before cancelling completely .
Charlie, if you have an old fashioned CRT colour telly in the loft, as I have, you can twiddle a few knobs on the back and ‘hey ho’ it is a black and white TV. No doubt the current fashion for LCD/LED screens it is even simpler than that. Probably hit a button on the remote control and Robert is your father’s or mother’s brother.
I gather from chatting with a friend that 43″ is the current standard size for LCD/LED screens.
Ep. 15 Former Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund reveals what really happened on January 6th. Our Fox News interview with him never aired, so we invited him back.
A tour de force . Anyone watching this , assuming the police chief is factually correct and he seems to have a lot of corroborative logs and records, would be convinced that there was a massive government wide conspiracy to stage ‘a storming of the Capitol’ designed to prevent Trump from ever running for President again.
Yet we know that the MSM has been at pains to prevent this story from seeing the light of day. Like so many other anti Trump stories the MSM refuses, despite the overwhelming stench , to investigate or if it does then we get a whitewash which bears no resemblance to the facts.
Clearly the deep state , globalists and MSM have a combined conspiracy to stop Trump. I am sure that they would be quite willing to use the ultimate insurance policy and pin the blame on a lone wolf with mental issues, if it looks like DT will win in 15 months time.
I reckon that the 2016 election and Brexit a few months earlier has convinced the hyperglobalists that democracy is dangerous for them and they have taken control. The present sham democracies on both sides of the Atlantic are just a holding pattern until they have complete control which ordinary folk can’t resist and then they can safely drop the pretence of democracy altogether. That is just a few years down the line.
Double – the crew ( Obama ) running a whole strategy against president trump has been fully and well planned – from the hostile media whilst he was in office through to an amazingly well executed election fraud and the whole series of corrupt department of injustice political trials …
… and – as you say – the likelihood of a murder should mr trump look like a potential president next year – although I suspect the result is as fixed as last time …
I’d bet a few quid that they’re really on top of the problem, and as it’s several months before the cataclysm of entering the vote, they must have something up their sleeves – or do I read to much Simon Templar…?
Which of course in Beeboids minds are victims and oppresses
The BBC hates the Saudi’s for their no nonsense approach to crime. The Saudis put to death drug trafficker. That’s what is written on the visa application form to enter the country. Written in red in the boldest form to differentiate the other black and white lesser writings . Unlike the Conservative party talk about immigration, the Saudi’s mean it .
And if you want a family holiday, consider Dubai , a crime free , graffiti free tolerant state .
But the BBC don’t like that type of thing .
Why a no nonsense attitude to crime might lead to … no crime . Can’t have that can we ? Everyone might want it . It’s a populist thing . University professors do know better .
Far better in the BBCs eyes is that every Muslim is an oppressed person until one of them kills kids at a pop concert and then he’s exonerated as a lone wolf with mental health issues.
The president’s immigration policies forced refugees into detention, where they faced “horrific abuse and mistreatment,” a rights group says.
As I often do, I browsed the internet what’s been going on in Londonistan to see what the racist BBC have hidden from us this time and as usual I was not disappointed.
In Oct 2022, two men went on a cycling spree on the bikes stealing mobile phone and stabbing anyone who tried to stop them. This is in the UK on the streets of our capital city. I was a bit shocked. Of course, I had not heard of it from the BBC.
Two men were sentenced to jail for it yesterday. So I checked the ‘London Violence’ BBC page and it was nowhere to be seen. So I searched and there is was, buried in plain old ‘London’.
The original story which, of course, contained no description of the ment who did it:
‘Another man, Henry Charlton-Weedy, needed 52 stitches and was also slashed in the face and left with a severe scar running from the top of his cheekbone to his mouth.’
And the story from yesterday which I didn’t see on the front page at all:
I suspect this is the latest trick from the BBC to hide these inconvenient stories from people who look for them : don’t put them in the ‘London Violence’ page.
And why all this deception you might ask ?. Well, you know why : inconvenient for the agenda. And the agenda is everything.
Thanks for putting the pictures up – I mentioned this earlier in the last thread – mentioning the absence of pictures in the brief newspaper reports – but plenty of ‘crime scene ‘ pictures ….
.. also the sentences – 12 years each – with a mandatory 8 . And I mentioned these 2 would have been far more powerful candidates for the Death Penalty .
They weren’t far from killing their many victims – so death for them should be an expectation and an act of mercy . Vermin .
On the theme of ‘londonistan ‘ crime – the evening standard reports one broad daylight Stoke Newington shooting yesterday – which is ceasing to be news at all – but like the shooting execution it Tottenham last Saturday which is also normal now …..
Import the third world …..
No wonder the police are failing rapidly to have any effect on the current types of crime. Historically, they were always able to rely on a fairly compliant indigenous population, in the main, law abiding. No longer. The police cannot adjust to the ‘new’ sorts of crime brought here by ‘diverse’ (doncha just love it !) tribes of savages.
Next stage in the Government’s plan to receive hoards more savages? As we see in ‘Just Stop Oil’ (“JSO”), the public are becoming roused and, on recent videos, I don’t either see many police or in fact, none present. Next stage as the situation deteriorates and JSO people receive a beating/injuries regularly? JSO will coordinate with the police and only turn out with ‘police assurances’ that they will be present or turn out quickly as the violence against them steps up. A ‘private’ security service in effect. The public will increasing act alone in the complete absence of law and order and we’re heading that way damn quickly.
We are all witnessing the breakdown of society. All the fabric is crumbling before our eyes. Either by design or absolute criminal negligence.
Hundreds of young men are being blown to pieces and maimed in the most horrible ways – even as I type this – and what do the BBC think they should tell the British public ?.
Another ‘heartwarming tale’ about ‘a charity that tries to help former soldiers with their sex lives, after suffering physical and mental trauma.’. It’s a very lengthy article and is basically another 100% empathy lecture.
Meanwhile the Ukranian counter offensive in the South has been smashed and Russia are launching their own major offensive up in the North East. Cluster bombs everywhere no doubt. But the Ukraine government don’t tell us these things so the BBC don’t report it.
Written by a male this time – but most stories from Ukraine are. It seems that despite all the BBC feminism and misandry, they’d rather not go to the nasty places.
Here he is. From his bio, his ‘specialist subject’ seems to be reporting on refugess and migrants. Plenty of work for him at the BBC then.
They certainly don’t want to report on the involuntary ‘sex lives’ of the tens of thousands of women and young girls who are being trafficked out of Ukraine to satisfy the prostitution, pornography and paedophilia requirements of Western Europe and the USA. No no no, nothing to see here, move along now…
I’m sure she is very familiar with coke … as for putting up a ‘spring ‘ style troll invitation – could she do better – my suggestion would be to carry on suppressing Biden crimes and over reporting the democrat fbi DoJ obsession with ‘get trump ‘…just as you shamefully always do …
Lots of noise about the invader boat .( btw – anyone coming from France cannot be a true ‘asylum seeker ‘ – they should claim there ) …..
But in a way the blue labour lot will be happy because they are showing ‘they are trying ‘…. And take us for mugs as the numbers go up and up ….
.. yesterday there was dismay that the blue Labour Party is putting its membership up by over 50%. Blimey – you have to pay to be associated with those socialists ?
The read of the story was that after the next election the new leader of the party – with sunak back in LA – will be selected by a very small number – it’s academic really because the blue Labour Party will , hopefully and rightly,never see power again …
The news this morning is there is a big multiple illegal immigrant rescue in the Channel. The incident is five miles from France yet the rescued are landed here.
However in other tweets the French say their own lifeboat rescued people in the North Sea
not clear if this was the same or a separate incident
This morning the teams of the snsm @SauveteursenMer narrowly saved 54 migrants in difficulty in the North Sea.
We came close to disaster again.
Thank you to all those volunteers who risk their lives to save others
StewGreen ,
Why oh Why are we still using Border Farce and RNLI Taxi Service to bring the Invaders here ? .
They should be put into open air compounds surrounded with Electrified Razor Wire with bread and water only……I don’t think that’s too harsh .
Simply announce to the French Government that our combined ‘Taxi’ service will halt on an appointed day and woe betide any French vessel crossing the mid point of the Channel. Simples.
The taxi service is there to prevent disasters like this. Wait now for the likes of Diane Abbot to start using it to virtue-signal and push their own racist agenda.
The French hand them over to us halfway so this looks like any ‘blame’ belongs with them. But I’m quite sure the hypocrite Leftists here will use it against OUR government.
It’s another ladies day in the press today – in this sick boy and go girl edition
In the Telegraph Jonny Lee Miller who achieved early success for his portrayal of Simon “Sick Boy” Williamson in the dark drug-fuelled comedy-drama film Trainspotting [1996] and who completed a training course and intends to pursue a side career as a volunteer firefighter admits: “The opposite sex don’t look at me the way they used to”
From emergency services career change to health service sex change…
Pressure to change NHS guidance that says patients who ‘temporarily’ identify as female can share single-sex spaces TRANS ROW OVER WOMENS’ WARDS (Daily Mail)
Elsewhere both the frontpages and the backpages become a single-sex sports space
Lionesses: We can lift the cup (asserts the Mirror); Can Lionesses keep World Cup dream alive? (asks the Express); The globalist technocrat FT concentrates on the internationalist managerial aspect: Sarina Wiegman Going Dutch pays for England – the more jobs the UK outsources to foreigners the better, eh?
‘Best is yet to come’ Lionesees ready to take on Columbia (Guardian); History calls for England (‘i’); England’s Lionesses when they were cubs Born to score (Daily Mail)
White Earps
The Times shuns those pics emblazoned elsewhere of Lionesses as kids, being sweaty and shouty in goal celebration, adorned in their training bibs, or performing some horseplay for the cameras in their team kit – and instead does a frontpage glammer photo sesh with: Net result. Mary Earps the England goalkeeper – Mary means business as she models a cool all-white pantsuit – accessories of goalkeeper gloves and football are model’s own (as those fashion adverts used to point out) – I suppose it was inevitable the corporate sponsors would corral their Lionesses into such glammer photo shoots – talking of corrals – Earps looks are… OK
Four super stars up front
The Telegraph meanwhile brings out the old-time professional team to show us how the frontpage glammer shot should be done (borrowed from Vogue, September issue): Linda Evangelina, the 58-year-old supermodel… appears for the first time since 1990… alongside Christy Turlington, Naomi Campbell and Cindy Crawford
Our BBC goes to the far side of the globe for yet another episode of their repeat polemic – sorry, online top story: Hawaii fires: Fresh evacuations under way in Maui as death toll climbs to 67 – Climate Change and Global Warming are the guilty parties to blame, obviously
“Book ’em Danno, Murder One” as Jack Lord as Detective Steve McGarrett used to tell his young sidekick James MacArthur who played Dan ‘Danno’ Williams in the classic TV cop show Hawaii Five-O – Hawaiian locals used to complain that the sheer volume of murder and mahem portrayed every week in the TV drama was unrepresentative of their peaceful island with its tiny real-life police department, based in a shed.
The FT goes Miltonian: Paradise Lost. Hawaii reels from disaster – this is of course an island chain literally built on volcanic activity
The left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper is possibly having a bit of a laugh with us this weekend: Quiz! How woke are you? Take our survey to find out.
One notices a lot of journalistic ink spilt this weekend on the subject of sex – sadly it’s not all plain sailing
Summer of love Your best and worst dates (Times Magazine)
How to have great sex at every age (Guardian)
Relationship SOS How to get through a rough patch (‘i’)
Ukraine war: Sex lives in focus for Ukraine’s injured veterans (BBC)
The ‘i’ dubs this week: ‘small boats week’ – no plain sailing there for the Tories
For once there’s a news story that’s not about the world and his wife queuing up to enter this benighted isle – quite the opposite: Murder probe Suspects flee UK as girl, 10, found dead (Express)
It’s a bug’s life
Asylum barge evacuated as deadly bacteria found (frets the Guardian); Deadly bug on barge (the Mirror goes off alarming ); Migrants taken off barge in Legionella scare (moderates the Telegraph); Incredible photos of ‘wee beasties’ in Glasgow park… Nestled in an unassuming Glasgow Park lies a treasure trove of vibrant colours, intricate details, and tiny creatures waiting to be discovered (BBC)
It was during the confinement of the Covid lockdown that David Hamilton found himself captivated by this hidden world. (BBC) – so as we were all quarantined for months on end sheltering from the supposedly deadly China bug – there was an upside, eh BBC?
Explosion in bedbugs blamed on upcycling (Telegraph)
And we round off ladies day with another Times feature – we’ve all heard of those lonely sad single cat ladies: My hen party. Alice Thomson on her spoilt pet chickens – all that girl power, women can do it on their own feminism – denegrating and isolating women from us blokes – some downside problems were bound to come home to roost.
I’ve got something in common with ‘johnie miller “? – the opposite sex don’t look at me the way they used to – I guess it’s since I was put on the register
BTW – if you are on a register do you have to declare it on one of those dating apps ?
Asking for a fiend …
Has there been a story about ‘what’s so terrible about France thar the third world won’t stay there ? ‘….
If you think about it if we think the coast invasion is a sick joke now – just how bad when red labour have their 200 majority ? Although I suspect more effort will go into suppressing what happens even more than now ….
.. I suspect reporting the invasion will become a criminal offence … for ‘community cohesion’ …
The civil service and the lawyers will suddenly start cooperating with a Labour administration to do the processing in double quick time and hey presto 95% of asylum claims will prove to be genuine. Problem solved.
They may even repurpose one of those old Channel ferry ships to run a new service they term a ‘safe route’
Whatever it is that France does to make them want to leave in such high numbers is maybe something we could copy. After all we can fly them all to Biden’s America. After all his ironically named “Democrat” Party activists always hoist the “Refugees Welcome Here” placards.
Is it just me or did I actually hear the BBC presenters salivating with joy when our totally inept and useless Home Office had to disembark a handful of economic chancers off the ‘boat’ in Portland because of possible contaminated water? How I wish the homeless/ ordinary British citizens had such access to accommodation and healthcare.
On Toady this morning David Davis gave as good as he got, fingering the Home Office and reminding us that even a Labour Home Secretary labelled them as not fit for purpose.
Another statistic, the average Home Office worker looks at just over ONE asylum claim PER WEEK!!!!!! Working from home no doubt.
Sweden, not exactly a Far Right country, managed to accept zero% Albanian ‘asylum seekers’ on the basis that Albania is a safe country. There has been no Far Left legal furore about this.
But in the UK, when the Home Office gets round to it, 55% of Albanian asylum applications are successful. Remember, Sweden deems Albania a safe country.
Anecdotal gossip – but – my next door neighbor’s son has been working at MoJ and Home Office as a junior civil servant and I was chatting with the neighbor about his son’s impressions of the workplace.
We were discussing the evasion of FoI and “oh yes, he’s being coached in that all the time”
BBC webshite front page first headline
‘Six dead after migrant boat sinks in channel’
They’re loving it. Anything and everything to indoctrinate a gullible, soft-centred wish washy public that open-door mass immigration of young male Muslims is the way to go.
When I put this on I don’t bother listening much – you can just hear the tune . For instance some whining about the rain forests. Apparently Europeans being clever exploiting it whilst the lazy local looked on is now a bad thing .
The whole pitch is Far Left anti west and everybody is a victim and deserves a ‘give me ‘..
Once Upon a time it was authoritative informative and its’ journos who had the experience to be objective – now it’s just a tick box world ….
FooC is pushing someone’s PR lines
“Ireland is getting rich , it will have a huge tax surplus of £56bn .. over the next 4 years”
OK that is £14bn year so not huge
Then later the prog says “This years surplus is £9bn, with next years forecast to b £18bn)
OK so the real number is £9bn and the rest is modelling
BBC “Six people have died after a boat carrying migrants sank in the English Channel.
A joint rescue operation by the British and French coastguards have rescued more than 50 others, authorities said.”
This morning off Sangatte
Deaths caused by white people promoting open border policies and creating pull factor
The French admin gives the listing of which vessels rescued people French vessels, RNLI, British private vessel etc.
Seems the 6 that died were all rescued by helicopter
Twitter says more are still missing.
Seems a whole fleet of illegal dinghies had set off at once
Wonder if the BBC will report on the Global Warming effects and the Climate Change that comes from illegal immigration? Perhaps Marianna Spring and team at BBC Verify will investigate and report.
The BBC repeats the claim that “The English Channel is one of the most dangerous and busiest shipping lanes in the world.” Untrue. It’s actually one of the most controlled, regulated and monitored waterways in the world. Not withstanding this latest tragedy resulting from actions of the British Government/French Government/People Smugglers alliance, the main risks faced by those trying to illegally enter Britain in this manner are losing phone signal midway, getting their new trainers a bit wet, and deciding what pizza topping they’d like when they arrive at their destination.
How much is a rubber boat crossing from Calais to Dover these days?
I caught a few moments of R4 Any Questions / Any Answers while driving in the rain earlier – not a single mention of that (is £2k or £3k now? – in cash…)
The judging by the whooping at every insult to Tories (and they deserve insulting no doubt) the audience must’ve been largely recruited from a nearby youknee Labour Society / XR-JSO coven.
There was one unhinged, overwrought hyperbolist of the left whose voice I didn’t recognize – got back and checked >> effin Moonbat apparently got a weekend in Teignmouth – wonder if he took his plastic canoe on the train?
Fancy getting out of bed in the middle of the night for that…
I’d have turned over and drifted back off, woke refreshed this morning, and after a leisurely breakfast, gone for a stroll on the beach looking for washed up wallets.
Oh, don’t.
I watched Brief Encounter the other day, and the word “gay” was spoken often. As in “I felt so gay at the thought of seeing Alex again ….” yep, it was happy and gay.
And for the life of me I still can’t understand why the homosexual community hijacked the word (and girls name) to describe their way of life. Why not pick Joan or Edna, or Harriet ? 😉
Here is my view of the future of the US economy – which might not be worth all that much!
It was a crazy decision of the GOP to concede to suspend the debt ceiling in the run up to the US Presidential elections in November 2024. It should have been obvious even to a chimpanzee what was going to happen with the reckless corrupt Biden administration in power.
We have an economic situation where the indicators are pointing to a cataclysmic crash on the scale of the Great Depression, but the can is being kicked down the road by the never ending insatiable government spending. In just one month the US treasury borrowed $1.2Tn and the predictions are that in the months to come spending will exceed even the Democrats forecasts.
To support this level of squandering the Federal Reserve will need to issue T bills, at the level of interest prevailing, committing the US to high interest debt servicing for at least a decade to come.
It gets worse though, because not only are new T Bills for new debt being issued, but at the same time, around half of Americas existing debt will fall due in the next two years and that was created at a time of lower interest rates. Repayment will take the form of new T bills but instead of being at a rate of 1% it will be closer to 5% (depending on the rate prevailing at the time). This is unaffordable even for the USA.
And all of this presupposes that the US economy doesn’t collapse which it will, and that the banks don’t precede it, which they will, and when they do there isn’t going to be enough money in the world to prop them up and to buy the Fed issued T bills and so the only way the US economy can be rescued is for the Fed to buy them in another round of quantitative easing, otherwise known as money printing destroying the value of the US Dollar.
It get worse though because this will at the same time add to inflation and no one in their right mind is going to want to hold dollar denominated paper when its value is crashing through the floor. On top of this is the move to de-dollarisation going on in the world already which is going to accelerate as bond holders realise the danger to their capital.
But it gets even worse when the BRICS conference later this month expected to announce the new trading currency which will mean the world no longer needs so many Dollars in order to conduct trade and they begin to return to America causing even more inflation.
And it gets still worse for the US government when the Strategic Petroleum Reserve still has not been refilled since it was used by Biden to reduce the effect of fuel price inflation at the midterms, Biden promised he would do it when the price fell below $70 a barrel it did, but he didn’t keep his promise and now the price is climbing back up again.
And the bad news keeps on coming war gaming has shown there is no scenario in which the US could win a war against China if there was an invasion of Taiwan, hence the visit of Janet Yellen bowing and scraping before Xi Jin Peng to downscale the US aggression of Bidens Democrats.
The war in Ukraine has had stunning consequences for the USA as the Ukrainians have fired off a years worth of US production of 155mm artillery shells in just a month and still haven’t managed to out gun the Russians. The US now has no stock of shells for itself and needs to rearm. There’s more though because the anti tank missile and the javelin and stinger anti aircraft missiles have also been heavily depleted and it will take 15 years to bring stock levels back at current production rates. Put bluntly the US is now incapable of fighting a conventional war against a competent opponent. It was believed precision weaponry was the way forward, Ukraine has proven that not to be the case, and a radical rethink is needed – all of this costs money the USA simply doesn’t have and cannot afford to borrow.
There is no way out of this now, a catastrophic collapse of the US economy and currency is locked in. The borrowing and the debt is just too great for the USD to survive and default is an inevitable consequence. The argument that Japan has enormous debt doesn’t hold water, as the two economies are massively different in size.
The US and the West in general are going to come out of the next recession / depression very much diminished, especially Europe where the EU and Euro might not survive
It’s true that American and NATO stocks of ammunition have been greatly depleted. But the US is not contemplating a conventional (land) war with China – such a war would be fought with long range cruise missiles, jet fighters, stealth bombers and low-yield tactical nukes. And there’s no shortage of them as they haven’t and won’t be deployed in Ukraine.
As Douglas McGregor keeps saying there is no such thing as a single launch tactical nuclear weapon, one goes they all go – end of the world.
The US has war gamed this, they can’t win, it’ 1000miles away China has a huge fleet and hypersonic missiles the US cannot stop, any carrier fleets gets wiped out very quickly, then what?
Yes I’ve just been rereading a fiction about the response to a ‘rogue ‘ launch against a NATO asset – the escalation would be so rapid that we’d probably know very tittle about it – particularly with the EMP taking out the internet – radio and the like …
…..even putin must know it would be the end ….
… luckily most of us don’t realise how near to the End we currently are – makes the Cuba crisis look like a minor tiff …
Thoughtful – thoughtful as ever . Thank you . As a result of your posts I regularly watch the free version of Wolf of wallstreet on you tube and note his pessimism too.
Is there any upside ? I can’t see much . And what will be consequences for already sick economies like the UK – there is no reserve – everything is already borrowed .
When will the crash come ? Will it be when China finally decides to take on Taiwan ? Or on 24 August .
Even without a crash the outlook for the coming months is re – increasing inflation as the likes of oil prices climb as the Saudis turn the taps off – helping – presumably Russia to strengthen its’ economy – and that of Russia s friends …
“Gold”. Watching daily you can see when COMEX / LBMA are fixing levels. Just a small finger on the scales from time to time. When that flies in the face of reality. The same as everything surrounding – the cartels at work. If, as predicted by the experts, gold takes off in value, hopefully, the free market will rise above any tinkering by COMEX / LBMA and it will break free, unrestricted and again become the only source of “real money”.
Ah when will the crash come? That is the golden question and anyone who knew that could become an instant billionaire.
Will it be commercial real estate which forces the issue, or a failure to sell bonds?, or maybe a black swan event, no one really knows.
The GOP really were stupid when they signed on for this debt ceiling deal which stated a lifting of the debt ceiling and then a 1% reduction in the previous year. This incentivised Biden to spend to the max this year knowing a 1% reduction would be imposed on that higher figure.
Absolute crass incompetence on the part of McCarthy and Mitch McConnell
I will ask you to consider this though as a very real nightmare scenario for the USA.
The USA has an effectively open Southern border, and the drug cartels have pretty much freedom of movement across it, with people operating on both sides. Earlier this year the head of the “New Generation” cartel El Chapo was arrested and without getting too much into the details this cartel has been replaced by another called the “Sinaloa” cartel which has a very different view to operations, much more aggressive and organised.
Picture this nightmare scenario, that the cartels are already a de facto enemy army operating both sides of the US border and they have military grade weaponry bought on the black market from Ukraine. They are incredibly well financed as a result of the drugs and people smuggling. Just suppose as the US mounted a proxy war against Russia that they and Iran decide to do the same to America by supplying these groups with weaponry. It might even be US weapons ‘acquired’ during the Ukraine war, maintaining plausible deniability.
The US citizens so long insulated from war only seeing it on their TV screens might get to experience some of that for themselves, thanks to the stupidity of the Biden maladministration.
Dover MP Natalie Elphicke told the Commons that the BBC’s “shocking report” contained the “breath-taking” disclosure of free French public bus services being used to ferry migrants from camps to Dunkirk beaches.
Today the BBC journalists Michael Keohan and Colin Campbell released a shocking report on the channel crossings. It showed people smugglers selling their wares brazenly in the migrant camps and many children living in unsafe and dangerous conditions, as well as—this is breathtaking—a free French public bus service that migrants can use to travel directly from the camps to the Dunkirk departure beaches. Will my right hon. Friend allow a statement on the issue of tackling the small boat crossings and the Government’s response in their work with France?
Preventing them getting on a boat in the first place would be a more appropriate and compassionate thing to do. I would have thought that France’s duty of care would require this.
Not bbc – only of interest if you drive in London .
I did an ULEZ check on my vehicle on a free ‘check site ‘. It came back as ‘non ulez compliant ‘,this was wrong . So I checked using the official TFL site – and it is compliant
USING USA AND UK information and military intelligence?
“Apparently, the Ukrainian armed forces were not aware of the defense capabilities of the Russian Federation, having underestimated the enemy during the counteroffensive. According to an article recently published by CNN, Ukrainian soldiers did not expect their opponents to be so efficient on the battlefield, which is supposed to explain why Kiev’s counteroffensive was so overrated – and is now being so criticized for its irrelevant results.”
2012 … “Two and a half years ago, the coalition government was formed, and we made a clear promise to the British public. After thirteen years of uncontrolled mass immigration, this government would reduce and control immigration.” – Theresa May 2012
2015 … “Because when immigration is too high (no figure given), when the pace of change is too fast, it’s impossible to build a cohesive society.” – Theresa May 2015
2018 … “Over the years, overall, immigration has been good for the UK. It has brought people with different backgrounds, different outlooks here to the UK,” – Theresa May 2018
“Riddle me this, why when it concerns fishing our territorial waters start 6 miles off our coast, but when it concerns dhingy dross our territorial waters start 5 miles off the French coast”
Lower pic – girl on right: is that a tattoo on her head above the left eye? In Africa – tattoos are a relic of slavery. In Nazi Germany in WW2 a tattoo on the wrist was sign of having been in a concentration camp.
A BBC researcher writes:
“Newcastle… is that south of the Thames or north of the Thames? Which underground line serves it? I might pop over if they have a Waitrose”
Those sleeping on the streets in Newcastle could take their own cardboard boxes, that they use for insulation from the cold pavement, into that structure and be sheltered – up to a point – for a night or two. Wind might blow in a bit through the windows. Rain is forecast for a couple of hours tomorrow but pretty much all day on Monday.
We on this site have long known that a huge gulf existed between the views and beliefs of the MSM in our country and those of the consumers of their content.
Nothing better illustrates this than two articles today , one in DT web site and one in the Spectator , both as far to the centre right mainstream as you can get in this country.
The DT report on the channel drownings surprisingly allowed comments , usually on anything contentious they don’t, after 12 readers had commented , yes just 12 , they closed down the comments . Usually articles are open for comment for a day or so and receive hundreds sometimes several thousand comments.Those 12 comments were all strongly anti migrant and received hundreds of likes each . The article was written from a ‘how awful , the poor folks needed rescue and it was marvellous that the RNLI brought them all the way across the channel’ , point of view. The readership strongly disagrees with the editorial stance.
The Speccie article was praising Joe Biden for his wisdom in withdrawing from Afghanistan. The readership found it hilarious and are convinced it was a high comedy script.
In both cases the editors of the publication are publishing the liberal left globalist establishment line and are massively out of touch with the views of their customers. It’s the same with politics. There is no way that any of the parties represents the views of the public so how can they continue to form governments?
Well, they’ve been doing it for a long time now and it isn’t going to change unless something dramatic happens. The problem is most people are caught in an illusion of reality built for them by the powers that shouldn’t be. Just how deep this illusion goes escapes the vast majority of people because it has been drilled into them from a young age – and that is no accident. One way of understanding how mind control works is to research the development of our education system from its inception. It is more accurately called an indoctrination system and they have taught the masses to ridicule anyone who contradicts the official narratives that dominate every sphere of our lives. This has worked like a charm and it will continue to do so until that system is finally dismantled.
“Governments do not govern, but merely control the machinery of government, being themselves controlled by the hidden hand.” – Benjamin Disraeli said that and not this swivel-eyed conspiracy theorist
Biden overrode the advice of his generals so he could have the withdrawal complete for a specific event (I forget what it was).
He should have been crucified by the media. Instead the likes of the BBC quoted Biden blaming Trump.
This is one of the many reasons why I now believe deomcracy is dead in the Western world. We are in the infancy of the next generation of Nazis – where they absolutely believe the agenda is more important than the real world.
Hitler didn’t take power overnight – it was one step at a time. Or the ‘acceptable boundary’ being nudged a bit further out each time by the activists in the case of the BBC.
‘Idiot Clones’ who are the victims of ‘groupthink’ excepted of course. But I reckon they are a large percentage of BBC staff now.
How embarrassing! @SkyNews introduce Andrew Meyerson simply as a 'Junior Doctor in London'… who made sure he had his stethoscope on for the interview 😂
What Sly News didn't tell you is Andrew Meyerson is a hard-left, anti-Tory, Brexit hating, Labour activist.
How embarrassing!
introduce Andrew Meyerson simply as a ‘Junior Doctor in London’… who made sure he had his stethoscope on for the interview 😂
What Sly News didn’t tell you is Andrew Meyerson is a hard-left, anti-Tory, Brexit hating, Labour activist.
BBC Radio 5 Live Breakfast
BBC Radio 5 Live, Wednesday 3 January 2018
During a phone-in on the programme a contributor, Danielle Tiplady was introduced as a staff nurse. We should have established and made clear on air that she was a political activist.
Apparently there is a newer sniff’n’scratch edition of this book, with a foreward by Joe Biden. Plus CBeebies are rumoured to be making a TV series around it.
LBC does have a varied collection of gobs, but this one is extra special..
'If they were 39 white men from Ukraine…there would be a hue and cry, the likes of which you have never seen.'@SangitaMyska unpacks the 'massive distraction tactics' being deployed by the government after migrants were evacuated from the Bibby Stockholm due to Legionella.
My God I think she’s got it!
“If they were 39 white men from Ukraine, there would be a hue and cry”.
That’s the point. If 39 caucasian, westernised young men were coming over, looking for work, probably skilled, and wanting to adapt to and observe UK laws, then OK to a reasonable limit.
On the other hand, if a bunch of savages with an average IQ of 75 fall out of their trees and come over here intending to contribute to nothing apart from the crime rate, particularly rape of infidel white slags (Not a crime because their book says so), steal whatever isn’t nailed down and ultimately live rent free in our so-called prisons most of the time, then I do have a problem with it and I won’t shed a tear.
I’m probably the only one who holds these abhorrent views; you’re entitled to your own.
When politicians bleat on about “Stopping the boats”, I have another question. What are you going to do with the estimated 100K living in hotels. They have to go, but where and how?
This Government has adopted the ‘Bliar’ policy/thinking:
‘One step at a time’. meaning, we’ll allow all in sundry to arrive and be processed at, “British Citizens”, then (and only then) consider what to do with them afterward. No consideration whatever of, ‘what if’.
But, credit where its due, the Government has it right when they have obviously considered that no discernible push back from the population will be mounted. Just lots of noise.
In the case of the BBC, it could not be more corrupt or dumb now, thanks to the efforts of graduates from his and Tone’s era being politicised and hiring diversity bimbos of late.
vladMar 12, 11:27 Midweek 12th March 2025 If any of you deplorables enjoy seeing leftist terrorists accidentally setting themselves on fire while trying to arsonise Tesla, then…
JohnCMar 12, 11:19 Midweek 12th March 2025 ‘City of culture’ rapidly became ‘biggest shithole we want to try and rejuvinate’. The only culture Bradford has is the…
MarkyMarkMar 12, 11:14 Midweek 12th March 2025 “Bangladesh Court Seizes Tulip Siddiq’s Properties and Imposes Travel Ban” – Minister of …………………….. She served as Economic Secretary…
markhMar 12, 11:12 Midweek 12th March 2025 It’s bad enough that the dire Comic Relief is heading our way again. What makes it infinitely worse is that…
MarkyMarkMar 12, 10:51 Midweek 12th March 2025 The Smith-Mundt Modernization Act: From Propaganda to Censorship to Tyranny by Laurie Calhoun | May 18, 2022 (seen on…
StewGreenMar 12, 10:41 Midweek 12th March 2025 elsewhere “They’re filming a propaganda piece about last summer’s civil unrest, directed by Rizwan Wadan. The “heroic” Imam Adam Kelwick—who…
MarkyMarkMar 12, 10:37 Midweek 12th March 2025 UK riots: Police officer filmed telling men ‘stash weapons in mosque’ The officer was filmed in a video, which was…
MarkyMarkMar 12, 10:34 Midweek 12th March 2025 Pipa Doubtfire Former Head of Revenue Management Roles and responsibilities Pipa Doubtfire is Head of Revenue Management. She leads a…
StewGreenMar 12, 10:34 Midweek 12th March 2025 Have we done the Fake Far Right Mob spotted at Liverpool mosque with big signs saying filming in progress ?…
Fedup2Mar 12, 10:33 Midweek 12th March 2025 Atlas – I agree – the work address is public domain on the BBC website … she is on linked…
AGAIN???? unbelievable , and it’s not even my birthday!
Eccles “Oooohoh”
No more curried eggs for you, young man…
(FX Grams Elephant noises plus) Ahahaaaa! Don’t go in, it is hell in there.
Oooooooh ooooooooohoh…
Happy weekend friday night:
beautifully framed to highlight the power outlet on the wall!
It’s a wonderful thing then you’ve had a couple, but this has a deeper side to it as it isn’t an image that’s been messed with, it is the creation of AI gone wrong, it shows that perhaps AI isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.
T, shows some chronic photography/compositional skill as well!
It’s the six toes on her hand that I find a bit odd!
I used to play crib with an old boy in our local, and he’d often remark that “He’d got a hand like a foot”!
So this lass must have been playing with just one more player, as she’d have six cards according to her foot, not five as in a foursome. The question has to be, who’s the other player, and has she just got two for his toes, or one for his knob?
She’d have had two in the box, and so would her opponent, and if she had a flush in her box, it’d have to be in the same suit as the cut card, which could be why she had two for his toes…
God, I love this game…
I haven’t received a threatogram from the BBC for a couple of months . Are they saving money on the postage ?
Cutbacks due to millions of cancellations of the telly tax ?
Oh dear BBC , despite all your business correspondents/ editors , your economic correspondents/ editors,your financial correspondents /editors , Vicky Price et al you’re beginning to see , albeit in a just left school way , how everyone else has to get by .
Next week , why it’s not important for the BBC to be involved with the so called ‘soft power ‘ that the Powers That Be insist at great expense to the ordinary Joe to be vital to their hubris .
maybe im getting your allowance at least 1 a month
they were supposed to be sending an “officer” yesterday last I heard
but despite my excitement they didnt turn up
shame ive been practising my best “do one and get orf my land” for ages
They have given up on me. I have saved a lot of money !
Up2snuff ,
And me as well for many years now…… can still buy a Black and White one surprisingly for £53.50 and that’s what I did for a while before cancelling completely .
Charlie, if you have an old fashioned CRT colour telly in the loft, as I have, you can twiddle a few knobs on the back and ‘hey ho’ it is a black and white TV. No doubt the current fashion for LCD/LED screens it is even simpler than that. Probably hit a button on the remote control and Robert is your father’s or mother’s brother.
I gather from chatting with a friend that 43″ is the current standard size for LCD/LED screens.
Just go to settings on your television remote, select colour and turn the value to zero.
Instant black and white.
“Oh dear BBC , despite all your business correspondents/ editors , your economic correspondents/ editors,your financial correspondents /editors”
Simply reference the ‘Foreign contingent’.
A tour de force . Anyone watching this , assuming the police chief is factually correct and he seems to have a lot of corroborative logs and records, would be convinced that there was a massive government wide conspiracy to stage ‘a storming of the Capitol’ designed to prevent Trump from ever running for President again.
Yet we know that the MSM has been at pains to prevent this story from seeing the light of day. Like so many other anti Trump stories the MSM refuses, despite the overwhelming stench , to investigate or if it does then we get a whitewash which bears no resemblance to the facts.
Clearly the deep state , globalists and MSM have a combined conspiracy to stop Trump. I am sure that they would be quite willing to use the ultimate insurance policy and pin the blame on a lone wolf with mental issues, if it looks like DT will win in 15 months time.
I reckon that the 2016 election and Brexit a few months earlier has convinced the hyperglobalists that democracy is dangerous for them and they have taken control. The present sham democracies on both sides of the Atlantic are just a holding pattern until they have complete control which ordinary folk can’t resist and then they can safely drop the pretence of democracy altogether. That is just a few years down the line.
Double – the crew ( Obama ) running a whole strategy against president trump has been fully and well planned – from the hostile media whilst he was in office through to an amazingly well executed election fraud and the whole series of corrupt department of injustice political trials …
… and – as you say – the likelihood of a murder should mr trump look like a potential president next year – although I suspect the result is as fixed as last time …
But where are the Republicans on this?
I’d bet a few quid that they’re really on top of the problem, and as it’s several months before the cataclysm of entering the vote, they must have something up their sleeves – or do I read to much Simon Templar…?
BBC and Good Muslims and Bad Muslims.
Which of course in Beeboids minds are victims and oppresses
The BBC hates the Saudi’s for their no nonsense approach to crime. The Saudis put to death drug trafficker. That’s what is written on the visa application form to enter the country. Written in red in the boldest form to differentiate the other black and white lesser writings . Unlike the Conservative party talk about immigration, the Saudi’s mean it .
And if you want a family holiday, consider Dubai , a crime free , graffiti free tolerant state .
But the BBC don’t like that type of thing .
Why a no nonsense attitude to crime might lead to … no crime . Can’t have that can we ? Everyone might want it . It’s a populist thing . University professors do know better .
Far better in the BBCs eyes is that every Muslim is an oppressed person until one of them kills kids at a pop concert and then he’s exonerated as a lone wolf with mental health issues.
JO’bsworth and groupies really have not thought through the bigger picture, have they?
The president’s immigration policies forced refugees into detention, where they faced “horrific abuse and mistreatment,” a rights group says.
Ryan Devereaux
April 21 2022, 12:00 p.m.
As I often do, I browsed the internet what’s been going on in Londonistan to see what the racist BBC have hidden from us this time and as usual I was not disappointed.
In Oct 2022, two men went on a cycling spree on the bikes stealing mobile phone and stabbing anyone who tried to stop them. This is in the UK on the streets of our capital city. I was a bit shocked. Of course, I had not heard of it from the BBC.
Two men were sentenced to jail for it yesterday. So I checked the ‘London Violence’ BBC page and it was nowhere to be seen. So I searched and there is was, buried in plain old ‘London’.
The original story which, of course, contained no description of the ment who did it:
Bishopsgate: Three hurt in City of London phone-snatch stabbings
‘Another man, Henry Charlton-Weedy, needed 52 stitches and was also slashed in the face and left with a severe scar running from the top of his cheekbone to his mouth.’
And the story from yesterday which I didn’t see on the front page at all:
Bishopsgate: Two men jailed for ‘brazen’ robberies and knife attacks
I suspect this is the latest trick from the BBC to hide these inconvenient stories from people who look for them : don’t put them in the ‘London Violence’ page.
And why all this deception you might ask ?. Well, you know why : inconvenient for the agenda. And the agenda is everything.
Thanks for putting the pictures up – I mentioned this earlier in the last thread – mentioning the absence of pictures in the brief newspaper reports – but plenty of ‘crime scene ‘ pictures ….
.. also the sentences – 12 years each – with a mandatory 8 . And I mentioned these 2 would have been far more powerful candidates for the Death Penalty .
They weren’t far from killing their many victims – so death for them should be an expectation and an act of mercy . Vermin .
On the theme of ‘londonistan ‘ crime – the evening standard reports one broad daylight Stoke Newington shooting yesterday – which is ceasing to be news at all – but like the shooting execution it Tottenham last Saturday which is also normal now …..
Import the third world …..
No wonder the police are failing rapidly to have any effect on the current types of crime. Historically, they were always able to rely on a fairly compliant indigenous population, in the main, law abiding. No longer. The police cannot adjust to the ‘new’ sorts of crime brought here by ‘diverse’ (doncha just love it !) tribes of savages.
Next stage in the Government’s plan to receive hoards more savages? As we see in ‘Just Stop Oil’ (“JSO”), the public are becoming roused and, on recent videos, I don’t either see many police or in fact, none present. Next stage as the situation deteriorates and JSO people receive a beating/injuries regularly? JSO will coordinate with the police and only turn out with ‘police assurances’ that they will be present or turn out quickly as the violence against them steps up. A ‘private’ security service in effect. The public will increasing act alone in the complete absence of law and order and we’re heading that way damn quickly.
We are all witnessing the breakdown of society. All the fabric is crumbling before our eyes. Either by design or absolute criminal negligence.
Ukraine war: Sex lives in focus for Ukraine’s injured veterans
Front page news no less for the BBC. I’m stunned.
Hundreds of young men are being blown to pieces and maimed in the most horrible ways – even as I type this – and what do the BBC think they should tell the British public ?.
Another ‘heartwarming tale’ about ‘a charity that tries to help former soldiers with their sex lives, after suffering physical and mental trauma.’. It’s a very lengthy article and is basically another 100% empathy lecture.
Meanwhile the Ukranian counter offensive in the South has been smashed and Russia are launching their own major offensive up in the North East. Cluster bombs everywhere no doubt. But the Ukraine government don’t tell us these things so the BBC don’t report it.
Written by a male this time – but most stories from Ukraine are. It seems that despite all the BBC feminism and misandry, they’d rather not go to the nasty places.
Here he is. From his bio, his ‘specialist subject’ seems to be reporting on refugess and migrants. Plenty of work for him at the BBC then.
They certainly don’t want to report on the involuntary ‘sex lives’ of the tens of thousands of women and young girls who are being trafficked out of Ukraine to satisfy the prostitution, pornography and paedophilia requirements of Western Europe and the USA. No no no, nothing to see here, move along now…
Rowlatt junior ?
Got to hand it to Getty; upping the image quality.
Another ’empathy only’ BBC idiot – maybe with an eye on one of the many, many awards the BBC gives to itself.
Look at this:
Why didn’t he just get off the rudder and have a drink ?.
Travelling steerage?
Bottle of legionnaire water …
Saz Does Atlanta.
I’m sure she is very familiar with coke … as for putting up a ‘spring ‘ style troll invitation – could she do better – my suggestion would be to carry on suppressing Biden crimes and over reporting the democrat fbi DoJ obsession with ‘get trump ‘…just as you shamefully always do …
No Today
Lots of noise about the invader boat .( btw – anyone coming from France cannot be a true ‘asylum seeker ‘ – they should claim there ) …..
But in a way the blue labour lot will be happy because they are showing ‘they are trying ‘…. And take us for mugs as the numbers go up and up ….
.. yesterday there was dismay that the blue Labour Party is putting its membership up by over 50%. Blimey – you have to pay to be associated with those socialists ?
The read of the story was that after the next election the new leader of the party – with sunak back in LA – will be selected by a very small number – it’s academic really because the blue Labour Party will , hopefully and rightly,never see power again …
Writes itself, don’t it?
Remember the joke about eventual compulsion?
People with power want more power – a voice, tolerance, 50% representation, 100% compliance.
The news this morning is there is a big multiple illegal immigrant rescue in the Channel. The incident is five miles from France yet the rescued are landed here.
GBnews witnessed RNLI arriving in Kent
However in other tweets the French say their own lifeboat rescued people in the North Sea
not clear if this was the same or a separate incident
Perhaps there are scuba divers armed with harpoons who have had enough !!
StewGreen ,
Why oh Why are we still using Border Farce and RNLI Taxi Service to bring the Invaders here ? .
They should be put into open air compounds surrounded with Electrified Razor Wire with bread and water only……I don’t think that’s too harsh .
Simply announce to the French Government that our combined ‘Taxi’ service will halt on an appointed day and woe betide any French vessel crossing the mid point of the Channel. Simples.
The taxi service is there to prevent disasters like this. Wait now for the likes of Diane Abbot to start using it to virtue-signal and push their own racist agenda.
The French hand them over to us halfway so this looks like any ‘blame’ belongs with them. But I’m quite sure the hypocrite Leftists here will use it against OUR government.
I totally agree with you Charlie. I’m disgusted with the Border Force and they deserve no less!
Any ideas what to do with the invaders?
Lots of people tweeting a FALSE claim that Ivermectin has suddenly been approved by the FDA
“The judge ruled the FDA cannot prevent doctors from prescribing it ‘off-label’
The FDA has NOT approved Ivermectin as a CoVID treatment.”
Ivermectin ‘News’, efficacy.
It’s another ladies day in the press today – in this sick boy and go girl edition
In the Telegraph Jonny Lee Miller who achieved early success for his portrayal of Simon “Sick Boy” Williamson in the dark drug-fuelled comedy-drama film Trainspotting [1996] and who completed a training course and intends to pursue a side career as a volunteer firefighter admits: “The opposite sex don’t look at me the way they used to”
From emergency services career change to health service sex change…
Pressure to change NHS guidance that says patients who ‘temporarily’ identify as female can share single-sex spaces TRANS ROW OVER WOMENS’ WARDS (Daily Mail)
Elsewhere both the frontpages and the backpages become a single-sex sports space
Lionesses: We can lift the cup (asserts the Mirror); Can Lionesses keep World Cup dream alive? (asks the Express); The globalist technocrat FT concentrates on the internationalist managerial aspect: Sarina Wiegman Going Dutch pays for England – the more jobs the UK outsources to foreigners the better, eh?
‘Best is yet to come’ Lionesees ready to take on Columbia (Guardian); History calls for England (‘i’); England’s Lionesses when they were cubs Born to score (Daily Mail)
White Earps
The Times shuns those pics emblazoned elsewhere of Lionesses as kids, being sweaty and shouty in goal celebration, adorned in their training bibs, or performing some horseplay for the cameras in their team kit – and instead does a frontpage glammer photo sesh with: Net result. Mary Earps the England goalkeeper – Mary means business as she models a cool all-white pantsuit – accessories of goalkeeper gloves and football are model’s own (as those fashion adverts used to point out) – I suppose it was inevitable the corporate sponsors would corral their Lionesses into such glammer photo shoots – talking of corrals – Earps looks are… OK
Four super stars up front
The Telegraph meanwhile brings out the old-time professional team to show us how the frontpage glammer shot should be done (borrowed from Vogue, September issue): Linda Evangelina, the 58-year-old supermodel… appears for the first time since 1990… alongside Christy Turlington, Naomi Campbell and Cindy Crawford
Our BBC goes to the far side of the globe for yet another episode of their repeat
polemic– sorry, online top story: Hawaii fires: Fresh evacuations under way in Maui as death toll climbs to 67 – Climate Change and Global Warming are the guilty parties to blame, obviously“Book ’em Danno, Murder One” as Jack Lord as Detective Steve McGarrett used to tell his young sidekick James MacArthur who played Dan ‘Danno’ Williams in the classic TV cop show Hawaii Five-O – Hawaiian locals used to complain that the sheer volume of murder and mahem portrayed every week in the TV drama was unrepresentative of their peaceful island with its tiny real-life police department, based in a shed.
The FT goes Miltonian: Paradise Lost. Hawaii reels from disaster – this is of course an island chain literally built on volcanic activity
The left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper is possibly having a bit of a laugh with us this weekend: Quiz! How woke are you? Take our survey to find out.
One notices a lot of journalistic ink spilt this weekend on the subject of sex – sadly it’s not all plain sailing
Summer of love Your best and worst dates (Times Magazine)
How to have great sex at every age (Guardian)
Relationship SOS How to get through a rough patch (‘i’)
Ukraine war: Sex lives in focus for Ukraine’s injured veterans (BBC)
The ‘i’ dubs this week: ‘small boats week’ – no plain sailing there for the Tories
For once there’s a news story that’s not about the world and his wife queuing up to enter this benighted isle – quite the opposite: Murder probe Suspects flee UK as girl, 10, found dead (Express)
It’s a bug’s life
Asylum barge evacuated as deadly bacteria found (frets the Guardian); Deadly bug on barge (the Mirror goes off alarming ); Migrants taken off barge in Legionella scare (moderates the Telegraph); Incredible photos of ‘wee beasties’ in Glasgow park… Nestled in an unassuming Glasgow Park lies a treasure trove of vibrant colours, intricate details, and tiny creatures waiting to be discovered (BBC)
It was during the confinement of the Covid lockdown that David Hamilton found himself captivated by this hidden world. (BBC) – so as we were all quarantined for months on end sheltering from the supposedly deadly China bug – there was an upside, eh BBC?
Explosion in bedbugs blamed on upcycling (Telegraph)
And we round off ladies day with another Times feature – we’ve all heard of those lonely sad single cat ladies: My hen party. Alice Thomson on her spoilt pet chickens – all that girl power, women can do it on their own feminism – denegrating and isolating women from us blokes – some downside problems were bound to come home to roost.
I’ve got something in common with ‘johnie miller “? – the opposite sex don’t look at me the way they used to – I guess it’s since I was put on the register
BTW – if you are on a register do you have to declare it on one of those dating apps ?
Asking for a fiend …
…. ‘Explosion in bedbugs blamed on upcycling’
Bestist headline of the day ? – not Herr Kane …
Cry God for Harry, Germany… and Saint… George…?
Despite Brexit?
c£100m transfer fee. UK balance of payments just ticked up a bit less far in the red.
Has there been a story about ‘what’s so terrible about France thar the third world won’t stay there ? ‘….
If you think about it if we think the coast invasion is a sick joke now – just how bad when red labour have their 200 majority ? Although I suspect more effort will go into suppressing what happens even more than now ….
.. I suspect reporting the invasion will become a criminal offence … for ‘community cohesion’ …
The civil service and the lawyers will suddenly start cooperating with a Labour administration to do the processing in double quick time and hey presto 95% of asylum claims will prove to be genuine. Problem solved.
They may even repurpose one of those old Channel ferry ships to run a new service they term a ‘safe route’
Whatever it is that France does to make them want to leave in such high numbers is maybe something we could copy. After all we can fly them all to Biden’s America. After all his ironically named “Democrat” Party activists always hoist the “Refugees Welcome Here” placards.
Is it just me or did I actually hear the BBC presenters salivating with joy when our totally inept and useless Home Office had to disembark a handful of economic chancers off the ‘boat’ in Portland because of possible contaminated water? How I wish the homeless/ ordinary British citizens had such access to accommodation and healthcare.
On Toady this morning David Davis gave as good as he got, fingering the Home Office and reminding us that even a Labour Home Secretary labelled them as not fit for purpose.
Another statistic, the average Home Office worker looks at just over ONE asylum claim PER WEEK!!!!!! Working from home no doubt.
Another David Davis claim.
Sweden, not exactly a Far Right country, managed to accept zero% Albanian ‘asylum seekers’ on the basis that Albania is a safe country. There has been no Far Left legal furore about this.
But in the UK, when the Home Office gets round to it, 55% of Albanian asylum applications are successful. Remember, Sweden deems Albania a safe country.
You truly cannot make up our ineptitude.
Legionnaires disease is not contagious.
Anecdotal gossip – but – my next door neighbor’s son has been working at MoJ and Home Office as a junior civil servant and I was chatting with the neighbor about his son’s impressions of the workplace.
We were discussing the evasion of FoI and “oh yes, he’s being coached in that all the time”
They must be like me, I can never find paperwork at home when I need it.
BBC webshite front page first headline
‘Six dead after migrant boat sinks in channel’
They’re loving it. Anything and everything to indoctrinate a gullible, soft-centred wish washy public that open-door mass immigration of young male Muslims is the way to go.
When I put this on I don’t bother listening much – you can just hear the tune . For instance some whining about the rain forests. Apparently Europeans being clever exploiting it whilst the lazy local looked on is now a bad thing .
The whole pitch is Far Left anti west and everybody is a victim and deserves a ‘give me ‘..
Once Upon a time it was authoritative informative and its’ journos who had the experience to be objective – now it’s just a tick box world ….
FooC is pushing someone’s PR lines
“Ireland is getting rich , it will have a huge tax surplus of £56bn .. over the next 4 years”
OK that is £14bn year so not huge
Then later the prog says “This years surplus is £9bn, with next years forecast to b £18bn)
OK so the real number is £9bn and the rest is modelling
The Irish government / state are serial lairs and bullshitting exaggerators – across the board.
BBC “Six people have died after a boat carrying migrants sank in the English Channel.
A joint rescue operation by the British and French coastguards have rescued more than 50 others, authorities said.”
This morning off Sangatte
Deaths caused by white people promoting open border policies and creating pull factor
The French admin gives the listing of which vessels rescued people French vessels, RNLI, British private vessel etc.
Seems the 6 that died were all rescued by helicopter
Twitter says more are still missing.
Seems a whole fleet of illegal dinghies had set off at once
Wonder if the BBC will report on the Global Warming effects and the Climate Change that comes from illegal immigration? Perhaps Marianna Spring and team at BBC Verify will investigate and report.
The BBC repeats the claim that “The English Channel is one of the most dangerous and busiest shipping lanes in the world.” Untrue. It’s actually one of the most controlled, regulated and monitored waterways in the world. Not withstanding this latest tragedy resulting from actions of the British Government/French Government/People Smugglers alliance, the main risks faced by those trying to illegally enter Britain in this manner are losing phone signal midway, getting their new trainers a bit wet, and deciding what pizza topping they’d like when they arrive at their destination.
How much is a rubber boat crossing from Calais to Dover these days?
I caught a few moments of R4 Any Questions / Any Answers while driving in the rain earlier – not a single mention of that (is £2k or £3k now? – in cash…)
The judging by the whooping at every insult to Tories (and they deserve insulting no doubt) the audience must’ve been largely recruited from a nearby youknee Labour Society / XR-JSO coven.
There was one unhinged, overwrought hyperbolist of the left whose voice I didn’t recognize – got back and checked >> effin Moonbat apparently got a weekend in Teignmouth – wonder if he took his plastic canoe on the train?
So, ambulances have rushed to Dover to take survivors to local hospitals. Wonder how many are in their homes waiting for an ambulance to arrive.
And what’s betting those ambulances are not queuing outside A & E for hours.
Sorry if I’m not sympathetic to those uptipped in the Channel but they know the risks.
BBC WEB-SITE WATCH #1 – racist?
“The RNLI said a lifeboat crew was launched just before 04:00 BST.”
Fancy getting out of bed in the middle of the night for that…
I’d have turned over and drifted back off, woke refreshed this morning, and after a leisurely breakfast, gone for a stroll on the beach looking for washed up wallets.
“……woke refreshed……”. I hope not…………..
Oh, don’t.
I watched Brief Encounter the other day, and the word “gay” was spoken often. As in “I felt so gay at the thought of seeing Alex again ….” yep, it was happy and gay.
And for the life of me I still can’t understand why the homosexual community hijacked the word (and girls name) to describe their way of life. Why not pick Joan or Edna, or Harriet ? 😉
Here is my view of the future of the US economy – which might not be worth all that much!
It was a crazy decision of the GOP to concede to suspend the debt ceiling in the run up to the US Presidential elections in November 2024. It should have been obvious even to a chimpanzee what was going to happen with the reckless corrupt Biden administration in power.
We have an economic situation where the indicators are pointing to a cataclysmic crash on the scale of the Great Depression, but the can is being kicked down the road by the never ending insatiable government spending. In just one month the US treasury borrowed $1.2Tn and the predictions are that in the months to come spending will exceed even the Democrats forecasts.
To support this level of squandering the Federal Reserve will need to issue T bills, at the level of interest prevailing, committing the US to high interest debt servicing for at least a decade to come.
It gets worse though, because not only are new T Bills for new debt being issued, but at the same time, around half of Americas existing debt will fall due in the next two years and that was created at a time of lower interest rates. Repayment will take the form of new T bills but instead of being at a rate of 1% it will be closer to 5% (depending on the rate prevailing at the time). This is unaffordable even for the USA.
And all of this presupposes that the US economy doesn’t collapse which it will, and that the banks don’t precede it, which they will, and when they do there isn’t going to be enough money in the world to prop them up and to buy the Fed issued T bills and so the only way the US economy can be rescued is for the Fed to buy them in another round of quantitative easing, otherwise known as money printing destroying the value of the US Dollar.
It get worse though because this will at the same time add to inflation and no one in their right mind is going to want to hold dollar denominated paper when its value is crashing through the floor. On top of this is the move to de-dollarisation going on in the world already which is going to accelerate as bond holders realise the danger to their capital.
But it gets even worse when the BRICS conference later this month expected to announce the new trading currency which will mean the world no longer needs so many Dollars in order to conduct trade and they begin to return to America causing even more inflation.
And it gets still worse for the US government when the Strategic Petroleum Reserve still has not been refilled since it was used by Biden to reduce the effect of fuel price inflation at the midterms, Biden promised he would do it when the price fell below $70 a barrel it did, but he didn’t keep his promise and now the price is climbing back up again.
And the bad news keeps on coming war gaming has shown there is no scenario in which the US could win a war against China if there was an invasion of Taiwan, hence the visit of Janet Yellen bowing and scraping before Xi Jin Peng to downscale the US aggression of Bidens Democrats.
The war in Ukraine has had stunning consequences for the USA as the Ukrainians have fired off a years worth of US production of 155mm artillery shells in just a month and still haven’t managed to out gun the Russians. The US now has no stock of shells for itself and needs to rearm. There’s more though because the anti tank missile and the javelin and stinger anti aircraft missiles have also been heavily depleted and it will take 15 years to bring stock levels back at current production rates. Put bluntly the US is now incapable of fighting a conventional war against a competent opponent. It was believed precision weaponry was the way forward, Ukraine has proven that not to be the case, and a radical rethink is needed – all of this costs money the USA simply doesn’t have and cannot afford to borrow.
There is no way out of this now, a catastrophic collapse of the US economy and currency is locked in. The borrowing and the debt is just too great for the USD to survive and default is an inevitable consequence. The argument that Japan has enormous debt doesn’t hold water, as the two economies are massively different in size.
The US and the West in general are going to come out of the next recession / depression very much diminished, especially Europe where the EU and Euro might not survive
It’s true that American and NATO stocks of ammunition have been greatly depleted. But the US is not contemplating a conventional (land) war with China – such a war would be fought with long range cruise missiles, jet fighters, stealth bombers and low-yield tactical nukes. And there’s no shortage of them as they haven’t and won’t be deployed in Ukraine.
As Douglas McGregor keeps saying there is no such thing as a single launch tactical nuclear weapon, one goes they all go – end of the world.
The US has war gamed this, they can’t win, it’ 1000miles away China has a huge fleet and hypersonic missiles the US cannot stop, any carrier fleets gets wiped out very quickly, then what?
Yes I’ve just been rereading a fiction about the response to a ‘rogue ‘ launch against a NATO asset – the escalation would be so rapid that we’d probably know very tittle about it – particularly with the EMP taking out the internet – radio and the like …
…..even putin must know it would be the end ….
… luckily most of us don’t realise how near to the End we currently are – makes the Cuba crisis look like a minor tiff …
Thoughtful – thoughtful as ever . Thank you . As a result of your posts I regularly watch the free version of Wolf of wallstreet on you tube and note his pessimism too.
Is there any upside ? I can’t see much . And what will be consequences for already sick economies like the UK – there is no reserve – everything is already borrowed .
When will the crash come ? Will it be when China finally decides to take on Taiwan ? Or on 24 August .
Even without a crash the outlook for the coming months is re – increasing inflation as the likes of oil prices climb as the Saudis turn the taps off – helping – presumably Russia to strengthen its’ economy – and that of Russia s friends …
Gold …
“Gold”. Watching daily you can see when COMEX / LBMA are fixing levels. Just a small finger on the scales from time to time. When that flies in the face of reality. The same as everything surrounding – the cartels at work. If, as predicted by the experts, gold takes off in value, hopefully, the free market will rise above any tinkering by COMEX / LBMA and it will break free, unrestricted and again become the only source of “real money”.
Ah when will the crash come? That is the golden question and anyone who knew that could become an instant billionaire.
Will it be commercial real estate which forces the issue, or a failure to sell bonds?, or maybe a black swan event, no one really knows.
The GOP really were stupid when they signed on for this debt ceiling deal which stated a lifting of the debt ceiling and then a 1% reduction in the previous year. This incentivised Biden to spend to the max this year knowing a 1% reduction would be imposed on that higher figure.
Absolute crass incompetence on the part of McCarthy and Mitch McConnell
I will ask you to consider this though as a very real nightmare scenario for the USA.
The USA has an effectively open Southern border, and the drug cartels have pretty much freedom of movement across it, with people operating on both sides. Earlier this year the head of the “New Generation” cartel El Chapo was arrested and without getting too much into the details this cartel has been replaced by another called the “Sinaloa” cartel which has a very different view to operations, much more aggressive and organised.
Picture this nightmare scenario, that the cartels are already a de facto enemy army operating both sides of the US border and they have military grade weaponry bought on the black market from Ukraine. They are incredibly well financed as a result of the drugs and people smuggling. Just suppose as the US mounted a proxy war against Russia that they and Iran decide to do the same to America by supplying these groups with weaponry. It might even be US weapons ‘acquired’ during the Ukraine war, maintaining plausible deniability.
The US citizens so long insulated from war only seeing it on their TV screens might get to experience some of that for themselves, thanks to the stupidity of the Biden maladministration.
All those munitions used up in Ukraine to be replaced. Good news for billionaires and politicians with shares in those industries, ’tis an I’ll wind……
Perhaps the drug cartels will supply Ukraine with US weapons.
Loss of life in the channel . That’ll be because the French are not enforcing SOLAS ( Saving Of Lives At Sea ) international maritime laws .
Dover MP Natalie Elphicke told the Commons that the BBC’s “shocking report” contained the “breath-taking” disclosure of free French public bus services being used to ferry migrants from camps to Dunkirk beaches.
Today the BBC journalists Michael Keohan and Colin Campbell released a shocking report on the channel crossings. It showed people smugglers selling their wares brazenly in the migrant camps and many children living in unsafe and dangerous conditions, as well as—this is breathtaking—a free French public bus service that migrants can use to travel directly from the camps to the Dunkirk departure beaches. Will my right hon. Friend allow a statement on the issue of tackling the small boat crossings and the Government’s response in their work with France?
Preventing them getting on a boat in the first place would be a more appropriate and compassionate thing to do. I would have thought that France’s duty of care would require this.
Oh how we laughed
Not bbc – only of interest if you drive in London .
I did an ULEZ check on my vehicle on a free ‘check site ‘. It came back as ‘non ulez compliant ‘,this was wrong . So I checked using the official TFL site – and it is compliant
So message – be careful …
USING USA AND UK information and military intelligence?
“Apparently, the Ukrainian armed forces were not aware of the defense capabilities of the Russian Federation, having underestimated the enemy during the counteroffensive. According to an article recently published by CNN, Ukrainian soldiers did not expect their opponents to be so efficient on the battlefield, which is supposed to explain why Kiev’s counteroffensive was so overrated – and is now being so criticized for its irrelevant results.”
2012 … “Two and a half years ago, the coalition government was formed, and we made a clear promise to the British public. After thirteen years of uncontrolled mass immigration, this government would reduce and control immigration.” – Theresa May 2012
2015 … “Because when immigration is too high (no figure given), when the pace of change is too fast, it’s impossible to build a cohesive society.” – Theresa May 2015
2018 … “Over the years, overall, immigration has been good for the UK. It has brought people with different backgrounds, different outlooks here to the UK,” – Theresa May 2018
“Riddle me this, why when it concerns fishing our territorial waters start 6 miles off our coast, but when it concerns dhingy dross our territorial waters start 5 miles off the French coast”
There’s sex in the hospital, sex at home, sex before procedures, sex after. There’s a lot of good sex going on
Ivona Kostyna
Veteran Hub co-founder
Lower pic – girl on right: is that a tattoo on her head above the left eye? In Africa – tattoos are a relic of slavery. In Nazi Germany in WW2 a tattoo on the wrist was sign of having been in a concentration camp.
Top pic – how can anyone write with a biro placed like that! (HKLP)?
Bottom pic, with talons like that the iPhone 240+ must take a bit of a bashing on twotter…
Have a break. Enjoy.
France get the dead ones.
Britain gets the live ones
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #2 – I wonder what the homeless of Newcastle think?
A BBC researcher writes:
“Newcastle… is that south of the Thames or north of the Thames? Which underground line serves it? I might pop over if they have a Waitrose”
IR, 🙂 x 5!
Once the structure is destroyed, it is expected the boxes will be recycled.
Those sleeping on the streets in Newcastle could take their own cardboard boxes, that they use for insulation from the cold pavement, into that structure and be sheltered – up to a point – for a night or two. Wind might blow in a bit through the windows. Rain is forecast for a couple of hours tomorrow but pretty much all day on Monday.
Good old Tousi, fact-checking the BBC fact-checkers.
We on this site have long known that a huge gulf existed between the views and beliefs of the MSM in our country and those of the consumers of their content.
Nothing better illustrates this than two articles today , one in DT web site and one in the Spectator , both as far to the centre right mainstream as you can get in this country.
The DT report on the channel drownings surprisingly allowed comments , usually on anything contentious they don’t, after 12 readers had commented , yes just 12 , they closed down the comments . Usually articles are open for comment for a day or so and receive hundreds sometimes several thousand comments.Those 12 comments were all strongly anti migrant and received hundreds of likes each . The article was written from a ‘how awful , the poor folks needed rescue and it was marvellous that the RNLI brought them all the way across the channel’ , point of view. The readership strongly disagrees with the editorial stance.
The Speccie article was praising Joe Biden for his wisdom in withdrawing from Afghanistan. The readership found it hilarious and are convinced it was a high comedy script.
In both cases the editors of the publication are publishing the liberal left globalist establishment line and are massively out of touch with the views of their customers. It’s the same with politics. There is no way that any of the parties represents the views of the public so how can they continue to form governments?
Well, they’ve been doing it for a long time now and it isn’t going to change unless something dramatic happens. The problem is most people are caught in an illusion of reality built for them by the powers that shouldn’t be. Just how deep this illusion goes escapes the vast majority of people because it has been drilled into them from a young age – and that is no accident. One way of understanding how mind control works is to research the development of our education system from its inception. It is more accurately called an indoctrination system and they have taught the masses to ridicule anyone who contradicts the official narratives that dominate every sphere of our lives. This has worked like a charm and it will continue to do so until that system is finally dismantled.
“Governments do not govern, but merely control the machinery of government, being themselves controlled by the hidden hand.” – Benjamin Disraeli said that and not this swivel-eyed conspiracy theorist
The decision to withdraw from Afghanistan was Trump’s; the disastrous execution was Biden’s.
Any credit for the former should go to Trump, and all blame for the latter to Biden.
Biden overrode the advice of his generals so he could have the withdrawal complete for a specific event (I forget what it was).
He should have been crucified by the media. Instead the likes of the BBC quoted Biden blaming Trump.
This is one of the many reasons why I now believe deomcracy is dead in the Western world. We are in the infancy of the next generation of Nazis – where they absolutely believe the agenda is more important than the real world.
Hitler didn’t take power overnight – it was one step at a time. Or the ‘acceptable boundary’ being nudged a bit further out each time by the activists in the case of the BBC.
‘Idiot Clones’ who are the victims of ‘groupthink’ excepted of course. But I reckon they are a large percentage of BBC staff now.
How embarrassing!
introduce Andrew Meyerson simply as a ‘Junior Doctor in London’… who made sure he had his stethoscope on for the interview 😂
What Sly News didn’t tell you is Andrew Meyerson is a hard-left, anti-Tory, Brexit hating, Labour activist.
BBC Radio 5 Live Breakfast
BBC Radio 5 Live, Wednesday 3 January 2018
During a phone-in on the programme a contributor, Danielle Tiplady was introduced as a staff nurse. We should have established and made clear on air that she was a political activist.
Jeez if I saw that skinhead thug approaching me in a hospital bed
I would press the emergency button.
Apparently there is a newer sniff’n’scratch edition of this book, with a foreward by Joe Biden. Plus CBeebies are rumoured to be making a TV series around it.
LBC does have a varied collection of gobs, but this one is extra special..
They use ‘unpack’ a lot, which seems to mean ‘stir’.
Along with sophisticated argument.
Here’s Tel trying to get JO’bsworth to start a mob.
Evening Guest,
My God I think she’s got it!
“If they were 39 white men from Ukraine, there would be a hue and cry”.
That’s the point. If 39 caucasian, westernised young men were coming over, looking for work, probably skilled, and wanting to adapt to and observe UK laws, then OK to a reasonable limit.
On the other hand, if a bunch of savages with an average IQ of 75 fall out of their trees and come over here intending to contribute to nothing apart from the crime rate, particularly rape of infidel white slags (Not a crime because their book says so), steal whatever isn’t nailed down and ultimately live rent free in our so-called prisons most of the time, then I do have a problem with it and I won’t shed a tear.
I’m probably the only one who holds these abhorrent views; you’re entitled to your own.
When politicians bleat on about “Stopping the boats”, I have another question. What are you going to do with the estimated 100K living in hotels. They have to go, but where and how?
This Government has adopted the ‘Bliar’ policy/thinking:
‘One step at a time’. meaning, we’ll allow all in sundry to arrive and be processed at, “British Citizens”, then (and only then) consider what to do with them afterward. No consideration whatever of, ‘what if’.
But, credit where its due, the Government has it right when they have obviously considered that no discernible push back from the population will be mounted. Just lots of noise.
Then of course there are the BBC TNI US partners.
A well named lady indeed. And back to a UK export…
Mehdi ever hit cattle country with this act?
And finally, CNN, winning friends and influencing people.
I do believe #CCBGB applies here too.
Mad Al borrows from his old boss with an interesting question.
In the case of the BBC, it could not be more corrupt or dumb now, thanks to the efforts of graduates from his and Tone’s era being politicised and hiring diversity bimbos of late.
That bloke is undoubtedly quite off his rocker! A complete nutter!
He really does need to be put away somewhere, preferably in a straitjacket!
Scrobie, think he may have done that already …. well, at least gone Cold Turkey on the Claret.